Tygerburger Goodwood 20150204

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za | www.tygerburger.co.za

Nurturing nature’s bounty Grade 3 learners at participating primary schools in Goodwood each got a tomato seedling from Cangro last week. For eight weeks they have to take care of it, whereaf­ ter the “Tomato Grower of the Year” will be crowned. Shihaam van Heerden, Caitlin Geneva, Charné Witbooi and Tayleigh Raab from Ruyterwacht Primary look pleased with their plants. Read full story on page 4. PHOTO: CARINA ROUX


Meisie skool geweier BRENDEN RUITER



Ma van Bishop Lavis sit met haar hande in die hare, omdat haar dogter glo toelating by Goodwood College in Ruyterwacht geweier word, al het hulle reeds in Junie verlede jaar aansoek gedoen. Volgens Rabia Wilmot is haar dogter, Nazlie, die laaste ruk gedurig siek en kla van maagkrampe weens die spanning. “Sy bly net in die huis en huil oor dit al Februarie is en sy nog nie in ’n skool is nie. Al haar vriende is reeds in skole en sy raak agter met die jaar se werk,” sê ’n moedelose Wilmot. Nazlie, wat verlede jaar haar skoolloopbaan by die Primêre Skool De Waveren vol-

tooi het, is veronderstel om vanjaar met graad 8 te begin. “My twee seuns is ook by Goodwood College en dit is hoekom ons my dogter ook daar wil laat skoolgaan. Toe die aansoekvorms beskikbaar raak, het ek dadelik aansoek gedoen. Daar is toe vir my gesê Nazlie is sesde op ’n waglys. Saam met ons was ook ’n ander meisie en sy is aanvaar. Sedertdien het die sekretaresse al die foon in my oor neergegooi en weier die hoof om my te woord te staan,” sê Wilmot. Sy sê dit sal dalk die pyn verlig as hulle net geweet het hoekom die kind nie toegelaat word nie. “My kind het sekere regte en een daarvan is om ten minste te weet hoekom sy nie toelating kry nie. Hoe kan ’n ma rustig wees as haar kind teen Februarie nog nie in

’n skool is nie? Hoe gaan my kind al die werk inhaal?” wonder Wilmot. Volgens Wilmot is daar nie ’n geskikte skool naby hul huis nie, maar al was daar ook, sal dit vir hulle beter wees as al die kinders by dieselfde skool is. “Ek kry die gevoel net kinders uit sekere gebiede en inkomstegroepe is welkom by die skool.” Virginia Africa, skoolhoof, het navrae na die Wes-Kaapse onderwysdepartement (WKOD) verwys. Jessica Shelver, WKODwoordvoerder, sê hulle is nie bewus van die spesifieke geval nie, maar dat daar geen reël is vir wanneer jy jou kind in ’n ander skool wil plaas nie. “Die toelatingsvereistes by ’n staatskool word deur daardie skool se beheerraad bepaal, maar dit moet steeds on-

derhewig wees aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet, Wet 84 van 1996,” sê Shelver. Ingevolge die wet kan lede van die beheerraad “voedingsones” daarstel. “Hierdie sones moet geografies naby aan die skool wees. As so ’n sone geskep is, moet daar voorkeur gegee word aan leerders wat in dié sone woon – ’n leerder wat buite die sone woon word nie verbied om aansoek te doen nie, maar kan nie verseker wees van toelating nie,” lui die wet. Die wet lui verder dat ouers die reg het om te appelleer wanneer hul kind nie toelating kry nie. Wilmot sê sy beoog om te appelleer teen die bevinding dat haar kind nie toelating verkry het nie.


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Day of love at the library The Goodwood Library will host a Valentine’s event for senior citizens and single adults on February 13. It is essential to book for the event, due to start at 11:00. Refresments will be served. V For more information dial 021 444 7326/7.


Swart Mafia skynbaar in beheer van dié slenters BRENDEN RUITER



Photo gallery

67 Blankets for Madiba celebrated its first birthday in the Company Gardens on 27 January.

Photo gallery

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

ie sogenaamde Swart Mafia is glo aan die stuur van ’n slenter wat niksvermoedende mense duisende rande uit die sak jaag en dit blyk die polisie is magteloos om hulle te stop. TygerBurger berig reeds die laaste twee weke oor mense wat landwyd deur slinkse skelms uit hul geld gekul word. Waar die aanvanklike berig na een voorval verwys het, blyk dit nou daar is net gekrap aan die oppervlak van ’n reuse-sindikaat wat met gesofistikeerde slenters mense uit hul swaarverdiende geld verkul. ’n Man van Kaapstad, wat anoniem wil bly, sê hy was vir jare ’n belangrike skakel in dié misdaadfamilie, wat deur ene Busi uit Port Elizabeth bedryf word. Volgens hom is die slenter baie groter as wat mense dink en daar is ten minste 140 motors met vier lede van die mafia in elke kar, wat aan die game deelneem. Hy vertel: “Dit gaan moeilik wees om die mafia te stop. Die slenter word reeds 46 jaar lank beoefen en daar is nog niemand daaroor vervolg nie. Ons noem dit die game, want dit is wat dit is. Ná die tyd word daar gelag oor hoe gullable mense is.” Volgens die man word mense wat in die slenter gevang “Zopas” genoem. “Die hele game duur so drie ure en as alles

klaar is, split ons die geld en stuur vir Busi sy deel. Die geld word ook nooit by ’n bank inbetaal nie, maar by Shoprite. “Busi sal sommer iemand R20 betaal om die geld af te haal, sodat hy nie geëien kan word nie. Ek het so tussen R30 000 en R80 000 per maand verdien, maar die grootbaas kan so R800 000 per maand verdien. “Die motors waarmee ons gery het, was met radar-tegnologie toegerus wat ons ’n aanduiding gee van waar verkeerspolisie of padblokkades is. Wanneer ons iemand ingeloop het, spring ons in die motors en jaag na ’n ander dorp. By geleentheid het ons om 10:00 geld by iemand in Port Elizabeth gevat en om 13:00 was ons in Knysna.” Die geld wat gebruik word om slagoffers se oë te laat rek, is niks anders as Zimbabwiese dollars nie. “Ons het net bo-op elkeen ’n R100-noot gesit sodat mense kon dink die hele pak is geld. Ek is al deur die polisie gevang met ’n sak vol van dié waardelose note.” Dit was ook nie sy enigste noue ontkoming nie. “By geleentheid het ’n ou wat ek twee dae tevore ingeloop het, my by ’n win-

“Dit gaan moeilik wees om die mafia te stop. Die slenter word reeds 46 jaar lank beoefen en daar is nog niemand daaroor vervolg nie.”

A passenger train derailed close to the Brackenfell train station on Thursday shortly before 14:00.

Pink streak:

Roderick Laubscher and his 7­year­old daughter Lisa from Bothasig were at the Mardi Gras on Saturday. Roderick is a member of the Cape Hell Drivers. PHOTO:


Up for grabs this week: tickets to Alistair Izobell’s one­man production, Let’s Make Music; tickets to the McLaren Circus in Table View; and vouchers for the Magnum Pleasure Store in Cavendish. facebook.com/tygerburger twitter.com/tygerburger(@TygerBurger)






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BRUCE Should you be missing your pet or wanting to adopt one, phone the AACL on 074 575 7737 or email adoptb@aacl-ct.co.za

kel herken. Hy het my gegryp en na ’n polisiebakkie wat naby was gesleep en gesê ek het sy geld verduister. My makkers wat naby was, het met vervalste polisie-identiteitsdokumente gekom en gesê ek werk onder ’n dekmantel. Hulle het my laat gaan.” Hy sê op enige gegewe oomblik is die sogenaamde “blokkers” besig om na nuwe slagoffers te soek. “In Voortrekkerweg ry ’n silwer Toyota Tazz, ’n blou Volvo, ’n rooi Honda en ’n swart Corolla rond. Hulle wag net vir hul prooi.” ’n Jaar gelede het die man besluit om nie meer deel te wees van die groep nie. “Ek het die grootbaas geld geskuld en moes onder dwang vir hom werk om my skuld af te betaal. Vandag leer ek vir ’n pastoor en het berou oor al die dinge wat ek gedoen het. As ek elke persoon wat ek te na gekom het om verskoning kan vra, dan sal ek. Ek wil ’n beroep doen op mense daarbuite om nie so goedgelowig te wees nie. “Die polisie kan nie die ding stop nie, al wie dit kan stop, is mense wat bewus is dat hulle ingeloop gaan word. “Moet jou nie laat mislei deur die belofte van vinnige geld nie. Daar is nie so iets nie.”

Please come and meet our beautiful dogs, puppies, cats and kittens.


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Do you struggle to resist gambling? Volunteers needed for a clinical, genetics and brain-imaging study! The MRC Unit on Anxiety & Stress Disorders at the Universities of Stellenbosch and Cape Town is conducting a study on gambling disorder. Gambling disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterised by the uncontrollable urge to gamble despite serious consequences, such as financial or relationship difficulties. Individuals with gambling disorder may continually chase bets, hide their behaviour, tell lies about where they go, how much they spend or owe, accumulate debt or even resort to fraud or theft in order to continue gambling. The research team is looking for persons with gambling problems and healthy controls who are right-handed and between 18-65 years. For more information or to participate, Contact Prof. Christine Lochner, 021 – 938 9179 CL2@sun.ac.za

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015



Harvest time for ward 5

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Jeanet Myers of Kent Durr retirement village receives boxes of fresh vegetables from Ward Councillor Helen Carstens. munity food garden, the value of food can extend beyond the immediate need for food, to the support and development of skills that empower and subsequently reverse the need for dependency.” According to her, residents can choose how they would like to be involved in the

project, by donating seedlings or by tending to a patch or learning more about urban agriculture. VTo become involved with the Community Food Garden project, contact the Bothasig Health Forum, Glenda Hon 083 676 6376 or Carstens on 021 559 6073.

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reat excitement was felt when the ward 5 Community Food Garden had its first harvest. This is a project Bothasig and Edgemead ward councillor Helen Carstens has piloted since before her election. The community garden is situated at the Bothasig Clinic in De Grendel Avenue. The project began with the assistance of several community-based organisations, including the Bothasig Health Forum, Bothasig Scouts and Lions Club De Grendel. Assistance in the groundwork of digging was offered by the department of correctional services and the City of Cape Town’s departments of social development and agriculture donated seedlings and equipment. “The success of the garden is due to the hard work the volunteers have put in by tending to the vegetables and providing the all-important watering that is a must for the growth. Advantages of such projects are that under-utilised spaces can be turned into quality spaces delivering a healthy lifestyle while at the same time providing food security and entrepreneurship spin-offs,” said Carstens. Carstens says any resident can be a part of the project to learn more about urban agriculture so that they can start their own vegetable gardens at home. “The first harvest came upon us rather quickly and much of the produce was taken to Kent Durr retirement village at Bothasig Gardens for distribution. “For the next harvest we plan on having a market day at the food garden by the clinic where residents will have the opportunity to purchase fresh produce packs at extremely affordable prices. Funds raised will initially be used to put back in the garden. We will also, down the line, be looking at hiring a part-time caretaker to keep an eye on the garden. It is my wish that through this com-

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

Children uplifted through karate MAGRIET THERON

Yasr Mallie (right) teaches boys from Parow Valley the basics of Karate­ zen. The group he has been training fdisplayed their skills at the first karate fight night in Klipkop on 31 January. PHOTOS:



asr Mallie (19) has a junior black belt in Karate-zen and has represented the Western Province karate team on numerous occasions. Yasr, a member of the Goodwood dojo, says he is aiming for SA colours this year but although ambitious, this humble young man is not looking for fame. He spends Friday after Friday with the children of Difference Thru Sport at the tennis courts in Klipkop, teaching them the basics of karate. And he wants nothing in return. “To me it is about spreading an awareness for karate. Karate is about discipline, self respect and respect for your opponent, you do it for self defence but also for enjoyment.

Skill sets “Hopefully the parents will also see what this is about,” he said at the first karate fight night held at the tennis courts on 31 January. At this event, karate-zen fights, katas and techniques were demonstrated to parents and members of the community by Yasr and three of his teammates from the Goodwood dojo. A group of Parow Valley boys between the ages of six and ten then joined Yasr on the mat to show off the skills he has taught them. “The children are still very playful, but this opens them up to karate. And I can see there is some real talent here, just by the way they move,” Yasr says. Karate is only one of the sports that Difference Thru Sport is hosting for children in order to keep them busy and off the streets. While learning the skills sets of different disciplines, they are also taught some life skills. During the December holidays, children


came from far and wide to participate in soccer, dance and kick-boxing classes, with volunteers from the area teaching them.

Boys watch Yasr Mallie and Ryan Dowries from the Goodwood Karate­zen Dojo in a sparring session.

Impressed “I am very positive about this,” Antonio van der Rheeder, chairperson of subcouncil 17 said at the fight night. He was attending the event on behalf of the mayor and said he will tell her how impressed he was with the effort. “We need people to take initiative like you have done, and we will gladly support that,” he told the crowd who convened on the courts to watch the children’s impressive moves. V To become involved with Difference Thru Sport or for any donations, contact Ricky Vigeland on 081 017 0774.

Diewe gryp selfoon by kleuter in motor BRENDEN RUITER


Die polisie in Pinelands is op soek na twee mans wat Saterdag mense by ’n winkel op hol gehad het toe hulle eers ’n vrou se selfoon gesteel het en toe weggejaag het. Volgens die polisie het ’n vrou haar motor, met haar vierjarige kind daarin, voor die Spar in Pinelands geparkeer. “Sy het die deur gesluit en vinnig weggeglip om geld te trek. Toe sy terugkom was die motor oopgesluit en die kind het gehuil. By nadere ondersoek het sy vasgestel ’n onbekende man het die deur oopgemaak en haar selfoon uit die seun se hand geneem,” sê Tando Sonjica, woordvoerder vir die polisie in Pinelands. Op Pinelands se Facebook-blad sê mense wat die voorval sien gebeur het, die twee mans het vuurwapens gehad en het dit op ’n sekerheidswag en ander mense gerig. Sonjica sê die polisie se ondersoek het egter aan die lig gebring dat niemand vuurwapens gehad het nie. “Ek wil dit uitdruklik

stel dat geen vuurwapens betrokke was nie. Ná die verdagte die selfoon uit die kind se hand gegryp het, het hy en sy makker in ’n wit Audi weggejaag,” volgens Sonjica. Luidens die inskrywings op die Facebook-blad het ’n lid van die publiek agter die verdagte voertuig aangery, maar moes die aftog blaas toe verdagtes ’n rooi verkeerslig verontagsaam het. “Ek kan bevestig dat iemand agter die verdagtes aangery het. Ons wil nie mense aanmoedig om agter verdagtes aan te ry nie, omdat hulle dalk in gevaar kan beland. “’n Mens moet egter die persoon loof wat agter hulle aangery het, want in vandag se samelewing verroer mense gewoonlik nie ’n vinger as iemand in die moeilikheid is nie,” sê Sonjica. ’n Saak van diefstal uit ’n motorvoertuig is aanhangig gemaak. “Ons wil ’n beroep op die publiek doen om op die uitkyk te wees vir ’n wit Audi met die registrasienommer CFM 265 39. Ook wil ons vra dat mense meer op hul hoede moet wees wanneer hulle kitsbanke gebruik.”

Polisie slaan toe op vyf mans BRENDEN RUITER


Die lang arm van die gereg het vyf mans ingehaal wat daarvan verdink word dat hulle by ten minste twee huisbrake betrokke was. Verlede week het die verdagtes vermoedelik ’n 85-jarige man by sy huis in Wienerstraat oorval. Volgens ao. Wayne Theunis, woordvoerder van die polisie in Goodwood, is dit die derde keer sedert Mei verlede jaar wat by die huis van die man, wat alleen woon, ingebreek word. “Met die laaste voorval is hy in die hospitaal opgeneem ná hy met ’n houtkolf oor die kop geslaan is. Sowat R9 000 is gesteel,” sê Theunis.

Twee dae ná die aanval op die bejaarde het die misdaadvoorkomingseenheid van die polisie inligting ontvang dat nog ’n inbraak beplan word. “Die lede het die perseel dopgehou en teen 23:00 het die verdagtes by nog ’n huis ingebreek. Drie verdagtes wat met messe gewapen was, is in hegtenis geneem. Later is nog twee aangekeer. Al vyf word met ander huisrowe verbind en het Vrydag in die hof verskyn,” sê Theunis. Hy het ’n beroep gedoen op inwoners om so gou moontlik met inligting vorendag te kom om te verhoed dat inbrake plaasvind. “As die gemeenskap met inligting help, kan ons seker maak ons hou gevaarlike misdadigers van die straat af.”

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015



‘More feet’ needed in Parow store for Karoo animals A group looking after the welfare of Karoo animals needs people to purchase from their shop in Parow. The Karoo Animal Protection Society (KAPS) used to have their shop in Rigdeworth, but are now operating on Fridays and Saturdays in Parow. The store is open on Fridays from 10:00 to 15:00 and on Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:00 at

Teaching children to swim can save their life.

Swimming is not just a sport, it’s a life saving skill

GARY VAN DYK @gvdcapejazz


hile Western Province Aquatics are continually trying to grow and promote swimming as a sport, they’re also on a mission to make people aware that it is a vital life skill in all areas. Briane Reynolds, president of Western Province Aquatics, says swimming can be a healthy pastime but is important in relation to safety. “We are on a mission to make people aware of the importance of safety in water, at pools or beaches,” he said. “Many parents are aware of this and are taking steps to get their children swimming but we want to highlight a few vital steps one should take when enrolling your child into a swimming programme.” He explained there are many swim schools available, but not all are certified to the correct standards, or registered to Western Province Aquatics. “We as the custodians of the sport are vigilant with regards to the requirements one needs in order to open learn-to-swim programmes. “There are various regulations that need to be put in place in order to get registered and accredited with WP.” A few very important criteria needed for swim teachers/coaches to be registered to WP Aquatics/Swim South Africa are: . Level 1 first aid certificate; . Official police clearance; . Swim South Africa and WP certifica-

tion (completed learn-to-swim instructor’s course); . Proof of annual registration to WPA/ Swimming SA; and . The learn-to-swim school be registered to WPA. “Many swim schools don’t comply with the necessary safety and qualification requirements,” continued Reynolds. “It is therefore imperative for all parents to request the instructor to present proof of current registration to WP Aquatics. “Parents can also check the Western Province website for registered learn-toswim instructors and coaches. “Over the years, WPA has been trying to grow and develop the sport and take swimming to all our communities. “We have some fantastic projects in place to teach and educate coaches within the communities and to put safe, fun swim programmes in place. “There are numerous initiatives, like the porta pool school project. These are portable pools that are set up at various school locations, in order to get children educated on the importance of this vital life skill. “Regular water safety talks are also held and we encourage the importance of getting people water safe. “Through Aquatics, we will continue to strive to better our communities in the Western Cape where making every child a swimmer is our number one priority.” V For more information about the organisation go to www.wpaquatics.org.

Shop 4, Montana Building, 249 Voortrekker Road. The organisation’s Gloria Pitlo said: “Your help is needed – we have had nearly no feet (coming in).” V Parties interested in donating items or visiting the store can call Gloria on 083 450 2782, or visit www.kaps.org.za or watch a YouTube video about the organisation at http://youtu.be/XQx6Ti703qc.



Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

Pupils discover they can grow “L

ook mom, I can grow a tomato aim being to grow the biggest plant of all. Enthusiasm for the project so far has been plant!” Thanks to the Cangro project, sponsored by N1 City Mall infectious, and while learning has been takand TygerBurger, each Grade 3 learner at ing place at the same time, the new approach participating local primary schools in Good- to teaching elements such as the importance of soil, bugs, photosynthesis, pollination and wood got a tiny tomato plant last week. For the next eight weeks, they have to look seed dispersal has made the Grade 3 curricuafter it, feed it, pamper it, talk to it if they lum come alive in a new and exciting way. like, as long as it grows. And then, when the As the project continues, the children will time comes, they will have a show and tell continue to learn as well, coming to underat the school and the “Tomato Grower of the stand the essential value of sustainability, reYear” will be crowned at the shopping centre. sponsibility, respect, and caring. For now the children’s plants are being left Founded by siblings Jody and Diane Kramer, Cangro is based on the “magic” of the to grow, but between 27 March to 12 April the upside down can – a trick discovered almost 30 finalists and their plants will be showby accident with a tomato growing in their cased in the centre with public votes deterback garden. By exploring the concept fur- mining the overall winners. This activity will coincide with the N1 City ther and asking “how can we grow tomatoes in a fun and practical way”, the siblings were Mall Kids Expo, between 27 to 29 March, able to transform 30 000 cans found in a dump which will incorporate Cangro workshops into a thriving educational concern – one for the public. that has become a valuable teaching aid to replace the old-fashioned “cotton wool and bean” method. Last year N1 City Mall, in association with TygerBurger, brought the Cangro project to life for local learners. The initiative was the first of its kind to run in the Western Cape, and was met with huge success and enthusiasm from teachers, parents and children alike. This year learners from Goodwood Park Primary School, Koos Sadie Primary and Ruyterwacht Primary are participating in the project. Currently in progress, the eight-week initiative started at the end of January and will run until April. To mark the start of the project, the children were first treated to a special Cangro play, written and directed by Deon Opperman and performed by Tessa Dalton. From there the planting sessions began, with each Helping Taygen Tredoux at Koos Sadie Primary is child being asked to water, feed and care for TygerBurger’s advertising manager, Garth Hewitt. their very own tomato plant – the ultimate

Ruyterwacht Primary’s Roseline Hector, Courtney Sampson and Johanna Litoke can’t wait for their plants to grow bigger.

Lending a helping hand to Siyolise Nkhaya, a learner at Koos Sadie Primary, is Diane Kramer of Cangro.

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015





Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

Petrol heads protest proposal CHEVON BOOYSEN @chevonbooysen


Proposed new regulations to stamp out illegal racing have been met with disbelief by the modified motoring fraternity. Many claim it will be difficult to enforce and say they’re being victimised because of the assumption that all modified cars are used in illegal races. PHOTO: CHEVON BOOYSEN

opting to sell their cars because they don’t want criminal records or to pay steep fines that may land them in court eventually. The proposed [regulation] is ridiculous and will never work.” She agrees it is good to clamp down on illegal racing as it “endangers the car culture in the province”. “Clamping down on illegal racers I can understand as they are a hazard on the road. But to paint everybody with the same brush is horribly unfair.” She says many motorists take part in events at Killarney Raceway, but afterwards “we find ourselves in a roadblock, just outside the venue. What is the point of practising your sport legally but you’re victimised anyway?” She started an online petition to prevent the proposed regulation being passed. At the

time of the interview she had 20 000 signatures. “For too long we have been underdogs and we have now decided to educate ourselves with regard to the proposed [regulation]. We aren’t artists with canvasses so our masterpieces are our cars,” she says. Online posts have been buzzing with incidents of clampdowns. It is alleged Ghost Squad officers have been fining drivers of modified vehicles and even confiscating their car licence discs. According to a Facebook post, two drivers en route to Killarney were arrested for allegedly speeding. The officers also took their car licence discs. One driver was fined R4000 for “inconsiderate driving and wheelspinning”. He posted that an officer said he would “make an example of us because we are the people talking bad [sic] of them on


roposed regulations to clamp down on “illegal modifications and illegal racers” seem to suffered a false start. The new regulation, made public two weeks ago and which is to be added to the Traffic Regulations Act, caused an uproar among the motoring fraternity. The proposed regulation seeks to “impose stricter fines on illegal racers and cars that are modified”, says a media release. Enthusiasts are taking a stand against the proposed regulation. Meanwhile, City of Cape Town safety and security mayco member JP Smith said his team will impose stricter fines on drivers found guilty of illegal racing. He said media reports that he and his team “plan to target drivers of modified vehicles” are “worryingly inaccurate”. “For the record, the City’s Traffic Service is mandated to enforce the provisions of the National Road Traffic Act No. 93 of 1996. [This is] a national piece of legislation which states that any modification of or tampering with a vehicle’s safety design renders the vehicle unroadworthy unless done by the manufacturer or a registered body builder,” Smith says. But car enthusiasts and the after-market industry want clarity on what this regulation will mean in practical terms. Cape Town Car Enthusiasts (CTCE) representative Kersten Greybe says confusion has many motorists driving in fear. “People are scared to even just drive their cars to the corner shops since the announcement. Nobody knows what is happening and no answers have been given and we need to know exactly what this means for the Cape Town car culture,” she says. Greybe says more people in the modified car circle are selling their cars. “People are

social media”. He posted: “We spent our legal race night with real criminals. The Ghost Squad officer did everything in his ability to lock us up although the police at the police station did not want him to do so.” Another motorist, who does not want to be named, says the proposed regulation is doomed. “It will never work,” he says. “They haven’t thought this through. The motoring industry is huge and understandably people are in uproar. We feel victimised and have no clarity as Smith changes his story every other day.” He says he is afraid to drive his car because the Ghost Squad is instilling fear in drivers. “I had lots of modifications done to my car. I spent a lot of time and money on it only to now not be sure if I can drive around with it.” Registered tuner shops say they fear the after-market industry will be under threat should the bylaw impose stricter laws on anybody with a modified vehicle. Yaseen Abrahams, of CPi Performance Innovation Cape Town, says they are “highly concerned” with the outlawing of car modifications. “CPi only engages in legal modification of cars and our work is of the highest standard. Outlawing modifications will have a huge impact on the industry. Surely if individuals abide by the law it is their right to modify their cars as they wish,” Abrahams says. The regulations are to be in effect in April, but Smith adds the enactment of the regulations is the responsibility of the provincial transport division. He said the City has lobbied, among other things for vehicles to be impounded when owners are caught racing illegally, stricter penalties for motorists and suitable penalties for spectators at illegal street races. He added that fitments by registered aftermarket tuners are legal.

ILLEGAL DUMPING WILL COST YOU A LIBRARY. The City of Cape Town spends nearly R350 million every year clearing away rubbish from illegal dumping spots ranging from empty land to sewers and blocked toilets. That’s money taken away from the development of things like libraries, clinics and parks in Cape Town. So help us by dumping your waste at one of 25 legal drop off sites around the city. To find your nearest site or to report illegal dumping, call 0860 103 089. Making progress possible. Together.

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015



Buurtwag gerat vir diewe BRENDEN RUITER


Die voorsitter van Richwood se buurtwag het voornemende kriminele gewaarsku dat die dorp binnekort vir hulle te klein gaan word. Lede van dié buurtwag het onlangs opleiding voltooi, wat deur die Stad Kaapstad se wetstoepassings-afdeling aangebied is. Grant Ferreira (voorsitter) het by die gemeenskapsvergadering, waar die voltooiing van die kursus aangekondig is, gesê die gemeenskap gaan nou verantwoordelikheid neem vir hul eie veiligheid. “Ons kan nou op ’n amptelike manier die stadswette in ons dorp afdwing. Van rommelstrooiers tot meer ernstige oortreders gaan hul rieme styfloop,” sê Ferreira. Danny Bolton, voorsitter van die belastingbetalersvereniging, het die buurtwag se nuwe status verwelkom. “Dit is belang-

rik dat ’n gemeenskap ook vir sy eie veiligheid verantwoordelik is. Die polisie en wetstoepassers het soveel ander dinge wat hulle besig hou dat elke bietjie hulp ons nader gaan bring aan ’n situasie waar almal in Richwood veilig kan voel,” sê Bolton. Hy sê hoewel die opleiding wat die lede ontvang het ’n stap in die regte rigting is, daar ander dinge in Richwood is wat dringende aandag verg. “Hier is onbeskermde stormwaterpype waarin kinders speel. Daar skuil ook misdadigers in die pype en dit hou ’n gevaar in vir almal wat in die omgewing bly. Ons het al teenoor Justin Basson, raadslid vir wyk 105, gekla, maar steeds gebeur niks,” kla hy. Basson sê op sy beurt weet hy net van klagte oor retensiedamme en nie van stormwaterpype nie. “Ons ondersoek klagtes uit die gemeenskap oor die retensiedamme, maar nie oor waterpype nie,” sê Basson.

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Skenking: Die Widow’s Sons­motorfietsklub (WSCC) het ’n tjek ter waarde van R3 000

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Is mensdom regtig beter af as in verlede? Die eerste maand van 2015 het in ’n oogwink verbygesnel – dalk tekenend van die vinnige pas van die hedendaagse lewe van kitsantwoorde en kitskos. Niks gebeur meer stadig in dié inligtingseeu nie. Mense bestee al minder tyd aan takies wat in die verlede baie tyd in beslag geneem het. Jy hoef nie meer by die bank in rye te gaan staan om jou banksake af te handel nie. Die internet sorg nou dat jy dit enige tyd binne enkele minute kan doen. Geen boodskap word meer via ’n brief aan iemand gestuur nie. Daarvoor het die SMS en WhatsApp gesorg. Studente sit nie meer ure lank in ’n biblioteek om navorsing uit boeke te doen vir ’n taak of verhandeling nie. Om te “copy”en “paste” uit Google is darem net te gerieflik. Vriende kom deesdae selde byeen om net lekker te gesels, want Facebook is besig om daardie rol te vervul. Al minder mense lees koerante en tydskrifte, want die elektroniese en sosiale media maak alles soveel makliker en vinniger met kitsnuus. Op die oog af het die gehalte van ons lewe dus in terme van sekondes en minute aansienlik verbeter, maar ongelukkig op ander terreine ernstig versleg. Baie min jongmense kan nog spel of hul eie huistaal suiwer praat. En sonder die hulp van ’n blikbrein kan niemand meer net met gesonde verstand ’n aftrekof optelsom doen nie. Dít laat ’n mens soms wonder of ons regtig beter af is as in die verlede?

SMS V Help! Die verkeer in Kuilsrivier is ’n nag­ merrie, wat reggestel kan word met meer paaie asb. - Anoniem


’n Oog vir ’n oog, maak net die wêreld blind. ­ Mohandas Ghandi

Verspreding: TygerBurger Goodwood word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Glenwood, Goodwood Estate, Richmond Estate, Townsend Estate, Tygerdal, Vrijzee, Vasco, Bothasig, Edgemead, Monte Vista, Plattekloof Glen, Richwood en Thornton. Totale verspreiding:24 564


Totale verspreiding: 285 531 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel 021 910 6500 of e­pos: verspreiding@tygerbur­ ger.co.za

V To the people protesting against the sa­ le of animal skins ­ go hug a tree. Oh yes, the tree was killed to make your posters. - Anonymous

Redakteur: Marita Meyer 0021 910 6500 nuus@tygerburger.co.za Joernalis: Brenden Ruiter 0021 910 6552 brenden.ruiter@tygerbur­ ger.co.za Advertensiebestuurder: Garth Hewitt 0021 910 6520 ghewitt@tygerburger.co.za Hoofkoerant advertensies: Michiel Engelbrecht 0021 910 6524 of 0073 609 6648 mengel@tygerburger.co.za Geklassifiseerd: 00860 11 7520 www.tygerburger.co.za

V Mense word daagliks in Voor trekkerweg beroof, gehinder en aangeval. Sigbare po­ lisie is nou uiters belangrik of word daar geensins in die inwoners se veiligheid be­ langgestel nie? Van beloftes het ons ge­ noeg gehad. - Eben V Dalk moet Anoniem van Disasingel by die buurtwag aansluit om meer patrollies moontlik te maak. - Patrolleerder V Ons is vakansiegangers in Melkbos. Na aanleiding van die berig “Lone burglar prowls Melkbos” en dat snaakse aktiwi­ teite aan die Melkbos­polisie gerappor­ teer moet word, wonder ek of daar nog le­ de in die polisie se aanklagkantore sit? Telkens sien ons hulle eet by Spur of Wim­ py of doen hul inkopies by Pick n Pay. Wonder Net V It is so sad for a loyal hard worker who refuses to do something not in their sco­ pe to end up getting a verbal warning of unacceptable behavior. What’s happe­ ning to fair practice? - Anonymous V Years ago I saw advice that the rear of a chicken is not the cleanest. After hea­ ring that, I wash my eggs. - C Stevenons ) SMS’e kos R1,50 elk. Stuur die woord “Tyger”, gevolg deur jou boodskap na 45527.

Balancing act: Ladies walking in Scottsdene last week Tuesday carry their goods in the age­old African


V Het Verwey by Richmondpark die grond gekoop waarop hy ’n eis het? Betaal hy erfbelasting, water, ens.? Ander betaal ten duurste vir als; dan kan almal gaan plak en nog vergoeding ook kry. - Keelvol

V Eskom, skakel net steelkrag af en waar straatligte en kragtoerusting onekono­ mies gebruik word in plakkerskampe. Ek’s moeg betaal! - Moeg betaal


Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24­groep

TygerBurger het twaalf verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Good­ wood, Brackenfell, Kraaifon­ tein, Kuilsrivier, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier.

Kontak ons:

Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claas­ sen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid­Afrika, mnr. Joe Thloloe, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus 011 484 3612/8, stuur ‘n faks na 011 484 3619 of ‘n e­pos na nakhanyim@ombuds­ man.org.za or johanr@om­ budsman.org.za

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015


briewe@tygerburger.co.za|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

‘Murder’ and ‘killing’ are not the same It is a pity that Koert Meyer, in his letter of 17 December, makes sweeping statements with many assumptions. To write that someone, who believes in protecting innocent victims, ‘seems to have an outlook of anger, hatred and vengeance’ is pretty presumptuous. After I’ve reached out to the St James attackers and laboured as a missionary in high risk areas like the Congo, to help the poor and marginalised, this is truly a fascinating idea. Yes, God does stop evil. But He uses men and women on earth to do His will; it does not happen in a vacuum. I’ve never argued that ‘we must all’ carry guns, although it is a helpful idea. Let the law abiding who want to carry, carry. Jesus told Peter he would be committing suicide to choose a fight in trying to fight soldiers – as well as undermining God’s plan to allow Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection. So, Jesus told Peter to put his sword in its place. He didn’t tell Peter to get rid of it. He had earlier ordered the disciples to arm themselves. The reason for the swords was to protect the lives of the disciples, not the life of the Son of God. Jesus was saying that it was not the right time for a fight. Meyer appears to have adopted the pagan fallacy of animism – that evil lurks in things (guns), rather than people. Demonizing inanimate objects (guns) makes no sense! Guns can be used for good or evil. The heart of the handler is what makes the difference. The only person, who can stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. Unarmed victims are pretty helpless. I abhor violence i.e. the ‘immoral use of force’. Defending the innocent is the righteous use of force. Killing

is the taking of life - murder is the taking of an ‘innocent’ life. To label someone a ‘murderer’ when he uses lethal force to protect his family, is incorrect word usage. Call him a ‘hero’. ‘Cowards’ are those who will not protect their loved ones from a murderous thug. CHARL VAN WYK Durbanville

Kudos to officers for R300 rescue I am writing to you with great happiness and appreciation for the wonderful public service which a few City traffic officers and members of the SAPS flying squad performed on 29 January. I was attending church in Mitchell’s Plain at about 21:00 when I received a call that my daughter’s car broke down on the notorious R300. One cannot help but think of the recent incidents of motorists attacked while stranded on this road. It is a sad state of affairs. My wife logged a call with the emergency services, and I am happy to report that the City’s traffic services and the SAPS flying squad responded almost immediately. My family and I were happy about this good public service rendered, as our daughter was alone and stranded far from where we were at that time. As a fellow public servant I have great appreciation for the men and women in blue who sometimes place themselves at risk in order to aid others in need. There may be many who do not appreciate the emergency services, particularly the police and law enforcement, but my family and I are very appreciative of the kind deed they performed for our daughter. I am aware we cannot reward them for doing their duty, but we want to recognise the great selfless work they do. As a taxpayer, it makes me proud to see our taxes being put to good use when the emergency

services respond to even minor requests from the public. I want to acknowledge a few officers in particular who stayed with my daughter until the breakdown truck arrived to take her home. Her safety was our main concern. Our daughter sometimes has to work late due to newspaper articles to be ready for printing at People’s Post based in Tygervalley. We feel much more relaxed now that we know there are traffic officers and SAPS members patrolling the R300 and can respond in cases of emergency. As a family we want to recognise the following officers: . Sergeant Clifton Botha . Constable Christopher Ludick . Constable Leon April . Traffic officer Lorenzo Lackay . Traffic officer Glen Oppel These officers also ensured traffic flow was unhindered and safe for all when the car was recovered by the breakdown truck. The whole activity was a success because of their help and assistance. Thank you once again! JOSEPH AND MICHELLE LEE Somerset West

Sluk nie aan dié skoolstorie Ek as inwoner kan nie anders nie as om kommentaar te lewer op die berig in die TygerBurger van 28 Januarie onder die opskrif “Laerskool skok leiers”. Dit is baie duidelik dat die departement van onderwys eensydig ’n besluit geneem het sonder om op demokratiese wyse die gemeenskap te raadpleeg en sodoende grondwetlik op te tree. Ek sluk dit nie dat daar op die nippertjie besluit is om baie kinders van ander gebiede in die Proteahoogte Akademie as laerskoolleerders te akkommodeer nie; dit is duidelik dat dit ’n goed beplande skuif van die departement was. PIETER e­pos

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015


FAW animals have loads of love to give The Fisantekraal Animal Welfare (FAW) has a number of adorable dogs available for adoption. Harvey is a gentle, goofy guy who loves people and has an ocean of love to give. He is a Staffie-mix and came to the FAW when he was still a puppy. He is now just under a year old and medium to large in size. He would love an active home with plenty to keep him occupied. He enjoys head scratches and snacking on cookies. Emma is a real lady, and much younger than she looks. She is a Labrador-mix of around two to three years old and has a playful nature. She is friendly, stable and affectionate. She loves sunbathing. Beth is a special Labrador-German Shepherd mix of about two years old. She gets on with children, other dogs and cats. She is sweet-natured, intelligent, affectionate and will make a super family pet. V Contact Winette on 084 519 0380 or adopti足 ons@faw.za.org with enquiries. Visit www.faw.za.org to see more gorgeous dogs, cats, puppies and kittens up for adoption.







Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

Knitwits bitten by blanket bug MAGRIET THERON @magrietron


y mother is 91 and despite arthritis, she started knitting blankets for the 67 Blankets for Madiba drive and it has given her a new lease on life, says Terry Milne from Fish Hoek. “She could not be here today, because she is so frail, she’ll get blown over by the wind.” Terry spoke to TygerBurger at the celebration of 67 Blankets for Madiba’s first birthday in the Company Gardens on 27 January. Since the launch of the cause in Johannesburg last year, it has gained support from across the world and has over 2 000

Johan Beetge from Plattekloof says he works months to crochet one blanket.PHOTOS: MAGRIET THERON

Facebook members who call themselves Knitwits, and several groups in Cape Town who regularly meet to make blankets for the poor. You do not need to be a woman to be a Knitwit. Johan Beetge from Plattekloof says he became so attached to the crocheted blanket he worked on for months last year, he slept under it the night before he donated it to the cause. “My husband took up looming and he made an enormous blanket. He is a perfectionist and has become proficient in the qualities of wool, so 67 Blankets has become a whole industry in our household,” says Terry Milne. Terry is also involved with a group of women in Masiphumelele in Kommetjie who knit squares, and she teaches children at primary schools to loom and knit, as part of their life skills curriculum. These squares are then sewn together by volunteers to make blankets. The original 67 Blankets’ aim was to make 67 blankets to hand over to charity on Mandela Day in 2014. They exceeded that number by hundreds. Now they are taking the challenge to the next level, because, says Bryoni Dawson, the Cape Town ambassador, people will always need blankets. “We are on deadline. We need 21 000 blankets from all around South Africa to place at the feet of Madiba’s statue at the Union Buildings on 21 April, to celebrate our 21 years of democracy,” says Carolyn Steyn, the driving force behind the group. “Even inmates in Zonderwater and Diepsloot prisons are knitting,” says Bryoni. She says this drive has grown into a huge outpouring of goodwill. “We are a group of six women who get together twice a month to consolidate, bring donations, share out and knit. We socialise and talk about other projects we want to do,”

Cathy Farmer from Durbanville shows Nwabisa Mayema from the Waterfront the crochet ropes. says Cathy Dippnall. “Most of the women in our group did not know each other before 67 Blankets was established and now we have become close friends. “There are a lot of very enthusisatic people. There are groups across all the suburbs who meet every week, get sponsorship and deliver.” Charmaine Damstra from Plumstead is working on her eighth blanket this year. “Our group meet every last Wednesday of the month from 19:00 to late, or until all the

champagne is finished. We get very thirsty, it’s hard work you know,” she says with a wink. “This project is like a bug that bit us and we cannot get rid of it,” says Florence Reddy from Grassy Park. “Housework and cooking has become secondary. I take my crocheting everywhere I go, and if I can’t take it along, I won’t go,” she says. V Visit the 67 Blankets for Madiba Facebook page to become involved or donate wool. The organisation does not have a bank account and does not accept money as donations.

Refinery inspection creates jobs and a safer environment The Chevron Cape Town Refinery in Milnerton will undergo a routine maintenance and safety inspection from 13 February until March. Annual maintenance and safety inspections maintain high safety and reliable operation standards at the refinery. Supply constraints are mitigated through building up strategic fuel supplies prior to the planned maintenance and safety inspection. “Investing in the maintenance of the refinery ensures adequate product supply across all our markets,” says Doug Pottenger, general manager at the refinery. “This year, Chevron will invest approximately R412 million, the majority of which will be directly injected into the Western Cape economy. Furthermore, approximately 3 000 additional contractors are employed during this safety inspection and maintenance period, including artisans, semiskilled and unskilled workers.” The refinery contributes substantially to the provincial and national economy through the disbursement of its annual ca-

pital and operational expenditure budgets. According to an independent economic impact report conducted by Econex, the refinery procures R2billion worth of goods and services annually, of which 70% are from the Western Cape. Furthermore, 3.3% of the Western Cape’s GDP and 2.4% of employment in the province can be traced back to the ripple effects of Chevron’s operations in the Western Cape. A recent significant capital investment was the construction of a multi-point ground flare and a new 100 meter elevated flare to replace the refinery’s high-level flare. This R450 million investment, which resulted in work for 500 local residents. “The ground flare is of world class technology and forms part of Chevron’s continued efforts to minimise the refinery’s environmental footprint,” says Pottenger. V Local businesses and community members who would like further information relating to the sche­ duled inspection and maintenance can contact Donna Fata at Chevron on 021 508 3911 or SMS Info to 30786.

DIE STAD KAAPSTAD SE GOEDKEURING VAN DIE AANSUIWERINGSBEGROTING VIR 2014/15 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge regulasie 26 van die Munisipale Regulasies oor Begroting en Verslagdoening, 2008, saamgelees met die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000, en die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, Wet 56 van 2003, dat die dokumente oor die Stad se aansuiweringsbegroting vir 2014/15, wat op 28 Januarie 2015 deur die Raad goedgekeur is, ter insae beskikbaar is op die Stad Kaapstad se webwerf by www.capetown.gov.za/en/Budget. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER 08/2015

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015





Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

‘Plein’ life inspired bassist LOUISA STEYL

in Mitchell’s Plain and coming through the church, I want to give the listener a musical biography of my life by using the harmonies and melodies associated with that upbringing.”



usic should move listeners and uplift the spirit. This is the opinion of local double and electric bass player and composer Benjamin Jephta, who aims to do exactly that with the Benjamin Jephta Quintet‘s debut album, Homecoming. Benjamin recorded the 12-track album at Sumo Sound Studios in Johannesburg, where he now lives, but says he tried to hold on to stories from “home”, which for him is Mandalay in Mitchell’s Plain, where he grew up.

Reconnection Although he’s only 22, Benjamin has already shared the stage with big names such as Alvin Dyers, Jimmy Dludlu, Camillo Lombard, Simphiwe Dana, Melanie Scholtz and Mi Casa, but Homecoming is a reconnection with why he chose to be a musician in the first place. After completing his school career at Muizenberg High School, Benjamin moved on to study Jazz at the South African College of Music at the University of Cape Town. Inspiration He explains that musicians are often taught about musical concepts and genre along with what’s “trendy”. For him this meant taking on whatever current genre was considered “hip” and imitating the musicians he looked up to, but in the process, Benjamin says he lost track of the spirit of his own music and the essence of what first inspired him to play. Homecoming was born out of the idea that Benjamin felt he had something to

Home suburb In fact, one of his favourite songs on the album is One for the Plein, which he wrote for his home suburb. “The band always enjoys playing this live, because it has the ability to go anywhere.” The band Benjamin is referring to includes Kyle Shepherd (2014 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winner) on piano, Sphelelo Mazibuko on drums, Marcus Wyatt on trumpet and Sisonke Xonti on sax. Another favourite is Hymn for Ada, a song Benjamin wrote for Ada Loff from his local church who passed away from cancer. He says the song celebrates her life, and like One for the Plein, keeps developing.

Benjamin Jephta hopes to uplift and move people with his new album. “say” musically. “I also felt that what I was doing was unique and that it had to be documented, and an album is a great way of doing that,” he says. In order to capture the spark that made him fall in love with music, Benjamin wanted to explore his own history and incorporate it into the sound of the album. “Having been raised on the Cape Flats

Simple and lyrical Ultimately, Benjamin says, the compositions on Homecoming are “quite simple and lyrical”. “For me the beauty lies in the way each musician interpreted the music, allowing it to speak into your spirit.” While he’s currently promoting the album, Benjamin hopes to play more shows with the quintet to develop the band’s sound as a collective and of course, keep writing new music. Homecoming will be available at African Music Store and Up Beat Music in Cape Town from mid-February. Fans can also keep an eye on www.benjaminjephta.com for information on when the album will be available online, and his Cape Town shows.


Players get playing The Milnerton Players will start their theatrical events for the year with their first social evening of 2015 at Milnerton Playhouse on Friday 6 February. The evening, which starts at 20:00, will have a romantic theme and first time director Robyn Bensch will present two short play readings of apocalyptic love around the theme ‘The Last …’. This will be followed by a musical performnce by singer and guitarist Stephen Winter and his band. V Entrance costs R10 for non­members and R5 for member at the door. Call 082 443 5853 or email bookings@milnertonplayers.com for more information.

Jazz mix: Albert Frost teams up with Toya

Delazy (pictured) on vocals and piano and Lee Thomson on trumpet at Straight No Chaser on Wednesday 11 February. The trio will play two sets, at 20:00 and 22:00. Tickets cost R100 per session. Call 076 679 2697 or email straightnochaserclub@gmail.com to book.


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What’s On | Wat’s Waar

teater. R150. Bespreek by 083 227 3658 of allstar@live.co.za.

V ‘80s Rewind ­ The Total ‘80s Party is on at Barnyard Theatre Willowbridge until Saturday 8 March. Visit www.barnyardtheatre.co.za to book.

V Blotchy, Dunn Kidda, SLEWDADA, JYD and Growl will be at Assembly on Friday 6 February. Entrance is free before 22:30 and R30 thereafter.

V Lizz Meiring is vanaand (Woensdag) in Langpad en Lipstieks by Die Boer te sien. R120. Bespreek by www.dieboer.com of 021 979 1911.

V Rhythm India will be on stage at Artscape Theatre on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 February. Tickets are available at Computicket.

V Fokokfpolisiekar and De Wallen will be at Klein Libertas Theatre in Stellenbosch tonight (Wednesday). Tickets are available at www.webtickets.co.za.

V Grandslam, a dance theatre production performed by Condors, a male Japanese performance company, will be on stage at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 February. Tickets are available at Computicket.

V Aviva Pelham will be performing Santa’s Story in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease Association at Theatre on the Bay in Camps Bay tonight (Wednesday). Call 072 326 4477 or 083 658 1156 to book. V Macbeth.slapeloos met Anna­Mart van der Merwe, Jana Cilliers, Antoinette Kellermann en Dawid Minnaar is van Woensdag 4 tot Saterdag 21 Februarie in die Baxter-teater te sien. Bespreek by Computicket. V The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra will perform with violinist Yi­Jia Susanne Hou under the baton of Martin Panteleev at Cape Town City Hall on Thursday 5 February. Tickets are available through Computicket. V The Taros, Michael Lowman and Chris Werge will be at Assembly on Thursday 5 February. R30 before 22:00 and R40 thereafter at the door. V Patrick Canovi will be at Quay Four from 20:00 on Friday 6 February with Dean, Belinda and Natalie. Call 021 419 2008 for more. V Kurt Darren kuier Vrydag in die All Star-

V Bieber and Buddies will be on stage at Barnyard Theatre Willowbridge on Saturday 7, 14 and 28 February at 14:00. Visit www.barnyardtheatre.co.za to book.

Club, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont. Entrance is (usually) R20 for members and R30 for non-members. Visit www.barleycorn.org.za for more. V Shadows Tribute will be at London Town Pub in Milnerton on Tuesday 10 February form 19:00. Entrance is free. Call Danny on 079 266 2440 or Gill on 021 551 3460 for more information. V Crimson House Duo (blues/rock duo), Conrad Koch (ventriloquist), Kyle Louw (poet) and Nur Felix (singer/songwriter) will be at Mercury Live on Tuesday 10 February for The Swing Café Variety Show. Entrance is free from 19:30 to 20:00 and R40 thereafter. Visit www.facebook.com/TheSwingCafe for more.

Op reis: Jak de Priester en Altus Muller is Donderdag en Vrydag in Reis na Gister by Die Boer te sien. R130. Bespreek by www.die­ boer.com of 021 979 1911.

V The Plastics, The Noma­ dic Orchestra, Early Hours and Forefront will be at Assembly on Saturday 7 February. Tickets are available at www.webtickets.co.za. V Christo en Cobus Snyman is Saterdag 7 Februarie by Die Boer te sien. R120. Bespreek by www.dieboer.com of 021 979 1911.

V BlackByrd will be at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre from 18:30 on Sunday 8 February. Tickets are available at Computicket. V The Barleycorn Music Club meets on Mondays at 20:00 at Villager Football


V Mathys Roets en Anna Da­ vel is Dindsdag 10 en Woensdag 11 Februarie met Jaco­ nell Mouton op klavier by Die Boer te sien. R150. Bespreek by www.dieboer.com of 021 979 1911.

V Albert Frost, Toya Delazy and Lee Thomson will be at Straight No Chaser in CBD on Wednesday 11 February for two sets at 20:00 and 22:00. R100 per session. Call 076 679 2697 or email straightnochaserclub@gmail.com to book. V Patrick Canovi and Dean will be at Quay Four on Wednesday 11 February from 20:00. Call 021 419 2008 for more. V Amanda Strydom will be at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 February in Scattered Thunder. Tickets are available at Computicket.


Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

WHAT TO DO WHEN A FIRE BREAKS OUT • Dial 107 (Landline) and 021 480 7700 (Cell) for fire emergencies. • Remain calm. • Turn the electricity or gas supply off. If you cannot turn the gas off, get out. • Use a blanket or wet towel to smother the fire. • Close all windows and doors behind you to cut off the air supply. • Use water to put out wood, paper and material fires. Use sand to put out paraffin or oil fires. • Crawl below the smoke and hold a wet cloth over your mouth and nose. • If your clothing catches fire – stop, drop and roll on the ground. • Help those who you can to get out. Forget about your belongings. Once you’re out, stay out.


Cleaner becomes world leader at Ster­Kinekor Jupiter Ascending will be released at Ster-Kinekor theatres this weekend. The sci-fi/action film tells the story of Jupiter Jones whose DNA marks her as potentially being the universe’s next leader. While earning a living as a cleaner, she gets tracked down by a genetically engineered ex-military hunter who takes her back to his planet where she begins to glimpse the fate that has been waiting for her all along. The movie stars Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis. V Visit www.sterkinekor.com or call Ticketline on 0861 668 437 for more info.


Love songs to sing along to Veteran entertainer Alistair Izobell brings his latest one-man production, Let’s Make Music, to the Roxy Revue Bar at GrandWest in February. Expertly weaving together songs such as the Commodores’ She’s a Brick House, Eric Clapton’s Leila and Air Supply’s Two Less Lonely People in the World with his own material, Alistair plans to have his audiences singing along from start to finish. Alistair has traveled the world with the musical, Kat and the Kings, for which he received a Sir Laurence Olivier Award for his role as Magoo on the West End and On Broadway in New York. During his music career, which began in the early 1980s, he has worked with some of the most talented and successful recording artists in South Africa including the late

Babyboy returns with a new single LOUISA STEYL @lounotes


ith lyrics about Cape Town suburbs and the use of colloquial terms, international artist Charl “Babyboy” Pilwan is celebrating his hometown in his new single. While Babyboy was raised in Retreat, he has spent the past 13 years in China and America, working as a performer and promoter. He’s worked with some of the industry’s biggest international acts, such as Chris Brown, Nelly and Ne-Yo, and achieved considerable success with his own music in countries like England and Portugal, but now the singer is ready to come home. Babyboy plans to promote his music locally and create a fan base, which will allow him to work in Cape Town again.

Homesick He will be visiting the Mother City to promote his new single, Apple Green Datsun which features Afrikaans rapper Die Barheid and saxophonist Donveno Prins. “I wrote Apple Green Datsun, in just one evening abroad when I was incredibly homesick,” Babyboy explains. He says he always knew the sound he wanted for the song: “A full horn section with a vibrant Kaapse Klopse sound that evoked and brought to life good memories of Cape Town”. Babyboy met Die Barheid when the two performed together on the CTV show, Hip Hop Avenue. As soon as they finished filming he took Die Barheid straight to the studio to let him listen to some of the new music he has been working on. “The moment Die Barheid heard Apple Green Datsun, we both knew, that was the track I would feature him on.” Babyboy rates Donveno as a consummate professional and says he immediately un-

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

Charl “Baby­ boy” Pilwan’s new single is a celebration of all things Cape Town.

derstood his vision when the two started working together. “Once you have experienced the brilliance of Donveno you understand how he is inspired by the music and he came up with his sax solo on Apple Green Datsun in the moment.“ Although Babyboy has already performed Apple Green Datsun to an audience at the V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre in December, the song will get its official launch this weekend.

Brenda Fassie, PJ Powers, Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels and Ringo Madlingozi. Alistair was also one of the lead vocalists of the renowned group, The Rockets, before embarking on a new journey when he opened his own production company, Alistair Izobell Productions. One of his first major achievements in this new venture was securing the exclusive African rights to a wonderful and acclaimed New York musical, Three Mo Tenors. V Let’s make Music will run at the Roxy Revue Bar from 6 February 2015 to 4 April 2015, with four shows per week. Tickets cost R90 and are available from Computicket.


V 10 readers can each win double tickets to see the show. Visit www.tygerburger.co.za to enter.

Alistair Izobell is set to get feet tapping at the Roxy Revue Bar. PHOTO: JESSE KRAMER

Indian rhythm at Artscape Bollywood fans can look forward to an explosion of colour and splendour when Rhythm India hits Artscape Theatre. Local performance group Taare will perform the Bollywood dance production on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 February. The show consists of 20 uniquely themed dance acts and a host of Bollywood songs that creatively encompass aspects of both the traditional and contemporary forms of Indian dance. The dancers bring the rich culture and heritage of India to life, presenting audiences with a vibrant display of music, costumes, languages, festivals and traditions for which the country is so wellknown. Taare is a Bollywood dance performance troupe based in Cape Town. The troupe, under the artistic directorship of Ahneesh Valodia, was founded in March 2012 to promote and preserve the Indian arts through the creative use of Bollywood song and dance - the essence of their latest offering, Rhythm India. The troupe also aim to provide a professional platform from which young individuals can nurture and enhance their talents as dancers, while contributing to

Ahneesh Valodia and his dance troupe, Taare, will be at Artscape Theate in Rhythm India. P the enrichment of the greater Cape Town community. V Tickets for Rhythm India are available at Com­ puticket.

Love songs: Alvon Collison

Download Babyboy will be at the African Drum Café in Elsies River on Saturday. Tickets cost R40 at the door, but can also be booked on 079 785 2233. He’ll also be at Mzoli’s from 15:00 on Sunday 8 February. Entrance is free as long as you purchase meat at the venue. The song will be available on iTunes and Babyboy says fans can also request Apple Green Datsun on their favourite local radio stations. Since the song is for Cape Town, he also plans to distribute the single at taxi ranks and busy intersections after the launch. V Visit www.tygerburger.co.za to listen to Apple Green Datsun.

will present Love Changes Everything with Shannon Lewis (pictured here with Alvon), Janine Pick and Faried Swartz at Alvon’s Home Theatre on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 February from 17:00. These four vocalists will combine their vocal talents to perform the music from some of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s popular musicals. Snacks and refreshments are included in the ticket price of R100. Call 021 551 0969 for bookings and more information.


27 De Grendel Avenue

R1 350 000

Renovated house on 595 m² erf with 100 m² covered garage/carport in use as sportsschool House; open plan lounge / dining, kitchen with gas hob, 3 bedrooms all with cupboards, en suite bathroom to main bedroom, bathroom with bath and basin, separate guest toilet. Nice garden with palm tree in front; grassed garden with wendyhouse at the back ON SHOW SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY FROM 14.00 - 17.00 HOURS Viewing: Sunday 8 February from 14.00 - 17.00 hours

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015




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Web ref: 585683 Bedrooms 3 l Bathrooms 1 l Garage 1

Web ref: 0607045

FABULOUS FOUR FOR YOU. Bigger Better 4 Bed family home; Entrance BRAND NEW RELEASE. Lovely 3 bedroomed property situated on a 595 sqm hall to a tiled lounge; Fitted kitchen (oven/hob/ext + bic's); BIG entertain- plot. Includes a modern kitchen with an oven, hob, ext fan as well as laminated ment area + built-in braai; Swimming pool; 4 car carport + garage. flooring throughout. The lounge area opens up to a patio which leads to the pool.

GOING, GOING, GONE… This 3 bed (bic’s) home could be it! Family bathroom ALL YOU NEED UNDER ONE ROOF. Lovely, newly painted family home comprising and main en-suite, lounge and separate dining room, fitted kitchen, garage 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, double garage, store room & carport. Ample park(remote access), alarm system, covered braai/entertainment area. Well point. ing and lots of room for improvement. Conveniently situated close to all amenities.

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BOTHASIG Bedrooms 2 l Bathrooms 1 l Carport 1

R920,000 Web ref: 592501


BURGUNDY ESTATE Bedrooms 3 l Bathrooms 2 l Garage 1


Quinton: 083 611 4182 | Office: 021 558 7102



Web ref: 0611835 Bedrooms 2 l Bathrooms 1 l Garage 0

R790,000 Web ref: 592595

UNPOLISHED DIAMOND. 3 bed home needing elbow grease. Lounge + STARTER HOME! Semi-detached two bedroom house (bics) situated Sep diner, Kitchen - steel braai + scullery, Laundry area, Entertainment room, just opposite one of the primary schools in Bothasig on a large plot Family bathroom, 3rd bed en-suite, Dbl + Sngl garage (remote access). featuring a fitted kitchen, lounge , neat bathroom, carport and alarm.

IMMACULATE HOME IN HEART OF RICHWOOD! Look no further immaculate SPACE IS NOT AN ISSUE! Two separate 2 bed ground floor units next to three bed home with lounge, open plan kitchen, bathroom and en suite, wooden each other R790,000 each comprising lounge & large open-plan kitchen lots deck out back and patio, enclosed established garden & garage & parking. of space, bathroom with shower & bath, braai on patio, two parking bays.

Timothy: 078 220 3311 | Office: 021 558 7102

Debbie: 082 518 5731 | Office: 021 558 7102

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Debbie: 082 518 5731 | Office: 021 558 7102


BURGUNDY ESTATE Bedrooms 2 l Bathrooms 1 l Garage 1

R775,000 Web ref: 0563701


BURGUNDY ESTATE Bedrooms 2 l Bathrooms 1 l Garage 1

R770,000 Web ref: 589761

EDGEMEAD Bedrooms 5 l Bathrooms 5 l Garage 4




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Web ref: 609503

MOVE RIGHT IN! Two bed neat vacant ground floor flat in secure SECURE TWO BEDROOM WITH GARAGE & PARKING BAY! Two bed ground complex WITH garage & parking bay, lounge with sliding door to floor flat in secure complex, o/p kitchen, lounge, bathroom with shower, toilet communal garden, o/p kitchen, bathroom with shower & bath. & bath, communal garden & single garage and parking bay.

A JEWEL IN THE HEART OF OLDE EDGEMEAD! If space is your forte…come & view NEAT AS PIN! This well secured Duplex offers 3 spacious bedrooms this 5 bed, 5 bath home PLUS granny flat with bedroom, kitchen & bathroom, spar- (bics) with laminated floors, fully fitted modern kitchen, spacious kling pool with established garden, koi pond & 4 garages, property fully enclosed. lounge, neat shower and toilet and a single garage.

Debbie: 082 518 5731 | Office: 021 558 7102

Debbie: 082 518 5731 | Office: 021 558 7102


SUMMER GREENS Bedrooms 2 l Bathrooms 1

Debbie: 082 518 5731 | Office: 021 558 7102



R649,000 Web ref: 610607

SUMMER GREENS Bedrooms 2 l Bathrooms 1

R575,000 Web ref: 611555


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Wellington: 071 080 6336 | Office: 021 558 7102





Web ref: 0606885 Bedrooms 3 l Bathrooms 1 l Garage 0

Web ref: 0610949

GET A FRESH START. Spotless 2 bed family home - move right in. Lots of STARTING OUT OR SCALING DOWN? Two bedroom house in fair condisecure parking (2-3 cars behind a steel gate), kitchen (built-in-cupboards), tion situated in a quiet street , open plan kitchen and roomy lounge , toilet, family bathroom, well sized lounge, brick paved backyard, don't wait! bath and shower, single garage and a small established garden.

JUST MOVE IN! This is a comfortable, neat 2 bedroom house with built WELL SECURED DUPLEX! MOVE IN AND STAY. This is a neat 3 in cupboards, kitchen, toilet, bath, shower, security gates and alarm. bedroom duplex , open plan kitchen and lounge, toilet and bath and enclosed parking for two cars.

Timothy: 078 220 3311 | Office: 021 558 7102

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015




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. AA PAWN ANY VEHICLE Lowest interest 5%. ( 0820589735) . AANBOD: Pawn your vehicle 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726 . AANBOD: Verpand motors by ons! % 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836 .

Are u waiting on a PENSION /PROVIDENT payout? Lump sum only. Sms/Call: 0768867655


is op soek na die volgende persone: - Prospur Gugulethu Maseko - Chrizelda Klink - Deirdre Felix - Gail De Wet - Nicole Louw - Elthea Fischer - Andre Patterson - Liezel Pietersen en Wilfred - Mina Solomons - Hilton Lesch - Candice Franks - Phillip Claasen - Valencia Petronella Adams - Susarha Dam - Ashley Isaacs - Magdalena Plaatjies - Riaan Gideon Jacobus Kontak Me Zeelie by 021 939 9120


HOLIDAYS LEFT YOU BROKE? NO MONEY TO PAY DEBT Let us help you get peace of mind and financial stability in one easy payment for ALL your debt. We offer: -Advice, guidance and affordable solutions -Protection against legal action -Negotiations with your creditors on your behalf -Clear ALL debt For immediate assistance please contact one of our consultants on: (T) 021 556 5945 Sean: 072 442 7289 Marita: 083 659 0405 (F) 086 732 4382 Unit 4, 13 Senna St, Killarney Gardens


PSYCHIC MIA For accurate answers to all problems, SMS your name, date of birth and a specific question to 38381. R10 per sms .


Ons reĂŤl 'n bekostigbare paaiement. Swak krediet rekords en swart lys welkom. Tel. 021 910 4743 / 061 460 6669

Debt weighing you down?

- One affordable monthly instalment - Legal protection from credit provider - Enough money to cover your basic monthly living expenses - We negotiate on your behalf with credit providers - You will be on the road to becoming debt free.

Tel. 021 919 2271, Sel 083 460 3689 E-mail: admin@helpmydebt.co.za Web: www.helpmydebt.co.za

Registered Debt Counsellors NCRDC2039


URGENT!! We need your unwanted furniture 083 565 1685/ 078 150 1702 .

WEDDINGS . A MARRIAGE OFFICER Get married anytime, anywhere. Phone 0219305119 / 0828524571 .





Matric Supplementary exams. * IEB Maths Centre. * Individual tuition * Excellent Results * Grade 4 - 12 Durbanville 021 975 2845 Brackenfell 021 982 8145 Email: math@absamail.co.za

. MUSIEKSKOOL. Klavier, klawerbord, kitaar, blokfluit, orrel, viool, tjello, teorie. 021 981 2696 / 083 261 5854




BELASTING Opgawe en konsultasie Individue en klein besighede Quantum Portefeuljes 082 498 3738 of 021 975 1615


SIENER / PSYCHIC % Pieter 021 910 3499 . Sonskynvriendskapklub: Alle eensame enkellinge. Vir liefde & vriend skap. Tel. 074 296 0639 . VOLMAAN-vriendskapsklub. (Sedert 1994). Enkel en alleen, op soek na jou sielsgenoot? % Elize, 021 801 0580 / 071 340 2290


Vibracrete walls, houses, raisers, spikes and Carports & Paving, Steel Gates & Motors. Call: 021 908 0012/ 082 299 9111 .

BOOKS 1607



AANDAG BETAAL KONTANT VIR ALLE 2DE-HANDSE meubels, beddens, sitkamerstelle, yskaste, stowe, elektriese ware, kombuisware, breekgoed, beddegoed, klere, ens. Tel. 021 558 7546 / 082 4100 405 . AARON WANTS ENTIRE Home Contents. 074 554 6614

. Ek koop antiekeware,juweliersware , speelgoed, kombuisware, linne, skilderye, ornamente & meubels Skakel Anita 082 963 8877 .




ACT NOW! TOP CASH FOR GOOD USED CLOTHING, ETC. We collect Monday to Sunday. Contact Ian, 078 452 1976 ian_vermeulen@hotmail.com

. Amanda Tel. 021 939 7839 082 221 8014. Beste kontant vir goeie dames-, mans-, kinderklere en -skoene. Gordyne en beddegoed asook kombuis-ware. Ek kom haal. .


JR WENDYS 3 X 6m R7900 FLAT ROOF Gratis Voering AFBETALING WELKOM Tel: 021 905 8097 072 870 6973 www.jrwendys.co.za

. EK KOOP BOEKE en langspeelplate. 0826708987 .




WISKUNDE KLASSE * Persoonlike aandag * Graad 8 tot 12 Skakel Johan 0219308098



AK WENDY'S Cash D.I.Y. 3 x 6 - R5000 3 x 9 - R6900 3 x 3 - R3300 3 x 7 - toilet + basin R7 500 082 621 4441/021 3935475


LIPOLYTIC FAT LOSS PROGRAM Safe, fast and effective. Minimum of 8 - 10kg's fat loss during 40 day hCG INJECTION PROGRAM. No Exercise. tania@sportstudio.co.za 0836317683



. BOUSAND & KLIP Bruinklip, Rivierklip, Kompos, Topsoil. Klein en Grootmaat. Teerwerk, Plaveisel, Bouwerk. Skakel: 021 930 5411 .

. A Cash Deal on All Goods Cash paid for all your unwanted good quality ladies, mens, kids clothing. Shoes, linen, bric 'n brac etc. Christelle 0844081437







. . LOANS approved in 5 minutes. Blacklisted and garnishee welcome. SMS name, surname & ID number, net & gross salary and company name to Pinky 083 330 5607 . NEED A LOAN? Call/Sms or Whatsapp: Felix on 073 385 7669 .

ATTENTION CASH PAID . FOR ALL SECONDHAND FURNITURE, Extra Maths Beds, lounge suits, stoves, Do you want to improve fridges & bric a brac. last years maths mark? Tel. 021 558 7546 / Experienced maths teacher 082 4100 405 available in Bellville Oak Glen area. . Call: 083 782 4926 Fridges and Freezers . wanted for cash, working or faulty. We collect. SMS "Sell" to 083 4250 447 Peter 1480

Deanne Morenza Collins Elizabeth Swanepoel Anieke Nicolene van der Merwe Jacob Willem van der Merwe Abdul Kariem Kontak Mev Visser 021 939 9120 Martine Brand Olivia Hoorn Carlene Koen Petronella Meintjies Kontak Mnr Campher 021 939 9120





. X1PN0HX1-AL280115


BADISA Tygerberg

• Beskerming teen REGSAKSIES reÍl • ALLE skuld herstruktuur • AL jou skuldprobleme OPLOS en meer geld in jou sak laat


2ND HAND BUILDING MATERIAL Tel 021 932 7200 081 395 5696 We buy & sell baths, toilets, basins, pedestals, cisterns, doors, windows, safety gates, burgular bars, PVC fittings, roof sheets, etc.


A1 FURNITURE SHOP Koop alle tweedehandse beddens/meubels/ breekware. KOM DADELIK 0835651685/0219824176 078 150 1702 .

AANDAG: Barend soek dringend 2de Handse Meubels, Beddens, kaste & yskaste om te koop. Betaal kontant en kom haal self. Skakel 082 848 2880 . AARON WANTS ENTIRE Home Contents. 074 554 6614 .


Ons koop en verkoop alle bruikbare meubels. KOM DADELIK. ALLE AREAS WERNER 083 5651685/0219824176 078 150 1702 .

Beautiful 6-seater dining room suite R4,950, large couch, TVcabinet, coffee table, lounge chair, dresser & washing machine, all immaculate ! Ph 021 9811683 or 082 8119681


"AAN ALMAL" SPOT CASH 'There In a Flash' Ons Koop Alle 2de handse meubels, yskaste & stowe 021 591 5708 076 017 0630 .


2de Handse Meubels. % 083 310 1081.








GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE, Renovation & Alterations, Carpentry, hanging of doors, roofing, B.I.C., tiling, painting & brick paving, carports, Vibracrete reg. with NHBRC ANDREW 082 935 2251 / 021 903 9563


WE DO REPAIRS On all appliances. Regassing done on all types of fridges @ R180. Tel. 0782128078 3 months' guarantee!


. AANDAG ALMAL: ALLE GROOTMENS-DOEKE beskikbaar. Laagste pryse in die Wes-Kaap. Skakel Vera of Dian Tel: 021 5911104 .





ERVARE TWEETALIGE HONDE-OPLEIER Saterdaemiddae:Kuilsrivier Volgende groep: middelFebruarie. Bel Chris 021 8514303/082 590 7660 . MOBILE DOG WASH & DIP Good service, low rates. Hennie ( 0762201607





ROTWIELERS Beskikbaar 14 Feb. 2015. Ontwurm en ingeĂŤnt, ouer KUSA gereg., R2500 elk. Skakel: 072 926 0062

Alle Bouplanne Vir nuwe huise en aanbouings. Skakel Louis 0219033730




BOUPLANNE Billike fooie. Flink, kundige diens. 30 jaar ondervinding estetiese ontwerpe. SACAP - Reg. Goedkeuring. Alle Ure: 021 903 8063 Mike 083 564 7227




Ek betaal KONTANT

Vir 2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne,kombuisware & meubels, alle elektriese ware,ensovoorts. $ HARDE $ KONTANT $! Tel: Johan 074 474 4275 . WANTED. ALL MILITARY ITEMS Medals, swords, old watches, coins, banknotes, old cameras & stamps. %082 7033 719 .



. A SPECIAL CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 3 Bdrms for R340 6 Seater Couches for R340 Beds, Curtains & Cars Contact Rob 078 556 6708 web specialcarpetcleaning.co.za e-mail robertfenyes2013@gmail.com .




Building Plans / Bouplanne Karel 021 9814788 / 0724465054 www.lifestylearchitecture.co.za .


We will beat any written quote. www.jvharch.co.za 021 9171127 .




2 Bedroom - R350 3 Bedroom - R380 4 Bedroom - R450 Lounge suite Kelim

. Airconditioning and fridges. Repairs & Installations . 021 917 1384 / 072 787 6582 . #1 AIR-CON & FRIDGE Services , Repairs,Installations,Fridges wanted. 021 945 1376/ 078 901 1594 .


REPAIR: Fridges, Stoves, Washing machines,Tumble Dryers,Aircons,Dishwasher ON SITE REPAIRS. Tiaan 082 776 2393 / 021 917 1620


ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRED ON SITE Fridges, stoves, washing machines with guarantee and regas from R180 Skakel Francois 0798381851


ALTYD KONTANT Vir jou yskas, vrieskas. werkend of nie - werkend 0820864752

. Appliance at all - Herstel by u huis! ysvrieskaste, wasmasjiene, stowe, mikrogolfoonde, tuimeldroĂŤrs. Tel. 071 755 3390 .

BESTE PRYSE VIR YSKASTE Vrieskaste Werkend of nie. Tel. 072 493 9332 .

BEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR WORKING FRIDGE Up to R1000, we collect Call 071 710 9299 .

A MOBILE CAR VALET Interior cleaning service from R350 Turbo Kleen 0845932223

CARPET STEAM CLEANING Marius 0720923875 . CARPETS, COUCHES CLEANED A deep wash at best rates. 021 592 0626/082 428 7163 . NEW TECH DRY CARPET CLEANERS 3 Standard rooms R350 In all weather,90% dry carpets, no powder or steam. Using quality carpet shampoo, personal supervision, affordable pricing, also upholstery cleaning Northern Suburbs info@abd-ind.co.za 0215920487 / 0832896674



All renovations & additions Craig Goodchild 082 698 1853

. ALLE Plaveisel. Goeie verwysing. 0761244713 .


Residential Services Badkamer Opgradering Kombuis/Slaapkamer Kaste ALLE BOUWERK % Deon 084 983 9979 .

CARPORTS / PATIO COVERS Best prices for the best quality from reputable 22 year old business. 083 414 8103/ 021 858 1873


ACE TREEFELLING Pruning Stump Removal Garden & Rubble removal Garage Clean Ups R450 per load Selwyn 0832676181 .


TREEFELLERS Afsaag en snoei van bome en palms Hannes 082 082 3116 .


SKOONMAAK VAN TUINE Skakel Fred 076 874 9682

. AM LANDSCAPING Trellises, plants, pots, pavers, water features, stone, bark & roll-on lawn. New & up-grading of irrigation systems. I beat any written quote. Anton 082 729 3811 .


Tuinuitleg, algehele skoonmaak, afsaag van bome, snoeiwerk. *PERSOONLIKE TOESIG* Tel: 021 903 1272 Tel: 082 775 0977 . Boomsloop,snoei verwyder 021 930 1258 / 074 789 2176 .


Tuinvullis verwydering. Tel 083 458 3416/988-0374



HOMES, OFFICES & SPRING CLEANING. Chars available. 0219499082/074 3096830 .

777 CARPET & LOUNGE SUITE CLEANING 24 HOUR SERVICE! Contact: Tiaan Louw 083 297 5204



For tree felling, hedge trimming, rubble removal, garden clean-ups & irrigation. Call me for a free quote. Fully insured. Nick 072 279 6915 .




GLASS/WINDOWS For fast, efficient, quality personal service Call Coenie at 072 365 3622




AERIAL SATELLITE SERVICES Have DStv/Aerial Problems? * No Signal? * Picture breaking up? * Re-installations? We do: Home Theatre, Extra Points, TOP TV install Call Vincent 0822689339 Same day response.


DSTV & AERIAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Dstv packages for R599 HD PVR installations R1999. Cctv & Home Theatre. Service call repair charge of R150 Call: 0832882757 .

. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Registered and Qualified Power Failure, Rewiring, Stove Connections. Issue C.O.C. Patrick 0828368051/0796444087

. ALUMINIUM windows, doors, b.bars, gates & glass repairs. Call: 073 429 7856 .





. Fridges & Deep Freezers wanted Working or not WILL PAY CASH! Tel: 072 592 2507 . FRIDGES WANTED Dead or alive. We will collect. Cash offer. Tel. 071 710 9299 . FRIDGES, tv's & double / single beds URGENTLY WANTED! (021) 911 3366 /083 377 7223 . GESOEK LEWENDIG OF DOOD Ys en Vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, mikrogolfoonde ens. Skakel 073 608 4652

Vir beste prys, kwaliteit, in alle areas. Tel:Brian by 0219 495 001/082 8546051



WHIRLPOOL Repairs, all work guaranteed. 083 6415038/0219528471

. Wasmasjiene, Yskaste & Stowe . Herstel deur mobiele werkswinkel. Tel. 021 939 9338 074 608 2411

(25 Years Exp) Free QUOTES On Site Colour 3D Designs Call Erica 084 611 2037 .


Built-in Cupboards

Built-In Cupboards Kitchen & Bathroom Cupboards Affordable prices High quality finishing 3D - Designs For free quote contact Steven 073 495 1223



RITTER PAVING, PRECAST & CIVILS Paving, tar, Vibrecrete walls, civils, steelwork, garage door/gate installations & automations, gas installation & maintenance. (Authorised installer.) Electric fencing. Quality service assured. 086 055 6666 082 899 5682 .

. ALLE VERFWERK. Billik met toesig Frikkie 076 973 9100



SWEMBAD DIENSTE *Pompe *Filters *Lekke Tel: DJ 072 589 2802



AQUAPLUMBER Diens en vervang alle geysers,toilette, krane.Versekerings eise. www.aquaplumber.co.za ELMSLEY 0712548500 .


4 All Goods and Furniture Removels using an enclosed 4 ton truck. Contact Ronnie 083 441 9060 or 021 939 2831


AA ENGELBRECHT MEUBELVERVOER info@engelvervoer.com STOOR Skakel: 083 231 2964 .


JOHNNY'S PLUMBING Tel. 072 1033 946

AMAZING MOVES ( 0219310328/ 0837230263 .



. AHA Burglar Bars & Gates Tel: 021 933 1647 083 542 1097 of 021 909 1807 . ALL HRS HANDY MAN 4 efficient home maintenance % David 072 422 6787 E-mail: david.steenberg@gmail.com .

TREE FELLING/PRUNING Clean-ups, irrigation, wellpoints. Phone Kevin: 0219825111 or 0829514078









Tel: 021 948 3070 Tel: 083 326 5009

. ALL ACCOUNTING, tax, payroll & all Reg. 0219305310 .

. 24/7 PLUMBING SERVICE & MAINTENANCE % Quinton 084 564 2451 .


. Call Martin 084 907 5513 RUBBLE REMOVAL Garden Refuse, Renovation Rubble, Garage junk,treefelling .


COMPUTER DATA RECOVERY Computer Data Recovery/Backup Solutions-083 250 1024


. 1.3-ton bakkie A2Z Transport anything. % 083 783 9458 . BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS -rommel. Tel: 0790259221 . BOUROMMEL VERWYDERING MELINDA 021 930 5411

NEED EXTRA INCOME? Are you employed or unemployed looking to earn extra income Parttime / full time. Contact us ASAP on workerslife.pgc@gmial.com 074 609 7654



. LTM ACCOUNTING SERVICES Accounting, Tax & Payroll Services Financial Services, Vat,Paye/Uif &SDL Registrations & Submissions and so much more.... %0823822900 .



Garden, garage and yard refuse clean ups. R400 per bakkie load. Bennie 084 510 4715





. GORDONS Bay S/catering holiday accom. 6&8 sleeper from R1000p/n 0795224309. . KLEINMOND (Erika 082 550 5585) Sec. self-cat. units. Avail. any time, from R350 p/n (2-4ppl)


Fencing & Balustrade. Call Alex @ ABBG for a free quote.T:082 496 8760 www.abbg.co.za


. EKSTRA GELD! Verkoop van Avon - Produkte SMS naam na: 0829333986 . Like to earn extra with JUSTINE Call: M Blom 0833914754 or blommariana@gmail.com

ALL TILING Do work myself, Mike 076 9364153 / 0219307015

Burglar Bars Gates,


EARN EXTRA INCOME selling Avon products. SMS NAME & AREA to 084 470 9888






. TAR AND PAVING 0792896737




. CARPORT REPAIRS & PAINTING david.steenberg@gmail.com 072 422 6787 .


Home &Office Removals Enclosed Truck Tel: 021 903 3013

. 1.3 Ton Bakkie met Drywer in Bellville area - 0799954815 .

A2B Afford-A-Move Enclosed truck Pierre 083 255 6148 A2B@affordamove.co.za www.affordamove.co.za

BUILDING & ROOFING Paving, braai rms, boundary walls, bathrms, plumbing, garages,carports NHBRC 24/7. Plans guaranteed. Tel: 082 956 7776 / 021 982 1309

WATERPROOFING Flat roof Specialist Repairs, Re Roofing, Box Gutters, Roof Windows 2 Year Guarantee 0768452182







Nolen's Transport



BUDGET PAVE Affordable Paving Call 0215596148

UNIVERSAL PAVING Gratis kwotasie vir alle areas Skakel 021 9454455 0732631191 (Mnr Boonzaaier)

1+ *1 +' 1+ *1 &+

Beste Pryse en Diens % 083 610 1211



..." /)$ %! $)" "0

Enige tyd beskikbaar Gratis kwotasie Eienaar bestuur self Anthonie 082 611 5631/021 930 4565


Cockroaches, fleas, lice, ants and all carpet bugs. Best prices guaranteed. Bennie 084 510 4715

$ ) , % ) $

% - $ # $ ) % . ) %


. PRICE POOLS For all your pool equipment and servicing needs. Jaco Visser 082 336 9984



PVC Fencing MAINTENANCE FREE www.maxifencing.co.za 30 Years Guarantee Contact us for a free quote: 083 407 4577 / 021 945 2153 Pool Fencing & Picket Fencing Find us on Facebook






/)$ %! $) "



. ABRIE VERF/PAINT 021 981 6805 / 083 328 3628

We beat any Realistic Quote % GLENTON 072 409 5224

VERWYDERING van alle vullis en bourommel asook skoonmaak van erwe. Louw, % 083 413 0701 Eienaartoesig.



A BEST TILER All tiling wall and floor, from R30 m2 Call Desmond 021 988 3295/ 072 566 1281

ELECTRICIAN Michael 021 939 2543/ 082 479 6083



Willie 073 228 3929



Rubble, garden waste, junk and tree removal. Tel. 079 256 7667

Eienaar toesig. Free quotes


Tuin / Garage vullis verwydering, vanaf R350 per vrag. Snoei van bome, roll on lawn. Gawie 084 060 6688




Die Vullis Klong


Call 071 081 3404




Teken & ontwerp van nuwe huise & aanbouings. REG. MET SACAP. Skakel Riaan % 082 415 9696

ALLE WEER DROOG - Matte & Skoonmaak van bekleedsel / Matrasse-nat. Deon 084 5648225





The Junktruckers





Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015








RUBBLE 8-ton truck CALL 0828459998

. MEUBELVERVOER met persoonlike toesig. 021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684

. 'n Nag op 'n slag. R350 - R430 / 2 persone. Parow 081 536 7430

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015







Earn extra money by selling Avon Products. SMS name & area to 084 516 3353.




. ALL CANOPIES: Sell or Pawn. Instant Cash. Phone 082 058 9735 . GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars & bakkies. Pawn as well. 021 987 2277/082 558 4836 vap777@telkomsa.net .

BAKKIES & 4×2’s FOR SALE or HIRE 3010

. NORTHERN BAKKIE HIRE Bakkie Rentals R475/day. T&C Apply. Tel. 021 986 0016/ 072 803 8144 .


. GESOEK: Karavane, Campers, Motorhomes om te koop. Skakel: 082 771 2213 .


. ALLE DIESEL-ENJINS: Herstelwerk. Billike tariewe. Skakel 073 092 7128 . ALLE HERSTELWERK, dienste aan alle voertuie in alle areas. Billike tariewe. Tel. 083 529 9972 .



AANBOD Aan alle bakkie/motor eienaars. Ek benodig voertuie, enige model welkom. Skakel Marius 079 442 5550

Goodwood, Daffke Court: Two x1- Bedroom flat available from 01 Feb and 01 Mar@ monthly rental of R3,850, suitable for a single professional person or mature couple only. Goodwood, Moredou Two x 2--Bedroom flats available from 01 Feb and 15 Feb. in well maintained block @ R5,000 with stunning view of Table Mountain and easy access to transport..Parking may be available on request. Rugby, Cecelia Court We have a 1-Bedroom coming avail. on 15 Feb @ R4,130 including a garage. Brooklyn, Betaniehof We have a 1-Bedroom coming avail. on 15 Feb. R3950. Bellville, Batts Court Newly renovated 1 bedroom flat @ R5,900 avail. 15 Feb, garage om request Bellville, Karoo Court 1 Bed Flats available 01 Feb. @ R4,000 Bellville Rosemary 2- Bedroom flat avail 01 Feb @ R5,000 with garage included in rental Parow, Marshlou Court: Spacious 2 - bedroom flat @ R5,000 available 01 Feb in well maintained, secure block, suitable for young working couple starting out or mature/single professional person only. Strand, Rosarum Mansions Lovely, secure block in quiet area of Strand but close enough to beach, we have a 3- Bedroom avail @ only R4,550. There is also a garage available @ an additional cost of R480 See something you are interested in? Call our office at 021 426 1184/1185 to schedule a viewing! Office hours only between 08:00 and 16:45 Mon-Fri Visit our website www.steer.co.za

. TE HUUR: TYGERFALLS - 2 slpk. woonstel, 1 badk., i.g.k., oond/stoof naby Tygervallei, besk 1 Feb 2015 R6,050 p.m., 24 uur sek., CCTV, DStv, onderdak parkering. Belinda – tf2admin@accpro.co.za, SMS: 072 533 0743 .




AANBOD AAN ALLE EIENAARS Ons koop nie-lopende of beskadigde voertuie vir kontant. Beste pryse. Ons verwyder gratis. Skakel 083 294 8428 of 021 949 9083 .

AANBOD Ek soek nie-lopende, stukkende of ongelukbeskadigde voertuie. Ek betaal kontant en verwyder u voertuig gratis uit enige gebied Tel 021 949 6066 / 076 211 1620 . "ALL Bakkies, Cars, Micro Busses and Bikes Wanted." PHONE 082 058 9735 . Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 082 558 4836 /021 987 2277 vap777@telkomsa.net . Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726 .

Kraaifontein - Viking Villas 2 Bed Flat 1 March R4250 Lisalet 079 367 6930 Brackenfell - Figaro Burgundy 3 Bed House New 2 b/r d/g braai available imm. R13,000 Kraaifontein 2 Bed House near Aristea Primary 1 March R4900 Brackenfell 2 Bed Flat 1 March R4700 Kenilworth 2 Bed Flat No pets 1 April R6200 Woodstock 2 Bed Flat No pets 1.5 b/r 2 P/bays Security Guard, Avail. Imm, R7500 Kensington Studio Flat 1 March R3300 Chrizane 082 417 2487 Uitzicht 2 Bed Flat Avail. Imm. R4250 Candice 083 771 52987


PASTEL TRAINING Durbanville Elmarie 083 233 5866 jvracc@gmail.com .



BUYER We seek the services of a Buyer with a min of 3 to 5 years’ experience in a similar position. Must have matric and an after school qualification will be to your advantage. Computer Literate Must be of an organised nature, good communicator and be a keen negotiator. Salary will be commensurate with the experience. E-mail: lrjsteel@gmail.com .


required for Pick 'n Pay Panorama. Experience is an advantage. E-mail CV to: admin@ pnppanorama.co.za or Fax 021 939 2273 .




Koop direk by ontwikkelaar 2/3 slpk. Vanaf R499,900 alle koste ingesluit. 24 uur sekuriteit. Skakel Susan 081 5111 250


KUILSRIVIER/SONEIKE 3 slpk., dmh. R9 500 p.m. Tel. 082 538 6320










Kiddies Play Place / Coffee Shop for Sale Contact 082 482 0678 .



Durbanville, Sonstraal

2 slpk., o.plan kombuis, TV-k., balkon, 24 uur alarm, DStv skottel, lugversorging, priv. parkering. Uitstekende area. Geen diere. Nie-rook. Geen kinders. R5 950 p.m. Kontak Dot 083 550 1840

Kamer onmiddellik beskikbaar in 2 slpk. woonstel - sekuriteitskompleks. Badkamer, kombuis, leefarea en balkon met braai. Veilige parkering. R2,100 + elektrisiteit. IAN VENTER 084 699 8757

. Looking for House mate - Kleinbron Estate. R3 000 + elec. Room to rent. Furniture, shared bathr., garage, 5 km from Cape Gate & N1. Age: 21 - 29. Tel. 084 838 2400



. GOODWOOD Kamer met ensuite, eie ingang. Enkelwerkende dame, R1800pm + Dep. 0823960875


(Potential income R12 000+ pm) R6 000 basic + Commission

MUST be computer literate, enjoy marketing, sales and admin, be strong in client service, be able to function on your own, have own transport and a driver’s licence. Fax CV to 086 524 4614 Deadline: 7 February 2015 www.the-diet.co.za X1PP1C15-AL040215



benodig gekwalifiseerde honde "groomer" Mej. Van der Merwe 021 913 2146 082 374 8953



Does your Positive attitude make you a winner? A few positions are available in our marketing division for winners with great attitude. R5 000 pm, cell, travel and housing allowance.

Call Cynthia on 0861 0861 12


QUALIFIED HAIRSTYLES / STUDENTS needed for upmarket Salon in central Durbanville. Please contact Janine, 021 975 7591. .

KidStation Professional Kids Hair Salon is seeking a qualified or experienced stylist and barber to join the team. Salary: Basic + commission. Contact Angelo on 084 553 2403 or email: angelo@kidstation.co.za .



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. AFIKA is looking for domestic work. Hard worker. 7 yrs. exp. Cell. 073 293 0758. . AKA is looking for domestic work. Mon. - Fridays. Cell. 078 030 3610. . ALICE is looking for char work 2 days a week. Wed. & Fri. Cell. 073 337 3272. . ALICIA is looking for domestic work. Mon. - Fri. Cell. 073 337 3272. . ALIDA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 078 544 8849.



. NTOMBI is looking for domestic work. Every day. Sleep-in. Cell 078 903 5896. . NYAMEKA is looking for domestic work/nanny. 40 yrs old. Ref. avail. Cell. 078 642 9901. . PAM is looking for char work. Everyday. Good exp. Cell. 073 918 4298. . PAUL is looking for painting/gardening work. Cell. 084 528 9815, Ref. nr. 061 119 5125. . PEGGY is looking for domestic work. Tues., Wed. & Saturdays. Cell. 083 366 2706. . PHUMEZA is looking for domestic work/general. Sleep-in. Cell. 076 614 7192. . PHUMLA is looking for char work. 4 days a week. Exp. Cell. 078 181 2901. . PHUMLA is looking for domestic work. Mon. - Fridays. Sleep-in optional. Cell. 083 684 4345. . PORTIA is looking for domestic work/cleaner. Everyday. Cell. 073 818 9730. . PORTIA, domestic work/cleaner. Mon. - Fri. Ref. Cell. 073 818 9730. . PRINCESS is looking for char work. Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 063 055 4547. . PRINCESS is looking for char work. Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 063 055 4547. . PRISCILLA is looking for char work. Ref. & cert. avail. Cell. 073 524 3602. . PUMZA is looking for domestic work/nanny. Ref. avail. Cell. 072 106 1572. . SELLINA is looking for domestic work. Mon. - Fridays. Cell. 073 366 1264. . SHIELA is looking for domestic work. Cell. 060 301 0310. Ref. nr. 083 708 3221. . SITHANDAZILE is looking for char work. Tues. & Thurs. Cell. 073 857 7851. . SIZEKA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Grade 11 & 24 yrs old. Reliable & honest. Cell. 081 064 4440.

. SYLVIA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 073 179 4768. . THABISA is looking for domestic work/chars. Cell. 078 248 6946, 078 848 4210. . THANDI is looking for char work. 4 days a week. Exp. Cell. 076 032 9559. . THEMBAKAZI is looking for domestic work. 33 yrs old. Exp. Cell. 073 621 0668. . THOBEKA is looking for domestic work. Good ref. Cell. 078 729 3355. . THOZAMA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078 902 5896. . TIMOTHY is looking for domestic work/gardener. 3 yrs exp. Hard worker. Cell 078 396 7641. . TINTILIZA is looking for domestic work/general, I have matric. 20 yrs old. Cell. 063 067 3467. . VALENCIA is looking for char work. Avail. Mon., Tues., Thur. & Fridays. Ref. avail. Cell. 071 995 2114. . VUYISEKA is looking for domestic work/char. 5 days a week. Cell. 073 953 1599. . WISDOM is looking for domestic work/cleaner/gardener. Sleep in or out. 1 yr exp. Cell. 073 867 1060. . XOLISA is looking for domestic work. Reliable. Cell. 084 665 8149. . YOUNGER is looking for gardening work/painter. Cell. 074 069 5592. . ZANELE is looking for domestic work. 34 yrs old. 5 yrs exp. Cell. 078 254 1804 or 073 036 0842. . ZINE is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078 902 5896. . ZINE is looking for domestic work. Everday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078 902 5896. . ZINE is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Sleep-in. Cell. 078 902 5896. . ZUKISWA is looking for char work/general. Cell 078 300 2741.

Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015




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. BULELWA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 073 098 5069. . ANELISA is looking for domestic work. Hard working 24 yr old. 2 yrs exp. Cell. 073 027 4486. . BANDLAKERI is looking for domestic work/general. I have a security. certificate. Cell. 061 349 3030. . BELLINDA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 072 886 8265. . BONGIWE is looking for cleaner work/tea lady. Cell. 071 913 5673. . BONSILE is looking for domestic work. Cell. 071 307 2658. . CAROLINE is looking for char work. Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 078 224 6937. . CAROLINE is looking for domestic work. Mon., Wed. & Friday. Cell. 078 224 6937. . CHRISTINA is looking for domestic work. Ref. Cell. 061 936 9790. . CINDY is looking domestic work everyday. Sleep-in. Nanny exp. Ref. avail. Cell. 073 377 9817. . CONNIE is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 073 729 9010. . CYNTHIA is looking for char work. Mon. - Thurs. Cell. 073 499 0940, Ref.nr. 083 244 0373. . CYNTHIA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 073 316 3156. . CYNTHIA is looking for domestic work. Sleep-in/out. Cell. 071 784 2798. . CYNTIA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Sleep-in/out. Ref. avail. Cell. 072 466 7561. . ELIZABETH is looking for char work 2 days a week. Good reference. Cell. 083 565 4491. . ELLIE is looking for domestic work. Mon. - Fri. Cell. 078 038 0125. Ref. nr. 021 824 5290. . ELSIE is looking for char work. Mon., Wed. & Thurs. Cell. 079 860 6475. Ref. Mrs Rumble 021 559 7811. . EMELDA is looking for domestic work. Everday. 12 yrs exp. Always on time. Cell. 072 471 3400. . IREEN is looking for domestic work/cleaner/baby care. 2 yrs exp. Cell. 073 497 9559. . JOHN is looking for domestic work/gardening. Mon. - Fri. Cell. 073 823 8509. . KAMBONA is looking for gardening/painting work. 4 yrs exp. Cell. 073 496 2971. . KHAYA is looking for domestic work/cleaner/handyman. Cell. 073 818 9730. . KHOLISWA is looking for domestic work. Tues. - Fridays. Hard worker, calm and honest. Cell. 073 372 9196. . LEAH is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 073 895 2037. . LONWABO is looking for domestic work/general, I have matric. Avail. anytime. Cell. 083 608 3761. . LYNETTE is looking for char work. 3 days. Reliable. Cell. 082 365 4179. . MANDLA is looking for domestic work/excavator operator. Cell. 083 770 0465. . MANDLA is looking for domestic work/excavator operator. Cell. 083 770 0465. . MATFEO is looking for domestic work/gardening. Ref. Mon. - Sat. Cell. 061 814 7704. . MAVIS is looking for char work. Tues., Fri. & Saturdays. Cell. 073 057 8602. Ref.-nr. 082 770 9776. . MFUNEKO is looking for work in cleaning industry/general. Exp. Cell. 074 776 8491. . MIRANDA, domestic worker. Reliable. Cell. 073 168 1027. . MIRIAM is looking for domestic work. 35 yrs old. Fluent in English. Good with babies. Cell. 071 975 0625. . MOREEN is looking for char work. 4 days. Cell. 063 279 2001. . NANDIPHA is looking for char work/cleaner. Hard worker. Cell. 073 946 3407. . NATASHA is looking for char work. Mon., Tues. & Fri. Cell. 079 799 0988. Ref.-nr. 082 897 3863. . NELISIWE is looking for domestic work. Hard worker. Cell. 074 069 5592. . NELY is looking for domestic work/nanny. 1 yr exp. Cell. 063 252 2320. . NOEDIWE is looking for domestic work. Ref. avail. Cell. 079 031 3816. . NOLITHA is looking for char. Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 36 yrs old. Cell. 073 351 0203. Ref.-nr. 081 401 3030. . NOLITHA is looking for domestic work. 36 yrs old. Everyday. Cell. 063 140 8631, Ref. nr. 073 731 7619. . NOLITHA is looking for domestic work. Everyday. 36 yrs old. Cell. 063 140 8631. Ref. nr. 073 731 7619. . NOLUNTU is looking for char work. Mon., Fri., Sat. Ref. Cell. 083 755 7751. . NOMAWETHU is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Cell. 078 416 5872. . NOMPUNEKO is looking for domestic work. Everyday. Exp. Cell. 073 459 5347. . NOMSE is looking for domestic work/char. Everyday. Sleep-in. Good ref. Cell. 060 350 1163. . NONIE is looking for char work. Mon., Wed. & Fri. Cell. 073 914 8220. . NORIE is looking for char work. Cell. 073 914 8220. . NOSIPHO is looking for domestic work. Everyday. 30 yrs old. Hard working. Cell. 073 966 0328. . NOZABELO is looking for domestic work. 5 days. 10 yrs exp. Cell. 073 232 5537. . NTOMBETHEMBA is looking for char work/general. Cell. 073 839 8938. . NTOMBI is looking for domestic work/nanny. 29 yrs old. Ref. avail. Cell. 073 866 3009. . OLIVIA, char worker. 3 days a week. Hard worker. Cell. 073 742 6599.

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Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015



Bosman has 50 year karate bash STEHAN SCHOEMAN

the part of the bad guy. I have also travelled extensively and seen a lot of this beautiful planet.” Bosman has also worked with the other sportsmen including the Sharks rugby team where he assist them with new ideas on tackling and defence. “I also had the honour of working with the Springboks for one session in Cape Town under Peter De Villiers and assisted the Springboks Sevens under Paul Treu.” Bosman has always had the interests of his karateka at heart and at any given time has students in Japan on a training course. Romano Mento and Matthys Laubscher are currently undergoing an intense threeyear training course and when they return next year, will share their knowledge with the junior students.


ifty years ago, when Hennie Bosman attended his first karate class he had no idea what a remarkable impact this ancient martial art would have on his life. The first evening he walked into the dojo where everyone was fighting and shouting, retains its freshness in his memory. In 1975 he opened his first dojo in Loop Street, Cape Town while still in the SA Police Service, and in 1978, after resigning from the police, he opened dojos in Durbanville, Brackenfell, Kuils River and Welgemoed. Bosman, who is the chairman of Kyokushin-kan Africa and owner of the Welgemoed Kyokushin-kan dojo with 38 branches in the northern suburbs, lives and breathes karate. Being the African chairman is not an easy job. He has over 30 000 karateka in 10 countries under his guidance. Poverty, lack of training facilities, funds and equipment, as well as challenges in respect of travelling, make things very difficult.

Celebrations “We have big things planned for this year to celebrate my 50 years of involvement in karate. We are going to have an international tournament, an international camp, a gala dinner and host a golf day. Kancho Royama, our international chairman, will visit South Africa in May to attend the international camp in Stellenbosch and an international tournament. “I have met so many remarkable people in life and whether they are still doing karate or not, I invite everyone to get in touch and be part of the celebrations with me and my family, as well as my students. “I calculated that I must have taught about 15 000 students during the 40 years of teaching in the northern suburbs. It will be so good to see people that I shared a lot of time with on the dojo floor,” said Bos-

Hennie Bosman has made many special appearances in Japan during major tournaments. man. It was his mother who sent him to karate classes. “She wanted me to learn how to defend myself as I was bullied at school. That decision set the tone for the rest of my life.” He has represented South Africa in traditional karate, kickboxing and Kyokushin. “It was difficult times as we had to sneak into overseas countries and sometimes take part in secret. I also represented Algeria and Botswana in Japan as South Africa was not allowed to compete. In Dublin, Ireland we had a tournament in a snooker room in a hotel,” recalls Bosman.

Luke (9/27) laat Ikeys bontstaan SAREL BURGER Wanneer Bellville se senior krieketspan na alle waarskynlikheid eerskomende Saterdag ’n oorwinning in sy tweedaagse kragmeting teen die Universiteit van Kaapstad beklink, sal daar nie onsekerheid by die klubbeamptes wees oor wie om as die speler van die wedstryd aan te wys nie. Met die wegspring in die jongste reeks wedstryde die afgelope naweek het Luke Petersen die merkwaardige boulsyfers van 9/27 behaal en daarmee grootliks daartoe bygedra dat die Ikeys vir ’n skamele 57 lopies uitgehaal is. Petersen het daarna met 42 lopies ook die beste met die kolf gevaar in Bellville se eerste beurt. Schaughn van Greunen (32) het ook gehelp dat die Bellvilliete (233/8, gesl.) ’n eerstebeurt-voorsprong van 176 lopies verkry het. UK kolf in sy tweede beurt voort op 54/3. Durbanville (227/7 gesl.) en WP-klub (237), die twee voorlopers op die punteleer in die topafdeling van die eerste liga, is in

’n kwaai tweestryd gewikkel. Indien Pieter Malan (119), Tinashe Chimbambo (49) en Mark de Stadler (5/73) beter ondersteuning van hul spanmaats gekry het, sou die Durbies nie hierdie geringe eerstebeurt-agterstand gehad het nie. Edgemead (101 en 6/1) voer ’n opdraande stryd teen St. Augustine (227). Nadat Milnerton (43) ’n vrotsige begin teen Helderberg (177/8, gesl.) gehad het, baklei hy darem nou terug met sy tweede beurt op 117/4. Matthew Snyman (53*) en Ryan Karsten (33) het hul bes gedoen om Milnerton weer te laat stem dikmaak. Die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (155/9 gesl., en 93/2) het sy wedstryd teen Tygerberg-klub (57 en 190) reeds Sondag met ’n agtpaaltjie-sege beklink. Shaun Gomes (45*), Nkululeko Serame (5/58) en Esmund van Wyk (3/7) was die UWK-uitblinkers, terwyl Shaun Agulhas (52), Neil Abrahams 30*) en Luwaaz September (4/62) probeer walgooi het vir die besoekers. Kuilsrivier (102) is tot ’n opvolgbeurt gedwing deur Montrose (235/6 gesl.).

Brakke bly binne trefafstand van trofee Die senior krieketspan van Brackenfell (222/9) het met sy sege van 81 lopies die afgelope naweek oor Paarl verseker dat hy binne trefafstand bly van die Maties, voorloper op die punteleer in die Boland se Premierliga. Grant Edmeades (64), Wiaan Smit (54 en

3/12) en Brendon Adams (47) was die Brakke wat grootliks vir die oorwinning verantwoordelik was. Kraaifontein se Oostelikes (166/5) was ook te sterk vir Darling (126) ná veral stewige bydraes deur Helvin Manuel (37*) en Clive Booysen (30 en 3/14). – (Sarel Burger).

Junior pistoolskuts is van Bellville­klub Daar is verkeerdelik berig in 28 Januarie se koerant “Neem teen bestes in wêreld deel – skuts mik hoog” dat die vier junior Protea-pistoolskuts, wat aan vanjaar se The Hague Intershoot (Nederland) gaan deel-

naam, lede is van die Durbanville-teikengeweer (DTR)-klub. Die skuts is wel almal lede van die Bellville-pistoolklub en geaffilieer by SAPA (South African Pistol Association).

One of his highlights were when he won the world senior karate championships in Osaka, Japan in 2001. “I was so proud!”

Movie stars “Karate has opened so many doors for me. I’ve played in numerous movies locally and internationally, working with stars like Clint Eastwood, Wesley Snipes, Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman to name a few. In March this year, the film Momentum will be released, where I had the privilege to torture the James Bond girl, Olga Kurylenko. Unfortunately I mostly have

Big plans Shihan Hennie has big plans for his junior karateka this year. He invited his friend Sensei Chinone from Japan, who will visit the Welgemoed dojo in February to help prepare the karateka for the upcoming provincial and national championships. Bosman will also attend the annual instructors’ camp in Japan from 6-8 March. The top instructors in the world meet here to further their knowledge. “I have dedicated my life to karate and it gives me great satisfaction see the talent the youngsters show in class. It gives me a sense of relief to see that the future of karate is alive and well,” said Bosman. Kyokushin now has separate recognition from traditional karate at Sascoc and he is the representative for Africa in the Kyokushin World Union. They are in the process of including Kyokushin in the 2024 Olympic Games. All his old karateka and new students are invited to join the celebrations. Phone the dojo on 021 913 1600 or join the facebook group www.facebook.com/kyokushinsa.

World’s biggest Tens tournament in town The takealot.com Cape Town 10’s, the world’s biggest Tens rugby tournament, will take place on 6 and 7 February at Hamilton’s Rugby Club in Green Point, and is set to be the year’s biggest social rugby and netball event. Over 100 rugby teams and 50 netball teams from 11 provinces and abroad will be in action. A celebrity rugby team captained by Siv Ngesi, featuring a host of local celebs including Jack Parow, Rob van Vuuren, Graeme Richards, Aidan Bennetts, Ryan O’Connor, Ryan Botha, Alistair Moulton Black, Bjorn Steinbach and Robert de Bruyn will take to

the field. International sporting legends including Christian Cullen, Carlos Spencer, Graeme Smith, Bobby Skinstad, Robbie Fleck, Butch James, James Dalton, Justin Kemp and Breyton Paulse are eager to show their skills. Live music by Jack Parow, GoodLuck, Kurt Darren, The Kiffness, Brent Harris and Thee Jam, Me & Mr Brown and DJ Sox will keep the crowd on their feet. The sport and entertainment festival takes place for the 7th consecutive year and has been shortlisted for Best Live Experience in the Discovery Sport Industry Awards 2015.


Tel: 021 981 0152, Fax: 021 981 0183 7 Gemini Str, Brackenfell, 7560

Page 28 | Woensdag, 4 Februarie 2015 Onder redaksie van Stehan Schoeman Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: sport@tygerburger.co.za www.tygerburger.co.za


Rugby bok fights clean STEHAN SCHOEMAN


ormer Springbok hooker James Dalton, never one to stand back on the field, is now a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student and graded for his purple belt on Saturday. Dalton, who moved from Pretoria to Constantia last year, joined REPS Fitness under Rico Hattingh in Bellville. “I started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Pretoria back in 2008. I love the sport and asked around where I can join. Rico Hattingh came highly recommended. “In Pretoria the one school focused a lot on theory and the other one on technique. On my first night with Rico I tapped about five times and left with my eyes the size of saucers. “The skill sets that Rico make available to the guys are of such a high level that either you learn bloody quickly or you tap quickly. Rico is a role model in the sport,” said Dalton.

Hattingh said Dalton is a classic example of a true sportsman in that he thinks and visualises what needs to be done before classes, and what was done afterwards. “I can see that he really becomes better with each and every class. Mentally he is very strong. He told me the other day that after a class he thinks about how he can improve. “If you approach it like he does, you have a distinct advantage. And for me, it is an honour to have a former Springbok in the gym. You will have to go far to meet a friendlier and humbler man,” said Hattingh. Dalton trains three times a week and is aiming for the black belt. “I want to remain a part of a culture and tradition of martial arts which has delivered many legendary athletes. I mainly do this to maintain my health and competitive edge and to accomplish success at something that is totally new to me. Hopefully I will not be 80 by the time I get my black belt,” chuckled Dalton.

Killarney a carnival for petrol heads ADRIAN PHEIFFER With Formula 1 and F2 cars joining a list of many of the great racers of the past involved in the international Passion for Speed meeting at Killarney on Saturday, the level of excitement is palpable. Pride of place among the single seaters belongs to the ex-Jody Scheckter F1 Tyrrell Cosworth V8 that carried the South African to victory in the British and Swedish Grands Prix in 1974. Other cars in the contingent include the ex-Sam Tingle F1 Repco LDS as well as an F2 Team Gunston Chevron and a Formula Atlantic March/Ford 78B. While not officially racing, the cars are going to complete a series of high speed demo laps. Prominent entries include a pair of Lola T-70 V8’s, several Ford GT 40’s and almost as many Chevron B8’s and B19’s, a Porsche 917 replica, an E-Type Jaguar and an extremely rare single seater Cooper Maserati. A Ferrari 430 and an Audi X-Bow are among the hot modern entries in the Extreme Supercar events. Among the drivers, Sarel van der Merwe returns in his seven-litre Ford Galaxie, reputedly now faster than before, while veteran Larry Wilford will be seen in a similarly powered Ford Fairlane. While the bikers include former world champion Jim Redman and multiple Isle of Man TT winner Mick Grant, local interest is certain to centre on Table View’s Danie Maritz. “Danie van Killarney” has entered a Suzuki GSX-R against over 30 top riders in the Isle of Man TT events. The meeting is rapidly acquiring a nostalgic carnival atmosphere as more static historic events are added to the programme at no extra cost to the public. These include a Classic Car Show featuring many of the great - but now, sadly rare - road and sports

cars of the past, which is being organized by the Cape Jaguar Club on a section of the infield adjacent to their clubhouse. There is going to be a display of historic Jaguars, as well as GSM Darts, Flamingo GT’s and a variety of other models. The clubhouse facilities will be available to everyone. There will be Fan Walk during the lunch break that will include the entries in the Legends of the nine-Hour events, as well as the Classic and TT motorcycle events. They will be on a section of the track around the Rose Sweep (Turn 3) and towards the Malmesbury Sweep (Turn 4). The full programme includes races for: V Pre 1966/’68 Le Mans, Sebring Sports and GT and SA TT. V Pre 1977 Classic and pre 1984 invitation cars. V Isle of Man TT motorcycles. V Pre 1966 Legends of the 9-Hour, Production Cars and “little giants.” V Formula1 and F2 racing cars high speed demo. V Extreme Supercars. V Grand Prix cars of the “50’s and ‘60’s. V Pre ’74 International Sports Prototypes and pre ’74 Trans-Ams. The first of the 18 races on the programme spin off at 09.45. Admission is R90 for adults and R40 for scholars under 16. There is no charge for kiddies under 12. Pre-race tickets are also available from Computicket.

“Among the drivers, Sarel van der Merwe is to return in his seven­li­ tre Ford Galaxie”

Former Springbok hooker James Dalton, successfully graded to his purple belt in Brazilian Jiu­Jitsu on Saturday at REPS Fitness in Bellville. With him is Rico Hattingh (coach). PHOTO: CHARL PRETORIUS

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