TygerBurger Goodwood - 4 March 2020

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Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za





Teken in by www.netwerk24.com.

Lian Smit (links) van Vredekloof en Dale Lourens van Durbanville is hier op die rooi tapyt tydens die première van die film Moffie, wat Maandagaand by die Fugard-teater in Kaapstad plaasgevind het. Albei speel naamrolle in dié film, wat op 13 Maart in plaaslike teaters begin draai. Lees berig op bladsy 7. FOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS


Jail smuggler busted TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07


he smuggling of cellphones into prisons is indeed a big challenge.” This was the response by the provincial department of correctional services to TygerBurger following the arrest of a 48-

year-old man for trying to smuggle cellphones and drugs into Goodwood prison on Wednesday 26 February. Police spokesperson Capt Waynne Theunis says Isaac Brandt was arrested following a tip-off that someone was transporting a large amount of drugs to the prison. He was caught in the bush next to the prison.

“Police officials searched the bush next to the prison and found a 48-year-old man in possession of two packets of tik, 104 Mandrax tablets, 200g of dagga and 16 cellphones. It is alleged that the cellphones and drugs were destined for Goodwood prison.” Brandt appeared in the Goodwood magistrate’s court on Friday 28 February facing

charges of possession of drugs and possession of stolen property. “Goodwood police are grateful for the information which led to this arrest and we urge the community not to stop reporting criminal activities. All information will be treated confidential and will be followed up,” adds Theunis. V To page 2



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Offers valid until 08 March 2020. While stocks last. X1W33RND-AL040320



Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media24-groep Verspreiding: Tygerburger Goodwood word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede versprei: Acasia Park, Glenwood, Goodwood Estate/Park, Richmond Estate, Townsend Estate, Tygerdal, Vasco Estate, Ruyterwacht (Vrijzee), Thornton Totale verspreiding: 14 054 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier.

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020

FROM PAGE 1 Department spokesperson Mosele Sehloho says research has shown that the smuggling of cellphones and drugs is an international problem in most of the correctional systems. “Offenders returning from court are used as mules to smuggle contraband into our correctional centres and upon searching these offenders, the contraband is detected and confiscated and the necessary disciplinary procedure is taken against the offender.” Sehloho explains during the 2018/2019 fi-

nancial year, a total of 6 301 cellphones were confiscated. “This is a fight that correctional services cannot win on its own. We need the help of the public to win it and the department would like to urge members of the public to refrain from smuggling cellphones into the correctional centres. “According to our knowledge, no such allegation of officials smuggling have been brought under management’s attention. Currently we are working in conjunction

Totale verspreiding: 301 119 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za

Bedrieër weer in hof: Die veroordeelde bedrieër Andrew Futcher het verlede Donderdag in die Bellville-handelshof verskyn, waar sy saak tot 5 Junie uitgestel is. Futcher, wat in 2004 tronkstraf opgelê is vir ’n piramideskema, staan tereg op aanklagte wat verband hou met bedrog wat hy glo gepleeg het nadat hy in 2007 op parool vrygelaat is. Dié foto is by ’n vorige hofverskyning geneem.

Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume ( 021 910 6500 cecilia@media24.com Joernalis: Tarryn-Leigh Solomons ( 021 910 6559 Tarryn@tygerburger.co.za Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Ruveshni.Poonsamy@media24.com Hoofkoerant advertensies: Andre Schreuder ( 021 910 6525 of ( 072 735 2504 aschreud@tygerburger.co.za Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 www.tygerburger.co.za Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Alexandra.fortuin@media24.co.za

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TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518

TygerBurger has a 98% reach with a weekly distribution of 279338 households and businesses, every Wednesday in the entire Northern Suburbs. Can you afford not to be seen? Free advertising design and professional advice Andre Schreuder 021 910 6525 | 072 735 2504 | aschreud@tygerburger.co.za X1VYFTQD-AL040320

PARTICIPATION IN THE HOUSEHOLD TRAVEL SURVEY The City of Cape Town is conducting a household travel survey to learn more about our residents’ travel patterns. The survey will collect information that will assist the City in the review and update of statutory public transport plans and the strategic travel demand model which will inform planning decisions. Umtha Consultancy has been contracted by the City to conduct a household travel survey, a trip diary survey and stated preference survey for Cape Town and surrounding areas. The households to be surveyed have been chosen using a sampling model to be statistically representative. Surveys will take place during the late afternoon and early evening to capture responses from residents after they return home from school and work. Your cooperation with the fieldworkers in this important survey would be appreciated. Fieldworkers will carry identification tags with a photograph confirming their name and staff number. They will also carry electronic devices to capture responses. The identity of fieldworkers can be confirmed by contacting the Transport Information Centre toll-free on 0800 65 64 63 or visiting www.tct.gov.za. The City of Cape Town thanks you for your assistance and participation.

For more information call the Transport Information Centre on 0800 65 64 63 (FREE 24/7) CityofCTAlerts

Roche invests R700m in new lab DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za of pippag@ombudsman.org.za

with police to determine if officials form part of smuggling syndicates. In a scenario that an official is caught smuggling the department’s disciplinary procedure will be adhered to. “Contraband that is confiscated is handled according to the confiscation policy of the department,” she adds. The department urges anyone who is aware of cellphone and drug smuggling to contact their anti-fraud and corruption hotline on 0800 701 701.

One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies, Roche will open its doors in Brackenfell this year. James Vos, the City of Cape Town’ Mayco member for economic opportunities and asset management announced that the company has entered into a long-term lease in the Brackengate 2 Business Park and last week began construction on their new diagnostics office. He attended the official sod turning ceremony at the site on 16 February. Roche will invest an estimated R700 million and within the next three years, plans to employ 300 people. The new office includes a laboratory, biotech production plant and workspace. To grow the local economy and create jobs, the City’s economic growth portfolio is continuously working to attract new investment, said Vos in a telephonic interview. “With my team, and based on market intelligence, we are in regular contact with international companies and trade delegations, seeking foreign investment,” he said. Despite the poor economic outlook in the country, Vos makes a good pitch to sell Cape Town as a sound investment choice. Many building blocks come into play. “Our strategy includes incentive schemes that consists of benefits such as fast tracking municipal services, the application of the necessary permits and cutting through red tape. “In addition, we assist with identifying the land. We give them a smooth landing, so to speak.” Vos says the international foreign investment market is very competitive, with investors being spoiled for choice. “When expanding internationally, foreign companies can choose any city in the world, but there are many benefits to Cape Town. “With four top universities, that can provide a skilled workforce. “Cape Town has a world-class airport that is currently undergoing massive expansion and access to Cape Town via direct flights,” he says. Added the bargain, export capacities has increased due to a well-located Cape Town harbour. According to Vos export of locally manufactured products is showing an increase. With the focus on fundamental business sense, Vos says, Cape Town is a gateway into Africa. This investment is testament to the fact that where there is a will, there is a way to attract significant investments into the City.” Roche was founded in 1896 in Base, Switzerland with the vision to find better ways to diagnose and treat diseases. According to its website, 29 medicines developed by Roche are included in the World Health Organization model lists of essential medicines, among them life-saving antibiotics, antimalarials and cancer medicines. The company hails itself as the world’s largest biotech company, with differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and diseases of the central nervous system.

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020



Drop the stigma - you can treat schizophrenia RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj


ctober has been declared Mental Health Awareness Month in South Africa. Yet, despite this, mental disorders are something many people still stigmatise and discriminate against, a reader who suffers from schizophrenia recently told the newspaper. Bantu Zotwana, who has been living with this condition for the past 23 years, now visits schools with the hope of changing this perception. TygerBurger spoke to a registered counselling psychologist and lecturer in psychology at the University of the Western Cape in order to help understand this illness. Mariska Pienaar concurs that it is a stigmatised illness. “In order for persons to feel comfortable seeking help, it is also important to address the societal stigmatisation of the disorder, which is often fuelled by misconceptions of the illness. “For example, there is a common miscon-

ception that persons suffering from schizophrenia are prone to violent acts. Research has in fact found that persons suffering from schizophrenia are 14 times more likely to be the victims of violence themselves, than to commit violent acts.” Schizophrenia is a severe and potentially very disabling mental disorder. It is a psychotic disorder which causes significant impairment in one or more major areas of one’s life, such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, says Pienaar. “A person diagnosed with schizophrenia will suffer from hallucinations, delusions, or both.” Other symptoms may include diminished emotional expression, lack of motivation, lack of pleasure or interest in things, disorganised speech and abnormalities in movement such as overactivity or rigidity of the body, Pienaar adds. According to her, most persons who develop schizophrenia will do so between the late teens and mid-30s. “While exact causes of schizophrenia are

not known, research suggests that a combination of physical, genetic, psychological and environmental factors can play a role.” The illness can however be treated. “While schizophrenia is a serious mental illness which has thus far not proven to be curable, the primary symptoms of the disorder can be managed relatively well with anti-psychotic medications, which sufferers may need to take for the duration of their lives. “The illness is also treated through psychotherapy,” Pienaar says. People who suffer from the illness can find assistance at public or private psychiatric clinics, psychiatric divisions of hospitals or psychiatrists in private hospitals. According to the South African government’s website, an estimated 400 million people worldwide suffer from mental or neurological disorders or from psychosial problems. V For more information and treatment options on schizophrenia contact the Mental Health Information Centre of South Africa on 021 938 9229 or visit http://mentalhealthsa.org.za.

He refuses to let his illness stand in his way RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj People should start talking more openly about mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This is the opinion of Bantu Zotwana, a Welgelegen resident who has been living with schizophrenia for the past 23 years. Zotwana, who also does motivational talks, uses his experience and knowledge to raise awareness about the illness. He usually talks at schools. “So far I have done motivational talks at Heathfield High School, Dr. Nelson R Mandela High School in Crossroads, De Grendel School of Skills and Constantia Waldorf School,” Zotwana says. The 40-year-old was diagnosed in 1997. “As a young man, while at high school I started smoking marijuana and I used to smoke a lot. “I used to smoke every day. “The doctors believe that is what triggered it,” he explains. According to a psychiatrist he consulted, his condition is genetic. “It made sense because I have a cousin in

CPF meeting postponed The Goodwood Community Policing Forum’s elective annual meeting has been postponed to Monday 23 March. It will be held at the Goodwood Sports Club at 19:30. Call Vic Barra on 083 308 4014.

the Eastern Cape who also suffered from it. After his diagnoses he started treatment for his drug use. “I went to rehabilitation centres and got help. I got better over time and went on to study sound engineering. “I obtained a diploma and certificate and worked several casual jobs after this just to earn some pocket money. “Later on, I started working as a sound engineer,” the husband and father of three says. This however did not last long, as he did not always get along with the people he worked with. “With this condition it is difficult in a work space.” Zotwana says it is also difficult to land a job. “There is still a lot of stigma around schizophrenia. Once during an interview, they asked me about my health and I had to tell a lie in order to get the job. “I responded saying, ‘I was excellent,’ which I was because I took my medication” He started doing motivational talks in 2011. Apart from this he also started writing for newspapers to raise awareness around

The Goodwood Fashion and Thrift Market will be taking place at the Goodwood Sports Club on Saturday 7 March. Shoes, hats, accessories, books, homeware, garden tools,



mental health. “I was fortunate that I got family that supported me because a lot of people do not have it. “Over the years I started feeling comfortable about my condition and writing a book and the motivational talks helped. I made this my life’s journey, even though I do not get paid for it.” Zotwana depends on a disability grant. “I hope that the work that I do will be recognised, it is a form of arts and culture and I hope that someday I will get the support of the government,” he says.

cosmetics, perfumes and more will be on sale. Doors open at 09:00 and close at 14:00. For more information email thegoodwoodmarket@gmail.com.

C/O Vryburger & Botma Str, Bothasig

TEL: 021 558 3940

Beantree Coffee Shop now open in-store


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Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020

‘Karaoke soos ’n Ster’ se 10 finaliste bekend 7 DAE GELDIG



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ou is daar tien! Donderdagaand het 20 deelnemers aan die halfeindronde van TygerBurger en Delush se Karaoke soos ’n Ster-kompetisie deelgeneem en 10 finaliste het na die eindstryd op 28 Maart deurgedring. By Donderdagaand se vertoning het die sangers liedjies uit verskeie genres gesing. Die klanke van Whitney Houston tot Ari-

ande Grande het in studio 3 van Atlantic Studios in Montague Gardens opgeklink. Die kompetisie was straf met deelnemers uit verskeie van TygerBurger se verspreidingsgebiede wat soos engele gesing het. Uiteindelik het die beoordelaars, Ruveshny Poonsamy (WP Media), Elton Williams (Delush) en Jill Levenberg (Suidooster), besluit op Cindy van der Schyff, Esmerelda Vaughan, Jade Petersen, Carmen Sondagh, Pieter Wepenaar, Marius Herbst, Richardt Enslin, Kimlyn Spochter, Nurisha Hen-

dricks en Pieter Jansen van Vuuren. Hierdie tien gaan mekaar in die eindronde in die Kraaifontein-burgersentrum die stryd aansê om pryse van duisende rande. Levenberg het ná die halfeindronde gesê sy was verbaas oor die gehalte van die sang. “Daar is voorwaar talent in TygerBurger se verspreidingsgebied en ek sien uit na wat die deelnemers in die eindstryd kan doen,” sê Levenberg. Kaartjies vir die eindronde is by www.webtickets.com beskikbaar.

Finalists have a blast





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WAS WAS R69999 R109999 NOW NOW R49999 R79999

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The semi-finalists of TygerBurger’s Karaoke like a Star competition tuned their vocal cords on Thursday 27 February, to make it to the final top 10. The competition, in collaboration with Suidooster and Delush Wines, introduced local karaoke talent for the second year running. TygerBurger reporter, Kailin Daniels, share a few glimpses of the event which took place at Atlantic Studios in Montague Gardens.

TygerBurger’s Karaoke like a Star competition contestant, Aqeela Hendricks, with Dean Smith.

Jade Petersen, top 10 finalist, with Jill Levenberg.

Suidooster actors meeting the guests at TygerBurger’s Karaoke like a Star competition. From left are Theresa Sedras, known as Mrs J, Nadine Erasmus and Lauren Joseph, who plays Zoë October.

WP Media’s Marjory Mashonga with Andrewlene 'Ándy' Opperman.





SAVE WAS NOW R49999 R32999 R17000

(with extended warrantee and installation included)

Suidooster characters pictured with contestants of the TygerBurger’s Karaoke like a Star competition. From left are Dean Smith who plays Wade Ferreira in Suidooster, Kimlyn Spocter, Lauren Joseph, Gaynor Foster and Angie Jacobs.


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Top 10 finalist of TygerBurger’s Karaoke like a Star competition, Carmen Sondagh, pictured with Suidooster's Jill Levenberg.

The judges of TygerBurger’s Karaoke like a Star competition. From left are Elton Williams from Delush Wines, Jill Levenberg from the Suidooster soapie, Ruveshni Poonsamy, sales manager at WP Media and Brenden Ruiter, TygerBurger journalist.


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The top 10 finalists of the TygerBurger’s Karaoke like a Star competition with sponsors of the event.

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020





Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020

Sonskynfees sorg vir hope pret D

ie jaarlikse Sonskynfees ten bate van die Alta du Toit-nasorgsentrum is op Saterdag 29 Februarie by Hillcrest Quarry gehou. TygerBurger was die mediaborg. Aan vermaak was daar geen tekort nie met

’n verskeidenheid kunstenaars wat musiek gemaak het – van Desmond Wells, Francois van Coke, Dani Ville, Nicholis Louw, Tasché, Nádine, Emo Adams en Brendan Peyper tot Elandré, Cheree, Pieter Koen, Charlize Bergh en John James.

Die gewilde Lollos was ook daar om die jongspan te vermaak en by die talle kosstalletjies was daar iets vir elkeen se smaak. Marina van der Meulen, bemarker van die sentrum, sê wat die Sonskynfees onderskei van ander feeste is dat die volle opbrengs

aangewend word vir die versorging van die 220 intellektueel gestremde volwassenes by die Alta du Toit-nasorgsentrum. “Daar heers ’n ongelooflike gees van welwillendheid by almal betrokke,” sê sy. Van die kunstenaars het gratis opgetree.

Tasché Burger

Nicholis Louw

Cheree Strydom en haar dogter Taylor-Hope. Elandré


Jeandré Thiart, ’n kliënt van Alta du Toit-nasorg, geniet die Sonskynfees.

Support for moms of preschoolers at Mops

Maastricht-fees bied baie Die gewilde Maastricht-fees van die NG kerk Kenridge word op Saterdag 7 Maart van 08:00 tot 15:00 op die plaas Maastricht op die Tygerbergvalleipad aangebied. Die dag begin om 07:30 met ’n 5 km- en 11 km-stap- of drafroete. Die inskrywingsgeld beloop onderskeidelik R50 en R80 per persoon. Deelnemers moet self hul water saamdra; daar sal wel ’n hervulpunt op albei roetes wees. Medaljes word uitgedeel aan almal wat hul roete voltooi. Aanlyn inskrywings kan op www.entryninja.com/events/66222-maastrichtfees-drafstap gedoen word. Kosstalletjies sal onder meer vleis, wors, potjiekos, maalvleis-

vetkoeke, roosterkoeke, pannekoek, roomys, sauvignon-slushies, vars vye, biltong, droëwors, poedings, asook wyn en bier, verkoop. Ander stalletjies sal gebruikte boeke, juweliersware, handwerkartikels, Barbie-popklere, sagte speelgoed en leerhandsakke verkoop. ’n Veerpyltjiekompetisie word gehou waarin ’n R3 000-geskenkbewys van die Tygervallei-winkelsentrum gewen kan word. Vir die kinders is daar ’n speelpark met ’n sensoriese speelgebied, Spykids’s Nerf Wars, gelukspakkies en ’n springkasteel. ’n TAU Safari-gelukstrekking word aangebied met akkommodasie in enige Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale park (Sanparke) ter

Francois van Coke

waarde van tot R20 000 op die spel – daar is onder meer verblyf in die Kruger-wildtuin vir die Junie-vakansie beskikbaar. ’n Megamaster-gasbraai ter waarde van R6 000 is die troosprys. Die trekking vind om 13:00 plaas. Kaartjies kos R250 en slegs 350 kaartjies word verkoop. Die fees, asook die kerk se 40 dae van gemeenskap-reeks, word Sondag met ’n plaasdiens om 09:00 afgesluit. Enigeen is welkom om dit by te woon. Pak ’n piekniekmandjie en gaan kuier saam. Daar is steeds dienste by die kerk om 08:30 en 10:30, maar geen kleuter- en kinderkerk nie. V Bel die kerkkantoor by 021 913 4206 met navrae.

Mothers of Preschoolers (Mops) is an organisation which offers encouragement, community and support to new mothers and mothers of preschoolers. The local Mops group meets every second Monday from 09:00 to 11:00 at the Vredelust Gemeente in Bellville. Mops is a global organisation and groups all over come together to share life, have more fun and build friendships in a safe and real environment without judgement. It’s a gathering place for every mother, from every background, with any story. “Motherhood can be difficult and lonely and we don’t always have all the answers,” says Sonja Basson from Mops. “It takes a village to raise a child. I would

like to see moms stand together in the journey of motherhood.” At get-togethers, mothers drink coffee, discuss issues like balancing work and motherhood; smartphones and the effect it has on children and marriage. Mothers can attend the group without worrying about childcare as a Mops Kids group runs simultaneously. Entry is free. Mops at Vredelust Gemeente is running a course on “Evergreen Parenting”. This parenting course is about parenting styles, understanding your child’s temperament and cutting the strings of manipulation. Email mopssouthafrica@gmail.com or sonja@churchadventure.co.za.

BOEREWORS VAN HOOGSTAANDE GEHALTE GEWAARBORG! • Gemaak met hoë kwaliteit "brisket" van vrylopende bees vanaf Botswana en Namibië • Bevat slegs Omega 3 ryke beesvet en vark rugspek • Geen antibiotika, aanvullers, hormone, MDM of afvalsnitte soos beesharte of aanvullende snitte vanaf ander spesies


Bellville 021 949 5403


Debron 021 982 0713



Durbanville 021 975 3798 X1W33W0M-AL040320

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020



Twee van hier in ‘Moffie’ te sien ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme


wee jong plaaslike akteurs – onderskeidelik van Durbanville en Brackenfell – speel in die nuwe film Moffie, wat op 13 Maart in plaaslike fliekteaters begin draai. Dié storie van ’n jong dienspligtige wat die alledaagse wreedheid van die SA Weermag in die 1980’s tydens Apartheid in Suid-Afrika probeer oorleef, is deur resensente wêreldwyd geprys sedert die première by die Venesiese filmfees in September verlede jaar. Lian Smit vertolk die rol van Lionel Prys, en Dale Lourens die rol van Clifford Hertman. Die fliek is Maandagaand by die plaaslike première in die Fugardteater in Kaapstad bekend gestel. Dale het in 2015 aan die Hoërskool Bellville gematrikuleer en bly al 20 jaar in Sonstraalhoogte. Hy het twee jaar lank aan ACT Cape Town rolprentwerk studeer, waar Nicola Hanekom, Grant Swanby, Tamryn Speirs en Alison Hofer sy afrigters was. “Hulle het my daagliks geïnspireer,” sê hy. “Ek dink een van Lian Smit my loopbaan-hoogtepunte was toe ek op ’n stel gewerk het as ’n ekstra nog voordat ek acting studeer het, waar ek Johnny

Knoxville ontmoet het.” Hy het ook in een van sy vriende se kortfilm, Verlosser, die hoofrol gespeel. In Moffie speel hy die rol van ’n 18-jarige Suid-Afrikaanse seun wat verplig was om in die Grensoorlog te gaan veg. “Die storie wys waar ek en die ander jong troepe strawwe opleiding ondergaan, asook waar ons geïndoktrineer word, sodat ons ‘reg’ sal wees vir die oorlog. “Die film wys hoe ’n groot impak die oorlog op hierdie seuns gehad het gedurende en ná die oorlog en hoe hulle verander,” sê hy. Sy grootste uitdaging was om homself in die skoene te sit van die seuns wat rêrig in die oorlog was en te probeer verstaan waardeur hulle was en wat hulle ervaar het. ’n Hoogtepunt was om elke dag ’n maand lank saam met 15 ander jong mans te wees en nuwe uitdagings saam aan te pak. “Ek kan dit goed glo dat ná ’n tyd saam met jou troep julle soos broers word en ek dink dit blyk definitief op die skerm dat ons almal daardie band ervaar het. Dale was ook in die reeks Bulletproof 3, waarin hy die rol van ’n plaaslike tiener van SuidAfrika gespeel het. Hy en sy vriend Stephen Rheeder wil binnekort ’n

film skiet. Lian, ’n oudleerder van die Hoërskool Stellenberg, woon al die afgelope 10 jaar in Vredekloof in Brackenfell. “My opleiding was hoofsaaklik in die laerskool in dramaklasse by die dramaskool Drama-Drama, asook vele eisteddfod-optredes – hoofsaaklik gedigte,” vertel hy. In gr. 6 was hy die prins in die skoolkonsert The beauty and the Beast by die Laerskool Gene Louw. “Ek het nie veel woorde gehad om te leer nie – ek moes net mooi lyk en sing voor baie mense!” “Maar ek kon baie wiskundeklasse mis en die verhooggogga het gebyt! Van graad 6 tot 12 was ek by my skool se toneelgroep betrokke.” Sy persoonlike hoogtepunt was toe hy benoem is as beste akteur by die Klein Libertas-teater se toneelfees. “Ek en Juli Vercuiel, beter bekend as Joelipoeli op Instagram, was ook die trofeewenner van die dialoog-afdeling by die Tygerbergeisteddfod.” Hy was gereeld seremoniemeester by skoolgeleenthede en het drie jaar in die skool se leerderraad gedien. “In my gr. 11-jaar reeds het ek ’n oudisie vir ’n rol in die fliek afgelê.” Hy het daarna toelating gekry tot ’n BA- Drama- en Teaterstudiegraadkursus vir 2019 aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. “Ek het vroeg in Januarie 2019 die e-pos ontvang dat ek gekies is vir ’n naamrol in dié nuwe Oliver Hermanus-fliek. Ek het gekies om nie die geleentheid om saam met so ’n befaamde regisseur te kan werk, te laat verbygaan nie en het my stu-

dies op ys geplaas. Moffie is die eerste en enigste fliek waarin hy nog gespeel het. “Ek het baie geleer en geïmproviseer. Ek speel die rol van Lionel Prys, ’n plat-op-die-aarde jongman wat dolverlief is op Odette Scrooby. Ek het ’n groot liefde vir musiek en kyk op na musiekhelde soos Pink Floyd, Billy Joel en Bob Dylan. My karakter is geskok deur als wat in die kampe gebeur, maar hou kop en fokus op wat gedoen moet word om huis toe te kan gaan. Dale Lourens “As heteroseksueel wat gekonfronteer word met die sielewroeging van homoseksuele soldate wat op ’n baie jong ouderdom onder stresvolle omstandighede moet leer om te oorleef, moet ek gou grootword en keuses maak,” sê hy. “Die titel van die fliek verwys na enige jong seun of man wat beskou word as nie ‘mans genoeg’, soos wat seuns grootgemaak word om te wees nie. Dit sluit ook homoseksuele soldate in, maar kan in enige omstandighede gebruik word. “Die fliek is die sielereis en wroeging van ’n jong man wat gekonfronteer word met sy eie seksualiteit in ’n omgewing waar ‘manlikheid’ hoog geag word. “Die uitdagings was die ekstreme fisiese omstandighede wat ge-

konstrueer moes word. Voor verfilming is die akteurs deur ’n regte sersant gedril. Gedurende verfilming, op verskeie plekke rondom die Kaap, was die gebrek aan slaap – daar is soms regdeur die nag verfilm – bydraend tot realistiese uitbeeldings deur die akteurs. “Daar is selfs een nag regtig op die bemanning geskiet, waarna ons met polisiebegeleiding van die terrein verwyder is. “Die hoogtepunte van die fliek was die avontuur, die vriendskapsbande met mede-akteurs, die 11 soorte tee waaruit jy kon kies om te drink op stel, die leiding van ’n regisseur wat weet wat hy doen, die professionele kameraspan met die beste toerusting, die gevoel van deel wees van ’n internasionale produksie hier in ons eie land en natuurlik die bekendstellingspartytjie op die dak van die Fugard-teater!” sê hy. Hy is tans in die ontwikkelingspan van Topco as model in Kaapstad. Moffie se rolverdeling sluit Kai Luke Brümmer, Hilton Pelser, Matthew Vey, Stefan Vermaak en Ryan de Villiers in. Eric Abraham en Jack Sidey is die vervaardigers met Theresa Ryan-Van Graan as mede-vervaardiger. V Kyk die lokprent hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMOycDIbNTg.



Here during an audition, all eyes are on one of the soloists of the musical, played by Mia Dippenaar, a learner from Curro Independent School Durbanville. A total of 22 top performers from Curro schools all over the country have been chosen to take part.

Curro brings musical treat to Woordfees C

urro Create, Curro Holdings’ national creative initiative, will be presenting its riveting new production, From Broadway to Bird Street at the Toyota US Woordfees in Stellenbosch in March. Showcasing songs from top shows from around the globe, such as Les Misérables, Chicago, Little Shop of Horrors and Hairspray, and compiled and directed by renowned theatre-makers Hennie van Greunen and Pedro Kruger, the show promises to be a musical treat. For this performance, 22 top Curro performers have been chosen from 360 auditions at Curro

schools nationwide – among them learners from Durbanville. Their mentors (and fellow cast members) impressively include Timothy Moloi, Corlea Botha, Lynelle Kenned, Germandt Geldenhuys and André Terblanché. “What makes this different to any other Broadway-inspired show you’ve ever seen, is that the songs are all placed in context – where does it fit into the story – and the performers will be in full costume and make-up, with astounding choreography, and brilliant sound and lights, in order to truly give you a slice of what you may see in one of the sumptuous Broadway theatres,” says Van Greunen.

Curro Create was launched in 2018 in partnership with Wordsmith’s Theatre Factory and aims to give all Curro learners the opportunity to showcase their creativity across a broad scope of disciplines. Compiled and directed by experienced theatre-makers Van Greunen and Pedro Kruger, with Melissa van der Spuy as musical director, the show promises to be a treat for those who enjoy the magic of musicals. There will be three performances – on Saturday, 7 March at 16:00 and 20:00, and on Sunday 8 March at 11:00. V Tickets are available from Computicket.

Passie by konsertreeks verwag ’n Jong talentvolle klarinet-enkitaarduo begin die 2020 Jongkunstenaars-konsertreeks met Soirée Espagnole in die Erin-saal in Rondebosch op Saterdag 7 Maart om 19:00. Die klarinetspeler Cameron Williams, goue medalje- en algehele wenner van die 2016 Nasionale Jeugmusiekkompetisie (NJMK), en die kitaarspeler Joshua Frank span vir die eerste keer kragte saam om meestal Latyns-Amerikaanse en Spaanse werke van gevierde komponiste uit te voer. Die program bevat werke van onder meer Astor Piazolla, Manuel de Falla, Enrique Granados

and Manuel Ponce. Cameron het sy BMus in 2019 met onderskeiding aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, met klarinetuitvoering as hoofvak, geslaag. Tydens sy studie was hy die hoofklarinetspeler van die US se simfonie- en blaasorkes. Hy het die saksofoon bestudeer onder dr. Arisa Voges by die Hugo Lambrechts-musieksentrum. Joshua, ’n musikologiedosent by die US, het pas ’n meestersgraad in musiek met onderskeiding voltooi. Hy spesialiseer in musiekbegrip en die empiriese studie van musiekemosies. Die twee opkomende sterre het tydens hul studie en opvoerings

by die universiteit ontmoet. Die konsert, aangebied deur die Nasionale Jeugmusiekstigting (NJMS), dek die tafel vir die bekendstelling van die 2020 NJMK, wat van 6 tot 10 Oktober in die Hugo Lambrechts-ouditorium in Parow aangebied word. “Die NJMK lok jaarliks die room van klassieke instrumentaliste tussen 14 en 19 jaar.” Inskrywingsvorms en die 2020reëlsbrosjure sal binnekort op die NJMK-webwerf gepubliseer word. V Kaartjies kos R120 en R70 vir studente, leerders en pensioenarisse en is by Computicket by 0861 915 8000 of by die deur beskikbaar.

Kom lag saam met Wicus van der Merwe Wicus van der Merwe bring sy splinternuwe “stand-up comedy”, Kom ek sê jou so, na die Jamrock-te-

ater in Brackenfell op Vrydag 20 Maart om 20:00. As jy jou lagspiere wil oefen en

Wicus van der Merwe

jou wange styf wil lag, is hierdie vertoning een wat jy nie wil misloop nie. Wicus, seun van die nimlike Tolla, staan slaggereed om die gehoor met sy skreeusnaakse kwinkslae te betower. Hy is nie net ’n uitsonderlike sanger nie, maar het al sy hand gewaag as afslaer en as aanbieder van Skouspel en Skouspel Plus. Hierdie Clanwilliam-boorling het nie ’n skaam haar op sy kop nie, en dit is duidelik te bespeur in sy stoutseun-maar-skoon-humor wanneer hy op die verhoog is. Sedert hy in 2002 sy eerste platekontrak gesluit het, was daar geen keer aan Wicus nie. In 2009 het hy Ghoema- en Tempo-toekennings vir die beste komedie-album ontvang. V Kaartjies kos R120. Bespreek by info@jamrocktheatre.co.za

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020

What’s on | Wat’s waar V The Parlotones Unplugged(ish) is at the Tyger Valley Barnyard Theatre on Thursday 5 March at 20:00. Join The Parlotones for a special evening and experience something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue as they take you on a journey through songs that span 21 years. Tickets are R200. Book at www.barnyardtheatre.co.za. V Mark Banks on Ice is coming to Die Boer Theatre on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 March at 20:30. Mark will discuss all the things you’ve been thinking about: extreme Western Cape security measures; Elon Musk’s plans for world domination, running into people from your high school who haven’t died yet and coping with life in general. Tickets are R165 and available at 021 979 1911 or online at www.dieboer.com. V Patrick Canovi will bring some rock music to Goodwood Sports Club on Saturday 7 March from 16:00 until 20:00. R20 entry. V Flying Bantu from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, will fire up the stage on Saturday 7 March at the V&A Amphitheatre free concert from 19:00. The versatile band will showcase genres of Afro, Rock, Reggae, Funk and Jazz for everyone to enjoy. V Axenmore - a rock/party band will play in the main clubhouse at Killarney Racetrack on Sunday 8 March from 13:00. Entry costs R50. Phone 083 367 2665 for pre-bookings. Casual seating available. There will be buff and T-shirt giveaways. V Jan Blohm tree op in Die Boerteaterrestaurant op Dinsdag 10 Maart om 20:30. Met hierdie vertoning gaan Jan terug na waar dit begin het – oorspronklike hartsmusiek op twee akoestiese kitare. Die gehoor kan uitsien na liedjies soos “Groentrui”, ‘‘Breyten se brief’’ en “Lê jou lyfie neer”. Die deure open om 18:30 vir ete. Kaartjies kos R160 (ete uitgesluit). Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of aanlyn by www.dieboer.com. V David Kramer’s Danger in the Dark! A re-working of the 90s Kramer Petersen hit Poison, returns to the Baxter Theatre from Monday 9 March, for a limited season. Most of the original Taliep Petersen compositions

have been retained, while Kramer has written a new libretto. Loosely based on Shakespeare’s Othello, this reworked version tells the story of a young, idealistic social worker who stands up to the drug dealers on the Cape Flats. Tickets range from R110 to R205. Shows start at 19:30. Visit www.baxter.co.za or book on Webtickets. V Clint & co Tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival is at the Barnyard Tyger Valley on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 March at 20:00. The deep South roots and swamp pop rockabilly sounds are captured as one is swept away by “Bad Moon Rising”, ‘‘Proud Mary”, ‘‘Have you ever seen the Rain” and many other old favourites. Clint and his band have well over 600 shows under their belt. Tickets are R150. Book on www.barnyardtheatre.co.za or 021 914 8898. V Ramfest – a metal, rock and alternative music festival will happen at Hillcrest Quarry on Friday 13 March from 18:00 until 01:00 The lineup for this year features The Black Dahlia Murder (USA), Van Coke Kartel (reunion show), Facing the Gallows, Peasant, Metallica Tribute, Stoker, Marene and The Valley. Tickets are R300 to R350. Phone 021 976 4659 or visit www.howler.com to book. Jay du Plessis kom maak vir die eerste keer ’n draai by die Jamrock-teater op Woensdag 25, Donderdag 26 en Vrydag 27 Maart. Kaartjies kos R180. Bespreek by info@jamrocktheatre.co.za. V The Producers - a laugh-outloud musical comedy is on at the Theatre on the Bay until 28 March. Fading Broadway producer Max Bialystock is desperate to get to the top of his profession again, and finds an unlikely ally in accountant Leo Bloom, who predicts that one could make far more money with a flop of a show than with a hit. Starring Alan Committie, Terence Bridgett and Earl Gregory. Tickets are R100 to R380 at Computicket. V Jazz Jam sessions is happening every Tuesday at the Cape Town Comedy Club from 20:30. The sessions are hosted by The Alvin Dyers Trio. Musicians can bring their instruments and a keyboard is available. Tickets are R60 and available from Computicket or at the door.

Liebenberg doen Neil Diamond Johan Liebenberg bring sy Johan Liebenberg vertoning Neil Diamond and Friends na Die Boer-teaterrestaurant vir drie aande van Vrydag 13 tot Sondag 15 Maart. Johan het bekendheid verwerf met die gewilde Barnyard-vertonings soos Diamonds and Pearls, Rough Diamonds and Divas, Neil Diamond and Friends en King of Diamonds. Hy het ’n reputasie begin opbou dat hy net soos die “Sweet Caroline”-meester self klink, en besef dat om Neil Diamond te sing, eintlik sy paar ander verrassings van kunspesialiteit is. stenaars soos Kris Kristofferson, Sedert hy in 2013 met sy verto- Cat Stevens, Eric Clapton en Bruce ning Neil Diamond and Friends be- Springsteen. gin het, het hy nog nooit weer te- V Die deure open om 18:30 en die vertoruggekyk nie. ning begin om 20:30. Kaartjies kos R170 Verwag al die immergewilde (ete uitgesluit). Bespreek by 021 979 1911 treffers van Diamond, maar ook ’n of by www.dieboer.com.

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020






Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020


Moenie ander mense sonder rede vrees nie Gister sien ek ’n Chinese ou by ’n winkelsentrum en ek stop in my spore. Verskillende dinge flits deur my brein. My oë fokus soos ’n skerpskutter op sy vyand. Ek doen berekeninge. Hoe ver is die afstand tussen my en my motor. Hoe vinnig beweeg ’n virus van die oomblik dat dit jou mond verlaat tot dit die teiken bereik? Hoeveel mense het reeds verby die man gestap en toe ook binne ’n armlengte van my gekom? Is almal rondom my nie dalk besmet nie? Ek begin te sweet, want ek beweeg met krukke. In my lewe het ek al te veel flieks gesien waarin die gewonde aan sy eie lot oorgelaat word. Niemand sal ’n beseerde dra as hy weet sy eie lewe is ook in gevaar nie. My hart klop vinniger as wat dit moet ... Alles was nie so dramaties nie, maar hoe vinnig kan ons nie besluite neem oor goed waarvan ons eintlik baie min weet nie? Ek het ’n ou van Chinese herkoms gesien en onmiddellik het ek gewonder of daai ou nie dalk die koronavirus onder lede het nie. In alle waarskynlik was hy jare gelede dalk in sy tuisland en is (hopelik) net so skoon soos ek en jy. Maar ons weet nou waar die virus sy oorsprong het en daarom sê ons breine daardie mense móét die virus onder lede het. Dit is natuurlik die grootste klomp twak. As kind op die platteland het ek nooit met mense van die Moslem-geloof in aanraking gekom nie. Nie omdat ek nie wou nie of my ouers my van hulle weerhou het nie. Ek weet nie hoekom nie, maar in daardie geweste was die Moslem-geloof so skaars soos reën. As ek reg onthou, is ons ook by die katkisasieklas teen die “Mohamedane” gewaarsku. Op hoërskool het ’n vriend van my ons vertel dat daar een aand ’n Moslem-ou by hulle aan huis oornag het en met sy vuil hande geëet het. Hierdie idee het in my kinderkop vasgesteek dat Moslem-mans met vuil hande sit en eet. Fast forward jare daarna en ek is in die Kaap en hier ontmoet ek van die wonderlikste mense met die lekkerste kos en hulle eet – wonder bo wonder – net soos ons. Ek lees onlangs ’n aanhaling wat soos volg lui: As jy nie die nuusmedia volg nie, sal jy dink die wêreld is ’n wonderlike plek. As joernalis het dit my nogal aan die dink gesit. Ja, ons moet ingelig word sodat ons ingeligte besluite kan neem. Ons moet weet dat Amerika dreig om Iran aan te val en dat die oorlog in Sirië onverpoos voort word. Dat kinders in ons veelbewoë land vermoor word. En die vader weet ons moet weet dat daar ’n virus is wat min mense verstaan en wat reeds die dood van duisende veroorsaak het. Maar ons moet nie mekaar bang maak nie. Die meeste vrese waarmee ons opgeskeep sit is oor goed wat iemand ons vertel het. Ek byvoorbeeld is doodbang vir ’n hond, maar ek is nog nooit deur een gebyt nie. Toe ek ’n klein laaitie was, het iemand my vertel van hoe sekere hondrasse byt en nie laat gaan nie. Van daai tyd af trek my lyf styf as ek net ’n hond sien. Ons sien politici kap maar gedurig oor ras, maar as ons daaraan dink, is hulle ’n minderheid. Hulle kuier net met mense wat dieselfde oor sekere goed dink, dus leer hulle nooit hoe ander mense dink nie. Aan die ander kant is ons gewone landsburgers elke dag in mekaar se geselskap en leer dat as jy ’n mens is, is jy net dit – ’n mens. Leef so dat ander mense se vooroordele nie jou vrese word nie. – Brenden Ruiter

“Leef so dat ander mense se vooroordele nie jou vrese word nie.”

Lucky Mloteli is painstakingly converting a rather colourful neck piece to a monochrome colour scheme using nail polish. The jewellery will form part of costumes for the upcoming Cape Town Carnival. Several others are also hard at work in an effort to put together the costumes, floats and props at their Maitland Workshop that will highlight this year’s theme. PHOTO: SAMANTHA LEE-JACOBS

BRIEWE briewe@tygerburger.co.za | Posbus 747, Bellville 7535 | Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Hier is ’n plan vir Jan Taks Dit lyk vir my of Jan Taks net nie meer opsies het om nóg geld in te win nie. Ek dink hier is nogal ’n plan of twee: 1. In die verlede het ons Bonusobligasies gekoop; dit was gewild. Jy kon rente verdien as jy dit verkoop het. Elke maand het jy ’n kans gehad om groot boerpotte te wen, terwyl jou geld rente trek. Ja, ek weet daar moet te alle tye eerlike administrasie wees. Jammer ek kan nie daarmee help nie. 2. Daar is al geluide gemaak oor die belas van kerke en ek stem daarmee saam. Kyk al die groot geboue wat kerke besit en hulle dra niks by tot die staatskas nie. Bykans elke dag sien jy nuwe “kerke” opgaan in bona fide fabriektipe geboue. As dit nie bona fide besighede is nie, wil ek my naam nie hê nie. Sowat 25% van elke kollekte wat in kerke opgeneem word, sal Eskom maklik uit sy penarie help, met nog genoeg geld oor vir ander dinge. Ek sê niks oor stelery nie, maar neem maar net aan dat hulle die geld reg sal gebruik. Ek tref ook nie onderskeid tussen kerke nie. Almal moet betaal, of hoe? SK Soneike

Long wait for AA irks motorist On Thursday 13 February, I was stuck on the N1 near Century City for more than three hours waiting for the AA to do what they said they would do. I phoned no less than 10 times in that period. Appar-

ently they were in a meeting and the emergencies on the road would have to wait. I have a record of every phone call and they have the recorded conversations. I phoned the first time at 13:00 in the afternoon. I got the assurance that someone would come to my aid and a reference number. I quoted that number with every phone call. The agents that answered could access the situation immediately with every call and knew who I was, so it was not a mystery to them, yet every AA technician in Cape Town was in a meeting and they could not help me until 16:14, when the help finally arrived. I have still not had an apology from them. They did ask me to rate their service. I gave them 0 out of 10. They still have not phoned me to ask why. I really think they could at least have phoned by now to find out what happened or to apologise. COLIN LIEBENBERG Email

Less water and still charged fixed rate? I refer to the article about Mr Grobler from Peerless Park East (“Confusion over borehole water”, TygerBurger 26 February). I am in total agreement with his confused and disappointed attitude in which his situation has been dealt with. Here is an honest citizen trying to conserve water in the best way possible. Yet he is treated unreasonably. Whether he uses less water or not he is still charged a fixed basic charge. Where does “This City fights for you” come from? He still has no reply yet! If one applies logic to this situation then one must ask

oneself, how does borehole water re-enter the grid, when exiting via the sewerage? Maybe the Mayco member for water and waste should check what chemicals are used in the blue/green toilet block when added to the current grid water in household cisterns. This chemical remains in the cistern until dissolved and goes the same way down the sewerage as Mr Grobler’s borehole water does. Borehole water is a natural entity that may have silt/brak in its contents. I think the fixed basic charge has a lot to do with the “confusion”. MIKE GRACE Email

Soveel mense, soveel menings . . . Ek het nog nooit ’n brief aan ’n koerant geskryf nie, maar wil ook my stuiwer in die armbeurs gooi na aanleiding van die afgelope tyd se briewe oor die Reedstraat-kliniek in Bellville. Soveel mense, soveel menings ... My lêer was nog nooit weg nie en ek het nog altyd goeie diens by die apteek gekry – veral by die eenheid waar jy jou pakkie kroniese medikasie tussen 07:00 en 10:00 kan afhaal; dit werk uitstekend. Wie die briljante dokter is van wie “Nog ’n Brakkie” in 26 Februarie se brief (“Apteek se diens by kliniek is treurig”) in TygerBurger praat, wonder ek. Die vrouedokter lyk of sy omgee vir die pasiënte, maar die manlike dokter het al die vreemdste goed vir my gesê. Hy wil eers elke drie jaar jou cholesterol toets, al gebruik jy medikasie daarvoor. So, sterkte aan almal wat van die kliniek gebruik moet maak. RIA Bellville

Bure moet geduld hê met dié krete Die Blitsbokke het my nie net die afgelope naweek hartkloppings gegee nie, maar ek het nou ook kwaai vriendskap met my bure. Die vreugdekrete, met hier en daar ’n swetswoord oor die onnodige foute wat begaan is, het Sondagoggend in die vroeë oggendure in my huis opgeklink, tot my bure se ontsteltenis! Om ’n agterstand van 19-0 met rustyd uit te wis en in ekstra speeltyd die oorwinning te verseël, en dit teen Fidji, wil gedoen wees. My bure moet nog hierdie naweek sterk wees, want die Blitsies is wéér in aksie in Kanada en sorry kom eers volgende week! AVRIL FILLIES Eersterivier

Reaksie ná berig ‘asemrowend’ Ek verwys na die artikel “Swemlesse vir seniors ‘bevrydend’ ” in die TygerBurger (05/02) en wil hiermee namens die Proteaville Senior Fiksheidklub vir Nielen de Klerk baie dankie sê vir die uitmuntende artikel daaroor. Die reaksie wat ons ontvang het, danksy die foto’s en berig, was asemrowend. Daar was soveel belangstelling, veral van seniors, vanuit verskeie areas. Tans is daar meer as 50 leerders wat die swemlesse baie geniet. Die afrigter, Arnold Terhart, moes vinnig hulp bykry en Gregory Bagley en Carol Abrahams word bedank vir hul bereidwilligheid om hulp te verleen. Ons klub wens Nielen alle voorspoed toe vir haar toekoms. MARY CARELSE Proteaville Senior Fiksheidklub

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020





Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020

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GEORGE: Multi-Centre, 104 Meade Str Cell 082 782 3909 | Tel 044 050 1963





PASTOR MOSES Come we pray for you in the name of the Lord Delayed pension money, money in your acc & love problems. Prayers for all your problems Manhood problems. % 078 075 9508

ADAMS!!! SPECIALIST IN ALL LIFE PROBLEMS, PERSONAL PROBLEMS THERE BY YOUR HOUSE, OR AT WORK, FINANCIAL, LOST LOVERS, LUCK, stop drinking and smoking drugs. Clean House. Divorce and Court Case. To receive your blessing or gift. Money in your account, PAY AFTER JOB IS DONE.

Bellville, Kuils River . 071 056 4161


MAMA TEMBA Is in town with extra ordinary powers known for solving peoples problems using a magic mirror by bringing back lost lover, money in your account, financial problems, marriage problems, magic ring for luck and completing unfinished jobs.

CALL / WHATSAPP 071 771 9373


SPECIALIST in all LIFE/RELATIONSHIP Problems at home or at work, stop drinking, stop using drugs, give special prayers for all problems. Money Problem, Jealous people, Lost Lover, Job & Clean House, Palm Reading, Love potion.

Bellville & Goodwood 078 027 7270





"CHIEF" MUNGU ZAMUNDA *Bring back lost lover *Enlargement cream 4 in 1 *Lotto & Powerball *Money into account *All women & men problems Change your future power, fame & money Check on my youtube. Cape Town /call: 079 934 2924

THANKS MAMA TANIA & JEFF A STORY THAT CHANGED MY LIFE QUICKLY I am Chantel from Rondebosch. After losing hope in all healers as I tried all of them in the W/C. Not one helped me. Untill Tania & Jeff saved my life as my life was a mess. I had 2 big court cases, working for 33 yrs. with no money and my boyfriend had left me. Luckily I read about TANIA who gave me lucky Lotto numbers (7, 9, 12, 14, 19, 25). In November last year I had my luck with the Lotto. My financial problems were solved, my court causes were dismissed and I am happily in love now. They also helped with my accident claims and pension fund settlements. STOP SUFFERING IN SILENCE YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY TOO! CALL / WHATSAPP 063 490 3985


Geseënde Mamma met kragte wat alle probleme oplos, betaal wanneer die werk klaar is: verlore geliefde, swangerskap probleme, vinnige verkoop van eiendom, tenders en vinnige uitbetalings soos ongeluksfonds, pensioen, slegte geluk, onvoltooide werk gratis. Werk is klaar in minder as 15 minute % 078 681 1272 WEN LOTTO & POWER BALL. Betaal as jy wen JACOB 073 813 4257 MAMA TINAH



* Luck for lotto * Men problems * Financial problems * Love problems

CALL / WHATSAPP 073 703 7211


*Money Luck Gift 100% *Marriage & Love *Free Unfinished Help *Jobs & Properties

0604761310 0840416424

THE GREAT WOMAN OF GOD She is very good. She helped me and my family plus friend with drug problems, love and spell, cash in account, lotto numbers, casino, promotion at work, magic ring and finished jobs, for free. CALL - 060 448 2877


PSYCHIC MIA For accurate answers to all problems, SMS your name, date of birth and a specific question to38527. "Not for Cell C". R10 per sms Sound, lights, stage, music & Dj Supply. 083 369 6768


Aandag. Kontant vir meubels, elektriese ware, yskaste,tvs, breekware,beddegoed,gordyne ens. Als moet in goeie werkende toestand wees. % Gerhard 073 517 1190

2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, elektriese ware, MEUBELS bv. beddens, sitkamerstelle, yskaste, TV's ens VIR HARDE KONTANT Tel: Johan 074 474 4275 All Working Freezers/ Fridges/ Box Tvs & Furniture. I Pay & Collect. Ph/W-App 084 664 4762

Adrian buys all 2nd hand furniture and household goods. Tel 021 558 7546 Cell 082 4100 405 Ek koop kombuisware, linne, ornamente, speelgoed,juweliersware, ou tydse goed. %Anita 082 963 8877

Soek DRINGEND ALLE 2de Handse Meubels 083 565 1685



AK WENDY'S Cash D.I.Y. 3 x 6 - R7 500 3 x 9 - R9 500 3 x 7 - toilet + basin R9 800 % 082 621 4441 / 021 393 5475


Brackenfell N1 City

"SPECIALS " 3 x6 R9300Flatroof. Voering. Afbetalings 064 828 1837 / 072 870 6973 www.jrwendys.co.za 021 905 8097

HANEPOOT DRUIWE Remhoogte - Groenvlei Bottelary pad. Stroopsoet 16 per kg. 10 kg in karton R150. Geleë tussen KuilsrivierGolfbaan en The Palms. Goeie aanwysings borde % 021 903 6276

BOOKS 1607

EK KOOP BOEKE en langspeelplate. % 082 670 8987



RAINBOW NAPPIES Baby-Maternity-Adult care ALLE GROOTMENS DOEKE Beskikbaar. Goeie gehalte teen billike bekostigbare pryse. % Vera & Dina 021 591 1104

WANTED TO BUY All Working Freezers/ Fridges/ Box Tvs & Furniture. I Pay & Collect. Ph/W-App 084 664 4762


2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, elektriese ware ens. VIR HARDE KONTANT Karen & Johan 0833051668

A Cash Deal on All Goods Cash paid for all your unwanted good quality ladies, mens, kids clothing. Shoes, linen, bric 'n brac etc. Christelle/Christiaan 084 408 1437

Asook Bruinklip, Rivierklip, Kompos, Topsoil. Klein en Grootmaat. Skakel: 021 930 5411

Adrian koop alle tweedehandse meubels en huishoudelike goedere Tel 021 558 7546 Sel 082 4100 405 AANDAG: Barend soek dringend 2de Handse Meubels, Beddens, kaste & yskaste om te koop. Betaal kontant en kom haal self. Skakel 082 848 2880 CASH 4 ALL YOUR Household Furniture % Pieter 082 974 2580.


2de Handse Meubels. % 083 310 1081.


CASH FOR GOLD Beste pryse vir jou goue juweliersware (stukkend of heel), krugerrand, diamante ens. Johan 060 571 4580



A Carpet and couch cleaning specials Best price and job. GUARENTEED Deep clean carpets, couches,mattresses, carseats, CURTAINS ext, Dry quick ,28 jears experience with excellent references (Netcare Hospitals ) % Patsy 062 736 3045 or Rob 078 556 6708 robertfeynes2013@ gmail.com Estie Matdroogskoonmakers 083 289 6674 021 592 0487

ABILL BOUERS. NHBRC- gereg. Aanbouings, strukturele betonwerk, nuwe huise, afdakke & verfwerk. William 072 229 7619 Alterations, renovations, maintainance work & touch on waterproofing. Andrew no: 082 935 2251

BUILDING & ROOFING New roof, carports, Roof repairs, waterproofing, painting, aluminium windows + doors. 24/7 Property maintenance % 082 956 7776/ 021 982 1309

#1 AIR-CON & FRIDGE Services , Repairs,Installations,Fridges wanted. 021 945 1376/ 078 901 1594

Aircon & Appliances Repair: Fridges, Stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, Aircons, Dishwasher, ONSITE Repairs Contact Tiaan 021 917 1620 082 776 2393 ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRS, fridge,washing machines, tumble dryers, stoves, regas from R180. We buy broken fridges. Franco 076 966 4768 ALTYD KONTANT Vir jou yskas, vrieskas. werkend of nie - werkend 082 086 4752 Fridges wanted Dead/Alive for Cash Phone 072 493 9332

VIBRACRETE Nuwe mure en verhogings, mesh panel en post, palisades Lammie Louw 082 412 1381 vibracrete@gmail.com

Bouwerk, bou planne, Vibracrete walls, houses, raises, carports & Paving. We also supply all building materials. % Greg 067 092 2360 021 908 0012 Aluminium windows, stack-up doors, sunrooms & Balcony Railings. % Greg 067 092 2360 021 908 0012


ALLE BOU PLANNE Noordelike voorstede. % Mark 083 651 3412

ALLE BOUPLANNE www.izaksarchitecture.co.za Skakel Izak 082 920 0839



Huisskoonmaak dienste Streng persoonlik toesig 062 801 4477

ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRED ON SITE We repair appliances. Fridges, stoves, washing machines with guarantee and regas from R180. % Cathy/Francois 079 838 1851 All areas


AANDAG ALMAL Werner soek dringend al julle 2de handse meubels. Betaal kontant. ALLE AREAS 0219824176/0781501702


BESTE KONTANT VIR U MEUBELS... Noordelike voorstede. 0835010911


AAN ALMAL SPOT CASH There in a flash Ons koop alle 2de Handse meubels en yskaste. Best price 021 591 5708 076 017 0630

Building Plans / Bouplanne Karel 021 981 4788 072 446 5054 www.lifestylearchitecture.co.za




Teken & ontwerp van nuwe huise & aanbouings. REG. MET SACAP. Skakel Riaan % 082 415 9696

BEST CASH PAID PER ITEM For: Clothing, Furniture, Appliances. 082 419 1110/ 082 899 1851








Pawn enige bakkie/motor vir kontant. % 084 247 4726



Egskeidings, Strafhof & Boedels Konsulteer tuis. Buks 083 462 9298

AA PAWN ANY VEHICLE Lowest interest 5%. Tel. 082 058 9735












Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020

BOUPLANNE Billike fooie. Flink, kundige diens. Estetiese ontwerpe. MICHAAL DE JAGER 021 903 3407 083 601 8476 info@michaaldejager.co.za

CHESTFREEZERS & FRIDGES, dbl beds, tv's URGENTLY WANTED! (021) 911 3366 /083 377 7223


For fast, efficient, quality personal service Call Coenie 072 365 3622 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Registered and Qualified Power Failure, Rewiring, Stove Connections. Issue C.O.C. Patrick 082 836 8051

ELECTRICIAN Qualified & Registered Certificate of Compliance Installation&Fault Finding PETER 082 953 9175 FRIDGES WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE WE COLLECT & CASH OFFERED. ALL AREAS Call 064 094 6286

GI ELECTRICAL Maintenance, Repairs & New Installations Fault Finding, D Boards, Lights, Plugs, Geysers. Gordon 079 464 0362




Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020



DC STEELWORKS Sliding gates, palisade fencing, safety gates, burglar bars, etc. David 079 913 0618

Enige tyd beskikbaar Gratis kwotasie Eienaar bestuur self Anthonie 082 611 5631/021 930 4565


Nolens Removal, home & flats. % 021 903 3013 / 073 128 6236



Brackenfell Motors Koop motors + bakkies onder R50 000. Tel. 082 524 9866

%083 302 5559 021 948 9479 k.u. TERTIUS MACFARLANE GRATIS KWOTASIES


Ek vervang stukkende riempies op stoele, banke ens. Vakmanskap van top gehalte. Vir kwaliteit en professionele werk kontak Derrick die Riempiesman op 083 270 3176.


ACE TREEFELLING Felling of trees & palms, pruning, stump removal, general clean-ups, free quotes Selwyn 083 267 6181 021 903 2022 Afsny, snoei van bome,skoonmaak van tuine. Herman 083 368 1655

AAA TREE FELLING Pruning & Felling of Trees & Palms. STUMP REMOVAL

% Deneys Steyn: 083 769 9286 Charl Steyn 071 347 0717

Household moves & rubble removal, % Wouter for a free quote - 074 076 8159

L & H Maintenance

Vir alle verfwerk, kleinbou projekte, daklekke, lê van houtvloere, loodgieterswerk, opsit van droëmuur konstruksies & knottypineplafonne. Opsit van JOJO tenke en installeer van gryswater stelsel. Gratis kwotasie % Louis 072 125 1288


ALUMINIUM windows, doors, burglar bars, gates & glass repairs. Call: 073 429 7856


All Tiling & Paintwork I do all work myself % 076 936 4153 Mike


Sunningdale 2sl huis te huur. R9000 p.m. + 1 1/2 mnd dep. % 0839730227

Building - Rubble Garden Refuse, Renovation, Garage junk, treefelling Call Martin 084 907 5513 RUBBLE REMOVAL


ALL paving best prices. 4 free quote: PAVEMASTER Eugene 082 677 4445

Storage & packaging available. Tel./fax: 021 591 0375 083 227 4245 083 233 1784

SWEMBAD DIENSTE *Pompe *Filters *Lekke Tel: DJ 072 589 2802



#1 MEUBELVERVOER met persoonlike toesig. 021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684

A2B Afford-A-Move Owner supervised. Enclosed truck. Pierre 083 255 6148



EARN EXTRA MONEY By Selling Avon SMS Name/Area Tel: 074 602 7373 EKSTRA GELD! Benodig 50 Avon Agente Ontvang gratis geskenk. Tel. 082 933 3986


ALL ACCOUNTING Accounting, tax, payroll & all Registrations. % 021 930 5310


Tel. 072 132 5573 WE PAVE Mark 076 302 2468 PLUMBERS 1855


ALL your motor vehicle repairs if you cant come to me, I will come to you. Call: 082 301 6618

ALLE DIESEL-ENJINS: Herstelwerk. Billike tariewe. Skakel 073 092 7128 ALLE HERSTELWERK, dienste aan alle voertuie in alle areas. Billike tariewe. Tel. 083 529 9972


Aluminium Windows and Doors % GLENTON 072 409 5224


AANBOD Ek soek nie-lopende, stukkende of ongelukbeskadigde voertuie. Ek betaal kontant en verwyder u voertuig gratis uit enige gebied Tel 021 949 6066 / 076 211 1620

Nated course N1 to N6 ,Business, tourism , engineering etc icb course Nursing home based care, counselling heath, and safety IT/ information technology metric rewrite PLUS MACHINERY TRAINING ; fork lift ,Tower crane, welding ,buldozer excator etc 021 418 4287 021 945 2223 021 948 9885

Join Avon today and start earning extra money from your 1st order selling our beauty products. Don‘t delay. Join Today. CALL 0845163353




Need ladies who work in offices with lots of ladies To sell Sterling Silver Jewelry during their lunch break. Ph. 021 559 3401 Cell 076 177 6538 EXTRAS NEEDED urgently

Geleenthede nou beskikbaar vir 10 telebemarkers in ons Bellville kantore. Basies plus kommissie met doelwitte. Ondervinding is NIE nodig nie, maar suksesvolle kandidate moet onmiddellik diens kan aanvaar. Kontak MELISA by 021 910 1334 om 'n onderhoud te reël. HUISHULP GESOEK % Annelie 082 895 0553 Jy kan R22 000 p.m verdien. Vol/deeltyds % Tracey 072 415 5695 021 910 0992/3 Motivated people wanted Appointments Only 083 799 0189 On Set features & xtras , need people of all ages and races for TV commercials and film. Whatsupp 062 348 5158 or Cell 068 161 2756

The SGB of Milnerton Primary invites applications for the following position


Effective 1 July 2020 The successful candidate/s should : * Have an enthusiastic, energetic and creative approach to Visual Arts teaching * Have an excellent command of written and spoken English * Be suitably qualified and SACE registered * Have experience of the integration of technology in teaching and learning * Fully participate in the life of the school * Work effectively as a member of a team * Have exceptional inter-personal skills * Dedicated to the development and care of all pupils.

Kindly send your CV for the attention of the Headmaster's PA via email bhaywood@milnertonprimary.co.za by 16 March 2020. Should you not have heard from us by 23 March, please consider your application as unsuccessful. MPS reserves the right not to proceed with the filling of this post.


Alle eks matrikulante. Slegs 3 poste oop in ons Bellville tak. Vergoedings pakket van R12 000pm. Skakel Andrea 087 094 1218 of stuur CV na cv@manicmarketing.co.za


Spotgoedkoop versekering

BUDGET PAVE Affordable Paving Call 021 559 6148


A BEST TILER All tiling wall and floor Call Desmond 072 566 1281

"ALL Bakkies, Cars, Micro Busses and Bikes Wanted." PHONE 082 058 9735 Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 082 558 4836 /021 987 2277 vap777@telkomsa.net

Alle bakkies / motors gesoek vir kontant. %084 247 4726

Vind jou naaste kliniek op www.wcbs.org.za


VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY AANBOD AAN ALLE EIENAARS Ons koop nie-lopende of beskadigde voertuie vir kontant. Beste pryse. Ons verwyder gratis. Skakel 083 294 8428 of 021 949 9083


1 bloedskenking kan tot 3 lewens red.



for Movies, Television and TV commercials. All Looks, Ages, Shapes & Sizes required. Contact us on 021 447 1506


GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars & bakkies. Ph 021 987 2277/ 082 558 4836 of email: vap777@telkomsa.net


EMPLOYMENT WANTED I am looking for char jobs. Mon Fri. Avail for sleeping in. 0746306924


Alle plaveisel vanaf R220 per m2. Alls ing.



RUBBLE 8-ton truck CALL 082 845 9998

Beste Pryse en Diens % 083 610 1211




BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS -rommel. Tel 079 025 9221


DIE ROMMELMAN Tuinvullis verwydering. % 083 458 3416




AM LANDSCAPING Trellises, plants, pots, pavers, water features, stone, bark & roll-on lawn. New & up-grading of irrigation systems. I beat any written quote. Anton 082 729 3811

TREE FELLING BROTHERS 021 930 1258 / 074 789 2176



ONE STOP HANDYMAN For all Electrical/Plumbing and General repairs: Ph: CHRIS - 082 6611 943


MR PLUMBER Vir alle loodgieterswerk teen billike pryse. Johan 073 326 0446 Hanna 082 867 4289

info@ kingswaycollege. co.za info@kingswaycollegehighschool.co.za

SMS ‘king’ na 31452 vir ‘n kwotasie Standaard SMS tariewe en B’s & V’s geld

FDV nr. 43862

Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020




Aanvaar asb. dat, indien u nie van ons hoor na twee weke vanaf die sluitingsdatum nie, u aansoek onsuksesvol was.






083 261 3920

isi :V

E-pos 'n dekbrief en CV na: osro@mweb.co.za (Maak asb. melding van die spektrum van u salaris-verwagting in u dekbrief. Beperk asb. die CV tot 2 bladsye). Sluitingsdatum: 13 Maart 2020



Le Chasseur, 'n deeltitel ontwikkeling in Stellenryk, Durbanville, vereis die dienste van 'n voltydse nutsman/fasiliteitsbestuurder vanaf 1 April 2020. Die regte persoon het die volgende eienskappe: • Goeie kommunikasievaardigheid: Afrikaans en Engels • Bestuurderslisensie en eie vervoer • Goeie gesondheid • Vriendelike persoonlikheid en goeie menseverhoudings •Kundig en prakties aangelê vir tuinbou en algemene instandhouding van terrein, geboue, sekuriteit en swembad • Goeie beplanningsvermoë • Bereid om ook na-ure probleme te hanteer • Vorige ervaring, toepaslike kwalifikasies en twee verwysings • Geen kriminele rekord Werksbeskrywing • Toesighouding • Algemene instandhouding • Implementering van roetine-werk * Tuine * Swembad * Vullisdromme * Geboue * Gemeenskaplike areas



GARAGE & GATE SYSTEMS NEVER compromise on quality NO NEED to compromise on price Tip-up, Sectional & Roll-up Doors and Motors Gate Automation,


AFTER HOURS SERVICE 021 555 3295/93


to all types of garage doors, gates, automations, intercoms, electric fencing, electric locks.


TELESALES CONSULTANT Seeking experienced sales consultants to join our Call Center team. Offices are currently in Cape Town CBD, but we are relocating to Tygervalley area in June 2020. Successful candidates must be capable of building and maintaining a database of loyal customers, ensure customer service satisfaction and make sales calls to new and existing clients. We offer a basic salary of R6000, tier bonus from R250 to R5000, depending on your tier, weekly cash incentive and commission from 10% up to 32%. Full training will be provided.

WE ALSO: SERVICE & REPAIR ALL TYPES OF DOORS & MOTORS 100% Alluminuim door specialist

Member of the Chamber of Commerce

CALL Toll-Free: 0800 22 00 50

021 979 0969 083 302 3754

or 021 555 3295/93

Unit 4, Megawatt Park


cnr of Dawn & Stella Road,

www.doormatic.co.za Ons praat ook Afrikaans

Montague Gardens. www.dominatorsa.co.za

REQUIREMENTS: Excellent telephone skills Persuasive Proven wine or sales background Goal-driven Afrikaans and english speaking Must be available from 16 March to start training. Please apply with your CV and a motivational letter: gm@rosendalwinery.com If you haven't heard from us after two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful.

Paarl Post, trotse bron van nuus en inligting in die Drakenstein area, bied ’n opwindende geleentheid in hul kantoor in die Paarl vir ’n geesdriftige joernalis. Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet van uitstekendende skryfvermoë in Afrikaans en Engels beskik en sal verwag word om relevante, gebiedende en feitelik korrekte nuusberigte en artikels te skryf vir die weeklikse publikasie Paarl Post. ..

HOOF VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE: • Ondersoek en navorsing oor inhoud vir nuusberigte en/of artikels • Skryf gehalte nuusberigte en artikels teen streng spertye • Skep van artikels wat gerig is op die teikenmark • Ontwikkel idees vir artikels • By die inhoudstandaarde, gehalte en styl bly soos deur die publikasie uiteengesit • Voldoen aan die voorskrifte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Perskode • Kan gevra word om vryskutpersoneel en junior vastepersoneel by te staan • Proeflees van artikels • Skep van en skakel met ’n netwerk kontakte vir hulp met navorsing vir berigte/ artikels • Kan gevra word om bladuitleg en ander produksieverwante take te doen, foto’s te neem en inhoud vir aanlyn- en ander media te skep • Moet bereid wees om ongereelde ure te werk ..

VAARDIGHEDE BENODIG: • Vlot skryf in die tale benodig deur die publikasie • Kreatiwiteit • Werk onder uiterste druk en by streng spertye bly • Goeie tydsbestuur en die vermoë om aandag aan verskeie gebeure te skenk • Goeie nuussin • Fokus op besonderhede en gehalte • Goeie menseverhoudings • Goeie besluitnemingsvermoëns • Deursettingsvermoëns • Luister- en bevraagtekensvermoëns • Kan onafhanklik werk • Inisiatief ..

VEREISTES: • Diploma of graad in Joernalistiek, Tale of Mediastudies • Ervaring in skryf vir ’n koerant of tydskrif • Goeie algemene kennis en kennis van die publikasie se teikenmark • Plaaslike kennis en kennis oor sake van die dag • Geldige rybewys, eie motor en selfoon • Relevante rekenaarvaardighede • ’n Passie vir media, kennis en sake van die dag. ..

Indien jy aan die bogemelde vereistes voldoen en graag deel van hierdie span wil wees, doen gerus aansoek by www.media24.com/careers of https://media24.simplify.hr/vacancy/r8tku2 ..

SLUITINGSDATUM: Vrydag 13 Maart 2020 ..

Indien u nie binne 14 dae na sluiting van aansoeke van ons gehoor het nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol Die maatskappy behou die reg om nie die vakature te vul nie. Ingevolge die gelyke indiensnemingsbeleid van Media24, sal gepaste kandidate van die aangewese groepe voorkeur geniet. J0ERNALIS-DB030320



The Western Cape Schoolgirls’ Hockey Challenge 2020 gets under way in March and once again, we’re showing our support for the community as the official sponsor. All Western Province and Boland matches will be played from 07h30 on 15 March at DF Malan, Stellenberg, Bellville and Durbanville High Schools, with the finals at 16h40 at DF Malan.

Join us in supporting your local schools!

Sport Page 16 | Woensdag, 4 Maart 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: sport@tygerburger.co.za www.tygerburger.co.za

TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518


No (S)pain, no gain EARL HAUPT @earlhaupt


uan Theart (17) from Parklands will be travelling to Spain later this year to take part in the Salou Cup from Saturday 27 June to Tuesday 30 June. Currently in Grade 12 at Blouberg International School, he hopes to be scouted and selected by a top European club. “My goal for next year is to try and get scouted, if not by one of the international teams, then a professional local team, to play professional football. I will let God lead the way,” he says. Nuan, who plays for Maitland-based club FN Rangers (FNR), was selected for a regional team after attending a two-day trial where boys from all over Cape Town came to try out. Nuan also received the top goalkeeper award at the u.20 Ikapa Tournament in December last year, a tournament where his FNR u.18 team also finished runners up. He also received the coaches award last season from Kyle Januarie of the senior first team at FNR, which Nuan says was a humbling experience.

“It shows how hard I have been working towards my goals. Being a goalkeeper is a specialised position. I can’t imagine the feeling of walking onto the field in the Salou Cup in Barcelona, representing our country as goal keeper for the team. It is a dream I had for many years. It would mean the world to me, and if I get scouted for an international scholarship to play for an international team, that would be like a dream come true,” he says. But before jetting off to Spain, Nuan will be lacing his boots up for the Bayhill Premier Cup in Belhar next month after he helped FNR’s u.19 team qualify for the annual showpiece for the first time in the club’s history. “Nuan has been working extremely hard to develop his skills with the help of all his awesome coaches and club. Nuan has been working extremely hard with fundraising to cover the expenses of this trip. “Well done Nuan. Don’t ever stop believing in your dreams. Hard work always pays off,” says his mother Cresna. V Should you wish to assist in helping Nuan’s dream come true through or for more info, contact Cresna Theart via email: gctheart@gmail.com

Nuan Theart with the awards he won last year.

Tyd loop uit vir inskrywings Drawwers wat op 21 Maart hul tekkies wil aantrek vir deelname aan die grootste padwedloop in die noordelike voorstede, die TygerRun/Walk, sal moet spring aangesien inskrywings binnekort sluit. Die TygerRun/Walk word vanjaar vir die negende agtereenvolgende jaar aangebied in samewerking met Radio Tygerberg 104FM, TygerBurger en die Tygervallei-winkelsentrum. Die Saterdag van die wedloop is die eerste dag van die skoolvakansie en die verwagting is dat ’n rekordgetal drawwers by die Tygervallei-winkelsentrum gaan opdaag. Deelnemers kan kies uit ’n 21,1 kmhalfmarathon, ’n 10 km-draf en ’n 6 kmpretstap vir die hele gesin. Discovery Vitality-lede verdien bonuspunte vir deelname, met alle tye wat elektronies gemeet word. Vanjaar se nie-winsgewende organisasie wat baatvind uit ’n gedeelte van die

inskrywingsgeld, is die Cape Town Drug Counseling Centre. Hierdie sentrum bied ’n buitepasiëntprogram waaraan pasiënte van alle ouderdomme en hul families kan deelneem. Voornemende deelnemers kan aanlyn inskryf by www.topevents.co.za voor of op Vrydag 13 Maart of ’n inskrywingsvorm voltooi by enige van die Sportsman’s Warehouse-takke: Canal Walkwinkelsentrum, Rondebosch, Seepunt, Somerset-Wes, Tokai, die Weskus en by Tygervallei. Vir jou gerief kan jy selfs jou inskrywingsvorm by die inligtingstoonbanke of sentrumbestuur in Tygervalleiwinkelsentrum afhaal. Registrasie en die afhaal van nommers vind plaas op Vrydag 20 Maart tussen 09:00 en 18:00 in die kos-arena by Tygervallei-winkelsentrum, asook by bogenoemde Sportsman’s Warehouse-takke. Geen inskrywings word by registrasie op die dag van die wedloop aanvaar nie.

Skokoorwinning vir Bellville Bellville se skokoorwinning oor Durbanville en dubbelloop-seges vir Tygerberg-klub en Kraaifontein was van die glanspunte in die afgelope naweek se krieketwedstryde in die WP se topligas. In Saterdag se eerste van twee reekse wedstryde het Bellville (228/8) ’n yslike verrassing teen Durbanville (168) gelewer en daarmee dalk net die Durbies se aanspraak op die titel finaal gekelder. Marcus Fourie (67) was Bellville se groot steunpilaar. In ander Premierliga-wedstryde is Brackenfell en die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK) groot dragte slae uitgedeel deur onderskeidelik Kaapstad en Rondebosch. In Saterdag se eersteligawedstryde was Milnerton (189/8) te sterk vir Edgemead (116), terwyl Tygerberg-klub (190/9) die meerdere was van Groenpunt (156). Kraaifontein (198/5) het Gugulethu (181) geklop en Kuilsrivier (108/4) het ’n lustelose

Noordelikes-Goodwood (107) oorrompel. Craig Ephraim (41 en 3/29) het ’n sleutelrol in Kraaifontein se oorwinning gespeel, terwyl Peter Cyster (4/17) en Heathcliffe du Plooy (47) grootliks bygedra het tot Kuilsrivier se sege. Sondag het sake veel beter verloop vir die vier Tygerbergse spanne in die Premierliga. Durbanville (185) het deurgeskuur teen Claremont (172) en UWK (204/9) het Victoria (94) gelooi. Brackenfell (230) was gans te sterk vir Strandfontein (128), terwyl Bellville (244/7) naelskraap met die laaste bal van die wedstryd deur WP-klub (245/7) getroef is. In die eerste liga het Kraaifontein (113) teen Noordelikes-Goodwood (97) gewen en so ook Tygerberg (118/2) teen Kuilsrivier (115), maar Milnerton (219) het vasgeval teen Groenpunt (257). Edgemead (74) het ook in duie gestort teen United (75/0). – Sarel Burger


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