The T-O Today - May 1981

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Excitement , .. The caring, fellowship. and fun were unprecedented in Texas-Oklahoma Circle K historyf Each year the T-O District seems to improve on the best and this year's 27th convention on March 27-29 was no exception. Ower 350 Circle K members, advisors, and special guests gave of their time and money to "Share the magic." Those of you. who could not make it to the Tvo1n Sixties Hotel in Dallas missed maYJy fantastic workshops, entertaining programs, and exciting speakers,

Steve Fairfield relinquishes office of Governor to Bailey

'I'he openl'c'g session was highHen路ooct th guest spealcer Jack ltl:c. J-;~ckson is well known scross the tt8.tion for his extremely 0



motivational presenta-


'I'he evening was completed c.oritil-2. "Magical Celebration." Cir-

cle Ke:cs t\', o-stepped in covit)oy to th.c tunes of a 11 ve C&\'\1 b~md.

\'.rorksho_ps taug_bt skilJ.s project planning, 3nd membership developa morning of concanthe Keynote Luncheon was a relaxing break. Howard Hendrick, past Circle K International President and T-0 Adrr:in.istrator --elect, gave an insplrlng keynote message, Satui'day evening at the Awards Presentation, the excitement was electrifying as clubs, individuals, and special talents were awarded T-0 recognition. Circle K members did not stop after the awards session. Caucuses proved to be more challenging than ever for District Officer Candidates. The standards were set very higl< as usual and the re-gions expected the best from each potential district officer, 路rhere was little sleep that night for many, Even so, Stmday was just as productive as the last two days. lsac!ecosJ;ip,


Barbara Gorin from SI;JU entertained us with a flute solo

Pride . ..

The House of Delegates met bright and early Sunday morning to elect your new district staff. Each candidate was allowed a few last words and the votes were cast. The Farewell Brunch included a beautiful devotional given by Barbara Upp from the Perkins School of Theology. :;:-1.. lit a flame in everyone's heart as all prayed together for more giving, caring, loving, and a better world. Steve Fairfield, District Governor, strengthened the spirit with his moving farewell address by expressing the pride in his country, the joy of giving, the love for his family, and devotion to his God. The district officers then retired their posts to a newly elected board. This brought the outstanding 1981 Texas-Oklahoma District Convention to a close. Special thanks to John Horany, convention coordinator, and Host Club S. r,.. U. who worked diligently to successfully organize a convention consistent with the proud traditions of the Te路xas-Oklahoma District~



路' :!


T-0 Today

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On to International!

Return to Early America The Story of your Roots. awaits you

Alternate means of transportation

God truly did bless America! This year's Circle K Internatio~al Convention Tour on August 11-19 w~ll further prove that the United States is the most outstanding force for the freedom of man ever established! Nine days of sightseeing, learning, fellowship and fun in 'dashington D.C., Annapolis, Maryland, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are yearnin~ for your attentionl The total cost for nine glorious days of travel, sightseeing, and memorable lifetime experiences is $575· All lodging, registration fees, tours, travel, and at least four meals are included. Although this seems to be quite a sum, it is -half as much than if you made your own arrangements. Financing is ava~able from your Kiwanis clubs, employers, or businesses. Let them know what a great tax deduction you arel To guarantee this pri~e! .at least five people from each d~v~s~on need to go. Extend this offer to Kiwanians and their spouses! Remember, you will never have an opportunity to experience "America the Beautiful" with friends like fellow Circle Kers again! This is the chance of a lifetime at a price ,that is unbeatable. Give yourself a treat as you learn to shar_e the magic at International. Dare to love your country! Strive to learn the true meaning of the land of the Freel Take pride in a nation that allows us to assemble in the spirit of caring! EXPLORE THE UNITED STATES OF AN'.ERICA Steve and Kathi, our International Counseling Vice President

Thanks Kathi! Maybe you didn't realize it, but the T-O District's International "caretaker" is neither from Texas nor Oklahoma. The special lady who has given so much individual attention to T-0 is Kathi Stefanu from Mesa, Arizona. Kathi has spent much time and money to insure continuous growth of Circle K. If you're ever lucky enough to meet Kathi, be sure to say a big T-O "Thank You" for her personal attention!

Contest Winners ACHI.:!:VEW.ENT A.V'ARDS GOLD DIVISION 1. Blinn




1. Richard Neely, 2. Gina Elder, Sll'lU


2. UT


1. l't:su

2. Southwest Texas

), San Jacinto Central BRONZ'E 1.C5SU 2. Texas Tech J. UofH at Clear Lake SINGLE SERVICE A.'iA!tDS



2. 3. UT


ORATORICAL ANARDS 1. Darrell Ford, OSU 2. Kim Henderson, Blinn 3. Rodney Honerkamp, UT



OUTSTANDING SECRETARY 1. Conn~e Stovall, i'fJSU TALENT A;~JARDS 1. Barbara Gorin, Flutist 2. Bill Gore, lllagician J. UT, Texas Dance Routine J .N. EJV..ERSON NOMINEES ~.:ark

1. Blinn 2.


3. ur 4. Texas Tech 5. Baylor

.6. osu 7. Southwest

2. Blinn



Ba:lley, UT

1. Andrew Crawford, CLC


1. Joel Franke, Blinn



1. Bobby Leonhardt, Southwest

8, A&ll:

9. Lee 10. Bethany 10. CLC

WESTERN DRESS •rodd Harden Kim Holsenbeck osu

BIGGi:ST HAT Stanley Keith Brenda Heller Victoria

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T-O Today

May 1981

Introducing Governor Mark The Texas-Oklahoma District knew what they were doing when they elected Mark L. Bailey as Governor! His qualifications, outside of his ample Circle K experi-ence, seem almost unlimited. As a junior at the University of Texas, Mark is now working extra hard in the Pre-Med Honors Program in hopes of acceptance into medical school. That goal wi-ll surely be met for he is a participant in the Alpha Epsilon Delta Medical Fraternity, noted as an Outstanding Young Man in America, and a member of the American Golden Key National Honor Society. Mark plans to use his medical degree to work for better health care for the underpriveleged. Mark's capacity for work is astoundirig. Even so, he always seems to be there when he's needed. Circle K members should be extremely proud of their perceptive insight displayed by the election of such a dynamic T-O Governor!

Mark Bailey, Governor

Encouragement from a Friend .2HERGYIII.2:NTHUSIA3I\·;!!! These are words that best describe my thoughts as I look around our district. I see the enthusiasm generated by district convention spreading through your local clubs and motivating individuals to excel further in Circle K. New officers are being installed in many clubs, and those clubs are experiencing a rebirth with the inspiration of new ideas and renewed excitement. Your district board has met twice since the district convention and tremendous progress has already been made. Initial plans have been completed for a special tour to the International Convention, Fall Training Conferences, and the 1982 District Convention. Now, while our motivation is still high .. is the time to reconfirm our commitment to the true purpose of our organization. :Now is the time for your club to display its vitality and drive by conducting a meaningful club project- which demonstrates compassion for others. Only by drawing on the energy of the present can we accomplish our goals for the future!

LDI is a Growing Experience CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY TO YOU: 1. Public Speaking paralyzes me ••• 2. l can't do anything right ••• 3. I need more -patience ••• 4. I am rarely on time ••• 5. It's hard for me to make friends ••• 6. I am afraid to share my talents ••• 7. I want to know more about myself ••• If you circled even one of the above statements, the K-Family Camp Leadership Development Seminar is for you! June ·i -5 ·at Baylor in Waco, Texas will change your life for the best because you'll learn that "The Best is Yet to Be!" By being '"People Builders," you can get "Everything you., want out of life.u By learning "Time-11anagement, u you 1 11 have more time to "Share the Magic. 11 Self confidence will be restored as you understand that you are "Unique" and everyone is "Special." Celebrate Life with other K-Family members. Learn to love!

District Addresses Governor l . :ark Bailey 1919 Burton Dr. ;}201B Austin, Texas 78741 (512) 447-9988

Counseling '-I.P. Kathi Stefanu 505 S. Roosevelt ~~,;esa, Arizona 85202 ( 602) 833-3079

3ecretary Doug Silliman Box 6411 Naco, Texas 76706 (817) 752-5622

Administrator T~m Clipson 4100. it/: 19th C105 Stillwater, OK 7407l~ (405) 377-9316

Treasurer Andrew Crawford 1100 Sunset Baytown, Texas 77520 (713) 422-0996

Immediate Past Governor Jteve Fairfield 1909 3'. 9th V:aco, :rexas 76706 (817) 752-3237

Editor Janet Killer --203 Gates TTU Lubbock, Texas 79406 (fo6) 742-5649

Tour Chairman 3tan Soderstrom 1321 65th Dr. f/:D Lubbock, Texas 79412 ( 806) 745-9172

Salute! T-0 District proudly claims two 1980-81 International officers. Jim Cooke, from Texas Tech in Lubbock, has already had a busy year as International Jecretary. Eric Lindstrom, also from Texas Tech, advises the il:ocky ;·.:ountain, .Southwestern, and Alabama districts as ·an International Vice President. J'im and Eric, T-O proudly salutes your hard work and hopes the last three months of your terms run smoothly!

This is the beginning of a new day God has given me this day to as I will I can waste it or Gron in its light and be of service to others But what I cio with .thi.s day is important Because I have exchanged a day of my life for it :Jhen tomorrow comes Today will be gone forever I hope I will not regret the price I have paid for it Author Unknown

ifhat you are is God's gift to you. -,]hat you make of yourself is your gift to God.

T-O I'6day

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About the Doug Silliman, Secre!al)l District 3ecretary is an extremely difficult and time consuming job but Doug Silliman is well prepared to tackle it. 3erving as Lt. Governor for the Yellow Rose Division, participation in the Baylor F'oreign Affairs Association, and membership in the Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society are just a hint of his qualifications, Doug is a Political Science/Foreign Service major and hopes to someday work with the State De.partment as a Foreign Service Officer. Doug plans on 100% reporting and complete efficiency and organization for his upcoming year in office. He reveals, "This year's district board wants to have an even better year but we can not do anything without you, the members. I challenge you to strive to make your club stronger, Above all, keep caring!

Andrew Crawford, Treasurer Andrew Crawford, newly elected dis~rict treasurer, should take excellent care of Circle K' s budget. He is a Junior accounting major at C.L.C. and served as 198081 Lt. Governor for the Gold C·oast: Division. Andrew is an active nember of the Accounting Association at C,L,C, and plans on getting his masters from there arid passing his C,l),A, exam. He hopes to colleec 100% dues this year as 'Nell as keep I'-C District number one internationally, Andrew believes, "Circle 1-:: is v.nique in that we are n,n a fraternity or soroFity, Our colleges and -Lll1iversities have few, if any, service clubs for students. iJe have so much to offer in this area. 'Nith our conventions, leadership conferences and social events, I encourage each of you to someone to cl'Llb events and let them discover the of Circle K caring!

Janel Miller, Editor I am Jane G ;·.·;iller and I am extremely proud to serve on such an experienced board for the greatest Circle X District! As a freshman at Texas Tech I am working towards an accounting degree in order to become a corporate lawyer. Again~ you can't imagine how honored 1 feel to be able to put together your T=O TODAY! Although I am still a bit new to Circle K~ I know this will only. serve to heighten my enthusiasm for eur organization and its purposes. To insure that T-0 TODAY is a tr.ue represen.-_ tation of your inspirations~ talents~ activities, and projects~ you must send me informatio.n! Hand•u·itten or typed is totally acceptable! There a·re plans for thT'ee more publications so there will be room for a lot of club ne,,;s. I am ready to hear from you- Take time to sharel

Did You Know~~· -Lt~ Governor Hene 1 Allison dreams of serving on the Supreme Court? -Heartland Division 1 s Lt. Governor Karen Garcia has danced with the New York, Dallas, and SMU ballet companies? -Shawn Keller from the Gold Coast Division owns his own spa.husiness? -Leader Jana Weatherly from Yellow Rose Division plays the lute? Betcha 1 didn 1 t realize you chose such talented leaders!! More sAcrets in later issues •••

For the September/October Issue: How did your club build its membership? Vfuat does Circle K mean to you, the individual? Have you read an inspiring poem or story? What was your latest club activity? Share responses with' fellow K-Family Members!

A non-profit newsletter published for the members of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Circle K International. ~pecial acknowledgement to our printer, Gilbert Guzman for his patience and considerate help,



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