Teaching & Learning Services Daniel Braun
Teach Tips Workshop #3
March 24, 2010
The xLS Big List of Feedback Questions Part A: The Course A1. Overall, are you satisfied with this course to this point? Why or why not? A2. What is the best thing about the way this course is being taught? A3. If you could change one thing about the way this course is being taught, what would it be? A4. Do you have any additional comments or recommendations about the instructor or the course that you would like to add? A5. What are the three most important things you have learned in this course so far? A6. Please tell me why you are/are not satisfied with the course so far. A7. What changes could I make to improve the course? A8. What things have I done well, so far? A9. Please Rate your level of satisfaction with the course. [5 Point Scale] A10. Please explain your rating provided in question 9 A11. I understand the course objectives [Yes/No] A12.The course content and materials reflects the course objectives [Yes/No] A13. The course content is well organized. A14. I find the topics covered in the course interesting [Yes/No] A15. The lectures are well organized with important points clearly emphasized [Yes/No] A16. Instructions related to course activities are clear [Yes/No] A17. The instructor effectively uses assignments to enhance learning [Yes/No] A18. Sufficient background materials is presented for me to understand course concepts [Yes/No] A19. The course stresses rote memorization [Yes/No] A20. The course provides adequate opportunities to apply concepts learned in class [Yes/No] A21. The textbook is a good supplement to lecture material [Yes/No] A22. The assigned readings are useful in furthering my understanding of the course material [Yes/No] A23. Overall, the course has been intellectually stimulating [Yes/No] A24. This course promotes a noncompetitive environment [Yes/No] A25. I would recommend this course to a friend [Yes/No] Compared to other comparable courses you are taking or have taken, how would you rate the following? A26. The pace of the course [5 Point Scale] A27. The quantity of material covered in this course [5 Point Scale] A28. The level of material covered in this course [5 Point Scale] A29. The workload in this course [5 Point Scale] A30. The level of difficulty of course assignments [5 Point Scale] A31. The overall level of difficulty of this course [5 Point Scale] A32. Please use the space below to make comments regarding the course A33. What did you like about this course? A34. What could be done to improve the course?
Teaching & Learning Services Daniel Braun
Teach Tips Workshop #3
March 24, 2010
Part B: Student Engagement B1. On average, how regularly do you attend class? [Every/Most/Some/Only Exams] B2. Please elaborate on your response to this question (i.e., if you are not attending regularly, why not?) B3. On average, how regularly do you attend lab? [Every/Most/Some/Only Exams] B4. Please elaborate on your response to this question (i.e., if you are not attending regularly, why not?) B5. On average, how many hours per week do you spend on this course outside of class/lab time? [<1 hour/1-2 hours/2-3 hours/3-4 hours/4-5 hours/>5 hours] B6. Do you feel that the amount of time you spend on the course is appropriate? If not, why not?
Part C: Feedback C1. The feedback I receive from the instructor on assessments (exams, assignments) is useful [Yes/No] C2. The exams provide a fair and relevant assessment of material covered in the course [Yes/No] C3. The distribution of grades on assignments and exams is appropriate [Yes/No] C4. Please use the space below to make comments regarding the course feedback
Part D: Group Work For courses with group work: D1. Why do you feel group work is beneficial/not beneficial? D2. What aspects of group work do you find most challenging? D3. What challenges has your group had? D4. What could be done to improve the group work component of this course? D5. What could be done to improve the group work component of this course? D6. I have adequate opportunities to work in groups in this course [Yes/No] D7. I think Group work is beneficial to my learning in this course [Yes/No] D8. Group members worked well together [Yes/No] D9. Group members were respectful of each other [Yes/No] D10. All group members participated equally [Yes/No] D11. I enjoyed the group work in this class [Yes/No] D12. Please use the space below to make comments regarding group work: For courses without group work: D13. If group work was incorporated into this course, would this be beneficial to your learning? [Yes/No] D14. Please elaborate
Teaching & Learning Services Daniel Braun
Teach Tips Workshop #3
March 24, 2010
Part E: Labs E1. The lab in this course has adequate facilities [Yes/No] E2. The equipment and materials that I needed for laboratory activities are readily available [Yes/No] E3. The instructor clearly explained the lab procedures [Yes/No] E4. The lab sessions are well-organized [Yes/No] E5. The instructor understands and adequately explains lab assignments/equipment [Yes/No] E6. The instructor explains course concepts adequately [Yes/No] E7. Lab assignments are well-written [Yes/No] E8. Lab assignments are reasonable in length and complexity [Yes/No] E9. Assistance is always available throughout lab sessions E10. My lab assignments are promptly returned to me [Yes/No] E11. The size of the lab class is appropriate to course objectives [Yes/No] E12. The lab assignments integrate well with course content [Yes/No] E13. The lab assignments helped me to better understand the subject matter of the course [Yes/No] E14. The lab assignments helped me to apply theories from my lecture class [Yes/No] E15. The use of laboratory equipment increased my interest and understanding of the subject matter [Yes/No]
Part F: Online Content Course Web site... F1. What is your overall impression of the course Web site? [5 Point Scale] F2. What improvements/changes would you like to see on the course Web site? F3. The course website is well-organized [Yes/No] F4. The website is easy to navigate [Yes/No] F5. The colours used for the website are appealing [Yes/No] F6. The website is readable [Yes/No] F7. I have difficulties submitting my homework online [Yes/No] F8. Please use the space below to make comments regarding the course website Time Commitment... F9. How much time did you anticipate spending online in this course? [<1 hour/1-2 hours/2-3 hours/34 hours/4-5 hours/>5 hours] F10. How much time did you actually spend online in this course? [<1 hour/1-2 hours/2-3 hours/3-4 hours/4-5 hours/>5 hours] F11. Do you think that you spent an appropriate amount of time? If not, why not? F12. Do you think that the time expected of you to be online is reasonable? If not, why not? F13. The resources used are appropriate for the course [Yes/No] F14. I received enough instruction on how to use the resources [Yes/No] F15. I spend too much time trying to learn about the resources used in the course [Yes/No] F16. The resources used in this course allow me to interact more with my instructor [Yes/No] F17. The resources used in this course allow me to interact more with other students [Yes/No] F18. I am better able to understand the ideas and concepts that are taught in this course with the use of online resources [Yes/No] F19. I feel disadvantaged in this course because I did not possess adequate computer skills [Yes/No] 3
Teaching & Learning Services Daniel Braun
Teach Tips Workshop #3
March 24, 2010
If using a Content Management System (CMS) F21. Email [5 Point Scale (Not at all useful -> Very useful) F22. Discussion boards [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)][5 Point Scale Not at all useful > Very useful)] F23. Gradebook [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)] F24. Course syllabus/outline [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)] F25. Course documents (lecture notes) [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)] F26. Calendar [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)] F27. Web links [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)] F28. Online quizzes [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)] F29. Other (Please Specify) [5 Point Scale Not at all useful -> Very useful)] F30. Please use the space below to make comments regarding the CMS If not using a CMS... F31. Course notes were easy to access [Yes/No] F32. Course notes were easy to format [Yes/No] F33. Course notes were easy to print [Yes/No] F34. The practice exams were useful [Yes/No] F35. The links to web resources were useful [Yes/No] F36. The readings were useful [Yes/No] F37. The simulations were useful [Yes/No] F38. I would have liked more interactive content (eg. multimedia such as audio or video) in this course. [Yes/No] F39. Please use the space below to make comments regarding the course resources Please indicate how interested you would be in having the following technological innovations in this class/coursework: In Class: F40. Seeing web pages, essays or other computer images (projection or screen sharing). [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F41. Talking with distant experts or others off-campus (e.g., through speaker phone; video conferencing). [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F42. Using video conferencing tools to collaborate with students at other universities/colleges [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F43. Getting reliable Internet connections (wired or wireless) for laptops [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F44. Using handheld/PDA devices. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)]
Online: F45. Having access to Podcasts of lectures. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F46. Having access to audio files of lectures. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F47. Seeing the course syllabus online and using it to click directly to readings, assignments, resources, etc. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F48. Having the option to continue working with other students (storage of projects, online discussions). [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F49. Working on real-world problems using the kinds of computer tools and resources that professionals would use (e.g., Excel, GIS, etc). [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] 4
Teaching & Learning Services Daniel Braun
Teach Tips Workshop #3
March 24, 2010
F50. Using specialized collections of online information for your courses (e.g., disciplinary databases, art collections). [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F51. Developing an online "portfolio" of your work over the years to help you think about, and demonstrate, what you've learned. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F52. Having time to think before answering (online discussion in addition to in-class discussion). [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F53. Share thoughts and ideas through a Web log. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very interested)] F54. Participating in online discussions with people from different parts of the world. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very Interested)] F55. Learning some things on my own by choosing online tutorials or self-help materials [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very Interested)] F56. While doing homework, receiving online feedback to help prepare for class. [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very Interested)] F57. Studying this course completely online [5 Point Scale (Not at all interested -> Very Interested)]
Part G: Communication G1. What is your main method of communication with your isntructor for this course? [Phone/Office hours/Email/Chat/Other(Please Specify)] G2. Why? G3. What is your main method of communication witho ther students for this course? [Phone/Face-toface/Email/Chat/Other(Please specify)] G4. Why? Regarding the discussion forum: G5. The purpose of the discussion forum was adequately explained at the beginning of the course. [Yes/No] G6. The discussion forum helps improve my performance in the course [Yes/No] G7. The discussion forum was pertinent to the course content [Yes/No] G8. The discussion forum helped me to assimilate and apply the course content [Yes/No] G9. The discussion forum was an effective method of communication for this course. [Yes/No] G10. The instructor/teaching assistant actively participated in the discussion [Yes/No] G11. The discussion forum was effectively moderated. [Yes/No] G12. Please use the space below to make comments regarding the discussion forum
Part H: Technical Support H1. Have you encountered any problems accessing the course website or resources? [Yes/No] H2. If yes, please describe the problems that you encountered H3. Was it easy to find technical support when you needed it? [Yes/No] H4. Where do you most frequently go when you run into technical problems in the course? [The course instructor/The teaching assistant/Classmates/Technical support staff (e.g., AICT)/Online tutorials/Other, please specify/Did not encounter any technical problems] H5. If you required technical support, how long did it take to obtain the solution? [A few minutes/A few hours/A few days/Unable to solve my problem/Did not encounter any technical problems] Part I: Technological Experiences 5
Teaching & Learning Services Daniel Braun
Teach Tips Workshop #3
March 24, 2010
I1. In general, how comfortable are you with working on computers? 95 Point Scale (Not at all comfortable -> Very comfortable] I2. From where do you primarily access this course? [At home/At school/At work/Other] I3. What is your internet connection in this location? [High speed (e.g., cable)/Low speed (e.g., dialup)/Don't know] Part J: Demographics J1. Are you? [Male/Female] J2. What is your year of study? [1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th+/Graduate Student] J3. What is your Faculty? [Agriculture, Foresty and Home Economics/Arts/Augustana/Business/Campus Saint-Jean/Education/Engineering/Extension/Graduate Studies and Research/Law/Library and Information Studies/Medicine and Dentistry/Native Studies/Nursing/Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences/Physical Education and Recreation/Public Health/Rehabilitation Medicine/Science/St. Joseph's College/St. Stephen's College] J4. Is this course: [A required course for your major/A required course for your minor/An elective course]Bottom of Form