United Times ~ May 2015

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United times

May 2015

Volume 1

General Board Bishop Eric D. Garnes Presiding Prelate

Bishop Glenn E. Livingston Assistant Presiding Prelate

Bishop Roberto J. Jemmott General Treasurer

Bishop James R. Chambers Secretary General

Bishop James E. Dukes National Director of Social Justice

National Directors Overseer Dan Johnson National Business Manager

Bishop J. Nathan Paige National Director of Music

Pastor Aurelia H. Jemmott National Director of Operations & Logistics Bishop Leon Wilson National Director of Faith-Based Initiatives

Elder Jacqueline Marshall National Director of Women’s Ministry

Bishop Orlando A. Wilson National Director of Center for Theological Studies Bishop Rory Marshall National Director of Men’s Ministry

Elder Reginald King Adjutant General Sister Edna Capers National Director of Ushers

Pastor Martin J. DeSilva National Commander – Apostolic Knights of Pentecost

Overseer Frank Robinson National Youth Director National Director of Ecclesiastical and Corporate Relations

Chairmen Bishop George E. Gibson Chairman, House of Bishops

Pastor Terry Hill, II Chairman, Board of Pastors

Bishop Christopher T. Cox, II Chairman, Board of Holy Orders

Letter From The Editor Grace and Peace be unto you UNITED,

Our God is a wonder! He sees, He hears, He knows, and He loves us – His dear children. God has predestinated each of His us with a unique purpose, that as we come together, will edify the Kingdom, and spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. I am thanking God this month for every member of UNITED, our sparkling differences, and the God we serve that connects our parts to make us one Body! Our time together at our National Holy Convocation is quickly approaching! Rooms may be sold out at the Hyatt Regency, but there are hotels in the area with rooms available for as low as $60/night. DO NOT DELAY, Visit www.totalexpresstravel.com to check out local hotels and reserve your room TODAY! By land, air, or sea, God is working it together for our good, and you will want to be present to experience #UNITEDencounter. Check out the latest details of classes and guest speakers in this month’s issue. Every encounter, every moment we have with God, builds us up to be used greater by Christ to be an answer to the cries of the world. As we hear the challenges facing our communities; from police brutality, to murders, to natural disasters, to terror threats, to filibuster style politics; we hear the cries of the world for the manifestation of the sons of God. As Christians we are social justice ambassadors, and God is calling us to take our rightful places in our communities. The voice of our brothers blood cries out from the earth. We have the Word, now it’s time to let it do the work. This month, God speaks through Bishop Allen Williams to give us a charge for Prayer 2015. Be encouraged UNITED, and above all, continue to stand. Be blessed as you enjoy the highlights of what is going on around the world of UNITED! In His Service, Annette Parkins Editor www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

Prayer 2015 by Bishop Dr. Allen D. Williams, Jr.

As the National Director of Intercessory Prayer for United, we recently recognized National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7, 2015. We came together and intercede on the behalf of our churches, our city government, state government, congress and our President and his cabinet and especially interceded for current events in our world, and peace in Baltimore, Maryland. You may ask yourself WHAT IS INTERCESSION? Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others. But it is also much more than that. Intercession involves taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass.

Intercession is warfare and the key to God's battle plan for our lives. But the battleground is not of this earth. The Bible says, "We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and spiritual powers in the heavens above" (Eph. 6:12). Intercessory prayer takes place in this spiritual world where the battles for our own lives, our families, our friends and our nation are won or lost. One of my favorite scriptures concerning intercession and warfare is 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 AMP which states: For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasoning’s and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

My final that thought on prayer is this let’s BATTLE FOR OUR NATION. Throughout the Bible, God searched for those willing to fight the spiritual battle for their land. In Ezekiel, God says, "And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found no one" (Ezek. 22:30, NASB). Through intercession, you can take the offensive in the spiritual battle, building up your community, your nation and your world. As you follow God's call to rise up and take your place in the spiritual battle, God promises to "heal their land" (2 Chron. 7:14, NASB). Join us on our ministry prayer line Tuesday – Friday: Number – (605) 475-3235 Access Code – 834439 5am - 6am 1pm - 2pm 9pm - 10pm

Rhema Word Worship Center, Inc. Elkridge, Maryland

Congratulations to Pastor Wrophas Meeks! We congratulate Pastor Pastor Wrophas Meeks, of Carbondale, Illinois in his selection as the “Volunteer of the Year� at the Vienna Correctional Center. Pastor Meeks has provided religious volunteer service to the facility and the Dixon Springs IIP for the past three years. This service has included conducting weekly religious services to offenders. He has always been punctual, professional, and conscientious of the religious needs of the offenders. Pastor Meeks takes his responsibility to the institution and the inmates very seriously. He is always available to the chaplain and the offenders and ready to help in any way possible when a need arises. Reverend Meeks has a long history of involvement in providing religious services on a volunteer basis. Not only does he continue to provide services at both the Vienna Correctional Center and the Dixon Springs Boot Camp, he also provides volunteer religious services for the Civil Air Patrol Shawnee Composite Squadron in Herrin, Illinois, the Carbondale Memorial Hospital in Carbondale, Illinois, and in the past at the Tamms Correctional Center in Tamms, Illinois. He is a member of the United Covenant Churches of Christ and works in association with the Correctional Ministries and Chaplains Association and the Military Chaplains Association. Reverend Wrophas Meeks is certainly a model of excellence in volunteer service and ministry to be emulated, and is more than worthy to receive this award as Volunteer of the Year at the Vienna Correctional Center. In addition, it is my conviction that volunteer Reverend Wrophas Meeks should be considered a likely candidate for the State of Illinois Volunteer of the Year Award.

Successful Launch of DOZ Undergarment Foundation at Tabernacle of Praise! Over 90 ladies of Tabernacle of Praise and friends and family were treated to a day of cooking, flower and table arrangements, makeup demonstrations, as well as a sunny garden party by the Daughters of Zelophehad while raising funds to benefit the Undergarment Foundation.

UNITED COMES 2U! Texas -- May 29 - 30 New York -- June 5-6, 2015 Illinois -- (TBD) Common Wealth of the Bahamas -- June 17-19, 2015 ( Awaiting Confirmation- Fathers Day weekend -USA; however this will happen during the week not a weekend -- TBD) • Ghana -- June 23-25, 2015 • • • •

TBD's: • Florida • Georgia/North Carolina/South Carolina

Calling ALL PSALMISTS AND MINSTELS from the Mid-Atlantic Region! Contact Derrick Clements at Derr318@gmail.com for more information on how to continue to get involved with the music ministry of the MidAtlantic region!

UNITED Comes 2 U in the Mid-Atlantic Region! On April 17, 2015, UNITED Comes to Us landed in the Mid Atlantic Region. With the arrival of our Presiding Prelate Bishop Eric Daniel Garnes and our General Board, the people gathered at The Christian Love Worship Cathedral in Wilmington Delaware, with a level of expectation that was contagious. Our Diocesan Bishop George Gibson set the atmosphere in praise and worship that would extend beyond the borders of this great weekend.

On Friday night, our regional praise team, mass choir and liturgical dance ministry with representation from all six of our states were in operation, demonstrating how much better we are "UNITED". Our Presider, Bishop Garnes preached a message from Psalms 121 entitled "Crescendo", exhorting the region to a higher place of praise, worship, work and excellence. Bishop Garnes admonished the region that when things get tough, God has planted our help in the hills!! The atmosphere was ignited, engaging and empowering!

On Saturday, we gathered together for a phenomenal time of fellowship and impartation. Bishops, Overseers, Pastors, Leaders and Laity enjoyed fellowship and communing over breakfast. A tag team workshop on leadership in the 21st Century facilitated by our Presider Bishop Garnes and Assistant Presider Bishop G.E. Livingston was impactful. The four core values that United is able to stand on was present

throughout the day. Bishop James Dukes and Bishop Roberto Jemmott challenged us in their greetings on the importance of Progressive Theology, Effective Leadership, Mastering Business & Crystalizing Communication. The Mid Atlantic's own, Bishop Anthony Hanna led a workshop on "Communicating Like Leaders", further setting the stage for a region that is clear in what we say, clear in what we do, and clear in where it is that we are headed. Everyone present enjoyed this great time of fellowship and impartation. United Comes to Us sparked a fire that is sure to keep us burning as we move toward "The Encounter" Convocation 2015!!

Happy Anniversary! Bishop James R. Chambers and Pastor Katherine Chambers as they celebrated their 34th Wedding Anniversary on May 2nd. May God bestow His goodness and blessings on the two of you as you celebrate another year of marriage.

The Greater St. Mary Church of Christ

The Missionary Circle of The Greater Saint Mary Church invites you to join in a time of intercession, prayer and petition in all night prayer. Prayer will begin at 9:00 PM at The Greater Saint Mary Church which is located at 493-5 Monroe Street (Lewis and Marcus Garvey Blvd) For more information, please contact the Administrative Office at 718-574-4100.

Happy Pastoral Anniversary to our Presiding Prelate Bishop Eric D. Garnes Join us on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at Tabernacle of Praise (Cathedral) as we celebrate the 24th Pastoral Anniversary of our visionary and leader, Bishop Eric D. Garnes. The guest speaker for the 7:30am service will be the Right Reverend Gregory K. Minnis from New Jerusalem Kingdom Ministries International in Nassau, Bahamas. The guest speaker for the 11:00am service will be Pastor Howard Hamilton of Parousia Temple of Praise and Deliverance in Wilmington, DE.

Come and join us on May 17, 2015 at 11:00am for a day of miracles!

Come one and all it's PraiseRcise time again at Tabernacle of Praise! Spring has Sprung so let’s get fit while we have Fun! When it comes to our wellness, no price can be too high, so come out and enjoy by simply paying your “shoe size”! Wednesday 5/20/15 @7:00-8:30pm Worship & Wellness Wednesday 5/27/15 @7:00-8:30pm Pageantry & Praise Close out session is only $15.00 Super Saturday 6/6/15 @10:00am-1:00pm Family & Friends Fellowship session...PraiseRcise with exciting heart pumping music & healthy snacks served along with games, prizes and plenty of giveaways! 1274 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11203

Women’s Spring Tea 2015 at The Citadel Church Lady Kim Hill and The Citadel Church present the 2015 Women's Tea! Enjoy the fellowship with other sisters as you laugh, relax and be encouraged. There will be a hat parade, table contest and special prizes. Our special guest is Dr. Delicia Garnes, First Lady of Tabernacle of Praise, Brooklyn New York and United Covenant Churches of Christ. The attire is Spring dresses and hats. Tickets are only $10.

The most anticipated event of 2015 – United Covenant Churches of Christ National Holy Convocation July 15-17 Guest Speakers, Worship, Workshops, Pageantry, Fellowship Registration continues and is only $50 for adults and $35 for youth.

Memories, Transformation, Power‌Prepare for The


Time is running out . . . Pre-Order your 2015 National Holy Convocation T-Shirts Today! S-XL: $12 XXL: $15 PRICES INCREASE on June 1st Onsite prices will be $15/$17 Make this treasured keepsake yours today and enjoy it in celebration at this year’s Encounter in Atlanta, GA! Visit www.unitedcovenantchurchesofchrist.org to place your order.

Stay in touch for the latest information, updates, events and more! https://uccc.wufoo.com/forms/s4zusb y096tak2/

Calling ALL YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS!!! The Uc3 team is ready to serve!! We have Dynamic Speakers . . Workshops . . Poetry . . Comedy . . . you name it you will experience it!! Have all children, teens and young adults register now for #Uc3encounter http://youtu.be/dM-6h_T1IXM

We'll see you in ATL!!!

ARE YOU FLUENT SPANISH? DO YOU POSSES THE ABILITY TO READ & WRITE IN SPANISH? DO YOU ENJOY SPENDING TIME ON SOCIAL MEDIA? If that is the case, we have a need for spanishspeaking individuals who can help us translate our posts from English to Spanish!

To sign up, please email us at ucccsocialmedia@gmail.com.

There is still time to become a part of the media buzz for Convocation 2015! UCCC Social Media Department needs YOU to be apart of our 2015 National Holy Convocation social media team. If you are interested or would like to receive more information, please email us at ucccsocialmedia@gmail.com

The United Covenant Churches of Christ The Uc3 National Youth Congress

@ericdgarnes @UnitedCovenant @Uc3youth

BishopEDGarnes UnitedCovenantChurchesofChrist Uc3youth



TOP Annual Community Health Fair June 13, 2015 1098 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY

Power of God Cathedral Annual Women’s Day 2015 May 17, 2015 171-38 107th Avenue Jamaica, NY

Got Ministry? Don't struggle alone! After 26 years in ministry, Dr. Hooper now shares her ministry experience and wisdom with other women preachers. Join her on Monday, June 1st at 9 PM EST on a one hour FREE conference call designed to empower you for your ministry calling. You are guaranteed to be blessed! For ministry updates and more, subscribe to us at www.UsGirlsCan.com and follow us on Facebook.

Congratulations to The IMPACT Kingdom Church on their launch on 5.1.15 in Philadelphia, PA. The Lead Pastor is Prophetess Corrie N. Williams. For more information please feel free to email us at: impactoutreachministry@gmail.com

We are seeking volunteers to join us in the fight against suicide - it is everyone's problem. Anyone interested please contact us at: impactoutreachministry@gmail.com. The position is a volunteer position. Training will be provided and Counselors will be able to volunteer from the comfort of their own home.

The Divine Mandate Ministry of Zion Progressive Cathedral International, Inc. located at 1169 Connecticut Street in Gary, Indiana, provides free hot meals and free clothing every fourth Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Our next giveaway is on May 23, 2015. For more information, please contact the administrative office at 219-882-ZION (9466) during the office hours 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays through Fridays. Thank you for your time and blessings and peace be unto you!

TOP Development Corp. Presents #Selfies “An in-depth look at the real me� This Community Teen Self Image Workshop will be hosted at Nazareth Christian Fellowship which is located at 576 Ralph Avenue in Brooklyn, New York where Bishop Roberto J. Jemmott is the Senior Pastor. This event is opened to all girls ages 13-17. Admissions is free, pre-registration required. For more information, please contact (347) 247-0442.

The Voices of UNITED! Do you have your copy? Have you download it!!!!! Have you Spread the Word?...#Champions Debut Single from UNITED’s own, April Hall!

Pastor Angela Walker and Divine Revelation presents their first CD ‘Door to the Next Level.’ This refreshing project brings a mix of original music as well as a new flare to some old time gospel favorites.

Calling all children, teens and young adults. Your prayer has power! And this year Uc3 needs you. Become a part of our 2015 youth and young adults prayer team. Please email us at uc3youth@unitedcovenantchurches.com

Join Bishop Eric D. Garnes for a "Once in a Lifetime Experience" Come on a tour of Greece and Turkey that will greatly enrich your spiritual life and relationship following in the footsteps of Paul in the old Roman Empire. We will begin our journey in the beautiful city of Athens. Then an Aegean cruise followed by northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Philippi and Meterora. The Bible will come alive for you. You will return filled with enthusiasm, gratitude and a renewed faith. "To walk in the footsteps of Paul cannot be described. It can only be experienced." Enjoy seeing all the major Christian sites and historical places. Deposit - $350 (payable on booking) Second Payment due – May 22nd, 2015 – 50% of balance Full Balance Due – Aug 7th, 2015 For more information, please contact: Brother Alejandro Campbell United Covenant Churches of Christ 1274 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11203 (347) 403-3524 lexfermina@aol.com

From SlaveBox To Xbox The cutting edge Internet radio show hosted by Dr. James Dukes explores and discusses the topics that are relevant to the beloved community. You don't have to just sit by and listen, you can join in on the discussion and the solution. We are not telling you what to think about... But please think about something!

"What Do You See?" is 31 Days of Transformation that gives daily devotions and confessions designed to encourage and uplift you to see yourself as God created you to be. This creative, yet practical journey is designed for anyone in pursuit of God's idea of them. Throughout these 31 -days you will be challenged to evaluate how you see your life in comparison to God's ultimate destiny for you. So when you look closely, what do you see when your reality meets perception? WWW.IAMRJMARSHALL.COM

Need a good ministry resource? Perfect for new, aspiring and ordained ministers and evangelists! Visit www.DeboraHooper.com and call our office at (646) 702-8872 to discuss bulk rates! Remember, "you can't do what you don't know"! -Debora Hooper Click here to learn more about this ministry handbook: http://youtu.be/rQCKybvzXgQ Click here to order on Amazon: https://ww.amazon.com/author/ deborahooper

Be a part of all God is doing at Christian Love Worship Cathedral! Parents As Teachers & MEN 4 Change Join Bishop George E. Gibson II EVERY THURSDAY @ 6 pm EST as the men gather for a series of informal conversations around real issues that men face such as raising their children, assuming their positions of leadership in our communities and with our children. You will not want to miss out on this time of Enlightenment, Edification and Restoration! 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

Got Prayer? Please join Bishop George E. Gibson every Saturday at 7 PM for 7 minutes of prayer as he bombards Heaven for 7 power-packed minutes of effectual and fervent prayer while lifting up our leaders, churches, families, nation and communities. The teleconference number is (218) 862-4152 and pass code is 533257#. Please remember to mute your phone(s). Join Prophetess Tricia Gibson the 1st Monday of each month at 6 PM EST for “Hour of Power Prayer� at 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 Prophetess Gibson also hosts the IPN: International Prayer Network monthly teleconference call. This one-hour call is held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM and is broadcast on www.hotjoyradio.com with Dr. Ronnie D. Joyner. Call in by dialing (218) 8624152 passcode: 533257#

As a former professional basketball player, Dr. Gibson combines his sports acumen with his intellectual prowess to create an inspirational manual for going higher in the “Game of Life” www.georgegibson.org Also available at Amazon & Barnes and Nobles An excerpt from 90’ By 45’: “The 90’ by 45’ basketball court is about timelines. You have to learn to be in certain places on the floor in a sufficient amount of time. Your position sets the condition of your opportunity. What advancements are you making in the allotted time that you have been given?”

Prayer Crusade at Tabernacle of Praise Praise be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May the Grace and peace of God be with you. Tabernacle of Praise held a two day spring revival on April 23rd and April 24th 2015. Prophetess Juanita Bynum followed the direction of the Holy Spirit in which she was the vessel God used to bless the Church. The parishioners pressed forward from near and far with an expectancy to hear a word and to feel the presence of our Heavenly Father. As God would have it, the presence of the Lord was welcomed in through prayer and worship.

Tabernacle of Praises’ very own musicians along with Unity praise dancers opened the service ministering onto God. Prophetess Bynum tarried not shortly after to deliver a special message to the people on sowing seed, being fishers of men, women and children – leaving all judgement to the father. As we were worshipping, praising, releasing and giving all the Glory to God, a confirmation of deliverance through song that was never heard or sung by the Prophetess was laid in her spirit. God continued to reign on the final night of revival as another amazing attendance of faithful believers answered the call of God to attend service. Prophetess Bynum again followed the direction of God to share her personal encounters with God along with her personal experience of the spiritual war that is taking place. God opened up the gates of heaven and poured such a blessing onto His children. Souls were saved, chains were broken, the people cried unto God and our cries were heard, and answered.

We would like to humbly thank Prophetess Juanita Bynum for being an Obedient servant of our Heavenly Father and delivering the word in which He placed in her to feed us all with. May God continue to shine His light upon you and may many souls continue to be saved proclaiming Jesus as Lord and personal Savior. Scriptures: Matthew 24, Mark 5:22, Hebrew 12:1 Song: "There is a sound that comes from Heaven! There is a sound that comes from the throne of God! There is a sound that brings deliverance, To this we say Amen.�

Join us for Worship!

"Turn Up" with prayer...GENERATION "Covered"!

The purpose of the youth prayer call is to keep our children covered by the word and build a strong prayer life for our children. NVKLC and Uc3 provides a vehicle that will get your child's day started and encouraged to go throughout the week.

Stretch your prayer life in this powerful season of prayer! His Kingdom come, His will be done! CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS: Draw nigh to God in this key season. There are morning and afternoon prayer lines within your UNITED family to join and watch the Hand of God move supernaturally in your life, your family, your church and your community! Bishop Jamie Johnson – James Temple Miracle Center Fort Valley, GA Every Wednesday night at 9:05pm EST (641) 715-3200 access code: 1004868#

Overseer Dan Johnson – The Empowerment Worship Center Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 5am-6am CST (712) 432-0075 access code: 502676#

Bishop Roberto Jemmott – Nazareth Christian Fellowship Brooklyn, NY Tuesdays 6am EST (712) 775-7100 access code: 456009#

Bishop Allen Williams – Rhema Word Worship Center Elkridge, MD Tuesday-Friday 5am-6am; 1pm-2pm; 9pm-10pm EST (661) 673-8600 access code: 834439#

Overseer Carlos Haynes – Faith Assemblies of God Brooklyn, NY Sunday-Saturday 5am-6am EST (760) 984-1000 access code: 919671#

Bishop George E. Gibson, II - Christian Love Worship Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Saturdays 7pm (seven minutes) EST (218) 862-4152 access code: 533257# *please remember to mute your phones*

Pastor Frederick E. Wilson, Jr. – The Temple of Glory International Chicago, IL Sunday-Saturday 6am CST (605) 477-3000 access code: 552942#

Have any questions, comments, ideas or would like to make a submission for future publication? Please contact: Annette Parkins an.parkins@gmail.com (877) 97-UNITY www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

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