Jack Kirby Checklist: Centennial Edition Preview

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COMIC BOOKS............................................................................................................... 8 PULP MAGAZINES..................................................................................................... 138 NEWSPAPER COMIC STRIPS & PANELS.................................................................... 140 ANIMATION............................................................................................................... 144

KEY Cross Reference Notation

Series Title


Page Count

New Story Title indicated by bold type

Note of Interest

Story Artist/Inker Notation



National Periodical Publications (DC Comics) See Adventure Comics, Forever People, Hunger Dogs, Jack Kirby’s New Gods, Mister Miracle, Real Fact Comics, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, Super Powers Kirby writing on issues # 1-11 4 Aug 1971: Kirby/Colletta - c // “The O’Ryan Gang And The Deep Six” 23p Kirby/Colletta - a (R: NG 2, JKNG) // Pin-ups 2p Kirby/Colletta - a // (r: ADV 73) “The Secret Of The Buzzard’s Revenge” 10p // (r: RFC ?) “Coast Guard Reconnaissance” 3p

Issue # and Date “Reprinted From...” Notation designated by a lower case (r:) which falls before the story title

Cover Artist/Inker Notation ? indicates missing information

Reprint Story Title indicated by non-bold type

// separates multiple story entries

“Reprinted In...” Notation designated by an UPPER CASE (R:) which falls after the story title


Fine Art • Collages • Exhibitions.....................................150 Self Portraits • Family Portraits • WWII.........................155 Internet Websites...........................................................157


Essays • Interviews • Speeches • Panels.........................159 Joe Simon Interviews • Books • Essays...........................165 Jack Kirby Tribute Panels................................................166 Novels • Short Stories.....................................................167

PERIODICALS............................................... 168 BOOKS......................................................... 206 MULTIMEDIA

Radio • Audio Recordings • CD-Rom..............................217 Theatre • Movie Development.......................................217 Television • Video • DVDs..............................................219


Unpublished Work..........................................................221 Published • Unverified....................................................250 Unpublished • Untitled • Unknown................................251 Pen Names • Ghosts.......................................................253


Portfolios • Posters • Calendars......................................257 Cards • Stamps • Stickers...............................................261 Miscellaneous.................................................................264 Cover Re-Creations.........................................................268 Family • Personal............................................................270





100GM 100 Greatest Marvels of All Time 100PSS 100 Page Super Spectacular 48FA 48 Famous Americans A Astonishing AA Amazing Adventures AAAWAY Archie...Archie Andrews, Where are You? AAW America at War: the Best of DC War Comics ABC Airboy Comics ABTVC America’s Best TV Comics AC Action Comics ACD Archie Comics Digest ADV Adventure Comics AE Alter Ego AED Archive Edition AF Amazing Fantasy AFO Amazing Fantasy Omnibus AGC America’s Greatest Comics AH Amazing Heroes AL Agonizing Love ALARMT Alarming Tales AMGMEC Ant-Man / Giant-Man Epic Collection ANC All-New Comics ANNC Annihilation Classic AOA Agents of Atlas AOJK Art of Jack Kirby AOSKS Art of the Simon and Kirby Studio AOTF Adventures of the Fly ASC All-Star Comics ASHCDM Archie’s Super Hero Comics Digest Magazine ASHS Archie’s Super-Hero Special ASM Amazing Spider-Man ASMEC Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection ASMGS Amazing Spider-Man Giant-Size ASMMW Amazing Spider-Man Masterworks ASMO Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus ASMP Amazing Spider-Man Portfolio ASMPB Amazing Spider-Man (Pocket Books) ASMS Amazing Spider-Man Special ASW All-Star Western AT Astonishing Tales ATK  Attack AV Avengers AV1C Avengers 1: The Coming of The Avengers AVA Avengers Annual AVC Avengers Classic AVEC Avengers Epic Collection AVGS Avengers Giant-Size AVIAMAV Avengers: I Am an Avenger AVKTTA Avengers: Kang Time and Time Again AVMFHP Avengers: The Many Faces of Henry Pym AVMW Avengers Masterworks AVO Avengers Omnibus AVPWDD Avengers: The Private War of Doctor Doom AVS Avengers Special Avengers: The Big Three AVTB3 AVTO Avengers: The Origin Avengers: The Vibranium Collection AVVC AWC All Winners Comics AWDC Amazing World of DC Comics AXMM Astonishing X-Men: Monstrous BA Battlefield Action BASM Birth of the Amazing Spider-Man BB Blue Bolt BBA Brave and the Bold Annual BBR Boy’s Brotherhood Republic BBRR Boy’s Brotherhood Republic Reporter BBTBG Bring Back the Bad Guys BC Boy Commandos BCC Black Cat Comics BCM Black Cat Mystic Boy Commandos by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby BCSK BDC Best of DC BE Bulls-eye Boy Explorers Comics BEC BG Battleground Buyer’s Guide for Comic Fandom BGCF BI Back Issue BM Black Magic BO Blast-Off Best of the Fantastic Four BOFF BOMC Best of Marvel Comics BOSK Best of Simon and Kirby

BOTBG Bring on the Bad Guys BOTW Best of the West BPEC Black Panther Epic Collection BPJK Black Panther by Jack Kirby BPMK Black Panther (Marvel Knights) BR Boys’ Ranch BRC Blue Ribbon Comics BRRA Black Rider Rides Again BRSNS Black Rider and Shilo Norman Special BS Blazing Sixguns BT Buried Treasure BWR Beware C3D Captain 3-D CA Captain America CA75 Captain America 75th Anniversary CAAB Captain America and Batroc CABB Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles CAC Captain America Comics CAC170AE Captain America Comics #1 70th Anniversary Edition CAC70AS Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special CACB Comic Art Convention Book CACL Captain America: Cap Lives CACP Captain America Collectors’ Preview CACY Captain America: The Classic Years CAEC Captain America Epic Collection CAF13 Captain America and the First Thirteen CAFA Captain America: Forever Allies Captain America Giant-Size CAGS CAJKO Captain America by Jack Kirby Omnibus Captain America and The Falcon: Madbomb CAMB CAMOOT Captain America: Man Out of Time CAO Captain America Omnibus Captain America (Pocket Books) CAPB CAPCAOS Captain America: Peggy Carter, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. CAPG Comic Art Price Guide Captain America: Rebirth CAR Captain America Special CAS Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty CASOL CATLCA Captain America: The Legacy of Captain America CATS Captain America and The Falcon: The Swine Comic Art Tribute to Simon and Kirby (card set) CATSK CAVRS Captain America vs. Red Skull Captain Britain CB CBA Comic Book Artist Comic Book Artist Collection CBAC CBAGWJK Comic Book Apocalypse: The Graphic World of Jack Kirby CBASE Comic Book Artist Special Edition Comics Buyer’s Guide CBG CBM Comic Book Marketplace CBMS Comic Book Marketplace Special Edition CC Crash Comics CCA Comics Code Authority Cancelled Comic Cavalcade CCC CHAMC Champion Comics CJ Comics Journal Complete Jack Kirby CJK CJL Comics Journal Library Clue Comics CLUE CMA Captain Marvel Adventures COC Chamber of Chills COD Chamber of Darkness COS Crypt of Shadows COTL Creatures on the Loose COU Challengers of the Unknown COUJK Challengers of the Unknown by Jack Kirby CRMC Crime Comics CS Countdown Special CSJK Comic Strip Jack Kirby CSM Complete Sky Masters CV Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers DACZ Disney Adventures Comic Zone DC Detective Comics DCCP DC Comics Presents DCPDW DC Presents: Darkseid War 100 Page Spectacular DCSAC DC Silver Age Classics DCSBRD DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest DCSS DC Special Series DCUC DC Universe Christmas DCUSO DC Universe Secret Origins DD Daredevil DDA Double-Dare Adventures DDEC Daredevil Epic Collection DDO Daredevil Omnibus DDP Daredevil Portfolio



ACTION COMICS National Periodical Publications (DC Comics) See Adventure Comics, DC Silver Age Classics, Jack Kirby Collector, Millennium Edition, Superman, Superman Annual, Tales of Suspense 252 May 1959: “The Menace Of Metallo” (Superman) 13p Kirby (plot); Bernstein (script); (Swan/Klein - a) (note: Kirby graced Bernstein with plot while riding into New York City on train; issue also includes first app. and origin of Supergirl (Kara) (R: DCSAC, ME, Superman 217, Superman Annual 2) (See TOS 16,39) 411 Apr 1972: Blockbusters (Fourth World advertisement) 412 May 1972: Kirby Unleashed (advertisement) Kirby - a 413 Jun 1972: Kirby Unleashed (advertisement) 1p Kirby - a 449 Jul 1975: (r: ADV 252) “The Mystery Of The Giant Arrows” 6p // (r: ADV 253) “Prisoners Of Dimension Zero” 5p 638 Feb 7, 1989: Kirby/Austin - c (Demon; Kirby’s final work for DC; Demon drawn with pupils in eyes) (R: TJKC 63) (See TJKC 9, Who’s Who 6; See Last of the Viking Heroes 8 for final new work for comics) ADVENTURE COMICS National Periodical Publications (DC Comics) See All-Star Comics, Alter Ego, Best of DC Digest, Best of Simon and Kirby, Boy Commandos, DC Special Blue-Ribbon Digest, DC Universe Christmas, Detective Comics, First Issue Special, Forever People, Greatest Fifties Stories Ever Told, Green Arrow by Jack Kirby, Jack Kirby Collector, Jack Kirby Omnibus, Jack Kirby Omnibus Sampler, Journey into Mystery, Limited Collectors’ Edition, Microcolour, New Gods, 100 Page Super Spectacular, Sandman, Sandman by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Secret Origins, Secret Origins of the Super DC Heroes, Showcase Presents, Star-Spangled Comics, Super-Team Family, Tales of the Unexpected, Who’s Who, World’s Finest Comics 40 Jul 1939: (Sandman feature by Christman begins) (See New York World’s Fair (1939) for first appearance) 58 Jan 1941: (first app. Manhunter (Paul Kirk); feature begins) 69 Dec 1941: (first app. re-designed Sandman (Wesley Dodds) and Sandy (Hawkins) by Chad Grothkopf) 72 Mar 1942: “The Riddle Of The Slave Market” (first Simon and Kirby Sandman; first work for DC) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (assist: Shores?) (R: MC, SSK) (note: published Feb 3, 1942) (See National Periodical Publications (unknown; 1941) 73 Apr 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Manhunter; first Simon and Kirby credit on a cover) // “The Buzzard’s Revenge” (first Simon and Kirby Manhunter; origin) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (note: inspired by film “Man Hunt” (1941) (R: MC, NG 4) (See Police Comics 8) // “Bells Of Madness” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (note: only 165 copies exist) (R: MC, SSK) 74 May 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “The Man Who Knew All The Answers” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: ADV 498, FP 9, MC, SSK) (Gardner Fox (plot); See AE V3#21) // “Scavenger Hunt” (Manhunter) 9p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, NG 5) 75 Jun 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Beware Of Mr. Meek” (Manhunter) 9p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, NG 6) // “The Villain From Valhalla” (Sandman vs. Thor (“Fairy Tales” Fenton) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: ADV 499, BOSK, FP 6, MC, SSK) (Thor: See BC 7, JIM 83, Out of This World 11, TU 16, Unusual Tales 18) 76 Jul 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Mr. Noah Raids The Town” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) // “The Legend Of The Silent Bear” (Manhunter) 9p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, NG 7) 77 Aug 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Dreams Of Doom” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: ADV 496, FP 8, MC, SSK) // “The Stone Of Vengeance” (Manhunter) 9p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, NG 8) // (note: Starman story by Burnley includes panels later swiped by Simon and Kirby in Fighting American 5; See TJKC 25, Wanted 6) 78 Sep 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “The Lady And The Tiger” (Manhunter) 9p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, NG 9) // “The Miracle Maker” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) 79 Oct 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Footprints In The Sands Of Time” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) // “Cobras Of The Deep” (Manhunter) 9p Kirby/Simon - a (R: DC 440, MC) 80 Nov 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “The Man Who Couldn’t Sleep” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: ADV 491, FP 7, MC, SSK) // “Man Trap Island” (final Simon and Kirby Manhunter) 9p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC) (See First Issue Special 5 for final Kirby Manhunter) 81 Dec 1942: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “A Drama In Dreams” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: 100PSS DC-15, MC, SSK) 82 Jan 1943: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Santa Fronts For The Mob” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: DCUC, LCE C-43, MC, SSK) 83 Feb 1943: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “The Lady And The Champ” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) // “Everybody Reads The Boy Commandos” (Axis app.) 1/2p Kirby/Simon - a (R: SSK) 84 Mar 1943: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Crime Carnival” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: ADV 495, FP 5, MC, SSK) 85 Apr 1943: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “The Unholy Dreams Of Gentleman Jack” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: ADV 492, FP 4, MC, SSK) 86 Jul 1943: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “The Boy Who Was Too Big For His Breeches” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) 87 Sep 1943: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “I Hated The Sandman” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK, WFC 226) (June 7, 1943: Jack Kirby was drafted into the U.S. Army and served honorably until July 20, 1945; Joe Simon joined the U.S. Coast Guard) 88 Nov 1943: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “The Cruise Of The Crescent” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) 89 Jan 1944: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Prisoner Of His Dreams” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) (See AE V3#52) 90 Mar 1944: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Sleepy Time Crimes” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) 91 May 1944: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Courage à la Carte” (Sandman) 1p (title page) Kirby/Simon - a (R: MC, SSK) 92 Jul 1944: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) (R: MC, SSK) 93 Sep 1944: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) (R: MC, SSK) 94 Nov 1944: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) (R: MC, SSK) 95 Jan 1945: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) (R: MC, SSK) 96 Mar 1945: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) (R: MC, SSK) 97 May 1945: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) (R: MC, SSK) 100 Nov 1945: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Sweets For Swag” (Sandman; first post-WWII work) 1p (title page) Kirby - a(p) (R: MC, SSK) 101 Jan 1946: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) 102 Mar 1946: Kirby/Simon - c (Sandman) // “Dream Of Peter Green” (Sandman) 10p Kirby/Simon - a (R: SSK) (See Sandman 1 for final Simon and Kirby Sandman)



59 (V6#11) Jul 1953: “Borrow A Boy Friend” 3p Kirby - a(p) // “A Family Affair” 9p Kirby - a(p) 60 (V6#12) Aug 1953: “So Charming, So False” 6p Kirby - a(p) 61 (V7#1) Sep 1953: “Let Sleeping Love Lie” 8p Kirby - a(p) // “A Very Important Love” 4p Kirby - a(p) 62 (V7#2) Oct 1953: “The Mystery Blonde Of Lover’s Lane” 6p Kirby - a(p) 63 (V7#3) Nov 1953: “A Matter Of Pride” 8p Kirby/Simon - a 64 (V7#4) Dec 1953: “Beautiful Friendship” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “The Heartbreaker” 6p Kirby - a(p) 65 (V7#5) Jan 1954: “The Wrong Mr. Right” 7p Kirby - a(p) 66 (V7#6) Feb 1954: “Those We Love” 6p Kirby/Simon - a 67 (V7#7) Mar 1954: “Cute Trick” 6p Kirby - a(p) 79 (V8#7) Nov 1955: “Problem Clinic” 2p Kirby - a(p) 80 (V8#8) Jan 1956: Kirby - c(p) // “Personal Message To Ruth” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “The Gingerbread House” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “Old Enough To Marry” 5p Kirby - a(p) (R: YRSK 1) // “Lovesick” 8p Kirby - a(p) (R: YRSK 1) 81 (V9#3) Mar 1956: Kirby - c(p) // “The Lady And The Truck Driver” 7p Kirby - a(p) // “A Match For Linda” 5p Kirby - a(p) // “Bring The Kids” 7p Kirby - a(p) 82 (V9#4) May 1956: Kirby - c(p) // “Lost Little Lamb” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “Bundle From Heaven” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “Wild Flower” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “Repeat Performance” 7p Kirby - a(p) 83 (V9#5) Jul 1956: Kirby - c(p) // “Only You” 7p Kirby/Simon - a // “The Serious Type” 6p Kirby/Simon - a // “The Lonely Heart” 5p Kirby/Simon - a // “Dancing Doll” 8p Kirby/Simon - a 84 (V9#6) Nov 1956: Kirby/Draut - c // “Much Ado About Love” 7p Kirby - a(p) // “Poison Ivy” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “Swept Off My Feet” 6p Kirby - a(p) // “Romeo And Judy Ann” 6p Kirby - a(p) 85 (V10#1) Jan 1957: Kirby - c(p) // “Lizzie’s Back In Town” 7p Kirby/Simon - a (R: YRSK 1) // “Lady’s Choice” 6p Kirby/Simon - a // “Resort Romeo” 6p Kirby/Simon - a (R: YRSK 1) // “My Cousin From Milwaukee” 6p Kirby/Simon - a (R: YRSK 1) 86 (V10#2) Mar 1957: “Reject” 4p Kirby/Simon - a 87 (V10#3) May 1957: “Girl With Possibilities” 7p Kirby/Simon - a // “Rock ’n’ Roll Sweetheart” 5p Kirby/Simon - a // “Made Me Beautiful” 6p Kirby/Simon - a 88 (V10#4) Jul 1957: “They’re Only Men” 1p Kirby/Meskin - a 90 (V10#6) Nov 1957: “Girl In The Middle” 5p Kirby - a 91 (V11#1) Jan 1958: “The Waiting Game” 4p Kirby - a(p) // “The Way They Met” 1p Kirby - a(p) 92 (V11#2) Mar 1958: “Running Mates” 5p Kirby - a(p) // “The Happy Bachelor” 5p Kirby/Simon - a 93 (V11#3) May 1958: Kirby - c // “Jealousy” 5p Kirby/Simon - a (note: first three pages heavily altered by Kirby) // “Afraid Of Love” 5p Kirby/Simon - a(l)? 95 (V11#5) Sep 1958: Kirby - c(p) // “Listening To Love” 5p Kirby/Simon - a 97 (V12#1) Jan 1959: Kirby/Rosalind Kirby - c // “Hearts And Flowers” 5p Kirby - a // “Uninvited Guest” 5p Kirby - a 98 (V12#2) Mar 1959: “Secret In My Heart” 5p Kirby - a // “A Husband For My Sister” 5p Kirby - a 99 (V12#3) May 1959: “Man Wanted” 5p Kirby/Simon - a // “The Love I Lost” 5p Kirby/Simon - a (R: YRSK 1) 102 (V12#6) Nov 1959: “The Wounded Party” 5p Kirby - a 103 (V13#1) Jan 1960: Kirby - c // “The Man For Me” 5p Kirby - a // “Liars In Love” 5p Kirby - a (note: Joe Simon and Jack Kirby retained their copyrights after publication; Simon edited series until sale of title to National (DC) (Apr 1963) and again for DC Comics (1973-1974); series ends publication with #208 (Dec 1975)


YOUNG ROMANCE: THE BEST OF SIMON AND KIRBY’S ROMANCE COMICS Fantagraphics See Real Love, Real West Romances, Western Love, Young Love, Young Romance Comics (HC format) V1 2012: (r: YRC 2) “Boy Crazy” 14p // (r: YRC 2) “Her Tragic Love” 8p // (r: YRC 4) “Fraulein Sweetheart” 9p // (r: YRC 5) “Shame” 7p // (r: YRC 11) “The Town And Toni Benson” 15p // (r: WL 2) “Kathy And The Merchant” 9p // (r: YRC 13) “Sailor’s Girl” 14p // (r: RWR V1#4) “The Perfect Cowboy” 8p // (r: YRC 21) “I Want Your Man” 14p // (r: YRC 23) “Problem Clinic” 2p // (r: YRC 34) “Old Fashioned Girl” 12p // (r: YL 37) “Mr. Know-It-All Falls In Love” 8p // (r: YL 50) “Wedding Present” 6p // (r: YL 50) “Norma, Queen Of The Hot Dogs” 4p // (cover gallery) // (r: YRC 80) “Old Enough To Marry” 5p // (r: YRC 80) “Lovesick” 8p // (r: YRC 85) “Lizzie’s Back In Town” 7p // (r: YRC 85) “Lady’s Choice” 6p // (r: YRC 85) “Resort Romeo” 6p // (r: YRC 85) “My Cousin From Milwaukee” 6p // (r: YRC 99) “The Love I Lost” 5p // “Simon and Kirby’s Romance Comics” (article) // (photo cover gallery) // (restoration notes) // (biographies) V2 2015: (r: YRC 1) “I Was A Pick-Up” 13p // (r: YRC 1) “Misguided Heart” 7p // (r: YRC 3) “Marriage Contract” 13p // (r: YRC 3) “Her Best Friend’s Sweetheart” 8p // (r: YRC 4) “Blind Date” 11p // (r: YRC 5) “I Fell In Love With My Star Pupil” 13p // (r: YRC 5) “Gold Digger” 9p // (r: YRC 6) “Disgrace” 14p // (r: YRC 7) “War Bride” 13p // (r: YRC 7) “I Stole For Love” 8p // (r: YRC 8) “Love Or Pity” 14p // (r: YRC 8) “Love Can Strike So Suddenly” 9p // (r: YRC 9) “Was Love To Be My Sacrifice?” 15p // (r: YL 1) “The Man I Loved Was A Woman-Hater” 10p // (r: YRC 10) “Mama’s Boy” 13p // (r: YRC 10) “Unwanted” 7p // (r: YL 2) “Too Wise For Romance” 12p // (restoration notes) // (biographies) ZOOM Jeunesse et Vacances (France) See Marvelman, Western Tales 15 Oct 1968: (collects daily comic strip: Davy Crockett, Frontiersman) Kirby/Klein - a (1955)




AMAZING DETECTIVE CASES Crime Files, Inc. (Timely) See Comic Strip Jack Kirby, Jack Kirby Collector, My Life in Comics, Secret History of Marvel Comics V1#2 Dec 1940: “The Skull That Screamed Murder” 1p Kirby - a // “Beast Of Chicago” 2p Kirby - a (ink/wash) (R: CSJK, SHMC) V1#3 Feb 1941: “Murder Goes On A Spree” 1p Kirby - a(p) (R: CSJK, SHMC) // “Love Bed Alibi” 1p Kirby - a (R: CSJK, MLIC, SHMC) // “Slummock, The Indian Bluebeard” 1p Kirby - a // “The Amazing Lover And His Bride Of Death” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash) (R: SHMC) V1#4 Apr 1941: “Clue Of The $20 Hat” 1p Kirby - a V1#5 Jun 1941: “Devil In The Churchyard” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash; signed) (R: CSJK, SHMC, TJKC 34) // “Murder Thumbs A Ride” 1/2p Kirby - a (note: Joe Simon is art director on Aug 1940—Sep 1941 Timely pulp magazine titles) COMPLETE DETECTIVE CASES Postal Publications, Inc. (Timely) See Comic Strip Jack Kirby, Jack Kirby Collector, Secret History of Marvel Comics V2#6 Nov 1940: “Murder In Duplicate” 1p Kirby - a // “Harlot Of The Highways And The Nude Corpse” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash) (R: SHMC) // “Sleigh Ride Of Death” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash) (R: CSJK, SHMC) // “This Is A Stick-Up” 1p Kirby/Simon - a (ink/wash) (R: CSJK, SHMC) V3#1 Jan 1941: “Blind Date With Murder” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash) (R: Comic Book Makers, CSJK) // “Unmasking The Thrill Slayer” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash) (R: SHMC) // “The Diabolical Affair In Room 66” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash) (R: CSJK, SHMC) V3#2 Mar 1941: “Cop Killer On The Loose” 1p Simon - a (ink/wash) (R: SHMC) V3#4 Jul 1941: “Pennies From Hell” 1p Kirby - a (ink/wash; signed) (R: CSJK, SHMC, TJKC 26) COMPLETE SPORTS Manvis Publications, Inc. (Timely) See Secret History of Marvel Comics V2#6 Aug 1940: “The Rah Rah Slugger” (baseball illustration) Simon - a V3#2 Jun 1941: “Ride It Out Of The Rough” (golf illustration) Kirby - a (R: SHMC) DETECTIVE SHORT STORIES Manvis Publications, Inc. (Timely) See Jack Kirby Collector, Secret History of Marvel Comics V2#5 Aug 1940: “Murder Is My Middle Name” 2p Simon - a (signed) (R: SHMC) V2#6 Nov 1940: “Million Dollar Murders, Inc.” 2p Kirby/Simon - a (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “Case Of The Blushing Butcher” 1p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “A Mortgage On The Morgue” 1p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “A City-Dick Has To Use Science” 1p Kirby - a (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “Death’s Door” 1p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “The Blonde Will Die Daintily” 1p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “A Little Matter Of Murder” 1p Kirby - a (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “Hang Onto Your Gat” 1p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) // “Blood Is Where You Find It” 1p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: SHMC, TJKC 34) V3#2 Apr 1941: “Most Dicks Go Out For Murder” 2p Kirby - a (R: SHMC) // “You Can’t Get Married In The Morgue” 1/2p Kirby - a (R: SHMC) // “Death On Duty” 1p Kirby - a (signed) (R: SHMC) // “Four Killers And A Kid” 1p Kirby - a (R: SHMC) // “So You’ve Got A Gat—So What?” 1/2p Kirby - a (R: SHMC) // “The Fighting Cop” 2p Kirby - a (R: SHMC) // “No Corpses, No Cash” 1p Kirby - a (signed) (R: SHMC) // “Homicide Has Its Points” 1p Kirby - a (signed) (R: SHMC) // “Boy Meets Gun-Girl” 1p Kirby - a (signed) (R: SHMC) // “Murder For The Many” 1p Kirby - a (signed) V3#4 Sep 1941: “And So To Death” 2p Kirby - a MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES Postal Publications / Stadium Publishing Corp. (Atlas) See Marvel Stories V1#1 Aug 1938: (first Martin Goodman publication to use identifier “Marvel”) (note: first pulp published by Goodman was Western Supernovel Magazine V1#1 (May 1933) V3#1 Nov 1950: (r: Marvel Stories V2#3) “Fiction That Thrills” (contents page) 1/4p MARVEL STORIES Western Fiction Publishing (Timely) See Complete Jack Kirby, Jack Kirby Collector, Jack Kirby Treasury, Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades, Marvel Science Stories, My Life in Comics, Nickel Library, Pure Images, Secret History of Marvel Comics V2#2 Nov 1940: “Queen Of Venus” 2p Kirby/Simon - a (R: CJK 2, JKT 1, Nickel Library, PI V3#2, SHMC) // “A Dictator For All Time” 1p Kirby/Simon - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: MFFD, SHMC) // “The Thought-World Monsters” 1p Kirby/Simon - a (R: PI V3#5, SHMC) // “The Man Who” 2p Kirby/Simon - a (R: SHMC) // “Substitute For War” 1p Kirby/Simon - a (R: SHMC) // “The World Of Tomorrow” (comic panel) Cummings (script); Kirby - a // “Cycle” 1p Kirby/Simon - a (note: man turned super-human by cosmic rays) (R: MLIC) V2#3 Apr 1941: “Fiction That Thrills” (contents page illustration) Kirby/Simon - a (R: JKT 1, Marvel Science Stories V3#1, SHMC) // “The Girl From Venus” 1p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: MLIC, SHMC) // “The Iron God” 2p Kirby - a (ink/conté crayon) (R: JKT 1, SHMC, TJKC 68) // “The World Of Tomorrow” (comic panel) Cummings (script); Kirby - a (R: SHMC) // “We, The Other People” 1p Simon - a (R: SHMC)



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Abdul Jones 1937—1939: (daily strip) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Ted Grey”) // Abdul Jones / Katchaz Katchkhan (concept art)  Kurtzberg - a(p) (Keystone Press Feature Service, Ltd. (aka: Lincoln Newspaper Features) (See Abdul Jones Press Book, AOJK, CJK 1, CJL 1, CSJK, CSM, JKT 1, KKOC, KU, TJKC 32,37,66,69) Abdul Jones 1937: (unfinished daily strip) Kurtzberg - a(p) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) (See CJK 1) Abdul Jones Press Book 1938-1939: Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Ted Grey”) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) (See CJK 1, CSJK) Animal Hospital early 1980s: (sample strips) Kirby (script); Kirby - a(p) (See Animal Hospital (animation), TJKC 11,45,55) Associated Features Syndicate (feature: Lone Rider) Associated Press Features (feature: Scorchy Smith) Black Buccaneer, The 1937: (weekly strip) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Jack Curtiss”) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) (See AOJK, CSJK, CI 41, CJK 1, JKQ 15, JKT 1, KKOC, KU, TJKC 64) Black Hole, The (See Walt Disney’s Treasury of Classic Tales: The Black Hole) Blue Beetle, The Jan 8—Mar 9, 1940: (daily strip) Kirby - a (Kirby’s first superhero art ghosted for Charles Nicholas (Wojtkoski) (note: Blue Beetle (Dan Garret) was also adapted into a twice-weekly (short-lived) radio serial) (Fox Features Syndicate) (See AE V3#21, AOJK, Blue Beetle Promotional Flyer, CBM 107, CI 41, CJK 1, CJL 1, CSJK, JKT 1, Kirby100, KKOC, KU, Le Fantôme D’Acier, Nemo 2, TJKC 37,43,65,69, Weekly Comic Magazine) Blue Beetle, The Jan 1940: (newspaper promotional flyer) “Introducing—The Blue Beetle” 1p Kirby - a (Fox Features Syndicate) (See CJK 1, MLIC, Weekly Comic Magazine) Boy Commandos late 1940s: (sample strips) (art by Simon and Kirby studio) (DC Comics) (See TJKC 62) Boy’s Brotherhood Republic Reporter, The Apr 1933—1936: Various cartoons, title lettering, merchant ads, editorials, and articles ?p (includes K’s Konceptions (weekly strip) Kurtzberg - a (first published art (comic strips) in legal-sized mimeograph newspaper; sold for one penny; note: Kurtzberg ran for BBR mayor twice and was Editor-in-Chief) (note: newspaper began Oct 15, 1932) // (Kirby in photo at Fourth Testimonial Dinner; Mar 18, 1939 (AOJK, p 10) (See CJK 1, CSJK, TJKC 38) (See Editorial Cartoons, Kurtzberg’s Konceptions) Boy’s Brotherhood Republic Reporter, The V5#5 Jan 12, 1935: K’s Konceptions (Councilman Xerxes / “Flower” Basketball Tourney) editorial cartoon; 1 panel) Kurtzberg - a (See CJK 1, CSJK, JKT 1) Boy’s Brotherhood Republic Reporter, The V5#8 Jan 30, 1935: “The Originators” (editorial cartoon; 1 panel) Kurtzberg - a // “Kurtzberg Compares Old Reporter To New” (editorial text by Kurtzberg) // K’s Konceptions (Sam Keller / Prof. Josef Brombergoff) Kurtzberg - a (R: CSJK) (See CJK 1, CSJK, JKT 1, TJKC 38) Boy’s Brotherhood Republic Program Book 1936: “Dens Of Vice And Iniquity” 1p (editorial text and art by Kurtzberg) (See CJK 1) Boys City early 1950s: (public service sample panel; others exist?) Kirby/Simon - a (See Collected TJKC 1, JKT 2) Career of King Masters, The 1956: (sample strips: action / adventure strip set in the world of jazz musicians) Kirby/Giacoia - a; Kirby - a(p) (See AOJK, JKT 2, KU, TJKC 16,34,37,45,51) Chicago Tribune Syndicate (feature: Smitty) Chip Hardy 1956: (sample strips: story of a college student and his robot) Kirby - a(p); Chip Hardy / The Child / Gideon Challenger / Dean Oliver Parkhurst Kirby/Elder - a; Kirby/Ayers - a; Kirby/Stein - a (See AOJK, JKMW, JKT 2, KU, TJKC 16,70) Columbia Features Syndicate (feature: Davy Crockett, Frontiersman) Count of Monte Cristo, The 1938: (8 pages) Kurtzberg/Eisner - a; Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Jack Curtiss”) (Universal Phoenix Feature Syndicate) (note: feature continued by Lou Fine; signed: “Jack Cortez”; unpublished Count of Monte Cristo story by Eisner exists (1997) (See AE V3#21, AOJK, CJK 1, Wags 64-71, Wonderworld) (Editor’s Press Service: JC 1, JC 1 (2nd), JC 1 (3rd) Curiosities and Oddities 1937: (weekly strip) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Barton” or “Bob Dart”) (aka: Curious Customs and Oddities?) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) (See BM 20,33, CJK 1, CSJK, It’s Amazing)

Sky Masters of the Space Force 1958—1959: (panel unused in comic strip) Kirby/Wood - a (Kirby coloring) (George Matthew Adams Service) (See AOJK) Sky Masters of the Space Force 1958: (6 daily strips half-inked (out-lined) by Wood) (Nov 3, 1958—Nov 8, 1958) Kirby/Wood - a (George Matthew Adams Service) (See Complete Sky Masters) Sky Masters’ Scrap Book Mar 29, 1959— Feb 14, 1960: (Sunday page bottom tier feature) Kirby/Wood - a; Kirby/Rosalind Kirby - a (George Matthew Adams Service) (See Complete Sky Masters) Smitty 1924—1930,1932—1939: (daily strip); (note: Kirby once mentioned an apprenticeship with Walter Berndt) (Chicago Tribune Syndicate) (See Dr. Miller’s essay in TJKC 2) Socko the Seadog 1936—1939: (285 daily strips; [Kirby’s] first professionally published art) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Teddy”; note: some newspapers still re-publishing strip as late as 1941) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) (See AOJK, CI 90, CJK 1, CJL 1, CSJK, JKQ 10, JKR 1, JKT 1, KKOC, KU, TJKC 29,32,36,65,69) Solar Legion 1939: (sample strips recycled in Crash Comics 1-3) Kirby - a(p) (unsigned) (Bert Whitman) [Sports Cartoons] (“I did sports cartoons...”—Jack Kirby (Nov 4, 1976) When referencing Lincoln Features, Kirby makes this off-handed claim) (See TJKC 12) Starman Zero 1947: (6 sample Sunday pages and concept art) Blue Eyes / Lanurai 2p Kirby/Simon - a (note: recycled as Tiger 21 and later presented to NBC-TV in 1966) (See AOJK, FA 4, JKT 2, KU, TJKC 15,61,65) Surf Hunter 1959: (sample strips) Kirby/Wood - a (note: inspired by Sea Hunt (syndicated television series (1958) (See AOJK, JKMW, JKT 2, KU, TJKC 16,34,42,50,60,65,70) Thundarr the Barbarian 1980s: (2 weeks of sample daily and Sunday strips) Gerber (script); Kirby - a(p) (See Collected TJKC 2,3, Comic Times 4, TJKC 11,49,50,55, Thundarr (animation / video) Tiger 21 1950s: (sample Sunday page) Kirby - a(p) (note: adapted from: Starman Zero (1947) (See Tiger 21 (television), SKLSF, TJKC 61) True Comics 1945: (Sunday page) Gross (script); Simon - a (note: while serving in the U.S. Combat Art Corps, Coast Guard Public Information Division, Simon aided war effort) (The Parents’ Institute / Bell Syndicate) (See Comic Book Makers, My Life in Comics) Universal Phoenix Feature Syndicate (features: Count of Monte Cristo, Diary of Dr. Hayward, Wilton of the West) (note: sold features internationally through Editors’ Press Service) (See Wags) Valley Girl 1982—1983: (sample strips) Kirby (script); Kirby - a(p); Kirby/Thibodeaux - a (note: inspired by Moon and Frank Zappa’s hit single: “Valley Girl” (Barking Pumpkin 02972 (1982) (See TJKC 16,30,55) Vita-Man [by Little Joe Slater] (a comic within a comic—See Inky) Walt Disney’s Treasury of Classic Tales: The Black Hole Sep 2, 1979—Feb 24, 1980: (26 Sunday pages adapted from Dec 1979 movie) Fallberg - (script / layouts); Kirby/Royer - a // (title panel art and logo) Royer - a (King Features Syndicate; this showcase feature began Jul 13, 1952) (See CJ 134, DACZ 13, Le Trou Noir, Mediascene 38, Science Fiction Times V1#6-8, TJKC 11,23,32,37,46, 54,63,66) Weekly Comic Magazine (nn) May 12, 1940: (Fox Features Syndicate; promotional newspaper supplement) (first version: 8 pages of Blue Beetle story (Kirby strips?) (second version: seven—2 page stories of Blue Beetle (Kirby strips?) Willie Lumpkin 1959—1961: (non-Kirby daily strip about a mailman by Stan Lee and Dan DeCarlo; namesake for Fantastic Four mailman (first app. FF 11) (Publisher’s Syndicate) (See CBA 2 p 16) Wilton of the West 1938: (aka: “Wilton of West Point”) (12 pages) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Fred Sande” or “Jack Curtiss”) (Universal Phoenix Feature Syndicate) (note: feature continued by Lou Fine (1938-1939) (See AOJK, CJK 1, CSM, JC 1-3, JC 1 (2nd), JKT 1) World of Tomorrow, The Apr 1941: (comic panel) Cummings (script); Kirby - a (R: Marvel Stories (pulp) V2#2, V2#3) (Timely) (See SHMC p 141) Your Health Comes First 1936—1937: (150 weekly panels) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Jack Curtiss”) (note: series published in over 350 newspapers; reprinted in 1939 as Healthy, Wealthy and Wise) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) (See AOJK, CJK 1, CJL 1, CSJK, CSM, JKT 1) [unknown] ca. 1933—Sum 1935: (numerous daily comic strip and panel samples submitted to popular magazines; none sold) Kurtzberg - a Untitled early 1930s: (sample humor panel) Chauffered Limousine / Small Auto Kurtzberg - a (signed; earliest known comic art by [Kirby] (presented by Kirby’s niece on television episode; Antiques Roadshow (Feb 2011) (See New Yorker) Untitled 1934—1935: (sample strips feature: vikings / cars / ships / planes, etc.) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Jack Curtiss”) (note: samples presented to H.T. Elmo at Lincoln Features Syndicate) (See CJK 1, CSJK, TJKC 34) Untitled 1935: (sample family strips) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Jack Curtiss”) (note: samples presented to H.T. Elmo at Lincoln Features Syndicate) (See CJK 1, CJL 1, CSJK, TJKC 25,45) Untitled 1935: (sample pirate strips) Kurtzberg - a (signed: “Jack Curtiss”) (note: samples presented to H.T. Elmo at Lincoln Features Syndicate) (See CJK 1, CSJK) [unknown] 1939—1954: (Joe Simon claimed Kirby brought some Lincoln Features Syndicate comic strips with him when he joined Fox Studio. (“We used some of them for filler once...maybe they were out of business?”—Joe Simon (AE V3#76, p 14) (See BM 20,33) Untitled ca. 1950s: (sample humor panel) “Twiddle My Thumbs For Me, Bodkins...I’m Bored” Kirby - a(p) (unsigned) (See TJKC 25) [unknown] 1950s: (sample humor panels) Kirby - a(p) (“I gave [Wallace Wood] some straight cartoons that I did back in the 1950s, I believe. They never did appear.” (submitted to Wood’s publication witzend)—Jack Kirby (Nov 9, 1969) Untitled 1950s: (sample family strip: brother and sister argument) Kirby - a(p) (See TJKC 34) [unknown] 1950s: (sample western strips solicited to syndicates; exists?) Kirby (script); Infantino - a (See TJKC 34, p 17) [fantasy] 1976: (“I know every trick in the artist’s book on how to produce a strip and be lazy...I’d love to do a strip like Peanuts; I could do a hundred in a week, say, and then take off for the racetrack.”—Jack Kirby (1976) Untitled 1987: (sample self portrait cartoon panel: “JK vs. Cruelty / Stupidity”) Kirby - a(p) (See TJKC 10)

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ANIMATION (Kirby was a consultant / producer for Ruby-Spears in the 1980s; concept presentation art boards measure 30” x 20”) (See Mad Morgan Galleries (catalog), Unpublished Works of Jack Kirby (card set) “A” is for Alien 1980s: (concept art) Lost Looee / E.T. Bordum Kirby - a (note: inspired by (1982) film “E.T. by Steven Spielberg) (Ruby-Spears) (See Kirby100) Amazoids 1980s: (concept art) Kirby - a (Ruby-Spears) (See JKUA #67) Animal Hospital 1980s: (concept art for risqué late-night adult cartoon) Nora Swiney / Chevvy Chaser / Chickonetta Van Stuffing / Leonard Sheepdogger / Dr. Leo Lionetti / Shorty Hippadip / Lydia Neckworthy / Bulldog Drumhead / Funky Freddy and The Frogs / Marsha Mutate / Long John Stork / P.R. Hotbucks / Pamela Poodle / Manly Drake / Mysterious Stranger Kirby - a (Ruby-Spears) (See comic strip, JKUA #33,39,51, Kirby100, TJKC 30,45) Astro and the Space Mutts (See Space Stars) Betty Boop Sum 1935—Feb 1937: (animation; in-betweens; possibly worked on some episodes; accounts vary) Kurtzberg - a (note: department model sheet repro: TJKC 65) (Max Fleischer Studios) (See Color Classic Cartoons, Gulliver’s Travels, Popeye) Black Tiger 1970s—1980s: (concept art) Kirby - a (Jack Kirby / Ruby-Spears) (See Black Panther, TJKC 50,60) Camouflage Corps 1980s: (concept art) Train-Tank / Underground Ambush / Firepower Flatbed / 747 Submarine / Battle Whale / Magicmobile / Battle Chopper (Victorian House) / War Liner / Spurk / Narthax / Kruger / Zorla / Flink / Double the Destruction Kirby - a (note: adapted from The Disguisers) (Ruby-Spears) (See JKQ 6, JKUA #8,23,42,57,59,69,81,82,85) Captain Victory 1983: (concept art exists?) The Human Missile / Razzle Dazzler Kirby - a (Jack Kirby) Cary Becomes a Car (becomes Turbo Teen) Cavity Creeps, The 1970s—1980s: (Crest toothpaste commercials often mistaken for Kirby; 10 spots art directed by Herb Trimpe) (Phil Kimmelman & Assoc. / D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (agencies) (Proctor & Gamble) (See Incredible Herb Trimpe p 130; TJKC 28, p 21) Centurions, The 1985: (64 episodes; concept art; guys fighting in action suits) Kirby - a (note: art also used for Kenner Toy line) (Ruby-Spears (syndicated) Chuck Norris’ Karate Commandos 1986: (5 episodes; concept art) Kirby - a (note: 1975 photo of Kirby presenting Chuck Norris with character sketch “Karate Chops” published in CBG 1316) (Ruby-Spears (syndicated) Color Classic Cartoons Sum 1935—Feb 1937: (animation; in-betweens; possibly worked on some episodes) Kurtzberg - a (Max Fleischer Studios) “Musical Memories” (Nov 8, 1935) / “Somewhere in Dreamland” (Jan 17, 1936) / “The Little Stranger” (Mar 13, 1936) / “The Cobweb Hotel” (May 15, 1936) / “Greedy Humpty Dumpty” (Jul 10, 1936) / “Hawaiian Birds” (Aug 28, 1936) / “Play Safe” (Oct 16, 1936) / “Christmas Comes but Once a Year” (Dec 4, 1936) / “Bunny Mooning” (Mar 27, 1937) (See Betty Boop, Gulliver’s Travels, Popeye) Daredevil 1978—1979: (concept art) Kirby/Alcala - a (note: Rosalind Kirby / Dorman assist inks) (DePatie-Freleng / ABC) Dark Water 1987: (concept art) Zolac, Master Of Evil / Father Crime Kirby - a(p) (Ruby-Spears) (See JKQ 12) Davidson, Jayne (See Indestructable Jayne Davidson) Devil Dinosaur late 1970s: (There was once discussion that the Marvel title could become an animated series) (DePatie-Freleng) Ding-Dong Twins, The 1980s: (concept art) Kirby - a(p) (Ruby-Spears) (See TJKC 48) Disguisers, The (See Camouflage Corps) Drac Pak 1980: (concept art) Dred Dirigible / Alien / Cosmic Shopping Cart / Frankie / Howler / Drac, Jr. Kirby - a(p) (Hanna-Barbara) (See TJKC 48) Dragonspies 1980s: (concept art) Lord Thunder / Untitled (four characters) Kirby - a (note: some art by Gil Kane) (Ruby-Spears) (See JKUA) Earth Blasters 1980s: (concept art; technologically advanced cavemen plan to conquer Earth with massive worm creatures) Wild Worms (aka: Techno Worms) / Rocket Tunnel Digger Kirby - a (note: adapted from Worm Stompers) (Ruby-Spears) (See JKUA #5,22,27,43,72) Fantastic Four Sep 1967—1968: (20 episodes; Kirby designs and storyline co-plots) “Klaws” (26-1) // “Menace Of The Mole Man” (26-2) // “Diablo” (26-3) // “The Red Ghost” (26-4) // “Invasion Of The Super Skrulls” (26-5) // “Three Predictions Of Dr. Doom” (26-6) // “The Way It All Began” (26-7) // “Behold A Distant Star” (26-8) // “Prisoners Of Planet X” (26-9) // “The Mysterious Molecule Man” (26-10) // “Danger In The Depths” (26-11) // “Demon In The Deep” (26-12) // “Return Of The Mole Man” (26-13) // “It Started On Yancy Street” (26-14) // “Galactus” (26-15) // “The Micro World Of Dr. Doom” (26-16) // “Blastaar, The Living Bomb Burst” (26-17) // “The Terrible Tribunal” (26-18) // “Rama-Tut” (26-19) // “The Deadly Director” (26-20) (Hanna-Barbera) (note: series aired: Sep 9, 1967—Mar 15, 1970) (note: designs / storyboards by Lee Ames and Alex Toth) Fantastic Four 1977: (concept art and storyboards) Kirby - a (note: became DaPatie-Freleng project) (Hanna-Barbera) Fantastic Four, The New Sep 9, 1978—Sep 1, 1979: (13 episodes; concept art and storyboards) Mr. Fantastic / Thing / Invisible Girl / Z-Z-1-2-3 (aka: H.E.R.B.I.E. the Robot) Kirby - a (note: original HERBIE concept was highly weaponized with lasers and other deadly devices; Cockrum creates six earlier, unused HERBIE concept sketches) // “A Monster Among Us” (FF 24) (DFE4301) Sep 9, 1978 (R: TJKC 47) // “The Phantom Of Film City” (DFE4303) Sep 16, 1978 // “The Mole Man” (FF 1) (DFE4306) Sep 23, 1978 (R: TJKC 58) // “The Olympics Of Space” (FF 90-93) (DFE4307) Sep 30, 1978 // “Medusa And The Inhumans” (FF 45) (DFE4304) Oct 7, 1978 // “The Menace Of Magneto” (FF 102) (DFE4302) Oct 14, 1978 // “Meet Doctor Doom” (FF 5) (DFE4308) Oct 21, 1978 // “The Impossible Man” (FF 11) (DFE4311) Oct 28, 1978 // “The Diamond Of Doom” (DFE4305) Nov 4, 1978 // “The Frightful Four” (FF 36) (DFE4309) Nov 11, 1978 // “Calamity On The Campus” (FF 35) (DFE4310) Nov 18, 1978 // “The Final Victory Of Dr. Doom” (FF 10) (DFE4312) Dec 9, 1978 // “Blastaar, The Living Bomb-Burst” (FF 63) (DFE4313) Dec 16, 1978 (DePatie-Freleng / NBC) (See Fred and Barney meet the Thing / Schmoo) (scripts by Lee / Thomas / Marx) (See AE V3#70, CI 64,68,85,89,121, Collected TJKC 1, FF 209, 236, FOOM 22, KKOC, Mediascene 31, JKQ 5,6, TJKC 11,27,30,33,42,47,50,51,58,60,63,67-69,71,72; HERBIE the Robot (unpublished) Filmation (Kirby never worked for Filmation despite his erroneous memory in interviews.) Filthy Richards, The 1980s: (concept art: a bunch of Skid Row bums living in Hollywood, similar to Beverly Hillbillies) Kirby - a (exists?) (Ruby-Spears) The Max Fleischer Studios 1935—1937: (began employment opaquing animation cels; Moved-up to clean-up, then to assistant animator (in-betweener) Betty Boop / Color Classic Cartoons / Gulliver’s Travels / Popeye (See individual listings for details, Fleischer Story)


Tiger 21 (and his Super-Troopers) 1985: (concept art) Kirby - a(p) (Ruby-Spears) (See television, Kirby: Genesis (collection), TJKC 11,55) Time Angels 1980s: (concept art; three beautiful women fight inter-galactic injustice) Time Devils (four villains) Kirby - a (note: series was developed to appeal to girls) (Ruby-Spears) (See JKUA #25) Turbo Teen Sep 1984—Aug 1985: (12 episodes; concept art; kid turns into muscle car) Mad-Camper / Tail-Gator / Bumper Car / Dwayne the Brain / Blunder Bus Kirby - a (note: series adapted from Cary Becomes a Car; (aired Sep 8, 1984—Aug 31, 1985) (Ruby-Spears / ABC) (See TJKC 30,68) Unpublished Works of Jack Kirby, The 2010: (promotional film includes montage of unpublished Kirby art with commentary) (note: Kirby created over 1,100 concept boards for Ruby-Spears in the 1980s) (Ruby-Spears-Kroffts) (See TJKC 55) Video Rangers, The 1980s: (concept art) Kirby - a (Ruby-Spears) (See JKUA #4,10, TJKC 53) Warriors of Illusion, The 1980s: (concept art) Malacar / Abax / Magicmobile / Breakout / Breakout’s Vehicle / Mystikor / Flying Carpet / Cloak / Cloak’s Vehicle / Death Dirge (vehicle) / Deceptor / Cage Of Spells / Magical Minivan Kirby - a (note: some art by Gil Kane) (Ruby-Spears) (See JKUA #3,11,32,50,57,64,70) Wonder Boys, The 1980s: (concept art) Hunk / Weather Machine / Pre-Historic Phantom Kirby - a (Ruby-Spears) (See TJKC 30) Wonder Woman 1987: (concept art) Wonder Woman / Man Mountain Moosejaw / Wild Dinosaur Kirby - a (Ruby-Spears) (See JKQ 10, TJKC 30,38,50,55) World’s Greatest Super Friends, The 1979—1980: Kirby (16 plots) 4p // (8 episodes; concept art) Super Monster (amalgam of Superman / Batman / Wonder Woman) / Superman / Superman (Knight) / Superman (King) / Tar Monster / Jace (Beast) / Mr. Mxyzptlk / Spider People / Malhavoc’s Spy (two versions) / Voodoo Vampire / Sir James / [Sorceress] / Space Knight / Squire / Zeus / Kryptonian / Caesar / Ogor / Monorail Kirby - a (Hanna-Barbera / ABC) (See Legendary Super Powers Show, Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, JKQ 8,11, KKOC, TJKC 28,30,47,48,55,56,69) Worm Stompers (recycled as Earth Blasters) Yancy Street Gang, The (See Fred and Barney Meet The Thing)


[miscellaneous concepts] 1980s: (concept art): Air Force Chief of Staff / Battle Plane / Bazooka Boots / Janson Blanchard / Break Through / Cassette Man / Chop Rod / Commander Frost / Crab Cars / Exploder / Flying Knight / Freeze Pellets / General Ordiz / Gripper Tank (aka: Assault Car) / Harpoon / Hidden Harry (aka: Harry the Head) (R: JKUA 79) / Heidi Hogan / Jet Rider / Kirby Karz / Labor Launch / Laser Trip / Mandisaurus / Marauder / Martial Artist / Master Computo Bots / Mekani-King / Mister Crab / (The Everything) Multi-Car / Multi-Man / Power Plane / Rahmis the Invader / Roag / Rupert Rex, King of the World / Schizoid Helmet / Screamarini (opera-singing villain) / 747 Submarines / Space Blaster / Stand Glider / Superbus / Thunder Dragons / Two-Faced / Undersea City / Whiz Kid / Wind Master / Wonder Chair / Woody’s Mother Kirby - a (note: Kirby created over 1,100 art boards for Ruby-Spears) (See CV 2, Collected TJKC 3,4; JKQ 12,15, JKUA #1,8,12,17,19,30,31,35,40,44-47,61,62,67,73,74,89; TJKC 16,21,44,45,50,62,68) [unknown] 1973: (pre-disaster animation frame; character unknown: Kamandi the Last Boy on Earth 11, p 9) Kirby/Royer - a (DC Comics) [unknown] 1981: (Steve Gerber creates presentations for: Black Panther, Thor, and Machine Man (with canine companion—(?) (note: no Kirby art produced; Doctor Strange and Ms. Marvel also included) (Ruby-Spears) (See Comics Feature 12-13) Untitled 1980s: (concept art; superheroes with powerful vehicles that fit them like gloves) Powersuit / Untitled (two Powersuits) / Manfitting Boat / Techno Claws / Barbaric Bobsled / Rocket Tunnel Digger / Shark Jet Kirby - a (Ruby-Spears) (See JKUA #17,20,35,36,40,44,72) Untitled 1980s: (concept art) Edna Dingle / Little Bonnie Bluebird / Mister Terrific / Mister Horrible Kirby - a(p) (Ruby-Spears) (See Strange 11, TJKC 45) Untitled 1980s: (concept art for futuristic rock band) Ferple / Rip / Gabriel “Body Glows” / Omar / Fenderella / Allusion / Ego / Teela Terror (villainess) Kirby - a(p) (Ruby-Spears) (See TJKC 16) Untitled 1980s: (concept art for futuristic four member country band) 1p Kirby - a(p) (Ruby-Spears) (See TJKC 54) Untitled 1987: (outlandishly bizarre concept art) Kirby - a(p) (Ruby-Spears) (See it to believe it! JKQ 5,15) (general animation note: Kirby created over 1,100 concept boards for Ruby-Spears in the 1980s; There are dozens of additional concept art boards that have yet to be seen and discovered.)




FINE ART Angel 1978: Kirby - a (original title: Streets Of Heaven; for Lord Of Light) (See Angel (poster), AOJK, Collected TJKC 2, Heavy Metal 276, Steamshovel Press 20, TJKC 50) (See Lord Of Light) Beast Rider 1988: Kirby - a // (co-concept: DNAsaurs) (See Beast Rider (poster / sculpture / flyer / signature card); Jacob and the Angel, LOTVH Summer Special 1, TJKC 43,63,67) Dream Machine 1970 (inks) / 1975 (color): (diptych; over 5 feet wide) Dream Machine 1 (b/w) Kirby - a // Dream Machine 2 (color) Kirby - a (See AOJK, CBAGWJK, CBM 110, Jack Kirby Portfolio (1970), KU2, TJKC 50,67) Encounter In The Swamp 1978: Kirby - a(p) (See JKMW) Face of God, The 1975: Kirby - a(p) (framed pencil portrait; sometimes referred to as “Moses” or “Kirby’s Grandfather”) (See Collected TJKC 2, Interpretations of God, Moses, TJKC 50) Faces Of Evil 1979: Kirby - a (partial collage) (See AOJK, TJKC 46) Gabriel (See Joshua At The Wall Of Jericho) Galactic Head 1969: Kirby - a (See AOJK, CBM 110, Galactic Head (poster / t-shirt), TJKC 43, Superworld of Everything, TJKC 67) Incan Visitation 1975: Kirby - a (See AOJK, CJL 1, Incan Visitation (poster), Sorcerers, TJKC 67) Interpretations Of God 1970: (trilogy) Kirby/Royer - a (See AOJK, CBG 1316, Dark Horse Presents 103, Esquire (1970), Face of God, God Woke (poem), Jack Kirby Portfolio (1996), JKQ 14,15; Kirby100, KU2, TJKC 26,46,48,50,56) Jacob And The Angel 1980: Kirby - a (See Beast Rider, Jacob And The Angel (poster / sculpture / flyer / signature card), JKQ 2, TJKC 35,63,69,71) Joshua At The Wall Of Jericho 1980: Kirby - a (aka: Jericho) (See Beast Rider, CATSK (cards 40-41), Collected TJKC 2, JKQ 3,15, TJKC 37,57) Life Mask May 1987: (by Jeff Gelb) (See TJKC 43,47) Lord Of Light (See Lord Of Light (movie development) Man—Machine—Merger 1971: Kirby/Royer - a (See Kirby: A Collection of the Artistry of Jack Kirby, Kirby 100, KU, Sorcerers) Mechanoid 1976: Kirby - a (See AOJK, CBM 110, SDCC (2017), Sorcerers, TJKC 61) Moses 1975: Kirby - a(p) (unpublished framed pencil portrait; sometimes mistaken for “The Face of God”) [mural] 1954: (bathroom); (“Kirby was painting the plastered walls with an amazing montage of blue water and tropical fish, from floor and bathtub to ceiling.”—Joe Simon (Comic Book Makers, p 110) (Kirby residence; Mineola, Long Island, NY) Robot Head (See Mechanoid; note: sometimes mistaken for Galactic Head, Space Head) Space Chariot (See Wanderer) Space Head late 1970s: Kirby - a(p) (See CBM 110, TJKC 18 (advertisement), TJKC 19) [Tribal Shaman] 1976: Kirby - a(p) (See Sorcerers, TJKC 67) Tribes Trilogy 1976: [trilogy] Kirby - a (a story idea about primitive people who lived during the time of the dinosaurs) 1: Kabuto // 2: Lizard // 3: Wild Woman (See AOJK, CATSK (card 43), CBM 110, KKOC, KU2, Sorcerers, TJKC 50,66,67, Tribes Trilogy (poster) Visitor On Highway Six, The 1978: 1p Kirby - a(p) (See JKMW, TJKC 48) // (inked version) 1p Kirby/Grey - a (See TJKC 48,68) // (inked version) 1p Kirby/Isherwood - a (See Invasion 1) Wanderer, The 1977: Kirby - a (See JKGBH 6, KKOC, TJKC 37,56) When It Is Spring 1969: Kirby - a (See TJKC 50; When It Is Spring (t-shirt) Untitled 1969: (psychedelic painted color [Figure Studies] 3p Kirby - a (See Psychedelic Flyer (poster / t-shirt), TJKC 19)


SELF PORTRAITS • FAMILY PORTRAITS • WORLD WAR II 1920: First Photo? (photo of 3-year-old Jacob Kurtzberg with parents, Rose and Benjamin Kurtzberg) (R: TJKC 43,50,64) 1935: Rose Kurtzberg (mother) Kurtzberg - a (R: AOJK, p 7; TJKC 45) ca. 1930s: Ben Kurtzberg (father) Kurtzberg - a (R: TJKC 45) ca. 1930s: David Kurtzberg (brother) Kurtzberg - a (R: TJKC 45) Dec 28, 1937: Dutch (dog; signed) Kurtzberg - a(p) (R: KKOC, TJKC 68) Jack Kirby (with pipe) Kirby - a(p) (R: AOJK, p 15) 1939: 1940: “Me” Kirby - a(p) (R: AOJK, p 7) Win 1942: “Satan Wears A Swastika” (Simon and Kirby app. in story) Kirby/Simon - a (R: Boy Commandos 1) Mar 1942: Photo: Joe Simon and Jack Kirby at drawing board with [Boy Commandos] title splash for DC 64) (R: KU, TJKC 40) 1943-1945: [World War II portraits, sketches, letters] (various) Kirby (writing / art) (USA / Europe) (See AH 100, AOJK, CJL 1, JKQ 10,12, KKOC, KU, MLIC, Snow White, Spirit 39, TJKC 10,25,27,34,49,64, Yank) Aug 1943: “Sad Lookin’ Sight Ain’t I?” (with military gear; sent to fan while in basic training) Kirby - a(p) (Camp Stewart, Savannah, GA, USA) (R: TJKC 10) Aug 21, 1943: “Pvt. Jack Kirby” Kirby - a (Camp Stewart, Savannah, GA, USA) (R: AOJK, p 49; CJL 1, KKOC) 1943: “Two Guys In My Barracks” (two unknown American soldier portraits) Kirby - a(p) (note: mis-dated 1942) (R: AOJK, p 50) (R: CJL 1) (R: TJKC 72) 1943: “We Ate Like Chasayrim” (Jack and Rosalind Kirby) Kirby - a(p) (R: AOJK, p 50) 1944: “Stifled But Still Yours” Kirby - a(p) (V-Mail to Roz; signed: “Jackson”) (R: CJL 1, TJKC 64) 1944: [Soldier Portraits] (two unknown; American) Kirby - a(p) (R: TJKC 25) 1944: [Soldier Portraits] (three unknown; American) / [German / Japanese Soldier] Kirby - a(p) (R: TJKC 25) 1944: Tiger Tank (sketch) Kirby - a (See TJKC 38 p 51) Oct 1944: “Under Fire” (American soldiers with mortar) Kirby - a(p) (Metz, France) (R: AOJK, p 53; CJL 1) 1944: [Dead German Soldiers] Kirby - a(p) (France) (R: AOJK, p 54; CJL 1) 1944: [Kneeling Soldier] (American) Kirby - a(p) (France) (R: AOJK, CJL 1, KU) 1944: Self Portrait (sentry duty with helmet and knife) Kirby - a(p) (France) (V-Mail to Roz; signed: “Jackson”) (R: KU) 1944: Self Portrait (running communication cable) Kirby - a(p) (France) (V-Mail to Roz) (R: AOJK, p 56; CJL 1, KKOC, KU) Fall 1944: [G.I. Portrait Studies] Kirby - a(p) (France) (note: most unknown to exist; Kirby traded some for cigars) (See TJKC 64) Sep 1944: “Mitch Sytkowski” (fellow G.I. portrait study) Kirby - a(p) (Corny, France) (R: TJKC 64) Oct 1944: Self Portrait (bearded, with pipe) Kirby - a(p) (France) (V-Mail to Roz) (R: AOJK, p 58) Oct 1944: “The Missus—My Gorgeous Babe” (Rosalind Kirby) Kirby - a(p) (drawn in a foxhole in France) (R: AH 100, AOJK, p 56; CJL 1, JKQ 1, KU) Nov 23, 1944: “The Little Woman” (Rosalind Kirby) Kirby - a(p) (France) (R: AOJK, p 56; JKQ 10, KKOC, TJKC 64) 1944-1945: Self Portrait (in hospital bed with cigar) Kirby - a(p) (France/UK) (V-Mail to Roz) (R: KU, The Spirit 39, TJKC 64) 1944-1945: Self Portrait (in hospital bed (1) with magazine) Kirby - a(p) (France/UK) (V-Mail to Roz; signed: “Jackson”) (R: JKQ 12, KU, TJKC 49) 1944-1945: Self Portrait (in hospital bed (2) with girlie magazine) Kirby - a(p) (France/UK) (V-Mail to Roz; signed: “Jackson”) (R: KU, TJKC 64) (See Snow White / Seven Dwarves (unpublished) 1944-1945: [Medical Illustrations] (P.F.C. Kirby, while recuperating in hospital, painted some vivid color wound illustrations in gouache for doctors, and brought some home) (See MLIC p 140-141; TJKC 64 p 15) 1945: Self Portrait (writing aboard ship with cigar) Kirby - a(p) (V-Mail to Roz; signed: “Jackson”) (R: KU, TJKC 64) Dec 6, 1945: [Susan Kirby birth announcement] “Stuntman” (cartoon; ink / wash; Simon and Kirby app.) (attributed Kirby - a) (See TJKC 70) Apr 1947: “The Bear Skull Trail To Death” (Kirby app. in story as editor) Kirby/Simon - a (R: Headline Comics 23) (R: CJK 3) May 1947: “Justice Finds A Cop Killer” (Kirby app. in story) Kirby - a (R: Frankenstein Comics 7) (R: CJK 3) Sep 1949: Photo Cover (posing as burglar; qualified self portrait) (R: Headline Comics 27) 1949: Photo Cover outtakes (unpublished; qualified self portraits for Headline Comics covers) (R: Comic Art Tribute to Joe Simon and Jack Kirby (card set) #14) // (R: AE V3#76, MLIC, JKT 2) Jul 1954: “The Youth” (Simon and Kirby cameo in story) Kirby/Simon - a (R: Bulls-eye 1) Mar 1956: Rosalind Kirby look-a-like purported on cover of True Love Problems and Advice Illustrated 38 (R: AL, TJKC 20) 1961-1978: Fantastic Four (some would say The Thing is Kirby’s first metaphoric self-portrait—with cigar (1961-1970; 1975-1978) Kirby - a(p) (“If you’ll notice the way the Thing talks and acts, you’ll find that the Thing is really Jack Kirby” —Jack Kirby (1992) (See What If? 11) Oct 1962 Fantastic Four 7 (Kirby self portrait (Reed Richards) purported on cover) Kirby - a (Evanier (TJKC 34 p 10) Jan 1963: “The Return Of Doctor Doom” (Lee and Kirby app. on cover and in story) Kirby/Ayers - a (R: Fantastic Four 10) 1963-1964: Lisa Kirby (daughter; figure studies) Kirby - a(p) (R: TJKC 67) 1965: “Bedlam At The Baxter Building” (Lee and Kirby app. in story) Kirby/Colletta - a (R: Fantastic Four Annual 3) 1967: The Thing (at drawing board with cigar) Kirby - a(p) (R: TJKC 13, SACBA) Nov 1967: “This Is A Plot?” (Lee and Kirby app. in story) 3p Kirby/Giacoia - a (R: Fantastic Four Special 5) Nov 18, 1967: Lisa Kirby (daughter) Kirby - a(p) (R: TJKC 67) 1969: Self Portrait (at drawing board with Marvel Super-Heroes) Kirby/Royer - a (first Royer inks on Kirby) (Marvelmania) (R: Marvelmania Comic Artist Inking and Coloring Kit, Artist Self Portrait Kit, Marvelmania Comic Art


T H E S P O K E N & W R I T T E N W O R D


ESSAYS • INTERVIEWS • SPEECHES • PANELS Jan 30, 1935: “Kurtzberg Compares Old ‘Reporter’ To New” by Jacob Kurtzberg (R: Boys’ Brotherhood Republic Reporter V5#8) // (R: TJKC 38) 1936: “Dens Of Vice And Iniquity” by Jacob Kurtzberg (R: Boys’ Brotherhood Republic Reporter Program Book) // (R: CJK 1) 1944: “Howdy Darlin’...” (letter to Rosalind Kirby; with self-portrait) (V-Mail) Kirby (text) (R: CJL 1) 1944: Letter (to Rosalind Kirby; with self-portrait (running communication cable) (V-Mail) Kirby (text) (R: AOJK, KKOC) (note: most of Kirby’s World War II letters are illegibly reproduced) 1946-1956: (The numerous uncredited text features published in Simon and Kirby’s titles are not distinctly accreditable) Apr 15, 1958: Note (confirming Jack Schiff’s share in Sky Masters) (signed by Dave Wood and Jack Kirby) (R: TJKC 15) Fall 1959: “Kirby’s Defense” Kirby (deposition text excerpt) Sky Masters lawsuit for: trial (Oct 16 / Dec 3, 1959) (New York Supreme Court, White Plains, NY—decision (Dec 21, 1959) Westchester County, NY #1798-59: Jack Schiff vs. Jack Kirby, David Wood and Dick Wood) (See TJKC 15 p 23) Jan 1962: Letter (to fan Richard “Grass” Green) Kirby (text) (R: Alter Ego V3#15) Jan 1, 1964: “Jack Kirby: An Artist With Impact” with Len Wein (note: earliest known Kirby Interview) (R: Masquerader 6) // (R: TJKC 49) (Nov) 1964: “The Voices Of Marvel” (Kirby vocal on M.M.M.S. flexi-record) (See MMMS membership kit (1964) (excerpts: Rolling Stone 91) // (transcript: CBA 18) “All In The Marvel Family” mid 1960s: Kirby Interview (also features Stan Lee) with Barry Grey (radio: WMCA, New York, NY, USA) Jan 1966: “Super-Heroes With Super Problems” (a visit with Lee and Kirby by Nat Freedland; some Kirby quotes) (R: New York Herald Tribune (Jan 9, 1966) // (R: CJ 181, CJL 1) “Meet Jack Kirby” Kirby (autobiographic text) (R: Merry Marvel Messenger 1) 1966: (R: Marvel Age Annual 2) “Jack Kirby By Jack Kirby” (R: FOOM 8) “Joe Simon And Jack Kirby: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them” (R: TJKC 5) “Kirbymania” // (excerpt: TJKC 25, p 88) 1966: Marvel Worldwide, Inc. et al v. Kirby et al—Jack Kirby’s 1966 Statement (Kirby text) (R: 20th Century Danny Boy (Apr 23, 2011) Jul 23, 1966: “1966 Keynote Speech” (Kirby at New York Comic Con; Park Sheraton Hotel, New York, NY, USA) (R: TJKC 43) (See Marvel Bullpen page (Feb 1967), AE V3#53 p 65-66 and AE V3#54) 1966: “A Visit With Jack Kirby” by Marv Wolfman (R: Forever People 1, Mister Miracle 1, New Gods 1) Dec 28, 1966: Tiger 21 (television concept development contract; signed by Kirby, John Graham and Lawrence Grossman) (R: TJKC 32) Mar 3, 1967: “Will Success Spoil Spider-Man?” Lee / Kirby Interview with Mike Hodel (radio: WBAI, New York, NY, USA) (R: Stan Lee Universe) “This Is The Marvel Age” Lee / Kirby Interview (R: Excelsior 1) 1968: (R: TJKC 60) “Stan & Jack: Excelsior” early 1969: “Jack Kirby Interview: Part One” with Mark Hebert (R: Nostalgia Journal 30) (R: CJL 1) “There Is Something Stupid In Violence As Violence”


Aug 3, 1986: San Diego Comic Con (Kirby on panel with F. Miller / Moore / Wolfman / Groth to discuss Marvel original art controversy; Shooter speaks from audience; Rosalind Kirby fires back) (San Diego, CA, USA) (See CJ 111, TJKC 24 p 30) 1986: Kirby Interview with Greg Theakston (excerpts: Complete Jack Kirby 1,3) 1986: “Jack Kirby Interview” with Mark Borax (R: Comics Interview 41, Comics Interview Super Special 1) (R: Comics Interview: The Complete Collection, Vol. X) Sep 1986: “Jack and Roz Kirby Respond” (text; response to the Marvel art dispute) (R: The Comics Journal 111) 1986-1987: Kirby Interview with Leonard Pitts, Jr. (for unpublished book Conversations with the Comic Book Creators) (R: The Jack Kirby Museum web journal The Kirby Effect (Aug 2012) (R: TJKC 66) “1986 Kirby Interview” Feb 1987: “Jack Kirby—The Master Of Comic Book Art” with Ken Viola (videotaped 1.5 hours) (video: The Masters of Comic Book Art) // (R: TJKC 3,7) Feb 1987: Kirby Interview with Tom Andrae (produced by Ken Viola?) (video: The Masters of Comic Book Art) 1987: “Jack Kirby, The King Of Comics” with Greg Theakston (R: Fungus Rodeo 1) (See CJK 3) (R: The Jack Kirby Museum web journal The Kirby Effect (Jun 2012) Aug 28, 1987: Earthwatch (Stan Lee calls in) with Robert Knight / Warren Reece / Max Schmidt (radio: WBAI, New York, NY, USA) (R: Comic Book Collectors Club (web site) “Jack Kirby And Stan Lee Interview” (R: TJKC 65) “Kirby On WBAI Radio 1987” Nov 14, 1987: “The Meeting Of The Masters” with Mike Thibodeaux (Kirby meets Frazetta—with many Kirby quotes) (R: The Last of The Viking Heroes Summer Special 1) Dec 1987: “A Note From The King” (Kirby text) (R: CJ 118) Dec 4, 1987: “Jack Kirby Interview” with Ben Schwartz (R: UCLA Daily Bruin (Jan 22, 1988) // (R: TJKC 23) Dec 8, 1987: Kirby Interview with Janet Bode (discusses the Marvel art dispute) (R: The Village Voice V32#49) 1988: Kirby Interview with Ron Mann (video: Comic Book Confidential) May 29, 1988: “Jack Kirby Discusses Captain America” with Greg Theakston (See CJK 3) (video: The Jack Kirby Museum’s YouTube Channel (Jul 2009) 1988: Milton Caniff Tribute Kirby (text) (R: Comics Revue 30) // (R: TJKC 37) 1988: “Even The Gods Have Flaws” (text feature by Kirby) (R: History of the DC Universe) Oct 1988: “The House That Jack Built” (Glenn B. Fleming visits the Kirby home; text / photos) (R:  The Collected Jack Kirby Collector V2) Jan-Mar 1989: “Conversations with Jack Kirby” Harry Miller essay (R: Alpha Omega 26) // (R: TJKC 2) 1989: “Fighting American, Innovation And Quality” Kirby (text) (R: Fighting American (collection) 1989: “Monsters Of The Shifty Fifties” Kirby (text) (R: Monster Masterworks V1) (See Monster Menace 2) Sum 1989: “Jack Kirby” Jack and Rosalind Kirby Interview with Gary Groth (R: CJ 134) (R: CJL 1) “I’ve Never Done Anything Half-Heartedly” (partial audio: Comics Journal Library Interview Sampler) “Jack Kirby, 1989” 1989: “Jack Kirby Remembers” with Will Murray (R: Jack Kirby Quarterly 16) // (R: TJKC 67) Conversations with Jack and Rosalind Kirby (interviews and essays with biographer Ray Wyman) Jul—Oct 1989: “Childhood Stories Part 1: The Block” (essay) (R: TJKC 45) 1989—1992: “The Kid Who Drew On Walls” (essay) (R: AOJK) 1989—1992: “The Brotherhood” (essay) (R: AOJK) 1989—1992: “Roz and Jack (Part 1)” (essay) (R: TJKC 29) 1989—1992: “Conversations with Roz and Jack (Part 2)” (R: TJKC 46) 1989—1992: “Jack Kirby On Storytelling, Man, God And Nazis” (World War II stories) (R: TJKC 26) 1989—1992: “A.W.O.L.” (World War II story) (R: TJKC 21) 1989—1992: “Jack Kirby On World War II Influences” (World War II stories) (R: TJKC 27) Oct 10-13, 1989: “Roz Kirby On Jack Schiff” Rosalind Kirby (posthumous text) (R: TJKC 51) Oct 16, 1989: “Kirby On The Horde” (and World War II stories) with Ray Wyman (R: TJKC 32) 1990: “The Ark Interview” Jack and Rosalind Kirby Interview with Paul Duncan (R: Ark 33) // (R: TJKC 61) 1990: Kirby Interview with Greg Theakston (See CJK 3) 1990: Kirby Interview (R: Comics Scene Spectacular 2) Apr 13, 1990: Hour 25 (Mike Hodel) with J. Michael Strazcynski and Larry DiTillio (Pacifica Radio: KPFK-FM 90.7, Los Angeles, CA, USA) // (R: TJKC 68) (audio: The Jack Kirby MuseumYouTube Channel) “Hour 25—1990” (R: The Jack Kirby Museum web journal The Kirby Effect) “1990 Apr 13—Jack Kirby Interview” Aug 2-5, 1990: Kirby Interview (video: Kirby candid appearance at San Diego Comic Con with various) (video: ytshawzam’s YouTube Channel) “Jack Kirby: San Diego Comic Con (1990)” Aug 1990: “Simon And Kirby Discuss Captain America” Joe Simon / Jack Kirby Interview (R: Comics Scene 14) Sep 21, 1990: “Comic Genius: The Faces Behind The Funnies—Jack Kirby” with Mark Voger (R: Asbury Park Press) Dec 1990: “Birth Of A Legend: Jack Kirby Talks About Captain America” Kirby Interview (R: Marvel Age 95) 1991: Kirby Interview with Glenn Danzig and Mike Thibodeaux (R: TJKC 22) 1991: “Comics, For Love Or Money” (Kirby on panel with Paul Power, et al at Fred Greenberg Los Angeles Convention) (R:  Comics Interview 90) 1991: Kirby Interview with Greg Theakston (See CJK 3) 1991: Kirby Interview with Glenn B. Fleming (video: The Jack Kirby Museum’s YouTube Channel) “The Tape” (DVD: Jack Kirby: A Personal Journey) (2017) 1991: “A Few Kirby Moments” Jim Amash essay (R: TJKC 10) “Boys’ Ranch...A Valid And Daring Return To The Wild, Wild, West” Kirby (text) (R: Boys’ Ranch (collection) Jan 1992: Spr 1992: Kirby Interview with Nikola Atchine (R: Scarce 31 (France)


JOE SIMON INTERVIEWS • BOOKS • ESSAYS Nov 14, 1961: Letter to fan John Wright (R: AE V3#68, p 38) 1974: “Power Luncheon—1974” (Joe Simon with Stan Lee / F. Robbins / Thomas) (R: CACB (1975) // (R: AE V3#13) Jul 1981: “The American Dream Come True” with Carol Kalish (R: Comics Feature 10) // (R: Alter Ego V3#36) 1982: Joe Simon interview with Greg Theakston (See CJK 3) Oct 1982: “Shop Talk with Joe Simon” with Will Eisner (R: The Spirit 37) 1984: Joe Simon interview (in French) (R: Sandman, le Justicier des Reves Veille) 1984: Joe Simon interview with Greg Theakston (See CJK 3) 1986: “G.I. Joe Finds Love” (Simon on romance comics) (R: Buried Treasure 2) May 8, 1987: “Simon Says” with Greg Theakston (R: Jack Kirby Quarterly 10) (See CJK 3) 1987: “Stuntman 1945-1946” with Greg Theakston (R: Simon & Kirby Classics (Stuntman) V1) 1988: “Joe Simon” (autobiographic text) (R: National Cartoonists Society Album (1988) 1988: Tribute to Jack Kirby (advertisement by Simon) (R: Pure Images Fun Fair Program) 1989: “First Came the Pants” (Foreword by Simon) (R: Fighting American (collection) 1989: Joe Simon interview with Greg Theakston (See CJK 3) 1989-1990s: “Look Back with Humor” with Will Murray (R: Comic Book Marketplace 62) Feb 1990: “Joe Simon” with Gary Groth (R: The Comics Journal 134) 1990: The Comic Book Makers by Joe and Jim Simon (autobiography) (Crestwood II) (excerpts: Golden Age Men of Mystery 15) 1990: “The Creator of Captain America Meets the Creator of The Human Torch” (Simon on Carl Burgos) (R: AE V3#36) (note: unpublished text commissioned for HC reprint Marvel Comics #1) Aug 1990: “Simon and Kirby Discuss Captain America” Joe Simon / Jack Kirby Interview (R: Comics Scene 14) Dec 1990: Joe Simon interview (50th anniversary of Captain America) (R: Marvel Age 95) 1992: “The Classic Wild West Action Team” (Foreword by Jim Simon) (R: Boys’ Ranch (collection) Oct 1994: Joe Simon interview (R: Gold & Silver: Overstreet’s Comic Book Quarterly 6) Dec 11, 1994: “Joe Simon on Captain America” with John Morrow (R: TJKC 3) Mar 1995: “Makin’ Hay” (Joe Simon interview with Gary Guzzo; re: Captain America Comics comic book cover re-creations) (R: Captain America Collectors’ Preview 1) // (R: CAEC) Feb 3, 1998: “The Man Behind The Prez” with Jim Amash (R: CBA 5) early 1998: “The FCA Interview” with John R. Cochran (New York City) (R: Alter Ego V3#6 (FCA 65) Aug 1998: “More Than Your Average Joe” (panel discussion with Joe Simon) (San Diego Comic Con, CA, USA) (R: TJKC 25) 1999: “Whatta Ya Know, Joe?” (terse interview with Bill Black) (R: Golden Age Men of Mystery 15) 1999: “Joe Simon: Before Simon and Kirby” with Mark G. Heike (R: Golden Age Men of Mystery 17) Nov 1999: Letter (text by Simon) (R: TJKC 26) Jan 19, 2001: “Joe Simon on Creating Icons” (essay by Simon) (R: Comics Buyer’s Guide 1418) Mar 2002: “Simon Says” with Adam McGovern (R: TJKC 34) 2002: “In Love with Joe Simon” with John Lustig (R: TJKC 64) 2002: “Harvey Gets Simonized” with John B. Cooke (R: CBA 19) 2004: Foreword (text by Simon) (R: Adventures of The Fly (collection) 2004: “(Joe) Simon Says” (essay by Simon ) (R: Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide 34) 2007: “Simon Says” with Jim Amash (R: Alter Ego V3#76) Jul 29, 2007: (letter from Joe Simon read at Jack Kirby Tribute Panel) (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 51) Introductions (Simon text—8 chapter introductions): “The Heroes” / “Way-Out Science Fiction” / 2009: “War and Adventure” / “The Birth of Romance” / “Crime Drama” / “The Great Western” / “Oh! the Horror” / “Sick Humor” (R: Best of Simon and Kirby) Jul 27, 2009: (audiotaped message from Simon at Jack Kirby Tribute Panel (SDCC) (R: TJKC 56) Aug 2009: “My Bulletin Board” (essay by Simon) (R: Captain America 600) (R: Marvel Masterworks (Golden Age Captain America) V1) (R: Golden Age Captain America Omnibus V1) 2010: “The Birth of The Legion” (Foreword by Simon) (R: The Newsboy Legion by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby V1) 2010: “The 1940s: War and Peace” (text by Simon) (R: Simon and Kirby Superheroes) 2010: “The 1950s: Fighting Americans” (text by Simon) (R: Simon and Kirby Superheroes) 2011: My Life in Comics by Joe Simon (autobiography) (Titan Books) Feb 20, 2017: “Captain America: The Hero we Need in Times Like These” (by Megan Margulies; Simon’s granddaughter) (media) [Joe Simon Checklist] (See AE V3#36, CBM 62) // (Harvey Thrillers (1966) listed in CBA 19)


JACK KIRBY TRIBUTE PANELS 1975: Stan Lee Panel (Lee answers mostly questions about Kirby) (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 18) Jul 6, 1985: Groth, and: G. Kane / W. Pini / K. Smith; discussion of the Marvel art controversy) (Dallas Fantasy Fair) (R: CJ 105, CJL 1) “Peer Pressure” 1990s: (Mark Evanier moderates 11 [unofficial] Kirby Tribute Panels at various comic conventions) 1986: (San Diego panel spotlights Marvel art controversy) (San Diego Comic Con) (See CJ 111) Evanier, et al (official Kirby Tribute Panel begins—post Feb 6, 1994) (San Diego Comic Con) 1994: Oct 1, 1994: Gravett, and: Harper / Ranson / Barbieri / DeFalco / Collins / Roach / Whitaker (UK Comic Art Convention (UKCAC); Institute of Education; Royal National Hotel, London, UK) (R: JKQ 3) Oct 19, 1994: [Jack Kirby Illustrated Talk] (tribute lecture at National Museum of Cartoon Art; London, UK) Jul 28, 1995: Evanier, and: Sinnott / Royer / Isabella / J. Morrow (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 8) Oct 1, 1995: Whitaker, and: Harper / Gravett / Kitching / Bateman (UK Comic Art Convention (UKCAC); Institute of Education; Royal National Hotel, London, UK) Jul 6, 1996: Evanier, and: Wolfman / Stern / Spurlock / Rosalind Kirby / Robert Katz (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 12) Mar 16, 1997: [Kirby / Ditko Tribute Panel] (UK Comic Art Convention (UKCAC); Institute of Education; Royal National Hotel, London, UK) Jul 19, 1997: Evanier, and: Royer / S. Sherman / M. Severin / Williamson (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 17) Aug 1998: Evanier, and: Joe Simon, et al (San Diego Comic Con) (excerpts R: TJKC 25 edited with Joe Simon Panel text) Aug 1999: (no tribute panel) Feb 2000: Virtual Kirby Tribute Panel: Busiek / Englehart / Gaiman / Gale / Garney / Gibbons / Isabella / Jurgens / Kaluta / Larsen / Nicieza / Ostrander / Pulido / Quesada / Sim / J. Smith / Stern / Totleben / Valentino / Veitch / Vess / Waid / B. Windsor-Smith / Wolfman (R: TJKC 27) 2000: Evanier, and: Colan / Thomas / Tracy Kirby / Jeremy Kirby / M. Severin (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 31) Jul 22, 2001: Evanier, and: Eisner / J. Buscema / Romita / Royer (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 35) Aug 4, 2002: Evanier, and: Ayers / McFarlane / Royer / Levitz / Romita / Trimpe (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 39) Jul 18, 2003: Evanier, and: Chabon / Stan Lee / S. Buscema / Lieber / Goldberg / W. Pini / Royer (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 40) Jul 23, 2004: Scott Fresina and Lisa Kirby present Jack Kirby Awards (R: TJKC 43) Jul 23, 2004: Evanier, and: Rude / Ryan / Simonson / Royer / Gibbons (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 41) Jul 19, 2005: Evanier, and: S. Sherman / Robert Katz / Shaw! (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 45) 2006: Evanier, and: N. Adams / Perez / Romita / Royer / Levine (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 48) Jul 29, 2007: Evanier, and: Gaiman / D. Cooke / Larsen / Levine (note: letter from Joe Simon read) (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 51) Apr 2008: “Live from Kirby Plaza” Harper, and: Gravett / Gambaccini / Newman (Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK) (R: JKQ 15) Apr 20, 2008: Evanier, and: Sinnott / Ayers (New York Comic Con) (R: TJKC 60) Jul 27, 2008: Evanier, and: J. Robinson / Ruby / Spears / Levine (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 53) Nov 1, 2008: Evanier, and: Thomas / Sinnott / Goldberg (Big Apple Comic Con; New York, NY, USA) (R: TJKC 63) Jul 27, 2009: Evanier, and: Mumy / Saffel / Royer / Levine / reunion of The San Diego Five-String Mob: Towry / Shaw! / Alfonso / Freedman / Lund (note: includes audiotaped message from Joe Simon) (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 56) Jul 25, 2010: Evanier, and: Wolfman / Busiek / Rybandt / Levione (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 56) Jul 24, 2011: Evanier, and: Simonson / Larsen / Kyle / Royer / Ross / Saffel / Hoppe (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 59) Jul 15, 2012: Evanier, and: Goldberg / Hatfield / Dini / Levine / Schumer / Kraft / Hoppe (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 60) Jul 21, 2013: Evanier, and: Levine / Gaiman / Isabella / Lund / Hoppe / S. Sherman (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 62) Jul 27, 2014: Evanier, and: Wein / Shaw! / Kochman / Levine (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 65) Apr 5, 2014: Evanier, and: N. Adams / D. Cooke / Van Lente / Skillman / Wein / Levine (WonderCon, Anaheim, CA, USA) (R: TJKC 68) Jul 12, 2015: Evanier, and: Liefeld / Wolfman / Spurlock / Levine (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 67) Aug 31, 2015: Evanier and Hatfield (Comic Book Apocalypse: The Graphic World of Jack Kirby; California State University, Northridge Art Galleries, Northridge, CA, USA) (R: TJKC 66) “Kirby Curator Talk” Sep 26, 2015: Hatfield, and: Sweeters / Roden / Harvey / Saunders / McGovern / Molotiu / Bukatman (Comic Book Apocalypse: The Graphic World of Jack Kirby; California State University, Northridge Art Galleries, Northridge, CA, USA) (R: TJKC 67) “CSUN Kirby Panel” 2016 : Jon B. Cooke, and: Sinnott / Royer / Lisa Kirby / S. Sherman (ProSpeak; informal) (R: TJKC 69) “Kirby’s Fab Four” Jul 24, 2016: Evanier, and: Eastman / Wyman / Dunbier / Levine (San Diego Comic Con) (R: TJKC 69) Feb 18, 2017: “The Centennial of The King of Comics, Jack Kirby” (visualecture) Arlen Schumer (San Diego Comic Fest, San Diego, CA) Feb 18, 2017: (Lord Of Light panel) Barry Ira Geller (San Diego Comic Fest, San Diego, CA) Feb 19, 2017: “Jack Kirby: The Creator” / “Jack Kirby: The Man” (Evanier, and: S. Sherman / Royer / Schumer) (San Diego Comic Fest) (R: TJKC 71) Feb 20, 2017: “When Fans Met Jack Kirby” (anecdotes) (Towry, and: Freedman / Yeh / Lund) (San Diego Comic Fest) Mar 2017: B. Simon, and: Badger / S. Sherman (Silicon Valley Comic Con, San Jose, CA, USA) (R: TJKC 71) Apr 2, 2017: Evanier, and: S. Sherman / Hoppe / Levine / Dunbier / Kraft (WonderCon, Anaheim, CA, USA) (R: TJKC 72) Jul 20-23, 2017: 100th Birthday Celebration (Comic Con International, San Diego, CA, USA) (See SDCC (2017) Aug 28, 2017: Hatfield, and: Badger / Puryear (Jack Kirby @ 100: A Centennial Exhibition) (Oviatt Library, California State University, Northridge, CA, USA




PERIODICALS Aardvark Annual 1 1969: (Stan Lee interview) (fanzine; first publication by Greg Theakston) (Detroit, MI, USA) Academy Con Program Book 1966: (r: c FM 5, main figure: Captain America) 1p Kirby - a(p) ACBA Newsletter 22/23 1973: (article about DC Comics’ stolen art) (American Comic Book Association) (See Comic Reader 101, Inside Comics 1) Adventure is My Career (nn) 1945: (Simon (script / art); Joe returned from the service first) (U.S. Coast Guard Academy / Street & Smith) (See Comic Book Makers, True Comics (Sunday page) Advertising and Selling Jul-Aug 1946: “Comics are a Serious Business” (Part 1-2; article) (Trade publication) AFTA 2 Jul 1978: Kirby/Hazelwood - c (Ikaris) (fanzine) Alfred Harvey’s Black Cat 1 1995: (history of Alfred Harvey and his publications) (Lorne-Harvey) All-American Comic Convention 1977: Black Panther 1p Kirby - a(p) (R: TJKC 18) All Star Index 1 Feb 1987: (index) (Independent Comics Group) Ally Sloper 4 Jan 1977: “Sloperman” Kirby - a (drawn Nov 4, 1976 at Lucca 12, Italy) (UK) Alpha Omega 26 May 1989: “Conversations With Jack Kirby” (essay by Dr. Miller) (R: TJKC 2) (fanzine) Alter Ego 4 Oct 1962: Thing (“Read Alter-Ego or Else”) Kirby - a(p) (note: drawn Jul 20, 1962); Kirby/Bails - a (Jerry Bails; fanzine) (See AE V3#46, Alter Ego: The Best of the Legendary Fanzine, Best of Alter Ego, JKQ 5, TJKC 9,50) Alter Ego 10 1969: SPQR (costume art for University of California at Santa Cruz’s production of Julius Caesar) Kirby - a (note: letters page Sub-Mariner 26 (Jun 1970) mentions Alter Ego will interview Kirby—it didn’t happen) (Roy Thomas; fanzine) Alter Ego V2#1 Spr 1998: Marvel Letterhead 1p Kirby - a(p) // “It Was 30 Years Ago Today” 7p (article: Topps’ Krazy Little Comics (trading cards); test issue comic book parodies (1967) (TwoMorrows) (combined with CBA 1) Alter Ego V2#2 Sum 1998: “A Fantastic First” (synopsis for FF 1,8 annotated by Stan Lee) // “Internal Affairs: DC in the 1940s” (article includes “Note to Writers and Artists” (ie: taboos) by Sheldon Mayer and “DC Comics Group Editorial Requirements”) // “The Topps Marvel Parodies” 4p (article) (TwoMorrows) (combined with CBA 2) (See SLU) Alter Ego V2#3 Win 1999: (r: The Comics V1#5) “Jack Kirby’s Spider-Man” 4p (article by Ditko with his illustration of Kirby’s (1962) Spider-Man concept) (TwoMorrows) (combined with CBA 3) Alter Ego V3#1 Sum 1999: (r: Writer’s Digest (Nov 1947) “There’s Money in Comics” 4p (Stan Lee article) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#2 Fall 1999: (Larry Lieber interview) 14p (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#6 Fall 2000: (FCA: Fawcett Collectors of America #65); “The FCA Interview” (1998) Joe Simon interview) 1p (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#8 Spr 2001: “Chic Stone: A Rock-Solid Professional” 1p (article) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#9 Jul 2001: (John Romita interview) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#10 Sep 2001: (Dick Ayers interview) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#11 Nov 2001: “Syd Shores: A Biography and Interview” (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#13 Mar 2002: (Don Heck interview) // (r: Crusader 1) Stan Lee interview) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#15 Jun 2002: (1974 panel with Joe Simon / Stan Lee / Robbins / Thomas) // “Da Scavengers” 2p (article repros Jan 1962 Kirby Letter to Richard “Grass” Green) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#16 Jul 2002: “The Mighty Marvel Bullpen Reunion: 2001” (J. Buscema / Colan / Romita / M. Severin) 25p (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#17 Sep 2002: (Sky Masters of the Space Force; 2 strips repro) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#18 Oct 2002: Kirby/Amash - c (Fantastic Four / Dr. Doom) // Thing 1p Kirby/Stone - a (unpublished MMMS promotional art) // “The Goldberg Variations” (Stan Goldberg interview) 25p (features: Thing Kirby - a(p) // Golfers Anonymous (uncredited Goldberg/Kirby - a (Kirby inks) // (r: FF 15) “Fantastic Four Pin-Up Page” 1p (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#20 Jan 2003: “A Full-Service New York Comics Convention—Hurrah” (1965) 4p (article) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#21 Feb 2003: “The Iger Comics Kingdom” 43p (article) // “A Footnote on the Eisner and Iger Shop” (index) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#22 Mar 2003: “Four of a Kind” (Bill Everett and Joe Kubert interviewed by Gil Kane and Neal Adams) 13p // Sub-Mariner (head sketch on ST 107 art page reverse) Kirby - a(p) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#24 May 2003: “I Wanted Magneto to End Up Being Professor X’s Brother” (Stan Lee interview) 3p // (Mort Meskin recollections) // “The Marvelous World of What If?” 4p (fantasy Kirby covers) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#26 Jul 2003: (Joe Sinnott interview) 28p (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#27 Aug 2003: “I Remember Monster” 9p (fantasy Kirby covers) // “The 1948 Comic Art Convention” (fantasy) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#29 Oct 2003: “And Men Shall Call Him...Prototype” 14p (article) // (un-used panels: FF 52) Kirby-a(p) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#30 Nov 2003: (Kimball Aamodt and Walter Geier: on writing for Simon and Kirby) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#31 Dec 2003: (Dick Ayers interview) // “Of Mystics, Mighty Men and Immortals” 17p (article: Marvel pre-hero prototypes) // (Detroit Triple Fan Fair (1965) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#32 Jan 2004: “Crisis on Silver Age Earth” 10p (article) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#36 May 2004: “The American Dream Come True” (1981) Joe Simon interview includes Captain America ad from Human Torch V1#3) 3p // (Captain America Comicscope advertisement from Daring Mystery Comics 7) // (Joe Simon checklist) 2p // “I Remember Weird Mysteries” (Jim Simon article) 3p (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#40 Sep 2004: (r: c Comixscene 5) 1p Kirby - a(p) // “...And Then There were None” 7p (article: Simon and Kirby Charlton) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#42 Nov 2004: “Don Heck—A Class Act” 9p (article; with checklist) // “In Defense of Paul Reinman” 5p (article; with checklist) // “Werner Roth: When ‘X’ Marked the Spot” 9p (article; with checklist) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#43 Dec 2004: “Superman South” 12p (article: U.S. Silver Age comics reprinted in Mexico) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#45 Feb 2005: “The Amazing Adventures of Michael Chabon” 10p (article) // “The Saga of the Sandman: 75 Years of the Master of Dreams—a Quick Overview” 8p (article) // “Jaunty Jeff Gelb” 4p (article features photo with Kirby and Captain America sketch) (Mar 2, 1975) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#46 Mar 2005: “Everett on Everett” (Bill Everett interview) 29p // (Bill Everett checklist) // Thing (“Read Alter-Ego or Else”) Kirby/Bails - a (TwoMorrows) (See AE 4) Alter Ego V3#49 Jun 2005: “Atlas Shrugged: A Detailed Look at the 1957 ‘Atlas Implosion’ and its Effect on Comics” 22p (article) // “American News Company” 1p (article) // “Man of Mystery” 4p (article: Bill Black / AC Comics) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#50 Jul 2005: “Roy the Boy in the Marvel Age of Comics” 49p (Roy Thomas article: 1960s - early 1970s) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego V3#52 Sep 2005: “Jack Kirby Was My Mentor” (article; excerpt by Martin Thall) (TwoMorrows)



[Wallace Wood] (Jun 17, 1927—Nov 2, 1981) writer / artist / inker / publisher (DC Comics 1958-1959) (Atlas 1959) (Marvel 1965) (DC Comics 1976) first on Kirby: Oddball (comic strip; 1956) // Sky Masters of the Space Force (comic strip; 1958-1959) // first DC Kirby: Challengers of the Unknown 4 (Nov 1958) // (See AE V3#8, AH 100, CBA 14, CBM 44, Voices of Marvel) // books: Against the Grain, Wallace Wood Checklist // (157) Words & Pictures Museum Oct 13, 1992: (flyer cover repro from Kamandi 3) (R: CJ 153) (Northampton, Massachussetts, USA) Wordsmith 12 Jan 1988: (Kirby appears as artist “Jake Corby”) (Renegade Press) World of Comic Art, The Win 1966/1967: “A MARVELous TV Season” 4p (article: Marvel Super-Heroes animation) World’s Funnest (See Superman and Batman: World’s Funnest) [Worth Publishing Company] (See Harvey Publications) Wow 2 1966: (Newsboy Legion article) (fanzine) Wow! Comics V2#7 1976: Kirby - c (Captain America) (R: TJKC 12) // “Wow—What An Interview” (Nov 4, 1976) Kirby Interview (in italian) (english translation: TJKC 12) (fanzine; Italy) Write Now! 18 Win 2008: “Written by Stan Lee” (article with Kirby repros) (R: SLU) // “Finding Marvel’s Voice” (article: Marvel Bullpen Bulletins) (R: SLU) (TwoMorrows) Writer’s Digest Apr 1946: (letter from Leon Harvey discusses Simon and Kirby; announces new (unpublished) titles: Flying Fool Comics, Strange Story Comics) Xero 8 Apr 1962: “The Education of Victor Fox” (article) (Richard and Pat Lupoff; fanzine) X-Men: Children of the Atom 1-6 Nov 1999-2000: (X-Men before #1; Kirby’s graphic energy distilled into unique stories) Rude - a (Marvel) Yancy Street Gazette 1-21 1966-1968?: (some say this continued from Yancy Street Journal) (Zeigler; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 3 Aug 1964: “The Timely Years” (Captain America Comics 8 article) // “The Mystery of Marvel” (first fanzine devoted to Marvel Comics by Arbunich and Dubay) (Continued from Comic Caper) Yancy Street Journal, The 4 Sep 1964: (Sub-Mariner issue) // (Stan Lee interview) (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 5 Nov 1964: “Courageous Captain” (Captain America article) (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 6 Dec 1964: (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 7 1965: (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 8 1965: “The Rise and Fall of Giant-Man” (article) (note: circulation 260) (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 9 Jul 1965: “Meet Wally Wood” (discusses Sky Masters with small repro) // (picto-origin story re-tells DMC 6 (Marvel Boy’s origin) (R: AEV3#3) (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 10 Sep 1965: “Courageous Captain” (Captain America article) (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 11 Nov 1965: “The Man Behind S.H.I.E.L.D.” (article) (note: circulation 350) (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Yancy Street Journal, The 12 Jan 1966: “Marvel Says No Picto-Origins” (article) (R: AE V3#3) (Arbunich/Dubay; fanzine) Zippy 1 May 1941: Simon - c (“Hot Stuff”) (R: MLIC, PI V3#2, SHMC) (Timely) [unknown] ca. 1960s: Thor Kirby - a(p) (printed in unknown fanzine) (See TJKC 67, p 63)





BOOKS Action! Mystery! Thrills! Comic Book Covers of the Golden-Age 1933—1945 2012: by Greg Sadowski; (some Simon and Kirby repros) (Fantagraphics) Against the Grain: Mad Artist Wallace Wood 2003: edited by Bhob Stewart; (repros Sky Masters of the Space Force (Sunday: Mar 22, 1959) Kirby/Wood - a (“I really wanted to draw like Jack Kirby when I started.”—Wallace Wood (1970) (TwoMorrows) Aku-Aku 1958: by Thor Heyerdahl; (the secret of Easter Island)—springboard for Kirby’s extra-terrestrial tiki stone men) (Rand McNally Co.) (See FP 11, HOM 85, JIM 83, SP 3 (Nov 1985), Thor 255, TJKC 14,70, TTA 5,16) All in Color for a Dime 1970: edited by Dick Lupoff and Don Thompson; (r: c BC 24, BR 2, FFA 3) // “OK, Axis, Here We Come” 22p (Timely Comics / Marvel) // “One on All and All on One” 20p (kid gangs) // “The Second Banana Superheroes” 13p (Blue Bolt, et al) (Arlington House) (note: reprinted by Ace and Krause) All-Star Companion 2000: edited by Roy Thomas; (Invaders 5 cover) Hannigan - a(l); Kirby - a(p) (TwoMorrows) Alter Ego: The Best of the Legendary Comics Fanzine 2008: edited by Roy Thomas and Bill Schelly (192 pages); highlights from the first eleven issues from the 1960s fanzine) (Hamster Press) Alter Ego: The CBA Collection 2001: edited by Roy Thomas (160 pages); (Invaders 4,5,8, Marvel Premiere 29) Kirby - a(p) (TwoMorrows) Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, The 2000: by Michael Chabon; (“I want to acknowledge the deep debt I owe in this and everything else I’ve written to the work of the late Jack Kirby, The King of Comics.”—Michael Chabon (author note) (Random House) Amazing 3-D 1982: by Morgan/Symmes; (r: c C3D 1) 1p // (r: C3D 1 (partial) “The Man From The World Of D” 2p (note: issued with anaglyptic viewer) (Little, Brown & Co.) Amazing 3-D Comics 2012: edited by Craig Yoe; (repros some Captain 3D art) (Yoe Books (IDW) American Comic Book Chronicles, The (The 1950s) 2013: (HC) edited by Bill Schelly (Simon and Kirby, Atlas Comics) (TwoMorrows) American Comic Book Chronicles, The (The 1960s: 1960-1964) 2012: (HC) edited by John Wells (Lee/Kirby re-define superhero comics at Marvel, et al) (TwoMorrows) American Comic Book Chronicles, The (The 1960s: 1965-1969) 2013: (HC) edited by John Wells (Lee and Kirby’s Marvel Comics continuum of pop culture productions) (TwoMorrows) American Comic Book Chronicles, The (The 1970s) 2014: (HC) edited by Jason Sacks (Kirby’s Fourth World, DC Comics, Marvel Comics) (TwoMorrows) And Peter Said Goodbye 1993: by Liz Farrington (features Kirby character Mrs. Murgatroyd (magical woman who helps children with “natural emotional magic” and intelligence) (Enchante Publishing) (See Nightmares in the Mist) Argosy Comic Book Price Guide, The 1965: by Michael Cohen and Tom Horsky (Argosy) (reprinted in 1997 by Quasar Graphics) Ariel—the Book of Fantasy 3 Apr 1978: “Musings” (Robert E. Howard poem) 2p Kirby - a (R: Kirby100, TJKC 28) (Ariel / Ballantine) Art of the Comic Book, The 1996: by R.C. Harvey; “Legions in Long Underwear” 34p (Kirby, et al 1940-1970) // “Marvel Method” (comic production p 44-45) // “All Together Now” 11p (article: Boys’ Ranch #3 (Mother Delilah) (University Press of Mississippi) Art of Jack Kirby, The 1992: by Ray Wyman and Catherine Hohlfeld; (HC and SC biography, art, photos) // Kirby/Eastman - c (wraparound) // Adolf Hitler / Joan Crawford / Joe Stalin / Franklin Roosevelt / Albert Einstein / Huey Long / Jack Dempsey / Aubrey Smith / Will Rogers (small 1937 character studies) // Self Portrait (1940) // Rose Kurtzberg (1935; Kirby’s mother) // Popeye (in-betweens) // Self Portrait (1939) // Political Cartoon (1930s) // Robert Taylor (1937) // Editorial Cartoons (1937-39) // (comic strips: Socko the Seadog, Abdul Jones, Black Buccaneer, “Cyclone” Burke, Lone Rider, Count of Monte Cristo, Wilton of the West, Diary of Dr. Hayward, Blue Beetle, Inky, Master Jeremy, Career of King Masters, Chip Hardy, Johnny Reb and Billy Yank, Surf Hunter, Sky Masters) // (career retrospective text and photos) // (reprints: 218 comic book covers 1940-1987) // (reprints: 88 comic book interior pages 1940- 1978) // Self Portrait (1943) // Portraits (fellow GIs at Camp Stewart, GA, 1943) // “We Ate Like Chasayrim” (menu sketch of Jack and Rosalind; 1943) // War Sketches (France, 1944) // (World War II US Army pins, dog tags, rifleman pin, campaign ribbons) // Rosalind Kirby Portraits (1944) // Self Portrait (1944) // Starman Zero // Self Portrait (1969; Marvelmania) // Fantastic Four (1969 pin-up pencils) // Orion / Ramses / Mister Miracle (concept art) Kirby/Heck - a // Forever People // Hunger Dogs (cover pencils) // Silver Surfer (unpublished pages) // Thundarr (title cel) // Galactic Head // Dream Machine // Tribes Trilogy // Faces Of Evil // Interpretations Of God (trilogy) // Incan Visitation // Mechanoid // Space Collage // Angel (aka: “Streets Of Heaven”; Lord Of Light) // Captain America // Hulk // The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (unused Mickey Mouse) // “Conversations with Jack” (essays based on Jack and Rosalind Kirby Interviews) // (tributes) // (Kirby checklist / publication timeline) (note: “Car of the Future” (1955) on p 98 is actually repro from Sky Masters Sunday page (Apr 26, 1959) (note: also published in HC limited edition of 1,000; signed by Kirby) (Blue Rose Press) Art of Mickey Mouse, The 1991: edited by Craig Yoe; “Muscle Mouse” 1p Kirby/Thibodeaux - a (Hyperion Publishing) (See AOJK) Avengers Vault, The 2015: (historic overview, many Kirby repros and memorabilia) (Thunder Bay Press) Avenging World 2002: by Steve Ditko; (r: The Comics V1#5) “An Insider’s Part of Comics History: Jack Kirby’s Spider-Man” 4p // “Who Owns Original Art?” (article) (Robin Snyder and Steve Ditko) Best of Alter Ego, The V1 1997: by Roy Thomas and Bill Schelly; (r: Alter Ego 4) Thing 1/2p // (r: Alter Ego 10) SPQR (Hamster Press) Best of Alter Ego, The V2 2013: by Roy Thomas and Bill Schelly (TwoMorrows) Best of From the Tomb, The Oct 2012: edited by Peter Normanton; “The Dark Age of Comics” (horror comics) 6p // “The Covers that Made Them Fry” (electric chair covers) 9p // “The Joe Sinnott Interview” 9p // “Petty Crime (Part 3) The Comic Books” 8p (TwoMorrows) Best of Simon and Kirby, The 2009: Introductions 6p (eight text intros by Simon): “The Heroes” 3p // “Way Out Science Fiction” 3p // “War and Adventure” 3p // “The Birth of Romance” 3p // “Crime Drama” 3p // “The Great Western” 3p // “Oh! The Horror” 3p // “Sick Humor” 3p (See comic books for comic reprints) (Titan Books) Black Book (See Valentine’s Day Sketchbook (unpublished) Boy Allies, The 1915-1919: (book series by Clair W. Hayes; fondly remembered by Joe Simon) (A.L. Burt Co.) Bring on the Bad Guys 1976: by Stan Lee (HC and SC formats) (Simon and Schuster) (note: Marvel revised SC edition (1997) (See listing in comic books for comic story reprints) British Comics Convention 1977: (program book) “Don’t Miss The Excitement” (Thing / Doctor Doom) Kirby - a(p) (R: JKQ 10, TJKC 39) // (inked version) Kirby/Windsor-Smith - a (R: JKQ 10) Bronze Age of DC Comics, The 2015: by Paul Levitz (Kirby’s Fourth World, etc.) (Taschen) Brush Strokes with Greatness: The Life and Art of Joe Sinnott 2007: by Tim Lasinta (136 pages) (TwoMorrows) C.A.P.s How To Draw 1982: “Let’s Hear It For C.A.P.s” 1p Kirby - a (Comic Arts Professional Society) (See TJKC 44) 207

Wertham was Right! 2003: by Mark Evanier (SC edition) (Kirby assistant’s point of view) (TwoMorrows) Who’s Who of American Comic Books V1-4 1973-1976: by Jerry Bails and Hames Ware; (http://www.bailsprojects.com) (note: re-issued in txt format on computer disc in the 1990s in both PC and Mac formats) (Jerry Bails; St. Claire Shores, MI, USA) Will Eisner: A Dreamer’s Life in Comics 2010: by Michael Schumacher (Bloomsbury) (See Spirit 39) Will Eisner: A Spirited Life 2005: by Bob Andelman (M Press) (See Spirit 39) Will Eisner’s Shop Talk 2001: (Will Eisner interview compilation reprints “Shop Talk: Jack Kirby” (1983) Kirby Interview and Self Portrait (jam drawing) Kirby/Eisner - a; both from Spirit 39) // “Shop Talk with Joe Simon” (interview from Spirit 37) (Dark Horse) World of Steve Ditko, The 2008: by Blake Bell; (includes unused AF 15 cover concept) Ditko - a X-Men: The Characters and Their Universe 2014: (HC features a few Kirby repros) (Chartwell Books)





RADIO • AUDIO RECORDINGS • CD-ROM (Chronological listing of Jack Kirby radio interviews can be found in Essays / Interviews / Speeches / Panels) Bee Bee Cee Nov 1978: (7” 45 picture sleeve repro from MM 7 p 1) Kirby/Royer - a // (7” 45 A: “You Gotta Know” / B: “We Ain’t Listening” (Rel Records (RE-48-S) (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) (See TJKC 71) Comics Journal Library: Interview CD Sampler, The 2003: (CD) Kirby Interview featured (Fantagraphics) Cruisin’ early 1970s: (series of pop music oldies compilation LP record albums: covers feature Mike Royer art—some covers heavily influenced by and/or confused with [Jimmy Olsen] Kirby/Royer art style) Emerson, Lake and Palmer 1972: “The 1972 American Tour” (bootleg LP record album cover adapts Doctor Doom from FF 86) (TAKRL) (See TJKC 59) Emerson, Lake and Palmer early 1970s: “ELP!” (bootleg LP record album cover adapts Overlord from MM 2) (TAKRL) (See TJKC 59) Golden Age, The (See Seduction of the Innocent (LP) Golden Record Comic Set 1966: (See listings in comic books) L.A. Bastards 1980s: (extant audio tape features Kirby joining free-form jazz on guitar and trumpet) (Jim Woodring) (See TJKC 11, p 32) Marvel World of Icarus, The 1972: (LP record album by British rock group Icarus) (note: cover repros: Thing (FF 79); Mister Fantastic (FF 82); Hulk (TTA 67) // (bc: Thor (JIM 89); Thing (1966 sweat shirt, altered); Hulk (1966 sweat shirt) (UK: Pye International (NSPL 28161); (USA: Grit Records (G-2000) (See FCGMEBAC) Nobody Loves the Hulk 1969: (7” 45 picture sleeve repro from cover TTA 101) M. Severin/Giacoia - a (song is a 1960s punk classic) (7” 45 by The Traits—A: “Nobody Loves the Hulk” / B: “Better Things” (Queen City Records (QNS-101) (See FCGMSAC) Pacific Gas & Electric 1970: : “Are You Ready?” (LP record album sleeve back cover new art adapts TOS 59 cover fig. of Captain America with added art) (Columbia Records CS 1017 (USA) Pink Floyd early 1970s: “In Celebration of the Comet” (bootleg LP record album cover adapts Darkseid from FP 3) (TAKRL) (See TJKC 59) [Radio] Feb 1962: (radio interview program; Stan Lee inspired to create Thor—“A New Mythology”) (New York, NY, USA) (See TJKC 36) [Radio] Aug 12, 1968: (Stan Lee interview discusses Lee/Kirby creative process) (WBAI-FM) (New York, NY, USA) (See SLU) [Radio] 1975: (Stan Lee interview on KABC radio; Jack Kirby Calls In); (by Carole Hemmingway) (Los Angeles, CA, USA) [Radio] Feb 1994: (an unknown fan calls in to local (NY college) radio program—describes a 1968 visit to Kirby’s studio where Kirby describes current FF (#85) story: Doctor Doom was to be unmasked, showing one tiny scar on his face; (per John Parrett; TJKC 16, p 48) [Radio] Mar 16, 2006: “Coast-to-Coast AM” with George Noory; (Neal Adams is asked about Kirby’s “The Face On Mars” story in Race for the Moon #2) (Premiere Networks) [Radio] Mar 29, 2015: “Coast-to-Coast AM” with George Knapp (Star Wars researcher Chris Taylor confirms George Lucas is an avowed Kirby fan // Richard Kolkman calls in and details Fourth World antecedents to Star Wars) (Premiere Networks) Requiem for Jack Kirby 2001: (musical tribute CD; cover repro from New Gods 5) Kirby/Royer - a (Gregg Bendian’s Interzone 3 / Atavistic) (1975) San Diego Comic Con, The 1976: (LP record album features “Jack Kirby / Jim Steranko” (spoken word performance at chalk talk) (DynaPubs) (note: remastered in 2009 by RecordRescuers.com) (See TJKC 64, p 67) Seduction of the Innocent 1990: “The Golden Age” (LP record album features Billy Mumy’s track “King Jack” (lyrics R: JKQ 1) (Beat Brothers Records) Serve or Suffer 2009: (CD) Kirby/Sinnott - c (Silver Surfer repro from: FF 48) (Kirby-inspired music by Esoteric includes Kirby voice samples) (Esoteric Hip Hop) (See TJKC 54) Voices of Marvel, The 1964: (33 1/3rpm 7” flexi record with sleeve (designed by M. Severin) (a specially recorded message from the Marvel Bullpen) features Kirby spoken vocal) (note: flexi also features: Lee / Ayers / Wood / Brodsky / Heck / Rosen / Simek / Steinberg / Stone / Goldberg) (Evatone (matrix #1011644) (note: mailed with M.M.M.S. membership kit version one) (Marvel) (transcripts: CBA 18, Rolling Stone 91) (See Voices of Marvel (outtakes; unpublished) Wah-hoo!

THEATRE • MOVIE DEVELOPMENT Argo 2012: (note: feature film depicts CIA operation to free hostages in Tehran, Iran; portrayal of Kirby by Michael Parks was cut) (See Associated Press, Comics Art Forum, Lord Of Light, Steamshovel Press 20, TJKC 52, p 70; TJKC 55, p 75; Union Tribune, Washington Post, Wired) Arty 2015: (life. death. comic books;—independent biographic film about Kirby; premiered Apr 20, 2015 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) (See TJKC 68, p 82) Captain America Feb 5, 1944: (15-part movie serial; Simon and Kirby were away at war and did not see serial; nor were they credited as creators) (Republic Pictures) (See FOOM 8) Captain America (See Origin of Captain America) [Captain Plunger] ca. 1971-1972: (Betamax videotape) home movie high jinx as Kirby interviews Neal Kirby as “Captain Plunger”; Steve Sherman and Mark Evanier assist) (exists?) (See TJKC 10) Captain Victory and The Lightning Lady Apr 1976: (screenplay by Kirby/Sherman) // (concept art) Captain Victory / The Lightning Lady / The Human Missile / Razzle-Dazzler / Soldier / Insections / Royalty / Workers Kirby - a (See CV Graphite Edition, CJ 134, p 96; TJKC 20,43) Challengers of the Unknown 1999: (movie proposal / treatment by Tracy Kirby) (Warner) Doctor Mortalis 1986: (movie development drawings) Doctor Mortalis / Driana Kirby - a(p) (note: recycled as “Dracula” (1993) Topps Comics card puzzle) (Empire Films) (See Cinefantastique V26#4, Comics Feature 53, Hollywood Reporter, JKQ 12, TJKC 11, Variety) Fish In A Barrel 1955: (60 page three-act television play theatrical proposal about comics industry witholding royalties from creators, ie: Crestwood) Simon/Kirby (screenplay / script); (77 page revision by Simon exists) // (“I’d like to make a movie about what the comic book industry was really like.” —Jack Kirby (Comics Scene 2, p 65) // (characters): Martin Cooper (Cooper Publications) / Jay Duncan / Paul Kurtz / Myron Rosenthal / Shelly Meyers (See Comic Book Makers (p 147-148); Halo, TJKC 52, Characters (book), Us Guys) Forever Amoré 1978: (screenplay collaboration by Zuccaro/Kirby) / (concept drawings) Kirby - a(p) (note: concept adapted from Saturday Nightmare; recycled in: Rincon) Frog Prince date?: (Broadway theatrical proposal) Kirby (script) (See Jack Kirby: A Personal Look, TJKC 61,64) Halo, The 1955: (television play theatrical proposal; a love story revolving around hat makers and a “halo hat”) Simon/Kirby (screenplay / script) (See AE V3#76, Fish in a Barrel, Us Guys)





(A list of Kirby’s work that remained unpublished on the date of intended publication, or is otherwise significant) Adam and Eve 1985: (wearing skins and eating fruit) (first app. Genesis chap. 1:27) Kirby - a(p) (Jack Kirby) (See TJKC 48,65) Adventure Comics 1941: (Mort Weisinger sends Simon and Kirby scripts from freelance writers—they ignore them) (DC Comics) Adventure Comics 89 Jan 1944: Sandman (layout sketches) Simon - a (DC Comics) (See AE V3#44,52) Adventure Comics [Digest] 498 Apr 1983: (Challengers of the Unknown; Toth (pencil art) 7p recycled in DC Comics Presents 84 was to be filled out by Kirby/Theakston) (DC Comics) Adventures of the Fly 1954: (proposed title concept for Harvey Comics; later published by Archie Publications) Kirby/Simon - a // (logo and concept art) The Fly / The Spider Simon - a (note: concept evolved from Night Fighter and Silver Spider) (Harvey) (See Adventures of the Fly, JKT 2, Night Fighter, Silver Spider, PI V1#3) Adventures of the Fly 1959: (concept art: “Versus The Spider”) The Fly / Web Gun Kirby - a (The Fly possesses a mysterious sixth-sense that warns him of danger; note: it is likely Kirby presented Fly concept art to Stan Lee (1962) while developing Spider-Man) // The Fly (logo art ) Simon - a (Archie) (See AE V3#36 p 10; JKT 2) Alarming Tales 3 Jan 1958: (cover concept; version one) Kirby/Simon - a (Harvey) (See AOSKS p 256) All-Aces Comics 1 Sum 1941: (original title concept advertised in house ads: Captain America Comics V1#4 (R: CBM 72, MARM); published as All Winners Comics) (Timely) (See CJK 2) Alley Sloper (See Sloperman) Alter Ego 1970: (Kirby interview mentioned in Sub-Mariner 26 (Jun 1970) never appeared; also Julius Caesar (theatre concept art) was to be featured) (Thomas; fanzine) Amazing Fantasy 15 Aug 1962: (Spiderman; five unused origin story pages feature a teenager who has a magic ring that transforms him into an adult hero named “Spiderman.” Costumed hero only appears on title splash, the final page shows the teenager entering the house of the scientist next door. Spiderman’s costume similar to Ant-Man’s; Peter Parker lives with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben (retired policeman); Kirby’s version too heroic: “The character looked more like Captain America than the way I wanted Spider-Man to look.” —Stan Lee (1981; SLC p 92) 5p Kirby - a(p) (note: Ditko was to ink; “Stan said Spider-Man would be a teenager with a magic ring which could transform him into an adult hero—Spider-Man. I said it sounded like The Fly which Joe Simon had done for Archie.” —Steve Ditko; History of Comics V1#5) (note: these Kirby pages are purported to exist—unknown reasons keep them from being exhumed.) (Marvel) (See AE V2#3, AOTF, ASM (unpublished), Comic Book Makers p 173-185; The Comics V1#5, Night Fighter, PI V3#1, SDR, Silver Spider (unpublished), Spiderman (logo), Spiderman (concept art), UT 26) // (cover concept: Spider-Man) 1p Ditko - a (See CBM 99, Comic Book Makers, JIM 96 (advertisement), Kirby100, MCIT 60, Marvelmania 2, MT 137, PI V3#1, SDR, TJKC 54, World of Steve Ditko) (See TJKC 70) “Spider-Man: The Case for Kirby” Amazing Fantasy 16 Sep 1962: (Spider-Man; cover concept) Kirby/Ayers - a (theory: Human Torch and speech balloons added to original cover; recycled as Strange Tales Annual 2 cover?) (Marvel) (See CBM 99, JIM 96 (advertisement) Amazing Spider-Man 1962-1963: (“There is speculation that Kirby designed some of the early Spider-Man villains (and plotted earliest stories) and an argument can be made for such a theory.”—Greg Theakston (SDR; 2002) (Marvel) (See ASM1,2, TJKC 70 p 52-56) Amazing Spider-Man 10 Mar 1964: (cover concept) 1p Ditko - a (replaced by Kirby/Ditko cover) (Marvel) (See TJKC 70) Amazing Spider-Man 35 Apr 1966: (cover concept) 1p Ditko - a (re-cycled with Kirby art revisions) (Marvel) (See TJKC 70) Animal Antics 1 Feb 1946: (b/w ashcan edition r: c Star-Spangled Comics 49) // (interior r: BC 12) (DC Comics) (See CBM 71) [animation book] 2012: (compilation of Kirby’s Ruby-Spears concepts and art) (Mad Morgan) (See Mad Morgan Galleries (book) Ant-Man, The Astonishing 1963: (A surviving memo suggests Martin Goodman considered moving Hulk to Tales to Astonish and giving Ant-Man his own book. Success of The Atom at DC was noted—per Evanier; CBG 1463) (Marvel) Ape, The 1973: (concept art) 1p Kirby - a (color) (DC Comics) (See Demon, Prester John, Raam the Man-Mountain, TJKC 50)


witzend 1966—1969: (“I gave [them] some straight cartoons that I did back in the 1950s. I gave six of them to Wally [Wood], I believe. They never did appear.”—Jack Kirby; Nov 9, 1969) (Wallace Wood) (See Oddball (comic strip), Pow!) Wonder Warriors 1986: (concept art) Kirby - a(p) (adapted from: Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers; recycled as: Phobos and his Galactic Bounty Hunters) (Jack Kirby) (See Jack Kirby’s Galactic Bounty Hunters, TJKC 27) World Around Us, The 37 Nov 1961: (The Sea; issue was prepared, but not printed in USA—stories published in UK edition of World Illustrated 528) “The Lone Voyager” 7p Kirby/Ayers - a // “Pathways Of The Seas” 3p Kirby/Ayers - a (Gilberton) [World War II portraits, sketches, letters] 1943—1945: (various) Kirby - writing, art (USA / Europe) (See AH 100, AOJK, CJL 1, JKQ 10,12, KKOC, KU, MLIC p 140-141; Snow White, Spirit 39, TJKC 10,25,27,34,49,64 p 15; Yank) // (See listings under Self Portraits / Family Portraits / World War II portraits and art) World’s Greatest Comics Magazine (See Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Comics Magazine) Writers’ Test (See Marvel Writers’ Test (misc.) [Xeroxes; original art] (See Kirby Estate Original Art Photocopy Archive) [“X-Files”, The] (See DC Comics “X-Files”) (features production inventory list) X-Men, The 1 Sep 1963: Kirby/Brodsky - c (original version, Marvel Girl’s rays, background altered) // (“I wanted Magneto to end up being Professor X’s brother”—Stan Lee (AE V3#24) (Marvel) X-Men, The 2 Nov 1963: (theory: it is often speculated Cobra was original name for Vanisher; conflicted with JIM 98 (Cobra) (Marvel) X-Men, The 5 May 1964: Kirby/Reinman - c (original version, Iceman’s ice-ball, backgrounds altered) (Marvel) (See CBM 99, MARM, XM 1) X-Men, The 10 Mar 1965: Kirby/Stone - c (version one) (Marvel) (See JKQ 12) X-Men, The 10 Mar 1965: Kirby/Stone - c (version two modifications, Ka-Zar’s hand altered twice) (Marvel) (See AE V3#120, CBM 99, EXM 1, KKOC, TJKC 50, XMEC) X-Men, The 12 Jul 1965: (concept art) Juggernaut 1p Kirby - a (Marvel) (See TJKC 29 for Kirby/Gartland re-creation) X-Men, The 14 Nov 1965: (Kirby/Wood cover art reversed left to right for publication) // (concept art) Sentinel 1p Kirby - a (Marvel) (note: at one point, Wood was to assume art duties over Kirby layouts) (Marvel) (See FOOM 10, JKQ 15) X-Men, The 17 Feb 1966: (panel layouts unused in story on reverse side of page 6 art by Roth) 2/3p Kirby - a(l) // (page 19 top panel layout unused in story pasted over) 1/3p Kirby - a(p) (Marvel) (See TJKC 7,19,50) X-Men, The 1967: (per tongue-in-cheek letter response in XM 31, Kirby and Werner Roth are developing story where Iceman gains Human Torch’s powers) (Marvel) Yank 1943-1944: (unknown samples; “I couldn’t get into Yank. I tried.”—Jack Kirby (1982) Yellow Claw 2 Dec 1956: “The Trap” 4p Kirby - a(p) (note: original story title; re-titled “Yellow Claw” when published) (Atlas) Young Abe Lincoln 1950s: (Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the USA (1861-1865); cover concept) 1p Kirby - a(p) // (story concept) “The Boy Who Grew Up To Be President” ?p Kirby - a (Simon and Kirby) (See TJKC 34) Young Allies Comics 1 Sum 1941: (unused cover depicts Joseph Stalin as one of the Axis) 1p Kirby/Shores - a (R: CJK 2, Human Torch 4 (V1#5; house ad), TJKC 51,65) (Timely) Young Love 66 Sep 1955: (cover concept) 1p Kirby/Simon/Draut - a (Crestwood) (See AOSKS) Young Romance 1 1945: (early romance cover concept) 1p Simon - a (Simon and Kirby) (See AE V3#76, JKT 2) Young Romance Comics 1 Oct 1947: (Simon and Kirby originally planned to self-publish this title. Instead, Maurice “Reece” Rosenthal published YRC through Prize Publications. Simon and Kirby retained copyrights) (Simon and Kirby) Young Sherlock Holmes (See Super Sherlock Holmes) Z-Z-1-2-3 (See Herbie, Fantastic Four (animation)



Black Cat Comics 4 Mar 1947: “Double Trouble” (His Honor...and The Demon) 10p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) Black Cat Comics 5 May 1947: “The Man Who Didn’t Know His Own Strength” (His Honor...and The Demon) 10p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) Black Cat Comics 6 Jul 1947: “The Midnight Killer” (His Honor...and The Demon; origin) 10p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) Black Cat Comics 7 Sep 1947: “Too Cold For Crime” (His Honor...and The Demon) 8p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) Boy Explorers Comics 1 Jun 1946: “The Case Of The Hapless Hackie” (Calamity Jane) 8p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (R: AOSKS) // “The Lesson In Room 303” (Danny Dixon...Cadet) 7p Kirby/Simon (script?); Riley - a (Harvey) Green Hornet Comics 35 Aug 1947: “The Fat Tuesday” (Calamity Jane) 8p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) Green Hornet Comics 36 Nov 1947: “The Man Who Met Himself” (Calamity Jane) 8p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) Green Hornet Comics 37 Jan 1948: “The Smiling Salesman” (The Furnished Room) 7p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (R: AOSKS) (Harvey) Green Hornet Comics 38 Mar 1948: (r: SMC 1) “Rain Is Dead Tears” (The Furnished Room) 7p Kirby/Simon (script?) (Harvey) [inking] 1940—1956: (“I inked sporadically. I inked when I felt my inking was needed...I thought sometimes it didn’t look elaborate enough...more impact, should be a little bolder, so I would ink over the inks that were on it already.”—Jack Kirby (Jul 1982) Justice Traps the Guilty 3 Mar 1948: “My Strangest Crime Case” (Calamity Jane) 7p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) [lettering] 1938—1941: (most Kirby stories from this period featured Kirby’s own distinctive lettering) (See Theakston, CJK 1) [romance comic redux] ca: 1947—?: (Joe Simon claimed they (S&K) re-scripted previously published Young Love romance comic story art in an act of desperation. Re-scripted version then published; re-use of previously published art led to scrutiny of Crestwood’s books— which led to financial settlement for Simon and Kirby) (See Comic Book Makers p 137, Fish in a Barrel (theatre), My Life in Comics, TJKC 64, p 55; Young Love) Stuntman Comics 1 May 1946: “The Furnished Room” 7p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (Harvey) Stuntman Comics 2 Jul 1946: “Triangular Troubles” (The Furnished Room) 6p Kirby/Simon (script?); Draut - a (R: GHC 38) (Harvey) Super Rabbit 1 Fall 1944: (for years, Overstreet has listed “Captain America’s Sentinels of Liberty” (war effort paper recycling advertisement; (PSA) by Simon and Kirby in this issue) (Timely) [Young Love] ca: 1947—?: (unknown issue); Joe Simon claimed they (S&K) re-scripted previously published Youg Love story art in an act of desperation. Re-scripted version then published; re-use of previously published art led to scrutiny of Crestwood’s books— which led to financial settlement for Simon and Kirby) (See Comic Book Makers p 137, Fish in a Barrel (theatre), My Life in Comics, TJKC 64, p 55)

UNPUBLISHED • UNTITLED • UNKNOWN [caricature] ca. 1925: Rabbi (juvenilia; drawn at parochial school) Jacob Kurtzberg - a (“Jake got the strap”—George Comet (JKT 1) [lessons] 1929—1930: [Cartoon Correspondence Course]; (12-13 year-old Jacob Kurtzberg dutifully completed a few lessons: “I saw an ad in a pulp magazine; you know, ‘Draw this, and win a free pencil.’ I sent away for it...I never drew so many comic heads in my life.” —Jack Kirby (Aug 1969) (See TJKC 36, p 67) [newspapers] late 1920s—early 1930s: (hard-time newsboys Joe Simon and Jacob Kurtzberg sold newspapers on the streets of Rochester, NY (Simon) and Suffolk Street, Lower East Side, New York City, NY (Kurtzberg) (See Star Spangled Comics 7) New Yorker, The (See listing in comic strips) [graffiti] early 1930s: (various fences, walls, floors: “Oddly-shaped flying craft soared overhead as strange creatures swarmed over bizarre landscapes and structures. It was a war of creatures and machines; a conflagration of cosmic proportions. Young Jakie had managed to cover more than twenty feet of whitewashed wall board, from the staircase landing to the water closet door, with extraterrestrial mayhem.”—Kirby (essay: The Kid Who Drew On Walls) // (“I could write something on a brick wall with chalk that would send you into a howling panic.”—Jack Kirby (1981) // (grafitti example: “Mrs. McCloskey is a fink”) // (“...in the shadow of the chipped, brick walls of the slum, my first drawing board.”—Jack Kirby (Merry Marvel Messenger 1) Kurtzberg - a (New York City) [portrait studies] 1930s: (Pal) Vic Horowitz Kurtzberg - a(p) // Untitled (various) Kurtzberg - a (See CJK 1, TJKC 25,27,45) [freelance] 1935: [Signs]; (“My father and I sold baked goods for awhile...I would draw prices on paper bags, and the pushcart vendors would buy them and use them to sell their vegetables.”—Jack Kirby (CJK 1) Untitled [cartoon figure studies] 1930s: (various) Lady Centurion / Gladiators / Mrs. Jasper Blatworth Gravelbottom / Swordsmen / Maiden / Witch / World War I Soldier / Caveman (unfinished) Kurtzberg - a(p) (See AOJK, KU, TJKC 25,27,34,37) [unknown] 1936: (first batch sample pages for Harry “A” Chesler Studio) ?p Kurtzberg - a (“Too loose”—Harry Chesler) [unknown] 1936: (second batch sample pages for Harry “A” Chesler Studio) ?p Kurtzberg - a (“Too tight”—Harry Chesler) (note: Chesler opened the first comic book packaging studio (276 Fifth Ave.) and solicited for artists in The New York Times. In an interview, Kirby recalled drawing pages for an unnamed publisher: “...handed in one month’s work—not paid.” Kirby however, he would surely understand spec work, and he may be referring to other work commissioned by an unknown publisher or studio) (Simon recalls story in AE V3#76 p 18) Wow Comics (Wow What a Magazine!) 1—4 Jul—Nov 1936: (Kirby claimed in 1976 interview that this is the first comic book his work appeared in. Wow’s final issue was published in 1936—another account has Kurtzberg discovering Henle office after they were out of business.) (Henle) (See Wow Comics, TJKC 12 “Wow Comics”) [portrait studies] 1937: Andy Clyde (signed) / Joan Crawford (signed) / Jerome “Dizzy” Dean (St. Louis Cardinals’ pitcher) / Jack Dempsey / Dr. Albert Einstein / Henry Ford / Adolf Hitler / Hermann Goering / Katherine Hepburn (signed) / Joe Louis (signed) / Huey Long / Benito Mussolini / John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (signed) / Franklin D. Roosevelt / Will Rogers (signed) / C. Aubrey Smith / Joseph Stalin (signed) Kurtzberg - a (See AOJK, 48 Famous Americans, KKOC, KU) [portrait study] Oct 16, 1937: Robert Taylor Kurtzberg - a(p) (signed) (See AOJK) Wild Boy Magazine 1937—1938: Kurtzberg - a? (Kirby claimed in interview that this is the first magazine his work appeared in; Kirby still had a copy of his first issue: “It was a thing called Wild Boy Magazine. It was published by Will Eisner (with Jerry Iger). I worked under a mess of psuedonyms. I still have a copy. My mother saved it.”—Jack Kirby (1969); NG 30; CJL 1) (Quality) (question: Is this an Australian counterpart to Wags?) (note: Kirby also claimed his first comic book work was for a “fellow named Sherman—connected with the Delacorte people” (Dell Publishing) Weird Stories 1938: (“...I worked with Will Eisner on Weird Stories” (pulp?)—Jack Kirby (Aug 1969) (See TJKC 36, p 68) [unknown] 1938: (“[Eisner] did a very exciting pirate strip. He did that in Jumbo (Comics), and then I did a feature with a witchcraft theme, which I rather liked.”—Jack Kirby (1976); TJKC 48) (note: in a Nov 4, 1976 interview, Kirby describes The Diary of Dr. Hayward as a “sorcery strip”—hard to tell, esoteric as it is; the nearest known “witch” is the Green Sorceress in Blue Bolt (1940) (Universal Phoenix Features Syndicate) (See Jumbo Comics, Wags) [original art] 1938—1965: (Most pages discarded or destroyed—pages were not considered to be of value (post-production). Very few pages survive) (various publishers) [unknown] Jan—Mar 1940: (Fox Features Syndicate); (description of unpublished panel; perhaps apocryphal: “I’d fill a whole panel with a cloud and then put in a tiny airplane, and then I’d write ‘WOW!’ in big letters across the panel.”—Jack Kirby (1986) (note: Kirby and Simon also worked on uncredited advertising and production art for Victor Fox’s titles) (See AH 100) [lingerie] 1940—1942: (pen and ink designs); (“Before I met Jack I was working as a lingerie designer, doing very fine work... That’s why I was able to do inking, because I always used a fine pen and ink...”—Rosalind Kirby (Dec 12, 1995) Syracuse Journal American ca. 1941: (Joe Simon claimed he tried to convince his former employers to get into comic book publishing—they declined.) (AE V3#76, p 11) (Syracuse, NY) [unknown] date?: (“My next plot: Raisins that that grow into giant insects—attacking the ghettos—devouring tenements for dessert and exploding colorfully on panel three of the first page.”—Joe Simon (Comic Book Makers p 40) Captain America Comics 1941: [atomic bomb story]: “There was a story in Captain America which had an atom bomb and that story was done in 1941.”—Jack Kirby (Aug 28, 1987; Earthwatch (TJKC 65, p 62) (note: first known atomic bomb story in CAC is CAC 51 (Dec 1945) (Timely); perhaps Kirby was mis-remembering Blue Bolt 3 (atomic cannon) or Blue Bolt 8 (atomic explosion) (See Black Cat Comics 5) [Timely Comics] 1940—1941: (some Timely scripts got tossed—per Kirby (Apr 13, 1990); TJKC 68 p 13) [National Periodical Publications (DC Comics)] 1941: (See Ghosts (Simon and Kirby) [National Periodical Publications (DC Comics)] 1942—1943: (“DC would send me scripts, I’d throw them out the window...I don’t like anything that’s contrived.”—Jack Kirby (CJ 134, p 68) (note: stories of scripts thrown out of the window are perhaps apocryphal (per Simon (SDCC 1998) // (Mort Weisinger and editors tried to dissuade Simon and Kirby from using their signature cross-hatching style; colloquially known as “Hay”) (See CBM 62 p 50; Captain America Collectors’ Preview 1) “Makin’ Hay” (Joe Simon) [original art] 1942—1959: (note: unless a page was given away to a lucky fan, all original art was destroyed) (DC Comics) True Romance Confession 1947: (“I got together a few pages of True Romance Confession and I thought...everybody who was reading comics would really like to read some adult comics.”—Joe Simon (TJKC 25, p 44) (Simon and Kirby) [unknown] 1948: (“...in 1948 (at Timely) I saw one or two pages of pencils that [Kirby] had done, that were laying around the studio.” —John Buscema (Nov 18, 1997) (See TJKC 18, p 51) Yellow Feet date?: (Joe Simon recalls this Simon and Kirby title (Prize / Headline / Crestwood / Mainline); exists?) (See CJ 134, p 104)


[unknown] 1971: (unused Marvel Black Panther pages) 4p Kirby/Royer - a (note: Royer inking samples for DC Comics—are these story pages missing from TOS 97 between pages 5—10?; Black Panther’s miraculous survival) (Marvel) (See Fantastic Four (unknown), TJKC 39, p 63) [unknown] 1971: (fumetti comic magazine concept) (DC Comics) (See Starbaby, TJKC 43) [unknown] early 1970s: [Fourth World] (Royer gone for a brief period; unknown inker could not letter try-out page in the time demanded by production schedule) ?p Kirby/unknown - a (DC  Comics) (See TJKC 31, p 10) [unknown] 1970s: (unfinished science-fiction story page is drawn on small 11.25” x 16” DC Comics board) 1p Kirby - a(p) (See TJKC 34 p 52) New Gods 1972—: (original ending to graphic novel series—Kirby’s unfulfilled vision. There are three predominate theories): 1: “Mark Evanier” version: Orion kills Darkseid after becoming a reflection of his father (Orion may have died also) 2: Captain Victory ending: Orion and Darkseid die. (Darkseid’s ghost survives (Blackmass), unable to harm Orion’s heir) 3: Original Hunger Dogs ending: Orion and Darkseid die, and Esak represents hope for the future. (“Maybe Jack told me this, a scene with Darkseid finally realizing what the Anti-Life Equation is and screaming, ‘I can’t use this! This is of no use to me!’ And he’d killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers,...to get his hands on the ultimate weapon, and he discovered the ultimate weapon was ‘Thou shalt not conquer’”—Mark Evanier (TJKC 6) // (“The Fourth World’s unanswered questions enhance its mythic stature.”—Adam McGovern; TJKC 17) (DC  Comics) (See BI 53, Hunger Dogs, New Gods (1984), TJKC 6 p 33) // (See TJKC 69) “An End To Power And An Exodus From Eden” Captain America early 1970s: “How Captain America Got His Shield” (lengthy, creative extemporaneous story Kirby told to fans at a comics convention. Witnessed by Evanier (CGB 1059, p 36) and Len Wein (TJKC 65 p 44) Untitled mid 1970s: (unique, bizarre character sketch) Kirby - a (See TJKC 28 p 74) Untitled 1970s: (unfinished Warrior) 1p Kirby - a(p) (R: TJKC 45) [unknown] 1971: (Evanier and Sherman update Black Magic stories. Sherman’s script unused; Evanier’s published in HOS 92) (DC Comics) [unknown] 1971: (unused Fantastic Four page) Kirby/Royer - a (note: inking sample for DC Comics) (See Black Panther (unknown); TJKC 71 p 82) [unknown] 1975: (story synopsis described by Kirby at Comic Art Con in NY involves retelling of Romeo & Juliet: features a male and female robot in different factories who fall in love via ESP—they wreck the city getting to each other; both are destroyed in explosion when they meet, as anti-matter meets matter) (art exists?) (note: story is basically “Adonis 2 PX-89” from Amazing Adventures #4 (Jul 1951) published by Ziff-Davis)  (See AE V3#26, p 44; Starbaby, TJKC 13, p 35) [unknown] May 1, 1975—Apr 30, 1978: (rejected pages pile maintained at Marvel by John Verpoorten (1975-1977) ?p Kirby - a(p) [unknown] 1981: (comic story hanging in Kirby home: “...guy wandering around a ship,...(suddenly) a black panther (cat)—stuck its head through a porthole, and the guy looked up and thought it was a mounted head.”—Steve Rude (Nov 6, 1998) (See TJKC 22, p 52) (theory: likely a Roxie’s Raiders storyboard, as concept features a black panther—and humor) Untitled 1985: (concept art) 1p Kirby - a(p) (See TJKC 26) Untitled date?: (unknown characters) 1p Kirby/Thibodeaux - a (See TJKC 44 p 20) Untitled date?: (unknown character) 1p Kirby/Rosalind Kirby - a (See TJKC 2) Untitled date?: [Lionhead] 1p Kirby - a(p) (See TJKC 56) [unknown] 1940—1986: (orphan pages pile maintained by Kirby; some pages given to Rosalind Kirby and some pages given away or sold to fans) Kirby - a(p) (note: Evanier details in TJKC 36, p 6; and TJKC 43, p 14) // (Sherman details in TJKC 43 p 7) [unknown] 1969—1986: (“I saw [Kirby] toss or erase a lot of panels and whole pages that were much better than what many artists were handing in.”—Mark Evanier; TJKC 48) // (“Jack did use an eraser...often...he used it to take out an entire panel and do an entirely different panel”—Mark Evanier (TJKC 63, p 53) [unknown] 1986—1994: (obsessively creative Kirby had dozens of concepts in his studio that were in different stages of development—some intended for others; new art fairly ends in 1989; “...my mind is forever working on new creations— I guess it’s a habit by now.” —Jack Kirby (1993) [original art] May 16, 1987: (Kirby received 2,100 pages of original art back from Marvel Comics) [unknown] Feb 1994: (Rosalind Kirby received offer from a comic book company who wanted to pay for the right to slap [“Jack Kirby Presents”] on their titles.”—Mark Evanier (CBG 1060, p 54) [unknown] 2000: (title concept; Jeremy Kirby / Mark Evanier (script) 2p; follow-up to Captain Victory 1-3 (2000); Steve Rude to draw cover) (Jack Kirby Comics) (See TJKC 28 p 9) (See JKQ 12, TJKC 60)

PEN NAMES • GHOSTS Barton (comic strips: Curiosities and Oddities (aka: Curious Customs and Oddities?) (1937) Kurtzberg - a (also signed “Bob Dart”) // Facts You Never Knew (1936-1938) Kurtzberg - a (ghosted for H.T. Elmo) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) Bibbs, O.G. (feature: Copycat (1971) Kirby - a (unpublished Superworld of Everything) Brady (comic strip: Our Puzzle Corner (1937) Kurtzberg - a (Lincoln Newspaper Features) Brown, Bob (comic strip: “Cyclone” Burke (1937) Kurtzberg - a (Lincoln Newspaper Features) Cortez, Jack (pen name sometimes attributed to Kirby—no known work by Kirby published under this name; was actually pen name adopted by Lou Fine when he inherited Kirby’s feature “The Count of Monte Cristo”) (See Jack Davis, Ramon de la Flores) Curtiss, Jack (sample untitled comic strips (1934-1935) Kurtzberg - a (Lincoln Newspaper Features) Curtiss, Jack (comic strip: The Black Buccaneer (1937) Kurtzberg - a // (comic panels: Facts You Never Knew (1936-1938) Kurtzberg - a (ghosted for H.T. Elmo) // Political Cartoons (1936-1939) Kurtzberg - a (also signed “Curt Davis” or “Davis”) // Your Health Comes First (1936-1937) Kurtzberg - a (note: re-run as Healthy, Wealthy and Wise (1939) (Lincoln Newspaper Features) Curtiss, Jack (features: The Count of Monte Cristo (1938) Kurtzberg/Eisner - a; Kurtzberg - a (Wags 64-71, Jumbo Comics 1) // Wilton of The West (aka: Wilton of West Point) (1938) Kurtzberg - a (also signed “Fred Sande”) (Jumbo Comics 1-3) (Universal Phoenix Feature Syndicate) Curtiss, Jack (feature: The Solar Legion (1940) Kirby - a (note: one last reversion to pen name dating back to 1934 or earlier) (Crash Comics 1-3) (Tem Publishing Co.) Dart, Bob (comic strips: Curiosities and Oddities (aka: Curious Customs and Oddities?) (1937) Kurtzberg - a (also signed “Barton”) // Facts You Never Knew (1936-1938) Kurtzberg - a (ghosted for H.T. Elmo) (Lincoln Newspaper Features)




PORTFOLIOS • POSTERS • CALENDARS Acid Test, The Jan 22, 1966: “Can You Pass the Acid Test?” (festival poster; Thor adapted from JIM 125 by Hartweg) (Ken Kesey) (Longshoremen’s Hall, San Francisco, CA, USA) (See SACBA, Thor [LSD] (misc.), TJKC 72) (Read: The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Wolfe; Farrar (1968) Amazing Spider-Man 1969: (2’ x 3’ poster) Kirby - a (Kirby color) (note: limited print poster created gratis by Kirby; revised version by Romita based on layout of version one) (Marvelmania) (See FCGMSAC, TJKC 18,70) Amazing Spider-Man 1970: (2’ x 3’ poster) Kirby - a(l); (J. Romita - a) (note: revised poster based on limited 1969 Kirby version) (Marvelmania) (See FCGMSAC, TJKC 70) Angel (On The Streets Of Heaven) 2012: (17” x 22” poster) Kirby/Royer - a (from: Lord Of Light, 1978) (Jack Kirby Museum) Angel (re-titled from Streets Of Heaven) 2014: (fluorescent color poster) Kirby/Royer - a (from: Lord Of Light, 1978) (Barry Ira Geller) (See Heavy Metal 276) Art for Kid’s Sake 1986: Captain America Kirby/Sinnott - a (1978) (limited edition (200) poster; jam drawing by 200 artists; signed) Avengers #4 1973: (12” x 19” poster; blue and red) Kirby/Roussos - a (Supergraphics) (See FCGMEBAC) Balduur date?: (framed, limited edition of 50 prints; hand-signed by Kirby) Kirby/Heck - a (See Jack Kirby’s Gods (portfolio), TJKC 37 p 5) Beast Rider 1991: (22” x 17” serigraph print) Kirby - a (signed and numbered by Kirby; edition of 250 advertised (15 produced) issued with limited edition sculpture replica) (Creations (Artnet) (See Jacob and the Angel, TJKC 69) Black Bolt 1971: (2’ x 3’ blacklight poster #4009) “Black Bolt” Kirby/Giacoia - a (repro from FFS 5) (Third Eye) (See FCGMEBAC, TJKC 60) Brahma’s Supremacy 1999: (24” x 20” print edition of 500) Kirby/Royer - a (note: also sold as part of 141 portfolio sets: “Lord Of Light”) (Barry Ira Geller) (See Lord Of Light) Brahma’s Supremacy 2014: (fluorescent color poster) Kirby/Royer - a (from: Lord Of Light, 1978) (Barry Ira Geller) (See Heavy Metal 276) Bullpen Foto Kit (See Marvelmania Bullpen Foto Kit) Bullpen Pin-Up (Marvel) 1963—1968: (8.5” x 11”; b/w) (r: FF 15) “Pin-Up Page” (Fantastic Four) 1p Kirby/Ayers - a (note: distributed to fans; pre-M.M.M.S.) (Marvel) (See FCGMSAC) Bullpen Pin-Up (Marvel) 1968: Signatures (8.5” x 11”; b/w includes Kirby signature with other Bullpen signatures) (note: distributed to fans) (Marvel) (See FCGMSAC) Bulls-eye Action Portfolio, The 1979: (11.5” x 15.25”; 5 plates with slipsheet re-telling origin; w/envelope) Kirby/Simon - a (Country Art) Calpurnia 2012: (11” x 14” poster) (from Julius Caesar (theatre) designs (1969) Kirby - a (Jack Kirby Museum) Captain America 1966: (16.5” x 22” poster; redrawn from: cover FM 3) Kirby/Everett - a (note: sold in sets of eight—mail order / retail) (Personality Posters) (See Super-Heroes Club, FCGMSAC) Captain America #106 1969: “Cap Goes Wild” (2’ x 3’ poster) Kirby/Giacoia - a (note: sent in version one Marvelmania Fan Club membership kits) (Marvelmania) (See Captain America (unpublished 1969 poster), FCGMSAC) Captain America 1971: (2’ x 3’ blacklight poster #4017) “Phase One” Kirby/Giacoia - a (repro from TOS 86) (Third Eye) (See FCGMEBAC) Captain America 1970s: (unknown poster repros Captain America Comics 1 cover) Kirby/Simon/Shores - a Captain America 1975: (19” x 26” poster) Kirby - a(p) (note: bootleg versions exist) (Jack Kirby) (See KU (2004), TJKC 1,43,67) Captain America 1977: (24” x 36” poster) (note: painted art adapted from cover Captain America 193) (Marvel) Captain America 1978: (signed and numbered lithograph) Kirby/Royer - a (See TJKC 3) Captain America 50th Birthday 1990: (24” x 20” signed lithograph) Kirby/Thibodeaux - a (First Team Press) (See AOJK, JKQ 1) Captain America 2001: (lithograph; deluxe and reg. limited editions) Kirby/Ross - a (repro from TJKC 19) (Dynamic Forces / Marvel) Captain America 2005: (23” x 29” poster) Kirby - a (Jack Kirby Museum) (See CI 121, KU, TJKC 64) Captain America “1941” 2005: (14” x 23” poster) Kirby - a(p) (Jack Kirby Museum) Captain Nice Jan 1967: (poster) Kirby/Stone - a (NBC television series promo) (See television, TJKC 11,21,23, Jack Kirby Checklist (bc) Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers 2000: (11” x 17” posters; set of four) // 1: (r: c CV 1) Captain Victory // 2: (r: bc CV 7)  Captain Victory / Major Klavus / Tarin / Aliens // 3: (r: bc CV 9) Director Chusang // 4: (r: bc CV 4) Major Klavus Kirby - a(p) (Jack Kirby Comics) Cartoon and Comic Symposium Apr 28-29, 1972: (poster by Aguila includes guest Kirby) (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA) (See FCGMEBAC) Cartoonists and Artists Portfolio 2 1978: Orion / Red Skull / Bulls-eye / Beautiful Dreamer 1p Kirby - a (Supergraphics) Comic Art Portfolio (See Marvelmania Comic Art Portfolio) Comics & Comix Mar 14, 1993: (8.5” x 11” poster) Captain Glory Kirby/Giacoia - a (note: promotion for in-store app. by Kirby to promote The Art of Jack Kirby) (Palo Alto, CA, USA) (See TJKC 38,63) Comics Combatives: Stories Told by Jack Kirby, PFC. Nov 11—29, 2015: (exhibition poster features Kirby repros)  (103 Allen Street, Lower East Side, New York, NY, USA) (R: TJKC 67) (Jack Kirby Museum) [Communicators Unlimited] (Jack Kirby’s publishing company; Neal L. Kirby (business manager) (See individual listings for details) Kirby Unleashed—A “King” Kirby Portfolio (1971) // New Gods Portfolio (1971) // Jack Kirby’s Gods (portfolio; 1972) // (unpublished: Kirby Unleashed (volume 2; 1975) Daredevil Portfolio May 1971: (portfolio reprints cover and title page Daredevil 1 with repros and checklist) (Marvelmania) Dark Horse Portfolio (See Jack Kirby Portfolio (1996) Demon early 1970s: (8.5” x 11” photocopy) 1p Kirby - a(p) (note: Kirby hand-out at conventions) (Jack Kirby) (See Orion) Deranged Tales 1972: (poster; parody of Kirby’s ST 98 cover by Scott Shaw! to elicit shock—to Kirby’s embarrassment) (Towry) Doctor Doom 1969-1970: (2’ x 3’ poster) Kirby - a (Kirby inks and color) (note: Kirby created poster gratis) (Marvelmania) (See FCGMSAC, TJKC 5,43,60) Doctor Doom 1991: (2’ x 3’ serigraph; edition of 250; repros 1969 Marvelmania poster) Kirby - a (R: TJKC 60) (Editions Déesse; France) Fantastic Four (See Bullpen Pin-Up) Fantastic Four 1969-1970: (2’ x 3’ poster) Kirby - a (Kirby inks and color) (note: Kirby created poster gratis) (Marvelmania) (See FCGMSAC, FFLA 1, TJKC 5,50,54) Fantastic Four 1971: (2’ x 3’ blacklight poster #4011) “Fantastic Four” Kirby/Ayers - a (repro from FF 7) (Third Eye) (See Fantastic Four (puzzle), FCGMEBAC, TJKC 60) Fantastic Four 1971: (3’ x 2’ blacklight poster #4012) “Fantastic Four” Kirby/Sinnott - a (repro from FFS 5) (Third Eye) (See FCGMEBAC, TJKC 60)


(Galactus) was published in both Fantastic Four 154 and Sub-Mariner 72) (Marvel) (See BGCF 69, BI 76, CBA Collection 3) www.mvstamps.com Marvel Value Stamps Book 1974: (2-color (red/black) 5.5” x 8.5” book holds set of 100 Series 1 stamps) (note: issued with Stan Lee letter “until Iron Man runs out of Rustoleum” and 4-color Spider-Man photo poster) (Marvel) Marvelmania 1969: (postcard); explains tardiness of membership kit) Red Skull Kirby - a (Marvelmania) (See TFCMSAC) Marvel’s Magic Moments Jul 1987: (75 cards) Kirby - a? (Comic Images) Night Glider (Apr) 1993: (card #2 in set of four “Kirbychrome” color metallic cards; issued with Night Glider 1) (Topps) (See Bombast, Captain Glory, Satan’s Six) Phantom Force 1993: (set of five cards; randomly packaged with Phantom Force 1 comic book) Kirby - a(p) 1: Sensi, 2: Gin Seng, 3: Professor Kubliak, 4: Apocalypse, 5: Probe (Image) Postcards (See Marvel / Marvelmania Postcards) Price Guide to the Non-Sport Cards 1992: by Christopher Benjamin (Marvel cards / stickers on pages 385, 578) (Edgewater) Satan’s Six (Apr) 1993: (card #4 in set of four “Kirbychrome” color metallic cards; issued with Satan’s Six 1) (Topps) (See Bombast, Captain Glory, Night Glider) Secret City Saga (See Bombast, Captain Glory, Jack Kirby’s Secret City Saga, Night Glider, Satan’s Six) Sentinels of Liberty (See Captain America / Bucky) Sentinels of Liberty (membership card) in misc.) Sentry, The 1971: (greeting card TE-154; fluorescent; 6” x 9.25”); “I Love You Because You’re Different” (repro from FF 64, p 8) (Third Eye) (See FCGMEBAC) Silver Surfer, The 1971: (greeting card TE-145; fluorescent; 6” x 9.25”); “I Am Free” (repro from FF 76, p 6) (Third Eye) (See FCGMEBAC, Silver Surfer (poster / puzzle) Spider-Man 30th Anniversary 1992: (card #1): (r: c AF 15) (Impel) Stamps [Postage] 2006: (DC Super-Heroes); set of 20 postage stamps feature: Green Arrow Kirby/Royer - a (repro from Green Arrow by Jack Kirby cover; 2001) (U.S. Postal Service) (See First Day Cover (TJKC 71) Stamps [Postage] 2007: (Marvel Super-Heroes); set of 20 postage stamps feature: Thing Kirby/Sinnott - a (FF 53, p12) // Captain America Kirby/Ayers - a (TOS 59 cover) // Silver Surfer Kirby/Sinnott - a (FF 50; reversed) // ASM 1 Kirby/Ditko - c // IH 1 Kirby/Reinman - c // FF 3 Kirby/Ayers - c // CA 100 Kirby/Shores - c // XM 1 Kirby/Brodsky - c (U.S. Postal Service) (See KKOC) Star Wars Galaxy 2: New Visions Oct 1994: (set of 275 cards; the one Kirby card is Kirby’s final commissioned artwork) Darth Vader / Luke Skywalker Kirby/Thibodeaux - a (note: the only known Kirby work on Star Wars characters) (Topps) (See Star Cats, Star Wars Galaxy MagazineTJKC 11) Super Hero Stickers (See Marvel Super Hero Stickers) Superman 1971: (test market) card game puzzle package front / back; 4 puzzle cards; features Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen— “Superman can help us win”) Kirby/Royer - a (assist: Anderson) (Mattel) (See AE V3#29, Kirby100, Lone Ranger, Superman (unpublished), Tarzan, TJKC 10,51,62,67) Tarzan 1971: (card game puzzle package front / back) Kirby/Royer - a (Mattel) (See Lone Ranger, Superman, TJKC 10) Thor 1966: (bumper sticker (two versions); one promotes TV cartoons) (Thor repro from JIM 105, p 9) (Marvel) (See FCGMSAC p 82) Thor 1971: (greeting card; fluorescent (6”Jack x 9.25”); [Astral Thor]—repro TheTE-146; ultimate listing of “King” Kirby’s work! from WithThor a 159, p 3) (Third Eye) (See Thor (poster); FCGMEBAC) decade of extensively researched corrections and additions Thor 1971: (greetingsince card;the TE-163; (6” x 9.25”); At Last”—repro 2008fluorescent “Gold Edition”, this“The final,Answer fully-updated, de- from Thor 159, p 1) (Third Eye) (See FCGMEBAC) finitive Centennial Edition clocks in at DOUBLE its previous Thor 1977: (adhesive patch; in 4” atall) (adapted from cover TOAEdition 1) length, new 272-page Limited Hardcover (only 1000 copies) to celebrate Kirby’s addition to Kirby - a (Topps) (See TJKC 10) Topps Baseball Cards 1960 (614 cards) / 1961 (572 cards):Centennial! (various cardInback illustrations) detailed listing of all of Kirby’s published comic book work Value Stamps (See aMarvel Value Stamps) dates, story titles, page counts, X-Men Covers Jan (with 1990: (90 cards) Kirby - a? (Comic Images) and inkers, plus reprints cross-referenced to help collectors locate less-expensive versions of key issues), it documents his work in: Pulp magazines, MISCELLANEOUS books, foreign editions, newspaper strips, fine art and collages, periodicals, fanzines, convention booklets, novels and [action figures] (Seeshort Big Jim, Captain Action,interviews, Super Powers) stories, essays, speeches and convention panels, art exhibitions, portfolios, posters, Action Flasher Rings 1966: (display card) (Marvelstickers, Super-Heroes; repro in Esquire 394) Kirby - a (signed; assist:recordings, Romita) calendars, cards, stamps, radiosame and art television appearances, audio and video animation—even (Vari-Vue) (See FCGMSAC p 68)Jack’s unpublished work! If Kirby did it, it’s covered here, with hundreds of new items published his 1994 passing, bringing it up to date through his 100th birthday in August 2017! American Comic Book Artistssince Association (Kirby was a member) [ashtray] 1960s: (white ceramic with gold trim; sales promo) Human Torch (repro from c FF 35) Kirby - a (Marvel) (See FCGMSAC) (272-page Limited Edition Hardcover) $37.95 Avengers 1965: (t-shirt) (Captain America) Kirby/Giacoia - a (note: Hawkeye vignette repro from: TOS 57, p 5); Scarlet Witch and ISBN: 978-1-60549-083-0 Quicksilver vignettes repro from: ST 128, p 3) (note: first solicited in AV 18) (Allison / Marvel) (1999 reissue by Graphitti) (R: AV 672 (variant) (Seehttp://twomorrows.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=95_97&products_id=1361 FCGMSAC) [back issues] 1971—1975: (While at DC, Kirby assistants Mark Evanier and Steve Sherman answered readers’ letters—solicited at: P.O. Box 336, Newbury Park, CA 91320 (USA). The unintended consequence was numerous requests for back issues, which were returned at the Kirbys’ expense. (“...hours of sorting coins and licking stamps for a certain Mrs. K who just doesn’t have the time.” —Steve Sherman (Kamandi the Last Boy on Earth 13) Battle for a Three Dimensional World 1983: (promotional counter card; 8.25” x 14” 2-color (red/black) cardboard) Kirby/Thibodeaux - a (3D Cosmic Publications) Beast, The 1975: (Big Jim vehicle toy box art) Kirby - a // Big Jim (on reverse of approx. 24” x 14” box, 6 panel Kirby story printed black on red background) Kirby - a (Mattel) (See TJKC 31) Beast Rider 1991: (sculpture replica) by Glenn Kolleda); (edition of 250 solicited—reportedly 15 produced; includes 22” x 17” serigraph print (signed and numbered by Kirby) (Creations (Artnet) (See Jacob and the Angel, TJKC 67,69) [beer] (See King Kirby Genesis Ale) Big Jim (See Beast, Doctor Steel, Warpath, Whip) (comic book ads 1974-1976) Big Jim Blue Commander 1975: (action figure window box art on front, back) Kirby - a (Mattel) (See JKQ 15, TJKC 31) Big Jim Gold Commander 1975: (action figure thin box art) Kirby - a (note: with J. Buscema/Sinnott comic book inside) (Mattel) Boy Commandos 1945—1946: (tattoo package; 5” x 7.5” illustrated envelope contains two 4” x 7” full color reversed tattoo transfer sheets; with instructions: “Follow the Adventures of the Boy Commandos in Detective Comics / Boy Commandos / World’s Finest Comics”) Kirby/Nicholas (Wojtkoski) - a (DC Comics) (See TJKC 7)




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