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Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
Valid @ all branches until Sunday 18 Oct 2020 While stocks last
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Projekte saam aangepak CARINA ROUX
ie geheim van ’n suksesvolle projek is om saam met ander weldoeners in die gemeenskap te werk, glo Hester du To-
it. Du Toit is aan die stuur van die Bottelarytransformasieprojek, wat begin is as ’n projek van die NG kerk Sonstraal in Durbanville en ’n samewerkingsooreenkoms het met Shiloh Synergy in Brackenfell, ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat onder meer voedingsnood op groot skaal teiken. Bottelary-transformasie streef daarna om op verskeie gebiede ondersteuning te bied aan die landelike gemeenskap van die Bottelary-gebied, wat heelwat sosiaal-ekonomiese uitdagings het. Verskeie rolspelers uit Durbanville, Brackenfell, Kuilsrivier en Stellenbosch is deesdae betrokke en Du Toit sê sy glo daaraan om hande te vat met ander organisasies. Só het sy onlangs saamgespan met Sarlene Horne van die NG kerk Sonstraal, wat ’n uitdaging van die Winelands Toastmasterklub, waarvan sy ’n lid is, aanvaar het om tydens die pandemie ’n verskil te maak. Horne en ’n span vrywilligers van die kerk en die Toastmasters het sedert Maart reeds 200 spekbome en 10 vrugtebome gekweek. Op Saterdag 3 Oktober is moue opgerol om ’n groot aantal van die spekbome en vrugtebome by die Primêre Skool Bottelary te plant. Modelle, in samewerking met die organisasie Goodies for Girls, het saam met van die skool se leerders hul vingers vuilgemaak en
bome op die skoolterrein geplant. Du Toit sê Goodies for Girls, ’n organisasie wat sanitêre doekies en ander toiletware versprei om te verseker dat meisies in die skool bly, loop ook al ’n lang pad saam met Bottelary-transformasie en verskaf gereeld toiletwarepakkies. Du Toit sê die leerders het die boomplantdag baie geniet en sy glo dat hulle deur die spekboom-uitdaging ook nuwe insig gekry het in die mens se impak op die natuur. “Spekbome absorbeer koolstofdioksied en verander dit in suurstof – makliker as enige ander plant – en kan tot 200 jaar leef. Die plant het medisinale voordele en kan geëet word,” sê Du Toit. “Die blare het ’n suur smakie en spekboom-blatjang maak ’n smaaklike bykos.” Van die spekbome gaan ook geplant word op die stuk grond wat Pieter Bestbier van die plaas Goede Hoop beskikbaar gestel het aan Bottelary-transformasie, waar gemeenskaplede self groente kan verbou om ’n selfonderhoudende leefstyl te bevorder, sê Du Toit. TygerBurger het onlangs hieroor berig (“Groenteplasie met ’n ‘vars visie’ help honger stuit”, 09/09) Bottelary-transformasie het ’n holistiese benadering en help buiten voeding met uiteenlopende behoeftes – van leesprojekte en die verspreiding van skryfbehoeftes tot hulp met ID-kaarte of klere. Daar is dus verskeie maniere om betrokke te raak. V Kontak Hester du Toit by of 084 734 3006 of Low Botha by Shiloh Synergy by as jy ’n bydrae van R4,50 per ete wil maak.
Hospitaal in ligte laaie ’n Brandbestryder probeer Maandagaand (12 Oktober) om vlamme binne-in die Mediclinic Cape Gate onder bedwang te bring. Tertia Kruger, woordvoerder van die Mediclinic Cape Gate , sê in ’n mediaverklaring die brand het omstreeks 19:00 buite ’n opleidingslokaal in die hospitaal uitgebreek. “Geen pasiënte is beseer nie, terwyl twee personeellede vir rookinaseming behandel is.” Jermaine Carelse, woordvoerder van die Stad Kaapstad se brand- en reddingsdienste, het bevestig nooddienste is omstreeks 20:00 na die toneel ontbied. Brandbestryders van die Kraaifontein-, Durbanville-, Brackenfell- and Bellville-brandweer was op die toneel. Carelse het gister aan TygerBurger gesê brandstigting word ondersoek. FOTO: CECILIA HUME
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Offer valid until 18 October 2020. While stocks last. X1WCM89W-AL141020
2 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Join the Goodwood Fashion and Thrift Market on Saturday 31 October and again on Saturday 7 November. The market will be at the Goodwood Sports Club from 09:00 until 14:00. For more information email
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24-groep Verspreding: TygerBurger Brackenfell word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Arauna, Brackenfell Central, Brackenfell Heights, De Oude Spruit, De Tuin, Welgelee, Eden Park, Ferndale, Hoogstede, Klaradyn Estate, Kleinbron Estate, Kleinbron Park, Morgenster, Morgensterhoogte, Normandie Estate, Protea Village, Proteahoogte, Sonkring, Burgundy, St Michaels, Vredekloof, Vredekloof Heights Totale verspreiding: 19 253
Die Goodies for girls-groep se modelle is (agter van links) Charmaine Myburgh, Sonja Janson en Shane Myburgh. Middel: Alyssa van der Merwe, Kaitlin Whelan, Bianca Langedyk, Micia Smit, Dane van der Westhuizen, Le Roux Janson en Dirk Smit. Voor: Sarah Eichler.
TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume Joernalis: Desireé Rorke Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Hoofkoerant advertensies: Hearn Malgraff ( 021 910 6525 of ( 062 158 8039 Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994
Leerders van die Primêre Skool Bottelary plant spekbome.
Spekbome is by die Primêre Skool Bottelary geplant.
Pretstap vir Rudie gehou
Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na or
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’n Pretstap of -draf oor 5 km word op Saterdag 7 November op die Zevenwacht-wynlandgoed aangebied ten bate van die behandeling van Rudie Keyser (12), ’n gr. 7-leerder aan die Laerskool Mikro, by wie ’n seldsame soort kanker gediagnoseer is. Die koste vir kinders (onder 18) is R50 en hulle sal medaljes ontvang. Volwassenes betaal R100 en dit sluit ’n bottel wyn by die eindpunt in. Geen honde sal toegelaat word nie. ’n Covid-19-vorm sal vooraf ingevul moet word en alle deelnemers moet ’n masker dra. Om getalle te beperk, sal die wegspring in fases geskied met die eerste groep (250 deelnemers) wat om 07:00 sal wegspring en die volgende groep om 08:00. Die wedloop-armbande, parkeerskyfies en Covid-19-vorms kan op Donderdag 5 November tussen 15:00 en 21:00 by die Patrysieskleuterskool by Spruitstraat 26 in Kuilsrivier afgehaal word. V Kontak Adri Kleynhans by 083 700 4334 vir meer inligting en inskrywings of stuur e-pos na
Monday-Friday 09:00 – 15:00.
Discount on All items. X1WCQEHR-AL141020
One man died while two others were wounded during a shooting in Brackenfell on Tuesday 6 October.
Several arrests over two days in Brackenfell THABANG KUAHO @thab_journo Police arrested seven Kraaifontein men for their suspected involvement in different crimes which happened in Brackenfell last week. According to station commander Col J Marthinus, four men were arrested and a firearm was confiscated on Tuesday 6 0ctober after a shooting which left one man dead and two others injured took place on the corner of Kenwill Street and Frans Conradie Drive. “Two men, both from Kraaifontein, were walking on Frans Conradie Drive when several shots were suddenly fired. A 34-year-old man was wounded in the upper body while his friend (32) suffered a gunshot wound to his upper arm,” Marthinus says. The former died at the scene. While officials were still busy at the scene, Titanium Securitas’s Kobus Kotze says information of another wounded person came forth. “He was found around the corner in Kendall Road, not far from where the deceased was and his injuries were from the same incident,” Kotze says. “He was stabilised on the scene before being transported to a nearby hospital.”
Marthinus says one suspect was soon arrested and a firearm was confiscated. “Not long after, more suspects were brought in and questioned. “All four suspects, aged between 21 and 36, were detained at the station while three were later released after they could not be linked to the crimes,” he explains. The other one appeared in the Blue Downs court on Wednesday and will remain in police custody until his next appearance on Thursday 15 October. Three other Kraaifontein men will appear in court on Friday 4 December on charges of illegal possession of a firearm. This follows their successful bail application on Wednesday 7 October after being arrested by the Cape Town Flying Squad two days earlier. The Men in Blue received information of a suspicious vehicle believed to have been linked to a robbery at a post office in Malmesbury the previous week, in the area. “The vehicle was pulled off and searched upon which police found an unlicensed .38 Special revolver with five rounds of ammunition,” Marthinus explains. He says further investigations will determine if the men can be linked to the robbery.
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Man weer in hof oor bedrog
Ma met baba sterf in supermark ESMÉ ERASMUS
Hy het ’n paar jaar tronkstraf uitgedien en is in 2007 op parool vrygelaat, waarna hy glo weer beleggers begin bedrieg het. etuies kry nou uiteindelik kans om Volgens die klagstaat het Futcher in sy hul kant van die saak te stel teen ’n hangende saak ’n maandelikse opbrengs veroordeelde bedrievan 10% deur sy onderneming ër. Ablaze Trading aan beleggers Die beskuldigde, Andrew belowe. Paul Futcher, word daarHy het ook glo beloof om die van aangekla dat hy meer kapitaal wat belê is, ná ’n tydas R26 miljoen se bedrog geperk terug te betaal. pleeg het in ’n nuwe saak. Hy staan nou tereg op 96 aanFutcher het verlede Donklagte, waarvan 90 vir bedrog derdag in die Bellville-hanis. Die ander sluit geldwassery, delshof verskyn, waarna sy sowel as vervalsing en uitgifte, saak tot 21 Februarie 2021 in. uitgestel is. Party van die meer as 30 klaKlaers van reg oor die ers het glo miljoene rande in dié Kaap het vroeër vanjaar vir skema verloor. Een klaer het na die eerste keer teen Futcher bewering R3,8 miljoen verloor begin getuig – byna nege en minstens agt ander klaers jaar nadat hy in hegtenis Andrew Futcher meer as ’n miljoen rand. geneem is. Futcher word deur adv. HelDie huidige hofsaak kom nadat Futcher mut Scholzel verteenwoordig en adv. Esmereeds in 2004 tronkstraf opgelê is vir ’n pira- ralda Johnson tree vir die staat op. mideskema waarin beleggers miljoene verDie saak dien voor streeklanddros Sabriloor het. na Sonnenberg.
Misdaad ‘sukses’-verhale NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk Die afgelope week is verskeie verdagtes met die hulp van ’n parate sekerheidsdiens aangekeer. Volgens Bassett Alarms se Facebookblad is die volgende sukses behaal: . Op Saterdag omstreeks 14:50 het sekerheidsbeamptes ’n noodoproep ontvang om na ’n supermark in Blomtuin te gaan. Daar aangekom het die winkeleienaar ’n man uitgewys wat ’n kantoor aan die agterkant van die winkel wou binnedring. Bassett se sekerheidswag en die polisie het byna gelyktydig daar aangekom. Die polisie het die man vir ondervraging na die polisiekantoor geneem.
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 3
’n Ma (31) van Vredekloof het verlede Woensdag (7 Oktober) in Pick n Pay Glengarry in Vredekloof ineengestort en gesterf, vermoedelik weens ’n bestaande harttoestand. Die supermark was volgens inskrywings op Facebook bykans drie uur gesluit sodat die vrou se liggaam weggeneem kon word. Die ma het haar vier maande oue baba by haar gehad, volgens kapt. Erica Crous, woordvoerder van die Brackenfell-polisie. Volgens Crous is die polisie in kennis gestel en is die nooddienste ontbied, maar sy was reeds oorlede toe hulle by die winkel opdaag. Crous het gesê die vrou het verlede Sondag nog haar 31ste verjaarsdag gevier, maar wou nie haar naam bekend maak nie.
Summer bowling presented
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. Op Vrydag het beamptes ’n verdagte voertuig in Robert Sobukweweg opgemerk. Hulle het die polisie in kennis gestel, wat binne minute op die toneel was. Die voertuig se insittendes is vir ondervraging na die polisiekantoor geneem, waar dit aan die lig gekom het dat hulle vir verskeie sake gesoek word. . Op Woensdag omstreeks 17:50 is sekerheidsbeamptes ontbied na ’n huis in Raglanstraat waar ’n rooftog aan die gang was. Bassett, asook die Stad se verkeersdepartement, het die verdagtes aangekeer. Die polisie is ontbied. Geen gesteelde goedere is by die verdagte gekry nie en die slagoffer wou nie ’n saak aanhangig maak nie. Die verdagte is vrygelaat.
Same day dentistry with on-site lab
R44.99 Summer Friday Night bowling is being presented by Durbanville Bowling Club, in an initiative by the Western Province Bowls, on Fridays until March. The bowling is presented from 16:30 until sunset. Participation is free. All equipment is supplied and people can take part barefoot and in leisure clothing. Chilled drinks will be available. V Contact Eddie Phillips of Durbanville Bowling Club on 083 445 0011 or
Volgens haar sal geen nadoodse ondersoek gedoen word nie. Volgens inskrywings op die Eversdal-blad op Facebook het mense gesê die vrou was 41 jaar oud en dat haar baba vyf maande oud was, maar TygerBurger kon dit nie bevestig nie. Volgens inligting tot TygerBurger se beskikking het die oorledene ’n hartpasaangeër gehad. Daar is ook op Facebook gesê dat die oorledene eers haar vyfjarige kind by ’n skooltjie gaan aflaai het voor sy by Pick n Pay Glengarrygaan inkopies gaan doen het. Pick n Pay wou geen verdere inligting oor die voorval bekend maak nie. ’n Woordvoerder het almal bedank wat gehelp het. “Ons innige meegevoel gaan aan die familie,” het sy gesê.
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T’s & C’s Apply. Prices valid 15-31 October 2020. All Prices incl VAT. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Head Office 021 981 6778 X1WCQL0R-AL141020
4 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Angels raise money in aid of breast cancer awareness RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj
ctober is the month in which breast cancer awareness is raised and emphasized by those who have suffered, but also lost a loved one as a result of the illness. To show their support and to help raise awareness and money, a group of ladies have endeavoured to run a marathon, all be it a virtual one. The marathon is in support of the Zonny’s Love Box Project, a project started by Kraaifontein resident, the late Zondelia Lombard-Swartz. Lombard-Swartz passed away on Sunday 8 September 2019 as a result of breast cancer (“School loses a ‘family member’,” 11/09/’19). She was first diagnosed in 2013 and again in 2017. The 47-year-old Lombard-Swartz, or Zonny as she was also known, was the principal of Kuils River Primary School at the time of her death – a position she held since January 2017. Elwyn Hansby-Consul, Love Box champion and ambassador, says during the period Zonny suffered from cancer, she saw the need to source donations in the form of toiletries, beautifully packaged in pink boxes and bags for those who had to walk a similar path. These were distributed to breast cancer patients at the hospital, she says. The boxes contain a face cloth, toothbrush and toothpaste, lip balm, roll-on, skin lotion and a pair of socks, to mention a few. “We, friends and family, have vowed to carry on with this project in her memory. So this year, we made plans to go ahead with the love box donations, and to have a driveby drop off at her parent’s home in BellvilleSouth on Saturday 24 October. “We have identified Tygerberg and Paarl Hospital as the beneficiaries of the boxes,”
A group of ladies will be running a virtual marathon this year in aid of breast cancer awareness month. The group also wishes to raise money through this marathon for Tygerberg Hospital’s breast cancer clinic. At the back is Elwyn Hansby-Consul, Vera-Jane Adams and Zohra Parkar. Sitting in the middle is Gail Levitt and Natasha Whiteboyd and far right is René Brown-Rossouw. says Hansby-Consul. The initiative is supported by family and friends, as well as a few private individuals. “We are blown away by the response to this initiative.” Hansby-Consul also says she and a few of her friends will be undertaking a marathon to raise awareness and funds. “On Sunday 18 October we will be participating in either the Sanlam Cape Town Virtual Marathon’s 21, 10, or five kilometre race and we are using this virtual race to raise the funds for the project.” Those wishing to donate can visit
ry/donations/zonnys-lovebox/. On the site you will find a bio of all the ambassadors, as well as the Dirt Addict Girls who also supports the initiative, Hansby-Consul says. The team hopes to raise R50 000. A portion of the money raised will be donated to Tygerberg Hospital’s breast cancer clinic. The money will be used to do some improvements at the clinic, Hansby-Consul says. V For more information visit Confetti_Angels on Instagram and Confetti Angels on Facebook or call 082 920 9878 or 083 556 0650 or email
Art.b hosts ceramic exhibition online
Anthony Shapiro’s artwork White Rotundo, one of the items on display at Art.b gallery’s annual Ceramic Exhibition which is now available online as well.
Art.b Gallery, along with the Arts Association of Bellville, is hosting the second annual ceramic exhibition – and this time it’s online as well. Zelda Webber, curator of the exhibition, says, “Thanks to the Art.b committee, an online platform was created to ensure that artists (amateurs and professionals) can still exhibit their work throughout this pandemic. Therefore, it is our pleasure to host the second annual Ceramic Exhibition on a digital platform and the work will also be showcased at the gallery.” Zelda goes on to explain the intricacies involved in the ceramic process. “A ceramicist feels like an explorer chartering new territory. Many successes are based on a myriad of failures. These processes are exhilarating and gratifying, but also frustrating and worrisome.” These elements contribute to the title of the exhibition: Blended.
The title not only eludes to the complexities of the process but also speak to the nature of the participants in the exhibition: exhibiting artists range from master ceramicists, to multi-disciplinary artists and novices. Exhibiting artists include master ceramicists such as Anthony Shapiro, Hennie Meyer, Anne Marais and John Bauer, as well as multidisciplinary artists such as Theo Kleynhans, and a score of lesser known yet skilled artists. The gallery is housed inside the Bellville Library Centre in Carel van Aswegen Road. The exhibition will be on view from the 10 October until 4 November, by appointment only. Contact Daleen at or on 021 917 1179, to book a space at the opening or arrange for a viewing. Alternatively visit the online exhibition at
It’s swimming time . . . but with rules Municipal swimming pools will start to reopen from Friday 16 October. However, to ensure adherence to the regulations under alert level 1 of the National Disaster Management Act, the City of Cape Town’s recreation and parks department says it will not be business as usual. The City’s Mayco member for community services, Zahid Badroodien, says: “The number of patrons allowed at open swimming pools has been reduced by 50% of each pool’s capacity, therefore if the maximum capacity of a pool is 500 patrons, only 250 will be allowed into the facility. Screening will be done on entry and persons with a temperature reading of over 38 °C will not be permitted to enter the facility. Patrons are required to observe social distancing in and around the pool and take cognisance of social distancing floor/wall
stickers, specifically at the entrance and around the pool deck.” Patrons are also required to sanitise their hands frequently and adhere to all the safety signage displayed around the pool at all times. No showers or changing facilities will be available. The City has 38 swimming pools situated across the metro, three of which are located inside resorts. “This is for exclusive use by visitors to the resorts. Resort swimming pools will open from 1 December. Twenty of the 35 municipal swimming pools will be ready to officially open on 16 October, while the remaining 15 will open on alternate dates due to the extent of the repairs and upgrades underway at each pool.” The following swimming pools will be open from 16 October until 12 April 2021: Atlantis, Trafalgar, Langa, Khayelitsha, Ath-
lone, Bonteheuwel, Goodwood, Hanover Park, Manenberg, Ruyterwacht, Brown’s Farm, Eastridge, Lentegeur, Mnandi, Muizenberg, Westridge and Wynberg. The Sea Point, Strand, and Retreat swimming pools will open on 16 October and remain open for the year. Swimming pools which will open later due to maintenance taking place include: . Kensington and Delft from 1 November; . Blue Downs indoor swimming pool will open on 1 November and remain open throughout the year; . Bellville, Parow North, Emthonjeni, Vulindlela and Bellville South from 1 December; . Elsies River from 15 December; . Parow Valley from 1 January 2021; and . Ravensmead and Newlands from 1 February 2021.
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 5
On the Couch tackles tough issues THABANG KUAHO
Dr Cindy-Lee Visagie and Rosetta Adams were the first women to tackle a topic at the newlylaunched Yahal Ministry in Brackenfell.PHO-
s the country commemorated Mental Health Awareness Day on Saturday 10 October, Yosef Dream Foundation in Brackenfell launched its women’s ministry, Yahal Ministry. The launch saw a programme, On the Couch, that is expected to be a regular within the ministry. On the couch is a series of events in which various topics will be discussed while experts are brought in to offer guidance. At the launch, depression was the topic of the day and Rosetta Adams from Eerste River spoke of her journey with the condition which motivated her to attempt ending her life.
She says her depression is caused by a series of events but was triggered by only one event. Adams says her suicide attempt was her way of trying to put an end to the darkness she felt at the time. “Although there were people
around me, I felt they did not understand the feelings I had, therefore I felt alone and helpless,” she explains. During her 2017 suicide attempt episode, Adams recalls getting home and having a glass of tropical
juice before overdosing on her anti-depressant medication. “I later woke up in hospital and decided to start my healing journey.” She has since gotten off her antidepressant medication as she feels it is addictive. “I realised that I started relying on medication, so I stopped taking them and have taken a more spiritual method of dealing with the condition.” Kraaifontein councillor, Dr Cindy-Lee Visagie says people with mental health conditions need to feel supported and therefore need help. “People with depression feel that they are being held captive and therefore need support from their loved ones.
GTP sponsors 25 pairs of spectacles As the focus turns to eyesight during the nationwide Eye Health Awareness month from 21 September to 18 October, those who suspect that their vision may be impaired have a chance to have their eyes tested for free, thanks to a partnership between the Greater Tygerberg Partnership (GTP), Brown Eye Care and the Sha’p Left Community Healthcare Hub in Bellville. During that period, anyone can have their eyes tested for free at the Sha’p Left Community Healthcare Hub, located opposite the Bellville transport interchange in the Bell-
ville city centre. In addition, the GTP has also pledged to provide free spectacles to the first 25 children (under 16) that take a test at the Sha’p Left Community Healthcare before 19 October. That means you’ll have to act quick – as the last tests will be done on Sunday.Sha’p Left is also offering a special for the month of October that includes two pairs of single vision glasses and an eye test for R990. “It’s so important to have your eyes tested every year. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world, but with re-
gular testing, it is possible to diagnose and treat this illness,” says Ntombi Zitha, Optometrist at the Sha’p Left Nursing Centre. Bellville’s Sha’p Left Community Healthcare Hub provides affordable, accessible, convenient healthcare to commuters and residents in Bellville. Launched in November 2019, the nursing hub is sponsored by the Cipla Foundation and was enabled by the City of Cape Town. . The Sha’p Left Community Healthcare Hub is open from 09:00 to 17:00 every week day and from 08:30 to 13:30 on Saturdays. In addi-
tion to eye tests and diagnostics, the centre also offers primary health care treatments, HIV, TB and other diagnostic tests. It also includes a chronic medication dispensary, which offers a more efficient way for people with chronic diseases to collect their prescriptions. Members of the public do not need to book their appointment but can call the clinic on 065 902 0963 if they would prefer to do so.
Resident optometrist Ntombi Zitha performs an eye test on Jan Mashapa at the Bellville Sha’p Left Healthcare Hub.
“Their thoughts are distorted so they tend to believe things about themselves that are not true,” she says. She encouraged attendees to have interactions with such individuals in order to have a better understanding and be able to come up with ways to offer support. “Patients are often discouraged by feelings of inferiority which is always present. “These feelings need to be disregarded so that patients can start valuing their lives.” Whenever someone starts doubting themselves and their capabilities, Visagie says people should encourage them and make them realise their worth. VFor more information visit
6 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Thys Louw (middel) van Diemersdal-wynlandgoed met die gesogte Absa Top-10-Pinotage-trofee. By hom is Beyers Truter (links), voorsitter van die SA Pinotage Assosiasie, en John Tshabalala, besturende direkteur van Absa in die Wes-Kaap.
Diemersdal ryg pryse in vir sy wyn D
ie Diemersdal-wynlandgoed ryg die se wynbedryf,” het Louw gesê. een ná die ander topprys in vir sy Diemersdal se veelbekroonde en unieke wyn, rooi én wit. Winter Ferment-wyn het ook sy triomftog Die wynlandgoed het beslis sy vlag ge- voortgesit. plant as een van die suksesvolste wynmaDié wyn het 164 ander sauvignon blanckers in die jaarlikse Absa Top10-Pinotage- wyne uitgestof en die trofee ontvang vir bestoekennings toe hy vanjaar vir die negende te sauvignon blanc-wyn in vanjaar se Mikeer met dié gesogte toekenning vereer is. chelangelo International Wine & Spirits The Journal Pinotage van Diemersdal se Awards. 2018-oesjaar is met die toekenning vereer. Sedert die eerste oesjaar van Winter FerDie kompetisie, wat vanjaar sy 24ste be- ment in 2017 het die wyn al verskeie pryse staansjaar vier, het 149 inskrywings gelok. gewen – onder meer in die FNB Top-10-Sau“Die Absa Top10-Pinotage-trofee is vir se- vignon Blanc-kompetisie, asook die Sauvigker een van die bloubloed-toekennings vir non Blanc-trofee by die Nasionale Jongwynrooi wyne in die land, wat deur alle wynma- skou. kers as ’n uitnemende prestasie beskou Winter Ferment is ’n unieke sauvignon word. blanc-wyn in die opsig dat dit gemaak word “Om die negende keer met die toekenning van druiwe wat in Februarie geoes en gevereer te word, is nie net ’n groot eer nie, pars is, en die sap dan vir vier maande gemaar ook ’n ware voorreg. Ons werk hard vries is voor fermentasie plaasvind. daaraan om te sorg dat “Die vriesproses gee die trofee ’n tiende keer die wyn ’n unieke, vrugaan ons toegeken sal tige karakter en geur. word,” het Thys Louw, Dit is ook een van Dieeienaar-wynmaker, gemersdal se gewildste wysê. ne,” het Louw gesê. Vanjaar se toekenVolgens hom bevestig ning was werklik ’n soevanjaar se Michelangete ervaring, want ’n nulo-toekenning sauvigwe wyn in Diemersdal non blanc as Suid-Afrika se reeks het met dié louse grootste en mees komere weggestap. peterende wynkatego“The Journal Pinotarie. ge is ’n versameling van “Sauvignon blanc is drie wyne wat ons vryverreweg die gewildste gestel het om die klem te wynkultivar, asook die plaas op hoe belangrik kultivar waarvoor die die tradisie en nalatenbeste pryse van alle witskap van ’n gehaltewyn wynkultivars ontvang is. Dit is werklik ’n verword, het hy gesê. vullende ervaring dat “Dit raak al hoe meer een van die wyne in die duidelik dat Suid-Afrika reeks in sy eerste jaar van die beste sauvignon van bekendstelling met blanc-wyn in die wêreld dié besonderse toekenmaak. Die wyn se sukses ning vereer is,” het Thys Louw van Diemersdal-wynlandin die mark bewys dat geLouw gesê. halte altyd die oorheergoed met ’n bottel veelbekroonde Om met ’n Absa Diemersdal Winter Ferment. sende faktor is vir verTop10-toekenning verbruikers se keuse,” het eer te word, is nie iets wat enige wynmaker hy gesê. as vanselfsprekend kan aanvaar nie. Diemersdal’s Pinotage 2019 het ’n plati“Om binne ’n hoogs kompeterende omge- nummedalje in die Michelangelo Internatiwing van werklike gehaltewyne ’n Absa onal Wine & Spirits Awards gewen. Dis vir Top-10 te ontvang, is baie spesiaal. Ek wil wyne wat 96 of meer punte behaal. Slegs 24 elke ander trofeewenner, die finaliste en el- van al die wyne wat ingeskryf is, het dié ke deelnemer gelukwens met wat hulle alles prestasie behaal. doen om van pinotage ’n uitsonderlike rooiGoue medaljes is toegeken aan Diemerswyn-kategorie te maak – een van die groot- dal se Unwooded Chardonnay 2020, Shiraz ste vertoonvensters van die Suid-Afrikaan- 2019 en Pinotage Reserve 2019.
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 7
Bejaarde susters wreed in huis aangeval NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk
wee susters is Saterdag gewelddadig in hul huis in Harrodstraat in Oak Glen aangeval – na bewering deur hul nuwe tuinier. Die vroue is albei seniors en die oudste is 80 jaar oud. Die ouer suster het die ergste in die voorval deurgeloop en is “papgeslaan”, lui ’n inskrywing op sosiale media deur Bassett Alarms, ’n plaaslike sekerheidsmaatskappy. Wonderbaarlik het ’n sameloop van omstandighede en die gemeenskap se samewerking meegebring
dat die verdagtes kort ná die aanval vasgetrek is. Coenie Lourens, een van die susters se nabye bure en ’n lid van die buurtwag, sê sy huishulp het hom net ná 09:00 laat weet twee mans het “verskriklik vinnig” in die straat afgehardloop. Hy is dadelik buitentoe om hulle agterna te sit. Sy ander buurman, wat toevallig buite gestaan het, is ook agterna. En toe ’n kar in die straat afkom, het dié bestuurder ook begin soek. Intussen het Bassett se lid, Johan Saayman, gereageer op die noodknoppie wat die susters gedruk het.
Saam het hulle die verdagtes gekry – selfs waar een in die bosse weggekruip het. Hulle het gehoor waar die voorval gebeur het en is daarheen, waar hulle ook gesien het hoe erg die susters aangerand is. “Toe ek haar sien, het ek trane in my oë gekry,” sê Lourens. Die susters se buurvrou, wat die verdagtes oor hul muur sien spring het, het hulle geïdentifiseer. Nooddienspersoneel en die polisie was kort daarna op die toneel, waarna die vroue na die hospitaal geneem is. Al die gesteelde artikels – ’n skootrekenaar, twee selfone en juweliersware – is by die verdagtes
gevind. Lourens sê hy ken die susters al jare en die ouer een het onlangs ’n rugoperasie ondergaan. “Sy het elke dag twee keer saam met haar fisioterapeut verby my huis gestap” en het hulle dan bietjie gesels. Volgens Lourens en Jonathan Blankenberg, woordvoerder van die polisie in Bellville, was een van die aanvallers die susters se nuwe tuinier. “Sy het juis onlangs gesê sy het ’n nuwe tuinier nodig. Dit is vermoedelik hoe hulle toegang tot die huis verkry het.” ’n Bron na aan die ondersoek sê
die ouer suster het onder meer gebreekte ribbes, ’n gebreekte kakebeen en haar brein is geswel. Die jonger suster het, soos die ouer een, ook ’n gebreekte kakebeen. Jacques Lightfoot, voorsitter van die buurtwag, sê dit is ’n jammerte dat die voorval gebeur het. “Ons het al ’n paar voorvalle gehad waarin mense in Oak Glen in hul huise aangeval is.” Blankenberg het die bostaande feite bevestig. . Daar het in die afgelope maand ’n ander ernstige voorval naby daardie huis plaasgevind toe verdagtes ’n hele gesin vasgebind en hulle besteel het.
8 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Local businesswoman is top entrepreneur ESMÉ ERASMUS
local businesswoman demolished stereotypes in the construction industry when she walked away with the prestigious Standard Bank Top Woman Entrepreneur 2020 Award. The 42-year-old Celeste Margo le Roux, chief executive officer and co-founder of React24, as well as now co-founder of React Training College – both with their head office in Parow Industria, was awarded at a virtual event on 1 and 2 October. With 20 years of experience in the construction industry, le Roux has been offering all site services, built environment trades and disciplines under one roof. The business story of React24 began around her kitchen table with two artisans, her partner David le Roux, a bakkie and a dream, according to her biography. Now, 20 years later, le Roux and her team have launched React Training College, an artisanal school that uses a competency-based modular training system to make artisanal education easier and more affordable. Her experience in the construction and built environment industry has taught le Roux that education and skills development are the keys to success. It is her most sincere hope that through React Training College, tradesmen can mas-
ter their craft, get certified for their existing skills, learn their way to earning a better income and become the masters of their own success. Le Roux credits the success of React24 to transparency, credibility and integrity, but most of all her uniquely female empathic ability, which stems from her personal story. Originally from Retreat on the Cape Flats, le Roux’s father encouraged her from a young age to speak up for what she believed in with intent, yet without malice, according to her biography. Her father passed away at only 43, followed shortly by her mother. This left le Roux at 22 as the sole caretaker of her teenage brother, Lester. To support her brother, she worked two jobs almost round the clock until he found work in London. In the meantime she got married to her husband and became a mother with their son, Adam. When her brother moved back from London, le Roux insisted that he move back in with her family. At the extremely young age of 30, her brother died after suffering a severe stroke. Le Roux attributes this traumatic experience to having made her fearless, tenacious and resilient.
James Vos talks at Durbanville Business event Durbanville Business is presenting a networking event – its first since lockdown started in March – on Tuesday 20 October at Durbanville Hills with James Vos as guest speaker. Vos, MMC for economic opportunities, will talk about the topic “Cape Town is open for business”.
The event will start at 18:00 for 18:30. Entrance is R150 for members and R185 for guests. Dinner wil be served. The dress code is smart casual. There will be a cash bar. Seating is limited. V Book by 16 October at z19j53fe02xhk5f/ or by email to wandaconradie@gmailcom.
Celeste Margo le Roux “I am so extremely proud to be a part of these prestigious awards and the reality is that I could not achieve such success on my own,” says le Roux. “I would like to express how profoundly grateful I am to my amazing team at React24. Our success is because of their hard work, their daily excellence and their dedication to our purpose,” Le Roux says.
The mission of React24 to consistently develop people through education and further skills development was formalised with the launch of the React Training College on 22 September, according to a media release. The Standard Bank Top Woman Entrepreneur 2020 Award is the cherry on top of many awards received by le Roux this year. She was awarded Woman-owned Contractor of the Year and Woman Mentor of the Year in the Empowerment and Recognition of Women in Construction Awards by the Construction Industry Development Board. She has received the Western Cape Top Business Award and National Award for Top Business Performer in the Enterprise Development Programme, presented by Property Point. However, le Roux is not driven by accolades, status or style, but rather by finding a sustainable way to equip people with the skills they need to earn their way to a better life. She knows that by upskilling South Africans she is doing her part in tapping into the huge untouched potential of Africa’s artisan labour market. When she is not building a better South Africa one brick at a time, le Roux enjoys spending every second with her family – enjoying leisurely lunches, watching movies, and doing crafts with her son.
Granny almost around the world on foot ESMÉ ERASMUS An 81-year-old granny from Durbanville has walked almost three-quarters right around the world over the past 27 years. Olga Bloomfield from D’Urbanvale started to walk at the Run/Walk for Life Club Welgemoed 27 years ago and joined the Run/Walk for Life Club Durbanville in September 2000. She has walked a total of 29 300 km up to now – 10 times the distance from Cape Town to Pretoria and back. At first Bloomfield started to walk casually in the neighbourhood with a then neighbour in Welgemoed and after a while they decided to join the local Run/Walk for Life Club, where she also met her walking partner, Tineke Singels, with whom she is still walking today. They eventually became friends with others and named themselves the Walkie Talkies, “because they could talk non-stop while walking”, Bloomfield explains. Her walking friends had a trophy made for her titled “The Naughty Talkies” when she completed 28 000 km. “We started with about 7 km to 8 km; we used to do fast walking,” she says. Today she is walking between 11 and 12 km three times a week with Singels, especially after lockdown. “Now we walk at a much slower pace. We talk so much that before we realise it we have covered 11 or 12 km,” she says. “Just because you are old does not mean you can’t walk. You can walk as far or as little as you
like, as long as you walk,” she says. According to Bloomfield despite her years, she has not been ill in more than 27 years. “I am so healthy, I am worried I will never die,” she laughs. Even when she was diagnosed with colon cancer and had an operation about four years ago – the first robotic operation in the country – she recovers swiftly, she says. According to Bloomfield it was not all about the exercise, but she made a lot of friends over the years – “in fact most of the friends I have, I have met through Run/ Walk for Life”, she says. She is not the oldest at the club, of which the ages of members are between 31 and 85 years. The oldest members are Nelly-May Muller (81) and Lionel Thompson (85). Bloomfield plans to keep walking as long as she can. “I want to walk around the world,” she says. She also takes part actively in neighbourhood watch patrolling in D’Urbanvale for the past seven years already. “Everyone must do their bit,” she believes. She loves reading, especially thrillers and romance novels. Bloomfield is also a qualified ballet teacher, who has taught ballet in Durbanville for over 13 years. She has two daughters, Deidré Putter (49) and Gillian Kay (52), and two grandsons. V Walks are presented in groups on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 06:30, 07:00 and 07:45. For more information about Run/Walk for Life Durbanville and how to join, contact Guy Brown on 084 627 1097.
Olga Bloomfield (front, second from left) at Mugg and Bean after a walk last Friday with (from left) Marlene Russell (17 years), Tineke Singels (14 years) and Guy Brown, co-ordinator of Run/Walk for Life Durbanville. At the back are (from left) Nelly-May Muller (4 years), Richard Kessler (2 years), Sandy Elliott (8 years), Lionel Thompson (17 years), Joe Fernandes (20 years), Piet Baard (5 years) and Lucy Fernandes (20 years). PHOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
it is toe hy luister hoe joernaliste oor staatsveiligheid praat, dat hy vir die eerste keer regtig besef het hoe min mense weet oor dié aspek. En dat daar meer inligting daar buite moet wees. Fanie Cronje (63), van Sonstraalhoogte, het summier besluit om hierdie probleem op te los – met ’n roman. Dié boek Plundering Ontbloot – Operasie Bakarhu is onlangs deur Naledi-uitgewers bekendgestel. Cronje het ook die afgelope Saterdag boeke by die Willowbridge-sentrum vir aanhangers geteken. Dit is nie sy eerste kennismaking met die skryfproses nie. Inteendeel, hierdie is sy derde roman. Die eerste boek, Apartheid tot ’n reënboognasie het hy in 2016 self gepubliseer (“maar niemand het dit eintlik Fanie Cronje, skrywer gekoop nie”) en van Plundering Komplot tot staats- Ontbloot - Operasie kaping het in 2018 Bakarhu. aanlyn verskyn. Met sy jongste boek het hy egter met die hulp van Naledi-uitgewers sy skryfstyl aangepas om dit meer toeganklik te maak. Vir iemand wat lank intelligensieverslae geskryf het, was dit aanvanklik ’n groot aanpassing om dialoog in sy storie in te werk. Cronje het van 1981 tot 1994 as navorser vir die Nasionale Intelligensiediens gewerk onder dr. Niël Barnard, voormalige hoof van die intelligensiediens. Hy het op 37 in 1994 met ’n vervroegde pensioen afgetree en homself op ander besighede toegespits. In Plundering Ontbloot maak die leser kennis met ene Runa Terblanche, ’n voormalige agent van die Nasionale Intelligensiediens, en hoe hy sy kennis inspan om booswigte te jag. Hy sê die karakter is losweg op homself geskoei, maar ook glad nie. Hierdie is ook ’n verhaal wat heeltemal anders is as Deon Meyer en Rudie van Rensburg se krimiverhale wat Suid-Afrikaners verslind. Cronje sou hierdie eerder met spioenasiefiksie soos dié van John le Carré vergelyk. Daar is nie eintlik bestaande boeke in dié genre in Afrikaans nie, glo hy. Die belangrikste ding wat hy op ’n boeiende manier wou oordra, is dat “intelligensie harde werk is harde mense doen.” Daar is baie wanopvattings oor die magte wat die intelligensiedienslede het, wat hy hier probeer regstel. Hulle kan nie net summier iemand arresteer nie en dit is nie ’n beroep met baie glans nie. “Hulle ry nie glamorous Porches nie. Dit gaan net oor inligting. Hy wil die realiteit so getrou moontlik deurgee met fiksie tot sy beskikking. Cronje is ook deesdae ’n omroeper by die internetradiostasie NetRadio, waar hy nie minder as vier programme aanbied nie: Saai (oor landbou), ’n program vir Nalediuitgewers oor skrywers, ’n sakeprogram en ook ’n “pittige allegaartjie” met meer intellektuele satire. Hy is in 2015 met Roné getroud, nadat sy eerste vrou, Lynette, in 2013 aan kanker oorlede is. Sy kinders, Elmarie (39) en Duann (29), het ook drie sibbe ryker geword, met Marike (39), Léanel (35) en Corné (30) wat uit Roné se eerste huwelik gebore is. Hy het al klaar aan sy volgende boek, Dwaalspoor, begin skryf, en hoop dit gaan ook binnekort op die rakke wees. Hier kyk hy weer na staatskaping uit ’n ander oogpunt uit.
Sakka Stone en vriende vier 10 jaar.
Tien jaar gelede het Sakka Stone en Jannie Uys die eerste keer by Die Boer-teaterrestaurant in Durbanville opgetree om hul Koperkoors-album bekend te stel. Sedertdien het heelwat liedjies gevolg en het hulle ook die albums Eenkantland, Springbok vat my terug, Sopnatwinter en Fymis by dié teater bekend gestel. Op Saterdag 17 Oktober vier hulle 10 jaar van musiek maak by Die Boer saam met Marelize Zeeman op viool, Niel Roux op klavier en Brydon Bolton op basviool. Die vertoning begin om 20:30. V Kaartjies kos R150 en is beskikbaar by 021 979 1911 of aanlyn by
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 9
Sakka Stone, vriende vier 10 jaar by Die Boer
Skrywer ontbloot spioene se lewens
10 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Loop maar lig as baba naam moet kry! ’n Mens wonder soms of ouers hoegenaamd dink aan die implikasies van die name wat hulle hul kinders gee. Vat byvoorbeeld Jangotliebantonius, Beblasirena vir ’n meisie, Egipte Daoud Dean vir ’n seun, of Lubomir vir ’n seun óf ’n dogter. Die arme kinders gaan maar swaar dra aan daardie name, al het Willem Wikkelspies gesê “What’s in a name?” Jamie Oliver, bekende Britse kok, resepteboekskrywer en Londense restauranteienaar, het sy twee dogters onderskeidelik Poppy Honey Rosie en Petal Bloss Rainbow genoem. Want hy kán. Iets wat my nog altyd laat wonder het, is hoekom sou iemand hul seun Jan-Jan wou noem? Watter deel van J A N verstaan hulle nie sodat hulle dit moet herhaal in een naam? Wat dan van Piet-Piet of Bernard-Bernard? Dit sou tog skoon simpel wees, of hoe? In party kulture hier te lande word mense genoem na iets wat eie is aan hulle, soos Ogies “ ‘My van,’ seg vir iemand wat skeel is of Hoppie hy, ‘my van is vir iemand wat mank loop. ’n Mens Chiwawa. sou kon sê dis En ek spel onvleiend en jy het simpatie met hulle, hom só. Nie maar so weet almal Chihuahua soos onmiddellik van gepraat word. die woordeboek wie Doopname en byname verskil sê nie.’ ” (gelukkig) soms hemelsbreed. So is daar die byname Kortgat Koekemoer en Langeraat Louw, en op die dorp weet almal wie húlle is! En niemand weet eens wat hul regte name is nie. Só ook Vleis Visagie en Swepie Swanepoel. Raai-raai waar kom dáái name vandaan? In die laat jare negentig het ’n egpaar iewers in Afrika gemeen hulle is baie deftig en het toe hul pasgebore baba Oxford University Press genoem. I kid you not. Dit het later aanleiding gegee tot ’n hofsaak waarin beveel is dat die ouers ’n ander naam moes kies. Hopelik het hulle die baba toe nie Advanced Learner’s Dictionary genoem nie. Vanmelewe trek ons na ons nuwe huis op die platteland en besluit dis dalk ’n goeie idee om twee waghonde aan te skaf. Mure met hakiesdraad en elke meter ’n kamera was net nie ons styl nie. So sit ons af na die naaste SPCA-tak in die stad. Daar word ons ontvang deur Comfort wat ons na die hokke neem om twee honde uit te kies vir aanneming. Hy roep sy kollega, Innocent, nader om te help, want die twee Duitse herdershonde se energie ken geen perke nie. Hulle sleep ons aan hul halsbande na die grasperk, waar ons die een kwylsoen ná die ander kry. Twee pragtige diere. Opgewonde oor die vooruitsig van ’n nuwe huis en oorvloedige liefde. Nadat ons besluit het dís die twee wat by ons gesin gaan aansluit, is ons na die kantoor om die papierwerk te doen. Ons word voorgestel aan ene Patrick, wat na ons huis toe sal kom vir ’n inspeksie om seker te maak die erf is geskik vir die viervoetiges se behoeftes. Op die afgesproke dag kom Patrick toe in sy bakkie daar aangesuiker om ons werf te bekyk. En voor ons hom inlaat, vra ons sy van. “My van,” seg hy, “my van is Chiwawa. En ek spel hom só. Nie Chihuahua soos die woordeboek sê nie.” Toe mnr. Chiwawa sy draaie geloop en sy kyke gekyk het en in sy bakkie wegry, bars ons uit van die lag. Tot daai oomblik moes ons dit maar inhou, want sê nou hy het in sy eer gekrenk gevoel omdat ons sy van baie toepaslik, maar ook komies gevind het en ons afgekeur? En tóg – sê nou óns van was Windvogel, Volmoer of Fruttelpapi, of selfs Kwak, en mnr. Chiwawa het dít komies gevind, dan was dit ook maar oukei. It takes all types to make the world go around. – Werner van Tonder
Gold for a good cause: Table Mountain was lit in gold on Tuesday 6 October as part of an effort to raise awareness around childhood cancer. The event was organised by the Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa (Choc). PHOTO:SATISH CHAVDA
BRIEWE|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00
Bring back wildflowers It is with great interest that I read the article on long grass (“Long grass a pain”, TygerBurger 14 October). Personally, I am of the exact opposite opinion expressed by the advocates of the grass cutting regime. From a very young age, I have been passionate about gardening and a keen collector of plants. In all the years that I gardened, neatness was a buzzword, lawns were fed, cut and trimmed to within an inch of their lives and the flowerbeds were planned with meticulous attention to height, foliage texture and how they fitted into the colour wheel. My garden was my pride and joy and won the Durbanville garden competition several times. Although I still love the exotic plants and visit those beautiful English gardens whenever I have the opportunity to visit my children in the UK, my ideas for gardening in Cape Town have experienced no less than an explosive revolution. Three years of drought and dry boreholes had a lot to do with it! It was only with considerable resistance on my part and many heated arguments that my son, Mark, persuaded me to consider a different approach. As I started my research, I discovered that all over the world, designers are changing their ideas and currently they focus more and more on what environmentalists have been advocating for years. That is, “go wild and indigenous”. From the High Line in New York and the green belts of Vancouver, to the road verges in the UK, rewilding open areas is becoming the accepted norm. The more I read, the more I became inspired. Where better to try this idea than in my own garden! Every year we travel eagerly to see the spring flowers
along the West coast, all the way to Springbok. With some small effort on our part we could have those same views on our pavements and in our parks. Tourists from all over the world come to see our wild flowers, so why are we rooting them out and destroying them in our urban parks and green belts? How lucky are we to live in the Cape Floristic Region, a Unesco World Heritage site and one of the seven floral kingdoms of the world? Although it is the smallest site, it is the richest in species and the most diverse. There are over 9 000 species of plants around us, of which about 69% are endemic to the Cape and occur nowhere else in the world. Unfortunately 18% of the plants listed on the red data base of endangered species in South Africa occur only in Cape Town. This is an alarming fact that needs to be addressed. Should we leave it only to the authorities, or can each one of us do something about it in our own small way? Many endangered plant species have been saved from extinction by keen gardeners who were collectors of plants and have jealously cherished and guarded them in their small urban gardens. In the light of this dire situation, should we not advocate that our green spaces in the city are dedicated to provide a sanctuary for indigenous plants, so precious to our environment? We should encourage Council to take a hard look at how parks and green spaces can be managed to achieve the preservation of biodiversity in our green spaces, as well as using these same spaces for recreational use of the citizens of the city. It will certainly not be an easy task to convince citizens. If implemented, it will not please everybody either, but
is it not the right thing to do? At the moment Council manages an expensive, outsourced cutting programme to satisfy people’s desire for neatness and managing weeds – in some cases even making use of broad leaf weed killers. They work under huge public pressure and I am sure that decisions on this are made to accommodate those people who shout the loudest. I firmly believe that one should not criticize unless you have a workable and positive alternative suggestion. I think we should bite the bullet and make the change. I advocate that during the rainy season from April to the middle of November, only generous walking paths be cut in these green spaces, to enable dog walking and exercisers. The rest should be left wild. This will enable the seeds of wild flowers, bulbs and indigenous grasses to germinate, flower and set seeds for the following season. Within a year or two of doing this, we should see our parks slowly recovering and change into areas typical of the Cape floral paradise that sustains a diverse bird and insect life. During the dry summer period the areas can be cut, but to a height of no less than 20 cm, keeping the perennial plants alive. The cuttings should be left in situ to drop their precious seeds and act as a mulch to preserve moisture. The birds will be very happy about the feast, but nature is wonderful - enough of the seedbank will survive to bloom the next year. If cut before the seeds are set, the first thing that will disappear forever, are the indigenous bulbs. Those Cape Town citizens who care, should make their voices heard. Shall we take up the challenge and bring our wildflowers back into our urban green spaces? Ronelle Shuttleworth Durbanville
Belangrikheid van sportorganisasie Oorwinnings in rugbywedstryde, krieketwedstryde en inderdaad suksesvolle mededinging in enige sportsoort word nie noodwendig óp die sportveld bewerkstellig nie. Nee, dit is reeds op die oefenveld dat die aanvoorwerk vir die oorwinning gedoen word. Dit is in die beplanningskamer waar die besetting van die wennerspodium in die vooruitsig gestel word. Dit is in die raadskamer dat die strategieë met die oog op welslae beplan word. Maar o wee! As daar gekyk word na die pandemonium waarin byvoorbeeld Suid-Afrika se krieket op nasionale vlak tans verkeer, dan is dit maar goed dat daar nie op die oomblik sprake van internasionale mededinging vir die Proteas is nie. Sportgeesdriftiges sal ver moet gaan soek om ’n beter toonbeeld van onbeholpenheid, onbevoegdheid en selfs hopeloosheid te kry. Dag ná dag moet krieketgeesdriftiges kennis neem van onmin in die geledere van die land se voorste ampsdraers. Laasgenoemdes is in talle gevalle in daardie topposte nie soseer op grond van hul administratiewe bevoegdhede nie. Die gevolg is voortdurende afdankings, afleggings, bedankings en nie-openbaarmaking van verslae en ondersoeke. Ter illustrasie: Enkele maande gelede is ene dr. Eugenia Kula-Ameyaw uit die bloute as ’n raadslid by Krieket Suid-Afrika (KSA) betrek. Deur wie en op grond van watter bevoegdhede dit geskied het, is onduidelik. Want hierdie vrou was nog nooit naby ’n krieketveld nie, sy het geen benul van krieketadministrasie nie en sy het by geleentheid al selfs erken dat sy nie veel ooghare het vir die spel nie. SAREL BURGER E-pos
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
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12 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 13
14 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
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Western Cape is ‘cannabis hub’ ESMÉ ERASMUS
he rise of the cannabis industry, specifically in the Western Cape, is positioning the province as a cannabis hub, said Beverley Schäfer, deputy speaker of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament. She was the guest speaker at the opening of the CANNAFRICA CBD retail store at Willowbridge shopping centre last Wednesday evening. CANNAFRICA is the first CBD lifestyle brand on the JSE through its investment holding company, Labat Africa. “The Western Cape is the 12th largest economy on the continent and Cape Town has the 17th largest economy in Africa. When we talk about being a hub in Africa, we are basing it on this very data – where the Western Cape, and even Cape Town, really rank as significant players in Africa,” she said. “Over the past five years, the Western Cape has shown relatively strong performance in terms of average annual GDP growth, compared to other provinces and the national average. This is evidence of the economic resilience of the province,” Schäfer said.
“The role of agriculture in the Western Cape is pivotal to this industry. In 2018/2019 the Western Cape had the lowest rural unemployment rate in the country. Employment growth for agriculture saw an increase of 10.3% year-on-year. The rural unemployment rate saw a decline to 15.7% – a drop of 3.4% quarter-on-quarter,” she said. “The Western Cape exports half of South Africa’s agricultural products and 40% of South Africa’s agri-processed products (food and beverages). “More than a million bottles of South African wine are sold per day globally – coming almost exclusively from the Western Cape,” she said. Schäfer said she believes this is an incredibly conductive environment from which to develop the field of medicinal cannabis. “But we certainly also look forward to the opportunities that industrial hemp can bring. Our strong agro-processing and manufacturing capabilities will make the Western Cape a natural home for the manufacturing of hemp products once hemp gets going,” she said.
Justin Beck offers CBD infused pea and parmesan arancini to his cousin Janeke Beck (middle) and aunt Tania Beck from Stellenberg. PHOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS
Tournament sparks learner interest in coding More than 400 learners from over 80 schools and NGOs across the country participated in a virtual coding tournament, held from 19 to 26 September. The tournament used gamification to introduce them to basic coding concepts and social issues such as ocean conservation. Prof Jean Greyling, associate professor in computing sciences at Nelson Mandela University, said the Boats tournament was a partnership between the university’s department of computing science, legal technology company LexisNexis South Africa and the non-profitable organisation Leva Foundation, which empowers previously disadvantaged youth by providing employable skills development. Boats is an educational coding app developed by a team from the Nelson Mandela University. “During the tournament, learners logged in from home to access the Boats
Android mobile coding app. They were taken through multiple choice questions that educated them about marine pollution and South Africa’s cultural heritage,” Greyling says. In addition to other incentives such as data and cash prizes, 24 schools each received a Tanks school kit, sponsored by LexisNexis. These kits introduce learners to coding concepts with the use of tangible tokens and image recognition, eliminating the need for a computer, Greyling explains. Most of the schools will receive training early next year to roll out their own coding clubs at their schools. Greyling says this was the third such tournament. “We had a big number of learners who participated enthusiastically and we received positive feedback from teachers who said the learners really enjoyed doing something exciting in a year where they have had limited extra-curricular activities,” he says. The tournament also provided the top participating schools and nongovernmental organisations with a R4 000 voucher to purchase shoes for needy children through the #ShoesForChildren project.
Anke Hinze of Gene Louw Primary School in Durbanville took part in the competition.
With their dad, Romeo Maasdorp, are Lameez (left) and Raisa with CBD infused drinks. They are from Belhar. “The export team at Wesgro is currently using its global network to engage with key international markets. The team is already promoting South African and Western Cape cannabis, and developing export facilitation expertise in this complex area of international trade,” she said. However, if the cannabis economy is to support economic recovery in this country, there is more work to be done. “We need to address the grey areas and we need to move forward with commercial hemp. We need to provide the legal certainty that investors need, as within any sector of the economy. We need the national industrial strategy for cannabis to move forward and will have to see what the final version of the Cannabis for Private Purposes Act looks like,” she said. Schäfer said, “If we are looking to cannabis to support economic recovery, we need to ensure that we are talking about inclusive economic recovery”. “We need to make this industry work for as many South Africans as possible. There is a big danger of big pharmaceutical and established international multinationals co-
ming in and leaving little space for locals. We need to strike a balance. There are currently also very high barriers to entry in the medicinal cannabis area created by the high cost of obtaining a licence,” she said. According to Schäfer, outsourced or contract cultivation models would need to be explored and approved by the regulator to ensure small farmer inclusion. “If small-scale growers could be accommodated under the private use allowance there could be a workable solution. There is a wealth of knowledge from generations of growing African landraces – this should be protected and incorporated.” Schäfer said she believes the Western Cape has a role to play in driving the South African cannabis economy, “but by no means is this a Western Cape only story”. “This is a story in which many regions in South Africa, and even Southern Africa, are able to play to their strengths. Together we can be a powerhouse. “So my request here today is let’s do this right. Let’s spread the opportunity and build a SA Can cannabis powerhouse industry here,” she said.
Get your will in order More than 75% of South Africans die without a valid will which can have devastating consequences for their families and dependants. To combat this, the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) promotes National Wills week annually during which participating attorneys offer the service to draft a basic will for free. Wills week is normally in September but due to the lockdown it will be from Monday 26 tot Friday 30 October this year. Alex Simeonides, founder of Capital Legacy financial services, says according to a recent survey they conducted most respondents said they just haven’t got around to getting their will in order. The struggle of families having to deal with the loss of a loved one is infinitely more difficult when the person’s affairs are not in order, he says. Simeonides says the top five consequences
of dying without a will are: . You forfeit the opportunity to decide who inherits what and your estate is distributed according to South African law. . Your partner may be left with nothing if you are not married, or your will is not updated from a previous marriage. . Your children’s inheritance could pass to the government guardian’s fund or appointed guardian rather than to a trust that will ensure your wishes for them are carried out. . Family feuds often occur when family members argue over the distribution of your estate if your final wishes are not clearly documented in a will. . Winding up your estate can take years – without a will appointing a professional executor, the government is essentially in control of the process. V Visit for more information.
Trauma training offered to parents Training to be a competent caregiver is being presented from 12 to 14 November at the Santyger Building in Tyger Valley to parents and caregivers in general. “Although we focus on trauma and how it affects children and their brains, this course is not only for parents with children from difficult backgrounds, but for parents of all children,” says Mark Wilkinson, co-founder of Pumpkin Ministries, who will be presenting the course with his wife, Louise, supported by Back2Back Ministries USA. Both are affiliate trainers in trauma competent care, while Louise is also a trust-based relational practitioner of The Christian University of Texas. “There is such a need for parents to understand how trauma has affected them and their kids, even through this time of Covid-19 lockdown, but there are also thousands of children in the social system, who are so traumatised and then placed into homes or youth centres, where parents or caregivers are not equipped and have little understand-
ing of the effects of trauma. They need tools and be equipped to parent differently with that in mind,” he says. “This training assists parents to connect with their children and help them. “Parents will understand the effects of trauma on children and will be given handson tools to handle and work through issues,” he says. The three-day training will equip parents, teachers, child ministry workers and healthcare practitioners to be trauma competent and informed, and better understand the impact of trauma on children. They will learn the meaning behind bad behaviour and know how to apply practical tools to parent, teach or treat such children. The training is presented daily from 09:00 to 17:00 at 102 Santyger Building, Willie van Schoor Avenue, Bo-Oakdale, Tyger Valley. Lunch and all materials will be provided. The cost of training is R2 000 per person. V Email Louis Wilkinson on with enquiries or to book.
16 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Mental health signs and support M
ental health disorders affect people from all walks of life. If you are concerned about a loved one who may be struggling with their mental health and in need of support, you are not alone. While you may feel helpless or concerned, there are many ways to support a loved one’s recovery. Professor Liezl Koen, psychiatrist and head of the clinical team at Stikland Hospital, says it is important to educate yourself about an illness and the resources available to help a loved one. “Acknowledge their distress or suffering, even if you don’t completely understand it. Work with the treatment team and not against them, rather support them as they have your loved one’s best interest at heart, even when they sometimes don’t agree with you. “Avoid being emotionally overinvolved or having unrealistic expectations, but don’t be afraid of setting appropriate limits and enforcing them for the good of the family or group,’’ says Koen. The signs that someone needs mental health support might differ from person to person, but Koen says there are indicators to look out for. “Changes in mental functioning affect
thinking, behaviour and emotions. Be alert psychologist may be most appropriate for for anything that is different from the usual: some. excessive worries and fears, dramatic The four specialised referral psychiatric changes in eating and sleeping, unusual be- hospitals in the city are Stikland, Valkenhaviour, increased sadness berg, Lentegeur and Alexanor irritability, inability to dra. There are also mental respond to positive input, health nurses based at varisocial withdrawal, underous primary healthcare faciliperformance, decrease in ties. Patients needing further self-care or loss of hope. mental health care will be reDon’t be afraid to ask if you ferred to one of these specialare concerned.” ised hospitals by their primaIf there is concern that ry healthcare team. someone may be suffering Lifestyle changes can imfrom a mental illness Koen prove general wellbeing. advises to see a health proKoen says poor mental health fessional at the nearest day directly impacts physical hospital or general pracwellness. One example she tice. says is depression which can “You will first be Professor Liezl Koen, psychiacause chronic tiredness, sleep screened to ensure that you trist and head of the clinical problems and increased sendo not have an untreated team at Stikland Hospital. sitivity to aches and pains due medical illness that mimics to abnormal neurotransmitpsychiatric symptoms. From there you will ter function in the brain. “Neglecting the inthen be referred to a service that best suits teraction between mental, physical and soyour needs.” cial well-being not only affects your ability Koen says not all mental symptoms need to make healthy decisions, but it can also diintervention from a medical doctor or psy- rectly lead to complications such as high chiatrist, and a social worker, counsellor or blood pressure, being overweight or having
a weak response to fighting infection.” Koen advises you can help your loved one by ensuring they: . Get regular exercise: “Exercise can release feel-good brain chemicals. Choose a programme or form of exercise that works for you and stick to it.” . Maintain a healthy diet: “Always include fruits, vegetables and fish or good fats in your diet, such as nuts, if possible.” . Get enough sleep: “Not getting enough sleep can impact your mental well-being.” . Use treatment if needed: “It’s important that you remain adherent to the treatment programme you and your healthcare provider have decided on.” . Embrace support: “Enhance your social support and don’t be afraid to reach out to family and friends for support.” Koen says it is also critical to avoid using substances to self-medicate symptoms, as it can lead to symptoms worsening or the development of new symptoms. V To find support groups or additional services close to you call the Mental Health Information Centre on 021 938 9229. National helplines: Call Lifeline on 086 132 2322, the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 and the South African Depression and Anxiety Group on 011 234 4837.
FAW desperate for foster ‘parents’
Alan Committie, John Maytham and Louis Viljoen. PHOTO: MARK WESSELS
Fisantekraal Animal Welfare is urgently looking for homes, foster or permanent, for six dogs. “We do not have any kennels and most of our animals are kept in foster homes, except for six dogs, which are still at a shelter and looking for foster families,” Jenni Davies, spokesperson of FAW, says. “Of course we need money – animal shelters are always in desperate need of funds, but sometimes a much more valuable resource than money is a team of ‘reliable volunteers’,” she says. “The beauty of adopting an animal from a foster home is that our animals are ‘test driven’ for a while. “If necessary, FAW can call upon its own animal behaviourist to iron out any issues that may have come to light, like assisting with house training or basic obedience,” she says. “We don’t have kennels, so we don’t have an array of cages for you to walk through. Nor do we have ‘petting’ or ‘walkie’ days for volunteers to attend,” she says. “What we do have, is an amazing team of foster families who have stood up when it
mattered and opened their hearts and homes to a fur baby. We are always looking for more foster families, as it really is an invaluable resource for us,” she says. Foster families need to be as committed to finding a permanent home for the animals as much as FAW does. “Engaging photos, and regular feedback all assist us with social media advertising. We are extremely careful about who we ultimately allow to adopt our animals, because they deserve the best that life can offer and because we want them to fit in with your home, we always carry out home checks on potential foster and forever homes,” she says. “Although it may sound strange to pay R600 for a ‘homeless’ dog, you’re actually getting a lot for your money. Aside from having a wonderful furry friend, your dog is sterilised, fully vaccinated and dewormed up to date of adoption, microchipped and checked by a veterinarian,” she says. V Anyone who wants to be a foster family, must contact FAW on WhatsApp 078 892 7892 or
Marley, a five-year-old male mixed-breed dog, is active, playful and loves hiking. He is currently in foster care, and is being trained. He gets on with most other dogs and will be fine with children over eight years due to his boisterous nature, but doesn’t like cats.
Jimmy, a five-year-old, has a gentle, obedient nature and a yearning to please his humans. He loves people of all ages and likes other dogs. He grew up around children and is a lovely low-maintenance dog, which doesn’t need loads of exercise or grooming – just love and comfort.
Baxter opens with première The first live stage performance at the Baxter Theatre in Level 1 of lockdown is the world première of The Outlaw Muckridge with a run of two weeks from Tuesday 13 until Saturday 24 October. Renowned radio broadcaster and actor John Maytham teams up with director Alan Committie and writer Louis Viljoen in a story ‘‘inspired by the lockdown, but not about the lockdown’’. Viljoen says, “Instead of using the pandemic as a plot point, we decided that the emotional cost of isolation and loneliness would drive the story and from there the play was born. My promise to John was to bring him madness and horror; the humour and pathos were natural side-effects of that promise.” The story deals with a lonely, damaged man who has been taking care of his ailing mother for most of his life. In between bouts of depression and flashbacks to a life filled with emotional abuse and failures, he wishes himself to be a vengeful cowboy out to right the wrongs of the world. What or who he is avenging is not clear, but during one long night of the soul, the man realises that his greatest villain might be himself. “I am delighted to be back in another solo performance in this mad Covid world,” says Maytham, who left full-time
acting in 1990 for a career in radio journalism. Director Alan Committie says he is thrilled to be working with two good friends ‘‘who also happen to be wonderfully brilliant in their respective fields. I remember seeing John being brilliant in the David Hare solo show Via Dolorosa many years ago and to now have an opportunity to work with him on this marvellously dark and thought-provoking text is both challenging and exhilarating.’’ Viljoen is known for his sharp and stinging work. This is his first new play following the success of The Hucksters which was staged in January. All performances will be limited to fifty percent capacity, with Covid-19 protocols in place. These include the availability of hand sanitisers, tracking and tracing recorded, wearing of masks and physical distancing. Patrons and audience members are advised to arrive at least an hour before the start of the performance to avoid delays. The performance runs at just under an hour, with no interval and has an age restriction of 18 years. Shows start at 19:00 at the Baxter Golden Arrow Studio. V Tickets cost R100 to R120. Available online at or call 086 111 0005.
Public encouraged to enter talent search The public is invited to enter the Fight to Fame Talent Search presented by Bricks TV. The closing date for entries is 15 November 2020. The show is hosted by Edgemead resident and programme manager of Bricks TV, Steven Taylor.
“We are looking for a TV presenter, DJs and musicians to submit their entries. We have so much great talent in South Africa and we want to give them a platform,” Taylor says. V Those interested can WhatsApp the word “Entries” and their name and province to 067 996 2886.
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 17
18 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
R 1,945,000 (NO TRANSFER COSTS).
Rowan | 082 581 3116
Modern three bedroom, two bathroom single and double garage homes in 24hr manned security estate.
Marie | 076 737 0292 Garth | 084 400 4757 Jason | 082 619 4464 Wian
TEL: (021) 943 5111
021 981 1307
26 John Gainsford St, Springbokpark
| 084 548 6872
@AlexanderSwartPropertyGroup @alexanderswart_propertygroup
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 19
PEARLY BEACH - GAANSBAAI | R 4,375,000 | WEB REF RL1188 MONTE VISTA | R 2,349,000 | WEB REF RL1609 Beautiful dwelling space for the family. Spring is in the air. “ Far from the Madding Crowd " Large living space, Close to nature.
Beautiful dwelling space for the family. This house is situated close to the Kuilsriver golf club and the Bottelary hills area.
This house is situated close to the Kuilsriver golf club and the Bottelary hills area.
NORTHPINE | R 1,599,000 | WEB REF RL1616
When opportunity knocks. Excellent buy for a family looking for a secure home.
Ideal for the young professional. ROWAN
082 581 3116
PROTEA HEIGHTS | R 1,245,000 | WEB REF RL1597 Secure dwelling space inside a secure complex. Awesome two bedroom gem, in sought after security complex.
HAGLEY - KUILSRIVER | R 1,199,000 | WEB REF RL1601
BELLVILLE | R 1,165,000 | WEB REF RL1554
Modern Apartment.
BELLVILLE | R 1,099,000 | WEB REF RL1578
Calling all first time buyers and or families with kids. Nestled inside the ever popular Summerville Walled Complex.
Newly built apartment block situated close to all the amenities.
Ideally located in Oak Glen , close to all amenities.
Prime investment opportunity for first time home buyers.
FERNDALE | R 775,000 | WEB REF RL1591
BRACKENFELL | R 699,000 | WEB REF RL1579
Why pay rent when you can pay less on your own bond?
Two bedroom apartment.
This well maintained and neat complex with low levies.
Excellent priced well looked after apartment in a secure complex.
PAROW | R 450,000 | WEB REF RL1580 Calling all investors - Excellent rental income from reliable tenants.
Well priced and excellent maintained three bedroom home.
Spacious one bedroom apartment with wooden floors. Neat and well maintained.
MON - FRI 10:00 - 14:00
R 1,878,000
Rowan | 082 581 3116
TEL: (021) 943 5111
021 981 1307
Jason | 082 619 4464
26 John Gainsford St, Springbokpark
SATURDAY 09:00 - 13:00 SUNDAY 14:00 - 17:00
@AlexanderSwartPropertyGroup @alexanderswart_propertygroup
20 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Next phase of Le Parc estate released L
e Parc residential estate in Paarl has already set the benchmark for fine family living and is now moving into its fourth phase, which was recently released to market. This lifestyle development reinforces its sense of charm. The first three phases are 92% sold out. The next phase at Le Parc residential estate in Paarl reinforces its sense of charm while the first two are already complete and the third under construction. Close to 150 residents have already made this impressive estate their home and according to development specialist Martin van Rooyen purchasers who have bought in Le Parc to date predominantly represent localised family buyers, those seeking to semigra-
te from Gauteng to the Cape and investors who recognise the underlying value of gated estates and acquiring buy-to-let properties. Situated on the cusp of the famous winelands town, Le Parc offers exceptional family living and the ultimate park-like environment. Featuring a subtle French flair both in the name and design, the estate includes a breath-taking central parkland dubbed Le Grande Park as well as smaller pockets of green space to reflect a rural lifestyle. The first phase of Le Grande Park is currently under construction and set for completion by March 2021. The round-the-clock manned and monitored security, a planned on-site crèche and nursery school, 4km running and cycling
Rusgenot Tiled living area, view of D/ville Racecourse, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms – first floor, opposite lift in up-market complex R1 650 000 Web no 889
ly, there are no residential estates in the greater Paarl region with similar features and benefits in this price bracket,” he adds. Upon completion, the estate will consist of about 500 residential properties, which include 2, 3 and 4-bedroomed single, freestanding homes and sectional title opportunities. Each home is well-appointed and practical and includes modern appliances such as large freestanding ovens by Smeg, engineered stone countertops, vinyl flooring, beautiful bathrooms with large format tiles and Hansgrohe sanitary ware. VFor more information, call the sales team on 021 205 0800, email or visit For a virtual tour of the showhouse visit
083 66 77 330
Esmé Hancke
Othello Brackenfell North facing, 1st floor apartment, living area, open plan kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom automated garage R1 590 000 Web no 899
route, orchards and vineyards further emphasise an unparalleled country lifestyle. The estate has a sterling combination of contemporary turnkey homes, innovative architecture by Malherbe Rust Architects and indigenous landscaping inspired by the surrounding Drakenstein Mountains. A selection of French-inspired home designs is available, accessibly priced from R2.195m to R3.395m with no transfer duties being payable. Van Rooyen says the popularity of Le Parc residential estate can be attributed to it catering for families seeking to live in a secure environment with a range of distinct lifestyle aspects. “Current buyers want a high degree of luxury in their homes as standard and current-
Vredekloof Heights
Rusgenot Legato – Sonstraal East R1 350 000 R1 690 000 Web no 903 R1 995 000 Web no 900
1st floor unit – no neighbours on either side - Tiled living area, open plan kitchen with granite tops, 2 bed-, 2 bathrooms – beautiful views of Durbanville Racecourse
Eiendom – ons passie
Esmé Hancke
Web no 904 R1 499 000
Cottage in tranquil North facing – Lounge, surroundings – Living dining- & sunroom with area with laminated sliding doors to garden, flooring, sliding door to open plan kitchen, large under cover braai stoep, bedroom, bathroom tiled open plan kitchen, automated garage with 2 bedrooms, full waterpoint, build-in cup- bathroom - automated boards - direct access garage - direct access Imihlaba nezakhiwo - luthando kuthi
Web no 901 R3 490 000
Web no 905
Duplex in small, gated Family home with lush complex garden – lots of space Spacious tiled living 4 spacious living areas, areas, undercover patio, open plan kitchen, 4 open plan kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bedrooms, main with home office – outside en-suite bathroom, full door, separate guest family bathroom toilet - double garage & garage - direct access carport – 2 001m² erf Property – our passion X1WCJ0RD-AL141020
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Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 21
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Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
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TygerBurger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired effect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. TygerBurger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised.
TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie.
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Applicants must please submit a le er of applica on as well as an up-to-date CV, indica ng the posi on they are interested in, to Mrs. Theresa Roux, Chief Administrator Payroll & HR either by fax at 086 565 7680 or by e-mail at before the closing date. If you are not contacted within two weeks a er the closing date, please consider your applica on as unsuccessful. Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 082 558 4836 /021 987 2277
Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 23
Dance crews ready to battle Rugby ‘gees’ well and truly back O Woensdag, 14 Oktober 2020
Reigning champs Revolution Crew from Tafelsig will defend their title at this year’s event.
TYGERBURGER Bellville 19
affordable for many people. We started the NPO to create opportunities for young people to develop their creative skills, as well as their confidence to pursue their dream.” The NPO is based in Kuils River but runs programmes in Athlone, Wynberg, Bellville and Sarepta. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions on gatherings, no spectators will be allowed. The event will however be live streamed. Tickets cost R50 and are available via Quicket. “We are currently preparing for our showcase event which will take place in February 2021. The event will consist of two drama productions, namely, Colour Burst and Against the odds. The showcase event consists of singing, dancing and acting, and is a presentation of the work that Project 021 has been doing with our young people, before and during lockdown,” says Cornelson. V For more information on the NPO, visit, email, follow their Facebook page Project021, or Instagram page Project021_cpt.
n Saturday 24 October, 250 local dancers will vie for the crown of Cape Town’s best community dance crew, in the annual 021BDC dance competition. It is hosted by non-profit organisation the resumption of professi- the next match being the Stormers rugby and the health and safety Projects 021. andeighth semi-professional versus Thisonal is their annual event and the the Lions on Saturday 17 protocols going forward. These sesto gather pace, aduos, October. sions are designed to have engagecrews continues have registered six junior six few notable individuals Wesjunior crews, 15 seniorfrom duos, eight “We’re teen happy to note the number ments between all stakeholders,” tern Province’s club rugby of players and management from says Jones. crews and six mega crews structufrom Steenberg, res will be involved in this wee- Athlone, our WP Club Rugby structures. WP Rugby coaching education Lavender Hill, Mitchell’s Plain, kend’s action at Newlands. to the management team this manager, Nazeem Adams, also anBrackenfell, Kuils River, Eerste River,New Kraa“The and rugby ‘gees’ is certainly year is forwards coach Rito Hlong- nounced the dates for the prospecifontein Atlantis. back Western Province, while Sinton wane who has not only played for tive coaching courses, starting on Theyinwill compete at the Alexander the Stormers got their Super Rug- Western Province but also coached Friday 6 November at Newlands High School Hall in Crawford. by campaign off tofounded a good start with Cornelat clubs such as Primrose and Vil- for clubs and schools coaches. Project 021 was by David their win over the Lions and the lagers while Labeeb Levy has been Courses include Fifteens level 1 son in 2013 and uses the disciplines and prin- hosting various performance events since they can reach the heights which their WP u.21 side got their campaign instrumental in club rugby over and 2, Sevens Level 1 and Strength ciples of performing arts to develop young 2013,” says Cornelson. dreams draw them to. started last weekend,” says Wes- many years including SK Walmers and Conditioning Level 1 and 2. people (“Contest makes a return”, People’s “At Project 021, we believe that a purpose “Many creatively talented young people tern Province manager for ama- and Collegians,” says Jones. Coaching applicants must be Post, 15 September). is bestowed on every individual who is desdo not have access teur rugby, Danny Jones. In addition to this, the WP Rugby over 18 and have completed the to programmes which can “As a means to to showcase amazing crea specific direction and, assist them to develop and refine their skills In addition the rugbythe action, u.21 side tined whichfor took on their positive Blue World Rugby online passport and ative abilities of young people, we have been with the necessary opportunities created, and such programmes that do exist are not Jones says they have also been ve- Bulls counterparts featured 10 club have completed the online tests ry busy preparing Newlands stadi- rugby players in the opening which include Rugby Ready, Laws um for the string of matches to be match of the SA Rugby u.21 tourna- of the game, First Aid in rugby and played there over the next few ment. “Our players are ecstatic to concussion general. Prospective months, which has taken on a new be in the tournament as for many coaches are also required to commeaning with Covid regulations to this is their final season u.21.” plete the online Covid-19 certificabe adhered to. After a bye, the u.21s ran out te before attending the course. “Over the past few months, against the Sharks on Monday 12 “We’ve now moved into the seWhile the timemanaged to think our about sharing your ations to call trained to saDuringmarkelate November and December the tunity to escape. we’ve carefully playOctober, with is further fixturesprofessionals cond module of our media, ersgardens to makewith sure snakes of their again safety as andtemperatuagainst Free State (Friday Octo- ting and sponsorship with fely remove the 16 snake. teamcourse at Cape Peninsula Snake Catch and “The general rule is that all snakes are compliance as perup, thethere return to ber) and Lions (Tuesday several attendees Super Leares are warming are many things While waiting20forOctoa snake catcher, Cape from Rescue Volunteers can expect to be called harmless if given the necessary respect play guidelines and of late we’re al- ber), withPeninsula the semi-finals fi-andgue A and B in to attendance last incidents between six and and space,” he adds. one need to consider. Snake and Catch Rescue Volunsnake-related so tasked preparing stadi- nals slatedteers’ to take place on Sunday week. This week eight we again work Manywith harmless andthe venomous snakes coordinator Shaun MacLeod warns times. Although it looks sluggish and travels um. Thistheir includes venue sanitisatiandone Friday 30 not October with Super League CSome and the make appearance this time 25 of October the that should lose eyesight of the critof City the most common venomous slowly, the puff adder is arguably the fasonyear and screening attendees for respectively. Themesecond module takes from urban properties test striking snake on earth and MacLeod due to thethe change of seasons. ter and keep a distance of League. about three snakes relocated eachWhile These attendees are li-in the“Newlands andadder, the boomslang as well as the warns people not to underestimate the might find yourself com- tres.last week saw the a look at content marketing are the puff mited to players, management and start of our regional forum meebest media platforms to use at your Selfverdedigingsoggend saam met Francois dufrom Plessis: pany of this potentially rather deadly unin“If you see a snake in your house or gar- Cape cobra. speed of a defensive bite one. media,” adds Jones. to inform assess to thekillclub making sure thatwill youavoidFrancois Plessis and Selfverdediging op Maandag 28call September ’nLeod vited guest, you might be thinking tings of ways den, do and not attempt it orwhile interfere, “Snakes humandu conflict V For morehet information, please Shaun Mac The recent hosting of the Green needs of clubs and plot the way forunderstand your target market. selfverdedigingswerksessie aangebied saam met Monique van Tonder, to get rid of it without being attacked. but get in the experts to safely capture and confrontation whenever possible and only on 082 532 5033 or email macadderbite@yavs Gold match which saw atonumward. Although weitawait further These componentsdefend are particularly Ms Unseen SA- finalis. doel was om meer bewustheid te kweek van The first and best thing do in such siturelocate instead,” MacLeod says. themselves if given no other ber of Springboks in action, paved announcements from government important for any club to gain geweld teen vroue. Almal het die sessie baie insiggewend en leersaam the way for future events at the sta- and SA Rugby we continue to look membership and secure sponsorsgevind. Bo is Francois du Plessis, Monique van Tonder en Louie Schultz. dium during the pandemic, with at the impact of Covid-19 on club hip.”
What to do if there’s a snake on your property this summer
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Karting showdown T
he Rotax Max South African Challenge national karting championship will come to a thrilling head at the Killarney Kart Track on Saturday 17 October. Three drivers have already been crowned, but the other four classes will all race for national championship glory, as well as the honour of representing South Africa in January’s Rotax Max World Grand finals in Portugal. Local lad Sebastian Boyd leads a supertight three-way premier class direct drive gearbox DD2 title dice to Killarney. KwaZulu-Natal driver Robert Whiting and multiple DD2 champion Bradley Liebenberg from Gauteng are right in there too. Behind them, Jamie Smith, Nicolas Spanoyannis and Niko Zafiris are within striking distance. And they have Jason Coetzee, Divan Braak and a wildcard or two in close attendance too. Pretoria man Nicholas Verheul is already the 2020 o.30 SA Rotax DD2 Masters champion and Jonathan Pieterse has secured second there. But Eugene Brittz in third has Alistair Mingay, Tinahe Ncube, Marouan Selmi,
Pascal Acquaah and Eric Marzoppi on his case. That should still deliver an interesting race as the others have a score to settle with Verheul. Open-age chain-drive Senior Max is however wide open. Cape locals Tate Bishop and SA champion Charl Visser are separated by two points. Don’t ignore Jozi kid Aqil Alibhai here – he does not drop points in the Cape after only stepping up from Junior after round 1. Jozi kid Muhammad Wally is already the 2020 South African high school u.15 Junior Max champion, following a faultless eightwin rout in the opening rounds. Each SA National Rotax Max Challenge class will race four heats at Killarney on Saturday. It’s a big weekend – not only will the 2020 champions be crowned, but each earns a ticket to represent South Africa at the Rotax Max World Finals in Portugal in January. No spectators will be allowed at Killarney, but the races will be live streamed. V Log on to for the feed all day Saturday 17 October.
Rugby ‘gees’ well and truly back
Selfverdedigingsoggend saam met Francois du Plessis: Francois du Plessis Selfverdediging het op Maandag 28 September ’n selfverdedigingswerksessie aangebied saam met Monique van Tonder, Ms Unseen SA-finalis. Die doel was om meer bewustheid te kweek van geweld teen vroue. Almal het die sessie baie insiggewend en leersaam gevind. Bo is Francois du Plessis, Monique van Tonder en Louie Schultz.
As the resumption of professional and semi-professional continues to gather pace, a few notable individuals from Western Province’s club rugby structures will be involved in this weekend’s action at Newlands. “The rugby ‘gees’ is certainly back in Western Province, while the Stormers got their Super Rugby campaign off to a good start with their win over the Lions and the WP u.21 side got their campaign started last weekend,” says Western Province manager for amateur rugby, Danny Jones. In addition to the rugby action, Jones says they have also been very busy preparing Newlands stadium for the string of matches to be played there over the next few months, which has taken on a new meaning with Covid regulations to be adhered to. “Over the past few months, we’ve carefully managed our players to make sure of their safety and compliance as per the return to play guidelines and of late we’re also tasked with preparing the stadium. This includes venue sanitisation and screening the attendees for each event. These attendees are limited to players, management and media,” adds Jones. The recent hosting of the Green vs Gold match which saw a number of Springboks in action, paved the way for future events at the stadium during the pandemic, with the next match being the Stormers versus the Lions on Saturday 17 October. “We’re happy to note the number of players and management from our WP Club Rugby structures. New to the management team this year is forwards coach Rito Hlongwane who has not only played for Western Province but also coached at clubs such as Primrose and Villagers while Labeeb Levy has been instrumental in club rugby over many years inclu-
ding SK Walmers and Collegians,” says Jones. In addition to this, the WP Rugby u.21 side which took on their Blue Bulls counterparts featured 10 club rugby players in the opening match of the SA Rugby u.21 tournament. “Our players are ecstatic to be in the tournament as for many this is their final season u.21.” After a bye, the u.21s ran out against the Sharks on Monday 12 October, with further fixtures against Free State (Friday 16 October) and Lions (Tuesday 20 October), with the semi-finals and finals slated to take place on Sunday 25 October and Friday 30 October respectively. “Newlands last week saw the start of our regional forum meetings to inform and assess the needs of clubs and plot the way forward. Although we await further announcements from government and SA Rugby we continue to look at the impact of Covid-19 on club rugby and the health and safety protocols going forward. “These sessions are designed to have engagements between all stakeholders,” says Jones. WP Rugby coaching education manager, Nazeem Adams, also announced the dates for the prospective coaching courses, starting on Friday 6 November at Newlands for clubs and schools coaches. Courses include Fifteens level 1 and 2, Sevens Level 1 and Strength and Conditioning Level 1 and 2. Coaching applicants must be over 18 and have completed the World Rugby online passport and have completed the online tests which include Rugby Ready, Laws of the game, First Aid in rugby and concussion general. Prospective coaches are also required to complete the online Covid-19 certificate before attending the course.