Cal Chronicle | Spring 2020 Welcome Newsletter

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UC BERKELEY Circle K — Spring 2020 newsletter —

Message from Kristine Hello UCBCKI! I can’t believe we’ve made it to the end of another year and shared in so many memories together! This has been one of the unforgettable years yet, and also an unexpected way to be ending my Circle K journey. Being stuck at home has made me reflect on my college experience, and what I’ll never forget is this amazing family I’ve made in Circle K. I have been so honored and thankful to be able to serve as your President. You guys constantly amaze me with your passion and dedication, and I’ve always looked forward to seeing everyone’s bright faces at events or just around campus. I hope in the following years, Circle K will continue to be a home for all of you, whether you take on a leadership position, attend service events, or just hang out with your family and mentee. Time will fly by in college, so make the most of your experience and go to that event you keep putting off! I’m thankful for everything you guys have given to me, and to our community. I’ll miss you all so much, and hopefully I can come back and visit! Good luck to the new 2020-2021 board — I’m rooting for you! Love, Kristine Jiao

Meet the publications chair Hello! My name is Amanda and I am this year’s publication’s chair! Last term I served as the club’s Kiwanis Family Chair and I’m super excited to be on board again! I am an incoming third year majoring in architecture. I love design work and I hope to use my skills to further the club’s aesthetic! I love photography (digital and film!) and reading YA novels. If you ever want to talk graphics, photography, or if you want to learn any of the graphic design Adobe programs, feel free to reach out! Best, Amanda Calindas

Table of contents 2019-2020 board farewells …… 3 & 4 2020-2021 board introductions ….. 5 & 6 seniors …… 7 & 8 board contact page ….. 9 message from kaitlyn ….. 10

2019 - 2020 Board Valerie Haines | public relations chair Year: 2nd Major: Civil Engineering, minor in Data Science Years in CKI: 2 Fav CKI moment: either the slime science night or welcome week (I can’t pick) I’ve had so much fun in CKI going to events and meeting new people. The past year on board was a great experience and I’m thankful for everyone for always being so kind and supportive!

Stephen Nguyen | fundraising chair Year: 2nd Year Years in CKI: 1 Year Favorite CKI moment: Climbing on top of glass roof to hang up some blinds for Halloweenfest Being on CKI board for a year, I learned about the importance in communication and the strength in relying on your fellow board members. CKI board is a wonderful place for growth, while helping those in need through charitable deeds at the same time!

Victor Gonzalez | spirit and social chair

year: 3rd major: Molecular Environmental Biology with a focus in animal health and behavior, and Chicano Studies years in CKI: 3 years favorite CKI moment: My favorite CKI moment would have to be my fi rst Fall and Spring Cazadero(s) because it was my fi rst time ever camping in a cabin and going to camp. Not only that, but being away from phone service and just trusting each other while enjoying our time together was amazing! It was when I knew CKI was made for me and I would love it forever! Just wanted to say thank you to all of y’all because you all have taught me to trust myself and trust those around me! If any of y’all need anything, I will always be here for y’all! Love y’all!

Miwa Tucker | membership development & education chair year: 2nd year major: psychology years in CKI: 2 years favorite CKI moment: defi nitely Key2College


Hello Hello~! Being MD&E chair has been such a rewarding experience and allowed me to get closer to people in the club. I made so much fun memories with different people. Fun fact: I hate fruit

Farewells Nikhila Udupa | administrative vice president year: 4th major: Phycology and MCB years in CKI: 3 favorite CKI moment: the hiking social from one summer general meeting last year when we ran into a dog birthday party!!

Thanks for a fun years!! Hope I get to see everyone again sometime in the future :^)

thanh thai | service vice president year: 4th major: Molecular Environmental Biology years in CKI: 2 long….jk 4 years favorite CKI moment: Going to A&W after Spring Cazadero I love sleep, but I also loved Circle K to the point where I would wake up early just to go to Circle K events. There were moments where I thought about leaving this club, but something about the genuine people in it made me stay :-))

liam lam | treasurer

year: 3rd major: chemical biology and toxicology years in CKI: 3 years

Thank you 2019-2021 board!

You guys did an amazing job this term, good luck with your future endeavors!


2020-2021 board Sarah Guo | administrative vice president year: incoming 3rd year major: political economy years in CKI: 2 years favorite CKI moment: Halloweenfest 2018!! i was the games sub chair and it was my fi rst big CKI event Hiiii everyone! i am super excited to be the AVP for this upcoming term! some fun facts about me are that i have two different eyelid shapes, i always read tv and movie synopsis before i watch, and i looove cki! i hope to get to know everyone even better this coming year, and make the club as fun as possible!

Sharon Hu | secretary year: incoming 2nd year major: mcb years in cki: 1 Favorite CKI moment: haven’t had one moment stand out to me yet because every moment was enjoyable I like apples, potatoes, rice, and everyone in cki Hopefully I can see you all in the fall for another amazing term!

Nina Nguyen | kiwanis family chair year: incoming 2nd year major: chemical biology years in cki: 1 Favorite CKI moment: It's too hard to pick one moment. Every moment I spend volunteering is a CKI moment!!

5 collecting tsum tsums

Hi, I'm Nina! I like to spend my time watching movies and

Jenny Chau | service vice president year: incoming 3rd year major: MCB immunology years in CKI: 2 Favorite CKI moment: Besides DCON, I also really enjoyed participating in the Fenton's challenge with other CKIers and helping setup the music camp at Spring Caz! As SVP, my main goal is to support my board members and help make their time on board as fun and rewarding as it was for me last term. I also hope to provide new members that same welcoming atmosphere I felt when I first joined the club my freshman year. I also can't wait to just spend more time with my favoritest people. I didn't think quarantine would affect me so much considering I went to an online high school, but I really really miss everyone and I just want to give everyone a big hug!

Austin Hoang | treasurer year: will be a second year for 2020-2021 major: Political Economy, Intending Business Administration years in CKI: 1 year! favorite CKI moment: hanging out & hosting surprise parties with everyone in my Teddy Bear family line (Anna, Evan, Brandon, Jenny, & Sharon)! but I imagine that there are many more amazing memories to come! Coming into Cal, I initially did not want to be involved in Circle K because I felt really unmotivated & burnt out from my Key Club experience in high school. However, in October last year, I felt a need to rekindle a passion for community service and get in touch with the Kiwanis family! I'm grateful that Sharon was already a board member by the time I wanted to try out Circle K, otherwise I would not have worked up the courage to go to my first general meeting. Looking back, I kind of regret not being involved in CKI at the start. My CKI goals: in CKI for the long haul, plan on being involved for the next 3 years, interested in maybe having a district standing chair position?? fun fact! my younger brother's birthday is only one day after mine, which meant a lot of join birthday parties growing up!

Introductions Caitlin Aladham | fundraising chair year: 4th major: Political Science years in CKI: 1 favorite CKI moment: Victor handing out gummies for Double Dare Week

Phillip Ly | public relations chair year: incoming 4th year major: Economics and data science years in CKI:1 Year in CKI! favorite CKI moment: Going to FTC Hi everyone! I’m Phillip Ly, an Economics/Data Science major from Fremont,CA transferring from Ohlone College. Some of my hobbies include cooking/baking (which I’m trying to bake more now ), hiking (Some of my favorite spots are Muir Woods and MT.Diablo where you can see the whole bay) and running/biking. I play piano and guitar but also want to learn the violin. Some places that I want to visit are South Korea and Japan. I’ve also been playing a lot of Minecraft lately in this quarantine . I’m really excited to be surviving my first academic year at Berkeley and looking forward to next fall with my a and e board!

Nhu Tran | md&e chair year: upcoming 3rd Year major: Integrative Biology Major/ Philosophy Minor years in CKI: 2 Years! favorite CKI moment: people attempt the Fenton’s challenge every year! (esp. my grand grand!!) Hello everyone my name is Nhu! I was born in Florida but raised in the Bay Area. I enjoy composing music, crocheting, and “thrift-flipping” my clothes. My dream is to one day be financially stable enough to open a private practice in the countryside of Vietnam. I’m really excited to be on Eboard for UCBCKI so I can become more integrated into Berkeley’s community. I will work my best to make everyone

I'm originally from St. Louis, Missouri, but I live in LA right now! Most of my time is dedicating to studying for the LSAT and watching Star Wars, and I miss going out to eat :'(

Rachel Lam | service chair year: 3rd (in the fall) major: Nutritional Sciences years in CKI: 2 favorite CKI moment: Halloweenfest Hello my name is Rachel! I am from the Bay Area near San Francisco. I have one dog named Coco and four turtles at home. I love volunteering at the animal shelter because I like playing with the cute animals.

Brandon Abrego | multimedia chair year: upcoming 3rd Year major: astrophysics, minor: physics, math, and education years in CKI: 2 Years favorite CKI moment: Spring Cazadero bonding with people doing work and when some of our tents got fl ooded Hello I like learning and teaching people interesting things. I also build rockets, play video games, do community service! Talk to me about anything physics, math, or space for useless facts.

Tatiana Matveena | multimedia chair year: upcoming 2nd Year major: political science years in CKI: 1 Years


congratulations class of 2020!


Thank you for all of your hard work while in circle k. Good luck with your future endeavors!


2020-2021 Board Contact page Executive Board Kaitlyn Chieh | President Sarah Guo | Administrative Vice President

Jenny Chau | Service Vice President

Austin Hoang | Treasurer

Sharon Hu | Secretary

Advisors Chris Tung | Kiwanis Advisor Ana Chavez | Faculty Advisor


Appointed Board Amanda Calindas | Publications Chair Brandon Abrego | Multimedia Chair Caitlin Aladham | Fundraising Chair Nhu Tran | Membership Development & Education Chair Nina Nguyen | Kiwanis Family Chair Phillip Ly | Public Relations Chair Rachel Lam | Service Chair Tatiana Nikolaeva | Spirit & Social Chair

Message from KAITLYN Hello UC Berkeley Circle K! My name is Kaitlyn and I am delighted to serve you as your 2020-2021 club president! I can’t believe we’ve already made it to the end of spring semester and it’s unfortunate that we couldn’t properly say goodbye to everyone, especially to the seniors. We have achieved so much as a club and made great memories throughout the year. This includes boba runs with our families, competing with each other to win the mentor mentee challenge week, dancing to ‘September’ at FTC, climbing on to the roof to cover the windows at Halloweenfest, and the list goes on! Whether you are new to the club, or someone who has been in the club for a while, I hope you all have gained something from your experiences and will continue to make more memories that will last forever. Despite not being able to see you all in person this past few months, I still feel very much connected to the club. Whether it be playing games at our online general meetings, having a netflix party with members of the club, or talking to each other during board meetings! It was the people in the club who made my spring semester a lot easier to get through, especially being so far away from home. This club means so much more to me than just community service. You all are my home away from home and I am so excited to be spending more time with you all this upcoming school year. I can’t wait to see what you all will accomplish in the future and I want to thank you all for being a part of this club! I hope you all stay safe and healthy over summer break and can’t wait to see you all in the fall! Kaitlyn


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