March 18, 2013

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BEHIND THE BLOOD We explore the blood, sweat and tears that went into the final play of the season from Theatre at UBC P6

WASTE NOT? MARCH 18, 2013 | VoLuME XcIV| IssuE XLVII i can pick locks since 1918

Budget crunch leaves the AMS without data on waste reduction efforts


rave on wheels


MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 |



this week, may we suggest...




The department of art history, visual art & theory presents photographer and journalist Lee Miller’s work from World War II.




9 p.m. @ the gallery

There are only a few weeks left to belt it out in front of all your peers at the Gallery. So take that awesome voice of yours (we know it’s beautiful) and head on down to your local campus watering hole. Oh, and support your student society by drinking.


5:30–7 p.m. @ IKBLC

With finals around the corner, now is the best time to get a little help managing your time. This workshop will help you take control of your time and be the most efficient student you can be. Register at


Did you know that The Ubyssey editorial staff elections are in less than three weeks? To be eligible to vote, you must make three contributions to the paper (which can include proofing, editing, writing, photographing, etc.) as well as attending the next three staff meetings, held at 2 p.m. on Fridays. If you have any questions regarding editorial elections, please contact coordinating editor Jonny Wakefield at coordinating @ or elections administrator Colin Chia at

Video content Make sure to check out Tyler McRobbie’s latest cooking show, airing now at

U The Ubyssey


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MARCH 18, 2013 | Volume XCIV| Issue XLViI BUSINESS


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josh curran photos/the ubyssey

Members of the UBC varsity nordic ski team train at Cypress Mountain last weekend.

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 |

EDITORS WILL Mcdonald + laura rodgers

Admissions >>

UBC’s new broad-based admissions policy means students need to demonstrate extracurricular excellence as well as high grades.

MAB COATES-davies file photo/THE UBYSSEY

Broad-based admissions: making the cut

Geoff Lister Staff Writer

UBC is releasing more information about how it uses its broadbased admissions system to admit students — and according to undergraduate admissions director Andrew Arida, a 99 per cent average may not be enough to get in anymore. 2012 marked the first year that all new students were admitted based on not just their grades, but also a written “personal profile.” The intent was to admit well-rounded students with the propensity to get involved on campus, rather than grade-grinders. The average grade of accepted students didn’t go down, though; it is 89 per cent, the same as it was in 2011. The university is now willing to shed a little more light into how personal profile data is used, but most of the process remains opaque. “It was getting to the point where the lines in the sand were arbitrary, and we want the lines in

NEWS BRIEFS UBC profs get $4.3 million to treat clubfoot in Bangladesh A project run by two UBC professors to treat infants born with clubfoot in Bangladesh received $4.3 million in federal funding. The project, called Sustainable Foot Care, is run by UBC professors Shafique Pirani and Richard Mathias. It aims to teach local health workers inexpensive methods for treating clubfoot, a congenital condition that makes walking difficult. “Despite being on another continent and having a vastly different culture, Bangladesh faces many of the same challenges as Uganda, and clubfoot is just as much of a burden for individuals, families and society,” said Pirani. $4.5 million in Canada research chair appointments for UBC The university received eight Canada research chair appointments or renewals last week, valued at $4.5 million. UBC professors Loren Riesenburg, Ken Harder and Kenichi Takahata received renewed positions, while Jeanette Armstrong, Gabriela Cohen Freue, Daniel Justice, Sheryl Lightfoot and Carles Vilarine-Guell received new appointments. The research chairs are funded by the federal government to boost research in Canada. UBC currently holds 186 Canada research chair appointments, the second highest in the country. U

the sand to be more meaningful,” said Arida. “If you have very high grades, odds are you’re going to get in, because it’s a balance between the two. A student with a grade of 80 per cent would need a stellar profile to gain admission. By the same token, a student with a 100 per cent average would need a terrible profile to not get in. Obviously, most students end up somewhere in the middle.” UBC’s Vancouver campus received 19,404 direct applications last year. Each faculty eyeballs their own minimum cutoff average, according to Arida, and all applicants with an average above that number have their personal profiles read by two reviewers. The university does random checks to ensure applicants’ responses about leadership and work experience are truthful. The profiles are scored, and if the two readers disagree significantly, a third or even a fourth read may be needed to come to a consensus. The readers are recruited from staff, faculty and alumni in ratios Sports >>

Non-varsity clubs support changes to athletics dept.

Andrew Bates Managing Editor, Web

Student groups are responding positively to the proposed changes to UBC Athletics, but they hope the university will ask for more student input before the plan rolls out. “We’re very excited ... with these changes being made, and we just want to make sure that all the [athletic] clubs continue to be consulted,” said AMS President Caroline Wong. “Hopefully they take student feedback back to produce this structure so that it actually gets used and it makes sense for students.” A UBC think tank founded by UBC VP Students Louise Cowin in May 2012 has proposed a new structure for athletics and recreation at the university called the “Competitive Sports Model.” The model will sort UBC’s competitive sports efforts into three tiers: elite partnerships with internationally competitive teams, like the current deal with Swimming Canada; varsity teams that compete in Canadian Interuniversity Sport, North American Intercollegiate Athletics and other leagues; and partially funded competitive clubs, which will get some use of UBC branding, uniforms and facility support. Currently, competitive teams without varsity status, like wrest-

that vary from faculty to faculty. For instance, according to Arida, the Faculty of Arts has more faculty reading applications, while the School of Kinesiology relies heavily on alumni. The Faculty of Arts puts by far the most weight into the personal profile, according to Arida. The process has only been around for one year, and the kinks are still being worked out. For example, the length of time it takes to review written applications has posed a challenge. “For most people, it’s additional work,” said Arida. “It’s not like we had the extra time before [and] this is just something else we have to do, so workload is an issue.” And because the new format requires applicants to do more than just plug in high school grades, more people put off submitting their applications until the last minute. In 2011, only 15 per cent of UBC applications were received in the last 10 days before the deadline. In 2012 this number shot up to 55 per cent, and UBC’s online applicaling, sailing and ultimate frisbee, operate as AMS clubs. Athletics gives the AMS some money for these clubs through the Competitive Athletics Club Fund, which has a maximum grant amount of $3,000 per team. Under the new plan, the AMS would still run competitive clubs, but UBC would directly give the clubs uniforms, limited funding and access to athletics facilities in off-peak hours. “At the moment, a lot of the clubs, such as the UBC Ultimate Club, need to rent fields,” Wong said. “This would greatly help our competitive clubs with their costs going to rentals and equipment.” Wong said the AMS is lobbying to get academic concessions for club athletes, so they can travel to tournaments during exam or midterm seasons. Sancho McCann, co-captain of the men’s ultimate frisbee team, said their twice-weekly practice trips to distant off-campus fields make it harder to pull club members together. “We do what we need to do, but it would be a lot easier to get all of our members out to all of our practices if we had a more convenient location, like on campus.” Clubs may need to restrict their rosters to UBC students only if they want free field access. The men’s ultimate frisbee team currently fields two players who are Langara students, but McCann said they might be willing to adjust in order to get this perk. The UBC Wrestling Club has

tion system crashed on the last day. The university had to extend the deadline to accommodate the snag. For the class starting in 2013, decisions about scholarships, as well as admissions, are being made based on personal profiles. Students who want to be considered for scholarships needed to have their applications completed by Dec. 10, 2012, so that UBC could assess their applications earlier and alleviate some of the strain on the system. UBC is not the first school to use broad-based admissions to attract a more diverse incoming class. The University of Oregon was one of the first to use broad-based admissions, and they based their approach on research by William Sedlacek, a professor at the University of Maryland. Oregon’s process, which was introduced in 2004, was designed to attract students that show potential to be successful in first year, despite their less-than-stellar academic performance in high school.


Twelve per cent of UBC’s incoming class for 2013-14 would not have been admitted based on the previous admissions system. The personal profile is a series of short-answer questions designed to assess students based on Sedlacek’s research. A typical question might be, “Explain how you responded to a significant challenge that you have encountered and what you learned in the process.” The responses are graded to determine a student’s self-concept, how well they can navigate a system and their level of dedication to leadership and community service. These “non-cognitive variables” have been shown to predict success in university courses. But AMS VP Academic Kiran Mahal wonders whether this attitude adjustment at the admissions office is reflected in the rest of the university. “We’re sending a pretty strong signal that UBC wants to know more about you as an individual. But I haven’t seen a significant amount of change in the rest of the university processes,... about what that means that we have more well-rounded students,” she said. “Are we starting to recognize people for more than grades? Are we starting to emphasize extracurricular involvement and pursuing personal interests while in university?” High school grades are still the best predictor of success. However, according to Arida, they can only predict 30 per cent of the variation between students’ grades in first year.“The remaining 70 per cent is everything from how long is your commute, did you have enough coffee before your exam, did your girlfriend break up with you the night before an exam — those are all things that can affect your grade that have nothing to do with your high school grades,” said Arida. “Admissions is a social science, not an exact science. It’s human behaviour and it’s tough to predict.” U

Josh Curran file photo/THE UBYSSEY

UBC Wrestling Club coach David Wilson is hopeful his team will get varsity status.

made six unsuccessful bids for varsity status over the last six years, according to coach David Wilson. UBC Athletics’ new plan promises to make the process for varsity applications more transparent, and Wilson hopes this will improve the club’s chances on their next try. “It’s something that we can strive for,” Wilson said. “At least it would give us an outline of what we need to do.” The goal of the new athletics plan, according to Cowin, is to make UBC “the healthiest university in the world.” The think tank wants to get more students involved in various types of athletics, but the details of how they’ll accomplish this haven’t been ironed out yet. “How can we think about programming that is going to

be attractive and engaging and diverse and safe for all students to come and be more engaged in their physical self?” said Cowin in a March 8 interview. Wong, for one, is optimistic. “I definitely think it would lay the foundation for it, and we’re going to have to make a shift in culture by the students,” Wong said. “They would need to implement a model that makes sense for students [to use].” But for athletic clubs, competitive excellence is still the top goal. “We’re student athletes. We aim to compete at a high level, whether or not we have the [financial] support from the university,” McCann said. “Just being able to really represent UBC and to be Thunderbirds would make a really big difference to our team.” U

4 | NEWS |

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013


Ex-minister Yap implicated in Liberal probe Laura Rodgers News Editor

pHoto CouRtEsy oF bCgoVpHotos/FLICkR

A b.C. Liberal investiagation found that former Minister of Advanced Eduation John yap was involved in the rollout of the Liberals’ maligned ethnic voter outreach plan.

A B.C. Liberal project using taxpayer-funded resources to mount an election campaign targeting minority voters ran out of the B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education with the knowledge of former minister John Yap, according to a report issued by Liberal deputy minister John Dyble. The report, at the centre of an ongoing B.C. Liberal scandal, found a “serious misuse” of government time and resources to conduct party business: crafting a strategy to promote the party among B.C. voters who are members of ethnic minority groups. The report said the once-secret outreach project began in 2011

within the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation when Harry Bloy, also the minister of state for multiculturalism, held that post. Bloy resigned from Cabinet in the spring of 2012, and John Yap took over as minister of state for multiculturalism. Then in a summer 2012 cabinet shuffle, Yap was appointed as minister of advanced education, innovation and technology — and the ethnic outreach project followed him. Yap had already resigned from Cabinet by the time the report’s results were made public last Thursday. Two government staffers have resigned from their posts entirely in the wake of the scandal, and the Liberals have pledged to pay back the $70,000 of taxpayer funds they spent on partisan

activities. The report notes that Yap was aware that former ministry staffer Brian Bonney frequently used his personal email address, rather than his government address, for communication about the project in order to circumvent freedom-of-information laws. Yap and Premier Christy Clark have both apologized and expressed remorse over what occurred in the ethnic outreach project. However, they have both also said they had some degree of ignorance regarding the project’s activities. The NDP, so far, say they aren’t fully satisfied with the outcome of the report. They are calling for a broader investigation from an independent body. U

AMS, UBC measure success of waste reduction strategies Ming Wong Senior News Writer

Although the AMS is increasing the use of compostable or recyclable food packaging, there isn’t any data to show if these initiatives result in less waste in landfills. A waste audit breaks down what materials go to landfill, what is recycled and what is composted. The last audit, in 2009, showed that of the waste that went to landfill, 38 per cent of it was food waste that could have been recycled or composted. The student society’s sustainability strategy calls for annual waste audits, but AMS sustainability coordinator Justin Ritchie said the $20,000$40,000 price tag is too expensive. Although the data is from four years ago, Ritchie said that based on a glance at the overflowing SUB garbage cans, things have not improved. “Our waste diversion is pretty terrible,” said Ritchie. “[We’re] putting all kinds of things in the garbage that really should just not be there.” But Ritchie said the AMS does its part to reduce waste by providing compostable or recyclable takeout containers at most of its food outlets. He said the Moon will be cutting Styrofoam containers by the end of the month. UBC Food Services already mandates that all containers and cutlery from its food outlets can either be recycled or composted.

But Victoria Wakefield, purchasing manager of Student Housing and Hospitality Services, said many students don’t properly separate their waste. “The campus community tends to just throw things in the easiest bin instead of spending time sorting,” said Wakefield. UBC aimed to “divert 55 per cent of annual operational waste from landfill” by 2010, and according to the UBC sustainability website, UBC currently diverts 59 per cent of its waste from landfill. Wakefield said UBC is doing an “exceptional job” in terms of food sustainability, pointing to the university’s composting program and the Eco-To-Go returnable container program, which encourages students and staff to use reusable takeout containers. She said the program has led to a 20 per cent reduction in the use of disposable containers since it began in 2011. Ritchie said the AMS hopes to adopt a similar program in the new SUB. Although compostable food packaging is more expensive, Wakefield said the costs balance out when the composted containers become free fertilizer for the university. Ritchie hopes many of the sustainability initiatives that did not take off in the old SUB, such as paper towel recycling, will get a second chance in the new SUB. The AMS ran a paper towel recycling pilot project in January 2012

kAI JACobson FILE pHoto/tHE ubyssEy

ubC currently diverts 59% of its waste away from landfills, according to Victoria wakefield of student Housing and Hospitality services.

but it was ultimately shut down due to budget constraints. Ritchie also hopes his team will weigh garbage daily in the new SUB to measure the amount of trash they are sending to the landfill.

“What we’ll do is make sure that the staff is actually doing things. We have a very committed team on the AMS food and beverage side.” Ritchie said he hopes the AMS will perform a new waste audit

in 2016. But, he said, there are too many projects going on in the sustainability office for just two student staff to handle. “We just don’t have the staff right now to follow up on those sorts of things.” U

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 |



skiing >>

Thunderbirds shred the slopes

Women finish fourth, men finish eighth at alpine skiing nationals in Idaho Colin Chia Staff Writer

Competing in a costly sport with limited resources, the UBC Thunderbirds alpine ski team is making the most of what they have and carving up challengers from across North America. At the United States Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association (USCSA) national championships in Sun Valley, Idaho from March 8-10, the team clinched fourth place in the overall women’s team standings and 8th on the men’s side. In the process of qualifying for nationals, T-Bird Mike Bisnaire also won the Northwest Conference men’s overall individual title. In addition to ski racing’s usual individual element, the USCSA runs a team-based format for giant slalom and slalom events. Out of up to five competitors per team in each event, the three best times are combined to give a “team time,” which is used to determine rankings. The level of competition is high, according to Ben Middleton, who both competes and is the team’s head coach. Many top USCSA racers boast national team experience or are on the cusp of Olympic and FIS-level competition. To help make up for that, the T-Birds recruited Canadian junior national team member Kelbey Halbert this season.

PHOTO courtesy J.P. Bisniare

The UBC alpine skiing team at the USCSA national championships in Sun Valley, Idaho.

Given UBC’s limited resources, the T-Birds always aim to finish third at nationals, said Middleton. Unlike the T-Birds, the USCSA’s two powerhouses, Sierra Nevada College and Rocky Mountain College, are able to offer full scholarships and cover more team expenses. “We have a really strong team.

We’re just not quite there with Rocky Mountain and Sierra Nevada.... If all of our skiers skied as best we could, and all their skiers skied as best they could, I didn’t see us beating them.” By that standard, Middleton said the outcome at nationals was disappointing. “As far as men’s and women’s teams go, we could have

easily gotten third in every event. “Ski racing always comes down to one race. We had tough luck in nationals this year, but regionals went well. Nationals could have gone really well, but they ended up not going our way this year. “We had one day of very, very tough conditions for the men’s giant slalom; Austin Taylor could

barely see anything and really had to take it easy going down.” The T-Birds face the additional challenge of funding their own team. While UBC Athletics funds a substantial part of the team’s $30,000 annual budget, the athletes fundraise and pay out of pocket for the majority of their expenses, relying greatly on alumni support. They only compete at three of the four conference-level meets due to budget constraints. “We need to fundraise about double what they give us,” said Middleton. Adding to the team’s difficulties is the fact that Middleton must juggle coaching and competing. “When we’re at nationals, you really notice how many other teams have full coaches and what it’s like to have that kind of help for your team,” he said. “We’re missing that right now.... It puts a lot more stress on the sport than it should for me.” Middleton’s varsity career is now over due to his eligibility ending at the end of the season. He will be handing the reins over to Austin Taylor next year. “I hope the team keeps going where it’s going right now,” said Middleton. “I think if we had more success at nationals we’d get more recognition from the school.” U

soccer >>

Whitecaps no match for Thunderbirds

UBC men’s soccer dominates Whitecaps reserves, wins exhibition game 3-0 Andrew Bates Managing Editor, Web

kai jacobson PHOTO/THE UBYSSEY

UBC controlled the play for the majority of the game, beating the Whitecaps 3-0.

Between the fact that the Vancouver Whitecaps are an MLS team in the middle of the season and the UBC men’s soccer team is made up of returning CIS national champions, one could have expected a friendly meeting between the two, with a pre-game celebration, lots of easy passes and a light-hearted atmosphere. However, it was anything but that. At 12:30 on a rainy Thursday afternoon, the Thunderbirds ran down the Whitecaps Reserves 3-0. The match was tense, with the ’Caps trapped in the same smothering possession game UBC brought to Laval for nationals. UBC buried late and the Whitecaps had a man sent off for roughness behind the play. It was business as usual for the T-Birds. “That was point number one in the team talk, was [to] come and compete. You’ve gotta come and compete against these guys,” said UBC head coach Mike Mosher. “I’m sure that the [Whitecaps] are disappointed in, sort of, the compete level that their boys brought. I thought we’d see them really getting after it a little bit more, because they’re competing for spots.” Whitecaps head coach Martin Rennie picked a second-string team that included last year’s starters Brad Knighton and Camilo Sanvezzo alongside Canadian national team player Russell Teibert and recent draft picks Kekuta Manneh and Erik Hurtado. The team also featured an all-new centre back pairing, with Honduras national team

defender Johnny Leveron making his first appearance in a Whitecaps shirt alongside Adam Clement, who signed a deal with the club earlier in the day after a preseason stint. UBC’s squad featured all but three of the 13 players that played in the Thunderbirds’ 1-0 win over Cape Breton University in November to win the CIS national championship. Fifth-year co-captain Marco Visintin returned to play his last game. The T-Birds’ play in the tournament was characterized by an aggressive possession game that deprived the opponent of the ball and punished them on the counterattack, and they were able to use a version of that offence against the professionals. Gagandeep Dosanjh was a key figure in UBC’s triumph. Dosanjh, who captained the Whitecaps’ under-23 PDL side last summer, helped orchestrate the first goal in the 16th minute. Dosanjh took a pass from William Hyde and ran down the left side with it, finding Navid Mashinchi, who buried past the keeper Knighton. UBC would score again 10 minutes later on a sensational individual effort from Sean Haley. Haley evaded a number of defenders before slotting it past Knighton. “His feet are unbelievable; some of the stuff he does on practice, sometimes in games, you just shake your head. The guys are like, ‘How did he do it?’” said Mosher. “And he showed that on the second goal. It was absolutely terrific.” The rain was falling hard as the second half kicked off, but the

Thunderbirds continued to move the ball aggressively. “Our front four, plus our two holding midfielders, are all very good on the ball, and they can keep it,” said Mosher. “But it’s a different animal when you play against players at that next level. You’re going to be under more pressure.” The Whitecaps showed their skill, giving the UBC defence a test unlike any that it saw in Laval. But Vancouver’s professional speedsters couldn’t really get moving. UBC’s defence kept a solid perimeter in the box, and Leveron and Clement were a step behind in finding options from the backfield. The Whitecaps worked in earnest to try and get a goal back, and Matt Watson almost made it 2-1 when his shot banged off the post. The game proceeded to turn for the worse when substitute Tommy Heinemann was sent off after a clash with William Hyde behind the play. Now a man up, UBC sealed the deal with a Greg Smith goal just before the final whistle. “It was an intense game; I never like to be on the losing side, but … I think today’ll be a good day for us,” said Rennie. “I think we’ve won a lot of games over the last few months, and sometimes I think when you win a lot of games you stop doing the things you need to do to be successful. “I was really impressed with how they played,” Rennie continued. “There’s a lot of respect from us towards their team and that respect goes even more when you play in a game like that.” U

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 |



Peering into UBC theatre’s cr theatre >>

As the theatre prepares for its last production of the season, we take a b Alina Anghel Contributor


he queen has arrived,” director Jennette White says, as her black-andwhite pup wanders into the production meeting, followed by Fiona, the resident theatre dog. It only takes one day with Theatre at UBC to realize that their world is full of characters, on and off stage. The faces behind set design, costumes, props and stage management have all gathered for a production meeting to fine-tune the details of Theatre

at UBC’s last play of the season, Blood Relations . Sound design is looking for children who can record a song, and everyone agrees it should be a group of three girls to achieve a high-pitched, eerie quality. The props department has spent three days meticulously creating dainty high tea pastries, but what actually will be eaten requires a decision. “She likes dates; I’ve been feeding her dates,” White says, referring to the actor playing Lizzie Borden, the infamous woman behind the playground rhyme “Lizzie Borden took an <em>


axe...” In 1982, Lizzie Borden allegedly murdered her parents; now, at Theatre at UBC, she is once again coming to life. Joel Garner, who plays Lizzie’s father, and Courtney Shields, who plays Lizzie, reveal that the axe used on stage is real. The director has no concern that anyone’s hand might slip, but it does add a hint of danger. As for the ending, nobody is willing to say whether the audience will witness the murder on stage or not. “We’ll see,” they all repeat. U

“The moments we’re discovering in rehearsal — you get chills onstage.” Joel Garner | Acting student

During rehearsal in the B.C. Binnings Studio, mercedes de la zerda has concerns about her monologue. She and the director discuss how to approach and interpret the script. The scene is rehearsed for the first time: de la zerda begins to speak in a perfect Irish accent and moves into a dream sequence involving a carousel, a horse and a mask.

As director Jennette White remarked, “rehea in French translates simply as “repetition Repeat, repeat, repeat until opening night, weeks from now.

The women will be wearing real corsets onstage, enduring some physical challenges as a result. acting student Mercedes de la Zerda remarked that for the first 20 minutes the corset feels perfectly fine, but after that, it becomes hard to move.

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013


reepy, eerie Blood Relations

backstage look at what it takes to bring a real murder mystery to life



arsal” n.” two


kAI JACobson, AsHER IsbRuCkER, stEpHAnIE Xu pHotos/tHE ubyssEy


MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013


e s o o l t e l s t s i l c y C in bike rave

AsHER IsbRuCkER pHoto/tHE ubyssEy

Cyclists in the ubC bike Rave last Friday pedal down Main Mall.

Catherine Guan Contributor


edaling along to fluorescent synths and jungle breakbeats, scores of students came together to recreate the ecstasy and abandon of a 1990s rave scene — on two wheels. The UBC Bike Rave, which took place last Friday, promised riders a night of lights, bikes and music. It delivered all of this in spades. This night has been five months in the making for the organizers, fourth-year arts student Joshua Campagna and second-year

science student Aaron Bailey. The two Place Vanier residence advisors wanted to bring the Bike Rave to UBC “as a way to celebrate the bike culture on campus and people who ... ride bikes and practice sustainable transport,” said Bailey. The initiative won them the support of the UTown@UBC Community Grant Program. Raves are making a nostalgia-fueled comeback. The Bike Rave concept originated in the communities of Vancouver and Toronto, and events have been smash hits with cycling enthusiasts. Scrubbed clean of the unlicensed

venues and illicit drug use characteristic of traditional raves, this reincarnation is all about good, clean fun. “We all love music, we love to dance and we love cycling. It is sort of a fusion of the decentralized dance party [that] has been sort of popular in the past, just on bikes,” said Bailey. The rave began at 8 p.m. Decked out in glow sticks, lights, glitter and fake fur, the ragtag troop of racers, BMX bikes and the occasional tricycle rode out from Koerner Plaza with speakers set to CiTR. The two-hour journey

saw the riders circle the campus, from East Mall to Lower Mall. At various points in between, they stopped for impromptu dance parties. Among the revelers were firstyear students Chiyi Tam and Alessandra Felice, who raved about the experience “Awesome,” said Tam. “Especially the moment where we came together and cycled the flag pole. That was frickin’ amazing.... UBC has this thing where whenever we have a LipDub, whenever we have a Harlem shake, we are totally down for stuff like this to happen.”

Russell Kramer, who graduated from UBC two years ago, visited campus to participate in the event for one simple reason: “I really like bike raves.” The organizers are hopeful that the Bike Rave will become a new tradition at UBC. “We do have people, like the Bike Kitchen and the Bike Co-op, who are doing awesome work and they are not the most publicized groups on campus,” said Bailey. “I think more events like this can make them more known and just bring people together who love to cycle.” U

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013


ImmIgrATION >>

U of R students shouldn’t be deported: lawyer permit. CIC will also hold the authority to request confirmation from international students that they are registered as full-time students. If passed, the changes will come into effect in January 2014. Currently, international students with student permits are only required to show intent of enrolling in classes to stay in Canada, and do not need to be enrolled throughout the duration of their stay. The changes made to the CIC will help international students find employment, but they will not affect Ordu or Amadi’s case, Adebogun told the Sheaf . The students’ deportation orders overrule anything else. Amadi and Ordu have not denied their infraction, but are seeking a lighter punishment than deportation. Adebogun said the government should dismiss their case and that nine months of near-detention is punishment enough. “Considering the circumstances, the minister should be able to grant them amnesty on this one,” Adebogun said. “We’re hoping time will heal the wound.” For the time being, Adebogun knows that Regina-area MLAs and MPs have been lobbying on behalf of the Nigerian students’ cause. Adebogun will continue to pressure the government to be sympathetic, something that may be hard to do with the passage of Bill C-31. Adebogun’s March 11 lecture focused on Bill C-31, the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act. He discussed both the act and the effects it is likely to have on refugees coming to Canada. Bill C-31 passed in June 2012. When entering Canada, people hoping for refugee status must claim that they are refugees and give supporting reasons for their case. With Bill C-31, claims to enter the country as a refugee can be denied if the country of origin is on a list of countries con<em>

pHoto CouRtEsy tHE sHEAF

kay Adebogun is the lawyer representing two university of Regina international students charged with deportation for working off-campus without a permit. He gave a talk advocating for leniency in the two cases.

Anna-Lilja Dawson The Sheaf (University of Saskatchewan)

Canada of their own accord. They stayed so they could finish their studies at the University of Regina without losing their full scholarships from the Nigerian government. Ordu and Amadi received deportation orders June 19, 2012, and immediately sought refuge in a Regina church. Almost nine months have passed and the women are still in hiding. Adebogun informed University of Saskatchewan students that changes have recently been proposed to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) that will allow international students at some institutions to work off-campus without a work


SASKATOON — Two Nigerian students from the University of Regina who face deportation are still holed up in a church while their lawyer, Kay Adebogun, works to keep the case a top priority with government officials. Adebogun, who represents Victoria Ordu and Ihuoma Amadi, spoke at the University of Saskatchewan on March 11 about recent political issues concerning immigrants and refugees in Canada and the two female students’ deportation story.

In 2011, Ordu was hired to do product demonstrations in a Regina Walmart. She worked for a couple of weeks but quit as soon as she found out that the Social Insurance Number she was given did not allow her to work off-campus. Weeks after she quit, the Canadian Border Services Agency arrested her. Amadi began working at the same Walmart a couple weeks after Ordu quit, also without a work permit. She was arrested at work and escorted out by the Canadian Border Services Agency. The women received orders to leave in November 2011, which gave them 30 days to leave



sidered “safe.” Designated countries tend to have low numbers of refugees coming from them, are recognized as respectful of human rights and may provide state protection for their citizens. If a refugee’s claim is denied, they can be immediately detained. Adebogun is critical of the new detention laws, saying that anybody, including children, can be detained for an undetermined amount of time, from days to years, and that the detention centres scattered across the country are like “mini prisons.” Bill C-31 gives the minister of citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism the right to revoke refugee status if that individual’s country of origin is later designated safe. If refugees were misrepresented while acquiring their permanent residency or refugee status, either may be revoked and the person may be ordered to leave. After spending several years in Canada, refugees are often well-established in the country. At the lecture, Adebogun expressed concern that parents who have had their refugee rights revoked might be ordered to leave while their Canadian children would be forced to stay. Other changes in Bill C-31 include reducing the time refugees have to submit their basis of claim to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada to 15 days after the initial claim they make upon entry. Hearings for refugees from designated countries of origin must be held within 45 days after a case is referred to the board, while other refugees have 60 days. Adebogun said that imposing such time limits will result in refugees being unfairly denied a legal stay in Canada. “It will lead to poor preparation, extra work for the Council of Refugees,” Adebogun said. “In the process of trying to push some of these cases through, a thorough job will not be done.”

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 |

stuDEnt VoICE. CoMMunIty REACH.


InDIAnA JoEL ILLustRAtIon/tHE ubyssEy

Timmy’s line madness must stop LETTERS A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR TIM HORTON’S FORESTRY CUSTOMERS Dear Sir/Madam, I have seen a good four metre of line-up out the door at the Tim Hortons located in the Faculty of Forestry. I know it will take at least 10-15 minutes lining up before you get to order and another 5-10 minutes of waiting for your food, especially if you order sandwiches. I am not going to suggest that you cook and bring your own lunch or bring your coffee in a thermos to keep it hot. I am sure you have considered these measures and found them not applicable to you. Regardless, I would like to offer a practical solution. Half of the people in the line usually come from the same class. As noticed, the line-up usually extends unbelievably after every class break.

Demise of community garden shows misplaced values KATICHISMS

by gordon katic Behind the MacMillan Building, the Faculty of Land and Food Systems cultivates a humble plot of land called the Orchard Garden. Planted and harvested entirely by UBC students, the garden provides an abundant harvest of fruits and vegetables for the student-run Agora Café. The garden is more than just a community-building initiative, though. The Faculty of Land and Food Systems and the Faculty of Education use the space to teach students about urban agriculture and local food security, in addition to conducting applied research and supervising a number of directed-learning initiatives. However, UBC is planning on

Parking and transportation are big issues at UBC and in our resident neighbourhoods. Over and over again UBC and its delegated authorities attempt to place the responsibility upon students and

residents as the cause of parking issues. The truth? It’s UBC’s own commercial enterprises that are driving parking and transportation problems on campus. Take the ongoing debates over parking in the Hawthorn Place area of campus, the former B Lot Parking area. UBC sells its large-scale development plans to other levels of government by claiming to reduce resident and student car traffic on and off campus. Yet UBC is simultaneously increasing the destination attractions of campus — the Thunderbird Fields developments with the national soccer program and the commercialization and marketing of Wesbrook Village as a regional destination. UBC even provides a handy “how long does it take to drive here” map on the marketing webpage for Wesbrook Village. Through all of this UBC constantly asserts that parking and traffic issues are resident- or student-caused and that’s where they place their focus of enforcement. Let’s take a closer look at the real situation.

Over more than a decade of living in Hawthorn Place I can assure you that by and large parking is not a consistent problem. In the aggregate there is sufficient onstreet and underground parking to accommodate all resident parking needs. The real problem is external to resident use. There are two primary parking pressure points: regular users of the campus who do not currently live on campus and, more problematic, destination traffic (recurrent community sports use, recurrent use of commercial centres, special sports or entertainment events). UBC has done a decent job regulating and controlling special event traffic issues. The real problem arises from the recurrent users of areas like Thunderbird fields, the arena and the new commercial centre in Wesbrook Place (south campus). UBC has organized student and resident parking to facilitate on-campus commercial development. Restricted parking for residents and students is greenwashed as a “lifestyle choice.”

Meanwhile UBC commercial ventures advertise the campus as a destination only a few minutes’ drive from downtown Vancouver or Richmond. It’s a brilliant development plan: fund campus expansion through residential development, have students pay full cost recovery in residents where they have few rights, and then sell the use of the public realm to people who will drive to campus. A real green parking and transportation plan would not involve making UBC a destination attraction for Athletics or shopping. Right now UBC makes money by shifting a key cost related to parking onto residents and student communities. Until Athletics and Wesbrook Village pay the full price and take responsibility for the traffic they create, UBC’s green transportation plan won’t be worth the recycled paper it’s printed on.

destroying the Orchard Garden and building an expensive mixeduse housing development called the Orchard Commons. If you have been around UBC long enough, this story may sound oddly familiar to you. Not so long ago, there was a high-profile dispute when the university planned to put market housing on a similar plot of land, the UBC Farm. Like the Orchard Garden, the farm is used to grow local produce and conduct interdisciplinary teaching, learning and research. The arrogance of campus developers yet again threatens to create tensions. There has been no formal consultation with students who work on the garden, with Campus and Community Planning (C+CP) seeming to have already made up their minds. Students I spoke with suggested there could be actions taken, perhaps even an Occupy Orchard Garden demonstration. When I sat down with Joe Stott, director of planning at C+CP, he told me that C+CP only gave the garden a temporary permit, on the condition that faculty would not raise a fuss when it would inevitably be destroyed. Moreover, he claimed that the garden actually expanded 50 per cent beyond what its original permit had allowed. Stott did add that C+CP could

be supportive of reopening the garden at another location. But Murray Ismam, the dean of Land and Food Systems, told me that it would take some time to cultivate a suitable alternative, meaning that students would miss out for at least a year. But this story is not really about community gardening, urban agriculture or the politics of planning at UBC. The Orchard Garden is emblematic of a much larger issue: in an era of dwindling government support for post-secondary education, how will universities fund themselves? If you visit the garden, you will see that it does everything you read about in UBC’s strategic plan, "Place and Promise" — experiential learning, community building, interdisciplinary learning, sustainability — but it does not do one very important thing: generate revenue. Atop the Orchard Garden, UBC is looking to build a university-financed, mixed-use student hub and residence. The Orchard Commons will most likely be the home of Bridge to UBC, an initiative designed to attract international students who do not meet UBC’s entrance requirements. By 2016, university administrators hope the program will house at least 1,000 students and begin to turn

substantial profits. UBC’s funding squeeze has forced them to be more creative and raise revenue through alternate means, and international tuition seems to be the most important. In 2013/14, $5 million of UBC’s $8 million in revenue growth will come from increased international tuition. This year, UBC has seen a 15 per cent increase in the international population, and projects nine per cent annual growth into the foreseeable future. In contrast, the domestic undergraduate population will flatten by 2015. It has been said that Bridge to UBC will increase diversity by attracting students from developing countries that are under-represented at UBC, like Vietnam, the Philippines and countries in Latin America. However, we might want to ask what sort of student from the developing world can afford to pay the inflated $30,000 tuition to attend a remedial Bridge program, with no guarantee of being admitted to UBC after their Bridge year. Is this the promise for a more diverse campus, or UBC’s desperate attempt to attract the under-qualified but well-to-do international elite? Moreover, housing and infrastructure improvements, like the Orchard Commons, have them-

selves been important revenue sources. University auxiliaries have taken on tremendous debt loads recently to finance largescale capital projects. For example, UBC’s housing arm now spends 24 per cent of their operating budget on interest payments. This debt is in the form of high-interest internal loans (money the university lends to itself), which have caused a boom for UBC’s investment income, with investment revenues rising 32 per cent from 2010/11 to 2011/12 — even though the UBC endowment itself has been flat, adding less than a percentage point of value in 2012. The debts are sure to be paid down, but they will be paid by students in the form of inflated rent. For instance, a room at the new Ponderosa Hub is slated to have a monthly rental rate of $900, and the Orchard Commons will almost certainly be just as expensive, if not more. As long as UBC is put in a funding squeeze by the provincial government, student-run spaces like the Orchard Garden will never be made a priority. Instead, unaffordable student residences, market housing developments, crooked internal loan schemes, high-cost international tuition and boutique programs like Bridge to UBC will rule the day. U

Why not take a pre-order amongst the class-member the day before and place the order to Tim Hortons’ management? For example, we need 24 doughnuts of such and such variety and this many cups of coffee at 10 a.m. Though I am quite sure the management will likely offer the take-10. But you, as a class, will be able to work it out. Then there may be deposit involved but this too can be worked out as a class. It will save your time and the service will be better. I don’t think the management will mind if the order includes a soup combo or what not. Give it a try and see if you like this way better. Siti Hazneza Abdul Hamid Graduate student, forestry



Charles Menzies Associate Professor of Anthropology, member UNA Board of Directors

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 |

pICtuREs + woRDs on youR unIVERsIty EXpERIEnCE






FUND In 2011, the AMS Sustainability Fund was established to develop and foster sustainability projects proposed by students. Propose any idea that you believe will create a more sustainable campus or change ecological behaviour — you might get a slice of the $100,000 in the fund. Applications are reviewed by a commi ee. Previous AMS Sustainability Fund projects have included Sustainability Art, Vermicomposting, Solar Car and UBC Got Skillz.

welcome to Capped!, The Ubyssey’s new caption contest. we’ll periodically run photos on this page that lack context. we need you to fill in the blanks. winning entries will run in the paper, and the clever captioneer will receive a free book or CD. Fill in the conversation bubbles above and send your responses to bon cappetite!

12 | GAMES |

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013

70- beaver creations 71- Former Fords 72- ___ Dame



puZZLE CouRtEsy bEstCRosswoRDs.CoM. usED wItH pERMIssIon.

ACROSS 1- sir ___ newton was an English mathematician 6- Drops from the sky 10- parentheses, essentially 14- onward in time 15- Rifle adjunct 16- nipple 17- Hindu teacher 18- when said three times, a 1970 war movie 19- Ethereal: prefix 20- Renter 23- Achieve 27- Reposes 28- before long 29- going out with

34- throat problem 36- port of Crete 37- ___ schwarz 40- In spite of 43- get it? 44- golfer Calvin 45- spanish Mister 46- put in 48- west wing worker 49- Drawing room 53- stanzas 55- Inconsiderate 60- Fabled fliers 61- Monogram ltr. 62- Capital of yemen 67- stuck in ___ 68- Roman moon goddess 69- Early computer



1- Conditions 2- plant 3- Altar in the sky 4- pIn requester 5- Hot stuff 6- pro ___ 7- old testament book 8- nagy of Hungary 9- Ark builder 10- start of a Dickens title 11- orchestra section 12- Insertion mark 13- Agitates 21- break off 22- Church instruments 23- orgs. 24- From head ___ 25- Rich cake 26- Again 30- pains 31- Flavor 32- bury 33- pbs benefactor 35- pipes collectively 37- Conclusion 38- Cathode’s contrary 39- Meanies 41- sawbuck 42- Expensive 47- boob tubes 49- Fine fiddle 50- now, in nogales 51- Doctor’s replacement 52- boots 54- City on the Ruhr 56- small mountain 57- Hardware fastener 58- swedish soprano Jenny 59- greek letters 63- year abroad 64- It may be picked 65- swiss river 66- bandage brand



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puZZLE CouRtEsy kRAZyDAD. usED wItH pERMIssIon.

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