R&D Report 2006

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New City-Region Studies Centre Open for Business: Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research


ay 17, 2006 marked the official opening of

vidual municipalities in the Edmonton area. The RGIS

the University of Alberta City-Region Studies

project would provide a means to bring together the

Centre (CRSC), a new interdisciplinary research-driven

information in these separate data systems, making

initiative housed in the Faculty of Extension. The

access easier and analysis more comprehensive.

CRSC has a broad mandate and will be engaged in

Development of the CRSC is both important and

research, teaching and service activities related to the

timely for the Faculty of Extension, moving to a new


address at Enterprise Square in fall 2007. The down-

In consultation with stakeholders in the Faculty

town location will facilitate closer partnerships with

of Extension, the University of Alberta, the City of

the community outside of the University in an ongoing

Edmonton and the Region, as well as with community

project to develop the city and region into a model of

members, the Centre’s Director, Dr. Doug Knight, and

dynamic, sustainable urban and regional environments

Manager Tania Kajner are identifying priorities and

for the 21st century and beyond. ❑

projects for the Centre. The CRSC team has also been working hard to build connections with other study

More information about the CRSC is available at:

centers around North America that focus on urban,


city-region, and sustainability issues. Such a network will help the CRSC tap into important issues on related research agendas across North America. One of the CRSC’s first projects, in partnership with the Alberta Capital Region Alliance (ACRA), is currently in the planning stage. This partnership will allow the development and management of a new regional geographic information system (RGIS). The RGIS will use spatial data infrastructure technologies to represent data graphically. Currently, there are a number of geographical information systems in indi-

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Partnering with Aboriginal and immigrant communities: 2

Checking in with Dr. Fay Fletcher Including Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease in Planning Health Services: Their Role as Community Leaders and Advocates


Interdisciplinary and Community-Based Research Directed at Advancing Sustainable Development


Telecommunications and Public Safety: Research Addresses Policy Challenges


The Potential of Involving Senior Immigrants in Urban Agriculture


Research Publications, Presentations


Partnering with Aboriginal and Immigrant Communities: Checking in with Dr. Fay Fletcher


ince last fall’s R&D Report, Dr. Fay Fletcher has had

communities on health intervention projects. Through

an opportunity to settle into her Assistant Profes-

these partnerships, Dr. Fletcher continues to build

sorship in Extension’s Professional Programs unit. As

relationships with Aboriginal communities, engaging

she had hoped, the Faculty of Extension is funding

in grassroots health education research and educational

developmental research on health education program-

programming. Hands-on lessons learned in community-

ming in partnership with Aboriginal community col-

based research will eventually translate into teaching

leges. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

and learning resources and programs for communitybased researchers. Dr. Fletcher hopes that the resources will be “a way for researchers and communities to find common ground and a common language for doing relevant and appropriate research.” Dr. Fletcher also recently co-wrote and published

Dr. Fay Fletcher

a literature review with the Alberta Cancer Board that looked at the implementation of varied cultural competence training programs and the results they have achieved. These training programs help people reach beyond their own values in order to appreciate and work effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds. Dr. Fletcher hopes that the best practices she identified in this literature review will affect the development of future training programs. Dr. Fletcher, partners from local immigrant settlement agencies, and colleagues in Business Programs in the Faculty of Extension are pleased to be piloting the Immigrant Women’s Student Award. Successful candidates will receive access to short courses, seminars,

has provided similar funding to the partnering colleges

citation and certificate programs administered by

to help them pursue the project simultaneously.

Extension’s Business Programs unit. As a pilot project

In keeping with Dr. Fletcher’s view of the need for

that may expand at a later date, the Faculty will have

respectful and appropriate research methods, talking

a chance to study how to select and mentor people

circles facilitated by Aboriginal community members

through this kind of award program. Dr. Fletcher sees

have shaped the planning for this project. Such discus-

this project as a unique way for the Faculty of Extension

sions allow stakeholders to determine the community’s

to contribute to the well-being and successful integration

needs and how best to deliver education programs.

of immigrant women. ❑

Participants in the talking circles include educators, health service providers, and Elders. After the research


phase, Dr. Fletcher will apply for a larger grant to fund the development and delivery process. Dr. Fletcher is also privileged to work with partners from the Misericordia Family Health Group, the Alberta Mental Health Board and two First Nations


For more information on Faculty of Extension research, please contact:

Dr. Katy Campbell, Associate Dean University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2T4 Tel: 780.492.1858 • Fax: 780.492.6735 Email: katy.campbell@ualberta.ca Website: www.extension.ualberta.ca

Including Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease in Planning Health Services: Exploring their Role as Community Leaders and Advocates


r. Kyle Whitfield joined the Faculty of Extension

enhancing the quality of services that can allow people

as an Assistant Professor in the Applied Sciences

in rural communities to make choices about where and how they will live out their final days.

and Business Programs unit. Dr. Whitfield earned her

Dr. Whitfield belongs to the National Initiative for

PhD from the University of Waterloo, in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, School of Planning. Her thesis,

the Care of the Elderly (NICE), a recently established

Health Service Planning with Individuals with Dementia:

national-level committee funded by CIHR. Through

Towards a Model of Inclusion, explored involving people

this initiative, it is the hope that new networks are

with early-stage dementia in planning for health serv-

built between researchers and practitioners in order to

ices, and the role of organizations, such as Alzheimer’s

disseminate research and best practices for the care of

Societies, in facilitating that involvement. For Dr. Whit-

older adults. She is also a new Council member of the

field, it makes perfect sense to include the people with

Alzheimer’s Society of Alberta and NWT, Edmonton

the illness in organizations concerned with Alzheimer’s


Disease since: “people in the early stages of Alzheim-

Noting that the history of Extension lies in build-

er’s Disease can participate. They have the capacity

ing capacity within communities, Dr. Whitfield hopes

and desire to think, reflect, and articulate valuable

that the Faculty’s new downtown Edmonton location will

ideas based on their experience,” Dr. Whitfield says.

allow Extension to be more integrated with individuals

Building on the knowledge generated from her

and organizations outside of the academic community.

doctoral research, Dr. Whitfield is now beginning to

She would like to see the Faculty participate in research

look at the impact of people with dementia acting in

that informs the need for rural voluntary-based non-

leadership or advocacy positions in Canadian Alzheim-

profit organizations to provide greater information

er’s organizations. She is investigating the influence of

about networking and inclusion, service provision and

their role as leaders at several levels: the effect on the

management, and translating research-based knowledge

individual person with dementia, on the organization

into practice. ❑

(e.g. the Alzheimer’s Society), between different organizations, and at the system or policy and funding levels. At present Dr. Whitfield is connecting with Alzheimer’s organizations in several provinces in Canada to build

Dr. Kyle Whitfield

research-based relationships. Her intention is to begin a provincial comparison, involving: British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. End of life care (palliative care) in Canada’s rural and remote regions, where dying with dignity is often a major challenge due to a lack of quality services or issues of access, is also of concern to Dr. Whitfield. She is a co-investigator with three other researchers in a study funded by CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research). Dr. Whitfield is scanning three provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) to identify existing or a lack of existing policies that impact end of life care services in rural communities. Dr. Whitfield and her colleagues would like to determine the role of policy in 3

Interdisciplinary and Community-Based Research Directed at Advancing Sustainable Development


Following her PhD, Dr. Beckie worked as a Research Associate at the University of Wales as part of the team that coordinated an extensive investigation of the role of organic agriculture in European rural development. Upon returning to Canada, she began working as a research and development consultant, specializing in sustainable resource management. In this capacity, Dr. Beckie was hired as Project Manager for the Craik Sustainable Living Project (CSLP), a community initiative that evolved out of a partnership between the town and rural municipality of Craik, in south central Saskatchewan. The CSLP’s goal is to merge ecological sustainability with rural revitalization. As a result of their innovative strategies and achievements to date, the CSLP has received national and international recognition. Since joining the Faculty of Extension, Dr. Beckie has initiated three new research projects. The first focuses on a novel commercial approach to urban agriculture, know as Small Plot Intensive (SPIN) farming. This method was developed by two market gardeners in Saskatoon and is currently being piloted in Saskatoon and Philadelphia. Dr. Beckie is using a comparative case study approach to examine socio-economic and environmental impacts of these two unique enterprises. In a related project, Dr. Beckie will be teaming up with other new Faculty members - Dr. Kyle Whitfield and Dr. Fay Fletcher - to look at the feasibility of involving senior immigrants in SPIN farming. In addition to providing them with much needed income and employment, SPIN farming may also generate health and social benefits for these seniors as well as help them to better adapt and integrate into Canadian society. In a third research project, Dr. Beckie will be investigating municipal sustainability planning in Canada, with a focus on initiatives taking place in Alberta. The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) has taken a lead in Canada in developing a guidebook and toolkit to assist municipalities to develop sustainability plans. This type of long-term planning is a requirement for accessing funding available through the recent federal-provincial Gas Tax Rebate Agreements. Dr. Beckie’s research will document AUMA’s initiative and develop case studies of communities in Alberta utilizing these resources. ❑

Dr. Mary Beckie

r. Mary Beckie was recently appointed Assistant Professor of Government Studies in the Faculty of Extension. Dr. Beckie’s interests in sustainable development, interdisciplinary scholarship and community collaboration are leading to new research initiatives and academic programming within the Faculty. Dr. Beckie’s academic background is in the life sciences and for several years she was involved in related teaching and research in academic and federal research institutions. Her interests in exploring the links between ecology, culture and rural development led to her enrollent in an interdisciplinary doctoral program through the Division of Extension at the University of Saskatchewan. In her thesis, Dr. Beckie investigates the theory and practice of sustainable development, particularly as it relates to agriculture and rural development. Zero tillage and organic agriculture are two alternative farming practices gaining significant ground in Saskatchewan. Dr. Beckie examines their development and the discourse surrounding them as responses to the challenge of sustainability. Central to her thesis is an investigation of the role of formal and informal knowledge systems in sustainable development, and how relations of power affect the knowledge that is being produced and ultimately the direction of change.


Telecommunications and Public Safety: Research Addresses Policy Challenges


The Canadian government’s Telecommunications Policy Review Panel final report in March 2006 states that Canada’s Telecommunications Act should be amended to give more emphasis to “enhancing public safety” as a distinct social policy objective (Canada, 2006). Dr. Gow, who joined the Faculty of Extension (and the Master of Arts in Communications and Technology) in April 2006, speaks to this objective through multidisciplinary research that facilitates the development of public policy, standards development, and civic engagement in technology assessment. This work will be integral to the vision of the Capital Region Studies Centre, as public safety issues such as 9-1-1 emergency services and public alerting, play an important role in maintaining the quality of life in complex urban environments. Dr. Gow’s work on public safety communications also extends internationally to a project in Sri Lanka, where he has been involved in an ongoing study to examine the use of communication technology in supporting hazard warning and disaster mitigation for coastal villages that were affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. ❑

n area of growing interest in communication studies involves information and communication technologies (ICTs) and urban environments, and Dr. Gordon Gow’s research focuses on one important, but largely overlooked, concern within this area of study - public safety and security. For example, mobile phones have in recent months received considerable media coverage in relation to safety concerns. On the one hand, this technology is promoted as a major breakthrough for personal safety and public alerting by enabling anytime, anywhere access to assistance. On the other hand, mobile phones have been reported as placing new pressures on emergency services and have even been implicated in terrorist plots and criminal activities in cities around the world. These accounts exemplify the contradictory nature of these technologies and a fundamental duality that permeates public debate, commercial innovation, and emerging scholarly research on the impact of ICTs for public safety and security. There are major challenges to developing public policy that will balance innovation with effective regulatory oversight. A sustained program of policy research will help to achieve this balance.

Research Will Explore the Potential of Involving Senior Immigrants in Urban Agriculture


hree new members of the Faculty of Extension are teaming up to

local food systems and SPIN farming. Dr. Whitfield’s interest in the

examine the feasibility of involving senior immigrants, now living

project focuses on the involvement of older adults in community

in Edmonton, in urban agriculture (UA). UA is increasingly recognized

building initiatives, and how this can help them overcome feelings

for its contributions to community health and sustainability. Involve-

of isolation and powerlessness. Dr. Fletcher has previous experience

ment in a new commercial approach to UA, known as Small Plot

with research and learning opportunities that work to minimize

Intensive (SPIN) farming, may help senior immigrants address pivotal

many of the challenges faced by immigrants. This study is therefore

issues they face, namely social isolation and poverty.

a unique collaboration integrating researchers coming from three

This is a collaborative research initiative involving Extension

different perspectives: urban agriculture, immigration and aging.

Faculty and two Edmonton community organizations. Three new aca-

Knowledge created as a result of integrating these three areas of

demic staff - Dr. Mary Beckie, Dr. Kyle Whitfield and Dr. Fay Fletcher

study is significantly lacking in both the literature and in practice.

- will be working with members of the Seniors’ Association for Greater

Drs. Fletcher, Whitfield and Beckie hope that this research will

Edmonton (SAGE) and the Multicultural Health Brokers Coop (MHBC).

lead to the development of an innovative strategy to help immigrant

Drs. Whitfield, Fletcher, and Beckie are excited to be involved

and refugee seniors better adapt and integrate into Canadian society.

in this collaborative research project with SAGE and MHBC. If these

In addition to generating benefits for this growing segment of our

results from this feasibility study are positive, a subsequent pilot

population, it is anticipated that development of UA and SPIN farm-

project will be carried out to train a small number of immigrant sen-

ing will have benefits for the community as a whole. Funding for

iors in SPIN farming.

this feasibility study is being applied for to the Centre for Urban for

Dr. Beckie was initially approached by SAGE to become

Health Initiatives. ❑

involved in this project as a result of her interests and research of


Research Publications, Presentations Refereed Contributions

Gow, G. & Smith, R. K. (2006). Mobile and wireless communications: An introduction. Whitby, ON: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill.

Books, book chapters, papers, monographs: Adria, M. & Campbell, K. (2006). E-learning as nationbuilding. In M. Bullen & D. Janes (Eds.), Making the transition to e-learning: Strategies and issues (pp 1-16). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishers.

Hotrum, M. (2005). Breaking down the LMS walls. International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning, 6(1). Retrieved October 2, 2006 from www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/issue/view/20.

Baggaley, J., Hotrum, M. & Ludwig, B. (2005). Open source software: fully-featured vs. “the devil you know”. International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning, 6(1). Retrieved October 2, 2006 from: www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/issue/view/20

Pinheiro, M, Campbell, K., Hirst, S., & Krupa, E. (2006). Creating appropriate online learning environments for female health professionals. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 32(1), 51-76. Racicot, M.-A. (2006). Englander v. Telus, 2004 FCA 387: Protection of privacy in the private sector goes to the Federal Court of Appeal [Special issue]. Alberta Law Review, 43(3), 825-843.

Campbell, K., Schwier, R.A., & Kenny, R.F. (2006). Conversation as inquiry: A conversation with instructional designers. Journal of Learning Design, 1(3), 1-18. Retrieved Nov. 14, 2006 from: www.jldqut.edu.au

Racicot, M.-A. & Renke, W. (2006). Introduction of the special issue: Privacy law [Special issue]. Alberta Law Review, 43(3), 549-552.

Clarke, J., Arnold, S., Everest, M., Whitfield, K. (2007). The paradoxical reliance on allopathic medicine and positivist science among skeptical audiences. Social Science and Medicine, 64 (7), 164-173.

Ruess, G.F., Dupuis, S., Whitfield, K. (2005). Understanding the experience of moving a loved one to a long-term care facility: Family members’ perspectives. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 46(1), 17-46.

Drapeau, M. W. & Racicot, M.-A. (2006). Federal access to information and privacy legislation: Annotated. Toronto, ON: Carswell-Thomson. Drapeau, M. W. & Racicot, M.-A. (2006). Protection of privacy in the Canadian private sector. Toronto, ON: Carswell-Thomson.

Stefanick, L. & LeSage, E. C., Jr. (2005). Limitations to developing virtual communities in the public sector: A local government case study. Canadian Public Administration, 48(2), 231-250.

Garcea, J. & LeSage, E. C., Jr. (Eds.). (2005). Municipal reform in Canada: Reconfiguration, re-empowerment, and rebalancing. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press.

Whitfield, K., Wismer, S. (2006). Inclusivity and dementia: Health service planning with individuals with dementia. Healthcare Policy, 1(2), 120-134.

Gow, G. (2005). Information privacy and the mobile phone. Convergence: the International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 11(2), 76-87.

Other Refereed Contributions Abstracts, proceedings, presentations:

Gow, G. (2005). Public safety telecommunications in Canada: Regulatory intervention in the development of wireless E9-1-1. Canadian Journal of Communication, 30(1), 65-88.

Abiza, Y., Boeglin, A. J., Tannis, D., Myers, M. (2006, June). Implementing undergraduate ICT advanced literacy at Campus Saint-Jean through tutored, problem-based and integrated learning. Paper presented at World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Orlando, Florida.

Gow, G. (2005). Pinpointing consent: Location privacy and mobile phones. In K. Nyíri (Ed.). A sense of place (pp 139-150), Vienna, Austria: Passagen Verlag. Gow, G. (2005). Policymaking for critical infrastructure: A case study in public safety telecommunications. Aldershot, England: Ashgate. 6

Adria, M. (2005, October). Turn your radio on: The discursive development of social identity in Alberta, 1926-1952. Paper presented at A Century of Canada, 1905-2005, Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies organized in collaboration with the University of Alberta and the Canadian Century Research Infrastructure, Edmonton, AB.

Campbell, K., Schwier, R. A., & Kenny, R. F. (2005, October). Conversation as inquiry: A conversation with instructional designers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL. Cheng, L., Fox, J., & Berman, R. (2005, May). Factors impacting L2 students’ academic acculturation. Paper presented at the meeting of Teachers of English as a Second Language, Canada (TESL-Canada), Ottawa, ON.

Adria, M. (2005, November). Communication management in institutional and technical call centers: A typology of virtual services operations. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 2005 Conference, Boston, MA.

Del Aguila, M. & Whitfield, K. (2006, September) Integrating older adults in newly developed housing projects and neighborhoods: International perspectives. Paper for joint symposium of the Culture and Space in the Built Environment Network and the Egyptian Housing and Building Research Centre for international conference on Environment, Health & Sustainable Development, Alexandria, Egypt.

Adria, M., Bakardjieva, M., van den Besselaar, P., & Given, L. (2006, June). Community networking and new conversations at the public library: The case for image technologies. Panel conducted at the International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Dresden, Germany.

ElAtia, S. & Berman, R. (2006, March). Classroom time as a factor in instruction of English for academic purposes. Paper presented at the Second International AUC OXF Conference on Languages and Linguistics, Cairo, Egypt.

Beckie, Mary A. (2006, February). Factors influencing the transition to an alternative farming practice in Saskatchewan. Social Research in Organic Agriculture. University of Guelph, Guelph, ON.

Fenwick, T., Campbell, K., Gibb, T., Hamdon, E., & Jamal, Z. (2006, July). Tangled nets and gentle nettles: Negotiating research questions with immigrant service organizations. Paper presented at Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA), Leeds, UK.

Berman, R. (2005, October). Crucial motivational factors of students learning EAP. Paper presented at the International Conference on Language Learning for Specific and Academic Purposes, Thessaloniki, Greece. Berman, R. (2006, September). Has EAP instruction in Canadian universities been successful? Developing Teachers. Available on-line at:

Fletcher, F., Kennedy, M., Pearce, M. & Baydala, L. (2006, April). Engaging in collaborative health research with aboriginal communities. Paper presented at the meeting of the 12th annual International Qualitative Health Research Conference, Edmonton, AB.

www.developingteachers.com/articles_tchtraining/ eap1_robert.htm Berman, R. & ElAtia, S. (2006, April). An investigation into the effectiveness of time on the teaching of EAP. Paper presented at the 40th meeting of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference, Harrogate, UK.

Fletcher F. & Lamouche, C. (2006, March). Training tools for collaborative research with aboriginal communities. Paper presented at the Indigenous Knowledge and Knowledge Translation Summit at the First Nations University of Canada, Regina, SK.

Braul, B. (2006, April). What ESL teachers are doing with Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Paper presented at the 40th meeting of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference, Harrogate, UK.

Gow, G. (2006, June). Disaster mitigation and the Alberta SuperNet: Maximizing opportunities, minimizing risks. Paper presented at the University of Calgary, Alberta SuperNet Emerging Opportunities Conference, Calgary, AB.


Research Publications, Presentations Whitfield, K. (2006, April). Health services planning with individuals with dementia: Towards a model of inclusion. Paper presented at the 12th annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Gow, G. (2005, September). Prepaid mobile phones: The anonymity question. Paper presented at Oxford Internet Institute’s Safety and Security in a Networked World: Balancing Cyber-Rights and Responsibilities Conference, Oxford, UK.

Non-Refereed Contributions

Hui, M. (2006, April). Motivating teaching staff in alignment with management’s expectations and goals. Paper presented at the 40th meeting of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference, Harrogate, UK.

Articles, reports, presentations, proceedings, reviews: Adria, M. (2006, March 9). Community and connections: Governance of the public library in Canada. Lecture to students in the library technicians program at MacEwan College, Edmonton, AB.

Ingraham, M. (2006, May). Rhetoric, resources and reality: The politics of culture in Canada. Paper presented at International Conference on Music and the Public Sphere, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Adria, M. (2006, March). Region, nation, and technology in Canada: Some implications for community networks. Paper presented to the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

Ingraham, M. (2005, September). Beyond the ‘cultural cringe’: Opera in Canada, 1950-1967. Paper presented at the National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, Sydney, Australia.

Adria, M. (2006, March). Technology and nationalism: Canadian social identity in the age of the Internet. Paper presented to Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Native Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, ON.

Myers, M., Sears. M., Boeglin, A.J., & Varnhagen, S. (2006, May). ICT Integration in a French language environment. Paper presented at the annual conferences of the Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE) and Association for Media in Technology in Canada (AMTEC), Montréal, QC.

Adria, M., & Brown, D. (2005, October). Exploring community videoconferencing in the public library. Preconference workshop, NetSpeed 2005 Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Schwier, R.A., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R.F. (2006, April). Transforming higher education: Towards an agentic model of instructional design. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Adria, M., & Grotkowski, L. (2006, June). Meeting the audience face-to-face: Sharpening your focus groups and interviews. Paper presented at the Canadian Public Relations Society Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.

Sears, M., Zhou, G., & Varnhagen, S. (2006, May). A Snapshot of technology integration among faculty members. Paper presented at the annual conferences of the Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE) and Association for Media in Technology in Canada (AMTEC), Montréal, QC.

Adria, M., Laville, L., Hanley, R., & Boddez, G. (2006, June). Strategies for combining e-learning and community networking. Panel presentation at the SuperNet Opportunities Conference, Calgary, AB. Beckie, Mary A. (2006, January). Creating sustainable communities: Ecovillages in Canada and Denmark. Paper presented to Roadmap 2020’s Community Best Practices Committee. Saskatoon, SK.

Varnhagen, S., Sears, M., & Zhou, G. (2005, October). Getting beyond the technology in instructional technology through evaluation. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association/Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.

Beckie, Mary A. (2005, November). Sustainable development in Sweden. Public presentation at the Roadmap 2020 seminar series on Climate Change. Saskatoon, SK.


Edwards, J., Newman, S., Robson, E. & Smith, G. (2006). Investigating the efficacy of the gambling decisions program in three Alberta communities. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Gaming Research Institute.

Beckie, Mary A. (2005, October). A comparison of organic agriculture organizational models in Canada and the United Kingdom. Paper presented to the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate. Blackstrap Lake Conference Centre, SK. Boechler, P. M., Foth, D. & Watchorn, R. (2006, March). My memory is shot but how can I help? Poster session presented at the Alberta Centre on Aging 3rd Annual Research Networking Session, Edmonton, AB.

Fletcher, F. (2006). Community research with aboriginal communities: Guidelines and resources. Currently under review by Elders, community members, and academic researchers engaged in collaborative research projects with Aboriginal community. Edmonton, AB

Boechler, P. M., Foth, D. & Watchorn, R. (2006, October). The influence of reading and memory skills on older adults’ information search and learning in educational hypermedia. Poster session presented at the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Honolulu, HI.

Fletcher, F., Crabtree, A., McKennitt, D. and Landrie, M. (2006). A systematic review of the academic literature related to the use and development of cultural competence in health promotion and community service professionals for the Alberta Cancer Board. Edmonton, AB.

Campbell, K. (2006, May). Faculty transformation through e-learning design. Invited online panel presentation for “A Panel of Canadian Distance Education Research and Development”, Swedish Net Learn 2006.

Fletcher, F. (2006). Interview on immigrant women’s student award. [Radio Broadcast]. Edmonton, CBC Radio. Foth, D. & Watchorn, R. (2006, May). My memory is shot but what can I do to help? Presentation and discussion at the 54th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Toronto, ON.

Campbell, K., Fenwick, T., Gibb, T., Hamdon, E., Jamal, Z., Guo, S., & Guo, Y. (2006, June). Formal and informal processes of learning Essential Skills for immigrants: A study of immigrant service organizations. Atelier 2006 sur les Compétences essentielles, Montreal, PQ.

Heydemann, R., Foth, M., and Foth, D. (2006, January). Spirituality of dying and death. Presentation at Westwood Unitarian Congregation, Edmonton, AB.

Campbell, K. & Kenny, R. F. (2005, November). Instructional design research. Centre for International Distance Education Research, Athabasca University.

Gow, G. (2006) Evaluating last-mile hazard information dissemination in Sri Lanka. Sir Lanka: LIRNEasia/ Sarvodaya, Last-Mile Hazard Warning System project.

Campbell, K. (2005, October). Chair of panel: Overview of socio-technical issues affecting online knowledge networks. International Centre for Governance and Development: Second annual workshop Sustaining Distributed Communities of Practice through Sociotechnical Integration. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.

Gow, G. (2006). Hazard information hub guidelines and common alerting protocol profile. Sri Lanka: LIRNEasia/Sarvodaya, Last-Mile Hazard Information project. Gow, G. (2006). Prepaid communication services and privacy: An international survey of policies and regulations. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Ottawa, ON.

Dickinson, H., Campbell, K., Cameron, P., & Daniel, B. (2005, October). Strategies for sustaining online knowledge networks. Invited panel presentation at Sustaining Distributed Communities of Practice Through Sociotechnical Integration, International Centre for Governance and Development: Second annual workshop, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.

Gow, G. (2006, January). Invited speaker at the Learning Initiatives on Reforms for Network Economics Asia (LIRNEasia) for the Sri Lanka Last-Mile Hazard Warning System Project Workshop, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.


Research Publications, Presentations Gow, G. (2006, April). Invited speaker at the Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks: Potential Challenges Presented for Security and Public Safety, APEC TEL 33, Calgary, AB.

Ingraham, M. (2005). Enhancing a civil society: The role of liberal studies in community programming. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education 31(1), 11-18. Ingraham, M. (2006, March). Opera and the law: The trial of Louis Riel. Guest lecture at University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB.

Gow, G. (2006, June). Get mobile: What are communication scholars in Canada saying about mobile phones in the city? Invited panelist at the Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference at York University, Toronto, ON.

Ingraham, M. (2006, January). Perspectives on music in Canada. Keynote speaker at University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Gow, G. (2006, July). Common alerting protocol and hazard warning workshops. Invited speaker and session chair at the Learning Initiatives on Reform for Network Economics Asia (LIRNEasia) for the Sri Lanka Last-Mile Hazard Warning System Project, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Ingraham, M. (2006, April). Review of book-length manuscript Compositional Crossroads. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen’s University Press. LeSage, E. C., Jr. (2005). E-government in Canada. In Proceedings of the NUIS Decennial Academic Symposium. Niigata, Japan: Niigata University of International and Information Studies, 18-46.

Gow, G. (2006, July). Responsive innovation and disaster mitigation. Invited speaker at the Learning Initiatives on Reforms for Network Economics Asia (LIRNEasia) public lecture, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

LeSage, E. C., Jr. (2006). Cities and city-regions: Willing the future through inclusiveness. Dialogues, 2(2), 18-19.

Gow, G. (2006, October). Implementing common alerting protocol for hazard warning in Sri Lanka. Invited speaker at the OASIS/Internatioanl Telecommunications Union Workshop and Demonstration of Advances in ICT Standards for Public Warning, Geneva, Switzerland.

Marrocco, M., Foth, D., Guerin, C., Tonks, S., Fanjoy, L., & Holmes, M. (2006, May). Communities of Practice. Presentation and discussion at the 54th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Toronto, ON.

Hotrum, M. (2006, May). Beyond the LMS. Paper presented at the Blackboard Conference 2006 at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

McLaughlin, L., & Varnhagen, S. (March 2006) Understanding our students and their post-secondary experiences: Implications for advising and student success. Paper presented at the University of Alberta Student Advisors’ Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Hotrum, M. (2006, June). Breaking down the LMS walls. Paper presented at the DETS 05 Conference, Edmonton, AB. Hotrum, M. (2006, June). Social software: Killer app for education? Paper presented at the DETS 06 Conference, Edmonton, AB.

McLaughlin, L., Varnhagen, S., & Wuetherick, B. (May 2006) University of Alberta students’ academic priorities: How research fits. Paper presented at Second Annual Canadian Summit on the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, Edmonton, AB.

Ingraham, M., Foth, D. & Varsava, A. (2006, May). Community engagement: Promoting scholars in the community through continuing education. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Toronto, ON.

O’Byrne, S. (Chair), Byrne, C., Connor, B., Dale, M., Geddes, E. Porteous, K., Campbell, K., Renke, W., Page, B., Bainbridge, J., Robinson, F., & Tough, F. (2005, October). Report of the Inter-institutional Degrees Task Force. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta.


Research as Creative Activity:

Racicot, M.-A. (2006, January). University of Alberta IAPP Certificate Program. Presentation before the Canadian Access and Privacy Commissioners, Toronto, ON.

Ingraham, M. (2006, June) Collaborative pianist: Gala concert for breast cancer, St. Anne de Bellevue, QC.

Racicot, M.-A. (2006, March,). Open courts principle. Lecture at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Extension, Edmonton, AB.

Ingraham, M. (2006, May). Percussionist: Edmonton Philharmonic Orchestra, Final Concert: Convocation Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Racicot, M.-A. (2006, May). Award recipient and discussion on IAPP Certificate Program. Guest Speaker at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE), Toronto, ON.

Ingraham, M. (December, 2005& 2006). Percussionist: Edmonton Philharmonic Orchestra, Christmas Concerts: Canterbury Court Seniors’ Residence, Ukranian Centre, Edmonton General Hospital and Alberta Hospital. Edmonton, AB.

Racicot, M.-A. (2006, May). Projet de loi C-2: Prioriser la gestion de l’information pour améliorer le droit d’accès? Guest Speaker at the ARMA Conference, Toronto, ON.

Ingraham, M. (2005, March). Percussionist: Edmonton Philharmonic Orchestra, Spring Concert Ukranian Centre, Edmonton, AB.

Sears, M. & Varnhagen, S. (2005, November). Issues in evaluating learning outside of traditional boundaries. Paper presented at the 2005 annual conference of the Alberta Online Consortium, Edmonton, AB.

Ingraham,M. (2005, May). Percussionist: Edmonton Philharmonic Orchestra, Final Concert Convocation Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Smith, G. (2006). Member of the research team that developed and is carrying out the “Alberta Leisure, Lifecycle Project,” a $1.5 million multi-disciplinary longitudinal study over five years featuring five age cohorts which examines the biological, psychological and socio-economic effects of gambling participation.

Smith, G. (2006, April) The impact of crime on gambling. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Alberta Gaming Research Institute, Banff, AB. Smith, G. (2006, May). The moral maze of gambling in Canada. Paper presented at the 13th conference on Gambling and Commercial Gaming, Lake Tahoe, NV.

Smith, G. (2006). Preparation of a report on Canadian Sports Lotteries for the Ottawa law firm Gowlings LaFleur Henderson to be used in an income tax evasion case.

Tannis, D. (2005). Mentoring in Saskatoon: Toward a meaningful partnership. Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatoon, Community-University Institute for Social Research.

Smith, G. (2006). Preparation of materials on gambling-related consumer protection issues for the Competition Bureau of Canada to be used in a fraud trial.

Varnhagen, S. & Sears, M. (2005, November). The important role evaluation can play in elearning. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Alberta Online Consortium, Edmonton, AB.

Forthcoming Contributions:

Whitfield, K. (2006, September). Considerations in conducting interviews with people with early stage dementia. Presentation for International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Edmonton, AB.

Boechler, P.M., Foth, D. & Watchorn, R. (in press). Educational technology research with older adults: Adjustments in protocol, materials and procedures. Educational Gerontology.

Whitfield, K. (2006, June). How persons with dementia are influencing the direction of dementia services. Paper presented at Alzheimer Society of Alberta and NW Territories Public Forum, Edmonton, AB.

Campbell, C., Hartnagel, T. & Smith, G. (in press) The legalization of gambling in Canada. In S. Bittle (Ed.), What is a Crime? Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press. 11

Research Publications, Presentations Campbell, K., & Gibson, S.E. The evolution of assessment in distance education. In T. Evans, M. Haughey, & D. Murphy (Eds.). Handbook of distance education. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Press. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Racicot, M.-A. (2006, April). India and the implementation of the Right to Information Act 2005: The third party issues - PART II. Open Government Journal. Manuscript submitted for publication. Schwier, R.A., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R.F. (in press). Instructional designers’ perceptions of their agency: Tales of change and community. In M. Keppel (Ed.), Instructional design: Case studies in communities of practice. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.

Fletcher, F. (2006). An application of Homi Bhabha’s Third Space to the settlement and integration experiences of immigrant women. Manuscript submitted for publication. Gow, G. (in press). Disaster mitigation and communications research in Canada: Toward a responsive innovation agenda. International Journal of Emergency Management.

Smith, G. (in press) Gambling expansion and community well being. Transition Magazine. Smith, G. (in press) Moral maze of gambling. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press.

Hodgins, D., Smith, G. & Williams, R. (Eds.). (in press). Research and methodological issues in gambling studies. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Press.

Smith, G., Hartnagel, T & Wynne, H. (in press). Gamblingrelated crime in a major Canadian City: A case study. In J. Cosgrave & T. Klassen (Eds.), Gambling in 21st Century Canada: Citizens, Consumers and the State. Montreal: QC: McGill-Queens Press.

Hodgins, D., Smith, G. & Williams, R. (Eds.). (in press). Social and economic costs and benefits of gambling. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Press.

Woudstra, A., & Adria, M. (in press). Organizing for the new network and virtual forms of distance education. In M. Moore (Ed.), Handbook of distance education. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Ingraham, M. (in press). Great expectations: Critical response to Brahms’s Rinaldo. The American Brahms Society Newsletter. Ingraham, M. (in press). Faint praise: Twentieth century scholarship on Brahms’s Rinaldo. The American Brahms Society Newsletter. LeSage, E. C., Jr. (in press). Introduction. An Administrative History of the Government of Alberta, 1905-2005. Edmonton. AB: Provincial Archives of Alberta. LeSage, E. C., Jr. & McMillan, M. (in press). Alberta: Municipal system overview. In A. Sancton & R. Young (Ed.), The Provincial-Municipal Systems of Canada. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada. McKennitt, D & Fletcher, F. (2006). Engaging with indigenous communities in collaborative research. Manuscript submitted for publication. Racicot, M.-A. (2006, April). India and the implementation of the Right to Information Act 2005: The third party issues - PART I. Open Government Journal. Manuscript submitted for publication.


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