ACRONYMS AIESEC Basic Knowledge TXP AIESEC in México 2015
GENERAL AIESEC: Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (This is what AIESEC used to stand for, but given that our members come from many different backgrounds we refer to the organization as AIESEC, plain and simple) @: AIESEC @Xp: AIESEC Experience ExA: Engagement with AIESEC AI: AIESEC International (AIESEC Headquarters based in Rotterdam) X: Exchange EP: Exchange Participant (Students that go abroad through AIESEC) AN: Acceptance Note GIS: Global Information System (AIESEC’s new information system to be used across the organization) IC: International Congress (An annual conference that brings together the leaders of AIESEC, AI, MC + LCPs from across all the entities in the organization) LDM: Leadership Development Model LLC: Life Long Connection LEAD: Learn, Engage, Activate and Deliver. NPS: Net Promoters Score. JD: Job Description IXP: Integrated Experience BHAG: Big Hairy Audacious Goal MoS: Measure of Success KPIs: Key Performance Indicators TN: Traineeship LC: Local Committee MC: Member Committee. Used for country or territory member of AIESEC. By extension, people working at a national level in AIESEC EP: Exchange Participant (Students that go abroad through AIESEC) EB: Executive Board of the Local Committee (LCP + LCVPs) TL: Team Leader Y2B: Youth to Business, forum that gather young people and companies around a social issue (youth unemployment, international careers etc.)
ROLLS & FIGURES PAI: President of AIESEC International LCP: Local Committee President MCP: Member Committee President (The head of an AIESEC entity in a particular country) MCVP: Member Committee Vice President (The national leader of a specific functional area) LCVP (or just VP): Local Committee Vice President (The responsible of local operations in a functional area) BoA: Board of Advisors CEED: Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development (An international AIESECer who goes to another LC in order to help them with their operations) NST: National Support Team (A team of AIESECers who support the MC with national operations) TLP: Team Leader Program TMP: Team Member Program
GST: Global Support Team (The team of AIESEC superstars that supports AI’s operations)
FUNCTIONAL AREAS BD: Business Development PR: Public Relations MKT: Marketing OGX: Outgoing Exchange oGCDP: Outgoing Global Community Development Program oGIP: Outgoing Global Internship Program ICX: Incoming Exchange iGCDP: Incoming Global Community Development Program iGIP: Incoming Global Internship Program TM: Talent Management FNZ: Finance and Legal OD: Organizational Development AR: Alumni Relations AD: Account Delivery UR: University Relations
ORGANIZING COMMITTEES CC: Congress Committee (Project-based team formed to deliver a national conference.) CCP: Congress Committee President CCVP: Congress Committee Vice President OC: Organizing Committee (Project-based team formed to deliver a particular event/conference etc.) OCP: Organizing Committee President OCVP: Organizing Committee Vice President FACI: Facilitator (Usually an AIESEC member who delivers or helps to deliver sessions at conferences)
FUNCTIONAL MEETINGS IC: International Congress (An annual conference that brings together the leaders of AIESEC, AI, MC + LCPs from across all the entities in the organization) LCM: Local Committee Meeting (also known as a GA) OPS: Outgoing Preparation Seminar (A session for EPs, hosted by the Local Committee, to prepare EPs for going abroad) TtT: Train the Trainers (A conference for people wanting to develop their own trainers’ skills) SMI: Seminary of Induction PM: Precedence Meeting GLS: Global Leaders Summit RIS: Reintegration Seminar
REGIONS IGN Ibero-America Growth Network WENA Western Europe & North America AP Asia Pacific
CEE Central Eastern Europe MENA Middle East & North Africa Africa Africa