Opens Kṛṣṇa’s Saṁsāra Kåñëa is the only enjoyer. The jéva can never be the enjoyer. Gurudeva teaches, “Whatever you find in this world is all paraphernalia for Kåñëa’s enjoyment, not for your enjoyment.” Just as we want to be free from the clutches of mäyä, Bhagavän, the Supreme Lord Kåñëa, also wants to take us out of mäyä’s clutches and engage us in service to Him. Kåñëa is the only enjoyer, and His desire for enjoyment is unlimited, ananta; thus He wants to enjoy by taking everyone into His domain. We are tiny jévas. We have no capacity to enjoy, because the jéva is not the enjoyer. We have only developed this puruña abhimäna, the thought that we will enjoy. It is only a misconception, because the jéva has no capacity to enjoy. Kåñëa has unlimited capacity to enjoy in unlimitedly different ways, and the jéva is to be enjoyed, upabhogya. The jéva is not bhoktä, the enjoyer. Guru tells me that I am an eternal servant of Kåñëa, that I should be engaged in Kåñëa’s service, but where is Kåñëa and where am I? How can I serve Him? Is Kåñëa in the material world? No, Kåñëa is in the spiritual world, kåñëasaàsära. Kåñëa’s world is Vaikuëöha, where there is an abundance of enjoyment. Kåñëa is there in His abode, vaikuëöha-räjya, the spiritual world, and we are here in the sakuëöha-jagat, the miserable material world. How then can we serve Him? Kåñëa has made a trick for us. What is that trick? That trick is Çré Gurudeva. Kåñëa has sent Gurudeva to the material world, and Gurudeva has spread Kåñëa’s saàsära here. That is Kåñëa’s desire, “Let My saàsära manifest 32 Śrī Guru-caraṇa-padma