TygerBurger Goodwood - 13 May 2020

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Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




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Crime not on lockdown TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07


eighbourhood watches in Goodwood support the call of provincial community safety minister Albert Fritz to have watch groups assist with social distancing. Fritz wrote to the office of police minister Bheki Cele requesting that accredited neighbourhood watch (NHW) members be permitted to assist in social distance management and the enforcement of level 4 lockdown restrictions. Tygerdal NHW chair Clinton Roux says they support the call. “We would also prefer to patrol our areas to maintain visibility so we can deter crime. This lockdown clearly does not count for criminals. The police were understaffed and underresourced prior to the lockdown. Now with officers getting infected this means more out of action so effectively fewer resources on the streets to police the area,” says Roux. He explains that while they note the lockdown regulations restrict NHWs from operating in the area, they found a way to assist in fighting crime. “As you know we are not allowed to patrol or perform any of our normal functions so we are monitoring the groups and reporting to the authorities and to the armed response companies to assist our residents. We’re also checking what the social and welfare needs are and getting the relevant role-players to assist.” James Ellis, chair of the Glenwood NHW, says there has been a large influx of vagrants in the area since the lockdown. “Lots of them are new faces, not known to us, which indi-

cates that they are from other areas. Visibility by our NHW would certainly have prevented this from happening by being those extra eyes on the ground, while police could have been focused on more serious matters within the Goodwood area,” says Ellis. Some patrollers, according to Ellis, have volunteered as disaster risk management officers currently assisting in crowd control at the local shopping centre in Glenwood. “On a daily basis they report in the morning to be present during opening times at Spar until end of day to ensure that social distancing takes place and sanitiser, provided by Spar, is sprayed. Volunteers also refuse entrance to visitors who do not comply with rules and regulations set out by national government, like not wearing face masks. At this stage it’s a great relationship building between the parties with great support from the community. That one or two individuals who by times are difficult, does at the end of the day comply with regulations set out,” Ellis says. Goodwood NHW chair Leona van Wyk agrees that more eyes and ears on the road are always of assistance. “When lockdown started we were geared with equipment such as gloves, masks and sanitisers for the neighbourhood watch members together with strict protocol of how they would conduct themselves. Unfortunately, we were also put into lockdown although we believe we were equipped and kitted better than most organisations,” she says. On Thursday 23 April Fritz wrote to Cele requesting that accredited NHW groups assist with social distancing, but stated that to date Cele’s office has not responded to the request.

N1 City lends a hand N1 City Mall delivered 97 hampers of hope to the residents of the Protea Home for the aged in Goodwood on Monday 4 May. In addition to the hampers, 200 fabric face masks were also donated by Sowing Sparrows, a non-profit organisation based in Cape Town. “We applaud the management team and staff at Protea Home for the aged for the amazing work they are doing under such difficult circumstances,” said N1 City centre manager Mazel Matthews.






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Trust seeks volunteers The Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust is calling on people to sign up for its Champion for Children volunteer programme and in so doing help them care for young patients. The initiative is a network of volunteers who provide their time, skills and experience across a wide array of activities in order to help the trust support the children at the hospital. During the course of volunteering, champions will be working with children, medical professionals and people in communities, says Candice Jansen, spokesperson. V For more information visit www.tygerbergchildren.org.za.

Chamber concert cancelled The next Chamber Series concert, which was to be held on Sunday 31 May, has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Classical music enthusiasts in Durbanville was entertained with a series of chamber concerts since its launch on 1 March. The series was started by Susan Liegner, who was chair of Rust-and-Vrede Gallery and Clay Museum for about seven years until October 2017. V Send an email to susan.graham@iburst.co.za with enquiries.

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City prepares more graves ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme


he City of Cape Town is busy evaluating the capacity of private mortuaries and cemeteries in the city and their capability to ramp up, to ensure there is sufficient storage capacity across the metropole, should the need arise. On inquiry by TygerBurger, Zahid Badroodien, the Mayco member for community services and health said, the City does not own or manage any mortuaries directly. “Atlantis, Wallacedene, Welmoed and Klip cemeteries are a few of the existing

cemeteries that currently have adequate space to accommodate a significant increase in burial numbers, with Atlantis having the most available space,” he says. “As part of City planning there are current cemeteries that have land capacity for these to be extended,” Badroodien says. These considerations are being included in the City’s Covid-19 fatality management planning. It is also part of establishing the maximum number of burials which can take place per day, as this will affect how burials will be scheduled as the demand increases. “The City has spare burial blocks readily

available in identified cemeteries, for the possibility of a need to accommodate mass burials,” he says. While the demand for burial and cremation of Covid-19 victims is still manageable, the City is preparing individual graves to ensure a dignified service to the immediate family, according to Badroodien. “In addition the City is ensuring that the Maitland crematorium is optimised to its full capacity to maximize the number of cremations which can take place at this facility. This is the only crematorium owned by the City and is operated by a lessee on the City’s behalf,” he says.

Support doctors and others with your socks People across the country will be donning funky mismatched socks to show their support for medical professionals on 29 May. You can post your sock selfie on www.facebook.com/ IthembaFoundation1 to show you care – and use the opportunity to say a big thank you to all our health workers.

You can show your support for South Africa’s medical professionals in the smallest way – by showing your socks to the world. The Ithemba Foundation is hosting the #CrazySocks4Docs (CS4D) day on Friday 29 May to show carers across the country how much they are cherished. Don your funky, mismatched socks and post a selfie on www.facebook.com/ IthembaFoundation1 to show you care. Says Ithemba director Dr Marita van Schalkwyk: “As health workers we must undertake to serve the sick and needy, but we must also look out for one another, help one another, inspire one another and seek help when we ourselves cannot keep up the demanding pace. There is always hope – the meaning of ithemba.” For medical students, there is a little bonus: Ithemba wants them to post their sock selfies on www.facebook.com/ IthembaFoundation1 and encourage family and friends to like their sock selfies. The student with the most likes on each campus will get a cash prize of R1 000.

Impact of lockdown on nature RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj The national lockdown impacted many lives – even those in nature. A smaller number of foot traffic to nature reserves has meant flourishing conditions for fauna and flora, as is the case at the Tygerberg Nature Reserve. “The closure of the reserves is having an impact on animal movement. However, it is very difficult to quantify, but logically it seems that it would be positive. “We are monitoring where we can on our routine surveillance and camera traps. We can then do the same monitoring after lockdown to note the changes,” Marian Nieuwoudt, Mayco member for spatial planning

and environment, told TygerBurger last week. Nieuwoudt says it might however be too short a period to make a real difference. “Many of our animals move between nature reserves and utilise roads as well, for example the Tygerberg caracals. “Less traffic on the roads will result in less roadkill,” she says. The reserves are visited daily under normal circumstances. Since the lockdown however, no walkers, hikers or cyclists have been permitted and staff have also been required to perform their tasks from home. “Drones are used to assess and monitor areas. Operations such as planting the bulbs at Tygerberg are on an ad-hoc basis and only when the urgent need arises. We are assessing which urgent activities are needed wit-

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Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020

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hin the next month or so in terms of maintenance, security and biodiversity,” Nieuwoudt says. She says normal operations are not taking place. Alien clearing, for example, has also been halted, she says. “Some of our vlei areas and waterways have not been cleared of weed. Some of our ecological burns were cancelled. It will take us a while to return to normal and our annual plans of operation need to be adjusted.” Nieuwoudt says most of the City nature reserves generate a minor income as the gate fees are low. “We are of course not collecting income at present. We have already made our target for revenue collection for this year as a result of Witzands Aquifer Nature Reserve coming online. It is true that the impact will be felt if the lockdown continues indefinitely, but at this stage, it is very difficult to quantify because nobody knows for how long the status quo will remain”.

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Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020


Employees panic as D’ville store closes third time ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme


mployees of Checkers Durbanville in the Midwell Centre in Wellington Road are in fear of contracting Covid-19 “due to their working circumstances”. The store had to close its doors yesterday (12 May) for the third time since the first Covid-19 cases were tested at the store on 22 April, while TygerBurger were told more than 40 staff members, managers included, tested positive. “No one is listening; the store is closing again tomorrow (Tuesday). Four more people tested positive and still there are people working, who don’t want to get tested. “The reason for this is that the company does not pay them if they have not been referred by them to Tygerberg for a Covid-19 test,” says a source known to TygerBurger, but who wants to stay anonymous in fear of losing his job. According to this source, employees are expected to work even though not all their colleagues have been tested for the virus. This comes after more than 40 employees tested positive in a second outbreak of Covid-19 at the store on 29 April. The first outbreak of Covid-19 occurred when an employee in the pharmacy department tested positive for Covid-19 on 22 April. TygerBurger received information from two different sources that another two employees in the pharmacy tested positive at the time, but only one case was confirmed by the media office of the Shoprite Group. “It was kept quiet at first, but then the employee told us she tested positive. The other employees also had themselves tested and two more tested positive,” says the source. The store was closed early the next morning for two days while being decontaminated. All employees were then screened. According to the source, there were seven employees who insisted to be properly tested at Tygerberg Hospital – not only screened. Although they showed no symptoms and have passed the screening test, three of the seven tested positive when tested at Tygerberg on Wednesday 29 April. Another employee who had tested elsewhere, also tested positive. The store was again closed on 30 April to screen the rest of the staff. “Most of the employees didn’t have symptoms, but they lied, just to be tested since the company doesn’t care about our safety. “Only those who claimed they had symptoms, were tested. The results came back mostly positive. More than 40 employees, including managers, tested positive and went home. “There are still people working in the store who were just screened and not tested. Now management wants those, who tested negative, to go back to work – knowing everyone is not tested and they may get ill”.

According to the source, employees, who tested negative, were at first told to self-isolate for 14 days, but then management changed its mind, stating that everybody who tested negative, had to work on the basis of no work, no pay. “Everyone is scared. We don’t want to lose our jobs – we have families to feed and bills to pay.” On inquiry, the media office of Shoprite Holdings did not answer any specific questions about the allegations made, but said the Shoprite Group has acted proactively since the start of the coronavirus outbreak to safeguard its employees and customers. “We will continue to do everything in our power to protect their well-being and health and immediately react in accordance with provided guidelines when a medical concern comes to our attention. “The Group is fully committed to provide a courteous and professional working environment. Dealings with our employees are based on the principles of fairness and respect and in compliance with the provisions of the prevailing labour legislation, as well as government’s guidelines and regulations during the various lockdown stages. “It has well established procedures and various channels in place which adequately provides for employees to raise matters of concern for any alleged issues to receive the necessary attention and be investigated constructively without fear of victimisation. “We regard the employer and employee relationship as an internal matter and believe it would be in the better interest of the dissatisfied staff members to rather make use of the channels available to them. “Employees who had close contact selfquarantined for 14 days. The regulations outline that an employer may allow a worker to return to work, if the worker has undergone a medical evaluation confirming that the worker has been tested negative. As such, there is no need for these employees to remain in self-quarantine if they tested negative,” it was stated. “Various measures have been implemented, including daily temperature testing when employees arrive at work; dispatching mobile clinics for referrals; rolling out plastic face shields to employees; and maintaining stringent hygiene and sanitising protocols across all its operations. “When an employee tests positive for Covid-19, the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) and Department of Health are informed. “The store is closed and a professional decontamination company brought in to sanitise and deep clean the store. “An employee screening programme supported by the company’s mobile clinic has been put into place and those employees who had close contact with an infected person wil self-quarantine for 14 days,” the media office said.


Surfing protest halted in Bloubergstrand KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels A peaceful protest by surfers in Bloubergstrand was halted last week. Hundreds of surfers flocked to beaches in Cape Town to boycott the lockdown regulations which prohibit water activities. The surfers argued that riding the waves was a form of exercise and they should be allowed to return to the water. According to Rory Richards, a local surfer in the Bloubergstrand area, the protest was stopped due to threats of being arrested. “Surfers were told that it’s not a good idea to protest as it is not accepted during lockdown. However, the reason why I feel that surfing should be allowed is because Covid-19 can’t survive in seawater and surfing is a distancing sport. It’s not a team sport. There is no foundation and substance behind why surfing should not be allowed,” Richards said. Other surfers claim that as Level 4 re-

strictions have allowed for exercise three hours every day, their plight is falling on deaf ears. Rory added, “There is so much against us right now and many psychological issues coming from lockdown with being stuck at home and not being able to do anything. I feel it’s one of the least things that should be allowed by government. Golf and fishing should also be allowed.” The board of Surfing South Africa (SSA) said in a statement that they fully support the government’s decision with regards to surfing and requested surfers not to surf in defiance of the regulations. “The measures implemented reflect the actions necessary as recommended by scientific advice from world leaders in pandemic medicine,” SSA said in a statement. Several arrests have been made at other protests in Cape Town. However, Table View police spokesperson, Capt Adriana Chandler confirmed that no arrests have been made in the Table View and Bloubergstrand areas.

Hundreds of surfers protested in Bloubergstrand last week, demanding the government to allow them to ride the waves again. The protest has since been halted amid lockdown regulation prohibiting the surfers from protesting.

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Food drive well supported RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj A food drive to collect food items for those less fortunate during the current lockdown period, has been well supported by residents in the Edgemead and Bothasig areas. The drive started three weeks ago. Helen Carstens, ward councillor, says she received a number of calls from residents requesting assistance and decided to approach the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) who is responsible to provide food relief during this time. “There was no action from Sassa so I approached St. Mark’s Methodist

Church to assist,” Carstens says. The food drive is supported by the church, communities of Edgemead and Bothasig and the local neighbourhood watches. “The food that the community donates is packed into parcels by the members of the church, and these parcels are then delivered to the residents of the two areas who requested assistance.” Carstens says the support from the community has been amazing. “I would like to thank every single person who continues to contribute to this project that is there for the assistance of residents.” To date there has still been no action from Sassa, Carstens says.

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Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020

Rates relief for guesthouses, B&Bs DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


wners of guesthouses and B&Bs in Cape Town can now apply for the rezoning of its properties, which could mean that their municipal rates bills are cut in half. This is part of a tourism relief measure announced by James Vos, Mayco member for economic opportunities in a bid to contain the hard-struck tourism sector in the city. Local guesthouses are currently left with very little or no income. With one toddler and another baby on its way, Lionel and Marelie Dreyer, owners of Sun Bell Lodge in Bellville are anxious as to what the future holds for the business and their young family. “At this stage any form of relief is a rescue line. It is terrible and we don’t know how we will survive this crisis. We applied for help from the government relief fund but did not receive anything because of our BEE status. We could only pay two of our five staff members for one month and are still waiting for UIF for all of them. Only two staff members remain inhouse at the guesthouse. Our UIF application has also not been approved or paid out,” says Marelie. At present the guesthouse has only one permanent lodger, who works in the city on contract and will remain until the end of the year. “We have no other guests and although we are allowed to accommodate essential workers near their places of work and people wishing to go into isolation, we have had no guests as people cannot afford to pay for guesthouses, even though rates are lower,” she says. “People just don’t have money.” The couple don’t know how they

“At this stage any form of relief is a rescue line.” are going to cover their expenses come the end of another month. “We are trying to make payment arrangements with guests who stayed here before the lockdown, but couldn’t pay their accounts because of the lockdown. Other than that all we can do is hope and pray that things change soon.” Supporting 113 00 jobs and adding roughly R18 billion to the local economy, Vos in an online webinar on Thursday 7 May said tourism is and will remain a key industry in Cape Town and is central to the city’s economic recovery. “As a City government, our finance directorate recently confirmed City relief measures available to this sector. Guesthouses and certain B&Bs now have the option of applying to change their property classification, due to the impact of Covid-19, which could cut rates bills in half in some cases,” he said in an online conference. Vos established a tourism task team to manage and coordinate interventions needed to minimise the devastating effect Covid-19 has on the tourism industry. “This team is working on recovery strategies that will reshape and re-conceptualise tourism post Covid-19. Now, and in the future, we have an opportunity to rebuild our industry not just to what it was before, but into something even better. This requires bold and brave new steps to drive the industry forward,” he says. Plans formulated will use technology and research to maintain a sustainable future for tourism in Cape Town. “The tourism sector in the Moth-

er City has to be ready for the day when visitors can return to the Mother City,” said Vos. Plans include partnering with industry specialists to help members breathe life back into the industry, helping them with their recovery planning, adapting business focus, a business incubation programme as well as targeted industry sessions, recovery training, and business consulting sessions A communication plan was rolled out to ensure clear communication. “This includes daily industry e-mailers providing the most up-todate information while ensuring our destination remains top-ofmind,” said Vos. Research will focus on new health requirements needed in the tourism industry, market-readiness, new target markets and possible changes to products and demands. “We have launched our exciting ‘Seeing is believing’ campaign which involves digital interviews in which tourism businesses discuss how Covid-19 has effected them but also how they are adapting to the new normal. Vos is confident that the City’s new tourism marketing campaign, “We are worth waiting for!”, will remind visitors what to look forward to once the lockdown eases. “It encapsulates everything our beautiful, diverse and exciting city has to offer,” he said. The campaign video can be viewed at (https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=MSHfImQI3nM&feature=emb_title VCTT’s website, www.capetown.travel, has become the home of information on Covid-19 for visitors, and offers a 24-hour live chat as well as various educational resources. V Guesthouse owners who want to apply for reclassification of their properties can email Valuations.RCC@capetown.gov.za

Hier besig om sakke nartjies te laai, is (van links) Thomas van Dalen van Hermanus, Johardt van Heerden van Bellville en Deon de Jager van Durbanville, almal betrokke by AfriForum.

Nartjies geskenk vir sterker immuniteit ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme Vragte nartjies is by verskeie ouetehuise en aftreeoorde in Durbanville, Bellville en Kraaifontein, asook in onder meer Hermanus, deur AfriForum geskenk in ’n poging om seniors se immuniteit op te bou. Dié Wes-Kaapse immuunstelsel-inisiatief, in samewerking met Solidariteit Helpende Hand, is verlede Donderdag by verskeie ouetehuise in die noordelike voorstede begin. Sakke nartjies is afgelewer by Huis Boland, Ons Tuiste en Huis Magnolia in Bellville, asook by Huis Aristea en De Rust- en La Gratitude-aftreeoorde in Durbanville. Die span het ook ’n draai gemaak by Huis Ravenzicht in Kraaifontein. AfriForum het hierdie inisiatief reeds in ander provinsies in Suid-Afrika ook begin. “Met hierdie inisiatief wil ons mense bewus maak van die voordele wat vitamien C vir jou immuunstelsel inhou. Ons het besluit om op bejaardes te fokus, aangesien hulle die kwes-

baarste persone is om Covid-19 op te doen en moeilik van die virus herstel,” sê Deon de Jager, AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapstrukture vir die suidstreek, in ’n mediaverklaring. AfriForum beplan om hierdie inisiatief binne sy beskikbare middele na ander voorstede in die metropool, asook ander dorpe in die provinsie uit te brei. Dr. Eugene Brink, hoof van gesondheid by AfriForum, sê hierdie inisiatief help om gesondheid en immuniteit in gemeenskappe te bevorder in ’n tyd wat dit broodnodig is. “Die winter lê nou voor en daarom wil ons help dat weerlose mense se immuunstelsel sterk bly. Ons het ook soortgelyke skenkings van sitrus in die noorde van die land ontvang en doen ’n beroep op ander produsente om ook skenkings te maak.” Hierdie inisiatief is moontlik gemaak deur ruim skenkings wat vanuit die Langeberg-distrik ontvang is. V Stuur ’n e-pos na deon.dejager@afriforum.co.za om by die projek betrokke te raak.

Restaurants remain hopeful as many close up shop DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke Restaurants in Cape Town are holding a collective breath as the industry hopes to come back online soon. “The big question on everyone’s lips is when can we open up again, so we can prepare and be ready. We can’t sit in crisis mode all the time,” chief executive officer Enver Duminy told TygerBurger last week. On Thursday 7 May some 100 roleplayers in the tourism industry discussed rescue plans in an online conference hosted by Mayco member for economic opportunities in Cape Town James Vos. Several popular restaurants in Cape Town have already closed its doors permanently, the likes of Mariners Wharf in Houtbay, Smak Deli in the City Bowl and two branches of a popular hamburger outlet. Duminy said they are working with the Restaurant Association of South Africa (Rasa) in a continuous engagement with national government on finding ways to get the food and beverage sector

up and running again. As things stand now restaurants and other food and beverage establishments are only permitted to open its doors for patrons on lockdown level 1. On the current lockdown level 4, only food delivery is permitted and on level 3, take-away food will be phased in. “We are putting forward business cases to move operations up with one or even two levels of lockdown,” he told the newspaper. The biggest challenge at this stage is ensuring that a safety protocol can be put in place for this to be permitted. The sector has to put forward realistic proposals to ensure health and safety of both employees and patrons in their establishments. Many suggestions are forthcoming from the sector like drivethrough services and collecting food.” Paul Hoffman from South Cape Economic Partnership suggested that restaurants and other food and beverage outlets be opened and business phased in gradually. He suggested these outlets open at 50% capacity for the first three months with adequate spacing between tables, inter-

mittent sanitising of surfaces and the rotation of tables, if necessary. Duminy responded by saying the phased integration of tourism by percentages as suggested was included in a business case for tourism, which was put forward to the presidency last week. “As an industry we don’t have all the answers right now and are looking at other countries for guidance. In China, for instance, hotels and restaurants used heat scanners to screen people walking in and out. “We are learning fast from other countries.” The popular Smak Delicatessen and Restaurant announced its closure on 24 April. The announcement on their Facebook page reads as follows: “As you can imagine, the news of our closing has no doubt been tough on our staff and it’s heartbreaking for us. We are a family and we are doing everything we can to support our staff emotionally and financially during this time. We will also continue to support them as much as possible into the future because, well, they are incredible!” ️

Hier by Huis Aristea met die oorhandiging van die sakke nartjies, is (van links) Tertius Beyers (bestuurder van Huis Aristea), die inwoners Danie van Rensburg en sy vrou, Annette, Sarie le Roux, Mara de Waal en Patsy Bernardo. FOTO’S: MINIQUE VALVERDE-SCOTT

Met die oorhandiging van sakke nartjies by die De Rust-aftreeoord, is (van links) Danie Ellis, Hendrine Rossouw (De Rust), Deon de Jager van Durbanville (AfriForum), Pieter Stemmet (Helpende Hand) en Johardt van Heerden van Bellville (AfriForum).

Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020


Vissershok geruk deur hoof se afsterwe


Mfuleni-polisieman skryf geestelike boek BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind



ie gemeenskap, asook MetroNoord-onderwysdistrik, is geruk deur die skielike heengaan van Gregory Andries (54), hoof van die Primêre Skool Vissershok buite Durbanville, op Saterdag 2 Mei. “Dit is met leedwese dat die onderwysdistrik kennis geneem het van die afsterwe van Andries. Hy het in 1994 by Vissershok, of soos hy dit genoem het, Vissies, as jong onderwyser begin. “Met die afsterwe van die vorige hoof, moes hy as jong leerkrag in ’n waarnemende hoedanigheid die leisels oorneem. Hy is in 2002 permanent as die hoof aangestel,” het Debra Horne, woordvoerder van die onderwysdistrik, gesê. As jong hoof was Andries gekonfronteer met dalende leerdergetalle, wat sou kon lei tot die sluiting van die skool. “Hierdie uitdaging het hom egter nie afgeskrik nie. Onder sy leiding het die leerdertal met rasse skrede toegeneem en as gevolg van sy visie en inisiatiewe is verdere strukturele uitbreidings aan die skoolgebou aangebring. Hy het die vermoë gehad om finansiële ondersteuning van die privaat sektor te kry om hierdie uitbreidings moontlik te maak,” het Horne gesê. “Wat Vissershok ’n gewilde skool onder die gemeenskap gemaak het, was die feit dat Andries in ’n gebalanseerde opvoeding ge-

glo het en dit ook so geïmplementeer het. Hy het agting by die ouergemeenskap afgedwing en sodoende baie ondersteuning ontvang. “Die skool het akademies uitgeblink, want met beperkte hulpbronne het Andries toegesien dat die leerders ook aan sport en kultuur blootgestel word. Die skool het veral in landloop uitgeblink. “Onderliggend aan die gebalanseerde opvoeding wat Andries geïmplementeer het, het hy sosiaal aanvaarbare waardes op ’n kreatiewe wyse by die leerders ingeskerp. Netheid was baie belangrik vir hom, want hy kon self deur ’n ring getrek word. Hy was kunssinnig en kreatief en het hierdie waardes met verhale wat hy self geskryf het, aan die leerders by saalbyeenkomste oorgedra. Sy kunstigheid het hy van sy pa, Christy, geërf. “As hoof het hy nie net gesag afgedwing nie, maar hy het ook die gesag van sy onmiddellike departementele toesighouers gerespekteer. Ons sal hom onthou as ’n stil en ingetoë persoon, maar tog dinamies in die uitvoering van sy taak. Sy leierskap was ’n groot bate vir die skool,” het Horne gesê. Andries, ’n boorling van Oudtshoorn, het sy laerskoolloopbaan by die Laerskool St. Simons en sy hoerskoolloopbaan by die Hoërskool Môrester voltooi. Hy het aan die destydse Onderwyskollege SuidKaapland (OKSK) sy onderwysopleiding voltooi. Volgens sy suster, Charmaine

Greg Andries, hoof van die Primêre Skool Visserhok, is skielik oorlede. Taute, was hy gewild onder sy kollegas en sy leerders was baie lief vir hom en weet sy dat hulle hom gaan mis. “Ons ma, Yvonne Andries, was sy alles en sy het hom tot op die laaste tuis versorg. Greg het sonder skroom ver ente gery om familielede in ander dorpe te gaan besoek, maar ek dink sy vriende gaan sy sêgoedjies die meeste mis. “Ons as sy familie was baie trots op wat hy in die onderwys vermag het en sal sy omgee vir ons altyd onthou. Hy het altyd met lof van sy personeel gepraat en vir hulle is sy skielike afsterwe ook ’n skok,” het Taute gesê. Hy is Saterdag 9 Mei vanuit sy ouerhuis begrawe.

Vir ’n baie lang tyd het ’n polisieman van Mfuleni nie geweet wat sy drome beteken nie, maar dit het uiteindelik daartoe gelei dat hy ’n geestelike boek die lig laat sien het. Ao. November Filander sê hy het in 2010 by ’n biduur, terwyl hulle besig was om te bid, die woorde “This is it” gehoor. “Ek het rondgekyk om te sien wie die woorde geuiter het, maar almal se oë was toe. Ek het dit daar gelaat en is die aand huis toe. Omdat ek nog op medianavrae moes reageer, het ek my skootrekenaar aangesit, maar ’n moegheid het my oorval. Ek het die rekenaar neergesit en gaan slaap,” sê Filander. “Ek het in ’n stadium bewus geword van ’n mansfiguur wat langs my bed staan met sy arms na my uitgestrek. Vrees het my oorval en ek wou weghardloop. “ In daardie stadium het ek gevoel my gees verlaat my liggaam,” sê hy. Filander het in ’n nat sweet wakker geword en gesien dit was net na middernag. “Ek wou nie eens my vrou wakker maak nie, want wie sou my nou glo? Van daardie oggend af het ek gedurig boodskappe ontvang, wat ek aanvaar het van God af kom. Hierna het ek my vir 26 dae in my dogter se kamer afgesonder om sin te maak van wat besig was om met my te

gebeur,” sê Filander. In die tyd na sy gewaarwordinge het hy baie eensaam gevoel omdat hy nie verstaan het wat aangaan nie en ook nie vir mense kon verduidelik nie. Hy het ook die polisiediens verlaat. “Tussen 2014 en 2017 het ek begin navorsing doen oor die Bybel en wat ek ervaar het. Ek het besluit om alles neer te skryf en uiteindelik het ek die boek klaar geskryf.” Volgens Filander, wat intussen weer terug by die polisie is, is die boek This is it gemik daarop om mense aan die dink te sit oor geestelikheid. “Mense moet lees en daaruit neem. Daar is ’n rede hoekom ek die boek in pdf-formaat uitgee, want genade is gratis,” sê hy. Belangstellendes kan hom by 082 499 4650 Whatsapp om die boek aan te stuur.

Ao. November Filander is hier met die bekendstelling van sy boek.



Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020

Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020





Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020

Alex skitter in ‘Griekwastad’ NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk


it was ’n voorval wat die land geskok en geboei het. ’n Daad só grusaam, dit het onherroeplik die naam van die dorpie Griekwastad vervleg in iets meer onheilspellend. Nou, agt jaar nadat die 15-jarige Don Steenkamp sy ma, pa en suster op hul plaas Naauwhoek naby die dorp doodgeskiet het, kan kykers hulself opnuut vasvang in die drama en raaisel van daardie dag. Die fliek Griekwastad, met sy sterbelaaide rolverdeling en filmspan, is sedert 5 Mei op BoxOffice op DStv beskikbaar. Dit is die Hollywood-trekpleister Arnold Vosloo (van The Mummy-faam) se eerste Afrikaanse fliek in dekades. Hy speel die rol van kol. Dick de Waal. Boonop kan Kapenaars spog met talle plaaslike inwoners wat in die fliek te sien is en talle wat in die noordelike voorstede bly, onder andere Alex van Dyk (wat Don Steenkamp speel), Rolanda Marais (Henriette de Waal) en Albert Maritz (die buurman, Joe Scholtz).

Leerling en akteur Don Steenkamp self word gespeel deur die Durbanville-tiener Alex van Dyk (17). Van Dyk, wat ook in Stropers te sien was, is ’n leerder aan die Hoërskool Durbanville, met al die eise wat skoolwerk bied. “Ek kry dit nie altyd so lekker gebalanseer nie, want die lading akademie in gr. 11 is heelwat,” vertel hy.

Albert Maritz speel Joe Scholtz, ’n buurman wat op die toneel afgekom het. Hier is hy met ’n lammer waarmee hulle in Hopefield bevriend geraak het.

Alex van Dyk as Don Steenkamp by sy ouers se begrafnis.

“Ek moes maar opofferings maak en laataande sit om werk in te haal of, soos met die verfilming van Griekwastad, tydens verfilming ook my skooleksamen skryf.” Die fliek is in Hopefield geskiet en hy het sekere oggende teruggery Durbanville toe, eksamen geskryf en weer teruggery stel toe om te verfilm. “Dan leer ek maar tussen ‘takes’, want ons het baie dae eers vieruur die volgende oggend klaar geskiet en dan moet ek alweer 07:45 eksamen skryf.” Die skoolhoof en personeel het hom baie ondersteun, voeg hy by. En hy het darem tyd gemaak om saam met sy vriende te kuier.

Rolanda Marais as Henriette de Waal, die vrou van kol. Dick de Waal, die ondersoekbeampte in die saak. De Waal word deur Arnold Vosloo gespeel.

Hotspots for cable theft identified TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07 Metrorail has identified Bontheuwel, Netreg and Nyanga train stations as hotspots for cable theft. Although there has not been a major increase in the number of cases which currently stand at four since January this year, the railway company says the above mentioned areas are “prone to crime and recurring vandalism which lead to total destruction of rail infrastructure required to operate trains safely.” According to Metrorail spokesperson Riana Scott, these incidents happen sporadically. “There is no set time for cable theft incidents as it happens during the day, early hours of the morning or at night. In addition illegal electrical connections, ingress onto the rail reserve, disposal of sewerage onto tracks by informal settlements along portions of the route, sporadic gang turf wars and frequent service delivery protests make it impossible to restore services without major intervention. “The continuous and incessant theft of Prasa overhead infrastructure has contributed to the closure of the two central lines in November last year. The fencing and walling is part of the Central Recovery Programme,” says Scott. The railway service acknowledge that despite regular patrols and arrests with regard to metal theft in terms of the Criminal Matters Amendment Act, the incidents are likely to continue during times of economic hardship and until Prasa has erected the required and appropriate fencing and walling

in high priority areas such as these, says Scott. “The public is advised to please consider the entire rail network electrified 24/7. Despite the central service being suspended all the infrastructure remains live. Communities adjacent to railway lines are advised to be particularly vigilant. Traction energy is significantly more potent than domestic energy and tampering with it can lead to severe injury or death,” says Scott. Ward 50 councillor and chair for the City of Cape Town’s transport portfolio committee, Angus McKenzie, says it has become increasingly clear that while Prasa has shut down the Cape Flats line the electricity current continues to run through it. “Even though countless individuals have died on this line stealing cable and attempting to steal cables it has acted as little or no deterrent at all from other individuals to attempt the same. While this criminal activity cannot be condoned or accepted, Prasa has a role to play to secure this line whether it is working or not. “I am appealing to Prasa to act very swiftly in securing this line or to turn it off completely. The line is in a huge state of disrepair. “Prasa Western Cape must immediately inform what they intend doing to further avoid the breaking down of the line and loss of life. If there was not an opportunity to steal thieves won’t steal,” says McKenzie. The public can assist law enforcement by reporting crime and/or suspicious acts. Rewards of up to R25 000 are payable for information leading to successful conviction. Call 0860 10111 or SMS 32211.

Van Dyk bly op die plaas Rondebossieberg tussen Durbanville en Philadelphia. Sy pa, Alex (47), verkoop chirurgiese toerusting en sy ma, Blanche (45), is ’n onderwyseres by die Laerskool Durbanville. Sy sussie, Lana (14), is in graad 8 aan die Hoërskool Durbanville.

Voorbereiding vir die rol Die uitdagendste deel van die fliek was om homself voor te berei om Don te speel. “Ek het geen biografie oor Don ontvang nie, want niemand het ooit regtig geweet wat in sy kop aangaan nie omdat hy nie veel gepraat het nie.” Hy en die regisseur, Jozua Malherbe, moes ’n manier vind oor hoe hulle Don op die skerm gaan uitbeeld. Alex het ook na baie opnames gekyk oor hoe Don by die hofsaak gelyk het sodat hy sy emosie en liggaamshouding kon bestudeer. Om vir die rol voor te berei, moes Alex leer perdy en sê dit was ’n hoogtepunt. “Ek het verskeie perdrylesse en -sessies vooraf gehad en ons het baie pret tydens die verfilming gehad. Dit is ’n vaardigheid wat ek geleer het en nou self op die plaas verder beoefen.”

is heelwat dinge wat ek by hom geleer het.” Alex se spel trek oral aandag. Rolanda Marais, ’n inwoner van ParowNoord, speel die rol van Henriette de Waal, die vrou van kol. Dick de Waal, die ondersoekbeampte in die saak. Sy sê Alex is “uitstekend”. “As Alex op skerm verskyn, kan ek my verkyk aan hom. Hy is uitstekend. Daar is so min jong akteurs met die natuurlike talent van Alex. Sy spel is uniek en boeiend.” Die veteraan-akteur Albert Maritz, ’n boorling van Bellville wat deesdae in Melkbosstrand bly, speel die rol van Joe Scholtz, ’n buurman. Hy sê hy hou Alex vol verwagtinge dop. “Alex is ’n nederige, talentvolle speler.”

Alex van Dyk as Don Steenkamp.

Arnold Vosloo Dit was ook “ongelooflik” om met Arnold Vosloo saam te werk. “Ek was aan die begin verskriklik senuweeagtig, veral toe ons nog net aan die begin van verfilming was. Mettertyd het die senuwees bedaar en het ons gemaklik saamgewerk. Arnold is ’n rolmodel vir my en daar

Noncomplying taxis, buses can now be reported SAMANTHA LEE-JACOBS @samantha_lee121 You can now report public transport providers who are not adhering to lockdown regulations. Specific load capacity regulations have been imposed by national transport authorities under the risk-adjusted lockdown, however recent reports indicate many providers are not adhering to these regulations. National minister for transport, Fikile Mbalula acknowledged the importance of public transport in a recent address. “We have always been mindful that transport is not only an enabler of economic activity and access to social amenities, but also a potent instrument, capable of spreading the Covid-19 virus far and wide. After all, it was the aviation sector that enabled the virus to reach our shores. Our (responsibility) is to ensure that the mobility of the virus through our transport system is stopped dead in its tracks,” said Mbalula. Under the regulations, public transport vehicles are only permitted to operate between 05:00 to 19:00. While freight rail services have resumed, passenger rail services will be phased in gradually. Some of the new regulations include the use of masks for all passengers and the driver, regular sanitising of vehicles

and providing sanitiser to passengers on entry. Loading capacity for minibus-taxis remains at 70% of licensed passengers, with social distancing and other mitigating measures remaining in place. The loading capacity for metered taxis and e-hailing services remains at 50%. Buses will be allowed to transport 70% of passengers of their licensed loading capacity. Premier Alan Winde says based on these guidelines, a set of guidelines have been issued to all businesses reopened during the level four lockdown. However, Winde also encouraged commuters to take responsibility for their own health. “I understand the pressure you are under to get from A to B, especially if you are an essential worker, but you also need to say if that vehicle is full that you will not get into it. Everyone has a responsibility here. There is a mechanism to report it but also we need to be following our own responsibility that if we see the capacity is overloaded in that vehicle that we stand back and rather wait for the next one,” says Winde. The provincial government has launched an SMS line to report specific vehicles not adhering to the lockdown regulations such as curfew and load capacity. V To report a transport provider, dial *134*234# and follow the prompts.

Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020




Charity locked down How you can help As the Covid-19 crisis continues and many are struggling to make ends meet, non-profit organisations (NPOs) and non-government organisations are trying to provide support to those that need it most. These organisations have lost most of their income from fundraising events and need your help to continue giving care. TygerBurger has decided to make it easier for you to contribute in a responsible way by featuring accredited organisations that will distribute your donation to the right people. To be featured here registered NPOs and NGOs can email a description of their service, NPO number (if applicable) and contact details to nielen.deklerk@tygerburger.co.za. V Community Chest has already helped over 10 000 individuals during lockdown and are hoping to help more. Visit comchest.org.za or contact 021 424 3344, 021 487 1500 or info@comchest.org.za. V The Ikhayalam Soup Kitchen Community provides a soup kitchen to the Gugulethu community and they focus mainly on the elderly, the unemployed and vulnerable citizens. Call Luyanda Situpa on 081 761 5557 or Puleng Molefe on 076 389 3170 or email ikhayalamsoupkitchen@gmail.com.


Nuwe ouers verras met verbyry-ooievaarspartytjie CARINA ROUX


Paartjie van Kuilsrivier, wat talle uitdagings moes oorkom om met ’n gesin te kan begin, is onlangs deur familie en vriende verras met ’n verbyry-ooievaarspartytjie. Sedert Anzette en Heino Matthee (albei 32) in 2017 begin dink het aan kinders, was daar ’n paar struikelblokke. Eers was dit Anzette se gesondheid. Sy vertel dat sy gesukkel het met kopsere en haar sig in haar linkeroog. Vele mediese afsprake het gevolg en sy het gehoor vog agter haar oog veroorsaak drukking op haar brein. Anzette moes vir ’n lendesteek (lumbar puncture) gaan en die dokter het haar afgeraai om swanger te word aangesien die risiko te groot sou wees vir ma en baba. Ná baie toetse en behandeling het Anzette vroeg verlede jaar gehoor die vog is weg en hulle kon weer probeer vir ’n baba. Sy sê dinge wou nog steeds nie vlot nie. Ná Anzette nog toetse laat doen het, is Heino ook getoets. Daar is toe vasgestel die probleem is weens ’n ou rugbybesering. Anzette sê hulle het besef in vitro-bevrugting (IVB) is hul enigste opsie.

V Round Table, World United, El Shaddai Christian Church and Durbanville Gemeente are feeding children in the Fisantekraal, Morning Star and Klipheuwel. They need volunteers and donations. A full list of needed items can be viewed on the @worldunited_WU Instagram and Facebook page. Contact 074 652 7073 or 071 640 9797 or snap the above SnapScan code. V The Hope Exchange (formerly The Carpenter’s Shop) works with homeless people. They are looking for sponsors to cover the fees of 40 adult men (ages 18 to 55) at their second phase shelter, the Geoff Burton House in Cape Town CBD during lockdown. In addition they are looking for new kitchen appliances for residential units: five freestanding stoves with ovens, three microwaves, two fridges, one electric kettle and one toaster. Contact laura@thehopeexchange.org, info@thehopeexchange.org, 021 461 5508 or visit www.thehopeexchange.org V The Western Cape government’s food relief programme is collecting and distributing goods across the province. Call 0800 220 250 for the department of social development general queries, and 0860 142 142 for donation requests and offers, between 07:00 and 16:00. You can also send a “please call me” to 079 769 1207, or email covid19donate@westerncape.gov.za. V The City of Cape Town’s disaster risk management centre is collecting essential items to give to those in need. They appeal to others for the donation of food parcels, vanity packs (soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, facecloths, sanitary towels), toilet paper, adult diapers, mattresses, blankets and personal protective equipment. Contact 021 597 6004 or disaster.donations@capetown.gov.za. V The Solidarity Fund is the government’s official way of raising money to combat the Covid-19 pandemic: www.solidarityfund.co.za.

Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020

Op 30 Augustus het die IVB gevolg. Die wagtyd was stresvol. Anzette sê die dokter het vooraf gewaarsku daar is slegs sowat 15% kans dat dit die eerste keer suksesvol is, maar gelukkig was daar goeie nuus. Anzette se broer, Jacques Groenewald, vertel die paartjie het eers die nuus net met nabye familie gedeel het omdat daar nog ’n hoë risiko vir ’n miskraam was. “Op 15 November verlede jaar het Anzette die goeie nuus aan almal op Facebook gedeel. Daar het groot opgewondenheid onder die paartjie, familie en vriende geheers en die nabye familielede het sommer al dadelik begin met die koop van oulike geskenkies,” sê Jacques. Anzette sê dit was ’n moeilike swangerskap. Sy was in en uit die hospitaal en het onder meer hoë bloeddruk, suiker en skildklierprobleme ondervind. Die koronaviruspandemie en die inperking het nog verder bygedra tot stres, gee sy toe. Die aankondiging van die aanvanklike 21 dae-inperking op 27 Maart het Anzette se ma, Elise Groenewald, en haar suster, Marisa Groenewald, se planne om vir haar ’n ooievaarspartytjie op 28 Maart te hou, in die slag laat bly. Toe word die inperking verleng en die geboortedatum (12 Mei) kom al nader.

Jacques sê Anzette was reeds emosioneel omdat familie en vriende haar nie by die hospitaal sou kon besoek met die geboorte nie weens die Covid-19-veiligheidsmaatreëls. Elise, Marisa en Jacques het toe koppe bymekaar gesit oor wat hulle vir Anzette en Heino kan doen. Jacques sê daar was ’n video wat die ronde gedoen het oor ’n drivethrough-ooievaarsgeleentheid. Daarby het hy voorgestel dat mense wat ver woon en nie verby die huis sal kan ry om hul geskenk af te gee nie, ’n boodskap kon stuur en geld in ’n rekening kon inbetaal, waarmee Marisa of Elise dan ’n geskenk sou gaan koop. Jacques sê binne ’n week is als gereël. Anzette en Heino moes van niks weet nie. Omdat die paartjie se swangerskap-fotosessie voor die inperking op Bloubergstrand deur die wind bederf is, het Jacques met die blink plan gekom om hulle binnenshuis besig te hou met ’n fotosessie op die dag van die verrassing. Terwyl die fotosessie op Saterdag 2 Mei binne aan die gang was, moes Marisa en hul ouers, Elise en Christo Groenewald, alles aan die voorkant van die huis regkry. “Alles was haarfyn beplan en het mooi in plek geval,” sê Jacques. Anzette sê gewoonlik dra sy sommer pajamas by die huis, maar toe Jacques voorgestel het hulle neem foto’s, het hulle mooi opge-dress. Hulle was nog besig toe hoor hulle net ’n getoet buite, sê sy. ‘‘Heino het gesê, ‘hier’s fout hier voor’.’’ Hulle het gedink dis dalk ’n ongeluk en besluit om te gaan kyk, sê Anzette. Jacques sê Heino en Anzette was baie verbaas toe hulle besef die verrassing is vir hulle beplan. Anzette moes trane uit haar oë vee en kon gaan sit onder die gazebo, wat mooi opgetooi was. Buite in die straat was familie en vriende – almal met maskers op in hul karre. Jacques vertel almal het een vir een uitgeklim en hul geskenke so twee meter voor Anzette op ’n kombers op die gras kom neersit. “Ma Elise het elkeen bederf met ’n klein geskenkie om dankie te sê dat hulle deel was van Heino en Anzette se spesiale dag.” Anzette sê dit was ’n baie lekker verrassing. In die tyd van korona het sy partykeer gevoel of haar hande afgekap is. “Ek het net weer besef daar is so baie mense – familie en vriende – wat omgee.”

Heino en Anzette Matthee is met ’n verbyry-ooievaarspartytjie verras.

Food hampers bring some relief Highbury Foundation, a civic organisation active in Highbury, Highbury Park, Danarand and Stellendale recently brought some relief to families affected by the lockdown. Many breadwinners are struggling financially as they have lost their jobs, were put on unpaid leave or reduced pay, or had to close small businesses. Food hampers were handed out on Thursday 30 April to those who listed their names or were referred by someone in the community or by the committee members. Food parcels were purchased from Shoprite Kuils River who donated a reusable bag for each hamper. The store manager, Vivienne van Rooyen had the hampers prepared and the store’s staff lined up to sing the national anthem when the hampers were collected. “This was a very moving experience,” said committee members, Leanne Stellenberg and Justin Lottering. One of the residents said: “We are suffering in silence as we fall into the ‘missing middle’ group – not qualifying for aid anywhere”. Chair of the foundation, John van de Rheede said they are blessed that they could bring relief in a dignified way to a few families.

Highbury Foundation handed out food hampers to families affected by the lockdown.

Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020



Staff at five police stations test positive for Covid-19 REPORTING TEAM Five police stations in the northern suburbs of Cape Town, last week confirmed that officers and staff tested positive for Covid-19. They are at Bellville, Brackenfell, Parow, Milnerton and Kraaifontein police stations. Customer service operations at these police stations resumed from mobile units or other buildings away from the main buildings, that were evacuated for a period of 48 hours to allow for decontamination in line with Covid-19 protocols. Provincial police did not disclose the number of positive cases at Brackenfell or Belville police stations, but the number at Parow was confirmed at two, Milnerton at one and Kraaifontein at one.

Seven people at Parow police station allegedly came into contact with two individuals who visited the station recently after testing positive for the virus. “A wanted person and his wife reported to the community service centre (CSC) on Sunday 3 May. Neither of the two indicated that they had been tested for Covid-19 or that they had tested positive. It was only established later that the couple had contracted the virus,” police spokesperson Lt Col Kobus van Dyk says. “To our knowledge, seven members had been directly exposed to these two individuals,” he says. Arrangements were made to have them tested. The Parow Community Policing Forum reported that two members tested positive.

“The main building was decontaminated on Sunday evening around 20:30 and the CSC moved to our boardroom which is separate from the main building,” says Van Dyk. Decontamination at Brackenfell police station was scheduled to begin on Monday according to a source, and was also underway at Bellville police station by Monday. A timeline could not be established at Milnerton police station, by the time of going to print. At Kraaifontein police station decontamination of the facility was completed and operations returned to normal on Friday 8 May. Provincial police spokesperson Brig Novela Potelwa said police officers who have been in contact with the infected person will undergo the necessary screening and are being quarantined.

Hijackers caught on Old Paarl Road DESIREÉ RORKE @dezzie A series of gunshots accompanied by police sirens had Brackenfell residents sit upright on Saturday evening, 11 May at about 19:00. It later transpired that the Maitland flying squad was chasing a gang of hijackers down the R300 highway. “Members tried to stop the vehicle, but the driver sped off. Police gave chase (down the R300)

and the vehicle sped through the wall of a living complex on the corner of Old Paarl Road and the R300 in Brackenfell, thereby coming to a stop,” Sgt Noloyiso Rwexana confirmed on Sunday. Three suspects, aged 18, 23 and 25 were arrested and when searching the vehicle police found an imitation firearm and later discovered that the car was reported as hijacked in Phillipi East. Paramedics from Titanium Se-

curitas, who was busy on an incident on Old Paarl Road, also heard the gunshots and rushed to the scene. On arrival they found multiple flying squad vehicles on scene and were informed that a vehicle involved in a hijacking caused a collision. The vehicle hit a stationary car inside the complex. “Although the suspects caused a lot of destruction, no innocent people were injured,” said a spokesperson of Titanium.

Electricity boxes set alight RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj

Two electricity boxes have been set alight in Monte Vista.

It is still unclear who is responsible for setting alight two electricity boxes in Monte Vista. The boxes were set on fire two days apart from each other last week – the last one being reported on Sunday 3 May. The boxes, situated on the corners of Montague and Buitendag Roads supply electricity to street lights in the area. “Someone tried breaking it open, stuck paper into it and destroyed it,” Pierre Gouws, chair of Monte Vista and Plattekloof Glen Ratepayers Association and owner of District Watch, says. Photos of private security company guards dousing the fire with fire extinguishers were shared with TygerBurger. The City of Cape Town’s fire and rescue services also attended the scenes.

Gouws said the City fixed and replaced the electricity boxes within 24 hours. Cheryl Visser, ward councillor, confirmed this saying she was made aware of both cases and that both of the incidents had been reported to the City’s electrical department. Gouws says he believes the boxes may have been vandalised by vagrants in the area. “Since the start of the lockdown we have experienced an increase of vagrants coming into the area.” Gouws suspects the electricity boxes were broken into to obtain the copper cables inside. “But as far as I am aware there are no scrap metal dealerships operating at this moment,” he says. Since the lockdown started there has also been an increase in stabbing incidents among vagrants in the area, apparently over territory.

The boxes of Richman cigarettes that were confiscated by Metro Police officers in Bellville.

Cigarettes seized in Bellville There are several poor men (or women) around after boxes of “Richman” cigarettes worth around R750 000 were seized in Bellville last week. According to a statement by the City, metro police officers were on patrol in the area at around 23:00 on Thursday “when they noticed a commotion behind a white light delivery vehicle in Durban Road.”

They stopped to investigate, but the group ran inside a nearby premises. The officers found 15 boxes of cigarettes in the back of the vehicle. “None of the people wanted to claim ownership of the cigarettes or the vehicle, so officers confiscated the cigarettes and booked it in at Bellville police as abandoned.” – Nielen de Klerk

Suspect arrested with illegal substance A 46-year-old suspect was arrested in the Parklands area last week after mandrax tablets and crystal methamphetamine were found. According to Table View police spokesperson, Capt Adriana Chandler, the Table View police observed a man acting suspiciously when he noticed the officers during crime prevention patrols. “The police officers decided to approach the man, who was carrying a plastic bag. The man dropped the bag and started to walk away from the officers. The man was instructed to stop

walking and he complied. The bag the man was carrying was searched by the officers in the man’s presence. A total of 100 mandrax tablets and 15.30g of crystal methamphetamine were found in the bag,” Chandler said. The suspect was arrested and will appear in the Cape Town magistrate’s court on charges relating to possession of drugs and dealing in drugs. The station commander of Table View, Col Lindiwe Dyantyi, has welcomed the arrest, which was affected by alert officers, who acted upon their instinct.

Triple shooting in Wesbank BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind The police in Mfuleni arrested a 17year-old teenager in Wesbank in connection with a double murder and attempted murder. According to WO November Filander three men, part of the same family, were shot at on Friday 8 May at about 19:00 in Adcock Street in Wesbank.

“Steven Gilliland (54) and Bradwin Mentoor (17) died immediately, while a 23-year-old victim is in critical condition in hospital. At this stage the motive for the attack is unknown” says Filander. Shortly after the shooting, officers from the serious and violent crime unit, headed by Col Mike Thebus, apprehended the suspect after following up on information. A firearm was also confiscated.



Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020

Beware of cyberattacks, expert warns NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk Your greatest worry may be the Covid-19 crisis or its effect on the economy, but there may be a completely different one raging on your computer, an expert warns. “Cyberattackers thrive in uncertain times as anxiety is a readily exploitable phenomenon,” says Dr Elmarie Biermann, director of the Cyber Security Institute in Bellville. “Due to the increasing amount of time employees are spending online and left to their own devices it is inevitable that employees will use this free time to access obscure or questionable websites and stream pirated audio or visual media contributing to the infiltration of malware or ransomware attacks.” This is a threat to employees, but also their employers.

Be prepared Be prepared for any cyber situation, Biermann says, as there has been a global spike in cyberattacks. “Cybercriminals and opportunistic individuals are grasping the opportunity to tailor cyberattacks on industries and individuals compelled to work from home.” She says there isn’t a one-sizefits-all solution as all organisations are unique and come in different sizes and shapes. “Understand the assets, the dataflow between the assets and identify the risks.” She says it’s important to set up a work from home policy, which can include sections on how to ensure a safe cyber home environment and password management. It can also contain an incident response plan, in other words: what do you do when something like a ransomware attack is launched? The policy can guide employees on the legal implications of using

their own devices. Professional security experts can also help set up an effective plan. Ensure effective communication Biermann says education and information are both important, but urges against overloading your employees with information. “Information which is valid, thoroughly researched, and applicable to them, is vital. It will aid in understanding the problems and how to guard against the dangers.” Staff members will also most likely have different home environments. An employee with limited data accessibility and limited understanding of technology must be approached in a different way than an employee streaming via a fibre connection. “Establish communication lines and make an effort to understand the differences ... manage the risks

Give responsibly: The City, neighbourhood watches and organisations have called on individuals to give responsibly to homeless people by donating to organisations best equipped to help those in need. The Oakdale Watch in Bellville has seen an increase of dumped food as well-meaning individuals donate it to bin scratchers or other homeless people who then discard it. This picture was taken on Sunday 10 May in the area. Natasha Groenewald, a patroller, says a group of residents have been cleaning up the mess on their daily walks, but are also afraid of the health risks associated with Covid-19. “If you want to help, go to a church or your councillor and they will distribute it,” she says.

‘Waste collection back to normal’ – City KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels Waste collection in the Milnerton areas returned to normal after waste collection workers received personal protective equipment. The workers, who were on a strike due to the lack of personal protective equipment, halted refuse collection in Milnerton and surrounding areas. Waste started piling up and sparked outrage in the community. Fuming residents took to social media demanding personal protective equipment for workers while others volunteered to equip the workers with the necessary gear.

According to Priya Reddy, the City’s spokesperson, there was a sit-in at Woodstock collections depot related to personal protective equipment for employees which has been attended to. “Employees have been issued with personal protective equipment and resumed duty on Wednesday. The City has engaged with staff and provided them with appropriate gloves, which were in short supply, and two cloth masks each as per the requirement. We issue one sanitiser to each staff member, including the drivers. Currently, the sanitiser is supplied in bulk to the facility. Employees were requested to keep the smaller

dispensers and refill them as and when required,” Reddy said. Furthermore, the City’s management is in the process of procuring the necessary equipment, including thermometers, required to do regular screening of staff at the facilities. Reddy said they are continuing with the questionnaire screening and will also undertake temperature checks once equipment have been received. “Residents are asked to bear with us as Covid-19 mitigation measures will have an impact on service delivery from time to time.” Residents are requested to leave their bins out by 06:30 until 20:00 or until collected.


Some general, quick wins. Feeling overwhelmed? These are some quick wins that will make any work environment safer in terms of cybersecurity: . Patch management: Ensure all software on mobiles, tablets, personal computers and laptops are legal and updated. . Emails: Learn from people like Hillary Clinton who infamously used her private email for work communication. “Guard against the use of private emails for work purposes and vice versa,” Biermann says. . Access: Establish authority levels for accessing systems, services, and documentation. Do not provide access to networks and data by default to all workers. . Back-ups: Make regular backups that are kept off-site. . Anti-malware software: Bier-

Prof Elmarie Biermann mann says it’s important to invest in the paid options as they are the best. This includes getting the right (paid) software for mobiles as well.

Verdagtes vas ná rooftog by Andante-aftreeoord CARINA ROUX ’n Egpaar is in die vroeë oggendure op Woensdag 6 Mei in hul woning by die Andante-aftreeoord in Kuilsrivier deur drie inbrekers oorval. Sers. Liezel Beukes van Kuilsrivier-polisie het die voorval bevestig en sê die egpaar was in die bed toe die verdagtes omstreeks 02:50 hul woning betree het. Die egpaar is met messe gedreig en met skoenveters vasgebind. Die inbrekers het drie selfone, ’n platskerm-TV, DVD-speler en

skootrekenaar gesteel en met die egpaar se blou Honda Jazz-motor gevlug. Beukes sê drie verdagtes – twee mans van 20 en 24 jaar, en ’n 34-jarige vrou – is om 10:45 dieselfde dag in Mareestraat, Bellville in hegtenis geneem terwyl hulle in besit van die voertuig was. Nog ’n verdagte, ’n 30-jarige man, wat ook met die rooftog verbind word, is later in hegtenis geneem. Al die verdagtes het op Vrydag 8 Mei in die Blue Downs-landdroshof verskyn en bly in aanhouding tot hul weer op 15 Mei verskyn.

Calling on female entrepreneurs The City of Cape Town’s enterprise and investment department, together with its partners, are inviting female entrepreneurs to join the Top Tech Tools for Women in Business programme for 2020. In a media statement, Mayco member for economic opportunities and asset management, James Vos, states that participants will also have access to additional online learning components. “I’m happy to announce that applications to participate in the Top Tech Tools for Woman in business is now open. Cape Innovation and Technology Initiative (CiTi) is a strategic business partner of the City’s enterprise and investment department and it works with gov-

ernment, business and society to promote the inclusive growth of the digital economy. “I am delighted to confirm that the mayoral committee has approved this initiative and the City will make the training available to 90 additional beneficiaries this year,” says Vos. Female entrepreneurs who would like to take part must submit their applications on the Cape Innovation and Technology Initiative’s website www.citi.org.za or like and follow the Cape Innovation & Technology Facebook page for news and updates. After your application is received, you will be invited to an online interview, which will determine if you are selected to take part in the programme.

Skryf, dig of skep om aarde te red

Sidewalks get a much-needed touch-up With level 4 lockdown regulations allowing civil engineering for public works such as road construction and repair works to be done, the City of Cape Town’s transport directorate has started with maintenance and repairs to the sidewalks on Van Riebeeck Road between Ninth Avenue and Van der Merwe Street in Kraaifontein. The work is scheduled to continue until Tuesday 30 June provided there are no unforeseen delays and weather permitting. Maintenance takes place between 07:00 and 17:00 from Mondays to Saturdays.

The refurbishment will include excavating and removing existing bituminous and gravel pavement layers in sidewalks, placing new gravel layers on sidewalks as well as placing new sidewalk asphalt surfacing layers by hand. Concrete screed surfaces of sidewalks on the railway bridge will also be repaired. Traffic on Van Riebeeck Road will be affected in both directions. During some works, the traffic flow will be controlled by means of a one-way stop-and-go system between 08:00 and 16:30. Appropriate signage will also

be in place. Mayco member for transport Felicity Purchase appeals to road users and pedestrians to adhere to the signage displayed during the construction period. “Although the roads may be quieter due to the lockdown, we still advise road users to consider alternative routes,” she says. ‘The maintenance is very important to prolong the longevity of our road infrastructure and to improve the general safety of all of those using the road network. Once completed, we will work on Van der Merwe Street to the railway bridge,’ she says.

Met gesinne in huise vasgekluister tydens die landwye inperking, het die Amateur-Skrywersbond (ASB) die sluitingsdatum vir sy “Aard-S.O.S”-kompetisie verleng. Mense kan inskryf in die skryf-, dig- of kunsafdeling van die kompetisie. Die sluitingsdatum is na 30 November verleng. ’n Gesamentlike prysgeld van R12 000 is op die spel, waarvan meeste aan leerders uitbetaal sal word. ’n Kleurvolle bundel word ná die kompetisie beoog, waarin die beste inskrywings en kuns vervat sal word. Die titel van die kompetisie sinspeel op die aarde wat ’n S.O.S stuur, omdat dit onder stres verkeer weens besoedeling, oorbevol-

king en aardverwarming. Daar is meer as 100 onderwerpe waaruit deelnemers kan kies. Die afdelings is Afrikaanse kortverhale, Afrikaanse digkuns – beide met onderafdelings vir volwassenes en leerders, asook afdelings vir een-dimensionele kuns (tekenwerk of kuns in enige medium op papier, doek of karton) en driedimensionele kuns (meervlakkige model). Laasgenoemde het ook onderafdelings vir leerders en klasgroepe. Inskrywings vir al die kunsafdelings word met foto’s van die kunswerk gedoen. V Kontak Ernie Mellet by 079 333 0055 of erniemellet@gmail.com of stuur ’n SMS met die woord “AARDSOS” en jou e-posadres aan hom.

Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020



Rust-en-Vrede presents online art sales ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme In a desperate attempt to raise funds to survive, Rust-en-Vrede Gallery and Clay Museum in Durbanville presented an online art sale and major membership drive yesterday (Tuesday 12 May). Artwork from well known and established artists can still be bought at only R1 000 apiece in this fifth annual “Grand 5” exhibition – this year only digital. “Due to the Covid-19 lockdown we are experiencing difficulties in keeping up with the day-to-day running costs of the art centre,” says Hamlin Jansen van Vuuren, curator. “For the first time in 38 years, our doors are closed, but with your help, we will be able to throw the doors wide open again and welcome you back with new enthusiasm and hope!” she says. “At a time like this, many people might look upon the arts as a frivolous endeavour, but while doctors and nurses are saving our lives – the arts, music, fine arts, humour, literature, films and crafts are saving our sanity, saving our humanity. “It is going to take a concerted community effort to save Rust-en-Vrede Gallery and Clay Museum. We have not received any grants or financial assistance for the past 15 years,” she says. The gallery raises its own funds with membership contributions and art sales, as well as the renting out of its studios. “With the current lockdown, we have no income. We cannot charge people rent for our studios in these circumstances. We have had no art sales since lockdown, but still need to pay our bills,” she says. “To those of you who have ever had an exhibition at Rust-en-Vrede, attended our art

Pictured from left to right are Edward Williams, Lorenzo Williams, Raymond Bussack, Franklyn Engelbrecht, Merwin Daniels, Ernst April, Charlton Williams, Riefaat Blouws. Those who are absent are Deon Williams, Daniel Sylvester, Simon Neale-May.

Employer praises workers BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind

Susan Grundlingh’s “Suurvye” in oil is one of the art works on sale. classes, workshops, markets, music and poetry evenings, our walkabouts, talks and exhibition openings, or had a bite to eat at Yoco, held business meetings, met some friends for a cup of coffee, or simply because like us, you also believe in the importance of the arts, we appeal to you to please make a donation however big or small to help us survive this challenging time,” urges Jansen van Vuuren. The “Grand 5” exhibition is an annual initiative in collaboration with artists to make high-quality artworks available to first-time buyers, or collectors with limited budgets at affordable prices. An online catalogue of artworks is available via the Rust-en-Vrede mailing list, website and Facebook page. However, only members of the Rust-en-Vrede Gallery will be able to take part. Membership is available at only R100 per year. V Contact Rust-en-Vrede Gallery by email to rustenvrede@telkomsa.net or phone 021 976 4691 or on www.rusten-vrede.com/exhibitions or on Facebook to participate or donate.

“Blurred bottles” by Matthew Blackburn, an acrylic work on hard board, will be on sale.

People will do anything just to keep bread on the table, even if it means doing something that you don’t normally do. Simon Neale-May, the owner of a sheet metal company says his employees are heroes for making a change amid the coronavirus pandemic. “Our company is called Cape Sheet Metal Works and we employ 37 South Africans, fairly representative of the Western Cape. Whilst business was not booming we have been managing through the last few years’ bad economic times with a few ups and downs. When lockdown started on 26 March I sent all the guys home a day early with their March paycheck and warned them as best I could that this money needs to be used carefully as none of us had any idea what the immediate future holds. “I wasn’t sure how many of them actually took heed at that time as we had no idea of the massive impact this disease and lockdown would have on our lives,” says Neale-May. According to him they spent the first week at home with WhatsApp messages flying around trying to understand how this would turn out. “I don’t think we had any idea that six weeks later we would still be in more or less the same state of uncertainty with the realisation that some of us might not actually be returning to work ever and the realities of the long term impact on our lives only now starting to set in.” After the first week, Neale-May saw some light at the end of a dark tunnel. “We were asked to quote on making air ventilation systems for the provincial health department for the temporary hospitals and triage centres being erected around the metropole. We almost imme-

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diately got awarded a job, and I contacted 10 of my guys and told them to be ready for pickup the next morning at 06:30. On arrival at work the next morning I met them outside and explained that this doesn’t mean returning to work and I made no promises in terms of pay or any kind of reward. In fact I made very sure that they all understood that I had no idea what this work even meant for us as a company. “We worked that Friday and then the Saturday into the early evening only stopping for a short lunch break. Everybody, no matter how senior or junior, did all kinds of work without complaining, without stopping and without any kind of management. They just worked with only one goal – to get it done.” They are currently working on their 10th job. “For our company this has not meant we are making a profit or even enough money to pay salaries. We are grateful for the Ters UIF payment we received and the small amount we could add onto this for all our staff. The work of these 10 meant that everybody in our company could get a little something extra to help them survive during this time. None of these guys are doctors or nurses or any of the clever, essential people who are working hard and risking their lives during this ordeal. In fact as I keep telling them, we are lucky to have a chance to fight for our livelihoods and try and protect our families no matter how small we are in the bigger scheme of things. They do however need some small recognition and acknowledgement”, says Neale-May. He says there are other people out there who do work that is not often seen or heard of. “We need to appreciate people who work in circumstances that is abnormal, but is still willing to fight to feed their families.”

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Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020

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Woensdag, 13 Mei 2020



Sanitiser is for cleaning, not drinking SAMANTHA LEE-JACOBS @samantha_lee121 As enticing as the thought of taking a swig of a bottle of alcoholbased sanitiser might be for some, the provincial department of health strongly advises against it. With bottle stores remaining closed for Level 4 lockdown, sanitiser is the only legal substance containing alcohol currently being sold. And with the national government holding its position on not reopening liquor outlets during the period, desperation for an alcohol fix has led to many asking questions around sanitisers and its alcohol content. In a Google search starting with “how to separate”, the question “how to separate alcohol from sanitiser” appears second on the overall search predictions. Head of provincial health, Dr Keith Cloete, warns that this should not be consumed. “The issue of hand sanitisers and its alcohol content has come on our radar,” says Cloete. He states that while they did not think to have to educate people around the dangers of consuming alcohol-based sanitisers, the Covid-19 pandemic has created unique circumstances that see the government and officials needing to create new approaches to dealing with matters and education. “It could have been expected that there would be complications of what people see as potential to getting alcohol out of the sanitisers,” says Cloete.


All Working Wash Machines Fridges/Freezers/Box Tv & Beds. We Pay Cash & Collect Ph/WApp 084 664 4762 WE DO COLLECT DURING THE LOCKDOWN PERIOD

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Sanitiser production With alcoholic beverage producers and bottlers, South African Breweries (SAB) and Distell among others, turning off its beverage production and switching to sanitiser manufacturing, chances are this could add to the confusion of whether or not it is safe to consume. But these are strictly for hygiene purposes. According to Zoleka Lisa, vicepresident of corporate affairs at SAB, the decision to heed president Cyril Ramaphosa’s call to assist in battling the Covid-19 pandemic was an easy one. “The health and safety of our people remain our number one priority and we are committed to helping the government in any way we can. In this time of uncertainty, what we know for sure is that we need to show our commitment to South Africa in any way we can,” says Lisa. “We want to be part of the solution and in the absence of a vaccine, we can use our voice, our network and capabilities to assist with encouraging good hygiene practices, and ensuring – as far as we can – the safety of the frontline health workers who are fighting this pandemic.” Around 60 000 bottles of hand sanitiser have already been delivered to hospitals nationwide, and SAB was hoping to deliver around 100 000 bottles of sanitiser by the end of April. Western Cape minister of agriculture, Ivan Meyer, recently also visited Distell’s manufacturing plant to ensure all was on track.

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Hand sanitisers should be used with care, especially around children. PHOTO: SAMANTHA LEE-JACOBS

“Distell’s decision to commit 100 000 litres of alcohol, to be used to produce sanitisers as well as a variety of other hygienic and sanitising products, should be lauded,” says Meyer. “It is an example of what is possible when a key role-player within the agriculture value chain displays good corporate citizenship by responding positively to the call for solidarity in our fight against the Covid-19 virus.” The sanitisers will be distributed free to vulnerable communities across the nation as a way to encourage good hygiene practices.

Child safety With many sanitisers being bottled in containers similar in ap-

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pearance to cooldrink or water bottles, questions surrounding the threat to children’s safety have been raised. For March, the Poison Information Helpline of the Western Cape (PIHWC) has seen an increase in inquiries due to children ingesting hand sanitisers. This has caused health authorities to issue an urgent notice to parents and caregivers to exercise caution with hand sanitisers as it may be harmful due to its alcohol content. “Most children who get a taste or a lick of hand sanitiser experience only mild symptoms, if any, and can be safely managed at home. Hand sanitiser tastes bad and can result in a burning sensation, so

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Notice of Water Use License Applications for water supply on behalf of Klein D’Aria Office Park on Erf RE/40772, Bellville, Western Cape. Public Participation period: 13/05/2020 – 15/06/2020 We would like to inform you that Klein D’Aria Estate is in the process of licensing their water usage with the Department of Water and Sanitation for the following purposes: construction (initially), landscape irrigation and flushing of toilets in the buildings within the estate. As part of the licensing process, public participation is required. This is a notice for the application for groundwater use. As such, Section 21 (a) is applicable in terms of the National Water Act 36, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998). Groundwater of 23 725 m3/a will be supplied from one borehole on the property. The borehole has been yield tested under the supervision of GEOSS and the abstraction volume is within the sustainable supply of the aquifer. Groundwater monitoring will also be implemented to ensure sustainable abstraction. If you have any enquiries about the abstraction or licensing process, please feel free to contact GEOSS South Africa (Pty) Ltd. at 021 880 1079. Consultant: Preanna Naicker (pnaicker@geoss.co.za)

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most children will not swallow an amount large enough to produce symptoms. However, if a child does drink hand sanitiser, it can result in alcohol poisoning,” says Carine Marks, director of the Tygerberg Hospital Poisons Information Centre. Children who have ingested more than the equivalent of 0.4 ml per kg of ethanol or who are showing signs of more than mild sleepiness should be observed in a health facility for at least four hours. Marks says children with only mild symptoms should be given food to eat to maintain blood glucose levels. “Safety of children, that is an important consideration. While we are doing this we discover a whole lot of things and the whole thing around poisons and dangers to children inhaling or ingesting things is important,” says Cloete. He maintains that parents should observe basic safety precautions as they would with any other detergent, keeping it out of children’s reach is key. Cloete says residents should be reminded that sanitisers are for convenience and that soap and water are as effective as sanitiser. Marks says adults should monitor the use of hand sanitiser by children to ensure that a proper amount is used and that hands wet with the sanitiser are not put in the mouth. Large containers of sanitiser should also be discouraged as with smaller amounts children are less likely to ingest enough to result in harm.

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Killarney scrapped from calendar O

rganisers of the South African leg of the FIA World Rallycross Championship (WRX) have announced its cancellation for this year. Previous events were held at Killarney International Raceway and has served as the finale on the WRX calendar since 2017, with the world title being decided at last year’s event when Sweden’s Timmy Hansen was crowned the champion, narrowly edging out Norway’s Andreas Bakkerud. The provisionally updated 2020 WRX calendar was released by series promoter IMG last week. It will kick off at Holjes in Sweden on the weekend of 20 to 23 September and includes nine rounds, all but two of them in Europe. The exceptions are Rounds 7 and 8, which will be run in one intense weekend at the end of October at Yas Marina in Abu Dhabi, followed by this season’s finale at the Nürburgring from 11 to 13 December. IMG has emphasised, however, that the omission of Cape Town on the calendar is no reflection on the high quality of the WRX events run at Kil-

larney in previous years, but only because there will be no time during the short season of only 21 weeks to ship the cars to South Africa and back again. They emphasised that World Rallycross of South Africa 2020 has not been cancelled but instead postponed to the 2021 season. The events agreed upon in the twoyear extension announced last year between IMG, local organiser Worldsport South Africa and the City of Cape Town will thus take place in 2021 and 2022. Event secretary Lizelle van Rensburg has pointed out that this is probably for the best, since there is no indication as to when the restrictions on sports activities in South Africa will be lifted. Van Rensburg thanked everyone who volunteered to officiate at previous World Rallycross of South Africa events and indicated their willingness to be a part of World Rallycross at Killarney in 2020. “We will just have to keep our excitement at bay until 2021,” she said.

Action from last years WRX event at Killarney International Raceway.

your ‘Mini’er Cricket’ Varsity Sports suspended for 2020 Share moments and win With the likelihood of normal sport tournaments resuming dwindling by the week, the executive committe of Varsity Sports have decided to suspend all its events for the year. The Varsity Sports executive committee consisting of multimedia rights holder, Advent Sport Entertainment and Media (Asem), University Sports Company (USC), University Sports South Africa (USSA) and university representatives, agreed it is unlikely that there will be any normal sports tournaments for the rest of 2020 and therefore has taken the decision to temporarily suspend all Varsity Sports tournaments for the rest of 2020. “It is unlikely that any normal sports tournaments will take

place within the next 10 months,” says Francois Pienaar, Asem CEO. “We have therefore taken a principle decision to suspend all our sporting activities across universities until 2021. Our priority is to ensure the safety of our athletes and spectators, while also allowing universities and schools to return to the academic year. “We will however remain ready to host certain tournaments should government regulations change regarding the hosting of sport events and academic calendars allow for tournaments to take place.” Asem will continue to monitor government regulations and is committed to ongoing communi-

cations to all stakeholders. “Our focus now is to work with our commercial partners, USSA and the USC to develop the best possible calendar for 2021 and reintroduce a fresh new sporting landscape for youth sport. “People remain our main priority and the health of our staff, the well-being and academic success of our athletes and supporters will always be placed first,” adds Pienaar. Through the established SpeakUp campaign, Varsity Sports will continue to raise awareness of the importance of mental health, especially during times of crisis. The message of the SpeakUp campaign is clear – there is no health, without mental health.

Taking a cue from thousands of KFC mini-cricket kids who have found ways to continue to play their favourite game under lockdown, KFC is challenging them to share how they’ve turned their passages into pitches and stoeps into stadia, with “Mini’er Cricket”. “Mini’er Cricket” is all about substituting household items for traditional cricket gear – like rolling pins instead of bats; socks instead of balls; and washing baskets instead of wickets – to keep the passion for cricket alive under lockdown. Josh Hendricks and his dad, Proteas player Beuran Hendricks, have led the way when it comes to finding innovative ways to play their favourite game, while staying safe at home. Hendricks alongside Ras-

sie van der Dussen and Temba Bavuma, are sharing their “Mini’er Cricket” moments with South Africa whilst under national lockdown. This initiative is in an effort to help promote children keeping active as means to help them develop as it forms part of learning and skills development. This will also help them navigate through everyday life, keep their energies up and give them an environment to improve other skills. Cricket enthusiasts are encouraged to show their creativity and share their “Mini’er Cricket” moments on social media and tag @KFCSA and using #minicricket to stand a chance to win epic hampers. V For more information on the KFC MiniCricket programme, visit www.kfc.co.za/ minicricket.

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