TygerBurger Milnerton - 23 September 2020

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Woensdag, 23 September 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




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To mow or not to mow? Open fields and parks in Table View and Milnerton are blooming with spring flowers. INSERT: The City of Cape Town has since mowed open fields across the City. PHOTOS: COLIN BROWN

KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels


t’s spring! Flowers should be allowed to bloom naturally.” These are the words of a resident who feels that the burst of floral growth in the Table View and Milnerton areas should not be mowed. Residents lashed out at City of Cape Town mowers, when spring flowers were mowed in open fields and in parks. Alta Cornelius said she was shocked to see most of the flowers cut at her nearby park. “I went out for a walk with my dog just to see that all the beautiful flowers were gone. Flowers should be left alone! Now we have dull parks and fields for the spring season,” Cornelius said. Other residents on social media claim that mowing is necessary as most mistake flo­wers for weeds. “The City mowed these supposed flowers because it is not really flowers. They City is

just doing their job to mow the weeds away,” a post on Facebook reads. The City’s Mayco member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien, said every spring brings forth an explosion of annuals and perennials which germinate in the wet soil as the weather warms up. “Mowing causes contention as residents on either side of the hedge flood us with numerous requests for parks to be both mowed and left to flower. “Many residents and visitors to the areas where the flowers occur contend that they should be left untouched and not mowed until the seeds have ripened and dropped. “Some of these are remnants of indigenous fynbos, renosterbos and strandveld, which can transform open spaces into Namaqualand-type flower shows. “Other vegetation making their appearance include weed grasses such as common wild oats and broadleaf weeds such as Patterson’s curse. “These weeds quickly push their flower

heads upwards and reach 1,5 metres high, even within a matter of days after being mowed,” Badroodien said. Badroodien added the City has more than 6 461 hectares of land to be mowed. He explained, “There are many open areas throughout the city, including identified biodiversity areas or nature sensitive areas, where mowing does not take place. “Despite these challenges, all efforts are being made to keep our parks and sidewalks tidy and properly maintained, while at the same time satisfying the nature lovers and those keen on the new spring buds.” The City pointed out the following parks where mowing does not take place: . Surrey Park, Claremont After being mowed for many years, this park lost much of its indigenous vegetation. A few years ago, the mowing schedule was adjusted and the park was left to flourish during spring. Mowing does not take place from August to December, and a fence has been erected to protect the biodiversity area.

. Panorama, Valmary Park in Durbanville. The indigenous Beetle Lily (Baeometra uniflora), is part of the bulbs and shrubs found in this public open space. Remnants of the critically endangered Swartland Shale Renosterveld are found at this site and numerous bulbs and flowers appear from August to October when mowing does not take place. . Rondebosch East Common Conserva­tion Area The Rondebosch East Common Conservation Area is a popular recreational space for various users from nature lovers and runners to dog walkers. It is also one of the most important conservation areas for wildlife and biodiversity within Cape Town’s Southern Suburbs. Residents are also encouraged to be actively involved and submit motivations for areas where the City should suspend grass cutting for nature conservation. Send email to Enquiries@capetown.gov.za.



Publisher: TygerBurger is published by WP Media, a subsidiary of Media24 Distribution: A total of 18 688 copies of TygerBurger Milnerton are distributed every Wednesday in the following areas: Brooklyn, Milnerton, Milnerton Ridge, Montague Gardens, Royal Ascot, Rugby, Sanddrift, Summer Greens, Tijgerhof, Wingfield, Woodbridge Island, Ysterplaat, Century City and Phoenix. TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119 For any distribution complaints phone ( 021 910 6500 or e-mail: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za Contact us: Editor: Cecilia Hume cecilia@media24.com Journalist: Kailin Daniels Kailin.Daniels@media24.com Advertising Manager: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Ruveshni.Poonsamy@media24.com Advertising representative: Fahima Abrahams ( 021 910 6541 Fahima.Abrahams@media24.com Classifieds: ( 087 353 1329 www.tygerburger.co.za Properties: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Alexandra.fortuin@media24.co.za Corrections: According to the editorial policy of TygerBurger we invite readers to comment about the newspaper's contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24's Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com, or call him on 021 851 3232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman, Pippa Green. In that case, please phone ( 011 484 3612/8, send a fax to ( 011 484 3619 or e-mail to khanyim@ombudsman.org.za or pippag@ombudsman.org.za

Golf day held to aid centre With its annual golf day on Friday 13 November at Durbanville Golf Club, Andries Olivier Durbanville Quadriplegic Centre hopes to raise much-needed funds. The entry fee last year of R2 200 has been lowered to R2 000 to accommodate everyone who has been affected in various ways by the Covid-19 pandemic, says Rosabelle Riese, coordinator of the golf day. “We have all become anxious for the future, but we are exploring ways and means of overcoming our present situation,” she says. With their focus on their golf day now, Andries Olivier Durbanville Quadriplegic Centre is still pursuing this much-needed fundraiser. “We therefore humbly request that you consider supporting our golf day,” Riese says. The centre is managed by 12 residents, who have to raise the necessary funds to sustain it. The funds raised by the golf day will go towards the monthly shortfall. The golf day will take place in the format of a 4BBB Stableford. The tee off is from 11:30. V Contact Rosabelle on 072 521 1160 or 021 975 5459 or riese2608@gmail.com to book.

Meals on Wheels AGM The Brooklyn Meals on Wheels will be holding their annual meeting on Saturday 12 October. The meeting will be held at 10 Palmetto Close in Brooklyn at 11:00. For more information, send an email to Suzette Kirsten at frkirsten@telkomsa.net.

Find us online www.tygerburger.co.za facebook.com/Tygerburger twitter.com/tygerburger(@TygerBurger) youtube.com/tygerburgerweb issuu.com/tygerburgerweb

TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518


Woensdag, 23 September 2020

Aksieplan kom om sake te red DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


Program om sake-ondernemings in Kaapstad te red, is verlede week van stapel gestuur en opnames by ondernemings in nywerheidsgebiede in Brackenfell, Bellville en Parow gaan gedoen word. “In ’n poging om ondernemings te help om van die impak van inperking te herstel, werk ek onverpoos saam met my amptenare by die Stad se departement ondernemings en investering om te verseker dat plaaslike ondernemings nie sluit nie, maar eerder groei,” sê James Vos, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir ekonomiese geleenthede in die Stad Kaapstad. Die departement volg ’n tweeledige benadering om sake-behoud en -uitbreiding in Kaapstad te help verseker. Die eerste benadering behels opnames by ondernemings in elk van Kaapstad se 26 nywerheidsgebiede. “Dié program is ’n gemeenskapsgeborgde inisiatief en behels ’n plaaslike taakspan van gemeenskapsvrywilligers wat onderhoude by ondernemings gaan voer om onder meer vas te stel wat hul huidige behoeftes, kommer, voorstelle en persepsies is,” verduidelik hy. “Die idee is om na kwessies te kyk wat binne ons (Stad Kaapstad) beheer is, en wat die groei van ondernemings belemmer. “Die voordele hiervan is dat ons dringende sake in die kort termyn kan identifiseer wat sake in die wiele ry, en waaraan ons dan binne ons mandaat kan aandag skenk.” Die opname sal dan in die langer termyn help om meer sistemiese kwessies te identifiseer wat aandag moet kry. Vos beoog om ná die opname aksieplanne in werking te stel om struikelblokke op te los en geleenthede te identifiseer. Die program sal aanvanklik, en weens personeeltekorte en begrotingsbeperkings, in drie gebiede bekend gestel word. “Ons moet aan die gang kom, al is dit net in drie gebiede; dit is beter as om niks te doen nie, en ons hoop om die program so gou as moontlik in nog baie ander gebiede in werking te stel,” sy hy. Die eerste opnames behoort teen die einde van September afgehandel te wees, waarna die ontleding aan die begin van Oktober gedoen sal word. “Ons verwag om teen die einde van Oktober al aksieplanne opgestel te hê.” “Die getal ondernemings wat ons sal kan help, sal bekend wees sodra ons die opname gedoen, dit ontleed en geïdentifiseer het waarmee die Stad binne sy magte kan help,” sê hy. Die tweede benadering behels die identifisering van en bystand aan sakeondernemings wat tans swaarkry. Die doelwit van die sakesteunprogram is om ondernemings te help om uitdagings soos afname in winste, verkope of kontant-

vloei aan te pak. “Hiermee wil ons help om moontlike likwidasie, sluiting of werksverliese te voorkom.” Dié program, in samewerking met Produktiwiteit SA (PSA), gaan fokus op ondernemings wat swaarkry en sukkel om met hul munisipale diensterekeninge by te bly. “Die departement het reeds ’n lys aangevra van ondernemings wat al langer as drie maande agterstallig is, en sal hulle nooi om aansoek te doen. “Dit is egter nie eksklusief nie en ander ondernemings kan ook aansoek doen,” sê Vos. Indien die aansoek stawend is, sal die geval aan PSA oorhandig word vir die assessering van die onderneming wat betref finansies en sakebedrywighede. “’n Omvattende sake-ontleding en ’n werkplan sal daarna volg, en indien haalbaar, sal die werkplan met sake-ontwikkelingsagentskappe bespreek word om te sien hoe hulle die regruk van die onderneming kan ondersteun, of anders sal die Stad opsies vir toepaslike betaalreëlings oorweeg,” sê hy.

Sakekamer verheug Phillip van Zijl, bestuurslid van die Tygerberg-sakekamer, sê dis verblydend dat die Stad so ’n inisiatief van stapel stuur. “Maar, die akkurate identifisering van ondernemings wat negatief deur die inperking geraak is, en wat die potensiaal het om te herstel en werksgeleenthede te behou, is noodsaaklik,” sê hy. “Werkskepping is natuurlik nou baie belangrik en dus behoort dit ’n belangrike deel van die strategie te wees om die ondernemings te identifiseer wat die potensiaal het om vinnig en doeltreffend nuwe werksgeleenthede te skep.” Volgens Van Zijl was baie ondernemings reeds onder druk weens ’n swak ekonomie voor die Covid-19-inperking. “Die betaling of nie-betaling van munisipale rekeninge is een van die gevolge van sukkelende ondernemings. “Water is ’n komponent hiervan, waaroor die eienaars van ondernemings vrae vra,” sê hy. “Die watertariewe het drasties tydens die droogte gestyg. Waarom sak dit nie nou ná ’n goeie reënseisoen nie?” Hy voeg by dat plaaslike ondernemings wat afhanklik is van internasionale toerisme seker dié sektor is wat die hardste getref is en die meeste hulp benodig om te oorleef tot daar weer ’n invloei van buitelandse toeriste is. “Ons het die potensiaal om in SuidAfrika byna enigiets te vervaardig, maar ons voer ’n magdom goed in. Ons beroep is op verbruikers en ondernemings om plaaslike ondernemings te ondersteun.” V Ondernemings kan aansoekvorms bekom om aansoek te doen om deel te wees van hierdie program per e-pos na die Stad se sakehub (Business Hub) by business.support@capetown.gov.za.

Woensdag, 23 September 2020


Eleven injured in collision KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels A taxi and a car collided in Table View last Wednesday 16 September, leaving eleven people injured. The cause of the collision which took place at the Blaauwberg and Jansens Avenue intersection is still unknown. According to ER24’s communications officer, Russel Meiring, ER24 paramedics were on the scene at 07:42 and found the light motor vehicle in the middle of the road while the taxi had come to a stop against a palisade fence. “Medics assessed the patients and found that 11 people, including a pregnant woman and nine-year-old boy, had sustained

Eleven people were left injured after a taxi and a car collided in Table View last week. PHOTO: LAURA OUTHET

minor to moderate injuries. Fortunately, no severe injuries were discovered. The patients were treated and thereafter transported to nearby hospitals,” Meiring said. A bystander, Alice Solomon, who is a resident in Table View, said she was standing at the MyCiti bus stop when the accident happened. “I heard a loud crash and screaming. All I was thinking about is the poor people who got injured. People should be very careful at that intersection,” Solomon said. Local authorities were on the scene for further investigations, Meiring said. The Milnerton police did not respond to TygerBurger’s query at the time of going to print.

Power outage causes mayhem KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels


esidents in Milnerton spent hours last week waiting for word on electricity restoration. This after an unplanned cable fault affected parts of Milnerton on Wednesday 16 September, leaving residents without electricity for most of the day. Residents in Oleander, Ascot, Mimosa Streets and surrounds who are working from home due to Covid-19, were left without a way to power their computers. Lionie April, a resident, said the power outages have a negative impact on their household necessities – from keeping their groceries fresh to streaming entertainment are being threatened by the interruptions in service. “Working from home has not always been easy and the power outages are putting a lot of strain on me. The company does understand when it is load shedding. If we have a cable theft problem, more needs to be done to secure the electricity supply,” April said. Phindile Maxiti, the City’s Mayco member for energy and climate change, said that a number of areas across the metro experi-

enced planned and unplanned outages last week in the Milnerton area at 11:10 on 16 September. “Area outages might take longer to restore as the stormy weather experienced this week and last week continued to cause a number of area outages by impacting on electricity infrastructure. Covid-19 regulations also continue to have an impact on operations. City teams do everything in their power to attend to outages in the shortest possible time. Please note, some areas of Milnerton are supplied directly by Eskom. Please also contact them where applicable,” Maxiti said. Another resident, Jo-Anne Adams, said their electricity bills have increased during the lockdown period. Adams added, “I have noticed that I pay more for electricity than I’ve had in years and this is currently being looked into. We are taxpaying residents, with most still working from home. I’m not saying that unplanned outages is something the City should fix overnight, but communication should at least be there.” The City dispatched a team to the site last week to restore the cable fault.

Airport preps for foreign travelers HEARING AIDS Getting ready to receive international travellers when our borders open on 1 October, new thermal screening camera devices at Cape Town International Airport (CTIA) are currently being tested as a contactless way of screening those entering the airport. “The relaxation of restrictions on international travel, and the certainty that borders will open on 1 October, is a welcome relief to the tourism and hospitality industry who have been hard-hit by restrictions,” said provincial finance minister David Maynier during a visit to the airport. “This industry is dependent on international travellers who contribute significantly to these sectors in the Western Cape.” Since the recommencement of inter-provincial leisure travel in August 2020, domestic flights to and from Cape Town have seen a considerable increase with the three airlines currently serving the CTIA, providing a combined frequency of 314 domestic flights a week. CTIA general manager, Deon Cloete, said, “We see an average of 50 flights a day operate from the airport, with Friday being our busiest day. This is significantly stepped up since we first opened our doors in June under alert level 3 conditions where there were only six flights a day.” Maynier said the thermal cameras can potentially assist to track the temperature of high volumes of meeters and greeters walking through the airport terminals. Cloete added that CTIA has worked hard to ensure that the airport is able to safely facilitate passengers.





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Woensdag, 23 September 2020

Owls at home in Monte Vista RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj


ost people keep dogs, cats, hamsters and now and then a bunny as pets. In Monte Vista, however, one family has taken it upon themselves to care for a family of spotted eagle owls. The owls moved into the trees near the house belonging to Michéle Steyn’s mother. She told TygerBurger that the birds of prey had just moved in, and started breeding. “We noticed the adult owls about two and a half, three years ago. They were usually in the road or on the roof, but we did not realise that they were living in a tree overhanging my mother’s property. “It was only last year August or September when we noticed an owlet perched on the boundary wall. It just sat there for about five days. That is when we started to do some

research and tried to find experts who could help us identify the owls, and who could give us information on their behaviour, and if it was normal for an owlet to be exposed like that for days. We were quite concerned for its safety,” Michéle explains. The owls are indigenous to South Africa and quite common in the area. “Shortly thereafter, we found another owlet, and then discovered that they were living in the neighbouring tree. I found someone who could assist us with ensuring that the owls were safe and comfy. He is called ‘Mike the Owl Box Man’. “We asked him to install an owl box for the owls close to the tree, but they prefer the tree. They have not moved into the owl box. “We kept a close eye on the babies and the parents, and watched them grow into adults, until they

A young spotted eagle owl is one of the raptors staying in a tree near a house in Monte Vista

relocated. We are not sure if it was the parents or the younger two who moved, but according to Mike, this is normal behaviour. One pair will normally remain on a property, and the younger ones will move on. Pairs form life-long bonds with each other,” Michéle says. The family were at that time already very aware that rat poison could become a problem, so they decided to that they would provide a few rats or mice per week to the animals. “We would buy the frozen rats from the pet-shop, and throw it on the roof near the owl box. The owls really appreciated the little snack.” August this year, they were pleasantly surprised when they saw another owlet perching on the boundary wall, in the exact same spot as his older sibling last year. “Upon investigating, we discovered that there was another owlet. Again, two new owls to bless us with their presence. “Unfortunately, the pet-shop had a shortage of frozen mice, so we were unable to provide the owls with their regular snack once in a while, and this was when tragedy struck.” Last week Michéle noticed that the female was perched on the bird bath in the garden. “This was quite unusual. They have ventured into the garden and sat in the plants, but not very often, and not for so long. I kept an eye on the owl, but at one point I realised that something was wrong and attempted to approach her. She had passed away.” Michéle again contacted the expert to assist. “He suggested that I wrap her up and freeze her, so that he can get her to the vets for an autopsy,” she

An adult spotted eagle owl in one of the trees. explains. The family suspect rat poison to be the cause of death. “This poison acts dreadfully on the animal as it slowly dries them up from the inside, and they would then seek out any water source. My heart breaks every night as I lie in bed and I hear

how the male is looking for the female. We love these raptors dearly, and feel extremely blessed by their presence.My plea to people is to please not use any form of poison. It is not only for the sake of these lovely animals, but for your own pets as well,” Michéle says.

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Woensdag, 23 September 2020



Memorial bench ‘removed’ KAILIN DANIELS

wobbly and has just broken my heart even more now,” Giles said. Giles told TygerBurger that the contact fter the tragic loss of her partner, a Ta- details for the manufacturer of the bench, ble View resident was shocked to dis- as well as the name of their running club, cover that a memorial bench to hon- were both visible on the bench. She said the our him had been moved. resident who moved it, should have contactAccording to Jacqui Giles, the memorial ed her. bench for her late partner had been moved After posting her story on social media, without warning by a resident in the area. the resident, Robert Walton, who moved the Giles lost her partner in July and donated bench, made contact with her. a memorial bench to Gull Park in Blouberg“He advised that the neighbours seemed strand as this was a special location for him. to have a problem with it and as they are “I am just heartbroken. My boyfriend rate payers, they decided to move it. He passed away and we placed a bench at Gull thinks its beautiful, a lovely gesture, a great Park as this was and is our running club’s product and the parents in the area will all favourite hill training route off Perlemoen enjoy it while kids are in the park. I tried Drive. I got approval from the council to to explain the meaning behind it all, which place the bench exactly where we did, only has now just been lost,” Giles said. to now find that someone has gone to exWalton, who removed the bench, said it treme lengths to dig it out of the ground was against City of Cape Town bylaws. where it was cemented in and moved it into “She is not providing the full set of facts. the park. It now stands there unsupported, The bench in question was not placed in the park, where it is supposed to be. It was placed on the road reserve. The right processes were not followed and action was taken. In any way, the City road rules state that no structures are allowed in the road reserves. She also didn’t consult us who live here across the park and the road reserve,” Walton said. He explained that the memorial bench was placed on the side of the road in the road reserve and became an eyesore to most residents. “If we allow one person to place a bench there, we are creating a precedent that everyone can place memorial benches on the side of the road. While I do have compassion for the loss of her partner, we cannot allow benches to be placed on sidewalks. All I did was to remove the bench from the Robert Walton, a resident in Bloubergstrand, removed the sidewalk and place it in the bench and placed it inside Gull Park. park. I did not damage it. They

Jacqui Giles celebrating the day the memorial bench was installed.



moved the bench back onto the road reserve,” he said. Giles said she received a response from the City, saying that there was an error in permission to place the bench on a road reserve. Zahid Badroodien, the City’s Mayco member for community services and health, said the department extends their sincere apologies to the resident and the community for the inconvenience caused over the incident of the memorial bench that was removed. “The department did not give any permission to anyone to move the bench, and would like to ask that residents contact the department should they have any issues related to recreation and parks in future. The memorial bench process of installation was conducted erroneously whereby permission was given to install the bench on a road reserve bordering the park. Our jurisdiction is the actual park, not a road reserve. The challenge we encountered regarding this incident is that we have no delegated authority over road reserves as this is another department, and they were unaware of the incorrect placement at the time,” Badroodien said. To rectify the situation, the process was conducted correctly, permission was granted and the bench installed in Gull Park under the jurisdiction of the department of recreation and parks.

Draft informal trading plan for Dunoon The City of Cape Town is inviting the community to comment on the proposed draft informal trading plan for Dunoon. Changes in trading dynamics have triggered the need to review the current informal trading plan in order to address some of the challenges and to create an enabling, supportive and well managed trading environment for all users of the public space. Resident have until Thursday 15 October to submit their comments. Grant Twigg, the City’s Mayco member for urban management, said the proposed changes will, among other things, address crime, provide bigger trading bays and most importantly, enhance the ability of traders to adhere to the Covid-19 safety reg-

ulations. “The City of Cape Town recognises the significance of the informal traders and its contribution to the economy and to poverty reduction. It also helps with the creation of employment opportunities that in turn contribute to the household income,” Twigg said. The effect of the trading plan is to provide dedicated informal trading opportunities and security of tenure for informal traders in the area. He added, “The City, through this public participation process, wants to put forward the best possible plan with input from the whole community for a sustainable and vibrant informal sector in order to create an environment that is conducive to the

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growth of businesses and the economy. It should also encourage cooperative partnerships and engagements to pull together collective resources to enhance the informal economic sector.” To view and comment on the draft informal trading plan, visit www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay. Residents are also urged to visit the subcouncil 3 offices in Milnerton from 08:00 until 15:00 on weekdays to comment. Comments can also be submitted to Shirley Alexander at 021 444 8309 or 073 522 2336 and via email at shirley.alexander@capetown.gov.za and Kwanda Lande at 021 44 7694 or 079 677 3317 and via email at kwanda.lande@capetown.gov.za.

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Woensdag, 23 September 2020

Flood kits for informal settlements T

he City of Cape Town has issued more than 10 100 flood kits to reduce the impact of flooding caused by heavy rains this winter season. These kits are distributed across the metro, but especially in more vulnerable areas such as informal settlements where residents have often settled in flood-prone areas or wetlands. Informal settlement in Dunoon and Joe Slovo had been flooded in recent weeks after being swamped by the heavy downpours. The City’s Mayco member for human settlements, Malusi Booi, said various City departments help residents by assisting with emergency materials such as flood kits and plastic sheeting, constructing ca-

nals to lead flood water away from affected areas where possible, and monitoring high risk priority areas on a daily basis. “Informality in accommodation is a common occurrence in Cape Town, and cities across South Africa, and is brought on by increased urbanisation. The associated intense demand for accommodation brings about a number of specific challenges, such as unplanned settlements that are located on flood-prone, lower lying areas or in wetlands or retention ponds. This is why the City continues to do its best to prevent the illegal occupation of land. Newly-invaded areas were the most flooded over the rainy season,” Booi said. However, the City said it does not have the resources to cater to newly formed set-

tlements, often immediately asking for services, at the expense of planned service provision. “The provision of services is especially difficult this year because of the Covid-19 crisis with the risks of virus spread and City staff thin on the ground attending to all manner of service requests. Work continues and City teams have worked nonstop over the past three months to assist residents, but we ask our residents and communities to help us by implementing some no cost tips to reduce the risk of flooding, such as reporting blocked drains and clearing gutters. Residents are also encouraged to make their own sandbags and dig furrows around their dwellings as a DIY drainage system. These are just some

of the ideas which our residents can use to empower themselves to protect against the risk of flooding. “Importantly, residents are urged not to illegally occupy wetlands, detention ponds, floodplains and other unsuitable land for habitation,” Booi said. The City pointed out the following guidelines to help reduce flood risks: . Clear out drainage systems on properties. . Raise the floor level of a structure so that it is higher than the natural ground level. . Make sandbags with a long-sleeved top filled with sand. . Dig trenches around the house to divert water away.

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Woensdag, 23 September 2020


NSRI despatched to save paddler T

wo paddlers requested the assistance of the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) in Table Bay after activating the emergency alert on their NSRI app on Sunday. Bruce Sandmann, NSRI training officer, said they were alerted by the NSRI emergency operations centre about the incident during an NSRI coxswains training course. “We diverted the NSRI Table Bay sea rescue craft Spirit of Day with myself and accompanied by trainee coxswains and we responded to the scene. On activating the emergency sequence on their NSRI RSA SafeTrx app, the two paddlers informed the NSRI emergency operations centre that one paddler had fallen out of his fishing kayak, which was heavy laden with water. The sec-

ond paddler was using his fishing-kayak in an attempt to tow the casualty fishing kayak while his friend was in the water holding onto the semi-submerged casualty fishing kayak,” Sandmann said. The paddlers had reportedly launched earlier at the Three Anchor Bay slipway. Due to heavy sea conditions, the one man had fallen out of his fishing kayak and was not able to re-board. “We immediately diverted to respond towards the location and NSRI Bakoven shore crew responded to Clifton to investigate from the shoreline. On the arrival of our sea rescue craft at their location both men were rescued onto the sea rescue craft and the two fishing kayaks were recovered,” Sandmann said.


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Table Bay NSRI was despatched on Sunday 20 September to save a paddler who had fallen off his kayak.





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Farewell attire needed Durbanville Children’s Home has 10 schoolleavers this year, who are, like many other matrics, missing out on their matric farewell due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, the matrics, of whom eight are

TygerBurger en Francois du Plessis-Selfverdediging bied 'n reeks aanlyn selfverdedigingswenke aan. Met hierdie reeks beoog die aanbieders en borge om geslagsgeweld hok te slaan. Elke week sal 'n nuwe video met nuwe wenke opgelaai word.

1. Sensitiewe areas van die aanvaller; 2. Die gevegsposisie en hoe om 'n effektiewe vuis te maak; 3. Verskillende houe teen sak: slaan, skop, knie en elmboog; 4. Basiese blokbewegings; 5. Wurg en vasgryp van voor en agter; 6. Arm vasgryp met een en beide hande; 7. Vasdruk op grond.

Video's gaan vanaf 28 September op TygerBurger se Facebook-blad gelaai word. Kliek op "Like" en deel die video gerus. Hou TygerBurger se Facebook-blad dop vir meer besonderhede oor toekomstige soortgelyke inisiatiewe.


Woensdag, 23 September 2020

girls and two boys, wish to dress up and go for a three-course meal at a restaurant. However, they are in need of formal dresses, suits, make-up, jewellery and hair accessories. They are not able to do this without the ongoing support of caring individuals and corporates. V Contact 021 975 6822 for banking details.

Woensdag, 23 September 2020





Charity locked down How you can help

Afrikaans ook deel van ons erfenis Daar staan dit toe verlede week lewensgroot in die koerant: Minnekoos (werkwoord). In hierdie dae waarin ons ’n fisieke afstand van mekaar moet handhaaf weens allerhande goggas in die lug, sal dit nogal lekker wees om iemand ’n slag te kan minnekoos. Of geminnekoos te word. Dit beteken om liefde te betoon deur aanraking soos streel, vashou of omhels. Dit het my laat dink aan die vele sogenaamde randwoorde in Afrikaans – woorde wat nie deel is van die kernwoordeskat van die taal nie. Vat nou maar woorde soos aapskeloeder, abbakaggel, beenbek of koekskoppie. ’n Mens hoor dit selde, maar dis deel van ons pragtige erfenis, ons Afrikaanse taal. Môre, Erfenisdag (24 September), kan ’n mens jou tereg afvra wat is mý erfenis. Ja, ek weet dis ook Braaidag, wat deel is van die grootste deel van Afrikaanssprekendes se erfenis. Ons pragtige Moedertaal klop dit egter verreweg. Tot vandag toe kon niemand nog vasstel presies hoeveel woorde daar in Afrikaans is nie. Niemand weet nie. Dis eintlik oneindig, want ons kan samestellings van samestellings maak, soos in “katkos”, “katkosfabriek”, “katkosfabriekswerkers” en “katkosfabriekswerkerlone”. Die moontlikhede is legio. Maar, die oulikheid van Afrikaans is dat ons kernwoordeskat, die woorde wat ons elke dag gebruik, uit tussen 5 000 en 10 000 woorde bestaan. Met 2 000 tot 4 000 woorde kan iemand wat Afrikaans as tweede taal aanleer al goed oor die weg kom. As dit jou Moedertaal is, ken en gebruik jy sowat 30 000 woorde. Maar terug na die voorbeelde hierbo genoem: Om te sê iemand is ’n aapskeloeder beteken hy is gemeen. Byvoorbeeld: Jy is ’n regte aapskeloeder om my honde met ’n kettie te skiet! ’n Abbakaggel is ’n skoorsteen wat buite teen die huis se muur gebou is. Beenbek is hoe ’n hoender in sommige streke genoem word en ’n koekskoppie is ’n cake lifter. Nog voorbeelde van randwoorde is “kriewelkop” vir ’n rustelose mens, “kykgraag” vir ’n nuuskierige mens, “muggiesifter” vir iemand wat op ’n kleingeestige manier hare kloof oor iets, “noktifobie”, vrees vir die nag, “pekelsonde”, ’n sonde waarvan ’n mens eers veel later die gevolge ondervind, of waarvoor iemand eers veel later gestraf word. Dit kan ook ’n slegte gewoonte wees. Afrikaans het uit sewentiende-eeuse Nederlands ontstaan, maar het ook talle leenwoorde uit ander tale opgeneem soos Frans, Engels en Maleis. Die Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal is blykbaar die grootste woordeboek in die wêreld met 400 000 trefwoorde. Dis oor ’n tydperk van 150 jaar opgeteken. Vandag reken die mense wat weet daar is baie naby aan 500 000 woorde in Afrikaans. Maar dan moet ’n mens natuurlik ook eers ’n definisie gee van wat ’n woord is. Tereg sing Amanda Strydom “Ek kan rock in my taal, ek maak amok in my taal en kan skok in my taal”. Dis wat die “nuwe” Afrikaners vandag doen – van Pofadder tot Perth. Ja, ek kan rock in my taal, die mooiste, mooiste taal, en dís my erfenis. – Werner van Tonder

Vat nou maar woorde soos aapskeloeder, abbakaggel, beenbek of koekskoppie. ’n Mens hoor dit selde, maar dis deel van ons pragtige erfenis, ons Afrikaanse taal.

As the Covid-19 crisis continues and many people are struggling to make ends meet, non-profit organisations (NPOs) and non-government organisations (NGOs) are trying to provide support to those that need it most. These organisations have lost most of their income from fundraising events and need your help to continue giving care. TygerBurger is making it easier for you to contribute responsibly by featuring accredited and/or legitimate organisations that will distribute your donation to the right people. To be featured here registered NPOs and NGOs or those with clear proof of their donations/activities can email a description of their service, NPO number (if applicable) and contact details to nielen.deklerk@tygerburger.co.za. Please include specific needs and a drop-off point, if possible. V Bella’s Guardian Angels is a non-profit animal rescue organisation based in Joostenbergvlakte. They need tins of Pamper food for kittens, as well as old newspapers, Domestos and washing powder. Donations can be dropped off at 35 Suikerbekkie W Street, Joostenbergvlakte.

Stealth mode: A local photographer in Milnerton captured this photo of a little green bird at the Milnerton Aquatic Club on Sunday, 20 September. The bird looked chuffed with a grasshopper for supper in its beak. Birds are starting to make their way back to the West Coast during spring. PHOTO: COLIN BROWN


V House of Thembiso, a safe haven for babies in Langeberg Ridge, is in need of baby goods for babies up to 12 months. They are in need of nappies size 0-4, baby shampoo, lotions and creams, unscented wetwipes, earbuds and cotton wool, Telament colic drops, Lactogen 1 & 2 formula, and Purity for ages 6-7 months. Email Dalene on info@thembiso.org.za or visit Medicare Okavango pharmacy to drop off any baby goods.

Stuur jou mening na briewe@tygerburger.co.za. Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Be part of the solution not the problem We have had wonderful rains recently. For some people living on the streets it was a real inconvenience because the rain wet their bedding. For those who had shelter, the rain was not such an inconvenience. For some it was a pleasure seeing the rain coming and watering the earth, then flowing into the stormwater system and into the sea. For some, the rain was harvested and used for lasting effect in irrigating, washing or other useful purposes. This is an example of something being part of a problem, not being such a problem, not being a particular solution, and being a distinct part of

the solution. We can also be part of the solution, or part of the problem. There are certain homeless people who come to my door. I remember one, in particular, to whom we gave some tins of food. He was clearly hungry, unlike some who have simply discarded what was given to them. This one went around the corner, sat down, and ate from the tins. Then I saw the following morning when taking a walk, that he had left the tins in the gutter. Suddenly I had become part of the problem because my tins were littering the neighbourhood. Why is it that beggars who constantly receive

Dié boetes is absurd Ek verwys na die berig “Take down sign or face fine” (TygerBurger, 16 September). Ek het nie ’n onderneming nie, maar ek vind die reëling baie onregverdig, heeltemal absurd. Daarin is verwys na ’n onderneming wat al 30 jaar lank sake doen en nou gedreig word. Daar word ook genoem dat die burgemeesterskomiteelid Marian Nieuwoudt sê dat alle gebiede

gemonitor word. Ek wil net weet of daar verskillende reëls vir verskillende gebiede is. Gaan kyk hoe lyk dit in Wallacedene by daardie ondernemings. Ek glo nie dat van daardie ondernemings eens belasting betaal nie, terwyl die ondernemings wat genoem word bydra tot die land en provinsie se ekonomie. Net my opinie. MARIUS NIEMAND E-pos

from the community, from shelters, or from clinics and other services, do not give back to society by cleaning the streets – being part of the solution – rather than littering, or any other adverse behaviour – being part of the problem? I love my country and it grieves me when anyone demonstrates a lack of love for our wonderful land. It is unfortunate that so many people simply litter, or are part of the problem in any other way. Let each of us choose to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. LES POWRIE Email

Waar is die kragopwekker? Graag wil ek aansluit by die brief van Moeggestaan (“Lisensies: staan moet jy staan”, TygerBurger, 2 September). Die Kraaifontein-munisipaliteit se lisensiekantoor het nie ’n kragopwekker nie, of dalk een wat nie werk nie? Twee weke gelede was daar beurtkrag vir twee uur. Ek het van 09:20 tot 13:00 tou gestaan. Kan hulle nie ’n kragopwekker bekostig nie? STEYN PRETORIUS E-pos

V The Community Chest of the Western Cape has already helped more than 10 000 individuals during lockdown and is hoping to help more. Visit www.comchest.org.za, call 021 424 3344 or 021 487 1500, or email info@comchest.org.za. V Masonic Home for quadriplegics and paraplegics in Durbanville is struggling with finances. They are selling kameeldoring wood to help sustain the centre’s disabled inhabitants. Wood costs R80 for a 20kg bag (bigger deliveries also possible). Call Raynard on079 739 8586 for wood. V Mes Cape Town is looking for blankets and warm clothing for the homeless they work with. Shoes (in small sizes and in good condition) are also much appreciated. Drop-offs can be made at their office in Davis Street, Bellville. V Temmers Training Academy in Milnerton provides food to the hungry. They also host a range of educational activities to children and families with no other support. They need the following items for parcels they then distribute: sugar, milk, fish in tins, lentils, rice, flour, oil, peanut butter, soap and toothpaste. Donations can be dropped off at 22 Pisces Road, Milnerton. Call Prudence Temmers on 065 990 4653. V The Brackenfell Kraaifontein Community Action Network (Bracken-Kraai CAN) distributes around 21 500 meals twice a week in Scottsdene, Wallacedene and Bloekombos. To assist email brackenfell.kraaifonteincan@gmail.com V Iris House Children’s Hospice in Bellville provides free care to special needs children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. Food, nappies and personal hygiene items are desperately needed. To donate email Sue van der Linde on sue@iris-house.org or call 021 910 1578 or 021 910 0539.

10 TYGERBURGER Milnerton


Woensdag, 23 September 2020

Woensdag, 23 September 2020


TYGERBURGER Milnerton 11

12 TYGERBURGER Milnerton


Woensdag, 23 September 2020


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Woensdag, 23 September 2020


TYGERBURGER Milnerton 13

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IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS Vrywaringskennisgewing by kwaksalweradvertensies TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hĂŞ nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewaarsku dat hulle die adverteerder se geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. Disclaimer at quackery advertisements TygerBurger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired effect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. TygerBurger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised.

14 TYGERBURGER Milnerton MAMA JEMIMA 068 247 5882 Do you have many ideas running through your mind? Please call or WhatsApp me and pay after work is done. From the experience I have got I have proved and confirmed it the cause of tears and sufferings are brought by the following: unemployment, drug abuse, unfaithfulness in love, fired at work, accident fund delay, pension day, bad luck, clean house from evil, jealous people, provident fund delay. Please call or WhatsApp 068 247 5882

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2de Handse Meubels. % 083 310 1081.


CASH FOR GOLD Beste pryse vir jou goue juweliersware (stukkend of heel), krugerrand, diamante ens. Johan 060 571 4580


Aandag. Kontant vir meubels, elektriese ware, yskaste,tvs, breekware,beddegoed,gordyne ens. Als moet in goeie werkende toestand wees. % Gerhard 073 517 1190

2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, elektriese ware, MEUBELS bv. beddens, sitkamerstelle, yskaste, TV's ens VIR HARDE KONTANT Tel: Johan 074 474 4275


Ek koop kombuisware, linne, ornamente, speelgoed,juweliersware, ou tydse goed. %Anita 082 963 8877

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All working Box TV's, Fridges/Washing machines/ Freezers & Beds. We Pay Cash & Collect. %WApp 084 664 4762 WE DO COLLECT DURING THE LOCKDOWN PERIOD Kontant vir klere, skoene, linne ens. Whatsapp of sms slegs. Loryn 084 857 7238


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2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, elektriese ware ens. VIR HARDE KONTANT Karen & Johan 0833051668


BOUPLANNE Billike fooie. Flink, kundige diens. Estetiese ontwerpe. MICHAAL DE JAGER 021 903 3407 083 601 8476 info@michaaldejager.co.za


Teken & ontwerp van nuwe huise & aanbouings. REG. MET SACAP. Skakel Riaan % 082 415 9696

Building Plans / Bouplanne Karel 021 981 4788 072 446 5054 www.lifestylearchitecture.co.za J & Q BOUPLANNE SACAP GEREGISTREER * Nuwe wonings * Alle Aanbouings Voltooide Planne binne 14 werksdae Gewaarborg Vir die beste pryse en gratis kwotasie. % 084 616 3603



ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRED ON SITE We repair appliances. Fridges, stoves, washing machines with guarantee and regas from R180. % Cathy/Francois 079 838 1851 All areas #1 AIR-CON & FRIDGE Services , Repairs,Installations,Fridges wanted. 021 945 1376/ 078 901 1594


A BAKKIE rubble, sand and stone. Ph 078 611 3627. ABILL BOUERS. NHBRC- gereg. Aanbouings, strukturele betonwerk, nuwe huise, afdakke & verfwerk. William 072 229 7619

Bouwerk, bou planne, Vibracrete walls, houses, raises, carports & Paving. We also supply all building materials. % Greg 067 092 2360 021 908 0012

Aircon & Appliances Repair: Fridges, Stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, Aircons, Dishwasher, ONSITE Repairs Contact Tiaan 021 917 1620 082 776 2393 ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRS, fridge,washing machines, tumble dryers, stoves, regas from R180. We buy broken fridges. Franco 076 966 4768 Fridges wanted Dead/Alive for Cash Phone 072 493 9332

EKSTRA GELD! Benodig 50 Avon Agente Ontvang gratis geskenk. Tel. 082 933 3986


CHESTFREEZERS & FRIDGES, dbl beds, tv's URGENTLY WANTED! (021) 911 3366 /083 377 7223


For fast, efficient, quality personal service Call Coenie 072 365 3622

Roofing Specialist Roof repairs, Waterproofing, Roof Cleaning & Painting, House Painting, Fascias, Gutters, Downpipes & Carports % 061 5022 191




DC STEELWORKS Sliding gates, palisade fencing, safety gates, burglar bars, etc. David 079 913 0618 DIE LAAGSTE PRYSE VIR * DIEFWERING * SPAANSE SKERMS * VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE * TRALIEWERK, ENS. "BYVOORBEELD"


BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS -rommel. Tel 079 025 9221 Building - Rubble Garden Refuse, Renovation, Garage junk, treefelling Call Martin 084 907 5513 RUBBLE REMOVAL

KIA BAKKIE For any type of Rubble and waste removal in all areas. % Natasha 062 993 9223

SWIMMING POOLS FRIDGE RE-GASSING (Labour + gas incl. R180) Call: 083 330 1625 *All jobs done at home!!! FRIDGES WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE WE COLLECT & CASH OFFERED. ALL AREAS Call 064 094 6286

ONSITE FRIDGE REPAIRS. ALL AREAS FREE QUOTES 064 094 6286 WE DO REPAIRS On all appliances. Regassing done on all types of fridges @ R180. 078 212 8078 3 months' guarantee!


Ek vervang stukkende riempies op stoele, banke ens. Vakmanskap van top gehalte. Vir kwaliteit en professionele werk kontak Derrick die Riempiesman op 083 270 3176.

%083 302 5559 021 948 9479 k.u. TERTIUS MACFARLANE GRATIS KWOTASIES

L & H Maintenance

Vir alle verfwerk, kleinbou projekte, daklekke, lê van houtvloere, loodgieterswerk, opsit van droëmuur konstruksies & knottypineplafonne. Opsit van JOJO tenke en installeer van gryswater stelsel. Gratis kwotasie % Louis 072 125 1288

PLETTENBERG BAY Beacon Island Hotel Holiday Accommodation, for two. Dates from Saturday 31st October to Saturday 7th November 2020. % 082 897 4641


GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars & bakkies. Ph 021 987 2277/ 082 558 4836 of email: vap777@telkomsa.net




SWEMBAD DIENSTE *Pompe *Filters *Lekke Tel: DJ 072 589 2802


Beste Pryse en Diens % 083 610 1211


#1 MEUBELVERVOER met persoonlike toesig. 021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684

A2B Afford-A-Move Owner supervised. Enclosed truck. Pierre 083 255 6148


ALL your motor vehicle repairs if you cant come to me, I will come to you. Call: 082 301 6618


Aanbod : Koop alle karre,bakkies en mikrobusse vir kontant Beste pryse word betaal Alle areas %Marius: 083 478 9121 084 346 8480


AFTREE-OORD DURBANVILLE TE HUUR 3 slpk en 2 badkamers. R8950 p.m Met siekebeog en alle diens verskaf Georgia 074 583 0712 Klaradyn Retirement Village 2 bed 1 bath grndflr apartment. R7600 pm. Over 55s only. No pets. Avlb 1 Nov. 2 mths rent as deposit. % 084 663 6844

LEGATO Aftreeoord Groot 2 Slpk huis, 2 bdk, gerieflike sit/eetkamer en braaikamer met d/mh. R13 000 p/m Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 083 352 9879


ONE STOP HANDYMAN For all Electrical/Plumbing and General repairs: Ph: CHRIS - 082 6611 943


KUILS RIVER, Sunbird Park, rooms avail. No children. Single R2000 incl., sharing R2500 incl. % 021 908 1250 / 072 255 7574

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Woensdag, 23 September 2020




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Woensdag, 23 September 2020


TYGERBURGER Milnerton 15

Nog g’n besluit oor wenner Nog g’n besluit oor wenner Woensdag, 23 September 2020




is reeds diep in September en dis steeds nie duidelik wie SAREL BURGER die WP se Premierliga-klubkrieketkompetisie aan die einde is reeds diep in September en van die gewen wie het dis vorige steeds somer nie duidelik nie. die WP se Premierliga-klubMet die voortydige krieketkompetisie aan opskorting die einde van die kompetisie in Maart weens van die vorige somer gewen het die nie.viruspandemie was daar ’n dispuut van Durbanville of Metoor diewie voortydige opskorting Rondebosch as die in kampioen vervan die kompetisie Maart weens klaar moes word. was daar ’n disdie viruspandemie Toe oor daarwie nievan tot ’n vergelyk gepuut Durbanville of kom kon word nie,kampioen is die aangeRondebosch as die verklaar moesuiteindelik word. leentheid na Krieket Toe daar nie tot ’n vergelyk geSuid-Afrika (KSA) verwys, maar kominstansie kon wordhet nie,blykbaar is die aangedié nog leentheid uiteindelik na Dié Krieket geen besluit geneem nie. toeSuid-Afrika (KSA) verwys, maar drag van sake is ongelukkig tekedié instansie blykbaar nog nend van die het haglike toestand geen besluit geneem nie. Dié toedrag van sake is ongelukkig tekenend van die haglike toestand

waarin die land se krieketadministrasie op die oomblik is. Die uitvoerende bestuur van KSA is tans behep met allerhande struwelinge waarin die land se krieketadminien binnegevegte met die oorkoepestrasie op die oomblik is. Die uitlende beheerliggaam, Suid-Afrivoerende bestuur van KSA is tans kaanse en behep metSportkonfederasie allerhande struwelinge Olimpiese Komitee (Saskok), wat en binnegevegte met die oorkoepetot gevolg het dat die KSA-bestuur lende beheerliggaam, Suid-Afriskynbaar nie aandag skenk aan die kaanse Sportkonfederasie en “mindere wat die WPOlimpiese probleem” Komitee (Saskok), wat unie vir hom is nie. tot gevolg het dat die KSA-bestuur Dit bring mee dat, terwyl eendie en skynbaar nie aandag skenk aan almal (in die WP) voorbereidings “mindere probleem” wat die WPwil tref vir die 2020/2021-souniebegin vir hom is nie. mer, steeds nie ’n kampiDitdaar bringnog mee dat, terwyl een en almal (invir die voorbereidings oenspan dieWP) vorige seisoen aanwil begin tref vir die 2020/2021-sogewys is nie. mer, steeds eensklaps nie ’n kampiToedaar sakenog in Maart tot oenspan vir die vorige seisoen aanstilstand geruk is – met ’n laaste gewysklubwedstryde is nie. reeks wat nog voor sake in Maart eensklaps dieToe beëindiging van die seisoen tot afstilstand geruk is – met ’n laaste reeks klubwedstryde wat nog voor die beëindiging van die seisoen af-

gehandel moes word – was Durbanville ’n kortkop voor Rondebosch op die punteleer. Maar Rondebosch het protes gehandel moes word – was Durbanaangeteken by die WP-unie oor die ville ’n kortkop voor Rondebosch uitslag van ’n vroeëre wedstryd op die punteleer. van Durbanville teen die VicMaar Rondebosch hetklub protes toria. WP Krieket wou nie ’n beaangeteken by die WP-unie oor die sluit hieroor neem nie en het die uitslag van ’n vroeëre wedstryd heleDurbanville aangeleentheid, gepaard met van teen die klub VicverslaeWP van die verskillende betoria. Krieket wou nie ’n betrokkenes, naneem Krieket sluit hieroor nieSuid-Afrika en het die gestuur vir ’n arbitrêre besluit. hele aangeleentheid, gepaard met Intussen daar nog geen aanverslae vanisdie verskillende beduiding wanneer amateurkrieket trokkenes, na Krieket Suid-Afrika (en daarmee klubkrieket) gestuur vir ’nook arbitrêre besluit.in Intussen is daar nog aandie komende somer in geen die Wesduiding amateurkrieket Kaap salwanneer kan begin nie. Daar is (en daarmee klubkrieket) sprake dat dieook eerste wedstryde in in die komende somer die maar WesDesember gespeel sal in word, Kaap kan begin kon nie.nie Daar is vroeërsal vandeesweek bevessprake dat die eerste wedstryde in tiging hiervoor verkry word nie. Desember gespeel sal word, maar vroeër vandeesweek kon nie bevestiging hiervoor verkry word nie.

Enter online chess tournament Enter online chess tournament Western Cape Chess Association is hosting an online Heritage Day fundraising tournament in supWestern Cape Chess Association port of thean Cancer of is hosting onlineAssociation Heritage Day South Africatournament (Cansa) WestinCoast fundraising supon Thursday 24 September. port of the Cancer Association of The Africa tournament have a South (Cansa)will West Coast guaranteed prize fund of R5 000 on Thursday 24 September. sponsored by Club Mykonos. The tournament will have a guaranteed prize fundevent of R5will 000 All proceeds of this sponsored be donatedbytoClub the Mykonos. Cansa West All proceeds Coast region. of this event will be“Western donated Cape to the Cansa West Chess is proud Coast region. to be associated with Cansa as “Western Cape is job proud they are doing a Chess sterling in to be associated with Cansa as they are doing a sterling job in

VERDIEN deeltyds R 8 000 pm En voltyds R15 000 pm Tracey 072 415 5695 021 910 0992/3

supporting families that are affected by cancer. As a Federation we decided that we will do a charsupporting families that are afity event support ofFederation cancer pafected by in cancer. As a tients. we decided that we will do a charof uspain ity“Cancer event inaffects supportmost of cancer society tients. and most of us had a family “Cancer member that hadmost beenof affected affects us in by the illness. society and most of us had a family “It member that had been is also during this affected time of by the illness. Covid-19 that Western Cape “It is also during this time of Chess decided that we would like Covid-19 that Western Cape to support an NGO that supports Chess decided wehighest would risk like people that arethat at the to support an NGO that supports of being potentially affected by people that are at the highest risk of being potentially affected by



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Notice is hereby given in terms of regulations 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No.T65452/2014 passed by THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN in favour of VIVIAN IVAN DAVIDS Identity Number 651112 5001 081 and JOHANNA DAVIDS Identity Number 610317 0173 088 in respect of Erf: 2883 SCOTTSDENE, in the City of Cape Town, Stellenbosch Division, Western Cape Province, which has been lost All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Cape Town within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated 15

at Cape Town September

this 2020

Applicant: Address C/O Mariam Cassim and Associates Attorneys 119 Monte Vista, Monte Vista Boulevard, GOODWOOD


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Run Series powered by Puma culminated with the Friday final run the The action of the 5KofSolo series, the Friday 5Kby Solo Runcul#5 Run Series powered Puma on Friday 18 September 2020. minated with the final run of the “Thethe Friday 5K 5K SoloSolo RunRun Series series, Friday #5 on Fridayby 18 Puma September powered has 2020. been the “The of Friday 5Kexcitement,” Solo Run Series source a lot of says powered by Puma has been the Dezroy Poole, director of Stillwater source Sports.of a lot of excitement,” says Dezroy director of Stillwater “We Poole, love that Fridays have beSports. come synonymous with runners “We love 5km that Fridays have becompleting runs while sportcome synonymous with runners completing 5km runs while sport-

Your City Series event T-shirts,” sheprevious adds. Last week’s sponsor Run prizing year’s turquoise es included a pairevent of stylish Puma Your City Series T-shirts,” UltraRide Running Shoes toprizthe she adds. Last week’s sponsor value of R2 000, a case of Coca-Cola, es included a pair of stylish Puma UltraRide Running Shoes Powerade/Powerade Zeroto the and value of R2water, 000, a case of Coca-Cola, Bonaqua a Covim Coffee Powerade/Powerade and Machine distributed Zero by Rialto Bonaqua water, a 500 Covim Coffee Foods, valued at R3 and an “ExMachine Rialto perience distributed Cape Town byPackage” Foods, R3 compliments 500 and an “Exworth valued over R1at000 of perience Cape Hotel Town Package” The President Cape Town. worth over R1 000 compliments of The President Hotel Cape Town.


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Friday 5K Solo Run Series concludes Friday Solo5KRun Series concludes The action of5K the Friday Solo ing previous year’s turquoise Run

NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT LAYING FOR INSPECTION Notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the Estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court and Magistrates Court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the Executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Late Estate of ABDULLA ALLIE PARKER, ID No. 440111 5105 08 8, date of death 2018/06/03 and surviving spouse NAJMONNIESA PARKER ID No. 501224 0115 08 9, date of birth 1950/12/24 from 11 Vuurpyl Crescent, Thornton, 7460. Province of the Western Cape, Master of The High Court Cape Town. Estate No. 012717/2018.


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TAAHIRA PRINSLOO OF E. GRAHAM ATTORNEYS 48 SEDGEHILL CRESCENT, WETTON, 7800 Email: taahirap @candourlegal.co.za Tel: 065 9633 517 AZISA PARKER Executrix 11 Vuurpyl Crescent Thornton




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per abuis omgeruil en het TygerBurger in die onderskrif by hierdie foto (“Knortjorre brul weer”) krediet aan die verkeerde fotograaf gegee. Hierdie Korreksie: In verlede week se uitgawe is diefoto, fotokrediet tweevan foto’s foto is geneem deur Abri de Bruin. Die ander wat deurby Danie den per omgeruil en het TygerBurger in die hierdie foto Bergabuis geneem is, is weens ’n tekort aan ruimte nieonderskrif gepubliseerbynie. TygerBurger (“Knortjorre brul weer”) krediet gegee. Hierdie vra om verskoning vir die fout.aan die verkeerde fotograaf FOTO: ABRI DE BRUIN foto is geneem deur Abri de Bruin. Die ander foto, wat deur Danie van den Berg geneem is, is weens ’n tekort aan ruimte nie gepubliseer nie. TygerBurger vra om verskoning vir die fout. FOTO: ABRI DE BRUIN


Benodig n vriendelik en eerlike persoon wat profesioneel lyk ten alle tye! (Matriek 'n vereiste) * Ma – Vry geen Naweke * Mark verwante salaris word aan gebied. * Rekenaar ondervinding sal in jou guns tel. * Opleiding word wel gegee. * Afrikaans en Engels is n vereiste. * Moet pos kan ASAP vul. * Mans en Dames welkom

Covid-19,” states spokesperson Ricardo Minnaar. Those at risk for major compliCovid-19,” states spokesperson cations Minnaar. from Covid-19 include Ricardo those who (particularly Those at are riskolder for major compliover agefrom 70) and those with uncations Covid-19 include derlying conditions such those whohealth are older (particularly as chronic cardioover age 70)lung and disease, those with unvascular health disease, diabetes, derlying conditions such as chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease,cardiohigh vascular disease, diabetes, blood pressure and cancer. chronic kidney disease, V For more information about thehigh tourblood cancer. namentpressure and how and to make donations V For more information the tourcontact Ricardo Minnaarabout via WhatsApp nament and546 how to make donations or call 081 2221. contact Ricardo Minnaar via WhatsApp or call 081 546 2221.

Korreksie: In verlede week se uitgawe is die fotokrediet by twee foto’s





TYGERBURGER Bellville 19




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Sport Page 16 | Woensdag, 23 September 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: sport@tygerburger.co.za www.tygerburger.co.za


Blitzboks take stock AVRIL FILLIES Quality family time, catching up on assignments, experiencing the traffic during peak hour and not being able to have contact sessions were all part of the “new normal” for the South African Sevens team, the Blitzboks, in Stellenbosch the past six months. With the country moving to level 1 from Monday 21 September, the squad will slowly but surely be moving back into full competitive mode with all Covid-19 protocols in place. TygerBurger spoke to some of the players at the ceremony when the team received their HSBC Sevens silver medals for finishing second in the World Series after New Zealand, after six tournaments, with four tournaments being cancelled due to the pandemic. “We arrived home from the American leg of the series, were immediately quarantined for 14 days and we all thought it was only going to be for three weeks. To our dismay, the days were extended and the other four tournaments

were cancelled while we were at home,” says Branco du Preez. The team was on a high after winning the inaugural Los Angeles leg of the series, with Du Preez winning the title with less than two minutes to spare. “What I’ve learned the past six months are that you as a human being can adjust to any situation and prioritise what is important to you. In the past you saw very little of your family as you were focussed on the next tournament. In between breaks it was always a ‘hi and goodbye’ when you visit family as you were always on the road,” Du Preez says. Besides training on his own he also handed out food parcels and food to residents in the Kraaifontein area as one of the sporting ambassadors for the Be the Difference Foundation in Kraaifontein. Meanwhile, Ryan Oosthuizen hit the books and finished his assignments for his LLB degree. “What the lockdown taught me was that you must accept things that you cannot change and move on. The cancellation of the last four

tournaments of the (World) Series put a hold on our preparation to try to close the gap on New Zealand and our preparation for the Olympics in Tokyo that was supposed to be held in July. Now we have to refocus on our preparation for next year and not being able to compete competitively in competitions is also a blow. We have to accept this new situation as all the teams on the circuit are in the same situation. Borders of countries are closed and everyone has to put structures and/or programmes in place to tide over the situation,” Oosthuizen says. Chris Dry spent some of his time during the lockdown on a farm and was doing other chores in and around his home. “People passing on due to Covid-19 during the lockdown forced me to take stock of my life and how to keep myself and others safe. With us moving to level 1, I am sure the management will slowly but surely implement contact sessions as I cannot remember what a rugby ball looks like or if I know how to handle the oval ball,” Dry says.

The Blitzboks have been training hard during their six-month hiatus brought on by the Covid-19 lockdown. Here are, from left: James Murphy, Sako Makata and Chris Dry. PHOTO: SANDILE ‘STIX’ NGCOBO


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