United Times ~ June 2015

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United times June 2015

Volume 1

General Board Bishop Eric D. Garnes Presiding Prelate

Bishop Glenn E. Livingston Assistant Presiding Prelate

Bishop James R. Chambers Secretary General

Bishop Roberto J. Jemmott General Treasurer

Bishop James E. Dukes National Director of Social Justice

National Directors Overseer Dan Johnson National Business Manager

Bishop J. Nathan Paige National Director of Music

Pastor Aurelia H. Jemmott National Director of Operations & Logistics Bishop Leon Wilson National Director of Faith-Based Initiatives

Chairmen Bishop George E. Gibson Chairman, House of Bishops

Elder Jacqueline Marshall National Director of Women’s Ministry

Bishop Orlando A. Wilson National Director of Center for Theological Studies Bishop Rory Marshall National Director of Men’s Ministry

Elder Reginald King Adjutant General Sister Edna Capers National Director of Ushers

Pastor Martin J. DeSilva National Commander – Apostolic Knights of Pentecost

Overseer Frank Robinson National Youth Director National Director of Ecclesiastical and Corporate Relations

Pastor Terry Hill, II Chairman, Board of Pastors

Bishop Christopher T. Cox, II Chairman, Board of Holy Orders

Pastor Allan Gray Chairman, National Holy Convocation 2015

Letter From The Editor Grace and Peace be unto you UNITED, Thou wilt shew me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 Our daily walk with Christ is magnified even more on the days when we take advantage of the opportunities to pause, and reflect, on how the presence of the Lord has shown itself powerful in the various areas of our lives. His presence has been our dwelling place, our refiner’s fire, and our secret weapon. With thanksgiving, we are being transformed in Him, from glory to glory! The Lord is making us better everyday, in His own way.

The Lord prepares a people to proclaim His name. Do you have a burning desire to join us for this year’s National Holy Convocation? We declare that God is opening financial doors to cause His people to assemble for this appointed time hosted in the beautiful Hyatt Regency in Atlanta, GA. From July 15th – 17th, as we assemble together from different hotels as never before, the power that will be manifested, will be felt throughout the entire city as we return. Make your way to this unforgettable #UNITEDEncounter, because we are simply more powerful UNITED! This month, God speaks through Overseer Dr. Dorchelle Perez to revive our trust in Him and the power to believe Miracles Happen Living by Faith. Be encouraged UNITED, and above all, continue to stand. Be blessed as you enjoy the highlights of what is going on around the world of UNITED! In His Service, Annette Parkins Editor www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

Miracles Happen Living By Faith by Overseer Dr. Dorchelle Perez Life is an obstacle course. I introduce to a you a single mother of a nine year old daughter, whom is also the caregiver of her 82 year old father. This woman is a nurse by profession but we will call her "The Woman of Worship". She is a woman that labors consistently in prayer, and will give her last, leaving nothing for herself. Every Sunday and Tuesday as she drives upon church grounds she says, "Lord I enter into your gates with Thanksgiving and into your courts with praise. " As she enters into the sanctuary she immediately goes before the altar and lays prostrate before the Lord. Weeping and wailing, she cries out to the Lord. On this particular Sunday after she comes out of prayer she now enters into praise singing, "Thank you Lord for all that you've done for me. " In the middle of the song she recognizes the enemy and responds by saying, "I refuse to allow the enemy to still my praise, and I'm in the middle of having a stroke. " Immediately I signal my adjutant to call 911. While we are caring for her needs, she requests to sing "Give me you" because her heart says, WORSHIP. This woman of worship....Her speech begins to change to that of an infant, and her left arm falls as if she has no muscle control. Even though her speech is slurred, she still has a desire to worship, singing, "Give me you. Everything else can wait. Just give me you, I hope I'm not too late. Lord give me you. " She now realizes that she is in war. A fight that she refuses to give up.

1 Samuel 17:45-46, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. "

When the test comes, when the most difficult circumstances arise, face the battle head on like this woman of Faith battling a stroke. With God's help it became a battle vs. Faith.

What I personally love about her encounter of Battle vs. Faith is how she approached the fight. Just like David did in 1 Samuel 17:48, armed with a sling shot and a few smooth stones from the brook, this woman of Faith approached it with a heart of worship. She is in the middle of worship and begins to have a stroke, but yet she refuses to give up worship but runs head on into the battle. Nothing illustrates inviting the challenge better than worship. The enemy only brought to light what was surrounding her so instead of giving in she faces the battle head on. It would have been easy for her to give in and lose her faith and trust in God. But that's not what she did. Instead, she faced this great affliction of a stroke, aneurysm, bleeding on the right side of the brain, paralyzed on the left side of her body, no longer able to speak, intubated, lining down her throat, on life support – but yet she still worships. She understands that living by faith and trusting God for the impossible as she worships, that it is her worship that literally moves Him from his throne on her behalf. A day of great adversity became a day of unparalleled opportunity. A critical situation that has defeated many others has now become a faith push to one of the greatest victories of her life. Within 24 hrs. She is no longer intubated, she's no longer on life support, the lining has been removed, eyes are opening and she now has a desire to speak. A Life that's filled with objects proves to be a life of submission as she becomes one with God. She's okay worshiping, because as long as she can worship through the storm, she knows that the Father is working; It's when she stops worshiping. I've discovered that most of a person's day is determined by their attitude and how they choose to react. No matter what is happening we must learn how to live by faith whether we fail or not. Whether there is joy or sadness. Depression or anxiety. There are going to be times in your life when you are not able to overcome the odds that are against you, adversities are going to bring you to a defeat rather than a surprise. Even in those times, miracles happen living by faith if you will just submit and TRUST God to work through your life in more ways than you can ever imagine or realize. Divine Favor International Ministries Humble, Texas

HAPPY PASTORAL ANNIVERSARY BISHOP GARNES! On March 17th, Tabernacle of Praise celebrated our very own Man of God, our Shepard, the Dynamic Bishop Eric D. Garnes on His 24th Pastoral Anniversary. To truly honor our Bishop, two awesome Men of God, Bishop Gregory Minnis shared the Gospel of our Father, and Prophet Howard Hamilton brought an amazing word from God. Do not get comfortable where you are, God wants to reposition you for a change. We are truly blessed to have such a humble servant and may God continue to use you to bless His people.

UNITED COMES 2U! • Illinois -- (TBD) • Common Wealth of the Bahamas -- June 17-19, 2015 ( Awaiting Confirmation- Fathers Day weekend -USA; however this will happen during the week not a weekend -- TBD) • Ghana -- June 23-25, 2015

TBD's: • Florida • Georgia/North Carolina/South Carolina


TOP Annual Community Health Fair June 13, 2015 1098 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY

God Belongs In My City presents: #STOPANDPRAY 1274 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY

To The Women of UNITED…

UNITED Family, you are cordially invited to The Apostolic Affirmation of

Apostle Elect Dina Lawanna Hubert June 13, 3015 11:00am-2:00pm Tabernacle of Praise Cathedral 1274 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11203

The Greater St. Mary Church of Christ

The Missionary Circle of The Greater Saint Mary Church invites you to join in a time of intercession, prayer and petition in all night prayer. Prayer will begin at 9:00 PM at The Greater Saint Mary Church which is located at 493-5 Monroe Street (Lewis and Marcus Garvey Blvd) For more information, please contact the Administrative Office at 718-574-4100.

Join us at Family Life Worship Cathedral on Sunday, June 21 at 10am for a special Father's Day Presentation entitled "It's Never Too Late To Come Back To God". All tickets are free but you must rsvp as soon as possible to secure seating. You can rsvp at (516) 505-5702. Be a blessing and invite someone to join you for this life changing experience. We hope to see you there. A Blessed Father's Day to all!

Now Available "Leading Beyond Preaching" by Bishop Christopher T. Cox II

If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3 The pattern has changed from its original content and Generation Next is being affected in a grave manner. It is time for the kingdom to return to its original purpose and work. Jesus is still the only way to accomplish the transition that is needed to make a difference. To purchase your copy of Leading Beyond Preaching, contact (516) 505-5702. The cost is $20.00.

The most anticipated event of 2015 – United Covenant Churches of Christ National Holy Convocation July 15-17 Guest Speakers, Worship, Workshops, Pageantry, Fellowship, and so much more! Registration continues and is only $50 for adults and $35 for youth.

Memories, Transformation, Power‌ Come Prepared for

The #UNITEDEncounter!

Time is running out . . . Pre-Order your 2015 National Holy Convocation T-Shirts Today! S-XL: $15 XXL: $17 Make this treasured keepsake yours today and enjoy it in celebration at this year’s Encounter in Atlanta, GA! Visit www.unitedcovenantchurchesofchrist.org to place your order.

CALLING ALL VENDORS & EXHIBITORS!! You will want to feature your business in the upcoming 26th National Holy Convocation! Let your business experience our #UNITEDEncounter! For further information, contact Joshua Hargrove pmg5inc@gmail.com Subject Line: 2015 UCCC Convocation


WE NEED YOU! We are in need of volunteers to help us Usher in our National Holy Convocation. Come be a part of this great work in the House of the Lord! Please contact Sister Edna Capers at (718) 272-6744 Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm.

Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. Proverbs 8:34

Stay in touch for the latest information, updates, events, and more! https://uccc.wufoo.com/forms/s4zusby096tak2/

Calling ALL YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS!!! The Uc3 team is ready to serve!! We have Dynamic Speakers . . Workshops . . Poetry . . Comedy . . . you name it you will experience it!! Have all children, teens and young adults register now for #Uc3encounter http://youtu.be/dM-6h_T1IXM

We'll see you in ATL!!!

There is still time to become a part of the media buzz for Convocation 2015! UCCC Social Media Department needs YOU to be a part of our 2015 National Holy Convocation social media team. If you are interested or would like to receive more information, please email us at ucccsocialmedia@gmail.com

Are you fluent in Spanish? Do you possess the ability to read & write in Spanish? Do you enjoy spending time on Social Media? If this is the case, we have a need for Spanishspeaking individuals who can help us translate our posts from English to Spanish! To sign up, please email us at ucccsocialmedia@gmail.com.

From SlaveBox To Xbox The cutting edge Internet radio show hosted by Dr. James Dukes explores and discusses the topics that are relevant to the beloved community. You don't have to just sit by and listen, you can join in on the discussion and the solution. We are not telling you what to think about... But please think about something!

The Shepherd’s Corner In this month’s Shepherd Corner, Mother Eldgree Barlow shares a poem she wrote entitled, “The Ques-tion, The Answer” that she wrote for our Man of God, Bishop George E. Gibson II. Who do men say that you are? Some say you are an awesome preacher Some say you are a dynamic teacher Still others remember you from high school bleachers Who do men say that you are? One person said, I think he’s kind of cocky, I said, no that’s confidence and that is a truth that can never be spent. I need to make you aware that Bishop Gibson is my pastor. And if this conversation continues, it’s gonna be a sure nuff disaster. I know where he come from I believe in how he lives And if you’ll listen, just listen I can tell you who he is Who do I say that you are! I say you are the essence of the desire God heard in your Father’s heart. It was a covenant of worship that consummated the spark. At twelve you were ushered to the tutelage of Mr. Hill. It was a sacrifice unto God, Lord let this be your will. Thirty-three years you’ve stood by the cross now you moved to resurrection power. And this dear Bishop, will be your finest hour. Stand in your power. For as many as received Him, He gave the power to become the sons of God Stand in your glory. For Christ said, Father the glory you have given me, I have given them.

You are an elite member of the tribe of the Lion of Judah, Walk in the strength and majesty of the Word you will roar through this region, as you shake your name of Favor and Influence. I say you are George Elliot Gibson II AND I perceive you to be a Holy Man of God KNOW THIS窶ヲ.. Receive these words and let your spirit be at ease 窶郎ou are a beloved son, and the Father is well pleased. Well I have said what I needed to say and can check if from my list Bishop just remember, it is BIGGER THAN THIS!! Ms. Eldgree Barlow, vessel Lead Servant, 3P Ministries

President of the New Castle County Delaware Fatherhood & Family Coalition

Let’s celebrate Bishop George E. Gibson II

for his recent ELEVATION to President of the NCC DE Fatherhood & Family Coalition! The Delaware Fatherhood & Family Coalition, New Castle County Leadership Committee builds upon the efforts of the community to form a movement that strengthens male leadership, expands the community’s capacity to collaborate, and increases resources which supports the involvement of residential and non-residential fathers in the lives of their children. It endeavors to reduces the stressors of single parents, support the cultivation of healthy adult relationships, father involvement and decrease the barriers that may challenge these efforts. For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down on and exalts another. (Psalms 75:6)

Christian Love partnered with UNITED to donate over 100 first-aid kits and work gloves to Nepal Earthquake Relief effort. If we are going to be a kingdom-minded people, we must have a heart for global missionary outreach. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Be a part of all God is doing at Christian Love Worship Cathedral! Parents As Teachers & MEN 4 Change Join Bishop George E. Gibson II EVERY THURSDAY @ 6 pm EST as the men gather for a series of informal conversations around real issues that men face such as raising their children, assuming their positions of leadership in our communities and with our children. You will not want to miss out on this time of Enlightenment, Edification and Restoration! 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

Got Prayer? Please join Bishop George E. Gibson every Saturday at 7 PM for 7 minutes of prayer as he bombards Heaven for 7 power-packed minutes of effectual and fervent prayer while lifting up our leaders, churches, families, nation and communities. The teleconference number is (218) 862-4152 and pass code is 533257#. Please remember to mute your phone(s). Join Prophetess Tricia Gibson the 1st Monday of each month at 6 PM EST for “Hour of Power Prayer� at 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 Prophetess Gibson also hosts the IPN: International Prayer Network monthly teleconference call. This one-hour call is held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM and is broadcast on www.hotjoyradio.com with Dr. Ronnie D. Joyner. Call in by dialing (218) 8624152 passcode: 533257#

As a former professional basketball player, Dr. Gibson combines his sports acumen with his intellectual prowess to create an inspirational manual for going higher in the “Game of Life” www.georgegibson.org Also available at Amazon & Barnes and Nobles An excerpt from 90’ By 45’: “The 90’ by 45’ basketball court is about timelines. You have to learn to be in certain places on the floor in a sufficient amount of time. Your position sets the condition of your opportunity. What advancements are you making in the allotted time that you have been given?”

The Divine Mandate Ministry of Zion Progressive Cathedral International, Inc. located at 1169 Connecticut Street in Gary, Indiana, provides free hot meals and free clothing every fourth Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Our next giveaway is on June 27, 2015. For more information, please contact the administrative office at 219-882-ZION (9466) during the office hours 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays through Fridays. Thank you for your time and blessings and peace be unto you!

"What Do You See?" is 31 Days of Transformation that gives daily devotions and confessions designed to encourage and uplift you to see yourself as God created you to be. This creative, yet practical journey is designed for anyone in pursuit of God's idea of them. Throughout these 31 -days you will be challenged to evaluate how you see your life in comparison to God's ultimate destiny for you. So when you look closely, what do you see when your reality meets perception? WWW.IAMRJMARSHALL.COM

Got Ministry? Don't struggle alone! After 26 years in ministry, Dr. Hooper now shares her ministry experience and wisdom with other women preachers. Join her on every 1st Monday at 9 PM EST on a one hour FREE conference call designed to empower you for your ministry calling. You are guaranteed to be blessed! For ministry updates and more, subscribe to us at www.UsGirlsCan.com and follow us on Facebook.

Need a good ministry resource? Perfect for new, aspiring and ordained ministers and evangelists! Visit www.DeboraHooper.com and call our office at (646) 702-8872 to discuss bulk rates! Remember, "you can't do what you don't know"! -Debora Hooper Click here to learn more about this ministry handbook: http://youtu.be/rQCKybvzXgQ Click here to order on Amazon: https://ww.amazon.com/author/deborahooper

Calling all children, teens and young adults. Your prayer has power! And this year Uc3 needs you. Become a part of our 2015 youth and young adults prayer team. Please email us at uc3youth@unitedcovenantchurches.com

We are seeking volunteers to join us in the fight against suicide - it is everyone's problem. Anyone interested please contact us at: impactoutreachministry@gmail.com.

The position is a volunteer position. Training will be provided and Counselors will be able to volunteer from the comfort of their own home.

The Voices of UNITED! Do you have your copy? Have you download it!!!!! Have you Spread the Word?...#Champions Debut Single from UNITED’s own, April Hall!

Pastor Angela Walker and Divine Revelation presents their first CD ‘Door to the Next Level.’ This refreshing project brings a mix of original music as well as a new flare to some old time gospel favorites.

Calling ALL PSALMISTS AND MINSTELS from the Mid-Atlantic Region! Contact Derrick Clements at Derr318@gmail.com for more information on how to continue to get involved with the music ministry of the Mid-Atlantic region!

Join us for Worship!

"Turn Up" with prayer...GENERATION "Covered"!

The purpose of the youth prayer call is to keep our children covered by the word and build a strong prayer life for our children. NVKLC and Uc3 provides a vehicle that will get your child's day started and encouraged to go throughout the week.

Join Bishop Eric D. Garnes for a "Once in a Lifetime Experience" Come on a tour of Greece and Turkey that will greatly enrich your spiritual life and relationship following in the footsteps of Paul in the old Roman Empire. We will begin our journey in the beautiful city of Athens. Then an Aegean cruise followed by northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Philippi and Meterora. The Bible will come alive for you. You will return filled with enthusiasm, gratitude and a renewed faith. "To walk in the footsteps of Paul cannot be described. It can only be experienced." Enjoy seeing all the major Christian sites and historical places. Deposit - $350 (payable on booking) Second Payment due – May 22nd, 2015 – 50% of balance Full Balance Due – Aug 7th, 2015 For more information, please contact: Brother Alejandro Campbell United Covenant Churches of Christ 1274 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11203 (347) 403-3524 lexfermina@aol.com

The United Covenant Churches of Christ The Uc3 National Youth Congress

@ericdgarnes @UnitedCovenant @Uc3youth

BishopEDGarnes UnitedCovenantChurchesofChrist Uc3youth


Stretch your prayer life in this powerful season of prayer! His Kingdom come, His will be done! CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS: Draw nigh to God in this key season. There are morning and afternoon prayer lines within your UNITED family to join and watch the Hand of God move supernaturally in your life, your family, your church and your community! Bishop Jamie Johnson – James Temple Miracle Center Fort Valley, GA Every Wednesday night at 9:05pm EST (641) 715-3200 access code: 1004868#

Overseer Dan Johnson – The Empowerment Worship Center Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 5am-6am CST (712) 432-0075 access code: 502676#

Bishop Roberto Jemmott – Nazareth Christian Fellowship Brooklyn, NY Tuesdays 6am EST (712) 775-7100 access code: 456009#

Bishop Allen Williams – Rhema Word Worship Center Elkridge, MD Tuesday-Friday 5am-6am; 1pm-2pm; 9pm-10pm EST (661) 673-8600 access code: 834439#

Overseer Carlos Haynes – Faith Assemblies of God Brooklyn, NY Sunday-Saturday 5am-6am EST (760) 984-1000 access code: 919671#

Bishop George E. Gibson, II - Christian Love Worship Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Saturdays 7pm (seven minutes) EST (218) 862-4152 access code: 533257# *please remember to mute your phones*

Pastor Frederick E. Wilson, Jr. – The Temple of Glory International Chicago, IL Sunday-Saturday 6am CST (605) 477-3000 access code: 552942#

I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Have any questions, comments, ideas or would like to make a submission for future publication? Please contact: Annette Parkins an.parkins@gmail.com www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

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