Mark Molloy, Esq., Cascade Strategies LLC
House and Senate Appoint Leadership for 2021-2022 Legislative Session
peaker of the House Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka unveiled their respective leadership teams in mid-February. While the upper Senate leadership team remains the same, Speaker Mariano, now in his first full term as Speaker, placed his imprimatur throughout the leadership designations. On the House side, Representative Claire Cronin, formerly the House Chair of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, assumes the mantle of Majority Leader. Next in the leadership chain, Representative Kate Hogan, a former Division Chair and a vocal water infrastructure advocate for her district, moves to the third position as Speaker of the House Pro Tempore. Representative Mike Moran will take over as Assistant Majority Leader, while Representative Joe Wagner and Representative Sarah Peake assume the roles of 2nd Assistant Majority Leaders. Finally, the Speaker’s top leadership team is filled out with four new Division Chairs in Representative Tom Golden, Representative Jim O’Day, Representative Frank Moran, and Representative Ruth Balser. On the Senate side, Senator Cindy Creem remains the Majority Leader. Senator Will Brownsberger remains as the Senate President Pro Tempore, while Senator Harriet Chandler remains Senate President Emerita. Senator Joan Lovely, Senator Mike Barrett, and Senator Sal DiDomenico continue their watch as Assistant Majority Leaders. Senator Mike Rush and Senator Julian Cyr maintain their roles as Majority Whip and Assistant Majority Whip. With respect to subject matter Committees of interest to UCANE members, the House and Senate leadership teams are as follows: House Committee on Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz, Vice Chair Anne-Margaret Ferrante, and Assistant Vice Chair Paul Donato MARCH, 2021
Senate Committee on Ways and Means Chair Michael Rodrigues, Vice Chair Cindy Friedman, and Assistant Vice Chair Jason Lewis Joint Committee on the Environment • House: Chair Carolyn Dykema; Vice Chair Mindy Domb • Senate: Chair Becca Rausch; Vice Chair Jaime Eldridge Joint Committee on State Administration • House: Chair Antonio F.D. Cabral; Vice Chair Christine Barber • Senate: Chair Marc Pacheco; Vice Chair Becca Rausch Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure • House: Chair Tackey Chan; Vice Chair Mary Keefe • Senate: Chair Sue Moran; Vice Chair Paul Feeney Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy • House: Chair Jeff Roy; Vice Chair Paul Mark • Senate: Chair Mike Barrett; Vice Chair Marc Pacheco House Minority Leader Brad Jones recently announced his leadership team with, among other appointments, Representative Brad Hill assuming the role of Assistant Minority Leader and Representative Todd Smola as Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Ways and Means. For his part, Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr appointed Senator Patrick O’Connor and Senator Ryan Fattman as his Assistant Minority Leaders. To view all Committee appointments, please visit: continued on page 9