Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
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No shifts, no tips
Sean Barrington, head chef of Cassia Restaurant, and Johannes Shilumbu were among the protesters who stood along Tygerberg Valley Road in front of Nitida Wines last Wednesday in support of the restaurant industry. See page 9 for more photographs. PHOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS
MES sprei sy vlerke ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme
ie knaende probleem met straatmense in Durbanville is ’n bron van groot irritasie én kommer vir inwoners, veral nou tydens die Covid-19-pandemie. Weldoeners het die probleem vererger met die uitdeel van tente, wat straatmense orals in die dorp opgeslaan en daarin nes geskop het. Daar is egter ’n silwer randjie om dié don-
ker wolk nadat Mould Empower Serve (MES), ’n nie-regeringsorganisasie wat met straatmense werk, die groen lig by Stad Kaapstad gekry het om sy werksaamhede vanaf 12 September permanent vanuit die Rosehaven-gebou in Queenstraat te bedryf. Die gebou, wat aan die Stad behoort, is die afgelope sowat 37 jaar lank deur die Durbanville Lions-klub gebruik. Dié klub se wind is uit sy seile nadat hy sowat ’n maand gelede deur die Stad ingelig is sy huurooreenkoms gaan nie hernu word nie en hy moet die ge-
bou teen 11 September ontruim. Buiten die klub se legendariese bingo-aande vir bejaardes wat daar aangebied is, het talle ander organisasies, onder meer die Tygerberg-Hospies, ook dié gebou benut vir sy byeenkomste en dienste aan bejaardes, wat stapafstand in nabygeleë komplekse woon. Theresa Uys, raadslid vir wyk 112, het aan TygerBurger gesê daar word gesoek na ’n nuwe gebou waar die Durbanville Lionsklub sy dienste kan voortsit. MES is nie nuut in Durbanville nie, maar
Tr a d i n g Ho u rs : M o n d a y t o F r i d a y : 9 : 0 0 a m u n t i l 6: 0 0 p m S a t ur d ay 9 : 0 0 am u n t il 2 :0 0p m Su n d ay a n d P u b l i c H o l id a ys ( O p ti o n a l Tr ad i n g )
het al in 2014 begin om met plaaslike organisasies te praat oor ’n plan vir straatmense. MES bedryf tans nog sy werksaamhede vanuit sy invalsentrum by die Durbanville Presbeteriaanse Kerk. “Ons het destyds in ’n vennootskap met die sopkombuis gegaan vir voedselsekerheid,” het Ilse Maartens, takbestuurder van MES Kaapstad, gesê. “Ons het dit gekoppel aan ’n etekaartjiestelsel.” V Na bladsy 2
Corner Brackenfell Boulevard and Pinehurst Drive, Pinehurst For more information contact RPA Property Administrators (Centre Management) 021 550 7000
2 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Tekkie campaign held for Mandela Day With its Tekkie campaign for Mandela Day, the Durbanville Children’s Home hopes to give each of the children in the home a new pair of tekkies. “Shoes are symbolic of many things, such as confidence and pride. Your donation can be a gift of hope to a
Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media24-groep. Verspreiding: TygerBurger Durbanville word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Amanda Glen, Aurora, Avalon Estate, Bergsig, D'Urbanvale, Durbanville Sentraal, Durbanville Hills, Durmonte, Halali, Goedemoed, The Crest, Kenridge Heights, Morningstar, Nerina, Proteaville, Pinehurst, Skilpadvlei, Schoongezicht, Sonstraal, Sonstraalhoogte, Uitzicht, Langeberg Village, Klein Nederburg, Valmary Park, Vierlanden, Vergesig, Vygeboom, Wellway, Wellway Park. Totale verspreiding: 20 720 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume Joernalis: Esmé Erasmus Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Hoofkoerante advertensies: Tanya Slabbert ( 021 910 6528 Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na of
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vulnerable child,” says Melanie Stipp of the home. Donors can select a specific child they wish to sponsor with a pair of tekkies, donate money or buy a pair of tekkies and drop it off at the home before Friday 31 July. V Contact Melanie Stipp on 021 975 6822.
Sponsors sought for training The Durbanville Children’s Home is calling on companies to sponsor or give good rates on training to their staff members. “We are well aware of the fact that employees are a company’s biggest asset and investing in talent is vital to sustainable business growth and success. “We, therefore, would like to empower our staff to render the best possible care to the vulnerable children at Durbanville Children’s Home,” says Johanna Strauss, acting head of the home. Their key focus areas for required training is in the field of management, including succession plans; management training; guidance (discussing job descriptions/ KPA/performance evaluation); leadership structure and staff feedback (exit interviews). They also require training in the professional field such as professional conduct; conflict management; human resources; protocols; policies; disciplinary process and staff wellness, as well as soft skills such as administration, computer skills and general life skills. Other needed training is in the field of communication, including training in channels and skills presentation. V If you or your company can sponsor or give them an affordable rate on training in the above-mentioned focus areas, contact Johanna Strauss on 021 975 6822 or
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS Vrywaringskennisgewing by kwaksalweradvertensies TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewaarsku dat hulle die adverteerder se geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. Disclaimer at quackery advertisements TygerBurger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired effect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. TygerBurger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised.
“Die publiek kan ’n kaartjieboekie teen R50 elk by Tygervallei-winkelsentrum se inligtingskiosk, plaaslike kerkkantore of die MES-kantoor in Bellville koop. “As iemand by ’n verkeerslig of voordeur kos vra, kan ’n koepon gegee word wat in Parow, Bellville, Durbanville of Brackenfell vir ’n ete geruil kan word. MES lewer hoofsaaklik basiese sorg soos etes, klere en komberse. Die organisasie lewer ook traumaberading, verenig straatmense met hul families, help hulle met persoonlike ontwikkeling, asook met rehabilitasie van dwelm- en alkoholverslawing. In stormweer reël MES slaapplek in kerksale in samewerking met plaaslike kerke. “In 2015 het ons begin met die werksrehabilitasieprogram Grow vanaf die taxistaanplek, wat straatmense die geleentheid bied om vir vier ure te werk deur strate skoon te maak teen R65 per skof. “Hierdie program lewer ’n diens aan die gemeenskap. Ondernemings kan spanne huur om rondom hul geboue skoon te maak. Hoe meer ondernemings betrokke raak, hoe meer skofte en hoe meer meer straatmense kan hieruit baat. “Saam met hierdie programme word maatskaplike dienste, asook arbeidsterapeutiese dienste, op ’n ad hoc-basis aangebied,” het Maartens gesê. “Ons wil langtermyn oplossings in plek stel. Ons werk slegs in vennootskappe. Die oplossing lê nie net in een organisasie nie, maar hoe almal saam van een plan af werk. Daarom werk ons saam met organisasies soos Uturn, Durbanville Can, Fisante Community Development Trust, die Durbanville-sopkombuis, D4Jkerkgroep, die plaaslike regering, asook ondernemings soos Ipic Aurora Spar, Mugg ’n Bean Palmgrove-winkelsentrum en Palmgrove Spar. “Maar ons het nou meer plaaslike publieke en sakesteun nodig as ons die holistiese diensmodel wil vestig. Slegs deur hierdie benadering sal ’n mens haweloosheid die hoof kan bied,” sê sy. Volgens Maartens werk hulle sedert November 2019 met 43 straatmense op gereelde basis. “Ons is besig om met verskillende buurtwagte te praat om te hoor waar daar groepe is waarvan ons nog nie weet nie. Die doel is om ’n volledige databasis saam te stel. “Mense wat woon en werk op die straat is nie almal een groep nie. Daar is die wat op straat is gedurende die week omdat iemand ’n tuinwerkie belowe het en dit goedkoper is om hier te bly as om elke dag heen en weer te ry huis toe. “Dan is daar mense wat deur geweldige armoede of bendebedrywighede op straat geland het. Daar is ook die groep wat op straat gebore en hul hele lewe op straat deurgebring het. “Elkeen van hierdie groepe se intervensies lyk verskillend en daarom is korrekte data baie belangrik.” Volgens haar was daar net in vlak 5-inperking ’n dramatiese verhoging van mense wat by hulle vir kos kom aanklop het – tot 110 op ’n dag.
weer Duidelik
Afsprake 021- 975 4760 Sonstraal-Hoogte
Oudioloog Beale e Henn
“Baie was van Morningstar of Klipheuwel en dit het gegaan oor voedselsekerheid. “In hierdie tyd Durbanville Can en Uturn ons gehelp aangesien ons in daardie tyd na 1 100 mense moes omsien in Parow, Bellville en Durbanville. “Die Durbanville-sopkombuis het ons deurentyd van sop voorsien – tot 500 liter per keer. Ons het die sop in Durbanville kom oplaai en uitgedeel daar waar nood was. Sonder hul ondersteuning sou ons nie in al die areas kon kos gee het nie. “Met vlak 3-inperking het ons getalle weer gestabiliseer rondom 60 mense per ete,” het sy gesê. “Ons besef daar is basies twee reaksies op haweloosheid. Aan die een kant is daar mense wat empatie het vir die kompleksiteit daarvan en aan die ander kant die mense wat al keelvol gesukkel is. “Al is daar hierdie teenpole, is almal se doel dieselfde: die mense moet van die straat af. Vir ons om by daardie doel te kom, vra ons mense moet meer verantwoordelik optree.” Sy het mense versoek om nie geld aan straatmense te gee nie. “Gee liewer koepons of verwys straatmense na ons invalsentrum. Huur (of borg) ons Grow-skoonmaakspanne, of kom bied jou tyd en kundigheid aan,” sê sy. “Met Covid-19 het daar weer hernude fokus gekom, waarvoor ons dankbaar is, want die kwessies rondom haweloosheid was nog altyd ’n werklikheid. Gelukkig is daar nou ander wat ook hul stemme tot ons s’n voeg,” sê sy. Maartens het gesê dat hulle reeds op 12 September wil begin om die gebou in Queenstraat reg te kry om op 1 Oktober hul deure te kan open. “Die vloer is stukkend en ons sal graag die toilet wil oordoen. Die kombuis sal ook aandag moet kry,” het sy gesê. Volgens David Jacobs, president van die Durbanville Lionsklub, is die sentraalgeleë Rosehaven-gebou ook gebruik deur die Durbanville Seniors Hub, Alkohol Anoniem (AA) en Blind Chess, wat hul toernooie daar aangebied het. Kerspartytjies, opleiding en ander fondsinsamelingsprojekte is ook gereeld daar aangebied. Uys het aan TygerBurger gesê die Subraad 7 en amptenare het volgende week ’n werksessie waar al die stadsgeboue in Durbanville onder die loep sal kom. “Alle huurooreenkomste vir stadsgeboue, ook sportgeboue, moet aan die einde van hul huurtydperk hernu word. Daar sal gesoek word na ’n permanente tuiste vir die Durbanville Lionsklub,” het sy gesê. Volgens haar is ’n tydelike lokaal gevind vir die Durbanville Lionsklub se vergaderings, maar moet al die kontrakte eers geteken word voordat hulle die organisasie daaroor kan inlig. V Kontak Enrique Hermanus, MES Durbanville se programbestuurder, by 074 652 7073 om betrokke te raak. MES het ook tans ’n halfdagpos vir ’n maatskaplike werker wat gevul moet word om dienste in Durbanville te hervat. Stuur aansoeke na
Ervaar lewenskwaliteit met die nuutste herlaaibare gehoorapparaattegnologie
Winkel 10 A IPIC Sentrum (Spar) H/V Langeberg Laan en Verdi Boulevard, Sonstraal Hoogte, DURBANVILLE Epos: X1W8W5H5-AL290720
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 3
Street lights a burning issue ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme
urning street lights during daytime are a huge concern to Durbanville residents, especially in the light of the recent loadshedding. Alan Bredenhand, a resident, said the street lights in Franc Street in Vierlanden had been burning day in and day out for eight weeks before it was finally fixed. “The street lights in Tester Street in Vierlanden have been burning during daytime now for 11 weeks already. There are also certain parts in Murray Street where the street lights are burning every day,” he said. According to Bredenhand he noted this only since lockdown was eased, as he did not leave his house during the first phases of lockdown. “The City and Eskom ask our cooperation to save electricity, but then street lights are left on during the day,” he said. “Were any cases of copper theft recorded in these streets in Vierlanden during the day? If so, we as the public would like to know so that we can be on the lookout for these thugs,” he said. “The street lights are definitely not left on for maintenance purposes or to combat vandalism, as is always stated by the City,” he said. Phindile Maxiti, Mayco member for energy and climate change, told TygerBurger a faulty photocell was replaced by a street light team in Vierlanden last Thursday (23 July), as a result of the enquiry. “Groups of street lights are switched on in the evening and off in the morning by a photocell which is sensitive to light. “When staff members do street light maintenance, they switch on a bypass switch so that the lights will stay on for maintenance purposes. “Sometimes street lights are left on in an effort to curb vandalism. Vegetation can also obstruct sunlight, resulting in not enough light and the photocell not switching off the lights. The photocell itself can become faulty,” she said. “The lights (in Vierlanden) will now switch on and off automatically. The City thanks TygerBurger and Mr Bredenkamp
Man murdered in argument A 32-year-old man was stabbed to death during an argument on Monday 20 July in Fisantekraal. According to Capt Marchell Rhode, spokesperson for Durbanville police, the incident happened at 11:15 in Shiraz Ebrahim Street when the deceased and suspect argued. Information was followed up and a 16-year-old suspect was arrested for murder, he said.
for bringing this to our attention,” she said. According to her street lights are very efficient and of low energy consumption and the approximate cost to keep one light burning per day is about R0,98. The impact of the lights burning is not as big as it might seem,” she said. “It’s important for residents to note that the City does have good reason to keep these lights burning. “When it comes to theft and vandalism in particular, it’s important to keep in mind that the cost of keeping relatively small stretches of lights burning pales in comparison to the astronomical amounts associated with the replacement of the same length of stolen cable and vandalised equipment,” she said. The City is spending millions of rand to repair and replace vital electricity infrastructure as a result of theft and vandalism, Maxiti said. “Keeping street lights on has proved to be an effective deterrent as thieves rarely risk their lives by hacking into live wires,” she said. The City’s Area East, which includes Vierlanden, spent R792 416,40 between July 2019 and May 2020 to replace and repair damaged and stolen electricity infrastructure, she said. “Street lights are essential for public and traffic safety and crime prevention. Street lights are energy efficient and have a low impact on the electricity demand. “Street lights should in general not be on during the day unless maintenance is in progress, the lights are tested or switched on due to vandalism. “Street lights are connected at a low voltage system and will go off when load-shedding takes place and switch on automatically after load-shedding,” she said. On a question that it seems the onus is always on residents to report burning street lights, she said it is an acknowledged principle to rely on customer reporting for street light repairs on domestic routes, while main routes are actively patrolled. V Report faulty street lights via email to or phone 0860 103 089 or SMS 31220. Residents may also use the City’s e-services to log a fault. Customers will receive a notification number.
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Community clean-up: The Morningstar Neighbourhood Watch was joined by residents on Saturday 18 July to clean the streets of Morningstar. This clean-up was planned by the neighbourhood watch in collaboration with ward councillor Theresa Uys and councillor Moosa Raise. “We were ably supported by Neill Court from the City’s solid waste department. They provided us with refuse bags. We thank them for their contribution which surely made the clean-up much easier,” Raise said. The solid waste department also collected the full bags afterwards. “We will continue our efforts to encourage the local community to act responsibly to keep our area clean. More residents, especially in Kokkewiet and Kwartel streets, are cleaning their streets all by themselves. We urge all residents to do the same,” Raise said.
* *
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ESSENTIAL SERVICES DURING LOCKDOWN Dr DU PRE LOUW's general practice remains open. For GP, DENTALWIZE and OTHERS ENQUIRE at 021 910 2825 or 021 224 0204 or email X1W8W4XD-AL290720
4 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Skryfkompetisie sluit later Net soos met so baie ander dinge moes die Amateurskrywersbond (ASB) ook ’n aanpassing maak aan die sperdatum vir inskrywings vir die Aard-SOS-kompetisie. “Vyf van die sewe afdelings behels inskrywings deur skoliere en met onaktiewe skole was die verlenging van die sperdatum noodsaaklik,” verduidelik Ernie Mellett van die skrywersbond. Inskrywings word nou al aanvaar, maar die sluitingsdatum is verleng na 28 Februarie 2021. Hierdie omgewingskompetisie het ’n prysgeld van R12 000. Die inskrywings moet handel oor enige ding (goed of sleg) wat in die wêreld gebeur het. Meer as 100 onderwerpe word voorgestel. “Die beste inskrywings word in ’n kleurryke bundel gepubliseer, wat
teen kosprys verkoop sal word.” Die afdelings behels afsonderlike skryf- (kortverhaal) en digkompetisies vir volwassenes. Dan is daar vyf afdelings net vir leerders: afsonderlike skryfen digkompetisies vir leerders van enige ouderdom, asook twee tipes kunskompetisies – kuns in enige medium op ’n plat oppervlak soos papier, karton of doek, asook ’n afdeling vir driedimensionele kuns waar individue ’n model (soos by geboue) bou en ’n driedimensionele kunsmodelkompetisie vir ’n skoolklas in enige medium. V Stuur ’n SMS met die woord “AARDSOS” en jou e-pos-adres na 079 333 0055 of stuur e-pos aan vir meer besonderhede.
Deon en Ester Retief het onlangs hul 60ste huweliksherdenking by Huis Aristea in Durbanville gevier.
MEER AS 400 000 MENSE IS AL IN DIE WES-KAAP VIR COVID-19 GETOETS. Die publiek word daaraan herinner dat slegs hoërisiko-individue volgens die hersiene toetsstrategie by openbare fasiliteite getoets word: • Alle persone ouer as 55 met coronavirus-simptome • Persone van enige ouderdom met coronavirus-simptome en wat aan een of meer bestaande toestande ly soos: o Diabetes, hoë bloeddruk of hartsiekte en op behandeling is o Kanker en op behandeling is o Tuberkulose en op behandeling is o MIV en nie gereeld hul ARV’s drink nie o Chroniese longsiekte en op behandeling is (bv. asma, emfiseem, chroniese bronchitis) • Gesondheidswerkers wat coronavirus-simptome het • Persone wat in versorgings- of aftreeoorde woon en coronavirus-simptome het Laerisiko-individue word nie tans getoets nie maar kan steeds ander mense aansteek en word gevra om hulle tuis te isoleer, en mediese hulp te kry as hul simptome vererger, byvoorbeeld as hulle moeilik asem haal. Vir nog inliging oor Covid-19 of as jy jou nie tuis kan isoleer nie: Bel die provinsiale blitslyn by 080 928 4102 (tolvry).
Was jou hande. Hou jou afstand.
Egpaar vier 60 jare saam ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme
á bykans ’n leeftyd saam in Malawi het ’n egpaar van Durbanville onlangs hul 60ste huweliksherdenking, oftewel diamantbruilof, gevier. Deon (86) en Ester Retief (83), tans inwoners van Huis Aristea, het vir al die inwoners in die siekeboeg roomys gekoop om dié mylpaal te vier. Hulle is albei as die kinders van sendelingouers in Malawi (destyds Niassaland) gebore en het daar grootgeword. Nadat hulle klaar studeer het, is hulle in 1958 terug Malawi toe om te gaan skoolhou. Hulle het saam klas gegee by die William Murray-kollege, waar laerskoolonderwysers opgelei is, en mekaar beter leer ken. “Die liefde het gou geblom en hulle is in 1960 by die Nkhoma-sendingstasie getroud. Hulle het hul lewe lank daar in Malawi skoolgehou. My pa was daar skoolhoof en hulle het later ook ’n hoërskool vir meisies begin,” het hul dogter, Coreen Retief (57), ook van Durbanville, gesê. “Daar was geen lopende water, elektrisiteit, skoolgeboue of koshuise nie. Met die hulp van die NG kerk (Wes-Kaap) se sendingkantoor, Vrouediens en Kinderkrans en Beit-Trust het genoeg geld ingekom om ’n volledige skool met elektrisiteit en water te voltooi,” het sy gesê. Buiten dat hulle in Malawi gebore is en
daar grootgeword het, het die Retief-egpaar altesame 42 jaar in Malawi skoolgehou en as sendelinge gedien. “My pa sê altyd dit was net ’n voorreg, maar as iets ’n offer was, was dit dat hulle hul vyf kinders na Suid-Afrika moes stuur vir hoërskool- en tersiêre opleiding en hulle ons maar twee keer per jaar kon sien,” het Coreen gesê. Die laaste drie jaar wat hulle in Malawi was, was hulle by ’n konferensiesentrum op Chongoni betrokke. Ná hul aftrede het hulle by hul huis in Stellenberg gebly tot sowat vyf jaar gelede, waarna hulle inwoners van Huis Aristea geword het. “Ons is net dankbaar teenoor die Vader dat Hy al die jare vir ons gesorg het en ons niks kortkom nie. Ons prys en dank die Here dat ons nog so gesond is; dis net deur die Here se genade,” het Ester aan TygerBurger gesê. “Ons is ook maar soms ongeduldig met mekaar en doen goed wat mekaar irriteer, maar ons het nog altyd dieselfde doel voor oë en ideale gehad. Dis seker maar ons resep,” het sy gesê. Hulle het nog vier kinders, Renaldo (59) van Windhoek, Hoffie (56), ook van Durbanville, en die tweeling, Anré Louw van Hluhluwe in KwaZulu-Natal en Muller (53) van Bredasdorp. Hulle het 11 kleinkinders en ’n agterkleindogter.
Giving you the lowest prices during lockdown ®
Prices valid from 29 July-4 Aug 2020. Whilst Stocks Last. | Tel: 021 981 8823 | 5 Lood Street Brackenfell
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Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 5
Air pollution now monitored around silos C
settled in thick layers in the workshops and on all the trees. Our eyes were burning and I was worried about health consequences,” he says. The City’s air quality management unit was alerted and inspected the site on 6 July. Zahid Badroodien, Mayco member for community services and health, says excessive cement dust was observed being emitted into the atmosphere, at this time. A notice of intention was drafted and issued on Lafarge on 10 July 2020. The complainant was informed of these actions and the demolition work was temporarily suspended, according to Badroodien. “The pre-notice advised Lafarge of their contravention of the City’s air quality management bylaw of 2016, and of the intention
ity authorities continue to closely monitor demolition work at Lafarge cement silos in Kraaifontein Industria, after extensive dust pollution was reported over recent weeks. Health inspectors were called out and operations subsequently shut down temporarily. Exposure to cement dust irritates the eyes, nose, throat and upper respiratory system and skin, according to The South African Builder; and the mineral silica dust found in concrete is listed as a cancer-causing agent by the Cancer Association of South Africa. Thick clouds of fine cement dust were first
noted in the air over Kraaifontein in the first week of July. Strong north westerly winds carried the plumes over the industrial area and into nearby residential areas. “Old cement was being emptied from the bottom of the silos, without any means of dust control. We were informed that the company is emptying the silos to break them down as the land was sold,” says a business owner in the area, who does not want his name mentioned. “The wind drove big clouds of dust into the atmosphere above the area. “Dust settled down into our yard and it was so thick, we could not work and had to leave the premises. “We were literally choking in dust which
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to issue a notice that would direct Lafarge to immediately cease all demolition activities to abate the air pollution nuisance and take all necessary steps to prevent the recurrence thereof,” says Badroodien. In terms of the notice Lafarge was instructed to identify all the possible sources of dust pollution and to provide the City with a detailed dust management plan. However, on 15 July, plumes of dust were again being emitted from the silos. By Friday 24 July, the silos were emptied, according to neighbouring tenants. Despite several attempts by TygerBurger over the last two weeks to obtain comment from Lafarge at their Cape Town and Gauteng offices, none had been received by time of going to print.
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While stocks last. E&OE. Brito’s Meat Centres Customer Information: Tel: 021 950 1000. Cilmor Street, Kaymor, Stikland, 7535.
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6 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Vrouedag saam met Lizz Die Tygerberg-Sakekamer vier vanjaar Vrouedag saam met Lizz Meiring met die vertoning Vroue is ons besigheid op Saterdag 15 Augustus om 10:00. Kaartjies om aanlyn na die regstreekse stroming van die vertoning te kyk kos R75 en kan by gekoop word. Bel Adri by 083 288 7984 of stuur ’n e-pos na vir meer inligting.
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Moms and babies blessed with clothing donation: The Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) project at Tygerberg Hospital received a heartfelt donation of clothes and baby blankets recently, made possible by retail clothing giant, Exact. Infant clothing was donated to the new moms and their new-born babies, as well as masks for the nurses and doctors on the frontline. The KMC project was in desperate need of the public’s help for donations of toiletries and clothing, says Candice Jansen, spokesperson for the Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust. “KMC is a method of caring for a baby where the mother nurses the infant on her bare chest. The skin-to-skin contact between mothers and babies is encouraged with infants who are born with a low birth weight,” says Jansen. At the handover was from left Candice Jansen, Emma O’ Connor, Waseema Sukhadia, Nicole de Sousa and Yolanda Smith.
tiles Teëlkleefmiddel
90 32 20kg
Aflewerings kan gereel word
Ondersteuningde kragopwekker
People's Post & City Vision in partnership with ACT Online
1. Ever wondered what a bad guy "looks" like? 2. The spicy side of your Pepper Spray 3. Here's how your kids can protect themselves 4. Did you know your house has safety layers? 5. Split second decisions when confronted with violence 6. What does a safe room in your home, look like?
LAUNCHING on 10 August
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Historiese kerk se dak word herstel ESMÉ ERASMUS
plate vervang. “Hierdie gebou het deur die jare al baie storms deurstaan, maar van hierdie storms ie dak van die historiese NG kerk Dur- het hul merk gelaat. banville, oftewel Moederkerk, word “Elke winter is die binneste houtbalke tans teen ’n koste van R500 000 geres- van die dak skade berokken. Met dié dat toureer. dakteëls van asbes geensins meer vervaarDie kerk is ’n bekende baken op die dorp dig mag word nie, het die tyd aangebreek met ’n geskiedenis wat reeds in 1826 begin om die teëls met plate te vervang,” het Van het. Dié gebou van 194 jaar is ook sa ’n nasio- Zyl gesê. Die restourasie van die kerk se dak nale gedenkwaardigheid verklaar. is reeds goedgekeur deur beide die Raad vir Een van die kerk se predikers, dr. Tinus Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede en die Stad van Zyl, het namens die kerkraad die ge- Kaapstad. meenskap van Durbanville versoek om by “Enige bydraes om te help om die dakreste dra tot die opknap van dié sieraad, aange- tourasie en instandhouing van hierdie basien die werk sonder enige staatsbydraes ken in Durbanville vir toekomstige geslagte gedoen moet word. te finansier, sal innig waardeer word,” het Die dak se teëls van asbes word met dak- Van Zyl gesê. Die oorspronklike kerkgebou was ’n tipiese kruiskerk en het oorspronklik ’n rietdak gehad, volgens die kerk se webblad. Die kerk se konsistorie is aanvanklik as skooltjie en vergaderplek vir die kerkraad gebruik. Daar was ook drie galerye, soos dit vandag nog is. In 1859 is die voorportaal aangebou en in 1891 die twee syportale. Met laasgenoemde verbouings is die kerk ook vergroot deur die buitemure in boë uit te slaan, nuwe buitemure verder weg te bou en die oorspronklike vensters in die nuwe mure te plaas. Hierdie nuwe dele is met skuinsdakke aan die hoofdak verbind en die hele dak is met teëls vervang. V Kontak Jackie Kruger by 021 975 6370 Werkers het reeds die dak van die NG kerk Durbanville om begin herstel deur die ou teëls met dakplate te vervang. by te dra.
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 7
8 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Trekkerklub help dierevriende DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
ok die mens se viervoetige vriende loop deur as gevolg van die koronavirus-pandemie. Daarom het lede van die WP Veteraantrekkerklub in Kaapstad hulle ontferm oor die honde by Imagine Animal Dreams se hondeskuiling in Joostenbergvlakte. Klublede het 310 kg hondekos ingesamel vir die sowat 70 honde wat tans daar gehuisves word. “As diereliefhebbers lê die saak ons na aan die hart. “Die idee het gespruit uit die droogtehulpskenkings wat die klub in die Kerstyd aan boere in Loeriesfontein gemaak het,” sê Hannes Rheeder, voorsitter van die klub. Tracy Richardson, woordvoerder van die dierewelsynorganisasie, sê hulle gebruik
tans sowat 40 kg hondekos per dag. “Sedert die begin van die grendeltyd het ons ’n groot toename beleef in mense wat hul troeteldiere weggee. “Mense daag gereeld by ons hekke op met honde waarna hulle weens ’n geldtekort nie meer kan omsien nie,” sê sy. So ook het baie van die organisasie se borge opgedroog. “Nes baie ander ondernemings beleef ons gereelde weldoeners ook ’n baie moeilike tyd. Elke bietjie hulp wat ons kry, gaan om ons diere vir nog ’n maand te onderhou.” V Kontak Imagine Animal Dreams by 072 462 2664 om kontant by te dra of kos te skenk.
Hannes Rheeder, voorsitter van die WP Veteraantrekker- en -enjinklub, is by Desire de Jager van Imagine Animal Dreams. Missy het ook kom groet. FOTO: DESIRÉE RORKE
FoodForward SA makes a difference
Open Public Holiday 10 Aug - 9am to 1pm
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FoodForward SA, the country’s largest food distribution charity based in Epping, has distributed more than 4 000 tonnes of food to vulnerable communities since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The organisation’s managing director Andy du Plessis, said more than 75% of their beneficiary organisation network focusses on vulnerable children, education, skills development, and women. “As we celebrate Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy during the month of July, we’re encouraged to remember Madiba’s role in championing human equality and freedom for all people. “Similarly, while FoodForward SA’s mission is to fill empty bellies and achieve zero hunger, the FoodBanking model is designed to support charities that make a meaningful social and developmental impact in under-served communities. “In this way, good quality nutritious surplus food is used to improve learning opportunities and cognitive performance in children, prevents stunting in early childhood development, and provides an incentive for at-risk groups to participate in support groups and attend care programmes that enable them to thrive and allows for better health and social outcomes across a wide socio-economic spectrum.” One of FoodForward SA’s newest beneficiary organisations to join the network, Ikageng, which is based in Gauteng, takes care of orphaned and other vulnerable children in and around Soweto. Ikageng’s chief executive officer (CEO), Carol Dyantyi, has commended the organisation for their contribution.
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 9
Man tronk toe oor diefstal NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk
Man is 500 jaar tronkstraf opgelê nadat hy toerusting van selfoontorings gesteel
het. David Jenkins (30) van Parklands het verlede Donderdag in die Bellville-streekhof sy lot aangehoor. Luidens ’n verklaring deur die nasionale vervolgingsgesag is Jenkins vir sy 25 aanklagte van diefstal elk 20 jaar tronkstraf opgelê. Die hof het egter sewe jaar van elke vonnis opgeskort en die vonnistydperke gaan samelopend uit-
gedien word. Hy moet dus effektief 13 jaar tronkstraf uitdien. Hierdie ooreenkoms is bereik nadat Jenkins en sy regspan ’n pleitooreenkoms met die staat aangegaan het. Hierin het hy erken hy het tussen 11 Januarie 2011 en 9 Februarie 2018 rondgery en sowat R1,67 miljoen se MTN-toerusting uit selfoontorings gesteel. Hy het onder meer breëband-kraglynkaarte (BPL) en internetverbindingskabels gebuit. Hy het toegeslaan in Dunoon, Table View, Bellville-Noord (naby die NG kerk Bellville-Noord), Bellville (naby Settlers High School), Parow, Mowbray, Durbanville, Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand, Kraai-
fontein, Eersterivier, Goodwood, Athlone, Delft, Elsiesrivier en Milnerton. Hy het ook in dorpe buite Kaapstad toerusting gesteel – onder meer in Hawston, Hermanus, Strand, Lwandle, die Paarl en Paarl-Suid. Ronelle Stone, die staatsaanklaer wat die ooreenkoms gefinaliseer het, sê hierdie soort misdaad het vir groot hoofbrekens gesorg omdat dit baie kompleks was om op te los. “Daar is ’n skerp toename in hierdie soort misdaadsake in hierdie hof,” het sy bygevoeg. Luidens die pleitooreenkoms het Jenkins die goedere gesteel om dit weer te verkoop.
Grace period for licences extended The latest regulations gazetted by the national transport department provide a longer grace period for expired learner and driver’s licenses. Initially, when driving license testing centres resumed operations in June, the national regulations stated that there would be a grace period for drivers’ documentation that had expired between 26 March and 31 May. The regulations also directed the centres to clear backlogs in learner and driving license appointments that were impacted by the national lockdown closure, and to not accept
any new appointments. This prejudiced those holding learner licenses that were not covered by the grace period as they could not make appointments to obtain their driving licenses, and ran the risk of their learners’ expiring and having to repeat the application process. Under the amended regulations that came into effect on Wednesday 22 July all learner’s licences, driving licence cards, temporary driving licences and professional driving permits that expire between 26 March and 31 August will be valid until 31 January 2021.
FOR HOME DELIVERY Bellville 34 Northumberland Road 021 948 6644
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2.5 Dozen Large Eggs
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Prime Cut Bacon 1 kg
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Pastry Roll 500 g
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Terms and Conditions Apply. Prices valid until 8 August 2020. All Prices including VAT. We reserve the right to limit quantities. (Selected Products Styled for Photography)
COMING SOON: 1 October Willowbridge Village 39 Carl Cronje Dr 021 948 6644
10 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Charity locked down How you can help As the Covid-19 crisis continues and many people are struggling to make ends meet, non-profit organisations (NPOs) and non-government organisations (NGOs) are trying to provide support to those that need it most. These organisations have lost most of their income from fundraising events and need your help to continue giving care. TygerBurger is making it easier for you to contribute responsibly by featuring accredited and/or legitimate organisations that will distribute your donation to the right people. To be featured here registered NPOs and NGOs or those with clear proof of their donations/activities can email a description of their service, NPO number (if applicable) and contact details to Please include specific needs and a drop-off point, if possible. V Angels of Hope in Bloekombos, Kraaifontein, hosts an aftercare school programme to assist Grade 5 to Grade 12 learners with school assignments. They also mentor graduates for better work opportunities. They are requesting donations of laptops and printers, but are also in dire need of sanitiser, personal protective equipment and tablets for learners to access their online lessons. Food parcels and volunteers are always welcomed. Contact M.J. Benayo on 073 822 3994 or V FoodForward SA in Epping have distributed more than 4 000 tonnes of food to vulnerable communities since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. They need the following non-perishable items: rice, maize meal, spaghetti, samp and beans, soup mix, lentils, pilchards, tuna, long-life milk, oats, jam, peanut butter, cooking oil, sugar and salt. Call 021 531 5610 or e-mail Fayrene Langson at if you would like to hold a food drive or drop off goods. V HewLin Compassion in Kraaifontein focusses on alleviating the hardships of individuals, families and communities through education and skills development. They need toiletries (especially soap to enforce hand hygiene during the lockdown), stationery and food donations. Contact 081 207 9485 or V Magdalena Home in Bellville has been in existence since 1902 and its programmes focus mainly on child and family services. They need baby clothes (0-18 months), baby toiletries (like baby bum cream), birth mother toiletries (like toothpaste, soap and shampoo) and nappies (size 1 to 3). Call 021 948 3637 or send an email to V South African Water Warriors (SAWW) provides food to about 245 needy families in the Vanwyksvlei and Brandvlei areas in the Northern Cape. The organisation needs non-perishable foods like rice, pasta, soya, tinned food and flour, as well as sealed 5F bottles of water, pet food and money. Call Deon Smit on 082 738 2702. V The Ikhayalam Soup Kitchen feeds the Gugulethu community with a special focus on the elderly, the unemployed and vulnerable citizens. Call Luyanda Situpa on 081 761 5557 or Puleng Molefe on 076 389 3170 or email V StreetSmart SA helps street and vulnerable children through social work and educational programmes, by normally partnering with restaurants, guest houses and wine estates. Due to lockdown, this fundraising had to be put on hold. Support StreetSmart’s Dine in. Do good!-campaign to help them to continue to financially assist street children and keep children at risk off the streets. Email or visit news/207-dine-in-do-good-v2.
South African carriers lined up in German Cameroon in 1914.
Help give info on WW1 soldiers Do you have a black or coloured ancestor who served during World War One? A large-scale campaign, which was launched two weeks ago, is hoping to “fill in the missing pieces of these men’s lives who until now have not received any recognition for their sacrifice by name”. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) has identified more than 1 600 members of the South African labour units. Over the course of the war, thousands of black South Africans enlisted for non-combatant duties serving in various labour units including the Cape Coloured Labour Regiment, Cape Auxiliary Horse Transport, the Military Labour Bureau and the Military Labour Corps. The CWGC has released a set of names of specific people they need help in identifying. Liz Woodfield, CWGC director of information and communications, says more than a century after the war ended, not all the names of those lost from the ranks of the labour units have been recorded in remembrance. “We are looking at changing that, so that they can be honoured by name and their stories told.” The names and details of soldiers who have missing information are: . Jim Tselitye (service number 19117, enlisted at Blaauwberg on 14 February 1917). . Johannes Tsoanetje (service number 19085, enlisted at Blaauwberg on 14 Februa-
ry 1917). . Johannes Khanedi (service number 18624, enlisted at Blaauwberg on 24 January 1917). . Frank Kuinana (service number 18630, enlisted at Blaauwberg on 24 January 1917). . Jim Nogos (service number 17947, enlisted at Blaauwberg on 24 January 1917). . Jim Mabso (service number 25420, of Cape Province). . John Damster (service number 9684, of Somerset West, Cape Province). . Andries van Wyk (service number 20343, enlisted at Cape Town on 1 August 1917). . May Boyes (service number 10050, enlisted at Cape Town on 1 May 1916). . Moss Levy (service number 10061, enlisted at Cape Town on 1 May 1916). . Johannes Maccullum (service number 20652, enlisted at Cape Town on 12 October 1917). . Jan Engelbrecht (service number 20332, enlisted at Cape Town on 2 August 1917). . James Maaupi (service number 2146, enlisted at Cape Town on 3 January 1916). . Jacob Toani (service number 2145, enlisted at Cape Town on 3 January 1916). . Johannes Alcaster (service number 20344, enlisted at Cape Town on 31 July 1917). . John Francis (service number 20488, enlisted at Cape Town on 28 August 1917). . Ben Benkomo (service number 2141, enlisted at Cape Town 3 January 1916).
. Peter Warden (service number 20828, enlisted at Cape Town on 13 November 1917). . Charles Samuels (service number 2903, of Cape Colony). . Isaac Jacobs (service number 5293, of Cape Town). . David Jacobus (of Chichester Road, Claremont). . David Molale (service number M/985, of Maitland). . Isaac Garrett (service number 1059, son of Eva Garrett, of Salt River, Cape Province). . William du Plessis (service number 4040, son of Phillip and Lena du Plessis, of Kensington Estate, Maitland). . Klaas Nieuweld (service number 176, son of Piet Nieuweld, of Cape Colony). . Cornelius Irish (service number 24898, of Cape Town). . Jan Mabi (service number 20517, enlisted at Langeburg on 10 September 1917). . Charlie Guda (service number 10457, enlisted at Maitland on 1 May 1916). . Stephen Sikondele (service number 29212, of Ndabeni Township). . Isaac Felix (service number 185, enlisted at Pietermaritzburg 27 November 1915). . Thomas Tywakodi (service number 4037, son of Mr W. Tywakadi, of Inland, Somerset West). V Should you have more information on the relatives or friends of any of the above names, reach out either by email: or by sending an SMS with your name and contact details to 40720.
Wildlife park’s funds running out NETTALIE VILJOEN At the beginning of this year, things were looking up for the World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary & Monkey Park in Hout Bay. After years of tottering on the brink of bankruptcy, the park had finally fought its way back. And then Covid-19 happened. Hendrik Louw, the manager and coowner of World of Birds, explains that the park faced closure a few years ago after feeling the impact of an avian flu outbreak in 2017 and the water crisis in 2018. “We owed the bank nearly R1 million. Luckily, Astral, a poultry and feed company, came in about two years ago and assisted us with animal feed as well as the sinking of a borehole.” With Astral covering roughly R100 000 of the park’s R170 000 monthly food bill, combined with having had a good season last year, the park was able to recover. “We were in a position where we were saying, ‘wow, this is the first time in many years where we feel secure for the next two years’,” says Louw. That all changed when the national lockdown began in March. With no entry-tickets being sold, the park was forced to use whatever funds it had accumulated in the bank to cover its expenses. Under normal circumstances, this would be R750 000 a month. Louw says changes, including substantial wage cuts, were made immediately to reduce costs to R500 000. Fast forward three months and the park’s bank balance now stands at approximately R600 000 – enough to carry the park for one more month. “After that, between Walter Mengold (co-owner and the founder of World of
Birds) and me, we will be bonding our two cult time has been incredible. homes to try and get funding in,” Louw “Some have said they are willing to get shares. He says they are also in the process paid even less just to see the park survive.” of selling a part of the park’s land located World of Birds is home to over 3 000 in its northern section to raise funds. birds and small animals of 400 different “But we have been told that, with the species. Ever since opening its doors 45 lockdown, the process will run well into years ago, the sanctuary has taken in sick, next year.” injured and orphaned Other than a few birds and animals. private donations, “If we can heal the Louw says no money animals, rear them has been coming in. A and, if possible, ultiBackaBuddy page, set mately release them; up two years ago, has that is the best regenerated some ward there is.” funds, which, Louw TygerBurger visitsays, does help. The ed World of Birds on park also applied for Thursday 24 July. A UIF-Covid-19 Tempowhite sign attached to rary Employer/Emthe front gate reads ployee Relief Scheme “Closed due to nation(Ters) funding. al lockdown”. “In the first month, Louw says they money received covhave received many ered about 60% of our calls, asking why staff’s wages. In the World of Birds resecond month, we onmains closed while ly got about 40%. We other wildlife faciliare still trying to fig- The World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary & ties have opened. ure out why that was. Monkey Park has only enough funds to “Yes, there are We have received cover one more month’s running quite a few facilities nothing for the third costs. PHOTO: NETTALIE VILJOEN that have opened. But month yet, but we we have it in writing have been told they (UIF) are busy process- that these places are not meant to be open. ing so, hopefully, that will come through,” It is against regulations. Once we get the Louw adds. At present, the sanctuary em- green light, we are ready to open. ploys 41 people. To minimise the risk of ex“We have our sanitisers in place. We posure, only 15 to 18 staff members work have our scanning in place and more than per day on a rotating basis. Those who are enough space for social distancing.” off duty continue to receive their share of V For more information on how to donate towards the wages. According to Louw, the dedica- World of Birds, visit its website at worldoftion shown by their staff during this diffi-
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 11
12 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Restaurant staff protest lockdown regulations The staff and owners of restaurants in the Durbanville wine valley, like all over the country, took to the streets last Wednesday to protest against the Covid-19 regulations. These regula-
’n Vreedsame betoging het verlede Woensdag buite die Palms Restaurant op die Bottelarypad plaasgevind. FOTO: DESIRÉE RORKE
tions, which left restaurants unable to trade since four months ago, were exacerbated by the ban on alcohol sales and a 21:00 curfew on 12 July. Thousands of jobs are at stake.
Gewilde kuierplek is ‘op laaste bene’ DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke “I have children” and “I look after my elderly mom” were stated on some of the posters in the protest at D’Aria. Staff members were protesting while management silently showed their protest sitting at the table on the right. They are (from left) Ryan Richens and Hendrik Swart, co-owners of the Copper Collection of restaurants, Luzaan Lourens (PA) and Anthony Andrews (customer). PHOTOS: ESMÉ ERASMUS Andiswa Spagi, Yandiswa Ngceshe and Martie Jooste, all kitchen staff, took part in the protest at Nitida.
These students of the IHT Hotel School in Oude Westhof in Bellville also took part in the protest last Wednesday at Nitida in support of the restaurant industry. They are (from left) Jethro Durant, Emile Odendal, Isabella Da Silva, Michael du Plessis, Inge Engelbrecht and Monique de Villiers. PHOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS
s die huidige alkoholverbod nie binnekort deur die regering opgehef word nie, sal die gewilde Palms Restaurant op die Bottelarypad binnekort sy deure permanent moet sluit. Dié restaurant, met 600 sitplekke binne en buite, is in 2009 geopen en verskaf werk aan 43 mense. “Ná 120 dae sonder inkomste is ons nou op ons laaste bene ek weet nie of die onderneming nog ’n maand sal staande bly nie,” het die bekommerde eienaar, William Wilson, verlede week aan TygerBurger gesê. Wilson besit ook nog twee kroeë in Brackenfell en Parow. Werknemers en gaste het verlede Woensdag 22 Julie buite die restaurant aan ’n vreedsame protesaksie deelgeneem wat landswyd onder die vaandel “Million seats on the streets” plaasgevind het. Betogers het tussen 12:00 en 14:00 langs die Bottelarypad saamgedrom. Hul plakkate het dit uitbasuin: “Restaurants create jobs!” en “Jobs save lives!” Sedert dié restaurant aan die begin van Julie kon oopmaak vir aansit-etes, het dit nog net tussen 5% en 7% van sy normale omset behaal. “Ons is gelukkig as ons sewe tafels per dag kry. Kelnerinne oorleef tans net op minimale fooitjies, kroegmanne sit by die huis en die bestuurders kry ’n minimale salaris,” sê hy. Williams sê die skerp daling in sake gaan definitief oor alkoholverbruik. “Mense wil nie gaan uiteet as hulle nie ’n drankie saam met hul kos kan geniet en saam met vriende kan ontspan nie. Dit word net nie gedoen nie. Verbruikers sal eerder by die huis eet of ’n wegneemete by deurrykettingrestaurante koop.” Soos baie ander restauranteienaars lands-
wyd verstaan Williams nie die regering se beweegrede agter dié regulasie nie. “As taxi’s teen volkapasiteit bedryf kan word, hoekom kan restaurante nie drank verskaf nie? Ons het derduisende rande uitgelê om die veiligheid van klante te verseker. Tafels staan ver uitmekaar uit en is so uitgelê dat mense met hul rûe na mekaar sit,” verduidelik hy. “In dié stadium is die onsekerheid die ergste. Ek kan nie vir jou sê hoe moeilik dit is nie. Niemand het antwoorde vir ons nie. Dit maak ons dood.” Wendy Alberts, uitvoerende hoof van die Restaurant-Assosiasie van Suid-Afrika (Rasa), het ook Woensdag tydens die “Million seats on the streets”-protesoptog in die middestad ’n memorandum aan die minister van toerisme, Nkhensani Kubayi-Ngubane, oorhandig met voorstelle om die bedryf te red. Die voorstelle sluit die opheffing van die drankverbod in. Volgens Alberts het die voorstelle egter op dowe ore geval. “Dié voorstelle sou Saterdag op ’n departementele vergadering bespreek word, maar toe ek bel om uit te vind wat gebeur het, is ek ingelig dat ons memorandum nie eens ter tafel gelê is nie,” het ’n moedelose Alberts Maandagoggend aan TygerBurger gesê. “Ons smeek die regering om iets, enigiets, te doen om die bedryf te red. Ons het nie meer tyd oor nie. Derduisende mense gaan hul werk verloor,” sê Alberts. James Vos, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir ekonomiese geleenthede in die Stad Kaapstad, het die protesaksie ondersteun. Volgens hom is die plaaslike bedryf op die punt van vernietiging en is die onlangs heringestelde alkoholverbod die laaste spyker in die kis, wat nog meer werkverliese gaan beteken. “Die ekonomie van Kaapstad is baie afhanklik van toerisme en verwante sektore vir werk en ekonomiese aktiwiteit.”
Desperate: Natasha du Pisanie from The Hussar Grill at Willowbridge Centre joined scores of others in the restaurant industry during a nationwide protest last Wednesday. The protesters appealed to the government to relax lockdown regulations, like the ban on alcohol and a curfew, which they hope would bring in more customers. Russel Brown, manager of The Hussar Grills, says the safety of their clients is a top priority during the Covid-19 pandemic but more people go to restaurants when they are served alcohol with their food. They want the government to at least allow them to serve drinks to those sitting down for a meal.
James Vos en Enver Duminy, hoof van Kaapstad Toerisme, tydens die vreedsame protesaksie.
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 13
14 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 15
16 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 17
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FORM JJJ LOST OR DESTROYED DEED (Form JJJ added by GNR. 62 OF 25 January 2019) Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 ( 1 ) of the Deeds of Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Consolidated Title Deed Number T 46390/2006 in favour of GREAT CORMORANT INVESTMENTS 130 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2002/012046/07 in respect of REMAINDER ERF 16276 DURBANVILLE, in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Province Western Cape, 3,9501 hectares in extent which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town within two (2) weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at BELLVILLE on this 20th day of JULY 2020 ________________________________ APPLICANT ADDRESS: P O BOX 4019, TYGER VALLEY, 7536 Email address: Contact Number : 021 1804550
FORM JJJ LOST OR DESTROYED DEED (Form JJJ added by GNR. 62 OF 25 January 2019) Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 ( 1) of the Deeds of Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Title Deed Number T 46391/2006 in favour of GREAT CORMORANT INVESTMENTS 130 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2002/012046/07 in respect of ERF 16277 DURBANVILLE, in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Province Western Cape, 2,2535 hectares in extent which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town within two (2) weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at BELLVILLE on this 20th day of JULY 2020
Sign up with AVON and Receive free gifts for 4 months. T&C apply Sms name and area to 084 516 3353 Kitchen Staff Required 061 627 7438
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________________________________ APPLICANT ADDRESS: P O BOX 4019, TYGER VALLEY, 7536 Email address: Contact Number : 021 1804550
FORM JJJ LOST OR DESTROYED DEED (Form JJJ added by GNR. 62 OF 25 January 2019) Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds of Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed Number T 28520/1991 and VA 2950/1994 in favour of FRANCOIS WILLEM STEVENS, Identity Number 3810255152083, married out of community of property in respect of ERF 8727 BELLVILLE, in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Province Western Cape, 496 square metres in extent which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town within two (2) weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at STANFORD on this 16th day of JULY 2020 ________________________________ APPLICANT ADDRESS: P O BOX 4019, TYGER VALLEY, 7536 Email address: Contact Number : 021 1804550
Built in cupboards, PVC Ceilings, Laminated flooring, Wooden decking, Carports and overhangs. %Bennie 084 254 0491 Built-in-Cupboards Carports, All woodwork Handyman services % 072 855 0493
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BELLVILLE Oumawoostel vir ouer persoon te huur. Nie-roker, motorhuis, water & ligte ingesluit. R6000pm + Dep. Geen troeteldiere Beskikbaar 01/08/2020 Juan 065 993 4490
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Call Coenie 072 365 3622
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
KRAAIFONTEIN 2 bedr flat for permanent employees. Rental R4500. Avail 1 August 2020. Contact 073 034 3370
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KIA BAKKIE For any type of Rubble and waste removal in all areas. % Natasha 062 993 9223
Storage & packaging available. Tel./fax: 021 591 0375 083 227 4245 083 233 1784
KRAAIFONTEIN 2-slpk.-oumaw. te huur. R5200 p.m. Koopkrag. Geen diere. Beskik 1 Sept. % 082 440 8759
FSP no. 43862
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 19
City readies its sports fields City readies its sports fields T
Woensdag, 29 Julie 2020
he playing surfaces of the City of Cape Town’s sports fields have recovered significantly and will be ready to welcomehe athletes back once regulations playing surfaces of the City ofallow. Cape “During thesports lockdown, Cityrecovered was proTown’s fieldsthe have hibited from delivering non-essential sersignificantly and will be ready to welvices resulted in most sports allow. fields come which athletes back once regulations “Duringminimal the lockdown, City was proreceiving or no the maintenance. hibited from delivering non-essential “The fields were closed and most of serthe vices which resulted in most fields winter sporting codes weresports postponed. receiving minimal or fields, no maintenance. This inactivity on the coupled with “The rains fieldsand were closed and most of the winter cooler temperatures winter were postponed. last fewsporting weeks, codes have significantly imThis inactivity on the of fields, coupled with proved the condition playing surfaces. winter and cooler temperatures “It has rains proven that limiting the usagethe of last few weeks, have some significantly imfields to allow the grass much needed proved the condition of playing surfaces. “It has proven that limiting the usage of fields to allow the grass some much needed
recovery time, results in a better quality playing surface,’ said Mayco member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien. recovery time, results in a better quality The City’s recreation and parks departplaying surface,’ said Mayco member for ment is also taking advantage of the opporcommunity services and health, Zahid tunity to reinstate lawns where possible Badroodien. The City’s recreation and parks departduring this month and August, while sportment is also advantage of the opporing codes aretaking currently restricted from ustunity to reinstate lawns where possible ing facilities. during this monthefforts and August, while sportRehabilitation have been focused ing facilities codes are that currently from uson have restricted alternative water ing facilities. supply systems such as boreholes and Rehabilitation treated effluent. efforts have been focused on“The facilities that have water department has alternative received various supply systems as boreholes queries from thesuch sporting fraternityand in treated effluent. “The department has received various queries from the sporting fraternity in
terms of accessing and using the City’s sports facilities. “While a recent relaxation of regulations has made it possibleand for using professional athterms of accessing the City’s letes tofacilities. return, a decision on granting acsports cess and usage of the City’s sports facilities “While a recent relaxation of regulations is subject dictates in the reguhas made to it the possible for listed professional athletes to return, a decision on granting aclations and directions issued under the cess and usage of the City’s Disaster Management Act.sports facilities is “All subject to the dictates the to regusports bodies mustlisted first in apply the lations directions issued under the ministerand of sports, arts and culture in writDisaster Management ing for approval and Act. may only resume “All sports must first apply to the training and bodies matches once they have apminister sports, arts and culture in writproval inofwriting,” explained Badroodien. ingThe forCity’s approval may only resume fieldsand will benefit from an adtraining andweeks matches once they havethey apditional few of inactivity before proval in writing,” explained Badroodien. The City’s fields will benefit from an additional few weeks of inactivity before they
Sports, culture relief fund: 691 to benefit Sports, culture relief fund: 691 to benefit The provincial department of cultural affairs and sport has announced the outcomes of relief fundingdepartment applications, were The provincial of which cultural afthen communicated to all applicants on fairs and sport has announced the outcomes Monday July. applications, which were of relief 20 funding The communicated public call for the relief then to department’s all applicants on funding the sport and cultural sector Mondaywithin 20 July. officially opened andthe closed in May. relief The public call for department’s The fund received a total 1 058 applicafunding within the sport andofcultural sector officially opened and closed in May. tions, with 948 adjudicated after duplicaTheand fundunrelated received aapplications total of 1 058were applications retions, with adjudicated after duplicamoved. The 948 work of the adjudicators was tions and on unrelated were reconcluded Friday 3applications July and underwent moved. checks The work of presenting the adjudicators was quality before the report concluded on Friday 3 July and underwent to the department. quality checksthe before presenting the report Thereafter, required administrative to the department. processes were followed to approve the 691 Thereafter, the required inclusive administrative (73%) successful applicants, of proprocesses were followed to approve the off. 691 vincial minister Anroux Marais’s sign (73%) successful applicants, inclusive of proAccording to the report, the combined revvincial minister Anroux Marais’s sign off. enue losses to applicants amounted to a total According to the report, the combined revenue losses to applicants amounted to a total
of R58 612 195, which the department’s spokesperson, Stacey McLean, says is a clear indication the devastating impact of of R58 612 195, of which the department’s the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector. spokesperson, Stacey McLean, says is a “Minister Marais will write to the nationclear indication of the devastating impact of al to pandemic raise theseon concerns and motitheminister Covid-19 the sector. vate for additional totobetter assist “Minister Marais funding will write the nationthe sector. Minister Marais is happy anal minister to raise these concerns andto motinounce we willfunding begin the of invate forthat additional toprocess better assist the sector. Marais is happy to anforming allMinister applicants of their respective nounce that westart willtransferring begin the process of inoutcomes and the allocatforming applicants with of their ed funds all in compliance the respective legislative outcomes and start transferring allocatframework requirements,” saysthe McLean. edTo funds inthe compliance the legislative bring sport and with recreation Covid-19 framework requirements,” says McLean. relief funding strategy into fruition, the criTo bring the sportthis andsupport, recreation teria for assessing theCovid-19 identifirelief funding strategy into the crication of beneficiaries and fruition, the mechanism teria for assessing this support, the identifithrough which the fund is managed was cationin of consultation beneficiaries with and the done themechanism provincial through which the fund is managed was sport confederation. done in consultation with the provincial The sport and recreation adjudication sport confederation. The sport and recreation adjudication
committee completed its work in June after receiving 108 federation applications on behalf of theircompleted various coaches, techcommittee its workathletes, in June after nical officials and recreation entities across receiving 108 federation applications on bethe province. half of their various coaches, athletes, tech“Toofficials ensureand transparency and greater nical recreation entities across range of support, with only R1 million availthe province. able our transparency provincial sport andgreater recrea“Toto fund ensure and tion relief applications, theR1 national range of support, with only milliondepartavailable our provincial and recreamenttooffund sport and culture sport was requested to tion reliefthe applications, national departprovide provincial the department with a ment of sport and culture was requested to database of our provincial athletes, federaprovide provincial department a tions andthe entities that have applied with for the database of ourfund provincial athletes, of federanational relief and the outcome those tions and entities that an have applied forhave the applications. Should application national relief fund the outcome of be those been successful, theand applicant will not eliapplications. an relief. application have gible for any Should provincial Payment to been successful, the applicant willcommence not be elisuccessful applicants will also gible for anyadds provincial relief. Payment to next week,” McLean. successful willcommittee also commence She adds applicants that an appeals has alnext week,” adds McLean. so been established and will be responsible She adds that an appeals committee has also been established and will be responsible
TYGERBURGER Bellville 15
will be ready for use. Ongoing challenges experienced in maintaining sports fields include theft, vandalism and will be ready forillegal use. use. “These actions set the recovery of fields Ongoing challenges experienced in back and could evenfields meaninclude a delay theft, in remaintaining sports opening once vandalism andregulations illegal use.allow. I encour“These actions set the recovery fields age our sporting fraternity to beofpatient back andresidents could even mean any a delay in reand our to report suspicious opening regulations I encouractivity once at facilities,” saidallow. Badroodien. ageThe ourdepartment sporting fraternity to be will continue to patient encourand residents report any suspicious age our the use of the to triage scoring system by activity facilities,” saidsupport Badroodien. all usersatand request the of users department will continue to encourinThe adhering to allotted usage times, per faage theonce use of triage scoring system cility thethe facilities are allowed to by reall users and request the support of users open. in adhering to allotted usage times, per facility once the facilities are allowed to reopen. for presiding over all appeals and/or complaints that emanate from the Covid-19 relief fund adjudication and application outfor presiding overpanel all appeals and/or comcomes.that Details of thefrom appeals process will be plaints emanate the Covid-19 relief communicated to each applicant as they are fund adjudication panel and application outinformed of their respective outcomes. comes. Details of the appeals process willThe be committee willto consider the documents communicated each applicant as they subare mitted and any other relevant The perinformed of engage their respective outcomes. son, including the applicant, to furthersubencommittee will consider the documents gage onand the engage matter before taking a decision. mitted any other relevant perMcLean adds itthe is applicant, important to to further note that son, including en-a decision of matter the committee will be final and gage on the before taking a decision. binding adds to allitparties. McLean is important to note that a decision the fiscal committee will be final and “In theofdire environment in which binding to all parties. we find ourselves, the possible deterioration dire fiscal environment incitizens which of“In thethe socio-economic well-being of we find ourselves, the possible deterioration will further impact the tax base, increase deof the socio-economic well-being of citizens pendence on governmental services, further will further impact the taxof base, increase deaugmenting the number indigent housependence on governmental services, further holds which require additional support augmenting the number of indigent houseacross the three spheres of government. holds which require additional support This will compound existing developmental across the three spheres of government. challenges and extend fiscal demands on This will compound existing developmental government as unemployment will rise due challenges and extend fiscal demands on to the lockdown,” said Marais. government as unemployment will rise due to the lockdown,” said Marais.
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Ajax memories fond for Isaacs W
inning three trophies in one season (2018/’19) with the u.18 team of the amateur soccer club, Hout Bay Community United, and seeing the smiles on the faces of the players and the greater community was the cherry on Dominic Isaacs’ coaching career. The current coach of Cape Umoya in the GladAfrica Championship (national first division), Isaacs started his professional career as a soccer player at Ajax Cape Town in Parow, where he also spent the majority of his professional playing career. He also had stints in the Premier Soccer League (PSL) at Kaizer Chiefs and Bloemfontein Celtic. “If I look back on my soccer career I have no regrets as I believe everything happens for a reason. I am thankful for my health, without it I would not have been able to achieve what I did for so long. Soccer has also allowed me to travel and to experience different cultures and ways of life and I was able to visit six of the seven conti-
nents,” he says. Isaacs started his soccer career at Parkhurst Ambassadors in Mitchell’s Plain. At the age of 17 he started playing for Ajax and turned professional. “I was at Ajax for (a total of) 10 years (2000 - 2008 and 2013 - 2015), Kaizer Chiefs for four (2008 - 2012), and a year at Bloemfontein Celtic (2012 - 2013). I finished my playing career at Ajax in 2015. After I hung up my boots I focused on coaching and that is how I landed in Hout Bay. In my playing days a lot of players influenced my career, but I prefer not to mention names, as there are too many,” he says. “I was privileged enough to represent my country as an u.17, u.20 and u.23 player. Other clubs, besides Parkhurst, that I played for in my youth career were Sea Point Swifts in Bonteheuwel and School of Excellence in Johannesburg,” Isaacs says. While at Ajax, he was part of that group of players that had to play second fiddle in the PSL and had to agonisingly surrender the trophy
on goal difference to Orlando Pirates in 2011. “It never feels good to get second place, especially after all the hard work and commitment you put in,” he says. Isaacs believes it is very important for former players to plough back into their communities, but with limited facilities available, he knows it can be challenging. “I learned many different things from each of the coaches at the different PSL clubs, some learnings I will always carry with me. To relax I listen to music, learn and research history and surround myself with people I can learn from. You know, we also had fun while playing. I can recall in 2002 at Ajax after every home win, we (David Kannemeyer, Muneeb Josephs, Shaun Oliver, Maya Jansen, Shaun Permall and I) would empty the dustbins and make it a gummy (drum) and sing Klopse songs for up to two hours in the cloak room until the kitmaster, Albert Hendricks, would shout at us to get done. Really special times,” he reminisces.
Dominic Isaacs in action on the sidelines as the coach of Cape Umoya, who play in the GladAfrica Championship. PHOTO: GALLO IMAGES
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