T-O Today Volume 1 Issue 1
The Offical Publication of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Circle K International
By Patra Kositchaiwat It is extremely important to organize your life. From your room, to work, to school, plan everything out on daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Don’t get one of those silly small note book pads. Get a big a planner and fill in your events according to priority and importance to you. A party this Saturday is not as important as finishing that five page research paper due Monday morning. However, you also need to learn to balance yourself amidst your education, your job, your family, and if applicable, your religion. DO YOUR BEST TO NOT PROCRASTINATE ON ANYTHING! I’ve learned the hard way, and I’m still learning. Trying to balance your life between your social life, your work, your family, and your religion is a lot to fulfill. By planning out your daily activities, you’ll be able to accomplish each task and perform the balancing act successfully. It may seem overwhelming at first, trying to organize your life, but once you do, everything will to fall into place. Be sure to make time for yourself as well. Your mental and physical state is just as important as finishing that degree. I love to exercise. Anytime I go to the gym to work out, I am lowering my stress levels. All it takes is twenty minutes a day to relieve myself of the stress and reenergize my mental state of mind. Others take up yoga, or find comfort in shopping, but for me, being active is a part of my life. Find what makes you happy and make it an importance to incorporate your distressing activity into your busy schedule. Once you do, everything else will be a breeze. Good Luck!
In this issue
Page 1: Stress Management Page 2: Governor’s Welcome Page 3: Subregion D Rep Welcome; Apply for a District Committee Page 4: WOW Wrap Up; K-Family Spotlight Page 5: Kicking for a Cause; ICON 2011 Page 6: Lesson for Leaders Page 7: Summertime CKI; FLIP Page 8: DCON 2011 Wrap Up Page 9: Fundraising Idea; Leadership Academy Page 10: Camp CKI; Tweet Corner; Service Partner Spotlight Page 11: District Board Contact Info
Contribute to the T-O Today!
If your chapter has particpated in an awesome service project or if you have a tip you would love to share with the District, we would LOVE to include your article in the next issue! Send a word document of your article along with pictures to mail articles@txokcki.org by July 15th to submit your spotlight in the next issue! All articles will be subject to minor editing, and all articles may not be included in the next issue due to length constraints.
Governor Donnesh Amrollah
One Family. One Legacy.
On behalf of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Circle K International, I want to thank you for being a valued member of CKI, and dedicating yourself to the tenets of Service, Leadership, and Fellowship. Please know that what you are doing for this organization is helping change the world, one service project, one life at a time. That said, I hope you are ready for an amazing year in the Mighty TexasOklahoma District. It is an extreme honor to represent one of the best districts in all of Circle K International. We are the oldest district in International, and many great leaders in our K-Family have come from this district. Simply, we have a legacy for being great. In hopes of keeping up with this tradition, the District Board of Officers is excited to reveal the new legacy we hope to leave behind. Our biggest strength and success comes from our ability to come together as a district and make an impact. Additionally, we have been able to establish lasting relationships with our fellow Kiwanis and Key Club, and as a family, achieve greater service. However, we have not had the opportunity to interact with other members of our K-Family. That is why this year, the District Board would like to announce that we are taking on the initiative to bring our K-Family closer together. By bringing together our family (Kiwanis, CKI, Key Club, Builder’s Club, K-Kids, aKtion Club) we hope to leave a legacy that not only improves the relationships we have together, but will impact the world, as we commit to serve the world together. Together we will be “One Family. One Legacy.” The possibilities are endless with this initiative. You can attend their events, service projects, or invite our family to our events, and service projects. Additionally, in regards to our other sponsored K-Family organizations, you and your CKI chapter can venture in co-sponsoring them with your sponsoring Kiwanis club. Whatever the action, by simply getting more involved with the K-Family, we are paving the way to increasing the power we have to change the world. But this is not the only goal our District has in store. At Weekend Officer Workshop, the District Board was proud to announce that we have set SMART goals that we know will be achieved with your cooperation. When it comes to service, we have had the amazing ability to surpass all expectations in completing service hours. In this past year we have accomplished over 10,000 hours of service, and this year we believe we can achieve even more. That is why we have set our service goal for 16,000 hours; 13,000 to be completed by our general membership, and 3,000 to be accomplished by the District Board. Additionally, we have a membership goal to reach 550 members by the end of this year. Other goals we have include 75 reported interchapters, and 175 reported K-Family relations. Another goal we hope to achieve during our term is to see 30 CKI members at Camp CKI, 75 members at Fall Retreat, and 150 members at District Convention. In order to accomplish these goals we need your help. The biggest ways to monitor the success of these goals falls upon the reporting your chapter President and Secretary turn in every month, but without you, they cannot report. By putting in your effort, you are ensuring the success of our Mighty District. If you have any questions, feel free to communicate with any member of the District Board. As we head into the CKI year, we shall be providing you with resources to a successful year. Again, we would like to thank you for answering the call to service, and we look forward to a successful year. T-Ogether in Service and a Smile, Donnesh Amrollah Governor of the Mighty Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI
International Representative-SubRegion D Juan Juarez
Happy New Year, Texas-Oklahoma CKI! You might be wondering why I’m wishing everyone a happy new year, right? In CKI the New Year is April 1, 2011! That is when the new Governors and District Board Members being their term as the new leaders of the Texas-Oklahoma CKI District! Now, in addition to your district board members, you also have the Circle K International Board! I currently service as the International Representative to Subregion D and represent the Texas-Oklahoma District, Kansas, MissouriArkansas, Louisiana -Mississippi-Western Tennessee, and Nebraska-Iowa CKI Districts! The Circle K International Board has many exciting plans for the reminder of our term and we hope that you choose to participate and attend all the activities that we plan! Before I got into those activities, I want to make sure and update all you awesome T-O CKI members on what has recently happened in CKI! The annual CKI Service Week just finished and on behalf of the CKI Service Committee and the CKI Board, I would like to thank all of you for participating in this amazing event and for completing service with our four service partners in CKI: UNICEF/Six Cents Initiative, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH), March of Dimes, and Better World Books. In order for you to be recognized at the 56th Annual Circle K International Convention and be eligible for some great prizes, please make sure to fill out the participation form at the following link: https://sites.google.com/site/ckiserviceweek/form Additionally, all the Governors (including your amazing Governor, Donnesh Amrollah) just completed Governor and Administrator Training Conference (GATC) weekend in Indianapolis, Indiana! GATC is exactly what it stands for. It is a weekend full of training and bonding with Governors from all over the United States and world! Governor Donnesh is now ready to make the T-O CKI District the best it can be this upcoming year! In addition to CKI Service Week and GATC, the CKI Service Committee is currently planning for the ICON Service Fair! In just a couple of weeks, the committee will be releasing the official application that will be due by May 31, 2011! You don’t want to miss the chance of showcasing your amazing service project at the annual CKI Convention! On behalf of the Circle K International Board, I would like to congratulate you all on an outstanding year and wish you the best of luck on the New Year! Please do not hesitate to contact me at subregiond@circlek.org with any questions you might have. I always welcome suggestions as well! In Service, Juan Juarez
Get Involved with the Texas-Oklahoma CKI District Board! would like to see what goes with all levels of the Kiwanis public relations and market-
By Sarah Haagan Would YOU like to get involved with the TexasOklahoma District of CKI? Would YOU like to help make the decisions that go on for our district? Would YOU like to be a part of a hard working body that makes sure everything runs smoothly for the district? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, YOU would make the perfect committee member! Committee work is a great way to be involved and make a difference on the district level of CKI. There are many committees to choose from! If you enjoy attending district events and
on ‘behind the scenes’, then the District Events committee is for you! With this committee, you will work with Committee Chairs Denise Gonzales and Lauren Perkins to create epic district events such as Fall Retreat and District Convention. If you enjoy relating to the Kiwanis family, whether it is doing service projects with Kiwanis or being an excellent example for Key Club, Builder’s Club, K Kids, or Aktion Club, then being on the Kiwanis Family Relations committee is your perfect fit! This committee, chaired by Jace Venters and Neal Wright will work closely
family to make sure they are united and working together to ‘serve the children of the world’. Do you have a special skill for increasing and retaining membership for your club? Bring your skill to the Membership Development committee! If on this committee, you will work with chair Chris Hester to provide clubs with ways to inform members, increase and retain membership, and much more! Another opportunity to use your skills is to be on the Service committee. This committee will help clubs develop the perfect service project for their club. Finally, if you enjoy the
ing field, then the Public Relations and Marketing committee is your perfect fit. This committee will help chair Krishna Suthar with compiling the T-O Today and create savvy materials for the district. Use your skills to help the district reach its full potential! Apply for a committee today! Check out www. txokcki.org for more details or as your Lt. Governor! Applications are available at www.surveymonkey.com/s/ tocki_committees, and they are due May 9th.
Weekend Officer Workshop 2011 Wrap Up
Connecting the K
By Paul Risk Weekend Officer Workshop is now over, but the benefits of the great weekend are only just beginning to show. Lamar University had it’s meeting today and our new officers are motivated and on fire to make the next CKI year a great one! I’m sure that many of the other clubs in the T-O district are doing the same thing this week. WOW had a great start with the Boys and Girls Club of Georgetown. We arrived Saturday morning and played around with the kids for a while. They were very nice kids and a lot of fun to hang out with. We did do some more difficult work, though;
we helped reorganize and clean up the club area. Following that fun service, we headed over to Georgetown to get to work. After a great opening session, we found out which leadership direction we were. I learned that I am a west. As always the activity was helpful and I really did learn a lot about myself. We then broke up into individual officer workshops; I attended the secretary workshop because my secretary could not make it. Sarah gave a great informative presentation, and I’m sure the rest of the workshops were just as good. For the rest of the afternoon, we alternated doing icebreakers, which were great, and doing individual evaluations of our clubs. We set goals for the upcoming year and brainstormed over ways to improve CKI over the
next year. Carol also gave a wonderful talk about conflict resolution. Finally, we headed over to Austin Pizza and Park to have lots of fun! Sunday morning we met up and did an organizational exercise that showed how important communication is. Again, I think the District Board did a great job on coming up with and implementing the weekend agenda. I am looking forward to a
WTAMU at WOW 2011
By Jace Venters What do Elvis Presley, Meg Ryan, and Bill Clinton have in common? They were all in Key Club! Part of the K Family since 1925, Key Club International is the largest and oldest service program for high school students. It originated in Sacramento, California when two Sacramento Kiwanis wanted to develop a junior service club at their local high school to offer their guidance and shape new leaders through the act of volunteering. The group started with a select number of students at the Sacramento Key Club, expanded to fifty clubs within the next fifteen years, and has reached an international membership of 250,000 as of 2010. Key Club’s focuses include leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Among other objectives, the program aims to serve their community and school, develop initiative, and prepare for useful citizenship. Key Club International works with three service partners year round—UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network. Close partnerships with these non-profits allows chapters to make a difference on the international level within their own communities. Over the past 16 years, Key Clubers—with the help of Builders Club—have raised nearly $5 million for UNICEF, including iodine deficiency programs worldwide, HIV/AIDS education and prevention in Kenya and Swaziland, and $134, 209.93 in 2010 for Operation Uruguay. Here is what some Key Club chapters in Texas-Oklahoma have been up to! Barbers Hill Key Club from Mont Belvieu, Texas has been working closely with their Kiwanis at High Island Bird Sanctuary this year by cleaning up debris and planting new trees after Hurricanes Katrina and Ike. Wetumka Key Club from Wetumka, Oklahoma ranked sixth internationally by raising $1,500 towards the Youth Opportunities Fund with their Christmas Food Baskets project. Additionally, many chapters throughout T-O have raised money for their 2010-2011 Governor’s project, Alex’s Lemonade Stand which aims at fighting childhood cancer. Sounds like an awesome year to me! As you plan for fall semester, don’t forget to mark the first week of November as Key Club Week! Get in contact with your local Key Club chapters and see what you can do to get involved!
Kicking for a Cause
By Valerie DelaRosa Hearts pounding, adrenaline rushing, the blazing sun over-head, this is the scene at the Angelo State’s CKI 3 vs. 3 Soccer Tournament. Saturday, April 2nd, Angelo State University’s CKI held a 3 vs. 3 Soccer Tournament to benefit Grass Roots Soccer, an organization dedicated to helping spread the knowledge about stopping the spread of HIV through soccer; their main focus is in Africa and helping to educate the children there. The registration charge for players was $10 for students, and $15 for members of the community; this charge is what was donated to the Grass Roots Organization. Ten teams of ASU students signed up to play, what turned out to be some intense soccer games! Volunteers included members from several different CKI chapters such as UT in Austin, Kiwanis members, as well as members from sororities at ASU. Festivities such as face painting, cake walks, water balloon tosses and other exciting events were provided to the San Angelo community as well. The events were held on the Glenn Middle School’s intermural fields, and in the parking lot of the San Angelo Stadium, meaning there was lots of room to fit two soccer fields, six other activities, a live band, an eating area and a concession stand! While the crowds may not have been the largest, Angelo State’s CKI was able to raise around $400 for the Grass Roots Organization! The ASU CKI chapter hopes for an even better turn-out in years to come, and is proud of all the hard work the community and fellow CKI chapters put into the event.
Catch the Wave Large Scaled Service Project & International Convention www.circlek.org |
Come for the Fun, Stay in the Sun
ICON 2011: Virginia Beach
“I would like to invite you to our biggest event of the year, the 56th Annual Circle K International Convention (ICON) and Large Scale Service Project (LSSP) June 20-26, 2011! LSSP is all about service where you will spend three days completing service all around Virginia Beach, Virginia! In addition to service, you’ll be able to bond with CKI members from all around the world! Immediately following LSSP, the 5th Annual Circle K International Convention will begin! You do not want to miss out on this amazing convention where you will elect your future CKI Board of Representatives and relax on our very own private beach for Circle K International!” --Subregion D Representative Juan Juarez Pack your beach ball, flip flops and sunscreen and join us for the 56th Annual CKI Convention, beginning June 22, at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
This year, T-O has a special package to help enhance your ICON experience and make the registration process easier. For $550, we will pay for your ICON registration and hotel room and provide the following perks: a t-shirt, a district pin, and 9 meals. If you’re interested in this package, you need only submit a registration form and deposit for $275 by May 15th. The remaining $275 won’t be due until June 15th. Please note that this package is just for ICON and does not include travel. That said, it’s a great deal! Contact our On to Convention Chair, Steven Spriggs, at otic@txokcki.org Keynote speaker Jason Barger, author, speaker, consultant and creator of the “Step Back from the Baggage Claim” movement | House of Delegates and international officer elections | Informative workshops for club leadership and personal development | Entertainment and fellowship | A Service Fair and other opportunities to support CKI service partners
A Lesson for Leaders:
Balance your LIFE By Dr. Carol Clyde
How do you take care of yourself? I often ask students this question, and as we get ready to enter the hectic whirlwind of the end of another semester – I find this question coming up more often. During a recent conversation with a student running for an important campus position, I was concerned that although she was smiling and upbeat, she also looked more tired than normal. I asked how she was doing, and how she was taking care of herself during this hectic time. She shared that with all of the expectations of current leadership responsibilities, her classes and family – she did not have much time for herself. I asked her to promise that in the coming weekend she would take at least an hour or two to do something for HER (even if it was just watching an irreverent movie or reading a magazine). It was a pleasant surprise when she shared the next week that she had done just that! As student leaders, you’re faced with so many responsibilities – family, class, work, leadership positions, other campus activities, church or spiritual aims, volunteering… the list could truly be endless. With only 168 hours in a week, and a need to get some sleep – how do you ensure that you’re taking care of the one who keeps things going (YOU)? When I started my career, I was a true workaholic, and after moving to Texas I started to think about this idea of balance. My balance comes from volunteer work that matters to me and finding one (some would call silly) hobby that forces me to get away from responsibility (I play pool on a couple of teams). I’m not very good, but a couple of times a
week I get to spend time with great people, get away from responsibility (other than trying to win my match) and – most importantly I GET TO LAUGH! There is a great model called a Wheel of Life that might be helpful. Tiffany Lehman, M.S. (www.livingonpurposecoaching.com), explains “Visual maps such as the Life Balance Wheel are excellent tools used to begin the process of reaching goals and transforming your life. Take a few minutes and assess your life. Rank each life area by drawing an arc at the number that represents your level of satisfaction. The center of the wheel is 0 and equals zero satisfaction, the outer edge of the wheel is 10 representing total satisfaction.” Take a minute to think about where you fit in this, and what you can do to create better balance. Who will help you in your quest and how will you know that you’re successful? It takes 21 days to establish a habit – so just don’t give up! Remember – if you’re not taking care of yourself as a leader, you’re perhaps not being the best leader that you can!
Chapters Presidents & Secretaries:
Service in a Minute
Remember that your Monthly Report Forms are due by the 5th of the month!
NICU Memory Boxes Decorate shoeboxes to hold the mementos of mothers of babies who’ve died and give these Memory Boxes to the local hospital.
Key Clubbers: FLIP Into CKI!
This year the Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI will be out in full force recruiting new members under the direction of our District Chair of Membership Development, Chris Hester. Chairman Hester and Governor Amrollah will start this process by creating a comprehensive information card that will be used to gather key information from graduating high school seniors in Key Club. The goal will be to gather contact information, high school name, and Key Club positions held along with four perspective colleges any given graduate would possibly attend. These contact cards will be available online at www.txokcki.org! Every Key Clubber who submits a F.L.I.P Card will be entered in a drawing for a iPOD! Your 2011-2012 T-O CKI District Board invites you to be involved in helping our Membership Development Committee by contacting the entering freshman at your respective colleges. Share information about your local club with them, including the service projects you’re involved in, and encourage these new students to join your chapter. Remember they are the future of T-O CKI!
“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” Jamie Paolinetti
Cool With CKI: Summer 2011
By Chris Hester with them. You can plan Looking for a way to it in the city where your still have fun in the sun chapter is located, or with your CKI chapter pick a central location this summer, but not for the majority of your sure how? Don’t sweat it! members. If you choose This article will provide the second option make you with a few tips to sure to plan it in a city beat the heat this sumwhere the most members mer with service, fellow- will be able to attend, ship and leadership. and where you have a I’m sure most of you current member who can would agree that the best organize the service projsummer vacation is to ect/social and provide the beach. Well why not lodging if required. put an interesting spin Can’t get together with on that trip this year, your whole chapter, but and head to Virginia know some of your felBeach, Virginia for the low members are nearby? 2011 Large Scale Service Try getting together with Project (LSSP) and Inthem to do a service ternational Convention project. Just make sure (ICON)? This will be a to advertise this opportugreat way to stay involved nity to your whole club with CKI while There will be plenty of meeting members opportunities offered from all over the throughout the summer, nation and the you just need to be on World! the look out to snatch Not big on long them up before they’re vacations or can ‘going…going…gone!” you only get away for a weekend? Not a problem, we’ve got somehow, and report something for you too! the hours you do to your Why not attend the T-O chapter secretary, as it District’s Camp CKI? will benefit you, your It’ll give you a chance chapter, the district, and to meet back up with CKI as a whole. You your chapter and district don’t even have to leave friends, while also meet- hometown! ing the newest incoming Can’t get together with members to our CKI your whole chapter, but family. know of another chapter Miss your local chapter nearby? Why not try to CKI friends? Try organiz- accumulate both service ing a chapter social or and interclub hours by service event to reunite joining with them to do
“ 7
service? All you have to do is grab one of your club members to join two members from the other club. That’s a great way to roll service and fellowship in one, while getting to meet new people and make a difference. Do you plan on staying at college over the summer? Why not spare some time to table for your chapter? This can be a great way to boost your membership, while promoting the CKI ideals and improving the organization as a whole. After all, without members where would we be? If you’re interested, just talk to your officers and let them know you’ll be there so they can take care of the logistics. Finally, the best way to get involved is to simply make yourself available. There will be plenty of opportunities offered throughout the summer, you just need to be on the look out to snatch them up before they’re ‘going…going…gone!’ If you have any other questions regarding activities you can do as a CKI club or member this summer (or any other time), feel free to contact me at membershipchair@txokcki.org.
Stay Cool!
District Convention 2011
chapter, the rest were just as enriching as the ones I attended. Afterwards, the group split into divisions and went out for lunch, but we had to make sure to be back in time for the service project! This was another thing I really enjoyed about DCON: the convenience of the service project. It was right downstairs from our rooms so it was simple to drop down and make a blanket, as I did with a few friends. We also made some dog chew toys, but there were a variety of things to do and all for a good cause. After that we had some free time to do homework, nap, or just hang out. We were also given this time to prepare for the Governor’s Gala/Awards Banquet! At the banquet, it was nice to see my peers being recognized for all their hard work and I was very proud of my chapter and our four awards! After the ceremony ended, it was time for the dance! Lots of people attended the dance, the music was great, and it was a much needed, relaxing ending to a long day. Me and a few of my friends took a dip in the pool afterwards, then met up with some UT students to make a quick Whataburger run before bed. (We just gotta have our honey BBQ chicken strip sandwich.) The next day started with breakfast followed by the farewell session. It was lengthy but only because it included speeches, retirements, and installations. Either way it was something interesting and important to stick around for! After the convention was adjourned it was time to head home, but I definitely left more informed and most importantly with the encouragement to run for the District Board! I hope this gives everyone a good idea of all that DCON has to offer! Keep in mind that there are so many other things going on that I was just not able to attend. Among those are an opportunity for scholarships, and an impromptu essay and oratory contest! Although there is a lot of official business to do at DCON, I guarantee you it is a lot of fun and there is something for everyone!
By Denise Gonzalez From March 4th-6th, 2011, I attended my first District Convention in Irving, Texas. One of my favorite parts of CKI events is meeting and getting to know other people from different chapters. I was so happy to see that there were a lot more schools at DCON than at Fall Retreat. When my chapter, from Southwestern University, arrived we immediately settled into our rooms and went to the salon for the opening session. It was great to see all of the friends that I had met at Fall Retreat, but before really saying hello, we sat for a while and listened to all of the opening remarks. After a short break, we split into divisions and jumped right into caucusing. The candidates for Governor and Secretary/Treasurer went around to different salons, giving their platforms. I was fortunate enough to pass out flyers for our Governor-Elect Donnesh Amrollah, and even got to hear his speech about three times! ☺ After that we had some time to discuss with our chapters about who we would vote for. Most of my chapter was exhausted after our 3 hour drive so after exploring the hotel and catching up with old friends for a bit, we went back to our rooms to prepare for the next day that was sure to be eventful. After a cup of coffee from the hotel Starbucks, we headed off to our first workshops. We had three options for each of the workshop sessions and split up within our chapter so that we could receive all of the information. For the first session, I attended the workshop taught by International President Amanda Marfisi which was about resume building, interview tips, and career information. It was super informative and I went away with so much practical, useful advice! The next workshop I went to was actually taught by myself, Jace Venters, and Neki Maduka from Southwestern University. We had the wonderful opportunity to teach the dance that we had learned at Fall Retreat in a workshop titled, “Just Keep Dancing, Just Keep Dancing!”. This is especially the place where I got to see so many new faces and I really felt like everyone genuinely had a great time, at least I hope everyone did! After our little workout, it was time to move onto the last workshop which was another exciting, but informative one! The icebreakers workshop, which was taught by Donnesh Amrollah and Amanda Marfisi . Icebreakers are a great way to get to know people, as well as a fun way to make members feel welcome! Although these are only a few of the nine different workshops at DCON, according to the rest of my
Pictured: OU CKI at the 2011 DCON Awards Banquet! Way to go!
Put the FUN Back in Fundrasing! Bidding for Blue Plate Specials
This is a fun and sometimes hilarious twist on the dinner fundraiser. Tell people to bring an individual serving, cooked meal or dessert, their checkbook, and their sense of adventure. They will be bidding for their dinner. Meals can be simple such as hard boiled egg or scrambled eggs, or elaborate such as lobster thermidor. It is up to each person to decide what to bring. Put a cover over each meal to keep it a secret and let the biding begin. Keep hot meals in a warmer to keep them hot. Either start the bidding the same for each meal, or start with a high or low bid to keep people guessing as to whether it is a fancy meal or not. You may want to reveal what the meal is during bidding if you think it will drive the price up. It will be funny to see a peanut butter and jelly sandwich go for $25 when prime rib only sells for $5. Just be careful to announce any potential food allergies before bidding starts Academy. The 2011 Leadership Academy is an excellent opportunity open to any student leader from a CKI club or emerging leader from within our district. It will take place Tuesday, July 26 – Sunday, July 31, 2011. Again, it will be held at the Waycross Camp & Conference Center in Morgantown, Indiana, and while you will not be without any social media interaction, you will be refreshed with the amazing human interaction you will have. The majority of the costs of the program, which include By Donnesh Amrollah meals, lodging, and materials, are covered by CKI, but there Is there a leader inside of you, wanting to come out? Do is a registration fee. The early registration fee is $145 dollars, you have a vision you want to share, but don’t think you if registered by May 31, 2011. Considering this is a six-day have the leadership tools to do so, yet? I know how you long event of a lifetime, the price is a steal, however, travel feel. It wasn’t up until a year ago that I feel I truly started costs are separate and are provided on your own. Once you to develop as a leader when I attended the CKI Leadership arrive to Indianapolis, CKI will provide transportation to Academy at the Waycross Camp & Conference Center in the campsite. Additionally, CKI is providing one scholarship Morgantown, Indiana. to Leadership Academy, and the Texas-Oklahoma District Leadership Academy gave me the strength and belief that will also be providing I had the vision and ability to be a servant leader in my community gave registration for another member, and T-O CKI and organization. Throughout me the strength and belief that I will provide travel for the six-day retreat, I and many had the vision and ability to be a both participants. So other fellow members all over CKI servant leader in my community if you are interested, I learned the E6 Framework created encourage you to apby Brendan Burchard, the author and organization.” of The Leadership Guide. We had -Donnesh Amrollah ply. You can apply for Leadership Academy facilitators take us through the by going to http:// steps to envision, enlist, embody, www.formstack.com/forms/Kiwanis-CKIAPP. Your applicaempower, evaluate, and encourage. We learned that true tion will be reviewed and you will be notified within 14 days leadership is based on servant leadership, which requires leaders to put the needs of others first, and to realize that no if you have been accepted to attend this year’s event. After matter whether or not you have a title, there is always a need you apply, you may register. If you have any questions, please contact CKI Director, for service to one another and to the world. I made life-long Chris Martz at cmartz@kiwanis.org, or Donnesh at goverfriends, learned what it was to be a true servant leaders, as nor@txokcki.org, for more information. We hope to see you well as invaluable lessons about myself. It is from my experience, that I would strongly recommend anyone interested in there at this life-changing occasion. becoming a future leader to attend this years CKI Leadership
Leadership Academy
CAMp CKI 2011
By Lauren Perkins Have you ever wondered what your CKI friends do with their time during the summer? Or maybe you’re a new member (or even a potential new member) wondering what CKI is all about and where you fit in? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions (and even if you didn’t!), then Camp CKI is for you! Taking place in Brenham, Texas in the heat of the summer, you will come to discover more about your leadership abilities while participating in a meaningful service project to benefit the Brenham community and engaging in fellowship activities, like water balloon fights and fun nights on the town with people who have the same dream for the world that you do: To save the world – one child at a time! No matter what your role is in the K-Family, Camp CKI is a fun, casual way to interact with all the friends you met at DCON or Fall Retreat in a totally different way! What could be more fun than that!
Camp CKI SHOUTOUTS I was a member of my junior high Builder’s Club for two years and went on to become a three year member and Vice President of my high school Key Club. Before I entered my Freshman year at the University of Texas at Austin, I attended Camp CKI. At the start of the weekend, I knew only the three people I had driven there with. By the end of the weekend, I had met people from all over the T-O District. That weekend was truly a showcase of what CKI had to offer. I met so many great people, and learned a lot about the type of leader I was to become. Through the numerous leadership activities, service opportunities, and socials I was absolutely captivated by the amount of enthusiasm each and every person had for this organization. Upon entering CKI, I was surrounded by greatness. I was surrounded by people who truly want to make a difference and leave a legacy for years to come. Attending Camp CKI was not only the final push towards me joining CKI, but it was the start of many lifetime friendships with individuals who share the same passion for service as I do! – Cortney Ferris, University of Texas CKI
Camp CKI is a great district event to attend!
It’s nice having an event during the summer so that we can keep connected even though we have all parted for summer. Another great thing is that Future CKI’ers, the graduating Key Clubbers, can experience what CKI is like and learn a little more about how to continue within the K-Family. Service in the summertime with all your friends with a side of leadership and a whole lot of fun...what more could you ask for? - Allison Prisco, Oklahoma State University I met some of my closest CKI friends at camp CKI. Oh! And if you want to watch Bregg dancing in overalls with a cougar, come to camp CKI! Brittany Reichman, West Texas A&M University
Corner If your chapter has a member who has accomplished something spectacular (it doesn’t have to relate to CKI) recently, email a “tweet” (150 words max) to articles@txokcki.org!
Service Partner Spotlight: Better World Books (BWB) Better World Books’ mission is to help break the cycle of poverty through education and literacy…one book at a time. BWB is a for-profit social enterprise that collects used books and sells them online to raise money for literacy initiatives worldwide. They offer great bargains on books--over 6 million used and new titles, with free shipping anywhere in the U.S. and just $3.97 worldwide. Get up to 90 percent off used books and up to 30 percent off new books. Plus, CKI members receive an extra 10 percent discount. CKI and BWBis a win/win/win, as the book drives: (1) benefit one of our Global Literacy Partners: five major nonprofit literacy programs, (2) help the environment and ‘green’ your campus, and (3) help another CKI service partner (i.e. UNICEF and March of Dimes) through the funding your club receives from the book drive! Contact your account representative for discount code: Campus@BetterWorldBooks.com and to find out more information about running a book drive! With the semester about to close, BWB is a great project to get started on your campus! Information courtsey of www.circlek.org.
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