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CultureOf Sustainability
by Green Scene
Institutionalize administrative processes, governancepracticesand social networks that will steward the planet and support well- being in campusoperationsand services.
1. Increase thenumber of students, faculty, and staff engaged in environmentally responsible practices and behaviorsthat align with theUN Global Goalsby 20%. 2. Establish a Sustainability Advisory Council. 3.Create professional development opportunities related to sustainability. 4.Adopt investment practices that align with theUniversity?senvironmental and socially responsibleoperationswhilemaximizing financial gain. 5.Incorporatestrategiesthat promotethe health and well-being of our campus community and the environment.
Lead entities; President?sOffice, Academic Affairs, Research, Financeand Administration, Government and Community Relations, Student Affairs, Advancement, Diversity & Inclusion, Athletics
Sample metrics: Number of employeesand studentsparticipating in apeer-to-peer outreach program ? Number of officesthat areGreen Workspacecertified ? Percentageof recycled officeand janitorial paper and green cleaning supplies purchased ? Resultsof campussustainability cultureassessment ?Performancein sustainability rankings?Percentageof staff participating in sustainability professional development ?Percentageof direct investment in fossil fuel companies? Percentage of investmentsin socially/environmentally responsiblefunds?Campusareamanaged under an integrated pest management program
Aspirational Goal for 2030: Sustainablepracticesarethestandardoperatingprocedures