R&D Report 2007

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Podcasting as Pedagogy: McCalla Research Professor Marco Adria


he McCalla Research Professorship is awarded annually to a small number of tenured faculty at the University of Alberta. Dr.

medium requiring literacy. Podcasting is reintroducing

Marco Adria is the first member of the Faculty of Extension selected

orality into this globe-

for this honour. His successful proposal was to research the use of

spanning communications

podcasting as a pedagogical tool.


Podcasting refers to distribution over the Internet of digital

As part of the

media files - audio or video. It is a “push” technique - i.e., podcasts

research for his McCa-

can be distributed automatically to people on a distribution list - for

lla project, Marco will be

example, to students enrolled in a university course. The podcast

visiting one of the pioneers

can be listened to or watched on the recipient’s computer or else

of academic podcasting,

transferred to a mobile device such as an Apple iPod or another

Professor Hubert Dreyfus of

MP3 player. This contrasts with a “pull” technique such as simply

the University of California

posting files on a website and waiting for students to go to that

at Berkeley. Dreyfus, a Professor of Philosophy in the Graduate School

website to access the files.

at Berkeley, has for years used podcasting to introduce new audi-

“We have good infrastructure here [at the University of Al-

ences to lectures that he has been giving since before the technology

berta] to support podcasting as a teaching and learning resource,”

existed. “What’s fascinating about Professor Dreyfus is that he’s not

said Adria. “What I’d like to find out is how and why we would

a technophile at all,” said Adria. “And yet, he’s been podcasting for

integrate podcasting to create the ideal learning environment for

years, and today, his podcasts are incredibly popular.”

our students.” Its key advantage as a pedagogical tool, he suggests,

In the fall semester of 2007, Marco taught a graduate course in

is that podcasting can connect a person who is interested in a par-

the M.A. in Communications and Technology (MACT) program that

ticular subject with information that is specific to them, creating a

discussed the history and development of communications media. He

much more intimate dynamic between speaker and listener. Marco is not only a professor interested in promoting learn-

incorporated weekly ten-minute podcasts into the course. In these podcasts he addresses difficult concepts in the course content, as well

ing through whatever technologies work best, but also a scholar in

as mentioning current events. Preliminary indications are that this ad-

the field of Communications. As such, he looks at podcasting not

dition to the course was well received by the students. To check them

only through his educator’s eye, but also through the McLuhanite

out go to

eye of a media theoretician. Podcasting, is, according to Marco,


“almost a form of radio programming.” Among the ways it is similar

Marco’s project is an outstanding example of the Faculty of Ex-

to radio is that both are discursive, rather than expressive. Among

tension’s initiatives to integrate appropriate educational technologies

the ways podcasting is different, however, is that the portability of

into teaching and learning. For other such initiatives see below. ❑

radio is extended not only in space, but also in time - recipients of podcasts can listen to them according to their own schedules. Not surprisingly, Marco is having fun thinking about how McLuhan’s famous four laws of media apply to podcasting. Then there is its effect on the Internet, until now essentially a text-based

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: The E-portfolio: Assessing its Effectiveness


Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Multi- Faculty Collaborative Project


Extension’s Newest Researchers: 2007 Graduates from the Master of Arts in Communications & Technology


Research Publications, Presentations


The E-portfolio: Assessing Its Effectiveness


ver the past few years the e-portfolio has come into common use

In the business sector, social e-portfolio software has been suggested

in a number of fields. But while the use of e-portfolios is spread-

as a means to create spaces for intra-organizational collaboration and

ing, research on their effectiveness is still quite limited. A number of

knowledge transfer. This expansion of the use of e-portfolios beyond

people in the Extension Learning Solutions (xLS) unit within the Fac-

formal education is very important for the Faculty of Extension, since

ulty of Extension – Stanley Varnhagen, Jason Daniels and Derek Tannis

our programs address both personal and professional development

– have been working to fill this gap in applied research.


The xLS unit has focused, in particular, on the e-portfolio as

The xLS group is working with other Faculties and programs

an effective approach to providing learner-centered assessment for

across campus that have begun to experiment with e-portfolios or are

online courses, and as a vehicle for formative and summative student

thinking about doing so. These include the Dental Hygiene Degree Completion Program, Campus Saint-Jean, the Community Service Learning program, the Faculty of Education, the Department of Psychology, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and

e-portfolio: evalulation

the Faculty of Rehabilitative Medicine. Within the Faculty of Extension, xLS has been working extensively on an e-portfolio initiative within one of our own programs, the Master of Arts in Communications and Technology (MACT). This project illustrates some of the strengths of e-portfolios. Students will use their e-portfolio to gather the materials, ideas, and accomplishments that they identify as artifacts from their coursework. At key points in their graduate program, students will add to, revise, and share portions of the e-portfolio. Portfolio activities emphasize self and peer-evaluation. The e-portfolio within the MACT program is intended to function as an online archive that will support a student’s capacity to develop and complete the final applied research project. The student’s first task when beginning work with the project supervisor will be to make a virtual or face-to-face presentation of the e-portfolio to the supervisor. Student and supervisor will review progress in the project proposal and development, then agree on subsequent steps for refining the proposal and moving forward with completion of the project. The e-portfolio may continue to be used as the virtual space in which

Dr. Stanley Varnhagen, Extension Learning Solutions

the project is completed. It may then be used after graduation to create and maintain a curriculum vitae and to refine professional

assessment. Research to date indicates that well developed e-port-

competencies and skills. In this way, the e-portfolio will help students

folios have the potential to enable students to share their projects,

to tailor the MACT program to their own personal, professional, and

documents and reflections in a collaborative virtual environment. This

academic goals. At the same time, the e-portfolio provides a means of

sharing is not limited to a single course. In fact, a student’s e-portfolio

strengthening the MACT program’s links to the knowledge and skills

can feature items that they have produced during their entire pro-

of the professional workplace. ❑

gram. It can function as both a means to demonstrate learning over a span of time and as a presentation platform for gaining employment. Successful e-portfolio projects don’t just display students’ work – they also integrate self-assessment and peer-assessment. Leadership oriented programs, and programs that involve a cohort model, appear

For more information on Faculty of Extension research, please contact:

to benefit most from the integration of an e-portfolio into the design


of the program. The use of e-portfolios extends beyond formal educational programs. They are becoming increasingly important in the non-formal professional and personal development that is now an accepted aspect of life in an information society. In the medical field, for example, e-portfolios are being tested as a means to restructure and reorganize performance assessments and continuing professional development.


Dr. Dennis Foth, Associate Dean University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension Enterprise Square, 10230 Jasper Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4P6 Tel: 780.492.5865 • Fax: 780.492.6735 Email: dennis.foth@ualberta.ca Website: www.extension.ualberta.ca

Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Multi-Faculty Collaborative Project


anguage learning is one of the keys to internationalizing our

One goal of this project is to conduct an analysis of the language

university and providing our students with a global education. The

learning context within each Faculty, as well as the needs expressed

evidence is all around us: groups of international students enlivening

by our instructors and students. The project will explore possible

Enterprise Square as they learn English, groups of students all across

efficiencies and ways to collaborate in relation to the training of

the University speaking languages other than English. This is not hap-

both students and instructors who are using the technology, and the

pening just by accident. Among them, the Faculties of Extension, Arts,

dissemination of best practices in CALL across Faculties.

Augustana, and Campus St. Jean teach courses in twenty-four different

Another goal is to develop a strong community of practice

languages, including English. These language courses enroll thousands

around CALL on campus. Each Faculty will continue to invest in

of students every year.

the necessary equipment to support CALL activities. However, this

One of the teaching techniques used in these language

research project will result in informed, evidence-based decisions

courses is computer-assisted language learning (CALL), which can

about implementation of CALL across this university.

be defined as any language learning activity that uses computers

This project brings together a strong team of researchers

or computer technology as part of the learning environment. CALL

from each of the four Faculties involved. It is led by the Faculty of

applications have the potential to individualize instruction, expose

Extension’s Associate Dean, Dr. Dennis Foth, as Principal Investiga-

students to more authentic language learning opportunities, provide

tor. Other collaborators from the Faculty of Extension include Bryan

self-paced instruction, provide individualized feedback on students’

Braul from the English Language program, Brad Wuetherick from

language learning development, reduce language learning anxiety,

the Liberal Studies program, and Jason Daniels, Derek Tannis, and Dr.

and provide motivation for language learners. Research has shown

Stanley Varnhagen from Extension Learning Solutions.

that CALL has the potential to make significant contributions to the

language learning process.

Through this collaboration, the Faculties engaged in

language teaching across campus will enhance the University of Al-

Thanks to a grant from the Teaching and Learning Enhancement

berta’s tremendous reputation as a leader in language learning. This

Fund (TLEF), the four Faculties engaged in language teaching are

institution is well-placed to become a national leader in CALL, with

beginning a multi-Faculty collaborative research project to develop a

the Faculty of Extension at the fore!.❑

global picture of language programming at the University of Alberta.

Extension’s Newest Researchers: 2007 Graduates from the Master of Arts in Communications and Technology Name

Cohort Final Project

Frances Blondheim


The language of digitization: an exploration of how key terms are defined among mu

seum, library and archives professionals

Nigel Brachi

The effect of different user interfaces on an Internet information search task in a


Standardized Data Environment

Wendy Doucet

The collision of war zone and the homefront: exploring the use and impact of e-mail


communication between deployed members of the Canadian Forces and their spouses/


Huijie (Jane) Feng


A comparative study of the role of media in times of national crisis

Lisa Grotkowski


The Thais that bind: Exploring cultural barriers to Internet adoption and use in a Southeast

Asian society

Lara Minja

The tales that bind: The use of stories in local bicultural families to build family identity and


to make cultural connection

Jennifer Skinner

What are the key challenges of communicating with employees at a remote uranium mining


operation? The Fraser Ridge Story

Richard Wallington

An analysis of horse racing - Alberta’s racing renewal initiative



Research Publications Presentations, Creative Activites & Contributions

Refereed Contributions

Woudstra, A., & Adria, M. (2007). Organizing for the new network and virtual forms of distance education. In M. Moore (Ed.), Handbook of distance education (2nd ed., pp. 565-580). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Books, book chapters, papers, monographs: Boechler, P. M., Foth, D., & Watchorn, R. (2007). Educational technology research with older adults: Adjustments in protocol, materials and procedures. Educational Gerontology, 33(3), 221-235.

Zhou, G., Varnhagen, S., & Kasprzak, S. (2006). Learning community building: Lessons learned from an online professional development course for in-service teachers. Qwerty (Journal of Technology, Culture, and Education), 1(1), 63-77.

Garrison, D. R., & Archer, W. (2007). A community of inquiry framework for online learning. In M. Moore & W. G. Anderson (Eds.), Handbook of distance education (2nd ed., pp. 77-88). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Zhou, G., Varnhagen, S., Sears, M., Kasprzak, S., & Shervey, G. (2007). Online professional development for in-service teachers in information and communication technology: Potentials and challenges. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 33(2),

Gow, G. (2007). Public alerting in Canada: Renewing the Emergency Broadcasting System. Canadian Journal of Communication, 32(2), 277-293.


Gow, G. (2007). Disaster mitigation and communications research in Canada: Toward a responsive innovation agenda. International Journal of Emergency Management, 4(2), 122-140.

Other Refereed Contributions Abstracts, proceedings, presentations:

Gow, G. (2007). Implementing common alerting protocol for hazard warning in Sri Lanka. Journal of Emergency Management, 5(2), 1-7.

Adria, M. (2007, May). Technological nationalism revisited. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Communication Association, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

LeSage, E. (2006). Introduction. In An administrative history of Alberta: 1905-2005. Edmonton: Provincial Archives of Alberta.

Archer, W., Morrison, D. I., & Wong, A. T. (2007, May). Connecting courses using written language: Extending the Community of Inquiry model for use in curriculum improvement. Paper presented at the conference of the Canadian Association for Distance Education, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Madill, H. M., Campbell, R. G., Cullen, D. M., Armour, M.-A., Einsiedel, A. A., Ciccocioppo, A.-L., Sherman, J., Stewin, L. L., Varnhagen, S., Montgomerie, T. C., Rothwell, C. J., & Coffin, W. L. (2007). Developing career commitment in STEM-related fields: Myth versus reality. In R. J. Burke & M. C. Mattis (Eds.), Women and minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics: Upping the numbers (pp. 210-241). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Archer, W., Morrison, D. I., & Wong, A. T. (2007, June). Systematic improvement of online and blended courses: The Community of Inquiry model extended. Paper presented at the European Distance Education Network Conference, Naples, Italy.

Manca, D. P., Varnhagen, S., Brett-MacLean, P., Allan, G. M., Szafran, O., Ausford, A., Rowntree, C., Rumzan, I., & Turner, D. (2007). Rewards and challenges of family practice: Web-based survey using the Delphi method. Canadian Family Physician, 53, 277-286.

Beckie, M. (2007, May-June). Small plot intensive farming: A new SPIN on urban agriculture. Paper presented at the conference of the Canadian Association for Food Studies, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Beckie, M., Bogdan, E., Fletcher, F., & Whitfield, K. (2007, June). Training and involving senior immigrants in urban agriculture. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

McKennitt, D., & Fletcher, F. (2007). Engaging with aboriginal communities in collaborative research. University of Alberta Health Sciences Journal, 4(1), 30-32. Robinson, F., Wuetherick, B., Martin, J., Strawson, C., Schmid, K., Greenwood, S., & Wolanski, N. (2006). Experiences in collaborative project-based study: There’s a heifer in your tank. NACTA Journal, 50(4), 6-10.

Beckie, M., Markey, S., Aupers, W., & Collins, B. (2007, October). Mapping and characterizing resource-based social economy enterprises in rural communities in Alberta and British Columbia. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation, Vermilion, Alberta.

Robinson, F., Wuetherick, B., Wolanski, N., & Greenwood, S. (2007). Building core animal science knowledge through project-based study: Name that tool. NACTA Journal, 51(1), 33-36.

Berry, D., & Wuetherick, B. (2007, June). Best practice in practice: Experiential learning in history and classics. Paper presented at the Roundtable of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Schwier, R. A., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R. F. (2007). Instructional designers’ perceptions of their agency: Tales of change and community. In M. Keppell (Ed.), Instructional design: Case studies in communities of practice (pp. 1-18). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.


Gow, G. (2007, May). Hi-tech dreams, local tech realities: Achieving socially sustainable hazard warnings in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the conference of the Canadian Communication Association, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Boechler, P., Foth, D., & Watchorn, R. (2006). The influence of reading and memory skills on older adults’ information search and learning in educational hypermedia. In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1855-1860).

Gow, G. (2007, July). Communications technology and public safety: An emerging research agenda. Paper presented at the conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research, Paris, France.

Boechler, P., Foth, D., & Watchorn, R. (2007, January). The influence of reading and memory skills on older adults’ information search and learning in educational hypermedia. Poster session presented at the Alberta Centre on Aging: Symposium IV, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Healey, M., Colbeck, C., Jenkins, A., & Wuetherick, B. (2006, November). The impact of national systems on institutional policies and practices for linking discipline-based research and teaching. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Washington, DC.

Boeglin, J., Varnhagen, S., & Tannis, D. (2007, June). Providing support for innovative teaching and learning practices through intra-institutional partnerships. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Hui, M., Baker, G., & Jordan, R. (2007, May). The English Language Program - Lyn Howes Award Nominee Presentation. Presentation at the conference of the Canada Language Council, Victoria, British Columbia.

Campbell, K., Fenwick, T., Gibb, T., Guo, S., Guo, Y., Hamdon, E., & Jamal, Z. (2006, October). Immigrant service organizations and employability programs: Precarious positions. Paper presented at False Promises: Precarious Work in the New Economy conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Hui, M., Baker, G., & Jordan, R. (2007, June). Quality assurance: What does it mean for international students? Paper presented at the conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Campbell, K., & Kanuka, H. (2007, November). Scholarship of instructional design. Paper presented at the International Conference in Open and Distance Learning, Forms of Democracy in Education: Open Access and Distance Education, Athens, Greece.

Ingraham, M., Scott-Hoyt, J., & Wuetherick, B. (2007, May). Anything but ordinary: Using basic technologies and learning objects to teach piano pedagogy online. Poster session presented at the conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Campbell, K., Schwier, R. A., & Kenny, R. F. (2007, June). The multivariate nature of agentic instructional design: Self as moral actor. Poster session presented at the annual Ed-Media World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Mitchell, D., Adria, M., Bakardjieva, M., & Poitras Pratt, Y. (2006, October). The constructive role of research/ers in the social shaping of technology in communities. Paper presented at the 3rd conference of Prato International Community Informatics, Prato, Italy.

Fenwick, T., Campbell, K., Hamdon, E., Gibb, T., & Jamal, Z. (2007, May). Tangled nets and gentle nettles: Negotiating research relationships with the community. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women in Education, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Robinson, F. E., Wolanski, N. J., Varnhagen, S., & Wuetherick, B. (2007, June). Assessing student perceptions of a group project-based learning experience: Before, during and after. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Fletcher, F. (2006, November). Full participation in Canadian society continues to be a challenge for immigrant women. In The Work and Learning Network Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from www.win.ualberta.ca/papersconf_06/Fletcher_conf.pdf, December 13, 2007. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.

Ross, L., Kanuka, K., & Campbell, K. (2007, May). Women in academia - You can’t always get what you want; (Do) you get what you need? Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Women’s Studies Association, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Gephart, R., Thatchenkery, T., Landrum, N., Gardner, C., & Adria, M. (2007, August). Doing good by doing critical research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Tannis, D., Daniels, J. S., & Varnhagen, S. (2007, May). Of herding cats and moving mountains: Explorations into the art and practice of collaboration in evaluation and instructional design. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Distance Education /Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Gow, G., Tsatsou, P. , Elaluf-Calderwood S., & Glushkova, K. (2007, February). Developing a knowledge base of regulatory issues in the use of FS and OS software: The experience of the European SME sector. Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Digital EcoSystems and Technologies, Cairns, Australia.


Research Publications, Presentations Varnhagen, S., Campbell, K., & Arkison, B. (2006, November). Examining the delivery of an online graduate program: MACT. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Alberta Online Consortium, Calgary, Alberta.

Wuetherick, B. (2007, June). Exploring your theoretical frameworks in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Paper presented at the Roundtable of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Varnhagen, S., Daniels, J. S., Henry, A., & Henderson, C. (2007, June). How can mid-course evaluations improve instruction at a large university? Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Wuetherick, B. (2007). The integration of teaching and research in Canada: The undergraduate student perspective. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Academic Enquiry. Retrieved December 13, 2007, from http://portal-live.solent.ac.uk/university/ rtconference/2007/colloquium_papers.aspx

Varnhagen, S., McRae, P., & Whitelaw, C. (2007, April). Examining a two-year evaluation research study of e-Textbooks from three perspectives. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Wuetherick, B., Robinson, F., Varnhagen, S., & Wilson, M. (2007, July). Understanding students’ perceptions of learning in an inquiry mode. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Sydney, Australia.

Varnhagen, S., & Sears, M. (2006, November). Utilizing evaluation research in a postsecondary institution’s instructional technology evaluations: Need for a more proactive approach. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Portland, Oregon.

Wuetherick, B., Robinson, F., Varnhagen, S., & Wilson, M. (2007, July). Understanding students’ perceptions of learning in an inquiry mode. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Adelaide, Australia.

Varnhagen, S., Sears, M., Myers, M., & Tannis, D. (2006, November). The role of the evaluator as change agent in instructional and communication technology (ICT) integration. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Portland, Oregon.

Wuetherick, B., Stephen, M., Bourassa, C., Lieberman, R., & Judge, L. (2007, May). Motivations for pursuing lifelong learning among an aging population. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Varnhagen, S., Tannis, D., & Daniels, J. S. (2007, May). Beyond quality control: Using evaluation to support ePortfolio innovations at a large university. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Wuetherick, B., & Varnhagen, S. (2007, May). Understanding appropriate assessment in fine arts continuing education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Waidyanatha, N., Anderson, P., & Gow, G. (2007, May). Hazard warnings in Sri Lanka: Challenges of internetworking with common alerting protocol. Paper presented at ISCRAM 2007, Intelligent Human Computer Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Delft, Netherlands.

Wuetherick, B., & Varnhagen, S. (2007, May). What do our students want? Linking student motivation with appropriate assessment in fine arts continuing education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Waidyanatha, N., Gow, G., & Anderson, P. (2007, October). Community-based hazard warnings in rural Sri Lanka: Performance of alerting and notification in a last-mile message relay. Paper presented at the conference of Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications (WRECOM 2007), University of Rome and IEEE Communications Society, Rome, Italy.

Yonge, O., Varnhagen, C., Dale, M., Wilson, M., Wuetherick, B., & Kachanoski, G. (2007, July). Moving in the right direction: The University of Alberta’s initiative to link teaching and research. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Sydney, Australia.

Whitfield, K. (2007, November). Women with dementia as advocacybased leaders: Implications for a model of inclusion. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Calgary, Alberta.

Non-Refereed Contributions Articles, reports, presentations, proceedings, reviews: Adria, M. (2006, November). Occasion for change: ICTs, equity, and social organizing. Presentation to the Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Whitfield, K. (2007, November). The story of palliative care policy in Alberta. Paper presented at the Charting a Course: Exploring Directions in Public Health meeting, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Adria, M. (2007, April). The SuperNet and public libraries: Some implications for communities. Paper presented at Vulcan, Alberta.


Adria, M. (2007, May). The SuperNet and public libraries: Some implications for communities. Paper presented at the Sturgeon Board of Education, Morinville, Alberta.

Fletcher, F. (2007, October). Preparing to host immigrant volunteers. Presentation to a meeting of the Volunteer Management Group, Edmonton, Alberta.

Arkison, B., Daniels, J., & Varnhagen, S. (2006). SuperNet snapshot: Final summary report (ISBN No. 978-0-7785-6396-9). Edmonton: Alberta Education Stakeholder Technology Branch.

Fletcher, F. (2007, November). Community-based research with First Nations and immigrant communities. Presentation to the Community-University Partnerships Community-based Workshop Series: An Introduction to CBR and Evaluation, Edmonton, Alberta.

Beckie, Mary. (2007, June). Creating community capacity for sustainable development. Paper presented at the Municipal Sustainability Planning Workshops, Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, Red Deer.

Fletcher, F. (2007, November). Nimi Icinohabi: Life Skills Training(c) Substance Abuse Prevention Program for Aboriginal Children and Youth. Presentation at the School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Research Symposium: Charting a Course: Exploring Directions for Public Health, Edmonton.

Beckie, Mary. (2007, June). Revisioning rural. Public presentation in Forestburg, Alberta, for the Relearning Community Speaker Series of the University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Fletcher, F., Campbell, B., & Fast, J. (2007). Immigrant women ... Why volunteer? Ottawa, ON: Knowledge Development Centre, Imagine Canada.

Beckie, Mary. (2007, November). Row by row: Growing local food systems. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Parkland Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Fletcher, F., Campbell, B., & Fast, J. (2007). Immigrant women as volunteers: Benefits for charitable and nonprofit organizations. Ottawa, ON: Knowledge Development Centre, Imagine Canada.

Berry, Dawn. (2006). Side bar: 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on Tobacco. In James Ciment (Ed.), Postwar America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History. New York: ME Sharpe.

Foth, D. (2007, March). Fit or feeble: Cognitive competencies as we age. Keynote address at a conference sponsored by the Office of the Public Guardian, Department of Seniors and Community Supports, Government of Alberta, on the Dependent Adults Act for Health Care Professionals, Social Workers, and Public Trustees, Edmonton.

Berry, Dawn. (2007a). Canadian propaganda during the First World War. In Thaddeus Russel (Ed.), The Home Front Encyclopedia: United States, Britain, and Canada in World Wars I and II. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CILO.

Foth, D. (2007, September). Promoting mental fitness. Keynote address at a conference sponsored by the Department of Seniors and Community Supports, Government of Alberta, for Health Care Professionals and Administrators of Continuing Care Facilities, Edmonton.

Berry, Dawn. (2007b). Canadian propaganda during the Second World War. In Thaddeus Russel (Ed.), The Home Front Encyclopedia: United States, Britain, and Canada in World Wars I and II. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CILO. Campbell, K. (2006). Editorial. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 32(2), 9-11.

Foth D., & Kerr, S. (2007, July). Almost everything you wanted to know about older learners. Presentation to the Routes to Learning Canada meeting, Kingston, Ontario.

Campbell, K. (2007). Lifelong learning: Devastated by funding policies? Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 33(1), 9-16.

Gow, G. (2006, November). Invited speaker at Social sustainability of hazard warning systems in Sri Lanka, a National Science Foundation Workshop on Sensor-based Detection Systems for Tsunami Warnings, University of California, Berkeley.

Fletcher, F. (2007, January). Diversity in 21st century volunteers. Stronger together ... Engaging the new face of volunteerism. Paper presented at a conference sponsored by a partnership of the Capital Region Volunteer Centres, Edmonton, Alberta.

Gow, G. (2007, April). Co-chair, Competition in Canada’s wireless industry, a Roundtable event sponsored by Van Horne Institute and WiTec Alberta, Alberta Research Council, Calgary.

Fletcher, F. (2007, May). Future learners: Community based research training. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Edmonton, Alberta.

Gow, G. (2007, May). Workshop moderator, Policy issues in public safety communications, at the Public Safety Communications Europe Annual Assembly, European Commission, Information Society Technologies, Luxembourg.

Fletcher, F. (2007, June). Community based researcher training: Development and delivery. Paper presented at the annual IUPE World Congress on Health Promotion and Health Education, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Gow, G. (2007, September). Contributor to Guidelines for using a content standard for alerts and notifications in disasters and emergency situations. Prepared for the International Telecommunications Union, Telecommunication Development Bureau (ITU-D), Geneva.


Research Publications, Presentations with older adults. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Human Ecology, Research Group on Aging Policies and Practices.

Gow, G., & Mitchell, D. (2007, May). Competition in Canada’s wireless industry [Van Horne Institute Roundtable Report]. Ottawa: Industry Canada, Public Consultation on Advanced Wireless Spectrum.

Wuetherick, B., Healey, M., & Turner, N. (2007, June). Student perceptions of research from an international perspective. Paper presented at the plenary session of the Edinburgh Colloquium on the Teaching-Research Nexus, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Grant, B., Turner, N., Clifford, V., Manathunga, C., Bills, D., Wuetherick, B., Clegg, S., Barrie, S., & Holmes, T. (2006). Light the candle or curse the darkness? HERDSA News, September.

Forthcoming Contributions:

Knight, D. (2007, October). International city-regions: Models of regional collaboration. Paper presented at the Canada West Foundation Roundtable on Regional Governance, Calgary, Alberta.

Adria, M. (in press). Technology and nationalism. In G. Herb & D. Kaplan (Eds.), Nations and nationalisms: A global historical overview. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Knight, D. (2007, October). Regional governance models: An international exploration of critical practices and lessons learned. Paper presented at the workshop on Metropolitan Governance Mechanisms for Institutional Collaboration and Civil Society Participation, hosted by the University of British Columbia and Brazil’s Ministry of Cities, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Berry, Dawn. (in press). Between defect and disability? Problematizing cleft lip and palates. In D. A. Berry & T. D. Harfield (Eds.), Making sense of health illness and disease (5th ed.). Oxford, UK: Interdiciplinary.net

Knight, D., Kajner, T., Apoll, T., MacDonald, A., Weber, B., & Ell, J. (2007). Regional governance models: An exploration of structures and critical practices. Edmonton: Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Berry, Dawn. (in press). Dissecting the visual: Art and science in the European anatomical tradition. Paper prepared for the Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine Speakers Series, 2007-2008, University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Edmonton.

Stephen, M., & Wuetherick, B. (2007, February). Lifelong learning for an aging population. Poster session presented at Nibble, Nosh and Network, Edmonton, Alberta.

Berry, Dawn. (in press). Grey anatomy: The Pernkopf Text within the European anatomical context. Paper prepared for the British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference 2008, University of Leeds, Division of History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds, January 3 to 5.

Wuetherick, B. (2007). Are we being a-theoretical? The International Commons, 2(1), 13. Wuetherick, B. (2007). Expression and creativity: Lifelong learning in the arts. Synchronicity, 81(February/March), 9.

Campbell, K., & Gibson, S. (in press). The transformation of assessment in distance education. In T. Evans, M. Haughey, & D. Murphy (Eds.), The world handbook of distance education (pp. 341-365). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Limited.

Wuetherick, B. (2007, February). Lifelong learning with older adults. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Human Ecology, Research Group on Aging Policies and Practices.

Campbell, K., Schwier, R. A., & Kenny, R. F. (in press). The critical, relational practice of instructional design in higher education: An emerging model of change agency. Educational Technology Research and Development.

Wuetherick, B. (2007, April). The integration of teaching and research in Canada. Paper prepared for International Policies and Practices for Academic Enquiry: An International Colloquium, Marwell, United Kingdom.

Fletcher, F., McKennitt, D., & Baydala, L. (in press). Community capacity building: An aboriginal exploratory case study. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health.

Wuetherick, B. (2007, June). What do our students believe? Undergraduate student perceptions of research. Paper presented at the plenary session of the Scotland Quality Assurance Agency Conference on Teaching-Research Linkages, Stirling, United Kingdom.

Gow, G. (in press). Technology assessment. In The Blackwell international encyclopedia of communication. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Wuetherick, B. (2007, June). What do our students believe? Undergraduate student perceptions of research. Paper presented at five universities in Scotland.

Gow, G., & Parisi, J. (in press). Pursuing the anonymous user: Privacy rights, mandatory registration, and prepaid mobile phones. Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society.

Wuetherick, B. (2007, July). Enhancing learning through inquiry. Paper prepared for the symposium on Enhancing the Undergraduate Learning Experience in Animal Agriculture, Through the Integration of Teaching and Research, Joint Conference of the ADSA-PSA-AMPA-ASAS, San Antonio, Texas.

Whitfield, K., & Williams, A. (in press). Growing palliative care: The story of Alberta. In E. Waugh, R. Crutcher, & O. Szafran (Eds.), New studies on culture and medicine. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.

Wuetherick, B. (2007, November). Motivations for lifelong learning

Wuetherick, B. (in press). Angela brew’s ‘Beyond the divide’: A review. The International Commons, 3(1).


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