In the late 1960s, the world of Canadian agriculture, particularity beef production was expanding rapidly. Many ranchers were experimenting with new breeds, more sophisticated recording systems for pedigrees, and scientific advantages. It was into this eager, experimental climate that the Maine-Anjou breed was introduced to Canada in 1969. The first animals were the typically French, fullblood animals and were introduced through quarantine stations. The first Maine-Anjou animal imported to Canada was a fullblood heifer bought in April 1969 by Donald McQ. Shaver of Galt, Ontario. The three Shaver bulls, Buret, Berlin, and Bysantin were the first bulls imported into North America. The original group of ‘Maine Men’ in Canada is widely regarded as Donald Shaver, Stan Spicer of Sundre, Alberta, and Harold Biensch of Neilburg, Saskatchewan. The Canadian Maine-Anjou Association was formed and incorporated in 1970 under the authority of the Livestock Pedigree Act and the Canadian National Livestock Records. The original office was located in Edmonton, Alberta. The same year, the International Maine-Anjou Association was
organized in the United States.
Smith Maine-Anjou bull, LW Challenger, Robert Smith at the halter, R.B. Wise, (centre) judged the class.