TygerBurger Parow - 25 March 2020

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TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




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Lindiwe Nijili leads a crowd in song at the basic skills graduation ceremony held at the Protea Valley Church last Saturday. Scores of people graduated from six-week courses which were hosted by volunteers in topics ranging from cooking to computer skills. Nijili graduated from an intermediate sewing class. Read the full story on page 9. PHOTO: NIELEN DE KLERK


Hengelaars, Stad byeen ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme


erskeie voorstelle is gemaak op ’n onlangse vergadering tussen varswaterhengelaars en die Stad Kaapstad – onder meer dat hengel as ’n proeflopie by die Vygeboomdam in Durbanville ingestel word.

Dié vergadering op 11 Maart kom nadat varswaterhengelaars van onder meer die Kaapstadse Varswater-hengelvereniging die Stad genader het oor die Stad se planne om die hengelbeleid by varswaterbronne in die stad te hersien. Die Stad se departement van parke en rekreasie het in Februarie aangekondig dat hy met ’n openbare deelnameproses begin om

’n volhoubare oplossing te vind vir visvang as ’n ontspanningsaktiwiteit by damme in openbare oop ruimtes. Daar is in 2005 ’n moratorium geplaas op hengel by damme ná talle klagtes oor swak gedrag van hengelaars en beserings wat watervoëls opdoen weens vislyn en hoeke wat agtergelaat word. In 2007 is ’n ooreenkoms bereik dat hengel

slegs seisoenaal – tussen Oktober en April – met ’n permit by die Doordekraal-dam in Kenridge en Elsieskraalrivier toegelaat sal word. Dié rivier, wat in die Tygerberg-heuwels ontstaan, vloei suid-weswaarts tot waar dit by die Swartrivier suid van Pinelands aansluit. V Na bladsy 2



Continue to support Choc All fundraising events held by the Choc Childhood Cancer Foundation have been cancelled due to the Covid-19 crisis, which is going to result in a significant loss of income in the foreseeable future. This means they will struggle to continue to provide their beneficiaries with the care and support they need. For more information contact them on 021 531 0052.

Localities of Covid-19 cases not going public DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke

Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24-groep Verspreding: TygerBurger Parow word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Avondale, Beaconvale, Churchill Estate, Clam Hall, De Tijger, Fairfield Estate, Glen Lily, Oostersee, Richmond, Parow-Oos, Parow-Noord, Parowvallei, De Duin Totale verspreiding: 14 322 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel ( 021 910 6500 of e-pos: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za Kontak ons: Redakteur: Cecilia Hume cecilia@media24.com Joernalis: Richard Roberts richard.roberts@tygerburger.co.za Advertensiebestuurder: Vesha Poonsamy ( 021 910 6520 Ruveshni.Poonsamy@media24.com Hoofkoerant advertensies: Andre Schreuder ( 021 910 6525 of ( 072 735 2504 aschreud@tygerburger.co.za Geklassifiseerd: ( 087 353 1329 www.tygerburger.co.za Eiendomme: Alexandra Fortuin ( 021 910 6628 of ( 081 400 9994 Alexandra.fortuin@media24.co.za

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020


he provincial health department is not going to make public the specific areas in Cape Town, where residents tested positive for the feared Covid-19. This, according to the department is done to curb panic. After requesting the information from the department Wednesday last week, TygerBurger received the following response from health spokesperson Mark van der Heever on Thursday morning 19 March. “We do not provide breakdown of cases per area (or suburb) as this would cause unnecessary panic, as we are dealing with it as a collective.” Mayco member for spatial planning and environment Marian Nieuwoudt, also ward councillor in Brackenfell, says panic could get out of hand should the health depart-

ment make the localities of the confirmed cases public. “It will make a difference. People will isolate areas spontaneously. For instance, if you had to know of a case in Brackenfell, you would go to Tyger Valley rather than the hypermarket,” she says. In one unconfirmed incident it was suspected that a man believed to reside in the northern suburbs, tested positive for the virus some two weeks ago. The man recently returned from a trip to Italy. “After returning home he started having a sore throat. He phoned his doctor who advised him to monitor the symptoms for two weeks. He presented with no other symptoms. “His throat worsened and he again contacted his doctor a few days later,” a reliable source told TygerBurger. The man insisted on getting tested at a pri-

vate facility, where he tested positive, according to the source. On request the health department would not confirm the locality of this case. The total confirmed cases in the Western Cape for COVID-19, by 23 March stood at 130 with 42 additional cases reported since 22 March. Van der Heever said residents must continue with social distancing as communicated by President Cyril Ramaphosa, to prevent the spread of the virus. “We all need to work together to slow the spread of the virus and ultimately prevent it. “By making the basic hygiene principles part of our daily lives and limit social gatherings you play a big role in preventing the further spread of Covid-19. “In doing so, you not only protect yourself, but you also protect your family and your community,” said Van der Heever.

City responds to M12 road completion RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj Following a news report on the new section of Giel Basson Drive (M12) which had been opened to motorists, the City of Cape Town responded this week confirming that a total of R67 527 677 had actually been spent on the dual-carriage road – more than the previously indicated R56 million by the City earlier, (“R56m road finally open”, TygerBurger 18/3). The developer, Abland, contributed R45 530 443 and the City a further

Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid-Afrika, Pippa Green, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus ( 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na ( 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za or pippag@ombudsman.org.za

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It's the month of LOVE & we're gathering items for the colder months! • Fleece blankets • Towels • Hot water bottles

Donations can be dropped off at 90 Bofors Circle, Epping 2. Contact Kelly on info@aacl-ct.co.za for more information


VAN BLADSY 1 Ondanks die moratorium het onwettige hengel egter steeds plaasgevind by damme soos die Sonstraaldam, Vygeboomdam en Uitzichtdam in Durbanville. Inwoners rondom die Uitzichtdam het sowat ’n maand gelede kapsie gemaak teen die onwettige hengel by dié dam nadat ’n kolgans se pote verstrengel geraak het in vislyn en daardeur geamputeer is. Die kolgans is deur ’n plaaslike veearts van kant gemaak nadat inwoners daarin geslaag het om dit te vang. Hengelaars het egter weer in Junie verlede jaar ’n belangrike rol gespeel om die drywende indringerwaterplant, die Kariba-waterplant, uit die Vygeboomdam te verwyder. Die Kaapstadse Varswater-hengelvereniging het op 18 Februarie ’n versoekskrif aan raadslede by die munisipale kantore in Durbanville oorhandig en ’n vergadering aangevra. Volgens Marais Bergh, voorsitter van die vereniging, is op die vergadering daarna op 11 Maart deur amptenare van die departement van rekreasie en parke onderneem om ’n voorstel te maak dat hengel by die Vygeboomdam vir ’n proefperiode gewettig word. “Dit gaan egter onderhewig wees aan talle voorwaardes en reëls, wat hulle nog moet opstel. Ons is ook gesê dat die impakstudie binne die volgende ses maande afgehandel behoort te wees,” het Bergh gesê. Die vereniging het ook voorstelle gemaak rondom Prinsesvlei, ’n vlei oos van Heathfield – onder meer dat ’n beleid van vang en vrylaat ingestel word om die visbron te beskerm. “Die bron word nou daar vinnig gestroop,” het hy gesê. “Die Kaapstadse Varswater-hengelvereniging is ’n Facebook-groep met meer as 100 lede wat ten doel het om ons gemeenskaplike hengelprobleme op te los en is nie ’n amptelike vereniging nie,” het Bergh gesê. “Varswaterhengel is in Suid-Afrika ’n baie gewilde sport. “Ons as hengelaars voel dat ons geleenthede van ons weggeneem word deur die huidige toedrag van sake, wat deur die Stad Kaap-

R21 997 234. Felicity Purchase, Mayco member for transport, says construction took about 18 months. “A section of the road could not be immediately opened to traffic until a low hanging overhead electricity cable had been relocated by Eskom,” Purchase says. The full extent of the M12 link, between the N7 and Sienna Drive in Burgundy Estate, was opened to traffic on 9 March. The road was constructed by Abland, the developer of the Atlantic Hills

stad ingestel is. “In hierdie stadium is daar geen behoorlike hengelplek meer oor binne die grense van die stad nie. Waar hengel nie verbode is nie, is die bronne in so ’n swak toestand dat hengel nie kan plaasvind nie.” “Hoewel besoedeling van die omgewing deur hengelaars, asook hul swak optrede, voorgehou word as die redes waarom die bronne vir ons gesluit word, het jaarlikse hengel binne Kaapstad minder impak op die omgewing as wat die Cape Town Cycle Tour alleen het, om nie eens te praat van die Two Oseane-marathon nie. “As die rede besoedeling is, moet hierdie twee byeenkomste, en enige ander fietsren en marathon, ook verbied word. Dis skrikwekkend hoeveel plastiek weens hierdie sportbyeenkomste in ons water beland,” het Bergh gesê. “Daar is ook voortdurend fietsryers en atlete op die pad waarmee rekening gehou moet word. Van die res van ons padgebruikers word verwag om verdraagsaam te wees teenoor hierdie sportmense – só vra ons dan dat die publiek ook teenoor ons verdraagsaam moet wees,” het hy gesê. Volgens Bergh word hengelaars dikwels verantwoordelik gehou vir besoedeling en lawaai by plekke soos die Vygeboomdam. “Dit word egter veroorsaak deur mense wat glad nie hengel nie. Baiekeer kom hou mense partytjies daar en raas tot laatnag en los hulle rommel net so. “Hierdie besoedeling en swak gedrag is dinge wat ons kan pak as die wetstoepassingsowerhede en ons hengelgemeenskap koppe bymekaar sit,” het hy gesê. Die vereniging het in sy petisie versoek dat minstens twee bronne dringend beskikbaar gestel word vir gesinshengel. “Hierdie plekke moet veilig wees sodat ’n ouer met sy of haar kinders sal kan sit en hengel, sonder om bekommerd te wees oor hul veiligheid. Die plek moet ook so geleë wees dat goed met gemak van die geparkeerde voertuie tot by die oewer gedra kan word sonder om te ver te loop,” lui die versoekskrif. Die vereniging het versoek dat die byko-

Business Park development. “The developer’s obligations in terms of the approval condition for the development, was to complete the M12 link from the N7 to Tyger Valley Road in order to provide road infrastructure that would meaningfully contribute to the relief of both existing congestion, and the additional congestion that would be generated by the new development. “The City contributed to the construction of the link beyond Tyger Valley Road to Sienna Drive,” Purchase told TygerBurger.

mende permitstelsel by die Doordekraaldam behou word en dat die watergras by dié dam verwyder moet word. “Meer staanplek moet ook beskikbaar gestel word, en beter wetstoepassing moet gehandhaaf word. Daar is verlede jaar reeds verskeie mense daar beroof,” lui die versoekskrif. “By alle munisipale damme moet ’n beleid van vang- en-vrylaat toegepas word. Ons vis is min en ons bronne is te skaars om mense toe te laat om dit op te eet. “Ons besef ons vis word beskou as indringerspesies, maar van alles in die munisipale water is dit basies al wat regtig sinvol deur die inwoners van Kaapstad benut kan word. “Ons as hengelaars het ’n grondwetlike reg om ons sport te beoefen, en die Stad het ’n verantwoordelikheid om die geriewe vir ons daar te stel, net soos hulle dit vir ander sportsoorte doen. “Om die geriewe te sluit omdat dit die maklikste oplossing blyk te wees, gaan nie die probleem laat verdwyn nie. Ons as hengelaars is bereid om hande te vat met die Stad, maar verwag van die Stad om dieselfde te doen,” lui die versoekskrif. Talle van hul voorstelle en versoeke was ook aangaande Prinsesvlei, Zandvlei en Zeekoeivlei, wat in die suidelike voorstede geleë is. Zahid Badroodien, die Stad se burgemeesterskomiteelid vir dienste en gesondheid, het gesê die Stad is tans besig met ’n studie om die lewensvatbaarheid van hengel en ander ontspanningsaktiwiteite by die meer as 60 damme in openbare oop ruimtes vas te stel. “’n Omvattende openbare deelnameproses sal alle rolspelers betrek voor enige besluite om damme vir hengel en ander aktiwiteite op te stel, geneem sal word,” het sy gesê. Hengelaars kan permitte verkry van die Stad se direktoraat rekreasie en parke by 021 444 6022 of rig ’n versoek per e-pos na Desere.deVries@capetown.gov.za en by die Kaapse Natuurbewaring by 021 483 0000, Lubabalo Sidliki by lsidliki@capenature.co.za of die agentskap Russels Angling Suppliers by 021 939 6838.

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020


Korona-geval by T’berg-kampus RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj


ie Universiteit Stellenbosch het bevestig dat een van sy personeellede by dié instansie se Tygerberg-kampus in Parow positief getoets het vir die koronavirus. In ’n mediaverklaring wat verlede Donderdag uitgereik is, word genoem dat die personeellid onlangs oorsee gereis het en tans in self-afsondering is. Die persoon word onder toesig van die provinsiale en nasionale departement van gesondheid behandel. Prof. Wim de Villiers, rektor en visekanselier, sê hy wens die kollega alle sterkte en ’n volkome herstel toe.

“Mense na aan die persoon is geïdentifiseer en die gepaste gesondheidsowerhede is besig om met hulle in verbinding te tree. “Blootstelling van alle ander kollegas en studente by Tygerberg word tans as ’n baie lae risiko beskou en al die nodige maatreëls is getref om te verseker die kampusgeriewe is veilig,” lui die verklaring. Die hoofkampus se biblioteek is Vrydag gesluit. Volgens ’n werker sal dit gesluit bly tot verdere kennisgewing en kan studente boeke aanlyn kry. In ’n ander verklaring wat die US-woordvoerder Martin Viljoen aan TygerBurger verskaf het, sê die universiteit hy doen al die moontlike om te sorg dat sy studente hul akademiese jaar kan voltooi en dat die universiteit volhoubaar bly.

Hospital takes caution RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj The public have been informed of new visiting hours at hospitals brought about by the current health crisis. Covid-19 have been spreading throughout the country with the first confirmed case having been reported earlier this month. As at yesterday, the total number of postive infections stood at 554 confirmed cases. Zolani Zenzile, spokesperson for the Karl Bremer Hospital, says some of the adjustments during this time include reduced visiting times (19:00 to 20:00), one visitor per patient, no patient rotation and no under 12 year olds. “The department is adjusting in-hospital visiting protocol to limit the growing risk around the possible transmission of Covid19,” Zenzile said in a statement. He says the adjustments are also in line with the principle of social distancing to limit interaction and in doing so, slowing and stopping the spread of the virus. A Goodwood resident however shared several photos of mostly elderly people sitting in a waiting area allegedly at the hospital on Monday morning. The information was shared on the Bothasig, Edgemead, Monte Vista, Vasco, Richwood Neighbourhood Facebook page. According to the information shared, the patients sat relatively near to one another. A security guard at the hospital did apparently inform visitors to maintain a safe social distance, but according to the writer, this rule was not enforced. TygerBurger reached out to the author of the post as well as Zenzile and the provincial department of health, but has not received feedback yet. In a statement issued Monday afternoon

however the department did indicate that it requests members of the public – that unless they require emergency treatment – to stay at home and seek advice first if they are unsure. “If you need emergency medical care, you must urgently go to your closest health facility,” Mark van der Heever, spokesperson, says.


Über-bestuurder gekaap, in bagasiebak gegooi NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk ’n Über-bestuurder het in Bellville uit sy kar se bagasiebak ontsnap nadat hy deur twee van sy passasiers gekaap is. Die bestuurder het die twee mans na bewering Sondagoggend in Parow opgelaai en na Athlone geneem, sê kapt. Jonathan Blankenberg van die Bellville-polisiekantoor. “Die twee mans het die bestuurder oor-

val en hom van sy beursie beroof, hom vasgebind en in die bagasiebak gelaai.” Hulle het toe teruggedraai en tot naby die Bellville-stasie gery, waar hulle gestop en die kar se battery verwyder het voordat hulle gevlug het. “Die slagoffer het daarin geslaag om van die bagasiebak af by die sitplek uit te kom.” Hy het ’n verkeersbeampte se aandag getrek, wat hom te hulp gesnel het. Die kapers is nog nie in hegtenis geneem nie.



Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020

Mobile testing at C’gate Mediclinic DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


unique Covid-19 mobile testing service in the basement parking of Mediclinic Cape Gate opened last Tuesday. It is one of only three Mediclinic mobile testing stations in the Western Cape, the other two being in Cape Town and Somerset West. “Mediclinic recognises that there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people seeking out information on whether or not they should be tested for Covid-19. This has placed strain on a number of healthcare facilities,” says spokesperson for Mediclinic Southern Africa, Tertia Kruger. This is how it works at Mediclinic Cape Sassa has recently advised beneficiaries to avoid collecting their grants on the first day of payment due to the high pedestrian traffic at shopping malls and other outlets. This follows the announcement prohibiting large gatherings of no more than 100 people to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Sassa spokesperson, Paseka Letsatsi, said that Sassa offices are often jam-packed and they have taken precautionary measures. “The President’s call to action has made us take our own precautionary measures. This situation calls for urgent action to be taken looking at our daily and monthly business as Sassa and the South African Post office (Sapo),” Letsatsi said. The following measures have been put in place with immediate effect in all Sassa offices to ensure the safety of beneficiaries and staff and to ensure that no services are interrupted.

Gate. As you enter the main boom gate, signage will direct you to the basement parking. In the parking lot you are instructed to remain in your vehicle. You will note a white gazebo, explains Madali Groenewald, patient experience manager at Mediclinic Cape Gate. “A healthcare worker will approach you at your car to do a screening assessment, which consists of a questionnaire. Should you meet the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) case definition criteria, they will proceed with the testing.” If no test is required, the healthcare worker will provide relevant advice. Where a test is required, a decision will then be made on whether to admit the patient or send them home for self-isolation until the results

of the test are known. To fast-track the process you are asked to complete the assessment online at www.mediclinic.co.za/en/ corporate/corona-virus.html) or helpline (0860 240024), before you visit the test station. This will give a strong indication of whether you require the Covid-19 swab test. Testing in the form of a mouth swab takes place in a private cubicle and testing procedures complies with NICD regulations. Groenewald says you would have to present at least one of the clinical criteria together with one of the epidemiological criteria to meet testing criteria. Symptoms include high fever, body aches, shortness of breath, sore throat and coughing. Epidemiological criteria include recent travel or close contact with a

confirmed or probable Covid-19 individual. “After the test, you are sent home to selfisolate until your test results return. We will contact you with the test results and advise you on further procedures,” says Groenewald. At present, the mobile station is testing about 60 persons per day, and has not yet had a positive case. The current turnaround time at this facility is about three days. The cost of the tests are R1000 per person and is strictly limited to the costs of pathology from the private provider. Persons taking the test at Mediclinic will have to claim it back from their medical aids, if permitted by their schemes. The mobile test station is open from Mondays to Sundays from 08:00 to 17:00.

SASSA takes precaution Beneficiaries are advised to avoid collecting their grants on the first day of payment due to the high pedestrian traffic at shopping malls and other outlets, which is a health risk. Once Sassa has paid money into a beneficiary’s account the money will stay there and can be accessed on any day of the month instead of taking a health risk by visiting an outlet on the first day of the month. All outreach programmes are suspended with immediate effect as most of the outreach programme are attended by more than 100 people (including children and the elderly). Home, clinic and hospital visits by Sassa officials are suspended with immediate effect. Where a client is above 75 years of age and is

bedridden and unable to report to a Sassa office, an application process can be completed under section 15 and Regulation 10 (1) of Social Assistant Act, 2004 to have a procurator or proxy apply on behalf of the affected client. The chosen procurator must be appointed in writing and produce that letter together with all their documents including identity card so that the application can be processed. The application will follow normal process. Local office managers will ensure that the allowed number per day rule is adhered to so that no more than 100 people are served at a time. The number will depend on the size of the waiting area. The number allowed in must make provision for a space between clients

and adequate ventilation. In addition, both Sassa and Sapo have put up notices at entrances of their offices advising the public that access to the premises will be limited to less than 100 persons at any given point. Clients are advised not to report to local offices for simple enquiries but to rather call Sassa and Sapo on their toll-free customer care numbers. We also encourage them to utilise our social media platforms. All the above mentioned channels will be monitored closely so as to give our clients the best service they require. In terms of managing numbers at cash pay points, the organisation together with Sapo will ensure that the number of clients being serviced at a time does not exceed the

national set number of 100 people. Priority will be given to elderly, frail, people with disabilities, mothers with children as well as pregnant women. Hand sanitizers will also be provided especially to areas where water is limited. All staff dealing directly with clients will be supplied with all the necessary protective kits to ensure that their health is safeguarded. Sassa together with Sapo will work closely to limit the number of public at post office outlets especially on the first few days of grant payments. The same requirements at local offices will apply to post office outlets. Hand sanitizers are available at all post office doors for clients to use before entering the premises. Additional cash dispensers will be used to ensure that there is no overcrowding around one or two dispensers at cash pay points and post offices. For more information call 0800 60 10 11

Entries open for , performing arts competition Kraaifontein: Factory Shop 7 Assegaai Rd Kraaifontein Industria, Cape Town

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The mayoral performing arts competition, Cape Town Expozed, is back for a second year and is looking for the Mother City’s next star. Entries for Cape Town Expozed opened recently and will close on Monday 30 March. ‘‘We are looking to provide an opportunity for young up-and-coming talent who have been waiting for a platform to showcase their abilities on a big stage,’’ says mayor Dan Plato. The competition is open to singers, dancers, musicians, poets and aspiring magicians among others. ‘‘This is more than just a talent competition. We want to train and develop young people and provide them with the tools required to build a long-lasting career in the discipline they choose. “I want to encourage the youth to take this opportunity as it could be the stepping-stone to launch a wonderful career.’’ From the entries, Cape Town Expozed will host auditions where the top eight will be chosen (dates to be confirmed). Entrants between 16 and 35 years old can enter a 60-minute video clip on Facebook or Instagram. The winner will receive a R10 000 cash prize. V Visit the Cape Town Expozed Facebook page for more details.

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020


Device developed for carjackings ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme


ith carjackings in Cape Town increasing in the past five years, a local private investigator has designed a new device to “buy time” when carjacked. According to Sakkie Buys from La Rochelle in Bellville, being a grandfather himself, he was worried about the increase in carjackings – especially where vehicles are carjacked with small children still strapped in their car seats. Carjackings in the Western Cape has increased with 140% from 956 cases in 2013/2014 to 2 294 in just five years. According to the 2018/2019 crime statistics released by the police in September last year, 264 carjackings were reported

in the northern suburbs, of which 113 alone in Bellville (23), Durbanville (5), Brackenfell (12), Parow (39) and Goodwood (34). In Kraaifontein 49 cases were reported and in Kuilsrivier 28 cases. Milnerton had the highest incidence in the northern suburbs of 65 cases, and 9 in Bothasig. Buys was a detective in violent crimes for 25 years and then a lecturer at Paarl Police College. He retired as a colonel in 1996 and since then has been involved in private investigations, especially for the Road Accident Fund. “I started to do research to see what one can do within the law. There are several devices advertised as legal, such as one where flames blow onto the carjacker, but it is totally illegal,” he says. “You are not allowed to cause more harm to the perpetrator than is justified – in other words, your right to defend yourself must be on the same scale as the crime and you may not harm a

With this device designed by Bellville resident Sakkie Buys, he wants to “buy” mothers time to take their children out of their car seats in case of a carjacking. PHOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS

third ‘innocent’ party – therefore you cannot implement something that will harm your own child as well, such as teargas or carbon oxide,” Buys says. “You may also not allow the vehicle to move, or interfere with the technical operation of the vehicle, as this can have consequences for your public liability,” he says. After two years of research, he developed a device. The electrical wiring is plugged into the lighter for power. A 2mm pipe is built from the device into the dashboard of the vehicle to be at eye level. When the remote panic button is pressed, the device is activated to blow pepper into the face of the carjacker. “This causes discomfort for the carjacker for at least five minutes, and the mother has time to take her child our of the car seat to safety. It is of course useful in all cases of carjackings,” Buys says. “The idea is that the mother or driver wears the remote control around his or her neck to have it at hand in the case of a carjacking,” he says. The cost of the device of R2 900 includes installation, training and support to lay charges at the nearest police station, as well as to reset the device after it has been activated. Information about the device will also be shared on a WhatsApp group, he says. Contact Sakkie Buys on questo.safety@gmail.com with enquiries.


Polisie maan inwoners RICHARD ROBERTS @@richardjohn_rj Die polisie in Parow waarsku inwoners om bedag te wees op vreemdelinge wat hulle as amptenare of diensverskaffers voordoen. Kapt. Kevin Williams, polisiewoordvoerder, bied ’n reeks veiligheidswenke aan wat veral op senior burgers gemik is. “Hou deure en vensters gesluit en moenie onbekende mense op jou eiendom of in jou woning toelaat nie. “Wees bedag op vreemdelinge wat hulle as Eskom- of televisie-

lisensie-inspekteurs voordoen. Dring aan op ’n identifikasiekaart en bevestig mense se identiteit met ’n oproep na die onderskeie instansies,” waarsku Williams. Volgens hul misdaadhoof was seniors onlangs slagoffers van huisbraak en diefstal, sê hy. Senior burgers word ook versoek om nie water of kos aan vreemdelinge te gee nie. “Rapporteer verdagte vreemdelinge in jou gebied aan die polisie en moenie onbekende mense versoek om rondom jou huis skoon te maak of op te ruim nie,” sê Williams.

Golden Arrow ensure safety In order to curb the spread of coronavirus, Golden Arrow has implemented new hygiene methods for its passengers. The bus services general manager, Derick Meyer says the following measures were introduced as of last week Tuesday 17 March: . Daily application of specialised 24-hour germ and virus-killing surface cleaner to every single one of our 1 200 buses with additional applications at termini where possible; . load reduction strategies where possible;

. providing drivers with masks, gloves and hand sanitizer; . on-going passenger and staff education in partnership with the provincial department of transport and public works; . the bus services internal Covid-19 task team meets on a daily basis to assess and formulate strategies based on global best practices and the specific needs of passengers and staff. “As this is a fast-developing situation we will keep passengers informed via all channels available to us,” says Meyer.



Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020

Accolade for local scientist DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


ood scientist Dr Paul Williams knows his blesbok meat from his springbok meat. In fact, he is a leader in the field, due to his research in food fraud, particularly into finding ways to distinguish game meat. This has earned him a sought after international accolade. Living in Brackenfell, Williams (38) is one among only 13 young professionals worldwide recognised by the international society for optics and photonics (SPIE), as one of its 2020 DCS Rising Researchers. A lecturer and researcher at the Department of Food Science in Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Agri Sciences, he is also the only academic in the group, not from an American university. The group of 13 will be recognised at the SPIE 2020 conference in California in the USA, which is planned for the end of April 2020. “Here Williams will present some preliminary findings on the use of near infrared hyperspectral (NIR) imaging to distinguish between different types of game meat and game meat cuts,” says Engela Duvenhage, spokesperson for the Faculty of Agri Sciences at Stellenbosch University. According to a press release by SPIE, its Rising Researcher initiative is now in its fourth year. It recognises early-career professionals who are conducting outstanding work in

product development or research in the areas of defence, commercial, and scientific sensing, imaging, optics, or related fields such as astronomy and food science. His work and its use as an identifier for South African game species such as springbok and blesbok, follows on that done by other researchers on kangaroo and reindeer meat, says Duvenhage. His research looks at how light interacts with a product, and how the highly sensitive camera in imaging instruments picks up on different chemical signals and converts it into images. “With NIR we can see chemical differences or similarities on the computer that we cannot see with our eyes. It allows us to visualise the potential differences or similarities between different materials or objects, from food to minerals. Each have their own chemical ‘signal’,” Williams explains. Williams says the issue of food fraud was top of mind when he started this work. “Once it is cut, you cannot really distinguish kudu from springbok meat, for instance, and therefore we need methods that can do so.” Current DNA identification methods can be quite costly, and time-consuming. “Our NIR studies have already shown that there are definite chemical differences between the meat of species, such as blesbok and springbok and between different muscles in their bodies,” he explains. For now the technology has not been rolled out to the game meat industry, pending more research, but says Wiliams, that is the goal.

Dr Paul Williams from Sonkring in Brackenfell in his laboratory.

Bins are left outside as a result of delayed refuse collection. PHOTO: SAMANTHA LEE-JACOBS

City to restore refuse collection SAMANTHA LEE-JACOBS @samantha_lee121 If you are among the residents frustrated with sporadic refuse collection, this should soon be resolved. The City of Cape Town’s refuse collection services should see steady, progressive improvement over the next three weeks following disruptions to refuse removal times and subsequent backlogs. The backlogs were caused by revised procedures to audit and governance processes that came into effect from Friday 24 January affecting repairs to vehicles and infrastructure throughout the municipality. “This is primarily being felt in the solid waste collections service due to the high demands placed on vehicles in the service and the associated intensive maintenance programmes that are required to keep the service working normally,” says Mayco member for water and waste, Xanthea Limberg. “The entire city is affected in varying degrees from day to day. The situation is dependent on the availability of refuse compactor vehicles.” The finalisation of 709 purchase orders for the servicing of its 211 refuse vehicles in line with the new audit requirements should see that matter resolved. “Suppliers are also being requested to speed up repairs and maintenance of vehicles to get them back on the road again. Where applicable, senior staff in the solid waste service has also been recalled from leave to ensure contingencies, such as redistribution of vehicles to worse-affected areas, are in place to minimise the impact on residents while the backlog of vehicle repairs is being tackled,” says Limberg. “We have worked hard to ensure that the revised procedures do not have an indefinite negative impact on service delivery. City financial experts have devel-

oped ways to speed up the procurement process in a manner that is compliant with the new audit and governance requirements while at the same time, together with our solid waste department, everyone has done their utmost to ensure that the impact on services is minimised wherever humanly possible. We know that our residents are proud of our reliable refuse collection services and of the City’s sound governance. Our commitment to top service delivery remains strong,” says Mayco member for finance, Ian Neilson. From Monday 16 March, a new service schedule was implemented which will mean that refuse collection should not be delayed by more than one day. “Residents throughout the city should please bring their bins out by 07:00 in the morning, and leave them outside until 21:00 until collected. Residents are also implored not to resort to illegal dumping if collection delays cause refuse to buildup to the point where it cannot fit in the wheelie bins,” says Limberg. With residents needing to leave their bins out for extended periods of time, the risk of theft also increases. Limberg says: “It is unfortunately necessary for our staff to work overtime to ensure that residents continue to receive the collection service. We understand that bins are at risk of theft, and stolen bins are replaced free of charge. In order to have a stolen bin replaced, the resident must report the matter to police and make a sworn affidavit. Thereafter they may call the call centre on 086 010 3089 or visit a municipal cash office, and have on hand their municipal account number and the affidavit. A request (C3) will be created for the bin to be replaced. The replacement bin will be delivered within seven working days.” Residents are also implored not to resort to illegal dumping if collection delays cause refuse to build up.

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020



Charles blom tussen sy asters CARINA ROUX


harles Summers van Haasendal sê as die vroue hom grootoog aankyk wanneer hy ’n hele paar pakkies pantyhose by Pep Stores koop, verduidelik hy maar daar is geen rede tot kommer nie. Die sykouse is wel nie bedoel vir een (vroulike) aster nie, maar vir ’n hele paar asters – van die plantfamilie Chrysanthemum Asteraceae. In die agterplaas van Summers se huis onder ’n skadunet staan 260 potte in rye met asterplante, waarvan die stamme elk met stukkies sykous aan ’n riet vasgebind is. Vir ’n leek lyk die plante, waarvan sommige skouerhoogte staan, dalk eenders, maar Summers wys gou verskillende variëteite uit. Die plante begin nou blomknoppe maak en behoort einde April te blom. ‘‘’n Kennersoog sal nou al aan die blomknop kan sien of dit ’n moontlike kampioenblom gaan oplewer,’’ sê hy. Summers, ’n voormalige stasiebevelvoerder van Brackenfell-polisie, sê vanjaar sal die vyfde jaar wees dat hy skou-asters kweek. Hy is ’n lid van die Stellenbosch Horticultural and Industrial Society (SHIS), wat spesifiek op asters fokus. Dié klub se jaarlikse skou word op 2 Mei in die saal van die Laerskool Rietenbosch in Cloetesville gehou. Summers pas sy asters soos babatjies op. Hulle word sowat nege maande lank vertroetel – vandat die steggies gesny en in potte geplant is van einde September verlede jaar tot en met blom- en skoutyd. ‘‘Nou is dit wag en sien vir die blom wat kom.” Die asters kry gereeld voeding; daar is ’n kombinasie van goed wat saamgevoeg word – onder meer potas, natrium, fosfate, ureum en duiwemis-water. Hy kry die mis van elders en meng dit dan met skoon water. Summers het ’n 3 500 l watertenk en die buurman gee ook nou en dan vir hom so 500 l

Charles Summers by sy asters. FOTO: CARINA ROUX

om te help om al die asters gelukkig te hou. Hy sê SHIS sal in 2022 sy 60ste bestaansjaar vier en dan wil hulle ’n nasionale skou aanbied. Die land se eerste en nou oudste klub is in 1907 in Wellington gestig. ‘‘Hulle het begin met ’n blom wat ons nou nog groei – die Louisa Pockett.’’ Dit blyk daar is sowat 2 000 variëteite met blomme in ’n wye reeks kleure. “As ek in die laaste week van April gaan sny, is hier ’n skouspel van kleur.” Tans het Summers sowat 50 variëteite, maar volgende jaar wil hy spesialiseer. “Ek wil dit minder maak en meer konsentreer op die larges en mediums.” Een van sy gunsteling-variëteite is die Elizabeth Shoesmith, wat dikwels ’n “hen-enkuikens” het – ’n middelknop met kleiner knoppies daarom, wat dan versigtig weggesny moet word. Sekere van die blomme groei moeiliker en dié variëteite gaan dan mettertyd verlore. ‘‘Daar is nie meer blou of groen asters in Suid-Afrika nie,” sê Summers.

Verlede jaar het hy met een blom – ’n ‘‘William Stokes” – twee van die groot pryse op die klubskou gewen. Dit was vir die beste kleur bloeisel (bloom) en die beste mediumgrootte blom. “Dit was ’n pers blom wat baie mooi rond gevorm was.” Hy sê hy kan hom verkyk aan hoe perfek rond van die blomme groei. Die stokperdjie vat wel baie van sy tyd, maar dis nooit ’n las nie. “Ek sit musiek aan en kan ure spandeer hier agter.” As hy vir sy vrou, wat in Johannesburg werk, sê hy was die helfte van die dag in die tuin, weet sy hy is gelukkig. Party van die plante het twee of drie stamme in een pot. “Net vier of vyf van die potte het one ups – net een moederstam. Van hulle kan jy vir seker weet jy gaan ’n goeie groot blom kry, want al die krag gaan in een. Met drie stamme word die kos verdeel.” Hy sê dit is nie moeilik om asters te kweek nie en ’n mens leer deur ervaring. “Honderd kwekers, honderd metodes.” Sommige klublede gebruik al baie jare dieselfde metodes wat vir hulle werk. En ja, jy moet bietjie tyd insit, maar nuwelinge kan

op klein skaal begin, raai hy aan. Digby die agterdeur staan ’n paar plante in die “siekeboeg” waar hulle bietjie ekstra aandag kry. Summers verduidelik die klompie het aanvanklik gestaan waar die skadunet digter is en het dus minder sonlig gekry. Soms pak hy ook van die ander plante uit of trek die skadunet oop om ’n goeie dosis sonskyn te gee. Hy hou die weervoorspelling dop, want die Suidoos kan die plante plat waai en die stam afbreek – “veral as die riet waarteen dit gebind is nie lekker stewig staan nie”. Beplanning en tydsberekening is belangrik. Van die skoudatum word daar terugwaarts beplan. “Die tricky ding is om seker te wees wanneer om plantjies (steggies) te maak sodat die blomme reg is teen skoutyd.” Selfs gesoute kwekers kry dit nie altyd reg nie en die weer speel ’n groot rol, sê hy. “Global warming veroorsaak dat daar in Maart – wanneer temperature al moet daal – skielik hitte van 37 grade is.” In Engeland, waar “mean asters” gekweek word, is die weer baie anders, maar daar word die klimaat grootliks beheer in kweekhuise, sê hy. “Hulle gebruik waaiers as dit te warm is en verwarmers as dit koud is. Die perfekte temperatuur (vir asters) is 18 grade Celsius. Ons kan nie die weer bestel nie; ons moet vat wat ons kry.” Summers hou noukeurig dagboek van al die take wat hy verrig soos watter voeding wanneer gegee is of grondmengsels wat hy gebruik het. “Nou met die nuwe seisoen kan ek gaan kyk wat ek verlede jaar gedoen het en wat gewerk het.” Omdat die klublede “almal ou manne” is, is Summers bekommerd dat die ‘‘sport” om skou-asters te kweek gaan uitsterf. “Ons soek jonger mense, so tussen 30 en 50, om aan te sluit en dit lewend te hou.” V Kontak Charles by 073 807 2350 of cjsummers30@gmail.com vir meer inligting.



Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020

Geslote dagsorg: wees moedig NIELEN DE KLERK @nielendk


oe gemaak as jy voltyds werk en jou kinders se dagsorg skielik sluit? Talle ouers is onverhoeds betrap deur die noodaankondiging rondom die bekamping van die koronavirus. Een van die maatreëls wat ingestel is, is dat dagsorgsentrums, sowel as vakansiesorgsentrums, tot 14 April gesluit is. Vir baie huishoudings is dié skole die primêre dagsorg terwyl ouers werk en niemand tuis na kinders kan kyk nie. Maureen en William Robertson, wat in Kuilsrivier bly, het twee kinders, Josh (12) en Jamie (4). Sy doen administratiewe werk by ’n finansiële instelling en hy is ’n bestuurder by ’n paneelklopper. Hulle is nog onseker of hulle van die huis af kan werk en het voorlopig verlof geneem. “Ons neem dit dag vir dag, tot ons antwoorde het oor ons werk,” sê sy. Nog ’n ma, wat drie kinders het en in Stellenberg bly, sê sy het aanvanklik haar kinders alleen tuis laat bly totdat haar werk gesê het sy mag tuis werk. Sy wil anoniem bly uit vrees vir viktimisasie. Haar kinders is onderskeidelik 14, 11 en 5 jaar oud. Sy het nie gemaklik gevoel om haar ouers se hulp in te roep nie omdat hulle albei seniors is en sy nie die risiko vir hulle wil verhoog nie. Sy het ook haar huishulp betaalde verlof gegee tot verdere kennisgewing.


Ander inwoners werk weer in skofte. ’n Paartjie in Ridgeworth, wat ook anoniem wil bly, sê hulle werk tans in skofte. Sy werk in die IT-bedryf en hy is ’n datakundige en albei kan tans tuis werk. Sy werk in die oggend van 04:00 tot 09:00, terwyl haar man na hul tweejarige kyk. Hulle ruil dan van 09:00 tot 12:30. Hulle werk dan albei terwyl hul dogter slaap. So gaan die dag aan tot 19:00 wanneer hul aandroetine begin. Die vrou gaan slaap deesdae saam met haar dogter voor 20:00. “Dit (is) ’n massive aanpassing om so vroeg te gaan slaap.” Indien haar werk haar benodig terwyl sy na haar dogter kyk, maak sy maar net ’n plan, sê sy. Baie ouers met wie TygerBurger gepraat het, sê hulle maak staat op familielede. Ander probeer werk terwyl hulle ook na hul kinders kyk. “Dis baie uitputtend en stresvol,” vertel Monique Visser. Party het hul kinderversorgers by hulle laat intrek of die skool se onderwysers of ander hulp gehuur om nou na hul kinders te kyk. Vir baie is dit ’n uitdaging wanneer hulle oproepe vir werk moet neem. “Dit is ’n gemors,” vertel nog ’n ouer. “Ek moes my kinders omkoop met sap en skyfies en in

’n ander kamer sit, maar dit het net vyf minute gewerk.” Moet skole afslag gee omdat hulle in hierdie tyd toe is en steeds betaal word?

Ouers kan nie bekostig om te betaal Stella Olivier is die eienaar van ’n dagsorg- en nasorgfasiliteit in Durbanville. Sy het al ouers gekry wat vir haar gesê het hulle kan nie nou meer bekostig om te betaal nie en het ook al op sosiale media gesien dat mense sê dit is onregverdig om aan te hou betaal vir ’n diens wat hulle nie meer kry nie. Party sê hulle moet nou vir ekstra hulp betaal om na hul kinders te kyk terwyl hulle die skool betaal en ander sê hulle verdien nou selfs minder geld weens die krisis en kan nie meer betaal nie. “Hierdie sluiting is op ons afgedwing en dit is nie iets wat ons gekies het nie. Ons het met ’n klomp verskillende departemente baklei om oop te bly vir daardie ouers wat geen ander uitweg het nie en hulle het

“Mense raak nou paniekerig, maar hulle moet ook onthou dat die lewe (eendag) weer nader aan normaal sal lyk.”

almal ‘nee’ gesê. Niemand is bly hieroor nie. Alle klein ondernemings stres.” Olivier het agt werknemers wat almal op hul inkomste staatmaak en sy kan nie bekostig om hulle te betaal as ouers haar nie betaal nie. “Mense raak nou paniekerig, maar hulle moet ook onthou dat die lewe (eendag) weer nader aan normaal sal lyk.” Sy sê om nou op te hou betaal, sal net tot desperaatheid, armoede, verhoogde stres en misdaad lei. “Wanneer die wêreld weer asemhaal, waarheen gaan die kinders dan?” Sy sê sy kan ook nie langer oop bly in Desember nie, want haar skool is reeds vir twee weke in Desember oop. Vanessa Reid is die eienaar van Little Explorers in Durbanville, waar 30 kinders skoolgaan. Sy sê die skool gaan vir ’n tydjie langer oop bly in Desember. “Dit help natuurlik nie vir die kontantvloei-probleem nie (vir beide die skole en ouers nie), maar ons wil ons bes doen om te help waar ons kan.” Hoewel baie ouers nie die situasie verstaan nie, is daar baie wat sê hulle gaan betaal solank hulle kan. Riëtte Witte, ’n rekenmeester wat in Stellenberg bly, sê sy glo die skool moet nie nou afslag gee nie. “Hulle het steeds onderwysers om te betaal en uitgawes om te dek.Solank ek nog betaal word, sal ek alles in my vermoë doen om my diensverskaffers te betaal, selfs al kan hulle nie op die oomblik dienste lewer soos hulle wil nie.”

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Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020



Basic skills a big help to many NIELEN DE KLERK

The group of students who completed the cooking course with their graduation certificates at the Protea Valley Church’s ceremony.



church hall has become a refuge for countless domestic workers and others looking for empowerment. At the Protea Valley Church scores of students have completed basic training courses over the past few years, in courses ranging from cooking to computers. “Every time I come here I have a smile on my face,” Victoria Phakedi said at the latest graduation on 14 March. Phakedi, who has completed multiple courses, enjoys them so much she continues to travel and attend them, even after moving to Stellenbosch from Bellville. “Now I can do (things) for myself,” she said proudly. She has just completed the intermediate course and spoke of walking into stores and looking at clothing designs and then hurriedly trying them out at home. She echoed the sentiment of many who received their certificates on the day. “Every time (I attended the course) I knew I was someone,” Bybeaty Nyabanga, said. The courses started in 2015 when congregate Candice Wilson approached pastor Grant Hopkins about serving domestic workers who work or live in the community. “I have a heart for domestic workers,” Wilson said, who currently coordinates the basic skills course. They held a tea for workers in the area and asked them what their needs were and many said they would like to learn basic skills. Since then the six-week courses are offered twice a year (in the first and third quarters) on Saturdays. The courses are available in sewing, intermediate sewing, coo-


king, basic computers, intermediate computers and learner’s license. Classes are taught by volunteers. Senzeni Moyo completed courses in computers, cooking, sewing and crafts. She now works as a sewing volunteer, teaching others what she never knew. “I have self-esteem now,” she said at the event. The graduates of this quarter’s lessons in the different disciplines are as follows: . Basic Sewing: Patricia Pams Saizi, Thenjiwe Mpemba, Thabisa Maninjwa, Primrose Nyamakazi, Iremember Mwafulirwa, Netress Banda, Neziswa Nganga, Gloria Maseti, Regina Lucious and Linah Makotah

Kinderhuis maak reëls Die Durbanville-kinderhuis moes, soos talle ander organisasies, noodgedwonge van sy fondsinsamelingsprojekte op die lange baan skuif, asook veiligheidsmaatreëls in plek stel. “Ongelukkig sal geen lede van die publiek op die perseel toegelaat word nie met onmiddellike effek – slegs met die toestemming van die hoof, Jan Slabbert,” het Johanna Strauss, bestuurder van bemarking en fondswerwing, gesê. Verskeie logistieke reëlings is in plek gestel. Kosdonasies word van Maandae tot Donderdae tussen 08:00 en 15:00 slegs by die hek geleë in Hoogstraat ontvang. Donasies van klere, meubels en ander artikels word van Maandae tot Donderdae tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by die hoofingang in Kerkstraat ontvang. Geen donasies sal oor naweke ontvang word nie. Die kinderhuis se jaarlikse bal, wat op 22 Mei by die Mount Nelson-hotel sou plaasvind, is uitgestel tot verdere kennisgewing. “Ons Paasfees-veldtog gaan steeds voort en ons vra die publiek om saam met ons hande te vat om dit nog steeds vir ons kinders spesiaal te maak,” het Strauss versoek. Donasies van Paaseiers, koffiebekers, skyfies en koeldrank, asook Kinderbybels en Christelike storieboeke word verwelkom. “As ’n welsynorganisasie is ons afhanklik van die ondersteuning van die gemeenskap vir donasies. Ons probeer dus alles in ons vermoë om die skenking daarvan so gerieflik moontlik te maak. “Ons bedank mense vir hul samewerking en glo dat as ons as ’n gemeenskap saamwerk, ons mekaar kan help om hierdie virus hok te slaan en dat ons weldoeners ons kan help om ons kinders te beskerm,” het Strauss gesê. V Mense wat die kinderhuis eerder met kontantdonasies wil ondersteun, kan die kinderhuis bel by 021 975 6822 vir meer inligting en bankbesonderhede.

. Intermediate sewing: Cathy Nhema, Lindiwe Nijili, Felli Namale, Sylvia Baleni, Heather Kakono, Nomhle Nqojana and Khuselwa Sonkaphu . Basic computers: Susanna Williams, Ruth Chikodzore, Bybeaty Nyabanga, Rufaro Nzembe, Memory Mawire, Mnonelei Manxiwa, Sarah Mphande, Cynthia Mukuze and Ali Mpunga . Intermediate computers: Esmirêlda Fortuin . Cooking: Ntsiki Tika, Mercy Mwalwimba, Rachel Mapiye, Maggie Ndebele, Victoria Phakedi, Princess Ntantala, Nodayi Buyana, Rosa Mwase . Learner’s licence: Thokozire Kawinga, Caroline Kyenge, Luyolo

Thenjiwe Mpemba receives her certificate for attending the basic sewing class at Protea Valley Church’s basic training workshop.

Mandzingana, Cynthia Ngwanya, Thozamile Morai, Marie Kock, Thembakazi Nokhepheyi, Herbert Tavengwa, Prince Mabangwe, Prince Mabangwe, Nosiphiwo

Rengo, Clara Mazhande and Dadirai Marikopo. . Crafts: Sara Sedras VFor more information on the course contact Candice Wilson on 082 410 0767.




Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020


Covid-19 lockdown: One for the history books This one is sure to go down in history – the day the whole country (and most of the rest of the world) came to a standstill. One day, when we’re wrinkled and old, we’ll be sitting on the stoep telling our grandchildren how we survived the “Great coronavirus lockdown of 2020”, just like many of our grandparents reminisced about times of war. For now, however, we need to embrace that our president’s decision is for the best (or if you’re struggling to come to terms with it, the lesser evil). Some people might find it too drastic, but I’m sure countries like Italy are wishing they implemented “too drastic” measures a lot sooner. Instead of questioning his decision, think of how the lockdown may affect those around you and if you’re in the position to, how you can help. Many small businesses are forced to place their employees on three weeks’ unpaid leave because they simply do not have the cash flow to pay them. Some larger companies may even implement the same drastic no work, no pay measures. Many people who had to wait for pay day today, might find themselves standing in front of empty shelves because those who could afford to, overstocked their shelves at home during the past week – since the first measures to fight Covid-19 was announced. Now is the time to reach out and help our fellow man. Don’t be selfish and take the last two (or five) items on the shelf, leave the last one for someone else that might desperately need it. And if you see someone keeping an eye on the total at the till, because they may not have enough money to pay for all the necessities in their trolley, consider paying for the items they cannot afford (that’s if you can afford to). You don’t know how many mouths at home they need to feed with less or no income over the next three weeks. It’s only by standing together and supporting each other (from the comfort of our homes, and keeping basic hygiene in mind of course) that we shall overcome.

Lockdown and your weekly local read At TygerBurger our whole team have been working remotely from home since last week. This came as part of measures put into place by Media24 to mitigate the impact of the spread of the virus on our business and ensure the safety of our staff. Following news of the lockdown on Monday evening, the team had to go back to the drawing board yesterday to find a way that we could still bring our readers their weekly read – keeping in mind the loss in advertising due to businesses being forced to close and putting the health and safety our deliverers as well as our readers first. While print media is listed as a crucial service that may continue, the chances of our readers finding a TygerBurger in their postbox next week are slim. We will however still bring you your weekly dosis of news, and keep you informed during the lockdown in the form of an electronic newspaper at www.tygerburger.co.za – click on the e-publikasies tab at the top of the page. We encourage readers to continue sharing their news with us at nuus@tygerburger.co.za or call us on 021 910 6500 or 021 910 6540. Should you wish to advertise in the electronic version, or after lockdown, get in touch with our advertising team 021 910 6520. These office numbers have been diverted to cellphones. To all our readers and advertisers, please take care of yourself and be safe. – Cecilia Hume, Editor

Clean: An employee sprays a customer’s hands with hand sanitiser at Food Lover’s Market Willowbridge last Thursday as the country battles the Covid-19 outbreak. PHOTO: NIELEN DE KLERK

BRIEWE briewe@tygerburger.co.za | Posbus 747, Bellville 7535 | Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

It cannot be ‘business as usual’ Dear Corona-dodgers. It’s now time to reflect and rethink one’s priorities. Time to unlearn bad habits such as the hurried illness, chasing material things, not consolidating my authentic relationships. We learn a lot by coming to a standstill and hopefully then silently and unhurriedly meditate on those things that are of real importance in our lives. We should ponder on questions like where am I heading with my spiritual footprint?; is there any toxic thinking or energy in my life that I can get rid of and replace with new and inspiring thoughts and actions? We need to take stock of our priorities and consider rearranging them. When my generation grew up we had relationships with real people and we used things, but technology changed that slowly but surely. We now have relationships with our devices and we use (and sometimes abuse) people.

I guess it’s time to go slow in a world that’s gone crazy and free-wheeling to the precipice. A time to unlearn, relearn, restructure and re-engineer our short lives. A time to be mindful and to live in the present. One can only achieve this overhaul through silent times and desert-like scenarios. This is now such a time. The future is here. Our world has reached the end of its patience and is rebelling against this madness which is bestowed on it due to overpopulation and unwise homo sapiens’ actions. The planet is urgently in need of a “blaaskansie” to recuperate and be restored. The earth is tired and lost its freshness and vitality and struggles vehemently to deal with an unnatural ordeal. After such a period of rest and reflection, we will hopefully make wiser choices which will benefit the peoples, plants and animals of our dear world. It cannot be business as usual. May God make a path through the wilderness and let rivers run through the desert again. And may we create and have an influence in our circle of influence. ANTON MEYER, Durbanville

Fit a tag to their collars A friendly request to all dog owners. Despite having your dog microchipped, I kindly request dog owners to also fit an owner identification tag to their collars with your contact details, especially a cellphone number. As a dog lover, I often find dogs wandering the streets showing signs of being lost. I stop and pick up the dog and take it to the nearest vet or shelter, to scan and contact the owner about his or her dog being found or lost. This stresses the dogs. What would help is if an owner identification tag is attached to the collar. This will enable the finder to contact the owner directly on the scene to inform them about their whereabouts. Rather than taking the dog to a vet the dog could be taken back to its home. This would limit the stress on dogs. With the constant load shedding its clear that the backup batteries of gate motors are taking strain, and more often than not when the battery power is low the gates merely open and off goes the dog causing not only stress

for the owner of having lost a possibly loved one, but also for the dog not being with its owner. Keep your pet safe as they are precious. TENE VERWEY, Email

Vra verwysings voor jy kinders los Snaaks, ek was nie verbaas toe ek lees van die kleuterskoolonderwyser wat die kind aan die arm gepluk het en op hulle geskree het nie. Net ’n paar weke gelede het ek ’n dagsorgsentrum in Brackenfell geskakel en die heeltyd terwyl ek met een van die helpers gepraat het, kon ek hoor hoe daar op die kindertjies geskree word. My hele dag was bederf want al wat ek hoor’ was die geskree van die kindjie. Dankie aan ’n belangstellende buurman, wat tot daardie kinders se redding kon kom. So weet die werkende mammas nie wat hulle met jou kind aanvang nie. Sterkte aan al die werkende mammas wat omgee vir hul kinders. Maak doodseker waar hulle gelaat word; vra verwysings. ELIZA Bellville

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020





Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020

Book trailers a helpful tool ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme


ook trailers are increasingly becoming a helpful tool to promote a book – with local learners often featuring in these trailers. Hevette Ates, publicist of books for children and young adults at NB Publishers, says she often has trailers made to market new books on social media and at schools. In April Human & Rousseau, an imprint of NB Publishers, will release two new books for children, Regte-egte Raaisels en Regte-egte Rampe. These books help to explain disasters of the past and the inexplicable. It contains astonishing stories about some of the biggest mysteries and disasters in history. “Videos and sharing content on platforms like YouTube, are important marketing tools when targeting children. They are visually orientated and don’t consume or follow traditional media like in the old days. Content must be interesting, informative and entertaining,” she says. Since October 2018, her husband Mustafa, has been of great help as he is an experienced filmmaker and creative director. Last year he filmed book trailers starring learners of Durbanville High School – one of Skadujagter by Dihanna Taute and the other of Grilgrypers 4: Die meisie in die maanlig by De Wet Hugo He uses various creative concepts such as animation, dramatized readings, reenactment of scenes from the novels and interviews in the trailers. Mustafa, who was born in Turkey but grew up in Buenos Aires in Argentina, studied anthropology in Seattle in America. “My background in anthropology helps me to understand different markets and to shape concepts for visual story-telling in a way that will appeal to a specific audience,”

Filmmaker Mustafa Ates (right) films a trailer at the Durbanville Primary School. The learners are (from left) Daniël Tolken, Ava Bester and Siméon Kriel.

he says. Other career highlights of Ates is making videos for Shell and Statkraft in 2010; making his first feature film, Six (original name was Alti), in 2014, and making a music video for Turkish singer-songwriter Göksel in 2016.

Six was one of the first movies filmed with the sequence shot technique, whereby there are no cuts, and the entire 75 minute film is recorded in a single take. It was the first Turkish film produced in this method, he says. Trailers for NB Publishers for several other titles were also made by Ates, such as

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Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020



CORONAVIRUS-SIEKTE 2019 (COVID-19) WAT IS CORONAVIRUSSIEKTE 2019? Coronavirusse is groot groepe virusse wat algemeen onder diere voorkom. Dit kan mense siek maak met geringe tot matige boonstelugwegsiekte soortgelyk aan ’n gewone verkoue. COVID-19 is ’n nuwe coronavirus wat in China geïdentifiseer is. Dit word met ’n uitbreking van longontsteking geassosieer.


HOE VERSPREI DIT? Dit versprei in die lug wanneer ’n besmette persoon hoes of nies, en deur nabye kontak soos aanraak of hand skud en aan voorwerpe of oppervlakke te raak waarop die virus is en daarná aan jou mond, neus of oë te vat voordat jy jou hande was.


SIMPTOME Die volledige kliniese prentjie van COVID-19 is nie duidelik nie maar simptome sluit in matige tot ernstige lugwegsiekte met koors, hoes, moeilik asemhaal en ’n seer keel.




koorssifting by plekke van binnekoms in die land

prosedures vir vinnige diagnose en gevalbevestiging, isolasie en bestuur van gevalle

gesondheidsfasiliteite gereed om vermoedelike of bevestigde gevalle te bestuur en gepas te verwys, en

opvolg van bevestigde gevalle se kontakpersone om te verseker die virus versprei nie

Hoewel ons nog steeds meer te wete kom oor hoe COVID-19 mense affekteer, lyk dit of ouer mense en dié met reeds bestaande mediese toestande (soos hoë bloeddruk, hart- of longsiekte, kanker of diabetes) meer dikwels as ander ernstig siek raak.

BEHANDELING BEDEK JOU HOES OF NIES MET ’N SNEESDOEKIE EN GOOI DIT DAARNA WEG. As jy effens siek is, drink baie vloeistof, bly tuis en rus.

Kontak die 24/7-blitslyn by 021 928 4102. Vir nog inligting gaan na


Was hande. Vermy nabye kontak.


Op die oomblik is daar geen entstowwe teen COVID-19 beskikbaar nie. Behandeling is ondersteunend, bv. suurstof vir kortasem of behandeling teen koors. Antibiotika behandel nie virale infeksies nie maar kan gebruik word as sekondêre bakteriële infeksies ontwikkel.



Verpleging: Wat is sosiale distansiëring? DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


ink net ’n sekonde voor jy iets doen wat jou in gevaar kan stel, sê die senior verpleegkundige Lianie le Roux. Sosiale en fisieke distansiëring is ’n nuwe term wat die land binne ’n paar weke op hol het, maar wat presies behels dit en hoe word dit toegepas? Le Roux, wat ook ’n direkteur by die fonds Daniël en Vriende vir kinders met spesiale behoeftes is, sê dié praktyk is vir die meeste mense nog ’n onbekende gebied. “Elke nuwe dag gaan nuwe uitdagings bring. Ons moet winkels toe gaan, en baie mense moet nog elke dag werk toe gaan. “Selfs al werk jy van die huis af, gaan daar tye wees dat daar mense om jou gaan wees. Elke situasie moet verantwoordelik benader word.” Die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) omskryf sosiale distansiëring as ’n afstand van minstens 1 m tussen jou en ’n persoon wat hoes of nies. “As iemand hoes of nies, versprei hulle klein vloeistofdruppels uit hul neus of mond wat virusse kan bevat. As jy te naby is, kan jy die druppeltjies inasem, insluitend die koronavirus, as die persoon wat hoes die siekte het,” lui die WGO se webtuiste. Wêreldwyd word mense aangemoedig om ’n afstand van twee meter van ander mense te hou. Die Nasionale Instituut vir Oordraagbare Siektes adviseer dat jy jou hoes of nies met ’n binne-elmboog bedek, of in ’n snesie wat jy dadelik moet weggooi. Voorwerpe en oppervlaktes wat gereeld aangeraak word, moet deurentyd ontsmet word. Le Roux meen sy sal nog met nabye familie

sosialiseer, mits sy vertroud is met hul sosiale praktyke en gesondheidstoestand. “Ons het Saterdagaand ’n ete aan huis saam met my neef van Durban gehad. Ek wou dit nie afstel nie, want as gesin sien ons hom baie min. “Ons was ’n klein groepie mense, en as gesin is ons bewus van die gevare. Ek het groot omsigtigheid aan die dag gelê. “Almal het hul hande gewas voor hulle by die huis ingekom het en te alle tye persoonlike distansiëring in gedagte hou,” sê sy. As sy haar plaaslike kruidenierswinkel besoek, hou sy altyd ’n handontsmettingsmiddel en ’n weggooibare waslap naby. “Ons moet eet, maar dit is waansinnig om weens paniek alles in die winkel op te koop en niks vir ander mense op die rakke te los nie. “Ek vee my trollie se handvatsel af met ’n ‘wetwipe’ en gooi dit dan dadelik weg. Ek hou my afstand van ander mense in die winkel. As ek uitstap, ontsmet ek dadelik my hande en my motor se stuurwiel. “By die huis pak ek my kruideniersware uit, vee dit vinnig af met ’n ontsmettingstof, pak dit weg en was weer my hande,” sê sy. As dit by kontant kom, gebruik Le Roux net haar bankkaart. Sy moedig mense aan om versigtig te wees, maar om nie paniekerig te raak nie. “Die virus het die potensiaal om eksponensieel te vermeerder en daarom moet almal verantwoordelik wees. “Vermy eerder sosiale media en gaan lees daagliks die jongste nuus op die WGO se webtuiste.” Sosiale media kan paniek versprei. “En waar ook al jy jouself elke dag bevind, onthou net die basiese goue reëls: was jou hande gereeld en moenie aan jou gesig vat nie.”

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020

Several City facilities close As of last week Wednesday several City facilities, have been closed, to contain the spread of the Covid-19. Facilities closing include swimming pools, camping sites, museums, art centres, community halls, civic centres, recreational hubs, stadia, spray parks, resorts, braai and picnic spots, city sports fields and nature reserves. Furthermore, visits by the City’s mobile office have been suspended. Offices that provide City services like cash offices, driving licence testing centres, housing and planning offices will remain open for now. “All eye testing equipment is sanitised after each user. Staff have been issued hand sanitiser, and gloves and masks are on order. Additional sanitation of all work surfaces has been implemented. The number of occupants has been limited as per the queuing system,” says Plato. Customer offices will remain open as accounts still need to be paid. However, precautions will be taken to ensure a heightened level of hygiene and customers are encouraged to rather conduct their business online or via telephone than over the counter if possible.

Accounts can also be paid via bank EFT and at Nedbank ATMs. Cemeteries will remain open, although residents are advised upon making bookings to be mindful of the number of persons at the graveside during burial, and to stick to their allotted times, Plato advises. “The parks department is working to keep grave sites as far apart as possible to limit contact between mourners during burials.” Furthermore, all public meetings, gatherings and site visits will be postponed indefinitely unless an emergency meeting is called, on which the City will then decide. The situation is being assessed on a daily basis and is subject to frequent and rapid change, according to Plato. Vehicle licence renewals, vehicle registrations and licence payments can be done online. An online licence application takes approximately 14 days from the date of application to receiving it in the post. Residents who would like to go this route can do so via www.capetown.gov.za/City-Connect/Pay/Driving-and-vehicles/Vehicle-licences/Payyour-vehicle-licence).

All libraries closed due to outbreak DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke Three days into National Library Week, all City libraries were closed to the public, to reduce the spread of Covid-19. At the start of National Library Week last Monday morning, City libaries were still abuzz with the hope that the dreaded outbreak would spare library patrons. “Patrons are visiting the library and with library week starting we are rather excited with the plans for the week ahead,” Sunell Lotter, senior librarian at Brackenfell Library, said last Monday morning. With a circulation of more than 600 000 items per year Brackenfell library is one of the busiest libraries in the City. On Tuesday 17 March, Mayor Dan Plato announced that library hours would be reduced incrementally to allow patrons to take out and return material, but by Wednesday 18 March, it was decided to close completely until further notice. But bookworms

can rest assure that they can still get their hands onto reading material as a drop, order and pick-up service has been arranged. Áccording to a statement released by the City, library patrons will be able to request books, CDs or DVDs telephonically or via email. Dependent on the availability of material, staff will prepare the material to be collected between 10:00 and 15:00 daily from Monday to Friday at the library entrance. Library membership cards must be presented when collecting material. Likewise material can be returned at the library door during the same hours. Patrons can search for their favourite novel online at https:// opac.capetown.gov.za. In addition extended borrowing time will apply for material issued from 1 March to be extended to end April 2020. Twenty items including five CDs or DVDs may be borrowed for 30 days and all items my be renewed via the Opac system or telephonically. For more information, please contact your local library.

SÊ JOU SÊ! KONSEPGELEENTHEIDSBELEID Die Stad Kaapstad is besig om die geleentheidsbeleid by te werk. Die beleid hou verband met die bestuur van bedrywighede by geleenthede wat op eiendomme van die Stad Kaapstad gehou word. Ingevolge artikel 17 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000, word die publiek en belanghebbende partye of groepe die geleentheid gebied om van 16 Maart tot 17 April 2020 kommentaar, aanbevelings of insette by die munisipaliteit in te dien. Kommentaar, insette en aanbevelings kan op die volgende maniere ingedien word: • • • •

E-pos: events.policy@capetown.gov.za Skriftelike voorlegging: Josiah Arnoldus, departement geleenthede, Stad Kaapstad, 10de verdieping, Toringgebou, Hertzog-boulevard 12, Kaapstad 8001 Webtuiste: www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay Per hand: Lewer by jou naaste biblioteek af

Die Stad se eenheid vir openbare deelname sal mense wat nie kan lees of skryf nie, mense wat met gestremdhede leef en mense uit benadeelde groepe wat nie skriftelike kommentaar kan indien nie, help om hul kommentaar of insette aan te teken en by die Stad in te dien. Kontak Anathi Dywili by 021 400 9825 of anathi.dywili@capetown.gov.za. Die konsepbeleid kan besigtig word by www.capetown.gov.za/haveyoursay, alle subraadskantore, Stadsbiblioteke en distrikbeplanningskantore. Kontak Josiah Arnoldus by 021 400 5596 of events.policy@capetown.gov.za vir meer inligting oor die konsepbeleid. LUNGELO MBANDAZAYO STADSBESTUURDER 44/2020

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020





Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020

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Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020


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Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020



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Public Notice In accordance with Section 5 of Regulation No. 237 dated 08-02-1985 Bayview Funeral Home herewith wishes to announce the opening of their new premises at Unit M2, Centurion Business Park, Democracy Way, Marconi Beam, 7435 Cape Town. If anyone has objections to this please do so in writing within 21 days to the City Of Cape Town

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Openbare kennisgewing In ooreenstemming met Afdeling 5 van Regulasie No.237, gedateer 08-02-1985, wil Bayview Funeral Home hiermee die opening van hul nuwe perseel aankondig by Unit M2, Centurion Business Park, Democracy Way, Marconi Beam, 7435 Kaapstad . As iemand besware hierteen het, doen dit binne 21 dae skriftelik aan die Stad Kaapstad.




Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020



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Tygerburger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired e ect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. Tygerburger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised.

Page 20 | Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: sport@tygerburger.co.za www.tygerburger.co.za



Netball tourney a success EARL HAUPT @earlhaupt


ellville Netball Club hosted its first tournament of the year on Saturday 14 March at the Bellville netball premises in Mark Street, Bellville. According to Bellville Netball Club’s president Helena “Lientjie” Laubscher, clubs from around the Peninsula which included Spoiltbratz (Kraaifontein), Goldhill Legends (Mitchell’s Plain), Bellville Netball Club, Scottsville High (Kraaifontein), Curro Durbanville, Scottsdene Angels (Kraaifontein), Golden Queens, Red Ants, Leipoldt, Popstars, Kraaifontein netball club and Brackenfell participated. “Wow! What a great enjoyable day we had. We started at 08:00 with our junior tournament. We had eight clubs and 10 junior teams from all over the Peninsula participating. “The little ones played their hearts out and the winners in each category were u.9 Bellville, u.11 Goldhill Legends from Mitchell’s Plain and u.13 again Goldhill Legends,” says Laubscher. In the senior tournament, 11 clubs with 21 teams took part, with the games were played on a goal average and the first place went to Bellville’s first team, second place to Goldhill Legends u.17 from Mitchell’s Plain. The Bellville Netball Club had three junior teams and five senior teams participating in the tournament and Laubscher says the pride and potential that was shown throughout the day shows that the

club is not only growing in numbers again but also in playing excellent netball. “What also made this day very special to me and the club was the fact that the sponsor Bart Saayman of Triangle Consultants and his entire staff came out to support the day and they won the hearts of every kid and player of the day by giving out cool drinks and chips and also by involving themselves with the game and all the players,” she says. Laubscher adds that she was blown away at the response from those who supported the event. “To me, the little ones are very important and to see the parents supporting their kids at a tournament like this is such an honour. The day was every effort worth and we will definitely do it again soon,” she says. In relation to the Covd-19 outbreak, Laubscher warns against spreading unnecessary panic between the members of the club. “I correspond with them on our Bellville WhatsApp Group telling them to stay calm and that the executive committee (Exco) will meet and take the necessary steps. Because we as the Exco highly value the health and safety of our members and after our meeting and the speech from the President Ramaphosa we made the decision to respect the restrictions laid out by the president and since Monday 16 March all the activities for the Bellville netball players have been put on hold till further notice,” she says, urging all players and club members to stay home, be careful and to take the necessary precautions.

Kyokushinkan champs held in Welgemoed The Kyokushinkan Western Province Champions were held in Welgemoed on Saturday 14 March. Dojos from all over the Western Cape took part. In the category for girls u.7 years, most of the competitors took part for the first time. Gabriella Veremu was the winner, with Sloanne Morris in second and Rain Wilis in third place.


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