Newsletter no4 2016

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UBL newsletter

2016 - No. 4 Edited by Ruth Mooney

elisabeth cook new leadership


HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT (RECTOR) AT THE UBL! Edwin Mora completed his 4-year term and we have asked Elisabeth Cook to lead us for the next 4 years. Elisabeth is a Presbyterian, born in Guatemala, daughter of an Argentine father and a North American mother. Her missionary family lived in various countries of Latin American.

Eli began her career as a student at the UBL many years ago. She worked as the administrator for several years, and then became a professor in the School of Biblical Sciences, where she was also the Director. She is finishing her doctorate with the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. Most recently she has been serving as the Academic Dean. We are delighted to have her as our new President.

After 26 years of service at UBL in various capacities as a Presbyterian Church (USA) Mission Co-Worker, I am grateful for the opportunity to continue my service at UBL as Rector of the university. The increasing inequality and injustice in our world today, and the difficulties facing theological education in many regions, call UBL to strengthen its ties to churches and church-related institutions throughout the region as we seek to participate in the prophetic tasks of peacemaking, justice and social transformation. Elisabeth Cook

2283-8848 2283-4498

UBL Development Department

San Pedro, Cedros de Montes de Oca, del Perimercados 350 metros al Este.



are very sorry to be saying goodbye to several people in our UBL community.

United Nations and the UBL

MIREYA BALTODANO, professor of Psychology and Pastoral Care, is retiring after many years of serving in the UBL, not only as professor but also as Academic Dean, Vice-Rector, and counselor to many students over the years. She recently gained a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies from Spain, and has been able to incorporate much of her learning into UBL programs. She has been coordinating our new Travesías program, a continuing education program that is reaching a completely new public. ANA CECILIA RETTES is also retiring, after many years of serving as Registrar for the UBL. She is the first person that new students meet, and her warmth and friendliness have created a welcoming atmosphere for them for years. Her efficiency, friendly smile, spirit of service, and amazing memory will all be greatly missed. She will be replaced by her assistant, Vanessa Zúñiga, who will continue in Ana C’s traditions. LUISA SALGUERO has been leading the DAP (Development) office for the past few years. Luisa and her family are moving to Limón, where her husband has been given his dream job, teaching computer technology at the Technical Institute. Luisa will complete her studies at the UBL long distance, en route to becoming an Episcopal priest. The DAP office will be closed and its responsibilities divided among various people.

Serving Denominations WE CONTINUE to establish new connections at the UBL. The Presbyterian Church has asked us to prepare their pastors and leaders in Honduras, so we will be coordinating a two-year program with them, with the help of two of our Honduran graduates. We are also in negotiations with the Episcopal Church in Central America and the Caribbean to better organize our training of their priests. The Costa Rica Evangelical Alliance recently met with representatives of seminaries and the UBL to discuss programs to offer training to the national pastors. Theological training continues to be one of the most urgent needs of the churches. The UBL offers both university and non-university level courses, depending on the needs of the denomination.


September 9, Costa Rica became the first nation in the world to sign a national covenant to work toward implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The UBL represented the group of Faith Based Organization. This is an amazing cooperative project to include all the key players in the country in an effort to implement the “17 goals to transform our world” by 2030. The 193 countries of the United Nations unanimously approved the goals a year ago, but Costa Rica is the first to establish a National Covenant with the government, private sector, civil society, academic community, local governments and the United Nations to set specific agenda to achieve the goals. The Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana has a long history of working toward many of these goals within a Christian theological and biblical perspective. We have prepared leaders throughout Latin America to create churches and faith-based organizations that promote gender and racial equality, encourage communities to work together to solve problems of poverty and resources, struggle for peace in violent countries and neighborhoods, provide a foundation of faith that strengthens individuals, families and communities. But it is exciting to form part of a larger effort with specific objectives and a specific time frame. We are all in this together!

Moving ahead, moving online • • • • • • • •

Suyapa is a leader in the Lutheran church in Honduras where she works with women throughout the country. Marianela is a Catholic nun from Curacao serving in the Dominican Republic. Ana María is a chaplain serving at a Methodist school in Chile. Adrián is a pastor in the Evangelical Church of Perú. Dayanara teaches at a theological institution in Bolivia. Carlos is the pastor of a small Methodist Church in Honduras. Ernesto is the pastor of a Pentecostal church in Perú. Obed is a Presbyterian minister and university professor in Venezuela.

THESE WOMEN AND MEN are just some of the many students of the Latin American Biblical University in Costa Rica involved in ministries in local churches and community service in their countries. Their commitment to ministry, as well as job and family responsibilities often make it impossible for them to leave home for theological studies in Costa Rica. UBL has been preparing church and community leaders for service in Latin America and the Caribbean for over 90 years. Now, UBL is taking a new step in its ongoing commitment to make theological education accessible by offering our programs online.

To do this, UBL urgently needs to upgrade computer equipment and software. Our goal is to raise $15,000 by October 1, 2016 to replace outdated computers and purchase software licenses. You can help us meet this goal and enable UBL to launch its online programs in January 2017.

• Your gift of $700 will purchase one new computer. • Your gift of $200 will purchase one software license. Will you, your church, your adult Sunday school class, your women’s fellowship walk with UBL in this new adventure? WE THANK ALL THOSE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO OUR CAMPAIGN TO PURCHASE NEW COMPUTERS.

United Methodist Church Advance 10247B “Scholarships” & Advance 09139A “General Programs”

Or: Through your local Presbyterian Church E344202 Scholarships

Checks: Asociación Seminario Bíblico Latinoamericano

Click Here to Donate

Click Here to Donate donate/E344202/

UBL Development Department Soon a new BI-LENGUAL UBL website will be launched.

Address: SJO 2174, P.O. Box 025331, Miami, FL 33102

Layout: Damaris Álvarez

Christmas Giving Opportunities

Donate to:


Books for one course for one student


A book for the UBL library


Contribute to the Women’s Scholarship Fund


Tuition for one course


Room and board for one quarter for one student


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Checks: Asociación Seminario Bíblico Latinoamericano Address: SJO 2174, P.O. Box 025331, Miami, FL 33102

The Latin American Biblical University in San José, Costa Rica (UBL) has been training church and community leaders for ministries of justice and transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean since 1923. UBL students come from all church backgrounds. Your prayers and support can help ensure all students have access to theological education.

If you need more information, please contact: Luisa Salguero, UBL Department of Development and Promotion Coordinator - WhatsApp: +506 8310 3626

UBL invites you this Christmas to support students like these.

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