Fall | Winter 2011 Edition
University of Arkansas Pine Bluff | University Relations and Development
the Lifeline endowment Fund and will be matched dollar-for-dollar through the title iii Program, u.S. Department of education, office of Post-Secondary education, institutional Services Program.
Inspires Callers to Give Back in April the university of Arkansas at Pine Bluff kicked off its 9th Annual Phonathon. While other students prepared for the end of the semester and going home, 12 devoted and energetic student callers spent their evenings in the Direct Marketing Center of the
as of June 30, 2011, the following individuals have made donations to the 2011 Phonathon: Betty S. Abbott tracy Corbin Abram Atty. tony S. Adderley Mike Akin Bennie S. Alexander Sharon D. Alexander Harold B. Allen nadine Allen Cornelia Anderson Wheirmelda Anderson ethel Armstrong ruby L. Arnold Kenneth n. Bailey Jr. Deborah Baker Willie J. Banks Matthew M. Barnes Maxine Barnes ollie M. Barron Clementine Bass Ms. Marilyn Batestolbert Berta Bell Donnice A. Benford Andrew M. Bergeron Annie J. Biley Patsy Blackshear Ltc. Walleon Bobo Hannibal Bolton Calvin e. Booker
office of Development. For nearly five weeks, student callers rang the phones of thousands of uAPB alumni, friends, and supporters to update their records, present the opportunity for giving, and to have conversations about yesteryears. this year’s goal was to raise $100,000
Katherine W. Boone John Bradley Alford Branch Letha M. Branch Carolyn J. Branscomb gloria A. Brockman Bobby u. Brown eldridge A. Brown Joyce Brown o. D. Brown norma Burris Luvertha S. Butler Melvin Caldwell Sr. Joyce L. Campbell Calvin C. Canady Andrew J. Carr iV Barbara J. Chunn estella Clark Freddie Clark ramona D. Clark Delia M. Clemmons Faye Clemmons Mary V. Coleman Dr. Charles r. Colen Jr. Juanita K. Cook gustava Cooper-Baker Carutha e. Creggett Juanita Currie rheba n. Currie Janet Curry theron Dancy edward Darton Dr. Charles o Davidson Amudu B. Davis Audrey Davis Flossie Davis James r. Davis Jimmy n. Davis nancy L. Davis
ora L. Davis rebecca Dawkins Judge Lawrence e. Dawson richard V. Delphin Patricia A. Dendy octavia J. Denton Lenora Dixon Harry Durham rodesia evans Ms. earnestine everett Dr. Lillie M. Fears theodore A. Felton theartis Ferguson Fannie M. Fields Latoya A. Finley gladys Finney earnestine Fletcher oscar J. Ford Bettye J. Fowler Aretha r. Frazier grace M. Frazieredwards Faye Freeman ruby J. Freeman Mrs. Marie W. Fuller emmie J. gamble Faye e. gant Dr. L. t. gates Brenda W. george grover L. gibson Dr. Diane S gilleland irma gilmore Alma L. gladney Kelly goodwin Mary graves Maxine graves Alonzo A. gray irene V. green
towards the Lifeline endowment Fund to assist students in dire need of financial support. Collectively the student callers received over $107,000 in pledges, and as June 30, 2011, nearly 50 percent of the pledges had been paid. the majority of the donations were earmarked for
ronnie D. grice Queen e. guydon rubie J. Hairston Darren t. Hale John Hamiter Burrell L. Hampton Dr. Sybil Hampton Marshall L. Handcock Dr. Willie Hardin Sadie Harris Frances Harris-Waddell robert L. Hart Jr. Paula S. Henderson James C. Henry Columbus L. Higgins Alfreda J. Hill Calvin Hill Dr. Antony o. Hobbs Carolyn Hodges Allene Holcomb Barbara Hood Fredericka HoodWilliams elouise J. Hudson Carolyn Hugley Willie J. Hutson Aretha D. inge eldridge B. ingram Willie isby Juanita isom george ivory theo Jacks Barry t. Jackson eric Jackson Willie H. Jackson Lieutenant Colonel Solomon J. Jamerson Mylas C. Jeffers Jr. Bernice Jenkins
Carol K. Johnson Dr. Clinton M. Johnson george o. Johnson gralon A. Johnson Herman D. Johnson Paul Johnson William H. Johnson Jr. Berlin C. Jones ellawease Jones Jerril Jones Lorenzo Jones Dr. Faustine C. JonesWilson Dr. Manuel Kelley emma Kindle ollie M. King William H. King Jr. obie J. Knight roderick Kuykendall Pheifer W. Lacy Ltc. Author Laird Henry C. Lake Cleo Lee James B. Lee edward Lewis edward H. Lindsay irma Lindsey Phyllis e. Lloyd Clara A. Lofton ollie Lofton Columbus Love gloria D. Lowe Jacqueline Mannery Pinkie Mason Deloris J. Massey Alexander McCarty Johnnie B. McDonald eursalean McDonley Hazel C. Mcghee
this year, the student callers took a special interest in making a difference. each caller made a contribution of thirty dollars to the Lifeline endowment Fund. Brianna Buchanan, a first year student caller, shared her appreciation for the donors that responded, "YeS, i WiLL" when we asked for support. Buchanan went on to say, “Because of them [donors], the Phonathon was a success, not only because they gave, but because they took the time to talk to me and other students and inspired us to give back.”
Brenda J. McMurry Patricia Meadows thunie n. Meekins McClary Merritt John W. Middleton gary W. Miller Walter J. Miller Daniel D. Minor Carolyn B. Mitchell Bettye J. Moore Dr. eryn e. Moore Cornelia P. Moorehead Miriam Morehead Candace n. Mosley Barbara A. Mumford Bob nash Jesse P. newborn eddie nicholson Jr. James e. nicholson gayle orr Janet overton Helen H. Page Queen e. Paige Dr. Andrew Patterson Linda J. Paxton Clara B. Perry William K. Perry rosalind Pettigrew Mrs. Pilgram Carnis L. Poindexter Dr. Jesse rancifer Marvise rancifer Charles L. reed Janice reed Charles rice Deloris riley ruthie B. robins Mitzi S. ruth Dr. roy t. Salley
Carol Sanders Clinton Sanders Cewilla W. Shannon Jesse Sharpe Bessie M. Shaw Joyce M. Shell earnest Simpson Jr. Diane L. Skipper B. Winford Smith earline Smith ineze Smith James W. Smith Patricia A. Smith Dr. Paul Smith richard C. Smith thelma L. Smith Virginia M. Smith Helen Y. Speed Dr. Avery W. Stephens Joyce M. Stovall Sammie Stovall Sherman Swopes Daisy tatum Kenny A. tatum Mayeotis J. taylor raymond taylor Charlene r. templeton Aaron thomas eula V. thomas Dr. godfrey J. thomas Arleive D. thompson rev. Chester thompson Linda thurston robert tolerson gwendolyn M. turrentine continued on page 3