Trading Hours: Mon to Thurs: 8.30am to 6pm Fri: 8am to 6.30pm • Sat: 8am to 5pm • Sun: 8.30am to 1pm
Valid from 11th November to 15th November 2020 X1WE9YRW-AL111120
Woensdag, 11 November 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
Workers putting the finishing touches to a project that took years to complete.
Road project complete BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind Frederick Polman from Blackheath is a happy man after a project to increase safety at the Buttskop rail crossing, that took ages to finish, is finally done. Polman was one of many residents from Blackheath who was exposed to escalating traffic through residential streets because the City of Cape Town’s plan to build a new road came to a halt. To the frustration of residents, the road could not be finished because an electricity pole was in the way. TygerBurger reported
numerous times on the frustration of residents like Polman. “I am happy that the road has eventually been finished. I do not know why it took so long, but I know the people are happy,” says Polman. The City last week sent out a press release about the completion of the project. “The City of Cape Town in collaboration with Prasa and the Rail Safety Regulator realigned Frederick Street as a short-term safety measure to reduce the risk of train-vehicle crashes at the Buttskop level crossing in Blackheath. The realignment of Frederick Street came at a cost of approximately R2,7 million. The realignment of this street
is a short-term solution that will significantly improve pedestrian safety at the level crossing as recommended by the Rail Safety Regulator. Ultimately, the proposal is to do away with the said crossing altogether. The preliminary design of the level crossing elimination was completed at the end of 2019. “Eskom also had to relocate an electricity pole, which was standing in the middle of the road and posed a risk to road users. The Buttskop Road level crossing is one of ten boomcontrolled level crossings in Cape Town, and it counts as the second busiest of all of these level crossings. There have been two serious train-and-vehicle crashes over the past nine
years, in which 17 people tragically lost their lives,” says Mayco member for transport, Felicity Purchase, according to the statement. She further says that while the realignment of Frederick Street will improve the general safety of those who use this crossing, it is a short-term solution only, and it does not eliminate the level crossing, nor does it alleviate congestion. “We have plans for a more permanent solution, which includes the construction of a bridge over the railway line, the realignment of Buttskop Road and the extension of Zevenwacht Link Road between Van Riebeeck Road and Albert Philander Street,’’ she says.
2 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs
Covid-19 matrics can write exams The national Department of Basic Education (DBE) has reviewed its Covid-19 exam protocols to allow learners who test positive for the coronavirus to sit for their final matric examinations. “The DBE previously issued a set of guidelines, which indicated that learners who were Covid-19 positive would not be allowed to enter the exam centre. Following a petition by parents and learners who called for a review of the protocols, the DBE in consultation with the national Department of Health concluded an agreement on Wednesday evening and conceded to the request,” government news stated on Thursday 11 November. According to the national communications department, the turn came just a day before more than 1 million candidates would sit for their final National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams countrywide. “The two departments jointly considered the requests and deliberated on the practical implications. “It was agreed that candidates who test positive, and are deemed fit to write the examination will be allowed to write albeit at a different venue and under secure conditions that are in compliance with the examination regulations,” it was stated.
Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24-groep Verspreding: TygerBurger Eersterivier/Blue Downs word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Dennemere, Devon Park, Greenfield, Kleinvlei, Melton Rose, Fairdale, Rustdal, Stradford Green, Gaylee, Brentwood Park, Camelot, Delro, Electric City, Forest Heights, Fountain Village, Hagley, Heath Park, Hindle Park, High Place, Highgate, Hillcrest Heights, Malibu Village, Rotterdam, Silversands, Stratford, Sunbird Park, The Connifers, Tuscany Glen en Nooiensfontein. Totale verspreiding: 27 968 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119
A time for children to celebrate As the country commemorated World Children’s Day on Saturday 7 November newlyformed local non-profit organisation Anne’s Angels Fondation hosted the children of Devon Park Village to a morning filled with fun activities and a nutritious meal. After that they could indulge in delicious sweet treats to celebrate the occasion. Actor Austin Rose of Noem My Skollie fame, who is also busy in studio recording an album, surprised the young ones when he pitched to spend the day with them.
Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na of
The Sunflower Fund will be hosting a webinar, “Powered by Purpose”, in partnership with Pick n Pay as part of their Sunflower Day celebrations on 12 November at 11:00. The event will be live-streamed via Zoom to adhere to social distancing. Tickets cost R99 - R150 (discounted price for Smart Shopper cardholders) via Webtickets. Speakers include Riaan Manser, global explorer and renowned author, Richard Wright, global speaker, brain cancer survivor and best-selling author, Brett Archibald, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur and philanthropist, and Remy Kloos, high-altitude mountaineer, coach and sustainability specialist. Funds raised from the event will go towards recruiting blood stem cell donors, giving hope of life to patients who are diagnosed with life-threatening blood disorders. For more information visit
TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518
P icnic with the Pooches all for a good cause!
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Eerste River non-profit organisation Anne’s Angels Fondation held a celebration event for the children of Devon Park Village on Saturday 7 November on National Children’s Day. PHOTOS: THABANG KUAHO
Sunflower Fund to host online event
Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume Joernalis: Brenden Ruiter Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Hoofkoerant advertensies: Taseem Khan ( 021 910 6500 Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994
Woensdag, 11 November 2020
Privaat gewapende reaksie-lede het voor die skoolgronde wag gestaan.
Vuiste bal en klippe vlieg buite skool DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
mosie en spanning het Maandagoggend hoog geloop by die Hoërskool Brackenfell toe sowat 500 inwoners al van vroegoggend af by die skool bymekaar gekom het, in afwagting van EFF-lede vir ’n betoging voor die skool. Die EFF het sedert Vrydag twee betogings by die skool gehou om hul ongelukkigheid oor ’n matriekdans, wat net deur wit kinders bygewoon is, uit te spreek (sien voorbladstorie). Dié party het ook verlede week geëis dat die skoolhoof, Jannie Muller, se kop moet rol en die dienste van nog twee onderwysers wat die geselligheid bygewoon het, opgeskort moet word. Die polisie, verkeerslui en lede van die Stad se wetstoepassingseenheid en private gewapende-reaksie- lede het sedert 07:00 gereed gestaan, terwyl matrieks aan die ander kant van die skoolhekke gereed gemaak het vir ’n vraestel in die matriek-eindeksamen. ’n Groep motorfietsryers het aan die oorkant van Frans Conradie-rylaan bymekaar gekom en die straat reg voor die skoolhekke is deur die polisie versper. Teen 10:00 het klein groepies EFF-lede by die skool aangekom en teen 10:45 was daar ’n groep van sowat 60. Dit het nie lank geneem voordat betogers en inwoners mekaar lelik en in kru taal begin uitjou het nie. Kort voor lank is ’n paar kruitdanse met gebalde vuiste uitgevoer en keer op keer moes die polisie rookgranate gooi om die groepe uitmekaar te hou. Betogers het duidelik sleg daarvan afgekom. ’n Skermutseling of drie het op die grasperk langs en om “Eli se Kruisie” plaasgevind op die hoek van Frans Conradie-rylaan en sommige betogers het inwoners met klippe bestook terwyl dié, betogers met stokke verjaag het. Die wit kruisie voor die Laerskool Brackenfell is in 2015, ironies genoeg deur dieselfde gemeenskap, opgerig ter herinnering aan klein Eli Mazibuko, ’n 11-jarige leerder van die Laerskool Brackenfell wat tragies gesterf het toe sy in Julie daardie jaar op die hoek van Frans Conradie-rylaan deur ’n motor raakgery is. Polisie het meeste van die skermutselings vinnig ontlont en een inwoner wat sy vuur-
wapen uitgehaal het is in hegtenis geneem. ’n Ander inwoner is gesien met ’n haelgeweer in sy voertuig. Debbie Schäfer, minister van onderwys in die provinsie, sê die gewelddadige botsings is onaanvaarbaar. “Ek is diep ontsteld oor wat buite die Hoërskool Brackenfell plaasgevind het oor ’n private matriekafskeid wat gereël is deur ouers van leerders wat die skool bygewoon het,” het sy in ’n verklaring aan die media gesê. Ek veroordeel ten sterkste die optrede van die EFF-lede en die ouers buite die skool wat geweld gebruik het om hul kommer uit te druk. Gewelddadige aanvalle is eenvoudig nie aanvaarbaar nie en sal geensins ons leerders bevoordeel nie. Geweld is ook nie die oplossing vir meningsverskille nie.” Sy het ’n beroep op alle partye gedoen om op ’n verantwoordelike en volwasse manier met mekaar in gesprek te tree en dat die polisie moet verseker dat ons leerders teen hierdie soort geweld beskerm word. “Ons leerders skryf tans matriekeksamen ná ’n stresvolle en moeilike jaar, en die EFF weet goed dat hierdie soort konfrontasie leer sal ontwrig en onnodige benoudheid vir ons leerders sal veroorsaak. “Om hierdie soort konfrontasie doelbewus aan te wakker, toon duidelik dat die EFF hom min steur aan die welstand van leerders. Dit is nog ’n poging van hulle om verdere verdeeldheid met populistiese manewales te saai,” het sy gesê. “Wat ook al jou siening is, die feit is dat die betrokke geleentheid privaat georganiseer is, op ’n private plek, deur private mense. Die skool het niks met die organisasie of bestuur van die geleentheid te doen gehad nie. Dit is geensins deur die skool ondersteun, gefinansier of onderskryf nie. Die skool het weens die Covid-19-probleme nie vanjaar ’n matriekbal gehou nie. Die departement kan nie, en wil nie optree teen opvoeders wat as gaste genooi is en ’n private geleentheid bygewoon het wat hulle nie gereël het nie. Ons kan nie voorskryf wie mense na private geleenthede buite die skoolterrein moet nooi nie.” Volgens Schäfer het baie leerders by baie skole die afgelope maand of wat private matriekvieringe gereël, waarvan baie binne vriendskapskringe was omdat hul matriekdanse afgelas is.
Woensdag, 11 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs 3
March held against GBV BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind
he organisation Youth of Hope in collaboration with young people from ward 16 took to the streets in an attempt to awaken the conscience of the community of Eerste River about gender based violence. Natasha Rooi, one of the organisers, says they wanted to show that they were determined to make a statement. “We opened in prayer and kicked our march off from the parking lot of KFC (Eerste River) into Plain Street, moving into Beverly Street, which took us into Bob’s Way and we ended off in Forest Drive. “We drew the attention of many onlookers and attracted a few participants. There were many challenges leading up to the march, but that didn’t stop us from achie-
Shop, donate shoes at the same time
ving our goal,” says Rooi. Rooi says she was encouraged by the amount of people that showed up. “We were accompanied by the Kleinvlei police to ensure that all safety precautions were upheld. “Our local businesses showed their support by supplying us with ingredients and refreshments to make a nice pot of chicken curry, making it possible for us to feed all our participants at the end. I think we achieved our goal of raising awarenes, but we invite everyone to join our movement. This is an issue that is not just going to go away,” says Rooi.
Spar and Bata Shoes have teamed up to give learners across the country that “new school shoes feeling”. Get a brand new pair of school shoes for only R40 when you spend R500 or more and swipe your Spar Rewards card. Alternatively donate the school shoes to a charity like Iris House Children’s Hospice in Bellville. Once you spend the minimum amount of R500, take a picture of the qualifying till slip and email it to The organisation will use the slips to purchase new shoes and donate them to children in need – those they work with daily.
Members of the Youth of Hope movement march against gender based violence in Eerste River.
TANDHEELKUNDE SENTRUM h/v Gordon & Forest Rylaan oorkant Midas
Bursary session: This past weekend the Eerste River Women Movement hosted an information session for NSFAS, the national student bursary scheme. More than 200 students attended the event. For more information on NSFAS visit
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4 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs
Call for funding applications The Solidarity Fund has opened a call for funding applications from community-based organisations (CBO) in the gender-based violence arena (GBV) who stand to benefit from a once-off grant from the fund ranging from R50 000 to R250 000. Applicants should be CBOs that perform or support critical activities and services related to addressing gender-based violence (GBV) across the country. The three broad categories for applications include: prevention; providing information; safe spaces; programmes that focus on counselling, positive parenting; skills development and economic empowerment; addressing gender norms, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Applications are open from 22 October to 18 November. To apply for funding, applicants can do so in three ways: . They can apply via What-
sApp. To apply using this channel, just send “Hi” to 060 053 5502 via WhatsApp. Applicants will be able to read all about the call and apply directly via WhatsApp. . Applicants can apply online via Cognito Forms. To apply using this channel, they can click on this link: . Applicants can print out a copy of the application form in PDF format, fill out the application and then email a copy of their completed application. To apply using this channel, they can download the PDF application form here. Once completed, applications must be mailed - along with all the required supporting documents – to
Woensdag, 11 November 2020
Grocery worker publishes book NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk
y day he works in the stockroom of a grocery store. It’s at night when the magic begins. Then Oegeng Frank Bantsijang (50) starts painting and writing his children’s stories, which he hopes will inspire the younger generation to stay in school. Frank, as he is known at the Pick n Pay in Willowbridge where he works, recently self-published his first “real” book – in four different South African languages. Titled The Day Naledi Went To School, the story follows the life of Naledi, a girl who grows up in Mafikeng (now Mahikeng) and who finally attends school, after initially having her reservations. Feeling the message was so important it needed to be shared in as many languages as possible, he asked his wife Nosisi Sododile to help with the Xhosa translation. A colleague, Shaquille Philander, helped translate it into Afrikaans. Frank’s mother tongue is Setswana and he wrote the book in that language before translating it into English. Frank, who grew up in a village called Madibogo, close to Mahikeng, says he used a lot of his own background as inspiration for the
story. He knows the feeling of hardship and having no money, just like Naledi. He knows the importance of going to school too. He was inspired to write this specific book when he saw children begging along the road. Frank has been living in Wallacedene in Kraaifontein for almost 30 years and on his commute to Willowbridge, this is a daily sight. “I wanted to talk to them and tell them school is important.” He also has three children – ironically named in every language spoken in their house – Ayabonga (23), Lebogang (19) and Gift (7). Frank only started school when he was 11 years old. His parents were farm labourers and later fell on hard times, leading to Frank quitting school when he was in Grade 11. Until then he would walk a round trip of 12 km per day just to get to and back from GS Phoi High School. He left for Cape Town soon after, searching for a job that could help them all. Yet he never forgot the feeling of empowerment school gave him. It was also at school when he first started noticing his artistic talent. He remembers feeling proud when teachers asked him to draw sketches with which they would illustrate concepts. When in Cape Town, he started working for a persian carpet store and he approached his boss’ friend who was an artist about his work. The friend, whose number he recently lost when his phone was stolen, started giving him free weekly art lessons. His boss would drive him there. Soon after, though, the Per-
Oegeng Frank Bantsijang with one of his books he self-published. He illustrated and wrote everything himself.
sian carpet store closed. It took some time, but in 2011 he ended up working for Angelo Melonas, who owned two Pick n Pay stores – one in Welgemoed and one in Boston. Angelo later sold these stores and became an owner of the Willowbridge Pick n Pay. In the process he hand-picked his best personnel, including Frank, to come and work in his new store. “He’s very quiet, but we miss him when he’s not there,” Angelo says, beaming with pride. Frank recently went on a course offered by his store and Fisantekraal Centre for Development (FCD). It’s here that Angelo first noticed Frank thought much more deeply and positively about things than many of his peers. “One day he showed up in my office with this published book and it totally surprised me. He didn’t ask for any help from my side. I asked him where het got the drawings and he said he did them himself.” Angelo believes Frank could become a full-time artist. He’s been inspired by Frank’s message on various levels. “Here is this guy, earning a living wage, and he’s hopeful about the future.” Frank explains he saved up for quite a while before paying the printer and graphic designer for the book. His wife, Nosisi, also helped with funds. He used his phone to write and take pictures of a lot of his work as he doesn’t have a laptop – that is, until his phone was stolen a few weeks ago. Frank has been published once before – in 2006 a total of seven short stories were published consecutively in Drum magazine’s children section. After that he wanted to give up. He didn’t have the money or resources to carry on fulfilling his dream. Yet, something made him carry on, and holding the physical book in his hand is a feeling he can’t describe. He first received his copies in October and is now selling them for R100 each. This is his legacy, he believes, for if he dies, he wants children to know the magic of going to school. . Frank will be selling his book (for R100) outside Pick n Pay Willowbridge this coming Saturday morning, 14 November, at 11:00
Woensdag, 11 November 2020
TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs 5
6 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs
Skrywers gesels by Suidoosterfees V
an Afrikaans se bekendste en gewildste skrywers is op Vrydag 13 en Saterdag 14 November te sien by die Suidoosterfees se Jakes Gerwel-gesprekke. Skrywers soos Deon Meyer, Antjie Krog, Diana Ferrus, Dana Snyman en Ryan Pedro neem deel aan die reeks wat deur die Jakes Gerwel-stigting en NB-Uitgewers as deel van die fees aangebied word. Alle gesprekke vind by kykNET Atlantic Studios in Montague-rylaan plaas. Deon Meyer praat oor sy nuwe naelbyttreffer Donkerdrif en Dana Snyman gesels oor sy storiebundel Onder een dak. Vir die boek Prisoner 913 het Riaan de Villiers en Jan-Ad Stemmet gedelf in voorheen geheime rekords oor Nelson Mandela se vrylating. Jan-Jan Joubert vra De Villiers hieroor uit. Ivor Swartz se aan- Antjie Krog grypende Die verlore seun vannie Gaatjie is ook onder bespreking. In Vers en vrou kom van Afrikaans se gewildste digters byeen om te gesels en voor te lees. Digters soos Antjie Krog, Diana Ferrus, Shirmoney Rhode en Truïse Prinsloo neem deel. Ryan Pedro, wie se debuutbundel
Pienk ceramic hondjies groot opspraak verwek, is ook op die woordspyskaart. Jong lesers sal gaande wees oor Rafiek Mammon se Faizel en die sterre. Dié hartroerende verhaal gaan oor ’n seuntjie wat “anders” is en sukkel om met sy pa oor die weg te kom. In “Grendeltyd in woorde” deel Sara Jayne King, KellyEve Koopman, Jonathan Ancer en Tracy Going menings oor die Covid-19-virus wat die hele wêreld omkeer. Hul boek Lockdown Collection kyk na die emosionele, spirituele en selfs humoristiese aspekte van die pandemie. Willem Anker, wat onlangs op die langlys van die gesogte Bookerprys was, kom praat oor sy jongste roman, Skepsel. Tertius Kapp vra Anker uit oor die boek wat deur kritici hoog aangeprys word. FOTO: ANTONIA STEYN Kom ervaar Afrikaans se voorste skrywers by die Suidoosterfees en verruim jou perspektief op die wêreld. Alle gesprekke is gratis, maar sitplekke is beperk. V Bespreek by of besoek vir die volledige program.
Woensdag, 11 November 2020
Fees begin op ’n hoë noot KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels Feesproduksies was in ’n splinternuwe baadjie geklee by die afskop van vanjaar se Suidoosterfees op Woensdag 4 November in Milnerton. Verskeie feesgangers het die Suidoosterfees en Atlantic Studio’s se klassieke inryteater ervaar en hul skoene uitgeskop om die feesaanbiedings op die silwerskerm uit die gemak en veiligheid van hul motors te geniet. Woensdagaand se inryteater het feesgangers vermaak met Suid-Afrika se grootste rocker en rymkletser, Francois van Coke en Early B, saam op een verhoog. Van Coke, wat sy eerste verskyning by die Suidoosterfees gemaak het, het TygerBurger vertel dat die inryteater ’n “cool” idee is vir die tye waarin ons leef. “Hierdie jaar het alles verander vir ons. Aan die begin van Covid-19 het ek gedink ek gaan bietjie uithang met my familie. Ons het begin online shows doen. Ons is nou al gewoond aan ‘weird’ goed doen hierdie jaar. Dit is my eerste keer by die Suidoosterfees en dis hoe ek die fees sal onthou,” het Van Coke gesê. Die rymkletser Early B het gesê dat sy ouers hom altyd oor inryteaters vertel het. “Ek kan darem huis toe gaan en vir my pa-hulle sê ek het nogal by ’n drive-in opgetree. So ek moet sê dit is ’n ‘brilliant’ idea met social distancing ook. “Ek glo ek sal al die energie deel wat ek binne gehou het vir die tydjie wat ek nie kon optree nie. Dis die beste gevoel ooit om weer terug op die verhoog te wees,” het Early B gesê. Een van die feesgangers, Lindy le Roux, het gesê dat die fees herinneringe van haar jeugdae wakker maak.
Feesgangers het in spanning gewag vir vanjaar se Suidoosterfees. FOTOS: KAILIN DANIELS
“Die fees het my regtig laat terugdink aan hoe ons flieks gaan kyk het. Dis ’n briljante idee en vanaand is ek trots SuidAfrikaans,” het sy gesê. Produksies wat op die silwerdoek geprojekteer word, word direk opgeneem terwyl die kunstenaars op ’n buitelugverhoog optree. Inryteatergangers skakel in op ’n FMradiofrekwensie om in hul motors na die klankbaan van produksies te luister. Die geleentheid voldoen ten volle aan vereistes ingevolge die Covid-19- nasionale gesondheids- en veiligheidsregulasies. Met die swaar reën oor die naweek was sekere Suidoosterfees-vertonings (The Variety Show that Skriks vir Niks en Koortjies met Jonathan Rubain en vriende) uitgestel. Kry meer inligting by
PROPOSED INFILLING OF DEGRADED WETLANDS FOR THE APPROVED ALOE RIDGE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ON ERF 29654, BLUE DOWNS Project proposal: The City of Cape Town is the authorisation holder of an environmental authorisation for the Aloe Ridge Housing Development located on Erf 29654 in Blue Downs, Cape Town. A Basic Environmental Assessment process for the infilling of wetlands on this property is being undertaken. This is a listed activity that requires a basic environmental assessment process. (Listed Activity 19 of Listing Notice 1 [GN983 of 2014, as amended]). The Environmental Assessment Report is available for comment from 13 November 2020 to 14 December 2020. An application for Water Use Authorisation is also underway. Location: The site is bound to the north by Fountain Village, to the west by Klipfontein Road, and to the east by the Blue Downs Municipal Swimming Pool grounds. Opportunity to participate: The Environmental Assessment Report will be available for a 30-day commenting period. The report may be accessed from the website: under the Public Participation tab. A summary of the report is available on request at the contact information below and from the website. You may provide written (or telephonic) comments or register for further notifications during the environmental assessment process by submitting to the contact details below. The commenting period commences on 13 November 2020 and ends on 14 December 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a physical copy of the draft Basic Assessment Report cannot be placed in the Public Library for viewing. A public meeting also cannot be held due to the need for social distancing. In light of this, additional measures have been undertaken. These are the provision of a WhatsApp number for communication (see below) and the placement of a comprehensive summary of the report at for a download option with low data consumption. For more information, to comment or to register, please contact: The Environmental Partnership P O Box 945, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: 021 422 0999, Fax: 021 422 0998 WhatsApp (messages only): 060 761 5729 Email: X1WEC0LW-AL111120 Tel: 021 906 5567 • Blue Downs: 192 Blue Downs Way, Tuscany Glen Kuilsriver: 41 Kerk Street, Kuilsriver
WE ARE RECRUITING !! If you think you have what it takes to be a property consultant and want to be part of a dynamic sales team, email your CV to Training provided. Car essential. X1WE37YM-AL111120
Woensdag, 11 November 2020
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Page 8 | Woensdag, 11 November 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
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Maiden winners thrill T
he rain gods played the game and kept Killarney dry just long enough for the sixth round Western Province Rotax Max Challenge Karting regionals to deliver fast and exciting action on Saturday 7 November. A full programme saw a few expected results, but more than one racer left the Cape Town track delighted with best-ever performances and first wins under the belt. Jason Coetzee took two wins to one to beat newly-crowned South African champion Sebastian Boyd to premier class DD2 gearbox honours. That did little to help Coetzee close the gap on Boyd in the regional title race as Sebastian continued his preparations for DD2 Grand Finals in Portugal in January next year. A delighted Andrew Thomas not only won his first-ever DD2 Masters race in Saturday’s second heat, but he did enough to take the day overall. Title fighters Jason Greyling and championship leader Conor Hughes shared out the other wins to second and third ahead of Jared Jordan and Robert Peche. It was a good weekend for the Visser boys – elder brother Charl and the rest of the Senior Max field benefited from Tate Bishop taking an early race 1 shower to win the second race. He beat Jason Coetzee, Storm Lanfear, Andre le Riche and the returning Kohen Bam overall.
Joaquin de Oliveira won three u.13 Mini Max races. PHOTO: HEINRICH SAUER
His race 2 exit did little to SA champion Bishop’s WP title lead. He won the other two heats, while his null score freed up a second place from his dropped worst results. Younger Visser brother Kyle cemented his u.15 Junior championship lead with a
couple of wins and a second to take the day. The happiest kid in that class was however an elated Andre le Riche, who took his first win in race 2 en route to second overall. Brother Kyle le Riche also impressed with a final race win en route to third ahead of
Return to training gathers pace Western Province Club Rugby circles are engaging on various methods of return to training, which provisionally has been set for the new year. “This week saw us meet with our various leagues again to discuss the return to training options as per the Covid-19 regulations. This is not an easy process, but compliance and the health and safety of our members will always be our top priority,” says manager of WP Amateur Rugby Danny Jones. SA Rugby and government regulations
require that each club must have a compliance officer, which has resulted in the union embarking on a Covid-19 awareness and education process, which includes the adoption of World Rugby’s free Covid-19 awareness course, which carries a certification. “We understand that documentation is a major factor for return to training and as such we are constructing various online solutions which will help the clubs to get their players back on the park in a safe
manner,” says Jones. Following the completion of the SA Rugby u.21 tournament last week, the junior format has now changed to u.20, which will see coach Jerome Paarwater commencing benchmark testing at the high-performance centre next week. “Players will receive programmes relating to strength and conditioning applicable to home-based preparation. We are very happy to see that several of these players come from our club rugby ranks and have
New 5K series hits local streets Excitement was abound as runners kicked off the 5K Pop Up Run #2 powered by Puma on Friday 6 November. Consisting of four bi-weekly 5km runs that will start and finish at a designated venue, each Pop-Up Run is limited to 70 runners to adhere to government regulations with the first 50 entries (per run) receiving a limitededition Run Your City Series (RYCS) T-shirt. Runners who complete all four runs stand a chance to win their share in spectacular sponsor prizes. “If a runner cannot make it to the designated venue or if we reach capacity, he/she is welcome to take part virtually,” says Michael Meyer, managing director of Stillwater Sports, who organises the event. In other words, they can run anywhere, take photographs and share them to social media. They won’t receive the RYCS T-shirt, but they will be eligible to win sponsor prizes. This week’s colour theme is orange. We are excited to continue the spirit of the RYCS by hosting the Friday 5K Pop Up Run Series powered by Puma,” says Puma marketing director Brett Bellinger. “With
four runs taking place bi-weekly from October to December, runners are granted the perfect opportunity to catch up with like-minded individuals while enjoying a 5km run. We would, however, like to remind all runners to please adhere to legal Government Regulations for exercise.” How to be eligible to win: . Take a photograph after each run, either wearing the “colour themed” RYCS T-shirt or any T-shirt in that colour. . Upload the photograph to the RYCS social media platforms together with a caption that answers the question “Why do you run?” . Tag Ctown12, Durban10k, Joburg10K and @PUMASouthAfrica . Use the hashtags: #RunYourCity #ForeverFaster . Winners will be announced at the end of the series. V For further information on the Friday 5K Pop Up Run Series powered by Puma visit or email, or
Excitement is abound as runners kicked off the Friday 5K Pop Up Run #2 on Friday 6 November. Consisting of four bi-weekly 5km runs that will start and finish at a designated venue, each Pop-Up Run is limited to 70 runners (per city) to adhere to Government Regulations with the first 50 entries (per run and per city) receiving a limited-edition Run Your City Series (RYCS) T-shirt. Runners who complete all four runs stand a chance to win their share in spectacular sponsor prizes.
Ethan Stier and Matthew Wadeley, who both had podiums on the day too, and Reza Levy. Levy meanwhile consolidated his u.13 Mini Max title advantage with fourth on the day as he left Ethan Deacon and Joshua Smit to fight it out behind Joaquin de Oliveira, who streaked to a trio of race wins to take the day. Jordon Wadeley and Jude Stuart rounded out the top six. Keagan Beaumont was another driver to deliver a first win and then another, to take the day too. Runaway championship leader Reese Koorzen consolidated his title lead with a final race win, a second and a third ahead of Jordon Wadeley, who was on the podium all day long too. Dale Hobbs, Joshua Smit and Sabelo Ntuli closed off the top six. Aiden Beaumont and Kai van Rensburg arrived at Killarney even points in their epic baby Bambino championship duel and both won again. Beaumont did so twice however, to take the day and take a three-point lead home. Michael Danks, Siyabonga Ntuli, Sebastiano Human and John Norman were next up. A number of Cape Town’s karters will make the trip to Alberton’s Formula K Raceway in search of wildcard tickets to Portimao’s ‘Olympics of Karting’ at the Rotax Max African Open this weekend. The seventh and presumably final round of the WP follows on Saturday 21 November.
already gained some experience playing in the u.21 championships,” he says, adding that this week sees the start of World Rugby Fifteens level 1 coaching course at Newlands, with the next course on Friday 20 November. The deadline for the course is Friday 13 November. “I remind our members that the health and safety of our members is our first priority and in order for us to move forward with a continued approach to follow protocols the education of our members is currently a priority, and that our members must not delay in undergoing the online World Rugby Covid awareness course.” V All applications should be sent to Nazeem Adams on