T-0 TODAY Volume 6 No. 1
Caring . .. Life's Magic
October 1980
Fall Leadership Conferences Set for Oct. North Zone Wichita Falls The North Zone Fall Leadership Conference is scheduled for October 24-26 in Wichita Falls. The conference will be held at the Downtown Holiday Inn and the cost will be $25 per person, for registration, plus $8 per night for hotel accomidations. Contact Dale Stovall at 4201 Cedar Elm, Apt. B275, Wichita Falls, TX 76308 for more information. A Halloween dance will kick off the conference on Friday night, and awards will be given for the best costumes. On Saturday, workshops will be held, as well as a picnic lunch in Lucy Park, and a leyball tournament will end the evening, £his Conference promises to be one of the most exciting Circle K events this fall, so make plans to be there.
South Zone LaGrange The South Zone Fall Leadership Conference will be held October 31 through November 2 at Camp Lonestar in La Grange. Registration, including room and board will be $55· For more information contact Mike Schroeder at Box 133 Blinn College, Brenham, TX 77833· The conference at Camp Lonestar will begin at 8:00pm on Friday night with a special Halloween costume dance, Games, costumes, thrills, and chills will be the order of the evening<!!
Saturday's agenda will include exciting training sessions, officer's sessions, and a program on the dynamics of leadership. A spectacular South Zone volleyball tournament will be held in the evening, so get your team together!
Cook & Lindstrom Win Elections At International Convention
Circle K International added two Texans to its incoming board this August at the International Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Jim Cook was elected to the office of International Secretary and Eric Lindstrom was elected to the office of International Vice-President. Cook is a member of the Northlake College Circle K club and Lindstrom hails from the Texas Tech Circle K club. Blinn College and Midwestern University both brought trophies home from the 25th":3ilver Jubilee" Convention. Blinn won recognition in the Achievement contest, while Midwestern took the honors in the Single Service category and was also honored for their exr l.lent scrapbook. :im Henderson, from Blinn, won first place in the Oratory contest. Mike Willingham and Clark Haley were also honored when they recieved the J. N. Emerson award for outstand-
ing service as Lt~ Governors. There were 52 delegates present from the Texas-Oklahoma District of Circle K International, making T-0 the fourth largest group in attendance. The total attendance at the Convention was 920.
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T-0 Today
October 1980
District Secretary, Mitchell George Stresses Monthly Reporting As the hassles of college life get into full swing this fall, so too come the responsibilities of the club secretary. According to Mitchell George, District Secretary, filling out the monthly reports for the club is the most important and the most time consuming job of the Secretary. George had some good advise for those tired, overworked secretaries who usually end up missing a night or two of sleep at the end of each month trying to get the report together: Keep accurate lists of the members in att-
endance at the weekly meetings. Have project chairmen fill out project reports that give critical information such as the number of members at the project, the total number of man hours put into the project, and the outcome of the project. Keep all of this information in some sort of orderly fashion so that it can easily be referred to at the end of the month. Start working on the report at least one week prior to the due date. By practicing these tips you can make the difficult job of reporting just another task.
District Addresses Governor: Steve Fairfield Box 6264, Waco, TX 76706
1100 Sunset Dr., Baytown, TX 77520 817/752-8273
Secretary: Mitchell George 806/293-3265 1Lf09 Yonkers, Apt. C, Plainview, TX 79072
South Texas Crossroads: Billy McCaskill 2603 E. Poplar, Victoria, TX 77901 512/575-6003
Treasurer: Tom Gaden 512/245-5080 Box 22, San Marcos, TX 78666
Administrator:. Tim Clipson 405/377-9316 4100 W, 19th #C105, Stillwater, OK 74074
Editor: Clark Haley 713/693-4153 1322 Milner, College Station, TX 77841
District Projects Chairman: Myra Leo Texas Union Building, Box 247, Austin, TX 78712 512/539-4355 Counciling International V-P: Kathi Stefanu 505 S, Roosevelt #G8, Mesa, AZ 85202 602/833-3079 International Secretary: Jim Cook 3615 Pic Drive, Irving, TX 75061 214/252-8764
LT . GOVERNORS High Plains: Mike Ramirez 405/349-2805 1506 North James, Guyman, OK 73942 Greater Oklahoma: Mike Dezort 405/372-7264 424 N. Washington, Stillwater, OK 74074 Wild West: Bill Moulton 806/797-1020 4823 52nd, Lubbock, TX 76801 Heartland: David Griffith 915/6464586 Box 137 Sid Rich Hall, Brownwood, TX 76801 Gateway to Texas:. Sandra Juhlin 214/785-6765 Clarksville St. c/o Paris Jr. College, Paris, TX 75460 Yellow Rose: Doug Silliman 817/752-5622 1912 S, 5th #206, Waco, TX 76706 Bluebonnet: Mark Bailey 512/447-9988 1919 Burton Dr.¡#201-B, Austin, TX 78741 Gold Coast:
Andrew Crawford
A non-profit newsletter published for the members of the Texas-OklahomaDisrict of Circle K InternationaL Editor ............................... Clark Haley Contributing to the T-OTODAY were: Liz Newlin Karen McKroskey Lloyd Stout Steve Fairfield Mitchell George If you would like to contribute an idea or article to the T -Ci . TODAY, or if you would like to make a donation, send it to: T-0 TODAY, 1322 Milner, College Station, Texas 77840.
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T-0 Today
October 1980
District Protect Supports Texas Association of Retarded Citizens For the first time ever the clubs of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Circle K International will work together on a District wide project which will benefit the Texas-Oklahoma Association of Retarded Citizens (TARC). The TARC is an organization which works to promote the welfare of mentally retarded people living in our communities by encouraging the formation of local ARC's, by forming alliances with state legislatures, and by initiating statewide projects which benefit mentally retarded citizens and their families. Mental Retardation is a disability that can often times be prevented through genetic counciling, proper doctor supervision, and proper immunization, Some of the common causes of MR are smoking, drinking, venerial diseases, and improper use of drugs, The TARC is working to educate citizens as to these facts. Your club can join the TARC in striving to achieve its goals by getting involved in the District Project, The District Project is a district wide effort to raise money for the TARC, Each club has many options open to it as to how it can raise money. The"marathon" fund raiser is the most profitable method of ralslng money, Dance-a-thons, Bike-a-thons, Swim-a-thons, and Jog-a-thons are all examples of. marathon fund raisers. The basic idea behind all of these projects is to have each contestant get pledges from friends, businesses, or other clubs for each hour danced, mile ridden, lap swam, etc, For more complete details regarding all of these projects and more, contact Myra Leo, District PTOject Chairman, Texas Union Building, Box 247, Austin, TX 78712. A form of marathon that one club is using this fall to raise money for the TARC is a Car "Wash-a-thon", For this project the club set a goal to wash 100 cars, free of charge, in a certain amount of time. They then went and got pledges from area merchants on a per car basis, As an aide to securing pledges, ·hey proposed to put an ad in the local pap~r, advertising the car wash and also crediting the merchants who gave pledges. By doing this they offered the business free advertising, as well as a tax write-off. By holding
the Car Wash, this club increased the normal profit of a car wash many times over, and also gave themselves, as w"ll. as the TARC badly needed publicity. The important thing to remember in setting up a project such as the ones suggested for the District Project, is that these projects all take a good deal of planning in order for them to be successful, Therefore you need to begin planning on the project at least two months prior to the date that you set for the project. Organization is also very important in holding a successful project, By appointing project subchairmen, i.e. publicity, entertainment, refreshments, etc, you will find that things will go much smoother, also, you will spread the workload to more members, so that one member doesn't take all of the responsibility. By adopting this District Project, the Circle K clubs of the Texas-Oklahoma District have joined with the Association of Retarded Citizens in an effort to 1) understand the basic facts about Mental Retardation, and 2) create an understanding of the steps which can prevent Mental Retardation from occuring. The address for the Association of Retarded Citizens is: 833 Houston St., Austin, TX 78756 512/454-6694.
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October 1980
T-0 Today
Page 4
Club Points Total points as of September 24, 1980.
Texas Eastern University ...........•..•. NR*#
HIGH PLAINS Panhandle State ......................... 27*#
Mary Hardin-Baylor ...................... NR*#
Amarillo College . ........................ 30*# West Texas State ............... ".......... NR*# Frank Phillips .............................. NR*#
Baylor University ...................... 185
McLennan Community College ••••..•••••••• NR*#
GREATER OKLAHOMA Bethany College ........................... 23*#
Oklahoma Christian College •••••••••••••• NR* Oklahoma State •. .......................... 94*#
WILD WEST South Plains • .......................... , ... 28 *# Texas Tech University •.•.......•..•••.• 1J7
HEARTLAIID Howard Payne .......................... ~ .•• , eNR*
Tarlton ................................... •. ·57*#
Midwestern State University ••.••••••••• 290 Cook County College ...................... NR*#
Temple Junior College,, •••••••••••.••••• NR*# BLUEBONNET Blinn College •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 376 Prairie View A&M .... ~ .................... a .NR*# T. at San Antonio •... a . . . . . . . . 64* Sam Houston State ............ a • • • • . . . . . , .NR* Texas A&M . •....................... 20* University of Texas ...........••...•... 172
11 • • • • •
GOLD COAST Saint Thomas University ................. 62*
Gulf Coast Bible College ••••••••••.••••• 15* University of Houston .................•• NR*# U. of H. at Clear Lake, ..... , ....•..... ·33*# San Jacinto North • ...................... 74* San Jacinto Central .. ....... NR*# Lee College . .................... ~ ..•..• . 26*# d
GATEWAY TO TEXAS Northlake College . •.......•........ ~ ... .. NR*#
Southern Methodist University ••••••••••• 38*# Paris Junior College •.•.••.........•..•. 58* Cook County College ••... a•~•••••••••••••NR*#
YELLOW ROSE Kilgore College .. ......................... NR*#
II • • • • II • •
SOUTH TEXAS CROSSROADS Victoria College .....................••. 58*# Texas Southmo st .................. ~ ....... NR*# Morton College. e .............. NR*# g
* #
Clubs lacking reports Clubs lacking current addresses
Henderson County Junior College ••••••••• NR*#
International Sponsorship Fees And District Dues Delinquent October 31 The Texas-Oklahoma District Dues and the International Sponsorship Fees were due OctQber 1 and will be considened delinguent a£ter Ootober 31 of 1980. The District Dues are $5 per member, and should be sent to Tom Gaden, District Treasurer, at P, 0, Box 22, San Marcos, TX 78666. A complete list of members, their addresses, and their classifications should be sent with the dues money. The International 3ponsorship Fee is $125 and should be sent to Circle K International at 101 East Earie, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The fee is based on a per club basis and should should be paid by your sponsoring
Kiwanis Club. A list of members, including addresses, and classifications should be sent along with the Sponsorship Fee, It is your responsibility to make sure that your Kiwanis Club gets the membership list. If you have not already taken care of your Dues or Sponsorhsip fees, you should do so as Quickly as possible, because the District and International levels of Circle K are dependent upon that money to continue to oper ate, Distict Dues pay for this publicatid, for travel for the District staff and many other things. The International Sponsorship Fee covers the arurrinistrative costs of the International board as well as travel expenses.