United Times ~ November 2014

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United times

November 2014 Volume 1

General Board Bishop Eric D. Garnes Presiding Prelate

Bishop Glenn E. Livingston Assistant Presiding Prelate

Bishop Roberto Jemmott General Treasurer

Bishop James R. Chambers Secretary General

Bishop James E. Dukes National Director of Social Justice

National Directors Overseer Dan Johnson National Business Manager

Bishop J. Nathan Paige National Director of Music

Pastor Aurelia H. Jemmott National Director of Operations & Logistics Bishop Leon Wilson National Director of Faith-Based Initiatives

Elder Jacqueline Marshall National Director of Women’s Ministry

Bishop Orlando A. Wilson National Director of Center for Theological Studies

Bishop Rory Marshall National Director of Men’s Ministry

Bishop George E. Gibson Chairman, House of Bishops

Pastor Terry Hill, II Chairman, Board of Pastors

Sister Edna Capers National Director of Ushers

Pastor Martin J. DeSilva National Commander – Apostolic Knights of Pentecost

Overseer Frank Robinson National Youth Director National Director of Ecclesiastical and Corporate Relations


Elder Reginald King Adjutant General

Letter From The Editor Grace and Peace be unto you UNITED, There are times in our lives when situations and circumstances are completely out of our hands. You can look the left, right, down and around, but still be left with the former conclusion, "you are not in control." It is in these intense and personal moments that God takes us by the hand, molds us, refines us, and ultimately delivers us. I know it's hard to believe, but 2014 is speeding by and Thanksgiving is almost here. And as the temporary afflictions that surround you threaten to dissuade you from giving thanks, remember we serve a Risen Savior who has overcome it all. And because He lives, we are already victorious! Keep your mind stayed on Christ and let your praise be your weapon! If God be for us, nothing can be against us! Pastor Terry Hill ministers to us this month about Learning to Love! Be blessed as you enjoy this month’s long awaited issue! Be encouraged UNITED, and above all, continue to stand.

In His Service, Annette Parkins Editor www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

Learning To Love Of the many inexhaustible topics that are covered in scripture, love sits extremely high. On any given day the word love is both used and abused. Sadly, this is the case especially among Christians. Yet this is the one quality that Jesus indicated would mark us as his own. (John 13:35) However, the lesson of love is one that must be reiterated regularly as many of us too often forget all that it really entails or just fail to practice it properly. I John 2:7 reminds us that Christ has not changed in his intention to have us be loving people. This old and yet new commandment is the mandate of any who would call themselves believers. Being a loving people is what is required to win others to Christ. This is not limited to winning the unsaved alone. But it is demanded if we are to win one another. When we talk of love in this context, there is only one applicable definition. Of the various forms of love the Greeks used, agape is the term most appropriate. It is God sized love. God's love, God's own way. When you do the study of this word, you will encounter this definition, "actively doing what the Lord prefers by his power and direction." How many of us can say this is the way we love? To the believer, we are instructed first to love one another. I am convinced that we are unable to love the world properly if we have not first learned to love each other. Like my mother used to say, "How can you love folk outside of your house better than you love your brothers and sisters?" Surprisingly, it is regarding the family that we often pull back in terms of love and do not share in the manner that we should. I John 2:9 says that if we do not love one another we are still in darkness. What an indictment!

Too often among church folk I hear statements like, "I just don't do her/him" or "I handle him/her with a long handled spoon". Where is the love in those statements? Where is the desire to love in the manner Jesus prescribes? Don't forget that he wants to love His way. The power of God's love is best shown in the most unlovely situations among the most unlovable people or periods. To do this means we operate in the empowerment that God's love provides. Not in our own. In my own power, there are many times my own love would wax cold. However, when I love under God's power and direction, it is possible to love in any circumstance. This is love under the influence! I John 2:10 (NLT) says that when we love this way, we don't cause others to stumble. Many times, in my endeavor to be pleasing to my parents, my wife or even my church, I have failed miserably. My failings were not always through any wrong doing. Many times, I was just trying too hard to be good or right. This occurs at times because the perceived standard is exceptionally high. Love in each situation has shown me that it will lower the standard. When the standard is lowered, it is much easier for me to do those things that I know will please those I love. In this way, I am able to stay upright in my efforts to be a better person and operate better in my roles and tasks while understanding the frailties of myself and others. It was love that lowered the standard. In this way, I am actually made better when I am loved. I don't stumble. Wow! If we learn to love this way, how much better we could all be? Let's try it and see! I'm better if you love me! Pastor Terry Hill, II The Citadel Church of Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL

Our hearts and prayers are with Pastor Anthony Ferguson and family on the recent loss of his father, Aubrey Augustus Ferguson on October 25, 2014. May the peace, love, and comfort of God enfold you during this difficult time. May the love of God bring you joy during your difficult times and help to heal your pain with each passing day.

UNITED in the Republic of Mauritius with Bishop Kevin Permal conducting baptism and 75 souls gave their lives to Christ. "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.� Luke 15:7 We want to share with you our great joy for our 34th water baptism ceremony held last Thursday on Belle Mare Beach. We rejoice for the 75 souls who were baptized, many youths gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ, demon possessed were manifesting in the water and got totally delivered. There were such a glory and a great presence of God in the water. New souls who were in our evangelism meeting in Highlands gave were added to the church. We are so thankful to God for His faithfulness and promises. After lunch, we had a wonderful fellowship with the big family of Light Ministries Int, there were lots games organized, we had really lots of fun. Thank you to continue to support us in your prayers.

Tabernacle of Praise Battles for the Family! Tabernacle of Praise (Cathedral) along with its Men's Ministry (Circle of Trust) sponsored the Battle For The Family weekend, on October 17th through the 19th. Bishop Clifford Frazier and his wife Co-Pastor Pamela Frazier are the founders of the Battle For The Family ministry and ministered to the families, singles and married couples throughout the weekend. The goal of the weekend was to uplift the family unit, strengthen marriages, encourage the singles and enrich the youth in their spiritual walks. To touch on all aspects of family dynamics breakout sessions for singles, married couples and youth ages 4 to 20 were held and additional guest speakers were brought in. Bishop Christopher T. Cox II and his wife Co-Pastor Zulima Cox exhorted to the married couples, while Dr. Debora Hooper spoke with the singles. Pastor Juan Garcia and Minister Ray Garcia tackled the youth groups. The saints were blessed; the weekend was a success and a 1st of its kind for Tabernacle of Praise.

On October 25, 2014, “The Sounds of Praise� from The Greater Saint Mary Church of Christ had their first Live Recording! It was a hallmark event in the life and ministry of the GSMCC!

The bulk of the songs that were sung on that night were written by World Renowned Musical Genius, Professor Butch Heyward. The crowd was lively and the Choir sang under the anointing of GOD. The release of the project is slated for Spring 2015. Be on the lookout for this project!

Joshua Outreach Mission celebrated their 6th Anniversary on October 25,2014 in Panama! They were blessed as a team from the Dominican Republic and Family Life Worship Cathedral in Elmont, NY came to support the Ministry and minister to the needy and the children at the orphanage in Panama republic of Panama City. To God be the Glory!

Come and join us for a night of fun, good food and great fellowship. Family Life Worship Cathedral is hosting "Taste of The Island" on Friday, November 7, 2014 The cost is $20 per ticket. Hope to see you there!

DISPELLING THE MYTHS OF MARRIAGE Marital Myth Moment #1: Red flags Change Colors After I say, “I Do!” Truth #1: “RED FLAGS don't Change Colors After the I Do!" If it was RED before, it will BE RED afterwards. Please invite your head to your heart’s party! Gather all the data in your head & please don't allow your heart to make a lifelong decision based on a feeling. Marital Myth Moment #2: I’m Waiting for my Knight in Shining Armor Truth #2: Knights in shining armor only exist in Greek Mythology & Elizabethan Kingdoms. Marital Myth Moment #3: If I Marry You, You Belong to me, I Bought You, and I Own You. Truth #3: Your wife is a Prize, not your Possession! Marital Myth Moment #4: You Lose Your Identity in Marriage Truth #4: When you become one, [“the two shall become one”] it doesn't mean that you lose your "Identity." - (e.g. Gabriel Union & Dewayne Wade) 10 year difference in their age, but with or without they will still be the individuals that they are. Gabriel Union is an Actress/Entrepreneur and Dewayne Wade is an NBA All Star. Marital Myth Moment #5: Living Together First is a Good Idea. Truth #5: Intelligence without dignity, authenticity and self-respect leads to self-sabotage & even love addiction. Ones intelligence is separate from the heart. The intellect and emotions (heart-matters) are processed in different areas of the brain.

Click here to learn more about this ministry handbook: http://youtu.be/rQCKybvzXgQ For bulk orders or to purchase in Paperback or Ebook click here: www.DeboraHooper.com Click here to order on Amazon: https://ww.amazon.com/author/ deborahooper

The Heart of the Matter Healing Crusade is November 7-8, 2014. 7:30pm Nightly. Theme: Identity Crisis. Host location: Community Outreach Church. 200 E Hazeldell Ave. New Castle DE 19720 For more information please contact us at: impactoutreachministry@gmail.com.

Please join Bishop Gibson, Lady Tricia Gibson & The Love Nation on November 8th for “Gathering of Champions” session. You don’t want to miss this anointed and appointed couple as they share the Word of God!

New Antioch Church highlights, and honors Bishop Orlando A. Wilson for "Clergy Appreciation" while he also celebrates 14 years as Bishop and 31 years preaching!!!

New Antioch Church would be honored for you to come help celebrate our 63rd Church Anniversary! Bishop Sheldon McCarter will be our Guest Preacher and New Antioch's very own Sister April Hall will debut her first new release "Champion" and you will be able to get autographed copies of her single.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 Join us for a night of Empowering Women for our families, workplace, marketplace and the community. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." Marianne Williamson

Come celebrate with us for Bishop Roberto Jemmott's 14th Pastoral Anniversary! We begin with a Saturday Leadership Breakfast on November 15th at 9:00am (donation only $20) and conclude with a high worship service on Sunday morning, November 16th at 11:00am. Our guest speaker for both events is Dr. Jerry Grillo, an anointed teacher from The Favor Center in Hickory, NC - DON'T MISS IT!

The United Covenant Churches of Christ The Uc3 National Youth Congress

@ericdgarnes @UnitedCovenant @Uc3youth

BishopEDGarnes UnitedCovenantChurchesofChrist Uc3youth


Join us for Worship!

Don Clowers, in his book, Spiritual Growth, says the following: "The fact that a Christian is carnal does not mean he or she is not born again. The carnal Christian may be a new convert who is just beginning to grow. Or it could be someone who has been saved for many years but is still a baby in the things of God. He accepted Jesus years ago but made no effort to develop and mature in spiritual matters. That person chooses to be fed with milk instead of meat. The flesh rules and there is no indication of a daily trusting in God.“ Truly Mr. Clowers hit the nail on the head when he says that carnal a Christian chooses to be fed with milk instead of meat, and their flesh is in control of their life. The apostle Paul shows us the difference between the mature and carnal believer. Read what he says about the difference between the carnal and mature believers in 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 (NIV)

"Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? For when one says, 'I follow Paul,' and another, 'I follow Apollos,' are you not mere human beings?“ Allow me to outline a few differences between the carnal and mature believers. Carnal believers live by the flesh, in other words their flesh and its desire control them. The mature believer is controlled by the Spirit and lives by the Holy Spirit. Notice I said control. To control something is have dominion over that thing. So, if your flesh controls you, it has dominion over you. If the Holy Spirit controls you, He controls your life. Again Paul writes "So I say,

walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law." Galatians 5:16-18 (NIV)

How do you know if you are controlled by the Spirit or by the flesh? Your behavior will reveal who is controlling your life. What kind of behavior is being manifested in your life, what is growing out of your life? Paul also said: "The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:19-23 (NIV) Are you controlled by the acts of the flesh? Then you are carnal. Is the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life? Then you are a mature believer. Mature believers live by the Spirit; mature believers live by the Word of God; mature believers are not jealous and don't argue and quarrel with one another; and finally, mature believers don't choose sides.

If you are a carnal believer, it's time to put away your carnality and begin to grow in Christ. It's time to stop drinking the milk of the Word and eat the meat of the Word of God. Be Blessed! Bishop Roberto Jemmott Nazareth Christian Fellowship

The Spiritual Ironman is the 2nd release from Bishop Roberto Jemmott. In this 40 day journal, he gives insight into disciplining your emotions and shares strong biblical principles on developing your spiritual growth. This is a must read for men and women alike. Add this book to your daily reading collection and challenge your inner man to go to the next level in life! Time to man up!

Now Available on Amazon and iBookstore – Download Today!

Let’s Connect! Ask questions, make comments and join the conversation on Bishop Roberto Jemmott’s new blog! Click HERE http://sim.brjministries.org/?p=217 and "follow" (google+ users) or “sign up” to receive up to date email notices on the topic of the day and let’s get the answers from God’s Word, the Bible together. http://bishoprobertojemmott.blogspot.com/2014/09/train-them.html?m=1

We are seeking volunteers to join us in the fight against suicide - it is everyone's problem. Anyone interested please contact us at: impactoutreachministry@gmail.com.

The position is a volunteer position. Training will be provided and Counselors will be able to volunteer from the comfort of their own home.

Come out and join Pastor Angela Walker and Divine Revelation for our first CD release party, Door to the Next Level on November 21, 2014. Doors open at 6:00pm and the Concert begins at 7:00pm. Purchase your tickets today on line at www.eventbrite.com. Come ready for a blessed night of praise and worship. See you there!

Got Ministry? Don't struggle alone! After 26 years in ministry, Dr. Hooper now shares her ministry experience and wisdom with other women preachers. Join her on Monday, November 3rd at 9 PM EST on a one hour FREE conference call designed to empower you for your ministry calling. You are guaranteed to be blessed! For ministry updates and more, subscribe to us at www.UsGirlsCan.com and follow us on Facebook.

The Youth Department at Faith Assemblies of God presents M.A.D.E. Empowerment Conference (Making A Difference Everyday) Psalm 139:14a - I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: The conference will be held from Friday, November 21 through Sunday, November 23, 2014 and will feature a series of guest artists and speakers including Dave TV, B. Cain & ROCK, Temples of Praise, Eddie Neblett, the Brooklyn United Marching Band Drum Line and Elder Shawn Mason II of St. Mark Holiness Churches of America. There will also be a Chat 'N Chew brunch sponsored by Panera Bread and presentations from law enforcement, major financial institutions, Best Face Forward Makeup Studio and A'List Apparel. We will have door prizes, special gifts, a glow show and so much more! Admission is FREE all weekend! We invite you and your ministry to join us for the weekend. We are expecting God to do great things and believe that your ministries will be blessed. To register for our Saturday program, please visit us on Facebook or forward your name, age, email address and gender tofaithassemblies1014@gmail.com We look forward to seeing you there!

On Thursday, November 20th, 2014, our Presiding Bishop Dr. Eric D. Garnes, Diocesan Bishop to the Latin American Countries, Bishop Christopher T. Cox II, and Bishop Designate Vladimir Moore, Esq, invite you to travel to the Dominican Republic to be a part of the International Summit under the theme: A Responsible Paternity. Delegates from the USA will travel to the Dominican Republic prior to the Summit to fellowship with our Dominican Republic pastors and spend quality time building relationships & fellowshipping with pastors who will be joining us from various countries around the world. Should you be interested in joining us and for further information, please contact Elder Sheila Williams, Admin. Asst. to the Diocesan for Latin America at familylifewc14@aol.com

The Love Nation Prophetic Forecast September was a month of contractions and caution! The “spiritual-seed” of the Gospel had impregnated his people for the edification of the Body and we have gone full-term. The womb of the Church has delivered gifts and administrations to function in concert and in purpose, to manifest the Glory of God in the earth realm. It is an imperative in this season that you guard your “ear-gate” and your “mouth-gate!” Pray more; say less! To the Flock of Faith called the “Love Nation,” be careful who you “lend your ear to; and please weigh your words, for they are a premium.” Isaiah 56:6 -“Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” Ecclesiastes 10:2 - Prayer and intimate communion with Him must be the “bread” of the Father’s children. We will participate in Daniel fast for the First 21 days of November!” Corporate Fast Days – “Water ONLY” – Tuesday & Thursday – 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Becoming Debt-Free shall be our Reframe! “Debt Is The Proof Of Impatience!” Prov. 22:7 Join the Love Nation on November 23rd, when we celebrate “Financial Break-through”!

Be a part of what God is doing at Christian Love Worship Cathedral! MEN 4 Change Join Bishop George E. Gibson II EVERY THURSDAY @ 6 pm EST as the men gather for a series of informal conversations around real issues that men face such as raising their children, assuming their positions of leadership in our communities and with our children. You will not want to miss out on this time of Enlightenment, Edification and Restoration! 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

Got Prayer? Please join Bishop George E. Gibson II every Saturday @ 7 PM for 7 minutes of prayer as he bombards Heaven for 7 power-packed minutes of effectual and fervent prayer while lifting up our leaders, churches, families, nation and communities. The conference number is (218) 862-4152 and pass code is 533257. Please remember to mute your phone(s). Join Prophetess Lady Tricia Gibson the 1st Monday of every month @ 6 PM EST for “Hour of Power Prayer� @ 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19805 Please reach out to us at clwcde@aol.com. We would love to hear from you!

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner & Coat Drive This year, The Love Nation will be feeding 400 families in the Delaware area and distributing 1200 brand new winter coats. CLWC is partnering with City Councilwoman Sherry Dorsey, City Councilman Trippy Congo, City Councilman Bob Williams & Voice for the Voices Advocacy Group. We are still in need of donations as well as volunteers to make this event a huge success so that persons less fortunate can feel the love of Jesus Christ this holiday through a hearty meal and warm clothing. If you would like to make a donation or volunteer your time, please contact us at clwcde@aol.com.

As a former professional basketball player, Dr. Gibson combines his sports acumen with his intellectual prowess to create an inspirational manual for going higher in the “Game of Life” www.georgegibson.org Also available at Amazon & Barnes and Nobles An excerpt from 90’ By 45’: “The 90’ by 45’ basketball court is about timelines. You have to learn to be in certain places on the floor in a sufficient amount of time. Your position sets the condition of your opportunity. What advancements are you making in the allotted time that you have been given?”

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Women, there are great opportunities for you to get involved in the UCCC Women’s Ministry through our new Book Club, and Social Share Site. GREATER is ahead. Stay posted and make sure you get involved.

The Divine Mandate Ministry of Zion Progressive Cathedral International, Inc. located at 1169 Connecticut Street in Gary, Indiana, provides free hot meals and free clothing every fourth Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Our next giveaway is on November 22, 2014. For more information, please contact the administrative office at 219-882-ZION (9466) during the office hours 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays through Fridays. Thank you for your time and blessings and peace be unto you!

What an AWESOME weekend as Prophetess Marinda Williams of Rhema Word Worship Center celebrated her birthday! Let's recap the moments: Saturday Preacher October 11 - Prophetess Tricia Gibson Sunday Morning Surprised Guest October 12 @ 11am - First Lady Delicia Garnes Sunday Afternoon October 12 @ 4pm - First Lady Althea Hanna All I can say is it was really an AWESOME WEEKEND full of fun, fellowship and much Worship!

Thursday November 27, 2014 1pm-4pm For more information and transportation please call (443) 360-7416 or (302) 858-9968.

From SlaveBox To Xbox The cutting edge Internet radio show hosted by Dr. James Dukes explores and discusses the topics that are relevant to the beloved community. You don't have to just sit by and listen, you can join in on the discussion and the solution. We are not telling you what to think about... But please think about something!

"Turn Up" with prayer...GENERATION "Covered"! The purpose of the youth prayer call is to keep our children covered by the word and build a strong prayer life for our children.

NVKLC and Uc3 provides a vehicle that will get your child's day started and encouraged to go throughout the week.

Stretch your prayer life in this powerful season of prayer! His Kingdom come, His will be done! CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS: Draw nigh to God in this key season. There are morning and afternoon prayer lines within your UNITED family to join and watch the Hand of God move supernaturally in your life, your family, your church and your community! Bishop Jamie Johnson – James Temple Miracle Center Fort Valley, GA Every Wednesday night at 9:05pm EST (641) 715-3200 access code: 1004868# Bishop Roberto Jemmott – Nazareth Christian Fellowship Brooklyn, NY Tuesdays 6am EST (712) 775-7100 access code: 456009# Overseer Carlos Haynes – Faith Assemblies of God Brooklyn, NY Sunday-Saturday 5am-6am EST (760) 984-1000 access code: 919671# Pastor Frederick E. Wilson, Jr. – The Temple of Glory International Chicago, IL Sunday-Saturday 6am CST (605) 477-3000 access code: 552942#

Overseer Dan Johnson – The Empowerment Worship Center Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 5am-6am CST (712) 432-0075 access code: 502676# Bishop Allen Williams – Rhema Word Worship Center Elkridge, MD Tuesday-Friday 5am-6am; 1pm-2pm; 9pm-10pm EST (661) 673-8600 access code: 834439# Bishop George E. Gibson, II - Christian Love Worship Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Saturdays 7pm (seven minutes) EST (218) 862-4152 access code: 533257# *please remember to mute your phones*

Keep back nothing. Nothing that you have given away will be really yours. Nothing in you that has not died will be raised from the dead. Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in. ~ C. S. Lewis

Have any questions, comments, ideas or would like to make a submission for future publication? Please contact: Annette Parkins an.parkins@gmail.com (877) 97-UNITY www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

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