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So many of our members attended college during a time when financial help was always needed and we received help. We will continue our efforts to assist students in the same spirit that others helped us. Timothy Pighee, President

AM&N/UAPB Alumni Chapters gave back to their alma mater in a big way! The call for help to assist students in need of financial assistance is ongoing. The Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Greater Kansas City, and Little Rock Alumni Chapters answered that call by assisting nearly 60 students with over $57,000 in scholarships and loans to cover the cost of unpaid balances, books, and fees. Many students were very close to being sent home because their financial obligation to the university could not be met.

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We are committed to financially assisting students to ensure that they are retained. It is very important to our chapter that students not only attend UAPB but remain until they graduate.

Years ago, we needed the help of others to assist us financially. Our alumni chapter made a decision to give back to our alma mater with that same thought in mind. There are students that need our help and we have an obligation to help Jackie Cason, President them.

The purpose of the alumni chapters is to support the students and the university. When we are called upon to help, we should be prepared to answer the call. It's not always easy, but we do it.

Leslie Davis, President

David Jones, President


We give back to the institution because of the memorable experiences the University has provided us. Some of us were lucky to receive funding to support us through our studies and we remain thankful for the impact it had on our ability to succeed.

Tanya M. Townsend, President

Summer 2012 Edition

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