Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za
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Tourism sector in dire straits
Kospakkies uitgedeel
Coronavirus claims life of local nurse
Cornelia Owens, stigter en direkteur van Sprouting Minds, deel hier kospakkies uit in die informele woongebied in Klipheuwel. Honderde gesinne in Morningstar, Fisantekraal en Klipheuwel, asook op sommige plase buite Durbanville, baat deur hierdie kospakkies, wat moontlik gemaak is ná verskeie rolspelers in Durbanville hande gevat het met die projek World United. Sien volledige berig op bladsy 11. FOTO: ELANI VAN WYK
Proteas donated to boost spirits
Poached bulbs replanted ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme
ore than 2 000 bulb plants, or geophytes, which were rescued from poachers in Durbanville, recently found a new home in Tygerberg Nature Reserve. The bulbs were replanted by the City of Cape Town’s biodiversity management branch. The bulbs will colour the nature reserve in a splendour of colourful flowers in spring.
This was welcomed by Thys Louw of Diemersdal wine estate, one of the Durbanville farms which is regularly targeted by poachers. These plant species, including Drimia elata (jeukbol, eaten by Cape Grysbok), Haemanthus coccineus (blood flower), Tulbaghia capensis (wild garlic or wildedagga) and Asparagus plant species (wild asparagus and katdoring) are often illegally harvested as they are believed to have medicinal use. The plants are often sold at stalls all over the city, including at the Bellville station.
“The team acted swiftly to get these bulbs replanted just in time. It had to be done this month as geophytes come out of their dormant stage during this period and are then ready to sprout into a full bloom of flowers, which will later turn into fruit that produces seeds,” says Marian Nieuwoudt, the Mayco member for spatial planning and environment. Geophytes are a group of plants with underground storage organs that allow plants to survive unfavourable weather conditions and to flower at times where resources like
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water, warmth or sun are not highly abundant. The plants were confiscated by CapeNature officials on 16 April from poachers on Tygerbergvalley Road and were handed over to the City’s biodiversity management branch. “The illegal harvesting of geophytes has become a biodiversity threat and has led to the loss of plant species, habitat destruction and opens natural veld to be vulnerable to the invasion of emerging weeds. V To page 2.
Registered Audiologist TRACY-ANN MORRIS
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
Cape tourism industry in trouble DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
he tourism sector in Cape Town, has come to a grinding halt due to national lockdown, leaving a myriad of people unemployed and without any form of income. Hardest hit are small operators who are not broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) compliant, and therefore not eligible for funds from the Tourism Relief Fund. Michelle Andrew, co-owner of Brackenfell-based company Tourism Speed Dating, says the industry is in dire straits. An all-female white-owned enterprise, Andrew’s company has not received a single cent from the Tourism Relief Fund, established by the national department of tourism to support the industry during the lockdown. “We are not registered for B-BEE but does have an exemption letter as the company is female-owned,” she says. “We applied for funding the minute lockdown started, and apart from getting a reference number has not received any funding from the department,” she says “We don’t have any evidence, but we suspect that funding are withheld due to the company not being registered as B-BBEE.” The company hosts travel workshops in Cape Town to enable travel agents and trav-
el service providers to network. “All role players are suffering at present. We cannot work to generate any income. The only support we receive is the R760 per month from FNB as part of the Covid-19 loan scheme, with which we can pay our one employee. Andrew says one major tourism company in Cape Town was forced to retrench about 98% of their staff. “On a daily basis we hear of friends in the industry losing their jobs,” she told TygerBurger. “It is a ‘state of desperation’ and we will be lucky if we can operate by December.” Cape Town mayor Dan Plato last week penned a letter to national minister of tourism Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane to request a meeting to negotiate the City’s appeal that all SMMEs be allowed to qualify for relief, no matter their race. This follows after James Vos, Mayco member for economic opportunity for Cape Town, wrote a letter to president Cyril Ramaphosa to intervene when minister Kubayi-Ngubane insisted that racial criteria will continue to apply for this relief fund. “I have written numerous letters to the minister of tourism Kubayi-Ngubane, to seek clarity and to argue for these criteria
to be broadened. After minister Kubayi-Ngubane’s insistence that racial criteria will apply, I wrote to president Cyril Ramaphosa requesting his intervention. Sadly, all my pleas have fallen on deaf ears,” said Vos. “An intergovernmental dispute will be our last recourse and we will not hesitate to pursue this option at a time when countless jobs are on the line.” Vos said he had received many calls and emails from tourism-based small businesses who do not qualify for relief assistance and who desperately need help to support their staff, and be ready to welcome tourists back once the lockdown is lifted. “During a state of disaster all businesses should qualify for relief funding. Exclusionary criteria will only serve to divide us when we need to pull together. We remain hopeful that the minister will take into account the plight of all businesses and their employees who are being negatively affected by this crisis, and that no discrimination be applied.” Vos says, the tourism sector contributed roughly R18,1 billion to the local economy in 2018 and supported just over 113 000 jobs, according to Statistics South Africa. “This sector is vital to Cape Town’s economy and to the people who rely on it to put
“It is a ‘state of desperation’ and we will be lucky if we can operate by December.”
Cleaners, cashier test positive at pharmacy NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk Three people have tested positive at M-Kem’s 24-hour facility in Oakdale. They are an after-hours cleaner (who was last in store on 16 April), an after-hours cashier (last in store on 28 April) and a day cleaner (last in store on 30 April). The last two cases were in direct contact with the person last in store on the 16th. Hylton Mallach (“Mr M”) told TygerBurger the health of his staff and customers is paramount and they are going above what is expected from them to ensure they protect everyone. The pharmacy released the information about the infected personnel in a statement on social media after receiving panicked criticism and queries from the public about the news of positive cases at the facility. Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media24-groep Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume ( 021 910 6540 cecilia@media24.com Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Ruveshni.Poonsamy@media24.com Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 www.tygerburger.co.za Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Alexandra.fortuin@media24.co.za Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za of pippag@ombudsman.org.za
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The pharmacy initially released two statements, one on Sunday and one on Monday. In the first statement, the store says since hearing of the first positive case on Friday, 1 May, it has completed “two approved deep cleaning sessions ... whereby the pharmacy was temporarily closed to complete the process”. Another one will be done on 7 May. All those who have been at “high-risk contact” with the employees have gone into selfquarantine for 14 days and are being tested. “M-Kem 24 hour pharmacy has followed all the correct safety operating procedures recommended by the Department of Health and will continue to follow all necessary guidelines to the letter. Based on this M-Kem is allowed to continue trading 24 hours a day,” it says. The statement led to numerous comments, with many asking whether they were in contact with the affected personnel. Others
slammed the pharmacy for staying open. “M-Kem if your staff and customers’ health is of paramount importance as you quote then YOU SHOULD BE CLOSED (sic),” Marion Jansen wrote on Facebook. Another user, Bianca Kuhn, agrees. “I don’t care about high-risk low-risk contact, contact is contact regardless. Just because I did not stand close to the person or whatever they could have touched something else. Close the store and do track and trace. Inform the public when and what time the person worked. So that other people can test themselves or at least isolate.” In the latest statement, the pharmacy clarified that track and trace procedures as set out by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) are being carried out. They also decontaminated the areas where the affected personnel were operating and closed the pharmacy for 11 hours on
food on the table.” In a separate move, the DA on Friday (30 April) instructed its lawyers to proceed with court action to seek urgent relief to prevent the use of B-BBEE status, race, gender, age or disability as criteria in relation to economic or other forms of relief or assistance. In a statement to the media, John Steenhuisen, interim leader of the DA said this follows after minister for small business development, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, missed the deadline to provide an explanation for her department’s about-turn on the use of race and B-BBEE as evaluating criteria for government’s SMME debt relief fund. “Under such dire circumstances, it is unconscionable for government to cherry pick who is deserving of assistance based on a set of arbitrary criteria, bearing in mind that black workers and employees will lose their jobs should their company be denied assistance purely because it is white-owned,” said Steenhuisen. “After initially denying this race-based relief a month ago, minister Ntshavheni confirmed on Tuesday, during a joint meeting of the portfolio and select committees for small business development, that race would indeed be a determining factor. Through this court action the DA is seeking for it to be declared unlawful for government to use B-BBEE status, race, gender, age or disability as a criterion for determining who receives economic relief.” Sunday for this process. The first statement the company released seems to be the one that created the most confusion as the pharmacy’s directors explained their approach to the virus after they were notified of the first positive case. Upon receiving the information the group contacted the doctor on duty at Tygerberg Hospital Covid information centre, who said employees can be classified into either high risk or low risk. “The employees at risk of contracting the infection from her are those who were in contact with her, in the last 14 days, for 15 minutes or longer, and who were closer than the 1.5m social distancing rule in those 15 minutes, and who were not using protective clothing. This risk can be either high or low.” Those at low risk can continue working as per normal. The pharmacy then called the South African Pharmacy Council as well as the Independent Community Pharmacy Association for input on the matter. Both approved M-Kem’s decision to remain open.
FROM PAGE 1 “This threat, however, is in our control and we ask that residents involved in this illegal activity refrain from doing so,” Nieuwoudt says. The rescued geophytes were planted in the previously ploughed areas of the reserve which staff are working hard to rehabilitate by introducing locally sourced indigenous plants such as these geophytes. Staff from the City’s nature reserves have been monitoring the reserves throughout the lockdown period by conducting regular
patrols and maintaining the natural beauty thereof. “Cape Town is one of the most biodiverse cities in the world, and the only way we can maintain this is if we protect our precious indigenous plant species. Biodiversity is something many take for granted but will definitely feel the effects of it being lost,” says Nieuwoudt. Louw applauded the replanting of the bulb plants and told TygerBurger he is very pleased about it.
In May 2017 two Rastafarians were arrested on Vissershok Road outside Durbanville for the illegal possession of bulb plants (“Rastafariërs met bolpante betrap”, TygerBurger, 31 Mei 2017) after being spottd by Louw and Wheaty Louw, owner of Maastrict. That came after seven Rastafarians were arrested on Maasticht earlier the same month (“Bolplante ter waarde van R65 000 gesteel”, TygerBurger, 10 Mei 2017). They were found in possession of bulb plants to the value of R65 000. Farmers were worried that the continued illegal harvesting can threaten the sustainability of the species.
Mission accomplished! Here, following Covid-19 regulations by wearing masks and keeping their distance, are staff members of City of Cape Town’s biodiversity management after replanting the bulbs at Tygerberg Nature Reserve. They are (standing from left) Khuselwa Mabuyane, Gavin Olivier, Stefan Dreyer and Ashton Mouton. In front are Tshepo Mamabolo, Abraham Saaiman and Kyle October.
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
First nurse dies of Covid BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind
he first nurse in the Western Cape died of the coronavirus, on 29 April, a day before she was due to retire. Nellie Benjamin (62) from Eerste River was described as a Mother Theresa-like figure. Benjamin’s brother-in-law, Rudie Cookson, says she was a modern day Mother Theresa. “She had traits of humility, forgiveness and benevolence with the gentle touch of a mother,” says Cookson on behalf of the family. “With a degree in nursing she worked in various clinics around Cape Town. She would wake up at 03:45 to catch the 05:00 train to the CBD, where she worked. At around
19:00 she would return home to attend to her husband and family. “But more than that, she had a degree in theology and was a senior pastor and leader at the Full Gospel Church in Macassar. She would have retired on 30 April but passed away a day before. After retiring she wanted to focus on the ministry.” Cookson says Benjamin started feeling flu symptoms at the end of March and her family urged her to stay home. “She went back to work after Easter and contracted the virus while trying to help others. She told her family that there are people depending on her to lead them and that she wanted to go back to work to officially close this chapter of her life.”
Cookson reiterates the fact that Benjamin contracted the virus at work. “There were stories in the media and on social media that she contracted the virus at home. We want to make it clear that this not the case. She contracted the virus at work and we have subsequently learned that some of her colleagues were also tested positive. It is only her husband that has tested positive and no other family members. Her husband is currently in the intensive care unit at a Kuilsriver hospital. The family is very disturbed about the fake news doing the rounds and will look to get legal advice after the funeral,” says Cookson. Benjamin leaves behind her husband, four children and eight grandchildren.
Clinic closes after four test positive KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels Four employees of the Albow Gardens Clinic in Rugby, Milnerton has tested positive for Covid-19, resulting in the clinic temporary closing its doors. The clinic has been closed since last week until further notice. Ward 55 councillor Ah-Sing confirmed this adding that the provincial health department will take the necessary steps to decontaminate the clinic. “The employees have all been isolated. The clinic will open once it’s safe for the public,” AhSing said. Chair of the Brooklyn, Ysterplaat and Rugby Residents’ As-
sociation (BYRRA), Fay Vogel said the closure of the clinic will have an immense impact on the residents. “Residents are still in the dark as to where to go for their prescriptions and appointments while the clinic is closed. However, some residents did mention that the hospital will contact them. They had to provide their details at the clinic for their medication to be delivered. “I believe some got deliveries and others didn’t. We are still waiting for some certainty around this,” Vogel said. The provincial health department did not respond to TygerBurger’s query at the time of going to print.
Durbanville policeman tests positive for Covid-19 ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme Durbanville police operated from a mobile unit outside the police station after a member of the crime prevention unit (CPU) tested positive for Covid-19 on Saturday 2 May. According to Capt Marchell Rhode, spokesperson for the Durbanville police, the man in his thirties, fell ill last Wednesday and was tested for Covid-19. It was confirmed on Saturday that he tested positive and the community service centre at the Durbanville police station was closed for at least
48 hours, Rhode said. The police station reopened on Monday evening after a thorough decontamination. According to Rhode the CPU mainly patrols Fisantekraal and other high-crime areas, and conducts vehicle inspections during roadblocks. In a statement by the Durbanville Community Policing Forum (CPF) on Facebook, the public was advised to phone the police radio control on 10111 for all emergencies and to report crime during the closure of the community service centre as telephone lines were not accessible during this time.
Traffic officer tests positive An officer stationed at the Bellville traffic department tested positive for Covid-19 recently. City spokesperson Priya Reddy, says the section used by staff was cleaned and sanitised as per health and safety protocols. Reddy says all City traffic departments dealing with driver and learner licence testing have been closed to the public since the start of the lockdown. “However, traffic enforcement operations are continuing.” She says the City has an online register where they regularly update the information on City employees who test positive for Covid19. She reiterated that no employee with symptoms of Covid-19 are allowed to be at work. . As the infection rate rises, more stores and facilities have had to temporarily close their doors as staff members tested positive and the necessary cleaning had to take place. In the past week, these included: Pick n Pay Waterfront and Parklands, Shoprite Langa, Checkers Kloof and Plumstead and Shoprite Bellville. – Nielen de Klerk
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Residents could also have phoned the shift commander on 082 411 2027 until the community service station was reopened. “The CPU members are front line operational members active outside in the greater station area and are generally exposed to various dangers. The CPU team does not engage with the general community at the front desk of the community service centre at Durbanville police station,” Maritha Roukema, secretary of the Durbanville CPF said. “All protocols were followed at the station with all affected members placed in self-isolation. Our
station management and CPF executive committee wish to relay our best wishes to the member, his family and the other exposed members during this time of isolation,” she said. The station building was decontaminated on Saturday afternoon. The community service centre wass then operated from a temporary mobile facility on the grounds of the police station with entry via the vehicular access gate to the left of the station building. “Residents are kindly requested to only visit the station for urgent reasons,” Roukema said. She advised residents to follow the Face-
book page for the latest updated information. “Station management assures the community of their continued visible policing and other operational activities in support of our community’s safety. Our network of partners are still in contact and our community has the additional support of our very well connected security company partners, whom can also be contacted by their clients in emergencies or to report suspicious activities. “We further urge the community to adhere to the current Disaster Management Act Regulations and safety protocols.”
Mask industry booms, sewers needed NIELEN DE KLERK
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
Tehuis vier (op ’n afstand) sy 30ste Huis Boland in Bellville (ook bekend as Residentia Boland) het op 25 April sy 30ste verjaarsdag gevier. Weens die koronavirus kon inwoners dit nie saam as ’n groep vier nie. Elkeen het egter steeds koek gekry. Inwoners is ook gevra om ’n verjaarsdaghoedjie te maak, te versier en ’n kaartjie te skryf. Hier is Christa Koegelenberg met haar hoed.
groups of volunteers or sewing circles to put together masks which they then donate to charity. #MillionMasks provides a face mask pattern on their website as well as a how-to video. Those needing masks can also request help online. The organisation needs sewers, funds and people able to cut into the fabric, as well as coordinators. Pillay says sewing skills aren’t a prerequisite as she is in a group where volunteers who cannot sew, cut the patterns for her and she finishes the product. She has spent the past few weeks in Johannesburg and says they have distributed and created thousands of masks for use in hospitals and townships in the area. The masks are distributed to organisations and individuals who have requested them on the website. . For more information visit 10millionmasks.africa. To join send an email to join@10millionmasks.africa, To donate send an email to donate@10millionmasks.africa or a WhatsApp to 064 612 7092.
he hottest fashion item of the season is something many didn’t think they would need a year ago – a face mask. As South Africans eased into phase four of lockdown, many ministers reiterated that they consider the wearing of a face mask mandatory when outside – a regulation likely set to become law soon. As is the case of most necessities during the lockdown, many South Africans are struggling to get this particular item for themselves and their families. Groups of volunteers across the country have heeded the call to action and have started making and distributing masks for charity. One of these is the group #10MillionMasks, which operates across Africa and parts of the rest of the world. Verushka Pillay, a volunteer from Claremont, explains how they aim to inspire
The organisation #10MillionMasks hopes to inspire ordinary South Africans to make and distribute masks to the vulnerable and needy in the country. They are looking for volunteers everywhere. Pictured are 6 000 masks which were made by volunteers in Gauteng and distributed to hospitals in the area and in Kwa-Zulu Natal last week.
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Die inwoners van Huis Boland is, soos by talle ander tehuise, taamlik afgesonder van die wêreld sodat die sentrum kan keer dat die koronavirus onder die bejaardes versprei. Die sentrum het nou ’n projek begin waar
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mense vir inwoners e-posse kan stuur om hulle met die buitewêreld te verbind. Werknemers sal die e-posse uitdruk en aan ’n spesifieke senior gee, wat dan sal terugskryf. Die e-pos-adres vir briewe is boland2@residentia.co.za.
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Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
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Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
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Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
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Beat the queues and shop online at www.picknpay.co.za. Some deals may not be available online.
Available at Pick n Pay Supermarkets and Hypermarkets WHILE STOCKS LAST
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
Bontas chef cooking up a storm K
aylin Kammies from Bonteheuwel says she plans to open her own restaurant in the next five years. The 23-year-old is currently working at the five-star Hunters Run Country Club in Florida in the United States of America (USA). She studied at the Capsicum Culinary Studio in Salt River. Now based in Florida, Kammies says she had the opportunity to work with some of South Africa’s big culinary names including Jenny Morris, Reuben Riffel, Pete Goffe-Wood and Peter Tempelhoff. “I come from a family of four – I am the youngest and I have an older brother. I was raised by my late grandmother who looked after my brother and me while our mom and dad had to go to work. “After leaving school, I enrolled at the Capsicum Culinary Studio Cape Town campus in 2016 and that is where my journey started off as
a chef student. “During my studies at Capsicum a lot of opportunities came my way by doing photoshoots for Capsicum, entering various competitions and doing video blogs. But the best part was working with so many well-known chefs in the local industry. I also had the chance to work in well-known establishments around Cape Town such as the Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa, Fire & Ice Hotel, The Greenhouse and The One & Only. “Every establishment and its chefs contributed to me becoming a better chef, improving my skills, to experiment and to make something of myself within the industry. I then decided to get some international experience and I am currently working in Florida,” says Kammies. She always had her eyes set on a career in art and graphic design, she says. “I quickly realised that I
wanted something different for myself, and that ‘something different’ was to become a chef. I’ve had the passion for cooking for as long I can remember. You need to have the passion and drive for the food and hospitality industry. You need to be willing to sacrifice your personal life, work long hard hours and give your everything to work yourself way up and it doesn’t happen overnight.” She follows Gordan Ramsay, Aaron Sanchez and Wolfgang Puck. “They are the godfathers of the industry and they were the first chefs I came across and started to follow.” Kammies says she wants to continue spreading her wings. “For as long as I can, I will continue to travel the world and keep on learning. In five years’ time, I would love to open my first restaurant; a bit on the bistro-style with my own twist added to it.”
Kaylin Kammies from Bonteheuwel has her eyes set on opening her own restaurant.
Spogkrisante op virtuele skou te siene ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme
Kapt. Marchell Rhode, woordvoerder van die Durbanville-polisie, staan hier by sy spogkrisante waarmee hy die afgelope Saterdag aan ’n skou op Wellington sou deelneem.
Badisa lewer steeds dienste Badisa lewer steeds noodsaaklike dienste aan duisende weerlose mense ten spyte van die Covid-19pandemie en vlak 4-inperking. Annemarie Bezuidenhout, direkteur van bemarking en fondswerwing by Badisa, het in ’n mediaverklaring gesê dié pandemie het hulle as organisasie weer laat besef hoe relevant hul organisasie is met die lewering van noodsaaklike dienste aan weerlose mense in die samelewing. Maar, aangesien geeneen van die programme met hul beplande fondsinsameling kan voortgaan nie, sal hulle nie voldoende inkomste kan genereer nie.
“Ons is derhalwe baie meer afhanklik van donasies van individue” sê sy. Badisa is ’n barmhartigheidbediening van die NG Kerk (WesKaap) en VG Kerk (Kaapland). “Ons eerste fokus na die instel van die nasionale noodmaatreëls was om die verswakte ouer persone in ons fasiliteite, asook ons sentrums vir gestremde persone en kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums, te beveilig. Badisa het reeds sedert middel Maart nuwe riglyne en prosedures geskryf om te verseker ons kan dienslewering voortsit op ’n verantwoordelike en veilige wyse,” sê sy.
Ná nege maande van pamperlang en toewyding, was die spogkrisante van kapt. Marchell Rhode, woordvoerder van die Durbanville-polisie, reg vir skou en om, soos elke jaar, pryse op te raap. Maar dié jaarlikse skou van Wellington se krisante-vereniging, wat die afgelope Saterdag sou plaasvind, is soos alle ander byeenkomste weens die Covid-19pandemie afgestel. Rhode se pragblomme was egter wel te siene – saam met dié van ander deelnemers op ’n virtuele
Hul ondersteuningsdienste aan programme sluit onder meer in die beskikbaarheid van ’n hoofverpleegkundige, wat elke dag te alle ure aan diens is om te adviseer, te koördineer en te ondersteun. “Badisa se vroeëkindontwikkelingsprogramme en dienssentrums vir bejaardes moes egter sluit, maar ons voorsien steeds kos aan die kinders en gesinne, danksy ’n groot donasie van ’n anonieme donateur. “Ons is egter baie besorgd oor die tuisversorging van verswakte ouer persone in ons gemeenskappe. “Die maatskaplike werkers het ook ’n netwerk van bystanddiens gevestig om sake van kindermishandeling en gesinsgeweld te han-
skou, wat Sondag van 09:00 tot 12:00 op die vereniging se Facebook-blad aangebied is. “Ek sal maar net weer volgende jaar probeer,” sê Rhode. Hy deel nou maar sy blomme aan familie, bure en vriende uit. Rhode, wat op Wellington bly, neem al sedert 1997 aan skoue deel. Dié belangstelling in die kweek van krisante het begin toe hy nog by die Wellington-polisiekantoor werksaam was en hy die pragtige krisante van die skoonmaker gesien het. Rhode vertel hy het nog by bykans elke skou pryse gewen. In
teer en mense in nood by te staan,” sê Bezuidenhout. “Ons kan nie toelaat dat enige dienste wat ons lewer ingekort of beëindig word nie, want dan laat ons die mees weerlose en behoeftige mense in ons land in die steek. “Badisa het nodig dat mense hom in staat stel om ander te help. Ons kan nog nie die volle impak van die pandemie op ons organisasie se volhoubaarheid verreken nie, maar ons weet wel ons benodig beskermende toerusting soos maskers, handskoene, voorskote en reinigers om aan ons 145 programme te voorsien vir die volgende paar maande. “Ons plattelandse en NoordKaap-takke was reeds onder geweldige finansiële druk vanweë die
2007 het hy sy Springbokkleure verwerf. ’n Persoonlike hoogtepunt was egter in 2016 – toe die Wellingtontuinbouvereniging sy 100ste bestaansjaar gevier het, toe hy as kampioen met die beste blom op die skou aangewys is. Rhode sê hy het in Augustus verlede jaar al sy plantjies vir vanjaar se skou geplant. “Dit moet in die regte grond met die regte voeding geplant word. Die plante word gebreek en opgelei om blomme te kan dra,” sê hy. Die plante word dan verder vertroetel met spesiale voeding en bespuiting teen allerlei siektes.
ekonomie en droogte, en is dus nou baie kwesbaar. “Bejaardes in gemeenskappe is nou meer as ooit tevore weerloos en het behoeftes aan voedselvoorsiening. “Ons is nou, meer as ooit, bewus van die noodsaaklikheid van tegnologie om effektief te kan funksioneer. “Maatskaplike werkers veral benodig dringend tegnologiese toerusting en volhoubare internettoegang,” sê sy. Volg die stories van hoop en welwillendheid by Badisa se programme op Facebook by BadisaCharity. Kontak Annemarie Bezuidenhout by 083 708 2049 of abezuidenhout@badisa.org.za om ’n donasie te maak.
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
10 TYGERBURGER Bellville
Charity locked down How you can help
A protea for good spirits
As the Covid-19 crisis continues and many are struggling to make ends meet, non-profit organisations (NPOs) and non-government organisations are trying to provide support to those that need it most. These organisations have lost most of their income from fundraising events and need your help to continue giving care. TygerBurger has decided to make it easier for you to contribute in a responsible way by featuring accredited organisations that will distribute your donation to the right people. Registered NPOs and NGOs can email a description of their service, NPO number (if applicable) and contact details to nielen.deklerk@tygerburger.co.za to be featured here.
RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj
V The City of Cape Town’s disaster risk management centre is collecting essential items to give to those in need. They appeal to others for the donation of food parcels, vanity packs (soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, facecloths, sanitary towels), toilet paper, adult diapers, mattresses, blankets and personal protective equipment. Call 021 597 6004 or email disaster.donations@capetown.gov.za. V The Eat Out Relief Fund supports the restaurant industry, many who are opening their kitchens to serve their communities. To donate (or request funds) visit http://help.eatout.co.za.
Rogan Morrison
V The Ikhayalam Soup Kitchen Community provides a soup kitchen to the Gugulethu community and they focus mainly on the elderly, the unemployed and vulnerable citizens. Call Luyanda Situpa on 081 761 5557 or Puleng Molefe on 076 389 3170 or email ikhayalamsoupkitchen@gmail.com.
V Sprouting Minds provides food to children at schools who do not get food at home. During the lockdown period they’ve teamed up with different organisations to provide food to people in Morningstar, Fisantekraal and Klipheuwel. Call Carina de Vries on 084 405 0129 or email info@sproutingminds.org.za V The Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust is in the process of making fabric masks for their child-patients and moms, frontline and auxiliary workers at the Tygerberg hospital. They urgently need fabric donations for these masks. The fabric specifications are as follows: 100m x 140cm of 65/35 poly cotton twill 150 gsm2 in white or off-white or any of the logo primary colours i.e. baby blue, purple, yellow or orange or 100m x 140cm of 100% cotton twill 220 gsm2 in white or off-white or any of the Logo primary colours i.e. baby blue, purple, yellow or orange. For more information contact Yolanda Smith on 072 595 2536 or admin@tygerbergchildren.org.za. V The Ubuntu Circle of Courage is running a feeding scheme to feed the homeless and needy in Blue Downs and Kuilsrivier. Email Jantjie Booysen on jantjiebooysen1954@gmail.com. V The Western Cape government’s food relief programme is collecting and distributing goods across the province. Call 0800 220 250 for the department of social development general queries, and 0860 142 142 for donation requests and offers, between 07:00 and 16:00. You can also send a “please call me” to 079 769 1207, or email covid19donate@westerncape.gov.za. V The Solidarity Fund is the government’s official way of raising money to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information visit: www.solidarityfund.co.za.
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
protea farmer says donating flowers to medical and emergency workers does wonders to boost their spirits and morale. Rogan Morrison, who farms on Mellifera Farm, has donated flowers to Mediclinic Cape Gate, Tygerberg Hospital, Mediclinic Panorama and a few others since the start of the lockdown period. He hails medical workers as the “heroes” in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. “We have had a wonderful response thus far and we cannot express enough gratitude to our health workers. “They are the true heroes in our communities,” he told TygerBurger. Rogan says these workers deserve a boost and are very much appreciated. “It is through the protea, our national flower, that we stand beside them, encouraging them and thanking them for their hard work during this challenging time.” Tersia Bester, spokesperson of Mediclinic Panorama, says their personnel are grateful for the almost 600 proteas donated to them recently. “He delivered the proteas and thanked us for being at the forefront in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Now he is our hero,” Bester says.
Since the president’s announcement of the lockdown, the flower markets, both locally and abroad have collapsed and they have been unable to sell any of their flowers, says Rogan. “We then decided that we needed to do something different and used this time as an opportunity to be a blessing to others,” he says. The family says they were made aware of the crucial role that healthcare workers play in society through their sister, Dr Julie Morrison, who practices in the paediatric pulmonology department at Tygerberg Hospital. “Our healthcare workers and their families are facing a lot of stress on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemic and so we decided that we must boost their morale in as many hospitals in the Cape metropole as possible. “We asked a few companies if they would partner with us and make a small donation towards our farm workers so that we can keep paying their full salaries to support them and their families, and then we would donate all the protea flowers,” Rogan explains. Three companies partnered with the farmer. Rogan says he is grateful for their support. He says they hope to get to some more hospitals next week, based on what flowers they have harvested.
Locals receive financial relief during lockdown An Uber driver from Silversands, a young widow from Brackenfell and a single mom from Kraaifontein, were all thrown a lifeline amid the lockdown crisis. As part of the We Are Family campaign hosted by Kfm 94.5, fifty struggling households in the Western Cape, each received R10 000 from a R500 000 donation from LottoStar between 1 May and 20 April. Listeners nominated families severely affected by the lockdown. Abram Leshiba (49) from Silversands nominated his own family out of desperation. At the start of lockdown Abram could still work as an Uber driver, but it was far from business as usual. Besides their operating hours being restricted to three hours in the mornings and three hours in the afternoon there were no more travellers to transport to and from the airport, he says. His income took a knock as he could only manage one or two trips within the limited operating slots. Things got even worse when his car – and source of income – broke down. In his entry submission to Kfm he wrote: ‘‘Eish I’m pulling hard. I’m the father of five children, and wife not working. I’m working as an Uber driver, but now everything is bad.” To get the clutch plate of his car replaced would cost him R5 360, which Abram did not have. Then there was still his family to provide for. “I’m so stressed, I don’t know where
to get help.” The sigh of relief came aptly on Monday 27 April (Freedom Day). It was unexpected, but he was happy to receive the call from Kfm, says Abram. “God answered my prayer.” Young widow *Riana and her children both younger than two, were left in despair when her husband passed away just before lockdown started. Being the main breadwinner and having no life policies, the young mom from Brackenfell was left struggling with the challenge of feeding her family. “It has been a struggle as my salary only covers the rent of our house, I don’t have money to buy food or even buy my babies nappies. Basically, I’m just working to make sure we have a roof over our heads. My mom stays with us to help me with the girls. She is not working and has no income either,” says Riana. In a plea to the radio station she wrote: “I’m not asking much I just want to make sure that my girls have food every day, not worried about myself. Everything I’m doing now is for my girls to make sure they are safe and happy.” Riana said the R10 000 she received enabled her to buy food and pay her outstanding bills. “With food in the house, we have hope. It is difficult but I take one day at a time”. New mother *Andiswe’s life changed when the nationwide lockdown came into effect last month.
Helping Hands joins forces with supermarket to support needy THABANG KUAHO @thab_journo Local organisation Helping Hands has joined hands with Superspar Kraaifontein to offer relief to those who need it the most during the nationwide lockdown. “With the lockdown having been enforced, a lot of people have lost their income and have very little means to provide for their families,” general manager of the supermarket, Gina Woodlands says. She says there has been a lot of requests for assistance from those who need it and that it was impossible to assist everyone. “We then came together with Helping Hands. They have opened up their food pantry to assist the community.” Residents are encouraged to contribute to this initiative by donat-
ing non-perishable food at a dedicated trolley in the store. “Shoppers or passersby, who would like to donate can do so by dropping their donations at the trolley in store, which is distributed to Helping Hands regularly. Those who wish to make monetary donations are also welcome to do so at our till points, there is no minimum or maximum amount you can donate; we will even appreciate a R2.” Helping Hands prepares and distributes the meals to communities daily and beneficiaries get either frozen cooked meals or bread to eat for supper. The project has been popular among residents so much so, that about R17 000 worth of donations was collected in a week. Helping Hands could not be reached for comment.
Elke bietjie help: Pick n Pay Tygervallei het sakkies kos geskenk aan Badisa Kuilsrivier nadat TygerBurger verlede week berig het oor die uitdagings wat dié organisasie ervaar tydens die inperking. Hier is Thanya Phillips, takbestuurder van Pick n Pay Tygervallei, en Jevon Barry van Badisa Kuilsrivier met die oorhandiging daarvan op Donderdag 30 April.
She had recently started working for a prominent warehouse store for a couple of months before her temporary contract was changed to a permanent one. She soon fell pregnant and gave birth prematurely in January. The Kraaifontein mother did not qualify for any maternity benefits and had to rely on the help of her sister financially and emotionally. With the lockdown enforced, she has no means of an income. Andiswa’s sister nominated the new mother and to her surprise, she won. “Because she does not have any other income and has to take care of her newborn baby while finding ways to pay for her onebedroom flat she’s renting, I thought I should try my luck and nominate her,” her sister Thozama told Tracey Lange of KFM’s Mid-Mornings show. “She needs all the help she can get, that is why I nominated her,” the emotional Thozama said. The lucky mother could not believe her ears when her sister told her the news live on air. “Do not lie. Thank you so much, I do not even know what to say,” the tearful mother said. “This is one of the hardest times for us as a country and as a province. This campaign is a way to try to ease some of the difficulties our Kfm family are experiencing,” said Kfm 94.5 station manager, Stephen Werner. *Identity protected. Reporting team: Desiree Rorke, Carina Roux and Thabang Kauho
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
TYGERBURGER Bellville 11
Talle kinders baat by kospakkies ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme
onderde verhongerde gesinne in Durbanville-omgewing baat deur kospakkies wat moontlik gemaak is ná verskeie plaaslike rolspelers in die World United-projek hande gevat het. Die El Shaddai Christian Church, Durbanville-Gemeente (NG kerk Durbanville), die Palmgrove Spar, die nie-regeringsorganisasie Sprouting Minds en vrywilligers van die Hoërskool Durbanville verskaf die kospakkies en werk saam met gemeenskapleiers om dit in Morningstar, Fisantekraal en Klipheuwel, asook op sommige plase buite Durbanville, aan behoeftige gesinne te versprei. Urban Edge en verskeie ander plaaslike kerke het gou by die projek aangesluit. Ander rolspelers is Caring Network, Lazy Lawns, ’n tuindiens in Vierlanden, wat hul voertuig leen vir aflewering, Oak Hill Church, New Day United en die Wonlife-organisaise. “Weens die sluiting van skole weens Covid-19, is daar talle minderbevoorregte kinders in hierdie gebiede wie se enigste bord kos dié een was wat hulle as deel van hul skool se voedingskema ontvang het,” sê Enrique Hermanus van die El Shaddai Church. Die projek het sy ontstaan toe hy ’n vrou ontmoet het wat die voedingskema by die Primêre Skool Alpha in Morningstar bedryf. “Sy het ’n lys name en adresse gehad van kinders wat op dié etes moet staatmaak,” sê hy. Ná hy die
skoolhoof van die Primêre Skool Trevor Manuel in Fisantekraal gekontak het, is nóg name op die lys gevoeg – ook die van kinders by die Primêre Skool Attie van Wyk en die Hoërskool Durbanville. Hy en ds. Wynand SeymoreBreytenbach van die NG kerk Durbanville, beide jeugbedienaars by hul onderskeie kerke, het jare ondervinding met uitreikprojekte. Hulle dien ook saam op die Stad Kaapstad se wykskomitee vir wyk 112 en het voor inperking reeds besluit om saam te werk om die hongersnood te verlig. “Ons het besluit om net dié gesinne te help van die kinders wat reeds op voedingskemas was. Die nood is net eenvoudig te groot en ons wou verseker dat die mees kwesbare mense die kos sou ontvang,” sê Seymore-Breytenbach. “Sprouting Minds is die ruggraat van hierdie inisiatief. Hulle het my en Enrique kom red van ’n logistieke nagmerrie,” sê hy. Sprouting Minds is ’n bestaande
nie-winsgewende organisasie wat al vier jaar kos aan die kinders in Morningstar gee. Dit bestaan uit twee dieetkundiges met kennis van voeding, insluitend voeding tydens ramptye, en ’n onderwyser. “Die Palm Grove Spar het met alles ingeklim om die gemeenskap te dien. Theunis en Graig, die eienaars, het vir ons ’n veilige pakplek langs die supermark gebied, waar daar in die toekoms ’n Tops gaan wees. Vrywilligers kom pak die kospakkies per uur – nooit meer as agt mense per uur in dieselfde spasie nie. Die vrywilligers kom meestal uit kerke of is vriende van Sprouting Minds – ook baie jong volwassenes en ouers by die Hoërskool Durbanville,” sê hy. “Die mense wat die kospakkies kry, is baie dankbaar. Veral die mense op die plase is baie dankbaar, want min weldoeners kom uit by die plase. Die verligting is tasbaar by die mense. Ons glo opreg dat God baie goeie dinge uit hierdie slegte ding uit laat kom,” sê
Hier is (van links) Enrique Hermanus (El Shaddai), Tialet Potgieter, Carina de Fries en Cornelia Owens (almal van Sprouting MInds) en ds. Wynand Seymore-Breytenbach (Durbanville-Gemeente).
Om en om huis om boere te help DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke Tweelingbroers in Brackenfell het in 12 ure altesame 65 km om hul huis gestap om Suid-Afrikaanse boere te ondersteun. “Terwyl ons by die huis sit en
so bietjie verveeld raak, het ek en my tweelingbroer besluit om iets positiefs te doen en die beste ding waaraan ons kon dink, was om fondse vir die Burre Burger-boeredroogtehulpfonds in te samel,” sê Laurentius Schoonwinkel oor hul “uithou-staptog” verlede Sondag. Die Schoonwinkels, albei oudpolisiemanne en Vasbyt-uithoustappers, het ’n 103 m-roete deur hul tuin en om hul huis uitgemeet, en selfs met naamborde uitgewys: “Begin” en “Einde”, “Die Langpad” en “Die Kortpad”, ook “Die Castle Corner” en “Fyndraai”. Hulle het Sondag 04:00 weggespring en mekaar soms afgelos om 16:00 klaar te maak. “Ons het 633 rondtes voltooi en 65,3 km afgelê,” sê Bouwer
Bouwer en Laurentius Schoonwinkel tydens hul “staptog” verlede Sondag.
Schoonwinkel. “Ek en boeta het elkeen R250 geskenk tot die fonds en ons daag ander Suid-Afrikaners uit om dieselfde te doen,” sê Laurentius. Daar was ook ’n bottel 10 jaarKWV op die spel vir die persoon wat ’n bydrae gemaak het en kon raai hoeveel rondtes die broers in 12 ure gestap het. Nico Geldenhuys, wat met net vier rondtes uit was, was die wenner. “Ons het die droogtehulpfonds ondersteun júís omdat Suid-Afrika moet verseker dat voedselsekerheid nie in gedrang kom nie en dat elke landsburger in die inperkingstyd en in die toekoms nie honger gaan slaap nie. “Dit kan net verseker word as ons boeregemeenskap die droogte oorleef en sorg dat daar elke dag kos op die tafel is,” sê Laurentius. Bouwer het ’n beroep op alle Suid-Afrikaners gedoen om die President te ondersteun. “Dra jul maskers, bly tuis en bly veilig.”
Donations streaming in for ward 55 KAILIN DANIELS @k10dniels Good Samaritans in ward 55 are continuously providing much needed relief to destitute families by donating food parcels. Residents are in desperate need of basic necessities after they lost their income due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Ward 55 councillor, Fabian AhSing, says the aim of the project is to provide assistance to families in need who resides in ward 55. “At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the nationwide lockdown, I realised that there was going to be a large number of people
who are unable to sustain themselves. “Once we received parcels from the mayor, we have split it and handed it out to various organisations and suggested to make it into smaller parcels. After that, it was clear that more needed to be done,” Ah-Sing says, adding that these parcels have nothing to do with Sassa. Various residents and organisations in Milnerton donated to this cause. This also resulted in a trolley drive where trollies are stationed at selected supermarkets in the area for donated goods. “It is amazing what we can do when we all work together and do
what we can to help those in need. A massive thank you to residents of ward 55, Pastor Scherlize Hayes from Ysterplaat Community Church, Milnerton Community Action Network (CAN), Nataly Le Roux Horn from Ysterplaat Primary School, the drivers, the food parcel packers and all the donors and every single person who has made this possible. “We will be delivering more food parcels during the week. The only criteria is that you must need assistance.” Ah-Sing says with the donations streaming in those in need will continue to receive food parcels for the remainder of the lockdown.
Hier aan die kospakkies verpak is (van links) Ezelle Smit (voor) van die TygerbergGesinskerk, Madelein Nortjé van die Hoërskool Durbanville, Enrique Hermanus en Reece Louw, albei van El Shaddai Christian Church. FOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS
hy. Een van die hoogtepunte van die projek is vir hom hoe kennisse of vreemdelinge vriende geraak het. “Dis amazing om te kan sien hoe nie een persoon wat ons help, selfsugtig optree nie. Die doel is om mense te voer wat geen opsies oor het nie. Ons wil nie hê mense moet dink dit is ons wat ‘goed’ doen nie, maar ons bring werklik die goeie nuus dat God sorg vir Sy kinders deur ons,” sê hy. Volgens Hermanus het beide kerke R10 000 elk vir die projek geskenk. Nog sowat R18 557 is ook reeds aan donasies ontvang – selfs uit Duitsland en Kanada. “Hoewel hierdie tyd na ’n moeilike tyd lyk, is dit ook ’n geleentheid vir God om dinge te laat gebeur. Die projek sluit aan by ons langtermyn doelwit om die Woord na hierdie arm gemeenskappe uit te dra. “Dit is vir ons ook ’n geleentheid om verhoudings in die gemeenskappe te bou en kan die deur open
vir toekomstige projekte daar. “Ons ontvang vryelik liefde deur Jesus en daarom moet ons dié liefde vryelik weggee,” sê Hermanus. Seymore-Breytenbach sê World United is totaal afhanklik van donasies. “Met R210 kan ons ’n gesin van vier vir ’n week voer. Ons pak weekliks bykans 420 kospakke.” Die kospakkies bevat buiten kos en ontsmettingsmiddels ook klere, speletjies en opvoedkundige materiaal om die kinders besig te hou. Buiten skenkings van produkte vir die kospakkies, benodig hulle ook vrywilligers om te help met die verpak en aflewer van die kospakkies. ’n Volledige lys van benodighede kan bekom word op @worldunited_WU op Instagram en Facebook. Kontak Enrique Hermanus by 074 652 7073 of ds. Wynand Seymore-Breytenbach by 071 640 9797 vir bankbesonderhede om skenkings te maak. Mense kan ook bydra deur by Palmgrove Spar R10 by hul aankope by te sit.
Trust asks public to support new moms The Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust in partnership with the Greater Tygerberg Partnership call on the support of the public for their Kangaroo Mother Care programme at the Tygerberg Hospital and highlight the urgent need for toiletries for mothers, the beneficiaries of the programme. A direct implication of the Covid-19 pandemic is restricted access to the hospital for mothers. Because of the restrictions, they have to sleep over at the hospital lodgings for days at a time to ensure they are able to provide kangaroo care for their new-born babies. In addition to pressure on availability of beds, most of the mothers do not have toiletries and clothes for their sleepover
at the hospital, says Candice Jansen, spokesperson of the trust. The public can donate toothpaste, toothbrushes, ladies rollon deodorant, maternity sanitary pads, shampoo, conditioner, body moisturiser, face cloths, soap, washing powder, clothing for the mothers and snacks. “Kangaroo mother care is a method of caring for a baby where the mother nurses the infant on her bare chest. The skinto-skin contact between mothers and babies is encouraged with infants who are born with a low birth weight or babies born prematurely,” Jansen says. V For more information visit www.tygerbergchildren.org.za.
Relief for Communicare tenants In an effort to assist those who have been financially affected by the national lockdown, Communicare is offering rental relief for tenants. In a statement the rental housing company says it is working with tenants to ease the impact. “I am pleased that the president announced increases in the grants for Sassa pensioners and in the child support grant. This will go some way to relieving the pressure on our most vulnerable tenants. However, we recognise that for many of our tenants, this may not be sufficient to relieve the impact this lockdown is having on their households” says Anthea Houston, chief executive officer of Communicare.
“We know that many tenants are battling to make ends meet and keep food on the table. As a property owner we are in a good position to help these tenants. “We are offering all tenants who have been financially affected by the national lockdown an opportunity to apply for special rental relief. Each application will be reviewed individually to consider what relief can be extended to the tenant. Relief may be in the form of rental deferment, rental reduction or use of the deposit,” says Houston. Tenants are advised to contact Communicare’s call centre to apply for rental relief by emailing callcentre@communicare.org.za or calling 0800 266 737.
12 TYGERBURGER Bellville
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
School produces video to uplift learners KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels
taff at Sunningdale Primary School is producing uplifting music videos in a bid to raise the spirits of their learners during the nationwide lockdown. The video, where several staff members and the principal sing and dance along to “I will be there for you”, urges the learners to stay safe during the lockdown and give them something to smile about. Zerina Huisamen, a teacher at Sunningdale Primary School who came up with the initiative, said the making of the video was aimed at uplifting the spirit of learners and make them “chuckle” a little – something that is very much needed during this challenging time.
“I was browsing through my Instagram profile and came across a post from the Swiss group I follow, called Heimweh, who very recently wrote a song in light of being locked down. This song made me think that it would be so awesome and uplifting to do something similar for our school and the learners. The learners absolutely loved it. The comments left on Facebook show how much the parents and learners loved it,” Huisamen said. The video has since reached over 8 100 views within a week, which was compiled by Ewaldt Carstens, an educator at the school. Asked how the lockdown affected the academics and activities at the school, Huisamen explained that learners were equipped with workbooks and each grade set up a schedule on what to do over the
coming weeks. Huisamen added, “Since the lockdown was extended we have sent more weekly schedules for work that can be done at home. We are very aware that each household is different. There is no easy way to assess how the academics are fully affected, but we are doing everything we can to make sure learners have daily work that they can complete at home. We are also in constant contact with and on stand by for all parents on various platforms, such as WhatsApp, Class Dojo and also on email.” The video has been uploaded on Sunningdale Primary School’s Facebook page and staff has urged other schools to follow this initiative. Plans are in place to role out more videos during the lockdown period.
School scheme also feeding community THABANG KUAHO @thab_journo Scottsdene High School principal Peter Links is thankful to people in the community who have come on board to help with the running of the school’s feeding scheme during the lockdown period. Although the feeding scheme was meant for school learners, it saw many residents queuing as well. “Teenagers usually feel shy and embarrassed to queue for food, so we anticipated that not all of them would come to the feeding scheme,” he says. Links says in the first week the feeding scheme started running, about 400 people came for the food and the minority of those were learners of the school. “Because we anticipate that our learners would not come, we decided not to turn anyone away,” he explains.
Links says businesses and individuals in the community has been helpful with making sure the feeding scheme runs smoothly. “We have had individuals, exlearners and church groups donating anything from bread to food hampers to make sure that it continues running smoothly. Some other residents have also volunteered to prepare and serve the food.” He says making a difference in the community and making sure that as many people possible do not go without food is satisfactory. “It truly is a blessing to know that you are making a difference in someone else’s life.” At first it was challenging to make sure that people maintain the social distancing rule. “This is mostly problematic when people are queuing outside the school premises, but we can monitor them as soon as they
CBC’s first week of online schooling
step into the school grounds. “This feeding scheme has also helped us teach people, especially young children, the importance of adhering to the social distancing rules.” Links says most people who benefit from the feeding scheme have shown great discipline. He further encouraged local organisations, businesses and individuals who are in a position to help to do so. “Right now one of our biggest needs are masks and gloves. “People run the risk of being infected with the virus when coming to the feeding scheme daily,” he says. The project has been so successful, says Links, that the City of Cape Town has shown interest in continuing with it beyond lockdown. The feeding scheme runs daily at Scottsdene High School. For more information call 021 988 2835.
CBC St Johns returned to a very different second term than expected and are so proud of their teachers and learners who have embraced Elearning with great enthusiasm. One of the learners, Matt Wallis in Grade 3 is enjoying doing his online learning whilst safe at home.
Girl Guides kept busy in lockdown The South African Girl Guides, along with their counterparts in Europe, the Malta Girl Guides, have embarked on an exciting range of challenges to keep the girls occupied during the national lockdown. Every second day a brand new challenge is given to the girls, from recreating the coronavirus from recycling materials, to learning a new skill online. Other challenges include building lockdown forts in their bedrooms, making waffles or do a dance, explains Tanya Prinsloo, leader of the Bothasig Rangers. Girl Guides South Africa is celebrating 110 years this year. To help mark the occasion during this difficult time, they are continuing their spirit of positivity and launched the Corona Positivity Challenge – encouraging their members to come up with 110 positive things to come from being indoors during lockdown. “Things such as spending time with family, having time to springclean, playing board games and learning a new skill,” says Prinsloo.
Tehuis-inwoners bly besig met handwerk CARINA ROUX
Hendrina Basson, ’n inwoner en organiseerder van die handwerkaktiwiteite by die Kuils River Care Village.
By die AGS se tehuis vir bejaardes in Kuilsrivier, die Kuils River Care Village, word daar deesdae fluks handwerk gedoen onder leiding van Hendrina Basson (72), wat begin vanjaar daar ingetrek het. Basson se suster, Linda Fabricius, sê al is Basson se sig swak sedert sy ’n beroerte gehad het, keer
dit haar nie. “Sy kan nie stil sit nie.” Fabricius sê aanvanklik was die belangstelling traag, maar nou met die inperking hou Basson die inwoners van soggens tot saans besig. “Selfs die omies ryg al krale.” Sonya Nortier, bestuurder van die tehuis, sê daar word onder meer geverf, kaartjies gemaak, gebrei, krale geryg en borduurwerk gedoen.
Marieta Nel is hier besig met lapverf.
Maria Cowan doen kralewerk met net een hand aangesien sy 'n beroerte gehad het.
Ava Jearey, a member of the Bothasig Rangers.
Johanna Grobbelaar is besig om krale in te ryg.
Anna Schutte brei fluks.
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
TYGERBURGER Bellville 13
Slangvanger groet polisiediens
Fire razes Bonteheuwel home
slange. Ek was nog nooit bang vir slange nie, maar daar het ek geleer hoe om hulle te vang. In my tyd daar het ek baie slangvertoá 41 jaar maak die slangvanger-poli- nings gaan sien en het geleer om slange te sieman van die Mfuleni-polisiekan- hanteer. toor klaar. “Terug by die huis het ek slangkursusse Ao. Abraham du Plessis het in 1979 sy op- gedoen, wat my geleer het hoe om byvoorleiding in die polisie begin en was by ver- beeld mense te help wat deur slange gebyt skeie plekke gestasioneer is,” sê Du Plessis. voor hy uiteindelik in 2005 Dit was egter ’n slang by Mfuleni opgeëindig wat Du Plessis baie na het. aan sy dood gebring Dit is hier waar hy verhet. “Op 23 Januarie lede week sy laaste dag in 2016 het ’n slang my gedie mag gevier het. pik en ek was binne “As ek ’n boodskap kan tien minute by die hosgee vir die jong beamptes pitaal. wat nou in die polisie is, is “Twee ure later het dit om gedissiplineerd te ek my bewussyn verwees en respek te hê vir loor en hulle het gesukhul seniors. kel om die pype in my “Ongedissiplineerde longe te kry. mense kan nie hul werk “Ek was só verlam doen nie. As jy nie stiptedat ek my oë nie kon belik is nie, het jy nie selfresweeg nie en het eers na pek nie,” sê Du Plessis. vier dae weer bygeVolgens Du Plessis het kom. My vinger was hy sy beroepslewe daarook besig om te vrot en aan gewy om die gemeendit het my drie maande skap te dien. “Ek is nou geneem om weer soos reeds 15 jaar weg van die ’n mens te voel,” sê Du Kuilsrivier-polisiekanPlessis. toor en steeds is daar menAo. November Filanse wat my kontak om raad der, polisiewoordvoerte vra. Ek glo aan diensder vir Mfuleni, sê Du baarheid,” sê Du Plessis. Plessis is ’n inspirasie Wanneer Du Plessis nie vir baie en sal baie gedie afgelope klompie jare mis word. misdadigers gevang het “Ons hoop Du Plesnie, het hy slange gevang. Ao. Abraham du Plessis het onlangs sis gaan sy rus geniet “In Desember 1983 was uit die polisiediens getree. en dat baie van die opek aan die grens van Eswakomende beamptes in tini (Swaziland) en daar is verskriklik baie sy voetspore gaan volg,” sê Filander.
A 71-year-old woman lost everything in a fire. TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07 A 71-year-old Bonteheuwel woman lost everything in her home after a fire broke out on Tuesday 28 April. Mony Marthinus from Taaibos Street escaped unharmed. The fire spread from her home at number 67 and affected neighbouring homes 69 and 71. TygerBurger visited the completely gutted home of Marthinus on Wednesday 29 April. However, she was not available for an interview. Ronald and Deborah Adams, who reside at 69 Taaibos Street, said the fire broke out just after 20:30. “My wife, my six children and I were all in the house at the time. We just smelled smoke and then saw that flames were spreading through our roof. The fire actually started at aunty Mony. “Our houses are semi-detached so the
flames went through her roof to our roof then to another neighbour’s house at number 71. I’m just thankful no one got hurt,” said Ronald. Ward 50 councillor Angus McKenzie has appealed for donations for the affected families. “It could not have come at a worse time. I am appealing to each and everyone to do everything they possibly can to help these families rebuild,” said McKenzie. The City’s fire and rescue service spokesperson Jermaine Carelse said they received an emergency call at approximately 21:00. “The swift response of fire crews from Epping managed to contain the fire quickly. The dwelling sustained extensive damage, whilst the adjacent dwellings sustained minimal damages. “The fire was extinguished at approximately 22:23. No injuries were reported and all occupants were accounted for,” said Carelse.
Police nab ‘hijackers’, battery ‘thieves’ The Mfuleni crime prevention unit (CPU) arrested several suspects over the past weekend for a range of serious crimes. According to a police statement one of the
A white VW vehicle that was taken from alleged hijackers.
incidents happened around 08:00 on Sunday 2 May while officers were busy with vehicle patrol duties and enforcing Covid-19 compliance operations in the New Beginning residential area. While visiting a spaza-shop in Paradise Street, one of the members noticed a suspicious man with a Woolworths trolley. “The suspect tried to flee from the police, but they caught him. Upon further investigation they found a car battery inside the trolley. The 30-year-old suspect was arrested for possession of the presumably stolen property after he could not provide the necessary documentation or reason for having the car battery. He was also charged for failure by a person to be confined to the residence during lockdown,” reads the statement. The officers continued their investigation and arrested a 24-year-old male accomplice and recovered a car audio amplifier. A preliminary investigation indicates that the
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suspects could be linked with other criminal cases in the area. “Shortly after that incident, around 11:45, while the officers were busy with vehicle patrol duties in Rotterdam Road between Bardale and New Beginning residential areas, they were stopped by a member of the public. He informed them that he was just hijacked from his white VW Golf by four armed men. The officers immediately launched a search for the suspects, and not long after that, they spotted the hijacked vehicle with four suspects. “When the suspects saw the police, they jumped out of the vehicle, but the officers managed to apprehend two suspects, aged 22, in possession of the stolen vehicle and a television set, belonging to the victim. The police also recovered a black imitation firearm inside the vehicle, which was used in committing the crime.”.
A battery that was confiscated by the police.
3 beds, 2 beds, enlounge, suite, f/f kitchen, kitchen, large granny plot, flat needs (2 beds) TLC, beauty! hurry
2 beds, f/f kitchen, lounge, garage, spacious, large plo
2 beds, fitted kitchen, plus granny flat, garage, very spacious On main Rd.
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Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020
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Sport Page 16 | Woensdag, 6 Mei 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: sport@tygerburger.co.za www.tygerburger.co.za
R1m for caddies G
olfRSA launched a R1 million relief initiative on Monday 27 April, aimed at helping caddies and casual workers at golf facilities who have been adversely affected by the countrywide lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. GolfRSA, the umbrella body for amateur golf in South Africa, intends to reach those individuals who have not yet benefited from any financial support by introducing the GolfRSA Covid-19 relief fund. “It’s no secret that the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the golf industry and, with more than 400 golf clubs in this country, employees at most of these clubs have been severely impacted by the nationwide lockdown,” explained GolfRSA CEO Grant Hepburn. “Those worst affected are the caddies and casual workers. Sadly, most of these individuals were living close to the breadline even before the lockdown and are now battling to provide for their families. “We would like to recognise the underlying contribution made by our affiliated golfers, who are largely responsible for the funding of GolfRSA through their affiliation fees. Under normal circumstances, affiliation fees are allocated to operational costs, such as staging national tournaments, administration and governance of handicapping and rules, as well as the development of the game. We are proud to be able to direct the money towards this worthy cause.” Hepburn stated that the fund will be administered in several phases, with the first phase expected to roll out in the next few days. “The staff at GolfRSA are liaising with provincial golf unions and golf clubs to identify those workers who qualify for relief payments and they will also execute the challenging logistics of this roll-out, starting this week,” he said. The second phase of the programme will call for donations
from golfers and businesses that are able to contribute to the fund to sustain the initiative over the next few months. “It is difficult to determine the extent of this campaign, due to uncertainty of the number of individuals and families that will need support. We therefore hope to extend the lifespan of the fund with support from golfers and corporate South Africa.” GolfRSA chair Johann Rupert commended the golf industry for the various initiatives launched during this challenging period for all South Africans. “Since the nationwide lockdown was initiated on 26 March, the golf industry has come together in remarkable ways to sustain and preserve our golf courses and ensure the welfare of the golfers and the industry employees, including club and greens staff, caddies and casual workers,” Rupert said. “GolfRSA has been working with various stakeholders, including the PGA of South Africa, the Club Management Association of South Africa and the Sunshine Tour to address the many challenges that have arisen from this crisis. “I applaud GolfRSA on their attempt to ensure that no-one falls through the cracks. The GolfRSA Covid-19 fund will provide support for caddies and casual workers from golf facilities across South Africa and these organisations have voiced their support to this initiative. “I also commend the many golf facilities around the country who have established food parcel initiatives or financial support for their employees and the various golf unions who are also playing their part.” Hepburn said that details of the application process for caddies and casual workers will be communicated to the golf unions and clubs within the next few days. “Once we have phase one up and running, we will advise further details on phase two, which is aimed at creating a platform to raise further funds through donations.”
A fund aimed at helping caddies and casual workers at golf facilities was launched by GolfRSA last week.
Cyclists are only allowed to cycle within their own neighbourhoods between 06:00 and 09:00, and within a 5km radius of their homes.
Cyclists pedal into level 4 lockdown The Pedal Power Association (PPA), South Africa’s leading cycling organisation supports government’s call to South Africans to adhere to strict regulations following the commencement of the level 4 phase of lockdown, which came into effect on Friday 1 May. “President Ramaphosa pointed out that exercise under strict public health conditions will be allowed and it is for that reason, we have submitted a proposal to the president to allow cycling under strict lockdown conditions,” explains Rens Rezelman, chair of the PPA. Under the current lockdown restrictions in level 4, cyclists are only allowed to cycle within their own neighbourhoods between 06:00 and 09:00, and within a 5km radius of their homes.
“For cyclists, these current times are exceptionally frustrating and like the rest of the population, there are many who are extremely worried and justifiably so, about how their jobs and personal income are going to be affected by Covid-19. “Despite our personal and varying opinions on the matter, South Africa has to abide by strict lockdown measures and will have to do so for quite some time in the future. “The majority of the cycling community has heeded this call to be compliant and for that, they need to be commended,” Rezelman said. From a commuter perspective, the PPA believes that by using a bicycle as a mode of transport as opposed to crowded public trans-
port options, the spread of Covid19 can further be reduced. “The PPA would like to encourage those who have bicycles to use them instead of public transport in this time. “We would also like to ask those who have old bicycles to donate them to people who could really use them to be economically mobile in these times,” Rezelman said. “Cycling is a healthy pastime and it’s proven beyond doubt that regular exercise helps improve the immune system and that’s all we really have right now to combat this virus. “We all need to stand together to get through the damage that this virus is causing in the world and in South Africa,” Rezelman explained.
Ravensmead bowled over by efforts EARL HAUPT @earlhaupt One can never overemphasise the dire need being experienced by the poorer communities across the country during the extended lockdown period. The call to respond to this need has been heeded by Tygerberg Cricket Club, who embarked on a fundraising drive to help more than 30 families in Ravensmead. “Our food drive was initiated by one of our members, Luwaaz September More than 30 families in Ravensmead benefited from the recent food drive by who saw a post on social Tygerberg Cricket Club. From left to right: Gill Fortune, Abdul Sait, Randall Florence, media from Bellville South Luxolo Baku, Brindley Gilbert, Tommy Wildschudt and Bradley Jantjies. Cricket Club challenging all cricket clubs to raise funds for et Club, Vernon Philander sup- holds, ensuring they complied the needy. We immediately posted ported the drive through his foun- with the Covid-19 regulations. the food package drive on our so- dation and donated an extra 30 food “The smiles, the happiness is cial media groups to initially see packages to support more families. seen and felt on the faces of the rewhether we could raise R6000 to “It’s always a privilege to help ceivers, stirred and fed our souls serve our need youth players and those less fortunate, especially while doing what our Good Lord families with a decent food pack- those from areas we come from. had laid upon our hearts, the comage,” says chair Alnico Adams. “It’s tough out there and all we ments ‘Yor Tygerberg CC is mos Expectations would be blown out can do is help ease the burden for kwaai …’ will resonate with me, as of the water as R20 000 was raised a few. Let’s all help in making life we are a very blessed club,” says in a single day, which helped them easier for those in desperate need.” Tygerberg CC youth convener assist 15 families with decent food Adams adds that the club’s exec- Randall Florence. packages. utive approached Ravensmead po- V Have an interesting sport story to tell? Recently retired Proteas cricket- lice station, who authorised them Let us know at sport@tygerburger.co.za er and member of Tygerberg Crick- to deliver the packages to 15 house- or earl@media24.com.