UPCOMING EVENTS • Southeast Texas/Gulf Coast FTC: Sept. 24 in Nacogdoches • Red River FTC: October 8 in Denton • Hill Country FTC: October 15 in Waco
• Fall Retreat: October 21-23 in Lindale TX @ Rockin C’ Ranch
T-O ROCKS ICON 2005 The 50th Circle K International Conventional never looked so good! It was held in Greensboro, NC on August 13-17, 2005. The district had a total of 17 representatives with of them being delegates. We also received a very special visit. T-O Kiwanis Governor-Designate Jack Carlton and his wife Sherry attended the entire weekend. What an honor! Throughout ICON we had a time of service, leadership, and fellowship, but mainly the latter. The week before ICON began I had the great opportunity to attend the Large Scale Service Project also known as LSSP. I was the only one from our district, but that’s a start. I’m sure once you hear about it; you will want to go next year. Imagine 131 members from 24 districts all around the country joining together for a huge weeklong project! How awesome can that be? Our project consisted of building a playground area for a child development facility. The back yard of the building was illegal for the children to play in so we had to go in and flatten the land, build a soccer field, make a basketball court and play area, and a structure nature trail to help the children learn more about their state. The hard work was well worth it when we witnessed it first hand being used by the children of the community. It brought tears to everyone’s eyes. CKI also received news coverage as a bonus. After all the service, we were off to begin ICON. We had a lot to think about before it even started. We had to prepare for the House of Delegates by reading up on all the amendments being proposed. We also had the chance to elect the board of trustees that will lead our organization for the next year. We are also proud to have a new representation from T-O on the International Board. Stuti Mehta from Stephen F. Austin State University was elected at International Trustee. I’m sure she will have a positive representation of T-O just like Ellen Stallcup did as International Vice President. And speaking of Ellen, there’s an iron story to tell. Many of you may be aware of the Carthage-Pullman awards that can be awarded by making a donation to the Tomorrow Fund.
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INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CONT... Well, since we have been selling the coins and pins to raise money for the Tomorrow Fund, we raised enough money to award Ellen with one. She had no idea we were doing this. One of the night, with the help of International President I had the privilege of presenting it to her. Little did I know that the district board and especially Ellen were plotting on the same for me. She awarded me with one as well. It was a funny moment because she walked up to present one to me, and right after her I went to the podium to present it to her. So the next time you see her, congratulate her for all the dedication to CKI and for making a T-O look big! Are we forgetting something? Of course, the fellowship part. Well, I can assure you that everyone who went had the chance to not only bond with other T-O members, but also with members of other districts. I guarantee that everyone at least met 5 new people. We had plenty of chances to meet people. We kicked it off by hosting a block party the first night. We had a GLO theme. I would also like to mention that we had the best party there. We closed down other parties and received many compliments. We also had a night of karaoke in which someone from our district stole the show. I’m not going to say who, but I’m sure you’ll hear about it! Finally, we can’t forget the major highlight. Throughout the weekend we continued to raise money for the Tomorrow Fund and we reached over the $160,000 mark. And you all know what that means. The International President shaved his head. You had to be there. The moment was priceless! Overall, it was a very successful International Convention. All of my expectations were met and surpassed. I’m sure I can speak for everyone. If you are now kicking yourself for not going, continue to do so, but only until next ICON. Be sure to register for next year’s Convention as it will be in Boston, MA. I’ll be there! Will You? Jose Arteaga District Governor DISTRICT BOARD OPENINGS Are you interested in working with the Texas-Oklahoma District Board? There are currently openings available for the position of District Editor and Information and Technology Chair. If you are an active Circle-K member and you have the desire to extend your level of commitment to the Texas-Oklahoma District please submit an application for one of these positions today. The office of District Editor requires the ability to edit articles and lay them out in an attractive, readable manner. Information and Technology Chairperson applicants need to be familiar with HTML and software such as Dream Weaver. For more information please contact District Governor Jose Arteaga at
“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each
individual.” - Vince Lombardi
Years in Kiwanis Family: 6 School: Texas A&M University
Year: Senior, Accounting Goals for Year: One of my main goals is to give our district recognition at the international level. I also want to unite the district of Kiwanisfamily. I would also like to establish a healthy communication line with all the chapters. Last, I would like our district to charter more chapters and continue to grow. Favorite CKI Moment: Attending my first ICON in Indianapolis. SECRETARY: KIM HARDY
Years in Kiwanis Family: 4 School: Midwestern State University Year: Senior, Special Education Goals for Year: My main goal is to increase reporting percent from last year. Favorite CKI Moment: When I joined CKI. TREASURER: ANGELA RAGAN
Years in Kiwanis Family: 6
School: University of North Texas Year: Senior Biology Major Goals for Year: To get more chapters involved in the thirds plan. To get the whole board involved in food-eating contests! OKLAHOMA LTG: ROWYNN RICKS
Years in Kiwanis Family: 8 (2 in Builders Club, 2 in Key Club, 4 in CKI) School: University of Central Oklahoma Year: Senior, English Goals for Year: Charter another chapter in Oklahoma. Build divisional fellowship through divisional activities. Encourage and support my chapters.
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Years in Kiwanis Family: 3 School: University of North Texas Year: Senior, Fashion Merchandising Goals for Year: Create closer divisional bonds through service projects & socials. About me: I’ve been called a walking paradox: I’m a smart blond, cool nerd, and calculated risk-taker. SOUTHEAST TEXAS/GULF COAST LTG: DENISE BRAUN
Years in Kiwanis Family: 2.5 School: Sam Houston State University Year: Junior, Elementary Education Goals for Year: To obtain more members and to get to CKI promoted more. Have a newsletter every month. Go visit a chapter every month. Call my chapters every week. Attend all important school events at all of my division schools. SOUTH TEXAS LTG: RICHARD WILLIS
School: Victoria College Year: Sophomore, Counseling Goals for Year: Charter at least one new club; make South Texas an untouchable division! District: Help where needed and never have a good enough excuse to miss anything. MEMBERSHIP/KIWANIS FAMILY CHAIR: ADRIANA CASAS
Years in Kiwanis Family: 3 School: University of North Texas Year: Senior, Early Childhood Goals for Year: I would like to volunteer 60 hours. DISTRICT EVENTS CHAIR: CARL THOMAS
Years in Kiwanis Family: 5.5
School: Midwestern State University Year: Senior Biology Goals for Year: The best Fall Retreat and DCON ever
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M E SSAG E FRO M KI WA NI S GOV ER NOR: JAC K CA RLT ON Renewed Spirit—Together We Can. This will be the Texas/Oklahoma Kiwanis Theme for the upcoming year beginning October 1, 2005. CKI is very important! You are the final avenue for us to work with young adults in preparation for the future. We are depending on the youth of the world to give us new ideas, new spirit, and new growth. You are the future of Kiwanis. New ideas enable you to determine the needs for community service and helping children. Your desire to give many hours of your time to serve both communities and children is commendable, although you are extremely busy with your education. This is real dedication and the desire to improve the quality of life. Your spirit is at its highest point. You know how to have fun and you do not visualize any part of failure. This is an important trait of a leader and is what we need in all of the Kiwanis activities. When we have fun doing service for others, we develop an inner feeling of satisfaction to drive our self-esteem. Not only does this help us in our jobs, but in our every day life. New growth is the heart of our organizations. Governor Jose has set goals for new clubs and growth throughout the year. His goals are ambitious and attainable. The more members we gain, the more we can expand our service hours. Growth is difficult because of the easy excuse, “I don’t have time”. You as students have learned to plan your activities, becoming a complete person. Kiwanians depend on you to keep us young and productive. With your help we can attain the goal of Kiwanis International President Steve Siemons to grow one million members by the year 2015. The goal is difficult, but obtainable. We are going to use every means we have to attract new members and break the trend of declining membership. We want to join the ranks of CKI as a growing organization, and hope you will join our membership in the future. Although your year is passing fast, we will continue to support and work with you and your successors to make CKI the best college organization. Your work is important and we are proud to support you in your endeavors. Thank you for being a member of the Kiwanis Family. Let’s renew the spirit together! JACK CARLTON Kiwanis Governor 2005-2006
“Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value
will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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M E E T YO U R I N T E R N A T I O N A L T R U S T E E : J E N N Y K E L LY Name: Jenny Kelly Position: International Trustee Years In Kiwanis Family:Going on my 8th year School: Bradley University Year: Senior Public Relations Major/Management, Marketing Minor Goals: Motivate and Inspire more members to take on leadership roles. Work closely with board members to reach district and personal goals. Focus on membership recruitment, retention and education More about me… I originate from a small town called Streator where I grew up with the people who have influenced me to become who I am. I may appear quiet at times but once you get to know me, you will think otherwise. I believe you should laugh at least 15 times a day because as it’s said, “A smile is a curve that can set everything straight.” Favorite Food: Candy Apples Birthday: July 16, 1984 Favorite Sport: Basketball and Volleyball Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Fiction: Janet Evanovich
“If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for things that are worthwhile, it can be
done.” - Vince Lombardi
• Be watching for your back-to-school mailing. Utilize the resources included in that mailing. • Circle K membership is at an all-time high. We are currently at 14,082 members. I strongly encourage you to continue to work with your club to recruit new members. The beginning of the school year is one of the best opportunities to raise membership. There are numerous resources on-line at to help with club recruitment. • Each member of Circle K International is required to submit district and International dues. It is important for clubs to update membership rosters and dues invoices through the website. Club passwords should be received through mail by early September. • Circle K International’s Service Initiative is one of the most amazing programs you and your clubs can take part in. The service initiative educates members about the problems and issues that face children worldwide ages six to 13. By promoting the service initiative and personally interacting with children you can help children to develop the necessary skills needed to be successful in life
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RECRUITMENT TIME!!! It's that time of the year again. What time? New member recruitment time! Since many students tend to flock toward Greek organizations (yes, other organizations exist), those first couple of weeks of school are crucial for a club's growth. For that reason, a membership Yahoo group has been created to best prepare club officers and chairs for their chapter's recruitment efforts. So, how can you get in on the action? You can join by sending an e-mail to and you will receive an e-mail inviting you to join in less than a day. A few examples of what the group has to offer? Under the links section in the Yahoo group you will find: a Circle K Club Locator, CopyMax Discount Info, a PR manual, CKI websites of the year, logos and images, and a link to download Adobe Acrobat to view other files. Under the files section you can find: a Blitz week flyer with examples of what UNT has done in the past, a flyer called Changing the World, a sheet to get info from potential members, a letter you can send potential members, and an information sheet to give out to potential CKI members. The goal is for club officers and chairs throughout the T-O district to share recruitment resources and fliers. You are free to use any of the material posted on the group and I ask you all to post anything that you feel might be useful for another club. Well gang, I hope you find the yahoo group a helpful resource. Happy Recruiting!
District Goals: 1. 525 Membership 2. 11,000 Service
Hours 3. Have 75% of chapter participation at District Events 4. On average of 3 Kiwanis, 2 Key Club, and 1 CKI interclub per chapter 5. Obtain $4,000 for the T-O Leadership Fund
-Adriana Casas T-O CKI Membership/Kiwanis Family Chair Regular Registration (October 7th) - $90 Late Registration (October 14th) $105 Activities: Capture the Flag, Workshops, Free Time, Governor’s Project canned food drive, Treasure Hunt, Campfire, 4 meals.
Awards: Given out on Sunday, including a gift certificate that discounts the price of DCON for group that wins Treasure Hunt.
What is the 20052006 Governor’s Project? Donating Resources and Increasing Volunteerism in Everyone
Each month will be dedicated to a specific drive. We will produce a schedule of drives. Top Left: T-O and Brother district Govs in cartoon themed caucus session. Top Right: International President Troy Dibley as they “Shave his Wave”
October: Canned Food Drive; We will be having a special drive collection at Fall Retreat, so be sure to tell everyone to bring canned goods.
Bottom Left: T-O members in their cartoon costumes.
HOW TO CONTACT THE DISTRICT BOARD Governor—Jose Arteaga, 1604 A Holleman Dr., College Station, TX 77840; C: 713-9065865; Secretary—Kim Hardy, 4719 Catalina Dr., Wichita Falls, TX 76310; C: 940-224-7443; Treasurer—Angela Ragan, 1023 Fannin, Denton, TX 76201; C: 214-663-7170; Oklahoma LTG—Rowynn Ricks, 100 N. University Box 387, Edmond, OK 73034; C: 405-623-2379; Red River/Metro LTG—Julie Bily, 1023 Fannin, Denton, TX 76201; C: 940-390-2023; Southeast Texas/Gulf Coast LTG—Denise Braun, 555 Bowers Blvd. #1817, Huntsville, TX 77340; C: 713-907-2958; South Texas LTG—Richard Willis, 108 Greenway, Victoria, TX 77904; H: 361-6499568; District Events Chair—Carl Thomas, 4719 Catalina Dr., Wichita Falls, TX 76310; C: 940642-8925; Membership/Kiwanis Family Chair—Adriana Casas, 1023 Fannin, Denton, TX 76201; C: 214-537-3655 District Administrator—Sean Raich, 5109 Karen Dr., North Richland Hills, TX 76180; H: 817-577-4619; Asst. Admin.—Anna Ethridge, 2140 Shady Grove Dr., Bedford, TX 75021; H: 817-6858039; Asst. Admin.—Hunter Faubion, 1227 FM 1791, Huntsville, TX 77340; H: 936-4388293;