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New York StateCommitsto Sustainability

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New York StateCommits to Sustainability

TheUniversity at Albany ispart of theStateUniversity of New York (SUNY), thenation?slargest comprehensivepublicsystem of higher education. TheSUNY System and NYShavepartnered to createthe most aggressiveclimategoalsin theUnited Statesincluding atargeted 40% reduction of greenhousegasemissionsfrom 1990 levelsby 2030 and 85% by 2050 and 100% carbon freesourced electricity by 2040 while ensuring that our investmentsin agreen economy arejust and equitable.


Our World, Our Futurebringstogether theelementsof our campus strategic plan: facilitating ST UDEN T SUCCESS by focusing on our student?secological literacy, conducting innovativeand impactful sustainability RESEARCH , embracing DIVERSIT Y AN D IN CLUSION by creating equal accessto opportunities, facilitiesand resources, fostering IN T ERN AT ION ALIZAT ION through our advocacy of theUN SustainableDevelopment Goalsand participating in global effortsand conducting EN GAGEM EN T and SERVICE activitiesthat support thesustainability effortsin thecommunity.

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