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Ecological Literacy
by Green Scene
Prepare UAlbany studentstoaddress21st century sustainability challengesby integrating ecological literacy and the UN Global Goalsintothe curricular and co-curricular experience.
1. Increasethenumber of studentsreceiving sustainability instruction and participating in programming by 10% annually. 2. Establish a Faculty Learning Community with aminimum of 20 members working to incorporatetheUN Global Goalsinto their curriculum and assessing students?ecological literacy. 3. Expand student leadership and career development opportunities in sustainability and engagean averageof 300 studentsannually.
Lead entities: Academic Affairs, Student Affairs
SampleMetrics: Number of studentsgraduating from aprogram that has sustainability related learning objectives? Number of studentswho completea sustainability/ecological literacy assessment ? Number of studentsenrolled in theminor ? Number of studentsenrolled in sustainability related/focused courses? Number of studentsattending sustainability themed programming and events? Number of faculty participating in learning community? Number of new sustainability-related/focuscoursesdeveloped ? Number of students participating in thesustainability leadership opportunities? Number of career opportunitiesmadeavailableto students? Evaluationsof studentsparticipating in programs
Aspirational Goal for 2030: All UAlbanystudentsgraduatewiththeskillsand
knowledgenecessarytoaddressthe21st centurysustainabilitychallengesinboththeir personal andprofess ional lives .
How wonderful it isthat nobody need wait a single moment before starting toimprove the world. ~ Anne Frank