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REFLECTIONS AND UPDATES Hello friends! Welcome to Summer finals are all over the second issue of “Calvin’s and now we’re marking Corner”! our calendars for our Fall semester exams. I’m really Yes, Summer has come to excited to be finishing my an end. For some it may Media Studies prereqs have sped by too fast; because I get to declare others may be embracing after this semester! I hope the sweet death of this everyone else, whatever break. Summer is a weird year you’re in, is having portion of time and time great times in school! acts a little weird. I hope Remember: we’re students everyone this summer grew, first. So take care of yourself, got to recenter themselves, your education, and then and had an overall positive use Circle K as a college experience. This first week of enhancement. classes feels surreal. First-gen is right around the What’s in this issue? This corner! I will be releasing issue concludes summer article submissions Sunday (rather than kick it off) (8/30) on all types of things! with all the memories our So watch out for that. members were willing to share for us. Summer is a That’s all for now! You can unique experience, as we email me at cki.remy@ can see from the variety gmail.com or shoot me a of posts in this issue. From Facebook message if you general meetings to UCBCKI need anything :) representaiton in Bangkok and Sweden, we all have a REMY D’AGNILLO Summer story to tell. PUBLICATIONS | 2015-16



DESTINATION VACATION summer general meetings

This summer, we changed up the theme of our summer general meetings to a series named Destination Vacation: Travel with UCBCKI. Each week we “traveled� to a different country whose images gave a nice touch to the Prezi slides. After each meeting, we did an activity including hiking, playing mafia, and building unconventional sandcastles. Members received a passport to bring to each meeting and enter into a raffle the last week. It was a nice time to learn what was happening in our club at the time and to bond with each other during activities!



“This was before an even bigger wave hit me and I was sad LOL”


NEIRON “Ball is Life�

When it comes to summer, I had a lot of time on my hands; free time that I was able to spend doing whatever I had wanted after my summer classes had finished for the day. The one way that I was able to enjoy that time was going to the Recreational Sports Facility (RSF) to go to the gym and work out, specifically play volleyball. Over the course of the summer, I would go play volleyball at the

RSF at least once a week. There, I would gradually be able to hone my volleyball skills along with having the pleasure of making new friends through this sport. Being able to improve with players of all skill levels while laughing about it all with strangers and newly made friends alike, made it all that much more enjoyable, not only for myself, but for everyone there.




“Summer (but actually winter) some pics of my time in Chile with Otis the Sheep”




An elderly lady sitting across from me then quips up. Her father was born there, but her family eventually “lost” its mastery of Russian because she never got to live in Russia. She responds that her father would have been very proud if he could have witnessed

this conversation, because back in their day, it was a lot harder for young adults to study languages for fun, let alone travel the world. This was the comment that really got to me. Traveling is a glorious privilege for many millenials, but not all of them take advantage of it. Some give up studying certain languages the moment it becomes too challenging for them. Being a math and computer science major, I often struggled to fathom why some devote practically their lives to literature. It’s not often that people open up about the passion they have for what

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K! I am two months into my stay as an exchange student to Lund University, Sweden. It’s been an unforgettable experience so far and I would like to extend a request to you all: If you are considering traveling abroad before you graduate, even a little bit, DO IT!!! Better yet, don’t feel pressured to find someone to go with. You can learn so much about yourself and others anywhere you go!

they do, knowing that it doesn’t necessarily make a lot of money. I can’t fully deduce where Ellie wants her story to take her in life, but what I do admire is her ability to enjoy her journey without stressing over the potential destination. Carrying out a conversation in a foreign language has a unique feel of satisfaction with it. With the increased globalization of industry, languages other than English are among the most underrated workplace skills, and I am thankful to know people who do what they can to reverse this trend.

Besides, lots of people visiting a new city together usually means somebody is going to want to go barhopping. What a waste of time and money!


So, I was at a hostel in Oslo, sitting on a long couch while surfing the Internet on my phone. And there’s another girl, whom I’ll call Ellie, further down the couch also on her phone. Turns out that Ellie speaks English, Spanish, French, Russian, and Polish, and had recently finished an exchange program in literature at St. Petersburg.

the hostel lobby. So I would like to conclude on this note: If you listen intently, anyone you meet has a story they would be honored to share with you, if only you would ask. Free your mind of I mean, it’s not like I haven’t gone distractions in the form of what’s barhopping at all. But I sojourned going on back home or how your alone to Oslo on the weekend of trip is being perceived on social my birthday, where my hostel had media. This will do wonders for such an offer going around. I did your confidence to approach a not take it, instead spending the stranger and the quality of your evening chatting with some fellow conversation! The best part is that travelers. *** you’ll never know what you’re going to hear, so anything can In my opinion, the best part about Not all travelers can be as lucky, keep you on the edge of your traveling alone is designing your though, if they spend all their seat. It’s these moments that I live own schedule. You’re not under time trying to cater to each for, knowing that any could be any peer pressure to visit a whole other’s plans. You won’t believe the start of a lifelong connection. bunch of sites that you may not how many of my fellow summer <3 have the energy to visit, which program participants greatly is good because that would preferred talking to each other ***For my reflections on this prevent you from soaking any of as opposed to striking up a conversation, please refer to the them in properly. conversation with a stranger in text above***

MIKE I had an amazing this time with CKI this summer attending UC Berkeley & Golden Gate CKI events in addition to attending CKIx. One of the highlights of my summer was going to Indianapolis to bond with members of the

organization from all over. It was an awesome way to end the last summer that I will have as a CKI member and I’m excited to spend my last year at UC Berkeley with everyone this upcoming year!


“Donate at the gate and save one dollar on all beverages all day!”

While it was a long and tiring shift, the atmosphere was fun, busy, and festive. It was really rewarding to interact with these people who would donate up to This was the twenty dollars for a cause that statement that many of us they personally supported. While yelled to get SF Pride attendees a five dollar donation got you a to make donations to the event. beverage discount sticker, some The first day of Pride, ten Circle people would donate and tell us K’ers BARTed over to SF to do to save the sticker for someone some service at this Celebration else. & Parade. It was nice doing community We actually volunteered with service in an environment full of the Homeless Children’s Network supportive people. Furthermore, to collect donations that help the coordinator from the keep SF Pride a free event. Homeless Children’s Network From morning to afternoon we was extremely thankful toward stood in the hot sun for about us for helping out! five hours, only taking one break for lunch.

TIPS, TRICKS, & A FEW WORDS A few words from fellow Circle K’rs to help everyone out as well as some reflective words!




DONALD FRANKS “If I were a stripper my name would be hot potato.”

GABE OTERO “There’s a small little cafe at the very top of Dwinelle that’s good for a breakfast after morning classes :)”

“If you venture to Starbucks try a SAR with 2MA and LTICE Or maybe a VBF with XCR and blueberries.”





ERINN WONG “U-CHA IS THE BEST BOBA PLACE IN BERKELEY. U-Cha>Sharetea --from a former Sharetea addict That’s it...U-Cha was my life during summer.”


UCBCKI and a Goodbye

About a year ago, I arrived in Berkeley completely lost and confused. Feeling very small, I was beginning to worry that I’d never make a real difference in such a huge place. And then I heard about Circle K, and made one of the best decisions of my life!

gratitude on the face of a person eating a wholesome meal, or the end product of a few hours mulching and painting, little can beat that euphoria. I’ve met some of the most amazing and selfless people I’ve ever known here, and even though I’ve not much time left, I’ll always Breathless and sweating appreciate the friends I made profusely, I finally made it out and the experiences Circle K to one of the first meeting of has given me! You guys are the fall, and I was freaking out! the best! ‘What a great first impression this’ll make’, I thought. But as soon as I stepped into Dwinelle, everyone was so friendly and welcoming; it was the happiest I’d felt in months! Ever since that meeting, Circle K has filled my life with meaning (ooh, rhymes and good times). When I see the

That’s it! Short, sweet, and summer-filled! Check back next time for the first-gen publication! Let’s all embrace the community we have and raise each other up with our knowledge and unique experiences.

If you want your voice heard, want to share any knowledge, or have any ideas for possible themes for upcoming issues like this, make sure to contact me! Remember, this is your club! Together, we can make some beautiful publications.

Make sure to email cki. remy@gmail.com with all of your questions/comments/ concerns on this and any other publication!

The End. Until next time, May We Meet Again.

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