TygerBurger Tyger Valley - 21 October 2020

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Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za





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Geletterdheid kry hupstoot Die Primêre Skool The Valley op Altydgedacht is ’n hele klomp nuwe én ou leesboeke ryker danksy ’n skenking ter waarde van R2 700 deur die ATKV se Tygerberg-tak. Hier met die nuwe boekies is (van links) Oliver Wessels, Rodwaan September en Logan August, almal in graad R. Lees die berig op bladsy 5. FOTO: TWANETTE ACKER


Toename in misdaad ESMÉ ERASMUS


Toename in misdaad in Durbanville, veral huisrooftogte, het weer begin kop uitsteek ná ’n lang stilte. In die jongste voorval verlede Maandagaand (12 Oktober) het vier rowers ’n egpaar oorval toe hulle tuiskom. Die rowers het hul-

le vasgebind en is vort met artikels ter waarde van R280 000, insluitend hul BMW X5-motor. Inwoners van Durbanville word in ’n mediaverklaring deur Fidelity ADT gewaarsku om paraat te wees teen die jongste vlaag van huisrooftogte, “dikwels vanuit die groen areas in en rondom die dorp”.

Volgens lt.kol. Theo Fisher van die Durbanville-polisie het die vlaag van huisrooftogte wel in Augustus en September weer ná ’n lang stilte skerp gestyg, maar is dit sedert Oktober weer in bedwang danksy meer misdaadvoorkomingsoperasies. Fisher het gesê misdaadvoorkomingsoperasies word weekliks en oor naweke gehou

– óók in groengordels om voornemende misdadigers voor te lê en vroegtydig in hul spore te stuit. “Meer sulke operasies is egter nodig en ons wil buurtwagte en sekerheidsmaatskappye aanmoedig om op eie inisiatief ook operasies te hou om misdaad hok te slaan,” het Fisher gesê. VNa bladsy4








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Summer bowling presented Summer Friday Night bowling is being presented by Durbanville Bowling Club, in an initiative by the Western Province Bowls, on Fridays until March. The bowling is presented from 16:30 until sunset. “Tired of working from home without social interaction? Come stretch your legs, meet some people, and have some good fun,” Eddie Phillips of Durbanville Bowling Club says. Participation is free. All equipment is supplied and people can take part barefoot and in leisure clothing. Chilled drinks will be available. V Contact Phillips on 083 445 0011 or coachingdbc@gmail.com.

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Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020

Altydgedacht matriarch passes away at 95 ESMÉ ERASMUS


he matriarch of Altydgedacht Wine Estate, Jean Parker, died at her home on Saturday 10 October at the age of 95. She was known for her enormous role in Durbanville, its environment and agriculture, says Denise Robinson, a member of parliament. “Farming Altydgedacht on her own after her husband died, with two small boys, and building up the farm and its wine, she was truly a remarkable public spirited person,” she said. Parker was born in East London on 4 November 1924, and grew up in the Eastern Cape. She lost her father at age 12, and during her youth she and her brother spent many holidays on her widowed mother’s family farm in Stutterheim. This included the Second World War years, when they became very close to their eight cousins, as several of the fathers were away on active service, and these relationships endured throughout their lives. Parker attended school in Queenstown before going to Rhodes University, where she completed a degree in art and teaching. She was on the student council and qualified in 1945. She then taught in Cape Town for a year before taking up a teaching post in Umtali (now Mutare, Zimbabwe) for a year. She returned to Cape Town in 1948 to further her studies at UCT, and met and married Denis Parker, whose family had been farming Altydgedacht since the 1850s. Their two sons, John and Oliver (Ollo), were only 4 and 3 years old when their father died in a shooting accident in 1954 at age 29 years. After his death there was pressure for the farm to be sold, but Jean decided to continue farming as her two sons may want to farm themselves one day. “She said she was inspired by her late mo-

ther-in-law, Daisy, whose husband Ralph had died in 1939, and who farmed through the difficult war years as a young widow with three sons,” her son Ollo said. Parker attended to the dairy and winemaking, while the farm manager looked after the vineyards, grain and sheep. In this she was assisted first by Tony Kamos and, for many years, by Hennie Heydenrych. “Coming from the Eastern Cape, my mother had a particular love for cattle and was involved with day-to-day running of this until her late 80s,” Ollo says. Her sons joined her in the farming business in the late 1970s after studying at Stellenbosch and working on farms overseas. Having no experience in wine, Parker took a short course in winemaking at Elsenburg Agricultural college and proceeded to make wine for many years on Altydgedacht. The wine was initially sold to the Castle Wine and Brandy company, then to Monis of Paarl, who later took over Nederburg and bought the wine grapes instead of the finished wine. Parker was one of the first women winemakers in South Africa, and it is widely acknowledged that cabernet sauvignon made by her on Altydgedacht, and her neighbour Phil Walker on Morgenster were used by George Spies in his highly acclaimed GS’66 and GS’68 – some of the most famous wines to come out of South Africa. “My mother loved to sketch and paint watercolours, and there is a big selection of her sketches of the farm and her travels. She was an adventurous traveller and undertook journeys through Europe to Iran in the 1960s and Central America in the 1970s as well as extensively through Southern Africa in the 1980s and 90s with her long-time companion, Jack Inglis,” Ollo said. “She was very good with people and loved children and youth. She was passionately

Jean Parker

interested in, and cared for, the staff on the farm. She loved fynbos and nature, and was instrumental in preserving pristine Renosterveld on the farm, and was involved in the Durbanville Nature Teserve too.” Parker also loved heritage and history, and was a member of the Durbanville Heritage and the Vernacular Architecture societies. “She will be sorely missed by the community,” Ollo said. Besides her two sons, Parker had six grandchildren. A memorial service will be held on Thursday 22 October on the farm, which will be live-streamed on Zoom. Send an email to info@altydgedacht.co.za for the link.

Special fund opened after attack on family ESMÉ ERASMUS Amother left to bleed to death in an armed house robbery, which saw her, her husband and a family friend shot, believes she was saved due to the quick thinking and brave actions of her teenage son. Madelaine de Bruin (46) believes it was a miracle her life was saved, while her son Felix (14) ascribes the role he played to lessons learnt in karate and scouting. De Bruin, husband Dave (47), and a family friend, JJ Oberholzer (30) from Robertson, were shot in the early hours of Saturday 26 September at their home in Mikpunt (“Drie in huisrooftog by Mikpunt geskiet”, TygerBurger, 30 September). Both De Bruin and Obergholzer had been discharged, but Dave, a manufacturer of children’s furniture, was still in the ICU at Tygerberg Hospital, after the bullet had missed his heart by millimetres. He had had three operations. A BackaBuddy campaign has been raised to help pay the family’s medical bills and get through a period in which they have had no income. It is believed the four robbers had come from the farms surrounding Mikpunt. They gained access through a sliding door on a balcony, cutting the blinds. “I realised later two of them must have sneaked past our bed to our friend’s bed­room, while the other two woke us up,” she said. Also in the house were Felix and a friend, Jethro Keys (15). “They didn’t know about the boys,” De Bruin said, “we told them it was only us in the house. “They came back with our friend, with his 9mm pistol to his head, which I assumed was lying next to his bed. The men were told to sit on the bed, in which I was half-lying. “They asked my husband to open the safe, but when he got up from the bed they told him to sit down. This happened a few times and he argued with them how he could get to the safe without getting up. “The leader then said, ‘do you know how

Madelaine de Bruin, who was shot in the stomach, and her son, Felix. PHOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS long I have been doing this . . . 10 years! Do you think I am joking?’ and shot a warning shot into the floor.” They were also armed with a long screwdriver and a long kitchen knife (or panga). “They were pulling all the plugs out of the sockets to cut the wires to tie us up with,” De Bruin said. “They even cut the sling of my handbag.” Her husband and friend then decided to tackle the leader with the firearm. A scuffle ensued in which several shots were fired. JJ was shot in the left lung, the bullet travelling to his intestines, while Dave was shot in the upper chest and in his right wrist. De Bruin then jumped out of bed and ran to the boys’ bedroom to tell them to jump through the window to get help. Two robbers went after her and shot her in front of her son. She lost a lot of blood. The robbers pulled her by her foot and arm in the direction of the safe. “I told them I am dead now, they have killed me,” De Bruin said.

“They then dropped me on my side at the door. This saved my life, because by lying on my side the bleeding was stopped by the pressure of my tummy fat. That literally saved my life, the doctors say. If it weren’t for that I would have bled to death.” Felix offered to find the safe keys for the robbers. When they all left together, friend Jethro, who was hiding under a blanket, saw his chance, jumped through the window and ran to neighbours for help. According to Felix, he took the real safe key off the bunch of keys, put it on a shelf and handed the rest to the robbers, who hadn’t noticed anything. While trying to open the safe with a gun held to his head, he told them he would look in the kitchen for the right key. On passing the balcony he slipped out the sliding door onto the balcony, then shut the sliding door. The robbers could not get the door open, because it had gone off its tracks and got stuck. “Another miracle,” De Bruin declared. It was then the robbers saw two vehicles coming up the road, which were the vehicles of the neighbourhood watch. They then fled the scene with six cellphones, three laptops and the friend’s pistol. Felix says his experience with karate and the scouts taught him to never to show fear and think ahead. “I anticipated all their moves and what they were going to do next,” he said. “We are just grateful, so many things could have gone wrong,” his mom said. But now the family is left with unforeseen medical expenses and repair costs to their house. They also need trauma counselling. “Our family is displaced,” De Bruin said. My son and I are staying with my mother in Eversdal now. There is also our loss of income, and my husband is still in ICU.” Her stepdaughter, Jennifer Gregory, registered a BackaBuddy fund to raise money for their expenses. It is hoped R150 000 will be raised. V Visit www.backabuddy.co.za/de-bruin-family to donate.

Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020



Boer van D’ville is hoof van Agri Wes-Kaap ESMÉ ERASMUS


Boer van Durbanville gaan voortaan Agri Wes-Kaap as president lei. Villiers Loubser (46), voorheen voorsitter van die algemene sakekamer van Agri Wes-Kaap, is verkies by die Agri WesKaap se aanlyn jaarkongres op Donderdag 15 Oktober. Loubser, die derde geslag Loubsers wat op die plaas Altona naby Philadelphia boer, volg Cornie Swart op, wat sedert 2011 as president gedien het. Swart het gesê hy is opgewonde om die leisels aan ’n relatief jong span oor te gee. “Julle neem ’n sterk en vooruitstrewende organisasie oor en ek is trots en gerus oor die hande wat nou die leisels gaan vashou. Ek weet julle verstaan die hart van die landbou en ek wens julle alle voorspoed toe,” het hy gesê. Loubser volg in die voetspore van sy pa, Kosie Loubser, en oupa, Villiers Loubser, wat ook as president van Agri Wes-Kaap gedien het – sy pa vanaf 2008 tot 2011, en sy oupa vanaf 1957 tot 1960 en weer vanaf 1963 tot 1965. “Georganiseerde landbou het ’n baie belangrike rol gespeel in die geskiedenis van die land en ook ’n baie belangrike rol te speel in die toekoms,” sê hy.

“Oor die jare het ons bewys dat om saam te werk met mekaar en met die owerhede van die dag, ’n baie beter toekoms vir elkeen van ons bewerkstellig het. Daar is geen manier wat ons kan bekostig dat ons uitmekaar spat en op ons eie dinge aanpak nie. “Agri Wes-Kaap en Agri Suid-Afrika is nie burgerregte-organisasies nie, maar eerder landbou-beleidsorganisasies wat skouer skuur met die owerhede en beleidmakers van die land. “Ons het ’n baie goeie samewerkingsverhouding met die owerhede. Ons beleef tans baie onstuimige tye weens die geweld wat op plase plaasvind en die situasie wat deur politieke opportuniste en sosiale media-‘vloggers’ uitgebuit word om hul eie agendas van rassespanning aan te hits. Dit is baie kortsigtig en onregverdig dat so ’n hartseer situasie misbruik word en waarskynlik meer skade doen as goed. “Ek twyfel geensins dat die georganiseerde landbou hier ’n baie belangrike rol te speel het om gemoedere te kalmeer en met mekaar saam te werk om ’n baie beter uitkoms te probeer bewerkstellig nie. “Dit is dan ook ons as Agri Wes-Kaap se rol om ons lede te bemagtig met die regte inligting om die regte besluite te kan neem. “Verder werk ons daagliks saam met die

Villiers Loubser, wat verkies is as president van Agri Wes-Kaap, by sy stroper in oestyd. provinsiale regering om seker te maak dat ons mekaar help waar dit nodig is. Daar is geen manier wat iemand die oorhand oor ’n verenigde front kan kry nie. “Ons probeer rolspelers op alle vlakke betrek om saam te werk aan gemeenskaplike oplossings. Verder is dit baie belangrik dat hierdie oplossings nie net op die papier bly staan nie, maar dat dit daadwerklik geimple-

Sokkertoernooi gehou om sportkompleks te open

Geestesgesondheid onder loep by kunsuitstalling ’n Unieke uitstalling deur ’n broer en suster, albei boorlinge van Bellville, word op Sondag 25 Oktober by die Lindy van Niekerk-kunsgalery in Eversdal geopen – die eerste uitstalling by dié galery sedert die inperking weens die Covid-19-pandemie. Die dokter-skilder-digter Piérre Botes, ’n ortopediese chirurg van Worcester, en sy suster, Jeanette du Plessis van Ridgeworth, gaan ’n gesamentlike kunsuitstalling aanbied. Albei was leerders aan die

Die dokter-skilder-digter Piérre Botes is ’n oudleerder van die Hoërskool Bellville.

Laerskool Excelsior en die Hoërskool Bellville. Piérre skilder reeds die afgelope 15 jaar en is bekend vir sy figuurstudies en landskappe. Sy werke by die uitstalling sal veral fokus op landskappe. Jeanette is ’n nuweling en hierdie is haar eerste uitstalling. “Sy het binne die bestek van ’n jaar met ongelooflike toewyding werke begin produseer wat van merkwaardige talent getuig. Haar portretstudies tref soos min en sal te sien wees by die uitstalling,” sê Lindy van Niekerk. Hul jonger broer, Stefan, ’n ingenieur wat in Eversdal woon, is net so talentvol en kreatief. Hul 88-jarige moeder is ’n inwoner van Edelweiss-aftreeoord. Tydens die opening sal eksemplare van Piérre se debuut-digbundel Vertrek, wat pas verskyn het, te koop wees. Die bundel het sy ontstaan ná die selfdood van sy seun vyf jaar gelede en handel oor die reis deur die landskap van rou en verlies. Alle winste op die verkope van die bundel gaan aan die Ithemba-stigting, wat hom beywer vir bewusmaking van psigiese siektes soos depressie en ook finansiële bystand verleen aan navorsingstudies oor psigiese siektes. “Oktobermaand is Geestesgesondheidsbewusmakingsmaand en die bundel se verskyning ondersteun hierdie sensitiewe veldtog. Die bundel het groot aftrek gekry by die onlangse bekendstelling daarvan in Worcester en by die Breytenbachsentrum in Wellington,” sê Van Niekerk. Die openingsgeleentheid vind om 11:00

Die splinternuwe Nooiensfontein-sportkompleks word op Saterdag 31 Oktober geopen met ’n uitklop-sokkertoernooi. Jeugspanne (tussen 16 en 25 jaar) word genooi om spanne in te skryf. Daar is net plek vir agt spanne, dus moet voornemende deelnemers spring om plek te kry. Prysgeld van R3 000 is op die spel. Stuur ’n WhatsApp na 084 090 4479 vir meer inligting.

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Die voorblad van die debuut-digbundel Vertrek. plaas en die uitstalling sal duur tot 4 November. Besigtiging is daagliks van 11:00 tot 16:00, maar ’n afspraak moet vooraf gemaak word by Lindy van Niekerk per Whatsapp by 082 771 9102. V Kontak Lindy van Niekerk per Whatsapp of per e-pos by lindyvniekerk@gmail.com indien jy die opening wil bywoon. Maskers is verpligtend.




Contracted into Medical Aids Essential Health Pharmacy Clinic Cnr Old Paarl Road & Brackenfell Boulevard

Fundraiser for mental health services This year’s Cape Town International Kite Festival, which started on 10 October and ends on 31 October has gone virtual. The goal is to raise R250 000 for Cape Mental Health to fund essential free mental health services. To meet this goal, the #HopeOnTheRise Virtual Showcase, which is a fundraising event and part of the virtual kite festival, will be live-streamed on Saturday 24 October. This virtual event will see singer and songwriter Jarrad Rickets, comedian Dalin Oliver and drag artist Manila von Teez combine their many talents for an evening of music, dance and laughter. Tickets are R50 and available on www.capementalhealth.co.za/HopeOnTheRise. Access to the #HopeOnTheRise Virtual Showcase includes all the virtual Cape Town International Kite Festival online activities, including six professional kitemaking workshops, a colouring-in competition, kiter interviews and an official certificate of participation.

menteer word,” sê hy. Loubser het aan die Hoër Landbouskool Boland gematrikuleer, waar hy ook hoofseun was. Hy het daarna ’n BCom-graad in landbou-ekonomie en ook ’n honneursgraad in landbou-ekonomie aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch verwerf. Hy het hom daarna by sy pa aangesluit op die familieplaas Altona, waar hulle ’n gemengde boerdery bedryf. Hy boer reeds vir die afgelope 23 jaar op die plaas. Nadat sy pa afgetree het, het sy jongste broer, ook Kosie Loubser, by hom op die plaas aangesluit. Loubser is in 2005 aangewys as die WesKaapse Jongboer van die Jaar. “Die gemeenskap van Philadelphia lê my baie na aan die hart en het ek ook oor die jare daar op die kerkraad gedien, is tans voorsitter van die sakekommissie van die kerk en dien op die plaaslike belastingbetalersvereniging,” sê hy. . Heinie du Toit, ’n vrugteprodusent in Ceres, is as Agri Wes-Kaap se nuwe vise-president verkies. Liam Viljoen, ’n graan- en wynprodusent van Malmesbury, en Laubscher Coetzee, ’n volstruisprodusent van Oudtshoorn, is as onderskeidelik voorsitter en ondervoorsitter verkies.

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4 TYGERBURGER Tygervallei


Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020

NG kerk Bellville-Noord hou basaar met lekkernye Die NG kerk Bellville-Noord hou ’n minibasaar op Saterdag 31 Oktober van 09:00 tot 12:00 by Darlingstraat 14 in Bellville. Kom geniet die oggend saam. Daar sal koffie en tee beskikbaar wees en lekkernye soos skons, terte, koeke en klein


koekies, kerrie-en-rys, hoenderpasteie, hamburgers, poedings en pannekoek, asook ’n witolifanttafel waar allerhande goed te koop sal wees. V Bel die kerkkantoor by 021 948 1624 vir meer inligting.

Kolnicks Linen S H E R AT O N T E X T I L E S

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Join the ultimate bargain shopping experience at Goodwood Fashion and Thrift Market on Saturday 31 October and again on Saturday 7 November. The market will be at the Goodwood Sports Club from 09:00 until 14:00. For more information email thegoodwoodmarket@gmail.com.




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Volgens kapt. Marchell Rhode, woordvoerder van die Durbanville-polisie, het die rowers, gewapen met ’n vuurwapen, verlede Maandag omstreeks 20:30 gedwonge toegang verkry toe die egpaar by hul huis in Bluegum-rylaan in Everglen tuiskom. Dié boomryke straat loop parallel met Durbanville-rylaan. Die egpaar is met elektriese koorde vasgebind. Die rowers het toegang tot die kluis verkry en in die egpaar se BMW X5-motor gevlug met R40 000 se kontant en juweliersware, twee iPhone-selfone en drie platskerm-televisiestelle. Die totale waarde van die geroofde goedere is R280 000. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie. Fisher het aan TygerBurger gesê ’n vergadering is Maandag gehou met verteenwoordigers van sekerheidsmaatskappye en buurtwagte, waartydens hulle aangemoedig is om ook hul eie operasies te hou. “Veral buurtwagte het hul oor op die grond in hul onderskeie woonbuurte. Ons wil beslis hê dat daar baie meer operasies van nou tot die einde van die jaar plaasvind. “Dis slegs met groter samewerking en spanwerk tussen die polisie, buurtwagte en sekerheidsmaatskappye dat ons huisrooftogte gaan bekamp,” het Fisher gesê. Volgens Verena Hulme, Kaapstad-Noord se areabestuurder van Fidelity ADT, dui misdaadverslae daarop dat inbrake by huise in veral Aurora, D’Úrbanvale en Vierlanden voorgekom het. Die inbrake was hoofsaaklik tussen middernag en 05:00, het sy gesê. “Misdadigers gebruik die omringende groengordels om toegang tot huise se agterplase te bekom. Hulle gebruik die groengordels ook as ’n skuilplek as hulle vlug.” Hulme het gesê inwoners met huise aangrensend aan groengordels moet verseker dat hul agterplase snags goed belig is. Sy het aanbeveel dat mense straalligte (beams) in hul tuine aanbring, asook ander sekerheidsmaatreëls soos elektriese heinings, diefwering en ’n alarmstelsel met ligte, wat met beweging aktiveer. “Rapporteer enige verdagte aktiwiteite aan jou sekerheidsfirma, die polisie of buurtwag. Sluit aan by jou buurtwag en die buurtwag se Whatsapp-groep,” sê sy. Ander wenke is: hou altyd jou alarm geaktiveer; snoei struike en bome in jou tuin, aangesien dit ’n wegkruipplek vir misdadigers kan wees; sigbare kentekens van gewapende reaksie-eenhede kan as afskrikmiddel dien; installeer CCTV-kameras rondom jou woning.


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Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020


TYGERBURGER Tygervallei 5

ATKV skenk leesboekies ESMÉ ERASMUS


ie biblioteek in die skeepshouer by die Primêre Skool The Valley op Altydgedacht is ’n hele klomp nuwe én ou leesboeke ryker danksy ’n skenking ter waarde van R2 700 deur die ATKV se Tygerberg-tak. Volgens Paulina Havenga, voorsitter van die ATKV-tak, fokus hulle vanjaar op die bevordering van geletterdheid. Die ATKV vier vanjaar sy 90ste bestaansjaar. “Dit was vanjaar ons mikpunt om sover moontlik met behulp van die onderskeie ATKV-takke uit te reik om leesgeletterdheid te bevorder,” sê sy. “Aangesien die lede van die Tygerberg-tak tussen 67 en 86 jaar oud is, kon ons nie regtig



’n nuwe projek van stapel stuur nie en het ons by verskeie skole navraag gedoen oor waar ons van hulp kan wees,” sê Havenga. Die taklede het van die StoryBox-projek by die Primêre Skool The Valley te hore gekom en besluit om boeke vir die projek aan te skaf. Die StoryBox-projek is onder leiding van Twanette Acker by die skool gestig om vroeë geletterdheid te ontwikkel. Twee ATKV-lede, Gwen Swanepoel en Gedina de Wet, was van plan om by die StoryBox-projek betrokke te raak en het selfs opleidingsessies voltooi toe die Covid-19-pandemie uitgebreek het. Die inperking het egter nie die lede se geesdrif gedemp om wel ’n bydrae te lewer nie. Twee ander taklede, Tilla Nieuwoudt en

Marie Coetzee, het elk nuwe boeke ter waarde van R1 350 by Lapa-Uitgewers aangekoop. Die boeke is onlangs aan Acker by die tak se eerste vergadering oorhandig nadat inperking na vlak 1 verander is. Tweedehandse boeke is ook deur Gwen Swanepoel en Marietjie van Straaten geskenk, asook gebreide balle wat deur Swanepoel en Riet van Lingen gebrei is. Dié balle word in vroeë ontwikkelingsprogramme vir ouerleiding gebruik.

Twanette Acker (voor), stigter en organiseerder van die StoryBox-projek by die Primêre Skool The Valley, met die nuwe boekies wat geskenk is deur Marie Coetzee (links) en Tilla Nieuwoudt, lede van die ATKV se Tygerberg-tak.

TRELLIDOR DURBANVILLE 021 979 4602 Unit 4, Durbanville Industrial Park, 5 Lilie Street, Durbanville www.trellidor.co.za | Trellidor and The Ultimate Crime Barrier are registered trademarks of Trellicor (Pty) Ltd.



Collaboration on Baxter’s stage Two renowned artists will collaborate and share the stage for the first time in an exclusive limited season to celebrate the reopening of the Baxter Theatre, Rondebosch and to help recover the theatre’s loss of income over the past six months. Baxter Back on Stage, with Gregory Maqoma and Zolani Mahola, will start with a special gala performance on Tuesday 3 November for invited guests and donors, with public performances from Wednesday 4 to Saturday 7 November at 19:00. “This specially commissioned performance is a coup for the Baxter,” says Lara Foot, CEO and artistic director. “I can’t think of a classier act.” Choreographer and dancer Maqoma, well-known for Zolani Mahola, The one his award winning Rhythm and Beauty trilogies, will debut his work, No Humour, in collaboration with Xolisile Bongwana, which brings together live sound and movement in a visually appealing landscape of ritual. Maqoma is founder and Creative Director of the Johannesburg-based Vuyani Dance Theatre. Most recently, he received

the Naledi Theatre Award for Best Contemporary Dance/Ballet for Cion: Requiem of Ravel’s Bolero. Founder and former lead singer of Freshlyground, Zolani Mahola launched her solo career as a musician, storyteller and public speaker last year. Her launch production, The One Who Sings, played to sold-out audiences, won a Fleur du Cap Best Performance by a Lead Actress in a Musical or Music Theatre award. Mahola, who has adopted the name The One Who Sings, will present the inaugural staging of her multimedia show You Need To Say It, featuring songs from her upcoming solo album. The work explores song and story, including themes of connecwho sings. tion and its oppoPHOTO: ANTONA STEYN site, nature and the elements as well as the sanctity of the time of childhood. All performances will be limited to 50% capacity, Covid-19 protocols in place. Arrive at least an hour before the the performance to avoid delays. V Tickets are available from Webtickets on 086 111 0005 or www.webtickets.co.za or at Pick n Pay stores.

Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020

Book to inspire tolerance BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind


wo members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning (LGBTIQ) community joined forces to write a book of poetry portraying the struggles these marginalised people face daily. George Willemse and Milicent van Wyhe’s book L.G.B.T., Leer goue bietjie tolerance is currently on sale on Takealot.com. Willemse says the book started unexpectedly. “One day my father and I were watching a movie,” he related, “and suddenly I just decided to type a poem about how proud I am being gay and living in a small town like Sutherland. As I was typing, I just got so inspired by my own experiences and the things I have dealt with in my life, and still I came out okay in the end. The poem is called “Sitterland se trotse moffie”. I then posted the poem on Facebook, and I received a lot of likes and a lot of positive comments.” He says Van Wyhe saw the poem and approached him. “She asked if I would like to write more poems, and then maybe publish it, and I thought why not? So over a weekend I wrote more than seven poems, because I was so excited. The idea that I can inspire someone else who is going through the same stuff I went through motivated me. For me every gay or lesbian goes through the same thing of coming out to their family, and that for me it is the hardest part of it all. Because you never know whether you will be accepted or rejected by your family and friends. You don’t know whether the community will accept you, especially me, because I live in a small town, and we all know how some people can be in a small town. But they accepted me with open arms. While being gay

George Willemse, who co-wrote the book L.G.B.T., Leer goue bietjie tolerance.

Milicent van Wyhe wrote a book about tolerance with her friend. has its ups and downs, at the end of the day it is what you make of it, whether you get up and stand tall when you fall.” Van Wyhe says she has been writing poetry all her life. “Writing about my experiences as a member of the LGBT community has always been my coping method,” she said. “So when I saw George’s poem “Sitterland se moffie” I knew we had to collaborate and share our stories with as many people as we possibly can. As a member of the LGBT community I have gone through my fair share of looks, dislike, rejection, discrimination, but the one that stands out is that I had to leave the church I grew up in once I came out of the closet. “Thankfully I found an open and welcoming church, the Good Hope Metropolitan Community Church. They are all-inclusive, and I am able to serve God just the way I am. Thankfully we live in a country where LGBT rights are upheld, where we can live and love freely.” According to van Wyhe she put a lot of pressure on George. “I told him I could see he had a raw talent, and that he had one month to write 10 great poems for me, and he rose to the occasion as the brilliant writer he is. You know the saying “the pen is mightier than the sword”? I am hoping we don’t need to keep fighting for a place in our communities. I hope that what we’ve written will open some hearts.” The book is available on Takealot.com at R200.

‘Spertyd’ debuteer by Die Boer Sandra Prinsloo is te sien in die debuutproduksie Spertyd by Die Boer-teaterrestaurant in Durbanville van Dinsdag 3 tot Sondag 8 November. Philip Rademeyer het die teks verwerk van Elsa Joubert se outobiografiese boek oor oudword vir die produksie, wat deur Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck en Alexa Strachan vervaardig is. Die produksie was bestem vir vanjaar se Aardklop-kunstefees, wat dit ook ondersteun het, maar weens die pandemie debuteer dit nou in die Kaap, sê Margit. “Spertyd is ’n reis deur die kontinent van die ouderdom. Joubert is op 14 Junie midde-in die Covid-19-pandemie oorlede. “Kort voor haar afsterwe het sy die teksverwerking gelees, en was sy opgewonde oor Prinsloo se vertolking van haar lewensverhaal. Die karakter kyk op 95-jarige ouderdom terug op haar vol lewe – van haar kinderjare, haar huwelik, tot waar sy as weduwee in ’n aftreeoord

woon. Die herinneringe daag bloot op, soos wat herinneringe maar doen.” Rademeyer sê die eerste lees van Spertyd het hom diep geraak – ‘‘nie net die insigte wat Elsa Joubert oor ’n verskeidenheid onderwerpe lewer nie, maar veral die eerlike en weerlose manier waarmee sy met intieme temas soos oudword, die dood en verlies omgaan. Spertyd is meesleurend, beeldskoon, hartverskeurend en soms ook regtig snaaks.’’ Hy sê die stuk het sy oë oopgemaak oor dinge wat hy (as relatiewe jongmens) as vanselfsprekend aanvaar, soos beweeglikheid, geheue, die sintuie en kommunikasie. “Een van die deurlopende temas van Spertyd is die waarde van medemenslikheid en deernis – dis ’n gevoel wat ons tydens repetisies ervaar,” sê Rademeyer. Ouerbegeleiding word aanbeveel. V Kaartjies kos R200 en is beskikbaar by 021 979 1911 of aanlyn by www.dieboer.com.

Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020


TYGERBURGER Tygervallei 7

Musiekkompetisie aanlyn gehou D

ie Mini Maestro-musiekkompetisie wat deur die Hoërskool Tygerberg aangebied word, het vanjaar aanlyn plaasgevind. Die kompetisie is gemik op laerskoolleerders en is vanjaar vir die sesde keer aangebied, maar aanlyn en oor twee rondes. Die beoordelaars was Adri van Wyk en Barend van der Westhuizen, sê Linda Claassen, musiekonderwyser. Twee van die wenners, Elena Monvoisin (10) en Feifei Wang (12),

Kian Goliath (13)

– ontvang klavierles by Claassen. Elena, wat tuis onderrig word, het die derde plek behaal vir klavier, terwyl Feifei algeheel tweede was, ook vir klavier. Feifei, ’n leerder aan die Laerskool Panorama, is ook die wenner van die Raadeksamen-prys. Kian Goliath (13), wat klas ontvang by die Hugo Lambrecht-mu-

Feifei Wang (12)

sieksentrum, is die algehele wenner. Kian, ’n leerder by die Laerskool Welgemoed, ontvang klas by dr. Arisa Voges.

Elena Monvoisin (10)

8 TYGERBURGER Tygervallei


Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020

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Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020


TYGERBURGER Tygervallei 9

Winter Ferment steeds op oorwinningspad ESMÉ ERASMUS

Awards (“Diemersdal ryg pryse in vir sy wyn” TygerBurger, 14 Oktober). Winter Ferment is ’n unieke sauvignon blanc-wyn in die opsig dat dit gemaak word van druiwe wat in Februarie geoes en gepars is, en die sap dan vir vier maande gevries is voor fermentasie plaasvind. Sedert die eerste oesjaar in 2017 het die wyn al verskeie pryse gewen – onder meer in die FNB Top-10-Sauvignon Blanc-kompetisie, asook die Sauvignon Blanc-trofee by die Nasionale Jongwynskou. Vanjaar se kampioenwyne in die Sauvignon Blanc SA Top-10-kompetisie van Sauvignon Blanc Suid-Afrika – die enigste kompetisie wat net aan die kultivar sauvignon blanc toegewy is – kom uit sewe verskillende streke.


kaars was die drukkersink op TygerBurger droog of die Diemersdal-wynlandgoed raap nóg ’n prys op met sy reeds veelbekroonde Diemersdal Winter Ferment Sauvignon Blanc 2020. Boonop het Diemersdal vanjaar ’n driekuns behaal toe dié wyn die derde agtereenvolgende jaar as een van die wenners van die 2020 Sauvignon Blanc SA Top-10-kompetisie aangekondig is. Dit het plaasgevind tydens ’n virtuele toekenningsgeleentheid op Woensdag 14 Oktober. TygerBurger het verlede week berig oor die trofee wat die wyn ontvang het vir beste sauvignon blanc-wyn in vanjaar se Michelangelo International Wine & Spirits

Die ander wenners is: Alvi’s Drift Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 2020; Cilmor Limited Edition Sauvignon Blanc 2019; Ghost Corner Wild Ferment Sauvignon Blanc 2018; Iona Elgin Highlands Wild Ferment Sauvignon Blanc 2019; Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2019; Ormonde Chip Off The Old Block Sauvignon Blanc 2019; Paul Cluver Sauvignon Blanc 2019; Stark-Condé Round Mountain Sauvignon Blanc 2019 en Stellenbosch Vineyards Southern View Sauvignon Blanc 2020. “Vanjaar sal onthou word as ’n tyd om sáám te staan en almal wat ingeskryf het, kan dus met reg trots wees op hul prestasie,” sê RJ Botha, Sauvignon Blanc SA se voorsitter, in die verklaring. “In hierdie uitdagende tye is dit ’n voorreg

om Suid-Afrikaanse sauvignon blanc wêreldwyd te kan vier as ons land se topverkoper. Ons sien opwindende innovasie in styl en geurprofiele, én diversiteit in oorsprong met drie Top-10-wenners uit Stellenbosch, twee uit Elgin, en een elk uit Breederivier, Elim, Worcester, Durbanville en Darling,” sê hy. Vanjaar se beoordelaarspaneel het bestaan uit dr. Winifred Bowman, Kaapse wynmeester en sameroeper van die paneel, die keldermeester Charles Hopkins van De Grendel, die wynbeoordelaar en -skrywer Fiona McDonald en die wynmaker Rüdger van Wyk van Stark-Condé Wyne. V Kyk die virtuele geleentheid met glanssjef Zola Nene Nataniël as gaskunstenaar gratis by www.sauvignonblanc.com/top10awards.

An assisted learning class is coming to Grade R! Children do not all learn in the same way and often need a little assistance in developing fundamental competencies required for successful learning. With the necessary expertise, immediate support in class and an environment tailored to their educational needs, children can grow up confident in their personal and academic abilities. Assisted learning provides the necessary expertise Assisted learning provides immediate support from experienced teachers and therapists in smaller classroom environments designed to promote concentration and serenity. Children follow the mainstream CAPS curriculum, but classes and teaching methods are adapted to accommodate their unique needs. We are adding an assisted learning class for Grade R With an experienced teacher, on-site

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Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020


Library a hub of activity “Welcome back to Parow Library; we have missed you…” This simple sentence is so powerful. As libraries and librarians, we constantly advocate the importance of our profession and the services we offer. With the easing of the national lockdown restrictions, we have seen firsthand how much the public has longed for the library. What we quickly realised is that the library is far more than just a building we operate in, or the books we have on our shelves. The library is a community meeting point, a hub of information and social interaction. Perhaps we already knew this but needed a global pandemic to remind us. However, the lockdown period has not only been doom and gloom for Parow Library. The lack of patrons has allowed us the opportunity to effectively shelf read, weed out unusable books and rearrange some furniture – things we generally only have a few hours to do each month. We have also been given the opportunity to meet as a team almost daily to address concerns or issues, offer each other support, as well as explore innovative ways of connecting with the public. Having already reshaped our social media interactions, it has been easy for us to adapt and As easing lockdown make use of our regulations see a slow library’s Facebook reopening of libraries, page to stay connected with our Parow Library staff patrons. And, since Jacinta Avontuur reopening for and Marvin Williams limited services share their experience (we offer a drop and collect service), of running a library our Facebook posts under lockdown and how they survived the with the highest engagements have library’s greatest included those challenge yet: how to demonstrating the remain relevant while process of returnphysically unavailable. ing or collecting books, our “Parow Library windowshopping experience”, how to visit the library, and the frequently asked questions about our limited service offering. Two of our most successful social media posts – demonstrating the drop-off/ collection service and the Parow Library Jerusalema challenge – reached 15 000 users. Not bad for a library! We’ve also seen posts involving library staff hover at about 2 200 interactions. Of course, realistically the level of engagement our Facebook posts garner does not reflect the amount of foot traffic we would normally have. Still, the goal of our social media pages has always been to supplement our face to face interactions, never to replace them. We have also been able to introduce a “surprise bundle” for young primary schoolchildren where we put together a package of 10 books based on their age and reading level; author comparisons (who writes like whom) to assist with digital browsing as well as keep the public connected with the staff. “Necessity is the mother of invention.” This anonymous quote sums up the mindset of Parow Library since the staff returned to work in July. We have been forced to adapt to change, to prove ourselves relevant in these times. For the most part, we would like to think that we have been successful in this regard. That said, we are looking forward to the day when we can open our doors and resume operating as normal. Despite traditionally being a quiet place, a library is only really brought to life when it is humming with the sounds of the people it serves. V Nal’ibali, the national reading-for-enjoyment campaign is offering library staff nationwide the opportunity to complete a free online reading-forenjoyment training course – at no data cost. The short course will help librarians set up a regular reading club or story hour, engage reluctant readers and make informed choices about children’s books. Visit www.nalibali.mobi for more.

Another open day at Avondale: Beautiful summer borders will be showcased at another open day which will be hosted at the Avondale Garden by the Rotary Club of Tygerberg on Saturday 24 October and Sunday 25 October. The extensive garden is situated at 40 Protea Way, Durbanville. Also the roses will be in full bloom. The garden will be open from 09:00 to 17:00. Tickets cost R50 at the entrance. All funds raised will be used for charity projects in the local communities. No refreshments will be available. Entry for children under 12 years is free. The wearing of masks and social distancing is compulsory.

BRIEWE briewe@tygerburger.co.za|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Maak skoon ons luggolwe Vandat ek teruggetrek het Bellville toe, het ek ’n weersin in blaffende honde ontwikkel. Hoe inwoners toegelaat kan word om drie blaffende honde op een klein erf te hê, is onverstaanbaar. Rondom my is 10 honde wat dag en nag blaf – beslis langer as die ses minute wat toegelaat word, maar wie gaan optree as ek kla? Die eienaars is blafdoof en neem nooit hul honde na parke vir oefening nie. Hoe hulle kan weet wanneer daar werklik iemand oortree, weet nugter. Die een groep honde sit die ander aan die gang tot ’n kakofonie van rumoer ontstaan. Honde is veronderstel om net hul eie erwe op te pas; nie die hele straat nie! Maak toe voor! Allermins besef inwoners dat ons almal in “skoenbokse” woon sonder deksels met mensgemaakte, vertikale grense daartussen. Elke ding wat oor hierdie grens strek, is indringing op jou bure se privaatheid. Takke en blare wat oorhang of oorval, die geskel van die buurvrou, harde musiek, die alewige gefluit van sosiale media van verslaafdes, geraas en honde wat blaf, is almal irritasies. Maak skoon ons luggolwe, dan sal daar veel meer vrede tussen bure wees. INWONER Bellville

Yes, bring back the wildflowers My answer to Ronelle Shuttleworth’s question regarding bringing wildflowers back (“Bring back wildflowers”, TygerBurger, 14

October”) is a big yes! Years ago in Onrust, Uys Krige was also passionate about not cutting all the grassy areas until summer had truly arrived and as a result we had beautiful displays of flowers all over the place during Spring time. I’ve been following this approach on the sidewalks around my house in Loevenstein and it is looking great right now. DAVID CLUVER, Loevenstein

I can’t agree more about wildflowers With reference to the letter by Ronelle Shuttleworth (“Bring wildflowers back”, TygerBurger, 14 October) regarding the cutting of grass in urban spaces, I can’t agree more. I am also a plant lover, although on a much smaller scale. I remember my shock a couple of years ago when I noticed how the municipality upgraded the middle section of the road below Tyger Valley Shopping Centre. For many years I drove past there on my way to work, and each year the indigenous Spring flowers were spectacular. Well, not any longer. I grew up in a little village on the West Coast, and the best time of year was when the Spring flowers came out. I presume the indigenous plants being used are not indigenous, yet I appreciate the immense effort a certain gentleman by the name of Wouter Kruidenier has undertaken to beautify the roads in the Durbanville area. Next time you drive down Durban Road, have a look at the vygies in full bloom. Simply beautiful. IAN VAN RHYN, Email

Waar kom dassie vandaan? Kan iemand vir my sê waar op dees aarde ’n dassie in Durbanville vandaan sal kom? Ja, in Sonstraalhoogte in Durbanville is op 8 Oktober ’n dassie, wat op die oog af in ’n goeie toestand was, vinnig deur my tuintjie – te vinnig vir ’n kamera. Nee, ek misgis my nie. Ek het teen die hange van die Langeberge in die Koo in Montagu saam met hulle grootgeword en ken hulle goed. Hulle woon in die skeure van steil kranse. Die probleem is net dat daar nie sulke kranse naby ons is nie. Nou waar sou dié een vandaan kom en waarheen was hy op pad? ADAMUS P. STEMMET, Durbanville

Maak sypaadjie self skoon Aan die Brackenfell-klaers: mense, maar julle kan kla. Is dit nie dalk omdat julle al die jare bederf was deurdat julle voorkeur gekry het teenoor ander gebiede nie? Wees redelik. Daar was en is nog ’n inperking oor die hoeveelheid mense wat saam by die werk mag wees weens Covid-19. Dit geld ook vir die mense met die grassnyers. Dit neem tyd vir die munisipaliteit om in te haal. In elk geval voel ek dat alle eienaars (van eiendom) of inwoners self hul gedeelte van die sypaadjies en randstene kan skoon hou. Dis tog vir hul eie beswil om in ’n skoon omgewing te bly. Tel sommer die plastiek wat rondwaai ook op en herwin dit. As die eienaars dit doen, sal daar baie meer geld vir die munisipaliteit wees om die hoofstrate skoon te hou. En,

dit tel ook vir die laerinkomstegroepe wat net mors en niks skoonhou nie. Hulle moet selfrespek kry. IRENE Kraaifontein

Kla help niks nie Om aan te sluit by verlede week en voorverlede week se briewe van Brackenfell-inwoners wat betref vuil sypaadjies, wil ek ook sê dat in die vyf jaar vandat ek en my gesin daarheen verhuis het, het Brackenfell net agteruit gegaan. Kla help niks! In die singel waar ons bly, sny ek self die gras, want dis twee keer in die vyf jaar deur die munisipaliteit gedoen. Ek het ook selfs gif gekoop om die onkruid te bespuit. Het die mense aan die stuur van sake dan geen trots nie, of is die reusagtige salarisse wat hulle ontvang, al wat saak maak? FERNDALE-INWONER Brackenfell

Sorg vir jou erf Twee briewe, “Sypaadjies is vieslik” en “Bekwame bestuur kort in B’fell” verwys. Ek stem heeltemal saam met die skrywers, maar daar is nog ’n aanbeveling wat gedoen kan word. Ek bly in ’n systraat wat uitdraai in Buitekantstraat. As ek kyk na party mense se erwe by hul grensmure, skaam ek my ook. Dat daar altyd mense in ’n buurt is wat dink ag, ons los dit vir die munisipaliteit, maak my siek. Wat kan dit nou vat of kos om jou erf buite gou te sny of te laat sny? Ons mense se denke verbaas my soms. Die munisipaliteit kan ook nie orals tegelyk wees nie. Sorg vir jou erf en rondom. Het julle geen skaamte nie? JOHAN GREEFF, E-pos

Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020



12 TYGERBURGER Tygervallei


Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020

Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020









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AANDAG: Barend soek dringend 2de Handse Meubels, Beddens, kaste & yskaste om te koop. Betaal kontant en kom haal self. Skakel 082 848 2880



IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS Vrywaringskennisgewing by kwaksalweradvertensies TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewaarsku dat hulle die adverteerder se geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. Disclaimer at quackery advertisements TygerBurger and Media 24 have not verified whether any of the services or products advertised will have the desired effect or outcome. Readers will note that some of the promised results in the advertisements are extraordinary and may be impossible to achieve. Beware some of the procedures and claims advertised may be dangerous if not executed by a qualified medical practitioner. Readers are warned that they should carefully consider and verify the advertiser's credentials. TygerBurger and Media24 do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any of the services or goods advertised.

HEILIGE KERK - PASTOOR PETER Spesiale gebede vir al u probleme, Liefdesprobleme, Geld in u rekening en vertraagde pensioen. SKAKEL 060 511 7736




ALI MORGAN is determined to help you achieve what you deserve in your life, through his Spiritual powers.Just mention your problem and Call / Whattsapp him on 073 746 5782 No Consultation fee needed.

* Financial problems * Relationship problems * Bad luck * Help with court cases * Assist with selling your property % W/App 078152 4977 Gelukkig Nommers Betaal as jy wen KRY JOU VERLORE Liefde Terug. ROBIN 0676593911 Call /Whatsapp Mama Amanda 073 815 2918 Financial problems, Lost lover, looking for job, stop cheating partner


2de Handse Meubels. % 083 310 1081.


Ek koop kombuisware, linne, ornamente, speelgoed,juweliersware, ou tydse goed. %Anita 082 963 8877

Aandag. Kontant vir meubels, elektriese ware, yskaste,tvs, breekware,beddegoed,gordyne ens. Als moet in goeie werkende toestand wees. % Gerhard 073 517 1190

All working washing machines, Box TV's, Fridges/ Freezers & Beds. We Pay Cash & Collect. %WApp 0846644762 WE DO COLLECT DURING THE LOCKDOWN PERIOD


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Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020


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All working Box TV's, Fridges/Washing machines/ Freezers & Beds. We Pay Cash & Collect. %WApp 084 664 4762 WE DO COLLECT DURING THE LOCKDOWN PERIOD


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CARPETS COUCHES DEEPCLEANING R150 PER ROOM. JOHAN 067 058 8734 New Tech Dry Carpet Cleaners. No Fuss No Mess. Carpet Cleaning after Lock Down Let us clean and freshen your Carpets Contact us at on 021 592 0487 Cell: 083 289 6674 Email: info@abd-ind.co.za


A BAKKIE rubble, sand and stone. Ph 078 611 3627. ABILL BOUERS. NHBRC- gereg. Aanbouings, strukturele betonwerk, nuwe huise, afdakke & verfwerk. William 072 229 7619

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BOUPLANNE Billike fooie. Flink, kundige diens. Estetiese ontwerpe. MICHAAL DE JAGER 021 903 3407 083 601 8476 info@michaaldejager.co.za

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ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRS, fridge,washing machines, tumble dryers, stoves, regas from R180. Franco 076 966 4768 Gesoek ys/vrieskas,tuimeldroër, wasmasjiene, mikrogolfoonde,stowe/oonde, skottelgoedwasmasjiene ens.... % 0786965091 Basjan Fridges wanted Dead/Alive for Cash Phone 072 493 9332

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ACORN Construction

est. 2001 All Building & Renovations, Paving, Drywalling & Painting. References and free quotes.

John 072 818 0385


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Aftree-oord Durbanville DRINGENDE VERKOPING! Onze Molen - R1.48 mil 2 slpk woonstel met motorhuis. Siekeboeg en alle dienste verskaf Georgia 074 583 0712

Aanbod : Koop alle karre,bakkies en mikrobusse vir kontant Beste pryse word betaal Alle areas %Marius: 083 478 9121 084 346 8480

Aftree-oord Durbanville DRINGENDE VERKOPING! 1 slpk woonstel. R990 000 Siekeboeg en alle dienste verskaf Georgia 074 583 0712


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Alle plaveisel vanaf R220 per m2. Alls ing.

Tel. 072 132 5573

1 persoon, geen diere, R4600 p.m. W & E ing. 1 1/2 mnd. dep. Onmiddellik beskikbaar.% 083 229 8342

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WE PAVE Mark 076 302 2468 PLUMBERS

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Aftree-oord Durbanville TE HUUR - R8950 p.m. 3 slpk woonstel, 2 badkamers. Met siekebeog en alle diens verskaf Georgia 074 583 0712


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GOODWOOD 2 Slaapkamers, oopplan kombuis, 1 volle badkamer (stort, wasbak, bad & toilet). Naby publieke vervoer, skole, Hospitaal & winkelsentrums Sekuriteitskompleks % Chalmain 021 591 9221 Epos : chalmain@ visagievos.co.za


Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020



Light on the horizon for club rugby S

A Rugby advised amateur clubs, universities, associate members and schools on Thursday that its Covid-19 Committee (CovCom) had approved a proposal to allow teams to return to training under certain strict conditions, although a return to play will not be permitted in 2020. The resumption of amateur rugby training follows the gazetting of new regulations on sport by the Department of Basic Education and of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC). “In the past couple of weeks, DSAC has permitted several sports to allow their amateur constituents to return to training and

match play,” said Jurie Roux, CEO of SA Rugby. He referred to a DSAC statement released earlier this month which states athletes, support staff and officials involved in non-professional sport do not have to undergo Covid-19 testing before returning to training, but only had to ensure that a robust screening system was in place for training to commence. “They do not have to submit their operational return to training plans to the minister for approval,” Roux pointed out. “We decided to approve the resumption of training for SA Rugby and the provincial union elite player develop-

ment programmes, rugby at amateur and community clubs and for associations affiliated to provincial unions and SA Rugby, but on certain strict conditions.” These include, among other things, financial considerations, control measures to curb the transmission of the virus as well as adherence to requirements of the SA Rugby return to train and play guidelines for amateur rugby. The rules are required to be enforced by provincial unions. All rugby bodies have been instructed to follow the “Integrated Return to Training” framework as an injury mitigation strategy.

It requires four weeks of fitness and strength training, followed by four weeks of gradual integration of contact rugby skills. A set of guidelines will be circulated to all teams wishing to return to training through their provincial unions. These will include signing indemnification and declaration of health forms, the appointment of a compliance officer, registration of all players, officials and staff on a club data base, screening and education of players, officials and staff, cleaning and sanitation of training venues, apparel and facilities, and to ensure no spectators

are permitted at training or matches. SA Rugby also advised that amateur rugby matches will not be permitted to take place for the remainder of 2020, and teams may only start competitive action with the commencement of the 2021 rugby season. However, non-contact rugby, such as TAG or Touch Rugby, can resume once the four weeks of fitness and strength training have been concluded. Advice on the resumption of competitive play at community level will be confirmed in due course.

Local karters star on home track The South African National Rotax Max Challenge karting championship wrapped up at Killarney on Saturday 17 October. Local drivers did the Cape proud with a dominant display at their home circuit, while the champions collected their tickets to race for the SA team at the Rotax Max Grand Finals in Portugal in January. Jurie Swart won three DD2 heats to take the day from fellow Capetonians Sebastian Boyd and race 2 winner, Jason Coetzee. Local lads Tate Bishop and Charl Visser shared out the Senior Max wins with KZN driver Shrien Naidoo on the day, with

Sign up with AVON and Receive free gifts for 4 months. T&C apply Sms name and area to 084 516 3353 EXTRAS NEEDED urgently for Movies, Television and TV commercials. All Looks, Ages, Shapes & Sizes required. Contact us on 021 447 1506

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three more locals, Andrew Rackstraw, Storm Lanfear and Jason Coetzee next up. Double winner on the day, Bishop did enough to wrap up the SA title in the process. He also takes the Senior tickets to Portugal’s “Olympics of Karting”. There was a turn-up for the books when Cape Town’s 2019 SA champion, Troy Dolinschek raced his first national of the season. He proceeded to take a dominant, but hard-earned four-win u.15 junior max victory for the day. Joaquin de Oliveira stormed to four straight wins over Troy Snyman and Reza Levy each time in


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a supervisor/ driver for controlling of Teams and Quality.

Phone 021 557 7611 / 8782

People needed for Tv & Movies. All ages, shapes & sizes Whatsupp: 062 348 5158

Vol energie !!

Jonk, lus vir die lewe, vol energie, maar ‘BROKE’? Splinternuwe divisie in groot suksesvolle ingenieurs firma (Polygon Technologies) het 'n geleentheid vir 2 jong mense. R8 000 pm plus byvoordele. As jy hou van verkope en om met mense te werk, Kontak Andrea direk 065 720 4705


FORM JJJ LOST OR DESTROYED DEED (Form JJJ added by GNR. 62 OF 25 January 2019) Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds of Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Title Number ST29611/2006 in favour of GREAT CORMORANT INVESTMENTS 130 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2002/012046/07 in respect of a Unit consisting of (a)Section No. 502 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 650/2005 in the scheme known as LA VIE EST BELLE APARTMENTS in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at DURBANVILLE , IN THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 379 (Three Hundred and Seventy Nine) square metres in extent and (b)An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town within two (2) weeks after the date of the publication of this notice

T19293/2018 OR DESTROYED


Joaquin de Oliveira won all the u-13 Mini Max races at Killarney on Saturday 17 October. PHOTO: HEINRICH SAUER


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T19293/2018 passed by 1. ELZAINE MALAN Identity Number 740309 0059 08 9 Married out of community of property 2. PETER GEORGE MALAN Identity Number 690831 5237 08 9 Married out of community of property in favour of EDWARD GEORGE GROVES Identity Number 430728 5046 08 7 Unmarried in respect of certain Erf 29571 BELLVILLE In the City of Cape Town Division Cape Province Western Cape All interested persons having objection to the issue of such Copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at CAPE TOWN, 12TH FLOOR , 90 PLEIN STREET, CAPE TOWN and the Deeds Office can also be contacted per telephone or via email, see below: 021 464 021 464 021 464 cptdeedsinf@drdlr.gov.za

7682 7741 7653

within two weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED at BELLVILLE this 8th day of OCTOBER 2020 ____________________ Applicant BELLINGAN MULLER HANEKOM INC OUR REF: JHR HAVEMANN/fdt/IG1362


OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD)? We have resumed recruitment of participants for a study on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and the brain.




We are inviting people with OCD, brothers and sisters of people with OCD, as well as healthy individuals, to take part in our research study.

For more information: Prof Christine Lochner (CL2@sun.ac.za), or her research assistant (OCDRSA@sun.ac.za), or Facebook: @OCDRSA, or website: https://global-ocd.org/ We are following strict guidelines to prevent or reduce risk of COVID-19 infection.

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Dated at BELLVILLE on this 19th day of OCTOBER 2020 ________________________________ APPLICANT: VZK INC ADDRESS: P O BOX 4019, TYGER VALLEY, 7536 Email address: desire@vzk.co.za Contact Number : 021 1804550

Fix it Paving & Steelwork Solutions (PTY) LTD • POOLS

This study investigates how the brains of people with OCD work in comparison to the brains of healthy individuals. It also looks at response to medication in a subset of people with OCD.

Participation includes a comprehensive diagnostic interview, completion of questionnaires, neuropsychological assessment and possibly brain imaging (MRI).




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the u-13 Mini Max category. Yet another local lad, Reese Koorzen, came out on top of a close three-way fight to take u-11 Micro Max for the day. He beat Jozi visitors Mohammed Moerat and Caleb Odendaal. That was not enough to prevent Odendaal from swiping the championship to claim that ticket to Portugal. Jack Moore won two races in a magnificent day of baby Bambino racing to take the day from race 3 winner Rafael da Silva and final heat victor MJ Thekiso. That was good enough for the latest scion of the Moss racing dynasty, Caleb to take SA’s youngest 2020 racing championship.

EST 1995

TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie.

Sport Page 16 | Woensdag, 21 Oktober 2020 Sportredaksie Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: sport@tygerburger.co.za www.tygerburger.co.za


COVID-19: WEDSTRYDE BEGIN EERS IN JANUARIE Davids helps keep WP u-21’s hopes alive Western Province u-21 wing Angelo Davids (centre) tries to fend off Cornel Korff of the Free State u-21 team in a tackle during their SA Rugby u-21 championship match Emirates Airline Park on Friday 16 October. Davids, a former Stellenberg High School learner, scored three tries to keep WP’s hopes of reaching the final alive with a 47-28 triumph. WP u-21 next take on the Lions u-21 on Sunday 25 October at 13:45. PHOTO: LEE WARREN/ GALLO IMAGES

WP-krieket begin laat K

lubkrieket in die Westelike Provinsie sal hierdie somer beslis eers in Januarie begin, het die WP-krieketvereniging (WPKV) einde verlede week aangekondig. Onder normale omstandighede sou die eerste reeks klubwedstryde die afgelope naweek begin het. Maar weens die huidige viruspandemie was daar aanvanklik sprake dat klubwedstryde teen Desember aan die gang sou kom. Die WPKV-ampsdraers het egter gevoel Desember is ’n vakansiebelaaide maand en dat dit raadsaam is om weens Covid-19 liefs groter veiligheid vir die spelers te verseker. In die komende maande sal alle spelers ’n reeks werksessies moet bywoon om hulle vertroud te maak met die voorsorgmaatreëls vir die voorseisoense oefeninge en latere

wedstryde. Aangesien die 2020-21-somer nou net ’n “halwe krieketseisoen” teweeg gaan bring, sal die kompetisiestrukture noodwendig afwyk van hoe dit in die verlede was. Om soveel wedstryde as moontlik in die oorblywende deel van die somer ingepas te kry, is daar selfs ’n moontlikheid dat klubwedstryde tot in April sal duur. Durbanville, Bellville, Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland en Brackenfell is die Tygerbergse verteenwoordigers in die Premierliga, terwyl Tygerberg, Kraaifontein, Milnerton, Edgemead, Kuilsrivier en Noordelikes-Goodwood in die eerste liga uitdraf. Intussen is nog niks verneem oor skolekrieket in die komende somer nie, maar dit word verwag dat die eerste wedstryde in Februarie sal begin. – Sarel Burger

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