Cal Kronicle | Spring Banquet 2014

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Cal Kronicle

VOLUME XX | EDITION 1 | SPRING BANQUET 2014 ISSUE University of California, Berkeley

table of contents 3. BLURBS 8. BEYOND CAL 4. SERVICE *dance marathon *cki x rotaract *who is joe lee?! 6. LEADERSHIP *member of week/month 7. FELLOWSHIP *interfamily cook-off


*kiwi korner *golden gate *cal-nev-ha 12. HELLO, GOODBYE *old~new board *senior farewell


may 16 may 25 [golden-sunse may divisional [start with a story] service project] 7am-2:30pm bertha te

may 17

may 30 [hands-on-science @ Leconte

may 23

may 31 [chocolate & chalk festival]

[Ice CreaM/CheeseboardSocial] 4-7pm [sfsu eoty banquet: hawaii] Leon Liang 4:30-11PM bertha te [STUDY-A-THON @ SLC] 10AM-3PM [hands-on-science planning STANLEY HAn meeting@barrows] [FInal chill night] 3:30-5pm TBD cherie leung Leon liang

may 7

7am-12:30pm cherie leung

elementary school] 3:15-5:30pm cherie leung

11am-3pm vivian nguyen

from the president Hello all you wonderful people! Welcome to Spring Banquet! Today, at the end of the 2013-2014 academic year, I just wanted to express how unbelievably proud I am of UC Berkeley Circle K this past year. Everyone involved in this organization is so inspiring! It’s evident when we have a group of twenty huddled together at Barrows Courtyard at 4am ready for service, when we’re out at Cazadero spreading mulch and moving furniture all day despite the rain, or when it’s finals week and people are still asking about service opportunities. UC Berkeley Circle K has been my first exposure to the Kiwanis Family and I could not be more thankful that it was you—this is one absolutely incredible club. I recall my college experience thus far and the bulk of my best memories being with Circle K. This is my home and you are my family. I am so humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve as your President for the 2014-2015 term. I could not be more proud of all of our accomplishments this past year. But now at the start of the new term, I encourage you to reach higher, do more, and grow! Get involved on the divisional, district, or international level. Apply to host a workshop, be a family head or mentor, attend committees, try different service projects. Don’t let the end of the school year be the end of Circle K. Stay involved over the summer by signing up for our summer mailing list! This club is truly an unbelievable team. I am beyond excited for the 2014-2015 term and I cannot wait to see the places we’ll go! In service, leadership, & fellowship, Bertha Te

from the editor

Hi Circle K! I'm Heyun and I will be serving as the 2014-15 Publications Editor. It's been a month since the 2014-15 term started, but it still doesn't feel real. I guess it felt like this whole month was spent working on a publication just for funsies instead of to be released for and read by actual people! But here it is, world. :) and I definitely couldn't have done it without some amazing people!!! THE CONTENT: Kay, Edison, Akash, Mimi, Bertha, Stephanie, Michael, Claire, Angela, Robert, Jerry, Mike—thank you for signing up to write articles and/or gather content. I literally could not have done it without y'all. The pages would be empty. THE COMMITTEE: woot thank you to everybody who came out to any of my four meetings and helped me out of a creative rut - I hope I was able to convey all of y'alls amazing ideas onto the publication! SPECIAL SHOUTOUT: Thank you to my predecessor, Jenny, and gran-predecessor, Cat, for advising me in my times of freaking out! But, no thanks because of the big shoes I need to fill... Just kidding, hope to make both of you proud! Additional thanks to Robert for designing the cover (why didn’t I inherit your skills, Papa Yeti?), Claire for her honest opinions and Tina for proofreading! First one down, four more to go! Please leave me feedback on how to improve at It's been a great year—see y'all around in the summer and fall! Love, Heyun


dance marathon Combine dancing and charity, and you get one of the largest fundraising events on the Berkeley campus: Dance Marathon! This year’s “Dream”-themed event was co-planned by our very own Michael Nguyen, aka #dancemarathonguy, and spanned over a whopping 12 hours. However, there were a plethora of activities, entertainment, food, and dancing to make those 12 hours pass by like a dream.

Circle K members volunteered with the DM team at several stations located in the Clark Kerr Krutch Theater. Some were sent to oversee the awesome inflatable sparring mat, obstacle course, and bounce house. Those assigned to work at the food station had the chance to snack on



veggies and dip, chips, cookies, and Chipotle burritos! Others had the chance to educate the event’s attendees on Pediatric AIDS. Volunteers were given schnazzy lanyards that we proudly toted as we ran off to perform our tasks. There were many more Circle K members who participated in the event as members of the “Circle K” team led by Mike Zhou. Attendees were required to raise a minimum of $30 in order to gain admission; fundraising was a cinch since many were willing to give to this important cause. Those who were able to attend were given star treatment with a full itinerary of activities. Along with the outdoor carnival and yummy food, they were treated to a beauty makeover, an exhilarating cardio hip-hop class, a cute photobooth, and much more. In addition, they were able to watch performance groups such as Cal Band, Improv for Charity, and AFX – we were able to see Cat

Special Olympics

What better way to see Olympians than with service and the Kiwanis Family? Circle K members joined the Richmond Kiwanis to assist in this amazing event on April 12. Teams formed by coaches, parents, and participants filled the field with cheers and love. As volunteers, Circle K members had the opportunity to assist the coaches in preparing the participants for their events, which operated similarly to a track and field meet. At different times during the day, events such as the 100M run and shot put were scheduled for the participants. Volunteers were able to escort the athletes to their events as well as talk to them to calm their nerves. As lunch time approached, volunteers were able to directly work with the Richmond Kiwanis by preparing lunches for all participants and their families. We wrapped hot dogs and made lunch sacks filled with cookies, juice, and other delicious lunch items.

Ho and Janet Kong dance! ;)

One of the highlights of the event was the special guest appearance of Youtube star David Choi. A few of our members were able to attend a meet and greet with the singer, where he told Bertha Te that she was beautiful; in the meantime, many girls were insanely jealous of Ms Te as she and Ankita Shete were able to take pictures with Choi. He performed several songs for the attendees, including hit song, “By My Side.” Circle K was right in the front and shamelessly took pictures of and with the singer. The night concluded with the revelation that over $20,000 had been raised and would go towards funding research and advocacy for pediatric AIDS. Our dream of changing the world was fulfilled through our collective efforts of fundraising to fight and defeat pediatric AIDS.


DISTRICT FALL TRAINING CONFERENCE CHAIR This event was very meaningful because the Special Olympics is a place for children with disabilities and illnesses to compete in sports which they are usually restricted from. This event meant a lot to them as they have prepared for months and can further them on toward the Regional Special Olympics. Yet, even in the spirit of competition, the athletes showed us that kindness prevailed. During one of the running events, a girl fell and another participant stopped to help her up and they both continued to run after. It was a heart-warming event and we cannot wait for the next Special Olympics event through our inter-divisional service event with the Sunset Division on May 16th.

service triple threat What’s better than a service organization doing service? Three service organizations doing service collectively. Circle Kers from around Golden Gate Division worked with members from Cal Rotaract and members from Eggster to hold a full day of service. In the morning, Circle Kers and Kiwanians and Rotaracters went to Schoolhouse Creek Commons in Berkeley to do some environmental service. We weeded and cleaned up the garden behind the elementary school, while sharing an unforgettable fellowship experience between the two organizations. John Moore, a Berkeley Kiwanian, fascinated the Rotaracters with his magic tricks and his stories about going to Schoolhouse Creek Commons back when he was a Circle Ker. The afternoon was filled with even more service when the



organization Eggster joined us. Eggster holds an annual egg hunt and educational festival every year. This year, it was the largest egg hunt in Northern California. During the service work day, we had 3 stations: making PTP dolls, filling 18000 eggs, and making children’s cards for Oakland Children’s Hospital. Each service project was brought by a different organization, and each station had volunteers from all three organizations. Throughout the afternoon we worked at these stations, while getting to know the members from the other organizations. Driven and brought together by their passion for service, Circle K, Rotaract, and Eggster worked together to make a big, collective impact on their community.

spotlight: joe lee, kiwanis advisor BY AKASH PATEL


n. Joe Lee. Synonyms: Kiwanian, amiable, joyous, caring. A wave of joy often overcomes all of UC Berkeley’s Circle K when the name “Joe Lee” is mentioned. Although there were a good number of Circle Kers who did not recognize the name at the start of the school year, by the end, they, too, understand and share the joy the name, “Joe Lee,” brings. “Joe Lee” is not simply the name of a fashionable man, but the name of someone who brings us wonderful events such as Crabs and Cocktails Fundraiser, Walk with a a Doc, and the Health Fair.

But first, who is Joe Lee? Joe Lee is our Kiwanis Advsior. He’s probably in his mid-twenties, but who knows with his dashing fashion style and suave personality. As a UC Berkeley Circle K alumni, Joe Lee served as the Kiwanis Family Chair and Vice President of Service during his time here. However, service did not stop with his graduation. Joe proceeded to join the Kiwanis Club and dedicate his time to LifeLong Medical Care. LifeLong is a non-profit organi-

zation dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare to groups of any age and any income. Currently, Joe works with his LifeLong and AmeriCorps groups to create wonderful events, which UCB Circle K is often invited to volunteer at. These events are not only fun and unique, but also benefit the community in numerous ways. For example, at Crabs and Cocktails Fundraiser, our members were allowed to dress up and help out at this classy fundraiser with their registration and auction counts one Saturday evening. Differently, we were also able to work with Joe’s organization on one early morning at Walk With a Doc, where we helped register walkers as well as set up and clean up the numerous booths that were offered to the community. Lastly, we also volunteered at LifeLong’s Health Fair at San Pablo, earlier this semester, helping run the event as well as serving lunch to the volunteers and booth hosts. Clearly, Joe Lee has done nothing but inspire us to grow as individuals and Circle K members. No wonder both girls and guys go gaga for this wonderful, fashionable man. From us to you, we thank you, Joe Lee, for your dedication to our organization and to making the community a better place.


members of the week Sarah Phan

Mike Zhou

Michael Lockwood Aneeka Latif Sarah Reed

Member of April:Stephanie Yu What's your favorite (continuing) service event? Loaves and Fishes. This soup kitchen is so special because it allows you to not only serve the guests, but also dine with them, keeping them company throughout the evening. I love when you can make a real connection with the people that you serve. Favorite March memory? District Convention. It was the culmination of everything that we have all accomplished as a club and as a

district. It moved me to tears to see everyone finally recognized for all of their hard work throughout this entire year in service, leadership and fellowship.

What does CKI mean to you? CKI means so much to me. It has pushed me to my limits in order to make me a better person, challenged me as a servant leader, and allowed me to encourage others as leaders as well. There is so much more I could say, but I don't think it will fit!

<STC workshop hosts> shoutout to STC North chair, Tina Nguyen, for organizing the district-wide South Training Conference at UC Davis this past weekend and these amazing individuals for stepping up to the plate to host workshops!


Relay For Life

CAL DAY President, Bertha Te, flyers to new Berkeley admits on Cal Day, April 12. Planned by the Public Relations committee, led by Stanley Han, the table was decked out to match the theme, “Service in the Sun,”and even offered fresh, free lemonade!

time to get your CORN on! BY STEPHANIE YU


On April 20, UC Berkeley Circle K held its bi-annual Interfamily cook-off, an event that unified six families with a dash of friendly competition. This year, the title of our cook-off was “Let’s Get Corny!” representing the secret ingredient: corn! As families began to file in with their dishes, the sweet aroma of corn filled the room. The Upsilon Gray Hydras came in first with their organic chocolate-drizzled organic popcorn. Next were the Beta Black Basilisks with two types of corn bread – bacon cheddar corn bread and corn cheddar corn bread. The Rho Blue Krakens entered third with corn chowder and corn bread, followed by the Oozma Midnight Griffins with egg flower soup. The Omega Crimson Cerberuses arrived with three entrees – corn pudding, corn fritters, and corn and cheese. Last, but not least, were the Mu Mint Yetis with corn casserole. The cook-off began with a singing game, in which attendees were instructed to sing different songs depending on the various categories. For example, one category was songs that begin with “I.” Another category consisted of Christmas songs. If a family was unable to sing a song relevant to the category in the time given, they were eliminated. The game continued till only three families remained – the Upsilon

Gray Hydras, Rho Blue Krakens, and Beta Black Basilisks. Next, we played a pick-up line contest, in which each family sent a representative to show his or her charm and use smooth pick-up lines on the judges, Bertha Te and Akash Patel. The winner of the pick-up line contest, with his witty and unique lines that had everyone swooning, was Alan Perez of the Beta Back Basilisks. Finally, it was time to try each others’ “corny” dishes that the families had spent all morning preparing. Everyone dug in while preparing for the final game, “How Well Do You Know Your Family.” This game was the ultimate test, revealing how much individual family members knew about each other. The winners were the Upsilon Gray Hydras! The last event of the cook-off was the announcing of the cook-off winners. In third place were the Upsilon Gray Hydras with their chocolate covered popcorn; in second place were the Beta Black Basilisks. Finally, the grand victor was the Omega Crimson Cerberuses with their three entrees. Congratulations to all families as well as a huge thank you to our Grandmama and MD&E Chair, Tina You, for a job well done on her first interfamily event!

kiwis korner


Every spring, our club joins the Berkeley Kiwanis Club for a three day, two night event away in Cazadero, California, approximately two hours away to the north, to help renovate the Cazadero Performing Arts Camp. This year, after hours of fighting traffic, our car arrived at the camp last. By then, tents had already been set up by the earlier cars and dinner was just about to be served. After filling our stomachs, all of the Circle K members huddled together in the cafeteria to play Bang, Resistance, and Cards Against Humanity while bonding in the process. Slowly, everyone trickled back to their tents in order to get some sleep for the long Saturday of service ahead of them. Upon waking up early Saturday morning, we waited for Kiwanian Jack Rosano and Kiwanis Family chair Vivian Nguyen to give us our assignments for the day. We were dispersed among the various tasks—cleaning mattresses, setting up beds, building a deck, and more. Philip Nguyen, Diyar Aniwar and I were in charge of

moving an enormous pile of mulch with the help of our Kiwanians Joe and Willie. After hours of exhausting work, we were rewarded with the much-awaited Cazadero dinner—a steak and mushroom feast prepared by Jack and Phuoc Khong. When we finished, we all headed to the river to sit around the campfire to tell scary stories and roast marshmallows. After bonding around the fire, we left for our tents once again, exhausted from the physical labor. On Sunday morning, we only had a few tasks to complete, including finishing the deck, which I was assigned, along with Dwayne and fellow Circle K members Janelle and Wendy Huynh. Together, we finished the deck in no time and were able to head back to our tents to finish packing and finally relax after a long, rewarding weekend of service.

Kiwanis Dine-Out



On the second Thursday of each month, the Berkeley Kiwanians eat dinner together at a local restaurant! I have had the privilege of attending the dine-outs for the months of February, March, and April so far. In February, we went to Moxy Beer Garden over on Sacramento Street. In March, we ate at Anh Hong, a Vietnamese restaurant on University Ave. We loved it so much that they decided to host April’s Dine Out at Anh Hong as well! I can’t attend Kiwanis Meetings on Tuesdays because I always have class during that time. Thus, the Dine-Outs are a good way for me to meet and interact with the Kiwanians. They love hearing about all our accomplishments as Circle K and our experiences in college. At Moxy’s in February, we even played Heads Up with the Kiwanians! It was funny to see our age differences come into play as we quickly learned that the topics we knew were very different from what the Kiwanians knew. I highly encourage everyone to come to these monthly dinners!

around the bay introducing..

DIVISIONAL BOARD 2014-15 Angela Apinyavat, LtG 3rd year UC Berkeley Public Health & Social Welfare

Jerry Bao, Executive Assistant Jarrell Calvin, 3rd year co-Spirit&Social Chair UC Berkeley 3rd year Computer Science Los Medanos College Kinesiology

Tiffany Wong, Service Chair 3rd year UC Berkeley Environmental Science/Society and Environment

Robert Rodriguez, Media Brandon Capulong, co-SpirRelations Chair it&Social Chair 2nd year 1st year UC Berkeley Diablo Valley College Computer Science & Cogni- Biological Science tive Science

2014-15 Divisional Theme..

CHEMISTRY stay golden

divisional service project: eggster BY ROBERT RODRIGUEZ DIVISIONAL MEDIA RELATIONS

Circle K’ers and volunteers rose bright and early on the morning of April 19 to help at one of the largest egg hunts in Northern California. The annual event, held in Berkeley, California, had egg hunts every 15 minutes, a learning fair and performances on the hours. The Eggster Egghunt also partners with local charities to support youth education. This year, it also served as the very first divisional service project of the 2014-2015 term. The Golden Gate Division volunteered at various booths as part of the educational fair. “The event was really fun, I got to meet people in our division, like Christina Lee (from LMC), who I worked with at the Camel station,” said Claire Lee. “The event was really chill. I manned the “Searchin for Urchins” booth and got to teach kids about marine animals. There were some older kids there and I got to go a little more in depth and apply what I learned in my bio classes,” said Sean Yoo. The event not only served as a way for us to serve our community and help children, but also as a great divisional bonding experience.

district convention Soaring Into Service With CNH

The weekend of March 21 marked the 60th District Convention: the annual culmination of our members’ hard work and dedication during the past year. This year, UC Berkeley Circle K, Golden Gate, and Cal-Nev-Ha soared to even greater heights with record-breaking totals, ear-splitting spirit, and stronger intra/inter-club fellowship. 49 UCBCKI members and four Berkeley Kiwanians flew, drove, and ran (just kidding) to Burbank to attend the largest District Convention in CNH history. I had the pleasure of driving five beauties down to Burbank on Friday morning: Angela Apinyavat, Mimi Ton, Bertha Te, and our two club scrapbooks! After arriving at the Marriott in the afternoon, we ran off to mingle with other Circle K members and to ensure the safe arrival of the rest of our club. In the evening, Governor Sean Nguyen led the opening session (the introduction of guests, the dissemination of important information, and the presentation of the first set of awards). Friday night was the first round of caucusing for district elections, preceded by engaging workshops. This year, we had three outstanding club members who ran for elected positions and sought district endorsement fo CKI International–Alan Perez, Angela Apinyavat, Jerry Bao, and Mike Zhou. Though inevitably nervous, they all gave their speeches perfectly and answered the questions gracefully. Saturday was the biggest day of the

convention, filled with elections results and a majority of the awards results. In addition, it was when club members shared their wisdom and showed their talents through workshops in the morning and afternoon. Newly elected and appointed club board members and general members used this time to gain as much knowledge as they could in preparation for the new Circle K year. After eating delicious Mexican food, the House of Delegates session began. Represented by Bertha and Philip Nguyen, our club participated in the election of our new District board. As soon as the results were announced, shouts were heard as everyone celebrated the newly elected board member. It was here where I shed the first of many tears as Alan, Angela, and Mike were successful with their bids. Saturday night was the most rewarding night for me. As a senior, I was invited to the Honors Reception where prospective graduates and scholarship recipients were recognized for their work and dedication. Proceeding the Honors Reception was Awards Night. Cal rocked the house with our cheering and showed the world that we were the best! Admittedly, by the end of Awards Night, I was emotionally tired and had shed enough tears to fill up an Olympic-sized swimming pool... There was even more for UCBCKI to look forward to that night with our



Golden Gate Talent Act, led by Philip and Cat Ho. The performance group concluded the talent act with a roaring “Golden Gate March” cheer. Saturday night ended with a dance, an MRP pizza party that appreciated members, a scrapbook viewing party, and more. By the time we returned to our rooms, we were all exhausted and ready to sleep. Closing session marked the end of this eventful weekend. Several more awards were presented. We said good-bye to the old District board members, and hello to the new board. Governor Sean Nguyen gave the shortest governor’s speech ever, much to the happiness of the sleepy (and sleeping) audience. The session ended with a resounding “ding” from the governor’s bell, adjourning of District Convention. I have been to more district events than I’d like to admit (I’m not that old…), and I have to say that this year’s DCON was the best one by far. Never have I experienced so much love from our members as they engaged in everything the event had to offer, as they crouched in slacks and dresses next to board members during Awards Night and cheered for all the clubs in the district. Just remember that you’re part of one of the best clubs in the district! ;)

Cal-Nev-Ha District Board 2014-2015

Alan Perez

Catherine Ho

Anxiety Disorder Awareness

Heart Disease

Treasurer Ribbon: Teal

“I wish to bridge gaps and bring equitable support to all. I wish to encourage all to embrace a sense of positivity.”

Angela Apinyavat

Golden Gate LtG. Ribbon: Navy blue

Global Sex Trafficking & Slavery Awareness

“This position allows me to be the liaison between the division and district and to team up with each school in order to bring our division to greater heights.”

Publications Editor Ribbon: Teal “I hope to give the committee a strong purpose in the district so the district will realize the improtance of PR.”

Mimi Ton

Fall Training Conference Chair Ribbon: Purple Cancer Awareness

“I want to see new and returning members alike leaving FTC with a newfound and/or revitalized passion for Circle K, inspiring them to do greater things for our organization and the world.”

A wards &S ho ut O ut s - Distinguished MD&E: Akash Patel - Distinguished Kiwanis Family Relation: Erinn Wong - 100% MRF on Time - 3rd Place Outstanding Website - 3rd Place Outstanding Interclub - 2nd Place Outstanding Single Service - 1st Place Outstanding Non-Traditional Scrapbook - Distinguished Appointed Officers: Edison Xu, Liane Kuo, Mimi Ton, Jenny Voong, Philip Nguyen, Mike Zhou, Robert Rodriguez - Distinguished Club Treasurer: Alan Perez - Distinguished Club Secretary: Tim Truong - Distinguished Vice President of Administration: Bertha Te - Distinguished Vice President of Service: Angela Apinyavat - Distinguished President: Kay Kim - 1st Place Mei Po Wong Overall Service, Gold Division - Distinguished Club - Recipient of all three District Fundraising Initiative (DFI) Dolls - Convention Spirit Competition (with Sacramento State) - 2nd Place Total Achievement, Gold - Stephanie Yu: Most Service Hours in CNH - Mike Zhou: 2nd Most Service Hours in CNH - Woodall Scholarship: Angela Apinyavat - William A. Dunlap Award: Stephanie Yu and Chris Tung - Mike Zhou: Endorsed by CNH for International Trustee for Sub-Region B

{ } circle k pledge “I pledge to uphold the Objects of CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.”

around the world...

59th International Convention

Nashville, Tennessee

June 17-22 “

I’m excited to meet all of the inspiring individuals from all the other districts. I hope to make the most of it and meet as many people as I can. And, I just can't wait to participate in Service, Leadership & Fellowship on an International level!

-Mike Zhou

“ ”

Last year at ICON, I was able to meet inspiring Circle K members from all over the world. This year, I’m looking forward to celebrating this beloved district (and others) as a whole as we receive recognition for the amazing achievements we’ve all accomplished together!

-Stephanie Yu

hello...Goodbye just wanted to give shout outs to some really important people. darrell hawkins- my first president from freshman year! sooyun choi- my fundraising and treasurer mama. kenneth lee- my fundraising grandma, treasurer grandma, purple whales wife, workshops mama and probably more than i’m forgetting. chris, stephanie, ken and joo be yourself. go behee- buffest e-board circle k yond your comfort zone. think outside the has ever seen! kay kim- awesome fundraising baby! alan box. dare to disapperez- awesome treasurer point. and take a moment to baby! ricky liang- my wife! thank you so much for a wondrink boba :) derful college experience!

i love you, circle k.

-corissa chang.

-joohee park

uc berkeley circle k, before you know it, it will be all over for you too and you'll be writing something like this. definitely take the next 1-3 years you have left to build new friendships, make amazing memories, and, of course, have a ton of fun! though times might get stressful with papers, projects, and midterms, circle k will always be there for you through thick and thin. everything will be okay and in the long run, it's not the test or the grade that matters, but the life-lasting friendships and memories that you will cherish. your undergraduate journey will be filled with hardship, joy, memories, and personal growth and i would like to thank each and every one of you for making mine the best it could possibly be.

-grace go

i will miss everyone. this will probably be one of the few times where i will be sad to finally leave school. back in high school, i could not be more happy to get out of there. here, i have met so many people, and i have bonded very closely with a number of you. i cannot even begin to express how i feel, because i've honestly never felt this way before. i have never felt more at ease than in the company of my friends here in circle k. i will be gone, but i will not forget those who i've shared this experience with. i will miss these days, think back to these beautiful times, and remember the most joy i have ever had in my entire life. thank you, circle k. thank you, my friends.

-michael nguyen

-ricky liang

from the old & wise... Don't despair good lookin', you can do it 'cause you're sexy. Keep putting the PR in party and never hesitate to ask me for help—Circle K related or not.


Single Service will stress you out, tire you, make you stay up late, and more but it’s one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have. The projects you put on will help and put smiles to their faces. You can change a lot. No matter what you decide to do, remember that it is yours and you will be making a difference. I love my Single Service baby!

Being Secretary is tough, not just because of the responsibilities, but because of the flexibility of the position that allows you to be more than just a minute-taker. Be the Secretary that you want to be, the one others look to for guidance or even a person bitter about being #5. Unless you take your minutes in Comic Sans, I’ll always be rooting for you!

-Mimi Ton

-Tim Truong



4 years, 2 divisions, 2 schools later, circle k. <3 it’s been a long and wild ride, but circle k will always remain close to my heart. circle k has lent me a helping hand to get me out of the lowest moments of my life, has given me a sense of belonging whether it was at a community college or a big 4-year university, and has given me the opportunity to meet some of the most incredible friends. this organization has always welcomed me with open arms and i am so thankful to have had the opportunity to find a community here. being a transfer student, transitioning was not easy; however, being a part of berkeley’s circle k made it that much easier because of all of you. thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. with the days dwindling down, just remember, it's never a goodbye, but a see ya later.

if i had to sum up all that i have learned in my four years, it'd be that everything happens for a reason. college is tough and things aren't always going to go the way you planned. but it's up to you whether or not such trials end up being indomitable barriers to your success or maybe a better path that takes you where you need to go. all my experiences as secretary, spirit & social chair, and a general member have not only given me lifelong skills, friendships, and memories, but they also continue to drive me towards personal and professional success on a track i would have never anticipated - the right one. so to all the amazing people that i've had the pleasure of walking with down this path, thank you for an amazing four years.

thank you for pushing me every year to be the very best person i could be. i would not have challenged myself to serve more year after year had it not been for the inspiring people who preceded me in this organization. thank you to every single person that has been a part of this club during my four years in cki. it has been a privilege not only to serve alongside you, but also to watch you develop and grow into the amazing leader you are today. thank you for the friendships i fostered. because of circle k, i have met some of the most caring, compassionate, inspiring people in my life and some of the best friends that i have ever had. thank you thank you circle k for both breaking my heart and allowing me fall in love with you. it inspired me to serve more and achieve more than i ever believed possible.

you are all presented with the extraordinary opportunity to change the world by being in this organization, and all of you have seized it. as a member for 4 years, i can definitely say that this experience has been the best and most fulfilling one in my life so far. circle k has taught me to be the leader that i never thought i could be and has allowed me to see my true potential. circle k has taught me how to love—the people in this club, people in our district, people in kiwanis international, and people who are affected by our good work. most of all, circle k has taught me to see the light, even during the darkest of times, through the inherent good that our members display every single day. whether this is your 1st or last year in circle k, i want to thank you for your involvement in circle k international.

-tina nguyen

-stephanie yu

Mao and swag have become synonymous! I’m so very excited for you this year! It’s kinda coincidental that I’ll still be working with you (hehehe), but all the better; you’ll do an amazing job. What you’ve already accomplished so far makes it clear that you’ll be a fantastic and capable Treasurer. WOO, go Mao-ney!

-Alan Perez [TREASURER]

-timothy truong

-kay kim

woot woot, best looking lineage. I’m proud of what you have done thus far and know you will do great! Remember to keep an open mind to all, and to try your best regardless of what tasks. Stay visible throughout the club and never give up. I believe in you, you got this!

-Akash Patel


In the end, the numbers do not matter, but the overall impact of the service project. It’s about the meaning behind the service & making sure that members have a good time! Remember to have fun, be yourself and keep the calendar full of fun & impacting events! :) I’m not going anywhere and I am more than excited to see you grow to be a strong, inspiring and not as shady leader! :) JK...sort of.


contact info

Bertha Te president Philip Nguyen academic vice president Edison Xu service vice president Liane Kuo treasurer Jenny Voong secretary Kristy Kim fundraising Thomas Miao historian Vivian Nguyen kiwanis family Tina You md&e Wendy Huynh membership recognition Cherie Leung projects coordinator Stanley Han public relations Heyun Jeong publications editor Jasmine Park single service Leon Liang spirit & social Diyar Aniwar technology

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