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Curriculum Vitae ALONA HOROVA Akhmatova str, 16b apt. 130, Kyiv 02068, Ukraine

Tel.: +380 50 312 26 75, +380 096 011 62 15 E-mail:

Professional employment Institute for Peace and Common Ground ● Board Member (December, 2012 - present) o Strategic planning o Management of Educational Program o Trainer, Facilitator, Mediator “School of social work”, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Professor (February, 2003 – present) o Teaching courses on NGO management and mediation in social work o Teaching courses on Restorative Justice and Social Work Philanthropic organization “Ukrainian Centre for Common Ground” ● Director of Institutional Development (2009 - December, 2012) o UCCG organizational strategy planning and development o Design, monitoring & evaluation management o Innovative methodologies and training design and implementation o Orientation and briefing of trainers, as well as coaching them during training delivery ●Head of Institutional Learning and Research Department (2007 – 2009) o Coordination of organizational strategy planning and development o Coordinate all UCCG’s activities related to monitoring and evaluation o Develop M&E tools, processes and educates project staff and regional partners in using them o Methodologies and training design and implementation ● Design, monitoring and evaluation (DM&E) Coordinator (2004 – 2007) o Project design, monitoring and evaluation o Researches implementation ● Peer mediation project manager (2006 –2011) o Planning and coordination of project activities o Project management o Management of human resources ● Trainer, facilitator, mediator (2004 – present) o Design and conduct of conflict resolution trainings o Victim-offender mediation programs coordination and conduct Charitable fund “Dobra Volya” Volunteer Center” ● Project coordinator (September, 2001 – June, 2002) o Project management o Coordination of volunteer’s work


Training and Facilitation Experience (selectively) • October, December 2013 ToT Organizational Capacity Assessment East Europe Foundation (EEF), Ukraine, Kyiv; Minsk, Belarus, lead facilitator • Junuary, July, 2013 ToT Organizational Capacity Assessment PACT Inc. RESPOND, Ukraine, Kyiv, lead facilitator • 2012, 2013 Facilitated a number of strategic planning, capacity-building and conflict management meetings for Coalitions and Networks in Ukraine, supported by PACT Inc. and The International Renaissance Foundation in Ukraine, Kyiv, facilitator. • April - May, 2012, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Capacity Building Event for Parties in a Dispute, The Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of IFC/MIGA projects and policies, India, Dhenkanal, Dispute Resolution Professional/ facilitator • March 25 – April 06, 2012, International Human Rights Training Session for Ukraine and Caucasus region, Ukraine, Kyiv, facilitator • May 23 – 25, 2011, Regional Facilitation Capacity-Building for ADB, IFC and MIGA Accountability Mechanisms, Georgia, Tbilisi, co-facilitator • March 03 – 19, 2011, International Human Rights Training Session for Ukraine and Caucasus region, Ukraine, Kyiv, facilitator • January 13 – 24, 2011, Mediation Capacity Building Program for Legal Aid Centre Lawyers, HELVETAS Swiss Association for International Cooperation, Tajikistan, Dushanbe, trainer • December 2009 – present, Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA), PACT in Ukraine, lead facilitator and supervisor • December 2010 – April 2011, Civil society leaders capacity building training program “Basic Mediation Skills and Conflict Resolution”, “Advance Mediation Skills”, PACT in Ukraine, lead facilitator and coach • November 8 – 24, 2010, Capacity Building Mission on Conflict Transformation and Facilitation Techniques, USAID’s Kyrgyz Republic Confidence Building Initiative (KRCBI) project, Kyrgyzstan, Osh, lead facilitator • April – May 2010, Civil society leaders capacity building training program “The art of dialogue”, Minsk, Belarus, trainer, facilitator • November 2009, Basic mediation skills and process, Human Rights Centre, Tajikistan, Dushanbe, trainer • July 2009, Planning Platform and Project Document design workshops, SDC-Ukraine, Kyiv, facilitator • March 2008 – June 2012 – Community Juvenile Crime Prevention model development (building community dialogue for crime prevention), Ukrainian Centre for Common Ground, lead facilitator • August 2008, Training for Trainers Basic Peer mediation skills and process, Ukrainian Centre for Common Ground, facilitator • 2008 – Member of the Core Group on Human Rights Based Approach for Swiss Development and Cooperation Office in Ukraine. Expert on methodology development and introduction of HRBA to SDC projects. 4 seminars conducted in 2008-2009. • August 2007, April 2007, November 2006 – Basic Peer mediation skills and process, Ukrainian Centre for Common Ground, facilitator • July 2008 - October 2005 - Basic Victim-Offender Mediation Skills and Process trainings for regional mediators of the project “Promotion of Restorative Justice to the Legal System of Ukraine”, Ukraine, lead trainer-supervisor • June - July 2006 – NGO Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, modular courses, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine, lead trainer and supervisor • August 2005 – training of trainers/facilitators of the Basic Victim – Offender Mediation Skills and Process training, The Institute for Penal Reform, Moldova, trainer • October 2004 - training seminar for mediators at Labour Institute, The Institute for Penal Reform, Moldova, trainer 2


February 2003 – present - NGO Management, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine, professor


Education ● National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Kyiv, Ukraine November 2004 - present Post-graduated study of social relations and social structures, Dissertation theme: “Implementation of Restorative Justice Programs in Ukraine” ● National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Kyiv, Ukraine. June 2004 Graduated Master Program in Sociology (specialization “Individual social work, management of nongovernmental organization, and social policy”) ● National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Kyiv, Ukraine. June 2002 Bachelor Degree in Sociology (specialization “Social work”) Selected courses and trainings ● Workshop on Evaluating Human Rights Training by OHCHR and Equitas, Geneva, Switzerland, October 24 – 25, 2011 ● Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop by Equitas, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 5 – 10, 2009 ● Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation & Post-War Recovery, Reconciliation and Healing (PCTR); Designing Peacebuilding Programmes (DPP) Training Programmes by Kai Frithj of Brand-Jacobsen and Denis V. Matveev, 11 to 22 May 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ● The CEE/CIS region Consultative meeting of the IHRTP alumni by Ria Holcak and Vincenza Nazzari, September 11 – 14, 2008 Chisinau, Moldova ● DM&E for Conflict Transformation Programs by Ratiba Taouti-Cherif, Search for Common Ground, November 9 – 15, 2008, Washington DC, USA ●National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine Project management in Social work by Dr. T.Semygyna, January – March 2004 ● Seminar on studying Polish experience of victim-offender mediation programs realization and the role of research in these programs, Warsaw, Poland, January 2006 ● Seminar “European Joint Data Recording System on Restorative Justice and Victim-Offender Mediation Cases” by Prof. Dr. A. Hartman, Bremen, Germany, December 2005 ● Training for design, monitoring and evaluation coordinators “Design for Results: Integrating Monitoring and Evaluation in Conflict Transformation Programs” by Ch. Church and M. Rogers, Nairobi, Kenya, September 2005 4

Publications (selectively) • • • • •

“The art of dialogue” for the web site of The International educational non-governmental organization ACT, co-author with R. Koval, 2010; “Sustainability strategies for restorative practices” manual, - editor as well as the author of selected chapters, 2009; “Restorative justice programs in social work: theoretical and practical aspects”, - editor in cooperation with R. Koval, as well as the author of selected chapters, 2009; “School Centre for Conflict Resolution: Experience of Implementation” manual, - editor as well as the author of selected chapters, 2008 Co-author of many UCCG publications on best practices, road maps, methodologies and recommendations for the development of restorative justice in Ukrainian communities.


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