TygerBurger Eerste River - 4 November 2020

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• Mon – Friday 8.30am – 5pm • Sat 8am – 5pm • Sundays 8.30am – 1pm (NOW AVAILABLE)

Valid from 4th November to 8th November 2020. X1WDVFV1-AL041120

Woensdag, 4 November 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za



New sports complex launched

The Nooiensfontein Sports Complex was unveiled on Saturday. As part of the event, a soccer tournament was held, which was won by Highgate United. Here they are celebrating their victory. See story on page 4.


Rooftog traumatiseer BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind


Vrou wat in ’n gewapende rooftog in Austenville in Blackheath aangerand is, is volgens haar ma erg getraumatiseer. Cheryl Solomons du Toit sê haar dogter,

Tyler, en nog ’n kassier was in die Austenville Supermark toe drie mans ingekom en hulle as klante voorgedoen het. “Nie lank ná hulle in die winkel gekom het nie, het hulle vuurwapens uitgepluk. Een het na die ander kassier gegaan en haar geldlaai leeggemaak, waarna die ander na my dogter gegaan en die vuurwapen in haar ge-

sig gedruk het. Hy het haar probeer dwing om die laai oop te maak. Die een het haar met ’n harde voorwerp, vermoedelik ’n vuurwapen, teen die kop geslaan,” sê Solomons du Toit. Volgens haar het die verdagtes met die geld, sigarette en die koopkragmasjien gevlug. “Volgens my dogter was die een wat haar

geslaan het, baie aggressief. Die een wat by die deur gestaan het, was baie kalm. Hulle het in ’n silwer Mercedes weggery,” sê sy. Dit is nie die eerste keer dat Tyler met ’n vuurwapen gekonfronteer word nie. Twee jaar gelede het iemand ook probeer om hulle op die R300-snelweg te kaap. V Vervolg op bl. 4

2 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs

Hospital looking for patients’ relatives Brooklyn Chest Hospital in Ysterplaat is looking for the families or close relatives of two patients: . Hendricks Cloete, born on 28/07/1956. According to the hospital’s record he previously lived with friends in Leonsdale, Elsies River. . Lucas Raman, born on 13/02/1972. He previously lived with friends in Kuils River. V Contact social worker Andile Bhongcoshe on 021 508 7400 (from 07:00 to 16:00) if you know them or any of their family members.

Mfuleni CPF holds AGM The 2020 Mfuleni Community Policing Forum AGM will take place on 26 November at 18:00 in the Mfuleni police station board­room. A membership application form can be collected at the police station, completed and returned before Thursday 5 November.

Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24-groep Verspreding: TygerBurger Eersterivier/Blue Downs word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Dennemere, Devon Park, Greenfield, Kleinvlei, Melton Rose, Fairdale, Rustdal, Stradford Green, Gaylee, Brentwood Park, Camelot, Delro, Electric City, Forest Heights, Fountain Village, Hagley, Heath Park, Hindle Park, High Place, Highgate, Hillcrest Heights, Malibu Village, Rotterdam, Silversands, Stratford, Sunbird Park, The Connifers, Tuscany Glen en Nooiensfontein. Totale verspreiding: 27 968 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume cecilia@media24.com Joernalis: Brenden Ruiter Brenden.ruiter@media24.com Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Ruveshni.Poonsamy@media24.com Hoofkoerant advertensies: Taseem Khan ( 021 910 6500 taseem@media24.com Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 www.tygerburger.co.za Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Alexandra.fortuin@media24.co.za


Woensdag, 4 November 2020

Vandalism costs City millions T

he City’s parks and recreation department says it has suffered great losses during the past year due to the vandalising of community facilities. Theft and arson also deprived communities of much-needed services. Mayco member for community services and health Zahid Badroodien says almost R17 million was lost due to vandalism and theft at facilities, among other things. “The department manages and maintains community centres, sports fields, district parks, outdoor gyms and play parks, resorts, indoor centres and beaches, swimming and tidal pools and cemeteries. People have vandalised the infrastructure, which impacts on service delivery and access to facilities.” He says a recent report to the community service and health portfolio committee highlighted losses for the period 1 July 2019 – 31 August 2020. “Theft and vandalism not only cause damage to infrastructure, but also deprive communities of municipal services for months at a time, and endanger the lives of staff and residents. In compliance with regulations of the General Insurance Policy, the Recreation and Parks Department reported 271 incidents with a total of 225 cases finalised.” Badroodien says vandalism, theft and arson at City facilities are selfish, short-sighted criminal activities that have a long term effect of depriving communities of much needed services and access to facilities. “It is especially the vulnerable groups in communities, our children and senior citi- Vandalism at the City’s recreational facilities cost zens, that are affected the most. million. “When criminals trespass on City property and break down play equipment at a damages to equipment and infrastructure community park, they are stealing opportu- per facility: nities from children – opportunities to play . Wallacedene Community Park: R63 900 and learn. . Monwabisi Resort: R2 550 000 “We simply cannot and will not allow . Desmond Tutu Recreation Centre: this,” he says. R6 000 000 Theft at facilities were close to R3.8 milli. OR Tambo Sport Centre: R750 000 on with vandalism costing the City . Solomon Mahlangu Hall: R940 000 R11 747 900. . St. James Beach Huts: R300 000 “A further two claims of arson were regis. The Hague Recreation Centre: R40 000 tered at a cost of R870 000.” . Philippi East Hall:R10 000. Vandalism, theft and the hijacking of The estimated value of losses for land incouncil vehicles amounted to R603 814, vasions and public protests at recreation which necessitated the department to regis- and sports facilities amounts to R10 653 900. ter 21 insurance claims. “The City’s recreational spaces play an He says the following facilities were van- important role in encouraging residents to dalised through protest action and illegal exercise and live a healthy lifestyle. The deland invasions with estimated losses and partment has the responsibility to manage,

the recreation and parks department R17 conserve and develop outdoor spaces, but we need the assistance of the community to help us prevent vandalism and theft. Caring for community parks and facilities is a shared responsibility that facilities cannot do without. We would once again like to ask residents to report possible criminal activity so that officials can act swiftly to put a stop to the destruction of community facilities,” he adds. “It is important that residents acquaint themselves with the location of public open spaces, community parks and facilities in their community so that they can take ownership in caring for these facilities, in partnership with the City.” VTo find out about your nearest recreational facility visit https://bit.ly/37YLof3.

Check your health with Run/Walk for Life

Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za of pippag@ombudsman.org.za

To improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of ill health, it is important to know your health status, says Guy Brown, manager of Run/Walk for Life Durbanville. Run/Walk for Life Durbanville is presenting InBody tests from 12 to 14 November in collaboration with Aurora Pharmacy at the Ipic Aurora shopping centre. The InBody test is free for members and only R100 for non-members. New members are welcome to join.

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TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518

If you have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, train accident, police shooting or due to medical negligence, you may have a claim against a government department for compensation. If you have put in a claim directly with the Road Accident Fund without using an attorney and feel that you have been underpaid or are dissatisfied with their service, we may be able to assist you. We are personal injury attorneys, who specialise in serious injuries. We are prepared to work on a no win – no fee basis. For further queries, contact:

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“Our bodies are composed of water, bone, lean muscle and body fat. Too much of one or too little of another can cause health risks,” Brown says. “InBody’s body composition analysis uses bioelectrical analysis to give a snap­shot of your body composition, the protein content for building lean muscles, mineral content for strong bones, water levels to expose excessive water retention or inadequate retention, as well as body fat distribution,” he says.

An overall body health score is registered according to each person’s age, weight, height and gender. Walks are presented on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Walkers are leaving at 06:30, 07:00 and 07:45 – currently due to Covid-19 from the parking area at Palm Grove Shopping Centre in Main Road, Durbanville. V For more information and to book your InBody test with Guy Brown, contact him on 084 627 1097 or at calendly.com/rwfl-dville.

Bylaw to protect nature reserves A new bylaw to ensure the safety of visitors at local nature reserves, and to protect and preserve the reserve, was approved by the City of Cape Town’s council on Thursday 29 October. The City’s 23 nature reserves, which comprise a total area of 17 035 hectares, have been proclaimed in terms of the National Environmental Management Protected Areas Act (Nempaa) and the City is the designated management authority. To support and expand this footprint, the City also manages 16 City Park sites in terms of a Biodiversity Agreement. These sites comprise another 381 hectares. The City’s Mayco member for spatial planning and environment, Marian Nieuwoudt says the new Nature Reserves By-law will enable the City to fulfil its Nempaa obli-

gations and ensure that protected areas are utilised by learners, tourists, volunteers and Capetonians in a sustainable manner. “Currently, the City of Cape Town’s 23 nature reserves are managed in terms of the National Nature Reserve Regulations. “Once promulgated, the Nature Reserves Bylaw will allow the City to improve efficiency, and to enforce these regulations more vigorously through the municipal court system and the issuing of compliance notices,” says Nieuwoudt. She adds, “Thousands of people visit our nature reserves every month. “We have a responsibility towards these visitors, but we also have a duty to ensure that we preserve our nature reserves for future generations, and that the activities taking place in these areas are sustainable and not harmful to the environment.”

Woensdag, 4 November 2020


Sports complex launched BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind


he Nooiensfontein Sports Complex, the new multi-purpose development next to Nooiensfontein Road, was launched on Saturday. As part of the launch, a community soccer tournament was held at the complex. Frank Martin, the project leader, says the tournament was a huge success, but the complex has a broader purpose. “This is the first complex that was built by a private group to benefit the community. Bardale Development Projects have in the past given land to the department of education to build two schools, Happy Valley Primary School and Silversands High School. This project is a continuation of the project to uplift this community to better everyone’s future,” says Martin. He urged the community to take ownership of the complex. “The facility is not owned by the City of Cape Town or subsi-

dised by government. Our investors invested in this project and in this community and the results speak for itself. We, as Bardale Development Projects, make this facility available for public use, with the emphasis on preference to those communities on the Nooiensfontein Corridor first. We will manage and maintain the facility at our cost. Our future plans include an open gym and a clubhouse on the riverside with the appropriate facilities for community benefit. This will not be a free for all facility. We expect the community to look after it, under our supervision. We will empower those who are willing to be involved. It’s our responsibility to provide the best infrastructure to this community, but we need you to work with us,” says Martin. The soccer tournament winners were High Gate United and they walked away with a trophy and price money of R3 000. Martin says they are planning on making the tournament an annual event.

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New houses for beneficiaries On 27 and 28 October, 43 deserving and qualifying beneficiaries moved into their brandnew homes in Forest Village, Eerste River. According to Tertius Simmers, provincial minister of human settlements, it means since the beginning of August, 195 people have benefitted from this Catalytic Project. “All beneficiaries are from neighbouring communities such as Eerste River, Eerste River South, Electric City, Faure, Dreamworld, Blue Downs, Malibu Village, Kleinvlei, Rosedale, Mfuleni and Fairdale. This brings the total number of local and N2 Gateway residents who have benefitted from the development since the end of May to just under 500,” says Simmers. Simmers says he is pleased with the steady progress they are making in affording beneficiaries housing opportunities. “These opportunities are making a tangible and life-long difference in the lives of our people. For the first time in their lives, they now have their own roof over their heads. We encourage citizens to draft a will, especi-

ally this week, as it is National Wills Week, which offers an opportunity to have a will drafted for free. This will ensure that they leave a legacy for their children. They should also not consider renting or selling the property, as doing so would suggest that they never had a housing need to start with. It is important to note that should a beneficiary wish to sell the property within the first eight years after receiving the property, compelling reasons for the sale would be required, permission from the state is needed, while government should be given the first opportunity,” says Simmers. Forest Village is one of the Department’s Catalytic Projects, which commenced in January 2016 and has a budget allocation of R1.1billion. This mixed-use development consists of various types of units to cater for beneficiaries of different income levels and specific needs such as Military Veterans, Breaking New Ground (BNG) and Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (Flisp) units.

Mdluluza Nolulamo standing in front of her house.

Jonathan Cornelius receives the keys to his house.

Vreugdevolle tuinkuier Lede van die Tygerberg Tuin- en Blommeklub het onlangs ’n buitelugkuier in een van die bestuurslede se tuin in D’Urbanvale gehou. Dit was ’n vreugdevolle weersiens nadat die klub noodgedwonge in Maart vanjaar sy werksaamhede moes staak. Daar is heerlik in die tuin gekuier terwyl elkeen ’n cappuc-

cino en ’n eetdingetjie, netjies in ’n kartonhouertjie verpak, kon geniet. Die bestuurslede is vol vertroue dat die klub weer van Februarie aanstaande jaar maandeliks inspirerende praatjies oor tuinbou en blommekuns sal kan aanbied. V Bel Beatrix Lambert-Bestbier (voorsitter) by 082 873 9864 vir meer inligting oor die klub.

No after hours burial tariffs

Van links is Beatrix Lambert-Bestbier (klubvoorsitter) van Durbanville, Barbara Kober van Bellville, Amrieta Voigt van Welgedacht en Magriet van Dyk van Parow.

The City of Cape Town’s recreation and parks department says rumours that it charges an after-hour burial tariff for Muslims are not true. “The department wishes to confirm that while such a tariff was initially proposed during the drafting of the 2020/ ’21 budget to encourage burials within working hours, as opposed to later in the evening and after sunset, the tariff was not implemented following feedback from the community,” Mayco member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien says. “The Muslim community is accommodated in specific allotments in a number of the City’s cemeteries which include, among others, Wallacedene, Delft, Welmoed, Maitland and Modderdam and Khayelitsha.”

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Nofsa presents virtual fun run The National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa (Nofsa) will host its first virtual fun run from 27 to 30 November. Anyone from anywhere in the world can participate in the 5 km, 10 km or 21 km virtual fun run. Nofsa is the only non-profit, health organisation dedicated to promoting bone health in South Africa. The first 100 entrants will receive virtual goodie bags with medals for the first 50 runners. SportSA has sponsored two pairs of Asics Cumulus running shoes for the male and female winners of the 21 km race. There will be R500 Checkers gift vouchers and a voucher from Bonheur Wellness and Beauty for the first male and female winners of the 5 km and 10 km race. V Register at www.osteoporosis.org.za/events/nofsa-rattle-them-bones-moonlight-run.



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4 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs


A virtual celebration for a real difference T

he Covid-19 pandemic has directed this year’s Blisters for Bread charity walk, which is hosted by the Peninsula School Feeding Association (PSFA) and Lucky Star, digitally. While the pandemic does not allow the popular charity walk to continue with its original format, PSFA invites the public to join them in the fight against hunger by entering and participating in their own walk with family and friends from their communities until Sunday 8 November. Entry to this virtual event costs R60 and are available for purchase from Quicket. By entering, participants will enable PSFA to provide 24 school children effected by poverty with a nutritious cooked breakfast and lunch daily. Apart from the entry to the walk, the R60 ticket also includes access to the celebratory concert featuring Jarrad Rickets, Craig Lucas and Palesa Xloa Toto which takes place on Sunday 8 Novmber at 13:00. Tickets to watch the concert are also available to people who do not want to participate in the walk.

R5000 up for grabs To stand a chance of winning a cash prize of R5 000 from Lucky Star and Heart FM, participants would need to do the following: . Create and print your own walk number cards to be worn by everyone participating in your walk. . Post your photos or video clips showing the fun you are having during your walk. Remember to adhere to the Covid-19 regulations. . When you post your photos and video clips, tag @HeartFM @LuckyStar @PSFA.org . Use the following hashtags: #WalkTo-

Woensdag, 4 November 2020

VAN BLADSY 1 “My kind is 20 en het al soveel trauma ervaar. Ek hoop die misdadigers word gou vasgetrek. Tyler het die volgende dag weer gaan werk, maar sy is baie vreesbevange. “Een van die ander skokkende dinge was dat gemeenskapslede ná die rooftog met hul kruideniersware uitgestap het sonder om te betaal. “Dit het net nog sout in die wonde van

die eienaars gevryf. Ek wil ook ’n beroep doen op ons mense om meer paraat te wees. Dit blyk nou die rowers het ’n geruime tyd eers die winkel dopgehou voordat hulle toegeslaan het,” sê Solomons du Toit. Konst. Jessica Radebe, polisiewoordvoerder van die Kleinvlei-polisie, het die voorval bevestig en die publiek se hulp gevra om die verdagtes vas te trek.

’n Skermgreep van die Mercedes wat vermoedelik in die rooftog gebruik is.

Hierdie man word daarvan verdink dat hy Tyler du Toit met ’n vuurwapen oor die kop geslaan het.

Jarrad Ricketts performing for the walkers that participated in Blisters for Bread 2019. Feed, #UniteAgainstChi-ldhoodHunger, #PSFA and #CelebrationConcert. . You can also post on the Blisters for Bread in association with Lucky Star Virtual Celebration Walk & Concert Facebook event page, or email to info@psfa.org.za. Your walk could feature during the celebration concert. Four entries will be randomly selected and each will win a R5 000 cash prize. All winners will be announced on Heart FM. PSFA also invites participants to share their memories of the fun they had participating in past Blisters for Bread walks over the years in the form of photos, written accounts and videos. VTickets are available for purchase on bit.ly/3hcu9I5.

Blue moon spring tide peaks The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) is appealing for caution around the coastline this week as a blue moon spring tide peaked on Saturday 31 October. According to NSRI spokesperson, Craig Lambinon, Spring tide normally happens twice a month at full moon and again at new moon. “During the month of October, there are two full moons in one month and the second full moon in one calendar month, a relatively rare phenomenon, is called a blue moon. This full moon spring tide brings the usual higher than normal spring high tide and lower than normal spring low tide,” Lambinon says.

He adds that there are two high tides and two low tides daily. “We appeal to the public to be aware of this spring tide and to be cautious around the coastline. Anglers fishing from rocks, coastal hikers and bathers are urged to be cautious. Swim at beaches only where and when lifeguards are on duty and swim between the flags that lifeguards post on the beach. Be particularly cautious when high tide turns and recedes towards the low tide as rip currents are strongest during this phase,” he explains. The NSRI appeals to parents to make sure that children have responsible adult supervision when swimming or cooling off in the water.

Garden ‘to keep matrics safe’ All learners up to Grade 12 can enter Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden for free on Mondays to Fridays until Tuesday 15 December. This comes in the wake of a letter sent out by a group of doctors advising schools in the Peninsula on how best to prevent and manage Covid-19 in the school setting. The letter, sent out on Tuesday 13 October, recommends limiting socialising outside the school and meeting a few friends in an open space such as Kirstenbosch, or other open spaces in the city. In response, and in a bid to keep matric learners safe for their exams, Kirstenbosch decided to wave the entry fee for learners on weekdays. Upon arrival at the Kirstenbosch ticket office, learners can ask for free entry and a free entry ticket will be issued. Kirstenbosch is open every day, from 08:00 to 19:00 in summer. Garden entrance fees for adults are R75; SA senior citizens (with ID): free on Tuesdays except on public holidays; RSA students (with student card): R40; learners (Grade R – up until matric): free on Mon-

The Boekenhout trail in Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden.

days to Fridays. V Garden entry tickets can be purchased at the ticket office or you can book and pay tickets online at Webtickets. For more information, contact Kirstenbosch on 021 799 8783.

Woensdag, 4 November 2020


TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs 5

Book educates kids about virus SAMANTHA LEE-JACOBS @samantha_lee121


n online book aimed at educating children about the coronavirus and how to stay safe under the current pandemic restrictions and protocols has been downloaded more than 5 000 times. Created as part of the successful Oaky range, developed by Cape Town-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) Read to Rise co-directors Taryn Locke and her husband, Athol Williams, Oaky and the Virus is a free-to-download online book that explains how life has had to change now that “a dangerous new virus has come to town”. Through the adventures of its two characters, Oaky and Oaket, children will learn the importance of social distancing, covering your face and thorough hand washing. The book also comes with a catchy instructional song, which has become quite popular having more than 5 300 views on Youtube. “A number of parents have posted videos of their children singing the Oaky Virus Song from the book, which they sing while washing their hands. Parents say that the book is simple for children with cute illustrations and it helps them to read and understand how they can avoid the virus,” says Locke. “I love working with children, they are our future. It is so important that we do all that we can for our children now, so that our country’s future is brighter. To ensure that more South African children can read the story and learn from it, the book is also available in multiple languages.” Roscoe Williams, Read to Rise project manager, says the book has already been

translated into eight languages. “Both the book and song have been shared widely in school, ECD and community groups via WhatsApp and email and have been used as homework reading assignments and even a puppet show - we estimate that over 50 000 children have benefited,” says Roscoe. “As it is an unknown pandemic that we are dealing with, our book and class visits have helped learners to understand what a virus is and how they can avoid it. During the lockdown period we really needed to think outside of the box. We made some adjustments to our program and came up with an Oaky Care Pack. It costs R100 to sponsor a child. The care pack consist of the Oaky and the Virus book, Oaky and the Virus activity book, face mask, juice, snack and hand soap,” says Roscoe. The book has also been made available in hard copy as part of a seven-book range. The organisation focuses on reading and literacy development in primary schools, donating free books to schools in under-privileged areas. “Our main focus is 45 primary schools in Mitchell’s Plain and 30 primary schools in Soweto. Over the past seven years working in these areas we have given out over 200 000 brand new books and (more than) 95 000 children have benefited,” says Roscoe. The books are written and illustrated by Locke and Athol who is a renowned poet, originally from Mitchell’s Plain. Anyone wanting to purchase the book can do so from their website at R100, or the full seven book set at R600. Proceeds help fund their literacy outreach initiatives. V Download Oaky and the Virus for free from www.readtorise.co.za or from their Facebook page.

Children will learn the importance of social distancing and covering your face.

Oaky and the Virus educates children about Covid-19 and the need for pandemic protocols.

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6 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs


Hendricks wants to work for community BRENDEN RUITER

meeting ministers on behalf of backyard @ruitervaniewind dwellers,” says Hendricks. Something that is also close to his heart is envir Hendricks, candidate for the mu- getting people to work. “I have supported the nicipal by-electilocal unemployment on for ward 14, drive by getting the believes that his years unemployed, employed of experience will be a at local projects at benefit to his commuBlackheath Primary nity. School, local fibre, DenThe by-election tanemere club house conkes place on 11 Novemstruction, emergency ber and was necessitaworks in Greenfields, ted by the death of preBlackheath GVK Privavious councillor te Project and Happy Roelof Mare. Valley Cleaning (a City Hendricks, from the of Cape Town Project). I ANC, has been living fought to have transpain Dennemere for 35 rency prevail with City years and feels that he of Cape Town work opknows what the comportunities via getting munity needs. “I have community liason offibeen an activist in the cers positions for the ward as a volunteer community. When elecand is chairperson and ted I will continue with founder of 9580 ward 16 what I have been doing Business forum. I am and use the position to also chairperson of enhance the community Blackheath Youth De- Denvir Hendricks, candidate for the ward for all who live in it,” velopment NPO, PSC 14 by-election. says Hendricks. member of Blackheath He urged residents of Primary School project and chairperson of ward 14 to make their voices heard on 11 SepGVK Blackheath project. I have also been tember.


Broodbome word verkoop Die Wes-Kaapse tak van die Broodboomvereniging van Suid-Afrika hou sy jaarlikse opedag op Saterdag 7 November. Volgens Johan Kotze, woordvoerder, is daar ’n verskeidenheid broodboomspesies teen billike pryse te koop. “Skaars blou plante soos Encephalartos Laevifolius en Eugenemarais, asook Cerinus, Cupidus, Dyerianus, en Joubertina Blou Longifolius sal verkoop word,” sê hy. Hy sê ander skaars en eksotiese plante sal ook te koop wees. “Die verkoping vind plaas by ’n tuiskwekery met ’n verskeidenheid plante teen uiters billike pryse.

Van die broodbome wat te koop aangebied word.

“Hierdie plante sluit in bromelias, vetplante, ’n verskeidenheid struike, grondbedekkers, meerjarige en eenjarige tuinplante. Die dag bied ’n uitstekende geleentheid aan tuiskwekers om deel te wees van georganiseerde plantverkope. “Enige tuiskweker van enige ander plante kan en is welkom om ook plante te verkoop,” sê hy. Toegang vir die opedag is gratis. Lede van die vereniging word toegelaat om plante teen 5% van hul omset te verkoop. Nie-lede is verplig om 10% van hul omset aan die vereniging te betaal. Kotze sê broodbome word streng ingevolge die wet beskerm en beheer. “Slegs permithouers met die nodige dokumentasie sal toegelaat word om broodbome te verkoop. Covid-19-protokol geld en word gehandhaaf. Gesigmaskers en sanitasie is verpligtend.” Die verkope begin om 09:00 en word om 12:30 afgesluit. Die opedag word gehou by ’n private tuin in Krisantslot 1 in Tara, Durbanville. Daar sal ’n inligtingstalletjie wees. Die publiek kan daar by die vereniging aansluit, navrae rig om plante te verkoop of enige ander navrae rig. Kontak Kotze by 084 627 9645 vir meer inligting.

Woensdag, 4 November 2020

Riool ‘loop al in die strate af’ BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind Dit voel asof hulle in ’n toilet woon, sê die inwoners van Silversands oor dreine wat gedurig oorloop. Die dreine loop nie net uit nie, maar riool loop ook in strate af. Inwoners moet deur riool ry en loop. Selfs leerders van die skole in die gebied moet hul weg navigeer deur, oor of om ontlasting wat in die straat lê. Pakamisa Keswa, voorsitter van Silversands se belastingbetalersvereniging, sê hulle is al moedeloos om oor die riool te kla. “Oor die jare is daar verskeie kere reeds gekla, maar niemand doen iets aan die situasie nie. Elke nou en dan kom werkers van die Stad Kaapstad uit om na die dreine te kyk, maar dan hou dit net vir ’n dag of twee. Daarna is dit weer die-

selfde ding, riviere vol riool,” sê Keswa. Volgens Keswa hou die riool nie net gesondheidsgevare in nie, maar verontrief hulle die gemeenskap. “Mense kan nie eens rustig eet nie, want die stank hang heeltyd in die lug. Dit veroorsaak ook ’n vliegplaag,” sê Keswa. Hy sê onlangs was amptenare van die Stad Kaapstad besig om ’n verstopte drein naby ’n inwoner se huis oop te maak. “Toe die inwoner sien, spuit riool uit sy toilet uit en spat op die vloer, bad, wasbak, mure en tot teen die plafon. “Die persoon het die hele dag gespook om die badkamer weer netjies te kry. Hier vind baie ontwikkeling plaas en ons vermoed die probleme gaan net toeneem,” sê hy. Teen druktyd het TygerBurger nog nie kommentaar van die plaaslike raadslid, Thembisele Bathembu, ontvang nie.

Sexual healthcare not a taboo There should be no shame in needing sexual A lack of sexual and reproductive healthand reproductive healthcare. care services and education can lead to ill The provincial department of health of- health. fers a wide range of sexual and reproductive Grant says this includes the spread of healthcare services – from sexually trans- STIs, unplanned pregnancies, unsafe termimitted infection (STI) edunation of pregnancies cation, testing or treatand maternal deaths, ment; family planning among other things. (contraception); safe and There are long-term eflegal termination of pregfects for not treating an nancy; fertility care; volSTI for both men and untary medical male cirwomen, says Grant. cumcision; to treatment “We can’t tell people for cancers of the reprohow to live their lives, ductive system. but we can help them to Nurse Cathleen Grant make good decisions.” from the Bellville ReproOther services availductive Health Centre able at reproductive says she often counsels health facilities inpeople who are “afraid” or clude: cervical cancer “ashamed” to use the sercare, contraception, invice due to stigma associ- Nurse Cathleen Grant from the fertility services, male ated with it. reproductive health Bellville Reproductive Heath Centre. She says patients must services, family planfeel comfortable and she reminds them that ning, menopause care, free pap smear servithe service is confidential and safe. “I treat ces, termination of pregnancy service and patients how I would expect someone to testicular cancer care. treat my own children, especially with my The provincial health department proyounger patients. I have treated patients vides a range of free reproductive health who told me that they had hesitated to seek services at its facilities. To avoid long waithelp at first.’’ ing times, call the facility to make an apHaving worked at the centre for close to pointment during the week. If you had una decade, Grant is passionate about counsel- protected sex, ask for emergency contracepling. Many young people visit the facility tion at your nearest participating for advice. Grant ensures that they under- pharmacy or emergency centre. stand the effects of poor reproductive health Make an appointment at the Bellville Reand the services available to them. productive Health Centre by calling or “I’ll always tell patients that I cannot sending a please call me to 079 468 1699. Use force them to make decisions, but I can pro- the same number to SMS or WhatsApp the vide counselling to educate them on the word “Hi”. The booking service is available measures that they can take to improve from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 15:30. their reproductive health. We want a V Visit www.westerncape.gov.za or phone: healthy South Africa, but we need to be com- Bellville Reproductive Health Centre: 021 946 2306 pliant and follow health advice and treat- Andrology Clinic (Groote Schuur): 021 404 6027 ment given by trained medical practition- Family Planning Clinic (Tygerberg): 021 938 4447 ers.” Cape Town Reproductive Clinic: 021 425 2004

Dog unit gets boost: The department of community safety has donated R2.5 million and two vehicles toward the City of Cape Town’s metro police K9 unit for the 2020/21 financial year. The unit has 25 dogs and 23 handlers especially trained to sniff out narcotics, explosives and detect missing persons. Pictured is a demonstration of the dog detecting and locating a missing person.

Woensdag, 4 November 2020


TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs 7

8 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs


Woensdag, 4 November 2020

CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19 NUUS OOR DIENSLEWERING Die sigbare opskerping van dienslewering is van die hoogste belang

’n Omvattende evaluering van die Stad se dienslewering in die MVSA-buurte is afgehandel. Dit het gehelp om te identifiseer hoe om basiese dienslewering te verbeter in hierdie gebiede, en die diensvlak te verhoog waar nodig. Ek vertrou dat ons sal wys hoe hierdie gemeenskappe kan lyk as ons saamwerk as Een Stad Tesame.

Deur burgemeester Dan Plato

‘n Totaal van 80 projekte om gemeenskapsfasiliteite en -infrastruktuur op te knap, wat meer as 200 bedryfsprojekte behels, is vir befondsing en uitvoering geïdentifiseer.

In November begin ons die burgemeestersprogram vir sigbare diensleweringsopskerping (MVSA) om die Stad se bestaande COVID-19ekonomiese herstelstrategie en die herlewingsplan vir die Kaapstad- sentrale gebied aan te vul.

In die komende weke, gaan ons: • buurtbestuurders in die 23 gebiede aanstel wat saam met gebiedskoördineringspanne en subrade sal werk aan sigbare diensopskerping • bykomende wetstoepassingsbeamptes in sleutelbuurte ontplooi • blitsskoonmaakingrypings doen om vulliskwessies en onwettige storting in probleemgebiede aan te pak.

Die MVSA-program ter waarde van R200 miljoen is gemik op die opskerping van pogings om die lewensgehalte, veiligheid en die omgewing van gemeenskappe in die 23 geïdentifiseerde areas dwarsoor die metro te verbeter. Hierdie gebiede is oor die algemeen laerinkomstebuurte waar groter koördinering van dienslewering nodig is om ernstige maatskaplike uitdagings die hoof te bied. Die Stad lewer sy dienste op voetsoolvlak en dit is vir ons duidelik dat die stand van die ekonomie benard is – die impak daarvan in ons gemeenskappe is duidelik sigbaar. Dit is vererger deur Covid-19 en die verwante inperkingsregulasies wat die Stad se diensleweringsbedrywighede beperk het. Hoewel die Grondwet sleuteldiensleweringshefbome aan die nasionale regering opdra – insluitende polisiëring, howe, skuilings vir haweloses en treindienste – is ons daartoe verbind om alles wat ons kan binne ons basiese diensleweringsmandaat te doen, terwyl ons saam met ander regeringsvlakke werk.

Deur die koördinering van dienslewering op gemeenskapsvlak beoog ons om plaaslike oplossings vir plaaslike kwessies te verseker. Gebiedsambassadeurs word ook in elke buurt aangestel om hierdie poging te ondersteun. As burgemeester gaan ek die vordering baie goed dophou en ek het amptenare gevra om gereeld aan die burgemeesterskomitee verslag te doen. Oor die volgende paar maande gaan die eerste fase van die projek in 13 buurte begin. Hierdie gebiede sluit die volgende in: Bellville-sakekern, Atlantissakekern, Lotus Park, Bishop Lavis-sakekern, Bonteheuwel, Hanover Park, Manenberg, Ocean View, Uitsig, Wynberg, Nyanga- stedelike node, Monwabisi Park, en Harare. Daarna sal hierdie inisiatief volgende jaar in die volgende gebiede voortgesit word: Mitchells Plain, Durbanville-openbarevervoerwisselaar, Kraaifonteinsakekern, Delft, Kuilsrivier-sakekern, Nolungile, Nonqubela, Bo-Kaap, Goodwood- en Parow-sakekern.

Inhaal van inperkingsagterstande

900 000 •

Transaksies sedert 1 Junie 2020 verwerk, insluitende motorvoertuiglisensies, om Covid-19-agterstande in te haal – ’n landswye uitdaging

152 000 •

Elektrisiteitsdiensversoeke sedert 1 Junie 2020 hanteer

10 200 •

Slaggate sedert 1 Junie 2020 herstel

Woensdag, 4 November 2020


TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs 9

Durbanville-laerskoolseun speel in Suidooster-sepie ESMÉ ERASMUS


Laerskoolseun van Durbanville het vandeesweek sy verskyning gemaak in ’n gasrol in die sepie Suidooster op kykNET. Daniël Snyman (11) is ’n graad 5-leerder aan die Laerskool Durbanville, en die seun van Christo Snyman van die sanggroep Die Broers. Daniël se eerste verskyning in Suidooster was gister (3 November) en hy sal ongeveer drie weke lank in Suidooster te sien wees. Hy speel die rol van die 7-jarige Pieter, die seun van Lukas (Louw Venter) en Robin (Vicky Davis), ’n egpaar wat van mekaar vervreemd is. In die sepie begin Lukas by Bianca (Simone Biscombe) betrokke raak, wie se dogtertjie Stella in dieselfde skool as Pieter is. Volgens sy ma, Danel, ’n arbeidsterapeut in Durbanville, het Daniël vroeg vanjaar oorklankingswerk gedoen vir ’n rol in die Turkse reeks Vierspel Vuurspel, wat sedert Maart op e.tv. uitgesaai word. Hy is daarna tydens inperking deur die Optin Talent-agentskap genooi om ’n video in te stuur vir ’n oudisie vir die rol van Pieter in Suidooster en het toe die rol losgeslaan. Daniël neem drama by die skool en word gereeld as kategoriewenner in drama by die internasionale Tygerberg-eisteddfod aangewys.

Daniël het ook die rol gespeel van Danny in die TV-reeks Projek Dina, wat in April op kykNET uitgesaai is, asook twee jaar gelede die rol van ’n ekstra in ’n oorsese rolprent. Maar dis eintlik sy ouer broers, Eloff, ’n graad 9-leerder aan die Hoërskool Durbanville, en Christoff, ’n graad 7-leerder aan die Laerskool Durbanville, wat die dramagogga hom laat byt het, meen Danel. Sy ouer broers doen gereeld werk vir die Optim Talent-agentskap. Eloff is bekend vir sy rol in die Afrikaanse rolprent Liewe Kersfeesvader en sy rol as Klein Benjamin in Fiela se Kind. Daniël is gek oor sport, veral rugby en krieket, en lees graag. Hy is ook lief vir diere en het “omtrent ’n ark by die huis”, sê sy ma. Daar is hasies, duiwe, vinkies . . . en hy het nou net ’n babahondjie gekry. “Hy het die skiet van die tonele verskriklik geniet – hy het sommer die ander akteurs se woorde ook geken,” sê Danel. “Ons moes party dae maar op ons tande byt om als ingepas te kry. Hy moes ook sy skoolwerk inhaal, maar ons het gevoel die lewenslesse wat hy daar leer is meer werd as ’n dag op die skoolbanke. Sy wêreld het baie groter geraak,” sê sy. “Die span het hom baie mooi ontvang en op die hande gedra. Dit was baie positief. Daniël wil natuurlik nou eendag niks anders as akteur raak nie,” sê sy.

Daniël Snyman saam met sy bekende pa, Christo Snyman van die sanggroep Die Broers.

Symphonic masterpieces in miniature After seven months in lock-down, the musicians of the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO) have broken out and gone live. Four chamber music concerts, supported by the City of Cape Town, were recorded in October at Erin Hall, Rondebosch, in front of a small and appreciative audience. The works performed showcased the musicians in a chamber music environment. The results, ‘‘Symphonic masterpieces in miniature’’, will be streamed throughout November. CPO head Louis Heyneman says, “this was the only way we could ensure our supporters could hear good music which our musicians loved performing.” Works included some of the most loved pieces of the symphonic repertoire which were arranged for chamber groups such as Beethoven Concerto, Mozart Clarinet Concerto and Elgar’s Cello Concerto all with a string quintet. Online subscriptions for the four concerts are R320, and single tickets R100 each. Tickets are available from Quicket. Each concert will be streamed from 20:00 daily from Thursday to the following Monday, starting from 5 November. Symphonic masterpieces in miniature programme: . 5 to 9 November: Mozart and more; . 12-16 November: Beethoven x2; . 19 to 23 November: Elgar’s Cello; . 26 to 30 November: Brilliant Brahms. V Visit www.cpo.org.za for more details.

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Woensdag, 4 November 2020

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Woensdag, 4 November 2020


TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue-Downs 11

Stormers wear support on sleeves The Stormers are showing their support for breast cancer and testicular cancer awareness by wearing a special logo on the sleeve of their match kit until the end of this month. The logo is a combination of the traditional pink ribbon used for breast cancer awareness and blue “Movember” moustache which signifies testicular cancer awareness. Globally, two million cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. The diagnosis has an indescribable emotional impact on every patient, but also on friends, family and colleagues. To support the various initiatives, DHL, who are the Stormers’ title sponsors, are seeking to extend the awareness to the greater public and have decaled their aircraft fleet in Africa (and across the globe) with the ribbon creative to show their support and com-

mitment to the causes. Both causes have been integrated into the Stormers match day playing kit for the duration of the season in October and November, displaying a combination of the traditional pink ribbon and blue “Movember” moustache. Stormers captain Siya Kolisi said the team is proud to be raising awareness for such worthy causes. “Breast cancer and testicular cancer are major health issues and we as a team want to do everything we can to show our support for this campaign, along with our sponsors DHL,” he said. Stormers coach John Dobson said that the values behind this awareness campaign reflect what the Stormers players and management would like to be about as a team.

Durbanville amateur golfer Sam Simpson will spearhead tee it up at the 110th South African Open Championship at the Gary Player Country Club in Sun City from Thursday 3 December Sunday 6 December. PHOTO: GOLFRSA

Simpson cracks nod to tee it up at Sun City S

am Simpson, along with four of South Africa’s most promising amateur talents, will join a star-studded field in the South African Open Championship at the Gary Player Country Club from Thursday 3 December - Sunday 6 December. The South African Golf Association (Saga) announced the amateur quintet exempt for qualifying in the R19.5 million tournament, supported by Nedbank and Sun International and co-sanctioned by the Sunshine and European Tours. “As the custodians of the SA Open, we are extremely proud and honoured to offer our top talents this marvellous opportunity to test themselves in a championship of this stature,” said Saga acting president, Martin Saaiman. “We are delighted to announce that our reigning SA Amateur champion and No. 1 Casey Jarvis will spearhead the group. He will be joined by fellow GolfRSA National Squad members Kyle de Beer, Yurav Premlall, (Sam) Simpson and Christo Lamprecht,” announced Saaiman, confirming Simpson’s spot in the second oldest golf tournament in the world behind The Open. The 110th playing of the South African Open Championship was announced on Thursday 22 October and the Saga selection committee made their final selection the following day. “Since all our national tournaments were cancelled at the end of March due to the nationwide Covid-19 lockdown, we had no choice but to base our selection on the rankings as it stood at the end of March when our tournaments were shut down. Martin Vorster, who is second in the rankings, had advised us that he would be unavailable for selection because he is still recovering from a wrist injury, so the next four spots went to Kyle,

Yurav, Sam and Christo, respectively ranked third, fourth, fifth and sixth. “We wish these five amateurs well as they test themselves against a strong international field at the iconic Gary Player Country Club.” Durbanville’s Simpson made his debut in the tournament at Randpark Golf Club in January. GolfRSA CEO Grant Hepburn said the amateurs are privileged to be offered an incredible opportunity to advance their careers. “We are very proud of the fact that all five amateurs selected by Saga are members of the GolfRSA National Squad,” he said. “They have all worked extremely hard and achieved excellent results and they are very deserving of the opportunity to tee it up in the SA Open. “Competing in an event of this stature builds character and the chance to compete against the best professionals from South Africa and Europe is invaluable to the growth and development of their careers. We know they will savour the opportunity. The quality of these young men and many like them on our GolfRSA circuit is a direct result of the excellent structures in South African golf. Our players compete in well-organised tournaments from a very young age and credit needs to be given to the golf unions, the clubs, the academies and foundations, and the dedicated coaches that all play a role in developing our depth of talent.” The South African Open Championship will complete a thrilling three-week run of tournaments co-sanctioned by the Sunshine Tour and European Tour, following the Joburg Open at Randpark Golf Club and the Alfred Dunhill Championship at Leopard Creek.

The Stormers will be showing their support for breast cancer and testicular cancer awareness by wearing a special logo on the sleeve of their match kit during November. The logo is a combination of the traditional pink ribbon used for breast cancer awareness and blue “Movember” moustache which signifies testicular cancer awareness. Seen here (from left to right): Warrick Gelant, Herschell Jantjies, Scarra Ntubeni, Steven Kittshoff, Frans Malherbe and Chris van Zyl.

Have Have a a blast blast at at Legend Legend Runner Runner

The biggest, most fun obstacle race in South Africa, the Legend Runner, will take place in the heart of Paarl from Friday 6 November to Sunday 8 November with a choice of 6km or 12km obstacle trail courses along the Berg River. Challenge friends and family – all ages and fitness levels are welcome to join. Health and safety is extremely important, therefor the event will feature multiple batch options when entering for the event to ensure social distancing on race day. Batches need to be ready and at the venue 30 minutes before their batch’s starting time to go through Covid check point and for relevant race collections. For more information visit www.legendrunner.com.

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Rugbybekendes vereer AVRIL FILLIES


agenoeg 1 000 jaar se rugby-ervaring was Saterdag 31 Oktober bymekaar toe ’n reünie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbyvoetbalfederasie, voormalige Proteas, oud-Maties, Gouebeker- en WP-Ligaspelers vereer het vir hul bydrae om integrasie en gemengde skolerugby moontlik te maak. Die gassprekers was Dougie Dyers, kaptein en voormalige junior vise-president van die WP-Rugbyunie, Abe Williams, die hulpbestuurder op die Springboktoer na NieuSeeland in 1981 en voormalige minister van sport in die destydse driekamerparlement, en Norman Langley, wat al die Federasieweke deur die jare georganiseer het. Dyers het gepraat namens al die kapteins wat ook teenwoordig was, terwyl Williams uitgebrei het oor die lesse wat daardie Bokspan in Nieu-Seeland geleer het, en Langley oor junior rugby van destyds. Hulde is ook gebring aan afgestorwe stigterslede soos Cuthbert Loriston, John Cupido, Bill Jacobs en Dok Danie Craven. “Integrasie in rugby is nie ’n nuwe ding wat nou eers ontstaan het nie; die toerspan van 1979 na die Verenigde Koninkryk het die grondslag gelê dat rugbyspelers van alle kleure vandag saamspeel en dat Suid-Afrika later weer toegelaat is tot internasionale rugby. Hiervoor moet Dok geprys word, want hoewel hy voorheen gesê het dat geen swart of bruin speler daai Bok-trui oor hul kop sou trek nie, het hy van opinie verander toe daar van oral in die wêreld teenkanting gekry is oor die spierwit Bokspanne wat teen ander lande speel. Op die vooraand van ons vertrek op daai Barbarian-toer het hy net gesê die span moet onthou alle oë is nou op hulle gerig om te kyk of die wit, bruin en swart spelers in die span kan saamspeel en iets op die veld beteken. Ons het agt wedstryde gespeel, vier gewen, twee verloor en een gelykop gespeel en dit was dieselfde spanne teen wie die Bokke op hul toer afgeransel is,” het Dyers gesê. Hy het ook genoem dat dit moeilik is om sekere wedstryde uit te lig as hoogtepunte, maar die Barbarian-toer en die eerste Federasie-Cravenweekspan, wat in 1981 met vyf spelers van Bishops van wyle Paul Dobson en Basil Bey beskikbaar gestel is, het die weg gebaan dat vandag se rugbyspelers die voordele geniet. Spanne van die noorde het hulle aan daardie jaar se Cravenweek op Worcester onttrek, want hulle wou nie teen die bruines speel nie. “Vandag se spelers weet nie watter opofferings spelers destyds in die hartjie van apartheid moes gemaak het nie, want hulle ken nie die rugbygeskiedenis nie. Spelers het hul werk verloor, is in hul gemeenskappe verwerp en hul kinders kon nie aan skolesport deelneem nie omdat hul pa vir die Federasie gespeel het. Die spelers het vasgebyt om hul sport te beoefen en ek kan vandag

Dougie Dyers met van die Federasie- en WP-Liga-spelers, wat hy deur die jare afgerig het. Nagenoeg 1 000 jaar se rugbygeskiedenis was Saterdag 31 Oktober teenwoordig in Kuilsrivier toe die rugbybekendes vir hul bydrae tot Suid-Afrikaanse rugby vereer is. FOTO: AVRIL FILLIES trots sê, ons het Springbokke opgelewer. “Die spelers van die Maties wat hulle beskikbaar gestel het om in die Proteas of die WP-Liga te speel, moet ook vir hul bydrae geprys word, en ek is bly om te sien dat De Villiers Visser, Hempies du Toit, Bryn Morse, Johnny Joubert en Grant ook vandag se verrigtinge bygewoon het. Spelers soos Hennie Bekker, Takkies Reitz, Gawie Visagie, Martiens le Roux en Schalk Burger het hul gewig by ons ingegooi en van hulle het Bokke geword. Swart spelers soos Morgan Cushe, Solomon Mhlaba en Timothy Konki was op die Barbarian-toer en hoewel Norman Mbiko die eerste swart Springbokkaptein is, is my beskeie mening dat Mhlaba daai mantel ook met grasie kon gedra het,” sê Dyers. Williams het gesê dat hulle baie op die 1981-Springboktoer in daai drie maande geleer het, en ook dat die SA Rugbyraad hulle nie destyds voorberei het vir wat op hulle wag nie.

“Ons almal dink niemand weet wat in Suid-Afrika aangaan nie, maar daar het ek geleer dat jy eerlik moet wees en ook die positiewe goed wat in die land gebeur moet uitlig, want daai positiewe goed kan in sommige gevalle die negatiewe dinge oorskadu. “Dis algemeen bekend dat Naas Botha gesê het bruines en swartes speel nie rugby nie en toe wou almal weet nou waar val Errol Tobias uit, maar dis nou water onderdeur die brug. Wat ek wil beklemtoon, is dat ons nou moet wegbeweeg van aparte rugbyunies, want ons almal het ’n bydrae tot SuidAfrikaanse rugby en sy geskiedenis gemaak, al word ons bydraes afgemaak as onbelangrik. Ons het nie net spelers van gehalte gelewer nie, maar ook administrateurs. “Ek wil nou ’n beroep doen op alle rugbyspelers om terug te gaan in hul gemeenskappe en hul stories aan vandag se jeug te vertel, want anders gaan die geskiedenis verlore,” sê Williams.

Langley het uitgebrei oor hoekom die Junior Federasieweke by SAKK in Eersterivier, Philippi en in Saldanha gehou is om jong spelers die kans te gee om basiese rugbyvaardighede aan te leer, hul kinderhelde te ontmoet en toe te pas wat hulle in daai week geleer het. “Wanneer toerspanne hier was, het ons altyd gereël dat van die internasionale spelers ons kinders toespreek en ’n afrigtingskliniek hou. Ek kan onthou hoe die 1970-groep hulle verkyk het aan Brian Williams toe hy saam met die All Blacks hier getoer het. “Ons kan beslis ook nie die bydraes van die Federasieweke ignoreer nie, want van die bruin Bokke het ook van die weke bygewoon,” sê hy. Agterna is daar lekker gekuier, staaltjies uitgeruil en die enigste ongelukkigheid onder die groep was toe Dyers gesê het dat Charles Williams van Stellenbosch die meeste spoed gehad het, al was hy ’n senter.”

Skolekrieket kan in nuwe skooljaar in Februarie hervat word SAREL BURGER Die skrywe wat die krieketspelende skole in die Westelike Provinsie die afgelope week van Nuweland ontvang het, het groot blydskap tot gevolg gehad. Wanneer die 2021-skooljaar in Januarie afskop, sal die Wes-Kaapse skole, ná vanjaar se viruspandemie, mekaar weer die stryd kan aansê – natuurlik met vele voorsorgmaatreëls en wedstryde wat slegs onder sekere voorwaardes afgehandel sal

word. Hoewel die skole vandeesweek inskrywingsvorms met die oog op die verskillende kompetisies vir volgende jaar ontvang het, het dit ook ’n skrywe ingesluit waarin skole meegedeel is dat hulle mettertyd ingelig sal word volgens watter voorskrifte die wedstryde afgehandel sal word. Aangesien die 2021-skooljaar veel later sal begin as wat in die voorafgaande jare die geval was, sal daar gedurende die eerste kwartaal op net ses Saterdae in Februa-

rie en Maart wedstryde kan plaasvind, aangesien die Menseregte-vakansiedag op 20 Maart die beginpunt van voorseisoense wintersport-aktiwiteite kan wees. Inskrywings vir die Tygerbergstreek se verskillende WP Noordelike Stadsgebiede (WPNS)-kompetisies in 2021 sluit reeds eerskomende Vrydag. Die WPNS bied weer sy ligakompetisies op Saterdae vir alle ouderdomsgroepe aan – dit behels weekdag-uitklopkompetisies vir o.19-, 0.15- en o.14-spanne, asook ’n ses-

aan-’n-kant-toernooi vir o.19’s in die loop van 2021. Die administrateurs van ander hoofstroom-somersportsoorte handhaaf nog ’n stilswye. Vroeër vandeesweek het die skole nog geen inligting oor die tennis- en atletiekbeplannings vir 2021 ontvang nie. V Skole wat moontlik nie die afgelope week ’n inskrywingsvorm ontvang het nie, moet voor die komende naweek e-pos stuur aan sarelburger@telkomsa.net.

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