COMIC BOOK CREATOR #12 examines the mid-life work of JACK KIRBY, the greatest super-hero creator of all time, from the explosively cosmic developments in Fantastic Four and The Mighty Thor at Marvel in the middle ’60s to the artist/writer's magnum opus, the "Fourth World" saga of New Genesis versus Apokolips! Plus we'll reveal the real-life background drama that unfolded during that tumultuous era, all behind an astonishing cover by STEVE "The Dude" RUDE featuring the Gods of New Genesis! Our main co-feature is an exhaustive, career-spanning interview with underground comix pioneer HOWARD CRUSE, the extraordinary cartoonist and graphic novelist of the award-winning Stuck Rubber Baby. The artist shares the quintessential American story of his journey of discovery, from Stonewall to Marriage Equality, through self-expression and creativity, all culminating into a truly original and entertaining body of work!