Newsletter UBL, No. 2/2016

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UBL newsletter

2016 - No. 2 Edited by Luisa M. Salguero A.

Women in Theological Education In Memoriam: Irene Foulkes


s they posed for the photo, The One Million Women Campaign the eight young women inaugurated in 1995 raised awareness of enrolled in the inaugural the importance of women’s participation in class of the Costa Rican Bible the history of churches, communities and Institute in 1922 had no idea it would nations. In 1997 the seminary became a be displayed, almost 100 years later, on state recognized private university. Gender the walls of the Latin American Biblical equality and justice were highlighted as University. Susan and Harry Strachan, priorities in the curriculum of both Biblical Irene Foulkes 1932-2016 founders of the Institute, were head of and theological studies. Today UBL is unique their time when they included women in as one of the only accredited, ecumenical their Bible Institute and brought students universities in the region with a focus on social to Costa Rica from all of Latin America to prepare for ministry. justice, gender and transformation. Currently the university The importance they placed on women’s education was is developing an online master’s degree in religion, gender evidenced in 1926 when the first graduating class from the and diversity. In contexts where violence against women and Bible Institute consisted of only women. LGBT rights have increasingly become critical issue in the region, UBL continues to prioritize gender in its degree and Fifteen years later the Bible non-degree theological and biblical programs. Institute became the Latin ... Hundreds of American Biblical Seminary, Irene Foulkes passed away at 84 years of age on Friday, students have SBL. It was to this seminary that April 15, 2016, at her home in Heredia, Costa Rica surrounded benefitted from Irene Foulkes came with her by family and dear friends. UBL, and the many men and Irene’s passion husband Richard in 1956. Irene’s women touched by her ministry, celebrates her life, work, for the Bible, her extended tenure at the Seminary and legacy. rigorous academic was marked by important work and her active contributions to Biblical studies, participation in issues and in particular, by her interest of gender justice. in Biblical interpretation from the perspective of women. Her commitment to equality and justice for women led first to a study program focusing on ministry to women, and later to the introduction of gender equality as a critical issue incorporated into all of the programs offered by the Seminary (later University). Hundreds of students have benefitted from Irene’s passion for the Bible, her rigorous academic work and First group of students at the Costa Rican Bible Institute and the first her active participation in issues of gender justice. teacher, Susana Strachan. Monday, October 2nd, 1922.

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