The Lotus Feet of Sri Guru

Page 44

You Have to

Approach Śrī Guru Gurudeva may sit in any secluded place and engage himself in his bhajana. He may sit by the side of Rädhä-kuëòa or Çyämakuëòa, and erect a cottage there to do his bhajana. But why has he come here, especially to the Western world, where mäyä is very strong and where gross materialists are? He has given up his solitary place and has come here because his heart bleeds upon seeing the suffering of the jévas. He has come to give you the opportunity to do hari-bhajana, service to Kåñëa. He has come to teach you that and to give you that opportunity. You have forgotten Kåñëa, so he has come here just to revive your memory. He has opened a factory so that you can become an employee in it; you can enter into Kåñëa’s saàsära. Some people may say, “I am doing hari-näma. I am chanting hare kåñëa hare kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa hare hare, hare räma hare räma räma räma hare hare.” You may be chanting, you may be doing hari-bhajana, but unless you enter into Kåñëa’s saàsära, what value is there? No value. So, in order to enter into Kåñëa’s saàsära you have to approach çré-guru, a bona fide guru. That Gurudeva is calling, “Come! Come! Enter into the saàsära of Kåñëa that I have opened here.” Unless you enter into kåñëa-saàsära, you cannot chant without offence. You may be chanting lakhs and lakhs of names, but it is all offensive 34 Śrī Guru-caraṇa-padma

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