R&D Report 2012

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RESEARCH REPORT 2012 discovery engagement citizenship

A Century of Research in the Faculty of Extension respectively the second and third Directors of Extension, waited until they had left office before publishing historical reflections on the important accomplishments and lessons learned during their terms. A.E. Corbett’s interesting and amusing reflections on extension work at the University of Alberta and elsewhere are published in his book We Have With Us Tonight (1957), as well as in various articles in the journals of the day. He had previously published a broader (and more serious) survey titled University Extension in Canada (1952), which shows some similarities to Ottewell’s survey for his thesis done four decades earlier. But what is possibly Corbett’s most significant contribution to the history of higher education in frontier contexts is his biography of his colleague and friend President Tory, titled Henry Marshall Tory, Beloved Canadian (1954). The third Director of Extension at the University of Alberta, Donald Cameron, chose to focus his historical writing on the major accomplishment that best characterized his tenure as Director, the creation and early development of the Banff School of Fine Arts—now known as The Banff Centre. Cameron published his history of this famous extension program in a book titled Campus in the Clouds (1956). This book was completed just as he was about to resign as Director of

Dr. Katy Campbell, Dean


century ago President Henry Marshall Tory created a Department of Extension at the fledgling University of Alberta—the

first such Department at a Canadian university. The first significant piece of research to come out of the new Department was complet-

ed in 1915. It was the master’s thesis of the first Director of Extension, Albert Ottewell. Titled The University Extension Movement, it was a summary and analysis of what Ottewell had learned about the practice of university extension elsewhere, particularly in Britain, Australia, and the United States. It was clearly related to what he needed to know in order to make his new Department grow and flourish. This set the pattern for research conducted by the leaders of the Department of Extension and its successor the Faculty of Extension (from 1975) over the next century. Changes in the type of research produced in Extension were closely related to changes in the mission of Extension within the University and within the Province of Alberta. Ottewell, the first Director of Extension, did his research very early in his tenure and focused on what his Department should be doing in the future. A.E. (Ned) Corbett and Donald Cameron,

A.E. Ottewell Director of Extension 1912 - 1928

A Century of Research, continued Inside this issue: "The modern state university has sprung from a demand

Aboriginal Learners: Integrating Research and Teaching


Extension’s CPI Leading the Way in Public Involvement


on the part of the people themselves….The people

MACT Graduates: Extension’s Newest Researchers


demand that knowledge shall not be the concern of

Extension Welcomes New Faculty Members


scholars alone. The uplifting of the whole people shall

Research Publications, Presentations


be its final goal. This should never be forgotten."

~ Henry Marshall Tory, 1908

Extension and divide his time between his beloved Banff School and

Arts in Communications and Technology, a largely internet-delivered

the Senate of Canada, to which he had been appointed in 1955. He

program which accepted its first students in 2000-2001. The Dean of

also published a second, longer book, The Impossible Dream (1977) in

Extension at this time, Randy Garrison, followed the example of previ-

which the creation of the Banff School of Fine Arts is treated in more

ous leaders of this extension unit by making a significant research


contribution closely related to this new type of programming. In collaboration with two other members of the Faculty of Extension (T.

The Department of Extension’s fourth (and last) Director was

Anderson and W. Archer) he published a seminal article with the title

Duncan D. Campbell, whose term extended from 1956 through 1975. During this era there was a major shift in the orientation of the

“Critical Inquiry in a Text-Based Environment: Computer Conferencing

Department. The original focus on what might be termed “classi-

in Higher Education” (2000). This article launched the Communities of

cal extension” —i.e., the provision of a wide variety of free services

Inquiry framework for the analysis of online learning, which has since

to the public at large—gradually shifted to a focus on “continuing

been adopted and adapted by many other scholars working toward

education”—i.e., the provision of learning opportunities to individuals

the improvement of online learning. Under the leadership of our current Dean, Katy Campbell, the

already having a substantial base of formal education. This shift in

Faculty of Extension has again shifted its main academic focus in

emphasis was driven not only by the development of colleges, regional libraries, and other agencies that took over much of the “classical

response to the continent-wide movement to make universities more

extension” function, but also by the post-war shift in Alberta from an

engaged with their surrounding communities. This current focus is

agrarian society to one more urban, industrial, and knowledge-based.

highlighted in the Faculty’s Academic Plan, Engaging Our Communities,

Director Campbell realized, as did others elsewhere, that the shift

drafted under the enthusiastic leadership of Dean Campbell. She has

from providing a wide variety of services to the general public to the

also led the Faculty’s involvement with the consortium of universities

efficient provision of learning opportunities related to specific, usually

that sponsor the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, which

work-related purposes entailed a shift away from Extension staff who

the University of Alberta joined as the first non-American member.

were enthusiastic amateurs to a new type of staff who were profes-

Furthermore, she was successful in persuading that organization, now

sionals trained in the emerging discipline of adult education. It was

known as the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, to hold its annual

in this context, and not unrelated to the granting of faculty status to

conference outside the United States for the first time in 2014, when

Extension in 1975, that he carried out a very extensive survey of the

it will be hosted by the Faculty of Extension at the University of

functions and professional development needs of adult educators in

Alberta (see page 8 for more details). This event will be, indeed, a

Alberta. He published the results of this survey, along with his recom-

fitting capstone to the Faculty’s strong emphasis on community-uni-

mendations for the professional development of adult educators, in

versity engagement in its research activities as well as in its provision

a monograph titled Adult Education as a Field of Study and Practice:

of learning opportunities.❑

Strategies for Development (1977). Dr. Campbell followed his own advice by creating, within the Faculty of Extension, a new program of-

For more information on Faculty of Extension research,

fering professional development opportunities for adult educators—a


program area that continues to this day. Over the first two decades of the Faculty of Extension the new adult education focus gradually became concentrated even further, with particular reference to distance delivered adult education in general and internet-based adult education in particular. One embodiment of this increasing concentration was the development of the Faculty of Extension’s first graduate program, the Master of


please contact:

Dr. Katy Campbell, Dean University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension

Enterprise Square, 10230 Jasper Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4P6

Tel: 780.492.2681 • Fax: 780.492.6735 Email: katy.campbell@ualberta.ca Website: www.extension.ualberta.ca

Aboriginal Learners:

able to share success stories of Aboriginal adult continuing education programs made possible by Extension’s commitment to meeting Aboriginal learners’ needs. In 2005, Dr. Fletcher and Dr. Patricia Ann

Integrating Research and Teaching


Makokis, with research funds from the Faculty of Extension, organized talking circles with individuals from the Treaty 6 area who had

he Faculty of Extension’s role in delivering educational programs

developed and delivered health services in Aboriginal communities.

that are relevant, timely and responsive to Alberta’s Aboriginal

Participants were asked to discuss what it would take to improve the

learners has gone through several stages over the past century. Dr.

health of their communities. As a result of this culturally appropriate

Dennis Foth, former Dean of Extension, recalls how the late Col. Eric

form of community consultation, Dr. Fletcher was approached by First

Cormack (grandfather of our current Dean of Arts) was a driving force

Nations Inuit Health to develop an educational program to support

and champion of programming for Aboriginal people as early as the

health promoters employed throughout Alberta. In 2010 the Faculty


of Extension Council approved the AboHowever, throughout the course of

riginal Health Promotion Citation (AHPC),

Dr. Foth’s own tenure as Dean (1985-1996)

which was developed and delivered with

programming for Aboriginal peoples

colleagues from Blue Quills First Nations

remained modest due to a dwindling

College (http://www.bluequills.ca/). The

audience. Some efforts to attract more

program took a unique approach to

Aboriginal people to Extension programs

enhancing relevant skills and knowledge

were made through the appointment of

of health promoters in First Nations com-

Kim Ghostkeeper as Program Assistant

munities. An estimated 45 students will

with Business Programs, with special re-

have graduated from the program by

sponsibility for Aboriginal focus programs.

June 2013.

However, at that time leaders of First Na-

More recently, Dr. Fletcher was

tions colleges and Aboriginal communities

invited to collaborate with the Aborigi-

were advocating for their own right to

nal Women’s Professional Association

design and deliver continuing education

(http://www.awpa.ca/about.html) and

to, for, and by Aboriginal people. Associ-

the Indigenous Governance and Leader-

ated with this evolution were funders’

ship Education Coalition to develop and

Dr. Fay Fletcher

uncertainties about how to distribute financial resources for development of

potentially deliver programs related to leadership and governance for Aboriginal

educational programs for Aboriginal students. Additionally, as Dr.

people living in and working with Aboriginal communities.

Foth recalls, providing opportunities for Aboriginal people, outside

Dr. Fletcher believes that recent successes in programs for Abo-

of a modest first year transition program of support for Aboriginal

riginal students are a direct result of the integration of research and

students who came to campus for an undergraduate degree, was not

teaching. Since her appointment to the Faculty of Extension in 2005,

then part of the University's academic plan.

Dr. Fletcher has worked with several First Nations—including Alexis

In addition to the work of Kim Ghostkeeper, during1993-1994

Sioux First Nation, Enoch Cree Nation, the four Maskwacis First Na-

Walter Archer, Director of Adult and Distance Education, worked with

tions (Ermineskin, Louis Bull, Montana, and Samson), and the Buffalo

the Métis Nation of Alberta to develop a one-time only Certificate

Lake Métis Settlement—on health related research.

Program in Libraries, Archives, and Museums specifically for Aborigi-

“What I have learned from colleagues and community members

nal students. Funding for this endeavor was obtained from Employ-

through community based participatory research has informed my

ment and Immigration Canada.

approach to meeting the learning needs of Aboriginal people. More

More recently, the Faculty of Extension has enjoyed more suc-

importantly, it has taught me about forming and honouring rela-

cess in programming for Aboriginal people by deliberately linking

tionships with Indigenous people, as well as honouring and valuing

such programming to its community-engaged research activities. As

Indigenous knowledge and methods of research and teaching” says

our society has changed, so has collaboration between the various

Dr. Fletcher. Building on existing general interest courses offered by

faculties of the University of Alberta and local communities in the

the Faculty and partner institutions such as the Aboriginal Leadership

design, delivery, and evaluation of educational programs. Collabora-

and Management Program at Banff Centre (http://www.banffcentre.

tion between the Faculty of Extension and local Aboriginal communi-

ca/departments/leadership/aboriginal/), the Faculty of Extension aims

ties is an outstanding example of this community-university engage-

to integrate the best of current leadership and governance training

ment. Dr. Fay Fletcher, Associate Professor and Academic Director of

with new program development. ❑

Community Engagement Studies within the Faculty of Extension, is


Centre for Public Involvement Extension’s CPI Leading the Way “This is about Edmonton and everyone’s views.” administrators and elected representatives at the City of Edmonton and among scholars across Canada. The methods used by the CPI are adapted from successful and empirically tested models from around the world and have included three Citizen Panels, a Citizen Planning Circle, and an e-advisory board. Each method differs in size and structure, but all provide for a two-way flow of communication among citizens, municipal administrators, and elected representatives. Topics for deliberation have included urban food and agriculture, finding new uses for inner-city schools, and increasing youth participation. More is planned for 2013. “A project is in the works to involve the public in learning about and responding to the City of Edmonton’s online-voting initiative this fall,” says the CPI’s project manager, Fiona Cavanagh, “as is an initiative to design a public dialogue about the City of Edmonton’s growth-coordination strategy.” The Citizen Panel on Urban Food and Agriculture met five times over a period of about two months. Small-group discussions

Fiona Cavanaugh, Marco Adria, Kalina Kamenova

were combined with plenary discussions. A total of 58 citizens participated, with about three-quarters of the group recruited by


telephone and the rest by outreach to inner-city community agen-

fter spending some 25 hours talking about food, Jasmin Tremblay

cies. The age and family income of panellists was broadly representa-

wasn’t ready to give in to fatigue. She was as ready to share her

tive of Edmonton’s population. Emphasis was placed on including

views—and to hear those of others—as she was when she began. Jas-

groups that are sometimes underrepresented, such as women,

min, a participant in the Citizen Panel on Urban Food and Agriculture,

First Nations people, the disabled, and residents who have lived in

held in the spring of 2012 and designed and operated by the Faculty

Edmonton for less than three years. More about the Citizen Panel’s

of Extension’s Centre for Public Involvement, said: “Sometimes you’re

composition and recruitment is available here: www.edmonton.ca/

voting for something that everyone else isn’t. But it’s important to


remember that this isn’t just about you. This is about Edmonton and


everyone’s views.”

The overall objectives of the Citizen Panel project are to

Bringing together a representative group of the community,

identify, affirm, and recommend strategies for urban food and

the Citizen Panel informed the participants of a proposed food

agriculture planning in Edmonton. The Citizen Panel was also cre-

policy in Edmonton, and asked them to consider the policy’s benefits

ated to demonstrate the value of well-designed citizen deliberation

and tradeoffs, as well as recommend ways to improve the policy.

and the consequences of such deliberation for municipal decision-

The Centre for Public Involvement (CPI) —based in the Faculty

making. From pre- and post-surveys of panel members, as well as of

of Extension and sponsored by both the University of Alberta

the larger Edmonton population, Dr. Kalina Kamenova (the Centre’s

and the City of Edmonton—provided the expertise and practical

research director and University of Alberta postdoctoral fellow) and

knowledge for the Citizen Panel, working with its partner, the City’s

Dr. Marco Adria (Professor and Co-Chair of the Centre) are seeking

Department of Sustainable Development. As an independent and

to determine the extent to which the Citizen Panel’s face-to-face

non-aligned institute, the CPI focuses on building the innovative po-

deliberation differs from, or is similar to, the outcomes from online

tential for public involvement in Edmonton and beyond. Approved

and other technologically mediated deliberation methods.

in 2011, the CPI’s mission is to provide “leadership in understanding

The full research team for the Citizen Panel includes five other fac-

and applying innovative public involvement ideas, practices and

ulty members and graduate students from the University of Alberta

technologies for citizen participation and deliberation.”

and Athabasca University.

Since its establishment as a pilot project in early 2009, CPI has designed and organized a suite of innovative public-involvement activities that are already becoming well known among senior

Continued on Page 8


Master of Arts in Communications and Technology MACT Graduates: Extension’s Newest Researchers Convocation Year 2011 Name

Final Project

Pamela Brown

Framing the matter: Corporate social responsibility in Alberta

James Cunningham

Blogging politics: How political bloggers value truthfulness in working with information online

Donovan Francis

Social media and the Intranet at the City of Edmonton

Susan Gustavison

Understanding user experience of locative media

Cheryl Lepatski

The study of blended learning and teaching officers investigative skills

Yin Maung Strengthening the PIP network: Exploring the motivation behind online communication and knowledge sharing Sheryl Mayko

Michelle, music and me: How siblings influence music preferences and how music influences their relationship

Goldwin McEwen

An ethnographic investigation of the publishing industry’s future

Todd Odhuno Were

How mobile technology has transformed small business in Kenya: A case study of M-PESA users

Norman Peterson

Print communications sustainability study

Erin Ryan-Walsh

DY wn2 hng ot aftr skool?: Short messaging as a tool for recruiting young people to participate in after school programs

Cherry Sham

Perceived usefulness of online educational museum resources by teachers

Rhonda Shea

Improving the integration of students into the laboratory environment by intervening in orientation: A case of sensemaking

Convocation Year 2012 Name

Final Project

Kerri Birtch

Enabling online customer feedback: Support for social customer relationship management

Daylin Breen

The medium is the menu: The domestication of mobile technologies in the home kitchen

Carolyn Grogan

The war of the boards: Interactive whiteboards, actor-network theory and the time-space continuum

Jayne Holmes

Gov 2.0 and next generation participation: Perspectives on local government using new media as a public engagement tool for adults aged 18 to 40

Catherine Keill

Edmonton homeless youth and mobile technology use: Needs satisfier or not?

Julia Marshall

Yoga devotion: An examination of social media and its effects on yoga studio loyalty

John-Paul McVea

Online self-presentation among contributors to Wikipedia

Tracy Mercier

Studying email use between workers and clients: A knowledge management approach

Simone Moreau Rodgers

Friendship via text: Teen girls’s use of text messaging within friendship

Lisa Prins

Get the word out: Enhancing the safety of prostituted individuals through a piloted text messaging program

Darin Ratzlaff

Technological literacy in elementary education: Transforming ABC’s into bits and bytes

Sandra Robertson

Ritual and the rhythm, myth and poetry of the constructed life: New stories, new meanings and new narrative ritual in emerging communities

Tahmineh Saadat

Sustainability in visual communications: An exploratory study of issues, challenges, and objectives in the graphic design industry

Lindsay Smith

Restaurant marketing and social networking

Carolyn Trumper

Communication at the clinical handoff

Gerrit Verstraete

Think art think smart: A dialetical model to examine the relationship between art and critical thought


Extension Welcomes New Faculty Members Thomas Barker


and exploring and addressing the causes of disadvantage for Aboriginal children. While teaching graduate students at the University of Alberta, Blackstock will share her advocacy for the rights of indigenous

homas Barker joined the

children and families both in Canada and around the world.

Faculty of Extension in July,

2012, as a Professor in the

Ann Curry

Master of Arts in Communications and Technology (MACT)


program. He received his PhD in American Literature from the University of Texas,

nn Curry is a Professor in the Master of Arts in

Communications and Technol-

and served as Director of

ogy (MACT) program. She

Technical Communication and Rhetoric at Texas Tech University from

received her Master of Library

2003 through 2012. Among his various publications, Dr. Barker’s most

Science degree at the Univer-

recent book is Writing Software Documentation (Allyn & Bacon Press).

sity of British Columbia and

He also has articles on writing and professional communication in

her PhD in Information Studies

Programmatic Perspectives, Technical Communication Quarterly, Inter-

at the University of Sheffield.

com, and The Journal of Business and Technical Communication. He is

Curry teaches about access to

a Fellow in the Society for Technical Communication and a recipient

and control of information,

of the J. R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching Technical Com-

including censorship, social media, privacy, and intellectual property;

munication. Dr. Barker has directed doctoral studies in public policy

management of book and electronic resources; and various research

writing, professional issues in technical communication, intercultural

methods in information/communication studies. She has received two

communication, document design, and writing program administra-

major awards for teaching excellence: the UBC Killam Teaching Award

tion. His current research is in human and risk communication with an

and the American/Canadian ALISE Award for Teaching Excellence. In

emphasis on public health, emergent disease threats, and knowledge

the past, Curry has served as Director of the U of A School of Library

studies. During the 2012-13 academic year Dr. Barker will teach two

and Information Studies (2008-2011), Professor at the UBC School of

new courses in Writing Studies, as well as two 500-level courses in the

Library, Archival, and Information Studies (1990-2007); and Program

MACT program.

Chair of the Library Technician Program at MacEwan University (19751981). Curry’s research interests include library history, the internet

Cindy Blackstock

and privacy, as well as the history and practice of censorship control. Currently, she is investigating information ethics and the evolving


nature of information access, as influenced by the internet and social

indy Blackstock, the

media. Curry remains active in information and legal organizations,

executive director of

serving on Intellectual Freedom committees and Civil Liberties organi-

the First Nations Child and


Family Caring Society of Canada, joined the Faculty

Yoshi Iwasaki

of Extension in 2011. This collaboration has furthered the Faculty’s ongo-

Yoshitaka (Yoshi)

ing commitment to work-

Iwasaki joined the Faculty

ing with Aboriginal and other stakeholders and scholars in promoting

of Extension as the Director

the human and cultural rights of First Nations families. Blackstock

of Community-University

holds a Masters in management, and a PhD in social work. A member

Partnership for the Study of

of the Gitksan Nation in British Columbia, she has worked in the field

Children, Youth, and Families

of child and family services for more than 20 years. The author of

(CUP) in July, 2011. In 2012

over 50 publications, Blackstock is also the co-author of books such as

he added a new role as the

Reconciliation in Child Welfare: Touchstones of Hope for Indigenous

Associate Dean of Research

Children, Youth, and Families, and Many Hands One Dream: Principles

in the Faculty of Extension. Previously, Iwasaki worked as a professor

for a New Perspective on the Health of First Nations, Inuit and Métis

at Temple University in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Children and Youth. Her research interests include indigenous theory,

(2006-2011), and at the University of Manitoba in the Faculty of Physi-


cal Education and Recreation Studies (1998-2006). Iwasaki received his

and Recreation. Strean received his PhD in Sport and Exercise Psychol-

PhD in Recreation and Leisure Studies in Applied Health Sciences from

ogy from the University of Illinois, and studied philosophy at both

the University of Waterloo (1998), and has published over 60 refereed

Grinnell College and the University of Iowa. A former NCAA athlete

journal articles with approximately $5 million in research funding. His

and coach, Strean is also a Certified Somatic Coach, a Certified Laugh-

research interests include cross-sector and cross cultural community

ter Yoga Teacher, and a Certified Professional Co-active Coach. In 2008,

engagement, as well as working with and mobilizing marginalized

he received the Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergrad Teach-

population groups including at-risk and high-risk youth facing life

ing, and in 2011 won the prestigious 3M National Teaching Fellow-

challenges (e.g., mental health issues, abuse, racism and other forms

ship. Strean’s research interests stem from his academic background in

of discrimination). Iwasaki’s research combines the talents and exper-

philosophy, education, sport and performance psychology, as well as

tise of the community, professionals, and academics in a non-hierarchi-

30 years of experience in coaching and leading. His current interests

cal and balanced way, based on mutual respect and trust, co-learning

focus on enhancing professional practice and community engagement,

and mutual capacity-building, power-sharing and co-ownership of

as well as higher education instructional methods. Strean’s work is

research, and collective commitment to social change. He has, in the

rooted in a somatic sensibility that looks at the human in a holistic

past, led research teams that have worked with various population

sense. He is a proponent of integrative education that emphasizes the

groups (e.g., Indigenous peoples, cultural minorities with disabilities)

community as an important ontological reality, an epistemological

in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand.

necessity, a pedagogical asset, and an ethical corrective.

Rob Shields

Heather McRae



hields is the Director of the City-Region Studies

eather McRae joined the Faculty of Extension in

July, 2012 as Associate Dean

Centre and a Henry Marshall

Tory Chair. He also teaches

(Engaged Learning). She re-

as a professor in Sociology

ceived a master’s degree from

and in Art and Design at the

the University of Oregon and

University of Alberta. Shields

recently completed a doc-

received his masters in Sociol-

toral program in Educational

ogy from Carleton University

Leadership at Simon Fraser

and his PhD in Urban and Regional Studies from the University of

University. Her thesis, which focused on the role of university continu-

Sussex. In the past, Shields was a professor of Sociology and Anthro-

ing education in community engagement, was selected for a graduate

pology at Carleton University, as well as the Director at the Institute of

student research award by the Canadian Association for University

Interdisciplinary Studies there. He founded the international peer-

Continuing Education. Before joining the University of Alberta, McRae was a Program

refereed journal Space and Culture: International Journal of Social

Director in the Division of Continuing Studies at the University of

Spaces, and the planning magazine Curb. His work is interdisciplinary, and covers architecture, urban planning, cultural studies, and regional

Victoria responsible for visioning, innovation, leadership, and man-

development. Currently, Shields’s research focuses on the late work of

agement of the unit’s programs and services. She continues to teach

Jean-Francois Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard, suburban retail, facilitat-

a graduate course for UVic in the area of governance and organiza-

ing studies of nanotech research clusters, as well as a monograph on

tional management. McRae’s research interests involve examining the theory and

“Topologies of Space.” He has published various pieces on the spatiality of the city, as well as books such as Lifestyle Shopping: The Subject

practice of adult education, community engagement, organizational

of Consumption (ed. 1993), and Places on the Margin (Outstanding

governance, partnerships, leadership, and team effectiveness. In 2009,

Book of the Year 1991).

she founded a new cross-department entity at UVIC titled Partnerships

Billy Strean

with a group of colleagues to establish a national affinity group on

in Learning and Civic Engagement (PLACE) and is currently working


community engagement through the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE). She has presented her work at confer-

n July 2012, Billy Strean

ences in Canada, Great Britain, India and the United States.

became a Professor in the

Faculty of Extension at the

University of Alberta, where

For a complete listing of Extension faculty members, visit our website: www.extension.ualberta.ca/research/professoriate-directory

he previously taught in the Faculty of Physical Education


Engagement Scholarship Conference


he Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC) aims to promote and develop strong university-community partnerships anchored in rigorous scholarship. Its membership is comprised of higher education institutions that endorse this aim. The ESC has a broad scholarly

agenda that includes: • Emphasizing that the scholarship of engagement is critical to university responsibility • Promoting and disseminating scholarship on the impact of community-university partnerships on the social, cultural,

and economic development of a community • Studying the scholarship of engagement throughout the world • Conducting meetings, workshops, institutes, symposia, and conferences throughout the world • Facilitating international cooperation among individuals concerned including engaged scholarship as a criterion of higher-

education faculty performance evaluations The 2013 ESC conference will be hosted by Texas Tech University, October 8-10, with Pre-Conference Workshops October 6-7. The

conference theme is Boundary-Spanning: Engaged Scholarship across Disciplines, Communities, & Geography. For more information, visit: http://engagementscholarship.org/conference/esc-2013-meeting The 2014 ESC conference will be hosted by the University of Alberta. We invite engaged scholars throughout the world to the 15th annual Engagement Scholarship Conference, to be held October, 6-9, 2014, in Edmonton, AB. Our conference themes and session topics will challenge scholars, students, and community partners to discuss international advancements in the scholarship of engagement. See the conference website at: www.escc2014.com

Extension’s CPI Leading the Way

continued from Page 4

they came back and continued to disagree but had some more perspective on the situation through their conversation. But sometimes they came back next week and said, ‘You know, I thought about what you said last week, and you’ve got some really good points. I might have actually changed my mind!’ A video gallery describing the experience of other Citizen Panelists can be found here: www.edmonton.ca/city_government/urban_planning_and_design/ video-gallery-food-project.aspx

Small group discussion: Citizen Panel on Urban Food and Agriculture, May 2012

Susan Johnston was one of the 22 facilitators and note-takers recruited from the City of Edmonton and from the community for the Citizen Panel on Urban Food and Agriculture. As the 25 hours of deliberation wrapped up, Susan described the keen interest citizens expressed for becoming informed about urban food and agriculture, as well as their desire to learn how to engage in the give-and-take of public policy making: [Citizen Panelists] took to heart the things their fellow partici-

Citizens at work: The Citizen Panel on Urban Food and Agriculture, May 2012

pants talked about. They actually thought about them. Maybe they went out and did a little bit more research themselves. Sometimes


Research Publications

Presentations, Creative Activites & Contributions

Refereed Contributions Books, book chapters, papers, monographs: Adria, M. (2012). The library ideal and the community network: Prospects for new technologies in the public library. In A. Clement, M. Gurstein, G. Longford, M. Moll, & L. Shade (Eds.), Connecting Canadians: Investigations in Community Informatics (367-89). Athabasca: AU Press. Adria, M., & Mao, Y. (2011). Encouraging public involvement in public policymaking through university-government collaboration. In M. Bowdon & R. Carpenter, (Eds.), Higher Education, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships: Concepts, Theories, and Priorities (374-80). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Alderman, J., Balla, S., Blackstock, C. & Khanna, N. (2011). Guidelines for the ethical engagement of young people. Ottawa: First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. Anderson, S., & Whitfield, K. (2011). An Ecological Approach to Activity after Stroke: It Takes a Community. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 18(5), 509-524. Baydala, Letendre, S., Ruttan, L., Worrell, S., Fletcher, F., Letendre, L., & Schramm, T. (2011). “Why do I need to sign it?” Issues in Carrying out Child Assent in School-Based Prevention Research with a First Nation Community. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 6(1), 99-113.

Established in 1913, Extension's travelling library served Albertans until 1987. Blackstock, C. (2011). The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on First Nations Child Welfare: Why if Canada wins, equality and justice lose. Children and Youth Services Review, 33 (1), 187-194.

Baydala, L., Worrell, S., & Fletcher, F. (2011). FASD: A preconception prevention initiative. In E.P. Riley, S. Clarren, J. Weinberg & E. Jonsson (Eds.), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Management and Policy Perspectives of FASD (151-160). Weinheim, Germany: WileyBlackwell.

Calder, M.J. & Beckie, M.A. (2011). Engaging Communities in Municipal Sustainability Planning: the use of communication strategies and social networks in Alberta, Canada. Local Environment, 16(7), 671-686. Casey, D., Williams, R., Mossiere, A., Schopflocher, D., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D., Smith, G., & Wood, R. (2011). The role of family, religiosity, and behavior in adolescent gambling. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 841-851.

Breckenridge, Y., & Erling, E. (2011). The native speaker English teacher and the politics of globalalisation in Japan. In P. Seargeant (Ed.). English in Japan in the era of globalisation (pp. 80-100). Hampshire, UK : Palgrave Macmillan.

Chapman, S. A., Shaw, K., & Hanson, T. (2010). Mobilizing knowledge as we g[r]o[w]. In Bridging the gap: Knowledge translation in Alberta (Volume 1, pp. 67-71). Edmonton, AB: Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions.

Beckie, M. A. & Bogdan, E.A. (2010). Planting Roots: Urban Agriculture for Senior Immigrants. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 1(2), 77-89. Beckie, M.A., Kennedy, E. H., & Wittman, H. (2012). Scaling Up Alternative Food Networks: Farmers’ Markets and the Role of Clustering in Western Canada. Agriculture and Human Values. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10460-0129359-9?null. doi:10.1007/s10460-012-9359-9

Currie, S., Hodgins, D., Casey, D., el-Guebaly, N., Smith, G., Williams, R., Schopflocher, D. & Wood, R. (2012). Examining the predictive validity of low risk gambling limits with longitudinal data. Addiction, 107(2), 400-406. Fletcher, F., Baydala, L., Letendre, L., Ruttan, L., Worrell, S., Letendre, S., & Schramm, T. (2012). “No Lone Person:” The Ethics Consent Process as an Ethical Dilemma in Carrying out CommunityBased Participatory Research with a First Nations Community. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health.

Blackstock, C. (2011). Wanted moral courage in child welfare. First Peoples Child and Family Review, 6 (2), 36-47. Blackstock, C. (2011). The emergence of the breath of life theory. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 8 (1), 1-16.


Research Publications, Presentations Iwasaki, Y., & Byrd, N. G. (2010). Cultural activities, identities, and mental health among urban American Indians with mixed racial/ ethnic ancestries. Race and Social Problems, 2, 101-114. Iwasaki, Y., Byrd, N. G., & Onda, T. (2011). Promoting identities and mental health via cultural/community activities among racially/ ethnically mixed urban American Indians. Family & Community Health, 34(3), 256-265. Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C., & Shank, J. (2010). Leisure as a context for active living, recovery, health, and life quality for persons with mental illness in a global context. Health Promotion International. 25(4), 483-494. Kajner, T., Fletcher, F., & Makokis, P. (2012). Balancing head and heart: The importance of relational accountability in community-university partnerships. Innovative Higher Education, 37(5), 257-270.

Laurence Twigge and the travelling library in 1945.

Krishnan, V. (2011). Teachers’ assessment of preschoolers’ social and emotional competence: Does sex of children matter in developmental outcomes? Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 7(79), 1622-1632.

Gokiert, R.J., Georgis, R., Chow, W., & Chui, Y. (2012). Early childhood developmental screening: Does culture play a role? Health Research Transfer in Alberta: Knowledge Translation Casebook, 3, 22-25. Guardado, M. (2011). Language and literacy socialization as resistance in Western Canada. In K. Potowski & J. Rothman (Eds.), Bilingual youth: Spanish in English-speaking societies (pp. 177-198). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

LeFevre, J., Fast, L., Skwarchuk, S. L., Smith-Chant, B. L., Bisanz, J., Kamawar, D., & Penner-Wilger, M. (2010). Pathways to mathematics: Longitudinal predictors of performance. Child Development, 81, 1753-1767. Leighton, J.P., Cor, K., Heffernan, C., Gokiert, R.J., & Cui, Y. (2011). An experimental test of student verbal reports and teacher evaluations as a source of validity evidence for test development. Applied Measurement in Education, 24(4), 324-348.

Guardado, M. (2011). Language, identity and cultural awareness in Spanish-speaking families. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 40(3), 171-181. Guardado, M. (2010). Heritage language development: Preserving a mythic past or envisioning the future of Canadian identity? Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 9(5), 329-346.

Mao, Y., & Adria, M. (2011). Changes in public opinion after a publicdeliberation event. Canadian Social Science, 7(6), 234-39.

Hamm, M.P., Osmond, M., Curran, J., Scott, S., Ali, S., Hartling L., Gokiert, R.J., Cappelli, M., Hnatko, G., & Newton, A.S. (2010). A Systematic Review of Crisis Interventions Used in the Emergency Department: Recommendations for Pediatric Care and Research. Pediatric Emergency Care, 26(12), 952-962.

McGee, T., Gow, G., & S. Romanowski. (2012). “Potential responses by on-campus university students to a university emergency alert,” Journal of Risk Research 15(6), 693-710. Messina, E. S., & Iwasaki, Y. (2011). Internet use and self-injurious behavior among adolescents and young adults: An interdisciplinary literature review and implications for health professionals. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(3), 161-168.

Heisler, K., Beckie, M.A., & Markey, S. (2011). Pushing the Boundaries? Community-University Engagement and the British Columbia-Alberta Research Alliance on the Social Economy. In P. Hall & I. MacPherson (Eds.), Community-University Research Partnerships: Reflections on the Canadian Social Economy Experience. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria Press.

Newton, A., Gokiert, R., Ata, N., Dong, K., Mabood, N., Ali, S., Vandermeer, B., Tjosvold, L., Hartling, L., & Wild, C. (2011). Reliability and Accuracy of Instruments to Detect Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse by Youth in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics, 128, 1-13.

Heisler, K., Beckie, M.A., & Markey, S. (2011). Expectations and Realities of Engaged Scholarship: Evaluating a Social Economy Collaborative Research Partnership. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 4(1), 25-36.

Plews, J. L., Breckenridge, Y., & Cambre, M.-C. (2010). Mexican English teachers’ experiences of international professional development in Canada: A narrative analysis. e-FLT, 7(1), 5-20. Retrieved from http://e-flt.nus.edu.sg/v7n12010/plews.pdf

Iwasaki, Y. (2010). Leisure and stress reduction. In L. Payne, B. E. Ainsworth, & G. Godbey (Eds.), Leisure, health and wellness: Making the connection (pp. 147-154). State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.

Porter, H., Iwasaki, Y., & Shank, J. (2011). Conceptualizing MeaningMaking through Leisure Experiences. Society & Leisure/Loisir et Societe, 33(2), 167-194.


Rasmussen, C., & Bisanz, J. (2011). The relation between mathematics and working memory in young children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Special Education, 45, 184-191. Shields, R. (2012). Knowing flows: How migration research meets mobilities through digital technology. In Jiron, P., Jensen, O. B., Budd, L., Fisker, C., & Vanini, P. (Eds.), Technologies of Mobility in the Americas. Peter Lang. Shields, R. (2012). Feral suburbs: Cultural topologies of social reproduction, Fort McMurray, Canada. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 15(3), 205-215. Shields, R. (2012). Urban trauma: Comment on Karen Till’s “Wounded Cities.” Political Geography, 31, 15-16. Shields, R. (2011). Preface: The New Place of Flows. In Firmino, R., Duarte, F., & Ultramari, C., (Eds.), ICTS, A New Urban Infrastructure: Surveillance, locative media and global networks (pp. xiii-xvi). Pittsburgh: IGI Global.

University Week for Farm Young People, 1940.

Anderson, S., & Whitfield, K. (2010). Community living after stroke: an ecological approach. Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association, 41, 490.

Smith, G. & Rubenstein, D. (2011). Socially responsible gambling in the public interest. Journal of Gambling Issues, 25, 54-67.

Archer, W. (2011, June). Community-University Engagement: Can Our Units Lead This Aspect of Our Institutions’ Strategic Plans? Presented at CAUCE Conference, Toronto, ON.

Whitfield, K., Daniels, J.S., Flesaker, K., & Simmons, D. (2012). Older adults with hoarding behaviour aging in place: Looking to a community-based approach for solutions. Journal of Aging Research, 2012, 1-8.

Archer, W. (2011, October). Community-university engagement: Can it be coordinated through university continuing education units? Presented at the International Workshop on Higher Education, Berlin, Germany.

Whitfield, K., & Williams, A. (2010). Growing Palliative Care: The Story of Alberta. In E. Waugh, R. Crutcher, & O. Szafran (Eds.), At the Interface of Culture & Medicine: Contemporary Canadian Studies, 35-63.

Bartlett, J.G., Robertson, P., Vedan, R., Jovel, E., King, M., Iwasaki,Y., Smylie, J.K., Pitama, S., Sanguins, J., & Dietrich, D. (2010, May). Resilient Indigenous Health Workforce Networks (RIHWNs): Constructing an international framework—Project overview. Presented at the International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development Conference, Conference theme: Knowing your Roots—Indigenous Medicine, Health Knowledges and Best Practices, Poulsbo, WA.

Wittman, H., Beckie, M.A., & Hergesheimer, C. (2012). Linking Local Food Systems and the Social Economy? Future Roles for Farmers’ Markets in Alberta and British Columbia. Journal of Rural Sociology, 77(1), 36-61.

Other Refereed Contributions Abstracts, proceedings, presentations:

Bartlett, J.G., Robertson, P., Vedan, R., Jovel, E., King, M., Iwasaki, Y., Smylie, J.K., Pitama, S., Sanguins, J., & Dietrich, D. (2010, May). First Nations and Metis perceptions of Indigenous health worker networks. Paper presented at the International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development Conference, Conference theme: Knowing your Roots—Indigenous Medicine, Health Knowledges and Best Practices, Poulsbo, WA.

Adria, M. (2011, October). Eat, Pray, Tweet: McLuhan engages Foucault, Peters, and Poster. Paper presented at McLuhan’s Philosophy of Media Conference, Brussels, Belgium. Adria, M. (2010, June). Natural environments as figure on the ground of the city. Proceedings of the Media Ecology Association, Volume 11. Retrieved from http://www.media-ecology.org/publications/ MEA_proceedings/v11/6.%20Adria.pdf

Baydala, L., Rousell, D., Fletcher, F., & McLean, B. (2011, August). A Multi-method & Multi-level Approach to Evaluating Communitybased Programs in a First Nation Community in Alberta, Canada. Paper presented at the Australasian Evaluation Society 2011 International Conference, Sydney, NSW.

Alderson, K. & Fletcher, F. (2010, November). Strategies for High School Completion: A Project with Enoch Cree Nation. Presentation for the Women and Children’s Health Research Institute.


Research Publications, Presentations children’s developmental outcomes. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI. Beveridge, J., & Wentzell, C. (2012, May). Leadership for Practice Professionalism: A Narrative of a Community-Engagement Approach to Building a New Program Highly Relevant to Societal and Economic Growth. ProPEL Conference Proceedings, Stirling, UK. Bisanz, J., Wosnack, N., Walker, C., Varnhagen, S., Schnirer, L., Prakash, M., Michailides, M., McNeil, D. C., Gokiert, R.J., Daniels, J.S., & Chalmers, G. (2011, May). A school-based services approach for wrapping services around vulnerable children. Roundtable presentation at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON. Blackstock, C. (2011). Reflection of CAHS presentations from a First Nations children’s health perspective. Panel presented at the Canadian Association of Health Sciences, Ottawa, ON. Blackstock, C. (2011). Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on First Nations Child Welfare. Presenter at the Indigenous Bar Association, Ottawa, ON. Blackstock, C. (2011). Shannen’s Dream. Presenter at the Canadian Association of School Boards, Ottawa, ON. Blackstock, C. (2011). Structural risks for First Nations children. Presenter at the Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON. A.Y. Jackson and student, sketching in Banff in the 1940s.

Blackstock, C. (2011) Structural risks for First Nations children. Presenter at the Webinar Canadian Association of Social Workers.

Beckie, M.A., Bogdan, E.A, & Elhatton, M. (2012, May). Creating Community Through Urban Agriculture. Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta Research Showcase. Edmonton, AB.

Calder, M.J. & Beckie, M.A. (2011, November). Community Engagement and Transformation: Case Studies in Municipal Sustainability Planning from AB, Canada. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Beckie, M., Cabaj, P., Hergesheimer, C., Kennedy, E., Wittman, H., & Zapisocky, M. (2010, May). Regional Clustering of Farmers’ Markets in BC and AB. Paper presented at annual Canadian Association for Food Studies Conference Montreal, QC.

Calder, M.J., Beckie, M.A., & McMann, S. (2010, October). Communication Processes in Municipal Sustainability Planning: Experiences of Two Alberta Communities. Paper presented at Taking the Next Steps: Sustainability Planning, Participating and Public Policy in Rural Canada, Camrose, AB.

Beckie, M.A. & Elhatton, M. (2011, May). Growing Community Through Urban Agriculture: a community-university project involving senior immigrants. Paper presented at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON.

Chapman, S. A. (2011, June). Studying Community-University engagement with an Earth-Charter lens – Example: Water access in Occupied East Jerusalem. Paper presented at the University of Alberta’s Canadian Environment Week, Edmonton, AB.

Beckie, M.A., Heisler, K. & Markey, S. (2010, June). Pushing the Boundaries? Community-University Engagement and the BC-AB Research Alliance on the Social Economy. Paper presented at the annual Association for Non-Profits and Social Economy Research meeting, Montreal, QC.

Chapman, S. A. (2011, Oct). Centrality of engagement in higher education. Invited facilitator at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, East Lansing, MI.

Beckie, M.A., Heisler, K., Markey, S., & Wulff, S. (2011, May). Creating a Social Economy Community of Practice: the BALTA experience. Paper presented at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON.

Chapman, S. A. (2012, March). Facilitating local lifelong learning with new compassion: A phenomenological self-study of a globalcitizenship experience. Paper presented at the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension’s International Adult Learners Week Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Betts, S., Krishnan, V., & Wang, X. (2012, May-June). Living Conditions Index (LCI): A context-based measure to understand


Chudnovskaya, K., & Gokiert, R. J. (2012, May). A developmental evaluation approach to examining a community-based partnership. Poster presented at the Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Halifax, NS. Curry, A. (2012, May). Bums, Poops, and Pees: A Scholarly Examination of Why Children Love and Adults Censor the Scatological in Children’s Books. Proceedings of Information in a Local and Global Context. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Information Science Annual Conference, Waterloo, ON. Curry, A. (2012, March). Bums, Poops, and Pees: A Scholarly Examination of Censorship of the Scatological in Children’s Literature. Paper presented at the Line(s): Censorship & Cultural Practices Comparative Literature Conference, California State University, Long Beach, CA. Curry, A. (2011, October). Censorship of Information Taught in LIS Courses: The Compass Change from Morality and Politics to Information Ethics. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Library and Information Science Education: Trends and Visions. Paper presented at the Department of Library and Information Science Symposium, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Working in the Extension film library, circa 1953.

Chapman, S. A. (2012, April). A phenomenological self-study of engagement to inform the facilitation of global citizenship. Paper presented at the international conference Engaging Hearts and Minds: An Agenda for Global Citizenship Education, Toronto, ON.

Curry, A. (2011, June). Mystery Shopper Methodology in Research. Paper presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Chapman, S. A. (2012, May). Accompanying learners as we coconstruct capacity in community-based research and evaluation (CBRE). Poster presented at the Community-University Engagement Showcase IV “Celebrating 100 Years of Engaged Research,” Edmonton, AB.

Curry. A. (2011 May). Library Renovations: With Inspiration from Lady Gaga. Paper presented at The Beyond Hope Conference, Prince George, BC. Curry, A. (2011 May). Preparing for the Baby Boomer Blast: A Public Library Service Alert. Paper presented at the Beyond Hope Conference, Prince George, BC.

Chapman, S.A., Bisanz, J., Schnirer, L., & Kieren, D. (2011, May). Building and sustaining capacity for community-engaged research and evaluation on and off campus. Roundtable presentation at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON.

Curry, A. (2011, April). Andrew Carnegie Redux: How His Vision re Public Library Architecture Is Still Relevant After 100 Years. Paper presented at the British Columbia Library Association Conference, Victoria, BC.

Chapman, S. A., & Kingsley, B. (2011, Oct). Doing community-based participatory research (CBPR) with emplaced rigor. Workshop at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, East Lansing, MI.

Curry, A. (2011, April). A Century of Censorship Challenges in BC, from Das Kapital to The Golden Mean. Paper presented at the British Columbia Library Association Conference, Victoria, BC.

Chapman, S. A., Roche, B., Whitmore, E., & Seifer, S. (2011, May). Ethical considerations in community-based participatory research (CBPR). Roundtable presentation at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON.

Curry, A. (2011, January). Introducing Information Ethics in Grades 1-12: Do Librarians Have a Role? Paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education Conference, San Diego, CA.

Chapman, S. A., & Smith, E. (2012, Jan). Peer-evaluation rubric. Invited facilitator of Teaching-Tips session at the Faculty of Extension Learning Engagement Office, Edmonton, AB.

Daniels, J.S., Arkison, B., & Varnhagen, S. (2011, November). Wrapping Services around Children: A Evaluation of Wraparound. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.

Chow, W., Gokiert, R.J., Derus, E., & Vandenberghe, C. (2011, March). Preschool Screening and Follow-up Services: Using Family and Community Assets for Intervention. Poster presented at the Society for Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, QC.


Research Publications, Presentations Fletcher F., Baydala, L., Ruttan, L., Letendre, L., Schramm,T., Letendre, S., & Worrell, S. (2011, April). “No Lone Person”: The Ethics Consent Process as an Ethical Dilemma in Carrying out CommunityBased Participatory Research with a First Nations Community. Paper presented at the Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre Conference, Saskatoon, AK. Fletcher, F., Baydala, L., Worrell, S., McLean, B., & Rousell, D. (2011, October). Measuring Academic Capacity: Research in Relationship. Paper presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, East Lansing, MI. Fletcher, F., Kajner, T., Whitfield, K., Varnhagen, S., & Bisanz, J. (2010, October). Contemplating the relationship between the study of engaged scholarship and engaged scholarship. Poster presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Corbett Hall was home to Extension from 1964 to 1989.

Daniels, J.S., Friesen, S., Jacobsen, M., & Varnhagen, S. (2010, August). Glimpses of quality teaching with technology in the high school classroom: Preliminary results from the Technology and High School Success Project, Paper presented at the Alberta Education Emerge Conference, Banff, AB.

Fletcher, F., Makokis, P., & Fox, J. (2011, May). Promoting Health Equity Through Health Promotion Education. Paper presented at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON. Fletcher, F., Rousell, D., Baydala, L., & B. McLean (2011, August). Evaluating Research Relationships: Using social network analysis to understand how relationships impact project timelines, objectives and sustainability. Paper presented at the Australasian Evaluation Society 2011 International Conference, Sydney, NSW.

Daniels, J.S., Gokiert, R. J., Prakash, M., Bisanz, J., Schnirer, L., Varnhagen, S. (2011, April). An evidence-based understanding of a wraparound approach to coordinated supports in schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Friesen, S., Jacobsen, M., Daniels, J.S., & Varnhagen, S. (June, 2011). A Two Year Case Study of Technology and High School Success/ La technologie et la réussite au secondaire: une étude de cas sure deux ans. Paper presented at the annual conference for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Fredericton, NB.

Daniels, J.S., Varnhagen, S., Friesen, S., & Jacobsen, M. (2012, April). Barriers to Systemic, Effective, and Sustainable Technology Use in the Classroom. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC.

Georgis, R., & Gokiert, R.J. (2012, June). The Potential of SchoolCommunity Partnerships in Supporting Newcomer Students and Families with Complex Needs. Poster presented at the 4th International Conference of Community Psychology, Barcelona, Spain.

Daniels, M., Gokiert, R.J., & Georgis, R. (2012, April). Intergenerational Indigenous Perspectives on Social-Emotional Development in Early Childhood. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Daniels, M., Gokiert R.J., & Georgis, R. (2012, February). Research in Indigenous Communities: The Suitability of a CommunityBased Participatory Approach. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) themed meeting: Positive Development of Minority Children, Tampa, FL.

Georgis, R., Gokiert, R.J., Chow, W., & Poth, C. (2011, May). A Framework for Community-Based Evaluation: Theory into Action. Presentation at the Canadian Evaluation Society, Edmonton, AB. Georgis, R., Gokiert, R.J., & Daniels, M. (April 2012). Evaluating the Technical Adequacy and Usability of Social Emotional Tools in Early Childhood. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC.

Ellison, C., Melnyk, O., Perron, L., Post, C., & Yamanaka, M. (2012, July). Results of New Interdisciplinary Research in ECD, Community Collaboration, Social Mapping, and Knowledge Translation, Synthesis, and Exchange. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Gokiert, R.J., Chow, W., & Chui, Y. (2011, May). Gaining the Perspective of Unique Populations in Evaluation. Presentation at the Canadian Evaluation Society, Edmonton, AB. Gokiert, R.J., Chow, W., Chiu, Y., Georgis, R., & Derus, E. (2011, May). Cross-cultural Lessons of Engaging Immigrant and Refugee Families in Research and Evaluation. Paper presented at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON.

Fletcher, F., Baydala, L. Letendre, S., Worrell, S., & Letendre, L. (2011, October). Community Based Participatory Research in First Nations Communities: Waiting for the Soul. Paper presented at the Research Transfer Network of Alberta Conference, Edmonton, AB.


Gokiert R.J., Georgis, R., & Daniels, M. (2012, February). Indigenous Perspectives on Social-Emotional Early Child Development. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) themed meeting: Minority child development, Tampa, FL. Gokiert, R.J., Georgis, R., Daniels, M., & Chui, Y. (2012, February). Social-Emotional Development Within a Multicultural Context. Workshop presented at the BC Early Years Conference, Vancouver, BC. Gokiert, R.J., Georgis, R., Derus, E., & Lee, C. (2010, November). Early Childhood Developmental Tools: A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties. Poster presented at the Women and Children’s Health Research Institute Research Day, Edmonton, AB. Gokiert, R.J., Poitras-Collins, T., Arcand, L., Derus, E., Georgis, R., Chow, W., O’Rourke, S., & Verreault, J. (2011, May). Collaborating to Understand Early Childhood Development in First Nations. Roundtable presentation at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON. Gokiert, R.J., Poitras-Collins, T., Carlson, N., Georgis, R., Daniels, M., & Edwards, K. (2012, July). Understanding Collaborative Milestones: Early Childhood Development in First Nation Communities. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Edmonton, AB.

First radio "Remote Control System" in Department of Extension, 1926. Gokiert, R.J., Chow, W., & Chui, Y. (Oct 2010). Social-Emotional Developmental Competencies in a Multicultural Context. Workshop presentation at the Alberta Early Years Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Gokiert, R.J., Poitras-Collins, T., Georgis, R., & Daniels, M. (2012, February). First Nation Child Development. Poster presented at the BC Early Years Conference, Vancouver, BC. Guardado, M. (2012, February). Heritage language development, global citizenship and the denial of hybridity. Paper presented at Connections: TESOL and Applied Linguistics in a Global Context, The 33rd Annual Applied Linguistics Winter Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY.

Gokiert, R.J., Chow, W., Derus, E., Parsah, B., & Rajani, N. (2011, April). Early Childhood Screening in Immigrant and Refugee Populations: Coordinating Sources of Validity Evidence. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Guardado, M. (2011, June). The discourses of language maintenance. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, Fredericton, NB.

Gokiert, R. J., Chow, W., Derus, E., Vandenberghe, C., & Georgis, R. (2011, April). Preschool Screening and Follow-up Services: Using Family and Community Assets for Intervention. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Guardado, M. (2010, December). From multiculturalism to cosmopolitanism in Canada: The role of heritage languages and education. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan.

Gokiert, R.J., Chui, Y., & Georgis, R. (2011, May). Early Childhood Development in a Multicultural Context. Workshop presented at the McEwan Childcare Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Guardado, M. (2010, September). Spanish language socialization and maintenance in Canada: Discursive constructions and practices. Paper presented at the Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines Conference, Łódz, Poland.

Gokiert, R.J, Daniels, M., & Georgis, R. (2012, July). SocialEmotional Development in an Indigenous Context. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Edmonton, AB.

Guardado, M. (2010, June). Recasting recasts: Expanding corrective feedback to heritage language learning interactions. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, Montreal, QC.

Gokiert, R.J., Daniels, M., Georgis, R., Edwards, K., & Lee, C. (2012, July). A Systematic Evaluation of Ten Early Childhood Social-Emotional Development Measures. Poster presented at the International Testing Commission, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Research Publications, Presentations Hibbert, A., Fletcher, F., Baydala, L., & Robertson, F. (2011, October). Visual Strategies: Activity-Based Focus Groups in CBPR. Paper presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, East Lansing, MI.

Technology Use and High School Success. Proceedings of Celebrate 3.0: Design. Learn. Community. Paper presented at the AECT’s Annual International Convention, Jacksonville, FL. Kelland, J., Smith, E., & Kanuka, H. (2011, May). Concomitant constructs: Examining patterns within and between philosophies of technology and teaching. Panel presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education meeting, Fredericton, NB.

Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C., Shank, J., Salzer, M., Baron, D., Messina, E., Kishbauch, G., Mitchell, L., Ryan, A., Koons, G., & Naveiras-Cabello, R. (2011, September). Role of Leisure and Recreation as a Context of Active Living in Recovery, Health, and Life Quality of Cultural Groups with Mental Illness. Paper presented at the Second International Research Conference on Community Inclusion of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities, Philadelphia, PA.

Kennedy, E., Zapisocky, M., Beckie, M., Cabaj, P., Hergesheimer, C., Wittman, H. (2010, June). Comparative Case Studies of Farmers’ Markets in BC and AB. Paper presented at the annual Association for Non-Profits and Social Economy Research meeting, Montreal, QC.

Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C., Shank, J., Salzer, M., Baron, D., Messina, E., Kishbauch, G., Mitchell, L., Ryan, A., Koons, G., & Naveiras-Cabello, R. (2011, May). Active Living and Leisure-Generated Meanings for Persons with Mental Illness. Paper presented at the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Niagara, ON.

Krishnan, V. (2012, July). The living conditions index (Part 1). Presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Biennial Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C., Shank, J., Salzer, M., Baron, D., Messina, E., Kishbauch, G., Mitchell, L., Ryan, A., Koons, G., & Naveiras-Cabello, R. (2011, May). Leisure, Active Living, and Life Quality of Cultural Groups with Mental Illness. Paper presented at the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, Whistler, BC.

Krishnan, V. (2011, July). Teachers’ assessment of preschoolers’ social and emotional competence: Does sex of children matter in developmental outcomes? Paper presented at the World Academy of Science, Engineering, & Technology, Paris.

Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C., Shank, J., Salzer, M., Baron, D., Messina, E., Kishbauch, G., Mitchell, L., Ryan, A., & Koons, G. (2010, September). Exploring the role of leisure in recovery from mental illness. In L. Mische-Lawson & A. Wozencroft (Eds.), Abstracts from the 2010 American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) Research Institute at the ATRA Annual Conference (pp. 21-26), Spokane, WA. Jacobsen, M., Friesen, S., Daniels, J.S., & Varnhagen, S. (2012, April). A Two-Year Case Study of High School Student Engagement and Learning with Technology. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC.

Krishnan, V. (2010, May). Constructing an Area-based Socioeconomic Index: A Principal Components Analysis Approach. Paper presented at the Early Childhood Intervention Conference, Canberra, Australia. Krishnan, V. (2010, May). Early Child Development: A Conceptual Model. Paper presented at the Early Childhood Council Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand. Lynch, S., & Krishnan, V. (2012, July). Interpreting the Results of Early Development Instrument (EDI) Data Using an Ecological Perspective. Poster presented at International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Jacobsen, M., Friesen, S., Daniels, J.S., & Varnhagen, S. (2011, November). A Mixed Method Case Study of Student Engagement,

Osana, H. P., Cooperman, A., Adrien, E., Rayner, V., Bisanz, J., Watchorn, R., & Sherman LeVos, J. (2012, April). Examining teacher knowledge and classroom practices during inquiry teaching on the equal sign. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC. Osana, H. P., Watchorn, R., Sherman LeVos, J., Taha, M., & Bisanz, J. (2011, October).Improving mathematical equivalence performance in Grades 2 and 4. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of International Group for the Psychology of Mathematical Education, Reno, NV. Piatt, C., Bisanz, J., & Volden, J. (2011, March). Exploring how children with ASD learn by exploring how they do math. In C. Piatt (Chair), How do children with Autism Spectrum Disorder learn? Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montréal, QC.

Extension Library in the basement of the Education Building, circa 1947.


Sketching the Riverboat Keno in Dawson City, 1961.

Piatt, C., Matejko, A., Watchorn, R., & Bisanz, J. (2011, March). Limits on children‘s understanding of mathematical inversion. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montréal, QC.

Seifer, S., Hawkins, L., Daly, K., & Fletcher, F. (2011, May). Recognizing and Rewarding Community Engaged Scholarship: Implications for Faculty Development, Tenure and Promotion. Paper presented at the CU Expo, Waterloo, ON.

Piatt, C., Volden, J., & Bisanz, J. (2011, May). An exploration using children's reasoning about math to identify cognitive profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.

Shank, J., Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C., Salzer, M., Baron, D., Messina, E., Kishbauch, G., Mitchell, L., Ryan, A., Koons, G., & Naveiras-Cabello, R. (2011, May). The Experiences of Leisure, Active Living, and Recovery. Paper presented at the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, Whistler, BC.

Piatt, C., Volden, J., & Bisanz, J. (2011, June). Probing mathematical abilities in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Two case studies. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Berkeley, CA.

Shaw, K., Chapman, S. A., Bisanz, J., Schnirer, L., & Tough, S. (2011, October). Symposia as a knowledge-mobilization tool to support child development. Presentation made at the Research Transfer Network of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Reynard, D. (2012, July). Children’s neighbourhoods and early childhood development: The influence of built environment on the development of young children. Poster presented at International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Shaw, K., Chapman, S. A., & Tough, S. (2012, May). How can research knowledge be mobilized effectively? Poster presented at the Community-University Engagement Showcase IV “Celebrating 100 Years of Engaged Research,” Edmonton, AB. Smith, E. (2012, May). Multicultural perspectives on Open Educational Resources: Lessons from professional development with international educators. Paper presentation at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Conference, Canmore, AB.

Sanguins, J., Bartlett, J.G., Robertson, P., Vedan, R., Jovel, E., King, M., Iwasaki, Y., Smylie, J.K., Pitama, S., & Dietrich, D. (2010, May). Work-life experiences of First Nations and Metis health workers. Paper presented at the International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development Conference, Conference theme: Knowing your Roots—Indigenous Medicine, Health Knowledges and Best Practices, Poulsbo, WA. Schultz, C. (2012, May). Creating an environment for sustainable organizational change: A case study in technology implementation. Paper presented at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Annual Conference, Canmore, AB. Schultz, C. (2012, March). Creating organizational readiness for change through workplace learning. Paper presented at the Celebrating Lifelong Learning in our Communities Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Smith, E. (2012, May). Making sense of the digital native: New directions for scholarship on the Net Generation. Paper presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education meeting, Waterloo, ON. Smith, E. (2011, May). Distributed audio-video capture in course design processes. Paper presentation at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Conference, Hamilton, ON. Smith, E. (2010, October). Utilizing a distributed process for course development. Paper presentation at the Blended Learning Conference, Toronto, ON.


Research Publications, Presentations Smith, G. (2011, August). Sociological perspectives on gambling. Presentation to American Sociological Association annual meetings, Las Vegas, NV. Smith, G. (2011, November). Gambling in Alberta: Past, present and future. Presentation to University of Alberta Dept. of Psychiatry’s annual Empathy Conference, Edmonton, AB. Smith, G. (May, 2012). Tangled Web: Investigating Canadian gambling scandals. Presentation to Canadian Sociological Association annual meetings, Waterloo, ON. Stephen, V.M. (2012, February–March). What’s a Girl to Do? Solo exhibition of felted sculptural work for the Alberta Craft Council at Discovery Gallery, Edmonton, AB. Stephen, V.M. (2011, March –July). Less is Less: What’s a Girl to Do? Felted sculpture juried into group exhibition In the Red for Alberta Craft Council at Discovery Gallery, Edmonton, AB. Varnhagen, S., Daniels, J.S., & Arkison, B. (2011, November). Problems with Multi-purpose Postsecondary Course Evaluations. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA. Varnhagen, S., Daniels, J.S., Lejeune, A., & Poth, C. (2010, November). Differing Perspectives of Quality throughout an Evaluation. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonia, TX. Varnhagen, S., Poth, C., Daniels, J.S., & Arkison, B. (2011, May). Encouraging experimentation and innovation in instruction through evaluation. Paper presented at the annual conference for the Canadian Evaluation Society, Edmonton, AB.

Laurence Twigge, Extension's media specialist in 1961. Smith, E., Kelland, J., & Kanuka, H. (2012, May). Promoting authentic use of instructional technologies: How philosophies impact educational technologies in practice. Paper presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Conference, Waterloo, ON.

Varsava, A. (2012, May). Playing the Name Game: What’s in It for You? Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Saskatoon, SK. Varsava, A. (2011, June). Customer Engagement Rebooted: Sustaining your Markets in an Age of Social Networks. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Toronto, ON.

Smith, E., Kelland, J., Kanuka, H., & Rourke, L. (2012, May). Where do we go from here? Mapping the impact of philosophies in education technology practice. Paper presentation at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Conference, Canmore, AB.

Watchorn, R., Avis, J., & Bisanz, J. (2011, June). The effect of culturally specific instructional practices on learning about mathematical equivalence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Berkeley, CA.

Smith, E., Kelland, J., Kanuka, H., & Rourke, L. (2012, April). Aligning the means with the ends: How philosophies impact the design of curriculum and technology in Higher Education practice. Paper presented with online proceedings repository, American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Vancouver, BC.

Watchorn, R., & Bisanz, J. (2010, July). Skills of the future: Developing competence in mathematical equivalence. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Lusaka, Zambia.

Smith, E., Kanuka, H., & Rourke, L. (2011, May). Philosophies of educational technologies. Paper presentation at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Conference, Hamilton, ON.

Wentzell, C. (2012, 11-12 March). Policies to Facilitate Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Building Stronger Regional and National Economies by Putting in Place an Ecosystem That Promotes Highly Successful Entrepreneurial Enterprises. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation International Research and Policy Roundtable, Liverpool, UK.

Smith, G. (2011, April). Gambling scandals: Why they happen and how to correct them. Presentation to the 10th annual Alberta Gaming Research Institute conference, Banff, AB.


Non-Refereed Contributions

Blackstock, C. (2012). Universities: It’s time to be there for First Nations Children. Newsletter of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment in Higher Education.

Adria, M. (2011). Marshall McLuhan and the Alberta connection. ArtsBridge 9. Retrieved from www.artslethbridge.org/publications/ artsbridge/issue-9-fallwinter-2011.html

Blackstock, C. (2011). Jordan’s Principle and Maurina Beadle’s fight for implementation. Eastern Branch, Ontario Association of Social Workers Bulletin, 37 (3), 12-14.

Adria, M. (2011). Tom the Radical Tory. In R. Heintzman (Ed.), Tom Symons: A Canadian Life (373-80). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Blackstock, C. (2011). Jordan and Shannen: First Nations children demand that Canada stop racially discriminating against them, Shadow report for Canada’s 3rd and 4th periodic report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. Ottawa: First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada.

Adria, M. & Adams, C. (Eds.). (2010). Readers’ Forum Introduction: The age of McLuhan, 100 Years On. English Studies in Canada 36(23), 1-32.

Blackstock, C. (2011). Reconciliation means not saying sorry twice: How inequities in Federal Government child welfare funding drive children on reserve into foster care. Submission to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women. Ottawa: First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada.

Beckie, M.A. (2012, February). Economics of Urban Agriculture. Panel presentation to Northern Mayors and Reeves of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Beckie, M.A. (2012, January). Creating a social economy communityuniversity partnership: the BALTA experience. CBRE Workshop #3: Building CBRE Partnerships. Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB.

Blackstock, C. (2011) How the legacy of residential school affects First Nations children today. Keynote speaker at the Hidden Legacy Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Beckie, M. A. (2011, January). Pushing the Boundaries? CommunityUniversity Engagement and the BC-AB Social Economy Research Alliance. Paper presented at the Faculty of Extension Seminar, Edmonton, AB.

Blackstock, C. (2011) Structural risks and First Nations children. Plenary speaker at the US National District Attorneys Association, San Diego, California.

Beckie, M.A. & Bogdan, E.A. (2011, March). Exploring Local Food Initiatives in Alberta. Paper presented at the Meet Your Maker Conference, Strathcona County, AB.

Blackstock, C. (2011) Many Hands One Dream: How health care professionals can address structural risks. Presented as the Carol Harrison Memorial Lecture at the Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, Ontario.

Blackstock, C. (2012). Child engagement in redress of First Nations rights violations. Keynote speaker at the World Conference on Social Work, Stockholm, Sweden.

Breckenridge, Y., Baker, G., & Matthew, L. (2011, April). Tangoing with technology: Using technology to increase student engagement. Paper presented at TESL Canada, Halifax, NS.

Blackstock, C. (2012). Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on First Nations Child Welfare. Keynote speaker at the University of Saskatchewan Indigenous Law, Saskatoon, SK.

Chapman, S. A. (2012, Feb). Practising community-based research (CBR) well? According to whom? Seminar in the Department of Human Ecology, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.

Blackstock, C. (2012). First Nations child welfare, risks and solutions. Keynote speaker at Taking Action Against Child Abuse, Calgary, AB.

Chapman, S. A., Gokiert, R.J., & Lynch, S. (2011, June). A partnership approach to supporting the development of children, youth, and families in Edmonton and across Alberta. Paper presentation to members of the Australasian College of Health Service Management, Edmonton, AB.

Blackstock, C. (2012). First Nations Education and Shannen’s Dream. Keynote speaker at the Ottawa/Carleton Elementary Teachers Federation, Ottawa, ON.

Chudnovskaya, K., & Gokiert, R. J. (2012, March). Applying a developmental evaluation approach to a community-based partnership: a case study. Presented at the GM Dunlop Educational Psychology Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Blackstock, C. (2011). Shannen’s Dream. Keynote speaker at the First Nations Education Steering Committee, Vancouver, BC. Blackstock, C. (2011). Many Hands One Dream, Jordan’s Principle and the role of health care professionals in addressing risk factors faced by First Nations children. Keynote speaker at the British Columbia Nurses Union, Surrey, British Columbia.

Chudnovskaya, K., & Gokiert, R. J. (2011, November). A case study of a community-based evaluation with a developmental focus. WCHRI Research Day, Edmonton, AB.


Research Publications, Presentations Retrieved from www.cup.ualberta.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ Wraparound-Site-Study-2010.pdf Daniels, J.S., Wosnack, N., Bisanz, J., Chalmers, G., Gokiert, R. J., McNeil, D. C., Michailides, M., Prakash, M., Schnirer, L., Varnhagen, S., & Walker, C. (2010). Administrators' perspectives on wrapping supports and services around students: A pan-Alberta survey. Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families (University of Alberta). Retrieved from www. cup.ualberta.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/AdministratorsPerspectives-2010.pdf Fletcher, F., & Makokis, P. (2010, November). Aboriginal Health Promotion Citation. Paper presented at the Mobile Diabetes Screening Initiative Community Gathering: Metis Settlements: The Next Steps. Edmonton, AB. Fletcher, F. & Makokis, P. (2012, February). Alberta Health Services South Alberta Cultural Workshop Report. Aboriginal Health Services Program, AB. Extension booth at the Edmonton Exhibition, July 1946. Fletcher, F. & Makokis, P. (2012, January). Alberta Health Services Central Alberta Cultural Workshop Report. Alberta Health Services Program, AB.

Curry, A. (2012, June). Information Ethics in a High-Tech World. Presented at the National Access and Privacy Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Fletcher, F. & Makokis, P. (2011, September). Alberta Health Services Northern Alberta Cultural Workshop Report. Alberta Health Services Program, AB.

Curry, A. (2012, June). The Scatological in Children’s Books: A Look at Authors and Publishers. Presentation at the Women’s Words Conference, Faculty of Extension, Edmonton, AB.

Gander, L., & Archer, W. (2012). [Review of the book The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities.] Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 42(1), 115-117.

Curry, A. (2012, June). The Edges of Acceptability in Children’s Picture Books: The Opinions of Canadian Children’s Librarians. Workshop for the library staff of Strathcona County Public Library, Sherwood Park, AB.

Gow, G. (2012, March). [Response to Thomas Keenan keynote talk, Any sufficiently advanced technology is…going to spawn a lot of fascinating unintended consequences.] Invited response presented at the Follow the Sun, Online Learning Futures Festival, University of Leicester, UK.

Curry, A. (2012, April). Competing Voices in the Public Forum: An Information Dilemma. Keynote speech at Honor’s Day Ceremony, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.

Gow, G., & L. Prins (2012, November). “Get the Word Out: Using SMS to Support Harm Reduction for Vulnerable Women,” Frontline SMS Community Blog. Retrieved from www.frontlinesms. com/2011/11/30/get-the-word-out-using-sms-to-help-reducediscrimination/

Curry, A. (2012 February). An International Intercultural Examination of Information Ethics. Invited public presentation to the general library community, held at the Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma. Organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima, Peru.

Gow, G., Prins, L., & Keller, A. (2012, May). Community-engaged research and the MARS Lab. Invited Keynote Talk presented at the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension Centenary Research Showcase, Edmonton, AB.

Curry, A. (2011 February). The Joys and Pitfalls of Using Interviews to Gather Research Data. Workshop for the library staff of Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB.

Krishnan, V. (2011). Statistics for Beginners. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd.

Daniels, J.S., Prakash, M., Wosnack, N., Bisanz, J., Chalmers, G., Gokiert, R. J., McNeil, D. C., Michailides, M., Schnirer, L., Varnhagen, S., and Walker, C. (2010). School-based perspective on wrapping supports and services around Alberta's students: A study of 13 sites. Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families (University of Alberta).

Lynch, S. (2012, March). Enlarging our Concept of Lifelong Learning: Studying Learning in the Preschool Years. Celebrating Lifelong Learning in Our Communities. Presented at the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension Conference, Edmonton, AB.


Lynch, S. (2011, March). Getting the right start to a good future. Presented at the Canadian First Nations Education Symposium. Enoch Cree First Nation.

Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families (University of Alberta). Retrieved from www.cup.ualberta.ca/index. php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=33&Itemid=234.

Perron, L. (2012, January). The Current State of Alberta's Young Children. Presented at the Alberta Association of Services for Children and Families Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Stephen, V.M. (2012, March). ‘Visual engagement: It’s not Just About Art (but that’s a great place to start). Workshop presented at the Celebrating Lifelong Learning in Our Communities Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Perron, L. (2012, March). The Current State of Alberta‘s Young Children, Working Together for our Children‘s Future: Learning and Changing Together. Presented at the Early Childhood Development Support Services and Edmonton & Area Child & Family Services Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Stephen, V.M. (2012, April). The Art of Seeing – From ‘Ugh’ to ‘Oh!!’. Workshop presented at the annual Creativity Europe Association Conference, Sestri Levante, Italy. Wellisch, M., Beckie, M., & Park, C. (2011, February). Sustainability Planning in the Saskatchewan Flax Industry. Paper presentation at the Natural Resources Canada Canmet Energy Workshop: Leadership in EcoInnovation, Saskatoon, SK.

Perron, L. (2012, March). Community Coalitions and the ECD Mapping Project. Presented at the Rural Education Sustainability Symposium, Red Deer, AB.

Whitfield, K. (2011, June). Opening-up the case: Examining the benefits & dilemmas associated with using the case study method in community-focused research. Workshop presented at the International Institute of Qualitative Methods 10th Thinking Qualitatively Workshop Series, Edmonton, AB.

Perron, L. (2012, March). Early Childhood Mapping Project: The Power of Diverse Engagement. Presented at the College of Alberta School Superintendents / Alberta Education Learning Symposium, Edmonton, AB. Perron, L. (2012, May). Connecting Communities: New Findings of the Alberta Early Child Development Mapping Project. Presented at the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium Symposium. Edmonton, AB.

Whitfield, K. (2011). Letter [to the Editor]. Plan Canada, 51(1), 7. Whitfield, K. (2011). Book Review: Creative expression in transformative learning: Tools and techniques for educators of adults. In C. Hoggan, S. Simpson, & H. Stuckey (Eds.), Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 37(1). Retrieved from http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/cjuce-rcepu/article/ view/10477/8062

Post, C. (2012, May). Early Childhood Development Mapping Project (ECMap) – GIS with a Human Geography Perspective. Presented at the GeoAlberta Conference, Calgary, AB. Post, C. (2012, July). Taking GIS beyond the norm – GIS and Children. Presented at the ESRI International Conference Committee, San Diego, CA.

Whitfield, K. (2010, September). Beginning to Grow Towards Learner Engagement Online: Matters of Trial and Error. Paper presentation at the Learning Engagement Office Annual Teaching Symposium, Faculty of Extension, Edmonton, AB.

Post, C., & Krishnan, V. (2011, March). Construction of an Areabased Socioeconomic Index: A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) Approach. Presented at the Warren E. Kalbach Population Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Whitfield, K. (2010, June). Facilitating organizational and community change: The benefits and dilemmas of using the case study method. Workshop presented at the International Institute of Qualitative Methods 10th Thinking Qualitatively Workshop Series, Edmonton, AB.

Pooyak, S. & Fletcher F. (February 2012). Best Practices for Conducting Health-related Community Based Participatory Research with Aboriginal Communities. First Nations Inuit Health, Health Canada. Prakash, M.L., Bisanz, J., Chalmers, G., Daniels, J.S., Gokiert, R. J., McNeil, D. C., Michailides, M., Schnirer, L., Varnhagen, S., Walker, C., & Wosnack, N. (2010). Integrated supports for children, youth and families: A literature review of the wraparound process. Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families (University of Alberta). Retrieved from www.cup.ualberta.ca/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_ view&gid=48&Itemid=234 Shaw, K., Chapman, S. A., Pinto, D., Delling, C., Schnirer, L., Bisanz, J., & Tough, S. (2010). Mobilizing Knowledge about the Development of Children, Youth, and Families (MKAD): Focus on knowledge transformation and learning. Community-University


Whitfield, K. (2010). Evolving and enacting the planning domain: Should we divide and conquer or unite and triumph? APPI Planning Journal, 6, 19-20. Whitfield, K. (2010) Planning for a paradigm of health and wellbeing in our communities and neighborhoods. APPI Planning Journal, 5, 12-14. Whitfield, K. (2010). Book Review: Recasting the Social in Citizenship. In Engin F. Isin (Ed). Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 36(2), 1-2. Retrieved from http://ejournals.library. ualberta.ca/index.php/cjuce-rcepu/issue/view/605

Research Publications, Presentations Whitfield, K., Daniels, J.S., & Flesaker, K. (2010). Preliminary Research Findings: “We work in a partnership, not in isolation”— Improving the independence of seniors with hoarding behaviour because community health service providers joined forces. Alberta Association on Gerontology Magazine, Spring Edition.

Chapman, S. A., & Alvadj, T. (2012, April). Community-based research and evaluation (CBRE) Workshop #6: Making a difference with CBRE – Mobilizing knowledge to inform policy and practice. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB.

Whitfield, K., Daniels, J.S., Flesaker, K., & Simmons, D. (2010). A community response to the needs and capacities of older adults with compulsive hoarding behaviour. Health & Social Care in the Community.

Chapman, S. A., & Georgis, R. (2012, March). CBRE Workshop #5: Program evaluation with a community-based approach. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB.

Williams, A., Crooks, V., Whitfield, K., Kelley, ML., Richards, JL., DeMiglio, L., & Dykeman, S. (2011, October). Tracking the evolution of hospice palliative care in Canada: A comparison case study analysis of seven provinces. Paper presented at the Conference of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society, Vancouver, BC.

Chapman, S. A. (2012, January). CBRE Workshop #3: Building CBRE partnerships. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2011, November). CBRE Workshop #2: Doing CBRE well – Ethically and with rigour. Workshop for the CommunityUniversity Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB.

Williams, A., Crooks, V., Whitfield, K., Kelley, M.L., Richards, J.L., DeMiglio, L., & Dykeman, S. (2011, September). Tracking the Evolution of Hospice Palliative Care in Canada: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Seven Provinces. Poster presented at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, St. John’s, NL.

Chapman, S. A. (2011, November). An introduction to communitybased research & evaluation. Invited customized workshop for the Homeward Trust National Housing Day Community Summit, Edmonton, AB.

Wosnack, N., Daniels, J.S., Bisanz, J., Chalmers, G., Gokiert, R. J., McNeil, D. C., Michailides, M., Prakash, M., Schnirer, L., Varnhagen, S., & Walker, C. (2010). Wrapping supports and services around Alberta's students: Research summary. CommunityUniversity Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families (University of Alberta). Retrieved from www.cup. ualberta.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Wraparound-ResearchSummary-2010.pdf

Chapman, S. A. (2011, October). CBRE Workshop #1: An introduction to community-based research & evaluation. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A., & Alvadj, T. (2011, May). CBRE Workshop #6: Making a difference with CBRE – Mobilizing knowledge to inform policy and practice. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB.

Book reviews, published reviews of Extension employees’ work, reports, policy papers, public lectures, creative works Alvadj, T. & Chapman, S. A. (2012, February). CBRE Workshop #4: Developing CBR projects – The ‘how’. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB. Alvadj, T. & Chapman, S. A. (2011, August). CBRE Workshop Series. Two-day customized series for the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Integrated Community Clerkship Program, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Beveridge, J., & Wentzell, C. (2011-2012). Employee Engagement and Productivity. Presentation to Productivity Alberta (2011, September). Industry Canada (2011, November). Government of Alberta (2012, March). Calgary Economic Development (2012, June). Industry Canada (2012, July). Chapman, S. A. (2012, June). Community-Based Research – A facilitated discussion. Full-day advance workshop at the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Chapman, S. A. (2011, May). CBRE Workshop #1: An introduction to community-based research & evaluation. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2011, April). CBRE Workshop #4: Developing CBR projects - The ‘how’. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2011, September). An introduction to CBR. Rebroadcast of the 2010 VOD/podcast for the Medical Residents’ 2011 Trainee Research Methodology Course. Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2011, September). Community-based evaluation. Guest panelist for Educational Psychology 615 (Program Evaluation), University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2011, October). An introduction to communitybased research (CBR). Guest lecturer for Community Service Learning 100, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.


Chapman, S. A., Gokiert, R.J., & Georgis, R. (2010, October). CBR Workshop #5: Program evaluation with a community-based approach. Workshop for the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2010, October). An introduction to CBRE. Half-day, pre-conference workshop at the Unwrap the Research: Exploring Life in the Fishbowl Conference. Fort McMurray, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2010, October). An introduction to CBRE. Fullday workshop at the CUP & Alberta Community Council on HIV, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A., & Shaw, K. (2010, October). Building capacity for knowledge mobilization: The MKAD Project. Webinar for the Research Transfer Network of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Retrieved from www.ahfmr.ab.ca/rtna/wc_archives.php Chapman, S. A., Hyshka, E., Mercier, T., & +Kingsley, B. (2010, September). An introduction to CBR. Workshop at the Medical Residents’ Trainee Research Methodology Course, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A., Hyshka, E., & +Kingsley, B. (2010, August). CBRE Workshop Series. Three-day, customized workshop series for the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Integrated Community Clerkship Program, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A. (2010, August). An introduction to CBR. Voice on Demand cast transferred into a podcast for the Medical Residents’ 2010 Trainee Research Methodology Course, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Chapman, S. A., Kieren, D., Bisanz, J., & Schnirer, L. (2010). CBRE Certificate Student/Mentor Handbook. Updated with N. de Los Santos in June 2012. University of Alberta Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families. Retrieved from www.cup.ualberta.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ June-2012-Handbook-CBRE-Grad-Certificate-Program.pdf Guardado, M., Meyer, K. R., & Mao, Y. (2011). Using Podcasts in EAL Programs. ATESL Newsletter, 5-7. Guardado, M. (2011). Instructor’s manual [Language arts: Content and teaching strategies (5th Canadian Ed.) by Gail E. Tompkins, Robin M. Bright, Michael J. Pollard & Pamela J. T. Winsor]. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada. Krishnan, V. (2011, October). Weighting the Alberta EDI community data. Report for Community-University Partnership ECMap, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Krishnan, V. (2011, April). Guidelines to follow when working with small numbers. Report for Community-University Partnership ECMap, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Krishnan, V. (2010). Introducing a school preparedness index for Alberta, Canada. Report for the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension, Edmonton, AB.

Krishnan, V. (2010). Early Development Instrument (EDI) Technical Report. ECMap, Community-University Partnership, University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension, Edmonton, AB. Krishnan, V., Wang, H., Babenko, O., & Lynch, S. (2011, December). Alberta’s Children in Their Early Years of Development: An Analysis of the Early Development Instrument (EDI). Community-University Partnership ECMap, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Krishnan, V., Wang, H., Babenko, O., & Lynch, S. (2011, June). Early Development Instrument (EDI), A Drilled-down Report, Edmonton West, 2009 and 2010. Community-University Partnership ECMap, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Lynch, S. (2011, June). Getting the right start to a good future. Success by 6 Council of Partners, Edmonton, AB. Post, C. (2011, March). What does social mapping mean? Presented at the North Alberta Regional Association, St. Albert, AB. Post, C. (2011, May). What does social mapping mean? Presented at the South Alberta Regional Association, Calgary, AB. Shields, R. (2012). Curb Appeal: Winter. Curb Magazine 3(1), 1-2. Shields, R. (2011). Curb Appeal: Rural Futures. Curb Magazine 2(2), 2. Shields, R. (2011, September). Topology in the scholarship of the Shan Hai Jing. Presentation at the Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China. Shields, R. (2011, September). Cultural Topologies of Property: Social Reproduction and Global Oil Circuits in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Paper presented at the Property and Globalization Symposium, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China. Shields, R. (2010, September). Plenary talk at the Creative Suburbia Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Shields, R. (2011, September). “Cultural Topology” World University Network Workshop on “Event-Spaces.” Presented at the University of Bristol, UK. Shields, R. (2011, September). Regional Research. Presented at the City-Region Studies Centre Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Smith, G. (2011). Review of Gambling for Profit, for University of Toronto Press. Book published in Nov. 2011. Smith, G. (2011). Reviewed Regulatory Failure: The Case of Crown Casino by Linda Hancock for the Australian Journal of Political Science, 47(2), 320. Wentzell, C. (2010, 17 April). White Paper on Economic Diversification in Alberta. Presented to the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, Edmonton, AB.


Research Publications, Presentations Forthcoming Contributions Aleksandrova, L., Souza, R., Bagby, R., Casey, D., Hodgins, D., Smith, G., & Williams, R. (in press). Genetic underpinnings of neuroticism: A replication study. Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy. Alvarez, G., Archer, W., Li, S., Kaplan, A., Schuetze, H., Shields, C., & Zgaga, P. (2012,October). From Community Service to Institutionalized Community Engagement. Panel presented at the International Workshop on Higher Education Reform, Pittsburgh, PA. Anderson, S., & Whitfield, K. (forthcoming). Social Identity and Stroke: “They don’t make me feel like there’s something wrong with me.” Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Baydala, L., Worrell, S., Fletcher, F., Letendre, S., Letendre, L., Ruttan, L. (forthcoming). “Making a Place of Respect”: Lessons Learned in Carrying out Consent Protocol with First Nations Elders. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education and Action. Beveridge, J., & Wentzell, C. (2012, September). University Meets Industry-Applying a Challenge and Situation Based Model of Leadership, Collaboration and Engagement That Provides Value of Relevance to a Region's Economic Growth through Economic Diversification Strategy. Verlag und Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH. Heidelberg, Germany. Beckie, M.A. & Connelly, S. (forthcoming 2012). The Role of the Social Economy in Scaling Up Alternative Food Systems. In M. Beckie, S. Connelly, M. Gismondi, S. Markey, & M. Roseland (Eds.), Seeds of Transition: the convergence of the social economy and sustainable community development. Athabasca, AB: University of Athabasca Press. Beckie, M., Connelly, S., Gismondi, M., Markey, S., & Roseland, M. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Seeds of Transition: Convergence of the Social Economy and Sustainable Community Development. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University Press. Bickis, H., & Shields, R. (Eds.) (in press). Rewriting Lyotard. London: Ashgate. Blackstock, C. (in press). Aboriginal Child Welfare Self-Government and the Rights of Indigenous Children: A book review. Children and Youth Services Review. Blackstock, C. (in press). Jordan’s Principle: Canada’s broken promise to First Nations children? Paediatrics and Child Health. Blackstock, C. & Cross, T. (in press). We are the manifestations of our ancestor’s prayers. Child Welfare. Calder, M.J., Beckie, M.A. & McMann, S. (forthcoming 2012). Municipal Sustainability Planning, Community Engagement, and Rural Revitalization: A case study of Chauvin, Alberta. In L. Halstrom, M. Beckie, G. Havengaard, & K. Mundel (Eds.) Taking the

Next Steps: Sustainability Planning, Participating and Public Policy in Rural Canada. Calder, M.J. & Beckie, M.A. (in press). Community engagement and transformation: Case studies in municipal sustainability planning from Alberta, Canada. Community Development. doi:10.1080/1557 5330.2012.705868 Chapman, S. A., Shore, N., Eder, M., & Alt, P. (in press, online). Module 3: Ethical review of community-engaged research protocols. In Institutional review boards/Research ethics boards (IRB/REB) curriculum on ethical considerations in communityengaged research. Facilitated by Community-Campus Partnerships for Health and the Tuskegee Bioethics Center. Fletcher, F. (forthcoming). Little Stories of Social Justice: Lessons I Learned from Immigrant Women and First Nations People. In L. Shultz & T. Kajner, (Eds.), Education and the Political Project of Engagement and Disengagement. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers Gokiert, R.J., & Georgis, R. (in press). Review of the Sensory Processing Measure – Preschool (SPM-P). Mental Measurements Yearbook. Gokiert, R. J., & Georgis, R. (in press). Review of the Developmental Teaching Objectives Rating Form – Revised 5th Edition (DTORF-R). Mental Measurements Yearbook. Gokiert, R.J., Noble, T., & Littlejohns, L.B. (in press). Directions for professional development: Increasing knowledge of early childhood measurement. NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field. Guardado, M. (in press). The metapragmatic regimentation of language use in Hispanic Canadian adult-child interactions. International Multilingual Research Journal. Guardado, M. (in press). The discourses of heritage language maintenance: Engaging ideologies in Canadian Hispanic communities. Heritage Language Journal. Guardado, M. (in press). Toward a critical multilingualism in Canadian classrooms: Making local inroads to a cosmopolitan identity. TESL Canada Journal. Halstrom, L., Beckie, M., Havengaard, G., & Mundel, K. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Taking the Next Steps: Sustainability Planning, Participating and Public Policy in Rural Canada. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. Hodgins, D., Schopflocher, D., Cayla, M., Casey, D., Currie, S., Smith, G. & Williams, R. (accepted for publication). Disordered gambling among high frequency gamblers: Who is at risk? Psychological Medicine. Iwasaki, Y. (in press). Coping. In A. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. New York, NY: Springer Publishers.


Iwasaki, Y. (in press). ICF Personal Factors. In H. Porter (Ed.), Recreational therapy handbook of practice: ICF codes. Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor, Inc. Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C., Shank, J., Messina, E., Porter, H., Salzer, M., Baron, D., Kishbauch, G., Naveiras-Cabello, R., Mitchell, L., Ryan, A., & Koons, G. (in press). Role of Leisure in Recovery from Mental Illness. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Jones, K., Lord, A., & Shields, R. (Eds.) (submitted to McGill-Queen's University Press). K. Jones, & A. Lord (Eds.), City-Regions in Prospect: Place meets Practice. Mao, Y., Guardado, M., & Meyer, K. R. (forthcoming). Integrating Chinese community into Canadian society: Podcasts, technology apprehension and language learning. Paper to be presented at the National Communication Association 98th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida, November 15-18, 2012. McRae, H. & Archer, W. (2012, October). Two Alternative Approaches to Reforming the Policy and Practice of Community Engagement of Higher Education. Presented at the International Workshop on Higher Education Reform, Pittsburgh, PA. Shaw, K., Chapman, S. A., & Tough, S. (in press). How can research knowledge be mobilized effectively? The School Research and Improvement Scoop. Edmonton: The School Research and Improvement Branch of the Ministry of Alberta Education. Shields, R. (in press). Cultural Topologies. London: Sage. Shields, R., & Vallee, M. (Eds.). (submitted to Red Quill Books). Deleuze-Guattari Glossary. Smith, E. (forthcoming). The digital native debate in Higher Education: A comparative analysis of recent literature. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. Whitfield, K. & Williams, A. (in press) The tensions and benefits of regionalizing palliative care services in three Canadian Prairie Provinces: Considerations for City Regionalism. In Jones, Lord and Shields Regions in Prospect? Exploring the meeting points between place and practice.



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