Thriving Women in Business Magazine Mar/Apr 2017

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8) How Social Media Can Help You Achieve Maximum Influence in 2017 By Diana Morgan 10) Harness the Power of the Pen: Build Influence through Writing By Dr. Shira Bush 12) Use Your Business Card to Build Influence By Tammy Tribble 14) How Do You Become an Influential Leader? By Laurie Zerga 16) 3 Simple Tips to Organize Your Digital Life for Maximum Influence By Diane Halfman

22) Build Your Influence to Increase Your Impact By Andrea Woolf 24) Marketing and Sales: A Love Story By Laura Gisborne 26) Crazy $exy Money By Lu Casillas 28) Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life By Lee Richter 30) What Does It Mean to Get Your GLOW On? By Katie Macks 32) Get Your Financial Systems Together By Audrey Godwin

18) Influence Power How to Cultivate It with Ease By Caterina Rando 20) Marketing Influence Is an Inside Job By Linda Basso 4

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PUBLISHER’S NOTE Build Your Influence and Maximize Your Impact What if all your calls were returned? What if you got so many referrals for clients that you did not have to do any marketing? Wow, that sounds appealing. This is what happens when you have a lot of influence. Your good reputation for doing great work, displaying professionalism and exhibiting fairness precedes you. In this issue, we shine the spotlight on this key ingredient in your business success. When you have influence, everything is easier and the doors of opportunity open wide. Diana Morgan is a great example of someone who has massive influence both on and offline. I am so thrilled she is our cover woman on this issue. Diana does business the way everyone should do businesswith positivity, genuine caring and a commitment to always providing massive value. Diana speaks at many of our Thriving Women in Business events and has several virtual trainings of her own, in addition to “done for you” services. Get to know her. Your business will thank you.

Time to Build Your Influence! Caterina Rando Publisher TWIB Magazine


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Diana Morgan Brings Her Whole Heart to Marketing and Her Business by Caterina Rando

For many years, Diana Morgan has helped women entrepreneurs gain visibility on the Internet to grow their businesses. She says, “There are so many women who weren’t born with a mouse in their hand,” that are really intimidated and overwhelmed by the Internet and I inspire and empower them to push through those fears and frustrations to become more visible and get their message out.” The mission of Whole Heart Marketing is to empower and educate people on how to use Internet technology to share their message, nurture relationships, grow their business and bridge the inter-generational gap that has been created by technology and by doing so, further heal the planet. Diana reveals, “I’m passionate about women in business being seen, being heard and sharing their gifts!” She has some important advice for women entrepreneurs. She wants you to know how incredible and how necessary it is to be in a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, and to ask for help from mentors and coaches who have successfully traveled the path that you are on before you. Diana shares that success comes from a tenacity to never give up and the creativity to find innovative solutions are essential to running your business. She feels integrity, generosity and heartfelt kindness are the foundations of a thriving enterprise. Diana also knows that these qualities naturally make building influence easy. She is a master at building influence on and offline. Diana expresses, “Building influence happens as a result of being a leader, a person of integrity. We live in a world where people are always watching us. As you share your message, you become more visible, so remember to bring your whole heart to each expression of you; every picture, every post, every message or every meeting. Be authentic. Build relationships and remember to be transparent. Do all this, and influence will be yours.” Find out more about Diana and Whole Heart Marketing or call at 925-980-9052 Email her at Visit for expert interviews


BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE HOW SOCIAL MEDIA Can Help You Achieve Maximum Influence in 2017 By Diana Morgan

Building influence on social media involves caring about others and sharing your own message. Theodore Roosevelt said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” We all want to feel seen and heard. Here are the three C’s of growing your online presence to build influence that will bring you referrals and clients ongoing. Content: First, think about content, yours and other people’s. You will build influence if your online presence authentically reflects you and your core message, in other words your mission. For example, my mission is to empower and educate people on how to use Internet technology to share their message, nurture relationships, grow their business and bridge the inter-generational gap that has been created by technology and by doing so, further heal the planet. What is your mission, your core message? When you share your content and when you LIKE, comment and share other people’s messages, share content that is aligned with your core message.

Here is my Social Media Success Formula for Maximum Influence: • Authentically engage with your online community (50%) • Share your education, information, inspiration (40%) • Promote your own products and services (10%) Build your influence with these three C’s. The more influence you have, the less you need to promote! Diana Concoff Morgan, Business and Marketing Coach, author and speaker is passionate about teaching, inspiring and empowering entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. With over 25 years of successful business and marketing experience, Diana specializes in online/offline strategies; showing you how to apply them to your business to get results. She offers live and virtual trainings, and "Done for You" Internet marketing services including website development, blogging, SEO, social media posting and digital advertising.

Consistency: Social media is a 24/7 networking event. Just like any networking group, if you want to build influence with your online community, show up consistently with your brand and your message so people can grow to know, like and trust you. Consistency also includes a healthy balance of visibility and engagement. Share your content and engage with others. Connection: Social media provides unlimited opportunities to connect and build relationships that turn into referrals and clients. Connect with people on a personal level by going beyond “LIKE” to really engage in a conversation. 8

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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE HARNESS THE POWER OF THE PEN: Build Influence through Writing By Dr. Shira Bush Influence. Persuade. Engage. Motivate  your organization, your relationships, yourself. In today’s digital world, the power of the pen is underrated. With a few innovative ideas and some tapping away at your keyboard, you can build written influence with the touch of a button. Influential writing is all about language. Draw your reader in using words and content that are clear and relatable to your audience, well-structured and uniquely tailored for your message.

communication materials! Make your writing style captivating to engage your peers, investors, clients, staff and customers. 3. Be self-aware. The most effective writers adjust their style to fit their clients’ individual values. You must believe in your mission and communicate it in writing to achieve your entrepreneurial goals. You cannot expect people to believe you if you don’t believe yourself. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses provides you with information to evaluate and leverage in order to establish credibility and influence through your writing. Follow these tips to harness the power of the pen and become truly influential! Dr. Shira Bush, is a distinguished and accomplished international speaker, author, philanthropist, entrepreneur and developer of advanced book marketing systems. Shira is the founder and chief book officer of The Book Creator and inspires driven small-business owners, entrepreneurs, speakers and trainers to become an author in 90 days without writing a word.

You don’t need a fancy title to persuade; you just need to have a vision and convince others to support it. Some of the most successful businesspeople build rapport by skillfully communicating to their readers in writing through a quiet, yet authoritative voice. Use your writing to make your vision come to life and attain your desired results. Get people to listen and follow you. Exercise your persuasion muscle with these three strategies: 1. Focus on what you can change…and figure out what you cannot. Determine your “spheres of influence” and concentrate your efforts on the things that you do have the ability to change. 2. Sell your ideas. Even the best ideas will languish if you’re the only one who is behind them. Be an energetic salesperson through your written 10

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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE USE YOUR BUSINESS CARD to Build Influence By Tammy Tribble The business card is no longer just a piece of paper with contact information to trade at a networking event. It is an extension of your brand, creates familiarity with professional photo and logo, has a call to action and is memorable. It is a vital tool for the growing business or entrepreneur who wants to stand out from the crowd, build influence and attract her ideal clients. With this is mind, these are the things typically found on business cards, and sample calls to action.

• Call to action: What action do you want the recipient of your card to take? 1. Book you as a speaker? If so, you may want to include your most popular presentations. 2. Go to your site and download your free compelling offer to build your list? 3. Promote products or events? 4. Have the prospect call for a consultation or to work with you? When your business card stands out, it builds influence, and so do you! Tammy Tribble is the founder of Mimetic Design Systems, Inc., where she works with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and business owners who are ready to stand out from the crowd and make a difference within their target markets. She is a branding specialist, providing businesses with communication and marketing materials designed to tell everyone about their amazing business. She helps her clients fulfill their dreams and make their vision a reality! Contact Tammy at 510-881-8446, or

Front of the card: • Professional photo, logo and tagline • Name and title, if you have one • Address (optional for virtual businesses) • Phone number • Email and website address Back of the card: • QR code (optional). This is a type of matrix barcode that can be scanned with a smartphone and either go to a website, splash page, online store or mobile web page. The mobile web page is created by the company that creates your QR code. It can have an email capture on the page or provide the user with a redeemable coupon or coupon code. It requires an additional monthly investment. If your clientele is young and tech savvy, this might be right for you. Research thoroughly for a reputable provider. Typically, clients generate their own barcode and provide it for the creation of their business card. 12

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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE HOW DO YOU Become an Influential Leader? By Laurie Zerga During my career as an employee of a large corporation, we discussed attaining influence without authority. Traditionally, influence and authority came with title, power and “ruling with an iron fist.” Today, influence is recognized as an important quality of any leader. It doesn’t mean force. How does leadership and influence factor into a small business? Building influence can be a key to attracting customers, employees and business partners. Attracting the right people to your business can result in more profit.

√ Networking, chambers, rotaries, industry groups √ Speaking, industry conferences, radio, video, webinars, telecalls √ Your website • Teach – share your knowledge with others, train-the-trainers • Mentor, coach, consult Any time you are interacting with your community, networking within your industry, you are building influence. The result will be attracting people to you, including customers, clients, employees and business partners. This will result in more profit. Laurie Zerga, founder, Booming Business with Ease, combines her passion for relationships, community and business to support entrepreneurs and CEOs. She helps clients increase their value 10 times with tips that provide the shortest distance to their revenue goals. These big corporate tips work for small and medium-sized businesses, yet very few use these techniques, which allow them to serve many more people and increase the bottom line. Contact Laurie at

How do you become an influential leader? It happens over time. It starts with you. Acknowledge your passion and your vision. Then take action toward it. It’s not about doing certain things as much as it is about doing things in a certain way. Here are key examples. 1. Do what you love, love what you dobe passionate. People will notice you. 2. Operate from a place of integrity at all times. People will trust you. 3. Develop your brand, your message, your voice. Consistency builds clarity. 4. Be a go-giver. Always ask, How can I support you? Listen to people’s needs. 5. Take action. Once you are comfortable with who you are and with your vision, it’s important to share with others at every level. Some of the physical actions to build influence are listed below. • Build Presence. Choose what aligns with you. √ Writing, blogs, books, magazines, reports, social media 14

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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE 3 SIMPLE TIPS to Organize Your Digital Life for Maximum Influence By Diane Halfman

How do you feel about the way you use email? What’s your relationship with your inbox? How’s your computer desktop looking? What about your LinkedIn and Facebook contacts? How are those organized, if at all? Why does any of this even matter? When I work with my clients at our SpaLife Retreats or in my online academy, one of the core principles I teach is that our environment affects everything. In 2017, our digital environment, including email, social media and our smartphones, are just as important as what we do with our home office.

3. Learn how to create “lists” on Facebook and “tags” on LinkedIn so you can easily communicate with segments of people. This will focus your marketing and networking efforts, which certainly helps to build influence. Take these steps to organize your digital life and make it easier to focus your communication strategy. You’ll also feel a lot calmer every time you open your computer and turn on your smartphone! Couldn’t we all use a bit more of that calmness in our lives? Here’s to living your SpaLife! Diane Halfman is a speaker, collaborator and healer. An expert in the Nine Environments representing a well-rounded life, Diane’s gift is to step into any surrounding and determine what is holding you back. Complex problems become simple solutions as she intuitively guides you into an elevated life you’ll love!

To build influence and cultivate amazing relationships with your clients and colleagues, it’s critical that your digital environment support, and not sabotage, your goals. Here are three quick action steps that will help you create a digital environment that fully supports your goal of building more influence: 1. Make sure every email you receive has a place to go immediately. Instead of using your inbox as a “catch-all,” set up folders where you can batch your emails accordingly. 2. Turn off your email notifications on your smartphone and set specific times of day where you check email. This may seem scary, but your communication will be more effective when you are fully present, versus responding quickly “on the fly.” 16

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SpaLife Spring Retreat 2017 - “Being in Nature” May 16-19, 2017 - in Beautiful Southern California Join Diane Halfman in a caring, collaborative community where you will massively uplevel yourself and your business in an environment of deep connection and experience. At SpaLife Retreat, you will create the vision and structure you need to express the BEST version of you in all areas of your personal and professional life. Your personal environment is everything! Give yourself the gift of experiencing the SpaLife for 3 days, and tap into the 9 core elements that will help you shape the life and business you really want. Visit to learn more, & get a copy of your “9 Tips to Start Living Your SpaLife” Discount Code TWIB300 619-921-3272

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INFLUENCE POWER How to Cultivate It with Ease By Caterina Rando, Publisher TWIB Magazine Influence is the ability to affect others, to impact their thoughts and actions toward your desired outcome. Influence equals ease in getting what you want. Here are important ways to easily increase your influence: Be Positive: A smile looks good on everyone. It is the easiest way to convey that you are friendly and approachable. If a smile makes everyone more beautiful, a complaint or gossip makes everyone ugly. Know that people want to associate with, invite and recommend people whom they find positive and want to be around. Demonstrate a Genuine Interest in Others: My favorite question to ask someone I have not seen in a while is, “What is new and exciting with you?” or “What is the best thing that has happened to you lately?” People love to answer these questions because it gives them an opportunity to shine and lets them talk about whatever they like.

BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE Be Generous: You can give others your time, your money, words of appreciation or encouragement, gifts and access to your contacts. Be generous with all of these. Pick up the check, buy the fundraising candy bar, accept the invitation for coffee someone extends to ask your advice. Your generosity will be greatly rewarded with your increased influence. Influence is cultivated over time. The more influence you have, the more you will thrive, and the more what you want will come to you with ease. Caterina Rando is the publisher of Thriving Women in Business Magazine. As a mentor to women in business on a mission, Caterina invites you to join her at an upcoming live event for women. Visit or join the TWIB Facebook group at:

Cultivate Community, Connection and Camaraderie: You have influence with people who know you, trust you, like you and think highly of you. Ask yourself what you can do to consistently and effectively build your relationships and cultivate camaraderie in all areas of your life. Invite People to Go Where You Are Going: This is a great way to let people know that you want to get to know them better. Whenever you are going to a seminar, a charity luncheon or even a yoga class, think about whom you want to get to know better who would appreciate an invitation.


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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE MARKETING INFLUENCE Is an Inside Job By Linda Basso If you are good at creating influence, your business will soar. If you aren’t, it cannot take flight. Successful marketing means building influence with four groups of people: potential clients, existing clients, vendors and referrers. How can you build influence? Listen well. In marketing, becoming influential comes from being influenced yourself. When you listen to what others need from you, your company or your products, you are in the best position to give it to them. When you listen to what works for others in your industry and keep up to date on industry trends, you are well poised to influence existing and potential clients to take actions that have good results. When you listen to what referrers or vendors need from you, you can take care of them in ways that reinforce them taking care of you.

respond in a way that shows you heard? The more responsive you are in all aspects of your business—with potential clients, existing clients, vendors and referrers—the more you will be trusted, admired and hired. Now that’s effective influence! Listen, teach and be responsive to build influence and watch your business soar. Get more marketing insights at Linda Basso is a marketing coach with a spiritual attitude that supports entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, their impact and their revenue. Her four pillars of spiritual marketing can help you get the results you want, be real and have fun while you do it. For 22 years, she has created brands and campaigns for Kimpton® Hotels & Restaurants, Jamba Juice®, Disney®, and many small businesses. She has helped her clients win many awards, along with placements in publications such as The Wall Street Journal®, TIME® Magazine, and the front cover of WIRED® magazine. Reach her at 510-381-3094 or

Teach others. When you educate another person on your business topics, you create influence. The more effective you are at sharing and teaching, the more influence you’ll have with those who use your information to improve their businesses. Teach what you have passion for, be a thought leader, use your own experience or share good research. Bonus: teaching is a relational activity that can garner the feedback you need for good listening. Be responsive. Refine your message, services, products or customer care— indeed your whole business—to orient yourself around what your customers care about and what they want. What’s the point of listening well if you don’t


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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE to Increase Your Impact By Andrea Woolf “Having influence is not about elevating self, but about lifting others.” — Sheri Dew

Imagine yourself having massive influence in the world. You are now not only reaching many more people, you are also impacting themtouching, moving and inspiring them in some way to create transformation in themselves, their businesses, and their lives. What is influence? One definition is to inspire others to choose youto listen to, to follow and to learn from. Influence is also the power to be a compelling force, an amazing attractor magnet. Here are five magical tips to build influence: • Stand in your power. Hold yourself a little taller, feel your power and let your light shine in the world. • Empower others. Be the contribution you are here to be. Notice whom you can support, lift up and inspire. What a beautiful way to make a difference and, in the process, build influence. • Be passionate. Start by being passionate yourself. Be energized, excited and zesty. You will then ignite passion in others. • Be authentic. Even though this sounds too simple, just be yourself. There is only one you. You are truly unique. Share your uniqueness with the world in all your glory! 22

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Embrace your magnificence. In all humility, own your greatness. Let go of noticing everything ‘wrong’ or everything you want to change about yourselfand focus on what’s extraordinary and amazing about yourself. It’s right there if you look for it. Whether you want to change minds, move others to act or build your community, have fun playing with these tips and watch what happens. Build your influence to increase your impact, and change the world! Andrea Woolf is the founder and coach extraordinaire for Women of Impact, a vibrant community of women coming together to change their business and life, and transform the world. She is the author of Ignite Your Life – How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, and helps women achieve amazing results and truly connect to the difference they make. Find out more about Andrea and all her exciting upcoming programs and events at Andrea would love to hear from you at 949-713-7734 or via email at

Release Your Inner Champion What Is Holding You Back? • Do you know you could be, do and have more, and you’re getting in your own way? • Are you your biggest critic? • Are you being called to play a bigger game in business and in life? If you answered yes to any of the above, come to to find out how to Release Your Inner Champion!

Andrea Woolf Founder of Women of Impact • (949) 713-7734

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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE MARKETING AND SALES: A Love Story By Laura Gisborne Are you in love with your business? How about your clients? Your team? Most entrepreneurs are deeply creative beings who long to serve others. Business requires us to constantly expand in areas that we don’t always love, like “marketing,” “conversions,” and, the dreaded, “sales.” The way I see it, business is a love relationship. Our clients give us the opportunity to earn a living by serving them. Of course we love them. We just aren’t always clear about how to reach them.

Here is a link to a webinar that may offer some additional insights to “Sales with Ease.” • Consider joining us at one of our upcoming mastermind events to gain tools to make your entrepreneurial journey a joyful one. • Our Limitless Women Leadership Conference will be held April 7-9, 2017, in Newport Beach, California. • Money, Marketing and Sales Retreat for Women will be held June 14-16, 2017 in La Jolla. Details are online at Laura Gisborne is a highly successful business expert. She has owned nine companies, ranging from small boutique businesses to a multi-million dollar wine and real estate empire. The innovative business model of her current company, Legacy Leaders Global, exemplifies that businesses can be both profitable and purposeful. Through her initiatives, thousands of people are receiving regular contributions in multiple countries across five continents. Visit today and download your complimentary copy of Stop the Spinning: Move from Surviving to Thriving.

Good marketing means: • Knowing who your ideal client isand not allowing yourself to spend time with people you are not here to help • Listening to your clients’ needs so you know exactly what they are struggling with • Letting your potential clients know that you are committed to partnering with them to generously create solutions together If your marketing is done well and you establish caring relationships with your ideal clients, the sales will literally close themselves. Your job is to provide solutions to problems. In the sales process, you only get to the solution when you have earned somebody’s trust. To earn that trust you must do a little warmup; a little marketing. When you focus on solving another person’s problem in a unique way, marketing and sales become a joyful dance you welcome each day in your business. 24

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CRAZY $EXY MONEY By Lu Casillas Can money be sexy? This is all about the CRAZY, the SEXY and the MONEY. Celebrate this, ladies! We can make it, save it, spend it, invest it and enjoy it. One of the greatest gifts today is the freedom to be as creative as we want and make money doing the things that we love. Isn’t that CRAZY?

What if you could actually take 10 percent of your annual income today and invest in a 10-year plan that will reduce future taxes, provide protection in a health emergency and grow with compound interest, not subject to loss with lifetime income attached? Would you do it? The wave of your financial future is here. Let me educate you on a system that could be life-changing for you. That’s Crazy $exy MONEY for you!

Lu Casillas, is the educator and creator of Blend2Day, supporting women to find Balance in Life, Educating one another through Networking, and making their Dreams become reality. As a specialist at FCA, it is her goal to help women create a wealth preservation strategy that allows access to funds while also building a lifetime income stream.

The fact that we can do business in a home office and not have to live the traditional regimen of 8-5, 9-6 or 10-7 is fascinating. Think about it. Even if some of you have a traditional work lifestyle, there are options trending that are making it more lifestyle friendly. Having a business that is lifestyle friendly I call that SEXY! Now that we’re clear that we are all crazy and sexy let’s talk about the money. Times are changing and it is important now more than ever to start understanding the changes coming. There will be market adjustments. Your money is subject to losses and fees. Now is the time to at least look at creating that lower risk bucket. The key is looking at your future goals and plans. In reality, more money will be needed at retirement. Would you rather live with less money or what you’re accustomed to? Many assume less. LIFE Happens. Think about it.


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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, Change Your Life By Lee Richter As we go through each day we make more choices than we can count. Some are conscious, like what will I wear today? and some are unconscious as we grab milk or cream to add to our coffee. Sometimes making choices can frustrate us, overwhelm us or even freeze us in our path. The next time you notice that choices are challenging you, take a moment, take a deep breathe and shift your perspective. Look at choices from the mindset that you have the freedom to make choices for your life. You can decide to go to the gym or not. You can choose to walk or drive, you can select going to bed early versus staying up late.

Perspective is the main ingredient in keeping your mindset focused on the good stuff. Some people complain about packing for a trip. I used to be one of those people. Now, I look at it as preparing for an adventure and being excited about the exotic things to enjoy. Now, the journey is centered on what to discover. A positive mindset creates a much happier experience. What is it time to shift your perspective on? Lee Richter is an innovator and for more than 30 years, she has built successful and dynamic community-driven businesses. Her unique vision and system generate massive results, proven by her highly successful companies, which produce millions of dollars, hundreds of jobs, support communities and educate thousands of people all over the world. Lee has been working with happiness experts for many years and is her passion project she shares with the world.

Celebrate, don’t begrudge your choices. Select the mindset that supports you. The key is you have CHOICES. You actually get to make choices. There are millions if not billions of people around the world who would be ecstatic to have the kind of choices in life you have each day. The key to integrating happiness into your day starts with your mindset. When you look at all of the things you want to accomplish today, your mindset dictates how easy or how difficult it will be. It starts with your thoughts. Ugh, it is raining outside, and driving in the rain is hard feels different than when you think, It is raining outside, and Mother Nature is doing her best to keep the plants watered, so driving to work slowly is preferred. 28

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BUILD YOUR INFLUENCE ISSUE WHAT DOES IT MEAN to Get Your GLOW On? By Katie Macks What does it mean to get your GLOW on? GLOW is an acronym for Growing – Loving – Opening – Willing. It’s a deep dive into personal transformation that focuses on the most important relationship you will ever havethe relationship with yourself. We often run our lives by our deep-seated beliefs that unconsciously drive the choices we make. Many of us don’t even question our choices, and wonder why our circumstances are what they are. Do you ever feel like your life’s circumstances run you, rather than feeling like you are in the driver’s seat? Getting your GLOW on is about liberating your soul’s full expression, moving from feeling like a victim of your circumstances to recognizing that you always have choices in your life, even if your choices are difficult.

What’s the most empowering habit you can incorporate into your daily life? Do your best to not make assumptions and make it a practice to be curious rather than taking things personally. If you are curious, you will learn that people’s beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and assumptions are their own. These two things alone can transform your life in unimaginable ways! Remember, life doesn’t happen to you, it happens because of you.

Katie Macks, owner of Get Your Glow On, LLC, is a Certified Relationship Coach, leadership trainer, author and speaker. Katie is passionate about helping women transform their lives with awareness and accountability, so they can regain freedom of choice and experience trusting, meaningful relationships with themselves and others.

One simple step you can take to get your GLOW on is simply pausing and breathing. Most of us have knee-jerk reactions to our circumstances. If you pause and take deep breaths, you may get a new perspective. Two keys to learning about yourself and others are to be curious and to be neutral. If you can get curious and find out where others are coming from, you may learn that virtually nothing they do is about you personally. One of my favorite sayings is from the Talmud: “We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are.”


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Financial Systems Together By Audrey Godwin As a woman business owner, it is important to leverage your business for less worry and more ease. To do that, it is necessary to develop and maintain financial systems that give you confidence in your financial stability while having funds for your lifestyle and allowing you to leave a financial legacy that is meaningful to those you love.

Be Practical: Simon Sinek says, “It’s the magical partnership of the person with their head in the clouds and the person with their feet on the ground that creates progress.” Make sure you have a financial coach, consultant or partner to assist you in getting all your financial systems in place to thrive each day in your business. Get partners who champion your success. You have so many talents to share. Follow these steps to ensure that you can continue to bring your gifts as long as you like. Audrey Godwin is an award-winning entrepreneur who helps heart-centered, smart and decisive women business owners go from financially stretched to financially secure. As a direct result of applying Audrey’s Fearless Financial Mastery System™ her clients increase cash flow and profitability while decreasing stress and worry. Contact Audrey at or 206-579-1063.

If this sounds good to you, follow these steps to get started: Be Clear: Being unclear keeps you stuck. There is no payoff for that. Clarity sparks action to do the right things in the right order at the right time. Get clear on your income, your expenses, what your goals are and, of course, write them down. Be Resilient: Develop resilience by overcoming big setbacks and navigating the daily distractions, disappointments and doubts you encounter when you don’t get the financial results you expected. Know that there will be setbacks in your business. Plan for them. Have more credit than you need and always have reserves. Be Courageous: Talking about finances with your business or life partner can be uncomfortable. Heck, sometimes talking to your accountant can be a little daunting. Be willing to be uncomfortable, ask a lot of questions, ask for what you need and get whatever support you need to achieve your goals. 32

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