Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | epos:
Sy passie vir leer laat hom uitblink ESMÉ ERASMUS
Geen wonder nie dat hy op hoërskool reeds van graad 8 af eerste in sy graad gestaan het. y passie om te leer van jongs Of was dit nou die barok- en af en sy harde werk van klassieke musiek waarna sy ma vroeg in sy matriekjaar – vergeluister het terwyl sy met hom al in die Maart- en Junie-eksamen swanger was en toe hy klein was? – het volgens Matthys Carstens “Ons luister steeds gedurig na van die Hoërskool Durbanville klassieke musiek by die huis – ek hom sy tweede plek op die nasionaleer met Mozart se musiek as agle merietelys besorg. tergrondmusiek; dit help beslis Matthys het ’n gemiddelde van met geheue en konsentrasie,” 97,14% behaal – ’n kortkop agter meen hy. die landwye toppresteerder, Janke “My ouers, onderwysers en van Dyk van die Hoërskool Bellvilvriende het my ook baie gemotile, wat ’n 98,3%-gemiddelde behaal veer. Ek het in my matriekjaar het. van die begin af hard gewerk. Matthys het ook landwyd die “Teen die eindeksamen het ek tweede beste prestasie in fisiese my werk so goed geken dat ek net wetenskap behaal met ’n kon vraestelle uitwerk. Dit was 100%-vakgemiddelde. In die res die beste voorbereiding,” sê hy. van sy vakke vaar hy só: AfriWiskunde was sy gunstelingkaans-huistaal 97%, Engels-huisvak. Ook fisiese wetenskap – spetaal 92%, rekeningkunde 98%, musifiek fisika, wat ook baie soos siek 98%, wiskunde 99% en lewiskunde is, sê hy. wensoriëntering 96%. Hy het ook Hy was ook verlede jaar 14de 95% behaal in Admaths (gevorderuit die 50 topkandidate in die de wiskunde). landwye skeinat-olimpiade, Hy het gewerk vir ’n plek op die asook eerste in die landwye AfriWes-Kaapse merietelys, vertel hy, kaans-olimpiade en tweede landmaar was dit glad nie te wagte dat wyd in die Taalbond se tweetalighy die nasionale merietelys sou heidseksamen. haal nie. Matthys het ook tyd ingeruim “Toe my naam uitgelees is vir vir sy musiek. Hy het 90% in sy die tweede beste prestasie in fisie- Matthys Carstens was in sy noppies met sy tweede plek algeheel op graad 8-Unisa-eksamen vir klarise wetenskap, het ek gedink dit is die nasionale merietelys. Hier is hy by die WesKaapse toekenningsge net behaal, en 95% in graad 8 in hoekom ek genooi is. Dit was beslis leentheid verlede Donderdag by Leeuwenhof. FOTO: NIELEN DE KLERK blokfluit in graad 11. Hy is vir bei’n groot hoogtepunt en ’n emosiode prestasies op die Unisa-ererol nele oomblik om nasionaal erkenning te aan sy passie om te leer. geplaas, en vir laasgenoemde uitgenooi na kry,” sê hy. “Dis vir my lekker om nuwe dinge te leer die Unisa-beurskompetisie in JohannesDie ander matrieks onder die topvyf van en uitdagings soos wiskundige en rekenkun- burg. die Hoërskool Durbanville is Jansie Slab- dige probleemoplossing aan te pak. Hy het blokfluit in matriek gelos om meer bert (93,57%), Nicole Snyman (93,28%), Ma“Dit was vir my nog altyd lekker om hard tyd vir al sy matriekaktiwiteite te hê. Hy is rinel Wegman (92,14%) en Lalande Ester- te werk. Ek dink die passie is al van kleins onder meer aangewys as eerste prins in die huysen (90,85%). Tien matrieks van dié af ontwikkel. Ek was een van daardie kin- Mnr. Durbie-kompetisie en het by die atleskool het sewe A-vakgemiddeldes behaal. ders wat baie boeke gelees en puzzles gepak tiek-interskole as Mnr. Durbie ingestaan. Matthys skryf sy sukses sonder twyfel toe het,” sê hy laggend. V Na bladsy 2.
FREE hearing screenings offered (BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL)
2 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Talk on water in the future The role of water in the future is the subject of the networking event of Durbanville Business on Tuesday 20 February from 18:00 at the Durbanville Hills wine cellar. Anton Bredell, Western Cape minister of local government, environmental affairs and development planning, will discuss the topic. Book before 13 February to secure attendance. V For more information, send an email to info@dur
Book sale at D’ville Library The Friends of Durbanville Library will be hosting their monthly book sale on Friday 19 January from 10:00 to 16:00 in the foyer of the library. The book sale is being presented earlier due to library stocktaking. The library will be closed from 22 to 26 January for this purpose. V For enquiries, contact Joy on 083 306 0594.
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Angels wil nou nuwe tuiste kry NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk
ie dierewelsynsorganisasie Bella’s Guardian Angels het moontlik ’n nuwe tuiste op ’n kleinhoewe gekry. Hulle het egter minstens R800 000 nodig om hierdie droom te bewaarheid. Die organisasie is vanuit die stigter, Joalien Kruger, se huis in Stellenberg bedryf. Hulle het einde verlede jaar ernstig na ’n nuwe perseel begin soek nadat enkele bure se klagtes te veel geraak het. Dit wil voorkom of die ideale plek vir hul onderneming én hul gesin op ’n kleinhoewe op die Joostenbergvlakte in Kraaifontein is. “Ons het ons harte op ’n ongelooflike eien-
dom verloor,” vertel sy in ’n Facebook-plasing. “Ons wil ’n sentrum, waar ons diere red (rescue centre), by ’n veeartsenywinkel inkorporeer. “Ons wil ook ’n lekker koffieplekkie en hondepark begin waar honde kan kom sosialiseer en hulp kry met hul gedrag.” Kruger het onderneem om vir eers die organisasie se huidige dierebystand af te skaal totdat hulle self ’n nuwe tuiste gekry het. Hulle het oor die afgelope vyf jaar 55 babakatte en -honde versorg en gehelp om nuwe tuistes te kry. Daar word ook gedurig diere na hulle toe gebring wat seergekry het of klaarblyklik
verlore is. Kruger glo daaraan om snags ook aan die diere bystand te verskaf en daarom gaan die gesin die huis waarin hulle al 20 jaar lank bly, verkoop en op die kleinhoewe bly. Maar selfs nadat hulle die ruim woning verkoop het en die geld vir die nuwe erf gebruik, gaan hulle steeds honderde duisende rande moet insamel. Hulle het intussen ’n “GoGetFunding”-blad gestig, waarop belangstellendes aanlyn geld kan skenk. Teen druktyd het hulle al R1 404 op dié blad ingesamel. Kruger sê hulle sal egter enige skenkings aanvaar – hetsy kontant, boumateriaal of tyd.
VERVOLG VAN BLADSY 1 Dan het hy boonop in die skool se bekroonde koor gesing, asook tot in graad 11 in die Vivox-a capella-groep. Matthys het ook op die studenteraad gedien as tesourier en was onder meer ontgroeningskaptein. Hy was ook ’n kranige atleet en het Noordsone-kleure daarin behaal en tot in graad 11 vir sy skool se tweede tennisspan gespeel. Hoewel tydsbestuur moeilik is in matriek, het sy vol program hom van kleins af goeie tydsbestuur geleer, sê hy. Sy raad aan vanjaar se matrieks is om hard te werk, maar ook om te onthou om aan alles deel te neem. “Dis jou beste skooljaar en dit moet ook lekker wees,” sê hy. Matthys studeer vanjaar aktuariële wetenskap aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Hy is in Dagbreek – dieselfde koshuis waarin sy pa en sy twee broers ook was en sy nefie tans is.
Hy is die oudste van drie seuns van sy pa, ML, en ma, dr. Madri Carstens. Sy pa is ’n geoktrooieerde rekenmeester by Sanlam en sy ma ’n mediese dokter wat by die TC Newman-kliniek in die Paarl met jong vigspasiënte werk. Die Hoërskool Fairmont het die toekenning ontvang vir die hoogste slaagsyfer in Engels-huistaal in die Wes-Kaap. Die skool het 44 A-gemiddeldes en 476 A-vakgemiddeldes geoes. Die skool se topvyf-leerders is: Celine Gravenor (92,07%), Prajna Ukabhai (91,67%), Eileen Burger (90,07%) en Naemi Frenzel (90,07%) en Giylah Liebenberg (89,37%). Die Hoërskool Fisantekraal was vierde in die Wes-Kaap met ’n 29,9%-verbetering in sy slaagpersentasie. Dié skool is ook benoem as die skool met die hoogste slaagsyfer in Engels in sy kategorie.
Celine Gravender was die Hoërskool Fairmont se topkandi daat met ’n 92,07%gemiddelde. Dié skool het die toekenning ontvang vir die hoogste slaagsyfer in Engels huistaal in die WesKaap.
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Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 3
Speelgoedvuurwapens in rooftogte gebruik AVRIL FILLIES
peelgoedvuurwapens word nie meer deesdae net gebruik as kinders cowboys and crooks speel nie, maar ook in gewapende rooftogte. “Ons vermoed dat gewapende rooftogte deesdae met speelgoedvuurwapens gepleeg word, omdat dit net soos ’n regte vuurwapen lyk. Ek maak hierdie stelling na aanleiding van twee verdagtes wat op Donderdag 11 Januarie om 05:30 naby die Parow-treinstasie gearresteer is nadat hulle ’n vuurwapen op ’n pendelaar gerig het en hom van sy Nokiaselfoon ter waarde van R2 100 beroof het,” het kapt. Kevin Williams, woordvoerder van die Parow-polisie gesê. Volgens Williams kom die rooftogte die afgelope ruk in die vroeë oggendure in Parow en omgewing voor en het die polisie besluit om meer sigbare polisiëring toe te pas in die gebiede waar die voorvalle gereeld voorkom. “Die polisie was besig om die gebied rondom die treinstasie te patrolleer toe hulle die twee verdagtes opgemerk het. Die polisie het die selfoon en ’n speelgoedgeweer in een van die verdagtes se besit gekry en albei gearresteer. Die slagoffer het dieselfde polisievoertuig gestop en van die rooftog vertel,
min wetende dat die verdagtes agter in die polisievoertuig was. Die slagoffer het sy selfoon uitgeken toe die polisie dit aan hom gewys het en die verdagtes is na die polisiekantoor geneem,” het Williams gesê. Die twee verdagtes is onderskeidelik van Delft en Elsiesrivier en het in die Bellvillelanddroshof verskyn op twee aanklagte – een van gewapende roof en die ander een vir die besit van ’n vuurwapen. “Vir die slagoffer lyk die speelgoedvuurwapen soos die ware Jakob. Slagoffers word meestal gedurende spitstyd – soggens of saans laat – aangeval wanneer daar min of geen mense in die omgewing is nie,” het Williams gesê. “Wanneer pendelaars met ’n vuurwapen gekonfronteer word, moet hulle kalm bly, want nie alle vuurwapens is speelgoed nie. Jy weet nooit of dit die ’n regte wapen is nie. Wees eerder bang Jan as dooie Jan,” het hy gesê. Hy het genoem dat die publiek gewoonlik van juweliersware en selfone beroof word, want dis goed wat hulle in die openbaar vertoon. “Dis maklik om ’n halssnoer of hangertjie van iemand se nek af te ruk, terwyl die persoon verby jou stap of jou konfronteer,” het Williams gesê. “Met die skole wat nou heropen het, loop
die leerders met hul oorfone en dis vir enige misdadiger duidelik dat die leerders ’n selfoon het. Vandag se leerders is ook so besig met hul tegnologie dat hulle nie bedag is oor wie die pad saam met hulle gebruik of wie verdag voorkom nie. Ek wil nou al vir die leerders vra om tog versigter te wees en eerder hul selfone in hul skooltasse te dra,” het Williams gesê. Indien verdagtes in besit van speelgoedvuurwapens is terwyl die rooftog plaasvind en hulle uitgeken word, word hulle aangekla vir die rig van ’n vuurwapen, ongeag of dit ’n speelgoedvuurwapen is of nie, het Williams bygevoeg. “Dis belangrik dat die verdagte uitgeken word en wanneer ’n persoon ’n vuurwapen op jou rig, sal die polisie die klag beskou as die rig van ’n vuurwapen. Die wetgewing rondom vuurwapens sal dan op die verdagte van toepassing wees. In die voorbeeld wat hierbo genoem is, is albei verdagtes aangekla vir die rig van ’n vuurwapen en gewapende roof, ongeag of dit ’n speelgoedvuurwapen is of nie,” het Williams gesê. Hy het ’n beroep gedoen op die publiek om min of geen juweliersware of selfone te dra nie en só te help om rooftogte te bekamp. V Vertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie berig dink by
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Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Tienerseuns in hegtenis geneem oor moord ESMÉ ERASMUS
Drie tienerseuns van Morningstar is in hegtenis geneem oor die voorval waarin ’n onbekende man (36) op 21 Desember in Durbanville met ’n mes doodgesteek is.
Volgens kapt. Marchell Rhode, Durbanville-polisiewoordvoerder, is die man omstreeks 20:00 met ’n steekwond in sy rug in Chenowethstraat gevind. Hy is hospitaal toe geneem, waar hy aan sy beserings beswyk het. Rhode het gesê volgens ooggetuies is die man deur ’n jong seun gesteek.
Lt.kol. Theo Fisher van die Durbanvillepolisie het bevestig drie jong verdagtes tussen 12 en 15 jaar oud, wat op die toneel was, is in hegtenis geneem, omdat dit nog nie seker is wie van hulle die man gesteek het nie. Hulle het reeds in die Bellville-landdroshof op ’n klag van moord verskyn.
Moenie voertuig op die N1 verlaat NOLUVU LUDIDI
Ernstige waarskuwing word aan padgebruikers gerig om nie uit hul voertuie te klim as hulle probleme op die N1 ondervind nie. Dié waarskuwing kom van die sektor-4Bbuurtwag van Kraaifontein nadat ’n man van Bellville op 7 Januarie daar aangerand is en later gesterf het. Hy en sy gesin het omstreeks 01:15 onder die Joostenbergvlaktebrug, naby die Lucullis-afdraai, sonder brandstof gaan staan toe hulle deur vier mans genader is. Die gesin is van hul selfone, beursies en ander waardevolle items beroof, waarna die pa aangerand is. Volgens André Theron, voorsitter van sektor 4B, het die vier verdagtes die man vermoedelik met pangas aangerand en vir dood gelos. Theron sê die man se vrou wou motoriste stop vir hulp, maar was onsuksesvol. “’n Verbygaande motoris het van ons lede wat op die Brighton-brug was, ingelig oor die voorval. Ons buurtwag se noodhulpdiens is ontbied en is dadelik na die toneel om te help,” sê Theron. Hy sê op die toneel het hulle ’n man in die pad sien lê met steekwonde aan sy voorarm en aan die agterkant van sy kop. “Hy het erg gebloei en ons noodhulpmense het alles gedoen om die bloeding te stop tot die ambulans opgedaag het.” Theron sê die man was kritiek en hy is onmiddellik per ambulans na die Tygerberg-hospitaal geneem. Op pad soontoe kon hulle nie ’n polsslag kry nie en het hard probeer om die man by te bring. Theron sê die man is egter by die hospitaal dood verklaar. Die buurtwag en die Kraaifonteinse polisie wil sulke sinlose sterftes help voorkom. Hulle vra mense moet eerder in hul voertuie bly en die naaste polisiekantoor of familie en vriende kontak om te help. V Vertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie berig dink by
Motor na bewering in Durbanville geroof ESMÉ ERASMUS
Twee mans, wat kort voor Kersdag verlede jaar ’n rygeleentheid met ’n private vervoerdiens van Parow na Durbanville gehad het, het na bewering die motor in Durbanville geroof. Die twee mans en nog ’n makker is kort ná die voorval in Durbanville aangekeer. Volgens lt.kol. Theo Fisher van die Durbanville-polisie het die 27-jarige bestuurder van die motor die twee mans op 22 Desember teen betaling ’n rygeleentheid van Voortrekkerweg in Parow na Durbanville gegee. Toe hulle omstreeks 16:00 op die hoek van Eversdal- en Mopanieweg was, het een van die mans ’n vuurwapen uitgehaal en die bestuurder daarmee gedreig. Hulle is vort met sy motor, ’n Toyota Etios, twee selfone, kontant en ’n tabletrekenaar, alles ter waarde van R181 000. Volgens Fisher het die polisie dadelik inligting oor die voorval versprei en is die motor in Durbanville opgemerk. “Daar was toe drie mans in die motor. Hulle is al drie in hegtenis geneem.”
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
3 nabbed for spike in ‘Uber’ crimes T hree men were arrested for their suspected involvement in 17 cases of hijacking, robbery and kidnapping of metered taxi drivers, including those of the Uber service. The suspects, aged between 21 and 29 years, were arrested on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 January by the provincial anti-hijacking task team and members of the Brackenfell detective services. According to provincial police spokesperson, Captain FC van Wyk, the arrests came after the escalation in the hijacking of Uber and metered taxis in the province since October last year. Van Wyk confirms that the suspects would order taxis under false pretences and when the driver arrived they would
ask to be driven to a particular point. “On their way there, one of the suspects, who usually sat in the front of the vehicle with the driver, would point a gun at the driver and the one at the back would choke the victim at the same time. Thereafter, they would typically rob the driver of his cellphone and other valuables, pull him out of the vehicle and drive away with the vehicle,” explains Van Wyk. Furthermore, in some incidences, the driver would be ordered to get into the boot of the car after being robbed. All 17 reported cases, which took place during the months of October, November and December, saw the victims describing one, two or three men being involved. “The bulk of the incidents were reported
in the Blue Downs cluster of police stations, namely Kuils River, Kleinvlei and Mfuleni. Incidents also occurred in the Brackenfell police precinct, in Stellenbosch, Macassar and Somerset West,” says Van Wyk. The suspects appeared in the Blue Downs Magistrate’s Court on Monday 8 January. “We urge anyone who has more information about these crimes, or who may have fallen victim to these perpetrators, to come forward and report similar incidents to the investigating officer, Lieutenant Colonel Adrian Pretorius, on 082 777 8499,” Van Wyk says. “All information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.”
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 5
Vyf beroof Eversdalhuis NIELEN DE KLERK Vyf gewapende mans het verlede week ’n huis in Eversdal beroof. Die voorval het verlede Maandag omstreeks 20:45 in Green Sleevesstraat plaasgevind. “Volgens die klaer het hy die voordeur vir sy huurder oopgemaak en is hy deur vyf onbekende mans met gewere verras,” het lt.kol. Theo Fisher, woordvoerder van die Durbanville-polisiekantoor, gesê. Die man is vanaf die leefarea na die hoofslaapkamer geforseer, waar hy toegesluit is. Nadat die aanvallers weg is, het die man sy seun gebel, wat daarna die polisie gebel het. “Die verdagtes is met ’n rekenaarskerm, drukker en televisie in die klaer se twee voertuie vort,” het Fisher gesê. Niemand is beseer of nog in hegtenis geneem nie, het hy gesê.
6 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Fire causes death and destruction ESMÉ ERASMUS
54-year-old man burnt to death when a fire broke out in his wendyhouse in a backyard in Fisantekraal on Saturday 6 January. According to Lieutenant Colonel Theo Fisher of the Durbanville police, the deceased, Jacobus van Wyk, was alone in the wendyhouse in Goedverwacht Street when the fire broke out. His wife, Magrieta Konstabel, and two children aged 14 and 23 years respectively, were not at home at the time. Fisher says the fire presumably started when a candle fell over. The house was completely destroyed in the fire and the deceased’s family has been left homeless. All their belongings were destroyed in the fire. A neighbouring wendyhouse was also destroyed in the fire, leaving the occupants destitute. Another neighbouring house was slightly damaged. The City of Cape Town’s Disaster Management Department has assisted with building materials to restore the structures and rebuild the houses. The immediate needs of the families are being taken care of by non-profit organisations actively involved in the Fisantekraal community. This initiative is being coordinated by Olympians Social Development. Anyone wishing to make a donation of cash, household items or clothing to assist the families can contact Wendy Bosse on 076 256 5506. V What is your opinion on this article? Let us know at
The wendyhouse and the house behind it were completely destroyed in a fire on 6 January, leaving two families destitute. PHOTO: FACEBOOK
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Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 7
8 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Wonderkind begin eerste skooldag AVRIL FILLIES
k is gelukkig en opgewonde om groot skool toe te gaan, en my klasjuffrou en ek is dieselfde, want ons albei dra oorapparaatjies.” Dís hoe die sesjarige Allegra Lategan van Parklands, Bloubergstrand haar opgewondenheid beskryf om vandag (Woensdag 17 Januarie) haar eerste skooldag by die Jan Krielskool in Kuilsrivier te beleef. Sy is op 22 weke gebore. Sy het net 500 g geweeg en was so lank soos ’n pen. Sy is doof gebore en niemand het haar destyds ’n kans gegee om te oorleef nie, wat nog te sê dat sy haar eerste woord of tree sou gee! “Allegra is nie net ’n vegtertjie nie, maar ook ’n leier,”
het Chantal Lategan, haar ma, gesê. “Sy was van haar agste maand tot by ouerleiding by die Carel du Toit-sentrum vir gehoorgestremdes op die perseel van die Tygerberg-hospitaal. Van driejarige ouderdom tot graad R was sy heeltyds by die sentrum en deur die jare het ek goed vertroud en bevriend geraak met almal daar. Nou begin Allegra haar eerste skooljaar en dis vir ons albei ’n aanpassing. Toe sy by Carel du Toit begin het, het sy sommer dadelik die leiding geneem en almal het haar in die gange gevolg.” Volgens Lategan het sy en haar man, Hennie, baklei dat Allegra graad 1 moet begin en nie weer graad R herhaal nie. “Ons het dit ’n gebedsaak gemaak, want ons het nie geweet of die tyd reg is vir haar om
NEW ELECTRICITY METERS ARE COMING The City of Cape Town’s contractors will be installing new technology prepayment meters in your area in the coming weeks at no cost to you. Please be sure to ask for identification and a reference number when they arrive to install your brand new meter. The reference number can be verified by the City’s call centre (0860 103 089). Having this new technology prepayment meter in your home means that you’re in control. No more billing surprises, no more estimations, no more having to let City employees in to read your meter every month. Residents using prepayment meters use 10 –15% less electricity on average because they are able to manage their consumption better.
skool toe te gaan nie. Ons was onseker of sy by Carel du Toit moet bly en of sy na Jan Krielskool moes gaan. Nadat ons gehoor het dat sy by laasgenoemde aanvaar is, glo ons dat Jan Krielskool die regte skool vir haar en haar spesifieke behoeftes is.” Toe Allegra gebore is, was sy korter as 28 cm – gelykstaande aan die lengte van ’n pen wat nog steeds in die ouers se besit is. “My swangerskap was baie gesond totdat my water een oggend net gebreek het. Ek is gehaas na die Blaauwberg-Netcare en op bedrus geplaas. Gewoonlik doen die dokters dan ’n keisersnit om die baba die wêreld in te help, maar vier dae later is sy normaal gebore. Ouers ‘oe en aa’ gewoonlik oor hul mooi kindjie wat gebore is, maar ek was geskok toe ek haar sien. Omdat sy nog nie ten volle ontwikkel het nie, was sy deurskynend, ek kon elke aar in haar lyfie sien en sy het kneusings aan haar kop weens die geboorteproses gehad. Net die suster kon haar hanteer en van posisie verander in die broeikas sodat sy nie bedsere ontwikkel nie. Jy kon ook sien hoe die vloeistof van die een- na die anderkant van haar kop beweeg. Glad nie ’n mooi gesig gewees nie.” Allegra was vyf maande in die hoësorgeenheid en op 18 Desember 2011 het Chantal en Hennie hul grootste Kersgeskenk gekry toe sy vir Kersfees huis toe kon gaan. “Terwyl ek swanger was met haar, was ek ’n onderwyser by die Laerskool Seamount en ná haar geboorte was my hoof en die personeel wonderlik om my tyd te gee om haar in die hospitaal te besoek. ’n Aflosonderwyser het altyd vir my ingestaan, maar ek het later bedank, want Allegra het my nodig gehad,” het Chantal gesê. “Toe sy die eerste keer huis toe kom, moes ons ’n suurstofmasjien en medikasie saambring en toe breek die suurstofmasjien op die eerste aand. Dit was groot drama, want Hennie het om middernag probeer om al die noodnommers te bel om ’n
Allegra Lategan begin vandag met haar skoolloopbaan by Jan Krielskool in Kuilsrivier. nuwe suurstofmasjien in die hande te kry. “Dit was angstige oomblikke, maar die masjien is toe vervang. Tot op hede het Allegra se mediese geskiedenis altyd baie dramas veroorsaak. “Noudat sy skool toe gaan, is ek ook baie opgewonde, maar ook ’n bietjie bang. Die aanpassing gaan vir ons albei moeilik wees. “Ek kan onthou toe sy die eerste keer by Carel du Toitskool was, het ek die juffrou gevra om gereeld foto’s te neem van haar in die klas en dit vir my te stuur,” vertel sy. Allegra het ook twee kogliêre inplantings ontvang. Chantal glo dat indien die operasies vroëer gedoen was, sou sy al baie verder gevorder het.“Ons het geldinsamelings gehou om die kostes te dek. Ons is oneindig dankbaar vir almal wat ’n bydrae gelewer het om Allegra te kry tot waar sy vandag is.” Volgens haar is sy nog nie emosioneel reg om weer onderwys te gee nie, want sy is nog te emosioneel betrokke by Allegra. “Oor die algemeen is Allegra gesond en sy hou van die buitelewe. Sy is lief vir fietsry, musiek, diere en TV-programme soos Mr Bean.”
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Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 9
Kuns onlosmakend deel van oom Piet se lewe ESMÉ ERASMUS EN NADEA VICTOR
y hoef nie veel van ’n kunskenner te wees om te besef met watter ongelooflike gawe die 80-jarige Piet Sauerman van Durbanville geseën is nie. Daar waar Piet Sauerman agter die eetkamertafel van hul huis in die La Gratitude-aftreeoord met pen, papier en ’n vergrootglas gestalte gee aan herinneringe wat hy deur sy lewensreis van die afgelope 80 jaar bymekaargemaak het, is dit duidelik dat kuns onlosmakend deel is van sy lewe. Terwyl oom Piet nog herstel ná ’n onlangse rugoperasie en hy nog nie mag sit nie, is daar nie keer aan hom. Sy vrou, Petro, het hom gehelp om ’n tafeltjie bo-op die eetkamertafel te prakseer, sodat hy sodoende kon aanhou werk. Net so gemaklik as wat hy sy hand op papier sit om herinneringe te skets of met olie op doek te verewig, vertel hy die storie van sy lewe met kuns. As een van drie kinders het oom Piet grootgeword op ’n plaas in die Albertiniadistrik. As jong seun, vertel hy, het hulle na Stellenbosch gegaan vir sy ouer suster se troue. Sy kunstenaarsoog kon nie anders as om die ongelooflike skoonheid van die Boland raak te sien nie. “In daardie dae het mense nie hul huise geverf nie; dit is net afgewit. Hulle het wel vensterrame geverf. Terug in Albertinia het ek van plaas tot plaas gestap en gevra vir oorskietverf. Die bietjies oorskietverf het ek
gebruik om my eerste natuurtonele te skilder – sommer op enige karton of papier wat ek kon vind,” vertel hy. Oom Piet vertel dat in daardie dae, as jy ’n “Pals”-broek gekoop het, dit in ’n boks verpak was. Dit is juis só ’n boks wat toe dien as eerste skilderdoek waarop hy die uitsig vanaf hul plaashuis se stoep geskilder het. In daardie dae was dit nie ’n opsie om voltyds kunstenaar te wees nie en hy het regte op Stellenbosch gaan studeer en vir ’n ruk lank heeltemal ophou skilder. Hy het hom later in die bankwese bekwaam en het in dié bedryf gewerk tot sy aftrede. Hy het eers ná hul troue in 1964 weer begin skilder. In daardie jare het die gesin elke jaar in Vleesbaai hul Desembervakansies deurgebring. Terwyl die res van die gesin die see en son geniet het, het oom Piet geskilder. Veral Transvaalse vakansiegangers het tou gestaan vir skilderye van hul huise in Vleesbaai, wat dan weer na die vakansie saam is huis toe. Oom Piet het sommer vir hom ’n studio ingerig in ’n wendyhuisie in die agterplaas van hul huis in Bellville. Toe sy destydse buurman ’n pos aanvaar het as militêre attachè in Taiwan, het hy op ’n keer tot 20 skilderye van Tafelberg en die omgewing bestel om as geskenke daar weg te gee. Só is baie van oom Piet se kuns oorsee. Vandag op die ouderdom van 80 is hy nie net steeds ywerig agter die esel nie, maar werk ook voltyds as motorverkoopsman by sy seun se onderneming in Bellville.
Daar is geen keer aan oom Piet, wat nog herstel ná ’n rugoperasie en nog nie mag sit nie. Sy vrou, Petro, het hom gehelp om ’n tafeltjie boop die eetkamertafel te prakseer, sodat hy sodoende kon aanhou werk. FOTO’S: NADEA VICTOR
Hierdie olieverfskildery is van ’n huis langs die Weskus in die Vredenburgomgewing.
10 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Wat die hart van vol is
Wanneer die spietkop ’n taxi bestuur
As daar nou een ding is waarna ek gereeld uitsien, is dit om ’n passasier in ’n minibustaxi te wees. Nie omdat ek dit geniet om soos ’n sardientjie op die agterste sitplek ingedwing te word nie. Of omdat ek, volgens die tannie wat vir almal volgens hul figuur sê waar hulle moet sit, “die regte size is” nie, maar omdat ek in daai bedompige Quantum met die skaars lugversorging telkens my daaglikse humor ontvang. Ek kry altyd vir my ’n plekkie by die venster (wat ek half oophou) en daar sit ek stilletjies en vroetel op my selfoon, maar hoor alles en hou alles dop. So gepraat daarvan. Ek sit nou die oggend einste in ’n Quantum, en dis spitsverkeer. Dis ’n bloedige 33 grade in Kaapstad en my venster is sommer wawyd oop. Niemand kla nie, want as jy nou vroegoggend ’n Derde Wêreldoorlog wil begin, moet jy dit waag om ’n venster wyd oop te maak. Ons is op pad Parow toe. Ek kry altyd vir Ons hou stil by ’n rooi verkeerslig my ‘n plekkie en daar val my oë op die bestuurder by die venster van die taxi langs ons. (wat ek half Die passasiers oophou) en sit en kyk net voor hulle – seker daar sit ek te skaam om nog hul koppe te draai, stilletjies en want hulle is bevoorvroetel op my vanoggend reg om deur ’n verkeersbeampte selfoon vervoer te word. En waar is die bestuurder? Nee, dié sit links voor! Hy kry homself so jammer dis amper tasbaar tot in ons taxi! Meneer besit óf glad nie ’n bestuurslisensie nie, óf hy het uitstaande lasbriewe. Dis glad nie sy dag nie – hy kry vanmôre sommer ’n lift “selle” toe. Verkeersbeampte is heel geduldig en stop selfs tot om mense af te laai. Maar daar borrel so ’n onvermydelike giggel in my op, want ek het mos al self só iets oorgekom – waar ons deur ’n verkeersbeampte rondgery is. Al verskil is daardie keer het ons oorspronklike bestuurder so vinnig weggehol dat ek seker is hy sou vir Wayde van Niekerk die hakke gewys het. Sê net traffic cop! en hy is weg! Maar ja, maak seker jy vind eers uit of die bestuurder geregtig is om op die pad te wees. Jou lewe hang immers daarvan af. Ek gaan beslis! – Kaylynne Bantom
SMS V Nee wat, soveel klaagliedere oor water het ek nog nie gehoor nie. ’n Mens sou sweer die DA is verantwoordelik vir klimaatsverandering en dat hulle agter die droogtetoestand sit. Hulle het dalk geslaap deur nie pro-aktief op te tree nie, maar die klimaat laat hom nie voorskryf nie. Dit gaan voortaan net warmer en droeër word. Hou dus op om te kerm en beraam eerder planne om in die toekoms te oorleef. - Professor, Bellville. V Die matriekuitslae lyk op die oog af nie te sleg nie. Dis natuurlik tot ’n mens lees ’n leerder hoef net 30% te behaal om ’n vak te slaag! Dis mos ’n klug! Nie ’n wonder hulle sukkel so om te tel, lees en skryf nie. - Afgetrede onnie, Brackenfell. V I simply cannot keep up with the shenanigans of Cape Town’s mayor and her cronies. They are bringing the good name of the DA into disrepute. - Anne, Goodwood ) SMS’e kos R1,50 elk. Stuur die woord “Tyger”, gevolg deur jou boodskap na 45527.
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
What’s your secret? Western Cape premier, Helen Zille, seems to lean in to hear the secret of Tererai Muchabaiwa’s success. Muchabaiwa,
from Malibu High School, is one of only three Western Cape matrics who received full marks for Physical Sciences in 2017. Looking on from left are provincial MEC, Debbie Schäfer, and head of education, Brian Schreuder. PHOTO: NIELEN DE KLERK
BRIEWE|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00
Adverteer mite van waternood Dit is nou al ’n geruime tyd dat die Stad Kaapstad vir die rekening van die belastingbetalers volkleur-volbladadvertensies in die dagblaaie en in die streekkoerante plaas om die mite van ’n waterskaarste te propageer. Kan die Stad Kaapstad die bedrag noem wat die mediaveldtog tot dusver beloop? Ons as belastingbetalers wil weet. Ons wil ook weet hoeveel geld die maatskappye van gebottelde water tans maak uit die verkoop van miljoene liters kraanwater aan die publiek. En hoe is dit moontlik dat ’n strategiese bron soos water gekommersialiseer kon word? ’n Dringende ondersoek deur die Valke en die Openbare Beskermer moet van stapel gestuur word. BELASTINGBETALER Epos
Drought charge is a ‘wealth tax’ Herewith I would like to formally object to the proposed “drought charge” based on value of property and not on consumption. Walking up the stairs of the City of Cape Town municipal building, you notice the words “Service Excellence”, “Accountability”, “Trust”, “Accessibility” and “Integrity” painted in bold white letters on the staircase. Thinking of the proposed “drought charge” I can’t help but think about the irony of these words. I can’t even imagine how the elderly and pensioners must feel with their limited financial resources, as well as families where there is a disability (families where
there is a disability earn on average 60% less than families with no disability). They now face the possibility of being punished by a “wealth tax” based on the value of their property and not on their water consumption. This is all due to the City of Cape Town’s failure to build and maintain their water infrastructure. A “wealth tax” in addition to the rates and taxes based on the value of the property creates the impression that the City of Cape Town assumes that the owners of more expensive properties will consume more water than those in lower value properties. “Double taxation” is the sad reality of South Africa … income tax, VAT, petrol tax, municipal rates and taxes, school/education, medical aid and security … and now even a proposed “drought tax”. Herewith I would like to suggest the following solutions to assist the City of Cape Town to generate the required R1 billion a year over three years to support the capital and operational costs of the vital water projects: . Allocate the +/- R750 000 ward allocations of the +/- 115 wards towards the project: R86 250 000 . Charge interest on late payment of municipal accounts as allowed in the City of Cape Town: Credit Control and Debt Collection By-Law, 2006 as amended. Currently the City of Cape Town doesn’t charge any interest on the late payment of accounts . Impose penalties based on water consumption and not on the value of the property . Address the duration of time to log calls at the call centre and prioritise the response time to repair pipe bursts, water leaks, etc. HENDRI TERBLANCHE Email
Is dit ware stand van damvlakke?
Water levy is theft on the part of DA
Ek merk op dat net die stand van die Theewaterskloof-, Voëlvlei- en Franschhoekdamme weekliks gegee word. Wat van die Steenbrasdam? Dit is dan byna vol. Hoekom word dit geheim gehou? Daar is oorgenoeg water tot volgende winter en die sogenaamde D-dag bluf inwoners net. Altans, só lyk dit vir my. DRIES ENGELKE Brackenfell
The Western Cape DA are thieves if they allow the water levy to be based on the value of a person’s property. They will be accomplices by allowing the thieves that use more water than they are allocated, to continue doing so with no consequences and making us pay for them to continue to misuse and abuse this service – just because the Western Cape DA are too lazy and incompetent to do their work/duty to find the culprits and hold them accountable. It is so much easier to impose a service water levy on the soft targets of the hard-working, young, middle class and aged, knowing they do not have the knowledge, power or finances to pay for attorneys to defend them. In my opinion the Western Cape DA have no legal right to impose a water service levy based on the valuation of a person’s property. A valuation is not a service, which is why the government cannot put 14% VAT on it. Property is something we have bought and paid for. The municipality provides no service for this. We provide a service to the municipality by buying, maintaining and improving the property for which we paid. We make the property more desirable and valuable, and the municipality has the advantage of having the incentive for prospective buyers to pay higher prices and to buy in specific areas. This is a service we supply to the municipality, not a service they supply to us. Thousands of people have spent a lot of money on water tanks to save water, yet we get no thanks or relief. I object to the proposed water service levy. Punish those who misuse this service. J BINNEMAN Email
New Water and Sanitation building In the last couple of months I have been wondering what new building is being erected on the corner of Voortrekker Road and Mike Pienaar Drive. It’s all flashy and modern with wonderful windows, etc. To my surprise I now note that it is a beautiful building that carries the proud logo of the Water and Sanitation Department of the City of Cape Town. It amazes me that the City can spend money on new buildings, yet the water crisis looms large. I think it is criminal that the City is spending millions when citizens are soon going to be waterless. They should have postponed that project when the water shortage was noted. WERNER COETZEE Email
Emergency number needed for traffic Why focus on drunk driving to improve safety when there is no after-hours emergency number for traffic police and the 10111 line will not assist with traffic-related matters? CONCERNED Email
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 11
Inwoners sê nee vir droogteheffing DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
owat 55 0000 inwoners van Kaapstad het via die Dear Cape Town-webwerf amptelik beswaar aangeteken teen die sogenaamde droogteheffing wat die Stad Kaapstad op belastingbetalers wil afdwing. Die kragtige veldtog is op 3 Desember deur Sandra Dickson van Brackenfell van stapel gestuur. In minder as ’n maand het die veldtog se Facebookgroep, Stop COCT, 6 000 lede gewerf. “Lede van die publiek kon dan met behulp van ’n digitale portaal op ons Dear Cape Town-webwerf hul amptelike beswaar teen die heffing direk aan die Stad stuur,” sê Dickson. Sy glo dat dit juis die platform was wat verantwoordelik was vir die ongekende reaksie en herlewing in openbare deelname. Die meeste besware wat nóg aangeteken was teen ’n stadsbeleid, heffing of begrotingskwessie in die laaste paar jaar, was skaars meer as 1 000, sê Dickson. “Dit was verlede jaar toe die Stad die elektrisiteitstariewe verander het. Die verandering het daartoe gelei dat sowat 100 000 inwoners se kragtariewe met tot 75% gestyg het,” sê sy. Volgens haar het die Stad die verandering deurgevoer sonder om gehoor te gee aan die sowat 1 000 besware wat gemaak is. “Die Stad stoomroller alles deur, maar ek wil graag sien hoe hulle meer as 43 000 besware gaan ignoreer,” sê sy. Die droogteheffing wat in Desember 2017 voorgestel is, bepaal dat huiseienaars ’n bykomende maandelikse belasting moet betaal gegrond op die waarde van hul eiendom. Privaat eiendomme van R400 000 en meer sal belas word met ’n maandelikse heffing, wat tussen 10% en 11% van jou eiendomsbelasting sal behels. ’n Eienaar van ’n woning met die waarde van R1 miljoen, sal dus R60 ’n maand ekstra betaal.
“Besoek ons webwerf by dearcapetown. om jou kommentaar in te dien,” sê sy. Dickson sê dit is absurd vir die Stad om inwoners wat reeds sedert 2016 water bespaar, nou met bykomende belasting te straf. “Op eie koste doen ons as inwoners reeds genoeg om water te bespaar met gryswaterstelsels, boorgate en watertenks. Nou moet ons nog meer betaal vir nog minder. “Hoekom word al die verantwoordelikheid op ons skouers geplaas? Waar is die R3 biljoen wat oor was in die 2016-begroting?” “Dit gaan oor die beginsel van die saak. Al die heffings hoop op en die middelklas kan nie meer byhou nie. Sommige inwoners wat reeds deurgeloop het met verlede jaar se elektrisiteitstariewe, sal teen einde van die jaar reeds sowat R300 meer betaal het vir hul eiendomsbelasting. Waar gaan dit alles eindig? Die Stad moet vorendag kom met langtermynstrategieë en oplossings. Om die kostes rentevry van belastingbetalers te verhaal is nié die oplossing nie.” Patricia de Lille, burgemeester, het egter verlede week aangekondig dat die heffings nie daargestel is om inwoners te straf nie. “Die droogteheffing is nodig om die tekort in die Stad se inkomste te verhaal wat ontstaan het weens inwoners se waterbesparings,” het sy Donderdag in ’n mediaverklaring gesê. Volgens haar is die tekort in die Stad se water- en sanitasie-afdeling weens verminderde verbruik geprojekteer in die omgewing van R1,7 miljard vir 2017/18. “Sonder hierdie belangrike inkomste sal die Stad nie in staat wees om die basiese operasies te onderneem wat nodig is om water- en sanitasiedienste aan die mense van Kaapstad te bied nie.” Die openbaredeelnameproses wat inwoners die geleentheid gegee het om kommentaar te lewer, het Maandag 15 Januarie gesluit.
Curro Castle Uitzicht bied
100% afslag op inskrywingsgeld vir 2018! Doen voor 28 Februarie aansoek.
Every day is
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12 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
What’s on | Wat’s waar KENNISGEWING VAN VERGADERINGS VAN DIE SUBRADE: JANUARIE 2018 Kennis geskied hiermee dat die 24 (vierentwintig) subrade van die Stad Kaapstad soos volg op die volgende plekke en tye sal vergader: Subraad 1
16 17 18 19 20
Plek Westfleur- munisipale kantore, Westfleur-sirkel, Atlantis Kraaifontein-raadsaal, Kraaifontein munisipale gebou, Brightonweg, Kraaifontein Milnertonraadsaal Royal Ascot, Bridalweg, Milnerton Parow-raadsaal, Parowmunisipale gebou, 1ste verdieping, hoek van Voortrekkerweg en Tallentstraat, Parow Bonteheuwel-raadsaal, Bonteheuwel- munisipale gebou, hoek van Jakkalsvleilaan en Kiaatweg, Bonteheuwel Bellville-raadsaal, Bellville-burgersentrum, Voortrekkerweg, Bellville Durbanville-raadsaal, Durbanville munisipale kompleks, hoek van Oxforden Queenstraat, Durbanville Strand-raadsaal, Strandmunisipale kantore, hoek van Faganstraat en Hoofweg, Strand Ouditorium van die Khayelitshaopleidingsentrum, h.v. Lwandleweg en Phendulasingel, Khayelitsha Ouditorium van die Khayelitsha-opleidingsentrum, h.v. Lwandleweg en Phendulasingel, Khayelitsha Fezeka-raadsaal, Fezekaadministratiewe gebou, hoek van Govan Mbeki en Steve Biko-rylaan, Gugulethu Lentegeur administratiewe gebou, hoek van Merrydaleen Melkbosweg, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain Ruth First-gemeenskapsaal, Sinqolamthistraat, Philippi Fezeka-raadsaal, Fezekaadministratiewe gebou, hoek van Govan Mbeki en Steve Biko-rylaan, Gugulethu Raven-kamer, eerste verdieping, Pinelandsopleidingsentrum, Sentrale Plein, St. Stephensweg, Pinelands Raadsaal, 11de verdieping, Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad Dulcie September Minor Saal, Athlone Subraad-raadsaal, hoek van Buckweg en Sesde Laan, Lotusrivier Raadsaal, Sentrale Sirkel, Vishoek Raadsaal, Alphensentrum, Constantia-hoofweg, Constantia Kuilsrivier-raadsaal, 1ste verdieping, Kuilsriviermunisipale gebou, hoek van Carinusstraat en Van Riebeeckweg, Kuilsrivier Kuilsrivier-raadsaal, 1ste verdieping, Kuilsriviermunisipale gebou, hoek van Carinusstraat en Van Riebeeckweg, Kuilsrivier Lentegeur administratiewe gebou, hoek van Merrydaleen Melkbosweg, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain Macassar munisipale raadskamer, Bindlaand, Macassar
25 Januarie 2018
Vernatt van der Westhuizen 021 444 6041
24 Januarie 2018
Freddie Prince 021 444 1131
25 Januarie 2018
Johannes Brand 021 444 4862
25 Januarie 2018
Ardela van Niekerk 021 444 0196
24 Januarie 2018
Hillary Lewis 021 444 2966
22 Januarie 2018
Pat Jansen 021 444 3717
22 Januarie 2018
Carin Viljoen 021 444 0689
Erika Williams 021 850 4150
24 Januarie 2018 10:00
Johnson Fetu 021 360 1350
22 Januarie 2018
Clifford Sitonga 021 444 3715
24 Januarie 2018
Kayise Nombakuse 021 444 5387
25 Januarie 2018
Desiree Mentoor 021 444 8701
24 Januarie 2018
Lunga Bobo 021 444 5388
22 Januarie 2018
Zimlo Lalendle 021 444 5388
24 Januarie 2018
Mariëtte Griessel 021 444 9797
25 Januarie 2018
Marius Coetsee 021 487 2055 Ardela van Niekerk 021 400 1148
22 Januarie 2018
26 Januarie 2018
25 Januarie 2018
Fred Monk 021 700 4020
Desiree Mentor 021 444 9461
24 Januarie 2018
Richard White 021 444 8112
24 Januarie 2018
Pieter Grobler 021 400 2344
22 Januarie 2018
Okkie Manuels 021 400 2344
22 Januarie 2018
Raphael Martin 021 444 8727
25 Januarie 2018
Goodman Rorwana 021 444 7530
22 Januarie 2018
V Fluister – in ’n wêreld wat skree, wil Chereé en Chris Rain fluister. Die produksie, waarin Chereé agter die klawers en mikrofoon en Chris agter sy kitaar en mikrofoon is, vind op Donderdag 18 en Vrydag 19 Januarie by Die Boer-restaurantteater in Durbanville vanaf 20:30 plaas. Kaartjies kos R150 en is beskikbaar by 021 979 1911 of aanlyn by V Ag kom ek val sommer met die HOLM in die huis, met Marion Holm in haar 14de eenvrouvertoning, sal by die Boer-restaurantteater in Durbanville op Saterdag 20 en Sondag 21 Januarie te sien wees. Holm gaan klets oor prettighede soos siektes, ouderdom, swaarkry en leed met baie humor. Alle grappe is tuisgebak en ten koste van haarself. Kaartjies is R130 en kan bespreek word by of skakel 021 979 1911. V The Maynardville OpenAir Theatre Fes tival will be taking place from Thursday 18 January to Saturday 3 March at the Maynardville Open-Air Theatre. The theatre has played host to the works of Shakespeare for the past 62 years. The festival will feature a showcase of orchestra, ballet, comedy and theatre, all inspired by Shakespeare. Pack a picnic or buy food at the venue and prepare for a magical experience under the stars. Tickets for the various productions are available at Computicket. V Cinderella on Ice will be on at the Artscape Opera House throughout January until Sunday 28 January. The world-famous Imperial Ice Stars, who have won international critical acclaim and five-star reviews with their previous tours of The Sleeping Beauty on Ice, The Nutcracker on Ice and Swan Lake on Ice, are set to thrill South African audiences once more with this magical production. Tickets are R90 to R425 and are available at Computicket. V A Night of Headliners will be taking place on Friday 19 January at the Cape Town Comedy Club. The evening will feature four top comedians, namely Matthew McAloone, Kurt Schoonraad, Brent Palmer and Martin Evans as MC. Tickets are R190, which includes a free Savanna for all and a video mixtape CD on arrival for the first 100 guests. Tickets are available at any Computicket outlet or Shoprite and Checkers stores. V Mindfulness for a happy life, a meditation course, will be presented by Buddhist monk Gen Pagpa on Saturday 20 January from 09:30 to 12:00 at 47 Drakenstein Road in Durbanville Hills. The cost of R160 includes refreshments. To book, call 021 447 1650. For more information, visit V The Best of Rob van Vuuren: The comedic
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
phenomenon famous for being the guy who schucksed Schuster, for being Twakkie and Van der Merwe, as well as the person behind many other iconic South African television and film characters, will be performing at the Cape Town Comedy Club on Monday 22 and Monday 29 January. Tickets are R150 and are available from any Computicket or Shoprite and Checkers stores. V Emo Adams and Take Note will be performing at Die Boer Theatre Restaurant on Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24, Thursday 25 and Saturday 27 January at 20:30. Tickets are R175. To book, call 021 979 1911 or 083 406 0111, or book online at V Rocking Horse, the legendary country band, will be performing at the Edgemead Bowling Club on Sunday 28 January. Tickets are R60. To book, call Joan Clark on 061 490 1694. V ’n Bederfmiddag vir seniors met die pian is Rocco de Villiers vind op Maandag 29 Januarie vanaf 14:00 by Venue D’Aria plaas. Kaartjies is R75 en sluit verversings, koffie, tee en sap in. Alle seniors en hul nog nie senior vriende is baie welkom. Kontak hulle by of 082 074 1269 om te bespreek. V Rosanthorn Cello Trio will be performing at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre in Stellenbosch on Sunday 4 February at 18:30. The three innovative cellists, Dorette Roos, Carol Thorns and Anjulie Nock, will be presenting the cello in a groundbreaking new context at one of the Boland’s most popular venues. Featured special guests will include the Idols top 100 singer Zami Mdingi, composer and producer Helmut Meijer, and pianist Johan Swanepoel. Tickets cost R180 to R200 and bookings can be made through Computicket or at the Oude Libertas box office. V Valentine’s Day 2018 will be celebrated at Venue D’Aria on Wednesday 14 February at 19:00. Couples can enjoy a welcoming drink, canapés, a three-course meal with wine pairing and live music by Ike Moriz. Tickets are R895 per couple and bookings can be made at or by calling 082 074 1269. V Mozart and Salieri, the groundbreaking adaptation of Alexander Pushkin’s short story, sees the Cape Town City Ballet open 2018 with a bang. The production, boasting sumptuous visuals with 3D mapped projection, will be coming to the Artscape Opera stage from Wednesday 7 to Saturday 17 February. Tickets cost R150 to R270 and are available at Computicket. V Dennis East, Gordon Mackay and Mike Pi lot will be performing at the Edgemead Bowling Club on Sunday 18 February. Tickets are R50. Call Joan Clark on 061 490 1694.
Ervaar EIK op Stellenbosch
ie Stellenbosch-StraatSoirees sorg vir goeie gees en is ’n kultuurinspuiting soos min wanneer die Eikestad sy hart op sy sypaadjies dra gedurende dié tweemaandelikse straatkuiers. Stellenbosch het nie net Suid-Afrika se eerste wynroete nie, maar staan bekend as die Eikestad met ’n smorgasbord van eie-in-sy-klas (EIK)-ervarings vir oud en Die StellenboschStraatSoirees vind twee keer per maand in jonk. “Een so ’n EIK-trekpleister Drostdystraat plaas. is ons maandelikse straatkuiers waar plaaslike inwoners en besoeBy dié “buitelug-verskyn-en-verdwynkers kan saamkom soos ’n goeie versnitwyn straat-makieties” maak karre en fietse plek om plattelandse gasvryheid, kulinêre ver- vir geesdriftiges om oor ’n glasie wyn en iets nuf, druifgenot en raakvat-musiekvermaak om aan te peusel, kuier-kuier die gees en te geniet,” sê Elmarie Rabe, bestuurder van gulheid van die streek te ervaar. Stellenbosch-Wynroetes. Elke Stellenbosch-Straat-Soiree vind Die Stellenbosch-Straat-Soirees word met plaas van 18:00 tot 20:00 in Drostdystraat en trots deur die Stellenbosch-Wynroetes aan- elke kuier bied ’n keur van kelders en kokke gebied, met die eerste een wat die verkeer wat smaak aan die aand verleen. in Drostdystraat op Woensdag 13 Desember Vir R100 kry jy ’n wynglas en 12 wynproeletterlik tot stilstand gebring het. merktekens en daar is ook heerlike kos en Dit is jou kans om die unieke leefstyl van happies te koop. Kinders is ook welkom. Stellenbosch te ervaar met smullekker Die Stellenbosch-Straat-Soirees se dastraatkos (vars voorberei deur plaaslike tums is: Woensdag 24 Januarie; Woensdag restaurante en kokke), bekroonde wyne 7 en 21 Februarie en Woensdag 7 en 21 vanuit die kontrei en ’n feestelike atmosfeer Maart. Skakel 021 886 4310 of besoek en plaaslike musikante op die spyskaart.
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
The author Michael Lee (left) presents a Russian translation of Heartbeat to Roman Ambarov, consul general of the Russian Federation in Cape Town.
Local’s book gets a Russian slant L
ocal author Michael Lee presented a Russian translation of his documentary novel, Heartbeat – a novel memorialising the world’s first heart transplant – to the consul general of the Russian Federation in Cape Town in December. This was done in honour of the 25th year of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The novel Heartbeat by Michael Lee (61), a resident of Sonstraal in Durbanville, was originally published in 2015 after extensive research, as reported in TygerBurger last year (“Commemorating a medical miracle”, TygerBurger, 6 September 2017). This 50th anniversary special edition clarifies the role of the animal laboratory surgeon Hamilton Naki in this groundbreaking event. The book includes a new essay on the legacy of Naki, co-written by Professor Anwar Sulman Mall, acting deputy vice-chancellor and professor of general surgery at the University of Cape Town (UCT), as well as Grant Willis, a director in UCT administration who once witnessed a transplant performed by Naki. “While the Russian edition of this extraordinary true story comes at a time when the two countries celebrate diplomatic ties, it also acknowledges heart surgeon Professor Chris Barnard’s inspiration from Russia,” says Lee, also an artist and qualified futurist. A few years before leading the world-renowned heart transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital on 3 December 1967, Barnard visited Russian scientist and organ transplant pioneer, Vladimir Demikhov, in Moscow. Demikhov was one of the world’s founding fathers of transplantology, a branch of medicine focused on organ transplants and the development of artificial, or machine, organs. He had performed several organ transplantations on animals, including the revolutionary transplantation of the heads of dogs. Clearly, Barnard was impressed by Demikhov’s groundbreaking work, and this is an example of why continued scientific and cultural contact with Russia is important,” Lee says. “It’s a true pleasure to be presented with the book on one of the greatest events in modern history,” Ambarov comments. “The fact that Chris Barnard took inspiration from Vladimir Demikhov is a wonderful example of what the people of our countries can achieve together.” The Russian translation of Heartbeat was sponsored by cardiologist Professor Sergey Dzemeshkevich after a visit to the Heart of Cape Town Museum at Groote Schuur Hospital. It was published by MEDpress-Inform Publishers in Moscow. The 50th anniversary edition of Heartbeat is available from major booksellers in South Africa and may be ordered online. V What is your opinion on this article? Let us know at
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 13
14 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Amper ’n Kersdag sonder geskenke
Festive cheer leads to a Happy New Year!
Local resident and teacher, Gerry Smeda, has been lighting up his house every festive season since 2005 in aid of charity. He received a cheque to the amount of R30 050,50 which was raised for the Tygerberg Children’s Hospital during the recent festive season. Smeda handed the cheque over to the hospital on Saturday 6 January. The amount, which was raised over 25 days from Saturday 9 December to Wednes day 3 January, is the most that has been raised by the festive lights at the house since 2010. With the amount being almost double the R17 025,65 raised last year, Smeda says that special mention must be made of all those who came to see the lights and donated so generously. “Thank you to all who donated, no matter how small, as well as the local shops who contributed so generously,” he says. Smeda adds that the addition of the Santa House, where children donated R5 to enter and have a photo taken, served as a wonderful addition to the festive cheer. Smeda confirms that this year will mark the last time he will put up the lights. “We hope to raise more than the R30 000 raised in 2017.” The funds raised will be used to contribute to beds for the intensive care unit of the Tygerberg Children’s Hospital. PHOTO: JAYDEE CYSTER
it was so hittete of tientalle behoeftige bejaardes het ’n droewige Kersfees beleef. Die Toebroodjies vir oues-projek (Top) het teen middel November nog duisende rande benodig om sy jaarlikse Kersgeskenke uit te deel. Dié welwillendheidsorganisasie in Bellville, wat sy projek met Teahmo in Brackenfell deel, gee al vir ses jaar ’n geskenk in die vorm van ’n tweeliter-roomysbak met lekkernye aan behoeftige seniors in die omgewing. Vir baie bejaardes is dit die enigste interaksie wat hulle daardie dag kry en ook die enigste geskenk wat hulle ontvang. Die projek kos sowat R32 000 en is van donasies afhanklik om sowat 400 bakke vol te maak. “Op ’n tydstip was ek baie bekommerd en het gedink ons gaan met ’n tekort van R10 000 sit,” vertel Werner Schwella, organiseerder van die projek. “Maar die donasies het toe net begin inkom. Dit was ’n ongelooflike ervaring om te sien wat gebeur het.” Die mikpunt is toe selfs oorskry en R34 150 is ingesamel. Die groep kon toe by twee geleenthede in Desember die 400 bakke uitdeel. Schwella sê hulle gaan beslis weer vanjaar die Kersgeskenkprojek aanpak. “Dit is ’n belewenis om te sien hoe die senior burgers se gesigte straal as hul die gratis pakkie ontvang.” Kontak Schwella by 083 591 6691 vir meer inligting.
Smile FM’s Water Warriors ‘knighted’
Area Managers (Mechanical, Production) B Eng, B Sc or B Tech (Engineering) plus at least 8 - 10 years' relevant petrochemical experience.
Technicians (Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Process) Relevant National Diploma plus at least 5 years' relevant experience (entry level).
Engineers (Electrical, Mechanical, Process, Metallurgical, Welding, Industrial, Reliability) B Eng or B Sc plus 6 years' petrochemical, production, manufacturing or industrial experience.
Artisans (Electrical, Process, Fitter, Turbine Fitter, Boilermaker, Instrumentation) Matric or N3 with Mathematics, Science and English • Trade certificate • At least 3 years' relevant working experience as a qualified artisan. Take your career to the next level by applying online at (click on careers) or by visiting our LinkedIn page. In return for your contribution, Sasol offers excellent career development, growth opportunities and remuneration packages, incorporating company benefits and relocation assistance. Closing date: 31 January 2018.
The appointment of candidates is subject to verification of credentials. Communication will be limited to shortlisted candidates. We thank all applicants for their interest.
Together, shaping tomorrow
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The Smile 90.4FM team have been activists for the water crisis since implementing their Water Warriors campaign at the beginning of 2017. Each day, the team provides dedicated water reports and updates in all news bulletins while highlighting concerns and initiatives relating to the current water crisis. The Smile 90.4FM team was recently awarded a certificate of recognition for their contribution to conserving the water resources of the Western Cape. Minister of local government, environmental affairs and development planning, Anton Bredell, visited the studio to hand over the certificate. “The Smile 90.4FM Water Warriors programme is an extension of our service to the community, and in line with our brand philosophy, we simply had to be involved and become Cape Town’s official water saving station. It is such an honour to be awarded this certificate,” says programme director, Clive Ridgway.
Catch ‘The Maze Runner’ The Maze Runner: Death Cure features young hero Thomas, who embarks on a mission to find a cure for a deadly disease known as “The Flare”. It releases on Friday 26 January and stars Rosa Salazar, Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Dylan O’Brien. See for more information.
WIN! WIN! WIN! V 10 Readers can each win a set of double tickets to see a 3D movie of their choice at the CapeGate Shopping Centre. Simply tell us in 80 words of your weirdest or scariest experience yet, then send your micro-story to by noon on Wednesday 24 January to stand a chance of winning.
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 15
APRIL 2018 WE CAN ONLY AVOID IT IF WE ALL WORK TOGETHER Cape Town is experiencing its worst drought ever. We face the very real possibility of reaching DAY ZERO – the day the City’s taps are turned off in April 2018. When this happens, residents will have to queue at water collection points and will be rationed to 25 l per person per day. FOR MORE VISIT C APETOWN.GOV.ZA / THINKWATER
16 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Wayden the author of his own success so it wasn’t that difficult to balance schoolwork and writing,” he explains. “At the time I hadn’t thought that my book would even be published, so I wasn’t writing it under a deadline.” He describes his novel as a light read telling the story of a girl named Raquelle Marie, who escapes from the prison built for her by her godparents. Raquelle then sets out to find her aunt and uncle after finding a letter from her deceased parents in the attic. Rogers says that the writing of the book was motivated by an urge inside of him. “My brain was filled with thoughts, ideas and plots driving me insane, so I took the task of writing them down. When I put pen to paper, my hand just moved and the words fell into place,” he explains. For Rogers, writing – whether it be poetry or stories – is something he is definitely going to pursue as a career after finishing school. “My family supports my dream and that plays a huge part in my decision of choosing to write in the future. The wise words and encouragement from my aunts, uncles and parents, as well as the love and support they’ve shown me, have played a role in my writing,” says Rogers. “As the saying goes, ‘if you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life’, and I absolutely love to write.” He plans to model the success of his favourite author Jeff Kinney, who wrote his favourite book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Currently Rogers is in Grade 9 at Blackheath High School and serves on the representative council of learners. He lists English, History, Life Orientation and Natural Science as his favourite subjects. His favourite pastimes are singing with his nine-year-old brother, Ethan, as well as hiking with his family, jogging, writing poetry and essays, and engaging in frequent spelling tests and game shows with his family during dinner. The young author promises that this is only the beginning of his career in literature, adding that he is in the process of writing a new novel.
ayden Rogers (14), a learner at Blackheath High School who wrote his very first book, It’s Just Life, at the age of 10, says that his love for reading and writing was encouraged by his parents. “My parents encourage literature in our household, holding firm to the belief that ‘knowledge is power’,” he explains. The young author says that reading has always served as a means of escape for him. “The idea of other worlds just beyond my grasp encased between two covers blew my mind,” he explains. Rogers, who is the middle of three boys, started writing his novel while he was still in Grade 6. “I was reaching the end of my Grade 6 year and the workload had sufficiently lessened,
Wayden Rogers (14), a Grade 9 learner at Blackheath High School, published his very first novel at the age of 10.
Hartenbos se seester: Die oulike Michielani Freude Fourie (6) van Durbanville is geduren de die vakansie as Hartenbos se Mej. Seester aangewys. Michielani is vanjaar in graad 1 aan die Laerskool Gene Louw.
90 m²
450mm X 450mm
90 m²
485mm X 485mm
PAARDENEILAND WEG 51, PAARDENEILAND, K A A P S TA D T E L: 021 510 5500 • BT W I n g e s l u i t • B F & W • W e b w e r f : w w w . m a l l s t i l e s . c o m • O O P 7 D A E P E R W E E K • B E PA L I N G S E N V O O R WA A R D E S G E L D
90 PER 20Kg SAK
200mm x 300mm
49 90 m
4990 m
600mm X 600mm
35450 47854 E.&O.E. E.&O.E.
200mm x 200mm
7990 m
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 17
Top dentistry student all smiles JAYDEE CYSTER @jaydeecyster
Whitney Baartman graduating Summa Cum Laude at the University of the Western Cape in December. Here she is pictured with university registrar, Nita LawtonMisra.
or University of the Western Cape dentistry student, Whitney Baartman from Boston, studying dentistry has not always been easy. However, she says that keeping the end goal in mind was what motivated her to graduate Summa Cum Laude in December. Baartman moved to the Western Cape from Johannesburg in 2013 to pursue what she says is her passion. “I knew that I wanted to be a dentist from before I can even remember,” she says. “It is a profession that encompasses my love for both biology and people.” She says that what initially sparked her interest in the profession is the fact that her father always struggled with his teeth. Baartman, who grew up in Johannesburg and attended Parktown High School for Girls, says that both her mother and father have always been supportive of her dreams. “They helped to instil strong beliefs in me, including that women are able to do anything that men can – a belief that was further encouraged in my high school years.” This is a factor which she says inspired her to work hard to honour those who worked and are still working tirelessly to achieve equal rights for women. “Everybody experiences university differently, but if I had to give any study tips, my most important one would be to pursue something that you are passionate about,” encourages Baartman. Furthermore she says that once you have chosen something that you are passionate about, the next step should be working consistently throughout the year. “University is not like high school – you cannot start studying a day before the test and expect good results.” Another important factor for her is putting in the same amount of effort when pre-
paring for assignments and tests regardless of whether the module is worth five or 20 credits. “Ultimately, when you get into bed at night, you need to feel confident that you have done your best, whatever that may be.” She marks achieving balance between studying, your social life and staying healthy as one of the most important contributing factors to successfully completing your studies. “It is so important to know when to sit down and apply your mind to your books,
but also to know when you need to get out a little and live a life apart from being a student,” she says. “Proper sleep, starting the day with a good breakfast, and spending time doing things you love and with those you care about form an integral part in maintaining a balanced student life and preventing yourself from burning out.” She also says that maintaining a solid faith in God is what helped her get through the many difficult times faced throughout her studies.
This year Baartman will be completing her year of community service in Bloemfontein at the 3 Military Hospital. “I am incredibly blessed to have been placed there,” she says. She also says that she would like to further her studies at a later point in her life. “My ultimate goal is to make a difference, however small, in the lives of those around me and in the communities I serve,” she says.
18 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Cape matrics make their mark DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
chools in the northern suburbs of Cape Town not only yielded the top two matriculants in the country, but the learners excelled in many fields during the 2017 matric examinations. These learners were celebrated at the annual Western Cape Matric Awards hosted at Leeuwenhof, the premier’s residence, on Thursday morning. The top achieving schools, schools that showed the most improvement, and the top 50 matriculants for the class of 2017 were announced. Not even the scorching heat with temperatures soaring to around 39 degrees could dampen the excitement for these matriculants. Janke van Dyk from Bellville High School was the top candidate in the province and also in South Africa, while Matthys Louis Carstens from Durbanville High School took second place. Also in the top 50 were Eugene Fouche from Bellville High School, Joshua Heins from Fairbairn College in Goodwood, and Jacques Ernst van Schalkwyk from Stellenberg High School in Bellville. With a 100% score in the final exam, Tererai Muchabaiwa from Malibu High School in Eerste River and Matthys Louis Carstens from Durbanville High School were jointly awarded as the candidates with the highest marks in Physical Science. Born deaf, Angelique Lettitia O’Connell from Jan Kriel School in Kuils River was awarded a special prize for Excellence Despite Barriers to Learning. Living in the informal settlement of Wallacedene, Benedict Nafooh Khobotle from
Angelique Lettitia O’Connell from Jan Kriel School in Kuils River was awarded a special prize for Excellence Despite Barriers to Learn ing.
Scottsdene Secondary School in Kraaifontein was the recipient of the Special Ministerial Award. This award is bestowed on learners who achieve excellent academic results in the face of tremendous hardship, ill health and/ or personal obstacles. With a 13.6% improvement rate, Bellville South was eighth in the province in showing the greatest improvement in the matric pass rate over a three-year period from 2015 to 2017. Fisantekraal High School in Durbanville was fourth in the province with a 29.9% improvement rate. Delft Technical High School came in third position overall and was named the most improved technical high school in the province, with a 42.1% improvement rate. Principal Noel Cleophas says he is ecstatic about this achievement. “Our pass rate improved from 35% to 77.5% in three years and we plan to build on this. We believe we are well positioned in terms of equipping learners with the technical skills required in the country. Most of our learners do not have the resources to study at university and we therefore encourage them to enrol at TVET colleges in order to pursue technical professions,” he says. Masibambane Secondary School in Kraaifontein was awarded for showing the best improvement in Mathematics in the province. Bernodino Heights High School, also in Kraaifontein, received the same award for Computer Applications Technology, while Bellville Technical High School earned this accolade for Engineering Graphics and Design. Fairmont High School in Durbanville was named the school with the highest number of passes in English. In the overall top schools category, Parklands College in Table View and D.F. Malan High School in Bellville came in 18th and 19th places respectively for the schools with the best pass rate, bachelor’s pass rate and Maths pass rate in the province over a threeyear period. Premier Helen Zille congratulated these extraordinarily talented youngsters and encouraged them to use their talents to help South Africa become a country that is an example to the world, as a successful multicultural democracy. “Intellectual giftedness is only one part of what will help you live a significant life. What is more important will be your capacity to take responsibility and do what you have to do and not always what you want to do, and to find the truth and be dedicated to it,” Zille said. V What is your opinion on this article? Let us know at
Benedict Nafooh Khobotle from Scottsdene Secondary School in Kraaifontein was the recipient of the Special Ministerial Award. He is pictured with Premier Helen Zille, minister of education, Debbie Schäfer, and head of education in the Western Cape, Brian Schreuder PHOTOS: NIELEN DE KLERK
Tererai Muchabaiwa from Malibu High School in Eerste River award as one of the candidates with the highest marks in Physical Science. Matthys Carstens from Hoërskool Durbanville also shared this honour..
Jacques van Schalkwyk from Stellenberg High School was among the top 50 candidates in the country. He is pictured with Premier Helen Zille, minister of education, Debbie Schäfer, and head of education in the Western Cape, Brian Schreuder.
Jacques van Schalk wyk from Stellenberg High School with his parents, Ernst and Marina. Jacques plans to study medicine this year. He says that part of the secret to his success is hard work and revising past papers. Joshua Heyns from Fairbairn College in Goodwood was among the top 50 candidates in the country. He is pictured with Premier Helen Zille, minister of education, Debbie Schäfer, and head of education in the Western Cape, Brian Schreuder.
Janke van Dyk with her parents, Jan and Zenobie.
Eugene Fouche was among the top 50 candidates in the country. He is pictured with Premier Helen Zille, minister of education, Debbie Schäfer, and head of education in the Western Cape, Brian Schreuder.
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 19
Topskole in TBverspreidingsgebied AVRIL FILLIES
ltesaam 12 van die 79 hoërskole in die Metro-Oos- en Metro-Noord-onderwysdistrikte (in TygerBurger se verspredingsgebied), wat verlede jaar die matriekeksamen afgelê het, spog met ’n 100%-slaagsyfer. Die hoërskole is die Privaatskool Dunatos, Bellville, D.F. Malan, Fairbairn College, Fairmont, Privaatskool Melkbosstrand, Milnerton, Parklands, Riverside College, Stellenberg, Sunningdale en Tafelberg. Boonop is twee van die topdrie-presteerders in die land in die gebied. Janke van Dyk van die Hoërskool Bellville is die toppresteerder en Matthys Carstens van die Hoërskool Durbanville tweede. Oor albei se prestasies op akademiese gebied is daar verlede jaar wyd berig in die koerant. Die Metro-Oos-onderwysdistrik het gemengde welslae in die matriekuitslae behaal en het van ’n persentasie van 80% verlede jaar tot 77,7% vanjaar gedaal. Dit is ook die eerste keer sedert 2011 dat die distrik onder 80% in die matriekeksamen behaal. Dít is hoe Benjamin Schereka, direkteur vir die Metro-Oos-onderwysdistrik, die uitslae beskryf het. “Ons was altyd laaste onder die agt distrikte in die Wes-Kaap en om die uitslae in perspektief te sien, moet jy in ag neem watter areas onder ons val. Ons bedien Khayelitsha, Lwandle, Assanda Village, die hele Blue Downs/Eersterivier-gebied, Bellville, asook al die informele nedersettings in
Kraaifontein. Jy het in hierdie gebiede te doen met al die sosiale euwels en as jy dié euwels in ag neem en na die konteks kyk waarin ons in hierdie gebiede werk, kan jy my teleurstelling verstaan,” het Schereka gesê. “Die topleerder in die land kom uit ons distrik en verlede jaar het ons die naaswenner van die Hoërskool De Kuilen in Kuilsrivier opgelewer. Dit is die soet by my teleurstelling. “Dan moet jy ook onthou dat die Wes-Kaap van tweede plek verlede jaar na die derde plek teruggesak het,” het hy gesê. Waaroor Schereka ook bly is, is die 30% matrieks wat met matriekvrystelling geslaag het en toegang tot ’n universiteit verkry het om ’n graad te studeer. “Dit is ook iets om op trots te wees as jy nasionaal erkenning kry omdat die topleerder uit jou distrik kom. Ek is seker dat vanjaar se uitslae net ’n klein terugslag was en dat ons volgende jaar hierop gaan verbeter,” het Schereka gesê. Die skole in TygerBurger se verspreidingsarea is (geskryf, geslaag en persentasie): Arcadia: 68 - 56 - 82,4; Athlone-skool vir Blindes: 20 - 7 - 35; Bardale: 156 - 120 - 76,9; Belhar: 165 - 140 - 84,8; Bellville: 221 - 221 - 100; Bellville-HTS: 191 -175 - 91,6; Bellville-Suid: 157 - 126 -80,3; Bernadino Heights: 209 - 205 - 98,1; Bishop Lavis: 167 - 116 - 69,5;
Blackheath: 91 - 74 - 81,3; Bloekombos: 223 - 177 - 79,4; Bloubergrant: 72 - 71 - 98,6; Bonteheuwel: 63 - 58 - 92,1; Bosmansdam: 147 - 145 - 98,6; Boston-Privaatskool: 42 - 39 - 92,9; Brackenfell: 286 - 280 - 97,9; Cravenby: 139 - 116 - 83,5; De Kuilen: 282 - 272 - 96,5; D.F. Malan: 199 - 199 - 100; Delft-Tegnies: 42 - 15 - 35,7; Dunatos-Privaatskool: 15 - 15 - 100; Durbanville: 162 - 161 - 99,4; Eben Dönges: 98 - 95 - 96,9; Edgemead: 223 - 218 - 97,8; Eersterivier: 163 - 106 - 65; Elsiesrivier: 265 - 256 - 96,6; Elswood: 66 - 48 - 72,7; Excelsior: 200 - 189 - 94,5; Fairbairn College: 163 - 163 - 100; Fairmont: 229 - 229 - 100; Fisantekraal: 91 - 59 -64,8; Florida: 99 - 90 -90,9; Forest Heights: 117 - 90 - 76,9; Good Hope: 44 - 34 - 77,3; Goodwood College: 85 - 83 - 97,6; Hindle: 67 - 66 - 98,5; Jan Kriel: 62 - 61 - 98,4; J.G. Meiring: 197 - 176 - 89,3; John Ramsay: 55 - 42 - 76,4; Kasselsvlei: 141 - 110 - 78; Kleinvlei: 143 - 95 - 66,4; Kuilsrivier-Tegnies: 101 - 72 - 71,3; Leiden: 166 - 113 - 68,1; Malibu: 244 - 201 - 82,4; Marian: 71 - 65 - 91,5;
Melkbos: 64 - 62 - 96,9; Melkbosstrand-Privaatskool: 23 - 23 - 100; Mfuleni: 225 - 179 - 79,6; Milnerton: 196 - 196 - 100; Monumentpark: 171 - 170 - 99,4; Northpine-Tegnies: 66 - 54 - 81,8; Parklands: 103 - 103 - 100; Parow: 220 - 215 -97,7; Perseverance: 90 - 84 - 93,3; President: 96 - 94 - 97,9; Range: 36 - 23 - 63,9; Ravensmead: 152 - 150 - 98,7; Riverside College: 5 - 5 - 100; Rosendal: 120 - 80 - 66,7; Sarepta: 122 - 108 - 88,5; Scottsdene: 91 - 76 - 83,5; Scottsville: 101 - 42 - 41,6; Silversands: 67 - 59 - 88,1; Soneike: 45 - 36 - 80; St. Andrews: 155 - 61 - 39,4; Stellenberg: 286 - 286 - 100; Sunningdale: 7 - 7 - 100; Symphony: 84 - 73 - 86,9; Tableview: 182 - 181 - 99,5; Tafelberg: 18 - 18 - 100; The Settlers: 247 - 245 - 99,2; Tygerberg: 181 - 180 - 99,4; Tuscany Glen: 118 - 69 - 58,5; Uitzig: 38 - 20 - 52,6; Valhalla: 32 - 25 - 78,1; Voorbrug: 200 - 139 - 69,5; Wallacedene: 166 - 57 - 34,3; Wesbank: 75 - 49 - 65,3; Wes-Kaapse Sportskool: 59 - 43 - 72,9. V Vertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie berig dink by
Bothasig Girl Guides attend SA Jamboree AVRIL FILLIES Two adult leaders and five rangers from the Bothasig Girl Guides and Rangers attended the eighth South African National Jamboree (SANJAMB) from 8 to 16 December on Doornkloof Farm in the Free State. It was the first time in over 16 years that the Jamboree was held and hosted by Scouts South Africa. “Over 470 scouts, guides and rangers and 140 adults participated in the 10-day camp,” says Tanya Prinsloo, ranger leader at Bothasig and district commissioner of Girl Guides in De Grendel. “The camp was divided into two subcamps and the children participated in the most amazing variety of activities, like rafting, archery, air rifles, team-building challenges, abseiling and wall climbing, blow darts, a commando course, gladiators, remote-control boats, pioneering, orienteering, tie dying, a cup stacking challenge, journalism, potato cannons, debating, patrol cooking, catapult shooting and murder mystery! There was also a barn dance, movie nights and backwoods camping, among other things,” she says. According to her the venue was incredible and they even saw giraffe, zebra and blesbok. “I was privileged enough to see a threehour-old blesbok, a 14-year-old giraffe and a herd of zebra ... it was breathtaking. This was an incredible opportunity for me and my girls and I’m so thankful for the chance
The entire contingent of Girl Guides South Africa at SANJAMB in the Free State. to have attended,” says Prinsloo. “It was a hectic camp with the weather ranging from thundershowers to mid-30 degree heat but it was absolutely worth it! Girl Guides South Africa had a total of 76 attendees at the camp, which is awesome, and I know that at the next Jamboree in 2021 we will have many more,” she says. For more information on Girl Guides, visit the Cape West Girl Guides SA Facebook page or email Tanya at VWhat is your opinion on this article? Let us know at
Jessica Grant, Micci Paquet and Zoe Prinsloo, working their way through the muddy comman do course.
Micci Paquet, Zoe Prinsloo and Jessica Grant at the rifle range.
20 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
Get wheels spinning for 99er Cycle Tour T
he annual 99er Cycle Tour, which is the third biggest cycle race in the Western Cape, will take place on Saturday 10 February. The cycle tour is held in aid of El Shaddai Christian School in Durbanville. It boasts a new naming sponsor, WeBenefit, a digital procurement platform that benefits schools, churches and other charitable organisations. Held at the Durbanville racecourse, the WeBenefit 99er Cycle Tour will host two events – a 99km road race, which is an official premier seeding event for the 2019 Cape Town Cycle Tour, and a 61km road race. The 61km race will host the 99er’s first high school team competition. Every six riders from the same school who cross the finish line will be deemed a team – competing for prizes to the value of R30 000. Each member of the winning team will re-
Stephanie Groenewald, executive head, seems just as excited about the first day of school as her learners (from left) Linelle van Romburgh, Jana de Bod and Tania de Bod.
Smiles and tears on first day Curro Uitzicht Castle proudly celebrated the first day of school at their newly opened Castle in Uitzicht on Monday 8 January. Excitement and tears of joy flowed as moms and dads wished their little ones well for their new chapter in life. The school offers education to learners be-
tween the ages of three months and five years, and is headed by Stephanie Groenewald. The school is set to accommodate around 320 preschool learners. V What is your opinion on this article? Let us know at
ceive a USN hamper and there will be a special prize for the school with the most entries. Cyclists who enter by 29 January stand to win a six-month gym contract and a tote bag from Go Health, as well as reimbursement of their entry fee and a 99er T-shirt hamper. The total prize value is R3500. There will also be a lucky draw on race day, with three bicycles from Giant Durbanville and a Go Health Club gym contract up for grabs. The public is warned of increased traffic in the Durbanville area on the day of the race, particularly in the areas surrounding the Durbanville racecourse. Application has been made for the road closure of Vissershok Road. V Full race details are available at Cyclists and supporters can also connect with the race via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Reunion for Kid’s Kingdom
There were smiles and tears on the first day of school. Natasha Swartz holds her son, Ricardo.
Kid’s Kingdom Preschool in Goedemoed, Durbanville, will be celebrating its 25th birthday this year with a reunion for the thousands of children who attended the school over the years. The reunion takes place at the school on Saturday 21 April from 10:00 to 12:00. Most of the original teachers are still at the school, says principal, Lynda Radmanovich. “Feel free to join us on that day, but also
Amoré Claasen (2) is set to tackle 2018 at the newly opened Curro Castle Uitzicht.
to pop in at any time during the school mornings in the new year for a visit if you can. “We all really look forward to seeing those who were ‘little ones’ when they were here!” Lynda invites. For more information, visit the school’s page on Facebook. V For enquiries, contact Lynda on 072 229 7217 or Liz Friebus on 083 965 7004, or contact the school on 021 976 2012.
tions ratula g n o C CA! t Agen 2017 Year tes e h t a of Mand Most ighest &H ion miss Com ned! r a E
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Graanendal R4 200 000 Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2 Brand new home available in Graanendal. Beautiful Stone Cladding welcomes you as you arrive at the front door. Well-designed layout with double second and third Bedrooms with designer Bathrooms. Taking the lead in one straight line you will be swept of your feet from Kitchen; to Dining; to Lounge; to Covered Braai Patio; to the Pool, surrounded by wooden decking. Bonus: Linen Room & Study. Theuns Rossouw 082 573 6968
Durbanville R2 695 000 Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2 Open plan kitchen(with scullery), Open plan living areas including Braairoom with Stack Doors leading to Back Garden, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms and Double Auto Garage. Intercom System from Entrance Gate connected to Cellphone. Small Gated Complex with Upmarket Finishes: Builder complies with new green law! Theuns Rossouw 082 573 6968
rves deed dese One good
s r n e y A t t o
S EXPERT YANCING a E .z V o N .c O s C CAL yvenstein YOUR LO www.gre | 0 0 6 7 021 941 X1U8EHAT-AL170118
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 21
22 TYGERBURGER Durbanville
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
EVERSDAL (NABY UITSTEKENDE SKOLE!) – R3 495 000 ONA ONTHAAL IN STYL! RUIMTE VIR U HELE GESIN!....... PLUS OULIKE APARTE TUINWOONSTEL! Drie ruim slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste. Studeerkamer Ruim sitkamer / eetkamer. Tv kamer/braaikamer bo met uitsigte!!! Braaikamer onder by onderdak swembad. Groot Moderne kombuis met opwaskamer. 2 Vol moderne badkamers. Groot Dubbel motorhuis met outomatiese deure. VOLLEDIGE EEN SLAAPKAMER TUINWOONSTEL met vol badkamer! Veilig ommuur. WILMA: 0836314755
TE HUUR VREDEKLOOF – 1 FEBRUARIE 2017 R8200 PER MAAND TE HUUR! GRONDVLOER! STUDEERKAMER! OORDEKTE MOTORAFDAK! TENNISBANE, SWEMBAD, ENS. VEILIGE KOMPLEKS. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel op grondvloer met studeerkamer. Sit/eetkamer is ruim en oopplan na die kombuis. Badkamer met stort bokant die bad. Besoekersparkering beskikbaar: Wilma: 0836314755
NUWE VRYSTELLING!! PRAGTIG EN NETJIES! EIE TITEL RUIM 3 SLAAPKAMER DORPSHUIS TE KOOP! Al die slaapkamers het ingeboude kaste. 1.5 badkamers. Ruim sit/eetkamer met houtvloere. Oulike oopplan kombuis met plek vir skottelgoedwasmasjien. Klein studeerkamer en waskamer. Onderdak patio lei na klein privaat omheinde tuin. Outomtaiese ekstra lang motorhuis. Ekstra parkering Alarm. Naby Alle geriewe! WILMA: 0836314755 OF WHATSAPP
TO LET – DURMONTE, DURBANVILLE - R9500 PER MONTH - OCC. 1 FEB 2018 LOVELY FREE STANDING TOWN HOUSE IN COMPLEX. 3 Bedrooms with BICS. 2 bathroom. Open plan kitchen to spacious lounge/dining room area. Sliding doors to small patio! Small garden. Single garage! Secure and safe. Wilma: 0836314755 EK VERTROU U HET ‘N HEERLIKE RUSTYD BELEEF! DIE FINANSIELE VOORSPELLING LYK GOED VIR 2018!
UITZICHT – R635 000 RUIM EENSLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL TE KOOP! (49MSQ) EERSTE VLOER! O N D E R D A K PA R K E R I N G I N ‘ N SEKURITEITSKOMPLEKS! Een ruim slaapkamer met kaste. Ruim sit/eetkamer. Badkamer met stort. Kombuis oopplan. Sentraal gelee. WILMA: 0836314755 OF WHATSAPP MY!
EK BENODIG DRINGEND EIENDOM VIR GOEDGEKEURDE KLIENTE IN U AREA! REEDS 2 HUISE VIR DIE JAAR VERKOOP! Waarom meer kommissie betaal as u as Verkoper meer in u kan kry?? Skakel my vir meer inligting. 3.8% kommissie, beter diens en u kry meer in u sak! Huise in alle prysklasse welkom.... GRATIS WAARDASIES.
(s) 083 631 4755 of whatsapp (e), X1U8BCLX-AL170118
1st Floor, Laundry 4U-Building, 37 Main Road, Durbanville
Elise 082 771 6112 • Bradley 082 722 0002 • All hours 021 979 5225
GOEDEMOED R2 995 000
1 000m² NORTH FACING PLOT Lock-up & go townhouse in quiet upmarket complex offers 3 bed, 2 bath, lounge & dining areas, kitchen, scullery area, heated small pool, thatched lapa area, double garage with ample additional storage space in garage. Low levy.
SMALLHOLDING Country-feel home on 4 500m² offers 6 beds (with A/C's), 8 baths, living areas, study, braai room, work-room, double garage, 3 carports, 2 bed self-contained granny flat with 2 baths, kitchen, 2 living areas, staff accomm: 1 bed, 1 bath & kitchenette, solar geysers, borehole with tanks, generator linked power supply. Option to purchase remaining portion of 4 500m² at R2 800 000. (To be sub-divided) Has perimeter fence with electric fence,3 stables,2 water tanks & bore-hole (no pump).
5 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH FLAT POTENTIAL Attractive 5 beds, 3 baths, 3 living areas, braai room, large kitchen, study, 2 garages & enclosed carport. Pool set in an established, level garden. Flat-let potential. Close to main routes, and a short drive to Curro school and shopping centre. A home to be proud of. View by appointment
LIVE IN STYLE Upmarket 3 bed duplex, 2 baths, modern kitchen with gas geyser, single garage with extra parking bay, small garden, braai patio area, set in contemporary complex.
.. .
R 2 290 000
3 Bedr with BIC. Modern open plan kitchen with granite tops. Dining room, Family room with built in braai. Main en-suite. Aluminium windows. Bonus: Neat Nutec Granny Flat: Lounge, room, en-suite. Garage, Large pool, entertainment area with built in braai. Sole Mandate.
SMS “sound” to 38727
Call Chris 084 559 3600
SMSes cost R10 - Free SMSes do not apply. Proceeds go the Carel du Toit Trust.
sp deaf Give ok ch en ild lan ren gu ag e
Join TygerBurger in supporting the Carel du Toit Centre
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 23
: 087 740 1091 –
WE ARE YOUR BEST CHOICE! BOND, CAR, CARDS & LOANS IN ARREARS UNDER DEBT REVIEW, ARREARS AND BAD RECORDS WELCOME R20 000 from R334 pm R40 000 from R668 pm R100 000 from R1 670 pm R200 000 from R3 340 pm R500 000 from R8 350 pm R1 million from R16 700 pm
Dankie Prof Allan, sy het ons gehelp met ons verhouding. Sy help ook met lotto, kontank in die bank, dwelms. Bel Prof Allan en betaal na die werk gedoen is 071 064 5824 .
My name is Nombulelo from Tyger Valley my number is 0719 732 622. A while ago I was depressed and stuck not knowing what to do, all the money I made was going through my hands. Money is not my problem any more since mama Barrack blessed me with a lot of money in my account, because I have been robbed many times by fake doctors who demanded money with no help when I first saw the testimony about mama Barrack I never believed until I tried to call her. She explained about her services and how people get rich through shortboys, magic wallet, magic ring, money in the house, money in the account and more. I was interested in getting money in my account since I was far from her. She asked me to provide her with my account and names and R 850. within 20minutes R 450,000 notified in my account. Then I went to the bank even though I was scared but there were no questions. My mother also tried money in the house and she was also shocked to see the bag full of money. Thank you Mama Barrack for saving my life. Call Mama Barrack on 081 075 4971
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SPITBRAAI KING DURBANVILLE 20 Yrs Exp. Best price & value. Indoors or Outdoors. WINTER SPECIAL NOW ON. Phone Jan 083 457 1060
Bellville 063 881 3441 .
. CHILDREN'S FUN Jumping Castles, tables & chairs and Theme parties. Popcorn machine 021 905 6119/072 909 1203 . All Weather Jumping Castles & Waterslides. Visit for prices/pics. % 083 651 2570 a/h . JUMPING CASTLES 4 HIRE Tel: 021 935 1773 / 082 457 6807 0R 082 594 1796 .
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Ek bedank graag vir Frank en mamma Joyce. Hulle het my en my familie gehelp met die lotto, kasino, verhoudings, om eksamens te slaag, met slegte geluk, bevordering, vinnige verkoop van eiendom, ens. Die werk word binne 15 minute gedoen en jy betaal wanneer dit afgehandel is. Baie dankie, mamma.
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Mamma, baie dankie. Sy is die beste wanneer dit kom by verlore geliefdes, swangerskap, skuld, huis skoonmaak, bevordering, manlike probleme en baie meer. Betaal wanneer die werk klaar is. Skakel 063 893 4806 .
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Pappa en Mamma is baie goed, hulle help met alle soort probleme, soos geld, liefde, gesteelde goedere, om eksamens te slaag, huise vinnig te verkoop, manlike probleme, skuld, die lotto, kasino, power ball. Betaal wanneer die werk klaar is. Skakel 083 268 312. .
Ronald en Stacey, baie dankie vir die goeie werk. Hulle help met swangerskap, verlore geliefdes, skuld, huise verkoop, bevordering, onklaar werk, manlike probleme, die lotto, kasino en om eksamens te slaag. Betaal wanneer die werk klaar is. Skakel 061 984 6182 .
WIN LOTTO / POWERBALL TODAY Pay after jobs is done Call/Whatsapp 074 647 9122 063 058 7427 .
LEGAL 1440
. AKTES, Boedels, Egskeidings ens. Cap van Tonder 082 929 1136 . Egskeidings, Strafhof & Boedels Konsulteer tuis. Buks 083 462 9298
24 TYGERBURGER Durbanville .
. All Working Fridges/Chest Freezers, Tv's & Furniture. We Pay and Collect. Ph/Whatsapp/Sms 084 66 44 762 / 084 041 4215
. MATTE - NAT of DROOG. Droog = GEEN WATER / ook bekleedsel ens. nat. Deon 084 564 8225 .
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FRIDGES WANTED Faulty ones also & regas. SMS sell to 083 425 0447 .
2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, elektriese ware, MEUBELS bv. beddens, sitkamerstelle, yskaste, TV's ens VIR HARDE KONTANT Tel: Johan 074 474 4275 .
. A MARRIAGE OFFICER Get married anytime, anywhere. Phone 021 930 5119 / 082 852 4571 .
. A1 H CAR PAWN. Vinnig/Fast. Bel/Ph/Whatsapp 082 359 2546 . AA PAWN ANY VEHICLE Lowest interest 5%. Tel. 082 058 9735 . AANBOD: Pawn your vehicle 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726 . SUKKEL MET LENING! Plc/sms or whatsapp Donovan 073 389 9203
. AK WENDY'S Cash D.I.Y. 3 x 6 - R5 200 3 x 9 - R7 200 3 x 7 - toilet + basin R7 700 082 621 4441 / 021 393 5475
. L & L Nutec / Wendy's Cash D.I.Y - 3 x 6 R5000, 3 x 9 R7000, Nutec 3 x 6 R9000 Free burglar bars+lining. Cash/terms % 076 590 9747 . WENDY HOUSES - NUTEC WENDYS 3 x 6 - R9 000 NUTEC 3 x 6 - R13 000 Call or Whatsapp 078 190 2410
BELASTING Opgawe en konsultasie Individue en klein besighede Quantum Portefeuljes 082 498 3738 of 021 975 1615
. EK KOOP BOEKE en langspeelplate. % 082 670 8987 .
. Ek koop antiekeware,juweliersware , speelgoed, kombuisware, linne, skilderye, ornamente & meubels Skakel Anita 082 963 8877 .
Kontant vir meubels, elektriese ware, yskaste, breekware, ornamente, klere, beddegoed, gordyne, speelgoed, enige iets in jou huis. Gerhard 073 517 1190
A CASH DEAL On all your gold items, jewellery, coins etc. Best prices. % CHRIS 060 571 4580 .
. AANDAG ALMAL: ALLE GROOTMENS-DOEKE beskikbaar. Laagste pryse in die Wes-Kaap. % Vera 021 591 1104 .
PETS 1660
Asook Bruinklip, Rivierklip, Kompos, Topsoil. Klein en Grootmaat. Skakel: 021 930 5411
2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, elektriese ware ens. VIR HARDE KONTANT % Karen 083 305 1668 A Cash Deal on All Goods Cash paid for all your unwanted good quality ladies, mens, kids clothing. Shoes, linen, bric 'n brac etc. Christelle/Christiaan 084 408 1437 .
FURNITURE . AANKOOP van meubels vir kontant % 021 982 2401/ 083 383 2505. .
AANDAG ALMAL Werner soek dringend al julle 2de handse meubels. Betaal kontant. ALLE AREAS 0219824176/0781501702
. All Working Fridges/Chest Freezers, Tv's & Furniture. We Pay and Collect. Ph/Whatsapp/Sms 084 66 44 762 / 084 041 4215 . BEST CASH PAID PER ITEM For: Clothing, Furniture, Appliances. 082 419 1110/ 082 899 1851 . Kontant vir klere, skoene, linne ens. Whatsapp of sms slegs. Loryn 084 857 7238 .
*Yskaste *Stowe *M/oonde ens. 021 838 1284 Neotel / 084 772 9736 . #1 AIR-CON & FRIDGE Services , Repairs,Installations,Fridges wanted. 021 945 1376/ 078 901 1594 .
ALTYD KONTANT Vir jou yskas, vrieskas. werkend of nie - werkend 082 086 4752 .
John 072 818 0385
. ALLE BOU PLANNE Noordelike voorstede. % Mark 083 651 3412 .
BOUPLANNE Billike fooie. Flink, kundige diens. Estetiese ontwerpe. MICHAAL DE JAGER 021 903 3407 083 601 8476 .
Teken & ontwerp van nuwe huise & aanbouings. REG. MET SACAP. Skakel Riaan % 082 415 9696 .
ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRED ON SITE We buy broken appliances. Fridges, stoves, washing machines with guarantee and regas from R180. % Cathy/Francois 079 838 1851 All areas .
For all domestic cleaning services.
Contact Francois – 083 356 3784
. HUIS SKOONMAAK DIENSTE Streng persoonlike toesig. Skakel: 064 207 5822 .
Aircon & Appliances Repair: Fridges, Stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, Aircons, Dishwasher, ONSITE Repairs Contact Tiaan 021 917 1620 082 776 2393 . Onsite fridge repairs. All makes/ models. All areas. % 060 302 5039 .
A SPECIAL CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 3 Bdrms for R550 6 Seater Couches for R550 Beds, Curtains & Cars. Dry in 45 min Contact Rob 078 556 6708 web specialcarpet robertfenyes2013 . Estie Matdroogskoonmakers 90% Droog. 1 Kamer +- R250 2 Kamers +- R360. Meubels 6 x sitplek 70% Droog R480 Nuwe no. 021 592 0487 083 289 6674
& automation. 0765230306
WE DO REPAIRS On all appliances. Regassing done on all types of fridges @ R180. Tel. 078 212 8078 3 months' guarantee! .
TREEFELLERS Afsaag en snoei van bome en palms Hannes 082 082 3116
. AM LANDSCAPING Trellises, plants, pots, pavers, water features, stone, bark & roll-on lawn. New & up-grading of irrigation systems. I beat any written quote. Anton 082 729 3811 .
DIE ROMMELMAN Tuinvullis verwydering. Tel 083 458 3416/ 988-0374 .
Appliance@all - Herstel by u huis! ys/vrieskaste, wasmasjiene, stowe, skottelgoed, mikro-golfoonde, tuimeldroërs. Tel. 071 755 3390
& automation. 0765230306
FRIDGES WANTED Dead/Alive & Repair. All makes & models. We'll fetch it & fix it. %072 493 9332 .
. BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS -rommel. Tel 079 025 9221 . BOUROMMEL VERWYDERING MELINDA 021 930 5411
. Building - Rubble Garden Refuse, Renovation, Garage junk, treefelling Call Martin 084 907 5513 RUBBLE REMOVAL %083 302 5559 021 948 9479 k.u. TERTIUS MACFARLANE GRATIS KWOTASIES
Domestic Services and Maintenance of buildings, Authorations and Renovations, Painting. NHBRC. Philemoni 073 223 5549
R24 per streepsak. Min. 30 sakke vir aflewering. Ook bakkievragte (1,75m2) beskikbaar vir R700. Skakel 083 650 4502
. TREE FELLING BROTHERS 021 930 1258 / 074 789 2176
For fast, efficient, quality personal service
. Aliminium windows & doors / Residential & Commercial Painting Nick 063 981 1285 Nico 079 078 5152
PAINTING . ABRIE VERF/PAINT 021 981 6805 / 083 328 3628 .
FIX-A-HOME PAINTING Repairs + Maintenance Years of experience % Terry 082 557 7894 .
PAVING . ALL paving best prices. 4 free quote: PAVEMASTER Eugene 082 677 4445 .
. ALUMINIUM windows, doors, b.bars, gates & glass repairs. Call: 073 429 7856 .
ONE STOP HANDYMAN For all your Electrical /Plumbing, Building and General repairs: Ph: CHRIS - 082 6611 943
. CHESTFREEZERS & FRIDGES, dbl beds, tv's URGENTLY WANTED! (021) 911 3366 /083 377 7223 .
Alle Romel verwydering 021 949 7642 071 897 6692 .
RUBBLE 8-ton truck CALL 082 845 9998
SWEMBAD DIENSTE *Pompe *Filters *Lekke Tel: DJ 072 589 2802 .
. #1 MEUBELVERVOER met persoonlike toesig. 021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684 . 1.3 Ton Bakkie met Drywer in Bellville area - 079 995 4815 .
A2B Afford-A-Move Owner supervised. Enclosed truck. Pierre 083 255 6148 .
AA ENGELBRECHT MEUBELVERVOER engeltransport@ 021 - 9813053/ 5920923 083 231 2964 - Stoor .
Cheap but Quality PAVING. Gratis kwotasies 083 715 5209 .
WE PAVE Mark 076 302 2468 .
Call Coenie 072 365 3622
. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Registered and Qualified Power Failure, Rewiring, Stove Connections. Issue C.O.C. Patrick 0828368051/0796444087 . ELECTRICIAN Michael 021 939 2543/ 082 479 6083
DSTV/OVHD/STARSAT Accredited Installer *Free quotation *Free advice & planning *Friendly service & BEST prices %Jason 078 680 8394
Cheap precast walls, vibe extensions, carports. gratis kwotasies 083 715 5209
DC STEELWORKS Sliding gates, palisade fencing, safety gates, burglar bars, etc. David 079 913 0618
TREE FELLING/PRUNING Clean-ups, irrigation, wellpoints. Phone Kevin: 021 982 5111 or 081 481 7653
DSTV OVHD AERIAL REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Explorer, extra view installations. CCTV & HomeTheatre. Service call repair charge frm R180.
. 1825
BIRTHDAY 5% OFF Pre/post Move, Home & Office cleaning Call 083 625 2260
. CARPETS, COUCHES CLEANED A deep wash at best rates. Less water: 90% dry. % Cobus 021 592 0626/082 428 7163 .
ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRS, fridge,washing machines, tumble dryers, stoves, regas from R180. We buy broken fridges. Franco 076 966 4768
Rent an Angel
REGAS & REPAIR of FRIDGES 083 425 0447
. AWILL BOUERS. NHBRC- gereg. Aanbouings, strukturele betonwerk, nuwe huise, afdakke & verfwerk. William 072 229 7619 .
est. 2001 All Building & Renovations, Paving, Drywalling & Painting. References and free quotes.
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
ACE TREEFELLING Felling of trees & palms, pruning, stump removal, general clean-ups, free quotes Selwyn 083 267 6181 021 903 2022
ACORN Construction
2de Handse Meubels. % 083 310 1081.
. MUSIEKSKOOL. Klavier,klawerbord, kitaar, blokfluit, orrel, kerkorrel & teorie. 021 981 2696 / 083 261 5854
AAN ALMAL SPOT CASH There in a flash Ons koop alle 2de Handse meubels en yskaste. Best price 021 591 5708 076 017 0630
THE FINAL AND GREATEST DECEPTION Lukas 21:8-11. For free reading material CD's, SMS name and address to 082 734 4168.
Soek DRINGEND ALLE 2de Handse Meubels 083 565 1685
Want your dog trained? We do so, pleasantly and with play. Obedience, Socialising, Protection. Kuils River, Saturdays. Starting mid-February. Tel. Chris 021-851-4303 / 082-590-7660
DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD, SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168. PSYCHIC MIA For accurate answers to all problems, SMS your name, date of birth and a specific question to 38381. R10 per sms
AANDAG: Barend soek dringend 2de Handse Meubels, Beddens, kaste & yskaste om te koop. Betaal kontant en kom haal self. Skakel 082 848 2880
A BRIDGING LOAN Waiting for Pension / Package payouts? SMS or send "please call me" 082 301 7856 Ph: 0860 105 546
New Tech Dry Carpet Cleaners Tired of Wet Carperts we offer you sparkling clean Carpets. Rain, cold or wet weather, 90% dry carperts No steam or powder. We use only quality carpet shampoo. Upholstery cleaned will be 70% dry. % 021 592 0487 083 289 6674 Email: Tableview, Bothasig, Edgemead Northern suburbs
. Fridges & Deep Freezers wanted Working or not WILL PAY CASH! Tel: 072 592 2507 .
Built-in Cupboards
Vir beste prys, kwaliteit, in alle areas. Tel: Brian by 0219495001/0828546051 .
We beat any Realistic Quote % GLENTON 072 409 5224
. BAKKIE for hire. We transport small loads. % 060 302 5039 . NOLAN'S REMOVALS KIA+ TRAILOR Homes & flats. 021 903 3013 / 073 128 6236 .
Enige tyd beskikbaar Gratis kwotasie Eienaar bestuur self Anthonie 082 611 5631/021 930 4565
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018 .
. ALL your motor vehicle repairs if you cant come to me, I will come to you. Call: 082 301 6618
$ ) , % ) $
% - $ # $ ) % . ) % /)$ %! $) "
. ALLE DIESEL-ENJINS: Herstelwerk. Billike tariewe. Skakel 073 092 7128 . ALLE HERSTELWERK, dienste aan alle voertuie in alle areas. Billike tariewe. Tel. 083 529 9972 .
..." /)$ %! $)" "0
1+ *1 +' 1+ *1 &+ .
Spacious, fully enclosed 4 bedroom house available.Lounge with separate dining room/ Built in cupboards/ Family bathroom + en-suite/ Double garage and parking for 6 cars / Entertainment area / Tiled throughout. Rental : R12 000.00 per month
Spacious 3 bedroom house available close to all amenities / Built in cupboards/ Single garage Inc. Rental : R8500 per month
Gesin in Durbanville is opsoek na Au Pair Moet ouer as 19jaar wees. Baie vriendelik en hardwerkend wees. Maandae tot Vrydae, 8:00 - 17:00 Moet onmiddelik begin. Afrikaans as eerste taal. R6000.00 pm onderhandelbaar afhangend van ondervinding Skakel vir Michelle op 082 452 7439 om 'n onderhoud te reël.
. Kuilsriver
To view please email : or phone office : 021-441 8800
AANBOD AAN ALLE EIENAARS Ons koop nie-lopende of beskadigde voertuie vir kontant. Beste pryse. Ons verwyder gratis. Skakel 083 294 8428 of 021 949 9083 .
AANBOD Ek soek nie-lopende, stukkende of ongelukbeskadigde voertuie. Ek betaal kontant en verwyder u voertuig gratis uit enige gebied Tel 021 949 6066 / 076 211 1620
. Klein Bron Estate – R3,700 p.m. Room in shared 3 bedroom residence. Lockup garage included. Excl. W&E. 2km away from Cape Gate Centre/N1 Age: 25-30 year old. %084 838 2400 . KUILS RIVER, Sunbird Park, rooms avail. No children. Single R2000 incl., sharing R2500 incl. % 021 908 1250 / 072 255 7574 . OOSTERSEE buitekamer vir Christen dame. R3,300 pm krag ingesluit. Ph 082 479 6083 .
Bernadino Heights
Very neat granny flat available Cell 082 558 4603/021 987 6185
REYNECKE'S REMOVALS No move too small. Storage & packaging available. Tel./fax: 021 591 0375 083 227 4245 083 233 1784 .
. "ALL Bakkies, Cars, Micro Busses and Bikes Wanted." PHONE 082 058 9735 . Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 082 558 4836 /021 987 2277 . Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726
. Bellville Oude Westhof
. ALL ACCOUNTING, tax, payroll & all Reg. 021 930 5310 .
. Kraaifontein
. Kleinmond self-catering units from R390pn. Book online or Tel. Erika 082 550 5585 .
. ALL CANOPIES: Sell or Pawn. Instant Cash. Phone 082 058 9735 . GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars & bakkies. Ph 021 987 2277/ 082 558 4836 of email: .
Done Privately
Panelbeating, Spraypainting & Sachie Straigtening. Spraypainting from R5,000 TEL. 072 27777 23
EARN EXTRA MONEY By Selling Avon SMS Name/Area Tel: 074 602 7373
To view please email : or phone office : 021-441 8800
EKSTRA GELD! Benodig 50 Avon Agente Ontvang gratis geskenk. Tel. 082 933 3986
2 Bedroom Townhouse available / Built in cupboards / Tiled Throughout / Main bathroom + en-suite in main bedroom / stunning views / remote controlled access / Single garage Inc Rental : R7 600 per month
1 Bedroom flat available / close to all amenities / built in cupboards / PBay Included / ground floor and top floor Rental : R4 800 per month To view please email : or phone office : 021-441 8800
. TE HUUR: TYGERFALLS – Moderne 2 slpk woonstelle, 1 badk, igk, oond/stoof naby Tygervallei, Beskikbaar 1 Feb 2018 – R8000, 24h Sekur, CCTV, DStv, onderdak parkering. Belinda – .
. MALIBU VILLAGE: 2 bed g/flat (1 year). Preferably for single person or young couple. Avail Feb. R2,200 p.m. Dep. + advance (R4,400) due on occupation. Tel. Andy 082 903 9764 No chancers .
2 bedroom garden flat. Available 1 Feb. 2018. R6,500 p.m. + 2 months deposit. Ivan 0844004410
In Noordelike Voorstede Maandae tot Vrydaye, 8:00 – 17:00 Salaris R6000 – R7500 pm onderhandelbaar Moet dadelik beskikbaar wees Opleiding word gegee, AFRIKAANS MOET JOU EERSTETAAL WEES Skakel 076 499 1566 om ‘n onderhoud te reel .
Basic Salary, Annual Bonus, Medical Aid (Optional) Experience Pastel 12, Debtors/Creditors, Ledger accounts Reconciling, Excel, VIP Payroll, Windows, Outlook Debit Order data capturing, Snom Switchboard experience in Security Administration an advantage Email CV to
VeriCred is a leading Debt Collection company with 18 branches countrywide and collects debts for major national corporate companies. Openings at our Bellville office. Qualities and skills of the successful applicant include: • Debt Collection Experience • Registration with Council for Debt Collectors preferable • Assertive Collection & Negotiation Skills • Computer Literacy • Good Typing skills • Excellent Interpersonal Skills • Self –Motivated • Can work under pressure and reach targets Basic Salary with Commission & Incentives Send a detailed CV to: boston@ Fax: 086 627 3388 .
2018 – Jou Jaar!!!
Klaar met skool! Reg om te begin werk! Begin NOU werk aan jou toekoms!!! Begin met ‘n inkomste van R5 400 plus vervoer, sel en behuisings toelae! Jy moet vol energie wees en ‘n liefde hê om met mense te werk. Skakel onmiddellik vir Casandra by 081 435 5249 .
Afr Entrepreneurs Begin 2018 met 'n voltydse pos. Bou deur in-diens-opleiding 'n loopbaan in bemarking, bestuur en admin. R11,300 p.m. basies plus voordele .
Begin 2018 met ± R16,000 p.m. Tia 072 416 3875 021 910 0992 .
DIERELIEFHEBBERS Honde Salon benodig personeel. Skakel 082 374 8953 .
EXTRAS NEEDED urgently For Movies, Television and TV commercials. All Looks, Ages, Shapes & Sizes required. High earning potential & REQUEST YOUR MONEY WITHIN DAYS.
Contact us 021 447 1506
. Gastehuisvrou CY. Fyn/skraal. Matriek. Skiktheid Dag/Nag. SMS 081 536 7430
My business is expanding so fast I can’t cope! I need 7 young-at-heart people to assist me and share in my success. Must start immediately. Excellent Afrikaans and English. Enthusiastic and trainable. Own car an advantage but not essential. Good speaking voice. We are based in the Brackenfell area. Want to earn at least R8,000 – R10,000 p.m. Phone Mr Angus on 021 838 1771 between 10 & 1 only. One page cv to .
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 25
Jnr Boekhouer / Admin Pos,
Protea Hoogte, R5 400 pm. Ideaal vir matriek met voorliefde vir syfers.
CV met sel nommer proteahoogte@
word benodig. MOET eie betroubare voertuig en selfoon he. MOET dadelik kan begin werk. Ouer as 23 jaar wees. Enige bemarkings opleiding sal in jou guns tel. Werks tye: Maandae tot Vrydae Salaris tussen R15,000 pm - R25,000 pm Petrol toelae word gegee. Afrikaans as moedertaal he, of eerste taal wees. Opleiding word verskaf Skakel Michelle vir onderhoude op 082 452 7439
Outbound Consultants
Sales people needed to join our fast growing, nationally awarded projects in a buzzing atmosphere. You need: • Communication and selling skills • Enthusiasm • To be target driven • Contactable references • No sales experience we provide the training Earn R6 500 basic + uncapped earnings + incentives. Mon-Fri 8am-3:45pm Please call Lianne on 021 430-4732 .
Toesighoudster (Dame) Vir Skoonmaakbesigheid. Met eie vervoer en selfoon. R4 500 + ekstra motor en petrol toelaag. Skakel 021 906 4615 of 083 308 6657 . Vibrant young guys 19-25 to join exciting outdoor team of water warriors. Earn weekly money 0728053218/0218382116 .
GESOEK: ENA (ENROLLED NURSE ASSISTANT) met ondervinding. Siekeboeg in Bellville. Faks CV 086 693 5544
Please take note that AFRICAN UNITY LIFE LTD has cancelled the underwriting agreement concluded with Eagle Wings Funeral Services Basic, Annual Bonus, (a scheme under the Commission, administration of Basson Provident Fund (Optional), Funeral Undertakers Medical Aid (Optional) (Pty) Ltd) with effect Experienced Paradox, DSC, from 1 February 2018. You IDS, Texecom, Caddx, are hereby provided with a CCTV Grade 12 , 30 day notice period which Computer Literate will expire on 31 January Valid Code 8 Drivers 2018 to secure an alternaLicense own transport tive underwriter for your PSIRA & SAIDSA policy/policies provided by registered Eagle Wings Funeral Ser2 – 5 year experience in vices. Should you have any the field questions regarding this Additional Certificates an notice and/or the cancellaadvantage tion of underwriting of your policy/policies, Email CV to please contact African Unity Life Ltd on Tel: 086 1234 555, . Fax: 086 1234 556 or TRAINING email: compliance@ COURSES 3765 .
KINGS WAY COLLEGE REGISTRATION ; HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE IS OPEN High school, Grade 8 to 11 Diploma N4-N6 ; Tourism, Engineering, Business, IT, ICB, NURSING and Matric Rewrite Call 021 418 4287, 021 945 2223, 021 421 9170
SALES REP Experienced sales rep req for a position in Bellville with well established wholesaler. Own vehicle essential. Exp in the flooring industry an advantage. Basic, Comm from R1, Provident, Cell and Petrol incl. Duties include : Calling on existing retail customer base. Meet sales targets. New business . Country trips. Call reports. Please send your detailed CV to humanresources@
M&G Group Services 021 939 8821 Sekuriteitsoffisiere PSIRA Graad B & C Manlik & Vroulik Inspekteurs Manlik PSIRA Graaad A & B Afrikaans 1ste Taal GEEN VORIGE WERKNEMERS
POS BESKIKBAAR IN TYGERVALLEI-AREA Georganiseerde persoon met skakelbord en administratiewe ervaring. Rekenaarvaardig. 22-27 jaar oud. Uitstekende kommunikasievermoë en tweetalig. Eie Vervoer. Werksure 07h30 - 16h30 - Maandag tot Vrydag. R4 000 per maand
Junior medical sales rep word benodig Maatskappy in Durbanville required to sell and market endoscopy products. Is dringend opsoek na 'n Please e-mail your rekenaar tegnikus. detailed CV to Moet ouer as 23jaar wees. Afrikaans eerste taal, minimum ondervinding, en 1 jaar opleiding in MS sal in jou guns tel. . Opleiding word verskaf SECURITY Moet eie motor he. Salaris R9,000 p.m. 3750 R15,000 p.m. Skakel vir onderhoud . 076 499 1566 .
Endoscope technician required for a position in Brackenfell, with or without experience. Please e-mail your detailed CV to
IT Tegnikus
4 Bemarkings Konsultante
. Skoonheidsterapie/Admin Kursusse Tel. 063 642 0290
Stuur CV & ID aan:
. .
We are Looking for a team player between the ages of 25 – 40, residing in the Northern Suburbs that can work in a fast and innovative company. Above average remuneration package; Working hours Mo – Fri 08:00 – 17:00 Qualifications & Skills: Matric, Beneficial : Marketing Qualification + 1 year experience in telemarketing, Sales Fully Bilingual in Afrikaans & English Computer Skills in Excel, Microsoft office & Outlook, Time management skills, Attention to detail, Observant, Organized, Independent Personal Qualities: Team player, Target driven, Fast learner, Reliable, Presentable, Passion for people, Valid driver’s licence To Apply: Send the following ~CV ~ Adequate references ~ Salary expectations Do not apply if you do not possess all of the above mentioned qualities.
26 TYGERBURGER Durbanville .
We are looking for a team player between the ages of 30 – 35, residing in the Northern Suburbs that can work in a fast and innovative company. Qualifications & skills: Matric, Beneficial: Related Admin Qualifications Fully Bilingual in Afrikaans & English 3 years administration experience in Sage/Pastel, Social Media sites, MS Office & Outlook proficient Work under pressure, Meet deadlines, Attention for detail, Time management skills Personal Qualities: Fast learner, Honest, Reliable, Presentable appearance, Organized, Punctual, Valid driver’s licence To apply: Send the following ~ Your CV ~ Adequate references ~ Salary expectations Please do not apply for this position should you not possess all the above mentioned qualities.
•2 Years Retail Experience •2 Years Management Experience (effectively manage team of at least 20 people) •Excellent Planning and Organizational Skills •Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills •Own transport •Independent (able to work extended and flexible business hours)
Telecommunication Learnership 2018 FORTEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY is currently offering a 24 month learnership opportunity to 2017 matriculants, to acquire a Further Education and Training Certificate: Telecommunication Network Operations (NQF 4). Successful learners will receive a monthly allowance. Applicants must: Be unemployed Be South African Citizens with a valid ID Have no criminal record Be fluent in English Have good written and verbal communication skills Be in posession of a Grade 12 qualification or equivalent with mathematics
Closing date: 21 January 2018 .
TELEFOONASSISTENT Basies, Kommissie en Prestasie Bonusse. Die aanvraag vir ons diens genoodsaak nou dat 7 individue wat Telefonies afsprake kan reël vir ons dinamiese verkoopspersoneel opgelei en aangestel word. Potensiële kliente is besigheidseienaars en boere. Kontak Bianca by 021 910 1334 om ‘n onderhoud te reël. Suksesvolle kandidate sal Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees. Onderhoude word in BELVILLE gevoer.
Email: .
Verantwoordelikhede: - Toesig oor tuinwerker en algemene werk - Instandhouding en –herstelwerk van geboue en terrein - Werf eksterne kontrakteurs en hou toesig oor hul werksaamhede - Hou inventaris van gereedskap en implimente - Sien om na veiligheidsaspekte van die geboue en terrein - Waskamer en wasmasjiene - Maandverslag en kwotasies aan bestuur - Beskikbaar vir noodgevalle na-ure - Vervoer van inwoners tydens of na-ure indien nodig - Instandhouding van voertuie - Koerierwerk en aflewerings soos nodig - Hulp verleen met projekte en lokale gereedmaak vir funksies en opruiming
. .
BostonBlinds & wholesalers
Vereistes: - Bewys van PDP lisensie ingesluit in aansoek - Noodhulp vlak 1 - Goeie kommunikasie - Goeie administratiewe en organisatoriese vaardighede
We have moved to our new premises!
Aansoeke sluit: 29 Januarie 2018 Posaanvaarding: 1 April 2018. Stuur asb. u volledige CV met 2 onlangse referente na Navrae kan gerig word by mev. Lucia Smuts – 021 948 2019. (Indien u binne 1 maand na die sluitingsdatum geen terugvoer ontvang het nie, kan u aanneem dat u aansoek onsuksesvol is).
Applicants who meet the requirements stipulated, may apply. The application should include your CV and proof of relevant qualification. E-mail your application to: or Enquiries: 081 561 8713
Stuur volledige CV aan: Martie van Wyngaardt - Huis Martina E-Pos: Aansoeke sluit 22 Januarie 2018 12h00 Tel. 021 931 1235
Email CV's to or fax to 086 606 3461
Bestuur voedselvoorbereiding/voorsiening en kliëntediens binne spesifieke beleid en prosedures, bestuur Washuis- en skoonmaak personeel POSVEREISTES • Minimum 3jr ondervinding in soortgelyke kombuisbestuur en aktiwitiete • Rekenaarvaardigheid 'n vereiste • Betroubare vervoer • Kwalifikasie in Voedseldiensbestuur sal voordelig wees PLIGTE Assisteer Voedseldiensbestuurder met die volgende: • Spyskaart beplanning • Koste voorbereiding en voorraad kontrole • Personeel administrasie • Inventaris kontrole • Higiëniese, veiligheid en kwaliteit kontrole • Daaglikse produksiebestuur • Toepaslike opleidings beplanning VERGOEDING • Onderhandelbare salaris volgens Badisa skale • Ruim verlof • Pensioen- en mediese fonds voordele • Diensaanvaarding: So gou as moontlik
Qualified Pharmacists (Northern Suburbs)
•Grade 12 •Good interaction and communication with clients •Good interpersonal skills (clients and colleagues) •Well organised •Punctual and reliable •Bilingual (Afrikaans & English) •Presentable •Good personal hygiene •Live in close proximity of Protea Heights, Brackenfell and Kuils River •Able to work flexi hours between 08h00 – 21h00 Males are welcome to apply
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
5 Gladstone Street, Boston
083 261 3920
021 949 9127 .
EST 1995
GARAGE & GATE SYSTEMS NEVER compromise on quality NO NEED to compromise on price Tip-up, Sectional & Roll-up Doors and Motors Gate Automation,
Wetgewing wat in 2017 in werking tree en wat spesifiek op besighede en boere van toepassing is vereis ‘n spesialisdiens om nakoming te verseker. SERR Synergy bied so spesialisdiens om sodanige nakoming te verseker. Gevolglik is daar nou 7 Posisies beskikbaar om ons diens aan besighede en boere te bemark. Ondervinding is nie ‘n vereiste nie aangesien toepaslike opleiding in-huis aangebied word ‘n Vyfsyfer inkomste kan verdien word. Kontak Andries by 021 910 1334 om ‘n onderhoud te reël. Suksesvolle kandidate sal Afrikaans en engels magtig wees. Onderhoude word in BELLVILLE gevoer.
AFTER HOURS SERVICE 021 555 3295/93
WE ALSO: SERVICE & REPAIR ALL TYPES OF DOORS & MOTORS 100% Alluminuim door specialist
CALL Toll-Free: 0800 22 00 50
Tel/Fax 021 903 0804
or 021 555 3295/93
Unit 4, Megawatt Park cnr of Dawn & Stella Road, Montague Gardens. .
Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018
TYGERBURGER Durbanville 27
D erby ssal al w ys w ie Derby wys wie K aap sse eb este iis s Kaap beste AVRIL FILLIES
voor die feestyd en dit vir hom lyk asof die span aan lle paaie lei Saterdag na “doelvrees” ly as die doeldie Kaapstad-stadion vir hok gaap. die derbystryd tussen Hy het ook genoem dat ’n Ajax Cape Town en Cape Town oorwinning goed sal wees City om te bepaal wie die spogvir die span se selfvertroue en dalk was die oorwinning regte van die stad het. Sedert Cape Town City sy oor Platinum Stars net die debuut in die Premier-sokkerinspuiting wat Ajax nodig liga gemaak het, moes Ajax in het om uit die onderste helfal hul kragmetings tweede vite op die puntelus te beweeg. ool speel. City moes sy kaptein, RoAjax het sy laaste tuiswedbyn Johannes, wat van Wits stryd teen Platinum Stars met geleen is, terugstuur omdat 3-0 gewen, terwyl Cape Town Wits tans laaste op die punCity stert tussen die bene huis teleer lê. toe gestuur is deur Free State Dis nie ’n goeie posisie vir FOTO: TREVOR KUNENE die huidige wenners van die Stars nadat die tuisspan hom Muhsin Ertugral met 1-0 geklop het. ligatitel nie. Gavin Hunt het Dis nie net die spogregte wat nou al sy spelskeppers en op die spel is nie, maar ook wie doelskieters by ander klubs van die twee afrigters, Muhsin nodig om die klub se wenErtugral (Ajax) en Benni droogte te breek. McCarthy (City), mekaar gaan City het ook einde verlede uitoorlê. jaar die dienste van sy kaptein en die voorste doelskieMcCarthy is nog steeds die voorste doelskieter van Bafater in die PSL verloor toe Lena Bafana, terwyl Ertugral bebogang Manyama sy heil in kend daarvoor is dat hy jong Turkye gaan soek het. Met spelers ontwikkel tot voordeel hom en Johannes nou nie van ander PSL-spanne. meer daar om die City-boot te Hy het juis Saterdag teen stuur nie, lyk dit asof daar Platinum Stars gewys dat Ajax baie vinnig ’n regrukpoging met genoeg selfvertroue weet van City moet kom. Ajax kan hoe om doele te skiet. In al hul dalk Saterdag weer aan die vorige kragmetings kon die kortste end trek. FOTO: THEMBA MAKOFANE span in die doelgebied of met Benni McCarthy Wie gaan met die louere lang skoppe nie die doelnet wegstap? laat ruk nie. Gaan dit die ou vos (Ertugral) of die jong afrigter In Ertugral se eerste nuuskonferensie het hy juis (McCarthy) wees, is die vraag op sokkergeesdriftigesê dat hy na die span se vertonings gekyk het tot ges se lippe.
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Talle glanspunte kenmerk krieket SAREL BURGER
’n Sesde agtereenvolgende oorwinning vir Durbanville, nóg ’n puik sege vir Kraaifontein en ’n ommekeer deur NoordelikesGoodwood. Dit is van die glanspunte in die jongste reeks tweedaagse krieketwedstryde in die WP se topligas. Die onoorwonne Durbanville het ná ’n eerstebeurt-voorsprong van 127 lopies teen Rondebosch die tuisspan in sy opvolgbeurt tot 260 lopies beperk, waarna die Durbies (134/1) ’n negepaaltjie-oorwinning beklink het. Bradley Barnes (96 en 63*), Jean Strydom (62) en Nathan Swartz (6/24 en 3/64) het ’n leeue-aandeel in die sege gehad. Bellville is ná sy oorwinning met 3 paaltjies oor Victoria steeds kort op die hakke van Durbanville aan die bopunt van die punteleer in die Premierliga. Hoewel Bellville ’n eerste-
beurt-agterstand van 60 lopies gehad het, het skitterende bydraes deur Uwe Birkenstock (97), Wikus van Vuuren (96) en Handré Janse van Rensburg (5/47) hul span in staat gestel om die verlangde 243 lopies (vir die verlies van 7 paaltjies) aan te teken vir ’n oorwinning. In die eerste beurt (251/9 gesl.) was Handré Theron (60), Lennert van Vak (57) en Justin Dill (56) die uiteindelike wenspan se uitblinkers. Milnerton en Brackenfell het egter weer hul rieme styfgeloop. Milnerton was met ’n voorsprong van 51 lopies op die eerste beurt teen Claremont goed geplaas, maar is toe vir net 71 lopies in die tweede beurt uitgeknikker, wat die besoekers (124/4) met 6 paaltjies laat wen het. Brackenfell (152 en 133) is met 7 paaltjies oorrompel deur WP-klub (236/3 gesl. en 50/3). Briljante boulwerk en ’n pragtige onoorwonne derdepaaltjie-vennootskap van 245 lo-
pies tussen Craig Ephrahim (133) en Seth Fledermaus (106) het die weg gebaan vir Kraaifontein (165 en 255/2 gesl.) se weghol-sege met 212 lopies oor Primrose (88 en 120) in die eerste liga. Nadat Jason Naidoo (42), Fabian Faro (4/19) en Arno Pekeur (4/33) die Kraaie op dag een die hef in die hand gegee het, het Ephrahim, Fledermaus en Grant Isaacs (5/18) die afgelope Saterdag die afrondingswerk gedoen. Noordelikes-Goodwood (192/6 gesl.) het ’n broodnodige eerste oorwinning oor Guguletu (63 en 219) behaal. Dit was grootliks te danke aan Lionel van Rensburg (106), Darren Dorman (88), Ryan Carstens (56) en die boulwerk van Richard Holman, Kyle Beukman en Dean Morris. Tygerberg-klub (205 en 139) het egter met 54 lopies teen Avendale (216 en 182) verloor, ondanks stewige bydraes deur Franco Kasner (5/49 en 45).
Toernooi kan in toekoms groei Sien ons permanente sonkamer by Cape Garden Centre, Joostenbergvlakte.
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SAREL BURGER Daar is ’n sterk moontlikheid dat die Hoërskool Bellville se suksesvolle kriekettoernooi vir o.19spanne van verlede week volgende jaar op veel groter skaal aangebied sal word, het die orgniseerder, Pieter Nagel, ná afloop daarvan gesê. Vir die eerste toernooi het net drie Tygerbergse skole – HS Bellville, Brackenfell en Stellenberg –
en vyf spanne van elders saamgespan in hierdie toernooi. Die plaaslike skole, wat geeneen op volle sterkte was nie, het maar swaar geleef teen die besoekende Volkskool (Potchefstroom), Pearson (PE), Monument (Krugersdorp) en NoordKaap (Kimberley). Brackenfell het darem twee van sy vier wedstryde gewen deur Kimberley Boys’ High en Pearson te klop, maar HS Bellville en Stel-
lenberg kon albei net een keer aan die wenkant eindig – in albei gevalle teen Kimberley. . Die WP se Noordelike Stadsgebiede-streekunie (WPNS) se jaarvergadering vind eerskomende Maandag plaas. Dit word om 15:30 in die klubhuis van die Bellville-krieketklub gehou. Verteenwoordigers van alle hoërskole in die Tygerbergstreek is welkom by die vergadering.
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Page 28 | Woensdag, 17 Januarie 2018 Onder redaksie van Stehan Schoeman Tel: 021 910 6500 | epos:
‘Legendes’ seëvier wéér STEHAN SCHOEMAN
m die uitmergelende Jumtree Trans-Agulhasrubberbootresies vir die twaalfde jaar te wen, is ’n rekord wat agter die name van David Barnet en Tjaart Oosthuizen gepen is. David (Blouberg) en Tjaart (Welgemoed), wat bekend staan as die “legendes van die see”, het die wedvaart tussen Plettenbergbaai en die Strand van 28 Desember tot 1 Januarie kafgedraf, maar nie sonder teëspoed nie. “Dit was een van die mees fisiek uitdagende Trans-Agulhasse wat ons nog gedoen het. Die gure weer het baie hoë branders en onstuimige seetoestande veroorsaak. “Die eerste dag het ons enjinaanhegting op die boot gebreek, wat veroorsaak het dat
dit moeilik was om die boot te stuur. Op die tweede dag het een van die rubberbootlugsakke lug verloor en het dit die hantering van die boot bemoeilik. “Op die vierde skof het ons om veiligheidsredes besluit om die langer maar veiliger roete te neem. Dit was uit ’n tydsperspektief riskant, wat in ons mededingers se guns kon tel. Op die vyfde dag was die see ook uitermatig rof en moes ons kophou om ons voorsprong te behou. “Ons het nie sonder pyne en skrape uit die stryd getree nie, en moes tot op die einde hard werk vir ons twaalfde algehele oorwinning. “Dit het ons egter nie afgesit om weer eens deel te neem aan die komende Trans-Agulhaswedvaart aan die einde van die jaar nie,” sê Tjaart.
Tjaart Oosthuizen en David Barnet het moeilike omstandighede oorkom en hul twaalfde TransAgulhas gewen. FOTO: HEINRICH SAUER
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