1 minute read
Carbon Neutrality And ClimateResiliency
by Green Scene
Reduce our overall carbon emissionsby 10% from fiscal year 2017-2018 levels and develop a contingency plan for threatsposed by climate change.
1. Reduce campus energy useby 20%. 2. Source 30% of our electricity from on- and off-site renewable energy systems and develop aroadmap for a non-carbon heating source for our buildings. 3. Develop a contingency plan related to emergenciesand operational challenges posed by climate change in theCapital Region. 4.Reduce carbon emissions from the campus owned fleet and equipment by 10%. 5.Reduce carbon emissions from the waste generated on campusby 10%. 6.Reduce carbon emissions from water use,food purchases,commuting and university related travel by 5%.
Lead entity: Financeand Administration; sustainablepracticesby therest of campus
Samplemetrics: ?Greenhousegasemissions ? Amount of expenditureson utilities ? Percentageof EPEAT computer equipment purchased ? Amount of renewable energy generated ? Amount of expenditureson gasand diesel ? Amount of waste sent to landfill ? Percentageof wastediverted from landfill ?Percentageof local, sustainableand plant-based food purchased ? Amount and typeof fertilizer used ? Student and Employeecommuting modes? Amount of University-related travel in miles? Expenditureson water
Aspirational Goal for 2030: Reducecarbonemiss ionsby40% fromtheUnivers ity