Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
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‘Increase’ of trucks on M12 RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj
he alleged increase in trucks on Giel Basson Drive (M12) has led to some unhappiness amongst residents. One resident, Johann Els, says the increase of heavy vehicles has been noted over the past two weeks as well as earlier in the year before the national lockdown period. “There has been an incredible increase in the volume of large trucks using the M12 section between the N1 and Burgundy Estate over the past two weeks. There are literally hundreds of trucks travelling this route daily – in fact at night through the curfew period, they were totally ignoring the curfew as well. “I would like to see the environmental impact study done before this road was built. Was allowance made for so many large trucks to travel this suburban road?” Els asks. He also wants to know if trucks are being diverted from the N7 onto the suburban road. It is suspected that the majority of the trucks make their way towards Atlantic Hills and the N7 highway where numerous construction and development projects are currently underway. The amount of trucks has also lead to an increase in noise pollution, the Plattekloof Glen resident says. Els indicated that he has contacted the City of Cape Town regarding the matter, but that he has not yet received a sufficient answer. Felicity Purchase, the Mayco member for transport, told TygerBurger that trucks are allowed to use the route. “It is important to note that the Contermanskloof and Durbanville Hills area between Vissershok and Tygerberg Valley Road is the main source of supply for construction materials in Cape Town. The area has various commercial quarries and each quarry also has a ready mix concrete plant. Thus, the roads leading in and out of this area carry a large number of construction vehicles on a daily basis,” Purchase says. Jandré Bakker, spokesperson for the provincial department of transport and public works, says it is inevitable that construction vehicles will travel where development ta-
kes place. “Unless a road specifically prohibits certain vehicles from using it, a road may be used by trucks and buses as well. Assessments are done by our roads branch and routine maintenance is planned accordin-
gly,” Bakker says. Ward councillor, Cheryl Visser, told TygerBurger that there had been complaints from all over regarding speeding motorists and motorcyclists on this road which endangers people lives as well as adds to the incre-
ase in noise levels. However, her office has only received one single complaint relating to the increase in heavy trucks on the M12. “There may be other complaints which have not yet been brought to my attention,” Visser says.
Helping Hand
After closing its doors for lockdown, the Tangram Restaurant of Durbanville Hills adapted their operations to serve as a packing and distribution location for food parcels. Pictured is Dirk Steyn, general manager of Tangram Restaurant, assisting with the packing of food parcels. The food gets delivered to organisations like SA Harvest and Mould Empower Serve (MES). This is then distributed to communities across Cape Town. Read more on page 10. PHOTO: CHARLES RUSSEL PHOTOGRAPHY
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Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Contact us Tell us what is happening in your area. Email or contact the following reporters for specific areas (listed according to TygerBurger editions):
Bellville, Tyger Valley Nielen de Klerk Brackenfell Desirée Rorke Durbanville, Tyger Valley Esmé Erasmus Eerste River Brenden Ruiter Goodwood, Elsies River Tarryn-Leigh Solomons Kraaifontein Thabang Kuaho
Mere hours after a dramatic shootout and second killing within a matter of days, the Bellville taxi rank was back to normal.
Three nabbed after taxi killings NIELEN DE KLERK
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ramatic scenes played off in Bellville on Monday 8 June during the latest in a spate of taxi-related crimes in the Western Cape. According to Brigadier Novela Potelwa, provincial police spokesperson, the situation unfolded in the morning when a man (60) was shot multiple times while sitting in his car. Two suspects fled from the scene and jumped into a waiting Toyota Avanza. Police gave chase and followed the vehicle into Boston where the suspects lost control of the vehicle and hit a wall. “The suspects abandoned their vehicle
and fled on foot. Police gave chase and three suspects aged 22, 22 and 23 were subsequently apprehended. Two firearms were found in their possession and one of the firearms was fully loaded.” It is believed the killing is directly related to another shooting incident which happened at the taxi rank last week. Potelwa said police deployment remains on high alert in the area, as well as in Mbekweni, Paarl. “A team of detectives from the police’s provincial office is investigating the case.” Col Thembelani Mahlatshana, acting station commander of the Bellville police station, commended the officers for the swift action. On Sunday 7 June, a day before the second
murder in Bellville, the provincial minister of transport and public works Bonginkosi Madikizela released a press statement on the increase of taxi-related murders over the past few weeks. He called on the leadership of the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) as well as the “mother-bodies”, Cata and Codeta, “to reign in their members and to identify those elements who are contributing to the crimes and violent conflict”. There have been 25 taxi-related murders and 11 cases of attempted murders in the province since January. The department will provide an independent mediator to facilitate talks between groups affiliated with Cata and Codeta, who are at the centre of the violence.
Moordsaak uitgestel weens Covid-19-geval RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj Die saak teen die twee verdagtes in die Jesse Hess-moordsaak is verlede week tot 10 Julie uitgestel weens die Covid-19-pandemie. Hess en haar oupa, Chris Lategan (85), is op Vrydag 30 Augustus by die Beaumontwoonstelle in Victoriastraat in Parow dood aangetref. Die 18-jarige was ten tyde van haar dood ’n eerstejaar-teologiestudent aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK). Die twee verdagtes, David van Boven en Tasliem Ambrose, was veronderstel om op Woensdag 3 Junie in die Bellville-landdroshof te verskyn. Van Boven is ’n familielid van die oorledene. Die aanklagte teen hulle sluit moord en roof in. Die saak is egter uitgestel nadat ’n
werknemer by die hof glo Chrispin Phiri, positief vir Covid-19 gewoordvoerder van die toets is. departement van justiKol. Adrian Pretorius, sie, het teen druktyd ondersoekbeampte vernog nie kommentaar bonde aan die polisie se oor die Covid-19-geval eenheid teen georganiby die hof gelewer nie. seerde misdaad, het aan Lede van die VereniTygerBurger bevestig die ging van Regsprekende saak is uitgestel weens ’n Beamptes van SuidCovid-19-geval by die hof. Afrika het wel verlede “Daar is nie veel meer Donderdag maskers, inligting oor die voorval sowel as handreiniger, met ons gedeel nie,” sê hy. aan hul kollegas by die Die twee verdagtes word Jesse Hess FOTO: FACEBOOK Kaapstad-landdroshof aangehou. oorhandig om reg oor Volgens Pretorius sou die saak verlede die land te versprei. week na die hooggeregshof in Kaapstad oorDié stap is geneem in ’n poging om die vergeplaas word. spreiding van die Covid-19-virus te stuit.
Brackenfell-leerder toets positief vir virus DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke ’n Matriekleerder aan die Hoërskool Brackenfell is na bewering positief getoets vir Covid-19. ’n Betroubare bron by die skool het bevestig dat die seun se ouers die skool op Donderdag (4 Junie) daarvan verwittig het. Die skool het teen Vrydag die amptelike toetsuitslae ontvang. “Die leerder het (verlede) Maandag skool toe gekom, maar geen simptome getoon nie,” sê die bron. Leerders word elke oggend voor hulle die perseel betree vir simptome geskandeer en hul koors word geneem. Volgens die bron het die leerder die volgende dag begin siek voel en nie verlede Woensdag skool toe gegaan nie. “Sy ouers het hom self vir ’n toets geneem en die skool in kennis gestel van die positiewe uitslag.” Die leerder herstel tans tuis in isolasie, waarna hy kan terugkeer skool toe. Volgens die bron moet die leerders wat in
direkte kontak (liggaamlike aanraking) met die seun was, ingevolge die provinsiale protokol, vir 14 dae tuis bly tydens die virus se inkubasietydperk. “Indien die leerders geen simptome toon nie, kan hulle terugkeer skool toe. Die leerders wat indirekte kontak met die seun gehad het, soos om langs hom in dieselfde klas te sit, kan voortgaan met klasbywoning. Die skool het leerders Donderdagoggend huis toe gestuur en die skool is ten volle gereinig vir klasse om Maandag voort te gaan. Die skool het verlede week by navraag gesê daar word streng by die provinsiale onderwysdepartement se protokol gehou. “Buiten skandering elke oggend word elke kind se hande sowat 11 keer per dag met ’n sanitasiemiddel gereinig. Die matriekgroep is in twee verdeel, en elke groep kom elke tweede dag skool toe. Daar is net 20 skoolbanke per klas en dit staan minstens 1,5 m uitmekaar,” het ’n woordvoerder van die skool gesê. By navraag het Kerry Mauchline, woordvoerder van die provinsiale onderwysminister, Debbie Schäfer, skriftelik bevestig
dat die departement nié die name van skole met bevestigde Covid-19 gevalle bekend gaan maak nie, maar wel sal ondersoek instel om te verseker dat die betrokke skool die Covid-19-protokol nakom. “Alhoewel ons begryp dat die publiek geregtig is om op hoogte te wees van die verwikkelinge in die provinsie, moet ons ook verseker dat inligting wat gegee word nie die vertroulikheid van ons personeel of leerders in die gedrang bring nie, en dat individuele skole nie gestigmatiseer word nie. “Ons personeel is onder genoeg spanning sonder dat hul individuele skole in die media genoem word, wat ook sal lei tot verdere navrae en ekstra druk,” het Schäfer in ’n mediaverklaring gesê. “Ouers en personeel by ’n skool het die reg om te weet van positiewe gevalle by die skool en daar word dus van skole verwag om personeel en ouers op hoogte te hou van die verwikkelinge met betrekking tot Covid-19 en die stappe wat gedoen is om hul veiligheid te verseker. Let egter daarop dat dié gevalle nie noodwendig by die skool opgedoen is nie, en die skool nie in gevaar is nie.”
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Support for children’s trust
Infection of health workers up RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj
he total number of health workers who have tested positive for Covid-19 in the Western Cape has increased by 525 in one week. As at Thursday 4 June, the number of infected health workers stood at 1 713 across the public and private health sectors since the start of the pandemic, says Mark van der Heever, a provincial health department spokesperson. A week before, the total number of health workers infected stood at 1 188 and eight deaths. Of the new amount 1 092 had recovered while 17 had lost their lives, Van der Hee-
ver says. The vast majority of the cases have been recorded in the public health sector in which 1 291 cases alone have been confirmed last week. Of these 83 are doctors, 727 are nurses and 481 are other health workers. A total of 763 individuals have recovered and 10 have passed away. Before the start of the weekend, there were 522 active cases in the public sector. “This constitutes 4% of the total health workforce,” Van der Heever says. Mediclinic Panorama last week reported that some of its health workers also had to self-isolate after being in contact with a patient who had tested positive for Covid-19.
Brackenfell crèche burns DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke A fire ravaged an educare centre in Brackenfell during the early morning hours of Monday 8 June, leaving behind devastating ruin. Brakanjan Educare in Jacaranda Ave-
nue, Protea Heights, apparantly caught fire at around 04:00 on Monday morning. Jermaine Carelse, City fire and rescue services spokesperson, says they received an emergency call at 04:10. “Brackenfell and Kraaifontein fire crews and a rescue vehicle from Strand were dispatched. The fire crew from Brackenfell had to cut through the se-
A source informed TygerBurger that 33 staff at the hospital were tested which was confirmed by the hospital. In a statement, it said that it had identified 33 high-risk healthcare workers who were immediately sent home to self-isolate for seven days. “They will all undergo Covid-19 symptom monitoring and testing prior to returning to work. To date, all staff members remain asymptomatic and we have received no positive test results,” Tertia Kruger, hospital spokesperson, says. The health department said in a statement on Friday that as we head toward the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in the province they continue to see their health system experiencing increased pressure.
curity gate to gain access to the fire,” says Carelse. “The administrative building and the contents therein were severely damaged. The remainder of the building sustained smoke and water damage.” The fire was extinguished at 05:20. According to Carelse no one was inside the building at the time of the incident. TygerBurger could not reach the owner of the centre for comment. The cause of the fire is not known at this stage.
The Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust says it has experienced overwhelming support for its child beneficiaries from the public, including from very poor communities and small companies. In a recent statement, the trust said in contradiction to this, very little high-level funding has been forthcoming to support the children’s needs. The hospital supports the health of more than half of the children in the Western Cape, says Jason Falken, chief executive. “The trust depends on the support from all sectors including the private sector, high net worth individuals and institutions through funding, partnerships and donations, in order to help make an impact on the lives of the child patients at the Tygerberg Hospital.” The trust also recently received support from its patron, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. V Visit
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Drugs and a gun found in Ravensmead The Ravensmead Crime Prevention Unit responded swiftly to a community tip-off and made a huge drug bust in a house at Marigold Street, Ravensmead. According to police spokesperson Captain Odwa Makupula, officers on arrival searched the premises and found 253 dagga stops, 51 half Mandrax tablets and 10 whole Mandrax tablets. A 20-year-old male was arrested at the crime scene for possession of drugs and appeared in Bellville Magistrate’s Court. “In an unrelated incident on 29 May at 06:30, a 31-year-old male was arrested after a community tip-off about a firearm kept in a room at Brendal Court, Connaught Estate. Officers responded quickly and searched the room and found a .38 revolver with five rounds hidden on top of the geyser. The firearm was reported stolen in 2016 at Durbanville. The suspect was charged for illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition,” says Makupula. The station commander, Colonel Bongani Tshayisa, applauded the community for their positive information and further encouraged a good working relationship with the police in fighting crime. He also expressed his gratitude to the officers for their ongoing commitment and dedication in ensuring that the Ravensmead community is safe.
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Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Twee ongelukke eis drie motorfietsryers RICHARD ROBERTS EN NIELEN DE KLERK @richardjohn_rj
ADT armed response officer Bright Mhlauli was involved in the arrest of a suspect who allegedly broke into a business.
CCTV helps catch suspected criminal Parow police recently arrested a suspect involved in a breakin at a local business. The arrest, however, was made possible thanks to a security camera system installed at the business which caught the culprit in the act. The police were able to obtain all the information they needed from the camera system. “It was just before 03:00 on Monday morning when we received an alarm signal from the business on Boompies Street in Parow East. Two of our armed response vehicles were sent to investigate,” says Verena Hulme of Fidelity ADT. Upon their arrival at the ad-
dress, the security guards noticed signs of forced entry. They also saw a discarded grey bag next to the property, says Hulme. “The owner of the business soon arrived to assist our officers and he showed them video footage drawn from the company’s CCTV system. This provided our officers with a description of a suspect, which they used to patrol the area in an effort to track him down.” It was not too long before a person was spotted walking along Mike Pienaar Boulevard matching the description of the alleged suspect. “He was promptly apprehended and handed over to the Parow police,” Hulme says.
ie motorfietsgemeenskap in Kaapstad is geruk deur die dood van drie bekendes in hul kringe die afgelope naweek. In die eerste geval het Mornay Swanepoel (49) en sy vrou, Leonie (46), van De Villiersstraat, Parowvallei, op Saterdag 6 Junie aan die Lockdown Run deelgeneem toe ’n ongeluk op die N7-snelweg albei se lewens geëis het. Die South African Paramedic Services is uit na die toneel. Albei is op die toneel dood verklaar, lui ’n verklaring deur dié diens. Michelle Liebenberg-Faivelewitz, ’n goeie vriendin van die egpaar, sê die motorfietsryers sou die oggend na Melkbosstrand en Bloubergstrand ry en daarna terugkeer. “Maar op daai oomblik het iets skeefgeloop. Ons weet egter nog nie wat gebeur het nie,” sê sy. Liebenberg-Faivelewitz het die egpaar as ongelooflike mense beskryf. “Hulle was altyd daar vir hul gemeenskap. Hulle was baie lief vir hul kinders en diere. Dit was ’n groot terugslag vir almal toe hulle van die ongeluk verneem het,” sê sy. Die egpaar laat hul twee dogters, Monique (27) en Jo-Ann (22), agter. Monique was Maandag in Soutrivier saam met die res van die gesin om haar ouers uit te ken. Sy het toe aan TygerBurger gesê daar is nog geen begrafnisreëlings getref nie. “My ouers was so drie of vier jaar motorfietsryers. My ma se broer is ’n motorfietsryer en hy het hulle eendag genooi om aan te sluit. Hulle het nie eintlik aan ’n klub behoort nie.” Sy het Liebenberg-Faivelewitz se herinnering aan haar ouers beklemtoon. “My pa se bynaam onder die motorfietsryers was “Gentle Giant”. Hy was ’n baie groot man en lyk kwaai, maar het die kleinste hart gehad. My ma was baie outgoing. As hulle in ’n kamer instap, het hulle almal gegroet en met almal gepraat.” Mornay, wat al saam met bekendes soos die Country-sanger Lance James opgetree het, het ook reeds twee CD’s uitgereik. “Sy laaste CD is omtrent ’n jaar gelede uitgereik,” sê Monique. Tot onlangs het hy meestal vir
Mornay Swanepoel en sy vrou, Leonie, is die afgelope naweek in ’n motorfietsongeluk op die N7-snelweg oorlede. FOTO: MICHELLE LIEBENBERG-FAIVELEWITZ liefdadigheidsgeleenthede opgetree, sowel as by troues. Haar inskrywing op Facebook lui: “Ai Mamma en Pappa, vanaand sit ons almal met baie seer harte en soveel vrae, maar net Liewe Jesus weet hoekom en waarom, en ons kan net vasklou en glo dat Hy ons sal krag gee deur die moeilike tyd. Rus sag, ma en pa, vir ewig in ons harte, lief julle so baie.” . In die tweede geval is Francois Steyn (44), ’n geliefde motorfietsryer van Bellville, Saterdagmiddag Francois oorlede. Francois het beheer oor sy motorfiets verloor en het in Havengastraat in Bo-Oakdale verongeluk. “Niemand is eintlik seker wat gebeur het nie,” vertel sy broer, Werner. Francois was die afgelope 20 jaar president van die Hooligans-motorfietsklub. Hy was ook onder meer lid van die Motorcyclists Associatiof Western Cape (MAWC) en die Western Cape Bikers President’s Council. “Hy was ’n goeie leier en ’n briljante biker,” sê Werner. Francois word oorleef deur sy verloofde, Karin Groenewald, asook sy kinders, Joshua, Cornél, Zandra en Dizelle.
Steyn “Hy was ’n briljante pa; hy het alles vir hulle gedoen.” Francois het baie van kamp gehou en om met sy viertrekvoertuig weg te kom. Die gemeenskap van Bo-Oakdale, waar Francois gebly het, het Maandagaand roerend van hom afskeid geneem. Tientalle mense het kerse aangesteek en buite sy huis in Andrew Murray-straat bymekaar gekom. Gisteraand het lede van die Hooligans ook ’n gedenkrit gehou en saam met ander klubs deur die buurt gery om afskeid te neem. Francois se gedenkdiens sal op Saterdag 20 Junie in die Bikers Church gehou word.
Crime rife in Site 5 near Dunoon KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels A 17-year-old teenager was shot in the chest by an unknown man during a robbery on Tuesday 02 June in the Site 5 informal settlement near Dunoon. Table View police were summoned to the scene where two family members of the teenager were present during the ordeal. Capt Adriana Chandler, Table View police spokesperson, said the unknown man entered the dwelling demanding cash, whilst pointing the firearm at the teenager. “Cash and a cellphone were handed to the suspect, who then fired one shot at the teenager, hitting him in the chest in front of his uncle and brother. Neighbours came out after hearing the shots and the suspect fired two more shots outside the dwelling in an attempt to scare the bystanders who came to find out what was happening,” Chandler said. The suspect fled the scene whi-
le the teenager was rushed to a nearby clinic where he was declared deceased. Cases of armed robbery and murder are currently being investigated. Station commander, Col Lindiwe Dyantyi, is strongly condemning the murder of an innocent young person and is urging anyone with information to contact crime stop on 086 001 0111 anonymously, or Table View police station at 021 521 3300. . In an unrelated incident, shots were fired at police officers during a shooting incident at a spaza shop in the site 5 informal settlement on Wednesday 03 June. Chandler said shots were fired while police officers attended to an incident where a man was shot and rushed to the nearby clinic. “Officers found three bullet cartridges at the scene, but no suspects. The investigating officer will contact the clinic to establish the condition of the victim and will interview
him to obtain more information. Whilst attending to the complaint, the officers heard gunshots being fired not too far from the scene and went to investigate. As they arrived around the corner of another spaza shop, the officers were fired upon,” Chandler said. However, due to innocent bystanders, the officers could not return fire. Chandler also added that a truck was delivering bread to a spaza shop when the two occupants were confronted by three unknown armed men. She said, “One of the victims was shot in the arm and he and his colleague managed to flee from the gunmen when the police officers arrived. The armed suspects fled on foot in different directions among the dwellings. A possible link between the two incidents will be investigated.” Attempted murder and armed robbery will be investigated in both cases.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
RIGLYNE OM HUISHOUDELIKE AFVAL WEG TE GOOI Saam kan ons help om die verspreiding van die coronavirus te verminder deur die riglyne vir die weggooi van afvalitems in ons huise te volg. Hierdie riglyne is in pas met die provinsiale protokolle vir die bestuur van huishoudelike afval. 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Afvalitems soos gebruikte sneesdoekies, weggooilappies (‘wipes’) en ander weggooi-items, wat gebruik is deur iemand wat Covid-19 het of dit vermoedelik het, moet in ’n aparte houer weggegooi word. Hierdie afval moet in twee sakke toegeknoop word. Hou hierdie afval vir minstens vyf dae op die eiendom voor jy dit vir verwydering in die vullisdrom uitsit. Ander huishoudelike afval kan soos gewoonlik weggegooi word. Was jou hande nadat jy aan die drom gevat het. Ontsmet die drom se deksel en handvatsel, waar moontlik, voor jy die vullisdrom buite uitsit en voor jy dit weer op jou eiendom terugsit. Hou te alle tye jou afstand van die Stad se personeel.
Om afvalverwante diensversoeke te rig:
Bel: 0860 103 089 Besoek: E-pos:
Was jou hande. Hou jou afstand.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Field hospital built in Brackenfell DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
onstruction of a field hospital to accommodate hundreds of Covid-19 patients is currently underway in Brackenfell. Work at the temporary intermediate care facility started in mid-May and is expected to receive its first patient on 7 July. According to provincial health department spokesperson Mark van der Heever the hospital will provide 330 acute care beds for moderate cases. It is not clear at this stage, according to Van der Heever, as to how many nurses and doctors will staff the facility. “The increase in the number of cases in the Western Cape has placed pressure on the health services, with our hospitals continuing to experience an increase in general and ICU high care admissions.” By 4 June there were 973 patients admitted in both the public and private sector hospitals of which 193 patients were admitted to ICU or high care. To date, we have had 26 386 confirmed cases and 14 917 recoveries. Data available on 4 June confirmed 637 deaths. “As our curve rises towards the peak and a projected 10% of cases requiring hospitalisation, our network of critical and high care beds for severe cases include the existing 150 critical care beds within the public sector with an additional 100 critical care beds to be created. In addition, the public sector is purchasing 300 beds from the private sector,” he says. The private sector within the province has 300 high care beds available. The conversion of a temporary intermedi-
ate care facility at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) is progressing on schedule and will provide an additional 850 general care beds and staffed by 987 health workers. On 3 and 4 June the department opened two new testing and triage facilities at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital and Groote Schuur Hospital respectively. “We now have 18 testing and triage sites across the province which streamline patient flow and enables quicker testing.” On 27 May the provincial department released the percentage of Covid-19 deaths associated to comorbidities. “People with hypertension, diabetes and chronic kidney disease are among the most common comorbidities associated with serious Covid-19 cases.” This data illustrates the percentage of patients with a specified comorbidity: hypertension 58%; diabetes 56%; chronic kidney disease 17%; HIV 16%; asthma and chronic respiratory disease 15%; cardiac disease 11%; obesity 13%; tuberculosis 13%; cancer 2% and 16% contributed to others. “By eating healthily, getting regular exercise, managing your stress, adhering to your medical treatment plan and following all necessary preventative measures you can reduce the risk of becoming severely ill from Covid-19, and from being admitted for hospitalisation,” says Van der Heever. “Many of those with diabetes had other comorbidities and the prevalence of diabetes is higher in older people who are at higher risk of death on account of their age. This doesn’t mean that diabetes was the only ‘reason’ that these diabetics died from Covid-19, they may also be older patients and have other comorbidities as well,” he adds.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Breinaalde klap vir kinders CARINA ROUX
’n Swart kat op ’n muur naby Amandelweg. Inlas: Dié gemaskerde kat het onlangs sy opwagting gemaak op die muur buite Supa Quick in Van Riebeeckweg. FOTO: CARINA ROUX
Dié katte laat mense raai CARINA ROUX
everfde swart katte wat op mure en kragbokse in Kuilsrivier verskyn, het inwoners aan die raai. Is dit bloot kattekwaad of die werk van ’n ‘‘copy cat”? Dalk net ’n Banksy-nabootser wat soos dié geheimsinnige Britse straatkunstenaar ’n stensil gebruik? Of dalk iemand wat, geïnspireer deur die TV-tienerheld uit die tagtigs, “Die Swart Kat”, toegeslaan het? Waarskynlik het die raaiskote die kat aan die stert beet – wie sal weet? Einde April het ’n inwoner wat ’n kat teen haar eiendom se muur ontdek het op ’n gemeenskapsgroep se Facebook-blad gevra of iemand weet wat dit dalk kan beteken. Aangesien die katte nie net op mure nie, maar ook hier en daar op
kragbokse hul opwagting gemaak het, is dit te betwyfel dat dit ’n manier is om ’n eiendom te merk vir een of ander misdadige doel. Die katte is ook nie noodwendig ’n nuwe verskynsel nie; sommige mense het gesê hulle het dit al vroeër gesien. Volgens een kommentaar is blykbaar al jare lank een op ’n kragboks naby Amandelweg te sien. Voorverlede week het Gwen Truter ’n foto van die kat, wat oornag sy opwagting gemaak het teen die muur buite Supa Quick in Van Riebeeckweg, op Facebook geplaas. Dié keer spog kat se kind heel gepas, in hierdie katastrofiese tye, met ’n groen masker – nogal dieselfde kleur as hul onderneming se uniform, sê Truter, wat heel in haar skik is met die gemaskerde swart kat. Ná Truter se foto is daar van voor af bespiegel oor die kat (en al
sy maatjies) se oorsprong. Die sosiale kommentators het hul bes probeer om die kat uit die boom te kyk, maar helaas weet almal skynbaar soveel soos ’n kat van saffraan. Hoewel niemand graffiti wil aanmoedig nie, en sommige hulle daarteen uitgespreek of gewonder het of daar iets sinisters agter die katte skuil, voel ander inwoners heel positief oor hulle. Die meeste was darem nie te katterig nie, maar die humor het nie agtergebly nie. Die “kunstenaar” het net swart verf, was die antwoord oor hoekom dit juis swart katte is en iemand wat gesê het ’n swart kat beteken “disaster” is geantwoord met, “dis die government se job daai”. Anthony Standaar het dié boodskap gehad: ‘‘Mr/Me Graffiti Artist ... It’s cute but illegal en jy kyk te veel TV. Can someone please send out a job offer for this person?’’
By Huis De Kuilen in Kuilsrivier word die beginsel van aktiewe veroudering ondersteun. Catherine Botha, maatskaplike werker by die tehuis, sê die inwoners word aangemoedig om deel te neem aan aktiwiteite om ’n gesonde liggaam en gees te bevorder. Die vroue van die breigroep vergader weekliks – met die nodige fisieke afstand en ander voorsorgmaatreëls, sê Botha. “Hulle geniet dit om saam aan ’n bepaalde projek te werk wat ’n verskil in die gemeenskap kan maak.” Aangesien die tehuis ook deel is van Badisa, lê kinderbeskerming hulle ná aan die hart. Botha sê daarom is besluit om speelgoed te brei, wat deur die maatskaplike werkers van Badisa Kuilsrivier gebruik kan word om kwesbare kinders te troos, sou hulle verwyder moet word ingevolge die Wet op Kin-
dersorg. “Nie net maak die vroue ’n verskil in die gemeenskap nie, maar hulle ondersteun ook ’n sustersprogram van Badisa met die ongelooflike werk wat hulle verrig.” Botha sê in die inperkingstyd het die vroue soveel tyd op hande gehad dat hulle tussendeur die speelgoed ook kleutertruie en slaapsokkies gebrei het. Dit sal aan behoeftige gesinne gegee word. Die breigoed is op Vrydag 5 Junie aan Badisa Kuilsrivier oorhandig. Botha sê Huis De Kuilen word soos baie ander welsynsprogramme finansieel deur die koronavirus-pandemie geraak. “Ons kan nie dié soort projekte aanpak sonder die goedhartige ondersteuning van mense wat double knit-wol skenk nie.” Sy sê die bestuur moedig die gemeenskap aan om steeds te help met skenkings. V Kontak Botha by 021 903 7055 of
Huis De Kuilen het verlede Vrydag die gebreide speelgoed en klere aan Badisa Kuilsrivier oorhandig. Van links is Jevon Barry, Toshca Claasen (albei Badisa Kuilsrivier), Willow Williams en Catherine Botha (albei Huis De Kuilen).
Curro Durbanville kalmeer vrese metaanlynleerplatform Die aankondiging van die grendelstaat regulasies het baie skole en leerders onkant betrap. Terwyl daar bekommernis was rondom die verspreiding van die coronavirus, het leerders natuurlik ook klei getrap oor hoe hul klasse voortaan sou geskied. Ina Truter en Liam Volschenk, graad sewe leerders by Curro Durbanville, het soortgelyke bekommernisse gehad. Dit was gelukkig van korte duur danksy hul skool se vlinke inwerkingstelling van hul aanlyn leerplatform. “Die aankondiging oor die Covid-19 inperkingstydperk was aanvanklik soos 'n onbeplande vakansie, maar die droom het egter vinnig in 'n nagmerrie van onsekerheid verander,” noem Volschenk. Hy reken die twyfel oor sy akademiese jaar het swaar op sy gemoed gerus. Truter voel dieselfde, “my hele realiteit en my wêreld het in 'n oogwink verander.” Die Curro groep kon vinnig ingryp, danksy 'n aanlynklas benadering wat al jare lank onder ontwikkeling was. Curro Durbanville leerders het baatgevind deur 'n geskeduleerde rooster van aanlyn klasse wat hul vooraf presies ingelig het oor watter onderwerp in elke vak bespreek gaan word. Onderwysers het inderdaad die beste gemaak van die aanlynklas periode deur dokumente en videos met leerders te deel sodat hul reeds voor die klas kon oplees oor elke onderwerp. Curro het ook 'n tegniese hulplyn in plek gestel om ouers te help met enige IT-probleme wat hul ondervind. Curro Durbanville se hardwerkende onderwysers en administratiewe span het dit moontlik gemaak vir Volschenk, Truter en die res van hul klasmaats om 100% op koers te bly met al hul vakke. Daar is geen twyfel dat hulle die graad sewe kurrikulum suksesvol sal kan voltooi voor die eksamen aan die einde van die jaar. “Die nuwe aanlynklas metodes was baie leersaam en my onderwysers was altyd daar om my te ondersteun,” sê Truter. Volschenk voel dieselfde, “die aanlynmodules en die gereelde, visuele aanlynkommunikasie met onderwysers het gesorg dat ek gedurende hierdie tyd steeds op my akademie kon konsentreer. Dit het my toegelaat om veilig en produktief te kon wees in sulke onsekere tye.” X1W618T1-AL100620
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Still no plans for refugees NIELEN DE KLERK
peatedly said this is impossible.
@nielendk Situation inside he future of two separate refuRefugee leader Sukami says they gee groups housed in Covid-19 do not have any plans for the future shelters in Bellville and Good- and do not know of any projects to wood remains uncertain. help them as soon as lockdown This comes as residents sur- ends. They are calling on the rounding these areas have mount- UNHCR to step in to rescue the siting concerns as the housing situa- uation. tion has ripple effects on their He is grateful to the City of Cape lives. Town who he says has been assistThe refugees were moved by the ing them with a generator and segovernment from the Central curity. He says other organisations Methodist Church in Cape Town to have given food and have been the respective sites in April. monitoring their site for Covid-19 infections. “We don’t have any at Who and what the moment.” They have been split into two He could not confirm whether groups, largely according to the rumours of infections at the Bellfactions created by the group itself. ville site were true. The one group, He says the led by JP Balous, is refugees in being housed at the South Africa are “They cannot go back Paint City site in struggling as Bellville and the they do not have home as they feel other group, led by access to assistPappy Sukami, at unsafe. They also cannot ance funds like the Wingfield miligo back into Cape Town the Unemploytary base in Good- communities as they are ment Insurance wood. Sukami’s Fund (UIF) sothreatened daily for group consists of cial relief and mainly Congolese distress funds, being from other nationals, while which are only countries.” Balous’s group is aimed at local made up of mainly nationals. Pappy Sukami Burundians. They are startBoth Sukami ing to get cold and Balous have had run-ins with and are asking for any donations of the law in South Africa. Sukami fa- blankets or clothing. ces charges or robbery and assault Most of their belongings were and Balous, charges of assault and taken when they were removed by fraud. He is still in jail after a con- law enforcement officials, he frontation with court marshals claims. during a court appearance. The groups have been calling on Effect on surrounding areas the United Nations High CommisIn Belrail, the area adjacent to sioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to de- the Paint City site, taxi drivers port them to the countries of their have started parking on and next choice, as they cite growing xeno- to a children’s park. phobic tension in South Africa. Gerda Gerber, the chair of BelThe UNHCR and various other rail Neighbourhood Watch, says government departments have re- these taxis used to park at the Paint
The refugee situation in a nutshell The refugees have been moved numerous times over the past few months. It started when around 1 000 refugees and asylum seekers staged a sit-in at the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). They demanded help to attain what they believe City parking lot and have now been forced to find new places to stop their vehicles. “Now with them back on the road, there is no place for them, so they come to the Belrail play park,” Gerber says. “They park their taxis here, wash them, do repairs and the drivers, as well as some of the passengers, treat the trees as their toilets. There are also not enough bins in the park to handle the number of people associated with a taxi rank, so now the dirt is just dumped all over the place. Hardus Zevenster, chair of the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID), says the refugees cannot stay at Paint City for months without a plan for the future. “The people should be reintegrated into society, there are children who should be attending school.” The organisation feels space should be used for the countless homeless people, especially in Bellville and Parow. “The City should urgently look into this situation, especially as winter is on its way. The time for excuses is over.”
Lockdown effect The Human Rights Commission has been monitoring the situation since the end of 2019 when the refugees were still staging a lockdown
would be a better life in other countries like Canada or Europe. They cited fears of xenophobia in South Africa. They were then forcibly removed and many took shelter inside and around the Central Methodist Church in Greenmarket Square close by. outside the UNHCR building. Chris Nissen of the commission, says Parliament gave two instructions to the City of Cape Town and the Department of Home Affairs earlier this year when the refugees were still in and around the church: the people had to either be deported or reintegrated into the community. The commission was asked to monitor the situation. But then lockdown came and the whole situation changed. The refugees were moved to the separate sites. The commission has called for an urgent meeting between stakeholders for an exit plan regarding the situation. “We’re appealing as a commission to make sure that the situation is expedited by the government. It cannot continue (like this). (It’s almost) going on a year. We need to find answers to questions.”
Limbo Sukami says they cannot go back home as they feel unsafe. They also cannot go back into Cape Town communities as they are threatened daily for being from other countries. He and many others struggle to make a living because they do not have South African IDs and cannot apply for assistance.
Kate Pond, media officer for the UNHCR, has reiterated that resettlement to a third country isn’t an option for the majority of the protestors in Cape Town. “Only the most vulnerable cases with acute needs or serious concerns of persecution in their country of asylum are subject to resettlement, the global quota of which is unfortunately decreasing sharply.” The resettlement options are also likely to decrease in the near future. “Resettlement has always and will always be a very limited option globally for refugees, and with fewer commitments by resettlement countries in 2020, as well as to protect the integrity of the resettlement programme, there will be no group resettlement for this group and no preferential treatment to any individual from this group.” When asked for comment, the City’s media department said the site was set up by the national department of public works and infrastructure (PWI) and they would be best suited to answer. This department, however, said the matter falls within the mandate of the national department of home affairs. Despite various calls and requests over a matter of weeks, the department failed to answer any questions.
Sidewalk for South Road in Table View
Betoging oor leerders nie nou kan bus ry Verskeie eienaars van ondernemings wat leerders vervoer, het Donderdag in Belhar betoog omdat hulle geen hulp van die regering tydens inperking ontvang nie Die eienaars beweer sedert skole in Maart gesluit is, het hulle nog geen inkomste ontvang nie en omdat die meeste leerders nog nie mag skoolgaan nie, is hulle steeds onder druk. Sommige mense moes al hul bussies verkoop om kos op die tafel te sit. Die skoolvervoer-eienaars soek hulp van die regering.
Hierdie man se plakkaat sê hy het vir drie maande nog geen inkomste gehad nie.
The City removed the group outside the Church after a court case on the matter and many went to live in Buitekant Street near the police station. In April, as the lockdown was announced, the police moved the refugees to Bellville and Goodwood. The UNHCR and the home affairs department says it cannot relocate the group to other countries as demanded.
Hul skoolvervoeronderneming sukkel ook.
The City of Cape Town’s transport directorate has commenced with the construction of a sidewalk along South Road between Gill and Schreiner roads in Table View. The work started on Wednesday, 3 June and will continue for approximately three weeks, pending unforeseen delays and weather permitting. Construction of the 1.5m wide asphalt-surfaced footway is taking place between 08:00 and 17:00 on weekdays. “This project, like many others across the city, is implemented with our residents in mind. “Road safety is key, for both motorists and pedestrians. “I implore residents to please be patient and comply with the regulations during the construction period. “Residents are to make sure that they park their vehicles in the demarcated spaces so as not to obstruct the construction,” said Felicity Purchase, the City’s Mayco member for transport. Traffic moving in both directions will be affected and flag personnel will regulate traffic in one direction at a time through a stopand-go-system. Work areas will be demarcated to regulate traffic flow and pedestrian movement. Vehicles may be parked in driveways as normal, if and when access is available. Vehicles parked on the roadway and obstructing the construction will be moved or towed away. Purchase added, “We are not expecting any congestion as a result of this construction, however, we encourage residents to anticipate some level of inconvenience and to avoid the area if possible.”
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Rommel en misdaad in Bardaleweg pla BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind
nwoners van Delro Village naby Silversands is bekommerd oor die grootskaalse onwettige vullisstorting in hul woonbuurt. Volgens ’n inwoner het die storting nou so ernstig geword dat die veiligheid van kinders ook in die gedrang is. “Die storting is besig om ernstige afmetings aan te neem. Ons is bang dat die vullis siektes kan versprei, veral in die lig van die koronavirus wat steeds met ons is,” sê Bertram Alexander, ’n bekommerde inwoner.
Een van die groot probleme, volgens Alexander, is Bardaleweg, wat na Delro Village lei. “Ek weet nie waar die rommelstrooiers vandaan kom nie, maar dit lyk vieslik langs daai pad. Ou meubelstukke, tuinvullis, bourommel en enigiets anders waaraan jy kan dink, word net daar gestort. “Dis amper asof mense nie meer trots het vir hul omgewing nie en as dit mense van buite is, moet hulle vasgevat word,” sê Alexander. Lourna Frieselaar van die plaaslike gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum sê die rommelprobleem in Bardaleweg is ’n groot steen des aanstoots vir die gemeenskap.
“Dit is mense met ordentlike motors wat hul rommel daar kom stort. Wat dit vir my sê, is dat hulle net sowel na die Stad Kaapstad se vullisterrein in Delft kan ry. Ons het al verskeie kere met lede van die gemeenskap gepraat en gesoebat dat hulle nie hul rommel langs paaie en op oop velde moet strooi nie,” sê Frieselaar. Volgens Frieselaar word misdaad ook in Bardaleweg in die donker gepleeg. “Ons het al alles probeer dat die probleem aandag kry, maar niks gebeur nie,” sê sy. Meld onwettige rommelstrooiery aan by die Stad Kaapstad by 021 057 4700.
Rommel lê langs Bardaleweg gestrooi.
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10 TYGERBURGER Bellville
Charity locked down How you can help As the Covid-19 crisis continues and many are struggling to make ends meet, non-profit organisations (NPOs) and non-government organisations (NGOs) are trying to provide support to those that need it most. These organisations have lost most of their income from fundraising events and need your help to continue giving care. TygerBurger is making it easier for you to contribute responsibly by featuring accredited and/or legitimate organisations that will distribute your donation to the right people. To be featured here registered NPOs and NGOs or those with clear proof of their donations/activities can email a description of their service, NPO number (if applicable) and contact details to
Honger kind inspireer weldoener BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind
y kon nie die gesig uit sy kop kry van ’n kind wat moes omdraai omdat daar nie meer kos is nie, dus het ’n man van Kuilsrivier besluit hy gaan ’n sopkombuisprojek uitbrei. Phillip van Reenen het aanvanklik deur sy kerk by sopkombuise betrokke geraak, maar toe hy besef hoe groot die nood is, het hy besluit om persoonlik skouer aan die wiel te sit. “Ons deel kos uit in van die armste dele van ons gemeenskap – plekke soos Kalkfontein en Wesbank, waar werkloosheid en armoede vererger word deur voortslepende bendegeweld. Een dag was daar nie meer kos nie en ek moes kyk hoe ’n kind omdraai. Daardie dag het ek besluit om meer te doen om kos vir die gemeenskap te kry,” sê hy. Hy het ingespring en uit sy eie sak kos be-
gin aankoop, maar ook borge gesoek om soveel mense moontlik te kan voed. “Ek moet sê, verskeie mense het hul harte en sakke oopgemaak om ons by te staan. Ons het begin deur eers net 200 mense te voed, maar ons trek reeds by meer as 2 000. Dit is egter net die punt van die ysberg, want die nood is groter as wat ons gedink het. Hoewel die Covid-19-pandemie bydra tot die nood, is dit nie die hoofrede vir die armoede nie. Ons kan dus nie net ophou as inperking opgehef word nie en beplan om voort te gaan so lank as wat ons kan,” sê Van Reenen. Met die winter hier, sê hy, steek ’n nuwe probleem kop uit. “Van die kinders wat by ons opdaag, is skraps geklee en het in baie gevalle net die klere aan hul lyf en niks anders nie. Ons gaan nou ook begin om klere in te samel.” Indien iemand Van Reenen-hulle wil bystaan met enige skenkings, kan hulle hom by 074 883 6680 bel.
V Mes Cape Town provides help to the homeless in the northern suburbs. They have partnered with various organisations to provide relief during the Covid-19 lockdown. Call 021 949 8736, send an email to or visit
V The Milnerton Baseball Club is raising funds for children and their families in Dunoon. The club has managed so far with donations from the community to provide varying food packages for four weeks. However, they are in desperate need of funds due to the low supply in food packages. For more information e-mail Jared Ratner at V The Round Table clubs in Bellville and Durbanville have partnered with the Acorn Foundation to support families in need. They are requesting clothes, blankets, non-perishable foods, toys or money. Funds can also be donated with the Snapscan code provided. Contact Round Table Bellville on 082 052 8680. V The Ruyterwacht Safety Watch is running a feeding scheme to feed the elderly in the community. Call Daniel Dekker on 065 386 0285. V The UWC Fairy Godmother connects students of the University of the Western Cape with funders for relatively small expenses (like groceries or taxi fare) in a way that preserves their dignity. Visit profile/uwc-fairy-godmother or email
Vroue deel kos uit in Kuilsrivier.
Sjef help waar hy kan CARINA ROUX
V The Christian Feeding Centre provides food to needy residents in Kalksteenfontein. As the virus spreads through the community, the organisation has started distributing the food to houses in a bid to help people practice social distancing. The group lacks funds for food and they urgently need money for petrol. Call Seth Oosthuizen on 067 027 8953 or email him on V The Daniel and Friends Fund supports children with special needs as well as their parents. Call Lianie Walters on 076 331 8474.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Hier by een van die sopkombuise is (van links) Yvonne Cloete, Gurshin Arnolds en Wilma Pietersen.
Die sjef Gurshin Arnolds van Sarepta het groot planne gehad om in Maart vanjaar sy eie restaurant oop te maak. Toe kom Covid-19 en die inperking. Dit is ’n moeilike tyd vir die restaurantbedryf, veral omdat restaurante eers op vlak 1 sal kan oopmaak, sê hy. Met die nood wat ook in sy eie gemeenskap druk, het Arnolds besluit om sy passie vir kosmaak in te span en te help waar hy kan. “Dis hoe ek grootgemaak is – om ander te help, al is dit jou laaste bietjie suiker. In ons huis was baie liefde.” Tydens die inperking probeer
hy met die hulp van ’n paar gewillige vroue om minstens een keer per week ’n sopkombuis te hou. “Soms naby die Laerskool Irista, of soms in Heuwelstraat.” Arnolds sê dit is vir minderbevoorregtes, maar enigeen is welkom om sop of ’n broodjie te kom haal. Die vroue wat gereeld help, is ma en dogter Wilma en Leandre Pieterse, en Yvonne Cloete. Met vlak 3 van die inperking wat op 1 Junie in werking getree het, verskaf Chef Gurshin’s Kitchen wegneemetes om aan die gang te bly. Arnolds sê hy wil ander kokke motiveer en vir hulle sê om nie paniekbevange te raak nie. “God maak altyd ’n weg,” is sy leuse. Bel Arnolds by 067 687 8002.
From fine dining to food parcels ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme Known for fine dining cuisine such as pepper crusted Karoo Springbok loin at its award-winning restaurant, Durbanville Hills is now “plating” food in a totally different scenario. Durbanville Hills, which has been closed since the start of lockdown in March, plays a key role in the packing of food parcels to be distributed to disadvantaged communities. According to Dirk Steyn, general manager of Tangram Restaurant at Durbanville Hills, they have adapted their operations to serve as a distribution location for food to be delivered weekly and repackaged to service the dire need in Durbanville, Dunoon, Mamre, Bothasig and Table View. “It has always been our passion to serve our communities with good food,” he said to TygerBurger. Shortly after they started with the project, Durbanville Hills took hands with SA Harvest and Mould Empower Serve (MES) in expanding food drives in Cape Town. According to a media release issued by Durbanville Hills, SA Harvest currently provides food to over 30 beneficiary organisations in Johannesburg and Cape Town – feeding about 6 000 people daily. According to its website, SA Harvest’s modus operandi is unique in that it uses refrigerated vehicles to collect and deliver perishable and non-perishable foods, enabling their recipient organisations to get sufficient variety to provide full and nourishing meals. MES offers housing to 297 homeless people since lockdown started, and distributed more than 3 000 food parcels and served 148 000 meals, according to the media release. Steyn said food is delivered to the tasting area of the cellar, where staff of Durbanville Hills sort and allocate food baskets to local beneficiary organisations. Food parcels are distributed to the organisations The Night Haven Shelter, Sowing Sparrows, Won Life and Helping Others. He said this new part-
Here in the reception and wine selling area of Durbanville Hills, which has been transformed into a food parcel depot, are (from left) Manu Wegmershaus (operations manager Western Cape: SA Food Harvest), Albert Gerber (managing director: Durbanville Hills) Mitch Blaser (USAID representative), Melissa Slabbert (front of house manager: Durbanville Hills Restaurant) and Dirk Steyn (general manager: Durbanville Hills Restaurant). PHOTO: CHARLES RUSSEL PHOTOGRAPHY nership is only the start with other organisations also being approached to contribute to the food drive. “The lockdown has had an enormous impact on practically every industry in the country and non-profit organisations have been struggling to provide food for the thousands of people who have absolutely no income and no food. By offering our resources and premises as a distribution point to SA Harvest and MES, they can now reach the communities within a 10km radius of the winery, which up until now was logistically not possible. We are moving into winter and the need is escalating. The more organisations we can get on board, the better we’ll be able to assist the community during this difficult time. The need is not only for food, but also for blankets and clothing,” Steyn said. According to Steyn not a single restaurant is untouched by lockdown across the world. “We have lost thousands in income, but hope to open our kitchen within a few weeks to start distributing take-away meals,” he
said. The restaurant, in October last year, received three awards at the annual Haute Grandeur Global Restaurant Awards – in the categories for Best South African Cuisine on a Global Level, Best Restaurant Manager in South Africa and Best Gourmet Cuisine in Africa. The cellar has also been able to sell wine to the public since last Monday. Leona Pienaar, chief executive officer of MES said, there has been a massive collaboration effort with volunteers, individual and corporate donors, churches, provincial government as well as the general public – all working together to support the homeless. “Our existing overnight shelters were turned into lockdown shelters. While homeless people would normally pay a small fee of R20 for a hot shower and warm bed for the night, we waived the fee and added a warm meal to the service. Our Cape Town shelter reached full capacity with a waiting list of over 300 people before end March,” she said. V Contact Leona Pienaar at for more information.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
TYGERBURGER Bellville 11
Drive-through to see dad Over the past few days, residents of the Oude Westhof Retirement Village could see their loved ones in person (from a distance) for the first time in weeks. The organisation SilverLinings Retirement set up what they believe is the first drive-through visitation booth at the retirement home. They plan to roll it out to others as the need arises. Pictured are Michael Hanley and his daughter Lynne.
REMUNERATION: R145 281 PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum educational qualification: General Education and Training Certificate (GETC)/Grade 9 (Std 7). Experience: Appropriate experience in working in communities and informal settlements. Inherent requirement of the job: A valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Proficiency in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Duties (key result areas/outputs): Render a Health Promotion service within facilities and surrounding community • Plan and implement health projects in facilities, schools and communities to meet objectives • Assist and strengthen COPC in the community • Liaise with stakeholders to promote an integrated approach to health care • Render health education sessions and support to clients • Assist teams with health promotion during campaigns and keep effective record of activities and consumables • Work together with students, assist them with health promotion projects and compile community profiles • Support to Facility Manager at facilities. Enquiries: Du Noon COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE: Mr W Caesar tel. 021 200 4500 Mamre COMNMUNITY DAY CENTRE: Ms A Marcus tel. 021 576 1175 PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION FOR THE ATTENTION OF MR F LE ROUX, TO THE DIRECTOR: METRO HEALTH SERVICES, SOUTHERN/WESTERN SUB-STRUCTURE, DP MARAIS NURSES HOME, CORNER OF WHITE AND MAIN ROAD, RETREAT 7945 OR P.O. BOX 30360, TOKAI 7966.
Resident Nellie Norwood (middle) is taken for her visit by nurse Ina Prevedello (left) and carer Annalize Koert.
INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CVs will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to shortlisted candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service and Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are shortlisted and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.
The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.
Closing Date: 26 June 2020
12 TYGERBURGER Bellville
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
Piper plays for Walter (95) CARINA ROUX
hen one of the last surviving World War II veterans in Cape Town celebrated his 95th birthday on 28 May his family could not be with him because of lockdown level four. Moving to level three last week made it a little easier to organise a surprise for Walter Brewis, a resident of La Belle home in Labiance, says his daughter Colleen Stoltzman of Oranjezicht. On Thursday 4 June family members and a piper from the Cape Town Highlanders gathered just outside the drive-through gate in front of the home. In the parking area inside the property, a chair was waiting for the guest of honour. Once Walter took his spot, with other residents gathered behind him, the piper kicked off with “Amazing Grace” – one of Walter’s favourites, says Colleen. Piper Terrance Wheatley played a few more songs before ending off with “Happy Birthday”. As a 19-year-old, Walter, along with other soldiers, had a send-off from the Cape Town Highlanders bagpipe band when they marched from the Castle in Cape Town to the station to travel north for basic training before joining the war efforts in Italy.
“He has a close affiliation with the Cape Town Highlanders since he was a little boy, as his uncle was an active member of the Highlanders. When he returned from the war, he remained extremely fond of the Cape Town Highlanders and he particularly favours the bagpipes,” says Colleen. As far as the family are aware Walter is one of only two WWII veterans still alive in Cape Town. The other being Sydney Ireland (99) of Rondebosch. Colleen says Walter joined the SA Army on 15 June 1944. After basic training, the troops were flown in Dakotas to Cairo. From Egypt, they sailed across the Mediterranean Sea to the south of Italy. Colleen says her dad recalls the base camp for new arrivals from South Africa was in Santa Barbara, a small mining town south of Florence. “The hardened adult soldiers were rather disappointed to see how young the new SA arrivals were. After further basic training here, he was posted to join the Pretoria Regiment. He was a lorry driver.” Colleen says Walter’s fondest memories of Italy are a few months he spent during Springtime on Lake Como. “They set up camp in the magnificent gardens of exquisite villas.” Walter received three medals: the Italian Star, Allied Forces (Ge-
Piper Terrance Wheatley from the Cape Town Highlanders plays for Walter Brewis. Family members, from left, are Michael Brewis (son), Ben and Charlotte Stoltzman (grandchildren). PHOTOS:CARINA ROUX orge 5th) medal, and the African Service Medal. Colleen says her mother, Unita, passed away four years ago. Walter and Unita were married for 67 years. Two of Walter’s five grandchildren were there on Thursday to surprise him.
Walter Brewis (95) listening to the piper’s tunes.
From left: Ben Stoltzman, Charlotte Stoltzman, (both grandchildren), Helen Crebo, Michael Brewis (son), Colleen Stoltzman (daughter), Roland Stoltzman and Terrance Wheatley (piper from the Cape Town Highlanders). Walter Brewis is in the background.
Granny celebrates her hundredth birthday ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme Nothing can get a granny from Durbanville down; she celebrated her 100th birthday last Tuesday (2 June). Stella Doreen Hambides (née Langford), who was amongst others a seamstress in World War II, has survived both her husband and her son’s passing in 2011 and 2015 respectively, and have witnessed the world transformed completely. Yet, she is as independent and “full of beans” as ever, her granddaughter, Andrea Hambides Hermanus, says. She remembers the tales her mother told her of the Spanish flu and of ox wagons that collected dead bodies from houses. Hambides was born in Goodwood in 1920, just after the Spanish flu, and stayed in the area most of her life. She attended Goodwood Prepa-
ratory (now Northlink College) and met her husband, Basil Hambides, in the New Apostolic Church. They married on 12 June 1943, but only after she dated a few of his brothers too. “I guess she chose the right brother in the end, as they were married for 68 years when he passed away in 2011,” Hambides Hermanus said. They have three children, Basil (known as Buddy), Bonita Mornay Gruel (known as Bonny) and Sandra Felicity van Aarde (known as Sandy). They have seven grandchildren, who live across the world – from The Netherlands, United Kingdom, South Carolina in the USA to Saudi Arabia and China, as well as nine great-grandchildren. “She was a fantastic dressmaker or seamstress in her younger years and would make all her and her siblings’ clothes, including her brother’s suits. She was em-
ployed by The African Clothing Company in Woodstock as a seamstress during the war to make soldiers’ uniforms. “She enjoyed the many road trips she and my father took in their VW Kombi. She speaks fondly of a trip they made to Lourenço Marques (now Maputo) in Mozambique. “Granny also had a great love for dancing and a tiny dancer’s waist to prove it! She would make a new dress for herself every week to go dancing at the old Drill Hall in Goodwood. Granny has always had a sweet tooth and enjoys her biscuits, chocolates and absolutely loves Turkish Delight. “Our family is beyond honoured to have been able to share in the life of this amazing woman and be able to celebrate her 100th birthday with her. There are not many people who have the privilege of experiencing such a milestone in their life,” she says.
Stella Hambides celebrated her 100th birthday at home in Durbanville with her daughter Bonny Gruel and two granddaughters, Angela Gruel and Andrea Hambides Hermanus, with this beautifully decorated cake. She also received many video calls from all the family around the world and visitors that handed gifts through the windows and doors as they couldn’t come in to visit due to the Covid-19 lockdown and for her safety.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
TYGERBURGER Bellville 13
Nartjies vir versterking
Johardt van Heerden (links) en Maxie Herbst is hier by die Sarepta AGS Tehuis vir Bejaardes.
Rotary gives them wheels The easing of the lockdown has given people more mobility. However, the word mobility took on a new meaning for 12 disabled people in Fisantekraal when they all received wheelchairs. The wheelchairs, donated by the Margot Pickard Trust and Wheelchair Foundation, were distributed by the Rotary Clubs of Tygerberg and Melkbosstrand with the help of Waumbe Foundation in Fisantekraal, Tygerbear Foundation for Traumatised Children and Families and Balula Special Daycare Centre for the Disabled in the informal settlement of Fisantekraal. Waumbe Foundation received five wheelchairs, Balula Special Daycare Centre three and Tygerbear Foundation four. “It was always difficult for my child to play outside. Now he plays outside with the other children and can be a normal child,” said one of the parents after the handover. Another recipient, an elderly man, thanked Waumbe Foundation and Tygerberg Rotary Club for finally freeing him. “I was never a free man. I could not walk around freely and had to walk with a stick. I am grateful to God for finally providing,” he said.
Nigel Lambert (left), incoming president of the Rotary Club of Tygerberg, handing over three wheelchairs to Ntombolo Wondo from Balula Special Daycare Centre for the Disabled.
Van links: Wayne Coetzee (Onderdele Bestuurder), Steven du Plessis (Verkoopsbestuurder), From left: Parts Manager: Wayne Coetzee, Sales Manager: Steven Du Plessis, Wouter (Handelaarshoof), (Diensbestuurder) Fourie (Finansiële Bestuurder). Dealer Nel Principle: Wouter Nel, Ashley ServiceKarra Manager: Ashley Karre en andGerard Financial Manager: Gerhard Fourie.
Hierdie prestasie is bewys van die eer wat dit was om alledaagse Suid-Afrikaners te help om goedere na hul bestemming te vervoer. Dit was ’n absolute liefdesdaad om hierdie land van ons saam met jou te kon bou, een rit op ’n keer. Dankie dat julle saam met ons reis.
By die AGS Kuils River Care Village is (van links) Deon de Jager, Hentie Smit, Eswill Mouton, Johardt van Heerden en Thomas van Dalen.
Die burgerregteorganisasie AfriForum het op Vrydag 5 Junie sy Wes-Kaapse immuunstelsel-inisiatief voortgesit waarin verskeie tehuise in Kuilsrivier en Bellville nartjies ontvang het. AfriForum het hierdie inisiatief reeds in ander provinsies in Suid-Afrika van stapel gestuur en beplan om dit na gelang van hul vermoë na ander voorstede, asook ander dorpe in die provinsie, uit Hier by die Eden Park-aftreeoord is (van links) Deon de Jager, Chantle te brei. Kwantine, Linda Richesburger, Johanna Rittles en Johardt van Heerden.
14 TYGERBURGER Bellville
Enjoying online learning: Blouberg International School learners have a blast with virtual classes, learning about slithering snakes, creeping crocodiles, timid turtles and adventurous alligators. The Grade 2 learners learnt about light and shadows in science class. To end off their science chapter, “material changes”, the Grade 6 learners explored how to make their own filtration system. Their goal for this activity was to discover that ground materials can clean and purify water before it is returned to the surface. Pictured is James Tran showing his findings on his poster.
Grade 6 learner Ronan Macey building and testing his homemade water filter.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
From shelf packer to data analyst DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
othing happens by chance. Just ask Khaya Ngodwane who came to Cape Town in 2018 to work as a shelf packer at a grocery store in Brackenfell. Today he is an aspiring data analyst. Originally from the Eastern Cape, Khaya got a job at Checkers in Protea Heights after graduating with a B Sc Honours degree in Statistics at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, more than ten years ago in 2009. He grew up in Tsomo, near Queenstown, where he matriculated from Ncuncuzo High School in Cofimvaba in 2003 and then went on to study at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. “While working at Checkers Protea, I was lucky enough to meet Zonke Vika, a trainee store replenisher from the nearby Shoprite distribution centre. I told her about my background and my dreams of becoming a data analyst. She helped me to get my CV to the Shoprite Group’s home office in Brackenfell where it landed on the desk of Chris Steyn, head of data analytics,” says Khaya. He was invited for an interview the very next day and was accepted into the Shoprite Group’s Data Science Academy. As part of the 2020 class, he now dreams of becoming a data analyst. “Such a career will enable me to use data to identify trends, solve problems and help make strategic and informed decisions,” he explains. Khaya was elated at this opportunity. “I always believed that working as a shelf packer was just a steppingstone to getting where I wanted to be, it was never going to be a permanent position for me, but I was grateful, nevertheless. The opportunity will help me grow in knowled-
ge and experience and is a step closer to my dream.” He enrolled in the one-year programme with the Data Science Academy in January 2020. “It has already helped me gain valuable knowledge and experience within a working environment.” Aspirant data scientists in their final year of study still have until the end of June to apply for a bursary for the 2020 academic year that will see them enter the Shoprite Group’s Data Science Academy in January 2021. “The academy offers a year-long programme in which apprentices have the opportunity to extract knowledge and insights from complex data sets involving sales, inventory, consumer spending and much more,” group spokesperson, Angelique Wagner, said. A key component of this programme is the mentoring each apprentice receives from an experienced data scientist. Successful graduates will seek solutions for retail leader, the Shoprite Group, which consists of 17 brands and employs 147 000 people across 15 African countries. The Group’s bursary programme assists students with tuition, books and accommodation fees, and comes with a work-back agreement, which in this case translates to the apprenticeship at the Data Science Academy. To be considered for the bursary and entry into the Data Science Academy candidates must at the end of this year graduate with a degree or postgraduate qualification in one of these fields: data science, mathematics, statistics, operational research, quantitative management, computer science or industrial engineering. For more information, and to submit an application before 30 June 2020, visit the Bursary and Graduate Opportunities page on
OF YOUR CREDITORS AND DEBT REVIEW IS JOU SKULD AGTERSTALLIG Do you have judgements on your name? Dreig die balju of u skuldeisers jou? Betaal jy maandelikse paaiement aan DEBT REVIEW en voel jy kom nêrens ? Sms, please call me of gee n miss call en ons kontak jou dringend.
Vra ons oor ons unieke skriftelike geld-terug waarborg Geen deposito of voorafbetalings nie VRA, VRA , VRA, voor u enige iets teken CAPE TOWN OFFICE NUMBER: 021-4194418 WINNIE: 078-982-2798 / 064-095-1908 / 021-401-1702
FELICIA: 063-471-3661 / 021-401-1701
PETRO: 064-325-3088 (Ons kom spreek jou by die huis): Saldanha, Velddrif, Vredendal, Hopefield, Riebeek Wes, Riebeeck Kasteel, Darling, Atlantis, Van Rhynsdorp, Porterville, Citrusdal
MAROLIZE OFFICE: 023-342-1025 / 083-300-6220 (Ons kom spreek jou by die huis) Worcester, Paarl, Robertson, Ashton, Swellendam, Ceres, Bonnievale, Montagu, Mossel Bay, George, Oudtshoorn, Caledon, Grabouw, P.E, Knysna, Laingsburg
ZENOBIA: 083-710-4371
Shoprite Data Science Acadamy’s class of 2020: Front row from the left is MJ Antia, Pratish Dullabh, Simone le Roux and Luré Viljoen while in the back row is Timothy Whitehead, Khaya Ngodwane, Yesholan Perumal and Nicola de Klerk.
A platform for restaurant owners KAYLYNNE BANTOM
Blouberg International School’s pre-reception learner Londeka Magagula shows off her handiwork.
A restaurant blogger from Camps Bay says she wanted to assist when the government announced regulations under level 4 of the lockdown allowing restaurants to offer a food delivery service. Chris von Ulmenstein started a Facebook page that would serve as a central directory of restaurants offering a delivery service. “I had the idea to start a Facebook group, creating a list of restaurants in Cape Town and the Winelands offering the food delivery service. In June this has grown to a food collection service too, as well as alcohol.” In just over a month the Lockdown Food Delivery and Collection Restaurants Cape Town and Winelands’ page now has more than 4 000 members and 548 restaurants listed. “Restaurants pay nothing to be listed and to post their daily offerings and menus in the group. I allow a few posts of suppliers
offering delivery services, and sanitization services to restaurants. And the restaurants receive orders and feedback about the meals from the diner members. A win-win for all,” she explained. She says it is not only those in the food sector that are joining but ordinary people seeking ways to generate an income. “What is exciting is to see ‘home cooks’ creating little home restaurants, doing their own deliveries, creating businesses out of necessity after being retrenched from their jobs, or had no income in being self-employed. They quickly learnt about marketing themselves, and running a business.” According to Von Ulmenstein, there are no hefty requirements to join the group and she encourages those in the food industry to join. “All restaurants offering a food delivery or collection service, with or without alcohol sales, are welcome to be listed and to post in the group”.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
TYGERBURGER Bellville 15
Matrics restart school with a bang Matrics and Grade 7 learners in Durbanville were welcomed back to school last week.
Nicola Loubser, a teacher at Durbanville High School, was one of the teachers who welcomed the matrics back to school last Monday. Table View Primary School’s staff and principal all geared up in superhero outfits, ready to greet the Grade 7 learners.
Superhero welcome for Table View learners T
able View Primary School opened its doors last week with a superhero-themed welcome for learners. Teachers used the slogan “all superheroes wear masks” to inspire their welcome back dance and superhero-themed outfits. The principal of the school, Golie Gouws, said it was important that learners understood the seriousness of Covid-19, but that they were not unnecessarily anxious about returning to school. “Superhero stories are stories of hope, and during these Covid-19 times, it is important to remember to have hope that these tough days
will end. “Superhero stories are stories of sacrifice for the greater good. We hope to inspire our learners that by wearing a mask (which might be a slight discomfort), social distancing and remembering good hygiene, they will be fighting the good fight against Covid-19.” The learners were also briefed on the importance of social distancing. Mask wearing and sanitising was emphasised by deputy principal, Sue Akerman. The returning Grade 7 learners have been split into two groups to ensure social distancing.
“The first group of learners will be entering from 07:30 to 07:50 each day with the second group between 08:00 and 08:20. “Our learners are true superheroes who are facing their return to school with true heroic courage and sacrifice. We decided to try ease tensions and worries on the day by welcoming our returning superheroes with signs of support and reassurance. Our learners who were able to choose our distance learning option are also true superheroes. Their diligence and self-discipline allow our returning learners to keep a better social distance in classrooms,” Gouws said.
Goeie bywoningsyfer: Die eerste leerders van die Laerskool Brackenfell is soggens douvoordag by die skool. Hier reinig Deo-Mari le Roux die hande van Kayden Frick, een van die skool se veelsydige jong sportmanne, terwyl ’n kollega, Sebastion Kent, toekyk. In die eerste week van heropening het die skool ’n 84%-bywoning getoon. Hoewel net die graad 7’s tans terug is in die klas, word die ander leerders wat nog tuis moet bly, nie afgeskeep nie. Onderwysers deel daagliks hul kundigheid met die ouers en leerders en span die skool se kommunikasieforums en sosiale media in om seker te maak hulle sal slaggereed wees as hul beurt aanbreek om terug te keer. Intussen gaan Brackies se voedingskema vir behoeftige gesinne voort in samewerking met die NG kerk Brackenfell-Wes. “Met die res van Suid-Afrika se graad 7’s en matrieks wat eers Maandag terug is skool toe, wag die Brackie-ouers in spanning vir die groen lig van die owerhede om die ander leerders ook te laat terugkeer,” sê ’n woordvoerder van die skool.
Lorette Meyer (left), a teacher at El Shaddai Christian School in Durbanville, scans the temperature of Emily Snyman, a Grade 11 learner, on their first day back at school. Behind Emily is Mila Zondagh (right), also in Grade 11, giving a thumbs up after submitting her online screening test. PHOTO: PHILLIPA TOPPER
Margit van Niekerk (left) and Megan Griffith of Durbanville High School were in high spirits on their first day back at school. PHOTO: DR LUKE PHOTOS
At Fairmont High School in Durbanville it was business as usual for the matrics on their first day back at school. Here is Matthew Gravett. Behind him to the right is Mystique Arab. PHOTO: ROBERTA CRUMPLIN
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16 TYGERBURGER Bellville
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
FROM R669 000
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Recently renovated, this family home has been updated with modern high quality finishes. Providing the new owner with spacious & modern living. 3 Bedrooms, 1.5 Bathrooms, open plan lounge and kitchen. Braai room. Dining room. Double garage. Enclosed plot with automated gate. Well point.
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Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
TYGERBURGER Bellville 17
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18 TYGERBURGER Bellville
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
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Unit 4, Megawatt Park cnr of Dawn & Stella Road, Montague Gardens.
Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020
TYGERBURGER Bellville 19
SA Rugby pays tribute to Tobie Titus L
ong-serving SA Rugby administrator Tobias ‘Tobie’ Titus has officially called time on his career in the sport which has spanned an amazing six decades at the South African Rugby Union’s annual general meeting on Wednesday 3 June. Titus, who lives in Bellville, better known in the South African rugby community as “Mr T” or “Oom Tobie”, started his involvement in sport at the height of apartheid, at the University of the Western Cape in the 1960s, and spent a lot of his time and energy fighting racial segregation in sport. “From an early stage in his life, ‘Mr T’ decided to use his time and skills in sports administration,” said Mark Alexander, SA Rugby president. “He was elected as the youngest president of the UWC Rugby Club, after which he served as president of the Tygerberg Rugby Union, whom he also represented during the unification talks with Western Province in the early 1990s. “Titus’ involvement in the upliftment of previously disadvantaged communities went beyond the rugby field – he did the same as the Dean of students at the then Peninsula Technikon (now the Cape Peninsula University of Technology).” Through his involvement in tertiary education, Titus had the opportunity to mentor many young people, who today still play an important role as administrators and leaders in various spheres of the South African sport industry. His influence was felt at international level too. As a founding member of the South African Student Sports Union (Sassu), Titus served as chairperson for a total of seven years between 1995 and 2004, during which period he represented university sport globally. “He is regarded as a sporting visionary and a respected leader in the world of university sport, and was instrumental in the
Tobie Titus. establishment of the highly-popular FNB Varsity Cup,” added Alexander. “This competition, which kicked off in 2008, has played an enormous role in not only changing the local rugby landscape, but it also had a massive impact on the lives of thousands of young rugby players.” Within the higher echelons of South African rugby, Titus served as president of Wes-
tern Province, a position he vacated in 2012 to serve on the executive council of SA Rugby. He has also held the positions as chair of SA Rugby’s youth and student rugby committee, as well as the transformation committee. “His second term on the exco has now come to an end and it’s time for “Mr T” to take a well-earned rest,” said Alexander.
“As one of the longest-serving administrators in the history of South African rugby, he has overcome many challenges, always acting with poise and respect. “Titus brought passion, commitment and strong leadership to rugby in South Africa and his contributions will be sorely missed, but his legacy will live on for many generations to come.”
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Sport Page 20 | Woensdag, 10 Junie 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
Safe return of sports needed F
ollowing the recent announcement regarding the regulations governing alert level 3, the financial survival of many sports in South Africa remain uncertain. According to the latest guidelines released by government last week, professional non-contact sport will be permitted, but leaves many federations in a desperate financial battle. All sports codes offer work opportunities at all levels from organised recreational to professional and many sports clubs, coaches, trainers, workers and semi-professional athletes face financial ruin should sport on all levels remain prohibited. According to South African Gymnastics Federation (SAGF), the sport provides full or part-time employment to approximately 3 500 people countrywide, with golf providing approximately 40 000 jobs at facilities alone, and swimming an estimated 22 000 jobs. Close to 6 500 people are employed directly and indirectly in tennis. Various sports federations recently came together to discuss the future and phased return to sport. These sports federations have put strong risk mitigation strategies and policies in place based upon international best practice and in line with government regulations. These non-contact sports codes include gymnastics, swimming, golf, rowing, surfing, canoeing, cycling, cricket and tennis. For the sake of the survival of the sports economy during the Covid-19 lockdown, these federations appealed to government to consider the economic and health impact of restricting organised sport in South Africa. “The plan SAGF submitted includes the protocols we will be implementing across all our registered clubs in South Africa to ensure social distancing, regular sanitisation of gyms and education about combatting this virus to all its members, amongst other things,” said Anne Vermaak, SAGF chief executive officer. “We urgently need our clubs back in business to ensure their financial survival.” Richard Glover, chief executive officer of Tennis South Africa (TSA) shares Vermaak’s sentiments. According to Glover
TSA has already started the Covid-19 coaching license application process for coaches. They are also conducting a province by province review of all venues. “We are beginning to educate coaches on the strict health and safety, hygiene and social distancing measures that we will have to put in place with immediate effect,” he concluded. “It is essential that we return to organised activity as soon as possible.” Grant Hepburn of GolfRSA says, “Golf is a healthy exercise for families and people of all ages. It is also an excellent stress reliever and takes place outdoors in wide open spaces. The safe return of our golfers will mean that we can save thousands of jobs and dozens of facilities that contribute massively to the economy and to charity. We have a nationwide risk mitigation plan in place at all clubs and we are confident that we are well prepared for golf to resume as a safe and healthy exercise for everyone.” In terms of swimming and surfing, both federations have indicated that they are ready to return, with Swimming SA’s policy being finalised this week. Both sports are non-contact and is geared towards social distancing by its nature. For surfing, the only area of risk identified is when surfers transition into the ocean from the beach, rocks or piers – similar risks faced by runners, joggers, walkers and cyclists under the current regulations. Cricket South Africa’s Maxwell Jordaan, who is their transformation and member relations executive, has produced a plan and the way forward under each of the four alert levels highlighted by national government. “Cricket SA is looking at the BioSafe Zone aka Bio-Bubble. This means that players will live and play in the same environment, while all the preventive measures will be ensured. Players, officials and support staff will be tested prior to entering this zone,” Jordaan said. It is widely recognised that physical activity, performed for the right amount of time and intensity can provide benefits to the immune system. V Have an interesting sports story for TygerBurger to publish? Send a detailed email to
Keeping the health team running: Over 2700 pairs of footwear and fleece tops were donated to healthcare workers at a handover ceremony at the Bellville Health Park on Monday 25 May. The footwear and apparel will be distributed to metro health services across the country. For more information or to participate in the adidas #HometeamHero Challenge, follow @adidasZA on Instagram or download the adidas Running or Training apps. Adidas donated $1 for every hour of accumulated exercise between Wednesday 29 May and Sunday 7 June. Here are (from left): Harry Grainger, Lauren Haakman, Anroux Marais, Alan Winde, Roddy van Breda, Nomafrench Mbombo and Kate Woods.