Newsletter no3 2016

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UBL newsletter

2016 - No. 3 Edited by Ruth Mooney



October 7 the UBL celebrated the graduation of 4 students in the Licenciatura program, following a lovely worship service with faculty, students, staff, and friends and family of the graduates. Afterwards we shared a salad luncheon together, with a variety of international recipes. • JULIO CÉSAR MELARA ARMIJO, a Salvadoran pastor and musician, graduated with a degree in Bible. He shared how, when he arrived to Costa Rica 16 years ago as a refugee, the UBL was one of the first places to welcome him, and he has been taking classes with us ever since. He serves a Lutheran church and also works with refugees. He and his wife and daughter played and sang for us during the liturgy. His thesis was a study of Philippians 2:5-11. • ADRIANA CASTOR VINDAS, a Costa Rican nun with the Sisters of Charity, completed her degree in Bible. She was working with CERJUC, which has a long and friendly relationship with the UBL, and a number of them arrived to support their sister. Adriana wrote her thesis on Psalm 91. She will be leaving soon for an 8-year assignment in Rome. • MACOY TORRES MONTENEGRO, a Peruvian pastor, won his degree in Theology with a thesis on the empowerment of adolescents in the poor neighborhoods of Lima. He has returned to Perú and started a new church in his old neighborhood. • KARINA MILAGROS GONZÁLES ZUASNAHABAR, a Methodist from Huacayo Perú, received her degree in Bible, with a thesis on Martha of Bethany. She is back in Perú serving in her church.

Lic. Hanzel Zúniga was the thesis advisor for the two students present for the graduation: Adriana and Julio. The other two had returned to their country.

2283-8848 2283-4498

UBL Development Department

San Pedro, Cedros de Montes de Oca, del Perimercados 350 metros al Este.


Brenes Venegas

Teams Volunteers Dr. Gwen Walton from Florida/ Tennessee returned to the UBL this summer to continue her work of updating the Registrar’s office data base. This time she set up a new system which will make it much easier and more efficient to keep track of student records. Gwen is a volunteer through the Methodist Church. We are very grateful for her help!



We have three more teams coming to help us and share with us this year: ACQUI worked for nine years as a librarian in the UBL library, and

was always available to help students and faculty with their research needs. Due to budget cuts, the UBL was forced to let her go, but we miss her very much. She always had a smile and a friendly greeting for everyone. She gave an orientation to the library for new students and arranged for the printing of theses of the graduating students, and everything in between.

October: First Presbyterian San Rafael Church

November: Ladue Chapel

December: Dialogo Reformado Pentecostal

From an interview with her before The diversity of cultures she left, we share some of her interand nationalities of ests and dreams: She found much students, professors, satisfaction in knowing our fine covolunteers, patrons and llection of materials and assisting all colleagues provided who needed help in accessing them. a very interesting She especially enjoyed meeting and special working some of the authors of books and environment. articles on our shelves. The diversity of cultures and nationalities of students, professors, volunteers, patrons and colleagues provided a very interesting and special working environment. Jacqui is a Costa Rican woman who likes to read, spend time with her family, listen to music, and to play with her cats. She has a huge collection of owls. She loves to dress elegantly, using beautiful accessories with her outfits. She actively participates in leadership in her Baptist Church. Her dream is to develop herself professionally and personally, and to someday get married and have children.

Web page:

Moving ahead, moving online • • • • • • • •

Suyapa is a leader in the Lutheran church in Honduras where she works with women throughout the country. Marianela is a Catholic nun from Curacao serving in the Dominican Republic. Ana María is a chaplain serving at a Methodist school in Chile. Adrián is a pastor in the Evangelical Church of Perú. Dayanara teaches at a theological institution in Bolivia. Carlos is the pastor of a small Methodist Church in Honduras. Ernesto is the pastor of a Pentecostal church in Perú. Obed is a Presbyterian minister and university professor in Venezuela.

THESE WOMEN AND MEN are just some of the many students of the Latin American Biblical University in Costa Rica involved in ministries in local churches and community service in their countries. Their commitment to ministry, as well as job and family responsibilities often make it impossible for them to leave home for theological studies in Costa Rica. UBL has been preparing church and community leaders for service in Latin America and the Caribbean for over 90 years. Now, UBL is taking a new step in its ongoing commitment to make theological education accessible by offering our programs online.

To do this, UBL urgently needs to upgrade computer equipment and software. Our goal is to raise $15,000 by October 1, 2016 to replace outdated computers and purchase software licenses. You can help us meet this goal and enable UBL to launch its online programs in January 2017.

• Your gift of $700 will purchase one new computer. • Your gift of $200 will purchase one software license. Will you, your church, your adult Sunday school class, your women’s fellowship walk with UBL in this new adventure? WE THANK ALL THOSE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO OUR CAMPAIGN TO PURCHASE NEW COMPUTERS.

United Methodist Church Advance 10247B “Scholarships” & Advance 09139A “General Programs”

Or: Through your local Presbyterian Church E344202 Scholarships

Checks: Asociación Seminario Bíblico Latinoamericano

Click Here to Donate

Click Here to Donate donate/E344202/

UBL Development Department Soon a new BI-LENGUAL UBL website will be launched.

Address: SJO 2174, P.O. Box 025331, Miami, FL 33102

Layout: Damaris Álvarez

The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, Presbyterian Hunger Program, and World Mission are pleased to announce the 2017 Travel Study Seminar to Central America.

Peacemaking, Climate Justice and Faith in Central America

Guatemala and costa rica Travel Study Seminar

January 9 – 20, 2017

INTRODUCTION TO THE SEMINAR Central America countries have a fascinating relationship with peacemaking and climate concerns. From highly conflicted communities to historically peaceful places, from environmentally degraded areas to ones of great ecologic beauty, people of faith in Guatemala and Costa Rica have been responding to issues of peace and environmental justice issues for generations. Our Time in Guatemala In the first portion of the seminar, participants will visit Guatemala to understand current political developments, conflict, and migration related to environmental and climate change concerns. We will study resource extraction and its social, economic and environmental implications for the country, as well as church activism in response to it. As we cover these complex issues, we will also look at the criminalization of environmental activists, indigenous communities and land rights, and climate change’s impact on agriculture. We will take a site visit with CEDEPCA to see community efforts and environmental sites. Our Time in Costa Rica After sharing worship in Guatemala, the seminar will travel to Costa Rica for the final four program days. In Costa Rica, participants will explore current indigenous communities’ struggles in Costa Rica such as land rights and renewable energy production as well as examine the country’s vocation for peace. In addition we will hear from various perspectives about climate change, ecotourism, sustainable agriculture, and rainforest ecology. A special connection in this portion of the trip will be theological and biblical reflection with UBL faculty.

ACCOMMODATIONS This 12-day trip includes two travel days, 6 nights in Guatemala and 5 nights in Costa Rica. Participants will be away for one Sunday unless they choose to extend their stay on their own. Accommodations are double-occupancy and modest.

COST The seminar cost is currently estimated to be $1,995 (per person, double occupancy). This includes all seminar expenses (including all meals, accommodations, programs, tips, tours, in-country transportation and airline ticket between Guatemala and Costa Rica). International travel from and returning to the U.S. is not included.

INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL The seminar cost includes a flight during the seminar from Guatemala to Costa Rica. Participants are responsible to book their own flights from and returning to the United States. Arrivals on January 9 must be to Guatemala City Aurora Airport (GUA) and departures on January 20 must be from San JosĂŠ Airport, Costa Rica (SJO) Participants may book these tickets only after they have received acknowledgement of their admission in the seminar and their itineraries have been reviewed by seminar leadership.



Applications are now available and may be submitted for this Travel Study Seminar through October 1, 2016. (After that date, applications will be reviewed as space is available.) Applicants will be notified by October 15. A deposit will be required shortly after acceptance to reserve your spot in the seminar.


The seminar itinerary and application form are available on the Peacemaking Program’s Travel Study Seminar webpage or by calling 888-728-7228 x 5200


Christmas Giving Opportunities

Donate to:


Books for one course for one student


A book for the UBL library


Contribute to the Women’s Scholarship Fund


Tuition for one course


Room and board for one quarter for one student


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Checks: Asociación Seminario Bíblico Latinoamericano Address: SJO 2174, P.O. Box 025331, Miami, FL 33102

The Latin American Biblical University in San José, Costa Rica (UBL) has been training church and community leaders for ministries of justice and transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean since 1923. UBL students come from all church backgrounds. Your prayers and support can help ensure all students have access to theological education.

If you need more information, please contact: Luisa Salguero, UBL Department of Development and Promotion Coordinator - WhatsApp: +506 8310 3626

UBL invites you this Christmas to support students like these. ilustración tomada de:

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