March 17, 2014

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MARCH 17, 2014 | VoLuME XcV| IssuE XLVIII Savages since 1918



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(Performance accountability inCentive)

Most AMS execs want their bonus, but none want to talk about how much they got


Monday, March 17, 2014 |



this week, may we suggest...





March 17 has been a Christian feast day since the early 17th century. It’s unclear when the whole green beer thing started. Free, unless you decide to get a drink, then another one, then another, and then —




7 p.m. @ KOERNER RM 216

UBC Library is playing Pixar’s Up in Koerner (the library, not the pub). So if you need a movie and popcorn break (or a good crying session) between your studies, you know where to go. Free



Need help doing your taxes before April 30? The UBC Tax Assistance Clinic for Students has Canada Revenue Agencytrained volunteers to help you hassle-free. Book appointments online. Runs until March 31. Free


Retired from teaching in 1991, Klaus Strassmann taught hundreds of students and played a role in creating partnerships between the theatre and creative writing departments at UBC.

Theatre master Klaus Strassmann passes Rhys Edwards Culture Editor

Two of the three pies we bought were harmed in the making of this cover. Apple and cherry were the ones to go. Strawberry rhubarb made the cut. Photo by Carter Brundage.

Video content Make sure to check out our coverage of the announcement of the next president of UBC interrupted by animal rights protesters airing now at

U The Ubyssey


Coordinating Editor Geoff Lister Managing Editor, Print Ming Wong Managing Editor, Web CJ Pentland News Editors Will McDonald + Sarah Bigam Senior News Writer Veronika Bondarenko Culture Editor Rhys Edwards Senior Culture Writer Aurora Tejeida Sports + Rec Editor Natalie Scadden Senior Lifestyle Writer Reyhana Heatherington Features Editor Arno Rosenfeld

Video Producer Lu Zhang Copy Editor Matt Meuse

Photo Editor Carter Brundage Illustrator Indiana Joel Webmaster Tony Li Distribution Coordinator Lily Cai Staff Catherine Guan, Nick Adams, Kanta Dihal, Marlee Laval, Angela Tien, Carly Sotas, Alex Meisner, Luella Sun, Jenny Tang, Adrienne Hembree, Mehryar Maalem, Jack Hauen, Kosta Prodanovic, Olivia Law, Jethro Au, Bailey Ramsay, Jenica Montgomery, Austen Erhardt, Alice Fleerackers, Nikos Wright, Milica Palinic, Jovana Vranic, Mackenzie Walker, Kaveh Sarhangpour, Steven Richards, Gabriel Germaix, Jaime Hills, Jenny Tan. Kaidie Williams, Rachel Levy-McLaughlin, Maura Forrest

MARCH 17, 2014 | Volume XCV| Issue XLVIII



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LEGAL The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the University of British Columbia. It is published every Monday and Thursday by The Ubyssey Publications Society. We are an autonomous, democratically run student organization, and all students are encouraged to participate. Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff. They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications Society or the University of British Columbia. All editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the property of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein cannot be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. Please include your phone number, student number and signature (not for publication) as well as

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On March 3, UBC lost one of its premier educators. formed and controversial in content, such as Frank Klaus Gerhard Strassmann passed away peaceWedekind’s Spring Awakening in 1971. He believed in the social efficacy of theatre — but he never vicfully at the UBC Hospital — not far from his apartment in the Village, where he had lived ever since timized students at the expense of making a point. his retirement from the theatre department in 1991. “Klaus was really warm and supportive and Strassmann is widely respected for his influence funny,” said Thomas, who starred as Melchoir in on the Canadian theatre community, as well as his Spring’s Awakening during his time as an underrole in creating a strong link between the theatre graduate at UBC in the early 1970s. “We were and creative writing departments. together for a long time and it was a really tight “Klaus would have influenced a number of people cast, and that’s a function of how he was handling who went on to become important artists in the all of us, and it was pretty challenging material.... country,” said Colin Thomas, theThe material was really sexually charged and quite dark often, and atre critic for the Georgia Straight. Klaus guided us through that very During his tenure at UBC, Klaus was warm, gently.” Strassmann taught hundreds Other highly lauded producof students on the subjects of supportive and funny. western theatre and directing, and The material of the play tions that Strassmann worked directed more than 100 producon include Seán O’Casey’s Purple was sexually charged Dust, Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The tions over the course of his lifetime. He mentored many students and quite dark often, Visit and Samuel Beckett’s Happy the latter of which he was who would go on to lead successand Klaus guided us Days, particularly fond. ful careers as artists, writers and through that very Strassmann was renowned for educators; such luminaries as questioning students’ directorial Camille Mitchell (star of Smallgently. decisions and ideas — all the while ville), John Gray and Eric Peterson Colin Thomas puffing on a pipe. (playwrights behind Billy Bishop Theatre critic for the Georgia “He’d put his pipe in his mouth Goes to War), Joy Coghill and Straight and former student of and sort of chomp on it,” said Morris Panych (both recipients Strassman’s Strong, “and he’d light a match ... of the Governor General’s award and he’d take the pipe out of his for their contributions to theatre), mouth and he’d say, ‘Well, let us along with dozens of others, all get to the raw meat of the situation.’” studied under Strassmann. “For him, truths in any play kept developing as he Strassmann was born in Germany in 1926. studied the play more and as he worked on the play Despite lacking an education in theatre at the more,” noted Vanderwoude, who had Strassmann graduate level — he received his PhD in philosophy as an MFA advisor in 1998. “There could be many, from Stanford — students and faculty respected many truths, and it was a question of which one did Strassmann for his profuse capability to convey the you want to present to the audience, and what did style, technique and meaning behind every play you want them to make you feel.” he worked with or taught. He would frequently During his retirement, Strassmann travelled the provide acting demonstrations for the benefit of world, making return trips to China and India. He his students, though he never took to the stage was an avid gardener and handyman, often acting to himself. as a caretaker for his apartment building, and he “He had a real gift for distilling a play down to was commonly observed sunning himself in the its poetic expression,” said Gerald Vanderwoude, plaza outside of the Village Starbucks. current assistant dean of the Faculty of Arts. “I was blessed to have known him,” “What he represented to us as young people was said Vanderwoude. he was a physical embodiment of European theatre, Strassmann is survived by his son Kirk and wife of a lot of things we didn’t know,” said Greg Strong, Danielle. A memorial ceremony is being organized English professor at Aoyama Gakuin University in for this spring, and a scholarship is currently being Japan and a former student of Strassmann’s. developed by the department of film and theatre in Strassmann tended to teach and direct produchis name. U tions that were resource-intensive, rarely per-

Monday, March 17, 2014 |

EDITORS WILL Mcdonald + Sarah Bigam

ams >>

Council voted down a motion to cut current president Tanner Bokor’s bonus for last year by 25 per cent.


AMS exec bonuses still secret

Sarah Bigam News Editor

The AMS has decided how much of a possible $25,000 they will give in bonuses to last year’s executives, but they won’t say who is getting how much money or why. At an AMS Council meeting on Wednesday night, council determined in closed session the amount of money each of last year’s executives would receive for their performance accountability incentive (PAI) — a bonus based on the extent to which executives reach goals they set at the beginning of the year. The maximum bonus each exec can receive is $5,000. Aaron Bailey, the chair of the oversight committee that allocates the bonuses, said AMS code prevents the AMS from discussing the executives’ PAI goals, as well as their PAI allocations and reasoning behind them.

NEWS BRIEFS UBC study explains causes of brain damage A UBC study is shedding light on the science behind brain damage. The study shows how a lack of oxygen and inflammation to the brain arising from conditions like strokes or Alzheimer’s cause damage such as memory loss. The study found that lack oaf oxygen and inflammation to the brain weaken the connections between brain cells. “This is a never-before-seen mechanism among three key players in the brain that interact together in neurodegenerative disorders,” said researcher Brian MacVicar. UBC researcher develops new device to detect oral cancer An associate UBC professor has developed a new way to detect oral cancer. Catherine Poh, an associate dentistry prof, developed a device that uses blue light to detect oral cancer. Healthy and cancerous tissues appear as a different colour under the light, allowing doctors to immediately detect oral cancer. “It will give doctors a better indication which patients require immediate treatment while giving peace of mind to low-risk patients,” said Poh. Surgeons can also use the device to determine how much tissue to remove. U

“It’s accountable to the students who are elected to represent the rest of the students on campus [to keep it private],” said Bailey. “I think the reason that things are done in camera is more so to protect the executives themselves in their personal lives.” At the meeting, current AMS president and former VP external Tanner Bokor asked to give up his entire bonus, and former president Caroline Wong requested an increase to hers. Council also voted on whether or not to reduce Bokor’s and former VP administration Derek Moore’s allocated bonuses “due to a breach of AMS values.” The motion to reduce president Bokor’s PAI for last year by 25 per cent failed, with nine councillors voting for, six against and 10 abstaining. The motion required twothirds approval to be passed.

Council reduced Moore’s PAI by 50 per cent, the maximum penalty for a breach of values. Bailey would not comment on which values Bokor and Moore breached. The AMS’s values are honesty, accountability, teamwork, efficiency and respect. “I think it’s more important for students to be aware that there was a breach in the values in general,” said Bailey. Bokor asked Council to rescind his PAI allocation in full. He called PAI “financially irresponsible” while campaigning for president. This motion passed 13 for and zero against, with 11 abstaining. However, not all councillors were happy with his decision to forfeit his PAI. “While I voted in favour of this … going forward for current executives and future executives, I’d like

no one to release whether they are going to give up PAI or not,” said Graduate Student Society president Chris Roach. “I think some individuals do need it — they come from lower socioeconomic statuses … and it’s not really fair as an executive to say, ‘I am going to be doing this so maybe you guys could too.’” Roach said he did not know if executives this year felt pressured to give up their PAI allocation. Wong’s appeal for a 14.57 per cent increase to her bonus failed. Council also determined that the oversight committee would begin a review of the PAI process. “What we have found … and the reason that we are recommending this review is that performance accountability incentive, the way that it’s structured currently doesn’t effectively motivate and really encourage our executives to go above and beyond the call of duty,” said Bailey. “It puts more undue pressure on them and the council and [council]‘s relationships with the executive in its entirety than it does benefit the society.” Bailey said eliminating PAI is not the sole goal of the review, but is a possibility. “What we really want to do through this review process is come out with something that allows us to support the executives in the work that they do, and allow council and the executives to maintain a very positive working relationship while motivating the society to move towards a position that we all want to see it evolve to,” Bailey said. The review’s findings will be presented at the first Council meeting in May. Bokor, Wong, VP Academic Anne Kessler, former VP academic Kiran Mahal and former VP finance Joaquin Acevedo declined comment on their PAI allocations. Moore did not respond to requests for comment. Bailey said the total dollar amount the AMS paid in bonuses will come out in AMS fiscal reports later in the year. U —With files from Will McDonald

construction >>

New SUB name choices narrowed down to 2 Paul S. Jon Contributor

The AMS has narrowed down the New SUB’s name to two possibilities: the AMS Student Hub and the AMS Student Nest. The options are the top two from a process begun in June 2013 when the AMS started accepting naming suggestions from students. Suggestions were put into a list of possible “starters, middles and enders,” which the New SUB committee pieced together to create seven names. Students voted on these seven over Facebook. “Out of the seven names, the Nest and the Hub were by far the most popular,” said AMS VP Administration Ava Nasiri. The Nest received 328 votes on Facebook and the Hub received 475; third place was “the AMS Student Life Pavilion” with 31 likes. The final decision on the name will be made by AMS Council at their meeting on March 26. An area in the New SUB is already designated to be called “the Nest.” When the names were presented to AMS Council on Wednesday, New SUB community engagement coordinator Rae Barilea said that if the Nest is chosen as the New SUB name then that area would be called “the

Photo will mcdonald/THE UBYSSEY

The New SUB will be called either the Hub or the Nest.

Nest in the Nest” or have its name changed. A name was supposed to have been decided upon by September 2013, but the process has been delayed several times. Voting on the seven possible names closed on Oct. 30. According to Nasiri, since October the AMS has considered hiring a consulting firm and worked with constituencies “to make sure student input and student representation were taken into account.” “There was mixed feedback. Some students were sort of feeling out of the loop or feeling unapproached,” said Nasiri. Nasiri said looking into hiring a consultant took time and led to “complications.” “[In the end], we made a decision that it would be best for the students and have the most

amount of legitimacy if we move forward with the votes of students and the top two names from that voting process,” said Nasiri. Student opinions vary regarding the two choices. “I like the Nest because it fits the Thunderbirds, which is our team name,” said Nicole Kee, a third-year Land and Food Systems student. Chloe Kerr, a third-year Arts student, preferred the Hub. “The AMS Student Hub makes me think of an Ethernet hub, a connecting device,” Kerr said. “So, I see the new student building as being quite rightly that — a place of connection.” “I don’t care for either,” said Tiffany Yang, a first-year Science student. “Hub feels like something out of Star Trek and Nest makes me feel like a bird.” U <em>



fees >>

Health and dental plan fee may soon have to increase


The fee for the plan is tied to CPI, which increases slower than the plan’s costs.

Sheliza Halani Contributor

The AMS Health and Dental Plan fee will increase slightly this year, but the increase may not be enough to maintain the current level of service. The health and dental plan fee increases every year to adapt to inflation. The cost of the plan has been tied to consumer price index (CPI) since it began in 1991. However, according to Chris Roach, chair of the AMS health and dental plan committee, there are risks associated to tying the fee to B.C.’s CPI. While the CPI rises by one to two per cent every year, most health and dental plans actually increase in cost by five to eight percent. “[The] unfortunate thing with ... most health and dental plans is the amount in which they increase per year is usually irrelevant to CPI,” said Roach. “Because we link all of our fees to CPI, we’re constantly in a situation where the cost of the plan rises at a heck of a lot faster rate than we can actually increase the fee.” On Wednesday night, AMS Council voted to tie the plan’s fee to B.C.’s total CPI, rather than the health and personal care component of CPI. This component was significantly lower than B.C. CPI last year. Roach said at the meeting that this was not a permanent fix. “Either this year or definitely by next year we’ll have to look at cutting services off the plan,” Roach said. Roach hopes to soon see a change in the way the fee increases annually so it is tied to health insurance inflation, which tends to rise faster than CPI. However, a change like this cannot happen without the fee change going to a referendum. Roach said that in next year’s AMS elections he would like to see a referendum question asking students if they would prefer to see the plan’s cost increase or the number of services offered by the plan decrease. “I think we actually need to put that option in front of students and have them make that choice,” Roach said. U


Write Shoot Edit Code Drink


4 | NEWS |

Monday, March 17, 2014

Student government >>

School of Economics to form own student society

Jovana Vranic Staff Writer

The Economics Student Association (ESA) hopes to form its own student society by the end of this school year. Up until now, the ESA has been run as an AMS club and as a contingent of the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS), from which it gets its funds. The Department of Economics earned standing as an independent school in late 2012, and now the ESA plans to separate from the AUS. “Next year will be a trial run with a lot of frameworks and things being established. We have a strong team in place and really good student support,” said ESA president Viet Vu. “My ultimate hope is that by the time we move into the new Iona Building, we will have a good, solid structure in place.” The ESA is currently holding a referendum to reallocate a student fee that was being paid to the AUS and Arts Student Centre to a new fee for their own society, which would represent students in the Vancouver School of Economics (VSE). The recently established bachelor of international economics program will be represented by the new society. “It’s a new program and there’s nothing in place to support it,” said Vu. The ESA plans to fund events for this bachelor program, including its own frosh event, through the new fee. As discussed at the VSE’s annual general meeting, the fee

The Vancouver School of Economics will be taking up residence in the Iona Building.

restructure will also open up the opportunity to establish a grant program and a fund to sponsor student events and projects. At an AMS Council meeting on March 12, Vu presented the VSE’s plan for forming its student society. However, there was a miscommunication around how the VSE’s new student society will be represented on Council.

At the meeting, parties were informed by the ESA that the AUS would be losing a seat in council, while the VSE’s student society would be gaining one. Sebastian Silley, president of the AUS, said he was not informed of this change. One seat on Council represents 1,500 students at most, according to AMS president Tanner Bokor.

photo carter brundage/the ubyssey

“The VSE only has about 759 students right now, so it’s not a sizable enough change [for the AUS] to lose a seat,” said Bokor. According to Bokor, the VSE student society will receive its own seat, and the AUS will keep its eight spots. Both Silley and Vu said the assumed change in representation on AMS Council is one of many

miscommunications they are working towards clearing up. “Right now the AUS hasn’t been extremely informed about what’s been happening,” said Silley. The VSE fee referendum was pushed back two weeks for the ESA and AUS to further collaborate on the proposal before voting opened. Silley and his team are still uncertain how great an impact the new VSE student society will have on the AUS. According to Silley, the decrease in the number of students the AUS represents may affect their budget. Strong collaboration between the AUS and the ESA is key for the new student society to successfully establish itself, said Vu. “The economics and Arts societies have a great relationship, and we really don’t want to damage that, because the AUS will probably be our biggest partner going through with this.” By ensuring availability the funds necessary to move forward with the project, the fee restructure will be one of the major steps in solidifying the new student society. “The separation [from the AUS] is creating a space where students have some representation and will actually have [sufficient] funding available to them,” said Vu. Voting on the VSE fee referendum will close in two weeks. From there, the new AUS president, Jenna Omassi, will continue to work with the ESA to put the finishing touches on the new economics students society. U

Condos >>

Plan for high-rise development near campus under review Arno Rosenfeld Features Editor

Plans for a high-rise, mixed-use development just east of campus are currently being reviewed by the University Endowment Lands (UEL) administration. The Musqueam Indian Band, which owns the plot, is confident their request to rezone the tract of land, known as Block F, from multifamily housing to comprehensive development will be approved, despite some opposition from current residents of the endowment lands. Musqueam Capital Corporation, the economic development arm of the band, submitted their rezoning application to the UEL administration in December after a year of planning that included several community open houses. The current plan calls for several high-rise residential structures, including two 22-storey towers as well as a “commercial village” with retail and office space and a 120-room hotel. Block F, which is currently park land, is zoned for four-story multifamily housing. “We wanted to create … a wider range, so it wasn’t just one form of housing,” said Steve Lee, the CEO of the capital corporation. “Hopefully we can attract perhaps some rental, perhaps some young families and perhaps some mature couples who want to live and stay in the area.” But Ron Pearce, president of the UEL Community Advisory Council, said local residents were blindsided by the revelation that they would be losing the parkland and by the scale of the zoning changes Musqueam is requesting.

image courtesy dunn public relations

Concept art of what the Musqueam Indian Band hopes Block F will look like.

“Very few people people were happy that the whole thing happening at all,” Pearce said. “It took a little while for people to stop being quite irritated with that, to use a mild word.” Lee said current plans call for 145,000 square feet of commercial space, including the hotel, and 1.1 million square feet of residential space — enough to accommodate between 2,250 and 2,500 perma-

nent residents. In December 2012, Musqueam councillor Wade Grant told The Ubyssey the development would consist of low- to midrise towers of no more than 12 stories and 30,000 square feet of commercial space. Pearce said specific concerns around the development centred on the planned density, given that it is located outside of an urban centre. He said he expected the current

request to be denied or scaled back by the UEL administration. “I don’t think that what they’ve applied for is going to fly and frankly I don’t think they do either,” Pearce said. “If they try to do things that aren’t going to work then we’ll pump for turning it down [entirely].” The UEL administration, a provincial body which Pearce’s council can only advise, is current-

ly conducting a technical review. That process involves assessing the environmental, transportation and urban design impact of the proposed rezoning. The timeframe, expected to be approximately one year, depends on how quickly Musqueam responds to feedback from the UEL, the administration said. Following the technical review, the UEL will solicit public feedback before passing its recommendation along to minister for community, sport and and cultural development, Coralee Oakes, who oversees UEL governance, for a final decision. Musqueam, which maintains historic claims to the land in Point Grey, took ownership of Block F’s 22 acres and the University Golf Club in 2008 after they sued to prevent the province from selling the land and a court sided with the band. The golf course must remain such until 2083 as part of the court agreement. While Lee said it would be too early to cite specific revenue Musqueam would receive from the project, he said the funds would be put toward healthcare, education housing and elder care for Musqueam band members which number around 1,400 including 800–900 who live on the Musqeuam reserve near UBC’s campus. “With our own source of revenue … we can provide for the community not just now, but generationally so that we’re secure and sound and sustainable,” Lee said, adding that the development would provide employment opportunities from construction jobs to property management for band members. U

Monday, March 17, 2014 |

EDITOR Rhys Edwards

Alma Mater Hollywood

movies >>

Why the movie industry loves to film at West Point Grey Alex Meisner Staff Writer

You may pay $175 for a two-day pass for the happiest place on earth, but film companies pay UBC $2,500 a day for the benefit of one of the most diverse settings in the world. The UBC Vancouver campus is notorious for several things: Wreck Beach, bad Subway experiences and hosting celebrities and the feature films and television shows they perform in. For the most part, commercial filming has had a positive effect on campus in light of the opportunities they provide for the university, and their overall cultural impact. “Our experience with commercial productions has been uniformly excellent,” said Robert Gardiner, head of the theatre and film department. “The disruptions are minor, the small amount of revenue is good for film students, and the opportunities for students to watch professional crews in action is good for training.” UBC filming experiences are made appealing to companies by those in charge of the management of film productions on campus. Arlene Chan, the events and film liaison for UBC, believes the prospect of filming on campus

benefits the university as a whole — as long as it poses no impact on the daily life of UBC and its students. “When they first request to film on campus, we look at the timing so that it doesn’t interfere with any UBC operations such as exams, graduations, that kind of thing,” said Chan. “Filming is not meant to interrupt the general operations of the university.” Following an examination of location, a script review and a cheque, productions are granted permission to snap their clapperboards on campus for $2,500 a day. With the average filming project requiring a preparation day, one shooting day and a wrap day, the university cashes in on half of the fee for reinvestment into the film program. The other half is divided between UBC Central Planning and facility upkeep for whichever specific campus site is used. “We use the money we receive to purchase cameras and equipment for the film students, and to purchase rights for our collection of videos that are shown in film classes,” Gardiner said. Over the past few years that Chan has been responsible for managing the shooting of productions, she said the increase in film crews on campus is highly variable from year to year. In the past year, UBC has provided settings for a variety of major upcoming movie and television releases, including the film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey , Tomorrowland (starring Hugh Laurie and George Clooney), the pilot for Agent X and a third Night at the Museum film. </em>





Just last week, filming even took place at the New SUB construction site for a show entitled Warriors about a team of elite doctors who treat war veterans. “Right now there is an increase, but it is very cyclical,” Chan said, regarding current demand for UBC as a set. “One year it could be a little lower, the next year it could be a lot higher; it all depends on the types of productions that are being written and where locations are required.” This demand, Chan said, is due to the fact that UBC’s campus can be interpreted in so many different ways. “We have quite a diverse area,” she said. “When you go into the city, that’s it, it looks just like the city. But when you come out to UBC, it could be a city, but it could [also] be some rural area because you have so many trees, and looking at some of the gardens and wooded areas we have on campus as well. When you look at the [Irving K.] Barber Learning Centre, part of it is old and part of it is new, and that has an appeal for a number of productions. “If [a production] can find the right location on campus and make a number of days of it, they can accomplish a lot in a more controlled environment,” Chan said — as opposed to filming in the city, where the roads are busy even on a good night and there are people everywhere. Culturally, filming doesn’t seem to have a negative impact on campus. “I think it is an opportunity for the university to be portrayed in this manner. We try to engage the film students with the production as often as we can so they can actually see a production in process,” Chan said. “It’s exciting, too, when you turn on the television and you see UBC, and ... the way they can make it look so different or exactly the way it looks.” U <em>


The Hit List

A partial history of film and TV at UBC MacGyver (1985–1992): The popular show about the mullet-wearing secret agent super repairman filmed at the Irving K. Barber centre — so don’t be surprised if all those computers are actually made from nothing but twigs and a Swiss army knife. The X-Files (1993–2002):The classic ‘90s sci-fi show filmed one of its early episodes near Irving K. Barber. Unfortunately, it will probably take half a series to convince Agent Scully that this fact is true. Smallville (2001–2011): The TV origin story of the Man of Steel filmed in Koerner and other parts of campus, hopefully without the Last Son of Krypton dishing out the billion-dollar damage costs caused in his latest movie.

Good Luck Chuck (2007): This critically panned comedy about a man cursed to break up with every woman he sleeps with filmed some of its antics around Green College, which shouldn’t be surprising given that location’s ranking in our sex survey. Fringe (2008–2013): This contemporary X-Files and Twilight Zone hybrid was also filmed around parts of campus — or at the very least, their parallel dimension counterparts.

Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009): This epic space opera TV series remake covering the conflicts of humans and the robotic cylons had both sides duke it out occasionally at places like Koerner Library and the Chan Centre.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009): This origin story of everyone’s favourite swearing, adamantium-clawed Canadian X-Man used the Buchanan tower as a stand-in for a prison — not far from the real thing, really.

Supernatural (2005–present): The hit TV series about a pair of demon-hunting brothers has dropped by to film here at UBC on occasion — probably not without a handful of fans ogling the two leads, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, from a distance.

The Company You Keep (2012): This espionage thriller starring Robert Redford and Shia LaBeouf filmed some scenes along Main Mall. Fun fact: LaBeouf got involved in a bar fight on Granville Street on the night of the UBC shoot.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007): This sequel about the further adventures of the popular Marvel superhero group shot a scene in Chan Centre.

—Miguel Santa Maria, Contributor


6 | CULtURE |

MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014

fASHiON >>

Climate change, wardrobe change




the first is a grunge-inspired look. Beginning with a pair of cuffed skinny jeans (keeping them as far from the splashing puddles as possible), ankle boots and a t-shirt, you can layer up numbers of shirts depending on the temperature. Adding a light hoodie underneath the shirt ensures extra warmth and protection in case of sudden showers. By choosing waterproof ankle boots rather than conventional rain boots, you have the freedom of sporting this outfit on a day where the drizzle is enough to dampen your spirits, but not enough to pull out the waders. A hooded parka or umbrella could also be added for warmth, protection from the elements and style.

For the guys, it doesn’t always have to be about the heavy rain jackets. You’re going to school, not on a hiking trip. Many people seem to forget about the classic leather jacket when considering the practicality of an outft. Not only will it keep you warm and dry, you’ll look a damn sight classier for investing in such a lifelong wardrobe staple. Paired with sturdy waterproof shoes and a simple outft, you can be set for a day of four seasons. In case of a sudden sunny moment, simply remove your (UBC-branded) hoodie, stash it in your backpack and sling your jacket over your shoulder. You’ll look like you just fell off the catwalk in Milan.

For the more feminine fashionistas among you, it’s difficult to revert to jeans when you know a cute dress is all that’s needed to brighten the day. Although some may have reservations on the subject of dresses and rain boots, you only have to look at the music festival scene all over the world to know that this is a fun style that’s perfect for a dreary day. the best part of wearing a summer dress in the transitional seasons is the ease at which they can be layered up with a pair of thick tights, a cardigan and a waterproof top layer. U

Dressing for volatile weather Olivia Law Staff Writer

You wake up in the early hours of the morning for your 8 a.m. class to the sounds of thunderous rain pounding on the window, so you pull on your rain boots, thick leggings, a heavy sweater underneath a hoodie, and your ski jacket. After your crowded commute on the bus to campus, you’re hot and sweaty from being bumped up against strangers — who are also wearing bulky ski jackets — and try to run to class, only to trip due to the awkwardness of rubber rain boots. After a long morning of classes, you emerge into the blazing sunlight to see students lounging in the grass wearing shorts and sunglasses — and you’re the idiot in the winter gear. Normally, such unpredictability wouldn’t be usual. Earth and ocean sciences professor Douw Steyn argues that Vancouver faces some of the most consistent weather conditions on the planet. “By world standards, the Vancouver weather is not particularly changeable — it’s quite bland,” Steyn said. Even the U.K., an area usually considered similar in climate to Vancouver, experiences storms of greater intensity. “Because it’s a small area, the wind and rain can get pretty violent pretty quickly,” said Steyn. However, March is the most “energetic” month in terms of changeability, according to Steyn. “There is even poetry written about changing from winter mode to summer mode. After periods of days, perhaps, in winter where there is constant rain, we need to ask ourselves, ‘What do I do now?’ come springtime. You need to dress for change, dress in layers.” It looks like there’s not much we can do about the climate situation in B.C., aside from emigrating to the Caribbean — and even there, the weather isn’t consistent enough to create confidence in your outfit choice. And if climate change continues to produce volatile weather conditions, what is one to do when faced with the possibility of four different seasons in one day? Experts everywhere stress the importance of layering your clothes. First, you need a base layer, then another layer for warmth — fleece jackets are recommended — and another waterproof layer on the outside. Then layers can be added or removed as necessary. Although lots of thin layers are recommended, something ex-

perts are keen to stress is to avoid cotton at all costs. “You don’t want anything cotton next to your skin,” said Jenna Brent, a staff member at Mountain Equipment Co-op in Vancouver. “Cotton absorbs all the water from your skin, which will not wick any of the moisture away, so you’ll get cold and start to shiver.” Even though you may think you’re trapping all of the heat between thin layers of cotton T-shirts, you may in fact be making it worse. So who should we look to for outfit inspiration? Anyone who has looked at catwalk videos from recent fashion weeks in London, Paris, New York and Milan will know the designs on show are perhaps not the most appropriate for everyday wear for an average UBC student. Sime Godfrey, professor of French, Hispanic and Italian studies and a campus fashion expert, believes many students at UBC need to pay more attention to the weather situation when making outfit decisions. “It surprises me about the number of people wearing ballet flats with no socks or stockings regardless of the weather,” Godfrey said. “It’s like they feel waterproof themselves!” Godfrey, however, also acknowledged the mundaneness of wearing the same wet-weather gear every day. “Leggings and hunter boots and that sort of thing — everyone’s kind of done with it.” So what does she suggest? Not straying too far from home. “People are blogging about wardrobes in wet weather, taking photos and posting them online. [These are] real people, not manufactured by the fashion industry. When you come across a pair of neat looking rain boots online, it’s exciting – you want interesting rain gear that doesn’t look like everyone else’s.” Looking outside of Canada is also a good source of inspiration. “I’d start by looking at magazines which come [from] other rainy countries, for example Belgium or Scotland, where their weather isn’t too different to ours,” Godfrey said. It appears that the best advice and inspiration comes from those “like us.” Something as personal as our clothing choices can’t come from one place — it’s about taking styles from sources that you love, whether it be movies, people you see on the street or periods of history, and adapting them to suit your own situation. For your benefit, we’ve come up with three outfit ideas suited to different styles which appear popular around campus.

It’s another Ubyssey giveaway!

Ubu Roi The infamous first line of this 1896 satire of greed and abuse of power is “merdre.” th

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The Ubyssey has tickets to give away for the March 20 to March 29 showings at Frederic Wood Theatre. Curtain at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday. For tickets, go to SUB 23.

ILLustRAtIoNs kIANA tHoRLEy/tHE uByssEy

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MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014

CULtURE VULtURE DtES DRAMA This Stays in the Room, directed by uBC theatre alumna Mindy Parfitt , will play at gallery gachet (88 East Cordova st.) in the Downtown Eastside from March 19 to 30. During the show, seven professional performers share dramatized stories of sexual abuse, homophobia, shame and forgiveness with audiences — all of them based on real-life events that occurred in the lives of the show’s creative team. since the gallery isn’t a real theatre space, there’s no barrier between the actors and the audience, meaning attendees can expect some very intimate moments indeed. BOOKStORE BUMMER oscar’s Art Books, one of the last independent book stores in Vancouver, will close at the end of March. the store, which has been located at the intersection of Broadway and granville street for over 24 years, was a popular source for rare and unusual books, and offered discounts on all new stock in addition to frequent sales. In a written statement, the store’s owners pointed to the rise of Internet technology as the primary source of competition and consequential decreased revenue. U

| CULtURE | 7

MUSiC >>

ART >>

ROAM wins Last Band Standing

Beaty Biodiversity explores natural devastation

Marlee Laval Staff Writer

Kaidie Williams Staff Writer

Indie folk rockers Rebel on a Mountain jammed their way to the top spot of Last Band Standing during the competition’s finale on Thursday night. After weeks of preparing and practicing for the big night, ROAM outplayed local bands of all genres to earn this year’s title. Hot on the heels of their win, the boys feel not only satisfied, but extremely honoured. “When we were announced the winners, I felt ... deep respect for being awarded the top spot in a group of very talented and capable bands,” drummer Christopher Rogers said. “It was the perfect way to solidify that our hard work had paid off,” said lead vocalist Kristian Wagner. The band agreed that the energy and support from the finale’s audience helped make their win even more rewarding. “So much energy and happiness were in that small confined space and we completely fed off that energy, which made our performance even crazier,” said bassist Christopher Goodchild. Along with a spot on this year’s Block Party lineup, ROAM’s prize pack includes a cash prize, airtime on CiTR, a VIP experience with Molson Canadian and a live performance music video from Green Couch Productions. U

mORe ONlINe For web exclusive articles and extended features, visit


Unnatural history

We wear all the scarves.

Email culture@ for volunteer opportunities

Animals of a different kind are the subject of the Beaty Biodviersity’s Museum’s latest art exhibit. Spectators must be in a state of constant reflection and deep thought when viewing Dana Cromie’s “Remnants: A Visual Survey of Human Progress” at the Beaty. Until April 20, Dana Cromie’s work will be on display at the far end of the museum. Cromie, who focuses on the relationship between art and gardening, is the current artist in residence at the UBC Botanical Garden. Cromie’s work highlights the 19th-century move to a more industrialized society at the cost of natural habitats for plants and animals. The exhibit has a vertical format similar to the appearance of a timeline. In this way, the progression of viewers through the exhibit mirrors the progression of the human race in the industrialization era. Cromie begins with a large, quilt-style collage of plant and animal sketches, reminding viewers of the world before it was immersed in indus-


Cromie’s work includes both sketches and collages depicting the collapse of the environment.

trialization culture. The blues and whites of the sketches quickly fade into a more a solemn colour choice, black and white. Cromie’s use of monochrome sketches allows viewers to appreciate the species on display in virtue of their physical existence, not merely through their naturally bold colours. Viewers have no choice but to be engaged in the solemn atmosphere evoked by the black and white shades used to enhance the sketches. Cromie’s detailed sketches include depictions of plants such as the northern balsam root and the Spanish clover. His work also highlights a scanned copy of the club clover, a plant that has not been spotted in southern B.C. since 1904. As the exhibit progresses, images of insects — all 11 by 14 inches in size — are added in order to create a natural habitat on the walls of the gallery. They range from butterflies such as the island blue to wasps and even earthworms. Every physical attribute of the insects is on display,

magnifying their delicate and vulnerable nature. Suddenly, one photograph composed of several ships emerges. The ships are the same size, pattern and colour. Cromie repeats this pattern with trees, grazed land, houses and luxury items. These items begin to impose themselves into the natural habitats of the plants and animals observed in the first half of the exhibit. At first, it is hard to spot the products of industrialization in the photograph, but as progress continues, they become more and more evident. Cromie concludes with a collage of insects, plants, trees, houses and all the other products of human progress. In a single photograph, there is little space for the insects and plants to exist; there are only remnants of their existence, as their environments have been rendered inferior to human wants and needs. Only fragments of organisms remain, no match for the progress of human growth. U

Monday, March 17, 2014 |




UBC football looking for new general manager

Position created just 3 days after the second stage of sports review results were announced Mehryar Maalem Staff Writer

In their goal to become the best football program in the country and win their first Vanier Cup title since 1997, UBC football has created a new general manager position. The job posting came just three days after the university announced the second stage of results for the sports targeting review. Football is one of seven teams slated to receive enhanced support from the university. “Any time you’re running a football program you have a good idea of what people are doing in our country and what you need to be doing to be successful,” said head coach Shawn Olson. “This is the direction we knew we’d have to go into.” The search for a general manager is part of a transformation process for a squad that finished 4-4 in the regular season this year before losing in the first round of Canada West playoffs to the University of Calgary Dinos, the eventual Vanier Cup runners-up. Looking ahead, UBC football aims for more specialized personnel to help the program improve its fundraising, sponsorships and marketing. The role of the new general manager will be to bring a fresh perspective to the business operations of the program that will help build a foundation for UBC to consistently compete for the Vanier Cup. “The desperation and the ambition is to be the top-three team in the country every year,” Olson said. “To do that you need the

the uBC football team has created a new general manager position in the hopes of becoming the best football program in Canada.

organization and the structure behind you to be able to support the type of product you want to put on the field to be successful in a very competitive environment.” The ideal candidate for the position would be someone with a strong background in business, fundraising and sports marketing, according to Olson. Having worked in the Vancouver area before would also be an asset, since established connections are essential. It is also important for the candidate to have strong financial management, advertis-

ing and community engagement experience. “Every city has its own unique characteristics,” said Olson. “It’s important to get your head around exactly what those are and where the niche is for the business opportunities that are appropriate for a football program at a university.” The position will be responsible for increasing the program’s revenue and creating a first-class environment for the players to succeed. With other universities — such as Laval who has won seven of the last 11 Vanier Cups — having top

programs consistently every year, Olson believes that a restructure is key to get his team to that level. “If you want to be the best at something you need to have a bit more specialization, and that’s kind of what has driven us to do this,” he said. “We want to be the best program in the country and we feel that this is a step into that direction.” Olson said this direction is not a new plan, but rather a goal that has been long overdue. He also said the sports review might have had a small impact on inspiring the


organization to start taking steps. “The sports review definitely has had something to do with it as far as creating the will and the desire to change a little bit, but I wouldn’t say it’s a direct result of it. “The best organizations in the world are always evolving and that’s what we’re trying to do.” The application period for the new football general manager position closes on March 17. The first round of interviews are scheduled for April 3. U —With files from Natalie Scadden



Red Bull hosts 5-on-5 soccer tourney with a twist Paul S. Jon contributor

MacInnes Field was the site of Red Bull’s Winning 5 soccer tournament on Friday afternoon. Twenty-one teams competed in five-on-five tournament-style soccer with an interesting wrinkle: each goal scored would eliminate a player from the opposing team. The first team to eliminate all five opposing players or the team with the most players left on the pitch after 10 minutes would win the match. There were no goalkeepers and goals could only be scored from the attacking half of the pitch, making the play fast and frantic. The first team to score would generally go on to win the match, either by running out the time or by knocking off the rest of the opposing team. The snowballing effect of losing a player after being scored on seemed an insurmountable obstacle for teams who suffered first blood. The final came down to two teams: FC International and the SN1P3RS. Much of the match remained scoreless when, with only a few minutes remaining, Thomas Pound of the SN1P3RS demonstrated his team’s name, driving a shot from near centre field into the opposing goal. Down one player, FC International fought hard in the dying seconds to tie the match, narrowly missing a shot on goal, but the SN1P3RS held on for the victory. By the end of the tournament, the field had become torn apart, posing an extra challenge for the players. “The grass started to get ripped up at the end so it got a bit messy,” said Pound after the match. The five SN1P3RS were all members of the same Vancouver Metro Soccer League team, the Snipers FC. Five other members also participated as a separate team in the tournament under the name “Better SN1P3RS” but were eliminated in their first match against the winning SN1P3RS. It was the first time any of them had participated in this format of play. “It’s a little more

PHoto stEVEN DuRFEE/tHE uByssEy

twenty-one teams participated in the Friday tournament.

important not to concede,” said Miguel Estrela, a member of the winning SN1P3RS, regarding the format. The SN1P3RS enjoyed their victory with a playful dedication to their fans. “We’re proud to give the fans the title they have been looking for and deserve,” said Estrela. “Just look out for our open-top bus parade on Wesbrook Mall,” Pound said. Alex Mascott, an event organizer and UBC varsity rugby player, explained Red Bull's purpose behind hosting the event. “It’s to get people excited about the brand as well as bring people in UBC to promote health and wellness,” Mascott said. “Recently they’ve allocated a bunch of money away from certain things into promoting health and wellness, so Red Bull wants to continue that sort of trend and bring the campus together in a fun tournament.” The Winning 5 tournament is also taking place at Simon Fraser University, UBC Okanagan and the University of Victoria later this month. U

MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014

| SPORtS + REC | 9


Another historic season for UBC women’s hockey

JASON YEE Frosted tips

Jenny Tang Staff Writer

It was a tough playoff season for UBC women’s hockey this year, but despite bowing out to the University of Saskatchewan Huskies in the Canada West semifinals, the team still made history. The odds were not in UBC’s favour going into the playoff weekend in Saskatchewan against a team that had handed them two losses just two weeks earlier. But despite the two-hour time difference and the travel, the ’Birds played hard and outshot the Huskies two to one in game one. However, Saskatchewan goalie Cassidy Hendricks stopped all 38 shots to ensure the Huskies claimed the first win of the bestof-three series, a 2-0 victory. The T-Birds managed to pull out a 4-2 win the next night, but it came at a cost. Late in the third period, UBC goaltender Danielle Dube was pulled out with an injury. Dube, who had stopped 20 of 22 shots in the victory, was unable to play the deciding game the next night. In a do-or-die game three, UBC spent 18 minutes on the penalty kill. Danielle Lemon stood strong in net, stopping 22 of 25 shots. A goal that was taken back in the end of the second period disheartened the ’Birds, but the game remained tied at two with less than four minutes left on the clock. But an interference penalty lead to a Saskatchewan powerplay, and Kandace Cook gave the Huskies the go-ahead, and time ran out on UBC’s efforts to come back. “It was an unlucky game,” said head coach Graham Thomas. “We thought our girls played really hard and gave so much effort and played as a team. It was one of our most consistent weekends that we had. There are definitely some adjustments that we have to make as

how to improve your hockey shot If you play hockey at any level, you probably want to improve your shot. Even if you don’t play hockey, chances are that you know some youngsters who play. Become their favourite university student when you teach them to shoot pucks like an all-star with some tips from a UBC Thunderbird. I had the chance to ask my teammate and roommate Cole Wilson some of his tips for players looking to improve their shot. He’s a pretty good guy to talk to, both because his room is right beside mine and because he led our team in scoring this season with 18 goals in 28 games. Here’s what he had to say: FILE PHoto gEoFF LIstER/tHE uByssEy

the uBC women’s hockey team celebrated 20 regular season wins this year, a school record.

coaches and players and there are lessons you need to reflect on just to make us better for a bounce-back season next year.” While the Thunderbirds had set out to give their 2013 Canada West championship banner some company in Thunderbird Arena, they didn’t quite leave empty-handed despite the loss. T-Bird Tatiana Rafter was not only the top scorer in the entire Canada West conference with 20 goals and 38 points — both UBC records — but has also been named Canada West Player of the Year — the first Thunderbird women’s hockey player to ever do so. UBC's Sarah Casorso, Christi “Caps” Capozzi and Hannah Heisler were also decorated with honours. Casorso and Rafter were named first-team Canada West all-stars, while Capozzi was named a secondteam all-star. Heisler was named to the all-rookie team.

In addition to their Canada West honours, Rafter and Casorso were also named CIS first-team all-Canadians on Wednesday night at the CIS women’s hockey banquet in Fredericton, N.B. Graham Thomas was named Sport BC’s Coach of the Year last Thursday in recognition of his team’s historic turnaround in 2013 and continuing into 2014 with an impressive track record. The ’Birds won 20 regular season games this year, surpassing their all-time best win total — a record set in their historic 2012-13 season. They were particularly dominant on home ice, with a 13-0-1 regular season record at Thunderbird Arena and sweeping their only home playoff series with two more wins over Calgary. But in the end, the Huskies got the better of them, both in the final regular season weekend, which cost the Thunderbirds the first-place seed in the Canada West playoffs —

and then in the semifinals, which cost them the chance to go back to the CIS tournament. “We really need to remember that you can’t take anything for granted and make sure that you don’t think it’s going to be any easier or that anything is going to be given to us,” Thomas said. “And another thing is really ensuring that we set ourselves up for success in the best way possible, and that’s playing all the games at home and getting that by, and finishing in first place so that we can host all the way through for the best situation.” Looking forward to next season, Thomas still has his eyes on his main goal: winning a national championship. “We want to win nationals and we have to win Canada West to do it, and now that’s going to be our attitude and our mindset as we move forward next year.” U —With files from Natalie Scadden <em>


Stickin’ it to cancer: charity road hockey tournament raises $26,000 Jack Hauen Staff Writer

It was a typical Vancouver Saturday when Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) Phi Alpha fraternity's Stick It to Cancer event took Thunderbird Avenue parking lots by storm. This marks the third year Stick It has taken place, and the donations raised certainly make it worthwhile; in its first and second years, participants raised an impressive $3,815 and $7,006 respectively. This year, they expected a humble increase from previous events, and set their goal at $10,000 — and they destroyed it. DKE raised over $26,000 online for the Canadian Cancer Society, blowing the previous totals out of the water. “I’m still shocked,” said Gurdeep Roycombough, the event’s chairman. “On top of our online donations, we have all the money we collected from team registrations, as well as donations we got at the event itself, [from] the minigames, the raffle and the 50-50. Realistically, we’re close to $30,000.” And they had fun doing it. The just-for-fun spirit of Stick It was apparent well before the event began, as teams signed up with names including Prestige Worldwide, the Wayne Gretz-Phis, Honey Nut Chelios and the Pen Islanders. Some teams joined just for fun, while

others took it seriously. The divide was apparent in their appearance, with certain ragtag groups in vaguely similarly-coloured clothes, and others sporting dedicated Stick It shirts along with the occasional pair of hockey gloves or shin pads. There was no shortage of smiles in any of the eight games being played at once during the tournament. The 27 teams (20 men’s and seven women’s) played tournaments divided by gender: round-robin games to decide the playoff combatants, then brackets of quarterfinals, semifinals and the grand championship game. The winners would get a shiny trophy and that wonderful feeling of yearlong road hockey bragging rights. During the soggy event, the players weren’t the only ones having fun. The areas surrounding the gated-off play areas included amusing distractions for spectators. Some played target practice with a hockey net and the classic four-corners target setup. Others tested their brawn in a slapshot competition that included a shot speed tracker. Still others bought 50-50 tickets or competed in the silent auction for signed and framed pictures of the Canucks, and some were content to huddle under the popup tent concession stand selling burgers and hotdogs (or, for the big spenders, the Hungry Nomad food truck).

As the event wore on, it became clear that one team stuck out among the group: the Joyce Express, winners of every Stick It championship so far, including this one. “This is our three-peat,” said the aptly-named team captain Garrett Stickler. “We were expecting to face some tough competition, which we did, but we were ready to play.” Though his team practiced every weekend leading up to the event and was competing hard to

win, they still had “a blast,” and will be coming back next year to challenge again. Overall, it’s not hard to say that the event was a huge success. $26,000 raised for cancer research in one event isn’t an easy task, but DKE and everyone else involved proved that dedication to a cause pays off. And even though it poured, the Vancouver spirit pulled through to contribute to an event that will hopefully stick around for a long time. U

PHoto JosH CuRRAN/tHE uByssEy

27 teams took part in the stick It to Cancer charity road hockey tournament on saturday.

1. LEARN TO USE YOUR STICK Beginner players often don’t know how to “load” their stick. Sticks are designed to be flexible and whiplike nowadays. When you learn to lean into your stick prior to a shot, you learn to preload the stick, allowing it to whip forward and propel the puck towards the net when you unload it. “I lean on my stick to get more power and a quicker release on my shot,” says Wilson.

2. SHIFT YOUR WEIGHT Using momentum generated by your body will help add more power to your shot. Just like a soccer player or football kicker gets more power when they are running toward the ball, a hockey player gets more power when their body is moving toward the net during a shot. Beginner players sometimes fall away from their shot; expert players have all their energy going towards their target when they shoot. You can shoot by shifting your weight from your back foot to your front foot, or even your front foot to your back foot. “I always try to get my full weight into my shot,” says Wilson. “I do that by shifting my weight towards the net on every shot.”

3. USE YOUR HIPS “Your hips and arms need to work together,” says Wilson. Try different foot positions to allow your hips to turn unimpeded with your stick. Just like a golf swing, much of your power comes from your hips. They have to move powerfully and in sync with the rest of your shooting movement.

4. LEARN TO BE DECEPTIVE Pulling the puck into or away from your body changes the angle of your shot and makes it more deceptive. Wilson has a habit of always pulling the puck in with the toe of his stick before shooting. “The goalie lines up to where you position the puck while shooting. If you change the angle a bit before you shoot, you can catch them out of position,” says Wilson. The one thing that Wilson stressed again and again as a critical part of his shot development was practice. He would practice shooting for hours everyday in his backyard. Give these tips a try next time you’re on the ice! U Jason Yee is a third-year kinesiology student and a defencemen on the UBC men’s hockey team. To check out his blog, go to train2point0.wordpress. com.

Monday, March 17, 2014 |



Young punks think they can get away with anything these days

the AMs Council is increasingly using closed sessions to discuss banal items that don’t deserve secrecy.

LAST WORdS SECRET GOVERNANCE You elect the AMS Council and executives. You also make up most of their budget with their student fees. For these reasons, transparency is of utmost importance to how they operate. Council meetings are open to the public, though they got rid of free dinners recently because of massive budget problems — fair enough. They also, reasonably enough, ask members of the public to leave when they handle personnel issues. If a truly private matter is being discussed, we have no problem granting the individual privacy and having the AMS close the meeting. However, it seems like Council is increasingly going “in camera,” as the closed sessions are referred to, in order to discuss things like the future of the Whistler Lodge. This is unacceptable. Going in camera is not a proper tactic for avoiding scrutiny. It is for discussing legitimately confidential matters, and for that only. When you start to play loose with closing meetings to the public, including media, you risk losing the trust of the student body, which, again, pays AMS officials salaries.

SHOWDOWN OVER BLOCK F IN NOBODY'S INTEREST Both sides of the Block F debate are going to need to give a little. The Musqueam band are hoping to build a commercial village on campus, where there are currently only trees. The University Endowment Lands (UEL) is sad about losing those trees. So what? Wesbrook Village came at the cost of some green space, not to mention everything else on this campus which used to be Musqueam territory.

Why don’t we care more about the movies shot at UBC?


Editor’s Notebook

The fact that so many films and TV show are shot at UBC — and that students are generally indifferent to the filming — says a lot about campus culture. For one thing, UBC’s ubiquity as a filming location belies a lack of architectural character on campus — film crews are attracted here since virtually any facade can

ILLustRAtIoN JEtHRo Au/tHE uByssEy

FILE PHoto PHoto gEoFF LIstER/tHE uByssEy


Council members and execs are keeping their student-funded bonuses secret.

Here at The Ubyssey, we abide by the Canadian Press style guide when editing our copy, and while it's generally a pretty good and forward-thinking corpus, let us tell you, there are some real stinkers in there. Thankfully, we now send emails (instead of e-mails, like the Associated Press does), but we still use the Internet like it’s the late ’90s or something. We’re actually pretty progressive in terms of making things one word rather than creating hyphenated monstrosities — after much hand-wringing, we

now use cellphones and smartphones, finally, like the rest of the civilized world. But the worst CP convention of all, for our money, is the inclusion of periods in geographical acronyms, such as the U.S.A., the U.K. and our very own home province. As a Vancouver-based paper, we frequently find ourselves writing stories that take place in B.C. But you’re not quite sure where that last sentence ended, are you? That extra dot threw you off, just like when a sentence ends with a time given in a.m. or p.m. See? It happened again. Unforgivable. This is made even worse when writing about organizations who don't use periods in their official names, like the BC Civil Liberties Association — you end up with an article that looks like the copy editor was asleep at the trigger. We ran a particularly vexing article a few weeks ago about a house on campus that used to belong to a man known as B.C. Binning, whose estate was involved in a legal dispute with the provincial government. It was, predictably, a dot-littered mess, but at least it happened in the current era — had it happened 2015 years ago or prior, it would have been the B.C. B.C. Binning house’s BC dispute with B.C. Yikes. Style guides are important. They help a publication maintain consistent copy standards across the board, something particularly important at student papers where there is such high turnover. But please, Canadian Press — you really need to do something about all of these unnecessary goddamn dots. Do not get us started about the Oxford comma. U

The AMS established the Performance Accountability Incentive (PAI) to try and create a way to encourage execs to go above and beyond their duties with the hopes of earning a $5,000 bonus. While the plan may be an incentive, it doesn’t seem to be generating performance or accountability. Do you know how much the AMS is giving out in bonuses to each of last year’s execs? Neither do we. And neither the AMS nor the individual execs will say how much of the potential $25,000 pot they each received. We could guess how much they got based on their performances, but neither the AMS nor the execs will say what goals they had to reach to get their full bonuses, or if they even reached those goals. Aaron Bailey, chair of the AMS oversight committee, said AMS code prevents him from releasing any of the bonus amounts or the reasons why they were allocated as they were. He said the process keeps execs accountable to Council, so the average student doesn’t need to know how much money each exec is getting or why. In an interview, he explained that students elect AMS representatives to represent them, and suggested we at The Ubyssey may be interested in getting the opinions of other students on the PAI allocation process. Twisted logic and condescension aside, the PAI process needs some serious reform. AMS execs are students too, and they may not want everyone to know exactly how much money they make. But if a student is elected to

a public office, they give up some amount of privacy. Their salaries are public, the AMS is in a deficit, and students should know how the AMS spends their money. All of last year’s execs, some of whom are currently in office, declined to talk about their PAI allocations. While we like Bokor’s decision to give up his bonus money, we don’t appreciate his decision to decline comment on it. When he ran for office, he said PAI wasn’t “financially responsible” given the AMS’s financial position. Well, the PAI process isn’t only financially irresponsible — it’s also not accountable. Before Bokor gave up his bonus, Council voted to cut his PAI allocation because he breached AMS values. Neither he nor the AMS will say which one of the AMS values — honesty, effectiveness, accountability, respect and teamwork — he allegedly violated. Council also determined that former VP admin Derek Moore violated AMS values, and docked his PAI allocation by 50 per cent. These value violations could range from something minor to something very serious, but students have been left in the dark. Although Council made a point of discussing all this money and accountability in closed session, they accidentally left what looked like one of the exec’s bonus amounts on the projector — then quickly hid it — as people trickled back into Council chambers for open session. While Council has ordered a review of the PAI process, we hope they will scrap it altogether. The process is too arbitrary and secretive. Execs should set high goals and achieve them regardless of potential bonus money. If the AMS wants to be accountable, they should stop conducting so much business in secret. U

function as a generic placeholder for either the typological “modern laboratory/software industry building” (e.g. the Koerner Library) or the “old academic university building” archetype (e.g. the Chemistry building). In the past, UBC’s architects have said they’ve intentionally avoided creating an imposing, consistent cross-campus architectural style in order to promote greater freedom among UBC’s students to interact with and shape their academic environment as they choose — which is laudable. But the result of this “everywhere and nowhere” aesthetic attitude results in the absence of any defining feature towards which residents, students and faculty can develop a sentimental attachment, which is

one of the reasons the administration has historically struggled to cultivate a strong connection between the university and its alumni. Of course, if UBC did have more defining architecture, it would struggle to attract film crews, which are a source of badly needed moolah for the administration and the film department. That said, a campus with a signature character has compelling brand power — and in the long term, it’s the consistent alumni donations and student attendance derived from brand power which reaps the greatest dividends, not unpredictable film shoots. The way in which students respond to film shoots also merits some examination. By and large, students don’t get excited about

seeing film crews on campus — this can be partly attributed to the prudence of UBC Planning, which isn’t in the habit of advertising major film shoots. But even when dozens of enormous trailers, props and expensive equipment are distributed liberally across every major thoroughfare, most students grant them barely more than a passing glance. This is bizarre, given that the titles being shot are often big-budget releases with a large fanfare — productions we will eventually pay to see on the big screen (or stream illegally in a darkened dorm room). In other circumstances, one would cherish the opportunity to casually stroll through a Hollywood film set. So why don’t we care more? It’s not as if, despite UBC Planning’s efforts,

we’re unaware that these films are being made here — but you'd be hard-pressed to find a student who cites the campus’ popularity as a filming location as one of their incentives for coming here. Regrettably, the lack of interest reflects an age-old flaw with UBC’s student community — an egregious lack of community engagement. Our noses are too buried in our smartphones and our gradually diminishing attention span is too occupied with every tweet, update and post to pay attention to the spectacles which surround us — not even when, paradoxically, those spectacles are the source of the very same products which will eventually come to consume hours of our time on Netflix. U

Block F belongs to Musqueam, and if they want to build something there, they should be able to. The Musqueam shouldn’t lose out on revenue to support their band just because the UEL doesn’t like change. That said, for the Musqueam to make their idea a reality, they must take into account the community feedback, like anybody who is building here should. Their current plan would increase the number of permanent residents in the endowment lands by about 25 per cent, and in the past year their plan has changed from 30,000 square feet of commercial space and towers of no more than 12 stories to 145,000 square feet of commercial space and 22-storey towers, none of which the UEL is happy about. The Musqueam need to confirm exactly what they’re planning to do and work with the UEL to address their more reasonable concerns as to how this will impact campus. The UEL needs to take the stick out of their ass, accept that this is happening, and figure out how they can get along.



Editor’s Notebook

Monday, March 17, 2014 |


COMiC >>


WA N t tO

by tubey

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Be up-to-date on everything newsworthy happening at UBC, be it breaking news or investigative reporting.

Culture Editor

Music, theatre, art, food — keep track of UBC’s vibrant cultural community.

Sports + Rec Editor

Varsity sports, UBC recreation — who knows, you might even end up talking to some professional athletes.

Blog + Opinions Editor

Produce daily content for the Ubyssey blog, and run the opinions section that appears twice a week online and in print.

Photo Editor

Articles need photos to accompany them. Make sure that happens.

Design Editor

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Position papers due march 21, 5 p.m. in SUb 24

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12 | GAMES |

MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2014


PuZZLE CouRtEsy BEstCRosswoRDs.CoM. usED wItH PERMIssIoN.

ACROSS 1- young cow 5- Anatomical passages 10- give the eye 14- Baseball’s Hershiser 15- Frasier’s brother 16- yacht spot 17- A Chaplin 18- Imaginary 20- Between, old-style 22- Fam. member 23- Lulus 24- Aegean island 26- Conk out 27- scoffed 30- Distribute the wrong cards 34- Mother of Calcutta 35- Ascended, flower 36- Cattle call 37- Mild oath 38- throat problem 40- Member of the Conservative Party 41- Permit 42- Cutlass, e.g. 43- Ray of GoodFellas 45- Develops in stages 47- Breakfast choice 48- some MIt grads 49- Bottomless gulf 50- Essential oil 53- Hst’s successor 54- Australia’s ___ Rock

58- sam spade, e.g. 61- Cut the crop 62- ___ kleine Nachtmusik 63- sublease 64- “Jaws” boat 65- December day, briefly 66- Hives 67- some digits

DOWN 1- Codger 2- get one’s ducks in ___ 3- Director Riefenstahl 4- Linseed 5- Roadhouse 6- steering system component 7- santa’s aides 8- spool 9- georgia, once: Abbr. 10- uncovered 11- Bestow 12- Lecherous look 13- stumbles 19- Racket 21- sailors 25- Rubella 26- show 27- Inscribed pillar 28- Israeli desert region 29- Muse of love poetry 30- The Simpsons bartender 31- Chew the scenery 32- Artery that feeds the trunk

33- Faithful 35- Monopoly quartet: Abbr. 39- NFL scores 40- Nonsense 42- ___ barrel 44- ___ boy! 46- Departs 47- Complied 49- Die Fledermaus maid 50- Acme 51- Barbershop request 52- Ike’s ex 53- Antlered animal 55- Architect saarinen 56- speed contest 57- Pampering places 59- Capote, to friends 60- DDE’s command mAR. 13 ANSWeRS

DINO mAZe Help the green arrow on an old-fashioned airport dash! The red arrow is the arrow of the green arrow’s dreams. She has never met any arrow as direct and forward-thinking as the red arrow. Now, the red arrow wants to move to Sydney to pursue his dream of being an Australian road sign. Help save true love by guiding the green arrow her way through the busy dinosaur airport.



Staff meeting. Wednesdays at noon.



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