Cal Kronicle | Spring Banquet 2015

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Cal Kronicle

UC Berkeley Circle K Vol. xxi Edition i. Spring Banquet Issue 2015

Table of





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Check our website: for more information!





Study-A-Thon 9am-4:30pm





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6. Leadership


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7. Fellowship




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Graduation Photos Check with Donald Franks for times



Start With a Story 7:30am12pm

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Family Literac y Night 4:15pm -8:15pm


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St. Mar k’s Soup K itchen 1:15pm3:30pm

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K!

Message from the President

When you think of Circle K, what do you think of? Do you think of the warm fuzzy feeling you feel inside when a child smiles at Hands on Science? Or the sense of accomplishment after you finish presenting a workshop? Or the memories you made with your friends at Fentons? Well, when I think of circle k I think of you and all the memories we’ve shared together through service leadership and fellowship. Thank you everyone for making Circle K my home and the best decision of my college career. You are all my ohana, my family. Wherever life takes you within this next year, please know that there will always be a home for you.

To all of the seniors graduating, congratulations! All of you are onto your next chapter of your life and we wish you the best of luck! Please keep us updated and stay in touch. To every single one of you, this year was truly amazing. With the countless hours we have contributed to service and the generous amount we have donated towards our fundraising initiatives, we have accomplished a lot. But it’s not only about the numbers – it’s about the time and effort all of you put in, with an undying passion to serve your community. All of you are truly inspiring. Whether you’re staying in the Bay Area or traveling a far, you can always stay connected with us through our mailing lists or social media outlets. I can’t wait to hear all about your amazing adventures when we come back during the fall. Again, thank you for an amazing year and I am excited for the upcoming year as we pave our way to a better community through the building blocks of service. Yours in Service, Erinn Wong


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EDITOR Friends! Hello! My name is Remy D’Agnillo and I will be serving as your Publications Chair for the 2015-16 term~! A little about myself~~~~ I’m from San Diego, an intended Media Studies major, have a tiny twitter obsession, in love with all things cute, and I probably adore you. I’m SUPER DUPER excited to be serving all of you and becoming closer to more of the Circle K family <3 I worked really hard on this newsletter and oh my god everything hurts. Thank you to everyone who submitted articles, took photos, let me nag you about “does this look okay???”, and just for being a member in my favorite organization ever <3 All y’all are amazing. Godspeed to all of us for upcoming finals. Remember to stay rad <3


Service UC Berkeley Circle K gathered its members at the Campanile Esplanade to volunteer for the annual Eggster Egghunt & Learning Festival. This year’s theme was “Eggscavating Empires,” teaching kids historical facts from all around the world. We volunteered at booths such as “Khmer Fishing,” in which there were little paper fish that had velcro glued to them. Kids were given a “fishing rod,” made out of string and

a velcro strip. As the main sources of food. At kids fished for fish and “Chinese Porcelain Plates,” seaweed while avoiding kids used blue markers the rocks at the bottom of to draw on white paper the water, we educated plates, designing their them about how own Chinese plates. Cambodians Another booth depend on was “Taj fishing as Mahaland,” By Claire Lee one of in which their kids

traced and cut out their own Taj Mahal. Other volunteer tasks included general set-up and cleanup, and stuffing the Easter eggs that were hidden around the Esplanade. At Eggster, Circle K members truly made an impact on the children by educating them as they completed various fun activities around the Esplanade. I can’t wait to volunteer again next year!


Even as the cold Relay for On night fell Saturday, Life upon us, we April 25th, remained intent several members on surviving the of UCBCKI embarked night, driven by our on a 24 hour journey at desire to fight for a day Berkeley’s annual Relay At without cancer. for Life to not only fight asked all back against cancer, but for times, to also remember and a better members By Bryan Wu celebrate those who have team. From from our fought the disease. Having start to finish, spirited team been a part of Team Circle K members walked around the Circle Kay last year, I had from Berkeley, Golden track, helped manage lofty expectations for our Gate (Brandon Capulong our fight back activity, group at Relay. Although and Christina Lee), and and participated in many we struggled to fundraise even Sunset (Normon of the events at Relay. this year, I could not have Wong) came to support. 4

Heart 2 Heart

were able to work directly with the community we were making some on. The fair consisted of By Sarah Phan impact various organizations and activities. Anyone from the community was At this event, able to win raffle prizes, get free Ana, Gabe, and haircuts, shirts, food, and healthcare I were given the products. The raffle prize give-away opportunity to was hosted by one of my favorite work with one stations in the Bay, 102.9 FM. They of our favorite also played upbeat music that Kiwaniians, Joe we all danced along can Lee, who works with imagine how foolish we looked. I LifeLong Medical Care. was in charge of the kids booth and We helped set up and did face painting. The kids loved manage booths for the my work! Overall, this was such a Heart2Heart Fair. What rewarding event, being able to see I particularly liked the immediate impact we have on about this event is the people we serve. the fact that we

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Members of the

Favorite Service Event

Week What is CKI to you

people and all the fun we have regardless of where we are. CKI is a place where I feel included and has people who are always willing to help and give advice. I have an amazing Favorite Continuous Project family in the Purple Hands on Science! I Pocket Wockets love watching kids and (#bestfamever) and there has always been an my mentor, Sarah, interesting circumstance Favorite Aspect of CKI who I can always Membe or hilarious moment r My favorite aspect of CKI count on. whenever I’m there. would be all the friendly My favorite service project in March would probably be Suicide Prevention Walk. It was a great experience and I met many super cool people.

Joining CKI was probably the best decision I made. I’ve never been good at committing myself to something and CKI has changed that. CKI turned into a place where I can do service with amazing friends and make beautiful memories.


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Kiwanis Family Message from the District Governor

Meet Tae

be part of Berkeley Circle been and enjoy life to its fantaestic summer K and how great of an fullest because time truly break! Go bears! experience it will be! I does fly! I do hope that I mean, nothing can go can come to meet you all Wong with Erinn to lead in the time to come, but You know it?? WHAT? the way! With that being until then, push through You tell the story?? YA! said, I just wanted to say the coming finals week You tell the whole wide that I hope you enjoy your and have a taerrific world this is R’ Territory! time in Circle K. Whether remainder of the Hello UC Berkeley! My this is your first year or school year name is Tae Hyun Lim your last, I hope that all and a and IGolden am honored Golden Gate Divisional Board Golden Gate Divisional Board GatetoDivisional Board the memories you made serve as your District are unforgettable and 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 Governor for this coming just know that there is year! To start off with a always more to come. little about me: I am a Continue being the 3rd Board year major Golden Gatebiology Divisional Board Golden Gatespirited Divisional Board e Divisional bears because Robert Rodriguez Robert Aaron Dante Gina Alvarez AaronRodriguez Dante Aaron GinaRodriguez Alvarez Dante Gina Alvarez at UC R’side!Robert Although Graphics & Communication Graphics & Communication Graphics & Communication Lieutenant Governor Lieutenant Governor Lieutenant Governor Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Assistant you have of you 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 I am from the south, I always all that this is can definitely say that the best and most Berkeley has a special selfless organization in place in my heart. Ever am the world. I’m looking Robert Rodriguez Jasmine Liu Bryan Wu Aaron Dante Gina Alvarez Jasmine Liu Jasmine Liu Robert Rodriguez Bryan Wu Bryan Wu driguez Aaron Dante Gina Alvarez Aaron Dante Gina Alvarez since I’ve visited in the of UC Service Co-Chairforward to getting to Graphics & Communication Service Co-Chair Service Co-Chair Graphics & Communication Lieutenant Graphics & Communication Service Co-Chair Executive Assistant Service Co-Chair Service Co-Chair Lieutenant Governor Governor Executive Assistant ExecutiveGovernor Assistant past, I can’t begin Berkeley know all of you better so to say how Circle K for all feel free to say hi if you lucky the achievements see me around campus or you are from the past year. It at events (or in the library James Marilyn Nguyen James Seto James Jasmine Liu Bryan Nguyen Wu Marilyn Marilyn Nguyen Jasmine Liu Bryan Seto Wu Jasmineto Liu Bryan Seto Wu was an exciting Service Co-Chair Spirit &&Social Co-Chair Service Co-Chair Spirit & Socialtime Co-Chairto Spirit & Social Co-Chair Spirit & Social Co-Chair Service Co-Chair Service Co-Chair Spirit Social Co-Chair Service Co-Chair Service Co-Chair for dead week). Good luck be a Golden Bear and I’m Hello on finals and have a great glad I got to share in these UC Berkeley end of the semester! memories with the club. Circle K, GOOO BEARS! Great job to the members James Nguyen Seto Marilyn JamesNguyen Seto Seto Marilyn Nguyen Marilyn and the outgoing board Spirit Spirit & Social Co-Chair l Co-Chair & Social Co-Chair Spirit&&Social SocialCo-Chair Co-Chair My name Spirit is Robert and Robert Rodriguez for all your dedication I’m super excited to be 2015-2016 Golden Gate and service. Thank you serving as your LTG. for Lieutenant Governor the upcoming year. I just for your love and passion for serving others. It’s want to say how proud I



There are few service events as unifying as Kiwanis One Day. Kiwanis One Day brings the entire Kiwanis family together under one goal: making the world a better place. This year, Kiwanis One Day was held at the Oakland Zoo, where we worked on many different tasks to make the zoo run smoothly and to beautify it. Caravans of Circle-Kers left bright and

early on April 11th to join mulching and churning the hundreds gathered at dirt to make it fluffy and the zoo. After a quick but kid friendly. The much needed breakfast, mulching crew also we headed out to our transported fresh assigned tasks. dirt and nutrients Some groups to some areas worked that needed with the tender earth, loving

care. Other groups helped make the entrance to the zoo less wild by clearing leaves and branches from the pedestrian areas. After a long hard day of work, we all gathered under a shaded picnic area to eat hot dogs and snacks as one big family. It was awesome to see so many smiling faces of all different ages!

By Gabe Otero

Kiwanis One Day March of Dimes is an international organization that works on a local level by hosting an NICU unit within certain hospitals that helps support mothers who have babies who were born too small, too soon, or with a medical condition while also working globally by establishing the Global Programs organization to decrease the global toll of

March for Babies woke up at 5 AM By Jenny Voong and drove to Alameda, where we set up booths along specific intervals along the course to keep the walkers spirited and on the right track. We handed out education water while cheering for of health them as they took part in professionals, March for Babies on the and raising public cloudy morning, but their awareness. warm smiles and giving To help support the attitudes warmed our cause, our Circle K-ers hearts.

birth defects and preterm birth by strengthening prevention and care through development of surveillance systems,


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Complementing the takedown of the music camp during Fall Cazadero, Spring Cazadero is the service event in which we join the Berkeley Kiwanis Club to spend a weekend away preparing the camp for the new season. After spending a couple hours navigating through traffic and listening to the radio, my car finally arrived in the late afternoon. We hauled our luggage to the cafeteria and immediately put on gloves to move wooden boards and

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wrestling tourney, and time to mattresses truck with bed frames and make dolls for our PTP fundraiser. Everyone to the nearby cabin mattresses, and placing gathered around the while we waited for the the appropriate number campfire to make smores other cars to arrive. Once of each in all of the everyone was there, we all cabins. Some of the other and listen to Phuoc’s and Debra’s stories when ate dinner together and jobs assigned included they met their respective played games like Bang! disinfecting mattresses, and Resistance until it was painting all the benches, significant others. bedtime. building a new deck and tent, and rolling logs from Everyone woke up We woke up bright and the river to other places. early again to finish the remainder of the early for breakfast at work, and after some 7am and were given After an 8am-5pm jobs throughout the day. workday, Jack Rosano and bittersweet goodbyes and Along with twelve others Ana Chavez gathered all sincere thanks, we all headed home after one including Mimi Ton, the different groups and of my favorite Circle K Stephanie Yu, and James told us to relax until the experiences so far. Fang, we spent the entire steak dinner. Before we morning draping canvases ate, there was an arm over cabins, loading the


It’s been an amazing journey and a great blessing in my life to have served as Regional Advisor of Golden Gate. I stepped into the very big shoes of Dr. Sandy Gum, 10 years ago, with no idea how to fill them, other than to make friends and build relationships with the student-leaders I had the privilege to meet along the way. I’d like to thank all of the LTGs who have served and made my job easy as well as their teams who have worked to grow this awesome division, or should I say, divisions since

Sunset grew from Golden Gate, and you know the Golden Gate is always best with a Sunset. With my successor Joe Lee coming in, I feel confident and excited about the future of Golden Gate and the many wonderful accomplishments and memories you will make. Wishing you all the very best! Go Go Golden Gate! Number One in the State!

–Phuoc Khong Immediate Past Regional Advisor, Golden Gate Division.

Golden Gate

Regional Adviso r

e y b d o oo ll G e H

am so excited to work with your Golden Gate Lieutenant Governor, My Robert Rodriguez, and experience in his divisional board to Circle K made me a continue the great service, more confident person, leadership, and fellowship taught me many essential this year! Feel free to reach professional skills, allowed out to me anytime by email me to express who I ( and truly am as a person, phone (510-909-9299). and reminded me on the importance of giving Thanks, again, and I look back to underserved forward serving alongside communities whenever each and every one of you. possible. I’ve been in Go, Bears! the Kiwanis family for 14 years, and I am Yours truly, still learning, growing, Joe Lee and appreciating my Golden Gate Regional experience with this Advisor wonderful organization. Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K

mentorship and I am proud to call him one of my Hello, dearest friends today. UC My goal is to continue Berkeley Circle K Phuoc’s legacy and uphold Members and Officers! our strong traditions that we have as a division. My name is Joe Lee and I In addition, I hope to am incredibly excited to strengthen relations be your new Golden Gate amongst all of our Kiwanis Regional Advisor (RA)! family counterparts Many of you have known Kiwanis, Circle K, Key Phuoc Khong, who served Club, and more. as Golden Gate’s RA for more than 10 years! Phuoc UC Berkeley Circle K has made such a huge holds a special place in my International impact on me and so many heart. As an alumnus, I As your RA, I will do my generations of Circle K’ers. am always reflecting how best to support all Circle K I am so thankful for his Circle K impacted my life. Members and Officers. I 11


Convention as told by Bertha Te

The last weekend of March 2015 marked a very special finale. It was not only the end of Spring Break, but the official end of the 20142015 Circle K term. UC Berkeley Circle K met up with the rest of CalNev-Ha at the Marriott in Woodland Hills for District Convention! It was a weekend full of workshops, elections, performances, and more as we celebrated the past year and prepped for the upcoming one! Friday night was buzzing with elections and caucusing, as candidates from District Board

connections with those from UCI, CSUF, and more, to our Golden Bears growing closer together as a family-- the genuine interactions between showed us how much people showed what passion they had for makes District events so Circle K. Saturday was the amazing. longest day of DCON, but This was my last DCON also the most exciting! and the people are really From fun and insightful what makes it count-workshops about diversity, which is why this was service, or leadership-the best DCON by far! there was much to learn Everyone was so gung-ho all around. The most about cheering, attending special parts of DCON workshops, and meeting weren’t specific parts of people-- I was truly the program though. proud to call myself a From the new Kiwanis member of UC Berkeley Governor Cheriz giving Circle K. Some highlights Golden Gate the best include our own Robert peptalk ever, to members Rodriguez being elected from UCB forming instant 12

as our new LTG, Golden Gate’s winning Talent Act, Mike and Mimi having the top service hours in the entire district, the dance-- where Sock showed off his moves and Alyssa showed off her grooves, and the closing session where our club received second place Total Achievement and cheered loud enough for people on the 10th floor of the hotel to hear. District Convention was truly an incredible way to end the year.

After the Divisional Nerf Games social, many of us stayed behind for what Angela called DCON talent. I myself had no idea what this was, but seeing some divisional friends participate made me want to join. We learned a pretty cool dance from Jarrell Calvin, and things started to get interesting. They called this the “closing dance”, which I later realized would be a dance that closed the entire performance. We broke off into groups, with Jarrell leading the “Scarecrow Dance” and Robert Rodriguez leading the “Tin Man Dance”. I was in the Tin Man group, and though our initial progress was slow, we slowly got excited as we all pitched in ideas to improve the dance. We had no idea that this rudimentary practice day would eventually give way to a whole 5-minute performance that would win the hearts of the entire DCON audience.

Weeks went by and after more practices; it came time to film for submitting to the DCON committee. I had decided to play the role of Tin Man on a whim, and I can say wholeheartedly that this was one of the best decisions of my college career thus far. We spent a lot of time going over the dance and we wrote up some witty dialogue to match the energy. After numerous attempts, we finally got the entire performance to less than 5 minutes. The final attempt was concluded with applause

and cheers as we ended a successful day of tiring, but gratifying, dance, song, flags, and flips. We were all anxious as we awaited the DCON committee to announce which act were to be chosen to perform at DCON, but once we were selected, that only increased our drive and determination. Coordinating practices was difficult as our division had schools from all across the Bay Area, but the distance just made our reunions that much sweeter.

t c a t n e l ta


Distinguished Appointed Board Officers: Cherie Leung, Diyar Aniwar, Kristy Kim, Jasmine Park, Thomas Miao 3rd Place Traditional Scrapbook Distinguished Kiwanis Family Relations: Vivian Nguyen 2nd Place Outstanding Interclubbing Distinguished Membership Development & Education: Tina You Distinguished Treasurer: Liane Kuo


100% On Time Monthly Report Forms: Jenny Voong Distinguished Vice President of Service: Edison Xu Distinguished President: Bertha Te William A. Dunlap Award: Mimi Ton, Mike Zhou #2 Highest Service Hours in CNH: Mimi Ton (724) #1 Highest Service Hours in CNH: Mike Zhou (828.5) 2nd Place Mei Po Wong Overall Service, Emerald Division Overall Distinguished Club Award 2nd Place Total Achievement, Emerald


We weren’t just meeting to work on this project, we were meeting to hang out with all the new divisional friends we made though Talent Act. After our practice at DCON, due to some poor scheduling, our on stage practice time was cut short, and we had to figure out our blockings outside. We were nervous, but Angela, our steadfast Lieutenant Governor kept us together. Once our performance got underway on stage, we knew we had succeeded when the cheers of the crowd drowned out the music blasting from the speakers behind us. After leaving the stage, regardless of whether we had won the award, we knew we had achieved what we set out to do: to have a good time. Of course, winning the alien was cool too, but what I will remember is the memories I made with my friends from all across the division.

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Division People’s Choice Talent Act: Golden Gate Division Distinguished Divisional Excellence: Angela Apinyavat + Golden Gate Distinguished Kiwanis Club: Berkeley Kiwanis Most Funds Raised On Site for District Fundraising Initiatives: Golden Gate District Board Member of the Year: Mimi Ton Outstanding Service Award: Mimi Ton + Bill & Virginia Carpenter (FTC) Highest Funds Raised for All 3 District Fundraising Initiatives

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”


Alan Perez

You may occasionally see yourself in a boat lost in the middle of the ocean, but just know that the winds will push you to where you need to be. Never fret, never fear, your future will be bright and cheery, my dear!

Cat Ho

“You win some and you win some”

Matthew Magsombol If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

Aneeka Latif

“When you look forward in time, it seems like forever. When you look back, it appears time has passed in a flash” [ Shoutout to my mentor, for being ok. ]

Janet Kong

College goes by so much faster than you ever dreamed it would -- be bold, be kind, and be yourself!

Mimi Ton

Thank you so much for an amazing four years! CKI was a large part of my college career; it gave me confidence, leadership, service, and a family. Each of you have made an impact on me so continue to be amazing! Remember to keep in contact! I love you, UCB CKI!

Angela Apinyavat “Live the life you want to remember!” Thank you UC Berkeley CKI for being one of the greatest highlights of my college career! The people you meet through this fabulous organization are some of the most wonderful and most sincere folks I am lucky to have become friends with! Cheers to an amazing 4 years!

Jenny Voong

Thank you to everyone who made these past 4 years unforgettable! From the fossils to the freshies, you guys have made my college career pretty damn awesome. Tenks for the memories, acceptance, and friendships and for the sassy, weird, crazy, what-the-hell-amI-getting-into moments that college is all about!

Tiffany Wong

Thank you to Circle K and everyone I’ve met through it for being the source of so many great memories. It’s been real.


Ankita Shete

Thank you Circle K for the incredible experience these past 3 years. I have been fortunate to find an organization that reflects my ideal of service. This organization gave me something that changed my entire college career: friends for life. <3

Jerry Bao

Thank you Circle K, for being the best organization I’ve ever joined. Thanks for all the memories, friendships, and life lessons. You’ve all had a tremendous impact in my life, and I can’t thank you all enough for that. Don’t ever be afraid to do something new; I believe in your ability to do anything. Please keep in touch with me, because it’s never a goodbye, only a see you later!

Tina You

Started from the bottom now we here. But in all seriousness, time really does fly by! Take advantage of your brief time in college and do everything possible. Go beyond your comfort zone and do not limit yourself. Believe that you are capable of anything!! Shout-out to all of you lovelies <3

Bertha Te

Reminders: - Do all things with love. Love all, love yourself. You deserve it. - Keep your mind open and positive! Life is too glorious. - Don’t ever let the world tell you who you are. You are not static. Thank you for helping me find home. This isn’t a goodbye-- I’ll carry you in my heart everyday.

Liane Kuo

You may occasionally see yourself in a boat lost in the middle of the ocean, but just know that the winds will push you to where you need to be. Never fret, never fear, your future will be bright and cheery, my dear!

Wendy Huynh

Thanks Patrick for helping me transition into Circle K! Thanks Angela for being so genuine; you’re the reason I stayed! Thanks Alan for always being considerate of my phobia! Thanks Jenny for always helping me! Lastly, thanks UCB Circle K for adding unforgettable memories to my undergrad experience!

n io t a m r o f In t c a Board Cont Erinn Wong Vivian Nguyen Jasmine Park Kristy Kim Thomas Miao Donald Franks Andrea Seet Ana Chavez Jasmine Lin & Stephanie Ruiz Anna Giang Gabe Otero Stephanie Chu Remy D’Agnillo Ryan Tsao Neiron Penalba Seokhyeon Ryu

President Administrative Vice President Service Vice President Theasurer Secretary Fundraising Historian Kiwanis Family MD&E Membership Recognition Projects Public Relations Publications Single Service Spirit & Social Technology

Circle K Pledge I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadersip, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!

Stay Connected @ucbcki @ucbcki UC Berkeley Circle K

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