The T-O Today - Spring 1980

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Vol, II, No. 3

lubbock, Texas

Spring '80


Aw,whatadragJim. Wehavetogotoanother on of those boring District Conventions.




Well, the district Convention is in Austin this March 28, 29, and 30 at the Austin Hilton. You know, with those boring sessions, even more boring speakers, and those ridiculous workshops. Just about the only good parts are the cauceuses, where everybody screams and shouts. I am dreading another one of these conventions like the plague.


Yeah, well I guess you're right Stan. You do have to go, though, I mean you are the Governor.


Well maybe so, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna go without you. Don't think you can get out of this one. Stan, I can't believe you said that. Why I'm your friend. I wouldn't let you go to a dumb 'ol Dis¡ trict Convention alone. That means you might have to room with Angela Blanton.



Well, maybe you ought to stay home Jim, and work on your grades or something.


Just kidding Stan.




Excuse me gentlemen (he thinks), but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Surely you do not think the 26th annual Texas-Oklahoma District of Circle K International Convention is going to be just another District Convention? Well let me tell you something gentlemen (again, he thinks). As Convention Chairman, I can assure

name at the top. There will be many, many activities. We will even provide set-ups for those who care to indulge in moderate ingestion of alcoholic beverages. STAN: Oh Boy! !.I JIM:

Oh Boy!!!


Of course, this convention will include all the standard features of most conventions. There will be workshops on Circle K history, club finances, membership development, campus and community projects, club administration, K-Family relations, International Theme projects, leadership development, public relations, dub bulletin editors, and advisors. There will also be training sessions for club officers. Naturally, there will also be a House of Delegates meeting to elect new district officers and conduct other important business. And the speakers! These speakers at the convention will be some of the finest T-0 has ever seen. We had to get exciting speakers, we sure couldn't let you guys speak.


Despite of the slants toward Jim and I, this sounds like a great convention, Rick. How much will it cost?


you that this convention will be like no other convention that you have attended. We have created a convention that you will not soon forget The entire atmosphere of this convention alone makes it very, very special. The atmosphere. of a political convention will help 1o enchance the whole convention experience. At most conventions one either went to the dance after the opening session or spent the eveni~;~g in some other way. Well, at this convention, one may dance or engage in the carnival type goings-on. Each member will receive a hat like those found at political conventions, with each member's club

The registration cost for the convention is $35.00 Money arrangements for rooms will be between the individual and the hotel, although everyone does need to fill out the hotel registration form. This form will be sent to the clubs very soon, in fact they should already have it. We also encourage all the clubs to enter into the various district contests and elections. This form should be sent to me at the address I'm about to tell you. However, if anyone has any questions at all, they should call (anytime) or write: RICK DAVIS 2414 Pearl Austin, Texas 78705

(512) 476~6299 The best times to catch me by phone are early in the morning, 5:00P.M., or late at night{there is no such thing as too late). Then there will be the individual's transportation costs. This is going to be the best District Convention yet, so don't miss it!


February 5, 1980

Dear Fellow Circle K-er: As we move toward the end of your administrative year, there comes a time when we could use some new ideas and some rebuilding. We have put in many thousands of hours of service for our fellow man and it is time for that service to be recognized. It is my honor and privilege to "call" each one of you to the 26th Annual Convention of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Circle K International. This year we will be at the beautiful Austin Hilton in Austin, Texas. The hotel is very spacious and functional for our conven.tion and the staff is very efficient ... to make your stay a comfortable one. We feel this Convention will be the best ever, as your District Board has put many hours into its planning and has many years experience in cqnvention knowledge. Austin is beautiful in the Spring, so mark your calendars now ... March 28-30, 1980 and be with us at the 26th Annual Circle K Convention Extravaganza, as CIRCLE K ... COMES TO AUSTIN! Caring, Jim Cook Secretary-Treasurer


Don't Miss Phoenix Excitement! Excitement is the word for the 25th annual Circle K International Convention in -Phoenix, Arizona. The

Southwest District invites all Circle Kers to participate in this Silver Anniversary celebration. Soon it will be time for

another gathering of Circle K Inter¡ national.

And what a place to gather at! The Adams Hotel, only five years old, offers so much in the way of hotels. What a fine convention hotel it will be. First

of all, the Adams Hotel is only 8 minutes from Sky Harbor International Airport. With 538 rooms, it would seem Circle

K will have the run of the hotel. All one could want in the way of_wining and dining can be found right inside the hotel, in either the Sandpainter, the Citrus Grove, or The Old Bar. The hotel also has everything Circle K will need for general sessions and caucuses. Lastly, if you are in a recreational mood, the hotel offers swimming, a health club with saunas, and various other recreational outlets are near'by. Naturally, all the workshops, sessions, and seminars that accompany such meetings will be in Phoenix. International Convention offers a

tremendous opportunity for fellowship and growth. Those T-0 members who were at Chicago are able to testify to that fact. Texas-Oklahoma will attempt to provide another tour, as we did for Chicago. The main feature of this T-0 Tour will be its reduced cost. Governor Stan urges all that are able to travel with the Tour, to better experience that "convention feeling." However you plan 1o get there (wagon train, SST, walking, or with the Tour}, make plans to celebrate Dircle K's 25th Anniversary in Phoenix, Arizona, August 17th through the 2oth.



Caring ... Life's Magic To Care For THELONELY CHILD


Thousands of children throughout the world are truly alone. They have no parents ... no one to turn to for security and love. The child who searches for~ love but finds ¡none in the people he knows becomes frustrated, even angry. Parents sometimes abandon their children, either because of poverty or because of lack of interest in rearing the children. Other children are left alone when both parents die. Circle K seeks out the lonely child.

Child abuse statistics are hard to gather because people do not understand the crime and usually don't report it. But the results are all to visible. Experts believe that one million children are subjected to physical and emotional abuse each year. The families to whom they would turn for help are the people who will give them pain. The marks of physical abuse show; the signs of emotional abuse are more subtle. Circle K comforts the abused child, giving him love instead of pain.



Frustration can turn to drugs and alchol. Anything to feel good ... even to the point of addiction. Anger can become crime; the number of crimes committed by young offenders has gone up by onethird in the last ten years. Sometimes the child thinks there's a solution in running away. And, all too often, the young person can't find any solution, except suicide. For the child- in crisis, Circle K reaches out the hand of hope.

CLUBS: IN ACTION Several of the Texas-Oklahoma Circle k clubs have been active recently. 1 was very pleased to receive their T-0 TODAY report forms. Unfortunately, not nearly enough reports have been sent in. Therefore, there is to be no complaining about the number or names of the clubs covered in this section. If your reports are not sent in, they cannot be included in the T-0 TODAY. At any rate, it is hoped you will all benefit from the project ideas contained herein.

As usual, Midwestern has been very active. The members of the MSU club spent the first weekend of October refurbishing the Midwestern State-Burns '.'Fantasy of Lights." The "Fantasy of Lights" is the largestChristmas display of its kind in the United States. It annually attracts more than 200,000 visitors who come to view the more than thirty animated scenes and the 14,000 colored lights which outline several of the major buildings at Midwestern State. Circle K'ers painted and cleaned animated scenes for biblical and fairy tales.

MSU has also been sponsoring the American Red CrosS' Red River Region's Bloodmobile. Midwestern's Circle K has helped equip the Bloodmobile with new equipment. Apparently, the equipment was very much welcomed. Di". John Barker, president of MSU and chairman of the Board of Directors for the American Red Cross, Wichita County Chapter, reports "We are very excited about this new system. The equipment is more effective and more time productive than the old equipry~ent. We believe it will give the Red Cross donor process a more professional look.'' The American Red Cross Blood Services' Red River Region covers 28 counties in southern Oklahoma and north central Texas. Blood and blood products are provided for patients in 41 area hospitals.

Of course, Blinn College has been extremely active in th.e preceeding months. Most notably (since this is the only report form received from Brenham), Blinn College Circle K was designated coordinator for the Cystic Fibrosis "Kiss Your Baby Week" during the month of September.

On Saturday, September 22, 1979- seventeen Circle K'ers old and new hit the streets and shopping centers to get donations to be put towards the fight against this lung disease which kills young child~en. In a three hour period these Circle K'ers collected a sum of $660. The Blinn group accomplished another important item at the same time. While collecting the money, the old and new Circle K'ers got to know one another. Blinn College helped the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and imoroved the friendship within the dub. Great!

Duri'ng the weeks before Halloween, Texs Tech Circle K decided to scare some people into donating money to the March of Dimes Association. TTU Circle K'ers were the main support for the March of Dimes Haunted House. Tech's dedication to the project was impressive. Everything from planning to the actual building of the Haunted House maze was conducted by Texas Tech. In fact, one of the Circle K'ers drew the palits for the maze himself. This is only the second year of the project, yet it raised $3000. Plans have already begun for next years Haunted House, also. The Circle K'ers participate in the construction, operation, and tear-down phases of the Haunted House. Members also put themselves in some risk when they act as spooks for the project. One member was apparently cut by a knife from an overzealous or intoxicated customer. However, to the Circle K'ers it's worth it.

Well, that is all the information I have now on club activities. As this is the last issue for the 1979-1980 administrative, year, all T-0 TODAY reportforms will be forwarded to next year's editor. However, do send them in, because they will be printed. Also, there were only three issues this year, due primarily to a lack of funds. If you want more issues next year, keep that idea in mind for the elections and house of delegates me~tings and District Convention.




SECRETARY-TREASURER Jim Cook P.O. Box 1853 Lubbock, Texas 79408 (806) 742-7798 CONVENTION CHAIRMAN

Eric Lindstrom 2212 5th St., Apt. 54 Lubbock, Texas 79401

Rick Davis 2414 Pearl Austin, Texas 78705

GOVERNOR Stan Soderstorm P.O. Box 1853 Lubbock, Texas 79408 (806) 742-7799


There will be two important items of business a't Sunday morning House of Delegates meeting in Austin. First, the incorporation of the district will be discussed. Secondly, Circle K International has approved a new standard form of District Bylaws which must be approved in Austin. Please Keep these things in mind as convention time draws near.

(806) 762-1678 (512) 476-6299 LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS DIVISION TWO/THREE DIVISION ONE Donna Reed McArthur Mike Willingham 6712 NW 42nd, # 315 P.O. Box 1853 Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 lubbock, Texas 79408 (806) 742-7799 (405) 787-9393 DIVISION fOUR

David Zamora P.O. Box 16 Sid Rich Hall, HPU

Brownwood, Texas 76801 (915) 646-4586 DIVISION SIX Angela Blanton 1729 Betsy Lane Irving, Texas 75061

{214) 579-9815 or 659-5290 DIVISION EIGHT Clark Haley P.O. Box3357 OJ<ge S<!OOn, Te>aS 77840 (713) 845-3197 DIVISION TEN Mike Spahis 3607 Leslie


A few final notes on several summary items. First, I think the district publication this year has been successful. I beleive it informed the District on all important items, and carried out several other important functions. One of these functions was to spread the word of service throughout the district. The project ideas contained within the publication were good ones, yet there was one problem; there were not enough of them. I sincerely hope that future editors will receive more input from the clubs on service, for service is the embodiment of caring, and taring is life's magic. I hope everyone has made their plans to be in Austin for the convention in March. Rick Davis has worked very hard, as has the Circle K dub at the University of Texas at Austin, to make tis a very special convention. Be there. Aloha. One last note. I would like to announce the engagement of Eric Lindstrom to Terry Peterson of Happy, Texas. The wedding is planned for June 21st in Amarillo, Texas and there is an open invitation for all Circle Ker's to attend.


1912 s 5th,# 234

Waco, Texas 76706 (817) 754-7943 DIVISION SEVEN Eric Williams

1902-106 Willow Creek Drive Austin, Texas 78741 (512)447-5218 DIVISION NINE

Doug Kidder 602 Maplewood Victoria, Texas 77901 (512) 578-9178 ADMINISTRATOR

Tim Clipson

WIChita Falls, TelaS 76310 (817) 692-5220

4100 W 19th St, Cl05

Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 (405) 377-9316or 624-3227

STATUS OF CLUBS (02/05/80) As Submitted by Jim Cook, Secretary-Treasurer DIVISION fiVE

Baylor University Mary Hardin-Baylor U Mclennan Comm College Tarleton State University Temple Junior College

538 57 154 492 0




Amarillo College Frank Phillips College Panhandle State U Texas Tech University West Texas State U

495 238 134 818 86


Bethany Nazarene College NW Oklahoma State U Oklahoma Christian U Oklahoma State U Phillips University Bartlesville Wesleyan East Central University

181 NM 166 NM NR NM NR


Abilene Christian U Howard College Howard Payne University Sui Ross State U

NR NR 221 NR

Henderson Co Jr College Kilgore College North Lake College Paris Junior College Texarkana College Texas Eastern University

NR Nr 465 130 NR NR


University of Texas/ Austin University of Texas/SA

392 0


Blinn College Gulf Coast Bible College Houston Baptist U Lee College North Harris Co Comm Coli Sam Houston State U San Jacinto College-C San Jacinto College-N Texas A& M University University of Houston University of Houston at CLC University of St. Thomas

1045 68 NR 170 NM 216 Nr 396 261 62 0 140


Texas South most Coli The Victoria Coii/UHVC Wharton Junior College

0 388 NR


Cameron University Cooke County College Midwestern State U Vernon Regional Jr. Col!

NM 94 942 153


1. 2. 3. 4_ 5. 6_ 7_ 8. 9_


Blinn College Midwestern State Texas Tech Baylor U Amarillo Coli Tarleton State North Lake Coli Dsan Jac North U of Texas/Austin The Victoria Coli

1045 942 818 538 495 4:,. li "\ 3So 392 388

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