Роман коваль

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ROMAN KOVAL Pecherskiy uzviz 8, k 7, Kiev, 01133, Ukraine Tel: (+38 044) 537 1007 Ph/fax: +38 044 280 3918 E-mail: rkoval@uccg.org.ua

Professional Employment Search for Common Ground, Kiev, Ukraine Country Director (2001 – 2012) • • • • • • • •

Setting program priorities plans and long-term strategy and managing their implementation within the overall vision and goals of Ukrainian Centre For Common Ground (UCCG) Overseeing all program activities Fundraising in cooperation with headquarters in Washington DC and Brussels and ensuring compliance with funders’ rules and requirements Serving as Search for Common Ground’s and the European Center for Common Ground’s representative in Ukraine. Developing and maintaining relationships with international trainers, partner organizations, funders/donors, clients, key Ukrainian officials, etc. Providing supervision to project staff. Developing new programs and maintaining continuity between new and existing programs Maintaining regular reporting to Washington and Brussels

Training and Development Coordinator (2000 – 2001) • Planning and coordination of program activities. • Providing professional, informational and administrative support to the partners and coworkers. • Managing the informational net of specialists in conflict resolution and prevention. • Developing services in conflict resolution and mediation. • Providing trainings and presentations when necessary. • Developing, preparation and renewal of training materials. • Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of project effectiveness. • Assisting director in project writing. Donetsk Scientific – Applied Psychological Center Donetsk, Ukraine Court Mediation Project Coordinator (1999 – 2000) • Coordinated court-connected mediation projects Odessa Regional Group of Mediation Odessa, Ukraine Court Mediation Project Coordinator (1997 – 1999) • Coordinated court-mediation projects

Agency for Youth & Family Social/Psychological Support Odessa, Ukraine Psychotherapist (1993 – 1997) • Provided psychological therapy to families and to at risk youth. • Consultant/trainer for the agency’s suicide prevention hotline Major Training and Consulting Experience • • • • • • • • •

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December 2012, International expert on Mediation (Mediation sector development analysis & facilitation of strategic planning process), UNDP-Kosovo, Pristina. March 2012 – January 2013, Dispute Resolution Professional, The Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of IFC/MIGA projects and policies, India, Dhenkanal. Facilitated a number of strategic planning, capacity-building and conflict management meetings for Ukrainian business coalitions and NGOs in 2010-2012. November 2011, Dispute Resolution Professional, The Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of IFC/MIGA projects and policies, Georgia, Vale. June, Annually since 2004 till present – International Human Rights Training Program for Equitas (former Canadian Human Rights Foundation), Montreal, Canada, facilitator; May 23-25, 2011, Regional Facilitation & Mediation Capacity-Building workshop for ADB, IFC, and MIGA Accountability Mechanisms, Tbilisi, Georgia, facilitator; April 2011, Participatory assessment stakeholder workshops for Access to Justice and Judicial Reform project of Helvetas, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, facilitator; March 03-18, 2011, International Human Rights Training Session for Ukraine and Caucasus region for Equitas, Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukrainian program director & head of facilitation team January 2011, Mediation Capacity Building Program for Legal Aid Centre Lawyers, HELVETAS Swiss Association for International Cooperation, Tajikistan, Dushanbe, trainer/facilitator. December 2010 – Civil society leaders capacity building training program “Basic Mediation Skills and Conflict Resolution” PACT in Ukraine, lead facilitator and coach November 2010, National Symposium for Restorative Justice, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, Plenary Speaker and workshop facilitator; July, November 2010, Planning meetings of International Human Rights Training Session for Ukraine and Caucasus region, Ukraine & Georgia, facilitator; April – May 2010, Civil society leaders capacity building training program “The art of dialogue”, Minsk, Belarus, trainer, facilitator; April 2010, Seminar for Prison Governors „Communication with the Press. Specificity in reflecting Prison Matters in Media”, trainer, Council of Europe in Moldova, Chisinau. November 2009, Basic mediation skills and process, trainer, Human Rights Centre, Tajikistan, Dushanbe. November 2009, Basic negotiation and conflict resolution skills, trainer/facilitator, Consilium International (for UNITAR), Turkmenistan, Ashgabat. July 2009, Planning Platform and Project Document design workshops, facilitator, SDCUkraine, Kiev. November 2008, Dispute Resolution Professional, The Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of IFC/MIGA projects and policies, Kazakhstan, Karachaganak. October 2008, International Consultant/Trainer on Mediation for the National Institute of Justice in Moldova, UNDP Moldova, Chisinau.

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August 2008, Training for Trainers Basic Peer mediation skills and process, facilitator, Ukrainian Centre for Common Ground. 2008 – Member of the Core Group on Human Rights Based Approach for Swiss Development and Cooperation Office in Ukraine. Expert on methodology development and introduction of HRBA to SDC projects. 4 seminars conducted in 2008-2009. 2007 – present – Ukrainian Team Leader and Restorative Justice expert for Ukraine Juvenile Justice Reform Project, Agriteam, Canada. 2007 - 2006 - Member of the Working Group on the Development of Restorative Justice in Ukraine within the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Member of the Working Group on Juvenile Justice Reform within the Supreme Court of Ukraine. August 2007, April 2007, November 2006 – Basic Peer mediation skills and process, facilitator, Ukrainian Centre for Common Ground. December, May 2006 – Mediation trainings for lawyers for Moroccan Ministry of Justice, Moroccan BAR Association, organized by Search for Common Ground in Morocco, lead trainer; July 2008 - October 2005 - Basic Victim-Offender Mediation Skills and Process trainings for regional mediators of the project “Promotion of Restorative Justice to the Legal System of Ukraine”, Ukraine; lead trainer-supervisor September 2005 - Group of Experts on urban public safety meeting, organized by UNITAR, the Department of Interior of the Catalan Government and the Centre for Safety Studies in Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, expert in Restorative Justice and community organizing; August 2005 – training of trainers/facilitators of the Basic Victim – Offender Mediation Skills and Process training, The Institute for Penal Reform, Moldova, trainer. December 2004 – member of a Ukrainian state delegation to Canada for a study tour on Juvenile Justice System, Ottawa, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, UCCG representative; October 2004 - training seminar for mediators at Labour Institute, The Institute for Penal Reform, Moldova, trainer July 2004 - Basic Victim-Offender Mediation Skills and Process training for regional mediators of the project “Promotion of Restorative Justice to the Legal System of Ukraine”, Kiev, Ukraine; lead trainer-supervisor; May 2003 – Conflict Transformation Basic Skills for Human Rights teachers of Central Asia for Canadian Human Rights Foundation; Almaty, Kazakhstan; trainer, facilitator; February 2003 - Basic Victim-Offender Mediation Skills for volunteers of Conflict Resolution Services of Ukrainian Centre for Common Ground, Kiev, Ukraine; trainer; June 2002 – Basic Mediation Skills training-seminar for specialists of National Service of Intermediation and Conciliation, Kiev, Ukraine; trainer; December 2001 – Basic Conflict Resolution Skills for representatives from regional offices of Search for Common Ground, Washington DC, USA; trainer; May 2001 / January 2000 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution training seminar for the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine; trainer; October 2000 - Conflict Resolution Seminar for “Winrock International in Ukraine”, Kiev, Ukraine; trainer; June 2000 – The Round Table of Judges and Journalists of Armenia for ABA CEELI, Tsahkatzor, Armenia; facilitator; April 2000 – “USAID Brest Strategy Conference” Brest, Belarus; facilitator; February 2000 - Basic Facilitation skills training, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine; trainer; 1998 – 2000 – Basic Mediation Skills trainings for SFCG & Donetsk Scientific – Applied Psychological Center and Center for Legal and Judicial Reform, in Ukraine and Russia.

May 1997 - International conference on "Application of Conciliation Procedures in Criminal Justice", Center for Legal and Judicial Reform, Moscow, Russia, workshops organizer, presenter. 1995 – Prevention-suicide hotline consulting, Odessa, Ukraine; trainer / supervisor

Education and training •

Pact, Inc, HIV/AIDS Services (MARPs) Project, January 28-30, 2013, Organizational Capacity Assessment Facilitator;

Roundstone International, Inc & ISC-UCAN, April 2003 - October 2003, Organizational Leadership;

Search for Common Ground, March 2003, Organizational Management;

Search for Common Ground, December 2003, Design, Monitoring and Evaluation;

Ukrainian Mediation Group, November 1998 – July 1999, Certified trainer in practical mediation

Ukrainian Mediation Group, September 1995 – May 1996, Certified mediation professional

Odessa Medical Institute, Odessa, Ukraine, 1985 – 1993, Medical degree in general practice

Languages Fluent in Ukrainian, Russian and English Professional Memberships Head of Board of The Institute for Peace and Common Ground Member of mediator’s roaster of The Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of IFC/MIGA and Short Term Consultant for the World Bank Group Office of Mediation Services (MEF). Honorable member of the Maine Association of Dispute Resolution Professionals. Professional mountain climber, mountain guide and member of Ukrainian National Climbing Team in 1996 - 2001. Received the Ukrainian National Award “For Bravery” from the President of Ukraine following the Mount Everest ’99 expedition. Publications Besides those listed below a number of interviews and articles on mediation in Ukrainian newspapers and magazines such as Advocate, Judicial practice, Novynar and many others plus Forewords for most of UCCG publications on Restorative Justice and mediation. • “The art of dialogue” for the web site of The International educational non-governmental organization ACT, co-author with A. Horova, 2010; • “Safe community development: juvenile crime prevention”, road map, co-author, Zaharenko V.O., 2010 • Chapter on restorative practices for “Sustainability strategies for restorative practices” manual, Zaharenko V.O., 2009;

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“Restorative justice programs in social work: theoretical and practical aspects”, - editor in cooperation with A. Horova as well as an author of selected chapters, 2009; “Cooperation with policy makers in promoting Restorative Justice”, a plenary speech, written for the fifth biennial conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, 17-19 April, 2008, Verona, Italy; “Mediator skills and self-evaluation”, a chapter for Mediators manual (Manual de Mediere), IRP, Chisinau, Moldova, 2006 (In Romanian); "The Role and Place of Restorative Justice in Juvenile Justice System of Ukraine”, Materials of the Forum “Juvenile Justice in Eastern and South Eastern Europe”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 14-16, 2005 (In English); "The Role and Place of Restorative Justice in Juvenile Justice System of Ukraine”, Restorative Justice in Ukraine (bulletin), #4, (2005), (In Ukrainian); “Restorative justice programmes as a tool for probation service worker”, Restorative Justice in Ukraine (bulletin), ## 3, (2005), (In Ukrainian and English); "Ukrainian Restorative Justice Model Development Issues of Current Importance”, Restorative Justice in Ukraine (bulletin), ## 1, 2 (2005), (In Ukrainian); “Facilitated Group Discussion as a Tool for Conflict Prevention in Crimea”, the 5-th European conference on peacemaking & conflict resolution, Katowice, Poland, 2001; Translation and context editing of “The Promise of Mediation” by Bush and Foldger into Russian (as a member of the translation and editing team), UCCG, Kiev, 2007.

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